veryone always roots for the underdog. There’s no better story than the hardworking overachiever who defies all odds to achieve superstardom. In the trenches of the NFL, Shaun O’Hara is the ultimate overachiever. Coming out of Rutgers University at a time when the program posted endless consecutive losing records, Shaun was a longshot to ever play in the NFL. Yet through his incredible work ethic and refusal to quit, he was signed by the Cleveland Browns as an undrafted rookie free agent in 2000, and made an immediate impact on the field. But it wasn’t until he was signed by the N.Y. Giants as a free agent in March 2004 that his career really started to take off. Lest you doubt the role of this never-say-die gridiron star, consider that Shaun has played in over 130 regular season NFL games and seven postseason contests, hardly missing a down his entire career. Better yet, at the close of the 2008 campaign, the 6’3”, 295 pounder earned his first Pro Bowl bid and was named an All-Pro by Sports Illustrated, The Sporting News and the Associated Press. Not bad for a guy who wasn’t supposed to make the big leagues at all. And as the 2009 campaign has progressed, he continues to perform at an incredibly high level. “It sounds like an old cliché, but I continue to get stronger as I get older,” laughs the 32-year-old. “And my body has gotten leaner, as well! As a pro athlete you have to take training seriously. You can’t get out of shape or you’ll lose your job. The challenge is trying to keep things fresh and not let your workouts get stale. And outside the gym, you have to pay closer attention to things like rest, nutrition and supplementation if you want to stay at the top of your game.” Playing as a center on the marquis team in the nation’s most media intensive market puts Shaun in the spotlight on every Sunday in the fall, for as the offensive line performs, so goes the rest of the team. Yet if there’s one quality that can be assigned to the Giants O-line over the years it’s overpowering STRENGTH & POWER Shaun O’Hara: Giant Overachiever physical domination – they play smash mouth football on every single play. The Giants finished 2008 as the only team to start the same five linemen in all 32 regular season games in two consecutive seasons. Behind this line, Brandon Jacobs (1,089) and Derrick Ward (1,025) became just the fourth pair of running back teammates to rush for 1,000 yards each in the same season (2009). “We are a total offensive line,” Shaun says. “I can’t pinpoint the success of this unit on one thing, but I do know that we are a damn tough group. I’m considered a grunt and I’m expected to work hard and not complain about it! We all bitch a bit, but we bust our butts! We get along, work well together and train together hard all year long. It’s a ‘Band of Brothers’ attitude. You may want not to train so hard one day, but you do it because the others are and you don’t want to let them down.” What sets big #60 apart from some of his teammates is his dependence on legendary strongman/strength coach Joe Carini, a New Jersey-based guru who has worked with Tiki Barber, Luke Pettigout and other Giants stars (as well as other NFL players). Joe’s training system and programs are so unique that Tiki credits him with turning around his career and enabling him to become the Giants’ all-time rushing leader. In fact, Tiki was so engrossed with Carini’s teachings that the two co-wrote a hardcore exercise book (Tiki Barber’s Pure Hard Workout) in 2008. “Joe Carini has unbelievable pedigree when it comes to strength training and maximizing potential in a gym,” explains Shaun. “He keeps changing up training and programs, so it shocks your muscles E By Steve Downs, C.S.C.S.

Shaun O'Hara: Giant Overachiever

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An article on Giants O-lineman, Shaun O'Hara By Steve Downs, C.S.C.S.

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Page 1: Shaun O'Hara: Giant Overachiever

veryone always roots for the underdog. There’s no better story than the hardworking

overachiever who defies all odds to achieve superstardom. In the trenches of the NFL, Shaun O’Hara is the ultimate overachiever.

Coming out of Rutgers University at a time when the program posted endless consecutive losing records, Shaun was a longshot to ever play in the NFL. Yet through his incredible work ethic and refusal to quit, he was signed by the Cleveland Browns as an undrafted rookie free agent in 2000, and made an immediate impact on the field. But it wasn’t until he was signed by the N.Y. Giants as a free agent in March 2004 that his career really started to take off.

