911review Atta page 1 Atta page 2 Atta page 3 July 7, 2001: "A July 7 flight that Atta took from Miami to Spain" (Boston Globe, 9/23/01) "Atta left the United States again from Miami International Airport on July 7, 2001, headed for Zurich, Switzerland." http://www.usdoj.gov/oig/special/0205/chapter3.htm [i]Comment: Why would he go to Madrid via Zurich? As he arrived July 8 in Madrid there would have been basically no time to leave the Zurich Airport. [/I] Atta used his true name for the travel. (CR, 229) July 8-19, 2001: Mohamed Atta travels to Spain. Three others cross the Atlantic with him but their names are not known, as they apparently use false identities. www.cooperativeresearch.org/timeline/2001/elmundo093001.html July 8, 2001 A: "Atta arrived in Madrid on July 8." CR, 244 July 8, 2001 B: Atta "was in Madrid and shared a hotel there with an Arab whom the workers at the establishment have recognized as Marwan al-Shehhi" (BBC, 2/12/01) July 8, 2001 C: 1 of 37

Mohamed Atta page3 - Pentagon Attackpentagonmoney.com/wp-content/...of-Mohamed-Atta-p3.pdf · "Atta checked in at the San Jordi hotel in Tarragona (Spain) under the name Mohamed el

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July 7, 2001:

"A July 7 flight that Atta took from Miami to Spain"

(Boston Globe, 9/23/01)

"Atta left the United States again from Miami International Airport on July 7, 2001, headed for Zurich,



[i]Comment: Why would he go to Madrid via Zurich? As he arrived July 8 in Madrid there

would have been basically no time to leave the Zurich Airport. [/I]

Atta used his true name for the travel.

(CR, 229)

July 8-19, 2001:

Mohamed Atta travels to Spain. Three others cross the Atlantic with him but their names are not known, as

they apparently use false identities.


July 8, 2001 A:

"Atta arrived in Madrid on July 8."

CR, 244

July 8, 2001 B:

Atta "was in Madrid and shared a hotel there with an Arab whom the workers at the establishment have

recognized as Marwan al-Shehhi"

(BBC, 2/12/01)

July 8, 2001 C:

1 of 37

They "spent the night at the Diana Cazadora, a three-star hotel about 500 metres - five minutes by car - fromBarajas airport Madrid on the Barcelona road".

(BBC, 2/1/02)

July 8, 2001 D:

Atta and Al-Shehhi "had dinner together and then spent drank vodka for a time in the hotel bar."

(BBC, 2/1/02)

[i]Comment: Welcome to Atta the vodka drinker we know from Shuckums on September 7.[/i]

July 8, 2001 E:

Atta "met up with a man named as Iqbal Afzal Admat, 44, who is described as being of Arab appearance butcarrying an Irish passport. Atta twice rang a mobile phone number in Germany, "probably in Hamburg", from

the hotel while Admat phoned Britian several times, El Pais said. Admat returned to the airport and dropped

out of sight, while Atta drove in a rented car to Tarragona."

(Agence France Press, 6/30/02)

July 8, 2001 F:

"According to the Swiss Federal Police, during his 2 1/2-hour layover in Zurich, Atta withdrew about

$1,000 in Swiss francs from an airport cash machine. Atta's purchases at the airport, two Swiss Army knives

and some chocolate, were paid for with a credit card, not cash. Swiss francs would have been useless inSpain, raising the possibility that Atta may have given the money to someone he met at the Zurich airport."

(Orlando-Sentinel, 10/28/01)

"At some point in the summer, Atta and al-Shehhi checked into a hotel in Zurich. They bought knives and

box-cutters used in the hijackings, according to the Swiss newspaper SonntagsBlick."


"In Switzerland, the SonntagsBlick newspaper said Atta and Al-Shehhi, accused of seizing the planes that

smashed into the World Trade Center, spent time in Switzerland during the summer and stayed in a Zurichhotel. It said they bought the pocket knives and box cutters used to commandeer the four jetliners Tuesday."


[i]Comment: Officially Atta only spent two hours at Zurich airport.[/i]

July 9, 2001 A:

"Atta checked in at the San Jordi hotel in Tarragona (Spain) under the name Mohamed el Amir and met upon July 10 with Ben al Shibh and the latter's companion. Marwan al Shehhi, 23, joined them later."

(Agence France Press, 6/30/01)

2 of 37

[i]Comment: Why wasn’t Al-Shehhi around?[/i]

July 9, 2001 B:

"The next day, Atta rented a car and drove to Reus to pick up Binalshibh; the two then drove to the nearby

town of Cambrils."

