Morguul'Thel anis Last Update: November 05, 2009 Some of the deities of the pantheon of Morguul'Thel anis are presented below. T his is not a complete list by any means. Azathoth Outer God Chaotic Evil Home Plane: Special Worshipers: Great Old Ones Azathoth (az-uh-tothe) appears, in his truest form, as an amorphous body that wr ithes unceasingly to the monotonous piping of flutes. Surrounded at all times b y his faithful i ta i, humanoids with star white s in, that wear odd garbs of b lac covered with meaningless runes and sigils. Azathoth is one of the five Out er Deities and the nemesis of Tyr-Alaxus who betrayed three of the Outer Gods im prisoning them in a parallel existence to Korinth. Azathoth exists outside of normal space and time. He is the chaos that crea ted the world and as such his essence is a part of all things in existence. Dogma Azathoth has very few mortal worshipers, and those that do worship him are almos t all ignored. His true worshipers are the Great Old Ones and Cthulhu is his hi gh priest. Azathoth's followers are left to determine the dogma and teachings o f the Outer God without much assistance from their master although all dogma tea ches that Azathoth is chaos itself and that this chaos will consume the world. The Outer Gods (except Tyr-Alaxus) ma e no secret of the fact that mortals a re but toys to them and that death brings only a return to the essence of the Ou ter Gods, leaving nothing for each mortal to loo forward to in the afterlife. Those that do worship Azathoth faithfully find themselves soon swallowed by insa nity. Azathoth offers little guidance to those that would worship him but almos t all cults agree on a few things including: bullet Chaos is the natural state of existence bullet Mortality exists to serve the whim of the Outer Gods bullet With great pain comes great pleasure Clergy & Temples Azathoth is worshipped only sporadically by mortals and as such he has less myst ery cults that have sprung up than most of the gods of the pantheon. Those that do revel in chaos and pain however and always see to bring about suffering bot h on themselves and those around them. Each cult will have different beliefs an d opinions as Azathoth offers very little in the way of guidance to those that v enerate him. Chaugnar Faugn Beast Deity Chaotic Evil Titles: Horror from the Hills Home Plane: Prime Material Worshipers: Cultists Chaugnar (chogg-narr) Faugn (fawn) is difficult to describe adequately in words. He appears at first sight, as nothing more than an idol. He is endowed with a trun and great, uneven ears, and two enormous tus s protruding from the corne rs of his mouth. Yet he is not an elephant, his resemblance to such is sporadic at best. His ears are webbed and tentacled, his trun ends in a huge, flaring


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The Traditions of Morguul’Thelkanis are the Korinthian adaptation of the Cthulhu Mythos.

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  • Morguul'Thelanis

    Last Update: November 05, 2009

    Some of the deities of the pantheon of Morguul'Thelanis are presented below. T

    his is not a complete list by any means.


    Outer God

    Chaotic Evil

    Home Plane: Special

    Worshipers: Great Old Ones

    Azathoth (az-uh-tothe) appears, in his truest form, as an amorphous body that wr

    ithes unceasingly to the monotonous piping of flutes. Surrounded at all times b

    y his faithful itai, humanoids with star white sin, that wear odd garbs of b

    lac covered with meaningless runes and sigils. Azathoth is one of the five Out

    er Deities and the nemesis of Tyr-Alaxus who betrayed three of the Outer Gods im

    prisoning them in a parallel existence to Korinth.

    Azathoth exists outside of normal space and time. He is the chaos that crea

    ted the world and as such his essence is a part of all things in existence.


    Azathoth has very few mortal worshipers, and those that do worship him are almos

    t all ignored. His true worshipers are the Great Old Ones and Cthulhu is his hi

    gh priest. Azathoth's followers are left to determine the dogma and teachings o

    f the Outer God without much assistance from their master although all dogma tea

    ches that Azathoth is chaos itself and that this chaos will consume the world.

    The Outer Gods (except Tyr-Alaxus) mae no secret of the fact that mortals a

    re but toys to them and that death brings only a return to the essence of the Ou

    ter Gods, leaving nothing for each mortal to loo forward to in the afterlife.

    Those that do worship Azathoth faithfully find themselves soon swallowed by insa

    nity. Azathoth offers little guidance to those that would worship him but almos

    t all cults agree on a few things including:

    bullet Chaos is the natural state of existence

    bullet Mortality exists to serve the whim of the Outer Gods

    bullet With great pain comes great pleasure

    Clergy & Temples

    Azathoth is worshipped only sporadically by mortals and as such he has less myst

    ery cults that have sprung up than most of the gods of the pantheon. Those that

    do revel in chaos and pain however and always see to bring about suffering bot

    h on themselves and those around them. Each cult will have different beliefs an

    d opinions as Azathoth offers very little in the way of guidance to those that v

    enerate him.

    Chaugnar Faugn

    Beast Deity

    Chaotic Evil

    Titles: Horror from the Hills

    Home Plane: Prime Material

    Worshipers: Cultists

    Chaugnar (chogg-narr) Faugn (fawn) is difficult to describe adequately in words.

    He appears at first sight, as nothing more than an idol. He is endowed with a

    trun and great, uneven ears, and two enormous tuss protruding from the corne

    rs of his mouth. Yet he is not an elephant, his resemblance to such is sporadic

    at best. His ears are webbed and tentacled, his trun ends in a huge, flaring

  • dis at least a foot in diameter, and his tuss, which are intertwined and inter

    loced at the base of the statue are of translucent roc crystal. He sits upon

    a pedestal of blac and all that is the god, save his tuss, appears as if it we

    re carved from a single bloc of obsidian though hideously mottled and eroded an

    d discolored. He sits upright with forelimbs lie a man, bent slightly at the e

    lbows and hands resting palm upward. Broad, square shoulders, breasts, and his

    enormous stomach slope outward.

    Though he appears to be nothing but an idol, Chaugnar Faugn is much more dan

    gerous. Only those that linger near his statue after dar, or alone, will disco

    ver, to their dismay, the truth of the dar god for he comes alive and accepts t

    he sacrifice before him.


    Chaugnar is worshiped only by a smattering of mortals. Very few now anything o

    f his existence but those that do offer regular sacrifices to him to sate his hu

    nger. He is capable of going wees, years, or even centuries without feeding bu

    t to do so would increase his desires a thousand fold.

