Msword Shortcuts

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  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    Shortcut Description

    Ctrl + 0  Toggles 6pts of spacing before a paragraph.Ctrl + A Select all contents of the page.Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection.Ctrl + C Copy selected text.Ctrl + D Open the font preferences window.Ctrl + E Aligns the line or selected text to the center of the screen.Ctrl + F Open nd box.Ctrl + I Italic highlighted selection.Ctrl + J Aligns the selected text or line to jstify the screen.Ctrl + K  Insert lin!.Ctrl + L Aligns the line or selected text to the left of the screen.Ctrl + M Indent the paragraph.Ctrl + P Open the print window.Ctrl + R Aligns the line or selected text to the right of the screen.Ctrl + S Sa"e the open doc#ent. $st li!e Shift % &'(.Ctrl + T Create a hanging indent.Ctrl + U )nderline the selected text.Ctrl + *aste.Ctrl + ! Ct selected text.Ctrl + "  +edo the last action perfor#ed.Ctrl + # )ndo last action.Ctrl + Shi$t + L ,ic!ly create a bllet point.Ctrl + Shi$t + F Change the font.Ctrl + Shi$t + % Increase selected font %'pts p to '(pt and then increase fonCtrl + & Increase selected font %'pts.Ctrl + Shi$t + ' -ecrease selected font 'pts if '(pt or lower/ if abo"e '(0 decCtrl + ( -ecrease selected font 'pts.Ctrl + ) + c Insert a cent sign 123.Ctrl + * + 'chr% Insert a character with an accent 1gra"e3 #ar!0 where 4char5

    want. &or exa#ple0 if yo wanted an accented yo wold sshortct !ey. To re"erse the accent #ar! se the opposite acthe tilde !ey.

    Ctrl + Shi$t + , 7iew or hide non printing characters.Ctrl + 'le$t rro-% 8o"es one word to the left.Ctrl + 'ri.htrro-%

    8o"es one word to the right.

    Ctrl + 'up rro-% 8o"es to the beginning of the line or paragraph.Ctrl + '/o-nrro-%

    8o"es to the end of the paragraph.

    Ctrl + Del -eletes word to right of crsor.Ctrl + Bcspce -eletes word to left of crsor.Ctrl + En/ 8o"es the crsor to the end of the doc#ent.Ctrl + 1o2e 8o"es the crsor to the beginning of the doc#ent.Ctrl + Spce3r +eset highlighted text to the defalt font.

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    Ctrl + 4 Singlespace lines.Ctrl + 5 -oblespace lines.Ctrl + 6 '.9line spacing.Ctrl + Alt + 4 Changes text to heading '.Ctrl + Alt + 5 Changes text to heading (.

    Ctrl + Alt + 7 Changes text to heading :.Alt + Ctrl + F5 Open new doc#ent.Ctrl + F4 Open the Tas! *ane.Ctrl + F5 -isplay the print pre"iew.Ctrl + Shi$t + % Increases the selected text si;e by one.Ctrl + Shi$t + ' -ecreases the selected text si;e by one.Ctrl + Shi$t + F8 Switches to another open 8icrosoft >%3F6 Open the &ind0 +eplace0 and ?o To window in 8icrosoft

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    F7 After a na#e has been created0 &: will paste na#es.F9 +epeat last action. &or exa#ple0 if yo changed the color of t

    pressing & will change the text in cell to the sa#e color.F6 ?o to a specic cell. &or exa#ple0 C6.F: Spell chec! selected text or doc#ent.

    F44 Create chart fro# selected data.Ctrl + Shi$t + ? nter the crrent ti#e.Ctrl + ? nter the crrent date.Alt + Shi$t + F4 Insert ew

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    Ctrl + Switch between showing xcel for#las or their "ales in cel

    Display and use windows

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press

    Switch to the next window. ALT+TAB

    Switch to the previous window. ALT+SHIFT+T

    Close the active window. CTRL+W or


    Restore the si!e o" the active window a"ter #ou $axi$i!e it. ALT+F%

    &ove to a tas' pane "ro$ another pane in the pro(ra$ window )cloc'wise direction*. ou $a# need

    to press F, $ore than once.


    &ove to a tas' pane "ro$ another pane in the pro(ra$ window )countercloc'wise direction*. SHIFT+F,

    When $ore than one window is open- switch to the next window. CTRL+F,

    Switch to the previous window. CTRL+SHIFT+

    &axi$i!e or restore a selected window. CTRL+F/

    Cop# a picture o" the screen to the Clip0oard. 1RI2T SCR33

    Cop# a picture o" the selected window to the Clip0oard. ALT+1RI2T


  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    Use dialog boxes

    To do this Press

    &ove to the next option or option (roup. TAB

    &ove to the previous option or option (roup. SHIFT+TAB

    Switch to the next ta0 in a dialo( 0ox. CTRL+TAB

    Switch to the previous ta0 in a dialo( 0ox. CTRL+SHIFT+TAB

    &ove 0etween options in an open drop4down list- or 0etween options in a (roup o" 


    Arrow 'e#s

    1er"or$ the action assi(ned to the selected 0utton5 select or clear the selected

    chec' 0ox.