Lest you doubt the role of this never-say-die gridiron star, consider that Shaun has played in over 130 regular season NFL games and seven postseason contests, hardly missing a down his entire career. Better yet, at the close of the 2008 campaign, the 6’3”, 295 pounder earned his first Pro Bowl bid and was named an All-Pro by Sports Illustrated, The Sporting News and the Associated Press. Not bad for a guy who wasn’t supposed to make the big leagues at all. And as the 2009 campaign has progressed, he continues to perform at an incredibly high level.

“It sounds like an old cliché, but I continue to get stronger as I get older,” laughs the 32-year-old. “And my body has gotten leaner, as well! As a pro athlete you have to take training seriously. You can’t get out of shape or you’ll lose your job. The challenge is trying to keep things fresh and not let your workouts get stale. And outside the gym, you have to pay closer attention to things like rest, nutrition and supplementation if you want to stay at the top of your game.”

Playing as a center on the marquis team in the nation’s most media intensive market puts Shaun in the spotlight on every Sunday in the fall, for as the offensive line performs, so goes the rest of the team. Yet if there’s one quality that can be assigned to the Giants O-line over the years it’s overpowering


& POWER Shaun O’Hara: Giant Overachiever

physical domination – they play smash mouth football on every single play. The Giants finished 2008 as the only team to start the same five linemen in all 32 regular season games in two consecutive seasons. Behind this line, Brandon Jacobs (1,089) and Derrick Ward (1,025) became just the fourth pair of running back teammates to rush for 1,000 yards each in the same season (2009).

“We are a total offensive line,” Shaun says. “I can’t pinpoint the success of this unit on one thing, but I do know that we are a damn tough group. I’m considered a grunt and I’m expected to work hard and not complain about it! We all bitch a bit, but we bust our butts! We get along, work well together and train together hard all year long. It’s a ‘Band of Brothers’ attitude. You may want not to train so hard one day, but you do it because the others are and you don’t want to let them down.”

What sets big #60 apart from some of his teammates is his dependence on legendary strongman/strength coach Joe Carini, a New Jersey-based guru who has worked with Tiki Barber, Luke Pettigout and other Giants stars (as well as other NFL players). Joe’s training system and programs are so unique that Tiki credits him with turning around his career and enabling him to become the Giants’ all-time rushing leader. In fact, Tiki was so engrossed with Carini’s teachings that the two co-wrote a hardcore exercise book (Tiki Barber’s Pure Hard Workout) in 2008.

“Joe Carini has unbelievable pedigree when it comes to strength training and maximizing potential in a gym,” explains Shaun. “He keeps changing up training and programs, so it shocks your muscles


By Steve Downs, C.S.C.S.

constantly. Mentally you get fatigued, so Joe’s always coming up with something scary! He mixes powerlifting and strongman exercises, plus bodybuilding. It’s three-dimensional training. Once the season ends I take a few weeks off, then look forward to going and training with him.”

Under Carini’s tutelage at House of Iron in New Jersey, Shaun has taken his performance to a higher level than he ever thought possible, as evidenced by his Pro Bowl selection. And it’s not just this strongman coach who forces him to work hard. Shaun’s training partner is teammate Chris Snee – the Giants offensive guard widely regarded as the strongest man in the NFL.

“Joe likes to train heavy, so you have to have confident spotter,” Shaun adds. “It’s a workout spotting each other because you don’t get any sets off! We enjoy workouts and change of scenery, plus all the ball busting. Joe is an easy target!”

