Multipi Lvl 11 Words 1

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  • 8/6/2019 Multipi Lvl 11 Words 1


    (Level 11) Lesson 1-10 Word List

    abstruse adj.Difficult to understand.

    accoutrements n. pl. Equipment or accessories.

    accrue v. To arise or increase as a natural result or growth, usually usedwith to or from.

    v. To come as a regular addition.

    acquiesce v. To accept as inevitable; to comply passively.

    acquiescence n. Passive assent or agreement without protest.

    advent n. A coming or arrival.

    aggrieved adj.Feeling or expressing a sense of injustice, injury, or offense.

    amnesia n. A loss of memory, usually caused by shock or injury.

    n. A gap in one's memory.

    anathema n. Someone or something that is intensely disliked, cursed, orshunned.

    apocryphal adj.Of dubious authenticity or origin; spurious.

    appease v. to bring to a state of peace or quiet.

    v. To pacify an adversary, often by making concessions.

    arcane adj.Understood by only a few; mysterious.

    archipelago n. A large group of islands.

    n. A body of water containing a large number of islands.

    assuage v. To satisfy.

    v. To lessen or reduce the intensity of.

    atrophy v. To waste away or fail to develop.

    attrition n. A gradual reduction in numbers or loss of strength.n. A weakening resulting from pressure or harassment.

    autonomous adj.Independent in mind or judgment; self-directed.

    autonomy n. The quality or state of being self-governing; independence.

    avuncular adj.Like a benevolent uncle; familiar and indulgent.

    besmirch v. To stain or tarnish; to make dirty.

    betrothed adj.Engaged to be married.

    n. A person to whom one is engaged to be married.

    blase adj.(A French word now part of our vocabulary.) Indifferent to whatothers might find pleasurable or exciting because of excessive

    indulgence or enjoyment; unconcerned.blasphemy n. An act or statement that shows disrespect or irreverence toward

    something considered sacred.

    bravado n. An ostentatious display of bravery; defiant or swaggeringbehavior.

    cadence n. A rhythm marked by a regular beat.

    n. The rising and falling of the voice in human speech.

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    canon n. A rule or principle that provides the norm for judgment.

    n. The works of a writer accepted as authentic.

    careen v. To rush headlong, often with a swerving or lurching motion.

    v. To cause to lean or tip to one side (as a ship).

    cavalier adj.Showing an offhand or carefree disregard; arrogant.choleric adj.Easily angered; quick-tempered.

    circumspect adj.Cautious and prudent; heedful of consequences.

    comport v. To behave or conduct oneself.

    v. To be in accord or agreement. Used with with.

    composure n. Calmness of mind or bearing; self-control.

    contiguous adj.Sharing a boundary; being very close or in contact: adjacent.

    convene v. To summon or cause to assemble.

    v. To gather or assemble; to meet formally.

    convivial adj.Sociable; concerned with good company and festivities.

    correlate v. To connect related things; to bring things into proper relationwith one another.

    correlation n. A causal, complementary, parallel, or reciprocal relationship,especially a structural, functional, or qualitative correspondencebetween two comparable entities.

    debacle n. A sudden collapse, downfall, or failure.

    defoliate v. To strip a plant of leaves, thereby damaging or destroying it.

    denouement (A French word now part of our vocabulary.) n. The outcome of a

    series of events.

    The final resolution following the climax of the plot of a work ofdrama or fiction.

    disconcert v. To disrupt the self-possession or confidence of; to perturb orfluster.

    disconcerting adj.Causing an emotional disturbance.

    disparate adj.containing or made up of fundamentally different and oftenincongruous elements.

    disparity n. The condition or fact of being unequal, as in age, rank, or

    degree; difference.

    domicile n. One's house or place of residence.

    eclectic adj.Combining elements from a variety of sources.

    edict n. A statement or command having the force of law.

    edifice n. A large, imposing structure or building.n. A complex structure or system built up over time, as if it were a

    real building.

    efficacious adj.Producing or capable of producing a desired effect.

    efficacy n. The power to bring about the desired result; effectiveness.

    emolument n. Salary or fees for work done; compensation.

    enamor v. (Usually used with of or with) To inspire with love; to captivate.

