SUB ROSA. '• \jv-.reri t;os.<? swooning lay upon her breast \u25a0."•• h^li^iiing'arith radiance wondrous rich and rare j '•'• vy.'UitJi'isiyi slain upon that marble square v !\j>f«,ne.ver lips or worshiper haa pressed. '••"..•.Od&rc'us. itt»v In that white shrine unblessed; "- -•. -Sojftij^.eret In tier hand, her lips, her hair. •.*\u25a0 ']p.eivit'\iied me like that red rose glowing there ...i i ij>Ji;Hweet languor of a perfect rest. -; .--V--rf>k.iiiAy:the clover kiss my lady's gown, '.',- S'l'fvf-z-ep'hyr.lrola her in a long embrace \u25a0' \u25a0 Y>':.'f \u25a0 < ruses lie upnu th3t migrant bed i. -";N l V:Jsij.ai ,«ri> I. repelled by her frown. '-~ 'l->-3CTSji"pt-gaze ? But all must now giveplace ! C:V : 'l ! .fc}s;(}e-tu'ee, Rose. I lay my throbbing head! THIEF OR MANIAC? .;.;-: ;:';il ere i* an empty compartment. Look /: ishari>; ; Mruy ! /Jump in I" said my brother .:*V a £%p/fini;ried me into ac empty first-class "'iaKi^e'-of the express from Ipswich to •"vliojfiiij'iiV; %•; : VViUi .a sieh of relief at having caught ! -ijtih.Vo splendidly, I leaned back in a ', rf-i')feing tiiat I had the carriage to fni,j'sel"{. : : ." .-;.\u25a0\u25a0; \u25a0J^niiy lißril I done so when, to my dis- , way; the guard opened the door and a .. : ; T<^i>B. ".injaa; breathless and panting, ; V rushed: in, flinging himself in an exhausted ;;.:' \u25a0•\u25a0:i.er in the seat i pposite me. Th* door was; linked and the train was off before 1 coiiid. collect' my scattered senses. ] tlieti perceived a small black Gladstone K. Da^fth'tne rack, wbich 1 bad not noticed \u25a0*. '•• before, and which, of course, belonged to ' .";. i liis.. gentleman, who had evidently been \u0084v.the;.first occupant of the carriage. '•.}}'„ .'.'flow very annoying," I thought, "two .'•:.. long hours to spend in the company of a F" Rtrariie person and no means of escape." \u25a0\u25a0 Here 1 began to feel nervous and glanced ..furiivelv at my vis-a-vis. ' H.« had changed his silk hat for a gray cloth one with the monogram 11. C. C. on f" it. and was leaning back in his corner as if - he meant to go to sleep. •::V- \u25a0 la a few minutes he caught my eye as 1 ,i";w»£jaoking at him, and knitted bis brows .-. aslit annoyed. r . H* certainly was forbidding-looking, •. and -.1 instantly looked away and began to \u25a0\u25a0'' .reaiVmy paper; but the words swam be- -.:•• fore my eyes as I tried to concentrate my ' mind on Us pages. .'; v - 1 ipeu tpsap.tfl /eel. cramped in my posi- \u25a0;" : tioo-'.ianrt-i nio.ved to a more comfortable .';• one-. Was it by accident or design that .:v.njy : companion moved too? J •.•":• X : cou!d neither read nor close my eyes, \u25a0..ah'd'^Cßuld only stare in a fascinated man- ;\u25a0 ncr the small black Gladstone bag op- .'-. p'ttute. : -. !: . ..Suddenly my companion, noticing how •.-.fixedly 1 was regarding it, took it down \. from, the r.ick and opening it turned every- ' thitrp init over in such a hurried manner '•. .t!.'&tl began to feel quite alarmed. •'-.•' At-- last he found what he wanted, a \u25a0 : :"-siria"ll packet of documents, which he care- fully placed in the inner pocket of his " cost,, after which he leaned back again, \u25a0 an^.t hoped ne would fall asleep. \u25a0 : \u25a0 He. would nod for five «econd« or so and j : . theii wake with a start, feel in his pocKet \u25a0 \u25a0'• for/the packet and then, catching my eye, '. 'wmii.d gouku in an embarrassed manner ; . a-ndjiold his hand out before him, blow- {. along U as if blowing off an imaginary i-'.&fr. :\u25a0\u25a0 .-" After this had happened two or three : t iiVies {began to feel dreadfully frightened, '; -and the fearful thought: "* •'\u25a0 \Vh itif he be a maniac? flashed through .;;• mv mind. :.': i fe.t that I was rapidly going mad my- seif," when sharp whistles maie us both .. jump. ••: : .". My companion pushed down the window and l<Hiking out exclaimed: "There is a \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 train exactly in front of us!" : ; ' -;Hi»rd!y had he saia io than our train •"' ca-tiifi. to a stoi % , whereupon the maniac \u25a0produced a railway key from hi* pocket, ' retiiarkitiir. "1 always carry one of these," :. and/dimly unlocfeed the door, opened it, '.' balancing himself on one foot ionised out. -Here was my opportunity. Getting up .*" . siyideiily I pushed by him as if to get out -.' of : the : carriage, causing him to lose his ' . balance and fall onto the line. \u25a0 \ ;. ..-.Hardly- knowing what I was doing 1 .• 'piitlei}the door to as I felt the train mov- '\u25a0';'\u25a0 ittjt on again, and (hen I must have fainted ' a\yio\ for I remember nothing more until : .tlij 4 . cool evening air blowing through the .'.• open window revived me. ."••.. ;;\Yliere was my late companion? My •" .cdn'sjclence bpgan to trick me. Had I .\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0';.ili-lp4 him? Perhaps a passing train had :' :rujn over him as he lay on the rails stunned ;".. ,by%ia fall, and 1 seemed to see his mangled •\u25a0 •,iJo.ri)>e on the line. .' ':• 'J : :.wi»s going to nurse a sick brother, or, ':_ ri»ib*r, help to nurse him, as Maud Som- t.' ers.OiVs fiancee, spent as much time as she |L " 'cprukfby his couch. He had broken his lega short time previously and w:i«. there- '- •\u25a0for<?;-.yna'ble as yet to move about alone. "•*, On. my arriving at Jack's bouse, more ' .dead' than alive, I found Maud presiding over the leatable in his study and Jack " hims.elf lying on the sofa. They both welcomed me with open arms and I wan ; . 'delighted to find bow much better Jack c ° was than I had expected, z / t "-Bow white and tired you look, child," .he »ai«i, -anxiously. "Are you ill?" ;."\u25a0- . M Oh. no, dear, but I was rather fright- •=. ened at traveling so far alone," 1 said, mendaciously, for now I began to feel ' alarmed about the fate of my late fellow- tra-veifir. "What a pity,"said Maud, "that we did not know earlier by what train you in- tended to come, as my brother ai rives this % evening by the very same one, and I must hurry home now, as he will be there, of course." After she had gone Jack told me that he had deputed her brother to fetch some im- portant papers for him, as he could not go . himself. More, than once during the evening I made up my mind to tell Jack about my adventure, but was afraid of upsetting , him In his weak state of health. . I passed a wretched night. Visions of mangled corpses were constantly before me. and I was thankful when the day dawned: J Tile sound of voices in my brother's . room roused me and I ran down, but •paused, my hand on the handle of the door. r "Where bad I heard that voice before? It-was he maniacs H. was not killed afreralll ny had bo come here? What " was he saying?', "Ob, jet. old fellow, I have them safe enough, although I am sure I traveled with h female thief—a very pretty one too but 1 vat a match for her. Sh» a-erer.took her eyes off me or my bae for ;.J^X.'*-ft>-**' ' " r \u25a0\u25a0» lirtll IMIII "'ln illfTlT \u25a0 l \u25a0rft.i.,i,_ig * 3 *""^ »*** I two minutes together, in the hope, of I cour-e, that 1 should fall asleep, and ihen I slit; could mb me; but I kept myself Iawake th« whole time by mere force of will, for I was dead with sleep, and was on the point of going off .-everal times." •'How was it that you fell out of the ' train?" asked Maud. "Why, 1 opened the door to see whnt j was the reason of our train stooping sud- ' dflnly, and the young lady, in mortal terror : of an accident, tried to get past me In i order to jump out of the train, thereby ' causing me to lose my balance and fallout. I managed to scramble up just as the train began to move on again, aud was pulled into the guard's van." Here Maud, opening the door suddenly, revealed me standing on the threshold. There was no help for it in I had to go. "Mary, let me introduce my brother Fred," began Alaud. but she broke off, saying: "What is the matter? Have you met "The thief I" said Frederick. "The maniac!" said L "Andif you are not a maniac, why did you behave like one?" I cuntinued excitedly. * * * * Two months after this Fred Somers and 1 were sitting alone in Jack'i study, and 1, strange to say, was feeling absurdly happy , in being alone with "my maniac," as he wao now called. "Mary," he said, after a delicious pause, during which I knitted assiduously, "<io I know why I am here this afternoon ?" U by. to see Jack, I suppose," said 1, raiiiug my eyes. So, it is not to spp Jack; it is to see ry. Darling," tie whispered, M you stole my heart that afternoon. Will you give me yours instead?" ""fis yours already," 1 whispered fondly. And then our hps dip' in the first •weet kiss of love.— St. James Gazette. AN INTELLIGENT DOVE. It Usually Acts on Its First Im- pressions. Correspondence of the Boston Globe. I have btfore me. while I write, a live black dove, dozing on a cushion on a lounge. This bird was picked up byme In a dying condition on a cold Sunday afternoon In a public park. It was youuij; not able to feed Itself then, and, In consequence was at the point of succumbing lo hi'niter nnd cold. I carefully treated and nourished it with my mouth, for this Is the only way yon can feed a youug fiueoo or dove properly; and to those who want to try mis I would lemaik that no tobacco or whisky mouth cau raise a young dove or pigeon. The dove has become to me and my wife as great a comfort as a cbtld can possibly be. She has all her treeDnm, for I do not bell-va Is cag- ing up anything except files ana bug*, mice and rats. She has the intelligence to ask for food and drink, and even when -ue wants to tak- a baih she gives to the sl<rn by laying herself oh the floor, fluttering her wings in tbe manner that buds generally do when they are really In the water. She knows how to Kissaswell as the sweet- est gii l ivBoston, and every morning she comes to my bvd and convince* her* Ii that I am re- ally there. Her favored food Is bempse d. Tbose readers who are inclined to think that these birds have no reasoning powers but only Insttact would be very much confused by a vislr to this black dove of mine. Sbe will convince any one In a very short time that she knows me, obeys me on the Instant and without force or harsh words; fears some, not all, strangers, and knows bow to select her confidants; when you think these birds dun't look at you they have already taken you in without your knowledge, and they win act ou the i.ist impressions. If man did the same always be would be more nearly right than he is after deliberation in the judging of human nature. THE SMALL BOY. His Innocent Artlessness Gets Him a Nice Reward. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The small boy lias come to be so artful a dis- ?emt>l p r that wriiers oo tbe InDOceace of. ctJi.uuood are bavins: a hard Mine to fit liim to their theory. He may be innocent to bis ma, but other people bave learned to look upon him with suspicion. Watcli tbe small boy when the fruit and vegetable wagon stops to fill an oider al his borne. At once ihe small boy becomes the friend of tbe borse. He pulls up grass to feed him and tbe fruit man is pleased. It would delight the Society for tbe Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to look on that tbouebtfui and generous chlirt The fiult mau nas to carry the order Into the bouse and the small boy watches him side- ways. In au instant the small boy drops the buucb of gruss and Is up in tbe wagon like a monkey. He thrusts his band under the seat, wher- nobody t-uew the fruit man's choicest pearbe* were, snatches one. thrusts It Into bis pocket, bounces back to the sidewalk and re- sumes the horse and grass scheme. Ihe mau comes out, Gets on his seat and gratefully hands him a large, mellow peach because he is such a good boy. When the man drives off ihe boy bas two peaches where would have had Diit one, and he has also lucteased his refutation for ktudness to ani- mals Had he been given a little more time he wou d have had more peaches and tbe horse would have got less grass. HOTEL ARRIVALS. ! PALACE HOTEL. , J Magner. Han Jose R j liinton. N T VX ?, O(lr ca -- N V W Smytbe. Salt Lake : fv n"r e> tre i ao RLiimsdeu. Scotland wr i v , v> ' - Fresno S Lumsden.BuenosAyres ) \u25a0££ He v* WMh v Simpson, La J Flnneil, sapa S LBasse tt ma H HCaldw.ll, u8 N R A "rim N T vi m rmia * ni ( h'cago R H Chapman 4w. Pa FOHlnkley, Aspen v Thorst, Austria , I) ' c^ 1 »" * w-«-hicago A Ibonet. Austria ? J « row n Un( » . J D Leonard & w, Or 2, MM °T"' N , * . L A Stelser &w,8n Jose i Mrs It Hoe Jr. ft 1 Ml«s»McPherson.BnJose 1 ¥\?c iV. ?vx. v J N Areiidt. Pleasanton I xfi BCO M U ? 0 - LJ* * J Uelcaraelle. Paris MlssAMcLaughllnSCruz Journet Paris A L " utlor< L * I Charlet. Paris £a . >k £: .* ni. McLauifhlln<S:wStaCruz £ A ffa L l r eri OWo 8- N Kucker, San Jose Hi L, Wise, PI V INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. Thos N Stokes & wr, D Chlshoim, D 8 N Darlingion. Ind J Brown. U 8 N 8 Feitus. Darlington W Lacke USX 8 Bowrrs, Darlington S A Kobe, Angel Island J Allen. Darlington L B Hare, us.v 6 Henzer, Cal E Wilson. US N Peter harp. Cal J McAullffo,U8 N II Johnson, li C J Sine air, U8 N X H Cook, D c Mrs - 51 SiieaAson, Dublin J Wilkinsons DC (i Hamilton, Santa Rosa R C Young, S.in Jose J P Halbrook, Salem, or P I>owd«n, San Jose J Allen. US M I> Hamilton. U SN Mrs A Thompson. Colo M W J James, USN NliW WESTERN HOTEL. V oss ' Valiejo 0 W Young, Vallejo "i V ly> Martinez Wm II Jordan. Oakland i Mayer. Oakland TJ Rowland, Fresno John Doyle, ISA KB Vananken. Ci.rtlnd A I. vananken, Courtlnd W V Panter, Courtland J Mehntlre, Vallejo a Aldecoa.Btor.ktun T O'Connor, Gllroy . C O Monroe. Angel Isld it W Janes, Angel Island LIST OF LETTERS Remaining unclaimed In the Fostofflce at San Francisco on MONDAY, Otcober 23. 1893. JWTo obtain any of these letters the applicant must call fur "Advertised Letters" and glva tne date of the list. If not called !%r within two weeks they willbe sent to the Dead-letter office. Abrahams Philip Anderson T A Aetna Gold & Silver Anderson Mrs A X MiningCo Andrews Mrs AenklusGl Andrews Geo A Ahlefelt Mrs Cbas Anger a J Alden H w A mandate Miss Lizzie Allen Mrs KM App«r&onMiss Jodie Alien X I Apgar Miss I.ois 11 Allen Win £ Arean Miss Josie Allan W Armstrong Dr Joseph- All Round iiie W , American Galvanic Co Aruea E H Anderson A D Ashley GW Anderson A L Ashdown A Anderson Alfred Atkiuson Mrs Llllle Anderson Miss Fannie Ay res Mrs Com Anderson W R Bauer Miss Emma Bonn J F Baldwin U. W Bon (i Brosiansky Mrs Bonestelt JT Barclay Mrs Mary O Bornalter Miss Kate Barnbill Mrs Bortes Rev H Bar* lake V Boyce Mrs Barr Anna Brachlnger W Barrows Blllie Brady Maggie Bayer a Braiiiniich Chart Beckerleg Mrs R Brand Irene Bidwell Dr W lira n Mrs Etta L Bender Jno Bridewell Mrs Nellie I Bennett Mrs B L Brilliant Marie Benoli Fred Brlsaisi Frank Benson T A Broomhead J Stanley Bergen Franz Brook W Bergb Mrs II Brown Miss Alice Berger Maurice Brown Miss Alice M Bernard Miss May Brown Miss Annie Berry J Brown Mrs B C Bertram Miss Bell* Brown N Berryman G C Brown Wm A Belscbart Alvis Brown Wrn M Best 1 red W Brunllck P Bevlne Mrs W L Bryant R bid well Dr Walter Bryan Mrs Mary Blcgins Thos J Bull Miss Theresa Itirpr Mary Brinskog Axel Birch Mrs Sallie M Bureau Madam HiWfiey Burks C I Blakeman Mrs Mattie Burns D Spotts Bums Miss Minnie i BUudins Frank Bunch Mrs O Bliss Mrs Bntler 3 1' Boden Annie C bo t Harry Cogorno Frank Commissioners Calif Cobn I. State Board ° Cole Mri C F Calaban W Coleman M ! Call Jno Coliettß»bt CaltboS Fred Collens Mrs Rose Cameron Mrs Jas Conceiman Geo Carroll Miss Maggie Corbett Minerva Caaasa Mrs Mary Corcoran P Cashiu Miss Mary Conney Mrs B Casslily Mr*f W Connolly Pater ICaszen Frank Connors Mrs (817 Oak) Chambers Miss A J Colombo Laundry manning Dr Wm F Cabill Mrs M Cbapell Miss Edith Cook Mrs (109 Taylor) Chase E C Cooker OF CbKruuuau T I Cooper J F Cbisbolm Daniel S Cooper Dr J G Choglro Hamada Cory Mrs L C ChrUtensen PP Cosmos The , Cbrlsteusen Josef Crane Geo J Christeri'on Louis Crawrord o W Chrome Steel Wks Crawford * Squire Christodui Paul Crlss Mrs Sophia Church Nathan Crockett Mrs GeoW Clancy Jno Crockett Orle A (lark Miss Ethel Crook Master LR Clark Geo C Cross Otto Clark Mrs DrR F Crowloy Mrs Julia Clark Mary E Crow Miss Josle Clements C F Cruinlln Miss Lizzie CiesseJno CummlngsMiss Cleveland Miss Oummines Miss Nellie Clifford Miss E Cnrtoti Miss Annie Coats Geo N 2 Currey Mrs »co Cocbran * Co Cutler MrsKW Codec F Cutting J H .ley Minnie Dougall S (VS) Daggett Miss (034 Post) I>ougall 8 S (VS) Daley Thomas Dow BN Dal in Dowe D Davidson Jeannette or Doyle Mrs Nettie Mrs Jennie Drake Win ! Davenport Mrs W H Drake James P I Davenport Edwin Drehem T Del Mar Harry and Mrs DrewMrs(lo4lßoward) Dexter Cnarles H Drlnan Geo Dickensoii Jas G Drury Bert Dill n Miss Mary Dubcls Mrs A Dltlefaen Miss Bergltte Duff* B DixooNeal Duffy Mrs JJ ' Dob!