    Chaugnar leads those that follow him to a single belief, that he is all that

    matters in their existence. They live for nothing but his service and must ple

    ase him at all times. He generally remains pleased so long as he remains well f

    ed. Common beliefs include:

    bullet Chaugnar Faugn is the master of all

    bullet Chaugnar Faugn must be fed

    bullet Chaugnar Faugn is all that matters

    Clergy & Temples

    Chaugnar has no clergy in the typical sense of the word. He is most often worsh

    iped by a primitive cult that holds him as their very own god in their midst. T

    hey offer sacrifices of mortals to him every day.

    In addition to his mortal servants Chaugnar always has a Companion that he c

    hooses from amongst them as his own. His companion is always a female and when

    he is brought no sacrifice he sucles from his Companion directly. Over time th

    e Companion begins to resemble her god, as her nose elongates and her ears becom

    e broad.

    Lastly he is served by a host of Lesser Brothers and Greater Brothers. Thes

    e creatures are similar to Chaugnar in form although they are not nearly as powe

    rful as their master.


    Beast Deity

    Chaotic Evil

    Titles: Fthagghua

    Home Plane: Prime Material

    Worshipers: Cultists

    Cthugha (-thug-uh) resembles an enormous burning mass continually varying in sh

    ape. It dwells in the heavens of Korinth and rarely is seen on the lands where

    mortals wal. Cthugha is one of the most obscure deities of the pantheon and ma

    ny believe that he is an ascended fire vampire.


    Cthugha is worshiped only sporadically on Korinth and those cultists that revere

    him often partae in ritual burnings and immolation; thus the cults do not last

    long. Lie many of the powers of Morguul, Cthugha offers very little guidance

    to followers. Common beliefs include:

    bullet Fire cleanses the soul and body

    bullet Embrace the all-consuming fire

    bullet To burn is to live!

    Clergy & Temples

  • Cthugha is worshiped only sporadically on Korinth and those cultists that revere

    him often partae in ritual burnings and immolation; thus the cults do not last


    Cthugha is also venerated and served faithfully by fire vampires and most be

    lieve Cthugha was once a fire vampire itself.


    Great Old One

    Chaotic Evil

    Titles: Great Cthulhu, Tulu, Tluhluh

    Home Plane: Netherworld

    Worshipers: Cultists

    Cthulhu (uh-thu-loo) is a nightmare made flesh, towering well over 100 feet hig

    h. His head appears as an octopus or squid, with writhing lengths of tentacle r

    eaching 25 feet or more. His body is a corpulent slab of slime-issed flesh, ge

    nerally humanoid except for his enormous size and terrible claws on his hands an

    d feet. Great bat-lie wings grow from his bac, useful both in the air and the


    Cthulhu is one of the oldest of the Great Old Ones and his cults thrive on K


    Cthulhu lives under the seas of Korinth where he slumbers until the end time

    s when the stars align and he will awaen to wrea his havoc upon manind. He i

    s served in this sunen city by Father Dagon and Mother Hydra and countless deep

    ones. He slumbers in the primordial city of R'lyeh, that once shone brightly o

    n the lands of Korinth but has sun beneath the waves.

    The city itself lies in the Netherworld, though a nexus from deep in the sea

    s opens into Korinth and the deep ones pass freely between the waters of the mor

    tal plane and the polluted waters of the Netherworld.


    The teachings of Cthulhu are the stuff of nightmares. He revels in death and su

    ffering and those that follow him do liewise. His mystery cults are plagued by

    suffering and torment, as often inflicted upon the cultists as innocents taen

    in as sacrifices. As he opens the minds of his cultists to the true role of mor

    tals in existence they grow more and more mad until, in time, entire cults are p

    eopled by crazed servitors.

    Cthulhu revels in the things that mortals find evil. The suffering of the i

    nnocent, the theft of that which belongs to others, the rape of men, women and c

    hildren alie. These things are music to his ears and the cultists that worship

    him find an opening to give in to the most base urges that come upon them. Com

    mon beliefs include:

    bullet Rape, ill, murder, sodomize, plunder, torture

    bullet Tae what you want and ill any that stand in your way

    bullet Self is all that matters

    Clergy & Temples

    Cthulhu has countless mystery cults through Korinth. He is worshiped in the sea

    s as well as on land and his followers often clash with other marine religions.

    Each of his cults fosters its own beliefs and teachings, though all are vile an

    d disgusting.

    He is served on land primarily by humans and monstrous races and in the wate

    rs by his deep ones, aboleths and raen.


    Beast Deity

    Chaotic Evil

    Titles: Father Dagon

  • Home Plane: Netherworld

    Worshipers: Deep Ones

    Dagon (day-gon) appears as a massive deep one, over twenty feet tall. He loos

    lie an abominable cross between a human and some form of amphibian. His fins a

    re merged with twisted arms and legs and his bac is bent and crowned with long,

    spiny frill. Gills gasp for air upon his nec.

    Dagon lives with Mother Hydra beneath the oceans of Korinth holding court ov

    er the city of R'lyeh where Cthulhu sleeps. They lead the deep ones in dar, tw

    isted rituals to Great Cthulhu, whom they serve as high priests.


    The dogma of Dagon is the dogma of Cthulhu. Perhaps the teachings of this deity

    are in fact more true to the teachings of Great Cthulhu than anywhere else wher

    e cults to Cthulhu exist.

    Clergy & Temples

    Deep ones revere Dagon (and Hydra) as gods, though they worship Cthulhu above bo

    th. Dagon serves as the undisputed ruler of the deep ones and the city of R'lye

    h. He has no temples of his own in R'lyeh though deep ones elsewhere in the sea

    s have built temples to Dagon and Hydra. Outside the deep ones worship of Dagon

    is virtually unnown.


    Beast Deity

    Chaotic Evil

    Home Plane: Prime Material

    Worshipers: Cultists

    Eihort (eye-hort) is a repulsive being, looing something lie a large grub and

    somewhat more lie a huge, shapeless mass of rotting dough with legs sticing ou

    t below it on all sides. Eihort has little use for worshipers seeing only to f

    ind hosts for its brood.

    Eihort roams the caverns of the underdar searching for new prey to implant

    its brood within and only emerges to the surface when lured by the promise of a

    new host, recruited or captured.

    Eihort sees to implant his brood in everything. He can only implant brood

    in those that accept his bargain (either willingly or under duress), called Eiho

    rt's Bargain. Once a victim has submitted to the Bargain Eihort grasps him and

    holds him pinned while he forces a snout down the throat and into the intestines

    of the victim. There he implants eggs that will grow to become his brood.

    Over the next d% months the victim will have vivid dreams of the brood growi

    ng inside until finally they will mature and burst out, leaving the victim gaspi

    ng for life until nearly all the brood have escaped the body, at which time he f

    inally dies. Once the Bargain has been sealed and the brood implanted only deif

    ic magic can slay them.


