Mokyr Demand vs. Supply in the IR

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  • 8/11/2019 Mokyr Demand vs. Supply in the IR


    Demand vs. Supply in the Industrial Revolution

    T h e in te l l ig e n t a p p l i c a t io n of th e fo rma l p r in c ip le s [of e c o n o m ic th e o ry ] i s . . . c h ie f ly

    s ig ni f ic a n t n e g a t iv e ly r a t h e r th a n p o s i t iv e ly , for s h o w in g wh a t i s w ro n g ra th e r th a n

    wh a t i s r ig h t .

    Frank Knigh t (1940)

    In the process of what could best be called making sense of the

    Industrial Revolution, few articles have been m ore influential than

    Gilboy's eloquent plea to view demand as an equal partner in bring-

    ing about the most profound economic change in human history .



    notion thatboth sides of the demand and supply equation come into

    play in the explanation of the crucial questions, such as why England

    first or why the eighteenth century, has made sense to more than a

    generation of economic historians better trained in handling Mar-

    shall's scissors than Occam's razor. The appearance of Keynes's Gen-

    eral theory a few years later lent additional support to the notion that

    demand was somehow important.


    The present paper reexamines what may be termed the Gilboy

    thesis. The concept of demand itself


    too vague without additional

    clarification. What I shall therefore attempt is to reformulate the

    Gilboy thesis in consistent and testable form.

    journal of Economic History, Vol. XXXVII, No. 4 (De cem ber 1977). Copyright The

    Economic History Association. All rights reserved.

    I would like to express my thanks to Donald N. McCloskey, on whose very elastic supply of

    knowledge in economics, history, and econography I have liberally drawn. Others who have

    been of great help with comments and suggestions include Pekka Ahtiala, Reuven Brenner,

    Karl de Schweinitz, Stefano Fenoaltea, Jonathan Hughes, Eric L. Jones, Glenn C. Loury,

    Jacob Metzer, F. Michael Scherer, and Richard O. Zerbe.


    Elizabeth W aterm an Gilboy, De ma nd as a Factor in the Industrial Revolution, in A. H.

    Cole, ed.,

    Facts and Factors in Economic History

    (1932); rpt. in R. M. Hartwell, ed.,

    Th e

    Causes of the Industrial Revolution in England

    (Lond on, 1967), pp . 121-38.


    Very explicit reiterations of Gilboy's thesis can be found, for example, in David Landes,

    The Unbound Prometheus

    (Camb ridge, 1969), p. 46; D. E. C. Eversley, The Hom e Market

    and Econom ic Grow th in England, 1750-1780, in E. L. Jones and G. E. Mingay, eds .,


    Labour, and Population in the Industrial Revolution

    (London, 1967), pp. 206-59; Phyllis Deane,

    The First Industrial Revolution (Cam bridg e, 1969), p. 34; A. H. John , Agricultural Productiv -

    ity and Economic Grow th in Eng land, in E. L. Jones, ed.,

    Agriculture and Econom ic Growth

    in England, 1650-1815

    (Londo n, 1967), pp . 172-93. A rece nt re sta tem ent is in Francois

    Crou zet, W estern Euro pe and Great Britain: 'Catching Up' in the First Half of the Nin eteenth

    Ce ntu ry, in A. J. Youngson, ed. ,

    Economic Developm ent in the Long Run

    (New York, 1967),

    p p .

    113-14. A variation on the same th em e is in Nicholas Geo rgescu -Ro egen,

    The Entropy Law

    and the Economic Process

    (Cambridge, Mass., 1971), pp. 246-47. Doubts concerning the

    demand hypothesis were sounded by W. W. Rostow, How It All Began (New York, 1975), pp.

    14, 129, 172-73, and in a slightly different context by Don ald N. M cCloskey, Di d V ictorian

    Britain Fail?

    Economic History Review,

    23 (Aug. 1970), 446-59 .


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    9 82



    It is possible to interpret the Gilboy thesis as a shift in aggregate

    demand, or


    a shift in the market demand curve for industrial goods.

    Leaving the former for section III, we first consider whether the

    Industrial Revolution could be triggered by an outward shift of the

    industrial demand curve.

    In her original article, Gilboy maintained that

    The factory could not become typical until demand had been extended . . . through-

    out the entire population to consum e the produ cts of large scale industry. . . . In ord er

    that a shift in the demand schedule may occur, individuals must be able to buy more

    units of a commodity at the same price, or the same amount of the commodity at a

    higher price . . . the entire schedule must shift upward, indicating a greater buying

    power .


    In this simple form the demand thesis is based on circular reasoning.

    A shiftofthe demand curve for manufactured goods can occur only if

    income rises, the price of nonmanufactured goods falls, or ifachange

    in tastes occurs. Ruling out the latter for the moment, the shift in the

    demand curve must be caused by a rise in real income, and can

    therefore not serve at the same time as an explanation of it.

    It is transparent that if a shift in the demand curve for industrial

    goods is to be used for the explanation of the rise of industrial output,

    the shift in the demand curve must be caused by factors other than

    the rise of output itself. Three alternative theories have been pre-

    sented in the literature in this context, namely agricultural growth,

    expansion of foreign demand, and population growth.


    It is worth-

    while to examine these theories in more detail. The first and in many

    ways the most attractive hypothesis is agricultural progress. A decline

    in prices of agricultural goods will lead to an increase in the demand

    for nonagricultural goods if, ceteris paribus, the demand for agricul-

    tural goods is inelastic, as is usually assumed. While unimpeachable

    on a priori grounds, the theory runs into a timing dilemma: whereas

    agriculture prices fell in the first part of the eighteenth century, they

    started to rise after 1750, a trend that persisted until the end of the

    Napoleonic Wars both in Great Britain and on the Continent.




    Gilboy, Demand , pp . 122-26.


    W. A. Cole, Eighteenth-C entury Economic Growth Revisited,


    History,10 (Summer 1973), 327-48.


    The evidence for France is summarized in C. E. Labrousse,






    e t

    des revenus en France au




    (Paris, 1933), pts. II, III, IV, esp. pp. 137-66. For

    the nineteenth century, too, the timing does not work. The period usually associated with the

    most rapid economic growth in France (1840-70) was also one of


    wheat prices. See ibid.,

    p. 141, and B. R. Mitchell,European


    Statistics(New York, 1975), p. 742.

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    Industrial Revolution 9 8 3

    over, it is not always sufficiently emphasized that there should be a

    decline in the price of agricultural goods relative to the price of

    nonagricultural goods. The movements of relative prices are less


    What was the contribution of falling agricultural prices to the rise in

    demand for nonagricultural goods? The order of magnitude of the

    impact of changing relative prices on demand can be estimated ap-

    proximately following a procedure outlined in a recent study by R. A.



    Since the price elasticities as well as the actual movement

    of prices are subject to large margins of error, the procedure followed

    has been to estimate a lower and an upper bound of the expansion of

    industrial demand due to the fall in relative prices.


    The upper bound

    of the estimate is 26.1 percent for the entire period 1750-1850, or .26

    percent annually, while the lower bound is .25 percent annually.


    The average rate of growth of individual output for the entire period

    can be estimated conservatively at


    percent annually. The changes in

    relative prices thus account for at best 8 percent of the industrial

    expansion, while it is quite possible that their net effect was on the

    whole negative.

    Some efforts have been made to rescue the argument by maintain-

    ing that rising agricultural prices due to an exogenous decline in


    Richard A. Ippolito, The Effect of the 'Agricultural Depre ssion ' on Indu strial Dem and In

    England, 1730-1750, Economica, 42 (Aug. 1975), 298-312. Ipp olito's overa ll conclusion is tha t

    the ag ricultural depressio n of 1730-50 did not con stitute a major sou rce of dem and for ind ustrial

    goods either. It should be emphasized that the estimates do not truly reflect the contribution of

    the ag ricultural revolution ( i.e., shifts of the su pply cu rve of agricultural goods) to the industrial

    revolution. This would only be the case if the supply curve of agricultural goods were perfectly

    elastic (as is assumed by Ippolito) or if demand were stationary. Neither of these assumptions

    seem s plausible; he nc e, what is me asur ed is the im pact of price change s only, without further

    identification of their source.


    Let the dem and function have the form Q M D ) = Y








    - This means that we can write

    the relationship between the demand for industrial goods and the relative price P = P






    Q M


    T A P 1 -

    Q M D L P J

    An approximate value of b can be estimated by using the so-called Cournot relationship

    between the own and the cross elasticities of demand:




    + (1 - 7A)b = y




    is the own price elasticity of demand for agricultural goods and y


    is the share of agricul-

    ture in total ou tpu t. A reason able estim ate ofy


    would put it at around -jj-. The value of e




    unkn own , but is generally believe d to be less than one in absolute value. S etting it equ al to - .3

    and .7, we obtain es timates of b be twe en .35 and .15.


    The relative prices underlying the calculations wer e obtained and com puted from a n um be r

    of series which overlap to some extent, or which had to be converted to relative prices using

    some assumptions about weights. The procedure followed was in each case to choose the

    extreme estimates, thus obtaining upper and lower bounds.

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    984 Mokyr

    supply (for example, harvest failures) could, under certain conditions,

    stimulate industrial demand. The mechanism supposedly responsible

    for this is that a bad harvest raises agricultural prices. Since the

    elasticity of demand for farm products is usually thought to be less

    than unity, farm income would rise. If the farmers have a very high

    propensity to spend on manufactured goods, a harvest failure could

    allegedly cause a net rise in the demand for nonagricultural goods.



    a simple general equilibrium framework it can be proven that if both

    goods are normal, this cannot occur. Only if agricultural goodstaken

    as a whole, including both consumption and investment goodsare

    inferior goods (that is, the income elasticity for them is negative),

    demand for nonagricultural goods may (but does not have to) expand

    as a result of harvest failures. For all practical purposes, this version of

    the demand thesis can thus be ruled out. The proof of the theorem is

    relegated to Appendix A.

