M r VERNON SIGNAL I MT VERNON KY Jan 14 1910 ICall upNo 79Uwhii want to Communi ¬ with SIGNAL 79 0 JouiBVULe 4 NASHVILLE RR Co < > TIME TABLE 22 north v ii 455 pm 24 north 352 am 23south rVi 1144 a n7 2lSputh d v 1219 a m TAS HANDRTJM Agent Phone No S1 Entered at the Mt Vernon Ky Postoffice as secondclass mail matter e PERSONAL Mr D N Williams continues very sickLittle Hazel Myers has been very sick this week J J McCall has taken charge of the Frith Hotel at Biodhead J Fish the clothier and furnish ¬ er was in Louisville this week Mrs H J Mullins who has been sick for about three weeks is bet iterMiss Alza Thompson is with her sister Mrs L R Hughes at Stan fordJohn Renncr and family left Sunday for Oklahoma where they will reside Miss Jalia Reynolds of Maret burg will enter Caldwell College Danville soon Mrs Mary Conn who has been very sick for several weeks is but Tmcle improved i W T Davis has moved his family to the farm he recently pur ¬ chased near Cove Mrs Rosa Nesbitt andniece i Ruth Reppert arg stopping at er houseand Payton Rey tave entered v t I 1g4 4 l ij iYt r t- f T Y sr utof 1 een at Dts out the A sat home for OlFper Adams is here from Ettawah Tenn for a few days with his parents Mn and Mr Rome Adams UH McKinney was up from Pu ¬ laski yesterday Mr McKiney is looking fine and isweHpleased ith bis new home tw I A son of Tom Kirby who came t here the first of the year to enter school and was taken down sick is I Ivery lowand little hope of his re I recovery Mrs Cora White left Saturday Harrisburg 111 where he I l joinher husband Mrs White been visiting her parents Mr i4Mrs Rome Adams G CPrice was in tcfwn IjSSiday and toldus thAi e would t r s Tv v w Vernon but 3t4Jti t1lrn to would remain at IjeVvelkGfeen and Ukc tip his lathers practice cap AoN Bentley who came so neiV dying in Texas frOm ipueu111Oi has recovered suffi ciently to be brought back to Lou ¬ isville He is still in a very seri cus condition and it is feared that he will lose hfs heariugentirely Mrs Anna E I iller will leave this evening Friday loi St Joseph Mo from which rpoint she will ac jciiinnsnv her uncle t Thou W 1lSand aptrtyer friends 00110 pit toouibtrfu Mexico btre Mr mteies in a I n cc 0 tplautat Mr JLifleie- xtuLlu t about iiour weeks I LOCAL Go to KrucgerJs for shoes v New Stock ofiRubbers for every ¬ body at J Fishs F Krueger carries a lull line of beautiful neckties For extra large caskets see GEO OWENS The two ear old child of Jim Kuby died Sunday A small child of Emery Cot tongim of Pine Hill died Monday night 4 Oscar Wallen will put groceries in one sideof Dr S C Davis drug store Browns Comedy Co will give an entire chn e of play each night commencing tonight with Uncle Josh Get your Rubber Boots at Fishs and you will get the best He sells the Ball Band all branded First Quality If you need comforts and blankets now is the time to get them All grades go at a big reduction I B S MCKENZIE CO Special School Matinee atcourt house Saturday afternoon at 230 By Browns Comedy Co All school scholars 10 cts All others 20 cts to matinee W N Thompson who lives on the Redd place near town drove over to Lancester first of the week with a wagon load of Tobacco aid sold it for 15706 and Jack Hy singer sold his tobacco crop of i34 acres for196oo- Rd Mullins and Emmet Burton were in Stanford Monday with 60 head of cattle which they disposed of from 254 to 5cts per lb Thete were about 800 head on the marKet 54 being the best price Mules were in good demand MERCHANTS Would like to have the addiess of every merchant in Rockcastle county Especially those who are interested in prices on hay com flour meal feed and bhipstuff Write for prices and give shipping pntTAs P SHELBY ju r In nr Ks- SINcrwroNCTARK Miss Helen Earnest Clark fer Orlando last eton is a popular L blic Schools of 5 a daughter of Mr ton of the Orlando lr Clark is a son jbf k of Madison County L live tor a while near Mc in the Eastern part of this Here wishing them sue appinessI HAHN Miss Jalia Brown rJbert Hahn were married- ay at the home of the bride edom this county Rev Pike rohead officiating Miss Brown- a daughter of Mr Gto Brown and one among Rockcastles pretti ¬ est young women Mr Hahn is the youngest son of Mr and Mrs Fred Hahn who have lived near Freedom for a number of years but recently moved to Crab Orchard This young couple will leave in two or three weeks forFt Wayne Ind to locate The SIGNAL and a host of friends wish them a long and happy marriedlife The writer had the privilege of attending Tuesday evening the de bate between Edd Long of the Latter Day Saints and Rev oberts of the Christian Church now being held at Brodhead This debate con sists of a series of twelve debates Last week Rev Roberts took the affirmative establishing the Chris ¬ tian as the trte Church Eld Long denied this week Long has the af ¬ firmative attempting to establish the Later Day Saints and Joseph Smith as a ti ue prophet Roberts takes the negative Large crowds are in attendance each eveaiug but not so much through real interest as through curiosity UV4atis expected of such a de ¬ bate was the appropriate question we heard asked by several of the better and more conservative citi z ns of that town and the almost utiamimous response was nothing except a broaderadver ¬ tisement of the Latter