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    ensconce v. To settle or place securely or snugly.

    environs n. The area adjoining or surrounding a place.

    epigram n. A short, witty poem or saying.

    equestrian adj.Having to do with horseback riding.


    . One who rides on horseback.etymology n. The history of a word.

    n. The science that studies such histories.

    expedient adj.Useful for some purpose; convenient.

    adj.Concerned primarily or exclusively with serving one's owninterests.

    n. A means employed to bring about a certain result.

    explicit adj.Fully and clearly expressed, leaving nothing merely implied.

    expound v. To explain in detail; to set forth.

    expunge v. To obliterate or erase completely.


    . To flow out slowly; to ooze or emit.v. To give forth; to exhibit in abundance.

    fabricate n. To make by putting parts together; to construct.

    n. To invent in order to deceive.

    fabrication n. The act of making something (a product) from raw materials.

    fauna n. Animals of a region or period, considered as a whole.

    frenetic adj.Wildly excited; frantic.

    gesticulate v. To motion energetically with the body or limbs.

    gesticulation n. A deliberate and vigorous gesture or motion.

    hackneyed adj.Commonplace; trite; lacking forcing or significance became of

    overuse.hapless adj.Marked by the absence of good luck; unfortunate.

    heinous adj.Shockingly evil or wicked.

    histrionic adj.Purposely affected; theatrical.

    histrionics n. pl. Exaggerated displays of emotion, intended to produce aneffect or response.

    icon n. A religious painting, especially one revered by the Eastern

    Christian churches.

    n. A symbol or image whose form suggests its meaning.

    n. One who is idolized.

    imperturbable adj.Calm and assured.impropriety n. The quality or state of being improper or unsuitable.

    n. Something that is improper.

    incipient adj.Beginning to exist or appear; in the first stage.

    incognito adj.or adv. With one's identity concealed; unrecognized.

    increment n. An increase, addition or gain, often by regular, consecutiveamounts.

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    incremental adj.Increasing gradually by regular degrees or additions.

    inculcate v. To impress upon or teach by frequent repetition.

    indoctrinate v. To teach or train in the fundamentals.

    v. To instill or teach from a partisan point of view.


    . Teaching or taining in the fundamentals or principles.inestimable adj.Too valuable or great to be measured.

    insensate adj.Lacking sensation or awareness.

    adj.Lacking sense or ability to reason.

    adj.Brutal; lacking feeling.

    interim n. An interval of time between events.

    adj.Belonging to or taking place between events; temporary.

    interpose v. To place or come between; to intervene or interrupt.

    intrinsic adj.Relating to the essential nature of something; real or actual.

    inveigle v. To lure or trick into doing something.

    v. To obtain by flattery or trickery.inveterate adj.Habitual or deeply rooted; persistent.

    itinerant adj.Traveling from place to place.

    adj.n. One who goes from place to place.

    kinetic adj.Relating to motion.

    lackluster adj.Lacking brightness or vitality; without spirit or enthusiasm.

    levity n. Excessive frivolity; a lack of seriousness; joking.

    lilliputian adj.Extremely small or appearing to be so.

    maraud v. To roam in search of plunder.

    marauder n. Someone who attacks in search of plunder.

    martinet n. A strict disciplinarian.

    mausoleum n. A large and impressive tomb.

    modicum n. A small amount.

    mogul n. A very powerful or wealthy person; a magnate.

    mortify v. To embarrass or humiliate.

    munificence n. Very liberal in giving; generous; Showing great generosity.

    munificent adj.Extremely generous; liberal in giving.

    nascent adj.Beginning to exist; emerging.

    opprobrium n. Scornful treatment or contempt, especially as a result of

    disgraceful behavior.

    opulence n. Wealth; affluence; Great abundance; profusion.

    opulent adj.Having or exhibiting great wealth or abundance.

    patrician n. A member of the nobility.

    adj.Of noble birth; showing refinement of taste or manners.

    penitence n. Remorse for your past conduct.

    penitent adj.Sorry for having done wrong.

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    peripheral adj.Relating to, involving, or forming an outer edge or boundary.

    periphery n. The area around the edges; the outermost part.

    perspicacious adj.Clear-sighted; shrewd.

    perspicacity n. Acuteness of perception, discernment, or understanding.