    Select an option5 select or clear a chec' 0ox. ALT+ the letter underlined in an

    6pen a selected drop4down list. ALT+76W2 ARR6W

    Select an option "ro$ a drop4down list. First letter o" an option in a drop4


    Close a selected drop4down list5 cancel a co$$and and close a dialo( 0ox. 3SC

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press

    Run the selected co$$and. 32T3R  

    Use edit boxes within dialog boxes

    An edit 0ox is a 0lan' in which #ou t#pe or paste an entr#- such as #our user na$e or the path o" a "older.

    To do this Press

    &ove to the 0e(innin( o" the entr#. H6&3

    &ove to the end o" the entr#. 327

    &ove one character to the le"t or ri(ht. L3FT ARR6W or RI8HT ARR6W

    &ove one word to the le"t. CTRL+L3FT ARR6W

    &ove one word to the ri(ht. CTRL+RI8HT ARR6W

    Select or unselect one character to the le"t. SHIFT+L3FT ARR6W

    Select or unselect one character to the ri(ht. SHIFT+RI8HT ARR6W

    Select or unselect one word to the le"t. CTRL+SHIFT+L3FT ARR6W

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press

    Select or unselect one word to the ri(ht. CTRL+SHIFT+RI8HT ARR6W

    Select "ro$ the insertion point to the 0e(innin( o" the entr#. SHIFT+H6&3

    Select "ro$ the insertion point to the end o" the entr#. SHIFT+327

    Use the Open and Save As dialog boxes

    To do this Press

    7ispla# the Open dialo( 0ox. CTRL+F9 or CTRL+6

    7ispla# the Save As dialo( 0ox. F9

    6pen the selected "older or "ile. 32T3R  

    6pen the "older one level a0ove the selected "older. BAC:S1AC3

    7elete the selected "older or "ile. 73L3T3

    7ispla# a shortcut $enu "or a selected ite$ such as a "older or "ile. SHIFT+F/

    &ove "orward throu(h options. TAB

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press

    &ove 0ac' throu(h options. SHIFT+TAB

    6pen the Look in list. F or ALT+I

    Undo and redo actions

    To do this Press

    Cancel an action. 3SC

    ;ndo an action. CTRL+<

    Redo or repeat an action. CTRL+

    Access and use task panes and galleries

    To do this Press

    &ove to a tas' pane "ro$ another pane in the pro(ra$ window. )ou $a# need to press F,

    $ore than once.*


    When a $enu is active- $ove to a tas' pane. )ou $a# need to press CTRL+TAB $ore than



    When a tas' pane is active- select the next or previous option in the tas' pane. TAB or SHIFT+TAB

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press

    7ispla# the "ull set o" co$$ands on the tas' pane $enu. CTRL+S1AC3BAR

    1er"or$ the action assi(ned to the selected 0utton. S1AC3BAR or 32T

    6pen a drop4down $enu "or the selected (aller# ite$. SHIFT+F/

    Select the "irst or last ite$ in a (aller#. H6&3 or 327

    Scroll up or down in the selected (aller# list. 1A83 ;1 or 1A83


    Close a tas' pane

    . 1ress F, to $ove to the tas' pane- i" necessar#.

    9. 1ress CTRL+S1AC3BAR.

    =. ;se the arrow 'e#s to select Close- and then press 32T3R.

    &ove a tas' pane

    . 1ress F, to $ove to the tas' pane- i" necessar#.

    9. 1ress CTRL+S1AC3BAR.

    =. ;se the arrow 'e#s to select ove- and then press 32T3R.

    . ;se the arrow 'e#s to $ove the tas' pane- and then press 32T3R.

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    Resi!e a tas' pane

    . 1ress F, to $ove to the tas' pane- i" necessar#.

    9. 1ress CTRL+S1AC3BAR.

    =. ;se the arrow 'e#s to select Si!e- and then press 32T3R.

    . ;se the arrow 'e#s to resi!e the tas' pane- and then press 32T3R.

    Access and use available actions

    To do this Press

    7ispla# the shortcut $enu "or the selected ite$. SHIFT+F

    7ispla# the $enu or $essa(e "or an availa0le action or "or the AutoCorrect 6ptions 0utton or

    the 1aste options 0utton . I" $ore than one action is present- switch to the next action and displa# its

    $enu or $essa(e.


    &ove 0etween options in a $enu o" availa0le actions. Arrow 'e#s

    1er"or$ the action "or the selected ite$ on a $enu o" availa0le actions. 32T3R  

    Close the availa0le actions $enu or $essa(e. 3SC


    • ou can as' to 0e noti"ied 0# a sound whenever an action is availa0le. To hear audio cues- #ou $ust

    have a sound card. ou $ust also have &icroso"t 6""ice Sounds installed on #our co$puter.

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    • I" #ou have access to the Internet- #ou can download &icroso"t 6""ice Sounds "ro$ 6""$. A"ter

    #ou install the sound "iles- do the "ollowin(>

    a. 1ress ALT+F- T to open "ord Options.

