.-touttao nation. Hfe and death. Messing snit gan** Bi -fess Bishop O'Hara has rotiiTncd to Scranton, from bl* pi--T--****p ,0 K"""' ,:I ,bc (V,H,V«> "f " **""" preach**1 ls*' ¦"*¦_» ..¦ thc cit .-trnl he d."- f*rW°!* hi tS tP *.".*" ,,'c °-"'r,*ro IrtM!i tiIh-j- ^Lmanamhy th« eBe_o*l wiTaoB-s wmoght Howe. ** ..in-r t.. th'' t-li*!**-! be ea! eil un ArehHimiup t^et* ^Tlll..T, w.., _,t:i..._li tiv.i-.iinclvvettip.it!. "*! i 'icsi o' mint ,0* V""*'*'',U4 ot taief-ori W*tle ai 2 «(ui w'l" .** v'Ml r-,b * Pr,,,uU- 1!"!'"'" °',Ur* n * ,^t ui* nit* tin*"'"' Ti*itm_ Kiiti.k. and leand tb*. SbaaWt f," ewintl fetic-nt on lin -.-.inject. H. ftiir »*>J *."*' ¦° fur ,,M "". ',a<' ,**H'11 M rrt**"''' u'*' Btr4 le wsrrsnt tb-approval or (li*a:*imv .ii cf IBO 'S|Stoltsa» H.* Lsd ai'P'li'H'¦ ¦ lomniitrre of the 8U .y BewewM, to lagani into the matter aad thor _______eiR-i.e-l la th" iBTastlgsll-a. (»n gatos t*. ______ tuel.l»»op s**-. he **."¦ l"ic !.'-. i-,u|.r<-pp.-,i wuh * ire e tVi.h IK'* of tullh ami'li V. tint vt lilt li lt*- Pit-* «**" .**. , .i H.- fu.itil shunt l*-000 iier-num there dlviii fia ' .___..._ .l .il.,,,.I lilli i.i eh ron! tv.ovi _._*¦____.! i.t-..iii- ut the .ieps into -troup.* ul niieiii tlttv .te'i ead paM iuwuudl unsuomlng little chapel in pnwouio-i, S*. c.iteruu atnI]"er'oniiin_ ih PUBLIC OPINION. Thc spWI of opposition to tho Northern a, 1. inran nubs Boots -ii.i- !«. bs ^.lIll-'t i.iii*_r tic .,nri..ii*-:-["l' "-.iiulte, .s,'.in,.t-l(K,-i,j Northern men of laflnetace have literally ,, ii.i'-p1'" '¦'> fitaronreaias fctatteio prwrreea r..r in. 'ia' ' wuh the N lil.en, people Inive inlicit ,i ram bv _-!__ ill they can t>* Int-nt-s the prospei it) ot ¦M-rSUteiu mo Unlon..lLoutiTllle Courin -Jo.mal (Dtsi.i nA_m_nra ogovtxo fame. ,' rs . The Ctuttunutt 0 ittttt tHr. > That forgery wilt he p*robe(l to tbe liott.nn. anonm nut ti. ooly raooai i more likely nie ton Lui Jo-"ii ,u fttrserr UsrBeld weald n ive bad it mind Norn.. S .,,iii,- m Iteli er, andi r tbs circtimstene* s, iLers :* an p7ill0rrtt,'i in ii. a, til.-Uni! ., *-.at, p wi,, anea not sob- ..,_.(. U.n,.ii>, s great .-coi.ti.ltcl. and who tl*** hoi ih llcVP on ., Dita' principles, liiiit tie 0U_ut tu tic MVOIOlJ ¦SBBbefl _ .MAI, l!M.lll-(»V IND TIIK INDIANA BEgA GlM-' lOHsinp. /Voi.t The 1, On:i.apitiit S'ri.l. Ti)c frfiowiag letter bas been written bj Beacrel B-bbobIs llarneoB, m ni'y tooeeaekiaa it Kn tn ii esndMate fur ' te . nate mmm lsi.UNAi-tii.ts. Novenii-cr 17, 1880, Bf Pi vk Fm : I.n.'- lune lardy, perhaps, in norn- -nari. '¦.*' l" vol the fief uf my KudtdS v fiTiiie i-,""-...-: i:*"- sen in-. i'iit I boper ur m.itJ is still .pen o'lihe.-.-i ei. IIi'i thai until af ur tiio PreSidru i.n _k«t.-a w.i»«*ver lt would be l_*prwper i.> tl-.-t .,-. tue ce-1-nc i .ii. *. ''V * canvass wiimn lae part) toe n _t-i,iit i'i' i.ei..--i'''"". BIB06 1hen I inive Leen ul.si .v-rr .ii** i" rear! irvin- nun*- eases tbat bsd been kui'-' it: til a iel ihe elicii..ii. 1 ito nut lnteini hut J. m ru nyul ii" inn.."d.hiv «.i mskiug sn argnuonl m Zflnn ti di r.i nm* .my Moen* rm ibe aot-s e. ... ZIeerenderedanj servir* io Hmeonairvor tao p rn, tti_t i* v. ri by of mention la UUs eunneatioa, lb* _ia*I* mm of nu Bepubilcan irleads i 111 iockmiiI and give lt -t» i'i* "¦'i ">' .-'.!. Mr reiitn.ii* to all the other e.n- eii'ntr* ,f fi', ti'.l." snd ihe onie-' f«'i .bu Meaaie r-h>ii: ,, .d' ,r :.- I SIB "cnn, -,-rue..l. lie eli.n Bl :. 11st*. I, V ii liJ i iiukin-lD* - in «,,*'! or _.-*. Y«n wi l, I am cur.-. .... ;i,v -vt ,i-._- w lit ti 1 *:iy ll..it i. m-i. ill ___a_n*l w..uU_->resiiespeeial value 1 ,;,.U,..,'n- tunCleiie**. 1 Ibe K.-pablic t\,__,e lt v.i'i,-ii sive me joar vsluab i ti,,- raes.1 **';. kt tatt aiaea oh.ir"-'i uuly. ¦ lu ni-- .1- mi ev ii- nf ni* own lis-i*,' line i Vu irs verv tl.VKKlso.N. c|*;r.v CAITEROS "N CAlUTKi.D. ; ga gAtrtlem tu tnt pntlonolphia I'.nt. "I Lav. great laith io Uenenil Qurfleld. I brlfTf f * « ..">. *:»"'.'e len ailiintiipi tit.t*ii. )u i srl.al Wljj, liierudlhavs r.n'.i* at< tl. -t,.i *!ia i"t tci-iiob.i ism i" i .ti. c in,try. 1 believe be Will leave I « n._r!i uj«'i. Bl* iii-' li' hus _ 1,-i t-:ii opp,,i tmitv. and ,f >.', rn ¦- ¦'. - un* pepui.ii Lil; _vv>,r bgave linn tai* btgii *ifl i a lb all Its iff-nt putta) tolilies, bf will i-i.,.f.. ip.-i: thi* c.nilli- y I'. -i- r._p v, i'i h v. il lie an __,nti_ _-:. . .Lu,-. I ]>-. ai vt und rstaada und*Bp ¦mini -. ,-, it iiiiii itu-1, e -,,v .,.- barmonlous ,., tl en li.et)'.* *>I llln p ill V, ht al tn Kl euri- lt r. i.i - I Into uiiin--itiu:i la (Bs work bv bas to tl"." "Hiss :. rly.bul do jroo nndentaod Gen ral . . J St liar-* t'i lr- i-oiiiuiillL"! lu a nu ' -fie tenn ." .¦!:» i,, meal ». C-rteral (iiirfl. .v- toiare i*< lu t.-.c nu u I i, ..,-v p .ur i:-iles* ie nib- I. . ,i - *vi- c ev* 'i i r ni upon iiim. I m.:;. ' ,. I,.- I. » in!':!'-, -'.i vin.n in cv-.Y in,,. -. ia* "iiiii,!-'! to tue w noir J .'. |._rtV, n* I I,- :!' V' l! v ii , l li;tve lm lie-i- 1. it lie .ll-r.f'l liiil-e,!. be i ii-.., llb. I' ll.ll 'I le¬ tt! Ui* '. " ul !,,! tm .... iiiv. i.,e:ue,|t, iii. :, my. te pia ._iip." Butta vt *..*.:,i.n Qraai't trlonds think or !. f i,ia t bim e in lldsie fer UH Pli*» BJ in I-S4 (ieii.itl til.tilt b linoel I I.-:.. i neve,eva. ,,-*,i -... ¦* ;* i: *,.,,,. Ila ts (Bs i. -' ,. a-, man 1 evi-r knew; lM-sKk*h h.: bas lukeu ut tn tbs l.i'i- coule*! In li ball el 0. -.. il (, >,i, hi* fre-nd- ii, pill li in an in (J-ifield i,*r ti rr 'lection, nn! ts ..." flel« * . -"'ne fl __,.n Ll Hider* lint cw tu Ik* ti. i..:.! wbieb won.il iu. e n popnlai cu , or lui ,1-ltc. Cen 'ill tilt | J ..'I-f: ii md nt some futon n-".-.;, terOent-rU G,,rd, .-¦ s si de l, may be '.;. ,, i n, lie Pn - leic-v I i ... ate u.i ll:- t.i. di wal i.e.* tal (haul'i fuiun He lt sbl.tat ,.>... I -liaseU." 11 TESSI VL ISs I HASCI TP. 1 DDS, INl.R.vii N llltr A LABGB Ni MI-..I- Of FBOH.I I Mll.l' ¦«. I,!. rnn.vDi.i'i'.iia, Nov. LT).. The Philadelphia i ,. an lurisi tts* d ,,i .. ei,- * .:- 1 pei tlVC ll" li'.., e- ;, ] i. ' ,r lin- l :'.'>''».' t hal Ofti sa n-.; i ':, ve bi n ,- u ., mon! *,ii people n- t> ,.-,i ¦ yean ol i. Many of ile m * oe , -; ive med nineo tha lisnraaee wat ¦. I, wi le others sra aaa st Oeatb's door. Tbs sg- i nt of these rteks foots np atont g-OO.Ooo Iu wai. bat i i' -, i. .' 'I I. tboatsud ,.,' irsnee on tbeir ll bnvh ie- ¦' tuatlon of tte foci. Tl e ui_iiiiei in ,-n,." c ,p ba ¦.i! wi ed, lt lie tn ..eli. r> .,( -i'i- i_t*iRic_ r*\ ;-i-' ; -ms «ern..* i nj ,o ibe Ueaiui ol pet- a ) never rzamiued, 'HIE NEE RECORD. LOSS ! :.o'l a KF.t.o-l.M: i.\'.!. EXP_-OSTO_f. ,\ Bra broke mit at 7 p. m. yesterdny in the l tore of r.f il '.; I u 493 nod ' Before tbe Bi meneonld eheek ibe flimas .i.'iirt to Hu p.iijn nm-; boildin a.9 -,493 .'"' -t-''¦'..-. lite total i- ss. ssttmatad ai Ji::','i, llvldad a.* foUowsi Mr. Iluaa, "*7oO; I '':-,"; (>-:.,.ra (i.-i-r, In tin* rn BOO*! t fthc t- 'ii..- bail-tag, "WOO; bu lias.91.000: la- I .',!: w ms Lee, wbo kept ;, lam.-liv at -tf&H. 9'ioo; B in,.--i !'¦¦ -i un .nu Boor uf l lu number. si-Duo ; ! bi W ll Bollon, -r-'-'i: adolph "tiers, r *- io',. S300 i be On i- believed t.> bav. bf n ."i.. il I.* tm- i--fpinnum ol h kerasan** lamp in ile- Itoie, wli.tli Lm! I., ii t ,o«. .1 :;,,i na tbt day. pinn else". I'M-i: II vin i OBD, Conn., Nov. 25..Tha steam saw- Bill, au-! in iii.li- vvuiivs at Ka*! Coi ann. ('.'tin., with ra .- ctiiii.rv thai K.Pt t.v.-r ?.i0.oo(i, were barned early this Baralog, -el were a total in**: bo bwaraaeo Tbe pn,j,e-r, bc naged te _Jo_aa_or MazwoU, aad weald to SSV haVi i- ur, li.in thi- BOOOrOStOB t,r Jaine* (J l:.ill-r- soti, ut ii.,, i (¦¦ni, undera Jadgot* ul of ooort Mr. Bal i.ui arr,ii,.>-.i tn ins,u- it liutnedtetelv. 1: Ut '...".. aork* rame tbs taarbk a et in Hit- Htat*- Capitol. Tu.- tin-,.- ..,,;,; iu have tx-t ii inceutllarr, Wist .".andoi.imi, Vt., Nov. 25..F. B. Sulis- "W_j'» f. iiuu. laetory ami ssoreBaaee ware baraed -.trurht. The lots 1* between i*l..<i(-<> Hnd ff'.'U.OOO, sud it.*-1' taraoee eoi»u. Thirty esea an tbrowo oat el aapiii| ian t. l'in-i-.i ::<;, Penn., Nov. 2")..A fire broke .ataadei tl n,oi af the ea»t block el Hie Weetara I'i n- Heatlary bi ailegbeay ( it. tin* Bsorolag at ll o'clock. hut .ti-, mob sabdaea. No utleuijit* tn escape wen *n__r I.. ,.,. prigvJljer_,, 1Ihaiikii;i)_ 1'eiin., Nov. 25..Thc dwelling ot Jc. i ic kee itt huiiniiit, t-iniit ii,ni;s fruin Bradford, »S« hurin il vept. nlay uit.niiiiK, Hie Lnnily lian-Jj h.v- J'ciiin. t... m ape, a little bey wa', however, h_ t.__i>- B-BM-dlUai i.e ..uti a tcw boara after. fi: EM A HON OP A WOMAN, Prn8Br.BO, Penn., Nov. 2.**..-Thcro Wiin n .Hint c,, jr.«. al !)r. Ll Mn) De's luir.iir-e tt.-finy. The nay sf Mrs. L lets Mejae, «!'<. of c. n. Sagan, al War eat,I.BB..aa* or*mated Ti,ere -were religiousservi- mnaaaamntat i-y nm k*v. Dr. ii HAFTS IS DA SC LE. La<ka\v axi.v, Penn., Nov. 24..Tborc inc ynaea Uaw ,,,i,, g, .*,*., sad I ,.'.-.' P< bb., aearty SOO rttfu fr i, . i,j t|1(. _,._. ,. .___, j),.|i-,v,-tre liner. Tu-v ¦Jjeai c.iU(.'i,t epoa eaadaan aai rtitedartagtae reseal ___!__'' J,M runs will ooofaln several million feet <>f _____"¦. "*""'. ". which, it ls teared, will bc lott by tbs Mt-kili-5 up ul thc ice-. AH li hislop FERRAR IS CHICAGO. Cm **»n, \... *^i**-**fj % ffW 2_'«*.«"- ti" will lu- f, .*.«''let aexi buinmy. OFFICIAL VOTi. OF Ol!EC ON. ai?KAG0' Nov' 25.A «w»ntil to Thc TV*. t_.h[''Iul',"*l»''''.Ore_t,_.K.y.: "lue oftici-.l vo I '! «««i ie_t_-f* S"a»i*nd. livesOarlsM BO.tlt; Maa* it»,Jot). Weaver. __.V Qa*_U_k_ pluraiiij-. tlCH." M.OTECTLNG THE HELPLESS. _> QUABDIWQ CIUI.DI,T.N P80M (KUEl.ry. UK MW HOMK OV TIIK M01UI WHICH CA KI'S FOB CIIII.DKKX WHO ARK II.I.-THKATl I).I.MPI.K- mi ms ur louTiitis.tagon 01 fgrofgaaionii Ul liliAns.HRK KIM*. IP TBI* I'ADRONK 8Y81KM .WHAT I UK BOCttBTT HAS HONK, rile ii.w Motile of the So-iety for the Prevenfiun f Cruelty tu Chthfraa ia f_Uy iaaadaal la aaar- ;c!e gina below, und the iiio.IkhIh of the Society, ¦illi the result** of its work, aro pie.eiitc.I. Thc _*_. erinteiiilent gives ninny mtertwi mu facts un IB the hihlren who have heen r«pcue.l from hutt il treat* tent, und as to tho fricks hy which pi oft natonal estijiirs delude cluiritshle peoplo. The way in Inch tlie pud rone system has boen broken up is eeeribed- A visit TO A ri.i:\swt ROMC. " Grown peraons caa take care of tiicm- i-'ver.. ttpiittln. or can Hieure prntivtioii liy ;i|.penlui_ la ie buri hut lillie ehlltlreii, of IhoojBBltiQ. are bel"*** aa tspertaily aalptoas waco tin-ir own pareati a-eaa iiein," bb.I Mr. leaktaa, the Bapertatendeat af tbe Kew* .uk Siu-n tv for tin- Prevention of Cruelty to Children. lt * Nii.l Iimi'" tool tln-re ls any iicccst-itv fur any uch .society 11*1.111*.; hut .t was worse when th, te wu* ,* oi-sr.i/ed (Uart t_ t.-tke the part nf thc puer, rr. tciicit little creetiitea who, Boweleeeaed at tm-tr lrtli. are elttier nhauiefuliy neglected or bratally rooted daring weat oogM lo oe the bappteai parted of iicti live*, itn.l xfi'-n, nt n most teodor aaa, ere driven et lalo the stream t,< eera, beat or steal sadieleai to ¦apon tli 1 extsteaas af their arieeraMe pareats or esperSi nt theezpeanaf botb health ead morals." Tin- new house of the BBOlQty nt K.mith-uve. on.l weaty-tbirdos, 1* pleasantly attooiod. uiei is well ilaptt-.l tor tbe purpoM-s i,>r WblOb it i* used. Thc Ital ¦or contains the 0.WMB ef tlie (tuciety ; the Mipci inti-iul nt. wuh in* funiiiv, eeeapwa toe eeeeod leor. eadtbe 1,1 1 iiml foin!li iii...rs arc tilted np fer the ti lui.niuiy nine of children liscucd and bruu_ht mirier the < an ni ip eeetrty. Tin- visitor first enters the font office, where run- launs ure heard anti the ordtoarj bQslBBBS Bf tbe x.ctvii* transaetad. Upon one <«t thc walls af tin* toni jp linnie a cunnii.* colleen,.11 t.f srtlelet cpturcl v ulm ern nf the *oci. t.v nt tin- .1 ip in,ree ol! tbe -dat les, nu u.*ed i evtdeeee. Am..mr them are vartoes tat pla¬ teau ut Kotara, wBlpi eadatrape b iii. wnteb ebUdtee .ve lc. 't bo.it'-n, plaeitni* lliken from beggan, musical i-i nun ate mit] Bneeellaaeooeatt.'les, e.icii having eeo. Mted *v it ii lt 11 rodatorjf tellies auber ol tim inns; ute ni,.Lui,- uml -w,iiiiy ni crimes.bratality to a help. ss cu.ni,-ur el tbe gullly eotaa_e ol money eal o, tbe nip, tba pun, tin- -irony ol wrotehed ii;t'e betage, mi* lt-p.iiii- read toms of tba eards aeeompany. ic tho " cariosities." a beary leather etrep "wee sod itv j..im Fuiiarty in beatlag ins daagbter ellie, aaa rear years, ever tbe eaooldors ood bead, ter hiv laeerattua aad dteBgartog her faee." Tbe eerd ,1,in tin; eowilortlns Inforattitlee that Poearty was bilged Ui dwed for bib mon iii* la the peniteattary lu .¦ii,*, .j.lenee, aad tbat the child rescued by the society .1 nflerwaid sdoptod .ito a pleaasoi booie. A nv- Ide baagtag near tho amp "'wat used by eoe Mary ,.ii-iv 0:1 tier boy r.itrit-k, six years old, who reina. ,1 ,¦, it on a bngaiag tn,ir m tue flrlttiag enaw-etonn ..r .et.miie 'SA. 1878, after liavuic beea obi already on nra' »u-ii mam lie lameBftemooa, ead betog Biaxial 11 iii* 1.cul a.id lace wore frtabtfal y eui ami raised.N The bey was eared forby tbe soetety, ibe .Ul el tty Ibe pi-lilt- litiary. '* Hen- ls uti 1 xumple nf the refinement <f cri-,-1 y," titi M11, riiiti-irdeiit jenkin*, baaolag tbe reporter u .men of leather taoaaa lied tea* tit* r ia the .-at o'-atne- siis lashtoa, with hard kaata tied alena them a: later* .tl*. " lin* fl' ndlsii Instrument wat* Bsed nv Heit ns Salt n:mi tha aaked body of bernleee, Anne Beemldi, ni v 1 are of ego." The peaiieatiary received the r. ni ie, .in*] thc little girl. iif:< r nelna Boated ai 1 hos* .ital, w,ii cared fur by be tocietr, and dually adopted ij .t family in ku ..I e reniastsneee. now in l.t. vhs DUFg THB PVBLIO, TIrtre were mun ci'- ofeBOB -THelesb -arin? like san tee* nu ny ns tn ii.,-ii lunoer nee, i,ut tims referred l 1 ere iiu-na:ive «f all. AuioiiK ihe placards vr,,n u bad boee pl,, n 1 ruin pr di teloaal beggars u*iii_ eblldn Bte :, in ni eweke in. i.n- i-yiiiii iibii. 10I 1 ne pal ,: there tero eome queer speeuoena oin* o! them bare (bli -cn,,ti t, ible .,,!¦,:, .¦io rna Prrooce iiimamil t* i there for* recommend aforesaid t,, ali charitable ireataras this nnf.rtnaaM woi te, to help ber, Moos ng the mother of? fire eblldrea deserves the (nipa* linn and asetstaac* sad as every gaud t irietian k owi sat ebartty bi a daiy. I nope that every om vt in take tata cn..(tuleriit iu:, tlic. uni,.rt rn,.'te li. .icr. air! lin v will n .-ive ii nu <;..tl ri oompense au.l hi lp. 1 am .ymir t- ue lervsat, un m.ci", taint." M Toa woman wko bad thal oarJ," setd Hr. Jenkins, -. 1 ad a 11,i-j- 1 ni* .¦¦ rag-ad Uar, foot ubild munius si un i -.tali bei wi un wa.-* aol her own, I,it which tbs bad hired from it- parred for ihe i, of io --" npsnylas her. ii ie a ':< -t :-.i a majority "f cs.-., the chlhireu ti.10b a..tnpa 11 j itifcssional beag us d" n. to 1, em. and it is ti.- icu.in Kali... excepnon wb.-n the ,, _. L, i.e iii,; v, ni, iii 1 .. Hire* s toll tbe tra* b re¬ nt; h., ,r *-..ml.ie.e. Frequently ibu mosts psr- ei ly wretched up '..und !,, be inc mfortable cn, in - v, a. ti lb ..: ui 11 il nm u Int, iliri i nu ,- ea 11 *,: 11 wil it ,-t b 11, 1., ,,. u which nun rudely painted lo irblu lid er*, * B.hi I ,.,p-,l- !., ..', ulrn lllleli, ViC.ili) nt li,.- ,.-.., .. i',ti 1- inn¦ ,. uf 1870*71 ." was carried bj l.t. ¦.¦I in ni .Mm n.1,1 two eal *i. > 11 willi li..,.. t',i a mv p. mtiou 11 '" * fouud itin 1 lucy were tn.1 children lt whs nol 1 crt ii in lust they weru blt own j tli t Lc 1..I.1 ueVci li: . ii 111 l'.iri.--, .m.] nil 1 not p, ..I ,\' been a p- i.o..lm.. ei. Tins ..tier sign,'Kl people lp 1.,i*i.r airl; Ood bless tiioi whoh lp thia 6 Kiri, »rat lakCO !i"i:. a !',». r del Chit I vv,.,, was a, ,v ii om nm ii a. sr eta to beg mooey tor tin suiiport ni ,.ei miser:.!,!c ,.i i.::'..".: pai, iii*, vv ia. would beal ncr !, 1 did 00, bring burne t-iion_.li pennie* tu sail ti j ..--ii. The girl wu* iiorrbly brnleed woee li In liy ibe serat. She is now the happy lamala ol _ pl. ......ni ie me." Mun ni tue .