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  • 8/11/2019 MP - asm mu (1).docx


    Managing ProjectsProject management for VobienLtd. and IBEK Ltd.

    Individual Assignment Report - I!""#

    By Nguyen Hai Khanh MyStudent ID: 119163906

    International School of Management andEconomics

    National Economics University

    Hanoi !cto"er #01#

  • 8/11/2019 MP - asm mu (1).docx


    Table of Contents

    TASK 1: the case of Vobien Ltd....................................................................................................2

    1. The network diagram using activity on the node..................................................................2

    2. The timing of activities and total float..................................................................................5

    a. The forward pass...............................................................................................................5

    b. The backward pass............................................................................................................5

    c. The float............................................................................................................................6

    3. The project duration and critical path...................................................................................6

    . The project earliest completion date.....................................................................................6

    5. !hange in activities" duration and its effect on project.........................................................6

    6. The limitations of network diagram.....................................................................................#


    %ppendi& 1.1................................................................................................................................$

    %ppendi& 1.2................................................................................................................................'

    TASK 2: the case of IBEK Ltd....................................................................................................11

    (&ecutive )ummary...................................................................................................................11

    *ajor +indings...........................................................................................................................11

    1. ,roject objectives............................................................................................................112. +easibility study..............................................................................................................11

    3. The ,roject -ife !ycle ,-!/.........................................................................................12

    . ,roject manager skills and competencies.......................................................................1#



    %ppendi& 2.1..............................................................................................................................1'

    %ppendi& 2.2..............................................................................................................................20

    %ppendi& 2.3..............................................................................................................................21

    %ppendi& 2...............................................................................................................................22

    %ppendi& 2.5..............................................................................................................................23




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    TASK 1

    The case of Vobien Ltd.

    This part will present one of different tools used in project planning and control 4 the network

    diagram and its details of activities timing floats duration as well as the critical path. There will

    also be some e&amples of analying the effect on the whole project duration. n the other hand

    limitations of this tool are also given.

    1. The net"o#$ dia%#a& 'sin% acti(it) on the node


    EST (arliest start time

    E!T (arliest finish time

    LST -atest start time

    L!T -atest finish time

    8on9critical path

    !ritical path



    Acti(it) Identifie#

    ES D'#ation E!T

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    Figure: Vobien Ltd. Project Network diagra


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    2. The ti&in% of acti(ities and total float

    a. The fo#"a#d *ass

    +orward pass must be the first to accomplish. The start time is ero. The formula for forward pass

    calculations is

    EST = EFT of preceding activity

    EFT = EST + activity duration

    +or e&ample the ()T of activity ! is e:ual to (+T of its preceding activity / which is #.

    %ctivity !"s earliest finish time will be # plus # its duration/ are 1. ;hen there is more than one

    task start at the same time means that have the same ()T/ the following activity"s ()T e:ual to

    the highest of preceding (+T. n the diagram < has four preceding activities = > ?/ and =

    has the highest value of (+T is 26. Therefore the ()T of < is 26.

    b. The bac$"a#d *ass

    t starts the calculations at the last activity in the network and working backward subtracting

    the succeeding duration of an activity from the calculated ()T of the activity.

    LST = LFT activity duration

    LFT= LSTof next activity

    ;hen multiple activities converge previous activity"s -+T e:uals to the lowest of succeeding

    -)T times. (&ample %ctivity 8 has two successors @ and ,/. The -)T of @ is lower than ,

    0A2/ hence the -+T of 8 is 0.

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    c. The float

    t is the amount of time that an activity can delay without affecting the whole project.

    Float= LFT EST activity duration = LFT EFT

    (&ample The float of activity , B 5 4 0 4 2 B 5 4 2 B 3 days/

    The project float is presented in a tabular please see %ppendi& 1.1/.

    +. The *#o,ect d'#ation and c#itical *ath

    CProject duration is te elapsed ti!e fro! project start date troug to project finis dateD

    "ide!an 2002/. n this case the project starts from activity % and ends at activity E. The

    duration of this project is actually the latest finish time of E which is 50 days.