     0. 1ress A to select Advanced- and then press TAB to $ove to the Advanced Options #or

    working with "ord.

    c. 1ress ALT+S twice to $ove to the Provide #eedback with sound chec' 0ox- which is

    under $eneral- and then press S1AC3BAR.

    d. 1ress TAB repeatedl# to select O% - and then press 32T3R.

     26T3 When #ou select or clear this chec' 0ox- the settin( a""ects all 6""ice pro(ra$s that support sound.

    Top o" 1a(e

     2avi(atin( the ri00on

    Access any co&&and with a #ew keystrokes

    Access 'e#s let #ou ?uic'l# use a co$$and 0# pressin( a "ew 'e#s- re(ardless o" where #ou are in the

     pro(ra$. 3ver# co$$and in Word 9/= can 0e accessed 0# usin( an access 'e#. ou can (et to $ost

    co$$ands 0# usin( two to "ive 'e#stro'es. To use an access 'e#>

    . 1ress ALT.

    The :e#Tips are displa#ed over each "eature that is availa0le in the current view.

    9. 1ress the letter shown in the :e#Tip over the "eature that #ou want to use.

    =. 7ependin( on which letter #ou press- #ou $a# 0e shown additional :e#Tips. For exa$ple- i" 'o&e is

    active and #ou press 2- (nsert is displa#ed- alon( with the :e#Tips "or the (roups "or (nsert.

    . Continue pressin( letters until #ou press the letter o" the co$$and or control that #ou want to use. In

    so$e cases- #ou $ust "irst press the letter o" the (roup that contains the co$$and.

     26T3 To cancel the action that #ou are ta'in( and hide the :e#Tips- press ALT.

    Change the keyboard #ocus without using the &ouse

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    Another wa# to use the 'e#0oard to wor' with pro(ra$s that "eature the 6""ice ri00on is to $ove the "ocus

    a$on( the ta0s and co$$ands until #ou "ind the "eature that #ou want to use. The "ollowin( ta0le lists so$e

    wa#s to $ove the 'e#0oard "ocus without usin( the $ouse.

    To do this Press

    Select the active ta0 o" the ri00on and activate the access 'e#s. ALT or F/. 1ress either o" these 'e#s a(

    $ove 0ac' to the docu$ent and cancel th

    access 'e#s.

    &ove to another ta0 o" the ri00on. F/ to select the active ta0- and then L3

    ARR6W or RI8HT ARR6W

    3xpand or collapse the ri00on. CTRL+F

    7ispla# the shortcut $enu "or the selected ite$. SHIFT+F/

    &ove the "ocus to select each o" the "ollowin( areas o" the window>

    Active ta0 o" the ri00on

    An# open tas' panes

    Status 0ar at the 0otto$ o" the window

    our docu$ent


    &ove the "ocus to each co$$and on the ri00on- "orward or 0ac'ward-



    &ove down- up- le"t- or ri(ht- respectivel#- a$on( the ite$s on the ri00on. 76W2 ARR6W- ;1 ARR6W- L3FT

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press

    ARR6W- or RI8HT ARR6W

    Activate the selected co$$and or control on the ri00on. S1AC3BAR or 32T3R  

    6pen the selected $enu or (aller# on the ri00on. S1AC3BAR or 32T3R  

    Activate a co$$and or control on the ri00on so #ou can $odi"# a value. 32T3R 

    Finish $odi"#in( a value in a control on the ri00on- and $ove "ocus 0ac'

    to the docu$ent.


    8et help on the selected co$$and or control on the ri00on. )I" no Help

    topic is associated with the selected co$$and- a (eneral Help topic a0out

    the pro(ra$ is shown instead.*


    Top o" 1a(e

    @uic' re"erence "or &icroso"t Word

    Co&&on tasks in icroso#t "ord

    To do this Press

    Create a non0rea'in( space. CTRL+SHIFT+S1AC3BAR  

    Create a non0rea'in( h#phen. CTRL+SHIFT+H1H32

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press

    &a'e letters 0old. CTRL+B

    &a'e letters italic. CTRL+I

    &a'e letters underline. CTRL+;

    7ecrease "ont si!e one value. CTRL+SHIFT+

    Increase "ont si!e one value. CTRL+SHIFT+

    7ecrease "ont si!e point. CTRL+

    Increase "ont si!e point. CTRL+D

    Re$ove para(raph or character "or$attin(. CTRL+S1AC3BAR  

    Cop# the selected text or o0Eect. CTRL+C

    Cut the selected text or o0Eect. CTRL+

    1aste text or an o0Eect. CTRL+G

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press

    1aste special CTRL+ALT+G

    1aste "or$attin( onl# CTRL+SHIFT+G

    ;ndo the last action. CTRL+<

    Redo the last action. CTRL+

    6pen the "ord Count dialo( 0ox. CTRL+SHIFT+8

    Wor'in( with docu$ents and We0 pa(es

    Create) view) and save docu&ents

    To do this Press

    Create a new docu$ent. CTRL+2

    6pen a docu$ent. CTRL+6

    Close a docu$ent. CTRL+W

    Split the docu$ent window. ALT+CTRL+S

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press

    Re$ove the docu$ent window split. ALT+SHIFT+C or ALT+CTRL+S

    Save a docu$ent. CTRL+S

    *ind) replace) and browse through text

    To do this Press

    6pen the +avigation tas' pane )to search docu$ent*. CTRL+F

    Repeat "ind )a"ter closin( *ind and ,eplace window*. ALT+CTRL+

    Replace text- speci"ic "or$attin(- and special ite$s. CTRL+H

    8o to a pa(e- 0oo'$ar'- "ootnote- ta0le- co$$ent- (raphic- or other location. CTRL+8