Day Saints in a neighborhood where an effort is being made to establish such a I Church This debate which is I character zed principally by abuse of Joseph S llhandAl xl der- ICaOlpbelldn the most scathing j epithets of each sp aker toward the other is more like a blond reating political fight jtafisa frendly lis- t cussioo of the Holy ScriiJturea L ii tf t f Go to Kruegerte for hats 1l1Pt J W Kincerhas hisoffice over 1eopirs Bank > Browus l01l1edyCciQpQn at court house tonight in the funny Comedy in 3 acts Uncle Josh We have a fine lt cf clothing which hwill sdl cheap iltaud see us F KRI EGKB SON When in town call on me and have a frierdy chat and see ntv line of coffins caskets robes and monuments GEO OWNS Champ Mullins the crippleboy who has made his home with Mr and Mrs W M Owe ii of Burr died diseases yesterday of a complication fI s See the matineat court house Saturday afternoon at 230 Onl 10 cts for school scholars and children under 12 All other 20 cents The man who pusheshisbusinec is the mal who succeeds and th man who lets his business push him is the man whom the sheriff ha to visit sooner or later Have just returned from cit with a full line of new upt dill couch caskets and robes for botl ladies arid gents When in nee ofany thing in this line call atit examine mv stock before goinj elsewhere as I know I can please you GEORGE OWENS Manager of Mk Vernon Casket Co The residence of Cris Sowdei located about four miles south of Mt Vernon burned last Friday Just how the fire started is not known Mr Sowder had built i fire in the kitchen stove and gone to a store a short distance away and on his return found house burning He saved all his contents except those in the kitchen and dinning room Loss about 1000 or i20 and no insurance FARM FOR SALE 25I acres in timber the rest in a good state of cultivation 18 acres ii wheat good fencing well watered by springs two good houses two good barns aJlObt buildings necessay This farm is in Pulaski county one mile northwest of L Flat Lick Stone Church This farm will be sold at a baVgajtn Call on meat the farm or address me at Valley Oak Ky S WM WIISON Mt Vernon Ky January 10 1910 Editor of SIGNAL I see that you offer space in youi valuablepaper for us to express what we think would better OUT conditions and improve our sur ¬ roundings lam in the livery business here in Mt Vernon butthegreat draw ¬ back to it is the very bad roads I could have a much better table and many more horses if we had good roads Good highways vould mean more travel and would not that cause us to secure more help and buy more feed Would not this mean the circulation oi more money and require more employment I think that our leading citizens and business men do not push this movement as the should I am for our schools for improving our town but the greatest of all is the good road question These are my views Respectfully E B BROWN Orphans sent from Rockcastle county to Masonic Widows and Orphans Home Louisville begin- ning in the year 1873 are named below Alice and Theodosia Denson were the first Charles E and Wm C Argenbright Livingston Goebel and Sherman Bowers Jack Adams Carter and Mary Carter Brodhead Harrison Clark Cline Clark D M Ores E L Cress L C Cress Ed Herron John Herron Hazel Salyers James Scarbrougbr Nora Scarbrough Herbert Wallen Homer N allen Susie VSV Wallen Thomas tiL Wallen and Wm t Wallen from Mt Vernon Many of these remained atthe Home and received good educations and aVej today leading business citizens in various states Others were permitted to return to their former homes or homes found for them by their relatives before finishing their education 5 here are now remairiiB i1 f U1tf1o i nine Rock ¬ castle children raging iu ages from 5t015 all getting along nicely and treatri1t ¬ s- in fcectiring atr education and l ithns l tL > > E ot f i A J k p1sl 1 iop can buy Mens and Bovs nd Overcoats REDUCED I PRICES atJ Fishs tiovvC Conic ee vJTOTJpBi To t IAXPAI ERS Do you have your tax receipt for i9io I If d- not aliand settie t once or your land wiHveadvertised for sale in February j ExSqeriffM6TtCE the fiim of S B McKenzie Co- bJS dissolved The business will continue of before with So B Mc- Kenzie aS proprietor and under the fi U name S BMenzie II t wejf vatchand jewelry repairing If ou need anything in our line give us a call Shop iiiDr SC Davis Drugstore Ve gU raiitre our work Nov igt Ft MOORE FOR SALEOzfehousC and lot I Lit qg ton and my farm of too icres near Roundstone section well unproved W1ll lritt bargains W B SiGMON ec I73m Wildte Ky PQUATTO SEL YOUR FAR1 List it with W H Benton Real Istate Agent Brodhead Ky I have several buyers coming here this week to buy Rockcastle County Firms if they could see your farm- t might be the onejtHey want l charge you nothing if I do not nake a sale Write or see me IFor variety and range of topics treatedthe annual report of the 1908I I kileidbscopic Containing articles of such divers interest as Avia ¬ tion in France in 1908 and The I Evolution Of the Elephant it has something to pTeasePall Gen Ruins N Rhodes president md editor of the Birmingham News ra director of the Associated Press died at his liptne in Birming ¬ ham Alt from rights disease ipd arterial trouble He was born it Pascagoula MisS and was 53 years old WhDOUGlAS 