MolBiol 07

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  • 8/9/2019 MolBiol 07


    Mechanisms of Transcription

  • 8/9/2019 MolBiol 07


    The flow of genetic information

    Gene: The region of DNA that

    controls a discrete hereditary

    characteristic of an organism,

    usually corresponding to a single

     protein or RNA.

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    Genome size is related to the complexity of the organism

    Species Genome size (Mb) Approximate

    number of genes

    Gene density

    (genes/ Mb)

    PROKARYOTES (bacteria)

    Mycoplasma geni tali um 0.58 500 860

    Streptococus pneumonia 2.2 2,300 1,600

    Escheri chia coli 4.6 4,400 950


    Fungi: Saccharomyces cerevisiae 12 5,800 480Invertebrates: Caenorhabdi tis elegans 97 19,000 200

    Invertebrates: Drosophil a melanogaster 180 13,700 80

    Vertebrate: Homo sapiens 2,900 27,000 9.3

    Vertebrate: Mus musculus 2,500 29,000 12

    Plants: Arabidopsis thal iana 125 25,500 200

    Plants: Oryza sativa  (rice) 430 >45,000 >100

    * Genome: the whole of the genetic information of an organism (one haploid set of

    chromosomes in eukaryotes.

    * Genome size: The length of DNA associated with one haploid complement of chromosome

    * Gene: The region of DNA that controls a discrete hereditary characteristic of an organism,

    usually corresponding to a single protein or RNA

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    More complex organisms have decreased gene density

    -Increases in gene size and increases in the DNA between genes, called

    intergenic sequences.- Individual genes are longer because of two reasons: 1) increase in regionss of

    DNA required to direct and regulate transcription, called regulatory sequenes;

    2) protein-encoding genes in eukaryotes frequently have discontinuous protein-

    coding regions. These interspersed non-protein-encoding regions is called


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    Genes can be expressed with different efficiency

    - Many identical RNA copies can made from the same gene, and each RNA

    molecule can direct the synthesis of many identical protein molecules.

    - Each gene can be transcribed and translated with a different efficiency. Gene A is

    transcribed and translated much more efficiently than is gene B. This allows the

    amount of protein A in the cell to be much higher than that of protein B.

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    Portions of DNA Sequence Are Transcribed into RNA

    Transcription:Copying of one strand of DNA into a complementary

    RNA sequence by the enzyme RNA polymerase

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    The chemical structure of RNA differs slightly from that of DNA

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    Transcription produces RNA complementary to one strand of DNA

    Uracil forms base pair with Adenine

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    The enzymes that carry out transcription are called

    RNA polymerase

    - RNA polymerases  catalyze the formation of the phosphodiester bonds that link thenucleotides together and form the sugar-phosphate backbone of the RNA chain.

    - RNA synthesis (Transcription) requires ribonucleoside triphosphates  (ATP, CTP, UTP

    and GTP)

    - RNA polymerase moves stepwise along the DNA, unwinding the DNA helix just ahead to

    expose a new region of the template strand for complementary base-pairing. The growing

    RNA chain is extended by one nucleotide at a time in the 5’-3’ direction.

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    Several types of RNA are produced in cells

    Type of RNA Function

    Messenger RNA(mRNA)

    Code for proteins

    Ribosomal RNA


    Form part of the structure of the ribosome and participate

    in protein synthesis

    Transfer RNA


    Used in protein synthesis as adaptors between mRNA and

    amino acids

    Small RNA (snRNA) Used in pre-mRNA splicing and other cellular processes

    Small nucleolar RNA


    Used to process and chemically modify rRNAs

    MicroRNA (miRNA) Regulate gene expression typically by blocking

    translation of selective mRNAs

    Small interfering

    RNA (siRNA)

    Turn off gene expression by directing degradation of

    selective mRNAs and the establishment of compact

    chromatin structures

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    RNA polymerases come in different forms

    - RNA polymerases are made up of multiple subunits  (although some phage and

    organelles do encode single subunit enzymes that perform the same task)

    - Bacteria have only one RNA polymerase

    - Eukaryotes have three RNA polymerases: RNA Pol I, RNA Pol II, and RNA Pol III

    (Pol II is responsible for protein-coding genes; Pol I transcribes the large ribosomal RNA

     precursor gene; Pol III transcribes tRNA genes, some small nuclear genes, and the 5S

    rRNA gene.