-..nip t'-s'ifl-1 timi tlieir ow inri* lui.I in-: un-1 ,.r leas hy railroad accidents or cert In well. knowo iiip-'-iers. '* Here was a protlj thiewu bergar," p.ll Hie pllp r ifllnll,! -Ui. LlK!,!* lip il Small flail a il fer- t tic.te It-SUed Ly ,1, ,,r In- lnipplL.lt. " '1 111* cr: fl eli le Im dated i! Vp.ii, 1877. and eta us tbal Ihe mau \. ii,.-, n in..- ii io ..i- i.n- ,,, ii in- .ted ior ii ul- rdoi hit... and tbat ne will not be sole '<> work for tren r,nm tin- t.u.c ,.l n,s iiiPiiu-M.i limn m. hospital. Well, -iii rt lew mniill.s Hi-'n « ir elli... i.crtih- 1 Lal man Will a Poor Wind pi .eaiai on bia meas., exutbltmg Hop cor- lilje iii m p.ipji.i l of nip claim fur Charity. Ile lian i. li lie ciii.i wini ..nu wic cn lc(,-il tlie pennies elven by lie.pie wno saw bis oerti.oate bat din noi take in*- ,:inii'i e to rend it. Con i xsinlnatlon, bit c..** wol¬ lun ,l i" i"' ni I* good <. nu.i ion a* nnj bodj v. The |-ooi blind'are suting tbe most numerous ,.f tbs tm pc ulm :,eu- la our streets; tbej nearly al w_y* arel ii oj a w ..-,',,, I. hiilt-iai veil, bslfolad, -ii.v,.in. .uitl, in ei ncr tin* u,i,ie In Bork np,, n the -vnin il!,:.h of Ihs pen pic 'J lu .r.-iiier tin-evi.lri.c, s ni **. ll.-ii n _* In tbe clillil, ::.(¦ more .valuable it tor drawingauraey from the poeki*ta ot th, ..;,ni it.,ni,- .* ¦. t notice tbai tbe-autee of most of these profeaskmal beggars Ste Italian." -, , the greater proportion of Die . professionals ' m.-lt.iiniiia. it seems nat.ral for Italians to beg. i ier an- inc most fertile in tia- ii ven'ion nt deviot I in imp me mi tlie st mp ill let n* tb- |.u i'ie tln-v ;ie mle it« lu Ibo MiuiiJ.it i< m of nil kinds ol paratea! «11 -«.: 1 ,-.-,, nnd ure _. orally exe lieut aetore." HOW C-HLOBB!* ai:k BBaCttan AM) CAitED io::. " l>o you nut hate truu.ln frenucntly in -,'ettiij-* chli- ilren away from th.-sc people, BBB* emily fr.iu pareais who ale BUppuitcti to a _ieal CZlCOl by thene eOtldrae I" ".Oftentiuiea we du, hut ont no uiul-U iii.** um lorim 11., ¦rheo ear eooiety wee sot ee well oeoerstood oe U is at pi.p.i.t. BUIL we get tata tbs eoatts v-iy frKiuenUy. Butpetlmee we have cooaIdereble dlH-Olty Ib getMag a phlldi ltaeeaesaataral foreemepareats to think they ian ilu ai they pl, a*e with their ,,'vii eblldrea, ami itnui.-- timrs they restai ns BtlOOgly, 'X'iim ptil.ee, however, pto- te.-t niirotlicers, and help un greatly la inany way*, vvuen pareats are fonnd sailty ol abodas a eufld Ibey ate usually seat to tbs Isla mi, in ii teen ue ate senora! j utile tooiiiitiii poeeeeetoa *.-i tn.- child wnhnut much ut.u- ble." *. Are the children usually wiiln- to no witt) yuu t"" V, t, inn, r.illy. \vc Weal ilicm very kindly from the fir t. iimi thal ii t,ew raperleoos fur mutt ef thom, '1 hey s '.rn belie tn rei i Mal le coming w lib uh thej wLi lilith*- a ebanare tor the helter. After Dbsyemae lure ibe novelty of tlieir situation mtereats thea, ead rare ia taken to give them plenty to oeeupy their in-mi* until iif v arc provided iur outside." n i jrour society iBtereet iteelf le behalf of chiUtrea wno stiffer from the destitution of n.eir parrnta, bat -lin alf mil cia' ly ll' -trealed I Ciiii'll... win, li.ve i,.,i Piitlli-i'iit cloibiaa io pr.,fit th.iu wtn-u the v.. a*ii i ia Bovere, for instance i" . v- p: if the mm in- an- too poor to provide tbe child will, sufllcielii cl'.lliitii,' We t,monti it wu ti,.ii e If tie p.iieui* soo.Ul sine og these elofb. to sall them, lieu wc vv,ml he Jus,.Ini m IB-lag the oh.d oat ol l., Iiiilld*.'- tt wall, suppose parenta able tn clotlie their ehUdian eon. I ni tu (.ly riimiid r. lu-c lo de BO f " Then we ibould order them i" do tt. an if they did n U "inp y willi mir ,1. inati.l lii.-y wouhl ne brought l>c- ,i,i i. Lc » ."i.ir,.hui a ,-,,ii pl,mit to the pan nip le -ut li a i ititiiy a.i thai u* i eceeserj " iii.-* un y.,u learn ui the eeeea whieh oeanaader jil,i tup. IVl-ilnii I" .-.),, lu mau) ways. In Ihe flr-it pluec. we lin Vu IBI"M i.fii is wini in, ike it niii bu in..--*ii) bc on tha look-out in .. es of cruelly to children i thea m..ny traias us biongbt to uar oouee by eiMsees, bal the anlorlty ,.t the ess** ere broagnt la us bjf luioruiaUon reeoivod from tao police, who ere (Oralehod vtii. blani ,,, i>- ti led not win* Bach d.nails a* may ooaM aader then ao* .. ii,, you kooo eh-dna b re for any length of tun. i" .. ,v,i ge-era*ly. bough we nave aepi , x,- ttiional cum « »i,!i ai sometimee forsevarsl moutbt. Omally, l,,,\.ev. i no. "il* (.malu tn nt a ft wu,it p. 'I iud, ny Oin ie.ii nt ihe c-.iiit. t icy are p.aced in i rue banuble 1 ml'iitu-n, or aie indsniared, or mat,,, ure aa opted into tami les. lu t*-e thean- rn leebls health, tbs jr are at-iil llisi io iii'-i-lial or i>i "i- *','.-,. Booie ol ..ur children huvx aoov West with Btr. Wbl'eisw Keld'a par- nea and witu ina <. nun n seel nol bj tb* *.ii,iun'ii Anl Book iv And, by the woy, I do think tbat lia a i,f aeodmg tnosoculUUrsa mle lee frrab oniony, away fiom the tempuitiuu* and evil BaanaleltoBB td s t.i.y li_. thi*. ls ..'.- sf the crandcit, noblest mot*meat* ever *>ri/rin«t-*(i." " Do you keep Informed c wcemlng tbe children sftcr they have l-fi jam I" "Oh. yet; wo keep Infertile 1 enncerntn*" them all right aluna*, und keep a naged uf each child'* life, wa in,toiily try to (.Lue tiiein pleasantly, hut we see that thry arc w.-'.l tteate.l when- tln-y gu, and walch over them until they ute ol,] il.oii._li ti take tare uf theiu- itelve*." " Hare you any children here with yon now I" "Yr*.two. Hui ci,me up tt,mp iin.) *e. lien* and iee thc im un we have fm niitk!11_r them couifi,Mable." a Loon ai imf (tnt tun n's i-f * milts.'7 The rep..Uri lulluwod tbo i-uperluieiideut up to the foin iii tl ur. _" First wi.en a chlM 1* hruimht to u»," M-I Slr. Jen¬ kins, .. it it brought l.ere,".entering a spucum* ha.i- rootn, willi SBfOnl halli lui.* und nuiunheref BBpontS hindu*. .' It 1* introduced tofh*- beOSfl through th* roetn. and Mun, tliiie-t luis mci hod nf iiitimlilctlou I* anylhtn. billa meie f i,i.lily. Tin* child'* Old chitins, often lucre inaKPC.* ol r.i_s ami fill h. arc luke,, nfl BBd >!l*iin*ed ef, aad after a hath lt ip provided wita i reanMon mw ouitit frees the eletbes-raoes. Thoo tate mtraadoworo in.- .null ir room, i.n tic n -ot below and alvon something lo * nt. nfl, r w del n has lac freedom of tue bsaee.** " Here is tiie ;,i,tv rt,mt." thoo las iin- reporter inion pl, a.p..ni ia....ii i.iitu'.tila- a ell.-.-lion of tnt *. A bright looking Uttie boy ahoai tiree roan md. wu* playing wilburn. I, comm.ve. VVl.eii th.- .upc rinti-uili-iit eu¬ ler..!, th'-clinil dropped iris plaything nnd ruiiinii_ up to afr. Jenkins csngbi btu bj toe hand all-en.mutely. '. What is yuin Hume, my littie IO.OB I" Baked thu re potter. - Cn,ll ile ll.-ldc, ker." "And wuuld jou iallier »tay here than at your ll'.lll, ]" '.Ye*. I dont weat tO 00 home. Pupihe whip* me. Ile di,I this,".1.ming a gager upon louise* upon differ¬ ent pane vt ins little mee. " l>o ymi like your paoa 1" *' Yep. I like him. bill I'm afraid ot lum j he whip* mc I waiii in s.i.v here." Tue otli.-r cnlld under fie enre cf th,- *r>oiety nt tho time w;..-* ii girl twelve real lotd, wbo had been brutally treated by a family in w bick Him bad been s terveat. Bi Xl to tbe play-room is the lur^r, eheeifOl sleeping- Kunu, furnished with a number nf suuwv while cot*. Tins mom i* wi il lighted snd ventilate.!, ned uk,-..il i bo net of lbs hii.i,uni.-, le heated hi iteamand n* provided with Spealuug-luBs-s aad cte. trie bella Nu i,, tm* ia the ciuii.es ronni, on ell sides el winch are tbelveenud drawl rt tis e I wuh CompletS ontOtsol Ix.lh mimiuer unit wluter clothing for cbliiir aol both exes and all agaa. '. Where iin i'nii _it all Hu-ciat nii,.t" ns'ei! Ike re- p iltcl'. ** A great deal of lt "wande np hy eneritabli ladlee, who are meiiilicr* Of our Kociety. M-i-n ,,| il tomes tbroage renou* lewlag aoeieiiea Ciotutng ,i uei liave b ni us s.ime. ami we. nave ,i great deal f seoond- liaiei eiotbtug, most ,: v.i.:, ii as* he. ii wo ii very kltghtly and i* sltnosi ol-.I ss new. Sere ts a bos ,"f ahi es, ol assorted ? !/.. p. sent to u*; then e. ¦ eulleciion ol hat ami iiniui' t -: ii; drawers contain undercloib- nu.', l rn- lu nk* v.-i'i.-. (Li those shrive* Bear tbs wm,'.nw iiiiv e.-ii tv : nv ii iv, -eui pub.tabers. A. s. I; ii a. p.. .'. have noni n*a t *,: sci..>.,,¦!',-.,.-, and n. \V. Carl t";i has niven t coileoiion of ebitdn-n a Monea ,!¦ _Cu.sent ti*Musbux of soap;n aad noii-eiu- P inn h.lem enumerated different ari toles sent by prr* .pun- m lap a,ai/.: - v*i ,1 ci e.ia,' ii. i ., n wei aome dd cniilii lillnna 0 ,- J '..m.' wi.,.."ipili a-e,:«kui cloak o.,,t a Hill*- worni .-n bad teni dreotet iimi kata tiiii:ni 1 nml 1.1, i..c.i in extrava¬ gant sit ie*, uni likely ui ..,., /. willi their mag* lilli, em i .ie ci.il* ;. ,, ile-... e .t wet, them. Down t>t_*n aga n, the reporter wa* siwwfl late ih<- nlti., 'middirector*'moil:*. Upon the walli oi Which vtct'e loin il, !.._: ,ti'l,» "1 H..iii* .¦! ll*- ci. ll, (, li n ...nett bj i:., -,-t, j puutiigrapb* taken when the ehUurao w, ie Ural I* ne i and mucra n on recs t. "Wi Bavejui i'.e;v.'i a new iibotigraph of little Lt,ill- Ya, m. I ne p: .ll, ip .1 Vie li,, ot Hf BeV, Ji'iW.i:'! ,,w v's m.. pi. rd's I obi.' " Mr. .1. :.kin.. "Tue boj l-'.,,' eil ts yean old. When wa gol biro no a iu-t 17 i.-u ',*; now he weighs .'<"> pounds. IU una llecll III nlti CU-* l* I ll'lll in .*,l_. Aili ll lie tv ,,p Lea. ,1 .il !-,. 1.I1K, '.- Ho-, il !:.:. l.'h l..e KUIUIUOl Ur v ..t Ll'pl Ul ill'' *\ ll.ll. M Illili. tl :f , 111. I Lie ll.ie.ilull Ul thO l-'ellla.e 1.Il iii.,I. ,,> ... ji.ii I. N. J " t ni. p. I',.'.' I ..' pll'.t ..(.liip.l vi lill i.llu ni Int- plc. it; e* of Mu- boy tas.it Jaitt altei iii i u*, n I * mt .< aro luiu.rs. nt i. ,e,¦ ni .ii- mme perena. (Joe a lui ,'i * iii v-ii ,v p ,t .it iy-.ia,i skcii-iuii; tOs lillie I, il l ii ,1'. .-.'V .1 * I" Ul p. ..CC. nt .i lil. jji:i. kimi ll' i iii CADI:*)-.:. M.-; m. .. Ben l* .* iin, ti.*...,.. ul tns mvou little bror.-.-!ii over to Uti* b ui try by one ol ibe padn n. , _!.!.>. .,ii, win. wes tr-e i un t eoavu year. T-epadnnici comprise ..-.a-*..; italian sdvoa- rii:-.il.-. Tti'-y t..ila) i elLi.licii in lin- N. Sim Itau d ui ii'. it. tu. in Kip- . i, byagrc p.. taoir pareati a certain MUD tn-, ney lor tho sst. MUM <t i.n - ci. Hu len lora term ol yeal ¦. sod al <, t cl itbo sn i Iced them aud givs ibeai a musical ed* ition. nie p ri poor, ;t ai !. vi >g lm I*,- html - ipprrti oflea Uv barn .: wi I, lhasa mi and |>ooi chi -i ur- tuen Iranip d lu rough 1 i* In \ go, ;.u ! wu-a a Btsapuri i- res - ... ste biouaut ;> A merl, ,, ll tn. i li hiv. Iud. .. ."ii- "f!i ... .* ie. uk io some low qa n ter ol ih - eil) to live, ano i .11 .,.,,1 ml lill il .p .1 pr, elle ,,| ii, .mi, lu ¦:,','- r up ni : i i,.' ,, i, t i i. ! ,,, ,.,, ii ii 7 -ri l iii tuc JV 11- ii day, be] ii mi .M uh Iced i > pe lol ni ,,, los ¦¦¦..- .I v.. net} una ivi*s a.Iol tte money tl it the chiMren earn, awl tao only return they Kt-t l* Oail " "'.. ,. ol ii nag ..ni brutal tn j..... if a I. vert imp. e. ly, I _H all,men ,, u ngeeounii-y.sequaioied willi noou>-bul ,. nu.ii-,..mi ....-. <i I .rn baa Ml i.lein au rn- il...;,. *.v. i I-, in .1 hi dara Bul eoiupla.n oi inn -,..,,,\ from bim, and will r< ty ot ten even u-n ...- ting il li is thi n father ui tb. ir re ativ. .a* ho hil i- nil - ih'm '" BO.!*>l I, ar bs Will r.i venae uiiuseli uj. turin, aocordins Ut uta blood i-uidiing outus aud i. reata, ll they ito oil *¦. i-.. " 1 Qt I- '- .li-i In -or. nf I liing ri I i.e Ci, ii,-, i.-! ii'*, and in -I- nial bis ancarobi u i con¬ ant j cai. Tuat cai . p.i _:: i,. live »iop -"' ]-,. .io,ii- a ' ie i'. .vi,, no,a Waa p. u,i .' lo thc a, an, i'. i, i, r.i.u \ lura leriuof llv-e yetti*; tue lio/l wei" retiurueU to their in woo t*\o rh'i'liv i.-iiny old violin*hangina mantel In ." uh rn -' room, i uej mun ¦¦ and tn,ci-- ta. A S IU l.,i ii- ,. ,1 Kin* i, ,-. I Wei .i in, p, ,-r uatter, i ni. ,,,-.. imi ¦-. ¦.- ,!.i,..v. uti real.-i .i.i'. i: Ul,il ia at tn.m.. '. Il IOUU Hil .1- . -Olte* nm,- lott, I. _. h.ii wu ea ,i i'i,..,,i.. i ,,,..;.i tad p ,. bi* ue a di. g al ad par in ll.ar I e.a. i.i..- . >.o. il ' i I- " -a-'liles. .. vi ... v.iy |" ..,-...¦<¦ U-oi porter. .' i i.i j .. .. i,.' -I Lal ii ^,. -, nine and e,, * *-., .*.- lilli, «hO Wc] V 1...I Ol p ;., .'..-m. i ii, in ;-i ii-.'-.-. ni .s.i,,,i...,.,, ... io travel through J*ianc..iud in im- ciotta* ia "a ,: ... i ..v ,i *v-,l li',.ut ar,I, I'M I" ..I, 101 ,. I.. .: ;. I ,,--t CU||. ii.ti mi*.n ,. La ni'.* aillVed ,,i- ubuuiied i E.nil ill.' Ut. I'.ie Ul III I, ".'." m l'l lcd lo :, Lime li,-tn i.'ie n.lier i- a.i lan.ate i f .t Cami .,mi:.,. At pi- Bein 1,.'i i, alu ,.,. net eu,larva hop 11, -i ie r,. We m,., u_i e torr* n u vi.., ii .,- v ...i p.n is iii Kiilope, hut ii., i ol Kini rai;, ii keep us posted regarding ail ariivali u childi-, h." ll. i. .p ni,e ni'T'-ph ,,,'.i.,; li l wan to -h '*7 yt,ii. T,.i- ¦ a pict in '.:' .! '. El eu,' iii eruule co.iiimou wbeu discovered, t-., yeera ago.led in ne ' i _-..i. .-.ai in ni ii.,- s .cit ii. bue i* now tue adopted mumbel ..: ,i faniilj h\ mg in the te .tr.il j,.o-i ul lue bu*itv, and Da* develop -i lulu a really nauuaomo. blight aud luielligout potMiu. I taw bei lust tumuier." i Mi'.M Ol lins CLASS 01 WOKff. .- ii*.*-, li the ,.-..-ty sopport. ,1 I" "B/oontrioa ions sud by tb* memben. Baoh mem¬ ber, ezeepl the life members, paj * uno tbe Ireamu t *¦> a year. Ufa memben pay In 990 ai iii-t. Hauy, bsw- cvti.iiot uuiy pay lin- i.-_il.ai incl,i..c. .-iin,. fees, .01 eobeni ibo tram gio to aiOO aannally beside, i lu socictj hoe ao w over 2,000 aicmben of both aimee, ol whoa th.- -ic. i!,-r pi, ip., i nun are laic.. Since oarorgaeise timi w have sand for nearly S^MOchildren. "int.ie I.--. y,:ti4 Bine, the eeterdleboanl of our Boi'ieiy I wel.tj-fou. -la-l.- l.avi lie ii t>r_ai,l_ '! nil .1 ,. pl.ni IO lite Uni] al Silt,.--. 'Jue, me itl A iiiiliv Buffalo .Sew mi-, li... in -i.r mid Biraiogs. N. Y.j -aa ll aa l-i n, Cal; U Uuil tl.t nil, Del.; Wit-..III. nil, I) ( .- tv. in, ian, li...: emeu-., ami djuluov, III; Bsltlmorn! Md.: BostaBi Mi--*.: Minnes .* un,] Bl. Pani, Mina., Vineland, M Ji Keene aad Portsmouth, N H.; Cincin¬ nati ;in.l Cleveland, Ouiui Pittsburg and Phna-ti Iphia, l-i nu.; Memphis, J. ue ; aad .Uw.ukae, w,.». Of ibese pi,, r.tie-. each oas covers a large territorj oeti tba city In walsh it ia loeatad. Then an lao bum lor¬ eign BooleUn.In Loadon, Bnalauu; Peria, J.von-, Rb ii: i, i: ii ¦.", Poa i-i-,, and Toora, Pnace: ami Milan, Italy. Teen ia oas BlSo in Halifax, H. s. Allot im esocieilee icaemble oore,aad tut* Milan society i. Identical with this "in-, using uaaelatloai ol i rn book ¦, rules, etc, iiml bering Ihe atm* badge. This Milan society bsa i.ra:,, in p acattered tbroogboal Imiy. Ws curri--:,.,i>,I With BU of these Boeirtiee lol ngboat the W..tl.I. ci,sim,liv exe..inn.'.ik duCOIOoniS ai,,l i'ni,i.,,.. te ,i. and nm* each o. letj nu* km. ¦ bat v. uibei *ni.iy is doing aad whal i* beiBg eccompliabed la the caust* througii-i.ii the world." P. 1. EAL'S I M RkCOVEEISO. I'. T. ll.-iriiuin is rccov.iiiig from bia aegioBe ill- ii.-r* at tbe boon el lu* soo-to-low, Boaoel ll. Html, No. 334 Leziagton-oTo l»r Hodaatoo, ol this city, aod Dr. Hobbord, ol Bridgeport) Coon., baas beea bia attending pbyeioiaos, aod tbe elder Dr. Fliot baa bora called la faa Beratal cun alta* lions. Mr. Hui.I sn.il la.i S reeling to a Taiatma rooorf.ri "Mr. Barnof is maeh better, hut is sun rori weak aod ia eoo- linc.l to lu* ''.ii. We nil feel sun* nf lils npeedy recovery. I lent bim np a few monela ot turkey hom inc riianksgiriag iain.- tin.* aftoroooo, ia order tbat be might tbi iu it* with .a io tbe oouool feast | bal bi bee eaten Terr lillie se rat, Re win s<-v. i,tv v.-his*,1.1 .us- July, and tberefore doe., not i-. iparats its a mini "i ' v.mv- 'ir noan wo.ld." ASTH LUI.." IS Ol LUE MOREY LL ll LE. To I li e y il i t or ii I I li r FrilBSI, Sm: lum ieuiiii'le.1 _. thc letter of tin* \Vu-tiuii_ton . ,.irs*|i''i'd.