    Eversley has maintained that the post-1750 rise in agricultural

    prices was not caused by a decrease in supply but by a rise in



    The absence of detailed output data precludes a direct test



    argument, but the work of Eric Jones and others demonstrates

    that agricultural productivity followed an upward secular trend

    throughout the eighteenth century, including the period 1750-1780.

    But it does not help to explain the growth in industrial production. If

    the increased demand for agricultural goods came at the expense of

    industrial goods, say through a change in tastes or income distribu-

    tion, it runs directly counter to the Gilboy thesis. If it did not come at

    the expense of the industrial goods, where did it come from? Surely in

    this case rising aggregate income must be the underlying mechanism.

    To the extent that a higher aggregate income resulted from popula-

    tion growth, it will be dealt with below. But if higher income per

    capita is the source of the expansion of demand we are back in the

    same circular argument as before.



    David S. Landes, The Statistical Study of French Crises , this

    JOURNAL, 10

    (Nov. 1950),


    Phyllis Deane and W. A. Cole,

    BritishEconomic Growth,1688 1959

    (2nd ed.; Cam-

    bridge, 1969), p . 93. John D . Post, A Study in Meteorological and Trade Cycle History: The

    Economic Crisis Following the Napoleonic Wars , this


    34 (1974), 338-39.


    Eversley, The Home Market, pp . 240-46.


    Ageneral discussion of the impact of agricultural


    on the English economyisin

    J. D. Gould, Agricultural Fluctuations and the English Economy in the Eighteenth Century,


    JOURNAL, 22

    (Sept. 1962), 313-33. Gould's attempts to explain the price m ovement by the

    operation and later repeal of the Corn Laws in the eighteenth century cannot be viewed as

    definitivethe export bounties were repealed in 1773, and it is hard to see how that could help

    raising prices.

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    Industrial Revolution 9 8 5

    A more convincing rationalization of the apparent paradox is pro-

    vided by Eric Jones.



    unlikely that higher food prices after


    ever seriously eroded the expansion of

    the home market for consumer goods by eliminating the margin for such spending

    among the working population. Agriculture constantly demanded more labour. The

    golden age of the labourer in the second quarter of the eighteenth cen tury appar-

    ently engrained in him tastes for manufactured goods which he was willing to work

    harder thereafter to gratify.


    In other words, there seems to have been a shift of the labor supply

    curve due to a reduced leisure preference. Following this argument,

    it can indeed be maintained that demand factors mattered insofar as

    the supply of labor, the demand for leisure , and the demand for goods

    are simultaneously determ ined . If there was an increase in the de-

    mand for incom e, economic growth would occur, but only at the

    expense of leisure.


    Possibly this change in attitudes may have been

    of importance in the initial stages of the Industrial Revolution but it

    can hardly account for sustained economic growth. It should be added

    that others have attributed the lengthening of the labor day to differ-

    ent factors such as coercion (for example, Marx and the Hammonds)

    or improved diets (Freudenberger and Cummins).

    The second exogenous source of demand which allegedly was a

    necessary condition for rapid industrial growth in Britain in the last

    third of the centuryand by implication Belgium, Switzerland, and

    France in the half century following Waterloowas exports.


    It is

    important, however, to phrase the question sharply; it is not sufficient

    to state that a leading nation had an export sector which pulled the

    entire economy behind it. In the case of early industrial Europe, if

    export demand was a main determinant of the patterns of indus-

    trialization and growth, it is necessary to show that the successful

    industrial nations were somehow favored over other potential sellers

    for whom the expansion of world demand did not lead to rapid

    industrialization. Moreover, as Kindleberger has pointed out, the


    Eric Jones, Agriculture and Economic Growth: Economic Change, in

    Agriculture and

    the Industrial Revolution

    (Oxford, 1974), pp . 116-17.

    1 3

    According to Freudenberger the effective labor input per worker doubled during the

    second half of the eighteen th century. Cf. Herm an Fre ude nbe rger , Das Arbeitsjahr, in

    Ingomar Bog et al., eds.,

    Wirtschaftliche und Soziale Strukturen im saekularen W andel


    nover, 1974), pp. 307-20.

    1 4

    Walter E. Minchinton, ed.,

    The Grow th of English O verseas T rade

    (London, 1969), ed.'s

    int ro. , pp . 36-52. H. J. Habakkuk and Phyllis D ean e, The Take-off in




    Whitman Rostow, ed.,

    The Economics of Take-off into Sustained Growth

    (London , 1962), pp .


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    986 Mokyr

    coincidence between exports and growth is not self-evident. It is

    necessary to specify in which way foreign expansion brings about

    growth over and above the simple gains of trade.


    The issue of export as a critical component of industrial demand is

    complicated by the continuous improvements in the productivity of

    international trade. These had the effect of reducing the transactions

    and transportation costs, which led to increased international

    specialization along the lines of comparative advantage. The propor-

    tion of national product exported thus rose, and at the same time

    national income itself grew as the gains from international trade were

    realized. It could thus be argued that the ultimate causes of growth

    were changes on the supply side, even though from the point of view

    of the economy in question the changes were perceived as shifts of the

    demand curve. More substantial than this taxonomy is the objection

    that exports may have increased as a result of supply shifts which

    caused prices to fall, resulting in rapidly growing exports. Unless the

    shifts in demand and supply curves are separated it is impossible to

    attribute rising exports to growing foreign demand.

    How important was export in the demand for British industrial

    output? A well known remark in McPherson's

    Annals ofCommerce

    dismisses the importance of exports altogether, estimating the ratio of

    exports to home consumption at



    This number is obviously too

    low, bu t it illustrates the fact that some contemporaries w ere sceptical

    of the preponderance of exports in the expansion of industrial de-

    mand. The available data support that impression. Schlote's index of

    the relation between total overseas trade and industrial product dis-

    plays a striking stability in the period in which export is supposed to

    have led industrialization. The index which moves slightly above 50

    (1913 = 100) in the first half of the eighteenth century, leaps to 65 in

    the 1760s, but averages only 54 for the rest of


    century, and 55 for

    1 5

    Charles P. Kindleberger,

    Economic Growth in France and Britain, 1851-1950

    (New York,

    1964), pp. 264-66. A longer list of possible links between exports and growth is suggested by

    Richard E. Caves, Expo rt-led Growth and the New Economic History, in Jagdish N. Bhag-

    wati, ed.,

    Trade, Balance of Payments, and Growth

    (Amsterdam, 1971), pp. 433-37. Some of

    the mechanisms suggested by Caves work in the wrong direction, however, and other nexuses

    seem far from easy to test in the case of Europe's industrialization, 1750-1850. For instance,

    does an expansion in exports stimulate and crea te ex nihilo entre pren euria l talent and initiative,

    or does it simply divert those resources away from alternative uses? Do increased exports

    stimulate the formation of overhead capital (e.g., harbor facilities), or should this be viewed as

    an additional cost imposed on the export-oriented economy?

    1 8


    English Overseas Trade,

    p. 38. Deane and Cole,

    British Economic Growth,

    p .


    T. S. Ashton,

    An E conomic History of England: T he Eighteenth Century

    (Lon don, 1972), p .


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    Industrial Revolution 9 8 7

    the period between the Napoleonic Wars and 1850.


    Eversley stress-

    es the powerful counterexample provided by the events of the 1770s:

    while exports collapsed, industrial output kept growing.


    The aggre-

    gate data for the eighteenth century may be deficient but data for

    individual goods display the same features.


    Even in the case of

    cotton in Great Britain it appears that the relation between exports

    and total output is not very pronounced. One crude test of the

    export-led hypothesis would expect to find a positive correlation

    between the rate of growth of cotton industry and the proportion of

    total output exported. But the correlation coefficient between the

    quinquennial rates of growth of cotton goods production (approxi-

    mated by raw cotton consumption) and the proportion of total cotton

    goods exported is not statistically significant for the period 1750-1829.

    Turning to the nineteenth century we have access to somewhat more

    aggregated data, which are inconsistent with an export pull or

    staple theory of growth. Total domestic exports as a percentage of

    national income fell from 18 percent in 1801 to 11 percent in 1841,

    and then rose to 14 percent in 1851. The corresponding ratios of

    exports to industrial output are 76 percent, 32 percent, and 42 per-



    Had export demand been the one factor that singled out Great

    Britain as the economy most suitable to industrialization, one should

    observe that the role of exports increased when industrial growth was

    fastest, that is, after the Napoleonic Wars. Quite clearly, this version

    of the Gilboy thesis fails the test.


    Furthermore, it is clear that the British Empire, where expansions

    in demand would benefit British manufacturing more than other

    countries, was a small proportion of total industrial demand. From

    the Peace of Paris on, the share of the colonies fluctuates above 35

    percent of total exports, although the data for 1793-1814 are not easy

    to interpret. After Waterloo the British Empire accounted for less

    than 30 percent of exports. In 1846-1850, total exports to India were


    Werner Schlote ,

    British Overseas Trade from

    1700 to the

    1930 s

    (Oxford, 1952),

    p . 5 1 .

    1 8

    Evers ley, T h e Home Marke t , p p . 247-49.

    1 9



    woolen goods rem aine d virtually unchan ged be tw een 1730-39

    a n d


    while ou tpu t of woolen cloth milled in West Riding grewby 396per cen t (broadcloth, 1735-85)



    pe rce nt (narrow cloth, 1739-85). Exports


    tin gre w


    53 percent (1730/39-80/89), while

    output increased

    b y 86

    per cen t. Betw een 1750

    an d

    1790 expor ts of coal rose

    by 60

    percent whi le

    coal output more than doubled.

    2 0


    a n d

    Cole ,

    British Economic Growth, p . 166.


    a n d

    D e a n e ,

    Abstract, p p .