    Prokaryotic Eukaryotic

    Bacterial Archaeal RNA Pol I RNA Pol I I RNA Pol I I I

    β’  A’/ A’’  RPA1 RPB1 RPC1

    β  B RPA2 RPB2 RPC2

    α’(αI) D RPC5 RPB3 RPC5

    α’’(αII) L RPC9 RPB11 RPC9

    ω  K RPB6 RPB6 RPB6

    [+6 others] [+9 others] [+7 others] [+11 others]

    The subunits of RNA polymerases

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    Comparison of the crystal structures of prokaryotic

    and eukaryotic RNA polymerases

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    The phases of the transcription cycle:

    Initiation, Elogation, and Termination

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    The initiation phase of the transcription

    - A promoter  is the DNA sequence that

    initially binds the RNA polymerase.

    - The promoter-polymerase complex

    undergoes structural changes required for

    initiation to proceed.

    - The DNA around the point wheretranscription will start unwinds, and the

     base pairs are disrupted, producing a

    “bubble” of single-stranded DNA.

    - Transcription always occurs in a 5’ to 3’ 

    direction. That is, the new ribonucleotide

    is added to the 3’-end of the growingchain.

    - Once the RNA polymerase has

    synthesized a short stretch of RNA

    (approximately 10 bases), it shifts into the

    elongation phase

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    The elongation and termination phase of the transcription


    - This transition requires furtherconformational changes in polymerase

    that lead to grip the template more firmly.

    - RNA polymerase performs an

    impressive range of tasks in addition to

    the catalysis of RNA synthesis. It unwinds

    the DNA in front and re-anneals it behind;it dissociates the growing RNA chain from

    the template as it moves along; and it

     performs proofreading functions.

    Termination:Once the RNA polymerase has transcribed

    the length of the gene (or genes), it must

    stop and release the RNA product. In

    some cells, there are specific, well-

    characterized, sequences that trigger


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    The transcription cycle in


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    Features of bacterial promoters

    - There are two conserved sequences: -35 and -10 regions  (or elements), each of six

    nucleotides, are separated by a nonspecific stretch of 17-19 nucleotides.- An addition DNA element that binds RNA polymerase is found in some strong promoter, for

    example those directing expression of the rRNA genes. This is called UP-element and

    increase polymerase binding by providing an additional specific interaction between the

    enzyme and the DNA

    - Some promoters lack a -35 region and instead has a so-called “extended -10 element”. This

    comprises a standard -10 region with an additional short sequence element at its upstream end.

    TTGACA TATAATStart site

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    The sigma (σ) factor mediates binding of polymerase

    to the promoter

    - Core enzyme: Bacterial RNA polymerase without the sigma (recognition subunit)

    - Sigma factor: A subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase that recognizes and binds to the promoter sequence

    - The sigma factor can be divided into four regions: σ1, σ2, σ3 and σ4. The regions that

    recognize the -10 and -35 elements of promoter are σ2 and σ4, respectively

    - The “extended -10 element” is recognized by σ3

    - The UP-element of promoter is not recognized by sigma factor, but is instead recognized by a

    carboxyl terminal domain of the α subunit, called αCTD

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    RNA polymerase transcribes a bacterial gene

    - Sigma factor recruit RNA polymerase

    core enzyme to the promoter.-Transcription is initiated by RNA

     polymerase without the need for a


    - Once the RNA polymerase has

    synthesized approximately 10

    nucleotide of RNA, the sigma factor is

    released, enabling the polymerase tomove forward and continue transcribing

    without it.

    - Chain elongation then continue until

    the enzyme encounters the signal of

    terminator  in the DNA, where

     polymerase halts and releases both

    DNA template and newly made RNA


    - After the polymerase is released at a

    terminator, it re-associates with sigma

    factor and searches for a promoter,

    where it can begin the process of

    transcription again.

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    Both strands of DNA can be used as template

    The direction of transcription is determined by the orientation of thepromoter at the beginning of each gene

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    Transcriptional terminator

    Sequences called terminators trigger the elongating polymerase to

    dissociate from the DNA and release the RNA chain it has made.

    Rho-dependent terminator:Transcriptional terminator   requires

    a protein called Rho.

    Rho (ρ) protein: Protein factor

    needed for successful termination

    at certain transcriptionalterminators

    Rho-independent terminator:(intrinsic terminator)

    Transcriptional terminator that does

    not need Rho protein

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    Rho-dependent terminator

    - Rho protein: a ring-shape protein with six identical subunits, binds to single-strandedRNA as it exits the polymerase.

    - Rho protein also has an ATPase activity: once attached to the transcript, it use the

    energy derived from ATP hydrolysis to wrest the RNA from the template and from


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    Rho-independent terminator (intrinsic terminator)

    - Rho-independent terminators consist of two sequence elements:a short inverted repeats (of about

    20 nucleotides) followed by a stretch of about 8 A:T base pairs.