-iit in I uk iiiiius.. ,,f .,,,_. i, ,i,,,- tn Inc .VI,,i,y letler, Ol a c,,nv.I .ti,..ri Li¬ ii , ol Watti bester < umy, ,,,, i .,-U. Ile a. c.*l.*l me ii. Wall *L on tie- BMMralag ol October 17, aad ehraptly observed, ..Well,! sdeei we have gol yoe a aw." " la what way ff I roan ml .*Why,thalCeiaeee letter ,.f 8a dato, wm raise .in¬ ti, m.- Wita li.iii mid " _e ii Li pi-el I Baal lt v. r.v .N.niJi t iii .-ai.." I rldlcnled tba kt m. thal ..n> loiter, *.-. unloe oi bogus, woald effect that malt, bat be nepondi I, a* in w .ip*'*i a.* *y wini au ni tii.it t-iprta-- .1 areatconl danes " Toolleeai *""' - -" \ liit.ua... Stu loek, Mov. _4. lb_«J. EDISON'S WORK* omura beadt fob a kio __-_p_________-T. i'liurimiSO TO ..i-mivii: lli.NDltKt)- ol' l.AMfs TJiKOL'UH r.ioiiT milks or wiiiK- wini:* to uk UD IN NKW-YoRK IN JAM'AltY.CKt-It'I~*ilS Oat TIIK M VXIM LAMP, " I don't bel irv. you will find Mr. Edison up it hi* mliorutnrv now," *ald tin- pi BBBMSB of the Menlo I'afk ll'.f'l W. ,!ue-,| iv timriiii'i; a. a reporter of Tun liui'i.-H; '. h.-sent down ben* for some erucRers at il .'cluck th!* BMratag, Bad that BMOOS that he wa* at auik all night." At Hie nilli c cnnnerlt-.l with Ute labor- itory lie reporter wa* gmt thal Mr. MtBBB "cai a*lrep; tli.tt h.* hud wor'-.d rt'l the tight hefi.rs and several preceding night*, and hat bis employe* hud been working day and Bigot lae eeeee itaBO. Hr..diena did not appear until .il,ninon, wheo tte in. uiiii uni, tl the renou,r thl-Ogh til* laboratory, machine BBOBS and .lrafiln_-roniii. und unv,r.*ed trct-ly Mu.ut his lahore, .u-hlt vern, nu oad .litims In Ihe fl,-ld nf electric llgtiting alni ;,!,u..'. I.i* bepee and plans r,.r tlie fur ure. In tlie laboratnry were huming hrltthtly. nnd with a!- ¦eat perfect iteedlosss, a dosee laeaadeoeeal loova, ¦ai alias- with tue bamboa oarheae sheped Ilka a hair inn. In UM BIBffclne stiopt a score or Awn el lu B were Bald nt at work prennrin. Ibe iiniferi il fer at experl- netit nf c,)ii*itl rn!.!,' mnirnuuilr and Imperial BB I lui t _r. l_.livt.li BSpeetl tu in.thi in little tn.in* han a fortiii_iiL 8.vera! of tlu-se ineii WBSB 'ii':.ii. in place the part* of an IBUB8BM ly.,nm.) n aclili.e of I,.'.".- bene power, s-s. it li vhlrli Ibe atteuipt will anon lu* made to operate a great lamber of lampe threagh * brbi mlleeef wire, it was Ito ur,e.ii tl ini eui cu ni Mr. I.i!Hon to leal the practicA. nil y ut apara!lag un thi* ri lao il ia *cuir in August, hut te was .limppuinti d nv tin Pntle lelpbm BBoebtoisIato vin,ni he (.'ive the <-i,iitriio, tn fumina t.-e BtBBm QOglgS er tl c iivnuni'i lua.-hine. tm* maeBtae dhfhn brest the nnclniiiM tierctofnre used Bl Men! Park, Bad is designed ,, <l,, itu- work of ii large Bomber Ol them, and to pto* luce better rasalta nt bott tin* os il la pleat la tbe draaghttng-room several wea wan fonnd pot- log tlie tin,slime toil- hes te pleal sad s;. -elfie,ilinim for in ela,,male t.y stein of cl-ctre liglitinc. laettldlng lie till.i.a fur a nuuih. r of c. ntral station* o lie inuit in ibo City of Kow-York. la Ms py-ieui tbs i ,i> baa beea divided imo .ii»trici and ealeulutlona have been mad of the electricity thal a lave lobe ooneia;ed toe eaeh district. T,e- pbin* foi be e. ni rai Rtationi have buen arawa m eeeordanee rvitli lb* M r.'i!rui.iti-)ii*. Mr. J.,Ls,,a ha-alan Inuit a fact .ry fur liimi) iiiakt'g. uni im* taaghl a uuniher of hoys b,,w to blow gi tn. \t th.- tin to. i tt ts Bia eapeetation to hare lamps made 'ur line iu Sfew-Yerh when pnparailoai te eater the ienl BgalBBl gae have been finally ead Mttafhetoflll nude. Viic'iiiiii pumps have also boee [> tfectod lu pie- i,ar<- lae lump* inr ¦ ie. AN ATTACB OH THK MAXIM LAMP' .* puii'.ic attention ta Kew-York," aald the reporter, "beaneeatij beeadineted le tbe Incandescent lamp af lbs Ma vim !. iient. Ore ii r el a li iw been mads inr ,hi* lau p. eoe leveral nclontiile mea have -.'iv-'ii li a iirniig ii. ii,1.4 ¦.i,ct. w.iiii tin yon think of tn f-tuxim lamil t" ¦* I have road what bea beea published ahour that lamp," said Mr. Edison. " Hie dalmo nude for it sn ii.tr,.e. lake, f >r in-t.nice, the ebBm Uni it is be li rsi lamil!,, ut tia* ai pori was of a di viand lectrlo current. Every |, i -..I familiar wltb the biston of tn* an of electric lighnna koows that I was .i.e Bm penou to div uh- the i iiiiin. h. nee tin- pori lum-. 1Hut was dour li. lue ina - I Uill.lli-il I e|e IMI V.l-lel. I'll ellie iii*- Mux.imp uni whal do ron nu I a glass ia tal a, fl i n I, iii :,! tm >n ia ft* rn aud ph rn it, ih- nu- le eshatts ed un.I the lamp ,s .pe i.e., np Iii i- p.. I-, iv tu, lamp Koo csa ',.,! iv i oj be pecauar sue 'giveutoihu Biument ti. tut) .da Min iin.,' I .1 ls uulj .in-'- l>, ni v 1 I'i unthill. iii- f cu hon ; ll ,- ubi cnn, ii- fi.' a OJ Ur,-eu fen. I principle Old IU cb. ill j, nymi ii- ula uni! nit ¦¦ been ;, Bf-d t.u ii ance in lue Po ni uni ... t ie rs .* nothing new lu in pl- in r 11 fi ic I-.',,' Ul.' oy ie- i:. DOUC lamp* i - m . ie i Dirt, v ira ¦¦ to. 1 e n > .-ui,,hm 'ia-; .he enrreni and nillixiug the divi tm t, mus pr ,tm mg many lia.it* tn ¦- bri lian aud tbi p. ,ii. ii' '. ot subdivision i* iu> di , 1 could ic .1 .ne s. v. m ,.:.... ,,-,, vv. .. .vi.&i,ii lia-.1*,ii ., bad I lil .-.ir .1 io Hiukeaauow. I did pi, m.. gi. is tu ihe ,. ,. ..i. t I -,.ii iii, .ut in May ..m., aud ...iv a.ii in use ai .- .v; io i-i. .._., and B_.nl au * loni-d j in my laboratory and soups. Us issuer nnil.-,i ... t x.iuii i' .va .tn au,aud ni doti bl he p,c:.,,i i, labor ki n . ib, bm thal nut ol ii i:. us ur ia e> cou ii ic patented. li-- I,,., a, ai- .i.i flan, nie a |H,J nf ,v,-v rn c. ii, vv ll in 1 a ia), aud bas uim employed bow j bete ...veli t.i au ...jed lil tn..l. 1 ii .vc i.evtr ba¬ an ,i,i.. ia t -I,'' ai, ead i 1,, ni ming dow, I !j im protection u:>,,r, the paieni li.... i,.isi4 ii,I. iii- tn,,-1., pursue tbe mei Innis ul i'ii ur a...--.wi,on iii.h.ut... in n locked up ibeu ,-n.ii..', ..>: i- iii- ii. If lu;' la .... i. ..ut pmii ct I.iv. i, v .*i. ii re to r. iii. to ih ..,-i.nt of tao Middle mu tintt ihe Mastm lemp tafrlngee yoai pah .,. i" .m tim bsa infringed three of my pateatt and thir One ol tbe me.i pecuniarily lulen led ia mi i. ii h. ie.1 ni t ii is mn.na- moro led. .'.',, ,1 lUbt Le ni [....>. 'I ,, ia lllalillCl o 1- .'i e ... Ill ive in- ii.' ope itu wy ia a. ,;i New-Yoik au.i have di'-.in a.. !). c.iii-c ere 1* no onj ei lu n' s-i*. to be so.d una 1 un nu tb. -i"w uv ness." - i aa been given out tuat yon have lately been es- iin Dam a '.. *¦,.,..,.. - and j <-,t a .:,'.. _!-.- .1 li Ml ¦. i ,.-*.- o a -: us .i gnal variety >.! carbon.. ..,.,*, to cuntie iv io -a .erm teeni tbat it ia i ) an 11 orai l texture tua li..* I, **, r uni ei r. li. ns lb m nu 11, eui mil nf ,'.i.ii,'.,,, il] a bu spi cial pi ...-. rtjf la icc- lilllie,al a." tl -i rn l HI. DELAY. u.iv yon anj uoj ctao'i lo itatlug the i !¦! iel of yoi r i. h. und present lab ¦¦i ive nothing to ec ecol. I li-v.- been working and mu ii ¦*.- working *. .t-i tb mle object ef pi .. lag ihe .n t af .,, eric lighting on a .te bs ll "f cu.um i. lil BOC- cooa, lt ta our purnose lo compete with gaa Now, In III Cit ¦'' . 1 "> f't -Lal 111 lbs i,.,,uf.ii Lue uf ga I-i! tobe tupposed th can i*iover linn,au- with a men unuoiincomeut ol nm i <,ie m.. ii,, wipe out i be opposition n presented bj -,i,,i ,'f .' .) I 'ill n ;,i'- ina .i lilla, s lo fie rod, alter a taltai actory Itghi i,.ip bean on aiued, -in n ii ;!..- cont nt p ai -. the di preci ttiou , f pian! ,, mi iii** interest on plant. Bvi ry thing mu b gol dowu to Um last penny. For instance, lu thu mal bi lumps,heniofore then bas b eu au waj .,! manngu i.iinji in I. a* »,' le,poi' .-xe ;>i lu band. Ii tOOfc mi; in.ot Iv*.,, ll,alis lo leak a -ifilcU lum ll was tlieic- ,.m-i..ai-,- tn inii.ii :. f.. lory tu iniii.e glass aud ii .i. ure lamp-. iM- 1...¦(my i n.tv Uuili and i am D, .* ii. _ ii -. . ii ia lu blow j-'i ian." I, .vin regard your l imp aa ntisfactory in its pi III 8 Bgt- Ol Oelcaij lie ll! ,"' I h.IV- null,il,v. lo ,lill,Illili Of Ul Illa! le et! I have h ii a: ir,i,i,i4 tn .ak,- I iic i i,.criment ,,r operating buiidred* ol lamps brough eigiit miles ol wire i.r rome in iin.-. u.e ,i I-, i.i-1 nr-t tm-tn.- esperlmeut was Hu u-t IS, bul I was disappolnied in not kc ting thu ileum rngine ordered fnm a Arm lo Pbliadolpbia II liii-i a! e'n.e l!,..f 'la',-. I haV" ll, ,1 tit le eiVed till . i,-inc. i.iii ii ip ii.,w poeltlvel] promised me ta a little mon niau two weeks, a-phi,in* it oom el ¦*.'.' make the Sttt'-ipf. and 1 hate m. oula Ol in. -i. Ii.ive been vt, kin.* with a * sw of obialatag a tieady ii.-h. ..f am,u: 16-candic power J li publie may he taken at Brat with a light or gnal l-rilliauoy, bul people would toon become und et loeb a light in theil fi n-'-s; ll WOUld pam til- eye and linke it weary, iii fact, people vv nhl pi.'.lt g.*f kick Ol tildi a light and have it nmoved. Amodentclf bright ilghl Ol i-.-r.'.-c: pl.-a.lines- 14 vt lint is Wanted." .. iri ii '-..... I. I lien, v..ur ,.h|e.'l ls in re,tel', ttl,* pei nt nf suet- p-i,ii competition wita gaa, aad yoo an hopeful ol reaching thai patel I" *. Mr oi,pd ts to 'lev,*e tha mean* nf wtablisblog el fri*-1 ahtlug on a ,','iurnr-r-1 ti basia; to distribute tue current fi"in ., *eni ral-Lui,,:i and measure il, gi tri noa -. a ii-I '" brino the eoai down toa point wi, cr,- nc enoi mon mon. yeo influi ui a of gas ean bc ai cc mm eiicounl ie,i. i bev. no doabi wbatcverofra in,- plat > and ip u all ns lor eentral sia;,,,n* foi the < ,ty oi New .%'"-¦- have beea made, snd proposal* have been received, lie-re rt.eilns nothuig ess otfoi tin- eoniti my to ontain tbs permissioB frotn tl,- a ni nun ne -, i New Vor_. ii that deuaiespoet lo lay wire* ni J .n,,.iiy."i Mr. Edison also said tbat nvewl per. ms in Geneva bad become interested le bis light, and that capitalists of that (dry bad f»rmod a compaoy ead isa! men to Menlo Pars to learn tbe tmsltiae*. rheas mea ure now working dui) in ile-1.ii,*,rat,uv end euopaof Mr. Kdlson. Tbebwus wen greatly ettnc ed bj the briUiancyol tue lights. Oae of lae ___eoa lamps vt ns run up to _,'_uu candi, ** ai ii, nt va. Til li EL CHA EG ES AQA1S8T A SAlL'AL Atulrtiis Mobo, a sailor on tli (lenniin Bteoioship Qellert, waa takoa bafors Joatico Dixon, of tba New-Jareey Supreme ('oiirf. iii Jersey City, feater- day, on a writ <>f hobooa earpoa Be wea arreeted M,,n,lav cn :i -l_-Pfa of having deserted hu I Mel and waa locked uti nt Poliee Ile nhju-n t.-rn il Hoboken. He wasvieiiedifl hij *-il br Mrs. Ida Mets a y,uuor (¦* u.in widow, lin. Bets sobee- quoutly second s worreol for lfoko*e erreet oa a charge ni betrayal nader pronias of B-friage, from Jastice .*-ir.'ii_, bot toe police, an- li.'iiil's tcfil-eil tO .Icliv.r Illili (O fl ct's, '.hi,-, lin- wm of beaoas eorpoa wuk seeored hy the woman. Joatiee liixo.i or-ered an offleerto take M,.lin to tn*' t '«#.ini v Jail oil Jersey City Heights ami keep lum then to await ii hearing, which Will Ink'.- pince to-iiiorrotv. Jual before the itaomahip s.n.ed "*eoterd_y a -oar -I.tl,I,- cull.ti on .lailur Allen Bod demanded Moho, waa was bb ba taken io (J nu mv i,u trial na i aharge of desertion. inn tue j ni..1 r- il -,ii i" sarrouder hun witboat sa order Iron. JaeHoe Dixon. Mi*. M*:/.'* inn!.:,ul die a i.ile weane, la Uennani. atm or eight mouthe ai. , and abe lieeame acq_ainled witb ll.aa ob iu-i paeaege h ick to ll iboki n. BIS uti 11. li: t< lui;I D nun A ll 1MMRR. An Bf_a) look place ai Coostable ll " k. Bay. u.iiic, N.° J., Wcilucsday aClortioou, which ia Likelf o result in thc death of John Flynn, a liquor-seller, -"lynn w, nt into anotln-r liquor shop that afternoon, viler- there waa a l.iig.t number of men. Among hem were Patrick Hennessey, bet ween whom and ''min tiiero wu* had blood, and James Rielly, a r,";,tl of HeOBOBBoy. 1 hese two vvero excluded from he gem-mi invitation of Flynn to drink with nm. 'liii* was considered bo BB insult, ami angry tonis led to OB agreement, to light in un BOOB lol. ['In* I lin .- men started, and had proceeded gtr-OBt B mildred feet win n Plena drew a knife and made a iiiu'i" i t lleiiticssev. Ho vvuM knocked down hy 'ielly. who struck Flynn on tin- limul with a baa Ber, fraetonng hi* skull. Flvnn is uot expected to ive, and Ino BBSaahKBta have fle*l. OBITVARI. WILLIAM If. PLOYD. Another fnvonlo actor han departed, nnotlier ri.-ml has gone, nnotlier no',le anil L'l'nert.us noni tam tallou BB-B-P. Tin* death of Mr. Flovd.wliie'i "scaned yeeterday BBoratafe. will mriko ali who mew him with surpri.su no less than Borrow. He »ns in tho prime ol' lite, ami Ins lifo was o ie of coo¬ lant. OOd extraordinary iniltit*tiy. Ile ha.-* heen a aiiiiluir figaro upon our stage for the heal part mt .rooty years. His name is BBB puruhly i.lenti- Ied with Wal luck's Theatre, und in most of bobrtllioat Baaeeaaaso_ thal howse ka bago a ooo* ptem as mil hon.until,- p.nt. II*' HM.taged tho ,'nrietics Theatre. In Mew-Orleooo, ia rai l>ri_!it*-r lays, nnd niii.ic a Bplaodid reoord there, aiui ho waa nagaasefilatod with tba late ArtharCheaey la tin' aenageejent al the Globe Theatre ia Huston. Be vas one of the heal actors that have ever roil oujr singe, his irish character parts, aogiog from .Sir Lucius OfTrtggtt to 'lanny Minni.wliilo in li_ht. satirical conn (Iv. is typified bv sir Churum Loman Lr or Pi rey Ardinl, ha bad not hm pOOT BOOB tho American (tune. In all the fop**, from ollie to Sir Fruin iii. Ulnunl, bis fflKelleaee was suix-relive anil uuri* railed. He bod wonderfully goal ju.l.irMat in all mitlers relative to llie stugc, and he was one of lim i. i* Born-) ilishrd stags managers that hare ap- icared in our time. Ile has been tho inain-atiiv af Vallack's Tbeetre, in stag.- management, far eeo- .ral years, am! bia work has boeo does with thor- lughneea aod perfoel tarlo Ile was u model of Met* ty to doty, and ho had, in a rare degree. he temperament that- Baakaa a man eooo* ile ,.f gentle and ehecrfal self-sacniiee. His ambitioo wa* azoel io acting; bat bia re- i.si,.,I.ii.-s cooatraioed him to nadortake the Irndgery mthcr than the more brilliant toils ol lu* iroieeeion ; and, of late, tho actor hail become wall ugh enbmerged in tho etoge manager. Hut Floyd rae oo actor of rare powers, aod of wida range; a choler, aod a niau of railed accomplit*hn*--nte; ml, ni tlie e!i.r.icteii*tic turn of his uiiiul, tba fe* icily ol bia Ideas, iii- readioose of the right wurde, ml Ins Babbling, ezaboroot mirth, one of tho vv k- iest taik.-r.i tiiat ever e_orn*ted a aoeial in!.-. His acting had the s lui uerit of npoee, and bis execution vt a* Iw.ivsapi ami crisp. He a a.* one of the last of the omediana vino wear with grace the rapier and he r.till-s <>t the eighteenth cen ure. In biadontea* ie and -il lil lie wm deeply loved. He bred io be enjoyment nf others, and hie homo waa alwaya a oven of bappim to. He leareo a widow and a little sniily of girl.'i'i whees b***r_o*reB*reat it is most «a.l o tri ink. The memories of bim that eome to bb i b- enil over nilli., years, sod sro interwoven with nany bright and loved and lamented nairn s. Ir is mly.Bible i.o v, in adding his natre t,> that mel- tbat a truer beor! than thal of floyd Iii* never answered to the voice ol' ff ¦¦ i .i Milli il hy ih" bond of death. Mr. Floyd died al ftYJO o'clock, at Ins hon,.- *-,( In. 1 IO 1* ourth-ave. He wna fortv-elgbl \-*-.r* nhl. ..'I three wc* ka he had »,e.-ii aoff. -u.r_' from severe lit'f'.i Iv- 1' a, nt, 'Bright's ill --ii a*. He CUV.--, u wife ¦i iron daughters. Un. Floyd end t ie eldest ter were present el bia bedside, and the t;nr children, vt h.. ar.* in the eonntrv, if boarding- .bool, wi re itnmediati ly - immoned bj vii. J he funeral will take pla i nt 10 o'clock *! .i day moi n ng, :it rtu- Cbunta "I ibe Transfigure* ion anil the interment will beal Long Brunch, '.¦. here li :,:1\ h -i Iiim. stead. Mr. floyd's nins \sere marked by xtreme snffertng. A lew la j's ago li-- rallied, and il waa thought then thal ie. would recover, nome vents __n Mr. Fiord in¬ ure.I Ins life for $10,000, bm lie bed al owed thc tolley to run oat, A low doyi before he bret b mi,- iii he t<< ik out a nev. policy for the eenie un. .n..t. HERMAN ROI J 'V.