JANAKALYAN SUPPORT 1 st  An nu Al P r o gr ess reP or t IMPLEMENTATION September 2012 to August 2013 More Cr op Pe r D r op  W at er R es ou r c e M an ag emen t f or T ai l - en d F ar m er s  Addressing 2-extreme s of wat er availability to improve productivity in tail end of irrigation project www.jankalyana.org

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1st AnnuAlProgress rePort

IMPLEMENTATION  September 2012

to August 2013

More Crop Per Drop 

Water Resource Management for Tail-end Farmers Addressing 2-extremes of water availability to improve productivity in tail end of irrigation project


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“More Crop Per Drop”

Addressing 2-extremes of water availability to improve productivity

in tail end of irrigation project JANAKALYAN


Water Resource Management for tail end farmers 

More Crop Per Drop

Volume 3 

1st Annual Progress ReportSeptember 2012 – August 2013

Submitted to


Submitted by

JANAKALYAN An Institution for Innovation Integrated Inspiring Intervention

Shantinagar, R H Colony No.4, Sindhanur – 584143

District: Raichur, Karnataka, India 

Tel: +91 8535-264488 Telefax: +91 8535-264140

Email: [email protected], www.jankalyana.org

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“More Crop Per Drop”

Addressing 2-extremes of water availability to improve productivity

in tail end of irrigation project JANAKALYAN

1st Annual Progress ReportSeptember 2012- August 2013

Preamble: Janakalyan, with the financial assistance of NABARD, has proposed to

initiate an innovative intervention in tail end of Tungabhadra Irrigation Project in

Sindhanur taluk of Raichur district to develop a model to address 2-extremes of water availability. It has commenced from September 2012 for 3 years to

demonstrate the proposed technology and prove it as a financially viable model for the farmers of any tail end in India. This report is prepared at the end of 1

styear of 

intervention to document the process followed in implementing the program.

Context: Due to partition of the country, millions of Bengalis lost their ancestral

properties and had to find their new abode in India as per the terms and conditionsof partition. About 932 such families were rehabilitated in Sindhanur taluk of Raichur 

district in Karnataka with 4-5 acres of land in the tail end of Tungabhadra Irrigation

Project. This piece of land is the only source of their livelihoods and all these

refugees are solely dependent on it for their survival. There are about 4 suchrehabilitation colonies in Sindhanur Rehabilitation Project.

Problem/issue: All tail ends of irrigation projects are exposed to a peculiar problem

i.e. two extremes of water availabili ty. During rainy season, when the upper reach

farmers don’t want water for irrigation and also the runoff gets generated out of excess rain, they leave it through the canal which inundates the standing crops of 

tail end farmers. In the peak season, when the water is seriously in need by the tail

end farmers, it is being completely used by the upper reach farmers leavinginadequate quantum after satisfying their needs, thereby causing drying up of 

standing crops again at the tail end. Realizing the fact over a period of time, thefarmers now cultivate part of the land considering the water availability in peak

season keeping rest fallow throughout the year.

Hypothesis/Theme: “Water is life” but is the scarcest resource too; provide water to

the farmers, they would ensure food security of the nation. God provided enough

water in the nature which we don’t use judiciously when made available but blamethe God or Government for the shortfall. Rural godowns are promoted by NABARDto arrest wastage of food grains likewise ‘water storage tanks’ need to be promoted

to reduce wastage of the scarcest resource, the water.

Model to be tested: Excavation of a water storage structure in the fallow land to

store the excess water during rainy season and using the same for lifesaving

irrigation during the peak season would not only address loss of crops due to 2-extremes of water availability but also help to use the fallow land productively by

integrating fish in the tank. Various other productive units such as vegetables,fodder with cows, fruits & tree crops, etc. could also be added to distribute risk of crop failures and thereby broadening the economic base of the family.

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Addressing 2-extremes of water availability to improve productivity

in tail end of irrigation project JANAKALYAN

The program commenced in September 2012 with the financial support of NABARDin Sindhanur Rehabilitation Project. This report is prepared at the end of 1

styear of 

the project intervention to document the process and progress.


Basically, the program aims the following-1) Creation of Water Harvesting Structures at the tail end of Tungabhadra Irrigation

Project.2) Bring in additional area under irrigated crops through judicious application of 

water.3) Increase productivity of the land through assured irrigation4) Enhance farm income by adding various productive units to the farm with risk

distribution through multiple sources of income tot the family throughout the year.

 Activi ties Completed so far…..Major activities carried out during the period are documented in the following

paragraphs in order to achieve the set target.1) Project Concept Orientation to 56 farmers through one to one interactions

2) Awareness generation about NABARD supported project in these villages3) Social feasibility study of these farms by Janakalyan team4) Technical feasibility study of the proposed water harvesting structures

5) Finalizing the list of potential farmers for water harvesting structure excavation6) Actual excavation of these structures; 5 structures completed till date.

7) Farm based activities to add multiple sources of income by diversifying croppingpattern

8) Regular documentation of the field level activities

Brief descriptions of these activities are narrated in subsequent sections of thereport for a better understanding of the process adopted in carrying out these


1.  Awareness Generation…..

Upon receiving the green signal from NABARD about the project, a series of village level meetings were conducted in all these rehabilitation colonies. This

was in terms of informal meeting, one-to-one interactions, formal meeting etc. tointroduce the NABARD supported project.