    2 1

    Asimilar conclusion has been reached recent ly by Paul Bairoch, w ho states flatly that th e

    industrial revolution reached quiteanadvanced stage in England before seeking foreign outlets.

    Cf. Paul Bairoch, Geographical Structure an d Trade Balance ofEu rop ean Foreig n Trad e from

    1800 to 1970, Journal


    European Economic History, 3 (Winter 1974), 569 .

  • 8/11/2019 Mokyr Demand vs. Supply in the IR




    only 87 percent of total exports to Germany and only 30 percent

    higher than exports to the Low Countries. The demand exerted by

    colonial markets is thus not a very persuasive explanation of why

    Britain became the workshop of the world.


    The third source of demand cited as important to the industrial

    revolution is population growth.


    England's rapid population growth

    is supposed to have created a large market for industrial commodities,

    while F rances slow population growth is viewed as a cause of retarda-

    tion. As a matter of economic logic it simply is false that population

    growth, all other things held equal, will invariably increase the de-

    mand for industrial goods. Demand, after all, depends on consumers'

    income, not merely their numbers. Population growth will increase

    the number of consumers but decrease income per capita due to

    diminishing returns. The net effect is indeterminate. It can be shown

    that in general the following proposition holds: all other things equal,

    a rise in population will lead to an increase in the demand for any

    good if and only if the income elasticity of the dem and function of that

    good is less than the reciprocal of the elasticity of non-labor in the

    production function. The proof of this proposition is straightforward

    and is deferred to Appendix B. The implications are quite striking.

    Assume that the economy was sufficiently competitive to approximate

    the elasticity of non-labor by its share in national income. Deane and

    Cole estimate the share of labor in national income in 1801 at about


    which implies that all goods with an income elasticity of 1.8 and

    higher would experience a decline in demand as a result of population



    It can also be seen from eq. (6) in Appendix B that if we

    assume that the.income elasticity for agricultural goods was about .5,

    which implies that the income elasticity for nonagricultural goods was

    about 1.25, a1percent increase in population would lead only to a .31

    percent increase in the demand for nonagricultural goods as a whole.

    Thus population growth


    increased demand for nonagricultural

    goods by 14 percent between 1751 and 1801 and by another 29

    2 2

    T h e c o lo n i a l m a r k e t v e r s io n o f t h e d e m a n d h y p o t h e s i s i s e v e n l e ss c o n v i n c i n g f or o t h e r

    E u r o p e a n e c o n o m i e s . S p a in , P o r t u g a l , a n d t h e N e t h e r l a n d s a l l l a t e i n d u s t r i a l i z e s h a d a c -

    c e s s t o s u b s t a n t i a l c o l o n i a l m a r k e t s . B e l g i u m a n d S w i t z e r l a n d , o n t h e o t h e r h a n d , w e r e c o n f i n e d

    t o t h e d e m a n d s t r u c t u r e d i c t a t e d b y t h e c o m p e t i t i v e w o r l d m a r k e t , a n d y e t u n d e r w e n t a n

    i n d u s t r i a l r e v o l u t i o n b e f o r e 1 8 5 0 . I r e l a n d c o u l d h a v e b e n e f i t t e d f ro m t h e e n o r m o u s d e m a n d

    e x e r t e d b y G r e a t B r i t a in a n d i ts c o l o n ia l e m p i r e , y e t I r e l a n d f a i le d t o i n d u s t r i a l i z e .

    2 3

    D e a n e ,

    First Industrial Revolution,

    p . 3 4 . B r i a n M u r p h y , A

    History of the British Econ-

    omy, 1740-1970

    ( L o n d o n , 1 9 7 1 ), p . 3 3 3 . G i l b o y h e r s e l f e x p r e s s e d d o u b t s a b o u t t h e i m p o r t a n c e

    o f p o p u l a t i o n g r o w t h b y


    2 4

    D e a n e a n d C o l e ,

    British Economic Growth,

    p . 2 5 5 . K i n g ' s e s t i m a t e s fo r 1 6 8 8 i n d i c a t e t h a t

    t h e s h a r e o f l a b o r i n c o m e w a s o n l y 3 9 p e r c e n t , w h i c h w o u l d m a k e t h e c r i t ic a l i n c o m e e l a s t i c it y

    equal to 1.64.

  • 8/11/2019 Mokyr Demand vs. Supply in the IR


    Industrial Revolution 9 8 9

    percent between 1801 and 1851. The increm ent of population in-

    creased demand by




    percentof total ou tput growth for the

    first half of the nineteenth century, and probably by even less than

    that for the period 1751-1801. Even if it is assumed that population

    growth was fully exogenous, its significance in generating the demand

    for increased industrial production was marginal.

    It thus appears that cost-reducing and factor-increasing changes

    occupy the center of the stage: supply rules supreme. Technological

    change, capital accumulation, improvements in organization and at-

    titudes, all made it possible to produce food, clothing, pots, and toys

    cheaper and better. But the sceptical reader may still be uncon-

    vinced. W ill these goods be sold? Will it be possible to find people

    with income and demand schedules capable of absorbing this in-

    creased outpu t? Is it not true that the growth of industry has to be

    explained in terms of its markets, the reasons why increasing quan-

    tities of


    products could be sold?


    Contrary to the first intuition,

    when considered in a competitive, multiproduct economy these ques-

    tions are meaningless. As John Stuart Mill put it: The dem and for

    commodities determines in what particular branch of production the

    labour and capital shall be employed; it determines the directionof

    the labour, but not the more or less of the labour


    or of the

    maintenance or payment of that labour.


    Nothing has since been

    added to the body of economic theory that could refute this viewat

    least as long as the economy is in full employment. After all; the

    decisions on how, what, and how much to produce are made by the

    firm. And the individual firm always faces a demand curve which is

    elastic, irrespective of the demand elasticity for the industry as a



    An inelastic demand curve facing anindustry will not affect

    the impact of


    cost-reducing innovation on the rate of growth of the

    economy. In this case the income effects of the falling prices will

    simply be siphoned off to other industries.

    I I .



    One interpretation of the Gilboy thesis maintains that the supply

    curve shifts outward as a result of increases in demand. It is to this

    issue we now turn.

    2 5

    E v e r s l e y , T h e H o m e M a r k e t , p . 2 1 1 . R a l p h D a v i s ,

    The Rise of the Atlantic Econo mies

    ( L o n d o n , 1 9 7 3 ), p . 3 0 4 .

    2 6

    J o h n S t u a r t M i l l ,

    Principles of Political Econo my,

    ed . W . J . A s h l ey (L o n d o n , 1 92 9 ) , p p . 7 9 ,

    8 7 .

    E m p h a s i s i n o r i g i n a l .

    2 7

    T h i s is t r u e ev en i n t h e ca s e o f a m o n o p o l y i n w h i ch t h e i n d u s t r y an d t h e f irm a re t h e s am e .

    A m o n o p o l i s t w il l a l w a y s o p e r a t e o n t h e e l a s ti c s e g m e n t o f t h e d e m a n d c u r v e f a c i n g h i m .

  • 8/11/2019 Mokyr Demand vs. Supply in the IR




    The idea that technological change isdemand-induced is farfrom

    new, though its full impact on economic theory has not been felt until

    relatively recently.


    Theprecise meaningofdemand-induced inno-

    vationismore difficult to formalize if we keepinmind that historians

    have todealoften simultaneouslywith both processandproduct

    innovation.In any event, thetheory that theintensityoftechnolog-

    ical change depends on demand factors is different from



    concept of induced innovation. The latter shows how market condi-

    tions affect the location of an economy on a given innovation possibil-

    ity frontier. But for the Gilboy thesisin its dynamic version to be

    true, it is necessary that demand conditions should be capableof





    the frontier outward. This implicitly assumes that

    there is a market forinventions.


    The demand for technological

    progress becomes essentially a derived demand, dependent on the

    demandfor thefinal good. Anincreasein thedemand for the con-

    sumption good will generate more inventions preciselyin thesame

    way as


    will generate increased employment of other inputs. But


    the present context that hardly resolves thedilemma first encoun-







    initial shift



    Moreover, formidable doubts have been expressed concerningthe

    market for inventions.


    If such a market existed at all, it was

    plaguedby at least three sourcesof market failure, namelythe pre-

    ponderance of externalities,


    uncertainty surrounding all stages


    innovative activity,and the fact that often new knowledge rapidly

    becomesapublic good.


    Most damaging, however, to theview that

    2 8

    T h e

    seminal ar t ic le


    Char les Kennedy , Induc ed Bias



    a n d th e

    Th e o r y


    Dis t r ibu t ion ,

    Economic Journal, 74

    (Se pt. 1964), 149-55.

    F o r

    a reviewof

    th e

    ensu ing deb a te ,

    see Paul A . David , Lab or Scarci ty a n d th e Prob lem ofTechnological Pract ice a n d Progress


    N i n e t e e n t h Ce n t u r y A m e r i c a ,


    Technical Choice, Innovation, and Economic Growth ( C a m -

    bridge, 1975).

    2 9

    Theclassic work is Jacob S chmookler , Invention and Economic Growth ( Ca m b r i d g e ,


    esp . pp .88-10 3, 202-09. Sam uel Lilley, Techn ological Progr ess and the Indus t r ia l

    Revo lu t ion ,


    Car lo


    Cipolla ,

    ed . ,The

    Fontana Economic History


    Europe (London ,

    1973), vo l .

    3. See



    example , Landes , The Unbound Prometheus,

    pp . 77,


    H. J.

    Habakkuk ,

    T h e

    Histor ical Experience


    the Basic Condit ions


    Economic P rogress , in

    L .


    D u p r i e z ,

    e d . ,

    Economic Progress (Louvain, 1955),

    p p .


    T h e

    d e b a t e


    admirab ly su mm ed

    u p

    in A. E.

    Musson ,

    ed. ,

    Science, Technology


    Economic Growth (Lo ndon , 1972),

    ed. ' s

    in t ro .