“Working with players like Shaun and Chris is about as simple as it gets,” says Carini. “I just tell them what to do and they do it! They work incredibly hard, and there’s competition between them that pushes them to a whole other level. I have the easiest job in the world!”Putting two of the stalwarts of the NFL into the gym at the same time makes for an exciting dynamic. “Chris is definitely in the top three or five strongest men in the NFL,” says Shaun. “He’s about as explosive a player as anybody I’ve played with. In the gym we tease Chris that he’s like Bruce Willis in ‘Unbreakable’ – Joe keeps putting weight on the bar and he keeps lifting it! But one lift I’m better at is the hang clean. I’ve gone up to 350 lbs. for a couple reps. I don’t do singles. I’m also stronger in calf raises! “During the football season, Shaun and Chris work under the guidance of Giants strength and conditioning coach Jerry Palmieri. Shaun says Palmieri uses many of the same power movements that Carini recommends, making the New York squad one of the few NFL teams that relies heavily on powerlifting and

Olympic lifting techniques for its players. Among the lifts that offensive linemen perform on their lower body training days are squats, lunges, leg presses and deadlifts. Upper body movements include heavy hang cleans, power cleans and high pulls, plus bench presses and shoulder presses. The typical Giants regimen calls for upper body training twice weekly each, plus conditioning drills mid-week.

The nutrition side is different for O’Hara than typical offensive linemen. Most NFL linemen have to watch what they eat to avoid getting too heavy, but Sean says his struggle has been keeping his weight up. He admits he’s a big steak and potato guy, and he also eats lots of pasta to keep his carbs up. “I hate to cook, so the challenge is to find something fast and good,” he says. “I’m a microwave king!”

Shaun relies on the advice of Big Joe Carini for his supplementation needs. Because of Carini’s experience in working with players from many NFL teams, plus his own successful powerlifting and strongman career, he’s the ideal training and supplement coach.

In offering advice to Muscle & Body readers, Shaun has this to say: “The one thing I’ve learned in my career is that the rest factor is huge. I burned the candle at both ends when I was a youngster. But when you push yourself day in and day out at the gym, the only way to get the benefit of all that training is to get enough rest. I experience this firsthand in 2006, when I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. It was life changing for me. I look at photos for 2005-06 and I can see differences in my body. Today I have more lean muscle mass and stay leaner and in better shape due to better recovery and more emphasis on rest.”


“As a longtime powerlifter, I’ve always used MHP supplements to perform at the top of my game,” says Joe Carini. “So at House of Iron, I

recommend that all my NFL pros rely on MHP’s Probolic-SR because it’s a sustained release protein. It keeps them anabolic for 12 hours, so they’re incredibly powerful in the gym and on the field. I also recommend that they use Glutamine-SR for complete recovery and growth.“One of my favorite new products today is Dark Rage, a total pre-workout performance formula containing creatine, nitric oxide and energizing factors. My players using Dark Rage say this helps them lift hard and practice even harder. I also like Dark Matter after workouts for anabolic growth and complete recovery because it has waxy maize, free form aminos and BCAAs, plus creatine. This stack is the best 1-2 punch that any athlete could ever use.”



Probolic-SR combines the anabolic properties of whey, slower digestion of casein and incredible health-building effects of soy isolates into one super muscle-building protein supplement. MHP’s patented Micro-Feed Technology allows for the continuous release of amino acids into the body for up to 12 hours, which allows for incredible anabolic effects. This state-of-the-art product includes high amounts of the critical five amino acids (glutamine, arginine, isoleucine, leucine and valine) in free form to enhance anabolic properties, while greatly reducing catabolic breakdown of muscle tissue.


Glutamine-SR’s patented Micro-Feed Technology allows for an unprecedented 100% of L-glutamine utilization, while maximizing anabolic/anti-catabolic effects and optimizing muscle growth and recovery. The exclusive technology protects the L-glutamine as it is transported through the stomach, allowing 100% of the glutamine to be delivered to muscle tissue. This provides the anabolic muscle-building environment needed to build super-human strength and improve recovery.


MHP’s Dark Rage pre-workout formula contains an exclusive EPO Blood Doping Technology and advanced ingredients to take your workouts to a new level of intensity, while increasing strength and providing extreme muscle growth and insane muscle pumps! Dark Rage’s dual action EPO-NO Technology increases blood volume, causing a much greater pump than conventional NO boosters. Its exclusive psychotropic co-factors stimulate the release of adrenaline, inducing a state of rage and fury to fuel you through your workout. Dark Rage also contains key performance-enhancing ingredients such as a multi-phase creatine, beta-alanine, BCAAs and taurine to increase muscle size, strength and boost your workout stamina.