2. Project Concept Orientation…..Target group of the project are Bengali refugees; these are basically subsistenceagriculturists and boatmen of Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a country of rivers.However, every household used to have a multipurpose pukur  (tank) at their 

backyard. The present concept of the project is derived from their experienceonly i.e. tank-centered multiple sources of income.

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Addressing 2-extremes of water availability to improve productivity

in tail end of irrigation project JANAKALYAN

However, to reinforce the concept among the participating farmers, one-day

Project Concept Orientation program was organized on 10th

September 2012 

and subsequently again 27th

September 2012 in Janakalyan Office. About 56

famers from all the rehabilitation colonies participated in these 2 phase program.The major discussions are presented in the following slides-

Project Orientation to Farmers


Development of an Innovative Model for Tail end of TBP

• What are our responsibilities towards the society as

human being like son to father, father to son, etc?

• Yes; we must do something for the society

• Mouth to mouth advertisement about such

developmental programs

• We have to demonstrate the effects of such a project

• We must try and help others


Project Orientation to Farmers10.9.2012

Development of an Innovative Model for Tail end of TBP

• What are the major problems of farmers today?

• Inadequate Irrigation problem

• Fallow land

• Inadequate rain

• Canal breech

• Critical irrigation

• Brackish Ground water

• No loan till it rain/ water released in the canal

• Price hike for fertilizers / pesticides

• Less price for our produces

• No alternate option for livelihood

• Land fragmentation – less per capita land availability


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Addressing 2-extremes of water availability to improve productivity

in tail end of irrigation project JANAKALYAN

Project Orientation to Farmers


Development of an Innovative Model for Tail end of TBP

• What are the major problems of farmers today?

• Inadequate Irrigation problem

• Fallow land

• Inadequate rain

• Canal breech

• Critical irrigation

• Brackish Ground water

• No loan till it rain/ water released in the canal

• Price hike for fertilizers / pesticides

• Less price for our produces

• No alternate option for livelihood• Land fragmentation – less per capita land availability


Project Orientation to Farmers10.9.2012

Development of an Innovative Model for Tail end of TBP

• Why do we need a water harvesting structure?

• Balance water availability throughout the year

• Fruits

• Drinking water for animals

• Vegetables

• Fish


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Addressing 2-extremes of water availability to improve productivity

in tail end of irrigation project JANAKALYAN

Project Orientation to Farmers


Development of an Innovative Model for Tail end of TBP

• Why do we expect others to help us to excavate a Water

Harvesting Structure?• To demonstrate - others will follow

• We are poor


More Crop Per DropDevelopment of an Innovative

Model for Tail end of TBP


ProvideWater tofarmers;they willensure

foodsecurity of the nation

Give waterharvestingstructureto yourchildrenthan ahouse

House forcity-





• improveproductivity


profit in





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“More Crop Per Drop”

Addressing 2-extremes of water availability to improve productivity

in tail end of irrigation project JANAKALYAN

More Crop Per DropDevelopment of an Innovative

Model for Tail end of TBP

•Two extremes of water availability

•Part fallow land

Water harvesting structure

• Avoid inundation by storing excess water• Life saving irrigation to avoid crop loss

• Fish cultivation , Bund plantation

Diversified Cropping Pattern

• Distribution of risk

• Multiple sources of income

Productive Units

• Fish, Fruits, Fodder, Firewood,• Vegetables, vermicompost, milk, duck


More Crop Per DropDevelopment of an Innovative Model for Tail end of TBP

Proposed Productive UnitsTechnical Details

(Variety/species)  Acre

Water Harvesting Structurewith fish & duck

Ruhu, Katla, Common carp &telapuyia 1.0

Subsistence Crop (rice) with


Sona Masoori1.0

Vegetables (brinjal, tomato, cauliflower,

beans, leafy vegetables, etc)0.5

Fodder with 1-2 milch animals Napier with Jersey cows 0.5

Dry crops cereals & pulses 2.0

Banana on the inner side of 

the tank bund

Subabul trees on outer sideof the tank bund 

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Addressing 2-extremes of water availability to improve productivity

in tail end of irrigation project JANAKALYAN

More Crop Per DropDevelopment of an Innovative

Model for Tail end of TBP























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Qualitative Impacts 20% ADDITIONAL


Intensive use of land and water (avoiding fallow land)

Increased productivity would raise income leveland thus living standard, especially investment

in education of their children

100% utilizationof family laborsfor farming thusreducing cost of cultivation and

hence increase in


Fuel woodavailability in thefarm itself thus

reducingdrudgery to the


Fruit crops wouldhelp fruits intakes

 – healthimprovement

Good quality

food grainswould

improvehealth statusof the family


Water availabilityfor cattle,

irrigation as wellas human beingthroughout theyear (reducing


Recycling of wastes would


The purpose of the Project Orientation Program was to inform the participating

farmers about the terms and conditions of the project so that they can take a finalcall whether or not to participate in the project. A time period of 15 days was

given them to think and decide.

