6 in every issue More ® photo, top left: fabrizio ferri on the c over MOre nOW 33 Who, What, When, Where and WoW! Sonia Braga turns up the heat, and Gloria Estefan shares some hair- raising stories. Plus, an entomologist hunts honeybees, wickedly funny greeting cards and an epic novel from Amy Bloom 57 travel: the art of seeing Five visual artists and the places that inspire them By Julie iovine MOre sTyLe 71 this is What 45 looks like 72 skin rehab Hardworking serums for summer-stressed skin 74 beauty solutions Outsmart aging with lois Joy Johnson’s makeup picks 78 smart shopper Cream of the cropped jackets, plus classic tweed pencil skirts at every price 82 accessories: think big Five high-style bags that can handle all your everyday essentials 84 3 readers, 1 trend Our panel agrees: Gray is the new must-have when it comes to tailored dresses 86 What to Wear for the rest of your life Kim Johnson Gross finds real fashion in size 14 and up 141 tough love Paulina Porizkova in brilliantly tailored leatherwear. Motorcycle not required By lois Joy Johnson 148 portraits of style Ten women, accomplished in both business and shopping, take the measure of fall’s new fashions By lois Joy Johnson september 18 editor’s letter 22 more connected: letters from readers 202 shopping guide 148 Power Play Ten accomplished women model fall’s freshest fashions More® (iSSn 1094-7868); September 2007, vol. 10, no. 7, published 10 times a year in Feb., March, April, May, June, July/Aug., Sept., Oct., nov., Dec./Jan. by Meredith Corporation, 1716 Locust Street, Des Moines, iA 50309. Subscription prices, u.S. and possessions, 1 year $20; Canada, 1 year $30; all other countries, $30. Periodicals postage paid at Des Moines, iA, and at additional mailing offices. POST- MASTEr: send address changes to More, P.O. Box 37341, Boone, iA 50037-0341. Canada post publications mail sales product agreement no. 40069223. Canadian bn 12348 2887 rT. return undeliverable Canadian addresses to More, 2835 Kew Dr., Windsor On. n8T 3B7. © Meredith Corporation 2007. All rights reserved. Printed in the u.S.A. Photo: Art Streiber. Hair: Enzo Angileri for cloutieragency.com. Makeup: Lucienne Zammit for Solo Artists. Stylist: Lisa Michelle Boyd for the Wall Group. Dress: Dolce & Gabbana. Jewelry: Tito Pedrini. 72 post-summer skin rehab 74 makeup that outsmarts age 78 the neW cropped jackets 86 real fashion for size 14s 130 men think gray hair is hot 141 luscious leathers 158 jodie foster at 44 164 cindy mccain’s independence 170 campaign finance 174 joyce maynard makes peace 194 julia glass learns to lie doWn 205 the heart health test

More - Meredith Corporationimages.meredith.com/more/pdf/MoreTOC0907.pdfraising stories. Plus, an entomologist hunts honeybees, wickedly funny greeting cards ... Jewelry: Tito Pedrini

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Page 1: More - Meredith Corporationimages.meredith.com/more/pdf/MoreTOC0907.pdfraising stories. Plus, an entomologist hunts honeybees, wickedly funny greeting cards ... Jewelry: Tito Pedrini


in every issue






p l









on the cover

MOre nOW

33 Who, What, When, Where and WoW! Sonia Braga turns up the

heat, and Gloria Estefan shares some hair-raising stories. Plus, an entomologist hunts honeybees, wickedly funny greeting cards and an epic novel from Amy Bloom

57 travel: the art of seeing Five visual artists and the places

that inspire them By Julie iovine

MOre sTyLe

71 this is What 45 looks like

72 skin rehab Hardworking serums for summer-stressed skin

74 beauty solutions Outsmart aging with lois Joy Johnson’s

makeup picks

78 smart shopper Cream of the cropped jackets, plus classic tweed

pencil skirts at every price

82 accessories: think big Five high-style bags that can handle all

your everyday essentials

843 readers, 1 trend Our panel agrees: Gray is the new must-have

when it comes to tailored dresses

86 What to Wear for the rest of your life Kim Johnson Gross

finds real fashion in size 14 and up

141 tough love Paulina Porizkova in brilliantly tailored leatherwear.

