% nl« «l•« fvrj. With tliin issue of the Neruda A'ational the in<i*rTidiml whose name is writi-i, iindit thin. ceases to have control ol the t <1 itor .i ilcparliiicnt of this pup r. A word or two an to the prospects of the paper may UK' i ' t the institution seine, while the truth can- not hurt it in the leant. The conduct ol the ,\ ntiontil has peered an expensive affair to myself. It has not paid its way. hot has fallen short several hinidrid dollars, the amount of which had to lie paid out of in; own pocket. Thin ha* lieen the case while the circulation bus hern tnv extensive nnd advertising patronage certainly good. A short narrative will illustrate the why. under such favoralde circumstances I lie paper doe* not pay. A gentlmian cornu- led with this Ofllce undertook, last week, to make collections of money due to the ofliee front persons ( patron- ‘) in the Not tin ru part of the County, lie started out with several hundred dollars worth of accounts in his pocket—was gone four ar live days, anil after collecting a few dollars, hail to bormw hioney lo get heme with. At Humbug City nlonc, lie found two or three subscribers prompt and polite. At some other point- lie was treated to more curses than coppers. Th" Agent of the ,\atium:l at Nevada City where a large number ofcopies, of the paper circulates, has succeeded a little better and lias collected some ten dollars. When the .Yational was ,-turkd a.-surai.c (?f support were cordially anil cnlliueiati- rfilly given by many patriotic democrats. These gentlemen fell asleep, and to use a pcvtital plirnsc—the dew- dropsof inaction •• glittered on their robe*.” Assurances were «of fulfilled. In the Dcnocratic CoU'Mv ol Nevada, publishing a Ih-mncralic paper lias been to the gentleman now so gracefully retiring, an exhausting process on the purse, whatever Wlict it has had on his patriotism. In departing my editorial life I will end bei|ucntli to my young Democratic surecs- sor : 1st all the cursing of delinquent sub- scribers whom he may lie so unfortunate ns to dun. 2nd The inevitable visiting* of Ihe'i/rPiV and Ills insatiable cra\ ings for copy bd. The scissors which he will find on Ihe desk nnd also the paste brush and pot. 4tli. The exchanges which lie will find in •' the .Yuliumil box," at the I’ost Uflice to getlicr w ith the pleasure he will alw ays feel in reading Mu * ; the lieipieatliing of which is my only prcsiut rcgrtl. And filially 1 wish I bad good luck in collecting sufficient to get even that I might will him that. Ut- most however lake the trill for the deed," of the w hole A'ulianal concern Debts duo from the .YtvaJa Aaticnal office to nny parties, will be paid on pr-sen- tation to me. and on and after this date 1 will not he responsible for any liabilities contracted by cr in behalf of said .Yalinnal newspaper. IICFCS KHO'CMAKIill. Grass Valley April 30lh, 1 -,VJ. TilXATUtcil„—Mr. James Anderson, the greatest living actor, appeals Monday even- ing, at Hamilton Theatre, supported by Miss Mutant, Messrs. Plidps, Warwick and others, making the lnrgest nnd most talen- ted troupe ever in this part of the country. The Theatre will bo occupied only two nights liy this company ; mu) those who wish to enjoy good plnying should go early, Siiok StO'isi.—The largest and finest stock-of hoots and shoes we have seen in Grass Valley ,for many a duy, can he found at Mr. Harry's. Persons who purchase un- derstandings,” understaiidingly, will not fail to call at Mr. Harry's, Main Street, opposite corner of Church, nnd three doors above the Exchange hotel. A project is now on foot among capitalists for the opening of another Istnmun route to (he Pacific, known a> the Cherokee route ; and. although, fur reasons best known to those having charge, hut little is said to the public, yet it is confidently b-P.eved the etfe-rt will b? 'itcees h'! Miniui»hi|i (••IflfN ls«*. The i.oldc steamship of v. hicli »t give a hie picture in the present numtirr was 'milt in New Yotkfor \le--r-. .to>» , «i*i How- ird »V Son, of tl*nt city. We lad the -nrc of t*dng aboard **fh«r on tV* e- v ision •»( h«*r trial trip. an«l a glorious time it was. -the i- an admirable vt -?• 1. of al»ont Ilrton ton- burthen. 1! r length i.i -*■"* feet. In r I >rtn«11 !i ofbeam til 1 f«et. ami lor dept I* of l old IV* fn t. h!i lias a lwarn engine of -mnewl at peculiar construction, I lie diainc- s»*r of w!j"«o cylinder is >’» inch' a, with twehc f* et of Miokc. The 1 oiler? constitute t!ir> chi« f p uliaritr, Tiny are each 10 feet in 1* ngtl:. ni l are fitted tip with fur nnc s. at each end, ti e smoko funnel ascend- iiil'fii in ti e rioter. J*y tl is i rrai g< ment it i.