* Albert Dv .lanlln Mrs A Doerr Fritz Duncan Mrs Sarah E Domett Mrs Ellen M smoor Miss Grace Dorsey Wesley J Duranc Mrs. Mary A l'oty Harry Durham Miss Kate H Eckel* J C Emerson Mrs Nettle wards Herbert Emannels Francesco Edwards T V Emert J <> Edlund Cbas Eusbury Miss Maggie i Kifldy Morris Fred Eriksen Erik : I iii Miss Meggi Evans Geo I Ell mann Claus Fritz Evens Mrs| Elcherlv Jerry Evans wm Ellis Frank Evans Miss May Kllasson Johan Falder Miss Flaherty Miss Josle t'alrweather Miss Hoi- Fleishman Miss Lizzie sle Flower MissGwendoiln* Farrell Walter Fogel Israel Farley Mrs R Ford MrsC W Featherstone C E Ford W H Fenlmore Edgar Forinan Wm FoltMiss Hannah P Fosch A W FelltzMrsPH FosmsrJL Fessenden Capt Joshua Poulks Miss May Barry % Field Edward Fowler Wm G Field Wm Rioardo Frank Mrs Ada Fleia W R Fracbe Just Fife Mrs Mv. Freeman Mrs HB Fink it &Co French Mrs Florence J Fischer Hani Frost G W Fischer Willie Frost Miss Cena Finpatrlck Mils Teisle Furgurson Mrs James Gaby MiMßoia Goldenberg Solomon 2 Gammons Thos Goodman Mrs l eresa Want Mrs Cath Graham Mrs MA Gardiner E J . Graf Charlie <>aren W H Graber Mrs Anna Gee Mrs W Grunt GW I GerhartWmH Gray C HSi Gosner J E Gray D M (ilblln Miss Mary A Gray William Gllden MlssM I Greaby Mils Gill Miss Lizzie Green Mrs Lizzie Glob X M Gregg Charley (Reason Mils Gregg M L Gletiflell House Grosm.in Anna Globe Art Co 2 Gnnderson Charles Goldberg Moses B Corny Mils Annie Goldbersr John Guthrle Alfred Golden Frank Guyeunot J Hair -rmaii C S Hill Miss Anna Haas (2936 Perry aye) Hill Mrs Haser Mrs Lizzie HlnchMrsEM Hahn Henry G HiucbeyJ J Hakeuson. Charley Hiniii(>bs«n B Mailer Miss Jbda Hitchcock Mrs 41 A. Ha c R I. Hoey Miss Alice Hal- Miss (12 16 Powell) Hoffmann FA Hall Miss Mary John HallOJ HoganJohn Hamilton Luke Horg Mrs Mary Hamilton Mrs W Hole Alfred Hamada S j Hoit C Hancock Mrs Lizzie H«lc Ira P Jr Hanna J T & Co Holiday Miss May Hardy Mrs V A Hollenbeck Mrs V ) Hardland Miss Home Joe Harlan Valentine Hoover Jno Harrington Kurt Hooper W T ilarris Mrs J W Hopkins Mrs Josie Harter Mrs Laura Hopkins JP Harville Miss Alice Hopkins Mrs OK Hanrurr B Hosokana Mr HnMneer Mrs G Housmau J I I Hellgren Oscar H Howard Mrs Josephine L | HemphiiiMrs(l3ooPlne) Howard Sirs C A Henry James Howard H Henker Augusta Huff liyon Hendry Ueo A Huadart Mrs Ueurlckson T Hughes Miss MaryE HerronMlss(ll3BGG»>v) Humphreys Walter C Herbert W Hunt James 8 Hermann M D Hunt Miss Elizabeth Hess Miss May Humklns G B HCSST Hutching J A Hewitt Samuel Uutchlnson J P HillChas Inslehart Dr FN IsolaJohn Iklunt Miss Amelia Isaacs All red X Information Bureau IsblzakaM Irwln James . Irolltch Joe Irving H 8 krton Chaa Johnson Mrs (266 11th) Jacobs Miss Jennie Johnson Mis* Emma Jacobus Mrs Johnson Eddie James John Johnson Frank M Jamison Ed JohnsonSuslefe Beverly Jamone Anton Johnson Oscar £ Janke Miss Dora Johnson Wm Jasper Stephen Jones Mrs Carrie Jensen Mr Jones Miss Fannie Jensen G E Jones h.t Co Jensen Mrs X Jones E II &Co Johnson Mrs (814 Fran- Jones HH Cisco) Jorccngen John Johauson Miss Allna Joyce Dr P B . Johnson Al Kane Gertie Klrby Dr Wm T Kalian Miss Emma KllbrideJnoJ Karr Joseph Kllbourne Miss Auble Kapetonlch Vlaho Klmberley, Samuel Kaufman u Julius Kin*& Jones Drs Kavanaugh Jas S King Or Kazet Mr (411 M) Ring P Kazel Harry - . \u25a0 Klnuey James | Kearns Mrs (510 Geary) Klnuey Thomas ! Keene i.arry Kirk M A ! K-.uif .Miss Minnie Klein Mrs Emma iv j Kee'ey Miss Julia - Kline Wm 1 Keen Henry Knight B X Reegan John KnoxWmC3 Ketth Donald Knox Wm Keil Jacob Koening Miss M Keith John J Kohen Minnie Kelsey Mrs Laura F B Kraemer M< > Kennedy Cupt James Krlstensen Krlstlan Kennedy Win Krumiinde Miss Lizzie Keudrlck Humphrey B Kugeler Anna Kenely Mrs ME Kotcnera Matnlas Keougn M . \u25a0 Lac ran ire Mr Levy Isldor Lamb Herbert Levy Samuel Francis Lane i M Lewis Dr B A Laltig Arthur D Louis Gene Lang A J Lewis Levl J LangeMrsSW Lewis S Hartley Landreg Frank Llla Mies A Lander Ed Llnscott Fred L.jnuaMrsJJ Llnsrott J Fred §IK§P Larsii<>ii Julius Lindqulst Pastor Nils ' Larsson C Joban Liston l>r C A Lmsh H Little Thomas J Lavels Joseph Loabinan John La Vine Miss Florence Lock Mrs a Lavensaler R L Locbbaum Miss Maggie Lavenburg L Long Wm J Lawrence JF Long T G Lawrence Wm Lorimer Mrs D Lawson Mrs Mary . LorentsonAP : Lawson Ch.ried B Lnu^hnane Miss Hit Lawson Miss Lowe Mrs Cathi Leas L \u25a0-, Lowe Lottie M ledger James \u25a0 LowtbtrMrsU Lee Mrs .\u25a0 . Lowltz C 0 Lee Chas . Lubrs Mrs A B Leny an M rs HA Luna lnMrs Leslie Mrs HX Lynch Moiile Levy a . Lynch Mrs Susie Levy Splegle 4 Co Me \ Hgt r Julian McCauley Patrick McAlien Tom McCrae Robt MoAvoy Michael McOann Root MeCormlck James McOuiiough W G McCarthy John McDonald Miss Grade McCormlck James MeDameld Geo McCumber Miss Aggie McGee A D McCuru Miss Agnes '• jicGowu J E McCarger Mrs B McGowen Michael McCarthy Miss C McGlading M McUormlck Mrs 0 McHenryGeoJr McCree Mrs G McHugh Miss Minnie McCraft Uus T McKay Mrs Alex McCormlck J A •\u25a0 MrKenzie 0 McCormlck Mrs Mary McKlernauAJF Mr« orinacx Jerome McLeod C McCormaek R McLeod Dr J McCormack Win McMahan Mrs AB McClisb Joe McMenany Thos McClellan MrsMary E McKnlght Geo F Madison I,1) Miller Miss Georgia Mauulre R W Miller Mrs Ida C MaharJas Miller C R A Maher Mrs Thos Mills Ulysses Mahan Win Millard Geo Maber Miss M Milledge Miss Winner Major John MiHiUKtonCJ Malavazos C D * MHz l'raiik Manning Henry Mtttelstad Mrs Manning M Mitohell John F . ManningJohn Mitchell Geo Mansrold Earnest Moe Miss Ida Mansfield Miss Ella Mogill J Manors H Munieitb J H Mangskou Geo W Moults Harry Manora H Moncn Geo Mandich Peter F Montln Miss Anna Manson Birch Moonlight Dave M»:i(lell Mr» Z M Moore * red Marks Miss Dollie Moore Miss Lltue Marshall Mrs Ella- Mo re T L. Marshall Mrs Ann Moore T \V Martin HU . Morgan £ Martin Thos Morgan Miss Lizzie O Markham Mrs Lydla Morgan J»s Mar; ell Mrs R Morck Frank Marls \Vm Moreau Henry Mars Wm P Moronev Mr» Elenor Msion Dr G T Marvls Mrs Hermlnla Mattoon Mrs A Morrissey Miss Annie May Miss Mary Morrow Thos Mayall John Morse Peter Meek Miss Louise ' Morton Nye T Melddre DrLN Morton John and Mrs Melbourne Miss Belle Morten John Melberry Wm C Mordt Miss Annie MeiTllle Miss May . Moss Frank Ml) Menken Fredr Mott Mrs ranees Mendelsohn M Mullen Miss Katie ' Merrei Miss Nellie Muller Miss Anna Merrel Leseo Muliler Rudolph MerKleMrM Muller Miss Maud Merg Capt H Mullen E H Mcli Gustav Mullen Mrs BF Mayer 11 G J Mulloy P D Meyes Sidney X Munson Jas Meyer Arthur X MurraneJohn Mvers Music Store Murdock Frank 8 Myer Miss Emily Jiurdock Wm Middlekauff LM Murphy .John C Miller Adun b. G Murray Thos MillerMiss Belle Nsyior Kate Newson Edward F .National Tobacco Wks Newmark 4 Co J F Nash 8 C Newton Mrs Flora N'lsson Mons Newton Mist Louada Nelson Mrs Alice Nichols <> M N'lllson Martin Nichols Miss Kate S Nevberg Christine Nleiiohr Mrs Martha Neuman Adolf Noble W E O'lirien Mrs F O'Neill Dr J 8 O'Brien J O'Rourke Mlkel O'Connell Miss O'Kourke MrsGeo O'Connor Mrs Olden Mrs Ann , O'Connor Miss LJizie Olein Miss Emma 0 O'Connor John Oliver Mrs Wm O'Connor Wm Olren Mrs Chas 8 O'Comnice Gertrude Onlto Miss O'Doberty Michael Ososkl Mr O'Donueil Terrance Otis Mr O'Farrell Miss Kate Osimaa Herman O'Keefe James Otteus Ac Co M l'»rk J I. Peterson T Pacific Coast News Peterson Julius Agency Peterson W F Pacific Fertilizing Co Percy Harry Panglium James U Pettitt David Paree Medicine Co Phillips Alfred Parker Miss Nellie Phillips Mrs Winifred I'asset Mist Lizzie billies Mrs C M Patti Lallo & Oo Pierce A H Partriaee Miss L Plenskosky D Pattson Orley Plerson Mrs Ida Patterson A- Co W C Plgotl Mrs J Paulia J Pine Mr Peard James Pllz Geo E Pearson Miss Lizzie Pioneer stove Wks I Peck Mrs A L Platt Mrs C II Pelzner Mrs Pollark W J Peudleton Edward Pomeroy C H Perkins Wm Popp Miss Tlllie Perkins I E Porter J P Park Robert 8 Power Frank Perry 4 Co John Powers Miss Maud Peterson * has Price R J Peterson Miss Eugenic Prltem & Son Peterson Henry , Prince Miss Mary Peterson Mrs Henry Purcell Frame Quintan Mis, Kit tie Qulgley Miss Maggie Built*"H V.'A Richardson Miss Minnie Radastovic Godenzlo Riely Ed Raniner Peter Rtley Miss Fior ence Ralston Mrs Rosa Kike H W Ralston Miss Hattia Rlngberg Charley Rasmussen Christ Roach & McDermett Rass Miss Blanche Roberts Mr* Ellis Ratzeburg Wllhelm Roberts Mrs Ray J V Roberts Mrs John X RawlliiK Mrs W D Robinson Mrs Alice Rawley Mrs II Robinson Mrs X Rea Mrs Annie Roi.iee w w , Reay Chas -Robb Junes - Rector Mrs May Rodman Miss Mary Redmond Mrs Annie Rogers a T Reede Helen Rogers Win Reed Miss Hhorback Henri Reese Thomas Roraback Mrs J Lee Resseler Chas Rose Miss Nellie Reveyroo Miss Maria Boca Herman Rice Mrs E RottloS A Rice Miss Hattie Roth M Richards Miss May Rowen Miss Mary Richardson Bros Royal Worcester Corset Bichardson Miss M House Richardson James IlnjrcT P SamMissTM Schneider Peter Sau Francisco Import- So<tererGns Ing Co Solomon Mr San Francisco Glass Co Soltan Victor E Kan Francisco Enquirer . orhan James Sjlii Francisco Shipping Sonlar Robt sanbere James Bpellane J Saunders Al Spencer Mrs JM Sanders Mrs fella Spooner Mrs Geo C Sanders Mrs S Bpottß Samuel C Sargentich Spire Springs Mrs Marguerite Savage Mrs St Clalr Jobnie savage w C Stahl Mrs X sawtcll Mrs Dr Stanford Mrs Nalson Baxe H A Stanley 1) T hcbatitz Mrs D Staple.' Misle V Schlesainger Mrs Helen Stark Mrs Allen Schnabol t'eter Stears Mrs George Schwartz Mrs Hannah Sterling Mrs Kittle Scburgele famine Steventot) Rnbt Louis Scott Mrs Mary R Stuart Miss Georgia Scudder Frank V ' Muart Wrorge A Senter Mrs Edward Stuart Milton SbaferCbasA . Stuert Miss Nellie Shaw Edward Li - Stickler Lewis J •Shekels Mrs Jennie ' Stiles Henry Sbeldt Mrs Francie St..rkwell J P .•-hlrnier Joiepli Stone Mrs A Short Mas r.ttie Stone V. G Sbu'ik Edward Stowe 1 Mrs L X Slntie FranK E Strl cer Arthur Silvester GF Stringer Kertha Sichura Vicktor Strong James SKedd Mrs Maggie Sturgeon Miss Etta Sicmuer Dr Lizzie S Sullivan Master Frank Small wood Mrs E Sullivan H it - Smith EM - Sullivan James Schmidt George Sullivan Jerry Smith Mrs Josle Curran Sullivan Miss Maggie A Smith Miss Jennie D Sullivan Miss Myra Schmttt Miss Julia Sullivan Mr PJ Smith it II Sutherland Capt Smith R O Swalm Cnw Schmltt Me Sperese Swetland Delia Snow Miss Alice Blr- Syphert Wm B ainla Syphert Sam Tuber J S Thresher Frank T Taylor CG ThuitAd"lphus John Taylor Gamaliel TlngieyMrßL Telden Herman AJas TlrrellMrs J H Team ore Mrs Tomlyn John L Tessin Louis Tormey Dr Jas P Therein P Tracey George Thomas Charlie A Trondseu Kunil Thomson Mrs Tucker C P Thompson A . Turpln A F Thomson AX \u25a0 Tweitmaun F Thompson M Twitcheli C H Thomson Wm j Updike Goo X Vail Jasper Van Houten Wra W hlcm Annke Whitaker Miss ML Waldeck Florlan Whittinore Mrs N Walker Frank Wlcken Affie V. Walker T C Wilbur Ed Wallace T Wlllcomb N G Walsh Cora WlMains Edna Walch Miss Florence Williams Eddie Walsh Miss Maggie Williams R Walter A C Williams S W Walters Maria Vde Williams Mrs T N » Wandel Mrs Williamson Miss Abble Waunelce W Wil«on Miss Anneta - * Ward Miss May Wilson Miss Klora Ward Win H . Wilson Mrs Minnie - Warden w M Wilson Mrs Nettle 2 Warmby Mrs Thos Wilson Naliliam Walters Louis M . WinklerCM Watson Mis* Buttercup Wenstone Mrs May Watson James Wise Leo Webb Fred E Wlssel. Lertira Albert Welz Mrs Hedwif Wolf Miss Bertie Wendt Miss Christina WolffMrs E J West Frauk P WolffJohn Wesley (J Wolff Joseph de Western Detectiye Bn-Woo.iMrs rean Wood Mrs Anna M Westphal Martin Woods B weypknecht Miss Edna Wood H Wheeler Joseph Wolfsteine Mrs J White Mrs . . Wooster Mr White V C Wooford WED White Hiram E Wright Mrs B C White Samuel . WrlftntOE UlteWorPleyW Wright Mrs Wm Whitney Mrs E B Wunch Kobert Whitney Ruel Wymau HN, LLB Wh tf head HO Y«ttsMr«OC Toung Mrs Lila Yeamlngton T J . Tocnn John H Young Mrs BH Younjblood 4 Co Young Carl Tounggreen A J Young •' H . Z iwiWilliam Zlnlser Alberto LETTRES FRANCAISES. Albert, Augustln L'hulllier. Mons Aven. J S \u25a0 Maleorn, Louts Barbter. l'Abbe Mounler, Fera Bouscayrol. Hip Jertoii, Chas Couret. Raoul Rlgoulet. Juls Gninell, Louis Ven-<rd. O ;.-,\u25a0;-.; mm us dawks. Anee, Marie Nougne. Marie Conquet, Eugenic Teissiere, Madam * Cortez, Mile Maria . \u25a0 LETTERS ITALIAN E. Beltramo. Natale Kavano, Angelo Bonflglio, Angelo \u25a0 ; Realmnto. Glut ' Canevarl, Franc Rovegno, O CuchU Q Roy 111. Achllle Debenetletti, Bern Rubini, Antouia Eademartorl. Mich Taraboehla, Ulus (iaddint, Michele Trotub ttl, Simonß Guerinl, M A L'rso, (iiov Mona. Carlo Vaunl, Marslllo Duetto, Miss Viocopo, Rosa Perat, tiluliano Vlgna, Ulacomo PuciiielU, Pi«tro Ziilaul, F CAKTAS ESPANOLAS Alvarez, F Nesro. Jose Baiardo, J B Osuna, Vincente Bolado. Joaquln Parr»tra Bros Corona, Felipe Terau, Mineo Moutreyro, Hauion Valencia, X SENORAS Arraraz, Maria Escobar, Reglna Arriola, Isabel A Franco. Genoveva Han a en, Lupe Hernandez. Diega Calderon, Uulores Learrito. Marcelin* Cortez. Marie Lob.tto, Angela De Morta, Ellgla Montijo, Cunlgnnda De Bobles, .Mariano ijuria, Jesus C CARTAS PORTCCiUEUAS. Ant Franc Carlino Manoel do Rego Franc Kurtado Manoel X Cardozo Franc Jose Mestres Manoel Furt Rodriguez Franc Mattos Peres M:mocl Jasseiro Franc OlizSilva IMatioel Mach Amarnnte Franc Pirio Manoel Texelra Sonza Joao Cabral Sllva Manoel Favares t atinho Joao Rii>eira Mr Vlera Jose Knaelo Tofolle Benjamin J Roza Jose Joao Silva Mfiij Ant Porta Jose Forte Tonto Benj Kozi J S Suva Filiipe Souza Miguel Manoel Azevedo Bltt J V Sllvcra, Mrs Manoel cc Barrao Rosa Kmllia burtado Manuel De Ollvera Joaqulna Nolrlgua 9. w. BACKUS, Postmaster. OCEAN BTKAMEKS. Dilte* of Departure from San Francisco. SUN AND TIDE TABLE. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. Arrived. Sunday. Oct a?. Stmr Daisy Kimball, Johnson. 16 hours from Fort Bragg, etc: pass and mdse, to J S Kimball. Stmr Pomona, Hannah. 19 hours from Eureka: pass ami imlse, to Goodall, Peru Ins * Co. Strar Point Arena, Johnson, 15 hours from Men- . doclno, etc; pass and mdse, to Mendocluo Lum- ber Co Stmr Santa Rosa, Alexander, 63 hours from San Dleco and way ports; pass and mdse, to Good- all, Perkins a- Co. sttur Alex Duncan, Smith, 35 hours from Lom- poc: produce, to (ioodall, Perkins * Co. Stmr Yaquina, Hammer, la hours from Moss Landing: produce, to Goodall. Perkins * Co. Stmr Uipsy, Jepsen, 4 hours from Amesport: produce, to Goodall, Perkins * Co. I'ark (Jermanla, Pearson. 9 days from Seattle; 1475 tons coal, to PB Cornwall. Hark Harrester, Beck, 8 days from Departure Bay: '2200 tons coal, to Oregon Imp Co. Bark Marzaret, Pedersen, 18 days from Karlu.c; 15,774 <s salmon, to Hume Canning ana Trading Co: \u25a0-".'. f'so rs salmon, to Alaska Imp Co. Bktn Eureka. Bruiiiiner. 13 days from Ventura: 5885 ski barley, to Field & Stone; 878 sks corn to Lowry&Stellar. Hktn Monitor, Turloff, 5 (lays from Humboldt; 125 Mft lumber, 1400 Msnin?i«s. to Chas Nt.lson. Scbr Jo&epb and Henry, Christiansen. 70 hours from LittleHirer: 135 eds bark, to Beadle & Co. Scbr Robert ann Minnie. Farrell. 5 days from Coos Bay: 140 Mft lumber, to XX Dean. Schr Vesta. Fried 14 days from Fed fish Bay. Alaska; 9000 cs salmon, to Barauotl Packing Go. Scbr 8 Danlelson, Gruggnl, 6 days from Frank- fort: bark, to S HFrank * Co. Schr Christm.i Steffens Rasmussen, 5 days from Flska Mill: 7000 Dostt). to Hiezlns & Collins. bebr Nettie Low, Low, 7 hours from Point Reyes; 40 bis butter, to C E Whitney * Co. Schr Mary C Campbell, 8 hours from Bodega; 40 bxs butler, to Ross .V Hewlett. Sailed. Sunday. Oct 22. Stmr Queen, Carroll. Victoria and Port Town- send. D S stmr C P Patterson. Moore. Haw •\u25a0 ii.r San Mateo, Fletcher, Comox. Stmr Celta, Johnson. Ship Dashing Way*-. Morehouse, Tacoma. Nor ship King Ceurlc. Salvesen, Hamburg. Scbr John A, Uellquist, Eureka. Tele<rrr»i>hlc. POINT LOBOS— October '-'2-10 Weather, cloudy: wind, SW: velocity, 16 inilas. Domestic Port*. NEHALEM RIVER— Oct 21-Bchr Lizzie Prlen, for S»an Francisco. FORT BKAOG-Arrlved Oct 22—Schr James Towtisend, hence Oct 17. TATOOSH— Passed Oct 22—Ship John C Potter, from Departure Bay for San Francisco: stmr Mackinaw, from Tacoma tor San Francisco. NAVARRO-Salled Oct 22—Schr Golden Gate, for San Francisco. WHITESK 'RO— Sailed Oct22-stmr Greenwood for San Francisco. GRKKNWOOD-Salled Oct22-Stmr Alcazar.for San Francisco. COOS BAY— Arrived Oct 22—Stmr National City hence "ct 19. ALBION— Oct 19— Sehr Conflanza, hnce Oct lit; scbr Bender Brothers, hence Oct 14. Sailed Oct 20— 8chr Free Trade, for San Fran- cisco. PORT TOWNSEND— Arrived Oct 21—Bark Newsboy, from Uuaymas. Movement* of Trans- Atlantic Steamers. HAVRE—Arrived Oct 22— stmr La Gascogne. from New York. GLASGOW— Arrived Oct 22—Stmrs Ethiopia ana Cityof Rome, from New York. , NEW YOHK— Arrived Oct 22— Stmr Furnessla, from Liverpool. Importation*. SAN DIEGO— Per Santa Rona— 2 coils rope, 208 legs 5 cs dry goods. 7 ftxs hardware, 1 bdl hose. 1 bx hinges, len granlteware. 1 9 bb.s 200 cs mineral water. 1 tank. 12 big 1 pksr household goods, 1 lull rods, 5 bills 65 bbls dry fish. 1 wasbstand, 16 sks ore. 31 cs honey, 1 cs bacon. 'i sks peanuts, 4 bxs jelly, 1bf-bbi cheese, 3 cs cigars. 1 hx groceries, I piano. 1 stool. 1 bx paper bags, 1cylinder, 1883 sks wheat, 175 sks corn, 25 bxs lemons, 3 br-bbls pickled fish 438 sks barley, 1451 sks oats, 100 bxs raisins. 1 imli rubber hose.' Keiloudo—l bbl 98 bxs lemons, 3 bis oranges. 500 sks bar!- y, 3 bxs seed, 9 bxs type, 1 bx canned gDoils. 192 sks walnuts. , .\u25a0-aiita Monica— sks corn, 2 cs bottles, 2 drms ammonia. 2 '*X»samples, 'I cs asbestos, 5 cs books, 4 his 2 !'!-..•-\u25a0 shapstone, 1 bdl corn husks, 3690 sks barley, '208 hides. \u25a0 Los Angeles viu Redondo— 3 cs bacon, 18 cs 1 bbl lard, 'i cs b b backs. 'A kits tenderloin, 1 box canned fruit. 40 bxs lemons, 8 kits tongues. 1 bdl a kits plftsreat, 20 cs cheese, 3 typewriters, 1box ribbon, 25 i>bls spare ribs, 3784 sks barley, 1 tub cheese. 1 100 sks corn, "i machine, IB cylinders. Santa Barbara— 2B9 kegs 5 bbis Vi sks walnuts, 2 pkes muse, 'I cs glassware, 10 cs olive oil, 1 cow, 71 bxs lemons, 1 horse, 11 barrels. Los oiivos— s4o sks wheat Los Alamos 365 sks wheat. Port llarrord—2 kegs 7 bxs Dutter. 4cs eggs. 51 kegs, VI beer cases, 4 oil tanks, 14 bdls wire, I cs guns. I cs tobacco, 1 mat coffee. 1cs millgoods, 1 os hardware. 1cs canned goods. 1bhd crockery. 1 cs clothing, 5 pkgs household goods, 2 bdls beads, ! 6 en dried prunes, 10 cans tallow,' 1 bx saltpeter, 1 cs dry kooiim, 10 dressed calves, 1 sk hides, 3 sks game, 1 coop chickens. 2 pkgs express, 239 sks dried prunes, U5 dry hldos. 1 sk coin. Santa Maria—lß4o Bks wheat. 511 sks beans, 636 sks barley. - Nipomo—4l9 sks wheat, 59 sks barley. . Arroyo Gran 330 sks wheat. - San Luis Oblspo— 23B sks w eat. AMESPORT-Per Gipsy— l4l9 »ks oat*. 1 bdi sacks. 1148 sks beans, 9 sks potatoes. 6 sits shells. Sequel— 'i bbis 187 bxs apples. 64 rolls 1361 rms paper, 20 carboys. . Santa Cruz— looo bbls lime. 1 bx butter, 16 bbls 3 bxs glue, 6 l>xs apples, 9 bxs pears. Pigeon Point— l9l sks beans, 71 bxs 300 drums 25 ski* cheese, 3 bbls 4 bxs butter, 36 iks seaweed.' 1 sk bones, \u25a0FORT BRAGG— Per Daisy Kimba11— 232,751 ft lumber, 9 bbls 4 pktrs mase, 1cs hardware, IS pkes household goods. 1 hf-bbl butter. Little River— l2o bdls hides. Whltesboro— 9o bxs apples. Point Arena—s bxs butter, 1 crt sewing machine, 62 sks peas. MENDOCINO— Per Point Arena-7 bis mdse. 2 kegs 11 bbls bottles. 170 M ft lumber, 1 cs candy, 6 bxs plants, 1panther. . Whltesboro— 266 Msplit shakes. \u25a0 Point Arena-5 farkios 9 bbls 18 bxs butter, 49 sks peas, 22 sks wool, 2 coops chickens, 10 pkgs tent, etc, 25 bxs apples, 1pkgpersonal effects, 4 bxs mdse. 1 bbls 1 bx fish. . , EUREKA— Per Pomona— 4oo M shingles. 5 bbls 7 cs mineral water, 13 M ft lumber, 339 sks peas. 1 hr-bbl gin, 'i bxs preserves, 6 rs canned goods, 2 cs books, 1 bookcase, 16 rolls leather, 1es dry goods. 8 pkus household goods, ] cs rubber goods. 19 kegs 19 br-cs'3 %-cs fish, .'£ pkgs express. 6 tanks 1 cs guns. 1 dog, 11 cs fish, Isk coin. ; - \u0084. , . . Fields Landing—'24o sks oats, 35 'sks potatoes,' 1 bbl whisky, 25 M shakes. 2 bbls beer. 6 kgs liquor, 2 cs cider. 1 csoigars 1 cs cards, 1 : barrel, 'i tanks. Muss LANDING— Per Yaquina—l hf-bx butter. Watsonvllle-2793 bags sugar, 2131 sks fertil- izer. 1 102 sks oats. Moro Cajo— l99 sks potatoes. LOMPOC—Per Alex Duncan— 4364 sks barley. 6 sks pea 5. .2028 sks mustard. 739 sks beans, 3 bbls tallow. 1 < dry goods, 1 , bdi dry pelu, 1 cs eggs, 1 odl dry hides, 52 bdii green bides. 3 bxs butter, 2 coops chickens. 3 oiltanks, 3 empty demijohns. : \u25a0'•'' Convene*!