Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

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Page 1: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book

*Robust Vocabulary*

Created By: Agatha LeeJanuary 2009

Page 2: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009


If you disturb

someone, then you

make a noise that bothershim or her.

Page 3: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

There was a “Do Not Disturb”sign on my brother’s door.

A loud noise can disturb my quiet time.

Which would disturb you, a chiming clock or a siren?


Page 4: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

* If you disturb your mother while she is resting, will she be

happy or angry?

* If you made a “Do Not Disturb” sign, where would

you put it?


Page 5: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009


Underneath means something below or beneath.

Page 6: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

I found my slippers underneath my bed.

Worms live underneath the ground.

Which would you be more likely to find underneath your desk-

a book bag or a lamp?


Page 7: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

* Would you like toexplore underneaththe ocean’s surface?

* If you looked underneath a rock, what

might you find?


Page 8: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

cozyIf a place is cozy, then it makes you feel warm, happy, and


Page 9: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

I feel cozy whenI’m in my bed.

Where do you feel cozy?

A cozy chair is soft.


Page 10: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

* Which would make a cozy pet,

a cat or a snake?

* Who would you give acozy blanket to?


Page 11: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

enchantingIf you think someone or something

is enchanting, then you think that person or thing is likeable and


Page 12: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

The garden was enchanting.

Is a forest enchanting?

That poem was enchanting because it described a beautiful



Page 13: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

* Which is more enchanting,

a rainbow or a puddle?

* What would you draw in an enchanting picture?


Page 14: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

insteadWhen you do one thing instead

of a second thing, then you do it inplace of the second thing.

The penguins would rather

be in the water instead of standing on

the ice.

Page 15: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

I played a video game instead of completing my


What can you do instead of watching television?


Page 16: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

* Do you want to go to the zoo instead of the movie


* If you couldn’t gooutside to recess, whatwould you do instead?


Page 17: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009


Thrilled means

you feel excited

and happy.

Page 18: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

I was thrilled whenI won the race.

What makes you feel thrilled?

My mom was thrilled thatmy dad cooked dinner.


Page 19: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

* How would you show that you are thrilled to win an award?

* Would you be thrilled if you gota new sister or brother?

* Do you feel thrilled if you are sick?


Page 20: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009


If you say or write what you think

about a movie or a book, then you are giving it a review.

Page 21: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

I gave the boringmovie a bad review.

What movie wouldyou give a good review?


Page 22: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

* Which word would yousee in a good review: excellent or terrible?

* How would you cheerup a friend whose story

got a bad review?


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If you are happy about something, then you may have a party to


Page 24: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

I celebrate on thelast day of school.

When do you celebrate?


Page 25: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

* Do you celebrateif you fall down?

* Would you celebrate ifyou lost your jacket?

* Would you celebrateif you won a game?


Page 26: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009


Procrastinate means you

delay oravoid doing something

you need to do.

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Mr. Putter procrastinated by taking a nap instead of writing a book.

I procrastinated by reading a magazine instead of washing the


Would you procrastinate when it’stime to open a present?

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* Do you procrastinate when it is time to get ready to go to


* When is a time when you would

not want to procrastinate?

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A diversion is something

that takes you away from what

you are doing or thinking


Page 30: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009


For a diversion, Mr. Putter made stew.

For a diversion, I listen to music.

Playing a video gameis my favorite diversion.

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* What would you do for adiversion during a long car trip?

* Is a diversion for a baby the same as a diversion for someone

your age?

Page 32: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

The mother gave her child milk _______ of soda.

A. thrilledB. enchantingC. celebrateD. instead

Page 33: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

My sister was hiding ______ the kitchen table during a game of Hide-and-Seek.

A. celebrateB. underneath

C. insteadD. diversion

Page 34: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

I felt _______ sitting in a comfortable chair in frontof the fire in my fireplace.

A. procrastinateB. disturbC. reviewD. cozy

Page 35: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

The crying baby needed a ______,so I sang a funny song.

A. diversionB. celebrate

C. procrastinateD. underneath

Page 36: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

The doorbell _________the baby’s nap.

A. underneathB. cozy

C. disturbedD. thrilled

Page 37: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

I __________ by playing with my toys instead of cleaning my room.

A. celebratedB. disturbedC. thrilled

D. procrastinated

Page 38: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

Mr. Putter’s story was _________.

A. enchantingB. cozy

C. thrilledD. review

Page 39: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

My friend was ______ when she got a good grade on her spelling test.

A. celebrateB. enchanting

C. thrilledD. diversion

Page 40: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

My friends and I ________when our class won theReading Counts contest.

A. procrastinatedB. disturbedC. thrilled

D. celebrated

Page 41: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

Did Mrs. Teaberry give Mr. Putter’s writing a good ______ ?

A. reviewB. enchanting

C. thrilledD. instead

Page 42: Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee January 2009

Can you read these words?

1. disturb2. underneath

3. cozy4. enchanting

5. instead6. thrilled7. review

8. celebrate9. procrastinate

10. diversion