    3 0

    M . Ishaq Nadir i , Som e Approa ches to theTh e o r y andM e a s u r e m e nt ofTotal Factor

    P roduc t iv i ty , Journal


    Economic Literature,


    ( D e c . 1970), 1148-49


    references c i ted


    3 1

    The list of inventors who failed to capitalize on their major inventions is very long, with

    Cort, Crompton, Goodyear, Whitney, W. Kelly, Lenoir, and Ericsson being some of the most

    notorious examples. Schiff has shown that there is little evidence to support the hypothesis that

    a national patent system makes a significant difference in the rate of industrialization. Cf. Eric

    Schiff,Industrialization without National Patents

    (Princeton, 1971). For a sceptical evaluation of

  • 8/11/2019 Mokyr Demand vs. Supply in the IR



    Revolution 9 9 1

    the quantity of technological progress will respond to shifts on the

    demand side is that the price on the vertical axis of this supply and

    demand model is not precisely specified. Since each invention is, by

    definition, produced only once, the producer has no firm basis on

    which to estimate his returns. It is often argued, moreover, that

    financial gain is only a minor consideration for many inventors: schol-

    arly achievement, desire to improve, and pure love of inventing are

    often cited as prime motives of inventors.


    This does not imply in

    itself that inventors are unaware of or indifferent to the economic

    needs of the society they live in. But a distinct possibility of market

    failure exists all the same. The material needs of society as reflected

    by the structure of market prices, and the same needs as viewed by an

    inventor in search of fame or satisfaction can diverge enormously.

    Often the full potentialities of major inventions were not recognized

    initially by the progenitors.


    Furthermore, as Rosenberg has recently stressed, it is misleading

    to assume that the supply of new technology was very elastic so that

    demand conditions set the output of technological change.


    It is

    tautological that cost-reducing innovations will be sought after and

    adopted irrespective of the size of the market; competition forces

    firms to minimize costs. But is there strong evidence that an increase

    in demand will result in an increase in inventive activity? Schmook-

    lers results seem to bear this out, but his dependent variable is

    patenting, not invention nor adoption of an innovation.


    In fact,

    there is some evidence indicating increased efforts on technological

    improvement in times of reduced demand.


    While this line of rea-

    t h e i m p ac t o f t h e p a t en t s y s t em i n Br i t a i n , s ee T . S . A s h t o n ,

    The Industrial Revolution,


    (N e w Y o rk , 1 9 64 ) , p . 1 1 .

    3 2

    J o s e p h R o s s m a n ,

    The Psychology of the Inventor

    ( W a s h i n g t o n , 19 3 1 ), p . 1 5 2 .

    3 3

    E d i s o n , fo r e x a m p l e , f a il e d t o u n d e r s t a n d t h e f u tu r e o f h i s i n v e n t i o n [ t h e p h o n o g r a p h ] a s

    p a r t o f t h e w o r l d o f a r t a n d e n t e r t a i n m e n t . H e t h o u g h t o f i t m a i n l y [ as a ] m o d e m d i c t a p h o n e ,

    [ o r] a s p e a k i n g f am i ly a l b u m , t o p r e s e r v e t h e s p e e c h e s o f g r e a t s t a t e s m e n , t o t e a c h l a n g u a g e s

    . . . . See J . R. T . H ug he s ,

    The Vital Few

    ( L o n d o n , 1 9 73 ) , p . 1 7 5 . T h e d i v e r g e n c e b e t w e e n t h e

    s o c ia l a n d t h e p r i v a t e r a t e s of r e t u r n o n . i n n o v a t i o n s d o e s n o t s e e m t o h a v e v a n i s h e d o v e r t i m e .

    Fo r a r e ce n t s t u d y s ee E d w i n M an s f i e l d e t a l . , So c i a l an d P r i v a t e Ra t e s o f Re t u r n f ro m

    I n d u s t r i a l I n n o v a t i o n ,

    Quarterly Journal of Economics,

    9 1 (M a y 1 9 7 7 ) , 2 2 1 -4 0 .

    3 4

    N a t h a n R o s e n b e r g , S c i e n c e , I n v e n t i o n a n d E c o n o m i c G r o w t h ,

    Economic Journal,

    8 4

    (M arc h 1 9 7 4 ), 9 0 -1 0 8 .

    3 5

    Fo r c r i t i q u es o f Sch m o o k l e r ' s f in din gs s ee , e . g . , M u s s o n ,

    Science and Industry,

    p p . 2 5 - 2 9 ,

    a n d J o h n J e w k e s , D a v i d S a w e r s , a n d R i c h a r d S t i l l e r m a n ,

    The Sources of Invention

    ( 2 n d e d . ;

    N ew Y o rk , 1 9 6 9 ) , p p . 2 1 0 - 1 1 .

    3 6

    S e e e s p . N a t h a n R o s e n b e r g , T h e D i r e c t i o n o f T e c h n o l o g i c a l C h a n g e : I n d u c e m e n t M e c h -

    a n i s m s a n d F o c u s i n g D e v i c e s ,

    Economic Development and Cultural Change,

    18 (O ct . 1969) ,

    2 3 ,

    a n d s o u r c e s q u o t e d t h e r e . P . S c h o l l e r , L a T r a n s f o r m a t i o n e c o n o m i q u e d e l a B e l g i q u e d e

    1 8 3 2 a 1 8 4 4 ,

    Bulletin de I lnstitut des Sciences Econo miques,

    1 4 (D ec . 1 9 4 8 ) , 5 8 5 . Wi l l i am

  • 8/11/2019 Mokyr Demand vs. Supply in the IR




    soning has its problems as well, and the entire debate is highly

    speculative, it underlines the weakness of a theory that associates

    techno logical change -with increasing (or simply large ) dem and .

    Even if the supply of new knowledge were highly responsive to

    changes in demand, the basic problem of the

    primum mobile


    If technological change occur red wh en dem and conditions were

    r ipe

    (as Lilley has put it), what changed in this respect in the late

    eighteenth century? As was shown in section I, most of the traditional

    sources of demand expansion were of negligible size.

    If necessity was indeed the mother of invention, surely the concep-

    tion was no case of parth eno gen esis. A frequently em ploy ed no tion in

    this context is that of bo ttlenec ks or challenge and respo nse .

    To the extent that what is m eant he re is technology's resp on ding

    to demand, it has been discussed above. But there is a more sophisti-

    cated interp retation of this idea in terms of technological bottle-

    necks .

    3 7

    Some find it useful to distinguish between external bottle-

    necks which pass through the market mechanism, and internal

    imbalances which take place at the level of the firm, but this is imma-

    terial for the present purpose. The essence of the argument can be

    sketched as follows. Suppose a firm or an industry produces a good X

    by m eans of two perfectly com plem entary processes,




    The fac-

    tors employed are La and K


    in process


    and Lb and K


    in process


    Total initial output is thus given as Xo = min


    (La, K






    )] .

    Now suppose that a technological breakthrough occurs which in-

    creases the productivity of both factors in process a by a factor of

    1 + a. Due to the strict complementarity of the two processes, how-

    ever, output will not rise initially at all; a bottleneck in process



    emerged. Obviously any innovation that will raise the productivity of

    the factors inbby a factor oil + a orless will be trans lated direc tly in

    an equiproportional growth in output. One could surmise that in this

    case the incentive to innovate would be especially high, whether the

    bottleneck is external or internal. But one should not forget that an

    alternative solution exists to the imb alance create d, namely the

    reallocation of labor and capital from process a to process b. In the

    present example, simple calculations show the reallocated amount to


    a b

    for labor and a similar qu an tity for cap ital.



    + (1 + tt)Lb

    Brown, Innovation in the Machine Tool Ind ustr y, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 71 (Aug.

    1957), 406-25.

    3 7

    David, Labo r Scarcity, pp . 82^83. J. R. T. Hu ghe s, Foreig n Trad e and Balanced

    Growth: The Historical Framework, American Economic Review, 49 (May 1959), 335-36.

    Nathan Rosenberg, The Direct ion, pp . 4-1 1.

  • 8/11/2019 Mokyr Demand vs. Supply in the IR


    Industrial Revolution

    9 9 3

    When will a bottleneck result in a technological breakthrough

    and when will it result in a reallocation of factors? Unfortunately we

    have no good theory that will predict this. It seems reasonable that

    the ultimate result will depend on the supply side of technology, that

    is, whether and at what cost the existing stock of scientific and

    technical knowledge is capable of solving the bottleneck.


    In addi-

    tion, it is likely to depend equally on the cost and time

    reshuffling the factors of production. As reallocation is, by compari-

    son, a relatively continuous process, whereas inventions are more or

    less discrete events, it is reasonable to suggest that the more time

    passes without a technical resolution, the more actual reshuffling of

    resources will take place, gradually lessening the extraordinary pay-

    off of a technical breakthrough. Many cases can be cited in which

    apparent bottlenecks were solved by reallocation of resources be-

    fore technological changes altered the required input ratios again.

    Those bottlenecks that were resolved by a spectacular masterstroke

    such as Eli Whitney's or William Perkins are likely to receive better

    coverage in the literature than resource reallocations, which tend to

    be more gradual and evolutionary. An example of the latter is the

    production of energy in the second half of the nineteenth century.

    Output of coal increased at an annual rate of 2.5 percent in Great

    Britain between 1854 and 1911, and even faster in the U.S. and

    Germany. The increased demand for energy generated by rapid

    growth created a bottleneck in coal mining, which was highly labor

    intensive. Yet there were few major technological breakthroughs in

    coal mining, especially in England.