- claimed that iconotny in bolly-pace and fuel i- gain'd. and the truth of the proposii tion is pretty cbaily proved so far as re Cards space. The steerage i* fitted up with accommodat’ons for six hundred prssengers* The berths uie furnhhid with m at mattres- ses and pillow? the latter rendered l if- pre- serving ly means of nn impermeable cot- ton felting. Particular attention i.; devo- ted to the ventilation of the ship. Twelve- inch ports open into the ctihin. preserving a complete circul *t ; *r of air. and affording eligible opportunities for the escape of fever plagues. and the nuisance « that donflict emi- grants so %or« ly. Ttie saloon* are pantudlid in res**, satin and wood : upholstered in crimson and gold plush and rich hang ings ; gilded with taste ; adorned with mil rors and furnished with the newest appliance for the plmsnres of the table. Above each table is suspended a lamp of new construe lion, fixed upon a ball nnd socket joint, ?o as to preserve it- perpendicular at all times. The Cold* n Age was much praised at Liver- pool Hid London wll.li she visited those rts and she has done much to raise foreign esfimul ; on of American ship building. kGVn- fon'it I.i Hi of liitt/c fftifs. <»«tr r••»••• |iikc. Tin' road fn m cur town to Nevada in in beautiful 01 <!• r. the wi other is glorious an.] Cady's horses fine troth r-. The distance is in-t right for a pleasant. dusliy drive. Now. young men. is your timefor galantry. You iceil'nt mar vour general appearance t.y an ungainly dust -tent: so 1 ring the ladies from their w inter's seclusion and let's have a glad, mirry time. Tff" I.irs.io I.aiellc. a courtesan commit- ted suicide at Sacramento a few days since, the l iiien makes a considerable sensation’ p port of the fiinernl cep money. Rev. Mr. llcnt'on preached ' lie sermon, and one Prake attended as chief mourner. Mow long be- fore tV I'nion will g't up an illustrated sheet. a:'t( r the manmr of ii irpers Weekly, and show its renders fully .ill the horrible wliieli occurs in the State, the Pictorial's of Sail Francisco, in the days of the Tipi- lance excitement, made money hiintnlli/ and moinlli/. l-y giving wood cuts of murdered men and imiiderers under arms and why not hnve a 'egular •• sensation" sheet pub- lished in this state. There is one gtand argument in its favor, the thing u-ill jmy. iHMMinr. The lion. Thomas rindle/. State Trea* surer, and Ia<ly arc row making n short' visit to their frii'ixlo in Gra«s Valley ; Tom. bus liven extensively shaking hands with the sovreign people of this County ami all Bay •• well done good ami faithful, you hovn'l stole a ilullnr as we. of this part of the wcrltl knew you wouhln't.” The Hon. Geo. A. Young, and Hon. Iiiloy Armstrong have returned to their homes in Nevada County. These gentlemen have faithfully ami ably represented our County, and need not blush to meet their con- stituents. Our devil after having suffered for the last few weeks will: the devil’s torment—- the tooth ache, was at las.’ relieved by I>r. U . 11. Sharp, by the Eh ctro Magnetic pro- cess u Ilbnut ; ain. The Itoctor has r'fitted Ids l)ent..1 Rooms in admirable manner for Indies’ use. over his former oilier, adjoining Wood's Atnbro* type lloouis. on Mill street. Wyatt I’.irdsall. engineer of Ihc exploded ferry bont Contra Costa, has been arrested in San Francisco under a charge of causing the death through carelessness of Joseph Holster und 11. S. Ostrander. Ilrtickru Iiiilittu'*. Wc are imformtd lyMr. Jellison. w lio lives < n Wolfe C'reik, about two miles from this place, that the iiuimns arc getting very troublesome in his neighborhood. Three of the Itucks. who were under the influence of whiskey, met Mr. J. in the road a few nights since near ’m-house, drew their bow and arrows, and with drunken curses threat, timed to shoot him. Mr. J. soys they fre <|tietitly pass his house intoxicated, end he thinks that they get liquor in Grass Valley. It to to lie hoped that the miscreant, who ever he may be, that indulges in the inftr- nnl Irafic with these poor ignorant creatures will ere long meet bis reward by receiving the severest penalties of the law, and the just condintnation of the public. jr&~ The Siskiyou Chronic/e man says he scraped on the bottom of a puddle when measuring it. and ihnt wc n'small pollywog were made uneasy If is just Oliver’s luck, to muddy any pool or subject be dips into, tint he mistakes when lie think ; we are troubled at at ai y of his efforts in criticism. Acshvim.yuan Voi \<l.—George A. Young, now for tlie second term In the State Asse- mbly, from Nevada, lias gained the antipathy of the Sacramento Union —ha* deserved It. perhaps from the fact of a true Demo- ■rat faithful legislator uud bonrablo man. The sanctimonious lita-ler m ter attacks the ones who are beneath those qualifications Mr. Young has been misrepresented in every legisntive movement made by him this tear, ami it was much through his exertions that a reliable paper was established in Sac- amento. Of this, the defan'ers are atvare. line of ti e ft Hows was informeel by Mr. Young, that if the Union did not cease its misreprefensatione of the party which hail given its best support, a Democratic paper would lie started within a very short time. The mercenary fegy laughed derisively at the mention of a uew paper. A little while and the l egislature published their condem- nations of the Union'* incorrect reports of legislative proceedings and shortly there- after the promised now paper