*. . Per Santa Rosa— Dunham. Carrigan ft Co: Miller. Sloan .v Scott: Hegler * Jonnson; X T Allen; Re- verr Rubber Co; UK Whitney ft Co: J M i Ills; C B Rode Jk Co; Kowalsky A Co: M T Freitas &Co; Da I ton Bros: Eveleth & Nash: : Hassett * Bunker: Verrallti A Rowe: Gen Morrow d Co; H Dutard; .1 Ivaticorlch * Co; Allison, (iray &Co: Wisconsin Furniture Co; Newniark i Edwards: Los Angeles Snap Co: L G Sresovlcn * Co: Hills Bros; Union Ice Co; Dotltre. Sweeney * Co; Wetmore Bros; <•• J i.ii.iiiiw. D Tlederaan &Co; Gets bros ftCo; W Colin. Hirsb &Co; Wheaton. l'reon \u25a0£ Co; Lewis PackiiißCo; De Bernard! * Westpbat: Man, Sad- ler & Co:Cbas Montgomery ft Co: Wltzel ft Baker; Cat Bottling Co; Wiilttler. Fuller ft Co; .National Brewery, Standard OHCo: W W Montague * Col Haas Bros; Buckingham. Hecht &Co; Stuaebake Bros: H Uerkinan ft Co; tiissi'i. t * Co; Jackson Brewery; 'Wells, r-'argo * Co: Sinsbelmer Bros; M 'I Dinner ; Grangers' Business Assu: Young Kee: A Hloireada; £ R Stevens & Co; Sunset Tel ana Tel Co; San Francisco Brewery: Gilbert Clements: A J Steluman: Arnett & Rivers; W H Bradley; W (i Eisemnuyer; F P Bane; P G Woods; Cox Seed and Plant Co: JJ Mellus &Co; Judson Fruit Co; Dem Ing-Palmer Milling Co; J Ogenlv; Cal & Nev Creamery Cc; Pac Chemical Co; inioli mt * Co; Meigs & Stuart: IEAlexander; J Rosenttiali: ¥ H Ames & Co: Cudahy Packing Co; B W Morgan; M Wallermall 4 Co: Smith & Young; Dellaplaoe Co; Western Pub Co: Napa Soda Springs Co: * ¥ Reeler: Asbestos F P Co: Cal "Wine Growers Union: Freaericksburg Brewery: J Calri: Phila- delphia Brewery D X llackett: Crown Distillery: 4 Chase; US Brewery; J A R.>belings Sons 4- Co; Oppenhelmer Bros; A MCoakler: B S CUa&n: H »* Miller: Van Voss * Co: J Hoffman * Co: tiava- ria Brewery: V Dauerl &Co: A Crocker * Bros: National ice Co; Connor 4 Link; HM Newnall Co. Per Gipsv-M TFreltas * Co: H Dutard: Tru- bentiach &Co: E RStevens « Co: Wolf * Son: A ,T Kettenconrt: Goodall, Perkins 4 Co; AStern: A Wiikins; L<i Bn-sovich * Co: Daltou Kros; A W Fink: H Cowell * Co: Brlgham. Hoppe * C'>; Cal Chemical Worns; Dodee. hween«y 4 Co: O'Neill Bros Cnllagban; Dairymen's Union: Cal Palct Co: Marshall, Teggart * ISrorsen: Marshall & Co: O B Smith * Co; Van Lung Co. Per Daisy Kimbail- W B Sumner *Co Easton & Schwartz; Porter Bros & Co: wetmore Bros: I Isola; Huntmgton, Hopkins * Co; White sewing Machine Co; Wilson & Devilblss: O F Brown; H HHollow.iy: J A Kolger A- Co; Sherwood &Hall: A' Dickinson: Fishbeck Glootz. Per Point Arena— Wilson & Devllblss: Webster 4 Co; Dodge, Sweeney 4 Co? 1 Vervalin 4 Rowe; J Legerton; Koss & Hewlett: Kuss. Sanders 4 Co: A Kowe: Dairymen's Onion; XJ Bowen * Co: W E Healey; Thos Denlgan Son & Co; CPReever;M Hiaggl: Zentner. Cohen 4 Co; Piper, Webster* Co: Wangenhelm, Sternheim & Co; CS Nelson: G W Comeggs. Per Pomona— E R Stevens 4 Co: Hills Bros: J F Byxbee: Marshall, Teggart 4 Brorsen: H Dutard; Brown 4 Adams; Standard Oil Co: AFaladlai: X L Alien: Wblttler. Fuller 4 Co: Catnlllonl 4 Co: Wielaud Brewing Co; Dairymen's Union: Buffalo Brewery: Dairymen's Union: Vervalln 4 Rowe: ¥ R Griffith; Dodge. Sweeney 4 Co: 8 F English: D R Jones; Ross 4 Hewlett; Norton. Teller * Co; E A Kalb; Oetz Bros 4 Co; Russ, Sanders 4 Co: A Crocker 4 Bros; Wheaton. Breon 4 Co: Del Monte Milling Co: Weils, rar«o 4 Co: Pollard &Dodge: Hnmboldt Mineral Water Co: Rosenblatt 4 Co; E T Allen; Revere Rubber Co; Amer Union Fish Co: Caito; 11 HHogan 4 Co; PGusmani: Lon- don Tea Co; Johnson 4 Co ;Crane, Hastings 4 Co R Petro. Per Alex Duncan— .Standard Oil Co: John Laws; WR Sumner 4 Co; Wilson 4 Devilbiss; MHeller 4 Sons: Whittier, Fuller 4 Co: Lowry &Stellar: Grangers' Business Assn: Dodxe. Sweeney 4 Co; Wheaton, Breon 4 Co; H Outard: Farmers' Union Milling Co; Dairymen's Union: Thomas 4 Kahn: Robert H sight 4 Co; Sherwood & Sherwood ; EJ Bowen 4 Co: Daltou Bros; Moore, Ferguson 4 Co. Per Yaquina— Dutard; Herman Joost; Clai.s Spreckels: Western Sugar Refinery Co: J Ban: mann 4 Co. For Late Shipping Intelligence See Tenth Page. THE MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO, MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1893. 9 DKSTIUA' Sails. I PIEB. Eureka Hewport.. Oct 23, SAMIBdWy 2 Bania Rosa.. Ban Diego Oct 25.11am i Bdw'y 2 Jlontserr.it. Mexico. -.. Oct 25.10AMlBdw'y 2 P0m0na..... Humbldt Bay. Oct 25. I Bdw'y 1 City N York China * Japan net 26, 3pm 11 SS State of Cat. Portland (let 26,10 am Spear I.os Angeles Newport...... Oct 27. BAMlßdw'y 2 TJmatllia... Vic&Pgt Oct 27, 9> m IMrey 1 TViiametteV Yaauinaßay.. Oct 27. 19am j Sea I 4 Australia....i Honolulu. 'Oct 28. 2PMiOceantc Acapuloo.... l Panama lOct 28. 12MIFM. 88 Humboldt.. Humbldt Bay. i Oct 28. 9am (Washt'n Corona I San Diego [Oct 29.1;am bdwy 2 Departure or Australian steamer depends on the arrival of the British malls. C a WATER| LOW.WATER. I '•[ .[Large 0.1 4.24 3.. 5.2 4.31 a 5.1 5.42 a AUCTION SALES. S. BASGH. AUCTIONEER, TV 1 1.1. «ELL THIS •• A V. Monday October 23, 1893, At 10 o'clock a. m.. at Pavilion Auction House. 819 and 321 Sutler Street, above Grant aye., The Elegant Furniture. Upholstery, Mirrors, Pic- tures, Curtains. Draperies. Embroideries, Body Brussels Carpets, Fine Beddlug, Crockery ana Glassware. itanges and other goods, the former contents of four houses, removed from Llebes' Storage Warehouse. It S. F.ASCH. Auctioneer. RAILROAD TRAVEL, 80UTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY (PACIFIC SYSTEM). Trains Leave and -ire Due to Arrive at SAX FRANCISCO. LEAVE KRIIM SEPTEMBER 7. 1893 ARBIV 7 :00a AtlanticExpress for and East 9«4«* 7:00 a Benlcl.t.Vacaviiie. §Kumsev.>ac- ramento 4 Reddins:. via Davis 7<lsr 7 :30a Mp.rtin»z. San Ramon, Napa. Callstoga and 'Santa Kosa . 6:15? 8:80 a Mies. Sail Jose, Stockton, lone. Sacramento, Marysvllle, Red Bluff and Orovllle *:15» 9:00 a NhwOrleans Express, - mta >'*\u25a0- ham; Los Angeles, Deming. El Paso. New Orleans and East... 8:43* •8:00 a stoc to., and Milton *8:45p . (I 1 : Oa Haywarrfi. Niles and San Jose... !6:15p »12:00 m Haywards. ,N'lles and s m .10-e... *6:16p •1:00f Sacramento River Steamers "9:011? 4:00f Martini-/.. San Ramon. Valle]o. .Napa. Callstoga. El Verano and Santa Rosa 9:15 a 4:00r lieuicla Vucavllle, woodund, Knights Landing, Marysvllle. -'\u25a0'\u25a0• orovliie and Saoramento 10:15*. 4 :"0f Niles, Llvermore and -an .!••<".. S:isA 6 :00p European Man. Ogden and East. 10:43 a 5:;-0p Martinez, Stockton. Rnymoud (for V>.r-mit )an«iKrrsno 10:45 a i:3or Los Angeles Express. Fresno, Bakersneld, Santa Barbara and ' Los Angeles 10:45 a B:30p Santa Fe Route, Atlantic Express for Mojave and East 10;4!iA 6:00r Haywards, Mies and San Jose... 7:45 a - 17:00p Vallejo.. tB:4sr 7:00* Oregon Express, Sacramento, Marysvllle, Redding, Portland, Puget Sound ana East 10:15 a Santa c UZ DIVISION (N arrow Gauge). t774sT~Sunday Excursion for Newark. ~ San Jose. Los Gatos, Feiton and Santa Cruz. ;8:05p 8:15 a Newark, Centervllie. San Joss, Feiton, Boulder Creek. Santa Cruzaiui Wiv Ht. a ..... 6:2<1» •ill**" noh, centervuie. Sac \u25a0»"-* Almaden, Felton.BoulderCreeK Santa Cruz and principal way stations •10:504 4 145 p Newark. Ban Jose, Los Gatos 9:50 a CO -ST I > I V 8' .N—>IIi r and Towngen.t JJts •7 rtK)A~San"Jose, AJmaden and TTay Sta- tions •*:4sr 17:30a San Jose. Santa Cruz, Pacific Grove Prln'-'D"! W«v ?*tar ois ;8:33p 8a6 a San Jose. Tres Ptnos. Santa Cruz Pa rule Grove. Paso Routes . San Luis Obispo) and Principal Way Stations.. Bi26p 19:30a P»io Ait.,»nd Way Stations \'i:Vir 10:4 'a San Jose and Way Stations S:o3p ! 12 :05p Palo Alto and Wav Citations 4:15p •2£OP San Jose. Gl'roy, lr»8 Plno», Santa Cruz. Salinas, Monterey, acd PaclflcGrove ... *10:404 •BiSOp San Jose and Principal Way Sta- tions »9:47a. •4:25p Palo Alto and Way Station*..... *S:o3a \u25a0 :10p San Jose and Way Stations...... 8:434 :80p Palo Alto and Way Stations. .. 8:33 a tll«46ppnio Alto and Principal Way '_ 5tati0n5.... .............. ,y t7;26P a for Morning. i for Afternoou. •Sundays exempted. tSatnrdays oalf- SMonday, Wednesday and Friday only. tSnndars only ______ N. P. COAST R. R, ....V1A.... SAUSALITO FERS TIME TABLE. INEFFECT OCTOBER 1, 1893. From SAN FRANCISCO to SAtTSALITO an« SAN RAFAEL (weekdaya)-7 9:00, 11:00 a. M : 1:45. 3:25. 6:10. U:JS P. m. (Sundays)— B :oo, 10:00, 11:30 a. m.; 1:30, 3:00. 4:.i0, 6:00 p. If Extra trip on Sundays to SAOSALITO at 7:30 p. m. To MILL VALLEY(weekdays)— 7:3o, 9:00, 11:00 a. it:3:25.6:10.6:25 p.m. (Sundayt)-*»:00, 10:00. 11:30 a.m.; 1:30, 3:00, 4:30 P. U. Extra trip on Saturdays to MILL V ALLEY at 1:45 p.m. To SAN FRANCISCO from SAN RAFAEL (week- days)-6:20, 7:45, 9:20. 11:05 a. m.; 1:45. 3:30, 6:10 p. m. (bundav*-3:00. 10:00 a. k., 12:00 m.; 1:25. 3:05, 4:35. 6:05 P. m. Extra trip on Saturdays at 6:35 p. m.. . From MILL VALLEY (weekdays)— 6:30, 7:59, ?:10, 11:10 a. if.: 3:35, 5:10 p. M. (Sundays)-8:05. 10:10, 11:40 a. If.: 1:40, 3:201, 4:40. 6:15 P. M. __^ From SAOSALITO (weekdays)— «:ss. 8:15. 9:55. 11:45 a. if; 3:26.4:06, 5:45 P.M. (Sundays)-8:45, 10:35 a.m.; 12:40, 2:15, 3:45. 6:15,6:45 P. SC Extra irlp on Saturdays at 7:05 P. m. : Leave San Fraa-l I Arrive In San Cisco I Through Trains. Francisco. '\u25a0 ~~ 10:25 am 7:30 am \ Week- Camp Taylor. - su * I:46pm/ days. 12:15 ruJ Mo'y Tocaloma, (ei'd. , M ii* I Bni1 * 6:lsPMWkdya 8:00 am | dJlri point Reyes. | 7:i5 PK /Sun- ' Marshall. 10:85 amModyi" 7:30 am 1 Week /-su * 1:45 pm / days. Hamlet. 13:15 pm-J Mo'r ( ex'd. Tomales. 6 :15 pm Wkdya 7:30 am Wi:dyB Howards. 10:25 am Mndy 1 :45 PMSatdys Duncans Mills. (s:la pm Wkdys - C^zadero Thirty-day Excursion— Round Trip at 25 per cent reduction. Friday to Monday Excursion— Round Trip: T»» calomaand Feint Reyes. 81 23: Tomales, S3 OOi' Howards. *2 60: Cazadero, $3 00. Sunday Excursion— Round Trip . Camp Taylor, Tocaloma and Paint Reyes, il 00. ~STA«E CONNECTIONS.— 8'.ages leave Cazadero dally (Sundays excepted} on arrival of morning train from San Francisco for Stewarts Point. Ona- lala. Point Arena, Cnffeys Cove, Navarro, Mendo- clnoCity. Caspar, Noyo, Fort Bragg, and all points on the North Coast. Stages from above polnta willconnect at Cazad*ro wltn trains for San Fran* Cisco at 1:00 p. m. Weekdays. " fTbTIaTHAM. Gen. Pass * Tkt Agt "" General offices, 14 Sansome St., S. F. 6AN FRANCISCO AND N. P. R'WAY CO; Xlbaroa Ferry—Foot of Market St. ——OFFICIAL TIME TABLE—" In Effect April 16, 1893. Leave j -..._,. \u0084 I Arrive Ban Francisco. To and From an Francisco. . Bnn . Uklan and in « n . \u2666 *40a fJSoF ' nt a. *___} ! 7 - » "~"~~~ \u25a0 ~ Guerneville , ... 5 8.00 a and t10.30A - - n . t T.4oa | % 3Op lnte rra edlate t «.10p § 7 ' So * points. 4 "~~~~~ ~" Sebastopoi f 7.40 a t 8.30P and t10.30A J 6.05P | B.ooa § 6.00 r intermediate §10.40 af 6.10F points. _^__ t 7.40 a $ 6.00p and' t 8.60 a 8 6.05r f B.ooa t 5.06P Intermediate $10.40 a t 6.10i> ; points. ; \u25a0 f 7.40 a t3.30p Santa Rosa t 8 .60 a § 6.05P ' | B.ooa i 5. 00P into^f^i.t. t10.30A t 6.10P I 9.30 at 6.05- '"'p^!*" §10*0 a } 7.30P t 7.40 a I.SOp t 7.«6a t12.30P I 8 00a *3.swp Ban Rafael t 8 50a 2.40? t 9.20 a § 6.00P and § 9.16 a * 4.40P 8 9.30 a t S.osp. Intermediate tIo.iJOA I 6.05P 611.00 a•6.30P1 points. §10.40 a t 6.10P til. 2oa \u25a0\u25a0 I 513.10P t 7.SOP Daily, t Dally except Sundays. § Sundays only j Saturdays and Sundays only. a for Mora . r for Afternoon. Stages connect at Santa Rosa for . Mark Wast Springs. \u25a0 Stages connect at Oeys»rvill« for Skaggs Spring* Stewarts Point, Gnalaia and Point Arena. Stages connect at Cioverdale for Tbe (ieyssrs. Stages connect at Pieta for Highland Sprlnzs. Kelseyvllle. Soda Bay. Lakeport and Bartlett Springs. connect at Uklah for Vichy Springs. Sara- Btaees connect at Cfclan for Vichy Springs. Sara- toga Sprints, Blue Lakes. Upper Lake, Lakeport, Koonevllie. Greenwood, Orr's Hot Springs. Men- d"olno City, Fort Bragg, Osat, Westport. Canto, willetts, Calpella, Harris, Blocksburg, Bridzevllle. Hydesvllle and Eureka. . Special reduced rates on Saturday to Monday On Sundays, naif rates to ,all points beyond San Ticket Offices, corner New Montgomery and Market streets, under Palace Hotel. H. C. WHITING. B. X. RYAN. Q»a Kauu»> Gen. Pasa. Agent. The Weekly Call The Largest, Cheapest .. AMU.... HOST VALUABLE FAMILY WEEKLY INAMERICA. 8 14 LOU ClUWIsi UCI;UJiHEIEBDIIUiirri i VOLUMES of UJPAaEitU. ONLY $1 A YEAR, POSTPAiI . Send for Samples to . 8. P. CALLCO.. SSS Hestteatrr Sb JPERRY STEAMERS. NOTICE -FARE S_CENTS EACH WAY Steamers ROSALIE and ALVIRA Will make regular trips between OAKLANDand SAN FRANCISCO as follows: LEAVE OAKLAND CITY "WHARF, foot or Franklin street, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00. 10:00. 11:00 a.m., 12:00 m.. 1:00,2:00,3:00,4:00.5:00 anil 6:00 p.m. LEAVE SAN FRANCISCO. Mission No. 1 Wharf. 7:00. 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A. if., 12:00 m., 1:00.2:00. 3 :00, 4:00, 5:00, 6:00 and 7:00 c. M. TILEDA VIE FERRY & TRANSPORTATION CO, OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. PACIFIC COASrSTEAMSHIP CD. DISPATCH STEAMERS FROM SAN .-f-SEfr. Francisco for ports In Alaska 9 a. *.«Em Oct. 12. 27, Nov. and Dec. 11, 26 «as»»tsssis»i For British Columbia and Pnsret Sound ports, Ortoiipr \u25a0-, and every tilthday thereafter. For Eureka, Humboldt Bay, Wednesdays. 9 a. ic For Newport, Los Angeles and all way port! every fourth and fifth day, 8 a. v. For Sao Diego, stopping only at Port Harford, Santa Barbara, fort Los Angeles (Santa Monica), Redondo (Lot Angeles), and Newport, every fourth and fifth day, at 11 a. tt. For ports in Mexico, 25th of each month. Ticket office—Palace Hotel, 4 New Montgomery* street. GOODALL, PERKINS & CO., General Agents. 1tf 10 Market st . San Francisco. FOR PORTLAND &ASTORIA, OREGON THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM— />£*«- -• >ce*n Dlvlilon-and PACIFIC COAST Oaaatm STEAMSHIP COMPANY Will dlspatct) from Spear-street wharf, at 10 a. m., for the above ports one of their Alironsteamships, Tii: bTATKOF CALIIORNIA-Oct. 6.16 26, NOV. an-' ••- •• li. '25. \u25a0_ COLUMBIA— Oct. 1. 11. 21, 31, Nov. and Dec. 10. '.M. Ml Connectlne via Portland with the Union Pacino and other dlverzing Hues for all points In Oregon, Washington. British Columbia. Alaska, Idaho. Montana. Dakota, Utah, "Wyoming, Yellowstone Park and all points east and snath and to Europe. Fare to Portland— Cabin, $16; steerage. $3: round trip, cabin, $30. _ ' Ticket offlces-1 Montgomery it. *"»<» Palace Hotel. 4 New Montgomery st. Freight office— 2oo California st. GOODALL. PERKINS * CO.. Supt Ocean Line I tf 10 Market St.. San Francisco. COMPAGNIE GENERALS THAN S A T L. A > T i Q IX X French Linn to Havre. /COMPANY'S PIER fNEW). 42 NORTH jßgm^ \ Klver. foot of Morton st. Travelers jgSSSgS by this line avoid both transit by English railway and the discomfort of crossing the channel In a small boat. LABRETAGNE. Capt. Collier - \u25a0;.....-- ...... Saturday, November 4, ] :00 p. «£. LA GASCOGNE. Capt. bantelll.... Saturday. November 11, 6:00 a. ic. LA TOUKAINK. tapt. Frangeul...... Saturday. M>vember 18. 11:00 a, m. LA CHAMPAGNE, Laurent..... Saturday. November 28, 6:00 a. it *3~For further particular* apply to A. FORGET, Agent. No. 3 BowlingGreen, New Yorfc J. F. FUUAZI it CO., Agents, 6 Montgomery are., San Frcnclsco. Branch ofhee. la Montgomery st. au3l OREGON PACIFIC R. R. GO. STEAMER J. or i'oi tliimi. Salem, Albany, .Eugene City, Kto. CTEAMSHIP LINE TO YAQUINA >t*JV C BAY-By this routs '£35 miles by 43898 steamer. is saved over any otner route. strainer* are built of iron, with water-tight compartment* Will sail from section 4, seawall, font of Battery street. Steamer WILLAMETTE VALLEIf will sail from San Francisco d»y, October 27th. at 9 a. K. No freight received after 8 o'clock; a. m. Un day o> Himi.,'. Passenger rates to Portland, first class, $14: second class. $8: Albany, first class, $12; second class, $7. or freight rates apply to D. R. VAUGHN. General Agent, section 4. seawall.2o tf Twin-Screw Express Steamers of 18-16,000 H. P. ~ Leaning NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY for SOUTHAMPTON and HAMBURG. FAST LINE TO LONDON and the EUROPEAN CONTINENT, holding the record for fastest time on this route. Send for descriptive pamphlet to the jSBSNIf HAMBURG -AMERICAN PACKET CO., 37 Broadway, New York. 125 La Salle St., Chicago, General Passenger Agent for the Pacific Coast, 401 CALIFORNIAST.. SANFBANCISCO. ocB tf CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Intended SS. Sailings from Vancouver TO JAPAN AND CHINA, Oct. 16-Not. 13-Dec. 11. TO HONOLULU AND AUSTRALIA, Oct. 16-Xov. 16-l)ec. 16. ApplyM. M.iSTKRV, Chronicle Bld'ir. 64S MARKET ST.. Han Francisco. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY i M by n The splendid 3000- -•sV^l_i". - ton steamers or the Q*^^^ S^^' o Oceanic Steamship Co. Jy iv*JC Ball for Honolulu. ' O // T^2»>t VvC* Auckland and Sydney i *II Lth^i?' AO>' under: // ir^US IK \\ For Honolulu only. SS. II t*3H*-tJV ,*«~il Australia. Saturday, |( \u25a0- \u25a0 V y-^IsSSS^jJ Oct. 23, 1893. 2p. m. \\ EiEiatlJ it For Honolulu. Apia, j V; K^!tS- ! I Auckland and Syd- v™,-R,?-]«N S^ttt/ '"">\u25a0. ss - Jlouowii. CJpSElg&ggg/c? THURSDAY. .Nov. l«th, at . v. M. <*^" ,<&" For passatre or freight £VE^ . apply to J.D.SPRECK- ELS 4 BROS. CO.. 327 Market street. tt ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET CO. l TEAM LEA Vi^ ASPINW ALL jfrgm lortulghtty for the West Indies andjjggjgjij' Kcuthampton, calling en route at Cherbourg France, and Plymouth, to land passengers. . ; Ibrongh BUI*ef Lading, in connection with the Pacific Mail M.S. Co., issued for freight and treas- , Hie to direct ports in England and ttermany. Through tickets 1 from San Francisco to Ply- \u25a0> oath Cherbourg, Southampton. - First class, : *1 »5 third class, $67 60. For further particu- lars apply to- PARROTT * CO.. AsenU, \u25a0-U vv \u25a0 308 Callforniast- __RAlLßO AD^TR AVEL. ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC RAILROAD. SANTA FE ROUTE. rVK AINBLEAVE ANDARRI VI ATSANFRAN- -1 Cisco (Market-street Ferry )_: _^ p!?il*.} ADQPST 22. 1893, {ft™* s:3o"r. .Fast Express via Mojare 10:l8T 9:00 a.. Atlantic Express via Los Angles T Ticket Offlee—MOMarket «»., Chroaiele \u25a0 Hull Ing. 8. r. , vr ; W. a. MBSJELL. » \ lßtt General raisencer AltlV. =^rr : - '.;\u25a0• =--..• ' MISCELLANEOUS. \u25a0y.' :.i-;/F\ I?tsK * s t^ le wav u aye to was :; ;-^iw^>l clothes with soap. First you >\u25a0 < /rfw^X Rub Out rub the soa P in ! that's work -ftfLvS i A m itself Then you rub it all j C:"' i~^sLoh^\ out again over the washboard. If you're !^|*^g(l|l\ strong and healthy, and rub hard enough, \u25a0 f^p^l,^^, \ you may get the dirt all out, too. It's hard \u25a0v -3^f^#^=r=^'' I work, and every woman knows it. But it \u25a0;: : :v'H;r^ : .' ? v: : :---..-- isn't the woman only that suffers. She's >;.?^Snf£i the clothes out, rubbing them to pieces, all the nne. It's just as hard for every thing as it is for every body. % Qir*>il>- T * s Peai*line's way of washing. /^\ ptJiaaC : 111 All it wants is to be let £^J \u25a0} Soak Out alone - Put it in the water \^W\ : 0. /: .\ and it does its own j- j[Mt work yours, too. It brings the dirt out vi?\ V/ r. easily .and. quickly no hard work, no wear- J fI\SYL \ " ing "rub, rub, rub, no washboard. '°° WlNte/^TV .Doesn't that seem better? It is better. Xrff^'\ ' There's a saving of strength and a saving . : of clothes. And, what some women can't believe, it's abso- :\u25a0 lutely safe. It's just as much so as any good soap. B- >'-"•• Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers will tell you, |CkTS7"!Q f*f^ " this is as good as " or " the sam as Pearline." IT'S •'..•'ft, - J * .' VV U/X \»^ FALSE Pearline is never peddled, if your grocer sends ;•- yqti -an imitation, be honest send itback. 377 JAMES 'PYLE & . New York.

