More Data, More Problems

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  • More Data, More Problems Surveillance and the Information Economy By Bhaskar Chakravorti

    In 2007, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) fined three mobile phone operators for

    failing to ensure that first responders could locate their customers if those customers were to dial 911

    during an emergency. The nationwide initiative to get telecommunications companies to invest in

    location technologies has been difficult: each company wanted the other partiesincluding public

    safety agenciesto invest before it would make its own move. As a result, everyone held off complying

    with the 2005 FCC mandate.

    Even back then, it was odd that the telecommunications sector was so reluctant to embrace location

    technology. Getting public safety communications right after 9/11 was paramount, and high-tech

    analysts had been hyping location-based services for years. Marketing gurus extolled the virtues of the

    segment of one, a concept that allowed for individualized selling through the fine parsing of

    consumer data. The 2002 movie Minority Report offered a stunning, dystopian visualization of this

    data-drenched future. Shops would be able to customize their commerce at the simple scan of a

    retina. In the film, personalized greetings and troves of personalized products soon followed. For all

    of this to be realized, of course, an entire location-cum-personal-dataaware ecosystem needed to be

    set upand the mobile phone operators were not ready to invest in their piece without the rest of the

    puzzle close to being completed.

    Although not a perfect facsimile for Minority Reports smart retina system, todays devices are within

    striking distance of it. Mobile apps and websites can find users food, companionship, and the nearest

    gas stationall based on who is using them, the users past behaviors, and the precise location. Today,

  • Uber is as much a verb as it is a companyone that can dispatch a car to its users at the tap of a

    screen and possibly do so faster than calling 911 could summon an ambulance just a few years ago.

    Thanks to advances in technology, we are locatable almost anywhere, and our personal and

    professional lives are connected in an ever-growing digital mesh. Houses can be seen from a distance.

    Organizations can monitor the activities of their employees. Family members can keep track of one

    another. Smart homes can monitor supplies (and even order household staples at the push of a

    button), measure the use of utilities, monitor people on the premises, and even have their thermostats

    set from anywhere in the world. These technologies are not limited to the developed world, either. In

    disaster zones, such as post-earthquake Nepal, several crisis-response platforms cropped up that

    create maps based on user inputs.

    With all the data being accumulated, whether voluntarily crowdsourced or automatically collected

    from daily digital activity, virtually every person with access to the Internet or a communications

    device leaves a trail of information behind. According to IBM, the world creates 2.5 quintillion bytes

    of data, and 90 percent of the worlds data has been created during the last two years. Once analyzed,

    this trove of information can help companies develop products and prices tailored to our needs and

    past behaviors. Governments can use the data to improve the lives of their citizens, as well, as seen in

    Singapore and Estonia, the latter of which has created 4,000 digitized services, ranging from libraries

    to licensing. Alternatively, however, data can be turned against those same citizens to control them,

    punish their actions, or manipulate their opinions.

    As society evolves toward a real-world version of Minority Report, it must consider how data will be

    used. Fortunately, two timely booksData and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and

    Control Your World, by Bruce Schneier, asecurity technology specialist, and Disruptive Power: The

    Crisis of the State in the Digital Age, byTaylor Owen, anassistant professor of digital media and global

  • affairs at the University of British Columbiaoffer informed and insightful perspectives on these

    issues. Both consider the future role of incumbent public and private institutions in an age of

    exponentially growing datathe exhaust of the information age, as Schneier describes it. Schneiers

    book considers the effects of the technology age on state and large corporate entities, whereas Owen

    focuses primarily on the state. Schneier is a worriersome readers may find him a bit paranoid. One

    can hardly blame him, though: his discomfort stems from his observation that everything is turning

    into a computer. Schneier continues, Your phone is a computer that makes calls. Your car is a

    computer with wheels and an engine. Your oven is a computer that cooks lasagna. Your camera is a

    computer that takes pictures. Even our pets and livestock are now regularly chipped; my cat could be

    considered a computer that sleeps in the sun all day.

    When viewed through this prism, one might do little else than fret about the ubiquitous computers

    that accumulate permanent records of our daily existence without our knowledge of the extent of their

    collection. Schneier says that 76 exabytes (76 million terabytes) of data will travel across the Internet

    this yeardata that states and corporations can use for their own purposes.

    Coverage of big data and surveillance can get technical, and most discussions are prone to devolving

    into repetitive polemics, but Schneiers book is a tour de force that keeps the reader engaged. Like a

    travel guide who has logged many miles along familiar territory, Schneier takes his readers on a

    journey, rarely managing to lose their interest and attention. One can virtually smell the exhaust of

    the information agethat is, how the trail of data is captured and the impact it has on contemporary

    society. Schneier makes a strong case for how data collection can lead to the erosion of social justice,

    and how it puts society at risk of losing core democratic values. Of course, he does not advocate

    throwing the baby out with the bathwater; rather, he argues that society must strike a balance

  • between security, convenience, and privacy. His writing is compelling, and his own data gathering is

    both meticulous and exhaustive: 121 pages of notes follow the books 238 pages of text.