    - When polymerase transcribes an inverted sequence, the resulting RNA can form a stem-loop

    structure (hairpin). The hairpin is believed to cause termination by disrupting the elongation


    - The hairpin only work as an efficient terminator when it is followed by a stretch of A:U base pair.

    At the time the hairpin forms, the growing RNA chain will be held on the template at the active site

     by only A:U base pairs. As A:U base pairs are the weakest of all base pairs, they are more easilydisrupted by the effects of the hairpin, and so the RNA will more readily dissociate.

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    A model for how the Rho-independent terminator might work

    a. The hairpin forms in the RNA as

    soon as that region has been

    transcribed by RNA polymerase

     b. That RNA structure disrupted RNA polymerase just as the enzyme is

    transcribing the AT rich stretch od

    DNA downstream

    c. The combination of the hairpinstructure and the weak interaction

     between the stretch Us in the RNA and

    As in the template conspire to pull the

    transcript from the template,

    terminating further elongation.

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    Transcription in eukaryotes

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    Species Gene density

    (genes/ Mb)

    Average number of

    introns per gene

    Percentage of DNA

    that is repetitive

    PROKARYOTES (bacteria)

    Escher ichia coli 950 0

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    Most human genes are broken into exons and introns

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    Transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes

    Prokaryotes Eukaryotes

    - Bacteria have only one RNA


    -Eukaryotes have three RNA polymerases:

    RNA Pol I, RNA Pol II, and RNA Pol III (Pol

    II is responsible for protein-coding genes; Pol

    I transcribes the large ribosomal RNA

     precursor gene; Pol III transcribes tRNAgenes, some small nuclear genes, and the 5S

    rRNA gene.

    - Bacteria require only one

    additional initiation factor

    (sigma factor) that mediates

     binding of polymerase to the promoter

    - Several initiation factors are required for

    efficient and promoter-specific initiation in

    eukaryotes. These are called the general 

    transcription factors (GTFs)- Rather, additional factors are required,

    including the so-called Mediator complex,

    DNA-binding regulatory proteins, and

    chromatin-modifying enzymes

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    RNA polymerase II core promoter

    - BRE: TFIIB recognition element

    - TATA box

    - Inr: Initiator element- DPE: downstream promoter element

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    RNA polymerase I promoter region

    - The promoter for the rRNA gene comprise two part: the core element

    and the UCE (Upstream Control Element)- In addition to Pol I, initiation requires two other factors, called SL1 and

    UBF. SL1 comprises TBP and three TAFs specific for Pol I transcription.

    SL1 binds DNA only in presence of UBF.

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    RNA polymerase III promoter region

    - Pol III promoter come in various forms. Some Pol III (for tRNA genes)

    consist of Box A and Box B; other contain Box A and Box C (for 5S rRNA

    gene); and still others contain a TATA element like those of Pol II.

    -The factors called TFIIIB and TFIIIC are required for the transcription of

    tRNA genes, and those plus TFIIIA for the 5S rRNA gene.

    RNA l II f i iti ti l ith

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    RNA polymerase II forms a pre-initiation complex with

    GTFs at the promoter

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    General transcription factors associated with

    RNA polymerase II

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    I n vivo , transcription initiation requires additional proteins

    - One reason for these additional requirements is that the DNA template in vivo  is packaged intonucleosomes and chromatin. This condition complicates binding to the promoter of polymerase and

    its associated factor.

    - Transcriptional regulatory proteins called activators  help recruit polymerase to the promoter,

    stabilizing its binding there

    - Mediator complex is associated with the CTD “tail” of the large polymerase subunit through one

    surface, while presenting other surfaces for interaction with the DNA-bound activators

    *** the role of mediator will be discussed in next chapter (gene regulation)

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    RNA processing:

    RNA capping, Splicing, and Polyadenylation

    - Processing events include the following: capping  the 5’-end of the RNA; Splicing 

    (non-coding introns are removed from RNA to generate the mature mRNA); and

    Polyadenylation of the 3’-end of the RNA

    - RNA processing enzymes are recruited by the tail of the polymerase.

    - The CDT tail contains a series of repeat of the hepapeptide sequence: Tyr-Ser-Pro-Thr-

    Ser-Pro-Ser. Phosphorylation of Ser at position 5 is associated with recruitment of

    capping factors. Phosphorylation of Ser at position 2 is associated with recruitment of

    splicing factors

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    RNA processing: RNA capping

    RNA capping involves the addition of

    a modified guanine base to the 5’end 

    of RNA. The 5’ cap is created in three

    enzymatic steps:

    -The γ-phosphate at the 5’ens  of the

    RNA is removed by an enzyme called

    RNA triphosphatase

    - The enzyme guanylyl transferasecatalyzes the nucleophilic attack of

    the resulting terminal β-phosphate on

    the α-phosphoryl group of a molecule

    of GTP.