DARK MATTER takes a quantum leap into post-workout muscle growth via the Anabolic Axis – the critical 1 hour period immediately after your workout when insulin levels simultaneously peak with amino acids, creatine and glycogen transport into muscle tissue. Dark Matter’s Prosynthagen essential free form amino acid complex was found in independent research to stimulate protein synthesis by 600%. The inclusion of the WaxiMax-C3G tri-polymer matrix elicits a quick, powerful and sustained insulin response, allowing for greater absorption of the key muscle-building compounds. And Dark Matter’s multi-source creatine/glycerol complex provides the greatest muscle volumizing and bioenergetic creatine loading into muscle tissue.

Page 2: Shaun O'Hara: Giant Overachiever

veryone always roots for the underdog. There’s no better story than the hardworking

overachiever who defies all odds to achieve superstardom. In the trenches of the NFL, Shaun O’Hara is the ultimate overachiever.

Coming out of Rutgers University at a time when the program posted endless consecutive losing records, Shaun was a longshot to ever play in the NFL. Yet through his incredible work ethic and refusal to quit, he was signed by the Cleveland Browns as an undrafted rookie free agent in 2000, and made an immediate impact on the field. But it wasn’t until he was signed by the N.Y. Giants as a free agent in March 2004 that his career really started to take off.

Lest you doubt the role of this never-say-die gridiron star, consider that Shaun has played in over 130 regular season NFL games and seven postseason contests, hardly missing a down his entire career. Better yet, at the close of the 2008 campaign, the 6’3”, 295 pounder earned his first Pro Bowl bid and was named an All-Pro by Sports Illustrated, The Sporting News and the Associated Press. Not bad for a guy who wasn’t supposed to make the big leagues at all. And as the 2009 campaign has progressed, he continues to perform at an incredibly high level.

“It sounds like an old cliché, but I continue to get stronger as I get older,” laughs the 32-year-old. “And my body has gotten leaner, as well! As a pro athlete you have to take training seriously. You can’t get out of shape or you’ll lose your job. The challenge is trying to keep things fresh and not let your workouts get stale. And outside the gym, you have to pay closer attention to things like rest, nutrition and supplementation if you want to stay at the top of your game.”

Playing as a center on the marquis team in the nation’s most media intensive market puts Shaun in the spotlight on every Sunday in the fall, for as the offensive line performs, so goes the rest of the team. Yet if there’s one quality that can be assigned to the Giants O-line over the years it’s overpowering

physical domination – they play smash mouth football on every single play. The Giants finished 2008 as the only team to start the same five linemen in all 32 regular season games in two consecutive seasons. Behind this line, Brandon Jacobs (1,089) and Derrick Ward (1,025) became just the fourth pair of running back teammates to rush for 1,000 yards each in the same season (2009).

“We are a total offensive line,” Shaun says. “I can’t pinpoint the success of this unit on one thing, but I do know that we are a damn tough group. I’m considered a grunt and I’m expected to work hard and not complain about it! We all bitch a bit, but we bust our butts! We get along, work well together and train together hard all year long. It’s a ‘Band of Brothers’ attitude. You may want not to train so hard one day, but you do it because the others are and you don’t want to let them down.”

What sets big #60 apart from some of his teammates is his dependence on legendary strongman/strength coach Joe Carini, a New Jersey-based guru who has worked with Tiki Barber, Luke Pettigout and other Giants stars (as well as other NFL players). Joe’s training system and programs are so unique that Tiki credits him with turning around his career and enabling him to become the Giants’ all-time rushing leader. In fact, Tiki was so engrossed with Carini’s teachings that the two co-wrote a hardcore exercise book (Tiki Barber’s Pure Hard Workout) in 2008.