Motorcycle not required By lois Joy Johnson

148 portraits of style Ten women, accomplished in both

business and shopping, take the measure of fall’s new fashions By lois Joy Johnson


18 editor’s letter22 more connected: letters from readers202shopping guide

148 Power Play Tenaccomplishedwomenmodelfall’sfreshestfashions

More® (iSSn 1094-7868); September 2007, vol. 10, no. 7, published 10 times a year in Feb., March, April, May, June, July/Aug., Sept., Oct., nov., Dec./Jan. by Meredith Corporation, 1716 Locust Street, Des Moines, iA 50309. Subscription prices, u.S. and possessions, 1 year $20; Canada, 1 year $30; all other countries, $30. Periodicals postage paid at Des Moines, iA, and at additional mailing offices. POST-MASTEr: send address changes to More, P.O. Box 37341, Boone, iA 50037-0341. Canada post publications mail sales product agreement no. 40069223. Canadian bn 12348 2887 rT. return undeliverable Canadian addresses to More, 2835 Kew Dr., Windsor On. n8T 3B7. © Meredith Corporation 2007. All rights reserved. Printed in the u.S.A.

Photo: Art Streiber. Hair: Enzo Angileri for cloutieragency.com. Makeup: Lucienne Zammit for Solo Artists. Stylist: Lisa Michelle Boyd for the Wall Group. Dress: Dolce & Gabbana. Jewelry: Tito Pedrini.

72post-summer skin rehab

74makeup that outsmarts age

78the neW cropped jackets

86 real fashion for size 14s

130men think gray hair is hot 141luscious leathers 158jodie foster at 44 164cindy mccain’s independence

170campaign finance 174joyce maynard makes peace

194julia glass learns to lie doWn

205the heart health test

Page 2: More - Meredith Corporationimages.meredith.com/more/pdf/MoreTOC0907.pdfraising stories. Plus, an entomologist hunts honeybees, wickedly funny greeting cards ... Jewelry: Tito Pedrini










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ty im





en p
















rk h










57 travel: creative paths Fiveartistsfindinspiration

BODy + MinD

205 heart health update 16 common traps that

threaten your cardiovascular health By AmAndA GArdner

217 heart health alarms The heart attack symptoms

every woman needs to know By susAn ince

224 longevity or dessert? Cutting

calories can prolong your life, but is old age without chocolate worth it? KAren KArBo ponders

228 health neWs Help for heartburn, a drug to

nix your nicotine itch and tips for healthy travel

236 build a better back Eight easy exercises to

keep you fit and pain free By KAren schwArtz


120 mcfate’s mission A punk rocker turned anthropologist is educating the military for the war in iraq By ninA BurleiGh

158 jodie foster’s killer instincts The Oscar winner talks about playing a vigilante in her controversial new film and

why, at 44, she’s worrying so much less about her life By mArGy rochlin

164 cindy mccain at full throttle She bit her tongue when a smear campaign derailed her husband’s bid for the

presidency in 2000. But Cindy McCain vows it will be a different race this time around By PAul AlexAnder

170 buying poWer Contributing to a political campaign is one surefire way to get your voice heard. So why don’t more

women do it? By melindA henneBerGer

174 a tale of tWo sisters After 30 years at odds, Joyce And ronA mAynArd confront each other—in writing

180 days of Wine & roses Former Manhattan socialite Patricia Kluge celebrates her new life on a Virginia vineyard with

recipes for a harvest feast By sArAh BelK KinG

194 taking care She was 45, seriously ill and the mother of two young children, but JuliA GlAss still couldn’t bring herself

to ask for the help she needed

256 firsts after 4o A dean of biology gets schooled in rock guitar As told to dArA Pettinelli

WOrK + MOney

91 payback time How to help your aging parents without

going broke By wAleciA KonrAd

98 the conversation is it better to climb the

corporate ladder or strike out on your own? Executive chairman Carol Bartz and entrepreneur Margaret Heffernan chart the courses By KAtherine lAnPher

106 Work + money memo The top cities for

reinvention, an entrepreneur discovers flower power and an office romance fit for fiction


110 once more, With feeling Getting married

is both easier and harder the second time around. KAte BrAestruP takes the leap

130 sex and the gray-haired Woman

Anne KreAmer conducts a daring dating experiment

the ride of her life CindyMcCainrevsupforthe2008campaign


alarm bells Isyourheart




gray area Theseductivepowerofsilverlocks