    Switch 0etween the last "our places that #ou have edited. ALT+CTRL+<

    6pen a list o" 0rowse options. 1ress the arrow 'e#s to select an option- and then press 32T3R to

     0rowse throu(h a docu$ent 0# usin( the selected option.


    &ove to the previous 0rowse o0Eect )set in 0rowse options*. CTRL+1A83

    &ove to the next 0rowse o0Eect )set in 0rowse options*. CTRL+1A83

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press


    Switch to another view

    To do this Press

    Switch to 1rint La#out view. ALT+CTRL+1

    Switch to We0 La#out view.

    Switch to 6utline view. ALT+CTRL+6

    Switch to 7ra"t view. ALT+CTRL+2

    Outline view

    To do this Press

    1ro$ote a para(raph. ALT+SHIFT+L3FT ARR6W

    7e$ote a para(raph. ALT+SHIFT+RI8HT ARR6W

    7e$ote to 0od# text. CTRL+SHIFT+2

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press

    &ove selected para(raphs up. ALT+SHIFT+;1 ARR6W

    &ove selected para(raphs down. ALT+SHIFT+76W2 ARR6W

    3xpand text under a headin(. ALT+SHIFT+1L;S SI82

    Collapse text under a headin(. ALT+SHIFT+&I2;S SI82

    3xpand or collapse all text or headin(s. ALT+SHIFT+A

    Hide or displa# character "or$attin(. The slash )* 'e# on the nu$eric 'e#pad

    Show the "irst line o" 0od# text or all 0od# text. ALT+SHIFT+L

    Show all headin(s with the Headin( st#le. ALT+SHIFT+

    Show all headin(s up to Headin( n. ALT+SHIFT+n

    Insert a ta0 character. CTRL+TAB

    Print and preview docu&ents

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press

    1rint a docu$ent. CTRL+1

    Switch to print preview. ALT+CTRL+I

    &ove around the preview pa(e when !oo$ed in. Arrow 'e#s

    &ove 0# one preview pa(e when !oo$ed out. 1A83 ;1 or 1A83 76W2

    &ove to the "irst preview pa(e when !oo$ed out. CTRL+H6&3

    &ove to the last preview pa(e when !oo$ed out. CTRL+327

    ,eview docu&ents

    To do this Press

    Insert a co$$ent. ALT+CTRL+&

    Turn chan(e trac'in( on or o"". CTRL+SHIFT+3

    Close the Reviewin( 1ane i" it is open. ALT+SHIFT+C

    ,ead ode

     26T3 So$e screen readers $a# not 0e co$pati0le Read $ode.

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press

    8o to 0e(innin( o" docu$ent. H6&3

    8o to end o" docu$ent. 327

    8o to pa(e n. n- 32T3R  

    3xit Read $ode. 3SC

    ,e#erences) #ootnotes) and endnotes

    To do this Press

    &ar' a ta0le o" contents entr#. ALT+SHIFT+6

    &ar' a ta0le o" authorities entr# )citation*. ALT+SHIFT+I

    &ar' an index entr#. ALT+SHIFT+

    Insert a "ootnote. ALT+CTRL+F

    Insert an endnote. ALT+CTRL+7

    8o to next "ootnote )in Word 9/,*. ALT+SHIFT+

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press

    8o to previous "ootnote )in Word 9/,*. ALT+SHIFT+

    8o to Tell $e what #ou want to do and S$art Loo'up )in Word 9/,*. ALT+@

    "ork with "eb pages

    To do this Press

    Insert a h#perlin'. CTRL+:  

    8o 0ac' one pa(e. ALT+L3FT ARR6W

    8o "orward one pa(e. ALT+RI8HT ARR6W

    Re"resh. FJ

    3dit and $ove text and (raphics

    Delete text and graphics

    To do this Press

    7elete one character to the le"t. BAC:S1AC3

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press

    7elete one word to the le"t. CTRL+BAC:S1AC3

    7elete one character to the ri(ht. 73L3T3

    7elete one word to the ri(ht. CTRL+73L3T3

    Cut selected text to the 6""ice Clip0oard. CTRL+

    ;ndo the last action. CTRL+<

    Cut to the Spi'e. CTRL+F=

    Copy and &ove text and graphics

    To do this Press

    6pen the 6""ice Clip0oard 1ress ALT+H to $ove to the 'o&e

    and then press F-6.