    Eihort has a simple goal, and that is to spread its brood everywhere. The dar

    cults that worship the beast have all accepted Eihort's Bargain and have been im

    planted with brood by the beast. Most of Eihort's cults have long since been lo

    st to madness and many see the brood of this deity as a true form of life, rathe

    r than the degraded form of humanity. For this reason they accept the Bargain a

    nd their death in the process.

    Beliefs can vary widely from one cultist to another, popular ones include:

    bullet To die giving birth to Eihort's spawn assures rebirth as a dar one

    bullet Death in service to Eihort is the truest purpose of manind

    bullet Manind was created by Eihort to serve as his spawning grounds

  • Clergy & Temples

    Eihort has no temples or direct clergy. He has a small host of cults though eve

    n those are few, after all who sees to enter into a religion where death is ass

    ured just a few short months after joining?


    Beast Deity


    Home Plane: Prime Material

    Worshipers: Cultists

    Glaai (glah-ee) appears as a nightmarish ancestor of a sea urchin gone terribl

    y wrong. Covered in undulating, stinging pines and glaring eye-stals, the horr

    or has lived so long that it has attained a level of divinity.

    Glaai has very little use for living worshipers, and the vast majority of t

    hose that come to this deity are transformed into Servitors of Glaai. It is fr

    om these creatures that Glaai gains the power to send its dream pull great dist

    ances, and without them it is limited to an area near the bans of the fetid la

    e that it lives within.

    New servitors are initiated on the laeshore while Glaai rises from the wat

    er. It drives one of its stinging spines into the victim and delivers a powerfu

    l poison. Those that perish from this poison are transformed into Servitors of



    Glaai has not dogma of its own. Those that serve Glaai are undead and only ha

    ndful of living cultists serve the dar deities purpose.

    Clergy & Temples

    Glaai has no clergy or temples.


    Great Old One

    Nuetral Evil

    Home Plane: Netherworld

    Worshipers: Cultists

    Hastur (has-tur) can tae on many different forms, and often his appearance is a

    s varied as those that describe him. Some maintain that he is half-brother to C

    thulhu and of similar size and shape. Others have portrayed him as a huge, rave

    ning, bipedal beast. Some theorists, noting the appearance of the Chosen of Has

    tur after the deity has possessed them with some of his essence, have argued tha

    t he must be a bloated and boneless giant, while others yet describe him as an o

    ctopod entity with an unspeaably hideous face.

    Of all his forms, the only that is well-attested is that of The King in Yell

    ow. In this form Hastur appears over 8 feet tall and very thin, seemingly made

    up entirely of tattered, yellow robes that obscure the face and whatever lurs w



    Hastur has many cults venerating him. One of the largest is The Brotherhood of

    the Yellow Sign, which is peopled not by raving lunatics but by political leader

    s and powerful merchants. The dogma of each cult varies so greatly that not eve

    n a single thread can be found that runs through all the cults.

    Clergy & Temples

    The cults of Hastur cannot agree on the designs and teachings of this deity. So

  • me say he is the embodiment of the entropy principle, the inevitable tendency of

    all things to move from order to disorder or chaos. Others claim that he has a

    bond to determinism, its exact opposite, the idea that all things proceed mecha

    nistically from cause to effect, with no possibility of free will or divergence

    from the fated course. Others still suggest that Hastur is not a "who" but a "w

    here." The deity has tight connections to the lost city of Carcosa and the earl

    iest mentions in text to the deity are in fact referring to a place, not a perso


    With so many varied beliefs each cult of Hastur has, potentially, very diffe

    rent dogma. Sometimes so distinctly different that the two would seem to be wor

    shiping different deities.


    Beast Deity

    Chaotic Evil

    Titles: Mother Hydra

    Home Plane: Netherworld

    Worshipers: Deep Ones

    Mother Hydra appears as a massive deep one, over twenty feet tall. She loos li

    e an abominable cross between a human and some form of amphibian. Her fins are

    merged with twisted arms and legs and his bac is bent and crowned with long, s

    piny frill. Gills gasp for air upon her nec.

    Mother Hydra lives with Father Dagon beneath the oceans of Korinth holding c

    ourt over the city of R'lyeh where Cthulhu sleeps. They lead the deep ones in d

    ar, twisted rituals to Great Cthulhu, whom they serve as high priests.


    The dogma of Mother Hydra is the dogma of Cthulhu. Perhaps the teachings of thi

    s deity are in fact more true to the teachings of Great Cthulhu than anywhere el

    se where cults to Cthulhu exist.

    Clergy and Temples

    Deep ones revere Mother Hydra (and Father Dagon) as gods, though they worship Ct

    hulhu above both. Mother Hydra serves with Father Dagon as the undisputed ruler

    of the deep ones and the city of R'lyeh. She has no temples of her own in R'ly

    eh though deep ones elsewhere in the seas have built temples to Mother Hydra and

    Father Dagon. Outside the deep ones worship of Mother Hydra is virtually unno



    Beast Deity

    Chaotic Evil

    Titles: Wendigo

    Home Plane: Korinth

    Worshipers: None

    Ithaqua (ih-thah-qua) normally manifests as a 60-feet tall humanoid creature shr

    ouded with shaggy, ice-encrusted fur. His face loos hollow and corpselie, and

    his fingers end in 10-foot-long icy claws. Even when manifested Ithaqua retain

    s a ghostly, insubstantial appearance.


    Ithaqua has no teachings as he has no followers.

    Clergy & Temples

    Ithaqua is a monster that plagues men in frozen climates. He has no followers o

    r cults although many leave sacrifices for him to protect their tribes from his

  • wrath.


    Great Old One

    Chaotic Evil

    Titles: The Charnel God

    Home Plane: Dreamscape

    Worshipers: Ghouls and ghasts

    Mordiggian (more-dij-eon) was, if legend is to be believed, once a ghoul. Over

    the years he has devolved to devouring corpses and not living beings. After she

    dding his superfluous body parts (such as his head and limbs) he now resembles n

    othing so much as a great wormlie mass of solid darness.

    Mordiggian avoids the living, as they do not concern him in the least. He d

    wells in a networ of passages that connects his home in the Dreamscape with any

    place upon Korinth that he chooses. Within these passages he feeds on corpses b

    rought to him by his faithful ghouls. These caverns open at Mordiggian's though

    t and his ghoul-legions move forth gathering corpses and typically ignoring livi

    ng beings. Mordiggian will usually leave his caverns connected to a specific ar

    ea long enough to scour the area of both corpses and animate, fleshy undead. Mo

    rdiggian is despised by other intelligent, fleshy undead as he devours them on s


    Mordiggian ascended to true divinity after the ghouls that worshiped him gre

    w to several thousand. His power continues to grow as he adds more and more gho

    uls (and ghasts) to those that serve him.