was making its daily appearance and rapidly acquiring extensive circulation. Mr Young w as there- fore marked fir hatred and vengeance. Hit integrity ns a public officer is assailed, and it will be remarked if lie escapes without vilification of private character. A few days ngo, lie spoke to a question of privilege and justly denominated a number of false statements made in the Union with refer- ence to himself. «s so many maliciously- written lies. Ilia language was emphatic hut in no way improper : the falsehoods were plainly t xposed and thetrnduecr required to defend—which he co.iid uo only by means of additional falsehoods. The Union'* de- fence amounts to the flippant charges against Mr. Yeung of privileged indecency.” IIin remarks arc refer, d to as " a wanton and violent attack." and he is dismissed with the seemingly charitable assertion that lie is welcome to the copulation his *• iridccen- ctos" wili cam for hint. \tc hold to tho i ower of straight-out remarks and straight- out truths ; hence, we say that whoever declares that the speech of Mr Young, which may he found in the Union of the loth inst., was indecent,ot even approaching indecen- cy. is eultcr a malignant bar or a dlsgchil'r.g fool. Mr. Young is Welcome to ibc reputation which his indecencies will earn for him, says the prating, hypocritical kanve hireling who is employed to assume the appearance of u gentleman while lie acts the part of a cau- tious and systematic libelcr. So satisfied arc wc that the conduct of the Union is based upon dissimulating villainy wc esteem it a duly to respect the man whom it de- nounces. particularly if he be a member of tlie democratic party, a public officer or a candidate for office.— Sierra Citizen. The Sickles trial wa3 to have taken place aboui' the 1st of April. The cpir.loif is that Judge Crawford of the Criminal Court, will throw his Influence against the prisoner, which, with that of Chief Justice Taney unde of deceased) may secure the convic- tion of Sickles. The President is said to be a warm personal friend of the latter and holds the pardoning power. The Cabinet, with only one exception indorses the course of Sickles. Therefore it may be safely con- cluded that if convicted the prisoner will be pardon 1. itipc strawberries nave made their ap- pearance at Napa. \Vc believe they arc the first of the season. TWOhnttdfl i votes WOTSosst at tht Demo- crat!'- uriinary election held in Stockton on Thursday. The Cras9 Valley auti-cursing club, met and made an appropriation of part of their funds. The club bought a pew in the Con- gregational church; and intend to contribute to n painting with the balance.—.W-eada .Vationai. The alhvr ira rrnvcl way to raise funds to purchase church pews. Every member of the club is lined twenty-five cents every time be utters an outh. The plan is a good one. and seems to thrive ; if such a club was got up in Napa, and the fine imposed for every drunk, they would soon be able to buy a cbiircbful of pews, and add conside- rable to their respectability. A o/<o lleiatil. Doi that Speaks Scotch.—” Next to the great increase in the practice of smoking on the streets- -which h*o become genteel—- the most notable sign of social progress is the growing fancy for terrier dogs, especially .Skye terriers ; and no doubt interesting creatures these arc. with their intelligent eyes, pendulous cars, and long silky hair, liut it has recently been found that, in addi lion to their attractions, Skye terriers are excellent linguists. A Dumfries gentleman, noted for bis sporllng propensities, was lately desirous of adding to his canine col- lection two terriers to be procured direct from the Island of Skye, and applied to a Celt in Glasgow to supply them. A few davs ago he rcceivctl a letter informing him that two young dogs bad been procured, and stating, among otbt-r reasons for choosing young animals, that their future owner would have the advantage of teaching them himreir und learning them English, which language they did not understand. a9 at present they only spoke Gaelic.” Gen. J. W. Denver, lately arrived, is al ready announced—as candidate for Gove- nor on the administration ticket. The Republican State Convention, will next on the "lit ofMay in S. cramcnlo. 'I it inu lu*ni«. VTc learn from the i’laccr Herald that ex- tensive preparations arc being inaile for riv- er homing this sutnmer, on the middle Fork of the American. The bars on the 1’lacer side will have a large population of miners through the seiison. A short time since a piece of gold was taken out at Oregon Bar. on the middle Fork of the American, weighing 21 ounces, and valued at $3."0. hast week another piece was taken out on the same bar, weigh- ing 31 ounces. Calaveras miners are doing well. Sisk 1 yoc —A corrlspondcnt of the Vreka t'nion, writing from Humbug Creek, says: Mclandcr A McReatb, on the North Fork, hare a valuable claim and & large quantity of ground sluiced off. On Saturday last thoy pickcu up. while sluung, One p.'ecc weighing sixty three dollars, anil thirteen dollars in small pieces. On luc following (Sunday) morning, Mclandcr picked up twenty seven dollars more. It is no uuusul thing for them to pick up slugsfrom three to twenty dollars while sluicing and the fortunes of the propr- ietors may be considered as secured. The late improvements and water facili- ties will develop many resources. The sea son bids lair for the miners. Nkw Cinnabar Mink.