    Schneier is firm in his conviction that state surveillance has not really protected society. This point

    needs more debate. It is often argued that when it comes to data collection, making the haystack

    larger only makes it harder to find the needle. But it is impossible to stop searching for needles, and it

    is hard to set sensible boundaries on the size of the haystack. Reality is dynamic: those who plant

    needles realize these boundaries and put them just outside of reach. Schneiers book is also alarmist

    about corporations. But consumers make an implicit deal with companies to give up control of their

    data, and some privacy, in exchange for both convenience and free services. Some of the most

    innovative startups are accumulating venture capital based off of these very deals. Once the consumer

    is addicted to convenience of taps, swipes, and the appeal of free software, there is often no going


    Schneier has his readers nervously (and perhaps needlessly) looking over their shoulders, and his

    books conclusion does little to allay the many anxieties. Most of his recommendations for reining in

    government overreach tread familiar ground: proportionality, court-ordered targeting, greater

    transparency, more and better oversight, the elimination of bulk surveillance techniques, and a host

    of other limits on government powers. Those recommendations that are novel are less than practical:

    breaking up the National Security Agency, protecting whistleblowers even if they put national security

    at risk. (Schneier collaborated with the former Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald, helping to

    analyze documents released by the former government contractor Edward Snowden.)

    Schneier has a long list of ideas for reining in corporations as well, including establishing information

    fiduciaries, tightening regulations, and bolstering consumers rights to their own data. He urges

    individuals to take action against the surveillance state through a four-part mantra: avoid it, distort it,

  • block it, and break it. Although this prescription may be feasible for one of the worlds foremost

    security experts, it seems like too much for the common person whose computer capabilities are

    challenged enough in deciding whether to accept the surge price on Uber or whether the next profile

    deserves a left or a right swipe.

    Whether Schneiers prescriptions for pushback are put into practice, the incumbent overlords of data

    collection ought not to rest easy. As Snowden, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, U.S. Army soldier

    Chelsea Manning, and a host of others have amply demonstrated, the mass surveillance machine

    could create a backlash that would come back to haunt it. Despite the books title, Schneiers

    exposition on the Goliath is missing a David. The monolithic surveillance machine is not paired with a

    true test of its strength from an underpoweredbut more determinedunderdog.

    Taylor Owens Disruptive Power: The Crisis of the State in the Digital Age provides that narrative.

    Owen borrows disruption theory from innovation literature and the works of Harvard University

    Professor Clay Christensen. He hails the power of new actors to disrupt old hegemons. Although

    governments and commercial actors have the advantages of experience and scalability, non-state

    actors can work as the disruptors of the status quo. These groups are decentralized, collaborative, and

    motivated, and are therefore resilient. Owen cites the hacktivity of an international network, such as

    Anonymous, as an example of an underdog fighting successfully against the state.

    Anonymous, however, is far from the sole David in Owens documented fight against binary Goliaths.

    In fact, his book provides many. Telecomix, a group of net activists seeking to promote freedom of

    expression, and bitcoin, the cryptocurrency that provides users with anonymous online transactions,

    are examples. He cites Ushahidi, a website used to document crises as they unfold, to show how

    harnessing the wisdom of crowds can spread awareness of an issue around the world. Although each

    of these examples in Owens book is inspiring, one is left wondering whether these collective pin

  • pricks of disruption will be enough to dislodge a powerful status quo, even if they were enabled by

    clever innovators and the amplifying effect of further technological advances. After all, the digital

    uprising that gave birth to the Arab Spring now seems like a distant memory. The international

    financial order has not been shaken by bitcoin, a currency once compared to Kim Kardashian because

    its famous for being famous. Crisis-mappers and crowdsourcing in general, although cost-effective

    and creative, have not yet posed a serious threat to the work of traditional institutions. Incumbents

    can adapt. This dynamic could play out in the political sphere as well.

    Although much of Owens attention is focused on the challenge that disruptors present to the state, he

    also digs into how the state is fighting back. The end of the book features a discussion on how the

    state can extend military technologies and tactics beyond the battlefield, using advances in automated

    warfare and new technologies to fight back through surveillance and other measures. Owen writes,

    The big question is whether these actions are meaningful; are these really challenging institutional

    powers? Disruptive Power raises more questions than answers, but the questions are good ones.

    Society is well past the point in 2007 when the FCC had to chide telecommunications companies for

    failing to track their customers. Now, not only are customers tracked but the data that results is

    growing exponentially. Governments and corporations are realizing the value of this data; so, too, are

    the ordinary men and women responsible for its generation. As consumers and citizens, we benefit

    from data being collected, analyzed, and harnessed by digital Goliaths from both the public and the

    private sectors. At the same time, it is important for us to create Davids that make sure these Goliaths

    are held in check, and act within the best interests of a free and open society. A careful reading of

    these two essential books offers key insights into this struggle, which promises to be of biblical