    #Te critical pat is defined as te series of activities tat ave $ero float% Te critical pat

    al&ays runs troug te project fro! te first activity to te last activity% 'ctivities &it $ero float

    are on critical pat( urke 2003/. >ence the critical path in this network is A-B-C-!--K-L-


    . The *#o,ect ea#liest co&*letion date

    The project needs 50 days to complete therefore with 5 days work a week no holidays/ it will

    take 10 weeks in total. f the project starts on *onday +ebruary 2013 the earliest date they can

    finish it is +riday 12 %pril 2013 please see %ppendi& 1.2 for =antt chart and the calendar/.

    3. Chan%e in acti(ities4 d'#ation and its effect on *#o,ect

    a. %ctivity ( is delayed 1 day


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    t will not affectto the whole project because activity ( has 2 days of float more than 1 day

    delayed/ and it is not on the critical path.

    b. %ctivity , is delayed 1 day

    , also has 3 days float and not be in the critical path hence this delaying will not affectto the

    project"s duration.

    c. %ctivity F is completed 1 day early

    %ctivity F is on the critical path of this project with no float then if F completes 1 day earlier the

    entire project also will finish 1 day earlier.

    5. The li&itations of net"o#$ dia%#a&

    ,eople may attach special important to the critical path hence controlling the balance of project"s

    time may not fle&ible and effective.

    n fact the network diagram only can state the time without covering other resources such as

    skills human finance etc. which are important as well to have a good project planning.

    f the project is huge with a lot of comple& tasks it will be a big difficulty for the project manager

    to plan and control it well. esides other people also may not fully understand the diagram.

    ,roject manager may make mistake by calculating wrongly the precedence and durations or

    prone to underestimate time for activities which leads to behind schedule and costs are much


    )"ord count: ** &ords,


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    A**endi6 1.1

    Total float and project float for each activity are calculated as below

    Acti%it& Tota' f'oat

    % 0


    ! 0

    G 5

    ( 2

    + 0

    = 0

    > 6


    ? 6

    < 0

    - 0

    * 0

    8 0

    @ 0

    , 3

    F 0

    E 0

    Project f'oat 27


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    A**endi6 1.2

    n 2013 +ebruary has only 2$ days. +ollowing is the timing of the process

    8ee$ /onda) T'esda) 8ednesda) Th'#sda) !#ida)

    Fe-ruary ./0

    1 start/ 5 6 # $

    2 11 12 13 1 15

    3 1$ 1' 20 21 22

    25 26 2# 2$

    1arc ./0

    5 5 6 # $

    6 11 12 16 1 15

    # 1$ 1' 20 21 22

    $ 25 26 2# 2$ 2'

    'pril ./0

    ' 1 2 3 5

    10 $ ' 10 11 12 finish/

    ,roject ()T B 50 days B 10 H 59day9work weeks B !#ida)9 12 A*#il 21+

    Iobien project"s =antt chart


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    !ritical path8on9critical path


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    TASK (

    The case of #)!K Ltd.

    E6ec'ti(e S'&&a#)

    (< -td. is a company specialiing in supplying of specialist auto parts to motor industry. Their

    area served includes regional national and international. !urrently the company trades from a

    single main warehouse 4 also includes office accommodation with the area of 25000 mJ. %s a

    part of e&pansion strategy they make a decision to open a new building with the same structure as

    the current one. n order to be successful the company needs a precise project with good

    management. This report will present a detail plan and management for this project covers and


    The four phases of the project life cycle.

    ,rocesses leadership administration and control problems associated with managing the


    /a,o# !indin%s

    1. P#o,ect ob,ecti(es

    n this case the company wants to concentrate serve their large global organiation with a larger

    area of 35000 mJ. The project needs to be ensured to open on time and within budget as well.

    2. !easibilit) st'd)

    C' feasi-ility study is designed to provide an overvie& of te pri!ary issues related to a -usiness

    idea% Te purpose is to identify any #!a2e or -rea2( issues tat &ould prevent your -usiness

    fro! -eing successful in te !ar2etplace% 3n oter &ords4 a feasi-ility study deter!ines &eter


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    te -usiness idea !a2es senseD K;!! chapter 5/. %s in the scenario the company has been

    successful since 200# means that they already have the good foundation e&perience and skills.