-*. Berman Leroy Jones, a member of an oM >'. w v rk family, died Wednesday, al bis home, Ko. 37 -. Be waa tbe eon ol l*.i\'IdB. J a ot ih- New-York B .:.- Ir. Jones li'.'.r:!,-.] a daughter of Air,hr"*" Ki- gslaiKi. lei,, tossed a foftu o sutnoiently larse to eiiao,e .un o live wiihuut eogag-ng iu buoiLi *. tia waa ame. OD lal '. ALFI: ii 0A ITH EB. Alfred 0;.ii!i»-r. a member of iii- Board of ifanasen of Adama Ezpnss Company, aod a resid ni ! .' ra -in- ttl. '.. ! ' e I.' I" e iignsiion ol .he longa Tbe indy aaa ..;*.-. tu ( iiieii,lian i.,-i i lahI. JUDOS DAVID COAMBB**-. Buklikotok, ti. J., Nov. '_'.").Judge David h mben, a prominent citizen of this etty, lay at Beldon' Hotel, it the age of eeventy*ntae fears. Ir. ('ininti'., ws born in Trenton, and ..t oas time be a' nu fie !. .ii, -li of fha Court off, i in SW hui.*, Mo. He will lie buried mihi.-city n saturday nat rr,omi iii St, Mai vV Bm lal Ground, MIDS Ll ll I' WEATHER HE PORT. GOVERNMENT INDICATIONS. A''/ll ) WIS ) I* III ll I t'i Wash im; i"*. Nov. _<;. 1 a. m..The area ,f kiga barometer moved slowly eastward, aud la dow i.*i.ii li ti,,-i.nive raatoa. The pi ssan has laen lightly on the Ailaatte neat, ead ls the Best Gulf galee, aad hae tatlea derddedbya tho Worthweea. The emperatnre '.ia.* fallen slight!] in tee i.th-1 i_toa, Obie . v iii .1 .'.'ev,-Lu I i-i ! oi'i Int riiii. ,1, c i, 11 illy in Iii,. loath A'Lu,' ie sud East Gulf State*, and Bitchily tn Ihe .nilli-.,,-!. Northerly winda <. minnie iq the Lake regiou lo Valley iiii.l I'enii..pp.,-, ih,-..ul Slates, aod on tbe ttlautio coast, Cloudv weather, v»ith ram or enow, i* epulleil from the Mill.Ile, -nulli AlilillllC lill.I tilllf Kates, and tennessee, amt rlearlag wrathor noni mo .puer Lake frgion. IBBHOflsni. For Xew-Englend, rietng, followed liy stitior.ary or ailinn, barometer) Btatwoary ur lower temp rature, i..ni.. rh winda, clear or partly oloudy we.iii.-r. POT ih" Miedle A lian: ic .-nile*, rising lollnvted by tatlonarv or lower barometer, f.ti lin *_ (oilowedby eta¬ lon trr or blgber temperature, north to ea-t ariade, .inly don.ly weather, oeeaelooal ram In southern por¬ tico. Cautionary MfO-Sa cuiii-ni-.iry ateaale eontlnne tram Cape Lookoot to ip Henry, atnl aio ordered from liieftUvTatcr to Cape Hi). TKIUtrN'* LOCAL OttaKKTATIO-Tf. Kui tis Mun.mg. M.l.i. Bin -** 3 * a S 7 s inn i? in.(.r.f, "i Pion : t^QA^Z^ 30.5 -..'""*¦ - -».-.¦: AK--~ryJn __>*rrr .v.r*v- r^~~~; r-r^i&««_o tr. .>_ .-.,, ..-. i- ...a .i-lir, », ..-.ii. . il- j, i ,ii Ililli-,, rtl- ,pr;i«nill'-»l»r liar, kt,« liri*. .r,« if tl -ir-ur Iii' ll mn |.ie,f*!!«i( -, il¦..«.¦. Ih rr-(_U-_ . . .'. ¦< . t.ti Oir-M-iiruiy *u'i,e. '...,.' Iltur,, Hie irotrn tr ait hip mottOtOM le i>i,¦<. ..ii,.ii.n.il,u,4-.iiii t] lat utuniiviii.t .l.iiiii, ...nit,., li"--'»*_-»> Tkihim: Ort-'K k. Nov SO, 1 n. m..The movetuent In the beioneiee yesterday wa* geaeratly downward. tiniily weatiicr, wuh ,>,KBMtaaal HgM saovv, vta*r...- lovviil iiiunn: lin-t!iiidi|iuiricr hy partly cloudy vveuihei. Tim iiiiii*. nit tire naged betweea 94° aad ll*, ibe av¬ enge 117*V) halag taajf lower thoo oo tba eerrespefBd. madar hHB rear, ard *.'V higher ti tn »n Weds w.iiaii. .imi cloudy rn- partly eloadj weather, wi noe- casi,,i:>. Ugh! BBOW ol ram, may be I -Pasted Ut Ibi* city and v iciiniy ivo-.lay. ADDRESS T ¦> MLMULES OF LAND LEAHIES M. D. (j-tUiigliur, president of tho central o__aaiB-tl n of tba Paraoll L.n,i Leagae, ia*t Blah! »i iii. -4 i uic.'t'i). of nie.ni.'i-s el tl.e Load Lca.ueH al ttieHcho',1 i,r st. (-.iiifiiliiit'* Ctiurcn, In Went Twcnij nf, si. .Many wouteti wet.) in Hie audience. Tl.t irish people, ni*- Bpeeker claimed, wen syettaatleall] inipi le-ciitml. A burrill existed iii Huhlln for luaiiil faci tu mg lal**! rpori* of luuid.r* liy Irul tenants, in ordor to prejudice the Americeai 4' tu,-m. Be Boverrlr entleieed the piat--- mciit-t of Mr. Bwart, Member of Parttamem from Belfast, made ncently toa raiauaart-portoi a I ipokeot the able aruolesof Jamee Redpath la Tun 'Iiiibi-nf: Mr. li*-.i,.uti!, lu* laid, stated tris truth lan gard to Inland aod pint.,, lain Biany ii,aiicii,u*>,toiiei ctrculu ted. ARRESTED I OS I Eic LU'S OFFRNCRR. Vii.'Ksi.rin,, Mip*., Nov. SS..Uta Wnrrci (tillliiV l.l-.iii'U ( u.inl--iDi i :*, ttl* cliiiiitn.tli nf tu Kaecative Peeioentt* Coouaitteeel tho Vita Oeogrei iliiiiiii JuUacI auJ Uo cl_*lil_a_ ui thc MaiiuuCuuul nxeciitivii Demoeritl-i Commlrteo were arreste 1 fo day I.v order of .Iii lire Hill, of Hu United Wales (..¦¦ort. on ehanas mad- a.ainst them In eooiieeiloo with tbs lalo eleellmi in tin* county Tbrv will he taken to JaeBaofi, lip io BtgBl. snd will probably have a bearing to¬ morrow. A -WUt LAW HU IT. N-.8iivii.LE, Tenn., Nov. 25..A minority nf th*.-t.irkh-'ld'T. lu the Nashville, chatrshooga and Hf. Louis Knlro-d repremiitlng about .".(..»'.»(> nhanihave ni-.ii a i,iii tu tbe trotter! ftalM Usart st tin* pince Applying for an liilun-i'o:i mrs inst Hie Loe'evltls and Nashville hoad: to**a)olii ittramruaulogIhs Meehnlle, « hatfane ..-a and gt. Lc-au Hoad, ut interfering willi u* r.nin igetaeet and eoalaal masing a I* .'.¦".. a roe-river la also esked lae aa tm* -.-...u <i tuat the term* <>f ibo h a-, i, ve i.-i* I..fit earrie. 1 nut hg ibe louisville aud X.ii.LiVilic Ullin-*,i. LATLSl SHIP sl.lYi ihS-i. Pout op BBW.TOng.WOY. 2u Alllll Vii) "tr Merry VAye 'Betel. F!v!er. A nt were 1*1 "ayn. wlih tn<1»s Bad imp*-ii.er* in roach. Ku.-.v ri,. Btr Borgas eily, A#ia Bew-oiteaoa Not iu. with m<t«a Bl ,l p «¦ ,lg, r- tn ll',_"..¦! .* Morgun. .-ii i,i,i o .an ulina. Waiker, Mab marni, CltV Point and Nor. folk, with in !«.. uti.I ns"*.'ii_eiA la ' »'*1 I-Hnlt.mn stn Ce. L.iirlt lien imbrm-ikl taral), *-.-in-< k. Hrtrtwuod li)*J*r#, t* I.: ' i. L v ,*el !n nil* .'1. leIfe .t Cn s.iii alban ii Witite. i)'Ht_,, paaaaasBi OetM sun in__ tiri t ii vee*. I n> itni-t. r hchr tuttle J. BeWBMM, Beer, Hsn.or. with lr.* toorrter. BOVfc. MK M's ur ST.: A MK'IS. POBRKiN I'Ditr-t J.ivri{i'<",f. Nor. 'i. Arrived. Mr* Lady rr»rirl» 'Bri. Illg. No. folk tia Halifax: BabcauiBelg*. CesapbeU. fi.*in Bi rou. fruin Havannah: l'o.,ana, Walloa, f',',1 Wi si UnBtinroou Nov. _i. sauna, *ir area-ten UB. for goatee. MtaCBLLABBOOA l.nrmov. Not '.'5 -Batu A'ta* (ABStt, VMnl'rh from Som. Vork Oct -_o r*ir l*_|>;.eob,ii _-. i, p.rpinl_.l at Athen, lil. lier I, cu la brakes, sad site wi, !«. h.ui arena, m-r t,«* b_ve l. , ll > lV.,1 Hblfi .vt i.o-, Bl I. Kl', v Whfa !i arrive.! rtt I'lyniantfi on Nor .1 bin Mm Yaru. Uni h-r naSsrasaS besfcw sa UM i«s- ¦BffS -ship ',*i:r,. maia l!ri Dm hutu from (j,tele, n,-| _,->, h., gm ri-.e.i ai i..v, liprs-i. si,.-Inp! 4moU luwi and part .( I. i ihiI- warta, Hark Vlh-riirre (Jsr),HehOtU, fro'tt Chntharn Ml. ().(¦-¦> i"i lairtlaaaa, baa arrives leahy Bad with tho tass el bar hat* werta liam Lubra Nor). Baivtg, fruin Kristel .iel 'JO '. i Will,linc- too. lui.mitred on thc »tii mst. Tas crsw han bosBlsaasa at cowi.-it. r.i-'i >p. i w Chatwin, Mi¬ ni il Baal r lim*ti. Win BB I "ll Li iwn. Mr M.-I r lum ia* iaai PA8SESOERS A LEU EH. non utbb**oo-" ar rrraaaeair itw.v six o. vt,-, ii, Bpeea, Ma tv's toirtrlli*. M,*»M ll BIMI eitUdraa HtU-IU nip. Al,ss f ll.irria K .*.. io.-icu,.i vv Kaaraov. J ll,nmll. ll BB 1 Ml** I'.lev.l,-., ... Amii'.!. M:*l IlioWLin_. Jil i,._.,.-:,all. f-'-tt ti ai: KU: 11. AiiMRTimN'n -wrr .sii-on rae* lari Koveml h S3, at the r, -i isa* *. ot the bride** inutfn-r. hy ihe Bev. William M. Tarter, I* n.. j Kioelalr Arm.tnag ls Lissie Howard, lia niblet 'f Bl 'nn | i\ We lab. Blt "I th.*, elly. AV! UH I. -Pilli.I I*:-. At PlBSMng. L I-SB V*. ,-,'. . '-r. .Nuv.-iuher Jl. l.y Mn it v lliri'-n ll 'I nr.'.-i *>( < li-*ier, s .1 ni Hie,.-I .-,i, f tin I.ri '< n .timi lbs Bav. laatea I). Averill anti Ml-. Jul a V r-.ilip.. Both "f Fliislilio. k i \'i-caiipkni .¦:'!-,)a iii.nk-i.iTiii- Day. Bananas -.-.iLs-.'. ii-.-iil f t i,.i r,-a ip. .,v lbs B.-V. I. i-' "I",.-, Dr A li).ter glBg MM Kitti.-. lUMgOUW al fsanitit*. *...! Jt--iii,-l. es."., .lil ut l-l Uh,ii uk .V v. m.-* ui:i.!.-i-i oasiaad. cal oct ber tt, kg cae han*, f- II ,-, I,,, vi urorss K noss sod *ti-* .iiiab-:h U, Beag, ,-i ii-1 na.i-hie. ,, iii. i- bu i. Kead.of Bieablya,M. t, Bs.ecbase.taead alssae, '.' il. pay p.caa*-copy. AU ito>tee* "' 'Li ntl" ».¦ i tntttutl tc't't full .itiiit' miii u {dress. BROWN Vf ti!*rt*i:l,':ri-e.-.-.7. We t Itli tt. November 2.1. I-.i", J,dm'f Brown, fol ll, rt r v.o yan* ruin,, ct.-tl willi ti,,- linne ur a. i. ates an .*. tit lillie, a. v.- V,.. 4 ii -io, la Presbyterian t'li'in h. Went Hilt. *t., '¦¦-«>-, .th and otb-avsa P___y.ataa._i Fnelid* are in Inti trial.: iO Lean i'i ,t-.T. Mill a-, i.p iiai er slssss < upv. I ¦'ii Iv i-iiililsiil* nn lue*,'! av nc*! ni;._. Nor ember 2:<, J oin ns ,.ik ...' -. V MU '¦. tat a.' '. .'linera. Hom the r .|,l,-ii*-- ol her l.rnlher In liw. Mr. H lliun* ll VV.,, 1. -j. i.i i- i.i i.n it pi ou Ilia i a.lay, al 1 u'.-l'irk. 1 risa*!i an i.ivn, ,1 tu alt a I. CHA Ni: -l.sst cv.-ti.iir. Mm lt A ll.elvin.in ("Mi,e. iliiuctitse ,'! .. .'i-'v i l.ill Llil'le. IU .io 7, Ih V ll I le. i.e. Relativessnoirieud* are iii.n-i tu ailsa- the mi..r.i >n '* ,i Itni'i. :i ii :.:,'' Ines, al tbs r_H-SO* c of *; a, r-,eh|,i..!i, No. IL, VV. -i Ila -t DZNBIHTOB n lau:.,...- nov, ni" r SS, John A. Dennis tim, la lbs n th r< »i *-f in* .'-,- Relative* .ml fis.- .'4 un. ni.e fuily ii,vu, ¦I to ait, ni lbs f. nu hi* la » dtuii .. '-¦" "ii ._ if.uill'iv. j* a i u.i S.l ,nl.tv. No., it,bet 117, al 1 oi.n _. N flu .vii.. EVANH.In BrosklTB,ob Taesdsr, Beveeibei !*9 WllBeei !:. i.e 'tn.; lei'ip ure iiivn, ,i to attend ihsfoBcral ss vten .*». Vi .i h. nu.-i ho.ii lt.. mi irnUy -lteril.,',.1. ll .,ll"V'.. Iii ia, .: at ¦¦¦-.. ic-,,.I t.- Hy, on s,itur,!sy. 1 r.i: -Ia am kut'llv iei|,u-4l"l iel -' 'i-l ii wen 1 ia,', I)-Deputed Itu* Hf* ,-n Tiuir-*ay tu.rnnig, Noten.lier ._ '. vv milt i lay i.-.-*. i i reen .Nonce nf i'i ill l-l al in -,. i-i,e.- ., i- ur ibankaatviBg Day morning.Fifth Sa] Bo Vi un",i "7. lu ll ..¦:. B tb. 7 ¦-...' ¦. lc _-e. Fm ml* :.. :! -' i|ii_iiiiaiic s _ e mv'.u-.i l> tlietiO Iii > funeral Kl llU (St* n el'.' Ltu-.vlV ,'V f ll" r I'l'.Hl'l ll p'.lCB. -eveiilh liny ,S..!:.:.!»>¦ . Novcui .* r iff,a* J n.' ., OOPPY i':i ¦"'.¦'iie-' .v. N.neu.'i-r 74.-l'fer j lin-r- lui. 'ph VV (iuppr. * il 18 J ir* nine,..i I mi:,., late rv._tl_a - 7 !'..- r,7t!i*t.. on ll: IV. Bl. f ill I., at 1 O' ,p' ( .)'!. .-, .t 'bat I, ll ,.'. 4 1, .. ;. ii Vlsi I-.!' V! I.,,-, VVVsl. ¦h-.te! fi.I,.tv. OS i ¦'..'tl -.'.IO m >n of William o. ati.1 I sroba ". Hal- -. ...'. aa lt* day* 4 are lut.i-i t" attend le.* tanenl at I.i- .1 L-.. OB Pl l-l .'.. -''I 1*1 ill lil |. C.iiii- 'Ulan ,.i ar.iv ti of Lib i .'. inion. 'Mia ire,, om -t -'in -ii i'.p-ii. n .:.*> vi tn* r-,11 u- land'* Poial Ul. n f-orta "»v, l-.l V. |,' lueilh, Jlta, lss ,, Ja ,-.s .vi. Hicks III III- '''-ill Vp, Ol a.v JOHNSON - a:-',-r udenee of bis brntbar, 'i.i.ll Miti-t.-r it., I'la al-li'i a. ai , ."i..iiiij' 'a-ii. ll* i,r.- Jo¬ bi ph fohn .m. Tbe friend* of ths faintly ve i*ssii»eifnlly vte.i t,, tuc (.,::¦ r il at hi, i-iti< ie..ii|e i, at r tak ti. J..mt l-rl- dar muralug, ai l(>:_0 o*clu-<, and at tho rn-pi.ytirisa ebor, sal li,-. ji.m.-v ,ri \v'e.i., dai the ti tb Inst., ai titi, waiesace, Be> .17 VV esl l.,,l, st li .lu a l.i.i I Fei ci." -. * ,- .I-"-',!',,-, inls) lbs 97th last, BB li, o',- -'. l',jil!iu|uii, -i. p ( inui a. ii rit.i Mr..H. ¦i" : n -i ii a i---.u.i h.,'i t-me iiv'.ii'ii io ula ni. it ip regBisated tent, NORDM ANN du tbs 24th IB il ActUttS BoeSawea, In ths itsih v* :ir ul ,m a l-io.t-rai will tax, -.n I'n-'. "r. No* -rul>, r 38tB, nt Ina. N ! Wost .TM -'. PECK -uMe.i.i. in ii',-i,*iv-i "ii i .-ti.it-. Bovsaieer ft. Walt* t Jl t..:, nf n- ..te < ai.'ant Jaiti.i Peclv. i,.l ;|_ e,o'.'!i and - dai I'.o i.liv .-. .tint ft i< lei- ,.i afr,nt lbs lUUOttl r- \ liv, flalll !,.- teslillT',',- e! Ill* ll',,, IB-IS** J,'HI pu Leo, 17.: llllll'.-I I'lll'l ,1.. on ri Li N. nelli, a- 7u,ttl ill. lil. BPIC IB.OB lU'M'ta- eve,. ,,_, Nu eu...»r .il. I-* I Mlit!*le lt., elites) dengfatervl .1 'hu vv. ami .Neille i. Hpicti, ia ihs .1 -i v-e..r oi !.' i sa**. Nell e "1 I ni ital In o.ifo-r. y-cciitl Xauc.j OOO, A. I.eSTitt .V. t,l l.l.-il'iltr-rt BOW '". SahiiuiKW f re« .li*v a:; av BO-MI nt t?ie LK.Wlii A UT ii hims. HO. -iii BBOADWAV, Tltfi:-.; IIINI,;-.: !. ;. VINTLN .s lu vv airr , o.om, .;it!tcre] ,luring the pjat v.-ar la tlie nreat Knropein Art Conn, ¦*, l'ail*. LOOiea, ttmOO, Naries. Kl,.renee, seville, ( ur.tov^ .vina- lian inun.i. Ma.:iil. An,, Ar. *rtl*'» repr.-*"etiri<.l tn Ibis loihsmou I .*., .. ¦-,. M alni ko, K.i.,. Llvuire. L.ir-en Dey*, pia Us. Ziuiiii-oi*. ii ¦ VilleKas, J ul,.4 l.iipio, Acri*ot, i'i.ao. "ip lill. Tim ot, Ja.- v L luttriitv n B. nerta. Prat, HU, ne. Mi. betti, fptitiirt-lt.. s m.rn,-tri. Davitt (Jos, 1 ...ru. Ji.uiiipz, ie ilea, I'ahaael .Vn.l more than loo otb* re. Roll*, ..a irashesflt, I'e .Seilvll.s, Bil "i. BaaBiaer, ll,.!', tl. Mn i-tn, Jsliiiu, I.ri-sot, The wh,",'e t Le soi,! lt auction without any reserve on 1 ic*. iiaf, VV r.lun-v.-> uni luuipil.ty ev, niU-S nrxi week. Henry A. Daniela. H. II.. Iii fj-KWIBlOBeve.. BSBT SBthSS llotir.. p io ci 1 ', t ,' Al rent."Ii tu K 'Otieaaieii. If yr,n wUlt aanhan a nen'! stem or Ksv-Wladtag wsicaai Bbi.ithsll lbsasaslpne*icsnsmly Die b,-»t ruin I I fla ii uiiti- iii th*- nial.* c. ..' lo tin v, uni ii HAM'. 1 At i I itt .ti COMPANY. jg"i i-assaa-ai_ Piles iM-riniiicitly ei-ndieated vt Itliin three w. oka N*,> ki ile. li-nt'iie,,t caui.lc Ali rt) HU diseases itn*i. lircu. lura »f l.l UOBiS uiug o e- 1' ll" . I'. _1 Vt e., J,,.. ,t. Paai ii ic >e ia Ttaef"r»nrn BtaiUfor tte week cn il. ir mI'I! { n T, BOVOBI 1-ei J7. .vs-u. wiii cove ai . : ..*.itv. ti ,,o a. m., tot Europe >v Mnan-aup Wvoanu.-. ns ts'ieeasiawa I on Wl.l).NK-|i VV ai 7. ,1,1 k Ul tor Km u.« ¦" T1TB*ailltp l-aihuia, via .*t_n*a*lnwu ii.iriiv.pou.i, u - ior fran..- nttui lie Badrsanu, »ni bi 7.mi... ..- mr ir* b) -I* - a-u. v p.: , ,!.. .i.i,. _u lill ll.I. ti. Ml p..vii B. Bi., I"i Lui,lu- bV !>..».n«.na Lily <>f llnr-v.l*, via (iiiee.i*t>.vrii (e*>ire«p</n*:eiii*. tor ..ctn.on- »nl H-iiiv u.u.i liv spec.illly ad.iievoeu,. Bad at lo a. m. fut 1* m op. u, ttesii_bip Usllsil ria 1' vi, e.nu i'iei ou-. aad Banbargi ou st i t'l.l,A ai io a. ui. lor Kui,.pe. bv m, .i,.mup Bte, v,a Uuf*u»io*vu laennaponttabcc t r t., .,/ "I iaml lil Hal b* SeeCSli addie* el .tua t l'l .,., ler p',ri,.tm a.; cl. by ..:. oii'ti... Btbteula ri Uta* ant! at 11 it in lor Karope .', pi ,iu sic., ..., ur. vi. .- oh- inui'Uiu ..mi ni-iniu a, a at 11 a m. tar li Unuin ttin f .lean -ei' BclgenUind. rn Antwerp, I'ne malu lui lienmsrs. awsaan aad tinrwaT ara dmsiieBsii er BsaiBars ms firemen BteamsrB ".nv i _u ,u.u 4 ie iLiyi, a..i Maraca, bo leave New- Voi» .sov. anl**; :':.. lin iiiiin*) hm Kswt-MUdlaan laira KWW'YSIS BeVSM art -.>. ibe i,i_l.» lui limul ira* amt Iar. lie. .lui leave New V t»rk Nevi inlier _... Tue mam lal Hatti leave "ten Vein .Nnvrinbei lt. I he ,a»*l> I-r llavaun l__ve New Vork Novsahtfl -'!.-'-. toi iii. Uni mail* fur ,. iaavsBew Vn* "fovemb-f .'i i.e maiUfar Jamal..*, ptv«. mils. Ac. leave New York November '.' -. rbe malls foi Vssie. ,, .c. i ¦¦ 11. a*, v*>.* v ni I .Novell;.- -j Tbe-Mile ne Blas »D i I sosa U.»o -ta ni,, ... , Deceia rJ Tba ui_ii*,oi Aiitu ..la, ac. tear* -ta riinici-pxi Detember 1 _L ll >-*. i. V I ..*., I'u.vJI.ltg-. Poul I IIB' e. New-York. Not eu: .ur-JO :**'. Heady I i..ii..i_ rill". MF.MI*NV!:T~K!,Y I ItllUJNK, Puer ut wu, i«-is lett, 1,. -.ailiu;,. iva I i.i ,,.r_>jf oin-1opt.eoeyeai *i In sefiee *ii iee eesmaedeas iiiun, ». s PseBbJI nt au *,-..-) .io. lal to »au*onjor. Ad*lCM I UK. TRIUUNR, New-York. Pdliticai Polices. I. titian ltcpublican C. .ural ( ti,muli ire. IU-tul_j nu alt » ii Nt lux itt ftti-iiipurt* re. *.i*mi_iua As** tu*,iv Kip,uta ii*.) -iel.J, bowery, in..a). Sevctuoei .' ,. i --'I. ,i sn-. i.C| pm. vi i l-.l lip.VM. i ___¦_,__. iivni) Oobok, Psii. eiu-.n-__. _««iit-ilva