—It is said hy the Yreka I'nion, that a rich vein of cinnalmr tins been discovered near that town. An Ad vent or on.f Woman. Mrs. Lovejny the lady who enme passenger in the Over- land Stage, Mr. l.uco, the agent of the Calif- ornia Stag” Company, informs u", passed through town, a few day f ego on her way toYrekn. we believe this lady is the first one that ever attempted the perilous task of crossing the plains ill the Overland Stage. She says that when she left home her health was very poor, but improved rapidly on the trip. We hope that other ladies will follow her exam pie.— Heil Bluff Heaean. Peaches.—The peach trees are evidently frying to make tip. this year, for tucir failure last. The trees are loaded vilb young ft jit and in many coses each blossom contain, a double pcacn. It is not probable that frost, sufficient to kill will occur, this spring. Natuui. Ci'kiositt, Tv a Hoax'— 1 The IIt-«l lllntr Beacon is informed that the head and shoulders of a petriflid panther, were found a few days since, near the head of red bank creek, in that county, neatly packed in a case of singular material, resembling in sha- pe. the horn of an ox. California abounds in natural curiosities. The Oilil Frllewn .Imiirmnrj. The 20 iint.. was the Fortii'tli *nniver- sary of the institution of Odd Fellowship in America. Hjr a decree of ihe Grand Lodge rtf the tlnitcd States, the day teas to be commemorated, by a general jublicc of the Order thouguoul the t'oion. The Order in this State, in all the principle towns respon- ded to the call, anti the day was one of gene- ral thanksgiving and rejoicing, ' The Celebration at Nevada, passed otT with great credit to the managers, ami to the satisfaction of every one. A large mint* ber of people from all parts of the County were present, The day was beautiful, and the sidewalk* and balcon ys were covered with spectators, nmong which was many women and children a* the large procession of the Order, dressed i n their lieautiful re- galia, marched through the streets, to the music of two fine Brass Bands. The lafge Favillor erected by the Order for the occasion, was densely crowded to hear Mr. A. A. Sargent, who was orator of tile day. Ilia oratnn. though lengthy, was none the less entertaing and instructive, and more than met the expectations of Mr. Sar- gent’s most sanguine friends. Wc hope the public may liavc the pleasure of seeing it in print. The celebration concluded with a ball and supier in the evening, which sur- pa«scd any sim ilar entertainment of the kind that we ever witnessed. The pavillion was beautifully decorated with emblems of evergreens, the music good, and no expense was spared to make it. what it really was the finest and largest ball ever given in this Coiinfy, one hundred and fifty ladies, and over two hundred and fifty gentlemen were in attendcncr. and thirty-two s-tts danced at one time. Smoot. Exiiuirriox. —The Exhibition for the benefit of the Public School, which came off at Hamilton Theatre, Saturday night, was a decided snccesa. The hall was crowd- ed, and the children accqiiiled themselves creditably. ’■fialngucs, Songs and Reci- tations were afl excellently rendered. Miss L. Henderson delivered a tastefully composed Valedictory in a sensible manner. Rgl.tcs.—Curiodsly do certain minds invCs’t with Hie dreamy charm of an1ii|tiitiy’ every object which by the operations of mail or some sudden convulsion of nature is dis- covered to have been hidden, for times anil seasons, agnne, within the depths of our mother earth. The law of association is strong w ithin them, a pebble, a decayed or petrified trunlr of a tree, or some curious stone is enough to send them in ecstatic transport of imagination back, back into the cliaoa of anti dcluvian years. There sit the dusty, dr camy, antiquated Hip Van Winkles of to day. enveloped in an atmosphere re- dolent of the decayed and corrupted graves of the past, and poising in the hand, some unknown and curious rT.lucrai, they perceive in i.s fashion, tiie : go of millions of years. I!y if, they sde dhwn fathoms deep, into the hidden riccsres of the globe; creations dawn appears again, ntid ipoo the ’•baseless fabric of a dream," they created' ajc .v tiie whole known world. Every mortar or Indian vc;scl disem- boweled by the operations of the miners, is intcdiatrlv sent to the office of some poor devil of a country editor, .and at the sight of the rr/ic thereupon he falls to dreamy and speculating on the age, and history of this precious memorial of the the past In proportion to the depth, it had laid so is its value. A stone on the ground Is of no import- ance but a scolloped rock, found a hundred fest below in invaluable. Wonderful stone ! Mayhap some chief of a once p jwertul tribe licredft rcstecl'his marrow bonrs. This sIodc again, no uoubt rolled down Jit. Ararat. So the pocf dream/ fool calculates that our rivers were millions of years w-aring dorfn its rofky banks, which were of course always rocky. Some massive boulders hurled down by the land alidc at Monte Cbristi, may be buried in its grarc for a century to come. In l'.'dfl it may afford a country bumpkin pleasant pastime and data for an immense geological work, to calculate how many ages before the birth of creation, did the atoms of that boulder. Gist congregate, and how many ytarait took to grow, and accu- mulate the dirt and gravel above it. When that calculation ia made, it is hoped the cditoi of the twentieth century may have this copy of tlic Nevada National by him. Sing ye Geological Editors •* A slone to me a K ngUom is." Boertiar.—Mr William Barlow, was rob- bed on Friday evening last, of $17, while on his way from the neighborhood of Allison Ranch to this place. Four men were sitting by the side of the road, two of whom, as he approached arose and demanded his mon- ey, when he promptly delivered epliia purse, but neglected to hand over two twenty dol- lors pieces which he hud carefully stowed away in a breast pocket of his shirt. There is no use saying that worth makes the man. A poor acqTaiutance rr.ys ’.bat In- put on a borrowed suit of broadcloth to ac- company his family to the show, and was suprised to notice how alTub'e hfff acquaint- atr-es all were. The ’next day he entered town in his overalls, and was not known, nor could he obtain credit for a mackerel ! Dkatii Skktkxck.—' The death sentence of Jacob Ellyea. convicted of murder, in the District Court of Stockton, was pronounced on tbc 21st inst. The prisoner was senten- ced to be Gauged ou Friday the 3d of June <T \)t 111 chib:i D;ilion;il. RUFUS SUOEMAKKK. Eimtor. UHAHH VAI.I.KV. I. .JO. A»J K\ T s . fcv»v A |.ovr*il:" i* •'« »*m1! -«il .\r»*ttl 6r i i nerniii»nto. II** may !»** found tit ».T J *t \f?t. A PRANK mir < !•• A?«*nt in Sat rrafltWa. Ifol-* i , »np»»w**r«*d 1u iwuc n-l\«'rti»<* »n*nt*. and r-cvipt f*»r tin* lit* may 1>** found •it to Mm chant -»tr«*'t, up .%»■ -. AuKW—11**nry K-«j . nt 11««* n. «• of f'rwwn ft I <i h fx|te-* Main J*tr»»t N«-\anIa i* om iMttliori/i*<1 n tra*lit at Nrta-la t’itr. All ad\riti*'* ntrtita Irfl with Mr. Murkic will rrwnr pi.-inpt at Imtoii fr< in u«. l»v-.il A>lv«*rti»«‘iiiMit will ion* turned by Mr. \larkir, nitli proof of puhlii-atipu a* M*»n *i finblirntion expire* KIR PBESIIIEXT (IK Till: I . STATES, DAN’L S. DICKINSON Ol ISra York. Fill! HIE PBESIIIEXT, JAMES S. GREEN, Of .tliiMiiiri. Huhjwt to tin* imminaliunn of llu* rvniocratic Na- tional Comt’iitiMii. 't Sf democratic Ci-ntml Committee, of Nevada Countt. is r><|,n-st<1 to meet at tIt** Conrt Ilouae. in Nevada, on Salnrdiiy t it tldtS i:T*f.,nl o'clock. 1*. M. Wa. Watt, Cliuicman. JHT~ Mr*. Cowan, of the Ann 'fa Home, presented as wish one rf thd prctlir.'t calfes nc Hove tiif itiitl ey:s ch V.’li il . mare, its berity was'equalled by its delicionsnuss. A Lottie of sparkling ebampaigne aceompa- nied tlic cuke, from wlitcii we drnnk the health of Steve and Mrs. Cow an ami the An rrra House generally—omitting only that of the boarders, (if \vc know they do well enough, with Mrs C. for the hostess. If any lady in this country eali beat the cake sent us by Mrs. C., we will lie glad to give a fair show, in the way of passing judgment. Fin An kid. It is authoritatively announ- ced by some of ‘.ho opposition journals, that the gallant and benevolent Hroderick," the friend of the seventeen poor fatherless, help- less children ‘‘ will take the field during lb" approaching campaign, and challenge Sena- tor Gain to .oeet him in wordy combat" We understand that the challenge will, in its terms, probably defy Senator Gain to meet the eager David, on trrry itunip friitDU A'urle tu San hitfio. A Portuguese miner was lynched by sun- dry citizens, ch the South Fork of Scott river, Siskiyou county,on Sunday, 10th inst for slandering a woman. He received one hundred lashes. *9'ily the late Overland mail arc have tin- most heartrending accounts ot the suf- fering and death of many of the daring ad- venturers on the Plains.' Eleven men are repot ted to have perished from cold between Salt f.uke and the South Pass. All along the route, the stiflenend corpses of the an fortunate wayfarer told the sad story of des- olation and deaths A man named Russell w as ten days in the snow between Ilig moun tain and Welter creek ; when he crawled to the station, b>-legs were mortified and al- most ready to drop off. lie lingered a few days and died Judge Cradlebnugh will h avc on the 1st of May for Carson Valley. The judge talked some rough truths to the saints at Salt Lake for which he received their vilest curses. Mr. Moses St Johns, war seriously injured at Gold Hill above Nevada an Monday last. Ho was at work in a narrow cut, v.hcn'a boul- der becoming detached from the bank, foil against his leg, crushing it in such a manner that amputation was neccessary. Mr. St Johns was from this place, having left here only the day previous to work as above. ,-W Mrs. Estelle l’otlcr McDonald is an nouuced to ap|>ear on the stage at Marys- ville, next Monday evening. jE-d' 1 lie County Supervisors meet on Monday next, May Jd, to transact county business. NEW TO-DAY. GIFT BsriyajmnsrinasMP. Hamilton theater, Saturday Evening, May 28, I8.'»9 SCHENOK GLASS Kewoect fully annonnif* to the Public that l»e ’'ill give a magnifier:*! Rift Entertainment at llic Inn# ami place ab*»\e mentioned. Tin* I'riin con»»i*t of A Splendid Pojc Wood Piano. And FINE n ATTIIKS and JEWELRY, .1 full an I complete Hat of which mill l*o published in a few •lava. The Piano can lx* *een at !!