    . One who is indifferent to or disdainful of intellectual values.adj.Smugly ignorant of artistic or intellectual qualities.

    phlegmatic adj.Not given to action or reaction; sluggish or calm in temperament.

    phobia n. A strong, irrational fear.

    pillage v. To rob and plunder.

    presage v. To foretell; to warn or indicate in advance.

    probity n. Honesty; trustworthiness; adherence to virtue.

    proclivity n. A strong inclination towards something.

    prodigious adj.Extremely large in bulk, quantity, or degree.

    adj.Causing amazement or wonder.

    projectile n. An object impelled with force or self-propelled through the air.propensity n. A natural inclination or tendency.

    propitious adj.Tending to favor or assist; encouraging.

    proviso n. A statement that makes a condition, qualification, or restriction.

    pulverize v. To crush or grind into dust or powder.

    v. To demolish.

    purport v. To give or present the often false impression of being someone orintending something.

    queasy adj.Causing nausea or tending to be nauseous.

    adj.Causing or experiencing uneasiness; squeamish.

    raconteur n. (A French word now part of our vocabulary.) One who tellsstories with skill and wit.

    reciprocal adj.Interchanged, given, or owed to each other.

    reciprocate v. To exchange in kind; to repay.

    reciprocity n. A mutual or cooperative interchange of favors or privileges,especially the exchange of rights or privileges of trade betweennations.

    recondite adj.Difficult to understand; abstruse.

    regimen n. A regulated program, especially one designed to improve or

    maintain health.

    reiterate v. To say or do over again; to repeat.

    relegate v. To put out of sight or mind; demote.

    v. to assign for a decision or further action.

    renegade n. A person who deserts one group or cause for another; a traitor.

    n. A person who rejects lawful behavior.

    repercussion n. An unforeseen or indirect result or effect of an event.

    repulse v. To repel; to drive back.

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    v. To reject in a cool or distant manner.

    v. To disgust.

    revelation n. Something that is made known or revealed, often coming as asurprise.

    reverie n. The condition of being lost in thought.

    n. A daydream.

    seismic adj.Caused by or having to do with earthquakes.

    adj.Having powerful and widespread effects.

    soliloquy n. A speech in which a character's thoughts are given verbalexpression.

    stellar adj.Of or related to a star.

    adj.Outstanding or brilliant.

    stoic n. One seemingly indifferent to pleasure or pain.

    adj.Seemingly indifferent to or unaffected by pleasure or pain;impassive.

    stricture n. (Usually plural) A strong criticism.

    n. Anything that restricts or limits.

    subterfuge n. A deceptive scheme or strategy.

    sully v. To soil, tarnish, or besmirch.

    surfeit n. An overabundant supply; an excess.

    tactile adj.Relating to or perceptible by the sense of touch.

    therapeutic adj.Relating to the treatment of a disease; contributing to general


    thrall n. A loss of one's ability to act freely; a state over which oneappears to have no control.

    thralldom n. Slavery or bondage.

    triumvirate n. A group of three, especially one possessing great power oreminence.

    undulate v. To form or move in waves.

    v. To have a wavelike appearance or motion.

    undulation n. A regular rising and falling or movement to alternating sides;movement in waves.

    unsavory adj.Having an unpleasant look, taste, or smell.

    adj.Morally offensive.

    upbraid v. To scold or criticize severely; to find fault with.

    upheaval n. A radical or violent change.

    n. A forceful lifting or warping from beneath.

    usurp v. To seize and hold power or authority in an illegal or unjustmanner.

    utilitarian adj.Relating to usefulness rather than beauty; practical.

    vacillate v. To move back and forth from lack of balance; waver.

    v. To alternate indecisively between opinions or courses of action.

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    verdant adj.Green with vegetation; covered with green plants.

    vertex n. The point opposite and farthest from the base; summit.

    vertigo n. Dizziness or a tilting, spinning sensation.

    vestment n. (often plural) An outer garment, especially one indicating a role,rank, or office.

    vibrant adj.Full of life or vigor.

    adj.Bright or vivid.

    adj.Quivering or vibrating.

    votary n. A person who is devoted to a cause or organization, especiallyone of a religious nature.

    zealous adj.Very enthusiastic; fervent; passionate on behalf of someone orsomething.

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