    *oreover they already ac:uired the building and had the plan to apply the old structure so they

    did have the technical e&pertise to accomplish the project. ecause the company has a new target

    consumer of the global organiations therefore assume that this new building is place in another

    country. They want to be also successful in international environment. Thus the project is :uite

    realistic and possible to implement.

    +. The P#o,ect Life C)cle ;PLCowever this report will use the four phase from urke 2003/ C a four pase

    life cycle tat passes troug four pase eadings: concept and initiation pase4 design pase

    and develop!ent pase4 i!ple!entation and co!!ission and andover paseD.

    a. Conce*t o# Initiation Phase

    !ost 4 benefits analysis

    C5ost and -enefits analysis !eans tat identifying4 specifying and evaluating te costs and te

    -enefits of te proposal over its projected lifeti!eD 9 +ield and

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    %ppointing project team

    The project in order to success needs a good team with high spirit of responsibility and

    corporation. ;orking as a team will support each person in technical issues and improve the

    ability of solving a problem. ,eople share works and skills would get the task done faster and

    more efficient. n this case the project team of (< initially has a clearly understanding of the

    project objectives and goals. (ach member also has to have right knowledge skill technic and

    e&perience in organiing. +urthermore the good communication and negotiation are very

    important as well. )pecially each person must have trust from other members.

    b. Desi%n o# De(elo*&ent Phase

    uilding design

    %lthough (< has decided to apply their old structure the new building is :uite much larger. )o

    the company can think of which function they should e&pand is that the office the warehouse or

    bothM %ssuming that (< choose to increase the area used for storage to increase the supply

    volume for their large global organiations and keep the office area the same. >ence the

    company may need more warehouse staffs. To have a general idea and manage the whole project

    processes the team needs to provide a ;ork reakdown )tructure ;)/. t is Cte &or2 of a

    project is divided and su- divided for !anage!ent and control purposesD Eodney Turner 1''3/.

    The ;) for (< has five stages which is the structure application development evaluation

    and review finaliing the building and organiing people please see %ppendi& 2.3/



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    Se6uencing tas2s ased on the major steps in ;) the project team will determine the

    estimated duration and the resources need. %fter that the timing of start and end is calculated. The

    =antt chart is the clearest way to state the project"s duration please see %ppendi& 2./.

    Ti!e !anage!ent To control and monitor the time spent for each task the manager has to record

    the actual used time of the activities from that if there is any changes he can clarify and update

    all timing of activities hence responding :uickly and make right decisions. *oreover some

    strategies will be given out to avoid the delay as well.


    Total project budget is the aggregation of costs e&penditures and overheads allocated to the

    project. ecause (< is a motor industry supplier company they have cash in hand therefore

    the fund to do this project is available in the business. %ccording to ?oseph ,hillips 2010/ there

    are three ways to estimate the project budget ballpark estimate budget estimate top9down/ and

    definitive estimate bottom9up/. %t first team should consider the b'd%et esti&atemethod which

    using e&perience from a similar project and then apply to their current case. %fter that they can

    use the definiti(e esti&ateway this method is more accurate because its calculation based on the

    ;) of the project.

    Eisk management

    Eisks always lengthen times increase costs and reduce the outcome of delivery. The risk

    planning is important because it helps us to avoid or reduce those bad affects. %ccording to +ield


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    The risks that (< project could face up with can be

    *isk T&+e of risk *es+onse

    !onflict between teammembers


    Eeducing by develop and

    maintain a good relationshipwith team members create


    The client company suddenly

    changes their objectivesLgoalsKncontrollable

    %ccept the risk change the

    plan and schedule if possible/

    The key member sub9

    manager/ :uit off the project

    because of health problem

    !ontrollable @utsource recruitment

    (lectrical leakageLfire KncontrollableTransferring the risk to other

    by taking fire insurance

    @ver the budget !ontrollableEeducing the scope of project

    ask for more funds

    8atural disasters +orce majeure%ccept the risk and get over

    the damages

    c. I&*le&entation Phase

    @rganiing team

    This is a large project (< can allocates 1 project manager 1 assistant manager 1 human

    resource manager 1 financial manager 1 office administration 1 warehouse administration 2

    staffs from the company itself and other contracted labors. The first important is to organie the

    information. The detail of planning schedule etc. has to impart to everyone in the team. t must

    be clear and the project manager must ensure all members understand it. This is to avoid

    misunderstanding leads to faults and delaying. +urthermore the team can create ownership and


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    responsibility through good working condition and motivation both monetary and non9

    monetary/ it increase the working perform and efficiency outcome of the project team.