“Joe Carini has unbelievable pedigree when it comes to strength training and maximizing potential in a gym,” explains Shaun. “He keeps changing up training and programs, so it shocks your muscles


& POWER Shaun O’Hara: Giant OverachieverBy Steve Downs, C.S.C.S.

constantly. Mentally you get fatigued, so Joe’s always coming up with something scary! He mixes powerlifting and strongman exercises, plus bodybuilding. It’s three-dimensional training. Once the season ends I take a few weeks off, then look forward to going and training with him.”

Under Carini’s tutelage at House of Iron in New Jersey, Shaun has taken his performance to a higher level than he ever thought possible, as evidenced by his Pro Bowl selection. And it’s not just this strongman coach who forces him to work hard. Shaun’s training partner is teammate Chris Snee – the Giants offensive guard widely regarded as the strongest man in the NFL.

“Joe likes to train heavy, so you have to have confident spotter,” Shaun adds. “It’s a workout spotting each other because you don’t get any sets off! We enjoy workouts and change of scenery, plus all the ball busting. Joe is an easy target!”

“Working with players like Shaun and Chris is about as simple as it gets,” says Carini. “I just tell them what to do and they do it! They work incredibly hard, and there’s competition between them that pushes them to a whole other level. I have the easiest job in the world!”Putting two of the stalwarts of the NFL into the gym at the same time makes for an exciting dynamic. “Chris is definitely in the top three or five strongest men in the NFL,” says Shaun. “He’s about as explosive a player as anybody I’ve played with. In the gym we tease Chris that he’s like Bruce Willis in ‘Unbreakable’ – Joe keeps putting weight on the bar and he keeps lifting it! But one lift I’m better at is the hang clean. I’ve gone up to 350 lbs. for a couple reps. I don’t do singles. I’m also stronger in calf raises! “During the football season, Shaun and Chris work under the guidance of Giants strength and conditioning coach Jerry Palmieri. Shaun says Palmieri uses many of the same power movements that Carini recommends, making the New York squad one of the few NFL teams that relies heavily on powerlifting and

Olympic lifting techniques for its players. Among the lifts that offensive linemen perform on their lower body training days are squats, lunges, leg presses and deadlifts. Upper body movements include heavy hang cleans, power cleans and high pulls, plus bench presses and shoulder presses. The typical Giants regimen calls for upper body training twice weekly each, plus conditioning drills mid-week.

The nutrition side is different for O’Hara than typical offensive linemen. Most NFL linemen have to watch what they eat to avoid getting too heavy, but Sean says his struggle has been keeping his weight up. He admits he’s a big steak and potato guy, and he also eats lots of pasta to keep his carbs up. “I hate to cook, so the challenge is to find something fast and good,” he says. “I’m a microwave king!”

Shaun relies on the advice of Big Joe Carini for his supplementation needs. Because of Carini’s experience in working with players from many NFL teams, plus his own successful powerlifting and strongman career, he’s the ideal training and supplement coach.

In offering advice to Muscle & Body readers, Shaun has this to say: “The one thing I’ve learned in my career is that the rest factor is huge. I burned the candle at both ends when I was a youngster. But when you push yourself day in and day out at the gym, the only way to get the benefit of all that training is to get enough rest. I experience this firsthand in 2006, when I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. It was life changing for me. I look at photos for 2005-06 and I can see differences in my body. Today I have more lean muscle mass and stay leaner and in better shape due to better recovery and more emphasis on rest.”


“As a longtime powerlifter, I’ve always used MHP supplements to perform at the top of my game,” says Joe Carini. “So at House of Iron, I

recommend that all my NFL pros rely on MHP’s Probolic-SR because it’s a sustained release protein. It keeps them anabolic for 12 hours, so they’re incredibly powerful in the gym and on the field. I also recommend that they use Glutamine-SR for complete recovery and growth.“One of my favorite new products today is Dark Rage, a total pre-workout performance formula containing creatine, nitric oxide and energizing factors. My players using Dark Rage say this helps them lift hard and practice even harder. I also like Dark Matter after workouts for anabolic growth and complete recovery because it has waxy maize, free form aminos and BCAAs, plus creatine. This stack is the best 1-2 punch that any athlete could ever use.”