    Cop# selected text or (raphics to the 6""ice Clip0oard. CTRL+C

    Cut selected text or (raphics to the 6""ice Clip0oard. CTRL+

    1aste the $ost recent addition or pasted ite$ "ro$ the 6""ice Clip0oard. CTRL+G

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press

    &ove text or (raphics once. F9 )then $ove the cursor and press


    Cop# text or (raphics once. SHIFT+F9 )then $ove the cursor an

     press 32T3R*

    When text or an o0Eect is selected- open the Create +ew -uilding -lock dialo(



    When the 0uildin( 0loc' K "or exa$ple- a S$artArt (raphic K is selected-

    displa# the shortcut $enu that is associated with it.


    Cut to the Spi'e. CTRL+F=

    1aste the Spi'e contents. CTRL+SHIFT+F=

    Cop# the header or "ooter used in the previous section o" the docu$ent. ALT+SHIFT+R 

    (nsert special characters

    To insert this Press

    A "ield CTRL+FJ

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To insert this Press

    A line 0rea' SHIFT+32T3R  

    A pa(e 0rea' CTRL+32T3R  

    A colu$n 0rea' CTRL+SHIFT+32T3R  

    An e$ dash ALT+CTRL+&I2;S SI82

    An en dash CTRL+&I2;S SI82

    An optional h#phen CTRL+H1H32

    A non0rea'in( h#phen CTRL+SHIFT+H1H32

    A non0rea'in( space CTRL+SHIFT+S1AC3BAR 

    The cop#ri(ht s#$0ol ALT+CTRL+C

    The re(istered trade$ar'



    The trade$ar' s#$0ol ALT+CTRL+T

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To insert this Press

    An ellipsis ALT+CTRL+13RI67

    A sin(le openin( ?uotation


    CTRL+)sin(le ?uotation $ar'*- )sin(le ?uotation $ar'*

    A sin(le closin( ?uotation


    CTRL+M )sin(le ?uotation $ar'*- M )sin(le ?uotation $ar'*

    7ou0le openin( ?uotation


    CTRL+ )sin(le ?uotation $ar'*- SHIFT+M )sin(le ?uotation $ar'*

    7ou0le closin( ?uotation


    CTRL+M )sin(le ?uotation $ar'*- SHIFT+M )sin(le ?uotation $ar'*

    An AutoText entr# 32T3R )a"ter #ou t#pe the "irst "ew characters o" the AutoText entr# na$e and when t

    ScreenTip appears*

    (nsert characters by using character codes

    To do this Press

    Insert the ;nicode character "or the speci"ied ;nicode )hexadeci$al* character code. For

    exa$ple- to insert the euro currenc# s#$0ol ) *- t#pe ./AC- and then hold down ALT and

     press .

    The character code-


  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press

    Find out the ;nicode character code "or the selected character ALT+

    Insert the A2SI character "or the speci"ied A2SI )deci$al* character code. For exa$ple- to

    insert the euro currenc# s#$0ol- hold down ALT and press /9N on the nu$eric 'e#pad.

    ALT+the character c

    )on the nu$eric 'e#p

    Select text and graphics

    Select text 0# holdin( down SHIFT and usin( the arrow 'e#s to $ove the cursor.

    0xtend a selection

    To do this Press

    Turn extend $ode on. FN

    Select the nearest character. FN- and then press L3FT ARR6W or RI8HT ARR6W

    Increase the si!e o" a selection. FN )press once to select a word- twice to select a sentence- and so on

    Reduce the si!e o" a selection. SHIFT+FN

    Turn extend $ode o"". 3SC

    3xtend a selection one character to the ri(ht. SHIFT+RI8HT ARR6W

    3xtend a selection one character to the le"t. SHIFT+L3FT ARR6W

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press

    3xtend a selection to the end o" a word. CTRL+SHIFT+RI8HT ARR6W

    3xtend a selection to the 0e(innin( o" a word. CTRL+SHIFT+L3FT ARR6W

    3xtend a selection to the end o" a line. SHIFT+327

    3xtend a selection to the 0e(innin( o" a line. SHIFT+H6&3

    3xtend a selection one line down. SHIFT+76W2 ARR6W

    3xtend a selection one line up. SHIFT+;1 ARR6W

    3xtend a selection to the end o" a para(raph. CTRL+SHIFT+76W2 ARR6W

    3xtend a selection to the 0e(innin( o" a



    3xtend a selection one screen down. SHIFT+1A83 76W2

    3xtend a selection one screen up. SHIFT+1A83 ;1

    3xtend a selection to the 0e(innin( o" a CTRL+SHIFT+H6&3

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press


    3xtend a selection to the end o" a docu$ent. CTRL+SHIFT+327

    3xtend a selection to the end o" a window. ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+1A83 76W2

    3xtend a selection to include the entire



    Select a vertical 0loc' o" text. CTRL+SHIFT+FN- and then use the arrow 'e#s5 press 3SC to cance

    selection $ode

    3xtend a selection to a speci"ic location in a


    FN+arrow 'e#s5 press 3SC to cancel selection $ode

    Select text and graphics in a table

    To do this Press

    Select the next cellMs contents. TAB

    Select the precedin( cellMs



    3xtend a selection to adEacent Hold down SHIFT and press an arrow 'e# repeatedl#

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press


    Select a colu$n. ;se the arrow 'e#s to $ove to the colu$nMs top or 0otto$ cell- and then do one o"


    1ress SHIFT+ALT+1A83 76W2 to select the colu$n "ro$ top to 0otto$

    1ress SHIFT+ALT+1A83 ;1 to select the colu$n "ro$ 0otto$ to top.