    The doctrine of Mordiggian is much unlie that of most of the deities of the pan

    theon. He is wholly unconcerned with the living, does not force madness upon th

    em, does not force strange pacts and deals upon them. He does not even force th

    em to become a ghoul in his service. Instead he is content to ignore the living

    and devour the dead. What strange pacts and teachings pass between him and his

    ghouls is foreign to the living mind.

    Clergy & Temples

    Mordiggian is worshipped almost exclusively by ghouls and ghasts. Any such crea

    tures within one mile of his presence are instantly freed of any bonds that hold

    them and brought under the control of Mordiggian. They abandon their current m

    aster or tass and travel to the deity where they begin a new service.

    Living beings that worship Mordiggian will be disappointed as the deity igno

    res all their requests and prayers.


    Outer God

    Chaotic Evil

    Titles: Blac Pharaoh, Blac Sphinx, Crawling Chaos, Dar Man, The Father of Bat

    s, The Haunter of the Dar, He of a Thousand Faces, Thing

    Home Plane: Special

    Worshipers: Cultists

    Nyarlathotep (nee-are-lah-so-tep) has more forms than the sea-shore has sands.

    As the most protean of all the deities of the pantheon he can tae on nearly an

    y form he chooses and only a very small number of them have ever been cataloged.

    Most are dire, mindless, ravening monsters who smash and destroy everything in

    their path with a ferocity that would drive a demon in paniced flight, but a f

    ew are human to outward appearances. Nearly every race in existence can spea o

    f another form of the Outer God Nyarlathotep. As his physical forms, the names

    he is nown by are equally diverse.

    Nyarlathotep is the only Outer God not currently imprisoned and as such serv

    es a dual purpose. The first of his functions is to act as the messenger of the

  • Outer Gods, delivering their desires to the many cults of all the deities in th

    e pantheon. The second is to hasten the arrival of the end times, when the star

    s come into alignment and the bonds upon the Outer Gods are loosed.

    In the execution of his these goals, he puts in appearances at ceremonies th

    at honoring the Outer Gods (and receives a portion of his strength from their wo

    rshipers) and also remains in contact with all of the Great Old Ones and many of

    the beast deities as the cults to these deities are choice instruments for spre

    ading death, destruction, chaos and madness.

    Nyarlathotep is unique among the Outer Gods in that he began existence as a

    jaaren and was transformed into an Outer God by feasting upon the energies drawn

    from them by Tyr-Alaxus. He has no primary plane of existence but spends a goo

    dly amount of time in both the mortal plane of Korinth and the Netherworld. His

    home, if he has such a thing, would be the prison that houses the Outer Gods, b

    ut he cannot enter there as surely as they cannot exit.

    Nyarlathotep, through power granted him by Yog-Sothoth, exists and operates

    simultaneously at different points in the stream of time.


    Nyarlathotep and those that follow him have complicated doctrines that lead to t

    he maximum amount of chaos and destruction possible to the most people. They wi

    ll, for example, overloo the murder of a single individual if passing on such a

    n activity allows them to spread chaos and insanity to a host of others. The do

    gma of Nyarlathotep is thic with the concepts of cumulative effects. All of th

    e cults that serve this dar deity see to bring about the end times when the st

    ars will come into alignment and the Great Old Ones and the Outer Gods will be f

    ree to act as they please.

    Clergy & Temples

    Nyarlathotep is worshiped and served by countless mortal cults. In addition to

    these cults he is also given some power from the cults of the other Outer Gods,

    Great Old Ones and beast deities of the pantheon.


    Outer God

    Chaotic Neutral

    Titles: Blac Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young, Magna Marta

    Home Plane: Special

    Worshipers: Cultists and Great Old Ones

    Shub-Niggurath (shub-nee-groth) appears, in her natural form, as a vast protopl

    asm that constantly vomits forth living things of every shape, size and descript

    ion. She devours them as quicly as she spits them forth unless they mae their

    escape quicly.

    Shub-Niggurath will occasionally manifest an avatar on the prime plane when

    proper summoning rituals are completed and this avatar always taes the form tha

    t the summoner expects. Most often it is a colossal, dar, organic mass that is

    so active that it festers and boils as it extrudes tentacles, testicles, hoofed

    limbs, mouths, eyes, and vaginal orifices in endless procession. No feature en

    dures beyond a few minutes before it is collapses in rottenness and is reabsorbe

    d by the eager life of the mass as a whole. Sometimes swollen globules of the f

    etid mass's side burst open, giving birth to dar young; sometimes the god offer

    s teats to sucle; sometimes its genitalia attempt to penetrate or impregnate wi

    lling cultists - or unwilling sacrifices. Few who touch Shub-Niggurath survive

    and few who see her retain their sanity.

    Lie Azathoth, Shub-Niggurath exists outside of normal space and time in a p

    rison crafted for her by Tyr-Alaxus. She is the spar of life and as such her e

    ssence is a part of all things in existence.


    Shub-Niggurath and her teachings embody the horrible fecundity of life, which fe

  • sters and grows in every possible environment. The life that she embodies is no

    t beautiful and peaceful but furious, chaotic and sudden. Her cults have a wide

    range of beliefs and practices although nearly all of them include sexual rites

    and orgies meant to result in impregnation. These cults often summon forth dem

    ons, devils and other monsters to partae in their rituals.

    Clergy & Temples

    Shub-Niggurath is worshipped in cults across the face of Korinth. Some are peop

    led by insane madmen, others by seemingly "normal" people. Shub-Niggurath's cul

    ts have a extraordinary number of female members.

    Shudde M'ell

    Beast Deity

    Chaotic Neutral

    Titles: Blac Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young, Magna Marta

    Home Plane: Prime Material

    Worshipers: None

    Shudde M'ell (shood-mel) appears as an immense, earth-bound squid with a wormli

    e body that glistens with noisome secretions. Huge tentacles writhe at its head

    , while its tail leaves a trail of fetid mucus in its wae. As Shudde M'ell bur

    rows through the earth terrible chant-lie vibrations spread away in every direc



    Shudde M'ell has no teachings as he has no followers.

    Clergy & Temples

    Shudde M'ell is a monster that lives in the depths of the earth. He comes to th

    e surface only when called or every 23 years when he returns to the city of G'ha

    rne. He has no followers or clergy. A few scattered cults may venerate the bea

    st but Shudde M'ell has very little interest in them.


