Ladies and gentleman, I am eleven time world champion, Nature Boy, Ric Flair. Today, you have got to Fix These Slides. My instructions are in red. Delete this text box and add your name and partner’s name under the title. Mr. Flamm – I Fixed It!

Mr. Flamm – I Fixed It!

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Mr. Flamm – I Fixed It!. Ladies and gentleman, I am eleven time world champion, Nature Boy, Ric Flair. Today, you have got to Fix These Slides. My instructions are in red. Delete this text box and add your name and partner’s name under the title. Analogy. This slide is pretty good! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Mr. Flamm – I Fixed It!

Ladies and gentleman, I am eleven time world

champion, Nature Boy, Ric Flair. Today, you have got

to Fix These Slides.My instructions are in red.

Delete this text box and add your name and

partner’s name under the title.

Mr. Flamm – I Fixed It!

Page 2: Mr. Flamm – I Fixed It!

An analogy is a literary device that helps to establish a relationship based on similarities between two concepts or ideas.

Dwayne Wade is like a lion and Lefraud James is like a weasel.

AnalogyThis slide is pretty good!

All you have to do is delete my picture and

this text oval.

Page 3: Mr. Flamm – I Fixed It!

WHY? O They did it because, they were sick and

tired of Union of Great Britain and the Colonies trying to take over their country.

O And they also did it because, also the other colonies voices were defensive of colonial rights, but pretty evenly divided between those who sought legislative parity, and the more radical members who were prepared for separation.

O And last it was agreeable to all that the King and Parliament must be made to understand the grievances of the colonies .

This slide is just %&$#damned awful!

There is WAY too much text.

Fix this slide by just focusing on one or two

points from the first bullet. Delete the rest

(and my picture and this text box).

Then, find and include an image

that relates better to the


Page 4: Mr. Flamm – I Fixed It!

Elude• To escape from or avoid somebody or

something by cunning, skill, or resourcefulness.

• Sentence: It is easy to elude unsuspecting people.

This slide hurts my eyes!

Why is the font on this slide so ugly, un-readable,

inappropriate, and just plain #%^&ing ugly?!!?

Fix the font – and please fix the background color!?!

Page 5: Mr. Flamm – I Fixed It!


The killing of a large number of people.

The terries messed up the Twin Towers when the hit

The towers.

Fix this %#^& slide!!!

I don’t know what the @%#& is going on with it. I can’t read

it well, and the image is pixelated.

Fix the errors and make the text readable by placing it against a background, or

under the image (and make it bigger).

Page 6: Mr. Flamm – I Fixed It!

defraud to cheat; to gain something dishonestly,

as through a lie, deception, or confidence game

‘’stop being defraud men and woman pleases’’

What is this slide trying to

communicate? The language is bizarre,

and the text is unclear.

Fix the text, image, and title.

Page 7: Mr. Flamm – I Fixed It!

KIDNAPPING OF HELEN Paris traveled to Sparta because

Aphrodite had promised him the most beautiful woman in the world after he proclaimed her the "fairest" goddess. When Paris saw Helen, he knew that Aphrodite had kept her promise.Paris took Helen back to Troy. Some stories say Helen went willingly, seduced by Paris's charms. Others claim that Paris kidnapped her and took her by force.

Choose a smaller portion of text from this slide, and create a different slide with images

that relate to the text.

Change the layout, also.

Page 8: Mr. Flamm – I Fixed It!

Now, delete this text box, and email Mr. Flamm this


You Fixed It!