Morning call (San Francisco, Calif.) (San Francisco, Calif ...made up my mind to tell Jack about my adventure, but was afraid of upsetting,. him Inhis weak state ofhealth. Ipassed

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SUB ROSA.'• \jv-.reri t;os.<? swooning lay upon her breast

\u25a0."•• h^li^iiing'arith radiance wondrous rich and rare j• '•'• vy.'UitJi'isiyislain upon that marble square• v!\j>f«,ne.ver lips or worshiper haa pressed.'••"..•.Od&rc'us. itt»vIn that white shrine unblessed;"-

-•.-Sojftij^.eret In tier hand, her lips, her hair.•.*\u25a0 ']p.eivit'\iied me like that red rose glowing there...iiij>Ji;Hweet languor of a perfect rest.-;.--V--rf>k.iiiAy:theclover kiss my lady's gown,'.',- S'l'fvf-z-ep'hyr.lrola her in a long embrace•

\u25a0'\u25a0 Y>':.'f \u25a0

< ruses lie upnu th3t migrant bedi. -";NlV:Jsij.ai ,«ri>I.repelled by her frown.'-~ 'l->-3CTSji"pt-gaze ? But all must now giveplace!C:V:'l!.fc}s;(}e-tu'ee, Rose. Ilay my throbbing head!