    Great Old One

    Neutral Evil

    Titles: Sadaqua, Zhothaqquah

    Home Plane: Netherworld

    Worshipers: Cultists

    Tsathoggua (sahth-o-goo-ay), lie many of the Great Old Ones can assume many dif

    ferent forms ranging from a vast pool spawning sentient rottenness to a bizarre

    sleepy being with a spherical toad-lie body, pendulous head, squat legs and exc

    eedingly elongated arms.

    Tsathoggua is ancient but he has allowed his power to slip away through the

    last several millennia as he neglected his cults and ignored them as they died o

    ff. Now very few even now he exists. Some thin he is relatively benign, howe

    ver this is a false belief. His recent inactivity is caused by nothing more tha

    n a rest between his meals.

    Tsathoggua is the father of the formless spawn, a race he created and can un

    -create at will.


    The teachings of Tsathoggua have nearly all been lost to time as the deity rests

    quietly, lost to his meals. When he rises again however there can be no doubt

    that his cults will thrive on the destructive, vile, perverted forms of magic th

    at their deity finds great pleasure within.

    Clergy & Temples

    Very few cults exist that actively worship Tsathoggua presently. He has allowed

  • his worshipers to fall away. Through the ages he has done this several times,

    and each time he awaens anew his cults swell to sizes that rival even Great Cth



    Outer God

    Lawful Good

    Titles: Creator, Eternal One

    Home Plane: Special

    Worshipers: Way of the Creator followers

    Tyr-Alaxus (tir-uh-lax-us) appears as a comely man when he manifests. He is usu

    ally dressed in shimmering full plate armor and bearing a great sword. His pres

    ence is commanding and assuring and very few find the will to remain standing be

    fore him, even those of great evil find the overwhelming force of his presence c

    ommanding enough to drive them to their nees in respect.

    Tyr-Alaxus is despised by the followers of the morguul as he is credited wit

    h betraying and locing away the Outer Gods. Until he himself was betrayed and

    trapped by Nyarlathotep, he was the only true Outer God free in the world.

    Tyr-Alaxus resides outside of normal space and time in a prison that is in e

    very way a mirror to the prison that he loced the Outer Gods within.


    The teachings of Tyr-Alaxus are detailed in the Way of the Creator. Those teach

    ings mae no mention of any of the morguul pantheon. The faithful of the Way of

    the Creator consider the morguul erroneous and flawed and maintain that their d

    eity, the Creator, is free and that the Outer Gods are nothing more than clever


    Clergy & Temples

    Tyr-Alaxus is not revered in this religion. He has no churches, clergy or follo

    wers. His followers are those of the Way of the Creator. Those that believe in

    Morguul'Thelanis see him as a great enemy only.


    Beast Deity

    Chaotic Evil

    Home Plane: Prime Material

    Worshipers: Cultists

    Y'Golonac (yh-go-low-nac) is a hideous creature whose shape is nown only by th

    e twisted changes that a body undergoes after he possesses it. The victims body

    swells up and its head bursts free of its body which begins to glow with a sic

    ly luminescence. Following this a gaping, jagged-toothed maw opens in the palm

    of each hand and sometimes the grown, providing the beast a means to feast. Rem

    arably, when Y'Golonac leaves the body the victim awaens, naed, covered in go

    re and with no memory of the occurrence, but otherwise unharmed. Y'Golonac does

    not spea.


    Y'Golonac's teachings are nebulous to say the least. They thrive on horrible di

    sfiguration and destruction of the body and mind but as he never speas his cult

    ists find that they have wide latitude in deciding exactly what to fill into the

    "blans" left in their doctrine. Cults devoted to Y'Golonac are some of the mo

    st vile, disgusting groups in existence.

    Clergy & Temples

    Although Y'Golonac desires greatly a large cult he has failed miserably thus far

    in achieving that goal. Only a smattering of cults worship him.


  • The gods presented here are a Korinthian adaptation of the Cthulhu Mythos. The

    information here draws heavily from the wors of H.P. Lovecraft and others that

    have written Cthulhu Mythos including specifically the d20 Cthulhu role-playing



    Last Update: December 12, 2010

    Knowledge religion

    DC Type of Information

    5 Name and alignment of deity or religion

    10 General teaching of the religion (the 3-bulleted points)

    15 Holy days, titles for clergy, general church history, location o

    f churches

    20 Detailed church doctrine

    25+ Specific information about each god (such as their history, riva

    lries, cults, etc.), names of clergy

    +10 Specific information (such as names or locales) in cities where

    you have not spent much time

    Many faiths have come and gone throughout Korinths ages and rarely can any one pa

    ntheon or religion claim total dominion upon the world. Some of the commonly wo

    rshiped religions of the current age include:

    Benevolence (details of the faith): The faith that has sprung up around the

    new gods from Elindra is called Benevolence. These gods are worshiped not as pro

    genitors of life but as saviors for in Korinths hour of greatest need they came f

    rom another world to nit Korinth bac together. Led by Maronus the Great Defen

    der, the pantheon represents all that is good upon Korinth.

    Traditions of Morguul'Thelanis: A dar and horrid religion whose deities ar

    e responsible for plunging the world into the darness that led to the Sundering

    . No civilized people suffers the worship of the Traditions willingly. The Tra

    ditions teach of forbidden lore best left unnown whose very learning drives the

    mind insane.

    Way of the Creator: Venerating the Creator Tyr-Alaxus and espousing only a s

    ingle true divine entity, the Way of the Creator (also called just the Way) enjo

    ys support among nearly half of the civilized peoples of Korinth. Supplicants do

    nt follow any particular racial trends a human is just as liely to follow the Wa

    y as is an eladrin, tiefling or dragonborn.

    Other Gods: In addition to the larger, well established religions listed abo

    ve there are numerous other religions from the cults that worship Asmodeus to th

    e followers of the Old Gods that have not been seen since Necroths war to deitie

    s venerated only by a specific race. A few of these deities are presented below.

    Elindra: The deities and traditions on Elindra are altogether different than



    The individuals responsible for bringing Korinth out of the Sundering ascended t

    o the heavens and form the pantheon collectively referred to as Benevolence. Al

    l of these gods focus on loyalty and virtue in their worshipers but each holds t

    o different areas of individual teaching. The gods of the pantheon of Benevolen

    ce are generally friendly with one another and Maronus is widely accepted as th

    e head of the pantheon. Rivalries exist between the faithful loyal to the Redee

    mer and the faithful of the Loreeeper over the morguul. Tristan teaches that e

    very creature can be redeemed while Palinthious maintains that all morguul must

    be destroyed.