Probolic-SR combines the anabolic properties of whey, slower digestion of casein and incredible health-building effects of soy isolates into one super muscle-building protein supplement. MHP’s patented Micro-Feed Technology allows for the continuous release of amino acids into the body for up to 12 hours, which allows for incredible anabolic effects. This state-of-the-art product includes high amounts of the critical five amino acids (glutamine, arginine, isoleucine, leucine and valine) in free form to enhance anabolic properties, while greatly reducing catabolic breakdown of muscle tissue.


Glutamine-SR’s patented Micro-Feed Technology allows for an unprecedented 100% of L-glutamine utilization, while maximizing anabolic/anti-catabolic effects and optimizing muscle growth and recovery. The exclusive technology protects the L-glutamine as it is transported through the stomach, allowing 100% of the glutamine to be delivered to muscle tissue. This provides the anabolic muscle-building environment needed to build super-human strength and improve recovery.


MHP’s Dark Rage pre-workout formula contains an exclusive EPO Blood Doping Technology and advanced ingredients to take your workouts to a new level of intensity, while increasing strength and providing extreme muscle growth and insane muscle pumps! Dark Rage’s dual action EPO-NO Technology increases blood volume, causing a much greater pump than conventional NO boosters. Its exclusive psychotropic co-factors stimulate the release of adrenaline, inducing a state of rage and fury to fuel you through your workout. Dark Rage also contains key performance-enhancing ingredients such as a multi-phase creatine, beta-alanine, BCAAs and taurine to increase muscle size, strength and boost your workout stamina.


DARK MATTER takes a quantum leap into post-workout muscle growth via the Anabolic Axis – the critical 1 hour period immediately after your workout when insulin levels simultaneously peak with amino acids, creatine and glycogen transport into muscle tissue. Dark Matter’s Prosynthagen essential free form amino acid complex was found in independent research to stimulate protein synthesis by 600%. The inclusion of the WaxiMax-C3G tri-polymer matrix elicits a quick, powerful and sustained insulin response, allowing for greater absorption of the key muscle-building compounds. And Dark Matter’s multi-source creatine/glycerol complex provides the greatest muscle volumizing and bioenergetic creatine loading into muscle tissue.

Page 3: Shaun O'Hara: Giant Overachiever

veryone always roots for the underdog. There’s no better story than the hardworking

overachiever who defies all odds to achieve superstardom. In the trenches of the NFL, Shaun O’Hara is the ultimate overachiever.

Coming out of Rutgers University at a time when the program posted endless consecutive losing records, Shaun was a longshot to ever play in the NFL. Yet through his incredible work ethic and refusal to quit, he was signed by the Cleveland Browns as an undrafted rookie free agent in 2000, and made an immediate impact on the field. But it wasn’t until he was signed by the N.Y. Giants as a free agent in March 2004 that his career really started to take off.

Lest you doubt the role of this never-say-die gridiron star, consider that Shaun has played in over 130 regular season NFL games and seven postseason contests, hardly missing a down his entire career. Better yet, at the close of the 2008 campaign, the 6’3”, 295 pounder earned his first Pro Bowl bid and was named an All-Pro by Sports Illustrated, The Sporting News and the Associated Press. Not bad for a guy who wasn’t supposed to make the big leagues at all. And as the 2009 campaign has progressed, he continues to perform at an incredibly high level.

“It sounds like an old cliché, but I continue to get stronger as I get older,” laughs the 32-year-old. “And my body has gotten leaner, as well! As a pro athlete you have to take training seriously. You can’t get out of shape or you’ll lose your job. The challenge is trying to keep things fresh and not let your workouts get stale. And outside the gym, you have to pay closer attention to things like rest, nutrition and supplementation if you want to stay at the top of your game.”