CR, 244

July 13-15, 2001:

"He stayed in this provincial capital (Tarragona) on 13, 14 and 15 July at the Sant Jordi hotel."

(BBC, 12/2/04)

July 16, 2001 A:

The Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia later reports that Atta also meets with fellow hijackers Waleed

Alshehri and Wail Alshehri on July 16.


July 16, 2001 B:

Atta "slept at the Casablanca Playa hotel in Salou northeast Spain".

(BBC, 12/2/04)

July 17, 2001 A:

Atta slept at the Residencia Montsant hostel, in Salou (Spain)

(BBC, 12/2/04)

July 17, 2001 B:

"Atta’s application to change his immigration status from tourist to student was approved to September 1,

2001. The application was approved by the same person who adjudicated Shehhi’s change of statusapplication in September 2000."

(Terrorist Travel, 28)

July 19, 2001 A:

Atta arrives at Hartsfield International Airport in Atlanta.

He was "routinely questioned and admitted ‘There is a limited written record and the inspectors recalled little

if anything,’ Inspector General Glenn A. Fine said."

(AP, 5/20/02)

3 of 37

"Atta was admitted as a business visitor until November 12, 2001. The primary inspector who

screened him did not recall the entry. Because Atta had only been out of the United States for

three weeks during the previous 13 months, he should have been flagged as an intending

immigrant and was a candidate for a secondary inspection. There was no secondary inspection,

however, and Atta was now legally in the United States until the day of the planned attack."

(Terrorist Travel, 28)

July 19, 2001 B:

"At 12 o'clock on 19, Atta left Spain from Barajas (Madrid) bound for Atlanta. He had covered 1,908 km in

the car which he hired."

(BBC, 12/2/04)

July 19, 2001 C:

"Hotel records show Atta renting rooms in the same area until July 19, when he returned his

rental car in Madrid and flew back to Fort Lauderdale."

CR, 244

Starting sometime around the latter half of July, 2001:

"Willie Lee, general manager of South Florida Crop Care (Belle Glade), a single-plane crop-dusting business

at the airport, said groups of two or three Middle Eastern men came by nearly every weekend for six or eight

weeks prior to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks -- including the weekend just prior to the assaults."


[i]Comment: Please note that many accounts explicitly state that Lee identified Atta. This might not be true

given the next quote. [/i]

"Lee said he didn't pay much attention to the visitors, and didn't recognize any of them when the FBI

showed him pictures early last week."

(Palm Beach Post, 9/24/01)

(Sun-Sentinel, 9/28/01)


[i]Please note that worker James Lester did identify Atta at Belle Glade inquiring about crop dusters. See:"Late-March 2001" and "Mid-February 2001". And please compare to "September 8, 2001 B" when the

group visited Belle Glade the last time.

Does this mean we don’t have here an example of the double at work? Given the extremely similarbackground and behaviour to Atta the person who inquired Lee I consider this a strong example of the double

being around. See the following quote Lee described his previous encounters. [/i]

"(Willie Lee) said they described themselves as flight students, with several mentioning a South Florida

flight school where investigators initially believed some of the hijackers might have trained.

4 of 37

"They pull in the gate there and get out and ask you all about the airplane," Lee said. "How much does ithaul? How hard is it to fly? . . . They would want to get up on the wing and look at it." (...) He also said he

thinks the visits involved as many as 12 to 15 people, who came in groups of two or three at a time."


[i]Comment: Please compare this to Atta’s behaviour witnessed by Lester in Late March and Mid-February

2001. In any case: Who are these 12 to 15 people?[/i]

For further details see: BELLE GLADE!

July 25, 2001:

"When Jarrah departed Miami (to Germany) on July 25, Atta appears to have driven him to the airport".

CR, 246

A few days before July 30, 2001:

"Atta traveled to Newark, probably to coordinate with Hazmi and give him additional funds. Atta spent a few

days in the area before returning to Florida on July 30."

CR, 248

Summer 2001 A:

"In the weeks leading up to the assault, they used a Boeing 727 flight simulator at Opa Locka Airport,

Miami. They paid $ 1,500 (pounds 1,070) for a six-hour course.

Owner Henry George, a former Eastern Airlines pilot, remembers their odd behaviour.

He said: ‘Most people who come here want to do take-offs and landings. All they wanted to do was turns.’"

(Mirror, 9/17/01)

Separately, it is reported that Al-Shehhi and Atta were spotted in Switzerland last summer, buying pocketknives and box cutters, the weapon of choice in the Sept. 11 hijackings.


