Post Cold War United States Mr. Violanti Iroquois High School, Spring 2015

Mr. ViolantiIroquois High School, Spring 2015. 1.Baby Boom: population spurt following WWII. Largest generation in US History. 4.The Warren Court: Civil

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Post Cold War United States

Mr. Violanti Iroquois High School, Spring 2015


1. Baby Boom: population spurt following WWII. Largest generation in US History.4. The Warren Court: Civil Rights cases. Controversial Social Decisions (Women, A.A, )JUDICIAL ACTIVISM7. Montgomery Bus Boycott: Rosa Parks refuses to give up seat. Inspires a boycott of the City Buses.8. MLK, Jr.: Civil Rights Leader. Studied Gandhi and Thoreau. Leads boycott, becomes leader of movement. Assassinated in April, 1968.9. Medgar Evers: NAACP employee, shot and killed in Mississippi.10. C.R.Act of 1964: Called for protection of voting rights of all Americans, All Public facilities must be opened to all citizens, equal job protection for all Americans.

POST WAR BOOM & CIVIL RIGHTS11. Malcom X: More militant leader. Promotes Black Nationalism, not integration. Assasinated in NYC.12. Affirmative Action: % of places for minority groups in public settings.13. Heart of Atlanta v. US: racial segregation of private facilities engaged in interstate commerce is unconstitutional.14. CR Act of 1968: Fair Housing Act, prohibits discrimination in sale, rental or financing of dwellings.

Civil Rights MovementYear Event Outcome

1954 BROWN v. Board of Education ****

Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal. Overturns Plessy v. Ferguson

1963 March on Washington MLK display of unity for Civil Rights

1964 Freedom Summer Protests, marches, passage of CR Act of 1964

1963 Betty Friedman, Feminie Mystique

American women have been forced back into homes after WWII

1966 NOW National Organization for Women

1972 ERA Equal Rights Amendment passed by Congress. Failed to be ratified by states.

Civil Rights MovementYear Event Outcome

1962 United Farm Workers Caesar Chavez

1969 AIM seizes Alcatraz American Indian Movement seeking equality for Native Americans

1973 AIM seizes Wounded Knee

Compensation for lost land

1990 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities. Schools.

Martin Luther King / Rosa Parks

April 4, 1968

Malcom X

Black Panthers 1968 Olympics

Struggle for Equality

The “Warren Court”


SUPREME COURT RULES ON the Rights of Students

Tinker v. Des Moines: First Amendment applies to public schools.Administrators would have to demonstrate constitutionally valid reasons for any specific regulation of speech in the classroom. (Black Armbands—Vietnam)

"It can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate”

New Jersey v. TLO: addressing the constitutionality of a search of a public high school student after she was caught smoking. A subsequent search of her purse revealed drug paraphernalia, marijuana, and documentation of drug sales

"In loco parentis”

AIM: American Indian Movement

Equal Rights AmendmentConstitution is a “Living Document”

Caesar Chavez: Fought for rights of Immigrant workers in the 1960s. Mexican Americans.

Utilized the methods of Gandhi, MLK: Hunger strikes, boycotts, Civil Disobedience.

Caesar Chavez

Rachel Carson: Silent Spring

6. Great Society: Lyndon Johnson’s presidency. Medicare, HUD, Food Stamp Program. All intended to further help people in poverty. (follows NEW DEAL model)

8. War Powers Act of 1973:Gives congress more authority in dealing with use of US Military. Congress can limit use, and must be informed of use by the President.

11. Nixon Doctrine: US will no longer provide direct aid to Asia. No more Vietnam situations.

13. SALT: Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty. Sets limits on nuclear warheads.

15. 26th Amendment: gives 18 year olds right to vote.16. Watergate: break in at Watergate Hotel. Nixon

covers up the information that he was involved. Leads to threat of impeachment and he resigns from the Presidency.

Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon (120)

17. US vs. Nixon: Nixon forced to surrender secret tapes revealing secret conversations in the Oval Office. Leads to his resignation.

18. Miranda vs. Arizona: accused criminals MUST be informed of their constitutional rights as an accused. (silent, attorney)

19. Gideon v. Wainwright: lawyers must be appointed for those which cannot afford one.

20. Tinker v. Des Moines: neither Students nor teachers surrender freedoms at the “schoolhouse gate”

21. New Jersey v. TLO: 4th amendment loosened for school officials. Searches can be conducted with “reasonable” evidence.

22. Roe V. Wade: state laws prohibiting abortion are unconstitutional.

Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon

Kennedy / Lyndon Johnson

John F. Kennedy

Peace Corps

Bay of Pigs Invasion

Cuban Missile Crisis

The Great Society

The Square Deal The New Deal The Great Society

Conflict in Asia: Vietnam War 1954: Vietnam divided into Communist

North, Democratic South. American Forces sent to prevent

Communist takeover by North. GULF OF TONKIN RESOLUTION. USA begins withdraw of forces in 1973 1975: Saigon Falls, reuniting Vietnam

into One Communist Country. Domino Effect? War Powers act of 1973 *****


Backlash The Eve of Destruction

Watergate ScandalJune 17, 1972: Break-in at the Democratic headquarters at the Watergate office complex

The Cover-Up of information regarding the break in leads to discovery of many abuses of power by Nixon.

Threatened with Impeachment, he resigns August 9th, 1974.

3. Camp David Accords: Peace agreement between Israel and Egypt. Negotiated by Jimmy Carter in 1979.

4. Iran Hostage Crisis: 60 Americans taken hostage in Iran due to America’s harboring of Shah Reza Pahlavi. Carter attempted rescue mission and failed.

8. Iran Contra Affair: Negotiations to have hostages released from Iran in exchange for weapons sales to Nicaraugua.

10. End of Cold War: Soviet Union breaks apart in 1991. Berlin Wall falls in 1989. Communism over in Europe.

11. Persian Gulf War: 1991 US Forces remove Iraq from Kuwait. Saddam Hussein.

12. Bosnia, Serbia: Ethnic Cleansing in late 1990s. Clinton sends in US troops along with UN.

Carter, Reagan, Clinton, Bush (122)

13. NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement. Removal of tarrifs between US/Mexico/Canada. Leads to loss of US jobs.

14. 9/11: Attack on US led by Osama Bin Laden and Al Queda.

Carter, Reagan, Clinton, Bush

Ronald Reagan’s Presidency

Attempted to LIMIT the role of Government. “Trickle Down” (Supply Side) Economics. Cut

taxes on wealthy = more spending. Supports Big Business ANTI- Communist, Ends Cold War.

Clinton orders US Attack to stop Ethnic Cleansing in Bosnia

Impeachment of Bill Clinton

September 11, 2001.

Attack orchestrated by Osama Bin Laden Results in:

War with Iraq & Afghanistan

Limits on individual rights

Strong Anti-Terrorist Response by President George W. Bush