3saPs4S1IOESw THE LARGEST MAKER AND RETAILER OF MENS FINE SHOES IN THE WORLD SUPERIOR TO OTHER MAKES I have worn W L Douglas shoes for the past six years and always find they arc far superior to all other hlsh grade shoes IntyU comfort and durability W QOONE8 119 Howard Ave Utica NY If I could take yoznto my large fac torie at Brockton Maii and show you kpw carefully W L Douglas shot are made you would realize why they sold their akape fit better wear longer and are of greater value than any other make LDouglesnarueaMprfcIi U your de ler cwmot fit you with VTUDotnlMtboet write for Mail Order Catalog TVLDougl octon- ug w TKOt SALt XT UI Q BAKER Sj FINANCIAL REPORT Report of thf condition of the Bank ofMt Vernon doing business the town of Mr Vernon Rockcastle County Stateot Kentucky at thei close ofbusiness on the 28th day oft Dec 1909 RESOURCES withlone 75085 44 Real estate mortgages 12 175 082 Time loans on collateral 2374 86 Due from Natl Banks 9558 19 U S Natl Bank- notes 3373 oq SpecieOverdraftssecured 14469 060 86 Current expenses paid 483 2 8 Furniture and Fixtures 420 25 Total 107977 87 LIABILITIES Cap 1 stock paid in cash 15000 op surplus Fund 7000 op Undivided profits 1276 75 Deposits subject to check on which jut is not paid 59497 12 I Deposits subject to check on which int is paid 21604 00 Notes and Bills re discounted 3000 op Total 107977 87 STATE OF KENTTCKY j County of Rockcastle Set I W L Richards Cashier of the above named Bank do solemn ¬ ly swear that the above statement is true to best of my knowledge and belief W L Richards Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of Jan iglo My Commission expires Jan 6 1910 AB FURNISH Notary Public Rockcastle Co Ky DirectorsW L Richards C C Williams WORK 24 HOURS A DAY The busiest little things ever made are Dr Kings New Life Pills Every pill is a sugar coated globule of health that changes weakness into strength languor into energy braintag into menta power curing Constipation Head- ache ¬ Chills Dyspepsia Malaria 25C at Chas C Davis The longdrawnout fight for Federal appointments in Kentucky in which Senator Bradley and Rep resentative Edwards have teen the opponents was won in part by Senator Bradley who at a conference with Presidedt Taft and Postmaster General Hitchcock Wednesday secured the following appointments Ludlow F Petty to be collector of internal revenue at Louisville T A Fields of Ash ¬ land to be collector ot internal revenue at Lexington A L Pat ¬ rick to he United States Marshall for the Eastern district United States secret service men who have been investigating the Burley Tobacco Society asserted Saturday at Cincinnati that suit for the dissolution of the society on the ground that it operates in violation of the Sherman law will be begun in the United States District Court here in afewd ys u ant may ach aad Each the chief body link the Chaia oi Life chain stronger than itt link the body tlwn its weakest organ If there is weakness ot stomach liver lungs there is weak link in the chain of life which may snap any time Often this tocalled U weakness is csjueedljjy lack nutrition result weakness disease of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition and weaknesses of the stomach and its allied organs are cured the ue of Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery When the weak or diseased stomach u cured otherorgans which seem remote from stomach but which have their origin in a condition of stomach and organs of digestion and nutrition cured also The strea man has a strong stommck Take the above recommended uDlscov e7Yu jion have a stroaf cleat a strong body GIVEN AWAY Pierces Common Sense Medical Adviser new revised Edition is sentriff on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing rnd 21 oneceat stamps for the book in par covers or 31 stamps for the clothbound vot urne Address Dr R V Pierce Buffalo NY of or- gans of the is f in A iDO treakent no stronger or a at of the of or Diseases by diseases the diseased the other are Dr 2Wfde Awake People ji P trfrethe ones that buy the thing rr it W ithey need at the time they need M M v it Sobearinmindwe i H V i have every thing you c < need in the Drug or eO vlf way Viz 5 j i Diugs Medicines L r > if < O Stationeiy Toilet Aiv A 1 < 6 Jf t 4bttStides Perfumes Paints j S J and Oils Hot or cold So i da water r r 1 s I f CHAS C DAVISe 4 1 Leading PluggitPh9e8t j5 lt 1 u i r i = > j i t e i f L dl S I felinftewendrcsscdcircIeWcarSchwabaoflies 1 I WHEN YOUBUY 5 r YOUR LOTHES I You want the most you can get for your money dont you > > if Most folks corne herefcir that People expect more of us than they dot others They know we can give more and they know we have been in I j th habJtofdo mg 4tthet since we staitedin business m or e- than twentv two v yearsagp c I I PLAITED WHITE I COAT SHIRTt ICLUETT PEABODY CO MtxIRS S 150 I MAKJP fJ YOUR MIND That you are going to hav the best hat 250 will buy and llget a SWAN HAT OF COURSE II rTI BbE 1fl I erAs 1 nunRz H IS 1 We show the new things just as soon as they come out You can de ¬ pend on us for uptodate Hats r Make our store your headquarters when You are in town I BRAND JUT VERNONS LEADING CLOTJHIER ALL AROUND CORNEB EXT TO COURt HOUSE PHONE77 f l There Are Lots of Good Shoes but p STAR BRAND SHOES ARE BETTER T j r 1r