3. Social Feasibili ty Study……

The next step after finalization of list of farmers was feasibility analysis;feasibility we analyze at 2 stages – 1) Social feasibility and 2) Technical

feasibility. We have a predesigned schedule to assess the social feasibility of the household. The team visits every household and interacts with the members

of selected families. The purpose is to understand the interest of the familymembers in the proposed package. The proposed package can be translated in

to action only with the support of all the family members. If the farmer alone isinterested then all the components of the project cannot be implemented. The

team ensures, through the social feasibility study, that maximum family memberscommit to the plan of action of the project.

4. Technical Feasibili ty Study….

Those who qualified in social feasibility are then assessed for technical

feasibility by visiting their farms; here the team tries to assess whether the farm

is a suitable for excavation of water harvesting structure, whether all componentsof the proposed plan could be implemented in the farm, which is the suitablelocation for excavation of the water harvesting structure within the farm, what

shall be the size of the structure based on the land holding, etc.

5. Identif ication of Potential Farmers…..

Based on the results of social and technical feasibility studies, a final set of farmers are identified and an orientation program for them is conducted on

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21.12.2012 at Janakalyan office. About 23 farmers participated in the saidprogram. Not only was the plan of action discussed with these farmers but also

the terms of reference. They are also shared the information like the amount of grant available for excavation of the water harvesting structure, types of activitiesto be implemented after excavation and the amount of contribution at farmers

end for all these activities etc. These selected farmers are also told that theexcavation shall start on first come first serve basis based on deposition of their 

contribution. The list of farmers who have been identified by the project team isfurnished below-


Name of theFarmer 

Father Name Taluk/Dist rict Vill age Sy No LandHolding

Mobile No

1 Protul Mandal Nakul Sindhanur/ Raichur R H Colony No-2 556 4 7411283672

2 Bidhan Mandal Navin Sindhanur/ Raichur R H Colony No-2 552 4.39 8970718258

3 Sunil Dhali Sindhanur/ Raichur R H Colony No-2 8722492348

4 Ramesh Mandal Khagen Sindhanur/ Raichur R H Colony No-3 534/536 5 8880455425

5 Promoto Mistry Upen Sindhanur/ Raichur R H Colony No-3 267 5 8088133442

6 Fhakirappa Somanna Sindhanur/ Raichur R H Colony No-3 604 4 9972684082

7  Amal Sardar Nakul Sindhanur/ Raichur R H Colony No-3 405/442 2.5 8880704726

8 Khokan Sardar Satish Sindhanur/ Raichur R H Colony No-3 5

9 Biswajith Dhali Hajara Sindhanur/ Raichur R H Colony No-3 175 4.38 8147032977

10 Sadhan Sana Banomali Sindhanur/ Raichur R H Colony No-3 5 8088384021

11 Somappa Shanmukhappa Sindhanur/ Raichur R H Colony No-3 347 6 7259948963

12 Prankrishna Patro Rasoraj Sindhanur/ Raichur R H Colony No-4 8867412988

13 Dr Shib Gain Banomali Sindhanur/ Raichur R H Colony No-4 105 5 9902507807

14 Manojith Dutta Arun Sindhanur/ Raichur R H Colony No-4 5 9845890805

15 Pabitro Bachar Motilal Sindhanur/ Raichur R H Colony No-4 461/462 5 5663319029

16 Sattojith Majumdar Rajjeshwar Sindhanur/ Raichur R H Colony No-4 184 4 8151021788

17 Manojith Dewari Mahanto Sindhanur/ Raichur R H Colony No-4 124 5 8277547934

18 Swapon Biswas Golapi Sindhanur/ Raichur R H Colony No-4 456 4.35 876290390219 Manojith Biswas Mukunda Sindhanur/ Raichur R H Colony No-5 103/1 2.39 9902621283

20  Ashit Bose Biren Sindhanur/ Raichur R H Colony No-5 5 8970123417

Note that it is not mandatory that only these farmers will be selected for 

excavation of water harvesting structures but anybody who completes the worm-compost pit with cows would get first priority, whether from the above list or 


It was clearly told them that NABARD has provided Rs.35,000 for excavation of 

every water harvesting structure and the farmers need to contribute Rs.25,000

for 65 Hitachi hours of work. The farmers themselves shall make arrangement for shifting the excavated soil and provide food to the operator.

6. Benchmark Survey…….

Upon receipt of the contribution from the farmers, the team then starts

benchmark data collection process through a predesigned schedule. The teamcollects General Information of the family, Demography of the family, EconomicProfile, Land Details, Moveable & Immovable Assets, Agriculture Credit,

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Household Savings & Security, Sanitary Pattern, Household ExpenditurePattern, Access to Government Support, Social and Marriage System, etc.

7. Excavation……

Finally the excavation of water harvesting structure started on 7th

April 2013 and

completed 5 structures by 11th June 2013; though there were possibilities of excavting few more structures but due to lack of funds, we had to stop the

process for time being. An hitachi was hired to excavate these structures at themarket price.

Table below provides a bird’s eye view of the progress as on date.Sl.No.

