Multi-modal Process Memo

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  • 8/17/2019 Multi-modal Process Memo


     Josh BentonUWRT 1101


    Process Memo

      For my multi modal project, I chose my rhetorical analysis paper to base it off of. I did this

     because I felt I did better on this assignment than any of the other ones and could get the most

    meaning out of it as well. The song in this assignment has a deep meaning to it with a negative

    tone to the song. This is another reason I chose this assignment to address the issue of bullying

    which is a focal point in the song. I think that even though the lyrics as well as the actions in the

    song are negative, positive can come from it and that is why I chose this assignment to make a

    flyer to send that message. The intended audience I want for this flyer are school students from

    middle school even to college. I feel that even though bullying sounds like a term we use for

    young children being immature to each other, it can become far more serious when people get

    older and still develop a sense of low selfworth.

      !s soon as I figured out what assignment I was going to base my project on, I knew it would

    either be a flyer or a poster. The rough draft of this assignment looked more like a poster than a

    flyer and I soon reali"ed that it did indeed looked like it could be an advertisement for Foster the

    People and just their song, not the meaning behind the song. The flyer was definitely the right

    way to go because it can have information and encourages people to act on the topic being

    shown to them. This way is much more efficient and can really help anybody having trouble with

    something that relates to the topic of the flyer itself. In this case, bullying is a great topic to be on

    a flyer because many people have to deal with it on a day to day basis, and just a few kind words

    and someone to talk to can make a huge difference in that individual#s life. $ecause of this,

     people have a higher chance of not doing anything such as what the boy does in the song I am

    doing this project about.

  • 8/17/2019 Multi-modal Process Memo


     Josh BentonUWRT 1101


      This project was easier to do than a written essay because of the use of creativity in a way

    that doesn#t just involve words. The flyer is much more visual and is much more appealing than

    hearing an essay about the subject. This is the way I view projects and how helpful they are when

    they are in any form other than an essay. I am a visual person and I#m sure many people would

    agree with me in that argument. The feedback I got was helpful in the sense that my flyer really

    didn#t tell people to do anything like it should have in the first place. This is the critical feedback

    I needed to see to go back and change my rough draft into something that is more useful to

    anybody that would use the flyer to get help with bullying if that is what they were struggling

    with. %nowing this, I changed my project and feel confident about it and how it could help