Playing as a center on the marquis team in the nation’s most media intensive market puts Shaun in the spotlight on every Sunday in the fall, for as the offensive line performs, so goes the rest of the team. Yet if there’s one quality that can be assigned to the Giants O-line over the years it’s overpowering

physical domination – they play smash mouth football on every single play. The Giants finished 2008 as the only team to start the same five linemen in all 32 regular season games in two consecutive seasons. Behind this line, Brandon Jacobs (1,089) and Derrick Ward (1,025) became just the fourth pair of running back teammates to rush for 1,000 yards each in the same season (2009).

“We are a total offensive line,” Shaun says. “I can’t pinpoint the success of this unit on one thing, but I do know that we are a damn tough group. I’m considered a grunt and I’m expected to work hard and not complain about it! We all bitch a bit, but we bust our butts! We get along, work well together and train together hard all year long. It’s a ‘Band of Brothers’ attitude. You may want not to train so hard one day, but you do it because the others are and you don’t want to let them down.”

What sets big #60 apart from some of his teammates is his dependence on legendary strongman/strength coach Joe Carini, a New Jersey-based guru who has worked with Tiki Barber, Luke Pettigout and other Giants stars (as well as other NFL players). Joe’s training system and programs are so unique that Tiki credits him with turning around his career and enabling him to become the Giants’ all-time rushing leader. In fact, Tiki was so engrossed with Carini’s teachings that the two co-wrote a hardcore exercise book (Tiki Barber’s Pure Hard Workout) in 2008.

“Joe Carini has unbelievable pedigree when it comes to strength training and maximizing potential in a gym,” explains Shaun. “He keeps changing up training and programs, so it shocks your muscles

constantly. Mentally you get fatigued, so Joe’s always coming up with something scary! He mixes powerlifting and strongman exercises, plus bodybuilding. It’s three-dimensional training. Once the season ends I take a few weeks off, then look forward to going and training with him.”

Under Carini’s tutelage at House of Iron in New Jersey, Shaun has taken his performance to a higher level than he ever thought possible, as evidenced by his Pro Bowl selection. And it’s not just this strongman coach who forces him to work hard. Shaun’s training partner is teammate Chris Snee – the Giants offensive guard widely regarded as the strongest man in the NFL.

“Joe likes to train heavy, so you have to have confident spotter,” Shaun adds. “It’s a workout spotting each other because you don’t get any sets off! We enjoy workouts and change of scenery, plus all the ball busting. Joe is an easy target!”

“Working with players like Shaun and Chris is about as simple as it gets,” says Carini. “I just tell them what to do and they do it! They work incredibly hard, and there’s competition between them that pushes them to a whole other level. I have the easiest job in the world!”Putting two of the stalwarts of the NFL into the gym at the same time makes for an exciting dynamic. “Chris is definitely in the top three or five strongest men in the NFL,” says Shaun. “He’s about as explosive a player as anybody I’ve played with. In the gym we tease Chris that he’s like Bruce Willis in ‘Unbreakable’ – Joe keeps putting weight on the bar and he keeps lifting it! But one lift I’m better at is the hang clean. I’ve gone up to 350 lbs. for a couple reps. I don’t do singles. I’m also stronger in calf raises! “During the football season, Shaun and Chris work under the guidance of Giants strength and conditioning coach Jerry Palmieri. Shaun says Palmieri uses many of the same power movements that Carini recommends, making the New York squad one of the few NFL teams that relies heavily on powerlifting and

Olympic lifting techniques for its players. Among the lifts that offensive linemen perform on their lower body training days are squats, lunges, leg presses and deadlifts. Upper body movements include heavy hang cleans, power cleans and high pulls, plus bench presses and shoulder presses. The typical Giants regimen calls for upper body training twice weekly each, plus conditioning drills mid-week.