Mount Vernon signal.. (Mt. Vernon, Ky.) 1910-01-14 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt74j09w1r2c/data/0428.pdf · happy marriedlife The writer had the privilege of attending Tuesday evening

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Page 1: Mount Vernon signal.. (Mt. Vernon, Ky.) 1910-01-14 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt74j09w1r2c/data/0428.pdf · happy marriedlife The writer had the privilege of attending Tuesday evening


I MT VERNON KY Jan 14 1910

ICall upNo 79Uwhiiwant to Communi¬with SIGNAL 79



TIME TABLE22 north v ii 455 p m24 north 352 a m23south rVi 1144 a n7

2lSputh d v 1219 a m


Entered at the Mt Vernon Ky Postofficeas secondclass mail matter

e PERSONALMr D N Williams continues very

sickLittleHazel Myers has been very

sick this week

J J McCall has taken charge ofthe Frith Hotel at Biodhead

J Fish the clothier and furnish ¬

er was in Louisville this week

Mrs H J Mullins who has beensick for about three weeks is bet

iterMissAlza Thompson is with her

sister Mrs L R Hughes at Stan

fordJohnRenncr and family left

Sunday for Oklahoma where theywill reside

Miss Jalia Reynolds of Maretburg will enter Caldwell CollegeDanville soon

Mrs Mary Conn who has beenvery sick for several weeks is butTmcle improved

iW T Davis has moved his

family to the farm he recently pur ¬

chased near Cove

Mrs Rosa Nesbitt andniecei Ruth Reppert arg stopping at


Payton Reytave entered



1g4 4

l ij

iYtr t-





1 een atDts out the

A sat home for

OlFper Adams is here from

Ettawah Tenn for a few days

with his parents Mn and Mr

Rome Adams

UH McKinney was up from Pu ¬

laski yesterday Mr McKiney is

looking fine and isweHpleasedith bis new hometwI A son of Tom Kirby who came

there the first of the year to enterschool and was taken down sick is


Ivery lowand little hope of his re

I recovery

Mrs Cora White left SaturdayHarrisburg 111 where heI l joinher husband Mrs Whitebeen visiting her parents Mr