Name of thefarmer 

Village PhoneNumber 



Size of t hetank



Completion date




FarmersContribution (Rs)

1 Manik Bawali R H C No-5 7353779851 88 5.00 125X70X11 07-04-13 15-04-13 97240 35000 62240

2 Shanti Mandal R H C No-5 8105780618 98 4.38 126X80X11 15-04-13 28-04-13 151540 35000 116540

3 Suren Mandal R H C No-5 9611645887 89 4.38 145X55X11 30-04-13 15-05-13 90140 35000 55140

4 Jeetendra Ray R H C No-4 8867242960 462 4.08 120X65X12 17-05-13 25-05-13 84590 35000 49590

5 Hiralal Baidya R H C No-4 9483892745 454 5.02 130X80X11 26-05-13 11-06-13 90080 35000 55080

TOTAL 513590 175000 338590

Percentage 34% 66%

Carefull observation of the table shows that about 66% of the cost of excavationis borne by the farmers themselves while only 34% of the total cost is subsidized

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by the project as incentive. The the farmers have both the desire as well as theability to invest for excavation of the structure, it is this “incentive” which stopsthem from going ahead. All these farmers very well understand the importance of such a structure and the advantages of having assured irrigation for their crops,but still expect this “push factor” from some external sources to capitalise thebeenfits of this knowledge and technology.

8. Farm Demonstration……

Excavation of water harvesting structure is just the beginning of the journey inbringing self sufficiency by diversifying cropping and adding multiple sources of income to the farm. Though, it has a long list of activities demanding huge

investments in each of these activities and takes few years to establish theresults, due to limitation of the scheme, we have planned only few set of training

with the participating farmers. The actual implementation is left to the farmersthrough their own investments. The role of Janakalyan is only triggering the

activities such as a) vegetable cultivation training, b) fodder cultivation & animal

husbandry training, c) worm composting and / or SRI and 4) fish rearing. Theachievement as at the end of the 1

styear of the journey is not very satisfactory in

this regards. One of the reasons is that it was planned to complete the structures

before taking up farm level activities. Other reason is lack of fund required for conducting these training. However the farm level demonstrations have been

taken up without the training inputs and planned to conduct all these training inthe 2

ndyear of the project period. Broad farm based activities during the reporting

period are grouped into following 4 heads and brief description provided in

subsequent paragraphs of the report.

8.1. Vegetable Cultivation………

Though it was a very good year in terms of rainfall but was a bad year for 

vegetable cultivation due to continuous rain almost every day; as a result, thefarmers those who tried vegetable cultivation lost their crops while few others

could not even go for sowing / transplanting.

Vegetable Plots of Sri Surendranath Mondal at R H Colony No.5

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Vegetable Plots of Sri Manik Bawali of R H Colony No.5

The table below gives a fair view of the vegetable crop data of participating



NameCrop Variety



Date of 




Yield till

date (Kg)

Return till

date (Rs)ManikBawali

Tomato 1.0 gunta 5.8.2013 400 25 250

Leafy vegetable 1.0 gunta 5.8.2013 400 50 250


Brinjal 0.5 gunta 10.8.2013 200 10 180Tomato 0.5 gunta 10.8.2013 250 20 200Radish 0.5 gunta 10.8.2013 140 10 100Chilly 0.5 gunta 10.8.2013 450 10 200


Brinjal 1.0 gunta 6.8.2013 400 30 500

Tomato 0.5 gunta 6.8.2013 400 20 300

Chilly 0.5 gunta 6.8.2013 400 20 300

Jeetendr a

NA NA 0 0 0


Ladyfinger 0.5 gunta 25.9.2013 175 0 0

Pumpkin 0.5 gunta 25.9.2013  165 0 0

Ridge gourd 0.5 gunta 25.9.2013  165 0 0

Gourds 0.5 gunta 25.9.2013  165 0 0

Total 8.0 gunt a 3710 195 2280 Average per farmer 2.0 gunta 928 49 570 Average per gun ta 464 24 285

It is evident from the table that about 8.0 gunta land has been covered by 4 outof 5 farmers i.e. 2.0 gunta per farmer during the year; one farmer retained his

previous culture of going for mono-cropping i.e. rice cultivation even after repeated hammering. However, the team is happy that at least we couldmotivate 4 farmers (80%) to go for vegetable cultivation whatever small is the

quantity in very first year. Once they taste the benefits of vegetable cultivation,we are sure next year onwards they will adopt it their own.

It is further clear from the table above that the average investment per farmer is

Rs.928 while the average return each farmer has already recovered is Rs.570; itis to be noted that the crop is not fully harvested and also one (Hiralal Baidya)

of the farmers has yet not harvested at all. Similarly, the investment per gunta of land for vegetable cultivation is only Rs.464 while the return per gunta is Rs.285

at this stage of crop harvesting. Every farmer has already harvested an averageof half-a-quintal of vegetables.

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Sri Swapan Baidya working in his vegetable plots

The important point to be noted here is that this data is of the sale of vegetableafter their family consumption; consumption of farm fresh vegetables will

definitely have positive impacts on the health of the family members.

8.2. Fodder Cultivation & Animal Husbandry………………With farm fresh vegetables, it is also aimed that the peasant communities shall

also get unadulterated milk from their own farm.