The nutrition side is different for O’Hara than typical offensive linemen. Most NFL linemen have to watch what they eat to avoid getting too heavy, but Sean says his struggle has been keeping his weight up. He admits he’s a big steak and potato guy, and he also eats lots of pasta to keep his carbs up. “I hate to cook, so the challenge is to find something fast and good,” he says. “I’m a microwave king!”

Shaun relies on the advice of Big Joe Carini for his supplementation needs. Because of Carini’s experience in working with players from many NFL teams, plus his own successful powerlifting and strongman career, he’s the ideal training and supplement coach.

In offering advice to Muscle & Body readers, Shaun has this to say: “The one thing I’ve learned in my career is that the rest factor is huge. I burned the candle at both ends when I was a youngster. But when you push yourself day in and day out at the gym, the only way to get the benefit of all that training is to get enough rest. I experience this firsthand in 2006, when I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. It was life changing for me. I look at photos for 2005-06 and I can see differences in my body. Today I have more lean muscle mass and stay leaner and in better shape due to better recovery and more emphasis on rest.”


“As a longtime powerlifter, I’ve always used MHP supplements to perform at the top of my game,” says Joe Carini. “So at House of Iron, I


& POWER Shaun O’Hara: Giant OverachieverBy Steve Downs, C.S.C.S.

recommend that all my NFL pros rely on MHP’s Probolic-SR because it’s a sustained release protein. It keeps them anabolic for 12 hours, so they’re incredibly powerful in the gym and on the field. I also recommend that they use Glutamine-SR for complete recovery and growth.“One of my favorite new products today is Dark Rage, a total pre-workout performance formula containing creatine, nitric oxide and energizing factors. My players using Dark Rage say this helps them lift hard and practice even harder. I also like Dark Matter after workouts for anabolic growth and complete recovery because it has waxy maize, free form aminos and BCAAs, plus creatine. This stack is the best 1-2 punch that any athlete could ever use.”



Probolic-SR combines the anabolic properties of whey, slower digestion of casein and incredible health-building effects of soy isolates into one super muscle-building protein supplement. MHP’s patented Micro-Feed Technology allows for the continuous release of amino acids into the body for up to 12 hours, which allows for incredible anabolic effects. This state-of-the-art product includes high amounts of the critical five amino acids (glutamine, arginine, isoleucine, leucine and valine) in free form to enhance anabolic properties, while greatly reducing catabolic breakdown of muscle tissue.


Glutamine-SR’s patented Micro-Feed Technology allows for an unprecedented 100% of L-glutamine utilization, while maximizing anabolic/anti-catabolic effects and optimizing muscle growth and recovery. The exclusive technology protects the L-glutamine as it is transported through the stomach, allowing 100% of the glutamine to be delivered to muscle tissue. This provides the anabolic muscle-building environment needed to build super-human strength and improve recovery.


MHP’s Dark Rage pre-workout formula contains an exclusive EPO Blood Doping Technology and advanced ingredients to take your workouts to a new level of intensity, while increasing strength and providing extreme muscle growth and insane muscle pumps! Dark Rage’s dual action EPO-NO Technology increases blood volume, causing a much greater pump than conventional NO boosters. Its exclusive psychotropic co-factors stimulate the release of adrenaline, inducing a state of rage and fury to fuel you through your workout. Dark Rage also contains key performance-enhancing ingredients such as a multi-phase creatine, beta-alanine, BCAAs and taurine to increase muscle size, strength and boost your workout stamina.


DARK MATTER takes a quantum leap into post-workout muscle growth via the Anabolic Axis – the critical 1 hour period immediately after your workout when insulin levels simultaneously peak with amino acids, creatine and glycogen transport into muscle tissue. Dark Matter’s Prosynthagen essential free form amino acid complex was found in independent research to stimulate protein synthesis by 600%. The inclusion of the WaxiMax-C3G tri-polymer matrix elicits a quick, powerful and sustained insulin response, allowing for greater absorption of the key muscle-building compounds. And Dark Matter’s multi-source creatine/glycerol complex provides the greatest muscle volumizing and bioenergetic creatine loading into muscle tissue.