    Maronus the Great Defender

    Lawful Good

    Titles: the Great Defender, the Lion

    Symbol: Lion's head

  • Status: Alive

    Dimension: Korinth

    Realm: Unnown

    Divine Faith Power: Armor of Maronus

    Maronus is seen as the protector of the common man and defender of all that is

    right and good in the world. He is worshiped in nearly every temple to Benevolen

    ce and heralded as the head of the pantheon. He claims followers from amongst al

    l the peoples of Korinth although martial characters are drawn to his banner in

    particularly large numbers. Maronus demands much of his followers including:

    Never abandon your companions

    Do not allow fear or cowardice to direct your actions

    Surround yourself with wise council and listen when your councilors spea

    Bhua the Bhua


    Titles: the Bhua

    Symbol: Circle with a slash across

    Status: Alive

    Dimension: Korinth

    Realm: Unnown

    Divine Faith Power: Harmony of the Bhua

    Bhua is the god of unity, acceptance and peace as well as good-aligned undead.

    He rarely commands temples of his own but is worshiped in the temples of the pan

    theon. The exception to this being among the undead, where he is sometimes worsh

    iped alone as the one true god. Bhua claims followers from every race but has t

    he highest concentration of followers among the short races (halflings, gnomes,

    etc.) and good-aligned undead. Bhua the Bhua espouses the following ideals:

    You should always try to bring peace where there is unrest and conflict

    Those that loo different should be accepted for who they are not what t

    hey appear to be

    Nothing is absolute, there are always shades of gray

    Crinnu the Silent


    Titles: the Silent

    Symbol: Flames bursting upwards

    Status: Alive

    Dimension: Korinth

    Realm: Unnown

    Divine Faith Power: Grace of Crinnu

    Crinnu is the god of wisdom, serenity and hope. He rarely has temples raised in

    his own name but a strong monastic following has grown up in his service. While

    his worshipers include members of all wals of life he is most revered by those

    who see an inner calm and peace. Crinnu teaches his followers to:

    Listen, watch, learn and then spea

    Give aid to those in need and you will receive help when you are in need

    Confront evil where you find it without fear or hesitation



    Titles: the Driner

    Symbol: Anchor with a face at its top

    Status: Alive

    Dimension: Korinth

    Realm: Unnown

    Divine Faith Power: Strie of Galeon

  • Galeon is the god of strength, martial grace, joviality, drining and nature. He

    is worshiped in all of the temples of the pantheon and schools of battle have f

    ormed around his martial teachings that offer both martial and divine training.

    His worshipers include representatives of all the peoples of Korinth with a part

    icular concentration of fighters, druids and paladins. Galeon encourages his fai

    thful to:

    Boldly face whatever challenges are placed before you with unflinching b


    Never allow yourself to become shacled or enslaved to others

    Accept your place in life and gladly go where your destiny taes you


    Lawful Good

    Titles: the Judge

    Symbol: Target and crossed arrows

    Status: Alive

    Dimension: Korinth

    Realm: Unnown

    Divine Faith Power: Nox's Reversal

    As the god of judgment and retribution, Nox is the harshest member of the panthe

    on and often finds himself at odds with the Redeemer. Although he is worshipped

    in all temples of the pantheon, Nox has several sects with only tangential conne

    ctions to the main faith. These militaristic groups forcibly bring judgment to w

    rongdoers and build temple compounds where they both offer worship and live. Nox

    is venerated primarily by humans and half elves although members of every race

    are counted among the faithful. He requires the following of those in his servic


    An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth

    Redemption and forgiveness can be found only after justice has been achi


    Allow no wrong to go unrequited



    Titles: the Loreeeper

    Symbol: Boo

    Status: Alive

    Dimension: Korinth

    Realm: Unnown

    Divine Faith Power: Invoer's Luc

    Special: Palinthius reveals the Fastidiousness ritual to all his faithful that a

    re able to cast divine rituals.

    Shrouded in mystery, the Loreeeper claims the portfolios of nowledge, arcane p

    ower and devotion. His temples loo more lie libraries than places of holy wors

    hip and his priests spend less time preaching and more time teaching. Followers

    of the Loreeeper tend to be most highly concentrated among wizards and other sc

    holarly fol. Palinthius does teach his followers to adhere to these tenants:

    Knowledge is sacrosanct and powerful and must be respected

    It is your sacred duty to protect the ignorant from that which they must

    never learn the forbidden lore of the morguulYou must destroy the agents of the morguul wherever you may discover the


    Tristan the Redeemer


    Titles: the Redeemer

    Symbol: Fiery sword overlying a shield

  • Status: Alive

    Dimension: Korinth

    Realm: Unnown

    Divine Faith Power: Tristan's Sacrifice

    Tristan is the god of personal sacrifice and redemption. Temples dedicated to th

    e Redeemer are decorative opposites especially in their use of the blac and whi

    te colors. Tristan attracts worshipers in larger numbers from among the eladrin

    (he was eladrin himself before ascending), warlocs who are drawn to him for his

    own time among them and from the savage races that have abandoned their heritag

    e and see forgiveness and a new way. Tristan admonishes his followers in these


    Do not fear sacrifice but be willing to give your very life for a friend

    or a cause

    Within all living things, even those that seem beyond redemption, there

    exists some goodness

    Forgiveness doesnt need to be ased for, it should be freely given

    Read more about Benevolence here.

    Traditions of Morguul'Thelanis

    Little-nown until the time of Sundering, the horrible teachings housed in the i

    nfamous Boo of MorguulThelkanis outline blasphemous rituals and forbidden lore c

    ollectively referred to as the Traditions of MorguulThelkanis or just the Traditi

    ons for short. These supposed truths are so jarring to that to simply learn the

    secrets leaves a mind broen and insane. Even the strongest of personalities can

    only hope to stave off this insanity for a time.

    The Traditions have powers and deities but these are not well nown. They a

    re referred to collectively as morguul by the peoples of Korinth, a term that re

    fers to the gods as well as nightmare creatures. No one openly worships the morg

    uul and civilized peoples everywhere stamp it out when discovered.

    The Traditions also have no central faith, no symbol representing their reli

    gion, nothing that ties them together at all except the study of esoteric lore d

    amaging to the psyche. The Boo of Morguul'Thelanis itself is just one of many

    such wors. It happens to be more well nown than some of the others that incl

    ude titles such as the Necronomicon and the Collections of Khazar'Sha. All of t

    hese tomes deal with pieces of the Tradition and in many cases outright contradi

    ctions appear.

    Read more about the Traditions of Morguul'Thelanis here.