    The winning of coal continued

    to depend on arduous manual labor under exhausting and perilous

    conditions. The bottleneck was resolved by a reallocation of re-



    The proportion ofmaleworkers in m ining and quarrying in

    Great Britain rose consistently from 4.2 percent in 1841 to 9.2 per-

    3 8

    A g o o d i ll u s t r a ti o n is t h e c a s e o f s t e e l . I t h a s b e e n a r g u e d t h a t H e n r y B e s s e m e r ' s a t t e n t i o n

    w as f ir st d i r e c t e d t o s t e eh w h e n a ca s t i r o n can n o n w as u n ab l e t o f ir e a n e w p ro j ec t i l e h e d ev i s ed ,

    a n d t h a t t h e B e s s e m e r p r o c e s s w a s t h e r e f o r e a r e s u l t o f a t e c h n i c a l i m b a l a n c e . I t is n o t e w o r t h y

    t h a t a m u ch m o re co s tl y i m b a l an ce ex i s t ed i n co n s t ru c t i n g r a i l ro ad t r ack s from w ro u g h t i r o n ,

    w h i ch h ad t o b e r ep l ac ed f requ en tly . E x p e r i m en t s co n d u c t ed in E n g l a n d i n d i ca t ed t h a t s t ee l

    r a i ls co u l d o u t l a s t w ro u g h t i r o n r a i ls b y a f ac t o r o f s ev en . Fo g e l h as e s t i m a t e d t h a t t h e

    d i s t r i b u t i o n o f t h e w ea r o f w r o u g h t i r o n r a i l s w as s u ch t h a t 5 5 p e rc en t o f a l l r a i l s l a i d w o re o u t i n

    t h e f ir st t e n y ea r s . S i n ce t h e l if e o f eq u i p m en t w as m u ch l o n g e r an d t h e li fe o f t h e a r ea -c l e a r i n g

    i n f i n i t e , t h e i n ab i l i ty t o p r o d u c e ch ea p s t ee l co n s t i t u t e d a s ev e re i m b a l a n c e w h i ch fo r t h e f ir st

    fo rt y y ea r s o f t h e r a i l ro ad w as s o l v ed b y f ac to r r ea l l o ca t i o n , n o t b y t h e i n v en t i o n o f ch ea p s t ee l .

    3 9

    Se e , e . g . , T . K . D e r ry an d T . I . W i l l i am s , A

    Short History of Technology

    (Oxfo rd , 1960) ,

    p p .

    4 7 3 -7 4 . A . J . T ay l o r , L ab o r P ro d u c t i v i t y an d T ec h n o l o g i ca l In n o v a t i o n in t h e Br i t i s h Co a l

    I n d u s t r y , 1 8 5 0 - 1 9 1 4 ,

    Economic History Review,

    14 (Au g. 1960) , 58 .

    4 0

    T a y l o r , L a b o r P r o d u c t i v i t y , p p . 6 2 - 6 4 .

  • 8/11/2019 Mokyr Demand vs. Supply in the IR


    994 Mokyr

    cent in 1911. In the U.S. the proportion of miners in the labor force

    rose from 1.2 percent to 2.8 percent between 1850 and 1910; in

    Germany the proportion rose from .9 percent to 2.8 percent in the

    same period. About two thirds of


    mine workers were employed in

    coal or lignite mines. Another example is cotton, often cited as the

    prime case of an industry in which technological change occurred in

    compulsive sequences. It is rather arbitrary to cite the technolog-

    ical solutions of the bottlenecks in dyeing, carding, weaving, and

    spinning, while ignoring that similar problems existed in the planting

    and picking of cotton at one end of the process, and the tailoring of

    clothes at the other end. Bottlenecks here were clearly resolved by

    reallocation, not invention.

    Repeating the words challenge and response endlessly consti-

    tutes no more of


    theory of technological change than Oscar Wilde's

    parrot's supply and demand constituted a theory of prices. As long

    as challenges occur without a forthcoming response, while other

    major developments occur without discernible stimuli, the

    bottleneck theory ought to be treated with utmost caution. In any

    event, the challenge and response or compulsive sequence

    mechanism is a weak defense of the Gilboy thesis. After all, even if

    technology did respond positively to the emergence of bottlenecks,

    such a pattern of technological progress is essentially a description of

    the precise operation of the supply side rather than a link between

    supply and demand.

    More powerful in the present context is the argument that views

    the new technology as a shift in cost curves in such a way as to reduce

    average cost only at a given level of output; that is, the new technique

    is subject to economies of scale. The Industrial Revolution implied a

    manifold increase in plant size in manufacturing and transportation.

    Central power sources, a more sophisticated division of labor, and

    efficient supervision and discipline imposed on factory workers,

    brought about an unprecedented increase in firm scale. Hence de-

    mand conditions could have been important in determining where

    and when the shift to the new technique occurred, and whether its

    full potentialities were exploited. What is necessary for this line of

    reasoning is that the optimal plant size is large with respect to the

    extent of the market. More precisely, the crucial variable is the ratio

    of the horizontal distance of the demand curve from the vertical axis at

    the minimum cost price to the output at which this minimum cost is

    attained. If this ratio is less than one, the scale economies are not fully

    realized on account of insufficient demand. Even if the ratio is larger

  • 8/11/2019 Mokyr Demand vs. Supply in the IR


    Industrial Revolution 9 9 5

    than unity but still small, insufficient competition may slow down

    growth by reducing overall efficiency. The question whether demand

    factors could have operated in this fashion is particularly complicated

    because Europe was, comparatively speaking, a well integrated econ-

    omy, so that economies of scale could lead to specialization of large

    economies in goods in which increasing returns were important. In

    other w ords, if country


    produced goods under conditions of econo-

    mies to scale, country B would experience growth too if it could

    import the goods from A at a cheaper price.

    It is not an easy task to substantiate the case for increasing returns

    in manufacturing anywhere before, say, 1870.


    Rigorous empirical

    tests of microeconomic data for early European industry are unavail-


    But most econometric studies for American data seem to indi-

    cate that the hypothesis of no increasing returns cannot be rejected .


    There are simpler


    to measure increasing returns than estimating

    production functions. An early study by G. T. Jones assigned a very

    modest role to scale economies in Britain for the period 1850-1920,

    and there is no reason to believe that before 1850 the situation was

    any different.


    The alleged existence of economies to scale in the

    Lancashire cotton industry is criticized in a recent article by Gatrell

    who concludes that size in itself guaranteed neither efficiency in good

    times nor viability in bad . . . one may be most impressed by the

    ability of small, not to say middle-sized, units to exploit their oppor-

    tunities in an increasingly competitive industry.


    A suggestive but

    not entirely unambiguous procedure is to argue that if there had been

    industries in which potential scale economies were present but in part

    4 1

    E v e n t o d a y , t h e r e is c o n s i d e r a b l e d if fi cu lt y in i n t e r p r e t i n g t h e e v i d e n c e w h e t h e r n a t i o n a l

    m a rk e t s i ze co n v ey s a c l ea r - cu t ad v an t a g e o r n o t , a l t h o u g h i t i s l i k e ly t h a t in s o m e i n d u s t r i e s

    s m a l l n a t i o n s f ail t o ach i ev e s ca l e eco n o m i es o r s u f f ic i en t co m p e t i t i o n . Cf. F . M . Sc h e r e r ,

    Industrial Market Structure and Economic Performance

    ( C h i c a g o , 1 9 7 0 ), p p . 9 3 - 9 5 .

    4 2

    P a u l A . D a v i d , L e a r n i n g b y D o i n g a n d T a r if f P r o t e c t i o n : A R e c o n s i d e r a t i o n o f t h e C a s e o f

    t h e A n t e - b e l l u m U n i t e d S ta t e s C o t t o n T e x t i l e I n d u s t r y , i n

    Technical Choice,

    p p . 1 4 2 - 4 3 . S e e

    a ls o T h o m a s J . W e i s s , E c o n o m i e s o f S c a le i n N i n e t e e n t h C e n t u r y E c o n o m i c G r o w t h , ( S u m -

    m a r y of R e s e a r c h W o r k s h o p ) , t h i s

    J O U R N A L ,

    3 6 (M arch 1 9 7 6 ) , 3 9 - 4 1 .

    4 3

    G . T . J o n es ,

    Increasing Returns

    ( C a m b r i d g e , 1 9 3 3 ). J o n e s ' s r e s u l t s a r e u p p e r b o u n d

    es t i m a t e s o f t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f s ca l e eco n o m i es s i n ce h e i s u n ab l e t o s ep a ra t e s ca l e e f f ect s f ro m

    t ech n o l o g i ca l ch an g e . S t i l l, h e fin ds an o b s e r v e d e l a s t i c i t y ( i . e . , t h e p ro p o r t i o n a l g ro w t h o f

    o u t p u t d i v i d e d b y t h e p ro p o r t i o n a l fa ll i n p r i ce ) o f ab o u t 5 fo r t h e L an c as h i r e co t t o n i n d u s t ry

    b e t w e e n 1 8 5 0 a n d 1 8 7 0 . T h i s i m p l i e s a d e g r e e o f h o m o g e n e i t y o f 1 . 25 , a s s u m i n g a C o b b -

    D o u g l a s s p r o d u c t i o n f u n c t i o n . S a n d b e r g h a s d i s p u t e d t h e a c c u r a c y o f J o n e s ' s i n d e x a n d i n si s ts

    t h a t co s t s i n t h e Br i t i s h co t t o n i n d u s t ry f el l s u b s t a n t i a l l y b e t w ee n 1 8 8 5 an d 1 9 1 4 . H e a t t r i b u t e s

    t h i s d ec l i n e i n co s t s t o t ech n o l o g i c a l ch an g e , h o w e v e r , n o t to s ca l e ec o n o m i es . Cf . L a r s G .

    S a n d b e r g ,




    (C o l u m b u s , 1 9 7 4 ) , p p . 9 3 -1 1 9 , 1 3 1 -3 3 . See a l s o J . D . G o u l d ,

    Economic Growth in History

    (L o n d o n , 1 9 7 2 ) , p p . 2 2 9 -3 5 .