Farmer Name VarietyNo of cows

Date of Purchase


Milk Yield(liters)

Return tilldate (Rs)

Manik Bawali Philliphis 2 05.10.2012 18000 6 liter/day 37500

Shanti Mandal - 0 - 0 - 0

Suren Mandal - 1 18.09.2012 12000 5 liter/day 29500

Jeetendra Ray - 0 - 0 - 0

Hiralal Baidya - 1 01.02.2013 6000 2 liter/day 8500

Total 4 36000 13 li ter 75500 Average 12000 4 l iter 25165

The table above depicts that with an average investment of Rs.12000 per farmer an average return of Rs.25165 is obtained in about 1 year; of course the

other expenditures towards feed, fodder and labor is not considered at thisstage. However, even if those are taken into consideration, we believe that

there would be reasonable margin in animal husbandry. On the other hand, thebenefits from cow dung and cow urine is also not calculated along with the

value of calf. Again, this value is calculated only for the quantum of milk that issold after family consumption; here again the impact on health is to beconsidered.

Fodder grown by Hiralal Baidya Fodder plot of Surendrantha Mondal

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Fodder Plot of Manik Bawali

Only setback for the team during the year is that it failed to motivate the farmersto go for fodder crops except Sri Manik Bawali who has tried it in small piece of 

land. It is very difficult to bring out the farmers from their age-old practices towhich they are addicted to. But, some of them have cultivated fodder on the

bunds of the tank. However, in the due course of time, we are sure of convertingthese farmers into the proposed package of the program. It is also to be noted

that 2 of the participating farmers have yet not purchased cow for the want of funds, though they are interested.

8.3. Worm compost and/or SRI…….

It is planned that each farmer shall either go for worm-compost making or 

cultivate paddy with System of Rice Intensification (SRI) method of cultivation.The outcome as at the end of 1

styear of the project implementation is furnished

in the table below.

8.3.1. Worm compost…..

In the very first year of project implementation, the team failed to motivate the

farmers to go for worm-compost preparation. However, one farmer has put thematerials in an already built concrete structure. The standard compostingmethod is applied and waiting for the result after 3 months.

Farmer Name

Type of 

compost pit Size Startin g Date



Yield till


Value of 


Manik Bawali - - - - - -

Shanti Mandal - - - - - -

Suren Mandal - - - - - -

Jeetendra Ray - - - - - -

Hiralal Baidya Concrete 10ftx6ft 18.8.2013 - - -


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Worm-Compost pit of Hiralal Baidya

8.3.2. System of Rice Intensification…….

In order to bring more area under irrigation, it is proposed that SRI method of 

rice cultivation shall be introduced so that water consumption becomes lesswhile yield increases. With all efforts, the farmers agreed to go for SRI in a

small piece of land as shown in the table below; however, not all farmers. Theresult is yet to be seen…

Farmer Name Crop Variety Area


Date of 




Yield till



Return till

date (Rs)

Manik Bawali - - - - - -

Shanti Mandal - - - - - -

Suren Mandal 1010 paddy ¼ acre 12.9.2013 2820 - -

Jeetendra Ray 1010 paddy ½ acre 22.8.2013 6070 - -

Hiralal Baidya 1010 paddy ½ acre 12.8.2013 5830 - -

Total 1¼ acre 14720 - -

 Average 4907

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SRI Plot of Jeetendra Roy SRI Plot of Surendranath Mondal

System of Rice Intensification adopted in Hiralal Baidya farm

In addition all farmers have gone for traditional method of rice cultivation for their subsistence cultivation.

8.4. Fish culti vation…..

Farmer Name Fish Variety Quantit y

Date of 



Yield till


Return tilldate (Rs)

Manik BawaliKatla & Commoncarp

1000 11.9.2013 1000 - -

Shanti Mandal Katla & Commoncarp

- - - - -

Suren Mandal 1000 11.9.2013 1000 - -

Jeetendra Ray Telapuiya, Katla &Common carp

200+1000 11.9.2013 1400 - -

Hiralal BaidyaKatla & Commoncarp

1000 11.9.2013 1000 - -

Total 4200 4400

Farmer has an opinion that in new structure, fish growth is not up to theexpectation; therefore, all of them postponed it for a year. However, one among

them felt to try it out with a local variety i.e. Telapuiya in the 1st

year itself. The

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data is furnished above. Remaining among them have recently left the fishseedlings as it is almost 5-6 months old tanks.

Fish Tank of Surendranath Mondal Fish Tank of Manik Bawali

Fish Tank of Shanti Mondal

Fish Tank of Jeetendra Roy Fish Tank of Hiralal Baidya

9. Documentation…….

Documentation is an important task in every project implementation, especially

when it is demonstration type, for the benefits of larger sections of the society.

Since the project has been taken up under FTTP – Farmers Technology Transfer 

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Fund – it becomes again important to document each and every step so that a

conclusion can be drawn at the end of the project period about the technology

under testing.

Janakalyan team has developed various formats for documenting the field basedactivities on day to day basis. The reports are prepared based on these data/

records. All these formats are annexed to this report.

In addition, periodical photo and occasional video documentation are part of the

routine documentation process of field team of Janakalyan.

10.Transparency & Accountability…..