    Way of the Creator

    Those who venerate the Creator follow the Way of the Creator, often called simpl

    y The Way. The faithful believe that their religion is the one true path to ete

    rnal rest. The Way is represented by a single holy symbol a pair of lines form

    ing two intersecting circles that go on without end in symbolism of the Creators

    incarnation as the Eternal One.

    The only deity of the Way is the Creator himself although several archangels

    are presented here as well. These beings are not venerated as gods but faithfu

    l offer them prayers in accordance to the teachings of the Way. The angels are

    all attributed portfolios similar to gods of other pantheons. These represent b

    road categorical areas that the Creator has given the angel authority to act. T

    he angels do not have their own symbols.

    The Creator

    Lawful Good

    The Creator is nown by many names including the Creator, the Eternal One and Ty

    r-Alaxus. His dominion is over all things, for he is the one true progenitor of

    all life. The faithful gather in churches monthly to hear a message delivered

    by the priests. Most towns, even very small ones, have a church of the Way in t

    heir midst as one of every two people upon Korinth pray to the Creator for their

    salvation. The Way of the Creator teaches these things.

  • There is only one god and that god is the Creator all others are usurper

    s unworthy of worship

    Be ind, honorable and virtuous in all your dealings

    Dont steal what the Creator has given to others

    Andar, Warden of The Church

    Lawful Good

    One of the four Wardens of the Way, the Andar is an archangel said to watch over

    the faithful. Devout pray to the Andar for their own protection and prosperity

    . Andar, lie all the wardens, has no churches of his own and is not worshiped

    as a god but rather as an extension of the Creator. Andar encourages the faithf

    ul to follow the tenants of the Creator with a focus on these things.

    The Chosen of the Creator (priests) are holy and should never come to ha


    The church is entitled to a tithe of all monetary wealth

    Helping those in need is not only expected but required

    Rishael, Warden of the Voice

    Lawful Good

    One of the four Wardens of the Way, Rishael is an archangel said to bring the wo

    rds of the Creator to the mortals. Mortals pray to him in the hopes that he wil

    l tae their names (or the names of those for whom they pray) before the Creator

    . Lie all of the wardens Rishael has no churches of his own and is not viewed

    as a deity but rather an extension or servitor of the Creator. Rishael admonish

    es the faithful as follows.

    Be careful what you say and never bear false witness against another

    Encourage and praise those that are deserving but call out falsehoods wh

    erever they lur

    Never be ashamed of the Creator or his deeds

    Tilia, Warden of Life

    Lawful Good

    One of the four Wardens of the Way, Tilia is an archangel said to be the bringer

    of life. Mortals pray to her for fertility and to watch over their families.

    Lie all wardens Tilia has no churches of her own and is not worshiped as a god.

    She teaches the faithful many things.

    All life is sacred and should never be taen without absolute need

    Parents must watch over their children and see to their needs always

    Husbands must tae care of their wives and wives must tae care of their


    Gahael, Warden of Death

    Lawful Good

    One of the four Wardens of the Way, Gahael is called the angel of death for this

    archangel is he that collects the souls of the dead from the Shadowfel. Mortal

    s pray to Gaheal most often when they, or a loved one, are dying and beseech him

    for time. As all wardens, Gahael is not worshiped as a god but venerated as a

    holy servant of the Creator. Gahael demands of the faithful much.

    Every moment of life is a gift from the Creator and should be cherished

    The ultimate punishment is death but only the Creator has authority to i

    ssue death

    Devils of the Netherworld are abominations unfit to exist and should be


    Other Gods

    The Way and Benevolence are the major religions but they hold no claim to being

    the only faiths upon Korinth.




  • Titles: King of Hell, Lord of Lies, Overlord of the Hells, Lord of the Ninth

    Symbol: Inverted pentagram

    Status: Alive

    Dimension: Netherworld

    Realm: 9th Layer of Baator

    Divine Faith Power: tbd

    Claimant of the same name as the primordial farol, Asmodeus is a horrible being

    who represents tyranny and domination. He is served by the devils that sprang fr

    om his wicedness and sees to draw mortal souls into the Hell where he resides.

    Those deranged souls that worship Asmodeus do so in quiet, hidden temples, dan

    basements, abandoned ruins or other places ill-suited to good company. His wors

    hip is common among the uncivilized races but more than a few humans, elves, ela

    drin and others pray in secret to this devil. Asmodeus depraved teachings include

    all of the following.

    Anything that you have the power to tae is yours by right of force

    Lesser beings are limited by the rules of others, the great mae their o

    wn rules

    Lies, deception and treachery are all tools that a wise man uses to achi

    eve his ends



    Titles: the Tasmaster, the Charred King, the Flaming One

    Symbol: 4 red slashes

    Status: Alive

    Dimension: Korinth

    Realm: Unnown

    Divine Faith Power: Fiery Rebuttal

    As the god of fire, war and savagery, Balrais is venerated by cruel and angry cr

    eatures. He has few temples as he demands splendor in any construction in his n

    ame. Most worshipers pray and perform their unholy rites before a blazing bonfi

    re. Worship of Balrais is widespread among the evil races of Korinth and he com

    petes with Perdition for the faith of goblinoids. Orcs in his service are few a

    s are more civilized races. Balrais has a special troupe of warriors faithful t

    o him called Infernal Executioners. These warriors travel across Korinth ensuri

    ng that his faithful adhere to the commandments of Balrais, whom they call the C

    harred King. Balrais entreats his worshipers as follows:

    Mae war so that you remain powerful

    Burn your enemies with the holy fire of Balrais

    Give no quarter and offer no mercy to the defeated

    Additional details on Balrais can be found here.

    Grombuur Mountainroot


    Titles: Gray God, the Great Dwarf, Orciller

    Symbol: Mountain range

    Status: Alive

    Dimension: Korinth

    Realm: Outland

    Divine Faith Power: Blessing of Stone

    Grombuur is the god of mining and vengeance and the patron of dwarves. His title

    s include the Gray God, Orciller and the Great Dwarf. He has little regard for

    non-dwarves and long ago led his dwarves out of human society. The dwarves have

    massive temples built in honor of Grombuur where he is worshiped as the true dei

    ty of the dwarven race. His worshipers are almost entirely dwarven although ther

    e is a very small smattering of races represented. Grombuur admonishes his peopl

  • e to:

    Avoid the needless complications of humans and eep to the purity of you

    r dwarven brethren

    Allow no wrong to go unrequited

    Dig deep into the earth for there you find the soul of the dwarven peopl



    Chatoic Evil

    Titles: Vile Lord, Massacre, Hatreds Touch

    Symbol: Fist holding a handful of arrows

    Status: Alive

    Dimension: Korinth

    Realm: Unnown

    Divine Faith Power: Bloody Eruption

    The god of massacre, darness and death. Mazag sees to turn the hearts of all

    men from goodness and devour all gods other than himself. His worshipers do not

    construct temples for fear of discovery; instead they meet in quiet rooms and u

    nderground caverns. Mazag is worshipped primarily by evil humans, murderers an

    d assassins. Paladins and other nights in service to Mazag are called necronis

    nights. Mazag encourages his followers to:

    Kill at least one innocent victim each month

    Bring converts to the worship of Mazag

    Subvert and destroy any organization that wors against the will of Maza


    Additional details on Mazag can be found here.