    4 4

    V . A . C . G a t r e l l , L a b o u r , P o w e r , a n d t h e S i ze o f F i r m s in L a n c a s h i r e C o t t o n i n t h e

    S e c o n d Q u a r t e r o f t h e N i n e t e e n t h C e n t u r y ,

    Economic History Review,

    3 0 (F eb . 1 9 7 7 ) , 1 2 5 .

  • 8/11/2019 Mokyr Demand vs. Supply in the IR




    unrealized due to inadequate demand, a process of concentration

    should have taken place in these industries, possibly resulting even-

    tually in the emergence of


    monopolies. There is very little

    evidence for such phenomena anywhere in Europe before 1850and

    certainly none before 1760. Oneadmittedly roughindication is

    simply to look at the number and size of firms active in manufactur-

    ing. In 1834, there were 1134 cotton mills in Britain, which rose to

    1932 in 1850, stabilizing around 2500 in the 1860s.


    In Ghent there

    were 29 cotton spinning firm s in 1817 (a crisis year), which rose to 48

    firms in 1826 and 78 in 1839.


    In France, Levy-Leboyer has ob-

    served the proliferation of small firms in the textile industry.


    In the

    iron industry, similarly, there is little evidence of concentration; as

    late as the mid-1850s British iron works were small and dispersed.


    It seems unwarranted to rely on scale economies to rescue the

    Gilboy hypothesis. Scale economies were prominent on the level of

    the firm , and yet could be relatively insignificant for the economy as a

    whole if most firms operated on the horizontal segments of their cost

    curves. The most significant exception to this rule is inland transpor-

    tation, especially canals and railroads. Here a combination of large

    fixed costs and non-tradeability would be consistent with the argu-

    ment that in the absence of a high level of demand there would have

    been much less reduction of transportation costs. Some gains might

    have been made on account of increased interfirm specialization, but

    evidence for such vertical disintegration is not strong. Stigler's rash

    assertion that England's early start was because as the largest econ-

    omy in the world it could carry specialization further than any other

    country not only puts the cart before the horses, bu t has no basis in

    4 5

    A sum ma ry of the se figures, collected from various Parlia me ntary Paper s, is pro vid ed in


    B laug, The Productivity of Capita l in the Lancashire Cotton Ind ustry during the


    Ce n tu ry ,

    Economic History Review,

    13 (April 1961), 379. The a vera ge size of the

    1105 cotton manufacturers surveyed in the Horner Report of 1841 was 175 workers, with the

    median size almost exactly 100 wo rker s. Cf. Gatr ell, La bo ur, p . 98.

    4 6

    H. Copp ejans-D esm edt, D e Statis t ieken van E. C. Van Der Meersch over de Katoenin-

    dus t r ie

    in Oost Vlaanderen,

    Bulletin de la Commission Royale d Histoire,

    128 (1962), pp .


    Xavier Heuschling,

    Essai sur la statistique generate de la Belgique

    (2nd ed.; Brussels,


    p . 96n .

    4 7

    Maurice Levy-Lebo yer,

    Les banques europeenes et I industrialisation Internationale dans

    la premiere moitie du XIX siecle (Paris, 1964), pp.


    4 8

    See, e.g. , A. Birch,

    The Economic History of the British Iron and Steel Industry

    (London ,


    p. 205. Duncan Burn,

    The Economic H istory of Steelmaking, 1867-1939

    (Cambridge ,


    pp . 191, 194-95. The n um be r of firms engaged in iron production mention ed in the Coal

    Commission report was 342, of which 187 engaged in pig iron production. Cf. Shinichiro

    Kurimoto, A Statistical Ar rang em ent of the Royal Com mission on Coal in 1871, Quarterly


    Nara Prefectural College,

    22 (Aug. 1974),


    Kurim oto conclu des that small

    scale firms had not only overw hel mi ng weigh ts in num be r but also excellent activity in

    opera t ing e q u ip me n t s


  • 8/11/2019 Mokyr Demand vs. Supply in the IR


    Industrial Revolution 9 9 7

    the evidence.


    An alternative approach proposed by Burnet main-

    tains that the supply curve is continuously downward sloping, so that

    the entire growth process is to be viewed as an explosive disequilib-

    rium process. In this way, he suggests, one could lend theoretical

    legitimacy to Rostow'stake-off.


    But Burnet's theory does not distin-

    guish sufficiently between historical and Marshallian supply curves.

    The historical supply curve contains technological progress, re-

    source discoveries, and capital accumulation which bring about shifts

    of the Marshallian supply curve. Burnet's bold statem ent that the

    entrepreneur lucky enough to discover a virgin field of consumer

    dem and can look forward to a golden age of self generating growth is

    thus largely based on a misconception, although local gains are of

    course to be expected.

    It appears that the preponderance of the idea that economies of

    scale were somehow crucial in spite of the absence of evidence is

    caused by a misunderstanding. In many cases an invention was fol-

    lowed by additional, gradual progress which resolved relatively minor

    but vital bugs in the application of the new technique.



    subsequent improvements are often mistaken as increasing

    returnsshifts ofthe supply curve are likely to be identified errone-

    ously as points lying


    a given supply curve when they follow a major

    invention as aftershocks.


    It is possible, however, that the oppor-

    tunities for learning by doing type of technological progress were

    far larger in those industries for which demand was comparatively

    elastic, and that the learning process was chiefly determined by the

    quantities produced. Learning by doing , it appears, is the most

    convincing prima facie nexus between the structure of demand and

    the rate of growth of


    economy. Whether the correlation between

    demand elasticity and learning by doing potentialities actually

    existed is an empirical issue.


    4 9

    G e o r g e S t ig l e r , T h e D i v i s io n o f L a b o r I s L i m i t e d b y t h e E x t e n t o f t h e M a r k e t , r p t . in

    W . B r e it a n d H . M . H o c h m a n , e d s . ,

    Readings in Microeconomics

    (N ew Y o rk , 1 9 6 8 ) , p . 1 5 8 .

    5 0

    I . D . B u r n e t , A n I n t e r p r e t a t i o n o fTake-off,


    Record 4 8 (Se p t . 1 9 7 2 ) , 4 2 4 -2 8 .

    Ro s t o w h i m s e l f is l u k ew arm a b o u t t h i s a t t em p t t o fo rm a l i ze h i s


    a n d n o t e s c o r r e c t l y t h a t

    Bu rn e t ' s fa l li n g s u p p l y cu rv e h as t o l ev e l of f s o m ew h e re . Cf. R o s t o w ,

    How It All Began,

    p . 1 4 1 .

    5 1

    N a t h a n R o s e n b e r g , F a c t o r s A ff e ct in g t h e D i ff u si on o f T e c h n o l o g y ,

    Explorations in

    Economic History,

    1 0 (Fa l l 1 9 7 2 ) , e s p . p p . 1 0 -1 4 .

    5 2

    A n i n t e r e s t i n g c a s e i n p o i n t i s t h e d e b a t e a b o u t t h e a d o p t i o n o f t h e r e a p e r i n a n t e - b e l l u m

    m i d w e s t g r a i n f a r m i n g . S e e A l a n L . O l m s t e a d , T h e M e c h a n i z a t i o n o f R e a p i n g a n d M o w i n g in

    A m e r i c a n A g r i c u l t u r e , 1 8 3 3 - 1 8 7 0 , t h i s

    J O U R N A L ,

    3 5 ( J u n e 1 9 7 5 ) , 3 2 7 -5 2 .

    5 3

    T h e o n e c a s e t h a t h a s b e e n i n v e s t i g a t e d in t h i s r e s p e c t i s t h e N e w E n g l a n d c o t t o n

    i n d u s t r y . R o b e r t Z e v i n h a s f o u n d t h a t d e m a n d w a s i n d e e d e l a st i c ( t h e e l a s t i c it y b e i n g b e t w e e n

    - 2 a n d - 3 i n t h e 1 8 2 0 s , f a l li n g t o ab o u t - 1 . 5 a f t e r 1 8 3 3 ). Pau l D av i d h as fo u n d ev i d e n c e fo r

    l e a r n i n g b y d o i n g , a l t h o u g h h e v i e w s t h e l e a r n i n g m o r e a s a f u n c t io n o f t i m e t h a n o f

  • 8/11/2019 Mokyr Demand vs. Supply in the IR




    We return to economies of scale. As Allyn Young noted, it would be

    wasteful to make a hammer to drive a single nail. But one is hard

    pressed to come up with many examples in which the number of nails

    was so small to obviate the purchase of at least one hammer. And even

    when this was the casecould nations not borrow each others ham-

    mers? Perhaps Argentina was too small to found a special school for

    railroad engineers. For that very reason the Argentine railroad sys-

    tem was built by British engineers and the trains hauled by British

    locomotives. The Belgian textile industry in the 1840s imported its

    largest machines, while producing most of the smaller machines

    itself. The average capacity of a domestically produced steam engine

    in the East Flanders industry was about 50 percent smaller than that

    of imp orted eng ines. In Verviers the capacity of imp orted engines was

    more than three times larger than that of domestic ones.

    5 4

    The one

    Belgian machine manufacturer who produced largely for export mar-


    Oockerill 's works in Seraing, made machines with a capacity of

    145 horse pow er. His com petitors, wh o worked largely for the d om es-

    tic market, made much smaller machinesan average of 20 horse-

    power .


    Today, Belgium is perhaps too small to build its own civilian

    airplanesso they buy them in the United States. Luxembourg,

    which is even smaller, may not find it profitable to operate its own

    airlinesso the Luxembourgeois fly Sabena.


    An alternative interpretation of the Gilboy thesis maintains that an

    expansion of demand for industrial goods does not necessarily have to

    come at the expense of other goods. This would be the case if the

    preindustrial economy had large amounts of underutilized resources.

    Ind eed , witho ut unem ploy ed reserves of factors, economic expansion

    initiated by demand would have run into difficulties.