i4Mrs Rome Adams

G CPrice was in tcfwnIjSSiday and toldus thAi e would

t r s Tv v w Vernon but3t4Jti t1lrn towould remain at IjeVvelkGfeen and

Ukc tip his lathers practice

cap AoN Bentley who came

so neiV dying in Texas frOm

ipueu111Oi has recovered suffi

ciently to be brought back to Lou ¬

isville He is still in a very sericus condition and it is feared thathe will lose hfs heariugentirely

Mrs Anna E I iller will leave

this evening Friday loi St JosephMo from which rpoint she will ac

jciiinnsnv her uncle t Thou W1lSand aptrtyer friends 00110

pit toouibtrfu Mexico btre Mrmteies in aI n cc 0

tplautat Mr JLifleie-

xtuLlu t about iiour weeks



Go to KrucgerJs for shoes vNew Stock ofiRubbers for every ¬

body at J FishsF Krueger carries a lull line of

beautiful neckties

For extra large caskets seeGEO OWENS

The two ear old child of JimKuby died Sunday

A small child of Emery Cottongim of Pine Hill died Mondaynight 4

Oscar Wallen will put groceriesin one sideof Dr S C Davis drugstore

Browns Comedy Co will givean entire chn e of play each nightcommencing tonight with UncleJosh

Get your Rubber Boots at Fishsand you will get the best He sellsthe Ball Band all branded FirstQuality

If you need comforts and blanketsnow is the time to get them Allgrades go at a big reduction I


Special School Matinee atcourthouse Saturday afternoon at 230By Browns Comedy Co Allschool scholars 10 cts All others20 cts to matinee

W N Thompson who lives onthe Redd place near town droveover to Lancester first of the weekwith a wagon load of Tobacco aidsold it for 15706 and Jack Hysinger sold his tobacco crop of i34acres for196oo-

Rd Mullins and Emmet Burtonwere in Stanford Monday with 60head of cattle which they disposedof from 254 to 5cts per lb Thetewere about 800 head on the marKet

54 being the best price Muleswere in good demand

MERCHANTS Would like to havethe addiess of every merchant inRockcastle county Especiallythose who are interested in priceson hay com flour meal feed andbhipstuff Write for prices andgive shipping


ju r In nr Ks-

SINcrwroNCTARK Miss HelenEarnest Clark

fer Orlando lasteton is a popularL blic Schools of

5 a daughter of Mrton of the Orlando

lr Clark is a son jbfk of Madison County

L live tor a while near Mcin the Eastern part of thisHere wishing them sue

appinessIHAHN Miss Jalia Brown

rJbert Hahn were married-

ay at the home of the brideedom this county Rev Pike

rohead officiating Miss Brown-

a daughter of Mr Gto Brown

and one among Rockcastles pretti ¬

est young women Mr Hahn is

the youngest son of Mr and MrsFred Hahn who have lived nearFreedom for a number of years

but recently moved to Crab OrchardThis young couple will leave in twoor three weeks forFt Wayne Indto locate The SIGNAL and a hostof friends wish them a long andhappy marriedlife

The writer had the privilege ofattending Tuesday evening the de

bate between Edd Long of theLatter Day Saints and Rev obertsof the Christian Church now beingheld at Brodhead This debate con

sists of a series of twelve debatesLast week Rev Roberts took theaffirmative establishing the Chris ¬

tian as the trte Church Eld Longdenied this week Long has the af ¬

firmative attempting to establishthe Later Day Saints and JosephSmith as a ti ue prophet Robertstakes the negative Large crowds

are in attendance each eveaiug butnot so much through real interestas through curiosity