THIEF OR MANIAC?.;.;-:;:';ilere i*an empty compartment. Look/:ishari>;;Mruy!/Jump inI" said my brother• .:*V a£%p/fini;ried me into ac empty first-class

"'iaKi^e'-of the express from Ipswich to• •"vliojfiiij'iiV;%•; : VViUi.a sieh of relief at having caught

!-ijtih.Vo splendidly, Ileaned back in a', rf-i')feing tiiat Ihad the carriage to

fni,j'sel"{.::." .-;.\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0J^niiy lißril Idone so when, to my dis-

, way; the guard opened the door and a.. :;T<^i>B.".injaa; breathless and panting,;V rushed: in, flinging himself in an exhausted;;.:' \u25a0•\u25a0:i.er in the seat ipposite me. Th* door

was; linked and the train was offbefore 1• coiiid. collect' my scattered senses.

] tlieti perceived a small black GladstoneK.Da^fth'tne rack, wbich 1bad not noticed

\u25a0*.'••before, and which, of course, belonged to'.";.iliis.. gentleman, who had evidently been

\u0084v.the;.first occupant of the carriage.

'•.}}'„ .'.'flow very annoying," Ithought, "two.'•:..long hours to spend in the company of aF" Rtrariie person and no means of escape."

\u25a0\u25a0 Here 1began to feel nervous and glanced..furiivelv at my vis-a-vis.'

H.« had changed his silk hat for a graycloth one with the monogram 11. C. C. on

f" it. and was leaning back in his corner as if-he meant togo to sleep.

•::V- \u25a0 la a few minutes he caught my eye as 1,i";w»£jaoking at him, and knitted bis brows.-. aslit annoyed.r . H* certainly was forbidding-looking,

•. and -.1instantly looked away and began to\u25a0\u25a0'' .reaiVmy paper; but the words swam be-

-.:•• fore my eyes asItried to concentrate my'

mind on Us pages..'; v

-1ipeu tpsap.tfl /eel.cramped in my posi-

\u25a0;":tioo-'.ianrt-i nio.ved to a more comfortable.';• one-. Was it by accident or design that.:v.njy:companion moved too?J •.•":• X:cou!d neither read nor close my eyes,

\u25a0..ah'd'^Cßuld only stare in a fascinated man-;\u25a0 ncr the small black Gladstone bag op-

.'-. p'ttute. :-.!:. ..Suddenly my companion, noticing how•.-.fixedly 1was regarding it, took it down\.from, the r.ick and opening it turned every-' thitrp init over in such a hurried manner

'•. .t!.'&tlbegan to feel quite alarmed.•'-.•' At-- last he found what he wanted, a

\u25a0::"-siria"llpacket of documents, whichhe care-•fullyplaced in the inner pocket of his"cost,, after which he leaned back again,

\u25a0 an^.t hoped ne would fallasleep.\u25a0: \u25a0 He. would nod for five «econd« or so and j

:. theii wake with a start, feel in his pocKet\u25a0 \u25a0'• for/the packet and then, catching my eye,'. 'wmii.d gouku in an embarrassed manner;. a-ndjiold his hand out before him, blow-{. along U as if blowing off an imaginaryi-'.&fr. :\u25a0\u25a0.-" After this had happened two or three: tiiVies {began to feel dreadfully frightened,'; -and the fearful thought:"* •'\u25a0 \Vh itifhe be a maniac? flashed through

.;;• mv mind.:.': ife.t that Iwas rapidly going mad my-

seif," when sharp whistles maie us both.. jump.••::.". My companion pushed down the window

and l<Hiking out exclaimed: "There is a\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 train exactly in front of us!":;

'-;Hi»rd!y had he saia io than our train•"'ca-tiifi. to a stoi %,whereupon the maniac

\u25a0produced a railway key from hi*pocket,'retiiarkitiir. "1always carry one of these,"

:. and/dimly unlocfeed the door, opened it,'.' balancing himself on one foot ionised out.

-Here was my opportunity. Getting up.*" . siyideiily Ipushed by him as ifto get out-.' of:the :carriage, causing him to lose his'. balance and fall onto the line.

\u25a0 \ ;. ..-.Hardly- knowing what Iwas doing 1.• 'piitlei}the door to as Ifelt the train mov-

'\u25a0';'\u25a0 ittjton again, and (hen Imust have fainted'a\yio\ for Iremember nothing more until

: .tlij4.cool evening air blowing through the.'.• open window revived me.."••.. ;;\Yliere was my late companion? My•" .cdn'sjclence bpgan to trick me. Had I.\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0';.ili-lp4 him? Perhaps a passing train had:' :rujn over him as he lay on the rails stunned

;".. ,by%ia fall, and 1seemed to see his mangled•\u25a0 •,iJo.ri)>e on the line..' ':• 'J::.wi»s going to nurse a sick brother, or,':_ ri»ib*r, help to nurse him, as Maud Som-

t.' ers.OiVs fiancee, spent as much time as she|L

"'cprukfby his couch. He had broken his• lega short time previously and w:i«. there-'- •\u25a0for<?;-.yna'ble as yet to move about alone.

"•*,On. my arriving at Jack's bouse, more'

.dead' than alive, Ifound Maud presidingover the leatable in his study and Jack" • hims.elf lying on the sofa. They both

„welcomed me with open arms and Iwan;.'delighted to find bow much better Jackc

°was than Ihad expected,

z / t"-Bow white and tired you look, child,".he »ai«i, -anxiously. "Are you ill?"

;."\u25a0- .MOh. no, dear, but Iwas rather fright-•=. ened at traveling so far alone," 1 said,

mendaciously, for now Ibegan to feel'alarmed about the fate of my late fellow-tra-veifir.

"What a pity,"said Maud, "that we didnot know earlier by what train you in-tended to come, as my brother airives this

% evening by the very same one, and Imusthurry home now, as he will be there, of• course."

After she had gone Jack told me that hehad deputed her brother to fetch some im-portant papers for him, as he could not go. himself.More,than once during the evening Imade up my mind to tell Jack about my

adventure, but was afraid of upsetting, him Inhis weak state of health.. Ipassed a wretched night. Visions ofmangled corpses were constantly beforeme. and Iwas thankful when the daydawned: • J

Tile sound of voices in my brother's. room roused me and Iran down, but•paused, my hand on the handle of the• door.

r "Where bad Iheard that voice before?It-was he maniacs H. was not killedafreralll ny had bo come here? What"was he saying?',

• "Ob, jet. old fellow,Ihave them safeenough, although Iam sure Itraveled• with h female thief—a very pretty onetoo

—but 1 vat a match for her. Sh»

a-erer.took her eyes off me or my bae for;.J^X.'*-ft>-**'' " r \u25a0\u25a0»

—lirtll IMIII "'ln illfTlT\u25a0 l\u25a0rft.i.,i,_ig *3 *"" »̂***

I two minutes together, in the hope, ofIcour-e, that 1should fall asleep, and ihenIslit; could mb me; but Ikept myselfIawake th« whole time by mere force of

will,for Iwas dead with sleep, and wason the point of going off .-everal times."

•'How was it that you fell out of the'train?" asked Maud.

"Why, 1 opened the door to see whntj was the reason of our train stooping sud-'dflnly,and the young lady, inmortal terror:of an accident, tried to get past me Ini order to jump out of the train, thereby'

causing me to lose my balance and fallout.Imanaged to scramble up just as the trainbegan to move on again, aud was pulledinto the guard's van."

Here Maud, opening the door suddenly,revealed me standing on the threshold.

There was no help for it—

inIhad to go."Mary, let me introduce my brother

Fred," began Alaud. but she broke off,saying:

"What is the matter? Have you met

"The thief I" said Frederick."The maniac!" said L "Andif you are

not a maniac, why did you behave likeone?" Icuntinued excitedly.• * * * • *

Two months after this Fred Somers and1were sitting alone in Jack'i study, and 1,strange to say, was feeling absurdly happy

, in being alone with "my maniac," as hewao now called.

"Mary," he said, after a delicious pause,during which Iknitted assiduously, "<io

Iknow why Iam here this afternoon ?"Uby. to see Jack, Isuppose," said 1,raiiiug my eyes.

So, it is not to spp Jack; it is to seery. Darling," tie whispered, Myou stole

my heart that afternoon. Will you giveme yours instead?"

""fis yours already," 1 whisperedfondly. And then our hps dip' in the first•weet kiss of love.— St. James Gazette.

AN INTELLIGENT DOVE.It Usually Acts on Its First Im-

pressions.Correspondence of the Boston Globe.

Ihave btfore me. whileIwrite,a live blackdove, dozing on a cushion on a lounge. Thisbird was picked up byme Ina dying conditionon a cold Sunday afternoon In a public park.It was youuij; not able to feed Itself then, and,In consequence was at the point of succumbinglo hi'niter nnd cold.Icarefully treated and nourished it with my

mouth, for this Is the only way yon can feed ayouug fiueoo or dove properly; and to thosewho want to try mis Iwould lemaik that notobacco or whisky mouth cau raise a youngdove or pigeon.

The dove has become to me and my wife asgreat a comfort as a cbtld can possibly be. Shehas all her treeDnm, forIdo not bell-va Is cag-ing up anything except files ana bug*, mice andrats. She has the intelligence to ask for foodand drink, and even when -ue wants to tak- abaih she gives to u» the sl<rn by laying herselfoh the floor, flutteringher wings in tbe mannerthat buds generally do when they are really Inthe water.

She knows how to Kissaswell as the sweet-est giilivBoston, and every morning she comesto my bvd and convince* her* Iithat Iam re-ally there.

Her favored food Is bempse d.Tbose readers who are inclined to think that

these birds have no reasoning powers butonly Insttact would be very much confusedbya vislr to this black dove of mine. Sbewill convince any one In a very short timethat she knows me, obeys me on the Instantand without force or harsh words; fears some,not all,strangers, and knows bow to selecther confidants; when you think these birdsdun't look at you they have already taken youin without your knowledge, and they win act outhe i.ist impressions.Ifman did the same always be would be

more nearly right than he is after deliberationin the judgingof human nature.

THE SMALL BOY.His Innocent Artlessness Gets Him

a Nice Reward.St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

The small boy lias come to be so artful a dis-?emt>l pr that wriiers oo tbe InDOceace of.ctJi.uuood are bavins: a hard Mine to fit liim totheir theory. He may be innocent to bisma, but other people bave learned to look uponhim with suspicion. Watcli tbe small boywhen the fruit and vegetable wagon stops tofillan oider al his borne. At once ihe smallboy becomes the friend of tbe borse. He pullsup grass to feed him and tbe fruit man ispleased. It would delight the Society for tbePrevention of Cruelty to Animals to look onthat tbouebtfui and generous chlirt

The fiultmau nas to carry the order Into thebouse and the small boy watches him side-ways. In au instant the small boy drops the

buucb of gruss and Is upin tbe wagon like amonkey. He thrusts his band under the seat,wher- nobody t-uew the fruit man's choicestpearbe* were, snatches one. thrusts It Into bispocket, bounces back to the sidewalk and re-sumes the horse and grass scheme.

Ihe mau comes out, Gets on his seat andgratefully hands him a large, mellow peachbecause he is such a good boy. When theman drives off ihe boy bas two peaches where

would have had Diit one, and he has alsolucteased his refutation for ktudness to ani-mals Had he been given a littlemore time hewou d have had more peaches and tbe horsewould have got less grass.

HOTEL ARRIVALS.! PALACE HOTEL.,J Magner. Han Jose Rjliinton. N T

V X ?,O(lr ca--

N V W Smytbe. Salt Lake:fv n"r e> treiao RLiimsdeu. Scotlandwr iv,v>' - Fresno S Lumsden.BuenosAyres) \u25a0££ He v* WMh v Simpson, LaJ Flnneil, sapa S LBasse tt maH HCaldw.ll, u8 N R A"rim N Tvim rmia*ni (h'cago R H Chapman 4w. PaFOHlnkley, Aspen vThorst, Austria, I)'c^1»"

*w-«-hicago A Ibonet. Austria?J«

row n Un(» .J DLeonard & w, Or2, M M°T"' N,*. LA Stelser &w,8n JoseiMrsItHoe Jr. ft 1 Ml«s»McPherson.BnJose1 ¥\?c iV.?vx. v

J N Areiidt. PleasantonIxfi


-LJ* * J Uelcaraelle. Paris

MlssAMcLaughllnSCruz Journet ParisAL"

utlor< L* ICharlet. Paris£a .>k£: .* ni. McLauifhlln<S:wStaCruz£ A ffaLlreriOWo 8-NKucker, San JoseHiL, Wise, PI V

INTERNATIONAL HOTEL.Thos N Stokes & wr, D Chlshoim, D8NDarlingion. Ind J Brown. U 8 N8 Feitus. Darlington W Lacke USX8 Bowrrs, Darlington S A Kobe, Angel IslandJ Allen. Darlington LB Hare, us.v6 Henzer, Cal E Wilson. US NPeter harp. Cal J McAullffo,U8 NIIJohnson, liC J Sine air, U8 N

X H Cook, D c Mrs-51 SiieaAson, DublinJ Wilkinsons DC (iHamilton, Santa RosaR C Young, S.in Jose J P Halbrook, Salem, orP I>owd«n, San Jose J Allen. US MI>Hamilton. U SN Mrs A Thompson. ColoM W J James, U S N

NliW WESTERN HOTEL.V oss'Valiejo 0 W Young,Vallejo"iV ly>Martinez Wm IIJordan. OaklandiMayer. Oakland TJ Rowland, FresnoJohn Doyle, ISA KB Vananken. Ci.rtlndA I.vananken, Courtlnd W VPanter, CourtlandJ Mehntlre, Vallejo a Aldecoa.Btor.ktunT O'Connor, Gllroy . C O Monroe. Angel Isldit W Janes, Angel Island

LIST OF LETTERSRemaining unclaimed In the Fostofflce at SanFrancisco on MONDAY,Otcober 23. 1893.

JWTo obtain any of these letters the applicantmust call fur "Advertised Letters" and glva tnedate of the list. If not called !%r within twoweeks they willbe sent to the Dead-letter office.Abrahams Philip Anderson T AAetna Gold & Silver Anderson Mrs A X

MiningCo Andrews MrsAenklusGl Andrews Geo AAhlefelt Mrs Cbas Anger aJAlden H w Amandate Miss LizzieAllen Mrs KM App«r&onMiss JodieAlien XI • Apgar Miss I.ois 11Allen Win £ Arean Miss JosieAllan W Armstrong Dr Joseph-AllRound iiieW • ,American Galvanic Co Aruea EHAnderson A D Ashley GWAnderson AL Ashdown AAnderson Alfred Atkiuson Mrs LlllleAnderson Miss Fannie Ayres Mrs ComAnderson W RBauer Miss Emma Bonn J FBaldwin U.W Bon (iBrosiansky Mrs Bonestelt JTBarclay Mrs Mary O Bornalter Miss KateBarnbill Mrs Bortes Rev HBar*lake V Boyce MrsBarr Anna • Brachlnger WBarrows Blllie Brady MaggieBayer a Braiiiniich ChartBeckerleg Mrs R Brand IreneBidwell Dr W lira n Mrs Etta LBender Jno Bridewell Mrs NellieIBennett MrsB L BrilliantMarieBenoli Fred Brlsaisi FrankBenson T A Broomhead J StanleyBergen Franz Brook WBergb Mrs II Brown Miss AliceBerger Maurice Brown Miss Alice MBernard Miss May Brown Miss AnnieBerry J Brown Mrs B CBertram Miss Bell* Brown NBerryman G C Brown Wm ABelscbart Alvis Brown Wrn MBest 1red W Brunllck PBevlne Mrs W L BryantRbid well DrWalter Bryan Mrs MaryBlcgins Thos J Bull Miss TheresaItirpr Mary Brinskog AxelBirch Mrs Sallie M Bureau MadamHiWfiey Burks CIBlakeman Mrs Mattie Burns D

Spotts Bums Miss MinnieiBUudins Frank Bunch Mrs OBliss Mrs Bntler 3 1'Boden Annie

C •bo t Harry Cogorno FrankCommissioners Calif Cobn I.