M.OTECTLNG THE HELPLESS. EDISON'S WORK* QUABDIWQ f*rW ... · .-touttao nation.Hfeanddeath. Messing snit gan** Bi-fess Bishop O'Hara has rotiiTncd to Scranton, frombl* pi--T--****p,0

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Page 1: M.OTECTLNG THE HELPLESS. EDISON'S WORK* QUABDIWQ f*rW ... · .-touttao nation.Hfeanddeath. Messing snit gan** Bi-fess Bishop O'Hara has rotiiTncd to Scranton, frombl* pi--T--****p,0

.-touttao nation. Hfe and death. Messing snit


-fessBishop O'Hara has rotiiTncd to Scranton,

from bl* pi--T--****p ,0 K"""' ,:I ,bc (V,H,V«> "f "

**""" preach**1 ls*' ¦"*¦_» ..¦ thc cit .-trnl he d."-

f*rW°!* hi tS tP *.".*" ,,'c °-"'r,*ro IrtM!i tiIh-j-

^Lmanamhy th« eBe_o*l wiTaoB-s wmoght Howe.** ..in-r t.. th'' t-li*!**-! be ea! eil un ArehHimiupt^et* ^Tlll..T, w.., _,t:i..._li tiv.i-.iinclvvettip.it!.

"*! i 'icsi o' mint ,0* V""*'*'',U4 ot taief-ori W*tle ai

2 «(ui w'l" .** v'Ml r-,b * Pr,,,uU- 1!"!'"'" °',Ur* n

*,^t ui* nit* tin*"'"' Ti*itm_ Kiiti.k. and leand tb*.

SbaaWt f," ewintl fetic-nt on lin -.-.inject. H.

ftiir »*>J *."*' ¦° fur ,,M "". ',a<' ,**H'11 M rrt**"''' u'*'

Btr4 le wsrrsnt tb-approval or (li*a:*imv .ii cf IBO

'S|Stoltsa» H.* Lsd ai'P'li'H'¦ ¦ lomniitrre of the8U

.y BewewM, to lagani into the matter aad thor_______eiR-i.e-l la th" iBTastlgsll-a. (»n gatos t*.

______ tuel.l»»op s**-. he **."¦ l"ic !.'-. i-,u|.r<-pp.-,i wuh* ire e tVi.h IK'* of tullh ami'li V. tint vt lilt li lt*- Pit-*

«**" .**. , . i H.- fu.itil shunt l*-000 iier-num there dlviiifia ' .___..._ .l .il.,,,.I lilli i.i eh ron! tv.ovi

_._*¦____.!i.t-..iii- ut the .ieps

into -troup.* ul niieiii tlttv .te'i ead paM

iuwuudl unsuomlng little chapel in pnwouio-i,

S*. c.iteruu atnI]"er'oniiin_ ih


Thc spWI of opposition to tho Northerna, 1. inran nubs Boots -ii.i- !«. bs ^.lIll-'t i.iii*_r tic

.,nri..ii*-:-["l' "-.iiulte, .s,'.in,.t-l(K,-i,j

Northern men of laflnetace have literally,, ii.i'-p1'" '¦'> fitaronreaias fctatteio prwrreea

r..r in. 'ia' ' wuh the N lil.en, people Inive inlicit

,i ram bv _-!__ ill they can t>* Int-nt-s the prospei it) ot¦M-rSUteiu mo Unlon..lLoutiTllle Courin -Jo.mal

(Dtsi.inA_m_nra ogovtxo fame.

,' rs . The Ctuttunutt 0 ittttt tHr. >

That forgery wilt he p*robe(l to tbe liott.nn.anonm nut ti. ooly raooai i more likely nie ton Lui

Jo-"ii ,u fttrserr UsrBeld weald n ive bad it mind Norn..S .,,iii,- m Iteli er, andi r tbs circtimstene* s, iLers :* an

p7ill0rrtt,'i in ii. a, til.-Uni! ., *-.at, p wi,, anea not sob-

..,_.(. U.n,.ii>, s great .-coi.ti.ltcl. and who tl*** hoi ih

llcVP on ., Dita' principles, liiiit tie 0U_ut tu tic MVOIOlJ

¦SBBbefl _

.MAI, l!M.lll-(»V IND TIIK INDIANA BEgAGlM-' lOHsinp.

/Voi.t The 1, On:i.apitiit S'ri.l.

Ti)c frfiowiag letter bas been written bjBeacrel B-bbobIs llarneoB, m ni'y tooeeaekiaa itKn tn ii esndMate fur ' te . nate

mmm lsi.UNAi-tii.ts. Novenii-cr 17, 1880,Bf Pi vk Fm : I.n.'- lune lardy, perhaps, in norn-

-nari. '¦.*' l" vol the fief uf my KudtdS v fiTiiie

i-,""-...-: i:*"- sen in-. i'iit I boper ur m.itJ is still .peno'lihe.-.-i ei. IIi'i thai until af ur tiio PreSidru i.n

_k«t.-a w.i»«*ver lt would be l_*prwper i.> tl-.-t .,-. tue

ce-1-nc i .ii. *. ''V * canvass wiimn lae part) toe n

_t-i,iit i'i' i.ei..--i'''"". BIB06 1hen I inive Leen ul.si

.v-rr .ii** i" rear! irvin- nun*- eases tbat bsd been

kui'-' it: til a iel ihe elicii..ii. 1 ito nut lnteini hut

J. m ru nyul ii" inn.."d.hiv «.i mskiug sn argnuonl mZflnn ti di r.i nm* .my Moen* rm ibe aot-s e. ...

ZIeerenderedanj servir* io Hmeonairvor tao p rn,

tti_t i* v. riby of mention la UUs eunneatioa, lb* _ia*I*mm ofnu Bepubilcan irleads i 111 iockmiiI and givelt -t» i'i* "¦'i ">' .-'.!. Mr reiitn.ii* to all the other e.n-

eii'ntr* ,f fi', ti'.l." snd ihe onie-' f«'i .bu Meaaie r-h>ii:

,, .d' ,r :.- I SIB"cnn, -,-rue..l. lie eli.n Bl :. 11st*. I, V ii liJi iiukin-lD* - in «,,*'! or _.-*. Y«n wi l, I am cur.-.

.... ;i,v -vt ,i-._- w lit ti 1 *:iy ll..it i. m-i. ill

___a_n*l w..uU_->resiiespeeial value 1,;,.U,..,'n- tunCleiie**. 1 Ibe K.-pablic

t\,__,e lt v.i'i,-ii sive me joar vsluab i

ti,,- raes.1 **';. kt tatt aiaea oh.ir"-'iuuly.


luni-- .1- mi ev

ii- nf ni* ownlis-i*,' line iVu irs vervtl.VKKlso.N.

c|*;r.v CAITEROS "N CAlUTKi.D.; ga gAtrtlem tu tnt pntlonolphia I'.nt.

"I Lav. great laith io Uenenil Qurfleld. IbrlfTf f * « ..">. *:»"'.'e len ailiintiipi tit.t*ii. )u i srl.al

Wljj,liierudlhavs r.n'.i* at< tl. -t,.i *!ia i"t

tci-iiob.i ism i" i .ti. c in,try. 1 believe be Will leave I «

n._r!i uj«'i. Bl* iii-' li' hus _ 1,-i t-:ii opp,,i tmitv. and ,f

>.', rn ;¦ ¦- ¦'. - un* pepui.ii Lil; _vv>,r bgavelinn tai* btgii *ifl i a lb all Its iff-nt putta)tolilies, bfwill i-i.,.f.. ip.-i: thi* c.nilli- y I'. -i- r._p v, i'i h v. il lie an

__,nti_ _-:. . .Lu,-. I ]>-. ai vt und rstaada und*Bp¦mini -. ,-, it iiiiii itu-1, e -,,v .,.- barmonlous

,., tl en li.et)'.* *>I llln p ill V, ht al tn Kl euri- ltr. i.i - I Into uiiin--itiu:i la (Bs work bv bas totl".""Hiss :. rly.bul do jroo nndentaod Gen ral

. . J St liar-* t'i lr- i-oiiiuiillL"! lu a nu'

-fie tenn ."

.¦!:» i,, meal ». C-rteral (iiirfl. .v- toiare i*< lu t.-.c nu u

I i, ..,-v p .ur i:-iles* ie nib-I. . ,i - *vi- c ev* 'i i r ni upon iiim. Im.:;.' ,. I,.- I. » in!':!'-, -'.i vin.n in cv-.Y

in,,. -. ia* -¦ "iiiii,!-'! to tue wnoirJ.'. |._rtV, n* I I,- :!' V' l! v ii , l li;tve lm lie-i-

1.it lie .ll-r.f'l liiil-e,!. bei ii-.., llb. I' ll.ll 'I le¬

tt! Ui* '. " ul !,,! tm .... iiiv. i.,e:ue,|t, iii. :, my.te pia ._iip."Butta vt *..*.:,i.n Qraai't trlonds think or

!. f i,ia t bim e <¦ in lldsie ferUH Pli*» BJ in I-S4 (ieii.itl til.tilt blinoel I

I.-:.. i neve,eva. ,,-*,i -... ¦* ;* i: *,.,,,. Ila ts (Bsi. -' ,. a-, man 1 evi-r knew; lM-sKk*h h.: bas lukeut« ut tn tbs l.i'i- coule*! In li ball el 0. -.. il

(, >,i, hi* fre-nd- ii, pill li in an in

(J-ifield i,*r ti rr 'lection, nn! ts ..." flel«* . -"'ne fl __,.n Ll Hider* lint cw tu Ik*ti. i..:.! wbieb won.il iu. e n popnlai cu , or lui

,1-ltc. Cen 'ill tilt | J ..'I-f:ii md nt some futon n-".-.;, terOent-rU G,,rd,

.¦ .-¦ s si de l, may be '.;. ,, i n, lie Pn - leic-vI i ... ate u.i ll:- t.i. di wal i.e.* tal

(haul'i fuiun He lt sbl.tat ,.>... I -liaseU."


INl.R.vii N llltr A LABGB Ni MI-..I- Of FBOH.II Mll.l' ¦«. I,!.

rnn.vDi.i'i'.iia, Nov. LT).. The Philadelphiai ,. an lurisi tts* d ,,i .. ei,- * .:-

1 pei tlVC ll" li'.., e- ;,

] i.' ,r lin- l :'.'>''».'

t hal Ofti sa n-.; i ':, ve bi n ,- u .,

mon! *,ii people n-

t> ,.-,i ¦ yean ol i. Many of ile m *

oe , -; ive med nineo tha lisnraaee wat¦. I, wi le others sra aaa st Oeatb's door. Tbs sg-

i nt of these rteks foots np atont g-OO.OooIu wai. bat i i' -, i. .' 'I I. tboatsud ,.,'

irsnee on tbeir ll bnvhie- ¦' tuatlon of tte foci. Tl e ui_iiiiei in

,-n,." c ,p ba ¦.i! wied, lt i«lie tn ..eli. r> .,( -i'i- i_t*iRic_ r*\

;-i-' ; -ms «ern..* i nj ,o ibe Ueaiui ol pet-a ) never rzamiued,


LOSS ! :.o'l a KF.t.o-l.M: i.\'.!. EXP_-OSTO_f.,\ Bra broke mit at 7 p. m. yesterdny in the

l tore of r.f il '.; I u 493 nod' Before tbe Bi meneonld eheek ibe flimas

.i.'iirt to Hu p.iijn nm-; boildin a.9 -,493.'"' -t-''¦'..-. lite total i- ss. i« ssttmatad aiJi::','i, llvldad a.* foUowsi Mr. Iluaa, "*7oO;I '':-,"; (>-:.,.ra (i.-i-r, In tin* rn BOO*!t fthc t- 'ii..- bail-tag, "WOO; bu lias.91.000: la-I .',!: w ms Lee, wbo kept ;, lam.-liv at -tf&H. 9'ioo;B in,.--i !'¦¦ -i un .nu Boor uf l lu number. si-Duo ;

! bi W ll Bollon, -r-'-'i: adolph "tiers, r*- io',. S300 i be On i- believed t.> bav.

bf n ."i.. il I.* tm- i--fpinnum ol h kerasan** lamp in ile-Itoie, wli.tli Lm! I., ii t ,o«. .1 :;,,i na tbt day.

pinn else". I'M-i:II vin i OBD, Conn., Nov. 25..Tha steam saw-

Bill, au-! in iii.li- vvuiivs at Ka*! Coi ann. ('.'tin., with ra .-

ctiiii.rv thai K.Pt t.v.-r ?.i0.oo(i, were barned early this

Baralog, -el were a total in**: bo bwaraaeo Tbepn,j,e-r, bc naged te _Jo_aa_or MazwoU, aad weald to

SSV haVi i- ur, li.in thi- BOOOrOStOB t,r Jaine* (J l:.ill-r-soti, ut ii.,, i (¦¦ni, undera Jadgot* ul of ooort Mr. Bal

i.ui arr,ii,.>-.i tn ins,u- it liutnedtetelv. 1: Ut

'...".. aork* rame tbs taarbk a et in Hit- Htat*- Capitol.Tu.- tin-,.- ..,,;,; iu have tx-t ii inceutllarr,Wist .".andoi.imi, Vt., Nov. 25..F. B. Sulis-

"W_j'» f. iiuu. laetory ami ssoreBaaee ware baraed-.trurht. The lots 1* between i*l..<i(-<> Hnd ff'.'U.OOO,sud it.*-1' taraoee eoi»u. Thirty esea an tbrowo oat elaapiii| ian t.

l'in-i-.i ::<;, Penn., Nov. 2")..A fire broke.ataadei tl n,oi af the ea»t block el Hie Weetara I'i n-

Heatlary bi ailegbeay ( it. tin* Bsorolag at ll o'clock.hut .ti-, mob sabdaea. No utleuijit* tn escape wen*n__r I.. ,.,. prigvJljer_,,

1Ihaiikii;i)_ 1'eiin., Nov. 25..Thc dwellingot Jc. i ic kee itt huiiniiit, t-iniit ii,ni;s fruin Bradford,»S« hurin il vept. nlay uit.niiiiK, Hie Lnnily lian-Jj h.v-

J'ciiin. t... m ape, a little bey wa', however, h_ t.__i>-B-BM-dlUai i.e ..uti a tcw boara after.


Prn8Br.BO, Penn., Nov. 2.**..-Thcro Wiin n

.Hint c,, jr.«. al !)r. Ll Mn) De's luir.iir-e tt.-finy. Thenay sf Mrs. L lets Mejae, «!'<. of c. n. Sagan, al Wareat,I.BB..aa* or*mated Ti,ere -were religiousservi-mnaaaamntat i-y nm k*v. Dr. ii


La<ka\v axi.v, Penn., Nov. 24..Tborc inc

ynaea Uaw ,,,i,, g, .*,*., sad I ,.'.-.' P< bb., aearty SOOrttfu fr i, . i,j t|1(. _,._. ,. .___, j),.|i-,v,-tre liner. Tu-v

¦Jjeai c.iU(.'i,t epoa eaadaan aai rtitedartagtae reseal

___!__'' J,M runs will ooofaln several million feet <>f

_____"¦. "*""'. ". which, it ls teared, will bc lott by tbsMt-kili-5 up ul thc ice-.


**»n, \...

*^i**-**fj% ffW2_'«*.«"- ti" will lu- f,.*.«''let aexi buinmy.


ai?KAG0' Nov' 25.A «w»ntil to Thc TV*.t_.h[''Iul',"*l»''''.Ore_t,_.K.y.: "lue oftici-.l vo I '!

«««i ie_t_-f* S"a»i*nd. livesOarlsM BO.tlt; Maa*it»,Jot). Weaver. __.V Qa*_U_k_ pluraiiij-. tlCH."



rile ii.w Motile of the So-iety for the Prevenfiunf Cruelty tu Chthfraa ia f_Uy iaaadaal la aaar-;c!e gina below, und the iiio.IkhIh of the Society,¦illi the result** of its work, aro pie.eiitc.I. Thc _*_.erinteiiilent gives ninny mtertwi mu facts un IB thehihlren who have heen r«pcue.l from hutt il treat*tent, und as to tho fricks hy which pi oftnatonalestijiirs delude cluiritshle peoplo. The way inInch tlie pud rone system has boen broken up iseeeribed-

A visit TO A ri.i:\swt ROMC." Grown peraons caa take care of tiicm-

i-'ver.. ttpiittln. or can Hieure prntivtioii liy ;i|.penlui_ laie buri hut lillie ehlltlreii, of IhoojBBltiQ. are bel"***aa tspertaily aalptoas waco tin-ir own pareati a-eaaiiein," bb.I Mr. leaktaa, the Bapertatendeat af tbe Kew*.uk Siu-n tv for tin- Prevention of Cruelty to Children.lt l« * Nii.l Iimi'" tool tln-re ls any iicccst-itv fur anyuch .society 11*1.111*.; hut .t was worse when th, te wu*

,* oi-sr.i/ed (Uart t_ t.-tke the part nf thc puer,rr. tciicit little creetiitea who, Boweleeeaed at tm-trlrtli. are elttier nhauiefuliy neglected or bratallyrooted daring weat oogM lo oe the bappteai parted ofiicti live*, itn.l xfi'-n, nt n most teodor aaa, ere drivenet lalo the stream t,< eera, beat or steal sadieleai to¦apon tli 1 extsteaas af their arieeraMe pareats or

esperSi nt theezpeanaf botb health ead morals."Tin- new house of the BBOlQty nt K.mith-uve. on.l

weaty-tbirdos, 1* pleasantly attooiod. uiei is wellilaptt-.l tor tbe purpoM-s i,>r WblOb it i* used. Thc Ital¦or contains the 0.WMB ef tlie (tuciety ; the Mipci inti-iul

nt. wuh in* funiiiv, eeeapwa toe eeeeod leor. eadtbe1,1 1 iiml foin!li iii...rs arc tilted np fer the ti lui.niuiynine of children liscucd and bruu_ht mirier the < an niip eeetrty.Tin- visitor first enters the font office, where run-

launs ure heard anti the ordtoarj bQslBBBS Bf tbex.ctvii* transaetad. Upon one <«t thc walls af tin*toni jp linnie a cunnii.* colleen,.11 t.f srtlelet cpturclv ulm ern nf the *oci. t.v nt tin- .1 ip in,ree ol! tbe -dat les,nu u.*ed i evtdeeee. Am..mr them are vartoes tat pla¬teau ut Kotara, wBlpi eadatrape b iii. wnteb ebUdtee.ve lc. 't bo.it'-n, plaeitni* lliken from beggan, musicali-i nun ate mit] Bneeellaaeooeatt.'les, e.icii having eeo.

Mted *v it ii lt 11 rodatorjf tellies auber ol tim inns; uteni,.Lui,- uml -w,iiiiy ni crimes.bratality toa help.ss cu.ni,-ur el tbe gullly eotaa_e ol money eal o, tbenip, tba pun, tin- -irony ol wrotehed ii;t'e betage,mi* lt-p.iiii- read toms of tba eards aeeompany.ic tho "cariosities." a beary leather etrep "weesod itv j..im Fuiiarty in beatlag ins daagbterellie, aaa rear years, ever tbe eaooldors ood bead, ter

hiv laeerattua aad dteBgartog her faee." Tbe eerd,1,in tin; eowilortlns Inforattitlee that Poearty was

bilged Ui dwed for bib mon iii* la the peniteattary lu.¦ii,*, .j.lenee, aad tbat the child rescued by the society.1 nflerwaid sdoptod .ito a pleaasoi booie. A nv-

Ide baagtag near tho amp "'wat used by eoe Mary,.ii-iv 0:1 tier boy r.itrit-k, six years old, who reina. ,1 ,¦,

it on a bngaiag tn,ir m tue flrlttiag enaw-etonn ..r

.et.miie 'SA. 1878, after liavuic beea obi already onnra' »u-ii mam lie lameBftemooa, ead betog Biaxial

11 iii* 1.cul a.id lace wore frtabtfal y eui ami

raised.N The bey was eared forby tbe soetety, ibe.Ul el tty Ibe pi-lilt- litiary.'* Hen- ls uti 1 xumple nf the refinement <f cri-,-1 y,"titi M11, riiiti-irdeiit jenkin*, baaolag tbe reporter u

.men of leather taoaaa lied tea* tit* r ia the .-at o'-atne-siis lashtoa, with hard kaata tied alena them a: later*.tl*. " lin* fl' ndlsii Instrument wat* Bsed nv HeitnsSalt n:mi tha aaked body of bernleee, Anne Beemldi,ni v 1 are of ego." The peaiieatiary received ther. ni ie, .in*] thc little girl. iif:< r nelna Boated ai 1 hos*.ital, w,ii cared fur by be tocietr, and dually adoptedij .t family in ku ..I e reniastsneee.

now in l.t. vhs DUFg THB PVBLIO,TIrtre were mun ci'- ofeBOB -THelesb -arin? like san tee*nu ny ns tn ii.,-ii lunoer nee, i,ut tims referred l 1 ereiiu-na:ive «f all. AuioiiK ihe placards vr,,n u bad boeepl,, n 1 ruin pr di teloaal beggars u*iii_ eblldn Bte:, in ni eweke in. i.n- i-yiiiii iibii. 10I 1 ne pal ,: theretero eome queer speeuoena oin* o! them bare (bli-cn,,ti t, ible .,,!¦,:,

.¦io rna Prrooce iiimamilt* i therefor* recommend aforesaid t,, ali charitable

ireataras this nnf.rtnaaM woi te, to help ber, Moosng the mother of? fire eblldrea deserves the (nipa*

linn and asetstaac* sad as every gaud t irietian k owi

sat ebartty bi a daiy. I nope that every om vt in taketata cn..(tuleriit iu:, tlic. uni,.rt rn,.'te li. .icr. air! lin v willn .-ive ii nu <;..tl ri oompense au.l hi lp. 1 am .ymir t- uelervsat, un m.ci", taint."M Toa woman wko bad thal oarJ," setd Hr. Jenkins,

-. 1 ad a 11,i-j- 1 ni* .¦¦ rag-ad Uar, foot ubild munius si un i-.tali bei wi un wa.-* aol her own, I,it whichtbs bad hired from it- parred for ihe

i, of io --" npsnylas her. ii ie a ':< -t:-.i a majority "f cs.-., the chlhireu

ti.10b a..tnpa11j itifcssional beag us d" n.to 1, em. and it is ti.- icu.in Kali... excepnon wb.-n the,, _. L, i.e iii,; v, ni, iii 1 .. Hire* s toll tbe tra* b re¬

nt; h., ,r *-..ml.ie.e. Frequently ibu mosts psr-ei ly wretched up '..und !,, be inc mfortable cn, in

- v, a. ti lb ..: ui 11 il nm u Int, iliri i

nu ,- ea 11 *,: 11 wil it ,-t b 11, 1.,

,,. u which nun rudely painted lo irblu lid er*, * B.hi I,.,p-,l- !., ..', ulrn lllleli, ViC.ili) nt li,.- ,.-..,

.. i',ti 1- inn¦ ,. uf 1870*71 ." was carried bjl.t. ¦.¦I in ni .Mm n.1,1 two eal *i. > 11 willi li..,.. t',ia mv p.

mtiou 11 '" * fouud itin 1 lucy were tn.1 childrenlt whs nol 1 crt ii in lust they weru blt own j tli t

Lc 1..I.1 ueVci li: . ii 111 l'.iri.--, .m.] nil 1 not p, ..I ,\'

been a p- i.o..lm.. ei. Tins ..tier sign,'Kl peoplelp 1.,i*i.r airl; Ood bless tiioi whoh lp thia

6 Kiri, »rat lakCO !i"i:. a !',». r del Chit I vv,.,, was

a, ,v ii om nmii a. sr eta to beg mooey tor tin suiiportni ,.ei miser:.!,!c ,.i i.::'..".: pai, iii*, vv ia. would beal ncr

!, 1 did 00, bring burne t-iion_.li pennie* tu sail ti

j ..--ii. The girl wu* iiorrbly brnleed woee li Inliy ibe serat. She is now the happy lamala ol

_ pl. ......ni ie me."Mun ni tue .-..nip t'-s'ifl-1 timi tlieir ow inri* lui.I in-:

un-1 ,.r leas hy railroad accidents or cert In well.knowo iiip-'-iers. '* Here was a protlj thiewu bergar,"p.ll Hie pllp r ifllnll,! -Ui. LlK!,!* lip il Small flail a il fer-

t tic.te It-SUed Ly ,1, ,,r In- lnipplL.lt. " '1 111* cr: fl eli leIm dated i! Vp.ii, 1877. and etaus tbal Ihe mau \. ii,.-,n in..- ii io ..i- i.n- ,,, ii in- .ted ior ii ul- rdoi hit...and tbat ne will not be sole '<> work for trenr,nm tin- t.u.c ,.l n,s iiiPiiu-M.i limn m. hospital. Well,-iii rt lew mniill.s Hi-'n « ir elli... i.crtih- 1 Lal man Will a

Poor Wind pi .eaiai on bia meas., exutbltmg Hop cor-lilje iii m p.ipji.i l of nip claim fur Charity. Ile lian i. lilie ciii.i wini ..nu wic cn lc(,-il tlie pennies elven bylie.pie wno saw bis oerti.oate bat din noi take in*-

,:inii'i e to rend it. Con i xsinlnatlon, bit c..** wol¬lun ,l i" i"' ni I* good <. nu.i ion a* nnj bodj v. The |-ooiblind'are suting tbe most numerous ,.f tbs tmpculm :,eu- la our streets; tbej nearly alw_y* arel ii oj a

w ..-,',,, I. hiilt-iai veil, bslfolad, -ii.v,.in. .uitl, inei ncr tin* u,i,ie In Bork np,, n the -vnin il!,:.h of Ihs penpic 'J lu .r.-iiier tin-evi.lri.c, s ni **. ll.-ii n _* In tbe clillil,::.(¦ more .valuable it i« tor drawingauraey from thepoeki*ta ot th, ..;,ni it.,ni,- .*

¦. t notice tbai tbe-autee of most of these profeaskmalbeggars Ste Italian."