UV4atis expected of such a de ¬

bate was the appropriate question

we heard asked by several of thebetter and more conservative citiz ns of that town and the almostutiamimous response was

nothing except a broaderadver ¬

tisement of the Latter Day Saintsin a neighborhood where an effort is

being made to establish such aI Church This debate which is

I character zed principally by abuse

of Joseph S llhandAl xl der-

ICaOlpbelldn the most scathingj epithets of each sp aker toward theother is more like a blond reatingpolitical fight jtafisa frendly lis-

tcussioo of the Holy ScriiJturea



tf t

fGo to Kruegerte for hats

1l1Pt J W Kincerhas hisofficeover 1eopirs Bank >

Browus l01l1edyCciQpQn atcourt house tonight in the funnyComedy in 3 acts Uncle Josh

We have a fine lt cf clothingwhich hwill sdl cheap iltaudsee us F KRI EGKB SON

When in town call on me andhave a frierdy chat and see ntvline of coffins caskets robes andmonuments GEO OWNS

Champ Mullins the crippleboywho has made his home with Mrand Mrs W M Owe ii of Burrdieddiseases

yesterday ofa complication fIs

See the matineat court houseSaturday afternoon at 230 Onl10 cts for school scholars andchildren under 12 All other20 cents

The man who pusheshisbusinecis the mal who succeeds and thman who lets his business push himis the man whom the sheriff hato visit sooner or later

Have just returned from citwith a full line of new upt dill

couch caskets and robes for botlladies arid gents When in neeofany thing in this line call atitexamine mv stock before goinjelsewhere as I know I can pleaseyou GEORGE OWENS

Manager of Mk Vernon Casket Co

The residence of Cris Sowdeilocated about four miles south ofMt Vernon burned last FridayJust how the fire started is notknown Mr Sowder had built i

fire in the kitchen stove and goneto a store a short distance away andon his return found house burningHe saved all his contents exceptthose in the kitchen and dinningroom Loss about 1000 or i20and no insurance


25Iacres in timber the rest in a goodstate of cultivation 18 acres iiwheat good fencing well wateredby springs two good houses twogood barns aJlObt buildingsnecessay This farm is in Pulaskicounty one mile northwest of

L Flat Lick Stone Church Thisfarm will be sold at a baVgajtn

Call on meat the farm or addressme at Valley Oak KyS WM WIISON

Mt Vernon KyJanuary 10 1910

Editor of SIGNAL

I see that you offer space in youivaluablepaper for us to expresswhat we think would better OUT

conditions and improve our sur¬

roundingslam in the livery business here

in Mt Vernon butthegreat draw ¬

back to it is the very bad roadsI could have a much bettertable and many more horses if wehad good roads Good highwaysvould mean more travel and wouldnot that cause us to secure morehelp and buy more feed Wouldnot this mean the circulation oimore money and require moreemployment I think that ourleading citizens and business mendo not push this movement as theshould I am for our schools for

improving our town but thegreatest of all is the good roadquestion These are my views

RespectfullyE B BROWN

Orphans sent from Rockcastlecounty to Masonic Widows andOrphans Home Louisville begin-

ning in the year 1873 are namedbelow Alice and Theodosia Densonwere the first Charles E and WmC Argenbright Livingston Goebeland Sherman Bowers Jack AdamsCarter and Mary Carter BrodheadHarrison Clark Cline Clark DM Ores E L Cress L C

Cress Ed Herron John HerronHazel Salyers James ScarbrougbrNora Scarbrough Herbert WallenHomer Nallen Susie VSV WallenThomas tiL Wallen and Wm tWallen from Mt Vernon Manyof these remained atthe Home andreceived good educations and aVej

today leading business citizensin various states Others werepermitted to return to their formerhomes or homes found for themby their relatives before finishingtheir education 5 here are nowremairiiB i1


U1tf1oi nine Rock¬

castle children raging iu ages from

5t015 all getting along nicely and

treatri1t ¬


in fcectiring atr education andl ithnsl

tL >> Eot fi


J k p1sl 1iop can buy Mens and Bovs

nd Overcoats REDUCEDIPRICES atJ Fishs tiovvC Conicee

vJTOTJpBi To t IAXPAI ERS Doyou have your tax receipt for i9io

I Ifd-

not aliand settie t once oryour land wiHveadvertised forsale in February


ExSqeriffM6TtCEthe fiim of S B McKenzie Co-

bJS dissolved The business willcontinue of before with So B Mc-

Kenzie aS proprietor and under thefi U name S BMenzie

II twejfvatchand jewelry repairing Ifou need anything in our line give

us a call Shop iiiDr SC DavisDrugstore Ve gU raiitre our workNov igt Ft MOORE

FOR SALEOzfehousC and lotI Lit qg ton and my farm of too

icres near Roundstone section well

unproved W1ll lritt bargainsW B SiGMON

ec I73m Wildte Ky


List it with W H Benton RealIstate Agent Brodhead Ky I

have several buyers coming herethis week to buy Rockcastle CountyFirms if they could see your farm-

t might be the onejtHey want lcharge you nothing if I do notnake a sale Write or see me