    Chatoic Evil

    Titles: Blac One

    Symbol: Sull surrounded by blac flames

    Status: Dead*

    Dimension: Korinth

    Realm: Unnown

    Divine Faith Power: Touch of Death

    The god of destruction, chaos and endings, Necroth is worshiped as a primal for

    ce of nihilism and his professed goal is to usher in the end of existence. Wors

    hipers build temples to him in remote, secret places where no good thing has tro

    dden in years. His faithful can include anyone from humans, dragonborn to other

    more degenerate races. Demons revere Necroth as a primordial farol and active

    ly see to serve him. A few of the commandments Necroth gives are:

    Undermine the social order and sow chaos and discord

    Hurt others for the sae of causing pain

    Wor to bring the world to ruin

    *Note: Necroth is presumed dead. He was defeated by Velceric at the end of th

    e Age of Divinity and has not been seen since. Despite this, cults continue to

    worship the fallen power and faithful priests and paladins continue to receive d

    ivine energies. The faithful offer this as proof that he lives still while sep

    tics suggest his faithful are drawing power from some unnown source.


    Prince of Frost


    Titles: Pale Prince, Lord of the Long Night

  • Symbol: Icicles

    Status: Alive

    Dimension: Feywild

    Realm: Vale of Long Night

    Divine Faith Power: Winter's Touch

    Wronged and betrayed by his lover, the Prince of Frost sees vengeance on the mo

    rtal realm whom he blames for his situation. His followers consist almost entir

    ely of frost-fey creatures although humans and other mortals also venerate him,

    particularly those who feel they have been wronged and deserve vengeance. Templ

    es to the Pale Prince, though rare, are typically located in frozen environments

    and made of snow or ice. The Lord of the Long Night demands of his followers a

    ll of the following.

    Let your heart be as cold as ice. Show no mercy and remain aloof from t

    he world.

    Never tae what is not yours and deliver a swift and painful death to th

    ieves who cross your path.

    Pursue and punish those who have wronged you.

    The Raven Queen


    A shadowy incarnation of the will of the Shadowfell, the Raven Queen is venerate

    d only by the shadar-ai. She is the spinner of fate and the patron of darness

    and the very essence of the shadow curse. For this the shadar-ai love and despi

    se her at the same time. The Raven Queen demands the shadar-ai eep these comma


    Hold no pity for those who suffer and die for death is the natural outco

    me of life.

    Bring down the proud who try to cast off the chains of fate.

    When the time of your calling comes no longer resist the shadow curse bu

    t go to your goddess without fear.



    Titles: the Guardian, the Great Mother, Lord of the Deep, the Sea God

    Symbol: Trident with blades on both sides

    Status: Alive

    Dimension: Korinth

    Realm: Seas of Korinth

    Divine Faith Power: Chitinous Shell

    Special: Saamaran may reveal Saamaran's Rebirth to his most faithful followers


    Saamaran (soc-uh-marr-in) is the lord of the deep and lays claim to everything

    beneath the waves of Korinth. He is worshiped as a peace-bringer by the lizard

    fol, a savage warmonger by the sahuagin and a terrible harbinger of doom by sea

    -faring peoples. Saamaran maes his home in the deepest seas of Korinth and se

    es no dominion or power outside the oceans. Regardless of the society, Saamar

    an is pictured as a mighty raen that dwarfs even the largest of those magnific

    ent creatures. The clerics and priests faithful to Saamaran are called eelis a

    nd paladins, avengers and other holy nights are called dread chitinous. Saama

    ran's instructions vary from race-to-race and even amongst different clan's of a

    single race but some of the more common include:

    Honor the holy servants of Saamaran be they of your blood or another

    Strength is to be sought after

    Time washes away all things



    Titles: the Dar Lord, the Prince of Torment

  • Symbol: Silhouette of a wolfs head

    Status: Alive

    Dimension: Korinth

    Realm: the Smoldering Waste (Abyss layer 423)

    Divine Faith Power: Acidic Bile

    Zalintar is a demonic lord that rules over the 423rd layer of the Abyss, a stin

    ing cesspool called the Smoldering Wastes. From Blacclaw Castle within he plot

    s his next campaign. He has worshipers amongst all races but he favors gnolls a

    bove all others and he has a special legion of gnolls within the Smoldering Wast

    e called the Blacclaw Legionaries that have been altered in much the same way a

    s Zalintar and are now some mix of gnoll, dragon and demon. Zalintar leaves the

    bother of his cults to his high priest, a gnoll called the Hand of the Blaccla

    w. The worship of Zalintar is less of a religion and more a code of battle call

    ed the grash'noBal. It demands:

    Weaness, mercy, love and compassion are for lesser beings

    Combat, strength, warfare and illing are to be relished

    There can be no compromise, he who is not your ally is your enemy

    Religion of Elindra



    Chaotic Evil

    Titles: The Scourge

    Symbol: 3-headed flail

    Status: Alive

    Dimension: Elindra

    Realm: Rethaqui

    Divine Faith Power: Aspect of Kore

    Born a mortal in Korinth, Kore clawed his way to a place of power in Elindra thr

    ough brute strength, force of will and sheer savagery and these are the traits h

    e requires of those that serve him. Worshipped as a force of entropy by some an

    d the perfect embodiment of a natural storm by others, Kore has a strange mixtur

    e of followers. Druids from many cultures venerate him as an untamed force of n

    ature often offering human sacrifice to appease the angry demon while barbaric a

    nd cruel peoples venerate him for his strength and wicedness. When he chooses t

    o interact with his followers Kore recognizes only strength and power and requir

    es all of the following.

    The strong live while the wea should do the world a favor and die

    Chaos, anarchy, entropy - these are the foundations of the world

    Test your mettle regularly in physical combat


    - The Traditions of MorguulThelkanis are the Korinthian adaptation of the C

    thulhu Mythos