«• office of Well*, Fargo A Co., Craws Valle)*, ami the Jewelry at Biy Store. A*-Ticket* of a.lmi* ion ONE DOLLAR EACH, will entitle the holder to a chance for a prize. mamma GF/mnF. s. PIERCE A. U. PHF.IJ'S Proprietor. Stage Manager. Tlie I*roprietor take* pleasure in iufortuing the resident.* of Ora** Valley, that on MONDAY EVEN’6, MAY 2ml. niK m.«nxuui‘HKD tracemax MR. JAMES ANDERSON. An.l Hie Papular TRARKI'IKNNKand CUUMEHIKXF MISS FANNY MORANT Will anpeacV. on MONDAY EVENING next, in Shakos pear's Great Tragedy «.»f II AM LET HAMLET MR JAMES ANDKESOV. Elliot. . .J. II. Warwick. King Mi. Mavo la-nrte*. .Lr A. I*. Plielp*. Iloratio ...... Mr. Bray Peloniu*.. .Mr. Hamilton. 1*1 Crave logger.. laveit ifndCrave Digger.. Vcnua 0**>l Mr. Clifton. Mnrcelhift Mr Tarlor. OPHELIA MISS FANNY MoRANT tjiicvn Gertrude MrsW. II. Ifamllton PlayertfactD Mr* Sheppard. In mn-equenee of the great length of tha Tragedy it will •ou-titute the entire performance ON TUESDAY EVENING, Will he presented Schiller'* lireat I‘lay of THE ROGERS, ch aiu.es I*K. Moon MU andebsov. AMELIA MISS FANNY MORANT ADMISSION MVK DOLLAR gn'The Itiix nfllrf will he open on lloNIIAV. at nine oelock. A. M. when M-at* can ••«* ■•••■nro!. Seat* pecired will n**t la* re*er\e.| after H o'clock. |loon *:*«•.! «t 7 o'clock—Curtain ri-ew at 3 PACIFIC MAIL S. S. COMPANY’S FINK. FO |*A\ \ f| 1 -C< :ir -?<d ' ; .i Pannina 1 1.-» i I -_ I read with ;h*- rtf aiu i -t tlie I nilnl Water Mail •te.uH»hip Co Ipiio at A'l inwall, tor Nl.W YORK and NEW ORLEANS Tire Only Ih li ihie anil Mnfr lloiitr. I KPAUTCUE IT.nM KoL-*o.Yl sriiElT WllA“V Thu magnificent steamship GATL, Will leave F«l*oin **reet wharf with tl»»* I* S Mail* Pn**engers and Tieanurr, for PANAMA v ou I III ICHllA\, *IAY 2f>*. 1HA» Al O o'cloi k, A M„ l*asiaetnnlly« Passenger* |»v the P M. S S. f’u line are Liiiilal on their arrival at Panama upon tin* wltarf at tin IUiToadtenninuw.br the Coni puny * Strain lerrv, Hoat. and are trnn*l«orted hy the Panama Railroad (01111*11 v immediately A crowa thu |al!«m 11 **, in Aapiuu nil. Where the atcainer* of the ? I . S. Mall S. S Co. are ex - pert'*d to ho in miliOTM tO c my them ty New York nr New Ur Irani The Panatn Railroad Cuinpany mol the I* Mail Steamship ConiiMtiy liaw authorised Agent* to *ell their Ticket*, if dc»ire«! by holder* nf I’aeifir Tirket**. TreaMire fur ehipmen; will he Teeivnt on hoard, the steamer uutil 12o*clock. midnight. Tuesday. Apti’ IMh. No niercH«ndi.*e freight will l*e received on boar* after thr o clock P % M Tuesday April IVth. and a writt.11 order luuct he |*r«cure»l at the ofllce fur Ita shipment. lor freight nr pa**age apply to FORRES #e HoPUtH K*. Agent*. Corner Sacramento aud Uidrelorlf afreet". nJO td s»u Franciwco For New Orleans V I A TB II VA N T E PEI’. 49* TICKETS FROM **AN FRANCISCO to the aneli 11 rage at Ventoaa will he sold hy the Pacific Mail Steamship CYwnanv. I*a**enger* will l>** tran«ferre«I at Acapulco fr hi the Meaimhip Holden Hate to the wteamer Oregon, and taken thence to Yento**. T*lc Tehuantepec Coiopnny will forward paawenger* Iroui Yentuaa to New Orleans. FORUKS k BABCOCK. Agent*. 0. 11. V. WHITE & CO-,- Forwarding Merchants, The ouly regularly established Forwarding House in the City. All gomlw cent to my rare at Sacratpento will 1* promptlv attended to and upeedily f*>r warded t<» tlm proper liiealitiea in the interior. a*Al at the lowe.-t --•e of Freight aud Cuhimifidon. have a thorough EIRE PROOF 111 |I4UN<» in ieh to Store ail G«*«hIii eoa>igned to *ny care, iph we mly not be aide to Eo. war»l <0 the day •y arrive, and no charge made f«*r Storage. Iv ofllce 1* imrf>e«liate: rp|a»- *0 the Steambnat *1 ntr and Railroad iw-tM.t, at the \Vhole»ale t»r*»- V Store of P .1 BROGAN rfCO A‘J Front Sired •ran»et;1o. between K and h. fiivc me a evil 7 If II P WIIITS. A. S. IIALLIDIE &. CO., 2 XT tnIII HOPK MAIUVAV. TI’BKBN. 1ia.c Hop., are ui>« Mten»i»etjr ill u»< - .taudiliK ltiSKi‘'I. f” r *" J C“ rr *‘ •a, auch aa kkoi'12* riKKP shafts, rtntRY Rorrs ICKUUYft, rl'MI-RIH't-s, .-I.Dl’tS, tr rlLaiar, atronger, more 'lurahle. an'l tlor -mt le** weight than Hempen Rope, aud uii l hv atmospheric < h:inge* . _ . . Suapenaion Bridge and Suhmanoe Telegrapt. and patent Topper aud Iron Wire Cord lo» iSaabet, Pictures, Chanda tier*. Ac T <1 BRADFORD, A S HAII.IDIE I lluCDCO, Cal , ISj? liht