Transparency is a crosscutting system in Janakalyan; all data including

financials are disclosed with all the stakeholders. Janakalyan is accountable to

all its stakeholders in addition to the donor.

Project Banner with cost details in the farm of Hiralal Baidya

Cost Details displayed in the farm site of Sri Manik Bawali

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Cost Details of Shanti Mondal Display Board in the farm of Surendra

Cost Details displayed in the farm site of Sri Jeetendra Roy

In order to exhibit the same, a display board is put in each of the project farm

with the details of investment from the project as well as by the farmers. The

sample board is

11. Agriculture Interest Group…….

It is proposed that Agriculture Interest Group (AIG) shall be formed with the

participating farmers so that cross learning and mutual cooperation is possible

among them; this would be possible only after covering all 15 farmers as

proposed in the proposal.

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Farmers’ interactions……. Socio-technical feasibility study……..

Machine used for excavation of these structures……..

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Sri Manik Bawali

Before commencement of excavation of During excavation of the structure of Sriwater harvesting structure ……. Manik Bawali

 After Completion of the water harvesting structures in the farm of Sri Manik Bawali of 

R H Colony No.5 of Sindhanur taluk in Raichur district…………………….

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Sri Shanti Mondal

Before commencement of During excavation of the structure…………….excavation of water harvesting structure …….

 After Completion of the water harvesting structures in the farm of Smt Shanti Mondalof R H Colony No.5 of Sindhanur taluk in Raichur district…………………….

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Sri Surendranath Biswas

Before commencement of excavation of During excavation of the structurewater harvesting structure ……. of Sri Surendranath Biswas

 After excavation of the water harvesting structure……………………….

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Sri Jeetendra Roy

Before excavation……………………..

During Excavation………………………

Soon after its excavation, it rained and the result is seen…………………………

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Hiralal Baidya

Before Excavation ……

During Excavation …..

 After excavation

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Cotton, major cash crop of the region, made its way in again after 20 years; it needsassured sources of irrigation at periodic interval which the NAABRD supported

structure provides to Sri Manik Bawali while many other do not have such facility

Water Harvesting Structure of Manik Bawali; he sleeps well in the night as he has

an assured source of irrigation

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Farmers of R H Colony No.5 can never imagine cultivating paddy as they are at the

last part of the canal; but Surendranath can dare to grow rice with NABARD support.

Bumper cotton in the farm of Surendranath in R H Colony No.5; never ever he had

dreamt of such a crop but the NABARD support made it possible through assuredsource of irrigation in addition to the good rain

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Jeetendra Roy is irrigating his paddy by lifting the water from NABARD supportedwater harvesting structure using a diesel engine – a life saving irrigation

Creepers grown on the bund act as check against soil erosion in addition toproviding green vegetables to the family

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Cotton grown in the farm of Shanti Mondal – having a water harvesting structure

only can made it possible

Brinjal plot of Shanti Mondal

Chilly plot of Shanti Mondal

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Real integration in cropping; cotton, paddy, redgram, vegetables and many other 

crops can be seen in one farm which was never before possible

Each farmer have planted about 100 saplings in their farm after excavation of thesewater harvesting structures. These saplings are mobilized from line departments like

horticulture, forestry, etc.

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Bund strengthening with vegetative covers on both sides of the bunds to avoid land

sliding; this would also be used as fodder for the animals.

Vegetable plot of Hiralal Baidya; Swapan Baidya observing the crop status

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The grant util ization statement of the pro ject ………………….

Expenses Statement for t he period from 1.09.2012 to 31.08.2013

Sl.No Expenditure Head


Budget Sanctioned by RO

Up to previous reporting p eriod31.3.2013

Current p eriod 01.04.2012 To31.08.2013

Up to 31.08.2013













UnitRate per 



 A B C=(A+B) D E F=(D+E) G=(A+D) H=B+E) I=(G

I Project Officers salary for 3 Years 234000 36 4,000 144,000 28,000 - 28,000 20,000 20,000 48,000 - 4

ii ield Officers Salary for 3 Years 144000 36 4,000 144,000 28,000 - 28,000 20,000 20,000 48,000 - 4

iii xcavations of Farm Ponds 3000000 15 35,000 525,000 - - - 175,000 338,590 513,590 175,000 338,590 51


Orientation Programmes with

farmers, KVK & USA


6125 3



- -



- - -

VOrientation Programs with Bankers

Govt officials8750 3

2,0006,000 - - - 0 - - -

viTraining Programs for farmers on

Integrated Farming System" -- - - -

 A Cultivation of vegetable crops 25500 3 3,333 10,000 - - - - - - -

BCultivation of fodder for milch

animals25500 3


- --

-- - -

C orm composting, SRI technologies 25500 3 3,333 10,000 - - - - - - -

D ishery in Farm Ponds 25500 3 3,333 10,000 - - - 0 - - -

vii ravel, Office, Communication costs 229200 36 2,250 81,000 24,695 - 24,695 27729 27,729 52,424 - 5

viiiField Days and Experience Sharing

rograms30000 5

3,20016,000 - - - - - -

Total 3,754,075 962,000 80,695 - 80,695 242,729 338,590 581,319 323,424 338,590 66

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The local contribution mobilized against the NABARD grant for the project ….