State Board° Cole MriC F

Calaban W Coleman M!CallJno Coliett߻bt

CaltboS Fred Collens Mrs RoseCameron Mrs Jas Conceiman GeoCarrollMiss Maggie Corbett MinervaCaaasa Mrs Mary Corcoran PCashiu Miss Mary Conney Mrs BCasslily Mr*f W Connolly Pater

ICaszen Frank Connors Mrs (817 Oak)Chambers Miss A J Colombo Laundrymanning Dr Wm F Cabill Mrs MCbapell Miss Edith Cook Mrs (109 Taylor)Chase E C Cooker OFCbKruuuau TI Cooper J FCbisbolm Daniel S Cooper Dr J GChoglro Hamada Cory Mrs LCChrUtensen P P Cosmos The ,Cbrlsteusen Josef Crane Geo JChristeri'on Louis Crawrord o WChrome Steel Wks Crawford *SquireChristodui Paul Crlss Mrs SophiaChurch Nathan Crockett Mrs GeoWClancy Jno Crockett Orle A(larkMiss Ethel Crook Master LRClark Geo C Cross OttoClark Mrs DrR F Crowloy Mrs JuliaClarkMary E Crow Miss JosleClements C F Cruinlln MissLizzieCiesseJno CummlngsMissCleveland Miss Oummines Miss NellieCliffordMiss E Cnrtoti Miss AnnieCoats Geo N2 Currey Mrs»coCocbran *Co Cutler MrsKWCodec F Cutting J H

.ley Minnie Dougall S (VS)Daggett Miss (034 Post) I>ougall 8 S (VS)Daley Thomas Dow B NDal in Dowe DDavidson Jeannette or Doyle Mrs Nettie

Mrs Jennie Drake Win! Davenport Mrs W H Drake James PIDavenport Edwin Drehem T

Del MarHarry and Mrs DrewMrs(lo4lßoward)Dexter Cnarles H Drlnan GeoDickensoii Jas G Drury BertDillnMiss Mary Dubcls Mrs ADltlefaen Miss Bergltte Duff*BDixooNeal Duffy MrsJJ

'Dob!* Albert Dv .lanllnMrs ADoerr Fritz Duncan Mrs Sarah EDomett MrsEllen M smoor Miss GraceDorsey Wesley J Duranc Mrs. Mary Al'oty Harry Durham Miss Kate HEckel* J C Emerson Mrs Nettle

wards Herbert Emannels FrancescoEdwards T V Emert J <>Edlund Cbas Eusbury Miss Maggie

i KifldyMorris Fred Eriksen Erik:IiiiMiss Meggi Evans GeoIEllmann Claus Fritz Evens Mrs|

Elcherlv Jerry Evans wmEllis Frank Evans Miss MayKllasson JohanFalder Miss Flaherty Miss Joslet'alrweather Miss Hoi- Fleishman Miss Lizzie

sle Flower MissGwendoiln*Farrell Walter Fogel IsraelFarley Mrs R Ford MrsC WFeatherstone C E Ford W HFenlmore Edgar Forinan WmFoltMiss Hannah P Fosch A WFelltzMrsPH FosmsrJLFessenden Capt Joshua Poulks Miss May Barry %Field Edward Fowler Wm GField Wm Rioardo Frank Mrs AdaFleia W R Fracbe JustFife Mrs Mv. Freeman Mrs HBFink it&Co French MrsFlorence JFischer Hani Frost G WFischer Willie Frost Miss CenaFinpatrlck MilsTeisle Furgurson Mrs JamesGaby MiMßoia Goldenberg Solomon 2Gammons Thos Goodman Mrs leresaWant Mrs Cath Graham Mrs MAGardiner E J . Graf Charlie<>aren W H Graber Mrs AnnaGee Mrs W Grunt GW

IGerhartWmH Gray C HSiGosner J E Gray DM(ilbllnMiss Mary A Gray WilliamGllden MlssMI Greaby MilsGillMiss Lizzie Green MrsLizzieGlob X M Gregg Charley(Reason Mils Gregg M LGletiflell House Grosm.in AnnaGlobe Art Co 2 Gnnderson CharlesGoldberg Moses B Corny Mils AnnieGoldbersr John Guthrle AlfredGolden Frank Guyeunot JHair-rmaiiC S HillMiss AnnaHaas (2936 Perry aye) HillMrsHaser Mrs Lizzie HlnchMrsEMHahn Henry G HiucbeyJ JHakeuson. Charley Hiniii(>bs«n BMailer Miss Jbda Hitchcock Mrs 41 A.Ha c R I. Hoey Miss AliceHal-Miss (1216Powell) Hoffmann FAHallMiss Mary JohnHallOJ HoganJohnHamilton Luke HorgMrs MaryHamilton Mrs W Hole AlfredHamada S jHoit CHancock Mrs Lizzie H«lc IraP JrHanna J T & Co Holiday Miss MayHardy Mrs VA Hollenbeck Mrs V)Hardland Miss Home JoeHarlan Valentine Hoover JnoHarrington Kurt Hooper W Tilarris Mrs J W Hopkins Mrs JosieHarter Mrs Laura Hopkins JPHarville Miss Alice Hopkins MrsOKHanrurr B Hosokana MrHnMneer Mrs G Housmau JI

IHellgren Oscar H Howard Mrs Josephine L| HemphiiiMrs(l3ooPlne) Howard Sirs C A

Henry James Howard HHenker Augusta Huff liyonHendry Ueo A Huadart MrsUeurlckson T Hughes Miss MaryEHerronMlss(ll3BGG»>v) Humphreys Walter CHerbert W Hunt James 8Hermann MD Hunt Miss ElizabethHess Miss May Humklns G BHCSST Hutching J AHewitt Samuel Uutchlnson JPHillChasInslehart DrFN IsolaJohnIkluntMiss Amelia Isaacs Allred XInformation Bureau IsblzakaMIrwlnJames . Irolltch JoeIrvingH 8

krton Chaa Johnson Mrs (266 11th)Jacobs Miss Jennie Johnson Mis*EmmaJacobus Mrs Johnson EddieJames John Johnson Frank MJamison Ed JohnsonSuslefe BeverlyJamone Anton Johnson Oscar £Janke Miss Dora Johnson WmJasper Stephen Jones Mrs CarrieJensen Mr Jones Miss FannieJensen G E Jones h.t CoJensen Mrs X Jones E II&CoJohnson Mrs (814 Fran- Jones HH

Cisco) Jorccngen JohnJohauson Miss Allna Joyce DrP B .Johnson Al

Kane Gertie Klrby Dr Wm TKalianMiss Emma KllbrideJnoJKarr Joseph Kllbourne Miss AubleKapetonlch Vlaho Klmberley, SamuelKaufman u Julius Kin*&Jones DrsKavanaugh Jas S KingOrKazet Mr(411 M) Ring PKazel Harry

- . \u25a0 Klnuey James| Kearns Mrs (510 Geary) Klnuey Thomas!Keene i.arry KirkM A!K-.uif .MissMinnie Klein MrsEmma ivj Kee'ey MissJulia

-Kline Wm

1 Keen Henry KnightB XReegan John KnoxWmC3Ketth Donald Knox WmKeil Jacob Koening Miss MKeith John J Kohen MinnieKelsey Mrs Laura F B Kraemer M< >Kennedy Cupt James Krlstensen KrlstlanKennedy Win Krumiinde Miss LizzieKeudrlck Humphrey B Kugeler AnnaKenely MrsME Kotcnera MatnlasKeougn M.

\u25a0 Lac ran ire Mr Levy IsldorLamb Herbert Levy Samuel FrancisLaneiM Lewis Dr B ALaltigArthur D Louis GeneLang AJ Lewis Levl JLangeMrsSW LewisS HartleyLandreg Frank Llla Mies ALander Ed Llnscott FredL.jnuaMrsJJ Llnsrott J Fred §IK§PLarsii<>iiJulius Lindqulst Pastor Nils

'Larsson C Joban Liston l>r C ALmsh H LittleThomas JLavels Joseph Loabinan JohnLaVine Miss Florence Lock Mrs aLavensaler R L Locbbaum Miss MaggieLavenburg L Long Wm JLawrence JF Long T GLawrence Wm Lorimer Mrs DLawson Mrs Mary . LorentsonAP :Lawson Ch.ried B Lnu^hnane Miss HitLawson Miss 1£ Lowe MrsCathiLeas L \u25a0-, Lowe Lottie Mledger James \u25a0 LowtbtrMrsULee Mrs .\u25a0 . Lowltz C 0Lee Chas . Lubrs Mrs A BLeny an Mrs HA Luna lnMrs

Leslie Mrs HX Lynch MoiileLevy a . Lynch MrsSusieLevySplegle 4 CoMe \ Hgt rJulian McCauley PatrickMcAlien Tom McCrae RobtMoAvoyMichael McOann RootMeCormlck James McOuiiough W GMcCarthy John McDonald Miss GradeMcCormlck James MeDameld GeoMcCumber Miss Aggie McGee A DMcCuru Miss Agnes '• jicGowu J EMcCarger Mrs B McGowen MichaelMcCarthy Miss C McGlading MMcUormlck Mrs 0 McHenryGeoJrMcCree Mrs G McHugh Miss MinnieMcCraft Uus T McKay Mrs AlexMcCormlck J A •\u25a0 MrKenzie 0McCormlck Mrs Mary McKlernauAJFMr« orinacx Jerome McLeod CMcCormaek R McLeod DrJMcCormack Win McMahan Mrs ABMcClisb Joe McMenany ThosMcClellan MrsMary E McKnlght Geo FMadison I,1) MillerMiss GeorgiaMauulre R W MillerMrs Ida CMaharJas MillerC R AMaher Mrs Thos MillsUlyssesMahan Win Millard GeoMaber Miss M MilledgeMiss WinnerMajor John MiHiUKtonCJMalavazos C D * MHz l'raiikManning Henry Mtttelstad MrsManning M Mitohell John F .ManningJohn Mitchell GeoMansrold Earnest Moe Miss IdaMansfield Miss Ella MogillJManors H Munieitb J HMangskou Geo W Moults HarryManora H Moncn GeoMandich Peter F Montln Miss Anna

Manson Birch Moonlight DaveM»:i(lellMr»Z M Moore *redMarks Miss Dollie Moore Miss LltueMarshall Mrs Ella- Mo re TL.Marshall Mrs Ann Moore T \VMartin HU . Morgan £Martin Thos Morgan Miss Lizzie O

Markham MrsLydla Morgan J»sMar; ellMrs R Morck FrankMarls \Vm Moreau HenryMars Wm P Moronev Mr»ElenorMsion DrG T Marvls Mrs HermlnlaMattoon Mrs A Morrissey Miss AnnieMay Miss Mary MorrowThosMayall John Morse PeterMeek Miss Louise ' Morton NyeT

Melddre DrLN Morton John and MrsMelbourne Miss Belle Morten JohnMelberry Wm C MordtMiss AnnieMeiTllle Miss May .Moss Frank Ml)Menken Fredr Mott Mrs raneesMendelsohn M Mullen Miss Katie 'Merrei Miss Nellie Muller Miss AnnaMerrel Leseo MulilerRudolphMerKleMrM Muller Miss MaudMerg Capt H Mullen E HMcli Gustav MullenMrs BFMayer 11 G J MulloyP DMeyes Sidney X Munson JasMeyer ArthurX MurraneJohnMvers Music Store Murdock Frank 8Myer Miss Emily Jiurdock WmMiddlekauff LM Murphy .John CMiller Adun b. G Murray ThosMillerMiss BelleNsyior Kate Newson Edward F.National Tobacco Wks Newmark 4 Co J FNash 8C Newton Mrs FloraN'lsson Mons Newton Mist LouadaNelson Mrs Alice Nichols <> MN'lllson Martin Nichols Miss Kate SNevberg Christine Nleiiohr Mrs MarthaNeuman Adolf Noble W EO'lirienMrs F O'Neill Dr J 8O'Brien J O'Rourke MlkelO'Connell Miss O'Kourke MrsGeoO'Connor Mrs Olden Mrs Ann ,O'Connor Miss LJizie Olein Miss Emma 0O'Connor John Oliver Mrs WmO'Connor Wm Olren Mrs Chas 8O'Comnice Gertrude Onlto MissO'Doberty Michael Ososkl MrO'Donueil Terrance Otis MrO'Farrell Miss Kate Osimaa HermanO'Keefe James Otteus Ac Co Ml'»rk J I. Peterson TPacific Coast News Peterson Julius

Agency Peterson W FPacific Fertilizing Co Percy HarryPanglium James U Pettitt DavidParee Medicine Co Phillips AlfredParker Miss Nellie PhillipsMrs WinifredI'asset Mist Lizzie billies Mrs C MPatti Lallo & Oo Pierce A HPartriaee Miss L Plenskosky DPattson Orley Plerson Mrs IdaPatterson A- Co W C PlgotlMrs JPaulia J Pine MrPeard James Pllz Geo EPearson Miss Lizzie Pioneer stove Wks IPeck Mrs A L Platt Mrs C IIPelzner Mrs Pollark W JPeudleton Edward Pomeroy C HPerkins Wm Popp Miss TllliePerkins IE Porter J PPark Robert 8 Power FrankPerry 4Co John Powers Miss MaudPeterson *has Price RJPeterson Miss Eugenic Prltem & SonPeterson Henry , Prince Miss MaryPeterson Mrs Henry Purcell FrameQuintan Mis,Kittie Qulgley Miss MaggieBuilt*"H V.'A Richardson Miss MinnieRadastovic Godenzlo Riely EdRaniner Peter Rtley Miss Fior enceRalston Mrs Rosa Kike H WRalston Miss Hattia Rlngberg CharleyRasmussen Christ Roach & McDermettRass Miss Blanche Roberts Mr*EllisRatzeburg Wllhelm Roberts MrsRay J V Roberts Mrs John XRawlliiK Mrs W D Robinson Mrs AliceRawley Mrs II Robinson Mrs XRea Mrs Annie Roi.iee w w ,Reay Chas -Robb Junes

-Rector Mrs May Rodman Miss MaryRedmond Mrs Annie Rogers a TReede Helen Rogers WinReed Miss Hhorback HenriReese Thomas Roraback Mrs J LeeResseler Chas Rose Miss NellieReveyroo Miss Maria Boca HermanRice Mrs E RottloS ARice Miss Hattie Roth MRichards Miss May Rowen Miss MaryRichardson Bros Royal Worcester CorsetBichardson Miss M HouseRichardson James IlnjrcTPSamMissTM Schneider PeterSau Francisco Import- So<tererGns

IngCo Solomon MrSan Francisco Glass Co Soltan VictorEKan Francisco Enquirer .orhan JamesSjliiFrancisco Shipping Sonlar Robtsanbere James Bpellane JSaunders Al Spencer Mrs JMSanders Mrs fella Spooner Mrs Geo CSanders Mrs S Bpottß Samuel CSargentich Spire Springs Mrs MargueriteSavage Mrs St Clalr Jobniesavage w C Stahl Mrs Xsawtcll Mrs Dr Stanford Mrs NalsonBaxe H A Stanley 1) Thcbatitz Mrs D Staple.' MisleVSchlesainger Mrs Helen Stark Mrs AllenSchnabol t'eter Stears Mrs GeorgeSchwartz Mrs Hannah Sterling Mrs KittleScburgele famine Steventot) Rnbt LouisScott Mrs Mary R Stuart Miss GeorgiaScudder Frank V

'Muart Wrorge A

Senter Mrs Edward Stuart MiltonSbaferCbasA . Stuert Miss NellieShaw Edward Li

- Stickler Lewis J•Shekels Mrs Jennie

'Stiles Henry

Sbeldt Mrs Francie St..rkwell J P.•-hlrnier Joiepli Stone Mrs AShort Mas r.ttie Stone V. GSbu'ik Edward Stowe 1Mrs LXSlntie FranK E Strl cer ArthurSilvester GF Stringer KerthaSichura Vicktor Strong JamesSKedd Mrs Maggie Sturgeon Miss EttaSicmuer Dr LizzieS Sullivan Master FrankSmall wood Mrs E Sullivan H it -Smith EM

-Sullivan James

Schmidt George Sullivan JerrySmith Mrs Josle Curran Sullivan Miss Maggie ASmith Miss Jennie D Sullivan Miss MyraSchmttt Miss Julia Sullivan MrPJSmith it II Sutherland CaptSmith R O Swalm CnwSchmltt Me Sperese Swetland DeliaSnow Miss Alice Blr- Syphert Wm B

ainla Syphert SamTuber J S Thresher Frank TTaylor CG ThuitAd"lphusJohnTaylor Gamaliel TlngieyMrßLTelden Herman AJas TlrrellMrsJ H •Team ore Mrs Tomlyn John LTessin Louis Tormey Dr Jas PTherein P Tracey GeorgeThomas Charlie A Trondseu KunilThomson Mrs Tucker C PThompson A . Turpln A FThomson A X \u25a0 Tweitmaun FThompson M Twitcheli C HThomson Wm j Updike Goo XVail Jasper Van Houten WraW hlcm Annke Whitaker Miss MLWaldeck Florlan Whittinore MrsNWalker Frank Wlcken Affie V.Walker T C Wilbur EdWallace T Wlllcomb N GWalsh Cora WlMains EdnaWalch Miss Florence Williams EddieWalsh Miss Maggie Williams RWalter A C Williams S WWalters Maria Vde Williams Mrs T N »

Wandel Mrs Williamson Miss AbbleWaunelce W Wil«on Miss Anneta

- *Ward Miss May Wilson Miss KloraWard Win H . Wilson Mrs Minnie -Warden w M Wilson Mrs Nettle 2Warmby Mrs Thos Wilson NaliliamWalters Louis M . WinklerCMWatson Mis*Buttercup Wenstone Mrs MayWatson James Wise LeoWebb Fred E Wlssel. Lertira AlbertWelz Mrs Hedwif Wolf Miss BertieWendt Miss Christina WolffMrs E JWest Frauk P WolffJohnWesley (J Wolff Joseph deWestern Detectiye Bn-Woo.iMrs

rean Wood MrsAnna MWestphal Martin Woods Bweypknecht Miss Edna Wood HWheeler Joseph Wolfsteine MrsJWhite Mrs . . Wooster MrWhite V C • Wooford WEDWhite Hiram E WrightMrs B CWhite Samuel . WrlftntOEUlteWorPleyW Wright Mrs WmWhitney Mrs E B Wunch KobertWhitney Ruel Wymau HN,LLBWh tfhead HOY«ttsMr«OC Toung Mrs LilaYeamlngton T J . Tocnn John HYoung Mrs BH Younjblood 4 CoYoung Carl Tounggreen A JYoung•' H .Z iwiWilliam Zlnlser Alberto

LETTRES FRANCAISES.Albert, Augustln L'hulllier.MonsAven. J S \u25a0 Maleorn, LoutsBarbter. l'Abbe Mounler, FeraBouscayrol. Hip Jertoii, ChasCouret. Raoul Rlgoulet. JulsGninell, Louis Ven-<rd. O

;.-,\u25a0;-.; mm us dawks.Anee, Marie Nougne. MarieConquet, Eugenic Teissiere, Madam *Cortez, Mile Maria . \u25a0


Beltramo. Natale Kavano, AngeloBonflglio, Angelo \u25a0 ;Realmnto. Glut '

Canevarl, Franc Rovegno, O

CuchU Q Roy 111. AchllleDebenetletti, Bern Rubini, AntouiaEademartorl. Mich Taraboehla, Ulus(iaddint, Michele Trotub ttl,SimonßGuerinl, MA L'rso, (iiovMona. Carlo Vaunl, MarsllloDuetto, Miss Viocopo, RosaPerat, tiluliano Vlgna,UlacomoPuciiielU,Pi«tro Ziilaul,F

CAKTAS ESPANOLASAlvarez, F Nesro. JoseBaiardo, J B Osuna, VincenteBolado. Joaquln Parr»tra BrosCorona, Felipe Terau, MineoMoutreyro, Hauion Valencia, X

SENORASArraraz, Maria Escobar, ReglnaArriola, Isabel A Franco. GenovevaHana en, Lupe Hernandez. DiegaCalderon, Uulores Learrito. Marcelin*Cortez. Marie Lob.tto, AngelaDe Morta, Ellgla Montijo,CunlgnndaDe Bobles, .Mariano ijuria, Jesus C

CARTAS PORTCCiUEUAS.Ant Franc Carlino Manoel do RegoFranc Kurtado Manoel X CardozoFranc Jose Mestres Manoel Furt RodriguezFranc Mattos Peres M:mocl JasseiroFranc OlizSilva IMatioel Mach AmarnnteFranc Pirio Manoel Texelra SonzaJoao Cabral Sllva Manoel Favares t atinhoJoao Rii>eira Mr VleraJose Knaelo Tofolle Benjamin J RozaJose Joao Silva MfiijAnt PortaJose Forte Tonto Benj KoziJ S Suva FiliipeSouza MiguelManoel Azevedo Bltt J V Sllvcra, MrsManoel cc Barrao Rosa KmlliaburtadoManuel De Ollvera Joaqulna Nolrlgua

9. w. BACKUS, Postmaster.