    %ssigning works

    n this period the project manager will give out specific tasks and assignments to all members.

    The given tasks are based on the ability and position of each person. (veryone has to receive all

    related documents like schedules procedures checklist and budgets. The member will be

    responsible for the duties and will be supervised by the project manager. y that during the

    process if the project manager sees any person tend to follow a wrong direction he can :uickly

    give advice and get the problem fi&ed.

    ,lanning changes

    %ny project has une&pected problem big or less hence he team also needs plan to react. t could

    be changes in time people resources or even changes in the client"s decision (< !ompany/.

    ;hen there is a sudden change in project the project manager has to gather all plan and consider

    if it make big influence or not and if he needs to change anything in the current plan and


    d. Co&&issionin% Phases

    The project needs evaluation and review to provide feedback to help every member focusing and

    achieve the project objectives. To evaluate project the manager will use review method through

    organie daily meeting in the team. n the meeting the manager will collect data and report from

    team members.

    efore the project can close it must be re9checked and accepted by the client 4 (< !ompany.

    %ll the documents is completed and signed offN relieving labors and resourcesN informing and


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    disclosing warehouse to stakeholders "eiss and "ysoc2i4 0778./ %ccording to Spirer 1'$3/

    project closure should be concern as a small plan which also has problems itself in aspects of

    emotion for project staffs clients and intellection for internal e&ternal organiations. This will

    help to maintain the outcome of the new building and develop trust for every stakeholder of

    business in the future.

    . P#o,ect &ana%e# s$ills and co&*etencies

    The project manager involves the project from the beginning steps. %ccording to Field and 9eller

    2005/ he with the supporting of an assistant firstly starts with the identification of objectives

    planning the flow of activities step9by9step and estimating how much time resources what skills

    needed to complete the project. The project manager must comprehensively understand all duties

    along with every phases of the ,-! in his specialiation. n order to get the project successful

    this manager also must have necessary personality to leads the whole team. The project manager


    The one create vision transparent objectives communicating persuading influencing

    integrating and leading people having trust from other members.

    % person with outstanding energy levels enthusiastic and challenging the problems.

    The manager also knows how to assess the human resources. >e must choose the team member

    with right knowledge right skills and right attitude. %n intelligent manager will look for the most

    suitable members not the best one. To get success in this project select a good leader with

    suitable style is very importance. The manager"s leadership style will have a big impact to the

    others. -eadership has some different styles such as autocratic bureaucratic charismatic

    democratic laisse9faire and etc. n general the democratic leadership style is the most suitable

    for the current project team. The democratic leader always encourages members to share the


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    ideas opinions and involve as a part of the decision marking. >owever in team process has some

    situation in which the leader should not use democratic style. +or e&ample in the case when the

    time is limit and not allow discussing with members the manager must use autocratic style

    isolated decision/ to make his own decision. esides in any situation if he feels threatened by

    this type of leadership for the team work he can refuse to use democratic style. %part from that

    the project manager usually also has responsible to Creport and liaiseD with different level of

    management from general director clients sponsors to stakeholders and this is when skills of

    using reporting9line is applied.