MR. JAMES ANDERSON. · 2019. 3. 15. · the death through carelessnessof Joseph Holster und11.S. Ostrander. Ilrtickru Iiiilittu'*. Wc are imformtd lyMr. Jellison. w lio lives < n

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    With tliin issue of the Neruda A'ationalthe inrtn«11 !i ofbeam til 1 - f«et. ami lor dept I*of l old IV* fn t. h!i • lias a lwarn engine of-mnewl at peculiar construction, I lie diainc-s»*r of w!j"«o cylinder is >’» inch' a, withtwehc f* et of Miokc. The 1 oiler? constitutet!ir> chi« f p uliaritr, Tiny are each 10feet in 1* ngtl:. ni l are fitted tip with furnnc s. at each end, ti e smoko funnel ascend-iiil'fii in ti e rioter. J*y tl is i rrai g< mentit i.- claimed that iconotny in bolly-pace andfuel i- gain'd. and the truth of the proposiition is pretty cbaily proved so far as reCards space. The steerage i* fitted up withaccommodat’ons for six hundred prssengers*The berths uie furnhhid with m at mattres-ses and pillow? the latter rendered l if- pre-serving ly means of nn impermeable cot-ton felting. Particular attention i.; devo-ted to the ventilation of the ship. Twelve-inch ports open into the ctihin. preserving acomplete circul *t ; *r of air. and affordingeligible opportunitiesfor the escape of feverplagues. and the nuisance « that donflict emi-grants so %or« ly. Ttie saloon* are pantudlidin res**, satin and wood : upholsteredin crimson and gold plush and rich hangings ; gilded with taste ; adorned with milrors and furnished with the newest appliancefor the plmsnres of the table. Above eachtable is suspended a lamp of new construelion, fixed upon a ball nnd socket joint, ?oas to preserve it- perpendicular at all times.The Cold* n Age was much praised at Liver-pool Hid London wll.li she visited thosep» rts and she has done much to raise foreignesfimul ; on of American ship building. kGVn-fon'it I.iHi of liitt/c fftifs.