Dilte* of Departure from San Francisco.



Arrived.Sunday. Oct a?.

Stmr Daisy Kimball, Johnson. 16 hours fromFort Bragg, etc: pass and mdse, toJ S Kimball.

Stmr Pomona, Hannah. 19 hours from Eureka:pass ami imlse, to Goodall, Peru Ins*Co.

Strar Point Arena, Johnson, 15 hours from Men-. doclno, etc; pass and mdse, to Mendocluo Lum-ber Co

Stmr Santa Rosa, Alexander, 63 hours fromSan Dleco and way ports; pass and mdse, to Good-all,Perkins a- Co.

sttur Alex Duncan, Smith, 35 hours from Lom-poc: produce, to (ioodall, Perkins *Co.

Stmr Yaquina, Hammer, la hours from MossLanding: produce, to Goodall. Perkins *Co.

Stmr Uipsy, Jepsen, 4 hours from Amesport:produce, to Goodall, Perkins *Co.

I'ark (Jermanla, Pearson. 9 days from Seattle;1475 tons coal, to P B Cornwall.

Hark Harrester, Beck, 8 days from DepartureBay: '2200 tons coal, to Oregon Imp Co.

Bark Marzaret, Pedersen, 18 days from Karlu.c;15,774 <s salmon, to Hume Canning ana TradingCo: \u25a0-".'. f'so rs salmon, to Alaska ImpCo.

Bktn Eureka. Bruiiiiner. 13 days from Ventura:5885 ski barley, toField & Stone; 878 sks corn toLowry&Stellar.

Hktn Monitor, Turloff, 5 (lays from Humboldt;125 Mft lumber, 1400 Msnin?i«s. to Chas Nt.lson.

Scbr Jo&epb and Henry, Christiansen. 70 hoursfrom LittleHirer: 135 eds bark, toBeadle &Co.

Scbr Robert ann Minnie. Farrell. 5 days fromCoos Bay: 140 Mft lumber, to X X Dean.

Schr Vesta. Fried 14 days from Fed fishBay. Alaska; 9000 cs salmon, to Barauotl PackingGo.

Scbr 8 Danlelson, Gruggnl,6 days from Frank-fort: bark, to S HFrank *Co.

Schr Christm.i Steffens Rasmussen, 5 days fromFlska Mill: 7000 Dostt). to Hiezlns &Collins.

bebr Nettie Low, Low, 7 hours from PointReyes; 40 bis butter, to C E Whitney *Co.

Schr Mary C Campbell, 8 hours from Bodega;40 bxs butler, to Ross .V Hewlett.

Sailed.Sunday. Oct 22.

Stmr Queen, Carroll. Victoria and Port Town-send.

D S stmr C P Patterson. Moore.Haw •\u25a0 ii.rSan Mateo, Fletcher, Comox.Stmr Celta, Johnson.Ship Dashing Way*-. Morehouse, Tacoma.Nor ship King Ceurlc. Salvesen, Hamburg.Scbr John A, Uellquist, Eureka.

Tele<rrr»i>hlc.POINT LOBOS— October '-'2-10 Weather,

cloudy: wind, SW: velocity, 16 inilas.• Domestic Port*.

NEHALEMRIVER— Oct 21-Bchr LizziePrlen, for S»an Francisco.

FORT BKAOG-Arrlved Oct 22—Schr JamesTowtisend, hence Oct 17.

TATOOSH—Passed Oct 22—Ship John C Potter,from Departure Bay for San Francisco: stmrMackinaw, from Tacoma tor San Francisco.

NAVARRO-Salled Oct 22—Schr Golden Gate,forSan Francisco.

WHITESK 'RO— Sailed Oct22-stmr Greenwoodfor San Francisco.

GRKKNWOOD-Salled Oct22-Stmr Alcazar.forSan Francisco.COOS BAY—Arrived Oct 22—Stmr National City

hence "ct 19.ALBION— Oct 19— Sehr Conflanza, hnce

Oct lit;scbr Bender Brothers, hence Oct 14.Sailed Oct 20— 8chr Free Trade, forSan Fran-

cisco.PORT TOWNSEND—Arrived Oct 21—Bark

Newsboy, from Uuaymas.Movement* of Trans-Atlantic Steamers.

HAVRE—Arrived Oct 22— stmr La Gascogne.from New York.

GLASGOW— Arrived Oct 22—Stmrs Ethiopia anaCityof Rome, from New York., NEW YOHK—Arrived Oct 22— Stmr Furnessla,from Liverpool.

Importation*.SAN DIEGO—Per Santa Rona— 2coils rope, 208

legs 5 cs dry goods. 7 ftxs hardware, 1 bdl hose. 1bx hinges, len granlteware. 1 9bb.s 200 cs mineralwater. 1 tank. 12 big 1 pksr household goods, 1 lullrods, 5 bills 65 bbls dry fish. 1 wasbstand, 16 sksore. 31 cs honey, 1 cs bacon. 'isks peanuts, 4 bxsjelly,1bf-bbi cheese, 3 cs cigars. 1hx groceries, Ipiano. 1stool. 1 bx paper bags, 1cylinder, 1883sks wheat, 175 sks corn, 25 bxs lemons, 3br-bblspickled fish 438 sks barley, 1451 sks oats, 100 bxsraisins. 1imli rubber hose.'

Keiloudo—lbbl 98 bxs lemons, 3 bis oranges.500 sks bar!- y, 3 bxs seed, 9bxs type, 1bx cannedgDoils. 192 sks walnuts. ,• .\u25a0-aiita Monica— sks corn, 2 cs bottles, 2 drmsammonia. 2 '*X»samples, 'Ics asbestos, 5 cs books,4 his 2 !'!-..•-\u25a0 shapstone, 1 bdl corn husks, 3690sks barley, '208 hides. \u25a0

Los Angeles viu Redondo— 3 cs bacon, 18 cs 1bbl lard, 'i cs b bbacks. 'A kits tenderloin, 1boxcanned fruit.40 bxs lemons, 8 kits tongues. 1bdlakits plftsreat, 20 cs cheese, 3 typewriters, 1boxribbon,25 i>bls spare ribs, 3784 sks barley, 1tubcheese. 1100 sks corn, "i machine, IBcylinders.

Santa Barbara— 2B9 kegs 5 bbis Vi sks walnuts,2 pkes muse, 'Ics glassware, 10 cs oliveoil, 1cow,71 bxs lemons, 1horse, 11barrels.

Los oiivos—s4o sks wheatLos Alamos

—365 sks wheat.

Port llarrord—2 kegs 7 bxs Dutter. 4cs eggs. 51kegs, VIbeer cases, 4 oil tanks, 14 bdls wire,Icsguns. Ics tobacco, 1mat coffee. 1cs millgoods, 1os hardware. 1cs canned goods. 1bhd crockery. 1cs clothing, 5 pkgs household goods, 2 bdls beads,

!6 en dried prunes, 10 cans tallow,'1 bx saltpeter, 1cs dry kooiim, 10 dressed calves, 1 sk hides, 3 sksgame, 1 coop chickens. 2 pkgs express, 239 sksdried prunes, U5 dry hldos. 1sk coin.

Santa Maria—lß4o Bks wheat. 511 sks beans, 636sks barley.

- •Nipomo—4l9 sks wheat, 59 sks barley.

. ArroyoGran 330 sks wheat.-

San LuisOblspo— 23B sks w eat.AMESPORT-Per Gipsy— l4l9 »ks oat*. 1 bdi

sacks. 1148 sks beans, 9 sks potatoes. 6 sits shells.Sequel— 'ibbis 187 bxs apples. 64 rolls 1361 rms

paper, 20 carboys. .Santa Cruz— looo bbls lime. 1bx butter, 16 bbls

3 bxs glue, 6 l>xsapples, 9 bxs pears.Pigeon Point—l9l sks beans, 71 bxs 300 drums

25 ski*cheese, 3bbls 4 bxs butter, 36 iks seaweed.'1sk bones,

\u25a0FORT BRAGG—Per Daisy Kimba11— 232,751 ftlumber, 9 bbls 4 pktrs mase, 1cs hardware, IS pkeshousehold goods. 1hf-bbl butter.

Little River—l2o bdls hides.Whltesboro— 9o bxs apples.Point Arena— s bxs butter, 1 crt sewing machine,

62 sks peas.MENDOCINO—Per Point Arena-7 bis mdse. 2

kegs 11 bbls bottles. 170 Mft lumber, 1 cs candy,6 bxs plants, 1panther. .

Whltesboro— 266 Msplitshakes.\u25a0 Point Arena-5 farkios 9 bbls 18 bxs butter, 49

sks peas, 22 sks wool, 2 coops chickens, 10 pkgstent, etc, 25 bxs apples, 1pkgpersonal effects, 4bxs mdse. 1 bbls 1bx fish. . ,

EUREKA— Per Pomona— 4oo M shingles. 5 bbls7 cs mineral water, 13 M ft lumber, 339 sks peas. 1hr-bbl gin, 'ibxs preserves, 6rs canned goods, 2 csbooks, 1bookcase, 16 rolls leather, 1es dry goods.8pkus household goods, ]cs rubber goods. 19 kegs19 br-cs'3 %-cs fish, .'£ pkgs express. 6 tanks 1csguns. 1dog, 11cs fish, Isk coin. ;

-\u0084. ,..Fields Landing— '24o sks oats, 35 'sks potatoes,' 1

bbl whisky,25 Mshakes. 2 bbls beer. 6kgs liquor,2 cs cider. 1 csoigars 1cs cards, 1:barrel, 'itanks.

Muss LANDING—Per Yaquina—lhf-bx butter.Watsonvllle-2793 bags sugar, 2131 sks fertil-

izer. 1102 sks oats.Moro Cajo— l99 sks potatoes.LOMPOC—Per Alex Duncan— 4364 sks barley. 6

sks pea 5..2028 sks mustard. 739 sks beans, 3 bblstallow. 1<•dry goods, 1,bdi dry pelu, 1cs eggs, 1odl dry hides, 52 bdiigreen bides. 3 bxs butter, 2coops chickens. 3 oiltanks, 3 empty demijohns. :

\u25a0'•'' Convene*!*. .Per Santa Rosa— Dunham. Carrigan ft Co: Miller.

Sloan .v Scott: Hegler *Jonnson; X T Allen;Re-verr Rubber Co; UK Whitney ft Co: J M iIlls;CBRode Jk Co; Kowalsky A Co: M T Freitas &Co;DaItonBros: Eveleth &Nash: :Hassett *Bunker:Verrallti A Rowe: Gen Morrow d Co; H Dutard;.1 Ivaticorlch *Co; Allison,(iray &Co: WisconsinFurniture Co; Newniark iEdwards: Los AngelesSnap Co: LG Sresovlcn *Co: Hills Bros; UnionIce Co; Dotltre. Sweeney *Co; Wetmore Bros; <••J i.ii.iiiiw.DTlederaan &Co; Gets bros ftCo; WColin. Hirsb &Co; Wheaton. l'reon \u25a0£ Co; LewisPackiiißCo; De Bernard! *Westpbat: Man, Sad-ler &Co:Cbas Montgomery ft Co: Wltzel ftBaker;Cat BottlingCo; Wiilttler. Fuller ft Co; .National

Brewery, Standard OHCo: W W Montague *ColHaas Bros; Buckingham. Hecht &Co; StuaebakeBros: H Uerkinan ft Co; tiissi'i.t

*Co; JacksonBrewery; 'Wells, r-'argo *Co: Sinsbelmer Bros; M'IDinner ;Grangers' Business Assu: Young Kee: AHloireada; £ R Stevens &Co; Sunset Tel ana TelCo; San Francisco Brewery: Gilbert Clements: AJ Steluman: Arnett & Rivers; W HBradley; W(iEisemnuyer; F P Bane; P G Woods; Cox Seedand Plant Co: J J Mellus &Co; Judson Fruit Co;Dem Ing-Palmer MillingCo; J Ogenlv; Cal &NevCreamery Cc; Pac Chemical Co; iniolimt *Co;Meigs & Stuart: IEAlexander; J Rosenttiali: ¥HAmes &Co: Cudahy Packing Co; B W Morgan;M Wallermall 4 Co: Smith & Young; Dellaplaoe

Co; Western Pub Co: Napa Soda Springs Co: *¥ Reeler: Asbestos F P Co: Cal "Wine GrowersUnion: Freaericksburg Brewery: J Calri: Phila-delphia Brewery D X llackett: Crown Distillery:4 Chase; US Brewery; J A R.>belings Sons 4- Co;

Oppenhelmer Bros; A MCoakler: B S CUa&n: H»* Miller: Van Voss *Co: J Hoffman * Co: tiava-ria Brewery: V Dauerl &Co: A Crocker


National ice Co; Connor 4 Link; HMNewnallCo. •

Per Gipsv-M TFreltas *Co: H Dutard: Tru-bentiach &Co: E RStevens «Co: Wolf *Son: A,T Kettenconrt: Goodall, Perkins 4Co; AStern: AWiikins; L<i Bn-sovich *Co: Daltou Kros; A WFink: H Cowell *Co: Brlgham. Hoppe *C'>; CalChemical Worns; Dodee. hween«y 4 Co: O'NeillBros Cnllagban; Dairymen's Union: Cal Palct

Co: Marshall, Teggart * ISrorsen: Marshall &Co:O B Smith *Co; Van LungCo.

Per Daisy Kimbail- W B Sumner *Co Easton& Schwartz; Porter Bros &Co: wetmore Bros: IIsola; Huntmgton, Hopkins *Co; White sewing

Machine Co; Wilson &Devilblss: O FBrown; HHHollow.iy:J A Kolger A- Co; Sherwood &Hall:A' Dickinson: Fishbeck <£ Glootz.

Per Point Arena— Wilson & Devllblss: Webster4 Co; Dodge, Sweeney 4 Co?1 Vervalin 4 Rowe; JLegerton; Koss &Hewlett: Kuss. Sanders 4 Co: AKowe: Dairymen's Onion; XJ Bowen *Co: W EHealey; Thos Denlgan Son & Co; CPReever;MHiaggl: Zentner. Cohen 4 Co; Piper, Webster*Co: Wangenhelm, Sternheim & Co; CS Nelson:G W Comeggs.

Per Pomona— E R Stevens 4Co: Hills Bros: J FByxbee: Marshall, Teggart 4 Brorsen: HDutard;Brown 4 Adams; Standard OilCo: AFaladlai: XLAlien: Wblttler. Fuller 4 Co: Catnlllonl 4 Co:Wielaud Brewing Co; Dairymen's Union: BuffaloBrewery: Dairymen's Union: Vervalln 4 Rowe: ¥R Griffith; Dodge. Sweeney 4 Co: 8FEnglish: DR Jones; Ross 4 Hewlett; Norton. Teller *Co; EA Kalb; Oetz Bros 4 Co; Russ, Sanders 4 Co: ACrocker 4 Bros; Wheaton. Breon 4 Co: Del MonteMillingCo: Weils, rar«o 4 Co: Pollard &Dodge:Hnmboldt Mineral Water Co: Rosenblatt 4 Co; ET Allen; Revere Rubber Co; Amer Union FishCo: Caito; 11 HHogan 4 Co; PGusmani: Lon-don Tea Co; Johnson 4 Co ;Crane, Hastings 4 CoR Petro.

Per Alex Duncan— .Standard Oil Co: John Laws;WR Sumner 4Co; Wilson 4 Devilbiss; MHeller4 Sons: Whittier, Fuller 4 Co: Lowry &Stellar:Grangers' Business Assn: Dodxe. Sweeney 4 Co;Wheaton, Breon 4 Co; H Outard: Farmers' UnionMillingCo; Dairymen's Union: Thomas 4 Kahn:Robert Hsight 4 Co; Sherwood & Sherwood ;EJBowen 4 Co: Daltou Bros; Moore, Ferguson 4 Co.

Per Yaquina— Dutard; Herman Joost; Clai.sSpreckels: Western Sugar Refinery Co: J Ban:mann 4 Co.

For Late Shipping Intelligence See Tenth Page.



Eureka Hewport.. Oct 23, SAMIBdWy 2Bania Rosa.. •Ban Diego Oct 25.11am iBdw'y2Jlontserr.it. Mexico. -.. Oct 25.10AMlBdw'y 2P0m0na..... Humbldt Bay. Oct 25. IBdw'y 1City N York China *Japan net 26, 3pm 11 S SState of Cat. Portland (let 26,10 am SpearI.os Angeles Newport...... Oct 27. BAMlßdw'y 2TJmatllia... Vic&Pgt Oct 27, 9> m IMrey 1TViiametteV Yaauinaßay.. Oct 27. 19am jSea I4Australia....iHonolulu. 'Oct 28. 2PMiOceantcAcapuloo.... lPanama lOct 28. 12MIFM. 8 8Humboldt.. Humbldt Bay.iOct 28. 9am (Washt'nCorona ISan Diego [Oct 29.1;am bdwy 2

Departure or Australian steamer depends on thearrival of the Britishmalls.