-, , the greater proportion of Die . professionals '

m.-lt.iiniiia. it seems nat.ral for Italians to beg. i ieran- inc most fertile in tia- ii ven'ion nt deviot I in imp memi tlie st mp ill let n* tb- |.u i'ie tln-v ;ie mle it« lu IboMiuiiJ.it i<m of nil kinds ol paratea! «11 -«.: 1 ,-.-,, nnd ure

_. orally exe lieut aetore."HOW C-HLOBB!* ai:k BBaCttan AM) CAitED io::." l>o you nut hate truu.ln frenucntly in -,'ettiij-* chli-

ilren away from th.-sc people, BBB* emily fr.iu pareaiswho ale BUppuitcti to a _ieal CZlCOl by thene eOtldrae I"

".Oftentiuiea we du, hut ont no uiul-U iii.** um lorim 11.,¦rheo ear eooiety wee sot ee well oeoerstood oe U is at

pi.p.i.t. BUIL we get tata tbs eoatts v-iy frKiuenUy.Butpetlmee we have cooaIdereble dlH-Olty Ib getMag a

phlldi ltaeeaesaataral foreemepareats to think theyian ilu ai they pl, a*e with their ,,'vii eblldrea, ami itnui.--

timrs they restai ns BtlOOgly, 'X'iim ptil.ee, however, pto-

te.-t niirotlicers, and help un greatly la inany way*,vvuen pareats are fonnd sailty ol abodas a eufld Ibeyate usually seat to tbs Isla mi, in ii teen ue ate senora! jutile tooiiiitiii poeeeeetoa *.-i tn.- child wnhnut much ut.u-ble."

*. Are the children usually wiiln- to no witt) yuu t""V, t, inn, r.illy. \vc Weal ilicm very kindly from the

fir t. iimi thal i» ii t,ew raperleoos fur mutt ef thom,'1 hey s '.rn belie tn rei i Mal le coming w lib uh thej wLililith*- a ebanare tor the helter. After Dbsyemae lure ibenovelty of tlieir situation mtereats thea, ead rare iataken to give them plenty to oeeupy their in-mi* untiliif v arc provided iur outside."

n i jrour society iBtereet iteelf le behalf of chiUtreawno stiffer from the destitution of n.eir parrnta, bat-lin alf mil cia' ly ll' -trealed I Ciiii'll... win, li.ve

i,.,i Piitlli-i'iit cloibiaa io pr.,fit th.iu wtn-u thev.. a*ii i ia Bovere, for instance i"

. v- p: if the mm in- an- too poor to provide tbe childwill, sufllcielii cl'.lliitii,' We t,monti it wu ti,.ii e Iftie p.iieui* soo.Ul sine og these elofb. to sall them,lieu wc vv,ml he Jus,.Ini m IB-lag the oh.d oat oll., Iiiilld*.'-

tt wall, suppose parenta able tn clotlie their ehUdianeon. I ni tu (.ly riimiid r. lu-c lo de BO f

" Then we ibould order them i" do tt. an if they didn U "inp y willi mir ,1. inati.l lii.-y wouhl ne brought l>c-,i,i i. Lc » ."i.ir,.hui a ,-,,ii pl,mit to the pan nip le -ut li a

i ititiiy a.i thai u* i eceeserj "

iii.-* un y.,u learn ui the eeeea whieh oeanaaderjil,i tup. IVl-ilnii I"

.-.),, lu mau) ways. In Ihe flr-it pluec. we lin Vu IBI"Mi.fii is wini in,ike it niii bu in..--*ii) bc on tha look-outin .. es of cruelly to children i thea m..ny traias usbiongbt to uar oouee by eiMsees, bal the anlorlty ,.tthe ess** ere broagnt la us bjf luioruiaUon reeoivodfrom tao police, who ere (Oralehod vtii. blani ,,, i>-

ti led not win* Bach d.nails a* may ooaM aader then ao*

.. ii,, you kooo eh-dna b re for any length of tun. i"

.. ,v,i ge-era*ly. bough we nave aepi , x,- ttiionalcum « »i,!i ai sometimee forsevarsl moutbt. Omally,l,,,\.ev. i no. "il* (.malu tn nt a ft wu,it p. 'I iud, nyOin ie.ii nt ihe c-.iiit. t icy are p.aced in i rue banuble1 ml'iitu-n, or aie indsniared, or mat,,, ure aaoptedinto tami les. lu t*-e thean- rn leebls health, tbsjrare at-iil llisi io iii'-i-lial or i>i "i- *','.-,. Booie ol ..ur

children huvx aoov West with Btr. Wbl'eisw Keld'a par-nea and witu ina <. nun n seel nol bj tb* *.ii,iun'iiAnl Book iv And, by the woy, I do think tbat lia a

i,f aeodmg tnosoculUUrsa mle lee frrab oniony, awayfiom the tempuitiuu* and evil BaanaleltoBB td s t.i.y li_.

thi*. ls ..'.- sf the crandcit, noblest mot*meat* ever*>ri/rin«t-*(i."" Do you keep Informed cwcemlng tbe children sftcr

they have l-fi jam I""Oh. yet; wo keep Infertile 1 enncerntn*" them all

right aluna*, und keep a naged uf each child'* life, wain,toiily try to (.Lue tiiein pleasantly, hut we see thatthry arc w.-'.l tteate.l when- tln-y gu, and walch over

them until they ute ol,] il.oii._li ti take tare uf theiu-itelve*."

" Hare you any children here with yon now I""Yr*.two. Hui ci,me up tt,mp iin.) *e. lien* and iee

thc im un we have fm niitk!11_r them couifi,Mable."a Loon ai imf (tnt tun n's i-f * milts.'7

The rep..Uri lulluwod tbo i-uperluieiideut up to thefoin iii tl ur.

_" First wi.en a chlM 1* hruimht to u»," M-I Slr. Jen¬

kins, .. it it brought l.ere,".entering a spucum* ha.i-

rootn, willi SBfOnl halli lui.* und nuiunheref BBpontShindu*. .' It 1* introduced tofh*- beOSfl through th* roetn.

and Mun, tliiie-t luis mci hod nf iiitimlilctlou I* anylhtn.billa meie f i,i.lily. Tin* child'* Old chitins, often

lucre inaKPC.* ol r.i_s ami fill h. arc luke,, nfl BBd >!l*iin*ed

ef, aad after a hath lt ip provided wita i reanMonmwouitit frees the eletbes-raoes. Thoo tate mtraadoworoin.- .null ir room, i.n tic n -ot below and alvon somethinglo *nt. nfl, r w del n has lac freedom of tue bsaee.**" Here is tiie ;,i,tv rt,mt." thoo las iin- reporter inion

pl, a.p..ni ia....ii i.iitu'.tila- a ell.-.-lion of tnt *. A brightlooking Uttie boy ahoai tiree roan md. wu* playingwilburn. I, comm.ve. VVl.eii th.- .upc rinti-uili-iit eu¬

ler..!, th'-clinil dropped iris plaything nnd ruiiinii_ up toafr. Jenkins csngbi btu bj toe hand all-en.mutely.

'. What is yuin Hume, my littie IO.OB I" Baked thu re

potter.- Cn,ll ile ll.-ldc, ker.""And wuuld jou iallier »tay here than at your

ll'.lll, ]"'.Ye*. I dont weat tO 00 home. Pupihe whip* me.

Ile di,I this,".1.ming a gager upon louise* upon differ¬ent pane vt ins little mee.

" l>o ymi like your paoa 1"*' Yep. I like him. bill I'm afraid ot lum j he whip* mc

I waiii in s.i.v here."Tue otli.-r cnlld under fie enre cf th,- *r>oiety nt tho

time w;..-* ii girl twelve real lotd, wbo had been brutallytreated by a family in w bick Him bad been s terveat.Bi Xl to tbe play-room is the lur^r, eheeifOl sleeping-

Kunu, furnished with a number nf suuwv while cot*.Tins mom i* wi il lighted snd ventilate.!, ned uk,-..il i bonet of lbs hii.i,uni.-, le heated hi iteamand n* providedwith Spealuug-luBs-s aad cte. trie bella Nu i,, tm* ia

the ciuii.es ronni, on ell sides el winch are tbelveenuddrawl rt tis e I wuh CompletS ontOtsol Ix.lh mimiuer unitwluter clothing for cbliiir aol both exes and all agaa.

'. Where iin i'nii _it all Hu-ciat nii,.t" ns'ei! Ike re-

p iltcl'.**A great deal of lt "wande np hy eneritabli ladlee,

who are meiiilicr* Of our Kociety. M-i-n ,,| il tomestbroage renou* lewlag aoeieiiea Ciotutng ,i ueiliave b ni us s.ime. ami we. nave ,i great deal f seoond-liaiei eiotbtug, most ,: v.i.:, ii as* he. ii wo ii verykltghtly and i* sltnosi ol-.I ss new. Sere ts a bos ,"fahi es, ol assorted ? !/.. p. sent to u*; then e. ¦ eulleciionol hat ami iiniui' t -: ii; drawers contain undercloib-nu.', l rn- lu nk* v.-i'i.-. (Li those shrive* Bear tbswm,'.nw iiiiv e.-ii tv : nv ii iv, -eui pub.tabers. A. s.I; ii a. p.. .'. have noni n*a t *,: sci..>.,,¦!',-.,.-, and n. \V.Carl t";i has niven t coileoiion of ebitdn-n a Monea

,!¦ _Cu.sent ti*Musbux of soap;n aad noii-eiu-P inn h.lem enumerated different ari toles sent by prr*.pun- m lap a,ai/.: - v*i ,1 ci e.ia,' ii. i ., n wei aome ddcniilii lillnna 0 ,- J '..m.' wi.,.."ipili a-e,:«kuicloak o.,,t a Hill*- worni .-n bad teni dreotetiimi kata tiiii:ni 1 nml 1.1, i..c.i in extrava¬gant sit ie*, uni likely ui ..,., /. willi their mag*lilli, em i .ie ci.il* ;. ,, ile-... e .t wet, them.Down t>t_*n aga n, the reporter wa* siwwfl late ih<-

nlti., 'middirector*'moil:*. Upon the walli oi Whichvtct'e loin il, !.._: ,ti'l,» "1 H..iii* .¦! ll*- ci. ll, (, li n ...nettbj i:., -,-t, j puutiigrapb* taken when the ehUuraow, ie Ural I* ne i and mucra n on recs t."Wi Bavejui i'.e;v.'i a new iibotigraph of little

Lt,ill- Ya,m. I ne p: .ll, ip .1 Vie li,, ot Hf BeV, Ji'iW.i:'!,,w !¦ v's m.. pi. rd's I obi.' " Mr. .1. :.kin.. "Tue

boj l-'.,,' eil ts yean old. When wa gol biro no a

iu-t 17 i.-u ',*; now he weighs .'<"> pounds. IU unallecll III nlti CU-* l* I ll'lll in .*,l_. Aili ll lie tv ,,p Lea. ,1

.il !-,. 1.I1K, '.- Ho-, il !:.:. l.'h l..e KUIUIUOl Ur v ..t

Ll'pl Ul ill'' *\ ll.ll. M Illili. tl :f , 111. I Lie ll.ie.ilullUl thO l-'ellla.e 1.Il iii.,I. ,,> ... ji.ii I. N. J "

t ni. p. I',.'.' I ..' pll'.t ..(.liip.l vi lill i.llu ni Int- plc. it; e* ofMu- boy tas.it Jaitt altei iii i u*, n I * mt .< aro

luiu.rs. nt i. ,e,¦ ni .ii- mme perena.(Joe a lui ,'i * iii v-ii ,v p ,t .it iy-.ia,i skcii-iuii; tOslillie I, il l ii ,1'. .-.'V .1 * I" Ul p. ..CC. nt .i lil.

jji:i. kimi ll' i iii CADI:*)-.:. M.-; m... Ben l* .* iin, ti.*...,.. ul tns mvou little

bror.-.-!ii over to Uti* b ui try by one ol ibe padn n. , _!.!.>.

.,ii, win. wes tr-e i un t eoavu

year. T-epadnnici comprise ..-.a-*..; italian sdvoa-rii:-.il.-. Tti'-y t..ila) i elLi.licii in lin- N. Sim Itau dui ii'. it. tu. in Kip- . i, byagrc p.. taoir pareatia certain MUD tn-, ney lor tho sst. MUM <t i.n - ci. Hu len

lora term ol yeal ¦. sod al <, t cl itbo sn i Iced themaud givs ibeai a musical ed* ition. nie p ri

poor, ;t ai !. vi >g lm I*,- html - ipprrti ofleaUv barn .: wi I, lhasa mi and |>ooi chi -i ur-

tuen Iranip d lurough 1 i* In \ go, ;.u !wu-a a Btsapuri i- res - ... ste biouaut ;> A merl, ,,

ll tn. i li hiv. Iud. .. ."ii- "f!i ... .* ie. ukio some low qa n ter ol ih - eil) to live, ano i .11

.,.,,1 ml lill il .p .1 pr, elle ,,|

ii, .mi, lu ¦:,','- r up ni : i i,.' ,, i, t i i. !

,,, ,.,, ii ii 7 -ri l iii tuc JV 11- ii day, be] ii

mi .M uh Iced i > pe lol ni ,,, los ¦¦¦..- .I v..

net} una ivi*s a.Iol ttemoney tl it the chiMren earn, awl tao only return theyKt-t l* Oail " "'.. ,. '¦ ol ii nag ..ni brutal tnj..... if a I. vert imp. e. ly, I_H all,men ,, u ngeeounii-y.sequaioied willi noou>-bul

,. nu.ii-,..mi ....-. <i I .rn baa Ml i.lein au rn-

il...;,. *.v. i I-, in .1 hi dara Bul eoiupla.n oi inn

-,..,,,\ from bim, and will r< ty otten even u-n ...-

ting il li is thi n father ui tb. ir re ativ..a* ho hil i- nil - ih'm '" BO.!*>l I, ar bs Will

r.i venae uiiuseli uj. turin, aocordins Ut utablood i-uidiing outus aud i. reata, ll they ito oil *¦. i-..

" 1 Qt I- '- .li-i In -or. nf I liing ri I i.e

Ci, ii,-, i.-! ii'*, and in -I- nial bis ancarobi u i con¬

ant j cai. Tuat cai . p.i_:: i,. live »iop -"' ]-,. .io,ii- a

' ie i'. .vi,, no,a Waap. u,i .' lo thc a, an, i'. i, i, r.i.u \ lura leriuof llv-e

yetti*; tue lio/l wei" retiurueU to their in

woo t*\o rh'i'liv i.-iiny old violin*hanginamantel In ." uh rn -' room, i uej mun

¦¦ and tn,ci-- ta. AS IU l.,i ii-

,. ,1 Kin* i, ,-. I Wei .i in, p, ,-r uatter, i

ni. ,,,-.. imi ¦-. ¦.- ,!.i,..v. uti real.-i.i.i'. i: Ul,il ia at tn.m.. '. IlIOUU

Hil .1- .-Olte* nm,- lott, I. _.

h.ii wu ea ,i i'i,..,,i.. i ,,,..;.i tadp ,. bi* ue adi. g al ad parin ll.ar I e.a. i.i..- . >.o. il ' i I- " -a-'liles.

.. vi ... v.iy |" ..,-...¦<¦ U-oi porter.

.' i i.i j .. .. i,.' -I Lal ii ^,. -, nine ande,, * *-., .*.- lilli, «hO Wc] V 1...I Ol p ;., .'..-m.

i ii, in ;-i ii-.'-.-. ni .s.i,,,i...,.,, ...

io travel through J*ianc..iud in im- ciotta*ia "a ,: ... i ..v ,i

*v-,l li',.ut ar,I, I'M I" ..I, 101 ,. I.. .: ;. I ,,--t CU||.ii.ti mi*.n ,. La ni'.* aillVed ,,i- ubuuiied i

E.nil ill.' Ut. I'.ie Ul III I, ".'." m l'l lcd lo :,

Lime li,-tn i.'ie n.lier i- a.i lan.ate i f .t Cami .,mi:.,. Atpi- Bein 1,.'i i, alu ,.,. net eu,larva

hop 11, -i ie r,. We m,., u_i e torr* n u

vi.., ii .,- v ...i p.n is iii Kiilope, hut ii., i

ol Kini rai;, ii keep us posted regarding ail ariivali u

childi-, h."ll. i. .p ni,e ni'T'-ph ,,,'.i.,; li l wan to -h '*7 yt,ii.

T,.i- ¦ a pict in '.:' .! '. El eu,' iiieruule co.iiimou wbeu discovered, *¦ t-., yeera ago.ledin ne ' i _-..i. .-.ai in ni ii.,- s .cit ii. bue i* now tueadopted mumbel ..: ,i faniilj h\ mg in the te .tr.il j,.o-i ullue bu*itv, and Da* develop -i lulu a really nauuaomo.blight aud luielligout potMiu. I taw bei lust tumuier."

i Mi'.M Ol lins CLASS 01 WOKff..- ii*.*-, li the ,.-..-ty sopport. ,1 I"

"B/oontrioa ions sud by tb* memben. Baoh mem¬ber, ezeepl the life members, paj * uno tbe Ireamu t *¦>

a year. Ufa memben pay In 990 ai iii-t. Hauy, bsw-cvti.iiot uuiy pay lin- i.-_il.ai incl,i..c. .-iin,. fees, .01

eobeni ibo tram gio to aiOO aannally beside, i lu socictjhoe aow over 2,000 aicmben of both aimee, ol whoath.- -ic. i!,-r pi, ip., i nun are laic.. Since oarorgaeisetimi w have sand for nearly S^MOchildren."int.ie I.--. y,:ti4 Bine, the eeterdleboanl of our

Boi'ieiy I wel.tj-fou. -la-l.- l.avi lie ii t>r_ai,l_ '! nil .1,. pl.ni IO lite Uni] al Silt,.--. 'Jue, me itl A iiiiliv

Buffalo .Sew mi-, li... in -i.r mid Biraiogs. N. Y.j -aall aa l-i n, Cal; U Uuil tl.t nil, Del.; Wit-..III. nil, I) (.- tv. in, ian, li...: emeu-., ami djuluov, III; Bsltlmorn!Md.: BostaBi Mi--*.: Minnes .* un,] Bl. Pani, Mina.,Vineland, M Ji Keene aad Portsmouth, N H.; Cincin¬nati ;in.l Cleveland, Ouiui Pittsburg and Phna-ti Iphia,l-i nu.; Memphis, J. ue ; aad .Uw.ukae, w,.». Of ibesepi,, r.tie-. each oas covers a large territorj oetitba city In walsh it ia loeatad. Then an lao bum lor¬eign BooleUn.In Loadon, Bnalauu; Peria, J.von-,Rb ii: i, i: ii ¦.", Poa i-i-,, and Toora, Pnace: amiMilan, Italy. Teen ia oas BlSo in Halifax, H. s. Allotim esocieilee icaemble oore,aad tut* Milan society i.Identical with this "in-, using uaaelatloai ol i rn book ¦,

rules, etc, iiml bering Ihe atm* badge. This Milansociety bsa i.ra:,, in p acattered tbroogboal Imiy. Wscurri--:,.,i>,I With BU of these Boeirtiee lol ngboat theW..tl.I. ci,sim,liv exe..inn.'.ik duCOIOoniS ai,,l i'ni,i.,,..

te ,i. and nm* each o. letj nu* km. ¦ bat v. i» uibei*ni.iy is doing aad whal i* beiBg eccompliabed la thecaust* througii-i.ii the world."


I'. T. ll.-iriiuin is rccov.iiiig from bia aegioBe ill-ii.-r* at tbe boon el lu* soo-to-low, Boaoel ll.

Html, No. 334 Leziagton-oTo l»r Hodaatoo, ol

this city, aod Dr. Hobbord, ol Bridgeport) Coon.,baas beea bia attending pbyeioiaos, aod tbe elderDr. Fliot baa bora called la faa Beratal cun alta*lions. Mr. Hui.I sn.il la.i Sreeling to a

Taiatma rooorf.ri "Mr. Barnof is maehbetter, hut is sun rori weak aod ia eoo-

linc.l to lu* ''.ii. We nil feel sun* nf lils npeedyrecovery. I lent bim np a few monela ot turkeyhom inc riianksgiriag iain.- tin.* aftoroooo, iaorder tbat be might tbi iu it* with .a io tbe oouoolfeast | bal bi bee eaten Terr lillie se rat, Re win

s<-v. i,tv v.-his*,1.1 .us- July, and tberefore doe., noti-. iparats its a mini "i ' v.mv- 'ir noan wo.ld."