IFor variety and range of topicstreatedthe annual report of the1908I I

kileidbscopic Containing articlesof such divers interest as Avia¬

tion in France in 1908 and TheI

Evolution Of the Elephant it hassomething to pTeasePall

Gen Ruins N Rhodes presidentmd editor of the Birmingham News

ra director of the AssociatedPress died at his liptne in Birming¬

ham Alt from rights diseaseipd arterial trouble He was bornit Pascagoula MisS and was 53years old





SUPERIOR TO OTHER MAKESI have worn W L Douglas shoes for the

past six years and always find they arc farsuperior to all other hlsh grade shoes IntyUcomfort and durability W QOONE8

119 Howard Ave Utica NYIf I could take yoznto my large fac

torie at Brockton Maii and show youkpw carefully W L Douglas shot aremade you would realize why they soldtheir akape fit better wear longer andare of greater value than any other makeLDouglesnarueaMprfcIi

U your de ler cwmot fit you with VTUDotnlMtboetwrite for Mail Order Catalog TVLDougl octon-

ug w TKOt SALt XT



Report of thf condition of theBank ofMt Vernon doing businessthe town of Mr Vernon RockcastleCounty Stateot Kentucky at theiclose ofbusiness on the 28th day oftDec 1909


withlone75085 44

Real estate mortgages 12 175 082

Time loans on collateral 2374 86Due from Natl Banks 9558 19U S Natl Bank-

notes 3373 oq

SpecieOverdraftssecured 14469060 86

Current expenses paid 483 28Furniture and Fixtures 420 25

Total 107977 87

LIABILITIESCap 1 stock paid in cash 15000 opsurplus Fund 7000 opUndivided profits 1276 75Deposits subject to checkon which jut is not paid 59497 12 I

Deposits subject to checkon which int is paid 21604 00Notes and Bills rediscounted 3000 op

Total 107977 87

STATE OF KENTTCKY jCounty of Rockcastle Set

I W L Richards Cashier ofthe above named Bank do solemn ¬

ly swear that the above statementis true to best of my knowledgeand belief

W L Richards Cashier

Subscribed and sworn to beforeme this 6th day of Jan igloMy Commission expires Jan 6 1910


Notary Public Rockcastle Co KyDirectorsW L Richards C

C Williams


The busiest little things evermade are Dr Kings New LifePills Every pill is a sugar coatedglobule of health that changesweakness into strength languorinto energy braintag into mentapower curing Constipation Head-



Chills Dyspepsia Malaria25C at Chas C Davis

The longdrawnout fight forFederal appointments in Kentuckyin which Senator Bradley and Representative Edwards have teenthe opponents was won in partby Senator Bradley who at a

conference with Presidedt Taftand Postmaster General HitchcockWednesday secured the followingappointments Ludlow F Pettyto be collector of internal revenueat Louisville T A Fields of Ash ¬

land to be collector ot internalrevenue at Lexington A L Pat ¬

rick to he United States Marshallfor the Eastern district

United States secret service menwho have been investigating theBurley Tobacco Society assertedSaturday at Cincinnati that suit forthe dissolution of the society on theground that it operates in violationof the Sherman law will be begunin the United States District Courthere in afewd ys


ant mayach aad

Each the chiefbody

link the Chaia oiLife chainstronger than itt

link the bodytlwn its

weakest organ If there is weakness ot stomach liver lungs there isweak link in the chain of life which may snap any time Often this tocalledU weakness is csjueedljjy lack nutrition result weakness diseaseof the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition andweaknesses of the stomach and its allied organs are cured the ue of DrPierces Golden Medical Discovery When the weak or diseased stomach ucured otherorgans which seem remote from stomach but whichhave their origin in a condition of stomach and

organs of digestion and nutrition cured also

The strea man has a strong stommckTake the above recommended uDlscove7Yu jion have a stroaf cleat

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