Name of the


Village Phone







Size of 

the tank(ftXftXft)




ion date


Expense (Rs)





1 Manik Bawali R H C No-5 7353779851 88 5.00 125X70X11 07-04-13 15-04-13 97240 35000 62240

2 Shanti Mandal R H C No-5 8105780618 98 4.38 126X80X11 15-04-13 28-04-13 151540 35000 116540

3 Suren Mandal R H C No-5 9611645887 89 4.38 145X55X11 30-04-13 15-05-13 90140 35000 55140

4 Jeetendra Ray R H C No-4 8867242960 462 4.08 120X65X12 17-05-13 25-05-13 84590 35000 49590

5 Hiralal Baidya R H C No-4 9483892745 454 5.02 130X80X11 26-05-13 11-06-13 90080 35000 55080

TOTAL 513590 175000 338590

Bund is productively used for growing vegetable by Manik Bawali; this also strengthen

the bund from land sliding

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 Annex 1Farm Level Routine Data Collection Sheet 

Name & Address of farmer 

Crop – 1

Survey Number 

Date Activi ties QuantityUnit Cost




Crop status / Impacts of 




Land Preparation

Cleaning the land

Sowing /






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Winnowing /


Packing &



Total cost of cultivation

Total Yield

Signature of Farmer Signature of the Field Staff 

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Annex 2

Water Monitoring Sheet


(in foot)


(in foot)


(in hours)





Signature of 


Signature of Farmer Signature of Field Staff 

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 Annex 3

Conso lid ated Cost -Benefit Analysi s fr om 5 acres Farm usin g t he IIFS techno log y du rin g 2013-14 for Mr. _____________________________



Income & Expenditure for 2013-14 from various Productive Units of Self-sufficient Livelihood ModelTotalWet Crops

Cul ivationFish Rearing

 Ani malHusbandry

Dry CropsCultivation


Fruit CropsCultivation

Wet Crops inRabi

Dry Crops inRabi

Vegetables insummer 


Variety of Crops /breed


 Area covered in acre/ units


Total Cost of Cultivation

 Average Cos t


Labour Requirement

 Average labour 

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Income & Expenditure for 2013-14 from various Productive Units of Self-sufficient Livelihood ModelTotalWet Crops

Cul ivationFish Rearing

 Ani malHusbandry

Dry CropsCultivation


Fruit CropsCultivation

Wet Crops inRabi

Dry Crops inRabi

Vegetables insummer 


Total Yield

 Average yi eld


Price per Unit (Rs)

 Average Pri ce


Total Return from theunit

 Average Retu rn

Net Profit / Loss

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 Annex 4Benchmark Schedule

NABARD supported

Development of an Innovative Model for Tail End Farmers of TungabhadraIrrigation Projects

Benchmark Survey for Participating Farmer 


Name of the surveyor:

Name of the respondent:

 A GENERAL INFORMATION (for iden ti f icat ion of the house) 

 A.1 Name of the Household Head 

 A.2 Serial No. of the House (if any) 

 A.3 Name of the village

 A.4 Block A.5 District

 A.6 Name of the Village Panchayath 

 A.7 Phone No. (if any)


B.1 Family Composition 

Sl. NameRelation

with Head Age Sex Qualificati on Occupation











N.B for Children, write student in the occupation columnW for Widow, H for Handicapped, D for Divorced, M for Married & U for Unmarried in the remarks


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B.2 Family structure :  Joint family/Nuclear family

B.3 For how many years you are residing in the village 


C.1 Immovable Properties :

C.I.1 House

a) House Hut/Building

 Area: sq.ft

b) If building then RCC roof/pucca/kuccha/ other 

c) Whether the house is ancestral/own/rented/others

d) If rented then rent per month Rs.

e) How many rooms are there?

f) Bathroom and toilet facility Yes/Nog) Whether the house is mortgaged for Yes/No

any purpose?

h) Whether part of the house is given on rent? Yes/No

I) If yes, Rent per month Rs.

 j) Does the house has water connection Yes/Nok) Does it has electricity connection? Yes/No

l) Does it has telephone connection? Yes/No

m) Does it has sanitary facility? Yes/No

n) How far the public source of water from the house?


C.I.2 a) How many acres? acresb) Source of irrigation Irrigated/rainfed/dry

Borewell/openwell/canal/lift irrigation

c) Land use pattern Agriculture/Horticulture/foresty/others

d) Does it has a water harvesting structure? Yes/No

e) Do you use it for? Irrigation/Drinking water/fisheriesf) Does your farm has fencing? Yes/No Type

g) Do you cultivate the land Yes/No

h) If yes, cropping pattern Single/double/multicrop/others

I) Major crop grown j) Do you use it for cultivation of Subsistence crop/cash crop

k) Cultivation technology traditional/modern

l) Do you cultvative the land yourselves or Self/Share cropping/lease

given on lease?

m) Have you mortgaged the land to burrow any laon? Yes/No

n) How much and what purpose?

o) Whether the land is ancetral or purchased?

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p)What is the amount you are getting fromlease of the land?

q) No of persons engaged in the land ?


What is the maximum profit/yield you have

Rs./quintalgot in the last 5 years from the land ?