    If there were

    large reservoirs of involuntarily unemployed labor, increases in de-

    mand would set into motion a multiplier mechanism, which, enforced

    by induced investment, could have led to the Industrial Revolution.


    a c c u m u l a t e d o u t p u t . C f. R o b e r t B . Z e v i n , T h e G r o w t h o f C o t t o n T e x t i l e P r o d u c t i o n a f te r

    1 8 1 5 ,

    i n R . W . F o g e l a n d S . L . E n g e r m a n , e d s . ,

    The Reinterpretation of American Economic


    ( N e w Y o r k. 1 97 1 ), p . 13 5 , a n d D a v i d , L e a r n i n g b y D o i n g , p . 1 6 7 .

    5 4

    R o y a u m e d e B e l g i q u e , M i n i s t e r e d e s T r a v a u x P u b l i c s ,

    Statistique de la Belgique: Mines,

    usines mineralurgiques, machines a vapeur, 1839-44

    (Bru s s e l s , 1 8 4 6 ) , p . 4 8 .

    5 5

    L e v y - L e b o y e r ,

    Les banques,

    p . 3 6 1 .

    5 6

    T h e s a m e p o i n t i s m a d e b y M c C l o s k e y , D i d V i c t o r ia n B r i ta i n F a i l ? p . 4 5 5 .

    5 7

    S e e , fo r e x a m p l e , M u r p h y , A


    p . 3 8 7 ; H a b a k k u k , T h e H i s to r i ca l E x p e r i e n c e , p .

    153 ;

    J an d e V r i e s ,

    The Economy of Europe in an Age of Crisis, 1600-1750

    ( C a m b r i d g e , 1 9 76 ) ,

    p p . 1 7 7 , 2 4 1 . T h e a s s u m p t i o n t h a t t h e e a r l y in d u s t r i a l e c o n o m y w a s s u b j e c t t o s e r i o u s K e y n e -

  • 8/11/2019 Mokyr Demand vs. Supply in the IR


    IndustrialRevolution , 9 9 9

    This view is reflected in the famous but infelicitous note on the final

    page of Hicks's Value and Capital that the whole Industrial Revolu-

    tion of the last two hun dr ed years has been nothing b ut a vast secular

    boom , largely indu ced by the unp aralleled rise in po pulatio n. It is

    well known that unemployment and pauperism were widespread in

    preindustrial societies, and Western Europe was no exception.



    unemployment is by no means the same as underuti l ized resources.

    Th e latter wou ld only be th e case if aggregate d em an d was insufficient

    so that peop le willing and able to work could not find em plo ym ent. In

    a preind ustrial or early industrial economy a large am oun t of natu ral

    or frictional unemployment is to be expected.


    Decisive evidence of wh ether eighteen th- and early nine teen th-

    century Europe was in fact in something like Hansen's secular stagna-

    tion or Joan Rob inson's limp ing golden age is not easily ob tain ed. It

    is a difficult problem to distinguish in a meaningful way between

    voluntary and involuntary unemployment of employable workers.

    But there is one body of evidence which requires scrupulous atten-

    tion in this context, namely the writings of the so-called mercantilist

    or pre-A dam ite school. Betw een William Po tter's The Key to

    Wealth (1650) and James Steuart's An Inquiry into the Principles of

    Political Economy (1767), a long list of political econom ists expre sse d

    opinions which all contain an element of Keynes's theory of aggregate

    demand. It is unmistakable that many of these writers thought that

    unemployment could be remedied by an exogenous expansion of

    effective demand. Keynes cited with enthusiasm Bernard de Man-

    deville's Fable of the Bees, and one could provide much more sophis-

    ticated and elaborate illustrations from such eminent writers as Wil-

    liam Petty, Nicholas Barbon, and George Berkeley. There can be no

    doubt that from many points of view these writers should be viewed

    as precursors of Keynes.


    s i an u n em p l o y m en t is m ad e a l s o b y J . L . A n d e r s o n , A M e as u r e o f t h e E f f ect o f Br i t i s h Pu b l i c

    F i n a n c e , 1 7 9 3 - 1 8 1 5 ,

    Economic History Review,

    2 7 (N o v . 1 97 4 ) , 6 1 0 -1 9 .

    5 8

    S e e e s p . D . C . C o l e m a n , L a b o u r i n t h e E n g l is h E c o n o m y o f t h e S e v e n t e e n t h C e n t u r y ,

    Economic History Review,

    8 (D ec . 1 9 5 5 ) , 2 8 0 -9 5 .

    5 9

    F o r a v i e w t h a t a t t r i b u t e s u n e m p l o y m e n t t o d i e t a r y i n a d e q u a c i e s , s e e H e r m a n

    F r e u d e n b e r g e r a n d G a y l o r d C u m m i n s , H e a l t h , W o r k , a n d L e i s u r e B e f o re t h e I n d u s t r i a l

    R e v o l u t i o n ,

    Explorations in Economic History,

    13 (Jan. 1976 ), 1-12.

    6 0

    S e e , f or e x a m p l e , W i l l i a m D . G r a m p p , T h e L i b e r a l E l e m e n t s i n E n g l i s h M e r c a n t i l i s m ,

    Quarterly Journal of Economics,

    66 (No v. 1952) , 4 6 5 - 5 0 1 . D o u g l a s V i c k e r s ,

    Studies in the

    Theory of Money, 1690-1776

    ( P h i l a d e l p h i a , 1 9 5 9) . T . W . H u t c h i s o n , B e r k e l e y ' s


    a n d

    i ts P l a c e i n t h e E c o n o m i c T h o u g h t o f t h e E i g h t e e n t h C e n t u r y ,

    British Journal for the Philoso-

    phy of Science,

    4 ( M a y 1 9 53 ) , 5 2 - 7 7 . N . G . P a u l i n g , T h e E m p l o y m e n t P r o b l e m i n P r e - C l a s s i c a l

    E n g l is h E c o n o m i c T h o u g h t ,

    Economic Record

    2 6 ( J u n e 1 9 5 1 ) , 5 2 -6 5 . S . R . Sen ,

    The Econom-

    ics of Sir James Steuart

    ( C a m b r i d g e , M a s s . , 1 9 5 7) .

  • 8/11/2019 Mokyr Demand vs. Supply in the IR


    1000 , Mokyr

    But even if we accept that these writers thought that the unem-

    ployment they were witnessing was of the Keynesian type the issue is

    not settled. How can we be certain that they actually saw what they

    thought they saw? Heckscher, Blaug, and Coleman among others

    have pointed out that there are powerful alternative explanations to

    the observed unemployment in the pre-industrial economy.


    One is

    a high preference for leisure resulting in a backward bending supply

    curve, which could account for much of the unemployment observed

    by contemporaries.


    High seasonal variance in the demand for labor

    combined with high adjustment and transportation costs led to wide-

    spread seasonal unemployment.


    The importance of this factor ap-

    pears to have been diminishing with the increasing availability of

    nonagricultural employment in agrarian communities.


    6 1

    E l i H e c k s c h e r ,


    (2 n d r ev . ed . ; L o n d o n , 19 5 5 ) , v o l . I I , p p . 3 4 0 -5 8 . M a rk

    B l a u g ,

    Economic Theory in Retrospect

    ( H o m e w o o d , 111., 1 9 6 8 ), p . 1 5 . C o l e m a n , L a b o u r , p .

    2 8 9 .

    6 2

    I . D . S . W a r d , G e o r g e B e r k e l e y : P r e c u r s o r o f K e y n e s o r M o r a l E c o n o m i s t o n U n d e r d e -

    v e l o p m e n t ,

    Journal of Political E conomy,

    6 8 ( F e b . 1 9 5 9 ), 3 1 - 4 0 ; L a n d e s ,

    Unbound Pro-


    p . 5 9 .

    8 3

    S e a s o n a l u n e m p l o y m e n t s tr u c k a g r i c u l t u r e a n d i n d u s t r y a l i k e , s i n c e w e a t h e r c o n d i t i o n s

    a f f ec t ed w a t e r an d w i n d m i l l s , r o ad co n d i t i o n s , b l e ac h f ie ld s, an d s o o n . J o h n L aw , in h i s


    and Trade

    ( 1 7 0 5) , s e e m e d t o t h i n k t h a t s e a s o n a l u n e m p l o y m e n t c o u l d g e t a s h i g h as 5 0 % . A

    1 7 5 2 p a m p h l e t c i t e d b y M a n t o u x p l a c e s t h e p r o p o r t i o n o f t i m e in w h i c h j o u r n e y m e n t a il o r s

    w e r e u n e m p l o y e d a t a b o u t 4 0 % . ( C f. P a u l M a n t o u x ,

    The Industrial Revolution in the Eighteenth


    [ r ev . ed . ; N ew Y o rk an d E v an s t o n , 111., 1 9 6 1 ] , p . 7 1 n . ) I n t h e m i d -e i g h t ee n t h ce n t u ry

    c o n s t r u c t i o n w o r k e r s w e r e id l e a t l e a st f o u r o r fiv e m o n t h s in t h e y e a r . R . C a m p b e l l ,


    London Tradesman

    ( 1 7 4 7 ) , p p . 1 0 3 - 0 4; r p t . i n M . D o r o t h y G e o r g e , e d . ,

    English Social Life in

    the Eighteenth Century

    ( L o n d o n , 1 9 2 3) , p p . 3 2 - 3 3 . S e a s o n a l u n e m p l o y m e n t w a s p a r t i c u la r l y

    s e v e r e w h e r e r u r a l i n d u s t r y w a s a b s e n t a n d t h e c r o p s n o t d i v e r s i fi e d , p a r t i c u l a r l y in I r e l a n d . A s

    l a t e a s 1 8 3 6 G . C . L ew i s n o t e d t h a t t w o t h i rd s o f t h e I r i s h w o r k fo rce w as n o t em p l o y e d a l l y e a r

    ro u n d , an d t h a t t h i s i r r eg u l a r i t y w as t h e t ru e cau s e o f p o v e r t y i n I r e l an d . Cf. G . C . L ew i s ,


    Local Disturban ces in Ireland

    ( L o n d o n , 1 8 3 6) , p . 3 1 2 . O t h e r e x a m p l e s a r e c i t e d b y T . S .

