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Statement of Purpose / Motivation Letter

Wahidyan Kresna Fridayoka | +62 81316130921 | [email protected]

Dear Madam/Sir,

Iron Man will always be my favourite movie of all time, because it showed me an "engineering's wet-dream". I still

remember how Tony Stark commanded Jarvis, a highly-intelligent super computer, to asisst him creating Iron Man suits,

and doing a lot of cool stu�s. All he had to do was giving the command through the voice to Jarvis, and everything will

be done �awlessly. This �lm impressed me so much, so that I am obsessed to create a highly-intelligent super computer

like Jarvis.

In order to do that, I have decided to take my bachelor degree into the next level, and set Master degree in the �eld

of electrical engineering (arti�cial intelligence, technical computer science) as my next target. Because obtaining this

master degree will give me solid skills and knowledges to help me achieve my dream (creating a Jarvis-like machine). And

afterward, when it is still possible, I also planned to continue my study in the doctoral degree of the same �eld of study,

before I will �nally going back to my homeland and become a lecture and researcher at a university in my homeland (after

a couple years of research experiences in Germany).

RWTH Aachen is one of the most respectable Technical University in the world. It is a member of the IDEA League

and TU-9 Universities, and also listed as one of the best university in engineering (QS World Rankings 2011/2012). Not

only that, RWTH Aachen is one of the best and most heavily-funded technical university in Germany. That is why I

believe that doing my graduate studies in RWTH Aachen will give me a lot of bene�t, because it has solid tradition in

engineering, and great environment to do my master and doctorate studies.

I am interested with the curriculum that being o�ered by RWTH Aachen's Master Program of Electrical Engineering,

Information Technology, and Technical Computer Science, because it o�ers me a very high degree of �exibility, and allow

me to adjust the courses that I take with my own needs and interest. It also have a lot of courses that o�er state-of-the-art

techniques (ex: Advanced Methods in Automatic Speech Recognition, etc). In addition, it will allow me to take block

courses (2-3 courses) from all over RWTH Aachen University, so that I can take interesting courses in another RWTH

Aachen's faculties.

I personally think that I will be a suitable candidate for RWTH Aachen's Master Program of Electrical Engineering,

Information Technology, and Technical Computer Science, because I have a solid knowledge in Electrical and Technical

Computer Engineering. I graduated from the best Technological Institute in my homeland (Institut Teknologi Bandung),

and have demonstrated my solid skills and capabilities in Electrical and Technical Computer Engineering during my

bachelor's study with GPA of 3.0 (scale of 0-4, with 4 as the highest). I also get an A for my undergraduate's �nal project

(Design and Implementation of 'SMS One Time Password'-Based Web Authentication System).

During my bachelor studies, I was involved in many student organizations activities. I have lead the divisions of national-

scales student activities for several times. One of them was became the leader of Innovative Entrepreneurship Challenge

3's Logistic Division, a national-scale bachelor level entrepreneurship competition. And these experiences make me able

to blend and work in team easily.

I will be grateful if I can be accepted to enroll in RWTH Aachen Master Program of Electrical Engineering, Information

Technology, and Technical Computer Science, because it will give me a lot of bene�t, with doing state of the art researches

and theses (under Institut für Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion Research Group). And it will also really help me to live up

my dream in the world of highly-intelligent supercomputer.

yours faithfully,

Wahidyan Kresna Fridayoka