    tion of Sickles. The President is said to bea warm personal friend of the latter andholds the pardoning power. The Cabinet,with only one exception indorses the courseof Sickles. Therefore it may be safely con-cluded that if convicted the prisoner will bepardon 1.

    itipc strawberries nave made their ap-pearance at Napa. \Vc believe they arc thefirst of the season.

    TWOhnttdfl i votes WOTSosst at tht Demo-crat!'- uriinary election held in Stockton onThursday.

    The Cras9 Valley auti-cursing club, metand made an appropriation of part of theirfunds. The club bought a pew in the Con-gregational church; and intend to contributeto n painting with the balance.—.W-eada.Vationai.

    The alhvr ira rrnvcl way to raise fundsto purchase church pews. Every memberof the club is lined twenty-five cents everytime be utters an outh. The plan is a goodone. and seems to thrive ; if such a clubwas got up in Napa, and the fine imposedfor every drunk, they would soon be ableto buy a cbiircbful of pews, and add conside-rable to their respectability. - A o/ear on the stage at Marys-ville, next Monday evening.

    jE-d' 1 lie County Supervisors meet onMonday next, May Jd, to transact countybusiness.


    BsriyajmnsrinasMP.Hamilton theater,

    Saturday Evening, May 28, I8.'»9SCHENOK GLASS

    Kewoect fully annonnif* to the Public that l»e ’'illgive a magnifier:*! Rift Entertainment at llic Inn#ami place ab*»\e mentioned.

    Tin* I'riin con»»i*t ofA Splendid Pojc Wood Piano.

    And FINE n ATTIIKS and JEWELRY, .1 full an Icomplete Hat of which mill l*o published in a few•lava. The Piano can lx* *een at !!«• office of Well*,Fargo A Co., Craws Valle)*, ami the Jewelry at BiyStore.

    A*-Ticket* of a.lmi* ion ONE DOLLAR EACH,will entitle the holder to a chance for a prize.

    mammaGF/mnF. s. PIERCEA. U. PHF.IJ'S

    Proprietor.Stage Manager.

    Tlie I*roprietor take* pleasure in iufortuing theresident.* of Ora** Valley, that on

    MONDAY EVEN’6, MAY 2ml.niK m.«nxuui‘HKDtracemax


    MISS FANNY MORANTWill anpeacV. on MONDAY EVENING next, in

    Shakospear's Great Tragedy «.»f


    Elliot. . .J. II. Warwick. King Mi. Mavola-nrte*. .Lr A. I*. Plielp*. Iloratio ......Mr. BrayPeloniu*.. .Mr. Hamilton. 1*1 Crave logger.. laveitifndCrave Digger.. Vcnua 0**>l Mr. Clifton.Mnrcelhift Mr Tarlor.

    OPHELIA MISS FANNY MoRANTtjiicvn Gertrude MrsW. II. IfamlltonPlayertfactD Mr* Sheppard.

    In mn-equenee of the great length of thaTragedy it will •ou-titute the entire performance

    ON TUESDAY EVENING,Will he presented Schiller'*lireat I‘layof

    THE ROGERS,ch aiu.es I*K. Moon MU andebsov.AMELIA MISS FANNY MORANT

    ADMISSION MVK DOLLARgn'The Itiix nfllrf will he open on lloNIIAV. at

    nine oelock. A. M. when M-at* can ••«* ■•••■nro!. Seat*pecired will n**t la* re*er\e.| after H o'clock.

    |loon *:*«•.! «t 7 o'clock—Curtain ri-ew at 3


    FO |*A\ \ f| 1 -C< :ir -?*. 1HA»Al O o'cloi k, A M„ l*asiaetnnlly«

    Passenger* |»v the P M. S S. f’u « line are Liiiilalon their arrival at Panama upon tin* wltarf at tinIUiToadtenninuw.br the Conipuny * Strain lerrv,Hoat. and are trnn*l«orted hy the Panama Railroad(01111*11v immediately

    Acrowa thu |al!«m 11 **, in Aapiuu nil.

    Where the atcainer* of the? I . S. Mall S. S Co.are ex -

    pert'*d to ho in miliOTMtOc my them ty New York nr New Ur Irani

    The Panatn • Railroad Cuinpany mol the I* MailSteamship ConiiMtiy liaw authorised Agent* to *elltheir Ticket*, if dc»ire«! by holder* nf I’aeifir Tirket**.

    TreaMire fur ehipmen; will he Teeivnt on hoard,the steamer uutil 12o*clock. midnight. Tuesday. Apti’IMh.

    No niercH«ndi.*e freight will l*e received on boar*after thr o clock P % M Tuesday April IVth. and awritt.11 order luuct he |*r«cure»l at the ofllce fur Itashipment.

    lor freight nr pa**age apply toFORRES #e HoPUtH K*. Agent*.

    Corner Sacramento aud Uidrelorlf afreet".nJO td s»u Franciwco

    For New OrleansV I A TB II V A N T E PEI’.

    49* TICKETS FROM **AN FRANCISCO to the aneli11rage at Ventoaa will he sold hy the Pacific MailSteamship CYwnanv. I*a**enger* will l>** tran«ferre«Iat Acapulco fr hi the Meaimhip Holden Hate to thewteamer Oregon, and taken thence to Yento**.

    T*lc Tehuantepec Coiopnny will forward paawenger*Iroui Yentuaa to New Orleans.

    FORUKS k BABCOCK. Agent*.

    0. 11. V. WHITE & CO-,-Forwarding Merchants,

    The ouly regularly established ForwardingHouse in the City.

    All gomlw cent to my rare at Sacratpento will 1*promptlv attended to and upeedily f*>r warded t« Mten»i»etjr ill u»