    A s h t o n ,

    An Economic History,

    p p . 2 0 2 - 0 3 ; i d e m . ,

    Economic Fluctuations in England, 1700-


    (Oxford , 19 59) , p . 6 . W ag es f luctuated seas ona l ly , so tha t i t i s no t eas y to d i s t ing ui s h

    b e t w e e n v o l u n t a r y u n e m p l o y m e n t ( i . e . , c o n s u m p t i o n o f l e i s u r e ) a n d i n v o l u n t a r y s e a s o n a l

    u n e m p l o y m e n t .

    6 4

    A p o s s i b le e x p l a n a ti o n o f t h e w i d e l y o b s e r v e d p h e n o m e n o n o f u n e m p l o y m e n t i n p r e i n -

    d u s t r i a l E u r o p e c o u l d b e b u i l t o n t h e id e a o f s t r u c t u r a l u n e m p l o y m e n t . I f t h e m a r g i n a l

    p r o d u c t i v i t y o f l a b o r w a s l o w e r t h a n s o m e a c c e p t e d m i n i m u m o f s u b s i s t e n c e ( p o s s ib l y z e r o ) , i t

    f o ll o w s t h a t p e o p l e w i l l i n g t o w o rk can n o t fi nd em p l o y m en t . Fo r a p r e c i s e fo rm u l a t i o n o f t h i s

    i d e a s e e R . E c k a u s , T h e F a c t o r - p r o p o r t i o n s P r o b l e m in U n d e r d e v e l o p e d A r e a s , in A . N .

    A g arw a l a an d S . P . S i n g h ,

    The Economics of Underdevelopment

    ( L o n d o n , 1 9 5 8 ). U n d e r t h e s e

    c i r c u m s t a n c e s a c h a n g e in t h e c o m p o s it i o n of d e m a n d c o u l d r e d u c e u n e m p l o y m e n t i f d e m a n d

    s h i f te d t o w a r d c o m p a r a t i v e l y m o r e la b o r - i n t e n s i v e g o o d s , t h u s in c r e a s i n g t h e to t a l d e m a n d f or

    l a b o r . W i l l i a m P e t t y ' s r e c o m m e n d a t i o n t o e m p l o y i d l e w o r k e r s to b u i l d a u s e l e s s p y r a m i d u p o n

    S a l i s b u r y P l a i n , b r i n g t h e s t o n e s a t S t o n e h e n g e t o T o w e r h i l l o r t h e l i k e s o u n d s r e a s o n a b l e o n

    t h i s b a c k g r o u n d . I t i s q u i t e c l e a r , h o w e v e r , t h a t s u c h c o m p o s i t i o n a l e f fe c ts w e r e b e c o m i n g

    r a p i d l y le s s i m p o r t a n t a s t h e I n d u s t r i a l R e v o l u t i o n p r o c e e d e d a n d i n d u s t r i a l p r o d u c t i o n w a s

    b e c o m i n g m o r e c a p i t a l - i n t e n s i v e . T h e a r g u m e n t c o u l d , h o w e v e r , g o a l o n g w a y i n e x p l a i n i n g

    t h e r a p i d e x p a n s i o n o f d o m e s t i c i n d u s t r y b e f o r e 1 7 5 0 , w h i c h w a s m u c h m o r e l a b o r - i n t e n s i v e

    t h a n f a c to r y p r o d u c t i o n .

  • 8/11/2019 Mokyr Demand vs. Supply in the IR




    The above is not meant to imply that shocks and fluctuations did

    not have a profound impact on the level of economic activity. Harvest

    failures, fluctuations in exports, political upheaval, tariffs, and wars

    caused widespread distress and unemployment.


    But as a


    description ofanormal state of affairs, involuntary unemployment in

    preindustrial Europe seems a dubious proposition. One reason is that

    in a barter economy Keynesian unemployment cannot occur. While

    Europe and North America were gradually becoming more

    monetized in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, they still

    contained large pockets of barter exchange. Moreover, in the seven-

    teenth and eighteenth centuries, both in England and in Europe,

    long-term investment in capital goods was typically financed out of

    own funds (family loans, retained profits). This implies that invest-

    ment cannot exceed

    ex ante

    savings, but as Heckscher pointed out,

    the pu re savers who did not plow their savings back into their

    business, had relatively few alternatives to hoarding. As capital mar-

    kets improved, the gap between savings and investment narrowed.

    Heckscher tests this hypothesis by looking at secular price move-

    ments in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.


    The tests are

    suggestive but not definitive, since the supply of money is not held


    One possible answer to the attempts to search for long-run Keyne-

    sian unemployment in pre-modern Europe is provided in the


    Theory.Keynes's rather cavalier description of the pre-modern econ-

    omy has it that:

    It is impossible to study the notions to which the mercantilists were led by their

    actual experiences, without perceiving that there has been a chronic tendency

    throughout human history for the propensity to save to be stronger than the induce-

    ment to invest. The weakness of the inducement to invest has been at all times the

    key to the economic problem. Today the explanation of the weakness ofthisinduce-

    ment may chiefly lie in the extent of existing accumulations; whereas, formerly, risks

    and hazards of all kinds may have played a larger part.


    What Keynes overlooks is that in order to have continuous involun-

    tary unemployment, hoarding has to exceed dishoarding over pro-

    longed periods of time. In other words, a secular upward trend in the

    demand for money should be discerned. Why would such a trend

    6 5

    See, for exam ple, Joel Mokyr and N. Eugen e Savin, Stagflation in Historical Perspectiv e:

    The Napoleonic Wa rs Rev isited, in Paul Uselding, ed ., Research in Economic History, vol. 1

    (1976), pp. 198-259.

    6 8

    Heckscher, Mercantilism, vol. II, pp. 348-54.

    6 7

    John Maynard Keynes,

    The General Theory of Employm ent, Interest, and Money


    York, 1936), pp. 347-48.

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    occur? Keynes's explanation of risks and hazards explains the abso-

    lute level of the dem and, but it is hard to argue that alternative assets

    were becoming gradually riskier than money. But deflationary

    pressures could result also if the economy was growing or monetizing,

    however slowly, and the consequent increment in the demand for

    money exceeded the growth in the money supply. Such deflationary

    pressures could have produced unemployment if the price level did

    not adjust sufficiently.

    The absence of unemployment or aggregate output data exclude

    any direct testing of this hypothesis, but some suggestive facts cast

    doubt on it. First, if it is true that the demand for money for any

    reason rose faster than its supply, it is reasonable to suppose that

    interest rates would have been subject to upward pressure. Available

    data do not support this hypothesis: on the whole, interest rates

    declined during the seventeenth century while in the eighteenth the

    downward trend tended to be obscured by wartime borrowing after



    Secondly, the evidence indicates that the supply of high-

    powered money started to grow at an accelerated rate at some point

    after 1680.


    Equally important was the emergence of nonmetallic

    money as a means of exchange. Here one should count as money not

    only the notes issued by the bank ofStockholm,the Bank of England,

    and the American colonies, but also bills of exchange which were

    increasingly made negotiable. The latter, especially, provided a true

    source of inside money, making the money supply more responsive

    6 8

    D e V r i e s,

    The Economy of Europe,

    p . 2 1 1 ; S i d n e y H o m e r , A

    History of Interest Rotes

    ( N e w B r u n s w i c k , N . J . , 1 9 6 3 ) , p p . 1 3 3 - 4 3 , 1 5 5 - 8 0 .

    6 9

    T h e b es t i n d i c a t o r i s s t i ll t o t a l o u t p u t o f t h e s i l v e r an d g o l d m i n es i n M ex i co an d So u t h

    A m e r i c a c o l l e c t e d b y V o n H u m b o l d t a n d p u b l i s h e d i n 1 8 0 9 i n h i s

    Essai politique sur le

    Royaume de Nouvelle-Espagne.

    T h e s e fig ure s w e r e r e f i n e d a n d c o m p l e t e d b y A d o l f S o e t b e e r ,

    Edelmetallpro duktion und Wertverha ltnis zwischen Gold und Silber seit der Entdeckun g

    Amerikas bis zur Gegenwart

    (G o t h a , 1 8 7 9 ) . So e t b ee r ' s f ig ures s h o w a m ar k e d acc e l e r a t i o n o f

    b u l l i o n o u t p u t a f te r 1 6 8 0 . M o re o v e r , if h i s f ig ures a r e co r r ec t ed i n t h e w ay s s u g g e s t e d b y W .

    L e x i s , t h e a c c e l e r a t i o n is e v e n m o r e m a r k e d . C f. W i l h e l m L e x i s , B e i t r a g e z u r S t a t is t ik d e r

    E d e l m e t a l l e ,

    Jahrbuc her fur Nationaloko nomie und Statistik,

    3 2 (1 8 7 9 ) , p p . 3 6 1 -4 1 7 . T h e

    res u l t s o f ap p l y i n g L ex i s s c r i t i q u e t o So e t b ee r ' s f ig ures a r e p ro v i d ed b e l o w :

    T o t a l W o r l d A n n u a l O u t p u t o f B u l l i o n

    ( in mi l l ions of p ias t res )


    1 6 0 1 - 2 0

    1 6 2 1 - 4 0

    1 6 4 1 - 6 0

    1 6 6 1 - 8 0

    1 6 8 1 - 1 7 0 0



    9 9 . 9


































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    IndustrialRevolution 1003

    to the needs of the economy.


    Thirdly, if considerable involuntary

    unemployment had existed in preindustrial and early industrial econ-

    omies, it should be expected that sudden expansions of aggregate

    demand should have affected output and employment in a significant

    way. It seems, however, that in the one test case for which evidence

    exists, the Napoleonic Wars,