    - The newly added guanine and the purin at the original 5’end  of the

    mRNA are further modified by the

    addition of methyl groups by enzyme

    methyl transferase

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    RNA processing: RNA capping

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    Introns are removed by RNA splicing

    - Special nucleotide sequences signal the beginning and the end of an intron. The special

    sequences are recognized by small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) which cleave

    the RNA at the intron-exon borders and covalently link the exons together.

    -A, G, U and C are standard RNA nucleotides

    -R stands for either A or G; Y stands for either C or U

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    The splicing reaction

    - A particular adenine nucleotide in

    the intron sequence attacks the 5’ splice site and cuts the sugar-

     phosphate backbone of the RNA at the


    - the cut 5’end of the intron becomes

    covalently linked to the adeninenucleotide to form a branched


    - The free 3’-OH end of the exon

    sequences then reacts with the start of

    next exon sequence, joining the twoexons together into continuous coding

    sequence and release the intron in the

    form of a lariat.

    - The lariat containing the intron is

    eventually degraded.

    Th li i ti d t il f th t t f

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    The splicing reaction: details of the structure of

    the lariat branch

    The cut 5’end  of the intron islinked to the 2’-OH group of the

    ribose of the branchpoint adenine


    RNA splicing is catalyzed by an assembly of snRNPs

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    RNA splicing is catalyzed by an assembly of snRNPs

    plus other proteins, which form the spliceosome

    - The branchpoint site (A) is firstrecognized by the BBP (branch-point-

     binding protein) and U2AF, a helper


    - The U2 snRNP displaces BBP and U2AF

    and forms base pairs with the branch-point

    site consensus sequence- U1 snRNA forms base pairs with the 5’ 

    splice junction

    - The U4/U6.U5 “triple” snRNP enters the

    spliceosome. In this “triple”,  the U4 and

    U6 snRNPs are held firmly together by

     base-pair interactions and the U5 snRNPis more loosely associated

    - Several RNA-RNA rearrangements the

    occur that break apart the U4/U6 base

     pairs and allow the U6 snRNP to displace

    U1 at the 5’ splice juction.

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    RNA splicing is catalyzed by an assembly of snRNPs

    plus other proteins, which form the spliceosome


    Subsequent rearrangements create the

    active site of the spliceosome and

     position the appropriate portions of the

     pre-mRNA substrate for the splicing tooccur.

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    Three classes of RNA splicing

    Group I and Group II introns: splice themselves out of pre mRNA without the need for

    the spliceosome. They are called self-splicing introns

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    Self-splicing introns

    Si l d lti l d t b

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    Single genes can produces multiple products by

    alternative splicing

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    RNA processing: Polyadenylation

    - Two proteins complexes are carried

     by the CTD of polymerase as it

    approaches to the end of gene: CPSF

    (Cleavage and Polyadenylation

    Specificity Factor) and CstF (Cleavage

    stimulation Factor).- The sequences which, once

    transcribed into RNA, trigger transfer

    of CPSF and CstF are called poly-A

    signal. Once these factors are bound to

    the RNA, other proteins are recruited

    as well, leading to RNA cleavage andthen polyadenylation.

    - Polyadenylation is mediated by an

    enzyme called poly-A polymerase,

    which add about 200 adenines to the

    RNA’s 3’ end produced by cleavage

    RNA i P l d l i

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    RNA processing: Polyadenylation


    - Poly-A polymerase use ATP as a

     precursor and adds the nucleotides using

    the same chemistry as RNA polymerase

    - It is not clear what determines the length

    of the poly-A tail, but that processinvolves other proteins that bind

    specifically to the poly-A sequence.

    - The polymerase then dissociates from

    the template, releasing the mature RNA

    - The mature RNA is then transported

    from the nucleus.

    Transport of mRNAs out of the nucleus

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    Transport of mRNAs out of the nucleus 

    -A typical mature mRNA carries a collection of proteins that identifies it as being mRNAdestined for transport.

    - Export takes place through a special structure in the nuclear membane called the nuclear

     pore complex.

    - Once in the cytoplasma, the proteins are discarded, and are then recognized to import

     back to the nucleus where they associate with another mRNA and repaet the cycle.

    Prokaryotes and eukaryotes handle their transcripts

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    Prokaryotes and eukaryotes handle their transcripts

    somewhat differently (1)

    Prokaryotes and eukaryotes handle their transcripts

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    Prokaryotes and eukaryotes handle their transcripts

    somewhat differently (2)

    Prokaryotes and eukaryotes handle their transcripts

  • 8/9/2019 MolBiol 07


    Prokaryotes and eukaryotes handle their transcripts

    somewhat differently (3)