    3xtend a selection )or 0loc'*. CTRL+SHIFT+FN- and then use the arrow 'e#s5 press 3SC to cancel selection $o

    Select an entire ta0le. ALT+% on the nu$eric 'e#pad )with 2;& L6C: o""*

    ove through your docu&ent

    To &ove Press

    6ne character to the le"t L3FT ARR6W

    6ne character to the ri(ht RI8HT ARR6W

    6ne word to the le"t CTRL+L3FT ARR6

    6ne word to the ri(ht CTRL+RI8HT ARR

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To &ove Press

    6ne para(raph up CTRL+;1 ARR6W

    6ne para(raph down CTRL+76W2 ARR

    6ne cell to the le"t )in a ta0le* SHIFT+TAB

    6ne cell to the ri(ht )in a ta0le* TAB

    ;p one line ;1 ARR6W

    7own one line 76W2 ARR6W

    To the end o" a line 327

    To the 0e(innin( o" a line H6&3

    To the top o" the window ALT+CTRL+1A83 ;

    To the end o" the window ALT+CTRL+1A83 7

    ;p one screen )scrollin(* 1A83 ;1

    7own one screen )scrollin(* 1A83 76W2

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To &ove Press

    To the top o" the next pa(e CTRL+1A83 76W2

    To the top o" the previous pa(e CTRL+1A83 ;1

    To the end o" a docu$ent CTRL+327

    To the 0e(innin( o" a docu$ent CTRL+H6&3

    To a previous revision SHIFT+F%

    A"ter openin( a docu$ent- to the location #ou were wor'in( in when the docu$ent was last



    ove around in a table

    To &ove Press

    To the next cell in a row TAB

    To the previous cell in a row SHIFT+TAB

    To the "irst cell in a row ALT+H6&3

    To the last cell in a row ALT+327

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To &ove Press

    To the "irst cell in a colu$n ALT+1A83 ;1

    To the last cell in a colu$n ALT+1A83 76W2

    To the previous row ;1 ARR6W

    To the next row 76W2 ARR6W

    Row up ALT+SHIFT+;1 ARR6W

    Row down ALT+SHIFT+76W2 ARR6W

    (nsert paragraphs and tab characters in a table

    To insert Press

     2ew para(raphs in a cell 32T3R 

    Ta0 characters in a cell CTRL+TAB

    Use overtype &ode

    To chan(e the overt#pe settin(s so that #ou can access overt#pe $ode 0# pressin( I2S3RT- do the "ollowin(>

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    . 1ress ALT+F- T to open "ord Options.

    9. 1ress A to select A7GA2C37- and then press TAB.

    =. 1ress ALT+6 to $ove to the Use the (nsert key to control overtype &ode chec' 0ox.

    . 1ress S1AC3BAR to select the chec' 0ox- and then press 32T3R.

    To turn 6vert#pe $ode on or o""- press I2S3RT.

    Character and para(raph "or$attin(

    Copy #or&atting

    To do this Press

    Cop# "or$attin( "ro$ text. CTRL+SHIFT+C

    Appl# copied "or$attin( to text. CTRL+SHIFT+G

    Change or resi!e the #ont

     26T3 The "ollowin( 'e#0oard shortcuts do not wor' in Read $ode.

    To do this Press

    6pen the *ont dialo( 0ox to chan(e the "ont. CTRL+SHIFT+F

    Increase the "ont si!e. CTRL+SHIFT+

    7ecrease the "ont si!e. CTRL+SHIFT+

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press

    Increase the "ont si!e 0# point. CTRL+D

    7ecrease the "ont si!e 0# point. CTRL+

    Apply character #or&ats

    To do this Press

    6pen the *ont dialo( 0ox to chan(e the "or$attin( o" characters. CTRL+7

    Chan(e the case o" letters. SHIFT+F=

    For$at all letters as capitals. CTRL+SHIFT+A

    Appl# 0old "or$attin(. CTRL+B

    Appl# an underline. CTRL+;

    ;nderline words 0ut not spaces. CTRL+SHIFT+W

    7ou0le4underline text. CTRL+SHIFT+7

    Appl# hidden text "or$attin(. CTRL+SHIFT+H

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press

    Appl# italic "or$attin(. CTRL+I

    For$at letters as s$all capitals. CTRL+SHIFT+:  