    This report has been written as a detailed planning for the (< !ompany"s project in order to

    support the project manager and his team. t includes the detailed phases in the project life9cycle

    concurrent with contemporary skills and competencies needed for project manager in controlling


    )"ord count: .4/7 &ords,


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    O Ee:uirements

    analysisO +easibility


    O +unctionalspecification

    O )cenariodevelopment

    O !ost9benefit

    analysisO )et objectives

    O !omparealternatives


    O 3dentify tasks

    O 3dentifycriticalactivities

    O (stimate timeand cost

    O Geterminestaffing

    O Eisk analysis

    O Ialueplanning


    O @rgani6e


    O %ssign work


    O 3ssue change

    ordersO Eeview

    project status

    O Eeport onproject

    O Eeview

    schedule andbudget

    O Fualifying


    O @btain client

    acceptanceO !omplete


    O )ign offO !onduct post


    n auditO *aintenance

    O Ialueassessment


    A**endi6 2.1

    %ccording to "eiss and "ysoc2i1''/ the basic project life9cycle has five stages define

    plan organie e&ecute and close. ecause of large project this 59stage ,-! is

    appropriate precise and easy to manage activities.

    %ccording to ?. ;estlend 2006/ a standard project typically has the following four major

    phases each with its own agenda of tasks and issues/ initiation planning e&ecution

    and closure. Taken together these phases represent the path a project takes from the

    beginning to its end and are generally referred to as the project life cycle.


    (stablish control


    nstall deliverables

    Eecruit staff

    )e:uence tasks

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    A**endi6 2.2

    (&ample for EE 8,I and E@ calculation

    nitial nvestment P0000/

    ,rojected cash flow

    Qear 1 P20000

    Qear 2 P25000

    Qear 3 P15000

    Qear P10000

    Qear 5 P5000

    Total project cashflow P#5000

    EE 33R

    8,I at 5R/ P66$26

    ,ayback ,eriod Qears/ 2.33

    E@ 8,I 4 nvestment/ P26$26

    Source: te igeredico%co!


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    0*en a ne" officeand "a#eho'se


    )tructure application

    *ake the companyname sign

    Eedesigning buildinginferior to suite

    company culture


    1uyingL>iringfurniture5 device5


    Gelivering products towarehouse

    )ecurity and safety(valuation and review

    +inali6ing thebuilding

    @rgani6ing the people



    A**endi6 2.+

    The ;) for (< case


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    A**endi6 2.

    (< project scheduling



    Acti%it& "escri+tion "uration ,da&s-uan

    resource needs


    %*ake the company

    name sign# 2 9


    building inferior to

    suite company


    20 10 %



    furniture device


    30 10

    GGelivering products

    to warehouse0 15

    ( )ecurity and safety 6 5 !G

    ++inaliing the

    building15 10 (

    = Eecruitment 20 $ +

    > Training 60 10 =

    =antt chart


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    A**endi6 2.3


    Source: Sa!ser ;aider P1

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    Source: proteusadvisors%co!


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    1. urke E. 2003/Project 1anage!ent4 Planning and 5ontrol Tecni6ues% ?ohn ;iley and


    2. +ield *. and arold ?. 1'$5/ uilding Aour usiness Plan. 8ew Qork ?ohn ;iley S



    1. )hamsher >aider 200$/Bis2 Besponse Planning Strategies. %vailable at

    httpLLerppm.blogspot.comL200$L0#Lrisk9response9planning9strategies.html %ccessed 23

    )ep 2012/.

    2.5onducting a Feasi-ility Study4 capter . Kniversity of ;isconsin !enter for

    !ooperatives. %vailable athttpLLwww.uwcc.wisc.eduLmanualLchap5.html%ccessed 1$

    )ep 2012/.

  • 8/11/2019 MP - asm mu (1).docx


    3. Bis2 Besponse 5onsulting. %vailable at

    httpLLwww.proteusadvisors.comL200$0501archive.htm%ccessed 2' )ep 2012/.

    . B@3 5alculator Te!plate for 3T 3nvest!ents Csing NPD4 3BB and Pay-ac2 Period.

    %vailable at httpLLthehigheredcio.comLproductsLroi9calculator9templateL %ccessed 21

    )ep 2012/.

    5. ?e!ocratic leadersip style% %vailable fromhttpLLwww.essortment.comLallLleadershipstylerrn:.htm%ccessed 2# )ep 2012/

    6. -ee Q. 8. Eoland T. )ee Q. -. )eet >. -. 200'/ Trend and callenge of &areouse

    and distri-ution center: uestions > 'ns&ers%%vailable at

    httpLLwelovedcm.blogspot.comL200'L01L:uestion9answer.html%ccessed 15 )ep 2012/.

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