To I li e y il i t or ii I I li r FrilBSI,Sm: lum ieuiiii'le.1 _.

thc letter of tin*\Vu-tiuii_ton . ,.irs*|i''i'd.-iit in I uk iiiiius.. ,,f

.,,,_. i, ,i,,,- tn Inc .VI,,i,y letler, Ol a c,,nv.I .ti,..ri Li¬

ii , ol Watti bester < umy,

,,,, i .,-U. Ile a. c.*l.*l me ii. Wall *L on tie- BMMralagol October 17, aad ehraptly observed, ..Well,! sdeeiwe have gol yoe a aw." " la what way ff I roan ml

.*Why,thalCeiaeee letter ,.f 8a dato, wm raise .in¬

ti, m.- Wita li.iii mid " _e ii Li pi-el I Baal lt v. r.v .N.niJi

t iii .-ai.." I rldlcnled tba kt m. thal ..n> loiter, *.-. unloeoi bogus, woald effect that malt, bat be nepondi I, a*in w .ip*'*i a.* *y wini au ni tii.it t-iprta-- .1 areatconldanes " Toolleeai *""' - -" \ liit.ua...

Stu loek, Mov. _4. lb_«J.

EDISON'S WORK*omura beadt fob a kio __-_p_________-T.i'liurimiSO TO ..i-mivii: lli.NDltKt)- ol' l.AMfs

TJiKOL'UH r.ioiiT milks or wiiiK- wini:* to uk


" I don't bel irv. you will find Mr. Edison upit hi* mliorutnrv now," *ald tin- pi BBBMSB of the MenloI'afk ll'.f'l W. ,!ue-,| iv timriiii'i; a. a reporter of Tunliui'i.-H; '. h.-sent down ben* for some erucRers at il

.'cluck th!* BMratag, Bad that BMOOS that he wa* atauik all night." At Hie nilli c cnnnerlt-.l with Ute labor-

itory lie reporter wa* gmt thal Mr. MtBBB"cai a*lrep; tli.tt h.* hud wor'-.d rt'l thetight hefi.rs and several preceding night*, andhat bis employe* hud been working day andBigot lae eeeee itaBO. Hr..diena did not appear until.il,ninon, wheo tte in. uiiii uni, tl the renou,r thl-Oghtil* laboratory, machine BBOBS and .lrafiln_-roniii. undunv,r.*ed trct-ly Mu.ut his lahore, .u-hlt vern, nu oad.litims In Ihe fl,-ld nf electric llgtiting alni ;,!,u..'. I.i*bepee and plans r,.r tlie fur ure.

In tlie laboratnry were huming hrltthtly. nnd with a!-¦eat perfect iteedlosss, a dosee laeaadeoeeal loova,¦aialias- with tue bamboa oarheae sheped Ilka a hairinn. In UM BIBffclne stiopt a score or Awn el lu B were

Bald nt at work prennrin. Ibe iiniferi il fer at experl-netit nf c,)ii*itl rn!.!,' mnirnuuilr and Imperial BB I lui t

_r. l_.livt.li BSpeetl tu in.thi in little tn.in*

han a fortiii_iiL 8.vera! of tlu-se ineii WBSB'ii':.ii. in place the part* of an IBUB8BMly.,nm.) n aclili.e of I,.'.".- bene power, s-s. it li

vhlrli Ibe atteuipt will anon lu* made to operate a greatlamber of lampe threagh * brbi mlleeef wire, it was

Ito ur,e.ii tl ini eui cu ni Mr. I.i!Hon to leal the practicA.nil y ut apara!lag un thi* rilao ilia *cuir in August, hutte was .limppuinti d nv tin Pntle lelpbm BBoebtoisIatovin,ni he (.'ive the <-i,iitriio, tn fumina t.-e BtBBm QOglgSer tl c iivnuni'i lua.-hine. tm* maeBtae dhfhn brest thennclniiiM tierctofnre used Bl Men! Park, Bad is designed,, <l,, itu- work of ii large Bomber Ol them, and to pto*luce better rasalta nt bott tin* os il la pleatla tbe draaghttng-room several wea wan fonnd pot-

log tlie tin,slime toil- hes te pleal sad s;. -elfie,ilinim for

in ela,,male t.y stein of cl-ctre liglitinc. laettldlnglie till.i.a fur a nuuih. r of c. ntral station*o lie inuit in ibo City of Kow-York. laMs py-ieui tbs i ,i> baa beea divided imo .ii»trici andealeulutlona have been mad of the electricity thal a

lave lobe ooneia;ed toe eaeh district. T,e- pbin* foibe e. ni rai Rtationi have buen arawa m eeeordaneervitli lb* M r.'i!rui.iti-)ii*.Mr. J.,Ls,,a ha-alan Inuit a fact .ry fur liimi) iiiakt'g.

uni im* taaghl a uuniher of hoys b,,w to blow gi tn.

\t th.- tin to. i tt ts Bia eapeetation to hare lamps made'ur line iu Sfew-Yerh when pnparailoai te eater theienl BgalBBl gae have been finally ead Mttafhetoflllnude. Viic'iiiiii pumps have also boee [> tfectod lu pie-i,ar<- lae lump* inr ¦ ie.

AN ATTACB OH THK MAXIM LAMP'.* puii'.ic attention ta Kew-York," aald the reporter,

"beaneeatij beeadineted le tbe Incandescent lampaf lbs Ma vim !. iient. Ore ii r el a li iw been mads inr,hi* lau p. eoe leveral nclontiile mea have -.'iv-'ii li aiirniig ii. ii,1.4 ¦.i,ct. w.iiii tin yon think of tn f-tuximlamil t"

¦* I have road what bea beea published ahour thatlamp," said Mr. Edison. " Hie dalmo nude for it snii.tr,.e. lake, f >r in-t.nice, the ebBm Uni it is be li rsilamil!,, ut tia* ai poriwas of a diviand lectrlo current.Every |, i -..I familiar wltb the biston of tn* an ofelectric lighnna koows that I was .i.e Bm penou todiv uh- the i iiiiin. h. nee tin- pori lum-. 1Hut was dourli. lue ina - I Uill.lli-il I e|e IMI V.l-lel. I'll ellie

iii*- Mux.imp uni whal do ron nu I a glassia tal a, fl i n I, iii :,! tm >n ia ft* rn aud ph

rn it, ih- nu- le eshatts ed un.I the lamp ,s

.pe i.e., np Iii i- p.. I-, iv tu, lamp Koo csa',.,! iv i oj be pecauar sue 'giveutoihu Biumentti. tut) .da Min iin.,' I .1 ls uulj .in-'- l>, ni v 1 I'iunthill. iii- f cu hon ; ll ,- ubicnn, ii- fi.' a OJ Ur,-eu fen. I principle Old IU cb. ill j,nymi ii- ula uni! nit ¦¦ been ;, Bf-d t.u ii ancein lue Po ni uni ... t ie rs .* nothing new lu in

pl- in r 11 fi ic I-.',,' Ul.' oy ie- i:. DOUC lamp*i - m . ie i Dirt, v >¦ ira ¦¦ to. 1 e n >

.-ui,,hm 'ia-; .he enrreni and nillixiug the divitm t, mus pr ,tm mg many lia.it* tn ¦- bri lianaud tbi p. ,ii. ii' '. ot subdivision i* iu> di ,

1 could ic '¦ .1 .ne s. v. m ,.:.... ,,-,, vv. ..

.vi.&i,ii lia-.1*,ii ., bad I lil .-.ir .1 io Hiukeaauow. I didpi, m.. gi. is tu ihe ,. ,. ..i. t I -,.ii iii, .ut in May ..m., aud...iv a.ii in use ai

.- .v; io i-i. .._., and B_.nlau * loni-d j in my laboratory and soups. Us issuernnil.-,i ... t x.iuii i' .va .tn au,aud ni doti bl he p,c:.,,i

i, labor ki n . ib, bm thalnut ol ii i:. us ur ia e> cou ii ic patented.

li-- I,,., a, ai- .i.i flan, nie a |H,J nf ,v,-v rn c. ii, vv ll in 1a ia), aud bas uim employed bow j bete

...veli t.i au ...jed lil tn..l. 1 ii .vc i.evtr ba¬an ,i,i.. ia t -I,'' ai, ead i 1,, ni mingdow, I !j im protection u:>,,r, the paienili.... i,.isi4 ii,I. iii- tn,,-1., pursue tbe mei Innis uli'ii ur a...--.wi,on iii.h.ut... in n locked up ibeu,-n.ii..', ..>: i- iii- ii. If lu;' la .... i. ..ut pmii ct I.iv. i,

v .*i. ii re to r. iii. to ih ..,-i.nt of tao Middle

mu tintt ihe Mastm lemp tafrlngee yoaipah .,. i".m tim bsa infringed three of my pateatt and thir

One ol tbe me.i pecuniarily lulenled ia mi i. ii h. ie.1 ni t ii is mn.na- moro

led. .'.',, ,1 lUbt Le ni [....>.'I ,, ia lllalillCl o 1- .'i e ... Ill ive

in- ii.' ope itu wy ia a. ,;i New-Yoikau.i have di'-.in a.. !). c.iii-c ere 1* no onj ei lu

n' s-i*. to be so.d una

1 un nu tb. -i"w uv ness."- i aa been given out tuat yon have lately been es-

iin Dam a '.. *¦,.,..,.. - and j <-,t a

.:,'.. _!-.- .1 li Ml¦. i ,.-*.- o a -: us .i gnal variety >.! carbon..

..,.,*, to cuntie iv io -a .ermteeni tbat it ia i ) an 11orai l texture

tua li..* I, **, r uni ei r. li. ns lb m nu11, eui mil nf ,'.i.ii,'.,,, il] a bu spi cial

pi ...-. rtjf la icc- lilllie,al a."tl -i rn l HI. DELAY.

.¦ u.iv yon anj uoj ctao'i lo itatlug the i !¦! iel of yoir i. h. und present lab

¦¦i ive nothing to ec ecol. I li-v.- been workingandmu ii ¦*.- working *. .t-i tb mle object ef pi .. lag ihe .n t

af .,, eric lighting on a .te bs ll "f cu.um i. lil BOC-cooa, lt ta our purnose lo compete with gaa Now, InIII Cit ¦'' . 1 "> f't -Lal 111

lbs i,.,,uf.ii Lue uf ga I-i! tobe tupposed thcan i*iover linn,au- with a men unuoiincomeut olnm i <,ie m.. ii,, wipe out i be opposition n presented bj

-,i,,i ,'f .' .) I 'ill n ;,i'- ina .i lilla, s lo fierod, alter a taltaiactory Itghi i,.ip bean

on aiued, -in n ii ;!..- cont nt p ai -. the di preci ttiou , fpian! ,, mi iii** interest on plant. Bvi rything mu b goldowu to Um last penny. For instance, lu thu mal bilumps,heniofore then bas b eu au waj .,! manngui.iinji in I. a* »,' le,poi' .-xe ;>i lu band. Ii tOOfc mi;

in.ot Iv*.,, ll,alis lo leak a -ifilcU lum ll was tlieic-,.m-i..ai-,- tn inii.ii :. f.. lory tu iniii.e glass audii .i. ure lamp-. iM- 1...¦(my i n.tv Uuili and i amD, .* ii. _ ii -. . ii ia lu blow j-'i ian."

I, .vin regard your l imp aa ntisfactory in its piIII 8 Bgt- Ol Oelcaij lie ll! ,"'

I h.IV- null,il,v. lo ,lill,Illili Of Ul Illa! le et! Ihave h ii a: ir,i,i,i4 tn .ak,- I iic i i,.criment ,,r operatingbuiidred* ol lamps brough eigiit miles ol wire i.r romein iin.-. u.e ,i I-, i.i-1 nr-t tm-tn.- esperlmeut wasHu u-t IS, bul I was disappolnied in not kcting thuileum rngine ordered fnm a Arm lo PbliadolpbiaII liii-i a! e'n.e l!,..f 'la',-. I haV" ll, ,1 tit le eiVed till. i,-inc. i.iii ii ip ii.,w poeltlvel] promised me ta a littlemon niau two weeks, a-phi,in* it oom el ¦*.'.' makethe Sttt'-ipf. and 1 hate m. oula Ol in. -i. Ii.ivebeen vt, kin.* with a * sw of obialatag a tieady ii.-h. ..fam,u: 16-candic power J li publie may he taken atBrat with a light or gnal l-rilliauoy, bul people wouldtoon become und et loeb a light in theilfi n-'-s; ll WOUld pam til- eye and linke itweary, iii fact, people vv nhl pi.'.lt g.*f kick Ol tildi alight and have it nmoved. Amodentclf bright ilghlOl i-.-r.'.-c: pl.-a.lines- 14 vt lint is Wanted."

.. iri ii '-..... I. I lien, v..ur ,.h|e.'l ls in re,tel', ttl,* pei nt nfsuet- p-i,ii competition wita gaa, aad yoo an hopeful olreaching thai patel I"

*. Mr oi,pd ts to 'lev,*e tha mean* nf wtablisblogel fri*-1 ahtlugon a ,','iurnr-r-1 ti basia; to distribute tuecurrent fi"in ., *eni ral-Lui,,:i and measure il, gi trinoa -. a ii-I '" brino the eoai down toa point wi, cr,- nc

enoi mon mon. yeo influi ui a of gas ean bc ai cc mmeiicounl ie,i. i bev. no doabi wbatcverofrain,- plat > and ip u all ns lor eentral sia;,,,n*

foi the < ,ty oi New .%'"-¦- have beea made, snd proposal*have been received, lie-re rt.eilns nothuig ess otfoitin- eoniti my to ontain tbs permissioB frotn tl,- a ni nunne -, i New Vor_. ii that i» deuaiespoet lo lay wire*

ni J .n,,.iiy."iMr. Edison also said tbat nvewl per. ms in Geneva

bad become interested le bis light, and that capitalistsof that (dry bad f»rmod a compaoy ead isa! men toMenlo Pars to learn tbe tmsltiae*. rheas mea ure now

working dui) in ile-1.ii,*,rat,uv end euopaof Mr. Kdlson.Tbebwus wen greatly ettnc ed bj the briUiancyol tuelights. Oae of lae ___eoa lamps vt ns run up to _,'_uucandi, ** ai ii, nt va.


Atulrtiis Mobo, a sailor on tli (lenniin BteoioshipQellert, waa takoa bafors Joatico Dixon, of tbaNew-Jareey Supreme ('oiirf. iii Jersey City, feater-day, on a writ <>f hobooa earpoa Be wea arreetedM,,n,lav cn :i -l_-Pfa of having deserted huI Mel and waa locked uti nt Poliee Ile nhju-n t.-rn il

Hoboken. He wasvieiiedifl hij *-il br Mrs. IdaMets a y,uuor (¦* u.in widow, lin. Bets sobee-quoutly second s worreol for lfoko*e erreet oa a

charge ni betrayal nader pronias of B-friage,from Jastice .*-ir.'ii_, bot toe police, an-li.'iiil's tcfil-eil tO .Icliv.r Illili (O fl

ct's, '.hi,-, lin- wm of beaoas eorpoa wuk seeoredhy the woman. Joatiee liixo.i or-ered an offleertotake M,.lin to tn*' t '«#.ini v Jail oil Jersey CityHeights ami keep lum then to await ii hearing,which Will Ink'.- pince to-iiiorrotv. Jual beforethe itaomahip s.n.ed "*eoterd_y a -oar-I.tl,I,- cull.ti on .lailur Allen Boddemanded Moho, waa was bb bataken io (J numv i,u trial na i aharge of desertion.inn tue j ni..1 r- il -,ii i" sarrouder hun witboat saorder Iron. JaeHoe Dixon. Mi*. M*:/.'* inn!.:,uldie a i.ile weane, la Uennani. atm or eight moutheai. , and abe lieeame acq_ainled witb ll.aa ob iu-ipaeaege h ick to ll iboki n.

BIS uti 11. li: t< lui;I D nun A ll 1MMRR.An Bf_a) look place ai Coostable ll " k. Bay.

u.iiic, N.° J., Wcilucsday aClortioou, which ia Likelf

o result in thc death of John Flynn, a liquor-seller,-"lynn w, nt into anotln-r liquor shop that afternoon,viler- there waa a l.iig.t number of men. Amonghem were Patrick Hennessey, bet ween whom and''min tiiero wu* had blood, and James Rielly, ar,";,tl of HeOBOBBoy. 1 hese two vvero excluded fromhe gem-mi invitation of Flynn to drink withnm. 'liii* was considered bo BB insult, ami angrytonis led to OB agreement, to light in un BOOB lol.['In* I lin .- men started, and had proceeded gtr-OBt Bmildred feet win n Plena drew a knife and made a

iiiu'i" i t lleiiticssev. Ho vvuM knocked down hy'ielly. who struck Flynn on tin- limul with a baaBer, fraetonng hi* skull. Flvnn is uot expected to

ive, and Ino BBSaahKBta have fle*l.


WILLIAM If. PLOYD.Another fnvonlo actor han departed, nnotlier

ri.-ml has gone, nnotlier no',le anil L'l'nert.us nonitam tallou BB-B-P. Tin* death of Mr. Flovd.wliie'i"scaned yeeterday BBoratafe. will mriko ali whomew him with surpri.su no less than Borrow. He»ns in tho prime ol' lite, ami Ins lifo was o ie of coo¬

lant. OOd extraordinary iniltit*tiy. Ile ha.-* heen a

aiiiiluir figaro upon our stage for the heal part mt.rooty years. His name is BBB puruhly i.lenti-Ied with Wal luck's Theatre, und in most ofbobrtllioat Baaeeaaaso_ thal howseka bago a ooo*ptem as mil hon.until,- p.nt. II*' HM.taged tho,'nrietics Theatre. In Mew-Orleooo, ia rai l>ri_!it*-rlays, nnd niii.ic a Bplaodid reoord there, aiui ho waa

nagaasefilatod with tba late ArtharCheaey la tin'

aenageejent al the Globe Theatre ia Huston. Bevas one of the heal actors that have ever

roil oujr singe, his irish character parts,

aogiog from .Sir Lucius OfTrtggtt to

'lanny Minni.wliilo in li_ht. satirical conn (Iv.is typified bv sir Churum Loman Lr or Pi reyArdinl, ha bad not hm pOOT BOOB tho American(tune. In all the fop**, from ollie to Sir Fruin iii.Ulnunl, bis fflKelleaee was suix-relive anil uuri*railed. He bod wonderfully goal ju.l.irMat in allmitlers relative to llie stugc, and he was one of limi. i* Born-) ilishrd stags managers that hare ap-icared in our time. Ile has been tho inain-atiiv afVallack's Tbeetre, in stag.- management, far eeo-.ral years, am! bia work has boeo does with thor-lughneea aod perfoel tarlo Ile was u model of Met*ty to doty, and ho had, in a rare degree.he temperament that- Baakaa a man eooo*ile ,.f gentle and ehecrfal self-sacniiee.His ambitioo wa* t» azoel io acting; bat bia re-i.si,.,I.ii.-s cooatraioed him to nadortake theIrndgery mthcr than the more brilliant toils ol lu*iroieeeion ; and, of late, tho actor hail become wallugh enbmerged in tho etoge manager. Hut Floydrae oo actor of rare powers, aod of wida range; a

choler, aod a niau of railed accomplit*hn*--nte;ml, ni tlie e!i.r.icteii*tic turn of his uiiiul, tba fe*icily ol bia Ideas, iii- readioose of the right wurde,ml Ins Babbling, ezaboroot mirth, one of tho vv k-iest taik.-r.i tiiat ever e_orn*ted a aoeialin!.-. His acting had the s lui

uerit of npoee, and bis execution vt a*

Iw.ivsapi ami crisp. He a a.* one of the last of theomediana vino wear with grace the rapier andhe r.till-s <>t the eighteenth cen ure. In biadontea*ie and -il lil lie wm deeply loved. He bred iobe enjoyment nf others, and hie homo waa alwaya a

oven of bappim to. He leareo a widow and a littlesniily of girl.'i'i whees b***r_o*reB*reat it is most «a.lo tri ink. The memories of bim that eome to bb i b-

enil over nilli., years, sod sro interwoven withnany bright and loved and lamented nairn s. Ir is

mly.Bible i.o v, in adding his natre t,> that mel-tbat a truer beor! than thal of

floyd Iii* neveranswered to the voice ol'ff ¦¦ i .i Milli il hy ih" bond of death.Mr. Floyd died al ftYJO o'clock, at Ins hon,.- *-,(

In. 1 IO 1* ourth-ave. He wna fortv-elgbl \-*-.r* nhl...'I three wc* ka he had »,e.-ii aoff. -u.r_' from severelit'f'.i Iv- 1' a, nt, 'Bright's ill --ii a*. He CUV.--, u wife¦i iron daughters. Un. Floyd end t ie eldest

ter were present el bia bedside, and thet;nr children, vt h.. ar.* in the eonntrv,if boarding- .bool, wi re itnmediati ly - immoned bj

vii. J he funeral will take pla i nt 10 o'clock*! .i day moi n ng, :it rtu- Cbunta "I ibe Transfigure*ion anil the interment will beal Long Brunch, '.¦. here

li :,:1\ h -i Iiim. stead. Mr. floyd'snins \sere marked by xtreme snffertng. A lew

laj's ago li-- rallied, and il waa thought then thalie. would recover, nome vents __n Mr. Fiord in¬

ure.I Ins life for $10,000, bm lie bed al owed thctolley to run oat, A low doyi before he bret bmi,- iii he t<< ik out a nev. policy for the eenieun. .n..t.

HERMAN ROI J 'V.-*.Berman Leroy Jones, a member of an oM

>'. w v rk family, died Wednesday, al bis home, Ko. 37-. Be waa tbe eon ol l*.i\'IdB. J a

ot ih- New-York B .:.-

Ir. Jones li'.'.r:!,-.] a daughter of Air,hr"*" Ki- gslaiKi.lei,, tossed a foftu o sutnoiently larse to eiiao,e .un

o live wiihuut eogag-ng iu buoiLi *. tia waaame.OD lal '.

ALFI: ii 0AITHEB.Alfred 0;.ii!i»-r. a member of iii- Board of

ifanasen of Adama Ezpnss Company, aod a resid ni

! .' ra -in- ttl. '.. ! -¦ ' e I.' I"

e iignsiion ol .he longa Tbe indy aaa..;*.-. tu ( iiieii,lian i.,-i i lahI.

JUDOS DAVID COAMBB**-.Buklikotok, ti. J., Nov. '_'.").Judge David

h mben, a prominent citizen of this etty,lay at Beldon' Hotel, it the age of eeventy*ntae fears.Ir. ('ininti'., ws born in Trenton, and ..t oas time be

a' nu fie !. .ii, -li of fha Court off,i in SW hui.*, Mo. He will lie buried mihi.-city

n saturday nat rr,omi iii St, Mai vV Bm lal Ground,



Wash im; i"*. Nov. _<;. 1 a. m..The area,f kiga barometer moved slowly eastward, aud la dow

i.*i.ii li ti,,-i.nive raatoa. The pi ssan has laenlightly on the Ailaatte neat, ead ls the Best Gulf

galee, aad hae tatlea derddedbya tho Worthweea. The

emperatnre '.ia.* fallen slight!] in tee i.th-1 i_toa, Obie. v iii .1 .'.'ev,-Lu I i-i ! oi'i Int riiii. ,1, c i, 11 illy in Iii,.

loath A'Lu,' ie sud East Gulf State*, and Bitchily tn Ihe.nilli-.,,-!. Northerly winda <. minnie iq the Lake regiou

lo Valley iiii.l I'enii..pp.,-, ih,-..ul Slates, aod on tbettlautio coast, Cloudv weather, v»ith ram or enow, i*

epulleil from the Mill.Ile, -nulli AlilillllC lill.I tilllfKates, and tennessee, amt rlearlag wrathor noni mo

.puer Lake frgion.IBBHOflsni.