    Appl# su0script "or$attin( )auto$atic spacin(*. CTRL+3@;AL SI82

    Appl# superscript "or$attin( )auto$atic spacin(*. CTRL+SHIFT+1L;S SI82

    Re$ove $anual character "or$attin(. CTRL+S1AC3BAR  

    Chan(e the selection to the S#$0ol "ont. CTRL+SHIFT+@

    1iew and copy text #or&ats

    To do this Press

    7ispla# nonprintin( characters. CTRL+SHIFT+O )asteris' on nu$eric 'e#pad does not wor'*

    Review text "or$attin(. SHIFT+F )then clic' the text with the "or$attin( #ou want to review*

    Cop# "or$ats. CTRL+SHIFT+C

    1aste "or$ats. CTRL+SHIFT+G

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    Set the line spacing

    To do this Press

    Sin(le4space lines. CTRL+

    7ou0le4space lines. CTRL+9

    Set .%4line spacin(. CTRL+%

    Add or re$ove one line space precedin( a para(raph. CTRL+/ )!ero*

    Align paragraphs

    To do this Press

    Switch a para(raph 0etween centered and le"t4ali(ned. CTRL+3

    Switch a para(raph 0etween Eusti"ied and le"t4ali(ned. CTRL+P

    Switch a para(raph 0etween ri(ht4ali(ned and le"t4ali(ned. CTRL+R  

    Le"t ali(n a para(raph. CTRL+L

    Indent a para(raph "ro$ the le"t. CTRL+&

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press

    Re$ove a para(raph indent "ro$ the le"t. CTRL+SHIFT+&

    Create a han(in( indent. CTRL+T

    Reduce a han(in( indent. CTRL+SHIFT+T

    Re$ove para(raph "or$attin(. CTRL+@

    Apply paragraph styles

    To do this Press

    6pen Apply Styles tas' pane. CTRL+SHIFT+S

    6pen Styles tas' pane. ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+S

    Start AutoFor$at. ALT+CTRL+:  

    Appl# the 2or$al st#le. CTRL+SHIFT+2

    Appl# the Headin( st#le. ALT+CTRL+

    Appl# the Headin( 9 st#le. ALT+CTRL+9

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press

    Appl# the Headin( = st#le. ALT+CTRL+=

    Close the St#les tas' pane

    . I" the Styles tas' pane is not selected- press F, to select it.

    9. 1ress CTRL+S1AC3BAR.

    =. ;se the arrow 'e#s to select Close- and then press 32T3R.

    Insert and edit o0Eects

    (nsert an ob2ect

    . 1ress ALT- 2- P- and then P to open the Ob2ect dialo( 0ox.

    9. 7o one o" the "ollowin(.

    o 1ress 76W2 ARR6W to select an o0Eect t#pe- and then press 32T3R to create an o0Eect.

    o 1ress CTRL+TAB to switch to the Create #ro& *ile ta0- press TAB- and then t#pe the "ile

    na$e o" the o0Eect that #ou want to insert or 0rowse to the "ile.

    0dit an ob2ect

    . With the cursor positioned to the le"t o" the o0Eect in #our docu$ent- select the o0Eect 0# pressin(


    9. 1ress SHIFT+F/.

    =. 1ress the TAB 'e# to (et to Ob2ect na&e- press 32T3R- and then press 32T3R a(ain.

    (nsert S&artArt graphics

    . 1ress and release ALT- 2- and then & to select S&artArt.

    9. 1ress the arrow 'e#s to select the t#pe o" (raphic that #ou want.

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    =. 1ress TAB- and then press the arrow 'e#s to select the (raphic that #ou want to insert.

    . 1ress 32T3R.

    (nsert "ordArt

    . 1ress and release ALT- 2- and then W to select "ordArt.

    9. 1ress the arrow 'e#s to select the WordArt st#le that #ou want- and then press 32T3R.

    =. T#pe the text that #ou want.

    . 1ress 3SC to select the WordArt o0Eect- and then use the arrow 'e#s to $ove the o0Eect.

    %. 1ress 3SC a(ain to return to return to the docu$ent.

    &ail $er(e and "ields

    Per#or& a &ail &erge

     26T3 ou $ust clic' ailings to use these 'e#0oard shortcuts.

    To do this Press

    1review a $ail $er(e. ALT+SHIFT+:  

    &er(e a docu$ent. ALT+SHIFT+2

    1rint the $er(ed docu$ent. ALT+SHIFT+&

    3dit a $ail4$er(e data docu$ent. ALT+SHIFT+3

    Insert a $er(e "ield. ALT+SHIFT+F

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    "ork with #ields

    To do this Press

    Insert a 7AT3 "ield. ALT+SHIFT+7

    Insert a LIST2;& "ield. ALT+CTRL+L

    Insert a 1A83 "ield. ALT+SHIFT+1

    Insert a TI&3 "ield. ALT+SHIFT+T

    Insert an e$pt# "ield. CTRL+FJ

    ;pdate lin'ed in"or$ation in a &icroso"t Word source docu$ent. CTRL+SHIFT+

    ;pdate selected "ields. FJ

    ;nlin' a "ield. CTRL+SHIFT+

    Switch 0etween a selected "ield code and its result. SHIFT+FJ

    Switch 0etween all "ield codes and their results. ALT+FJ

    Run 86T6B;TT62 or &ACR6B;TT62 "ro$ the "ield that displa#s the "ield results. ALT+SHIFT+F