'•[ .[Large0.1 4.24 3.. 5.2 4.31a

5.1 5.42 a



Monday October 23, 1893,At 10 o'clock a. m.. at Pavilion Auction House.

819 and 321 Sutler Street, above Grant aye., •The Elegant Furniture. Upholstery, Mirrors, Pic-tures, Curtains. Draperies. Embroideries, BodyBrussels Carpets, Fine Beddlug, Crockery anaGlassware. itanges and other goods, the formercontents of four houses, removed from Llebes'Storage Warehouse.It S. F.ASCH. Auctioneer.



Trains Leave and -ire Due to ArriveatSAX FRANCISCO.



7:00a AtlanticExpress for andEast 9«4«*

7:00 aBenlcl.t.Vacaviiie. §Kumsev.>ac-ramento 4 Reddins:. via Davis 7<lsr

7:30a Mp.rtin»z. San Ramon, Napa.Callstoga and 'Santa Kosa . 6:15?

8:80aMies. Sail Jose, Stockton, lone.Sacramento, Marysvllle, RedBluffand Orovllle *:15»

9:00aNhwOrleans Express,-

mta >'*\u25a0-ham; Los Angeles, Deming. ElPaso. New Orleans and East... 8:43*

•8:00astoc to., and Milton *8:45p .(I1 :Oa Haywarrfi. Niles and San Jose... !6:15p»12:00mHaywards. ,N'lles and s m .10-e... *6:16p

•1:00f Sacramento River Steamers "9:011?4:00f Martini-/.. San Ramon. Valle]o.

.Napa. Callstoga. ElVerano andSanta Rosa 9:15 a

4:00r lieuicla Vucavllle, woodund,Knights Landing, Marysvllle. -'\u25a0'\u25a0•orovliie and Saoramento 10:15*.

4:"0f Niles, Llvermore and -an .!••<".. S:isA6 :00p European Man. Ogden and East. 10:43 a5:;-0p Martinez, Stockton. Rnymoud

(for V>.r-mit )an«iKrrsno 10:45 ai:3or Los Angeles Express. Fresno,

Bakersneld, Santa Barbara and'Los Angeles 10:45 a

B:30p Santa Fe Route, AtlanticExpressfor Mojave and East 10;4!iA

6:00r Haywards, Mies and San Jose... 7:45 a-17:00p Vallejo.. tB:4sr7:00* Oregon Express, Sacramento,

Marysvllle, Redding, Portland,Puget Sound ana East 10:15 a

Santa c UZ DIVISION (Narrow Gauge).

t774sT~Sunday Excursion for Newark.~

San Jose. Los Gatos, Feiton andSanta Cruz. ;8:05p

8:15aNewark, Centervllie. San Joss,Feiton, Boulder Creek. SantaCruzaiui Wiv Ht. a ..... 6:2<1»

•ill**"noh, centervuie. Sac \u25a0»"-*Almaden, Felton.BoulderCreeKSanta Cruz and principal way

stations •10:5044145p Newark. Ban Jose, Los Gatos 9:50 a

CO -ST I>IV 8' .N—>IIir and Towngen.t JJts•7 rtK)A~San"Jose, AJmaden and TTay Sta-

tions •*:4sr17:30aSan Jose. Santa Cruz, Pacific

Grove Prln'-'D"! W«v ?*tar ois ;8:33p8a6 a San Jose. Tres Ptnos. Santa Cruz

Pa rule Grove. Paso Routes .SanLuis Obispo) and PrincipalWay Stations.. .« Bi26p

19:30aP»io Ait.,»nd Way Stations \'i:Vir10:4 'a San Jose and Way Stations S:o3p

! 12:05p Palo Alto and Wav Citations 4:15p•2£OP San Jose. Gl'roy, lr»8 Plno»,

Santa Cruz. Salinas, Monterey,acd PaclflcGrove ... *10:404•BiSOp San Jose and Principal Way Sta-tions »9:47a.

•4:25p Palo Altoand Way Station*..... *S:o3a\u25a0 :10p San Jose and Way Stations...... 8:434•

:80p Palo Alto and Way Stations. .. 8:33 atll«46ppnio Alto and Principal Way'_ 5tati0n5.................. ,y t7;26P

a forMorning. ifor Afternoou.•Sundays exempted. tSatnrdays oalf-

SMonday, Wednesday and Friday only.tSnndars only ______

N. P. COAST R. R,....V1A....



SAN RAFAEL (weekdaya)-7 9:00, 11:00a. M :1:45. 3:25. 6:10. U:JS P. m.

(Sundays)— B:oo, 10:00, 11:30 a. m.; 1:30, 3:00.4:.i0, 6:00 p.If

Extra trip on Sundays to SAOSALITO at 7:30p. m.

ToMILLVALLEY(weekdays)— 7:3o, 9:00, 11:00a. it:3:25.6:10.6:25 p.m.

(Sundayt)-*»:00, 10:00. 11:30 a.m.; 1:30, 3:00,4:30 P. U.

Extra trip on Saturdays to MILLVALLEY at1:45 p.m.

ToSAN FRANCISCO from SAN RAFAEL (week-days)-6:20, 7:45, 9:20. 11:05 a. m.; 1:45. 3:30,6:10 p. m.

(bundav*-3:00. 10:00 a. k., 12:00 m.; 1:25.3:05, 4:35. 6:05 P. m.

Extra trip onSaturdays at 6:35 p. m.. .From MILL VALLEY (weekdays)— 6:30, 7:59,

?:10, 11:10 a. if.: 3:35, 5:10 p. M.(Sundays)-8:05. 10:10, 11:40 a. If.: 1:40, 3:201,

4:40. 6:15 P. M.__^

From SAOSALITO (weekdays)— «:ss. 8:15. 9:55.11:45 a. if;3:26.4:06, 5:45 P.M.

(Sundays)-8:45, 10:35 a.m.; 12:40, 2:15, 3:45.6:15,6:45 P. SC

Extra irlpon Saturdays at 7:05 P. m. :

Leave San Fraa-l IArrive In SanCisco IThrough Trains. Francisco.


10:25 am7:30 am \Week- Camp Taylor.

-su *

I:46pm/ days. 12:15 ruJ Mo'yTocaloma, (ei'd.,Mii*IBni1* 6:lsPMWkdya8:00 am|dJlri point Reyes. | 7:i5PK /Sun-

'Marshall. 10:85 amModyi"

7:30 am 1Week /-su *1:45 pm / days. Hamlet. 13:15 pm-J Mo'r

(ex'd.Tomales. 6:15 pm Wkdya

7:30am Wi:dyB Howards. 10:25 am Mndy1:45 PMSatdys Duncans Mills. (s:la pm Wkdys-

C^zaderoThirty-day Excursion— Round Trip at 25 per

cent reduction.Friday toMonday Excursion— Round Trip: T»»

calomaand Feint Reyes. 81 23: Tomales, S3 OOi'Howards. *2 60: Cazadero, $3 00.

Sunday Excursion— Round Trip. Camp Taylor,Tocaloma and Paint Reyes, il00.~STA«E CONNECTIONS.— 8'.ages leave Cazaderodally (Sundays excepted} on arrival of morningtrain from San Francisco for Stewarts Point. Ona-lala. Point Arena, Cnffeys Cove, Navarro, Mendo-clnoCity. Caspar, Noyo, Fort Bragg, and allpointson the North Coast. Stages from above polntawillconnect at Cazad*ro wltntrains for San Fran*Cisco at 1:00 p. m. Weekdays."

fTbTIaTHAM. Gen. Pass *Tkt Agt""

General offices, 14 Sansome St., S. F.

6ANFRANCISCO AND N. P. R'WAY CO;Xlbaroa Ferry—Foot ofMarket St.

——OFFICIAL TIME TABLE—"InEffect April16, 1893.

Leave j -..._,. \u0084 I ArriveBan Francisco. Toand From an Francisco..Bnn. Uklan and in«n.

\u2666 *40a fJSoF'nt a. *___}!7

- »"~"~~~


~Guerneville,... 5 8.00a and t10.30A

--n.t T.4oa |%3Op lnterra edlate t «.10p § 7'So*

points. 4 •"~~~~~ ~"

Sebastopoif 7.40 at 8.30P and t10.30A J 6.05P|B.ooa § 6.00r intermediate §10.40 af 6.10F


t 7.40 a$ 6.00p and' t 8.60 a8 6.05rf B.ooa t 5.06P Intermediate $10.40 at 6.10i>

; points. ; \u25a0

f 7.40 at3.30p Santa Rosa t 8.60 a § 6.05P'|B.ooa i5.00P into^f^i.t. t10.30A t 6.10PI9.30 at 6.05- '"'p^!*" §10*0a} 7.30P

t 7.40 a•

I.SOp t 7.«6a t12.30PI800a *3.swp Ban Rafael t 8 50a


t 9.20 a§ 6.00P and § 9.16 a* 4.40P8 9.30 at S.osp. Intermediate tIo.iJOA I6.05P611.00 a•6.30P1 points. §10.40at 6.10Ptil.2oa \u25a0\u25a0 I 513.10P t 7.SOP•Daily, tDally except Sundays. § Sundays only

jSaturdays and Sundays only.a for Mora . r for Afternoon.

Stages connect at Santa Rosa for.Mark WastSprings. \u25a0

Stages connect at Oeys»rvill« for Skaggs Spring*Stewarts Point, Gnalaia and Point Arena.

Stages connect at Cioverdale for Tbe (ieyssrs.Stages connect at Pieta for Highland Sprlnzs.

Kelseyvllle. Soda Bay. Lakeport and BartlettSprings.

connect at Uklah for Vichy Springs. Sara-Btaees connect at Cfclan for Vichy Springs. Sara-

toga Sprints, Blue Lakes. Upper Lake, Lakeport,Koonevllie. Greenwood, Orr's Hot Springs. Men-

d"olno City, Fort Bragg, Osat, Westport. Canto,willetts,Calpella, Harris, Blocksburg, Bridzevllle.Hydesvllle and Eureka. .Special reduced rates on Saturday to Monday

On Sundays, naif rates to ,allpoints beyond San

Ticket Offices, corner New Montgomery andMarket streets, under Palace Hotel.

H.C. WHITING. B.X.RYAN.Q»a Kauu»> Gen. Pasa. Agent.

The Weekly CallThe Largest, Cheapest

.. AMU....




ONLY $1 A YEAR, POSTPAiI. Send for Samples to .

8. P. CALLCO.. SSS Hestteatrr Sb



Will make regular trips between OAKLANDandSAN FRANCISCO as follows:

LEAVE OAKLAND CITY "WHARF, foot orFranklin street, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00. 10:00.11:00 a.m., 12:00 m.. 1:00,2:00,3:00,4:00.5:00anil6:00 p.m.

LEAVE SAN FRANCISCO. MissionNo. 1Wharf.7:00. 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A. if., 12:00 m.,1:00.2:00. 3 :00, 4:00, 5:00, 6:00 and 7:00 c. M.TILEDAVIE FERRY & TRANSPORTATION CO,



Francisco for ports In Alaska 9 a. *.«EmOct. 12.27, Nov. and Dec. 11, 26 «as»»tsssis»i

For British Columbia and Pnsret Sound ports,Ortoiipr \u25a0-, and every tilthday thereafter.

For Eureka, Humboldt Bay,Wednesdays. 9 a. icFor Newport, Los Angeles and all way port!

every fourth and fifthday, 8 a. v.For Sao Diego, stopping only at Port Harford,

Santa Barbara, fortLos Angeles (Santa Monica),Redondo (Lot Angeles), and Newport, everyfourth and fifth day, at 11 a. tt.

For ports in Mexico, 25th of each month.Ticket office—Palace Hotel, 4 New Montgomery*

street.GOODALL, PERKINS & CO., General Agents.1tf 10 Market st.San Francisco.


>ce*n Dlvlilon-and PACIFIC COAST OaaatmSTEAMSHIP COMPANY Will dlspatct) fromSpear-street wharf, at 10 a. m., for the above portsone of their Alironsteamships, Tii:

bTATKOF CALIIORNIA-Oct. 6.16 26, NOV.an-'

••- •• li.'25. • \u25a0_

COLUMBIA—Oct. 1. 11. 21, 31, Nov. and Dec.10. '.M. Ml

Connectlne via Portland with the Union Pacinoand other dlverzing Hues for allpoints In Oregon,Washington. British Columbia. Alaska, Idaho.Montana. Dakota, Utah, "Wyoming, YellowstonePark and all points east and snath and to Europe.

Fare to Portland— Cabin, $16; steerage. $3:round trip,cabin, $30.

_ 'Ticket offlces-1 Montgomery it. *"»<» Palace

Hotel. 4 New Montgomery st.Freight office— 2oo California st.GOODALL.PERKINS

*CO.. Supt Ocean LineItf 10 Market St.. San Francisco.


French Linn to Havre./COMPANY'S PIER fNEW). 42 NORTH jßgm^\ Klver. foot of Mortonst. Travelers jgSSSgSby this line avoid both transit by English railwayand the discomfort of crossing the channel Inasmall boat.LABRETAGNE. Capt. Collier-

\u25a0;.....-- ...... Saturday, November 4, ]:00 p. «£.LA GASCOGNE. Capt. bantelll....

Saturday. November 11, 6:00 a. ic.LATOUKAINK.tapt. Frangeul......

Saturday. M>vember 18. 11:00 a, m.LACHAMPAGNE,Laurent.....

Saturday. November 28, 6:00 a. it*3~For further particular* apply to

A.FORGET, Agent.No. 3BowlingGreen, New Yorfc

J. F. FUUAZI it CO., Agents, 6 Montgomeryare., San Frcnclsco.

Branch ofhee. la Montgomery st. au3l

OREGON PACIFIC R. R. GO. STEAMERJ. or i'oi tliimi. Salem, Albany, .Eugene

City, Kto.CTEAMSHIP LINE TO YAQUINA >t*JVC BAY-By this routs '£35 miles by 43898steamer. is saved over any otner route. strainer*are built of iron, withwater-tight compartment*Will sail from section 4, seawall, font of Batterystreet. Steamer WILLAMETTE VALLEIf willsail from San Francisco • d»y, October 27th.at 9a.K. No freightreceived after 8 o'clock; a. m.Un day o> Himi.,'.

Passenger rates to Portland, first class, $14:second class. $8: Albany, first class, $12; secondclass, $7. or freight rates apply to D. R.VAUGHN. General Agent, section 4. seawall.2o tf

Twin-Screw Express Steamers of 18-16,000 H.P.~Leaning NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY for



holding the record for fastest time on this route.Send for descriptive pamphlet to the jSBSNIf

HAMBURG -AMERICAN PACKET CO.,37 Broadway, New York. 125 LaSalle St., Chicago,

General Passenger Agent for the Pacific Coast,401 CALIFORNIAST.. SANFBANCISCO.• ocB tf


Oct. 16-Not. 13-Dec. 11.TO HONOLULU AND AUSTRALIA,

Oct. 16-Xov. 16-l)ec. 16.ApplyM. M.iSTKRV, Chronicle Bld'ir.

64S MARKETST.. Han Francisco.

OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANYiM by n The splendid 3000-

-•sV^l_i". - ton steamers or theQ*^^^ S^^' o Oceanic Steamship Co.Jy iv*JC Ball for Honolulu. '

O// T^2»>t VvC* Auckland and Sydney i*II Lth^i?' AO>' under:

// ir^US IK \\ •For Honolulu only. SS.II t*3H*-tJV ,*«~il Australia. Saturday,|( \u25a0- \u25a0 V y-^IsSSS^jJ Oct. 23,1893. 2p. m.\\ EiEiatlJ it For Honolulu. Apia, j

V; K^!tS-! IAuckland and Syd-v™,-R,?-]«N S^ttt/ '"">\u25a0. ss- Jlouowii.CJpSElg&ggg/c? THURSDAY. .Nov.

l«th, at.v. M.<*^" ,<&" For passatre or freight£VE^ .apply to J.D.SPRECK-

ELS 4 BROS. CO.. 327 Market street. tt


lortulghtty for the West Indies andjjggjgjij'Kcuthampton, calling en route at CherbourgFrance, and Plymouth, to land passengers. .; Ibrongh BUI*ef Lading, in connection withthePacific Mail M.S. Co., issued for freight and treas- ,Hie to direct ports inEngland and ttermany.

Through tickets 1 from San Francisco to Ply-\u25a0> oath Cherbourg, Southampton.

- First class, :*1»5 • third class, $67 60. For further particu-lars apply to- PARROTT

*CO.. AsenU,\u25a0-U vv

\u25a0 308 Callforniast-



rVKAINBLEAVEANDARRIVIATSANFRAN--1 Cisco (Market-street Ferry )_:


p!?il*.} ADQPST 22. 1893, {ft™*s:3o"r..Fast Express via Mojare 10:l8T9:00 a..Atlantic Express via Los Angles T

Ticket Offlee—MOMarket «»., Chroaiele \u25a0 HullIng. 8.r. ,vr; W.a. MBSJELL. » \lßtt General raisencer AltlV.


:-'.;\u25a0• =--..•'


\u25a0y.' :.i-;/F\ I?tsK T«*s t l̂e wav y°u aye to was:;;-^iw^>l clothes withsoap. First you

>\u25a0 </rfw^X Rub Out rub the soa P in!that's work-ftfLvS iA m itself Then you rub it all

jC:"'i~^sLoh^\ out again over the washboard. If you're!^|*^g(l|l\ strong and healthy, and rub hard enough,

\u25a0 f^p^l,^^, \ you may get the dirtall out, too. It's hard\u25a0v -3^f^#^=r=^'' I work, and every woman knows it. But it

\u25a0;:::v'H;r :̂.'? v:::---..-- isn't the woman only that suffers. She's

>;.?^Snf£i the clothes out, rubbing them to pieces, all thenne. It's just as hard for every thing as itis for every body.

%Qir*>il>- T*s Peai*line's way of washing. /^\ptJiaaC :111 Allit wants is to be let £^J\u25a0} Soak Out alone - Put it in the water \^W\:0. /:.\ and it does its own j- j[Mt

work —yours, too. It brings the dirt out vi?\ V/r. easily .and. quickly

—no hard work, no wear- J fI\SYL \"

ing"rub, rub, rub, no washboard. '°°WlNte/^TV.Doesn't that seem better? It is better. Xrff^'\'There's a saving of strength and a saving .:ofclothes. And, what some women can't believe, it's abso-

:\u25a0 lutely safe. It's just as much so as any good soap.

B->'-"•• Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers will tell you,

|CkTS7"!Q f*f^"

this is as good as"


the sam as Pearline." IT'S•'..•'ft, -J*

.' VV U/X \»^ FALSE—

Pearline is never peddled, if your grocer sends;•- yqti-an imitation, be honest—

send itback. 377 JAMES 'PYLE&.New York.