For Xew-Englend, rietng, followed liy stitior.ary orailinn, barometer) Btatwoary ur lower temp rature,i..ni.. rh winda, clear or partly oloudy we.iii.-r.POT ih" Miedle A lian: ic .-nile*, rising lollnvted bytatlonarv or lower barometer, f.ti lin *_ (oilowedby eta¬lon trr or blgber temperature, north to ea-t ariade,.inly don.ly weather, oeeaelooal ram In southern por¬tico.

Cautionary MfO-Sacuiii-ni-.iry ateaale eontlnne tram Cape Lookoot to

ip Henry, atnl aio ordered from liieftUvTatcr to CapeHi).

TKIUtrN'* LOCAL OttaKKTATIO-Tf.Kui tis Mun.mg. M.l.i. Bin

-**3 * a S 7 s inn i? in.(.r.f, "i Pion: t^QA^Z^ 30.5

-..'""*¦ - -».-.¦: AK--~ryJn__>*rrr .v.r*v- r^~~~; r-r^i&««_otr. .>_ .-.,, ..-. i- ...a .i-lir, », ..-.ii. . il- j, i ,ii

Ililli-,, rtl- ,pr;i«nill'-»l»r liar, kt,« liri*. .r,« if tl -ir-ur Iii' ll mn

|.ie,f*!!«i( -, il¦..«.¦. Ih rr-(_U-_ . . .'. ¦< . t.ti

Oir-M-iiruiy *u'i,e. '...,.' Iltur,, Hie irotrn tr ait hip mottOtOM le

i>i,¦<. ..ii,.ii.n.il,u,4-.iiii t] lat utuniiviii.t .l.iiiii,...nit,., li"--'»*_-»>

Tkihim: Ort-'K k. Nov SO, 1 n. m..The movetuent In

the beioneiee yesterday wa* geaeratly downward.

tiniily weatiicr, wuh ,>,KBMtaaal HgM saovv, vta*r...-

lovviil iiiunn: lin-t!iiidi|iuiricr hy partly cloudy vveuihei.Tim iiiiii*. nit tire naged betweea 94° aad ll*, ibe av¬

enge 117*V) halag taajf lower thoo oo tba eerrespefBd.madar hHB rear, ard *.'V higher ti tn »n Weds

w.iiaii. .imi cloudy rn- partly eloadj weather, wi noe-casi,,i:>. Ugh! BBOW ol ram, may be I -Pasted Ut Ibi* cityand v iciiniy ivo-.lay.


M. D. (j-tUiigliur, president of tho centralo__aaiB-tl n of tba Paraoll L.n,i Leagae, ia*t Blah! »iiii. -4 i uic.'t'i). of nie.ni.'i-s el tl.e Load Lca.ueH al

ttieHcho',1 i,r st. (-.iiifiiliiit'* Ctiurcn, In Went Twcnijnf, si. .Many wouteti wet.) in Hie audience. Tl.tirish people, ni*- Bpeeker claimed, wen syettaatleall]inipi le-ciitml. A burrill existed iii Huhlln for luaiiilfaci tu mg lal**! rpori* of luuid.r* liy Irultenants, in ordor to prejudice the Americeai

4' tu,-m. Be Boverrlr entleieed the piat---

mciit-t of Mr. Bwart, Member of Parttamemfrom Belfast, made ncently toa raiauaart-portoi a Iipokeot the able aruolesof Jamee Redpath la Tun'Iiiibi-nf: Mr. li*-.i,.uti!, lu* laid, stated tris truth langard to Inland aod pint.,, lain Biany ii,aiicii,u*>,toiieictrculu ted.


Vii.'Ksi.rin,, Mip*., Nov. SS..Uta Wnrrci(tillliiV l.l-.iii'U ( u.inl--iDi i :*, ttl* cliiiiitn.tli nf tu

Kaecative Peeioentt* Coouaitteeel tho Vita Oeogreiiliiiiiii JuUacI auJ Uo cl_*lil_a_ ui thc MaiiuuCuuul

nxeciitivii Demoeritl-i Commlrteo were arreste 1 fo dayI.v order of .Iii lire Hill, of Hu United Wales (..¦¦ort. onehanas mad- a.ainst them In eooiieeiloo with tbs lalo

eleellmi in tin* county Tbrv will he taken to JaeBaofi,lip io BtgBl. snd will probably have a bearing to¬



N-.8iivii.LE, Tenn., Nov. 25..A minoritynf th*.-t.irkh-'ld'T. lu the Nashville, chatrshooga andHf. Louis Knlro-d repremiitlng about .".(..»'.»(> nhanihaveni-.ii a i,iii tu tbe trotter! ftalM Usart st tin* pinceApplying for an liilun-i'o:i mrs inst Hie Loe'evltls andNashville hoad: to**a)olii ittramruaulogIhs Meehnlle,« hatfane ..-a and gt. Lc-au Hoad, ut interfering williu* r.nin igetaeet and eoalaal masing a I* .'.¦".. a roe-riverla also esked lae aa tm* -.-...u <i tuat the term* <>f iboh a-, i, ve i.-i* I..fit earrie. 1 nut hg ibe louisville audX.ii.LiVilic Ullin-*,i.


ihS-i.Pout op BBW.TOng.WOY. 2uAlllll Vii)

"tr Merry VAye 'Betel. F!v!er. A ntwere 1*1 "ayn. wlih tn<1»sBad imp*-ii.er* in roach. Ku.-.v ri,.Btr Borgas eily, A#ia Bew-oiteaoa Not iu. with m<t«a

Bl ,l p «¦ ,lg, r- tn ll',_"..¦! .* Morgun..-ii i,i,i o .an ulina. Waiker, Mabmarni, CltV Point and Nor.

folk, with in !«.. uti.I ns"*.'ii_eiA la ' »'*1 I-Hnlt.mn stn Ce.L.iirlt lien imbrm-ikl taral), *-.-in-< k. Hrtrtwuod li)*J*r#,

t* I.: ' i. L v ,*el !n nil* .'1. leIfe .t Cns.iii alban ii Witite. i)'Ht_,, paaaaasBi OetM sun in__

tiri t ii vee*. I n> itni-t. r

hchr tuttle J. BeWBMM, Beer, Hsn.or. with lr.* toorrter.BOVfc.MKM's ur ST.:A MK'IS.

POBRKiN I'Ditr-tJ.ivri{i'<",f. Nor. 'i. Arrived. Mr* Lady rr»rirl» 'Bri. Illg.

No. folktia Halifax: BabcauiBelg*. CesapbeU. fi.*in Birou. fruin Havannah: l'o.,ana, Walloa, f',',1

Wi si UnBtinroou Nov. _i. sauna, *ir area-ten UB. forgoatee.

MtaCBLLABBOOAl.nrmov. Not '.'5 -Batu A'ta* (ABStt, VMnl'rh from Som.

Vork Oct -_o r*ir l*_|>;.eob,ii _-. i, p.rpinl_.l at Athen, lil. lierI, cu la brakes, sad site wi, !«. h.ui arena, m-r t,«* b_vel. , ll > lV.,1Hblfi .vt i.o-, Bl I. Kl', v Whfa !i arrive.! rtt I'lyniantfi on Nor

.1 bin Mm Yaru. Uni h-r naSsrasaS besfcw sa UM i«s-¦BffS

-ship ',*i:r,. maia l!ri Dm hutu from (j,tele, n,-| _,->, h., gmri-.e.i ai i..v, liprs-i. si,.-Inp! 4moU luwi and part .( I. i ihiI-warta,Hark Vlh-riirre (Jsr),HehOtU, fro'tt Chntharn Ml. ().(¦-¦>

i"i lairtlaaaa, baa arrives leahy Bad with tho tass el bar hat*wertaliam Lubra Nor). Baivtg, fruin Kristel .iel 'JO '. i Will,linc-

too. lui.mitred on thc »tii mst. Tas crsw han bosBlsaasaat cowi.-it.

r.i-'i >p. i wChatwin, Mi¬

ni il Baal rlim*ti. WinBB I "ll

Li iwn. MrM.-I rlum ia* iaai

PA8SESOERS A LEU EH.non utbb**oo-" ar rrraaaeair itw.v

six o. vt,-, ii, Bpeea, Ma tv'stoirtrlli*. M,*»M ll BIMI eitUdraaHtU-IU nip. Al,ss f ll.irria K.*.. io.-icu,.i vv Kaaraov. Jll,nmll. ll BB 1 Ml**I'.lev.l,-., ... Amii'.!. M:*lIlioWLin_. Jil i,._.,.-:,all. f-'-tt

ti ai:KU: 11.

AiiMRTimN'n -wrr.sii-on rae* lari Koveml h S3, at ther, -i isa* *. ot the bride** inutfn-r. hy ihe Bev. William M.Tarter, I* n.. j Kioelalr Arm.tnag ls Lissie Howard,lia niblet 'f Bl 'nn | i\ We lab. Blt "I th.*, elly.

AV! UH I. -Pilli.I I*:-. At PlBSMng. L I-SB V*. ,-,'. . '-r..Nuv.-iuher Jl. l.y Mn it v lliri'-n ll 'I nr.'.-i *>( < li-*ier,s .1 ni Hie,.-I .-,i, .¦ f tin I.ri '< n .timi lbs Bav. laateaI). Averill anti Ml-. Jul a V r-.ilip.. Both "f Fliislilio.

k i \'i-caiipkni .¦:'!-,)a iii.nk-i.iTiii- Day. Bananas-.-.i Ls- .'.ii-.-iil f t i,.i r,-a ip. .,vlbsB.-V.

I. i-' "I",.-, Dr A li).ter glBg MM Kitti.-. lUMgOUW alfsanitit*. *...! Jt--iii,-l. es."., .lil ut l-l Uh,iiuk .V v.

m.-* ui:i.!.-i-i oasiaad. cal oct ber tt, kg cae han*, f-II ,-, I,,, vi urorss K noss sod *ti-* .iiiab-:h U, Beag,,-i ii-1 na.i-hie. ,, iii. i- bu i. Kead.of Bieablya,M. t,

Bs.ecbase.taead alssae, '.' il. pay r» p.caa*-copy.

AU ito>tee* "' 'Li ntl" ».¦ i tntttutl tc't't full.itiiit' miii u {dress.

BROWN Vf ti!*rt*i:l,':ri-e.-.-.7. We t Itli tt. November 2.1.I-.i", J,dm'f Brown, fol ll, rt r v.o yan* ruin,, ct.-tl williti,,- linne ur a. i. ates an .*. tit

lillie, a. v.- V,.. 4 ii -io, la Presbyterian t'li'in h. Went Hilt.*t., '¦¦-«>-, .th and otb-avsa P___y.ataa._i

Fnelid* are inInti trial.: iO Lean i'i ,t-.T. Mill

a-, i.p iiai er slssss < upv.I ¦'ii Iv i-iiililsiil* nn lue*,'! av nc*! ni;._. Norember 2:<, Joinns,.ik ...' -. V MU '¦. tat a.' '.

.'linera. Hom the r .|,l,-ii*-- ol her l.rnlher In liw. Mr. H lliun*ll VV.,, 1. -j. i.i i- i.i i.n it pi ou Ilia i a.lay, al 1 u'.-l'irk.

1 risa*!i an i.ivn, ,1 tu alt a I.CHA Ni: -l.sst cv.-ti.iir. Mm lt A ll.elvin.in ("Mi,e. iliiuctitse

,'! .. .'i-'v i l.ill Llil'le. IU .io 7, Ih V ll I le. i.e.

Relativessnoirieud* are iii.n-i tu ailsa- the mi..r.i >n'* ,i Itni'i. :i ii :.:,'' Ines, al tbs r_H-SO* c of *; a,

r-,eh|,i..!i, No. IL, VV. -i Ila -t

DZNBIHTOB n lau:.,...- nov, ni" r SS, John A. Dennistim, la lbs n th r< »i *-f in* .'-,-

Relative* .ml fis.- .'4 un. ni.e fuily ii,vu, ¦I to ait, ni lbsf. nu hi* la » dtuii .. '-¦" .¦ "ii ._

if.uill'iv. j* a i u.i S.l ,nl.tv. No., it,bet 117, al 1 oi.n _.

N flu .vii..

EVANH.In BrosklTB,ob Taesdsr, Beveeibei !*9 WllBeei

!:. i.e 'tn.; lei'ip ure iiivn, ,i to attend ihsfoBcral ss vten.*». Vi .i h. nu.-i ho.ii lt.. mi irnUy

-lteril.,',.1. ll .¦ .,ll"V'..Iii ia, .: at ¦¦¦-.. ic-,,.I t.- Hy, on s,itur,!sy. 1 r.i: -Iaam kut'llv iei|,u-4l"l iel -' 'i-l ii wen

1 ia,', I)-Deputed Itu* Hf* ,-n Tiuir-*ay tu.rnnig, Noten.lier._ '. vv milt i lay i.-.-*. i i reen

.Nonce nf i'i ill l-l al in -,.

i-i,e.- ., i- ur ibankaatviBg Day morning.Fifth Sa] BoVi un",i "7. lu ll ..¦:. B tb. 7 ¦-...' ¦. lc _-e.Fm ml* :.. :! -' i|ii_iiiiaiic s _ e mv'.u-.i l> tlietiO Iii > funeralKl llU (St* n el'.' Ltu-.vlV ,'V f ll" r I'l'.Hl'l ll p'.lCB.

-eveiilh liny ,S..!:.:.!»>¦ . Novcui .* r iff,a* Jn.' .,

OOPPY i':i ¦"'.¦'iie-' .v. N.neu.'i-r 74.-l'fer j lin-r-lui. 'ph VV (iuppr. * il 18 J ir*

nine,..i I mi:,., late rv._tl_a - 7 !'..- r,7t!i*t.. onll: IV. Bl. f ill I., at 1 O' ,p' ( .)'!. .-, .t 'batI, ll ,.'. 4 1, .. ;.

ii Vlsi I-.!' V! I.,,-, VVVsl.¦h-.te! fi.I,.tv. OS i ¦'..'tl -.'.IOm >n of William o. ati.1 I sroba ". Hal-

-. ...'. aa lt* day*4 are lut.i-i t" attend le.* tanenl at

I.i- .1 L-.. OB Pl l-l .'.. -''I 1*1 ill lil |.C.iiii- 'Ulan ,.i ar.iv ti of Lib i .'. inion. 'Miaire,, om -t -'in -ii i'.p-ii.

n .:.*> vi tn* r-,11 u- land'* Poial Ul. n f-orta "»v,l-.l V. |,' lueilh, Jlta, lss ,, Ja ,-.s .vi. Hicks III III- '''-illVp, Ol a.v

JOHNSON - a:-',-r udenee of bis brntbar,'i.i.ll Miti-t.-r it., I'la al-li'i a. ai , ."i..iiiij' 'a-ii. ll* i,r.- Jo¬bi ph fohn .m.

Tbe friend* of ths faintly ve i*ssii»eifnlly vte.i t,,tuc (.,::¦ r il at hi, i-iti< ie..ii|e i, .¦ at r tak ti. J..mt l-rl-dar muralug, ai l(>:_0 o*clu-<, and at tho rn-pi.ytirisaebor, sal li,-.

ji.m.-v ,ri \v'e.i., dai the titb Inst., ai titi, waiesace, Be>.17 VV esl l.,,l, st li .lu a l.i.i I

Fei ci." -. * ,- .I-"-',!',,-, inls) lbs 97th last, BBli,o',- -'. l',jil!iu|uii, -i. p ( inui a. ii rit.i Mr..H.

¦i" : n -iii a i---.u.i h.,'i t-me iiv'.ii'ii io ula ni. it ip regBisated

tent,NORDMANN du tbs 24thIB il ActUttS BoeSawea, In thsitsih v* :ir ul ,m a

l-io.t-rai will tax, -.n I'n-'. "r. No* -rul>, r 38tB, nt Ina. a«N ! Wost .TM -'.

PECK -uMe.i.i. in ii',-i,*iv-i "ii i .-ti.it-. Bovsaieer ft.Walt* t Jl t..:, nf n- ..te < ai.'ant Jaiti.i Peclv. i,.l ;|_

e,o'.'!i and - daiI'.o i.liv .-. .tint ft i< lei- ,.i afr,nt lbs lUUOttl r-

\ liv, flalll !,.- teslillT',',- e! Ill* ll',,, IB-IS** J,'HI pu Leo,17.: llllll'.-I I'lll'l ,1.. on ri Li N. nelli, a- 7u,ttl ill. lil.

BPIC IB.OB lU'M'ta- eve,. ,,_, Nu eu...»r .il. I-* I Mlit!*lelt., elites) dengfatervl .1 'hu vv. ami .Neille i. Hpicti, ia ihs.1 -i v-e..r oi !.' i sa**.

Nell e "1 I ni ital In o.ifo-r.

y-cciitl Xauc.jOOO, A. I.eSTitt .V. t,l l.l.-il'iltr-rt

BOW '". SahiiuiKW fre« .li*v a:; avBO-MI nt t?ieLK.Wlii AUT ii hims. HO. -iii BBOADWAV,

Tltfi:-.; IIINI,;-.: !. ;. VINTLN .slu vv airr , o.om,

.;it!tcre] ,luring the pjat v.-ar la tlie nreat Knropein ArtConn, ¦*,

l'ail*. LOOiea, ttmOO, Naries. Kl,.renee, seville, ( ur.tov^.vina- lian inun.i. Ma.:iil. An,, Ar.

*rtl*'» repr.-*"etiri<.l tn Ibis loihsmouI .*., .. ¦-,.

M alni ko,K.i.,.Llvuire.L.ir-en Dey*,pia Us.

Ziuiiii-oi*.ii ¦


J ul,.4 l.iipio,Acri*ot,i'i.ao."ip lill.Tim ot,Ja.- v Lluttriitvn B. nerta.Prat,HU,

ne.Mi. betti,fptitiirt-lt..s m.rn,-tri.Davitt (Jos,1 ...ru.Ji.uiiipz,ie ilea,I'ahaael

.Vn.l more than loo otb* re.

Roll*,..a irashesflt,I'e .Seilvll.s,Bil "i.BaaBiaer,ll,.!', tl.Mn i-tn,Jsliiiu,I.ri-sot,

The wh,",'e t Le soi,! lt auction without any reserve on 1 ic*.iiaf, VV r.lun-v.-> uni luuipil.ty ev, niU-S nrxi week.

Henry A. Daniela. H. II.. Iii fj-KWIBlOBeve.. BSBT SBthSSllotir.. p io ci 1 ', t ,'Al rent."Ii tu K 'Otieaaieii.

If yr,n wUlt t« aanhan a nen'! stem or Ksv-Wladtagwsicaai Bbi.ithsll lbsasaslpne*icsnsmly Die b,-»t ruinI I fla ii uiiti- iii th*- nial.* c. ..' lo tin v, uni ii HAM'.1 At i I itt .ti COMPANY. jg"i i-assaa-ai_Piles iM-riniiicitly ei-ndieated vt Itliin three w. oka N*,>

ki ile. li-nt'iie,,t caui.lc Ali rt) HU diseases itn*i. lircu.lura »f l.l UOBiS uiug o e- 1' ll" . I'. _1 Vt e., J,,.. ,t.

Paai ii ic >e iaTtaef"r»nrn BtaiUfor tte week cn il. ir mI'I! { n T, BOVOBI

1-ei J7. .vs-u. wiii cove ai . : ..*.itv. ti ,,oa. m., tot Europe >v Mnan-aup Wvoanu.-. ns ts'ieeasiawa Ion Wl.l).NK-|i VV ai 7. ,1,1 k Ul tor Km u.« ¦" T1TB*ailltpl-aihuia, via .*t_n*a*lnwu ii.iriiv.pou.i, u - ior fran..- nttui lie

Badrsanu, »ni bi 7.mi... ..- mr ir*b) -I* - a-u. v p.: , ,!.. .i.i,. _u lill ll.I. ti. Ml p..viiB. Bi., I"i Lui,lu- bV !>..».n«.na Lily <>f llnr-v.l*, via(iiiee.i*t>.vrii (e*>ire«p</n*:eiii*. tor ..ctn.on- »nl H-iiiv u.u.iliv spec.illly ad.iievoeu,. Bad at lo a. m. fut 1* m op. u,

ttesii_bip Usllsil ria 1' vi, e.nu i'iei ou-. aad Banbargiou st i t'l.l,A ai io a. ui. lor Kui,.pe. bv m, .i,.mup

Bte, v,a Uuf*u»io*vu laennaponttabcc t r t., .,/

"I iaml lil Hal b* SeeCSli addie* el .tua t l'l .,.,ler p',ri,.tm a.; cl. by ..:. oii'ti... Btbteula ri Uta*ant! at 11 it in lor Karope .', pi ,iu sic., ..., ur. vi. .- oh-inui'Uiu ..mi ni-iniu a, a at 11 a m. tar li Unuin ttin f.lean -ei' BclgenUind. rn Antwerp, I'ne malu lui lienmsrs.awsaan aad tinrwaT ara dmsiieBsii er BsaiBars ms firemenBteamsrB ".nv i _u ,u.u 4 ie iLiyi, a..i Maraca,bo leaveNew- Voi» .sov. anl**; :':.. lin iiiiin*) hm Kswt-MUdlaan lairaKWW'YSIS BeVSM art -.>. ibe i,i_l.» lui limul ira* amt Iar.lie. .lui leave New V t»rk Nevi inlier _... Tue mam lal Hattileave "ten Vein .Nnvrinbei lt. I he ,a»*l> I-r llavaun l__veNew Vork Novsahtfl -'!.-'-. toi iii. Uni mail* fur ,.

iaavsBew Vn* "fovemb-f .'i i.e maiUfar Jamal..*, ptv«.mils. Ac. leave New York November '.' -. rbe malls foi Vssie.

,, .c. i ¦¦ 11. a*, v*>.* v ni I .Novell;.- -j Tbe-Milene Blas »D i Isosa U.»o -ta ni,, ... , Deceia rJ Tbaui_ii*,oi Aiitu ..la, ac. tear* -ta riinici-pxi Detember 1 _L

ll >-*. i. V I ..*., I'u.vJI.ltg-.Poul I IIB' e. New-York. Not eu: .ur-JO :**'.

Heady I i..ii..i_

rill". MF.MI*NV!:T~K!,Y I ItllUJNK,Puer ut wu, i«-is lett, 1,. -.ailiu;,. iva I i.i ,,.r_>jf

oin-1opt.eoeyeai *i In sefiee *ii iee eesmaedeasiiiun, ». s PseBbJI nt au *,-..-) .io. lal to »au*onjor.



Pdliticai Polices.I. titian ltcpublican C. .ural ( ti,muli ire. IU-tul_j

nu alt » ii Nt lux itt ftti-iiipurt* re. *.i*mi_iua As** tu*,iv Kip,utaii*.) -iel.J, bowery, in..a). Sevctuoei .' ,. i --'I. ,i sn-. i.C|

pm. vi i l-.l lip.VM. i ___¦_,__.iivni) Oobok, Psii. eiu-.n-__. _««iit-ilva