C.1.3 Other Assets 

a) Television Yes/No

Cable connection Yes/No

b) Taperecorder Yes/No

c) Mobile phone Yes/No

d) Gas Stove Yes/No

e) Electric fans Yes/No

f) Sewing Machines Yes/No

g) Almirah (steel/wooden) Yes/No

h) Dining hall Yes/No

I) Cooler Yes/No

 j) Refrigerator Yes/No

k) Mixer Yes/No

l) Any other (specify) Yes/No

C.II Movable Properties


Do you have the followingassets?

Bullock Cart Hand Cart

Bicycle Two Wheeler 

Tractor Cows

Bullocks Buffalo

Car Sheep & Goat

Poultry Others (specify)

b. Do you use the following in your own works or for others on hire basis?

Bullock Cart Hand Cart

Tractor Bullocks

c What is the total earning from these sources, in that case? Rs.

d Do the above assets are fully utilized to their  Yes/No

maximum capacity in a year?


For what purpose the tractor isused Ploughing/Transoportation


f  For what purpose the bullocks are used? Ploughing/other farm



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Who uses the two wheeler andwhy?

h No. of milch animals Cross breed/ localI Total milk yield Liters

 j Where do you sale the milk yield

k How much milk you keep for your family?

l Wwho takes the animals for gazing? Children/others

m Wwhat is the earning from the milk? Rs. per month

n Why do you keep the other animals like For meat/selling

sheep & goat, poultry, etc? transportation/others

o Who takes care of these animals such watering Women/children/others

washing, milking and others?

p For what purposes, the money earned from these Household/womenanimals are used? education/health/any others

q Do you have a shelter for these animals? Yes/No

r Do you have engaged a person to take care Yes/No

of these animals? wage :

s Do you have engaged a driver for the tractor? Yes/No

t What is the salary of the driver? Rs. p.m


a)What is the yearly agriculture credit required for you? Rs.

b) What are the sources of credit?Bank/PACS/MoneyLender/SHG/MFI/others

c) What is the rate of intrest? Rs. p.ad) Have you taken any loan? Yes/No

 Amount Rs.

e) What is the outstanding loan? Rs.

f) Did you take loan for purchasing the animals? Yes/No

 Amount Rs.

Outstanding Rs.

g) Did you take loan for tractor? Yes/No Amount Rs.Outstanding Rs.

h) Did you take any other loan for marriage/ Yes/No

rituals/health/education/others purposes? Amount Rs.

Outstanding Rs.

I) Who gives you the emergency loan? SHG

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a) Do you have a bank account? Yes/No

b) Who operates it? Man/Women

c) Does any member of the family is covered Yes/No

under insurance? Amount of Rs.

d) who is covered? Man/Woman/child others


Do the assets andanimals arecovered under Yes/No



Does any member of the family joined SHG Yes/No

f)Do you have anysaving policy? Yes/No

g)Do you have anyfixed deposits? Yes/No

 Amount R


What is thepresent bankbalance? Rs.


Do you have apost office savingaccount? Yes/No


a) Do you have a sanitary system? Yes/No Attached


b) Is the same constructed by

own investment Yes/No

Governament scheme Yes/No

 Any NGO or others Yes/No

c) What is the type? Pit/Connected to publicsystem


I Food

a) What are the regular types of expenditure?

b) What is the food style?Veg/Nonveg/mixed Mixed

c) How many times do you take the following items per week and whatare the itemwise expenditure?

Sl.No Name of the Items

Times per 

Week Amount (Rs)

1 Green Vegetables 4

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2 Milk

3 Fish

4 Egg

5 Meat/Mutton6 Ghee/Butter 

7 Chicken

8 Fruits

9 Paneer -

10 Others (specify)

d) Where do you purchase the above items? Village Haat/Market/own

e) Where do you purchase the grains? own/market/PDS

Village Haat/Market

f) What is the purchsing pattern? Daily/weekly/monthly

g) Do you purchase any of these things on credit Yes/No


a) Do you have a ration card? Yes/No Type

b) Do you get your share regularly Yes/No

c) Have you got any benfits from government Yes/No

schemes? Name


a) Is any family member become member of a club/ Yes/No

SHG/Federation/Society/NGO/Political Formus/Others Name

b) What are their /her/his roles & designation?

c) Does anybody represent the forums like

* Gram PanchaythYes/NoDesignation

* Block PanchaythYes/NoDesignation

* District PanchaythYes/NoDesignation

* Assembly ElectionYes/NoDesignation

* Parliament Election Yes/NoDesignation

d) Do you know the present Gram Panchayath Yes/No

president or members, personally?

e) Is any one of them your relative? Yes/No

f) What is your marriege system?

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* Within Blood relation Yes/No

* Outside Blood relation Yes/No

g) Do you have dowry system? Yes/No

h) How much you pay or demand for dowry? Rs.

I) Did you cast your vote in last election? Yes/No

 j) Do you get any support from political bodies? Yes/No

k) Do you have the access to the following institutions?

* Lower Primary School

* Higher Primaery School* High School* College

* Branch Post Office

* Health Sub Center * Public Health Center 

* Bank

* Veterinary Hospital

* Police Station

* Market

* Gram Panchayath

* Block Officers