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press

    8o to the next "ield. F

    8o to the previous "ield. SHIFT+F

    Loc' a "ield. CTRL+F

    ;nloc' a "ield. CTRL+SHIFT+

    Lan(ua(e 0ar 

    'andwriting recognition

    To do this Press

    Switch 0etween lan(ua(es or 'e#0oard la#outs. Le"t ALT+SHIFT

    7ispla# a list o" correction alternatives. Windows lo(o 'e#+C

    Turn handwritin( on or o"". Windows lo(o 'e#+H

    Turn Papanese Input &ethod 3ditor )I&3* on / 'e#0oard on or o"". ALT+

    Turn :orean I&3 on / 'e#0oard on or o"". Ri(ht ALT

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press

    Turn Chinese I&3 on / 'e#0oard on or o"". CTRL+S1AC3BAR  


    • ou can choose the 'e# co$0ination "or switchin( 0etween lan(ua(es or 'e#0oard la#outs in

    the Advanced %ey Setting dialo( 0ox. To open the Advanced %ey Setting dialo( 0ox- ri(ht4clic'

    the Language 0ar- and then clic' Settings. ;nder Pre#erences- clic' %ey Settings.

    • The Windows lo(o 'e# is availa0le on the 0otto$ row o" 'e#s on $ost 'e#0oards.

    Top o" 1a(e

    Function 'e# re"erence

    *unction keys

    To do this Press

    8et Help or visit 6""$. F

    &ove text or (raphics. F9

    Repeat the last action. F

    Choose the $o To co$$and )'o&e ta0*. F%

    8o to the next pane or "ra$e. F,

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press

    Choose the Spelling co$$and ),eview ta0*. FQ

    3xtend a selection. FN

    ;pdate the selected "ields. FJ

    Show :e#Tips. F/

    8o to the next "ield. F

    Choose the Save As co$$and. F9

    S'(*T3*unction key

    To do this Press

    Start context4sensitive Help or reveal "or$attin(. SHIFT+F

    Cop# text. SHIFT+F9

    Chan(e the case o" letters. SHIFT+F=

    Repeat a *ind or $o To action. SHIFT+F

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press

    &ove to the last chan(e. SHIFT+F%

    8o to the previous pane or "ra$e )a"ter pressin( F,*. SHIFT+F,

    Choose the Thesaurus co$$and ),eview ta0- Proo#ing (roup*. SHIFT+FQ

    Reduce the si!e o" a selection. SHIFT+FN

    Switch 0etween a "ield code and its result. SHIFT+FJ

    7ispla# a shortcut $enu. SHIFT+F/

    8o to the previous "ield. SHIFT+F

    Choose the Save co$$and. SHIFT+F9

    CT,L3*unction key

    To do this Press

    3xpand or collapse the ri00on. CTRL+F

    Choose the Print Preview co$$and. CTRL+F9

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press

    ;pdate lin'ed in"or$ation in a Word 9/= source docu$ent. CTRL+SHIFT+FQ

    3xtend a selection or 0loc'. CTRL+SHIFT+FN- and then press an arrow 'e

    ;nlin' a "ield. CTRL+SHIFT+FJ

    ;nloc' a "ield. CTRL+SHIFT+F

    Choose the Print co$$and. CTRL+SHIFT+F9

    ALT3*unction key

    To do this Pres

    8o to the next "ield. ALT

    Create a new -uilding -lock . ALT

    3xit Word 9/=. ALT

    Restore the pro(ra$ window si!e. ALT

    &ove "ro$ an open dialo( 0ox 0ac' to the docu$ent- "or dialo( 0oxes that support this 0ehavior. ALT

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Pres

    Find the next $isspellin( or (ra$$atical error. ALT

    Run a $acro. ALT

    Switch 0etween all "ield codes and their results. ALT

    7ispla# the Selection and 1isibility tas' pane. ALT

    7ispla# &icroso"t Gisual Basic code. ALT

    ALT3S'(*T3*unction key

    To do this Press

    8o to the previous "ield. ALT+SHIFT

    Choose the Save co$$and. ALT+SHIFT

    7ispla# the ,esearch tas' pane. ALT+SHIFT

    Run 86T6B;TT62 or &ACR6B;TT62 "ro$ the "ield that displa#s the "ield results. ALT+SHIFT

    7ispla# a $enu or $essa(e "or an availa0le action. ALT+SHIFT

  • 8/19/2019 Msword Shortcuts


    To do this Press

    Choose Table o# Contents 0utton in the Ta0le o" Contents container when the container is active. ALT+SHIFT

    CT,L3ALT3*unction key

    To do this Press

    7ispla# &icroso"t S#ste$ In"or$ation. CTRL+ALT+F

    Choose the Open co$$and. CTRL+ALT+F9