[i]Comment: Switzerland? People ressembling Atta and Al-Shehi and buying boxcutters (just in case Atta

arrives too late at the Portland Wal-Mart on September 10, 2001)? [/I]

Summer 2001 B:

"There were other reported sightings (in Portland) (...) former state Rep. Herb Adams, who believes he saw

Atta at the Big Apple convenience store on Park Street this summer "

(Portland Press Herald, 10/5/01)

Summer of 2001 C:

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"Some of the hijackers, specifically Mohamed Atta and Nawaf al-Hazmi appear to have met face-to-face on amonthly basis to discuss the status of the operation, and ultimately the final preparations for the attack."


August 1, 2001:

A motel owner in Oklahoma City later claims that Zacarias Moussaoui and hijackers Mohamed Atta and

Marwan Alshehhi all come to his motel on this day. Although the FBI has investigated this lead, they have not[i]Commented on it.

www.laweekly.com/ink/02/37/news-crogan.php [/I]

Early August 2001:

"My hands," Atta grumbled rudely one day. "They're itching and they're burning."

Gregg Chatterton recites the words, using a slight Middle Eastern accent to imitate the serious,square-jawed Egyptian. The co-owner of an independent pharmacy along Atlantic Avenue in downtown

Delray Beach, Chatterton approached Atta and al-Shehhi one afternoon in early August 2001 after they

spent a suspiciously long time in the skin cream aisle.

He asked what happened to make Atta's hands raw, but the patient was evasive. The pharmacist handed him a

1-ounce tube of Acid Mantle, priced at $5.49, to replenish the natural acid content in his hands. Chatterton

began walking away when Atta, who stood 5 feet 8, slapped an intimidating hand against the druggist's chest.It stopped him cold.

"My friend," Atta barked, motioning to al-Shehhi. "He's got a cough."

The friendlier al-Shehhi planned a violent death in less than a month. He would be told to praise Allah andhold out his chest as the plane hit the World Trade Center's south tower, creating the fireball that would land

on every front page in the world. Until then, however, he wanted something that would get him through the


Chatterton gave him a bottle of Robitussin DM.

The incident ensured that he would remember the pair when the FBI came calling a few weeks later. "When

somebody touches you like that," he said of Atta, "you remember that customer."

By his count, Chatterton has told that story to reporters 112 times. It has given rise to the theory that Atta

irritated his hands while handling anthrax.


August 4, 2001:

"Atta drove to the Orlando airport to meet Kahtani. Upon arrival, however, Kahtani was denied entry byimmigration officials because he had a one-way ticket and little money, could not speak English, and could

not adequately explain what he intended to do in the United States."

CR, 248

"A Saudi named Mohammed Al-Qahtani is stopped at the Orlando, Florida, airport and denied entry to the

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US. Jose Melendez-Perez, the customs official who stops him, later says he was suspicious of Al-Qahtanibecause he had arrived with no return ticket, no hotel reservations, spoke little English, behaved menacingly,

and offered conflicting information on the purpose of his travel. At one point, Al-Qahtani said that someone

was waiting for him elsewhere at the airport. After 9/11, surveillance cameras show that Mohamed Atta was

at the Orlando airport that day."


August 6, 2001:

"That was the first of three times Mohamed Atta walked into the agency in Pompano Beach wanting a car.

He presented a Florida driver license, a Coral Springs address, a Visa card and evidence of Allstate carinsurance. He left with a 1995 white Ford Escort. He paid $119.50 for a week's rental and drove 254 miles

before returning it on Aug. 13."

(Palm Beach Post, 9/14/01)

Image of car rental:


August 7, 2001:

"Atta flew from Fort Lauderdale to Newark, probably to coordinate with Hazmi."

CR, 248

August 13-14, 2001 A:

"Like Shehhi, Jarrah, Atta, and Waleed al Shehri before them, Hazmi and Hanjour each flew in first class on

the same type of aircraft they would hijack on 9/11 (a Boeing 757), and on transcontinental flights thatconnected to Las Vegas. This time, however, Atta himself also flew directly to Las Vegas, where all three

stayed on August 13-14."

CR, 248

August 13, 2001 B:

Atta "stays overnight at an Econo Lodge motel in Las Vegas."

(Sun-Sentinel, 9/28/01)

"Atta paid extra to stay in a room with two beds, motel clerks said. (...) He paid with cash and hung a 'Do Not

Disturb' sign on the door of his room. (...) He checked in with a Florida driver's license issued in May."


August 13, 2001 C:

Atta returned the white Ford Escort at Pampona Beach.


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August 14, 2001:

Atta flies from "Las Vegas to Houston."

(Sun-Sentinel, 10/7/01)

The same day also Hani Hanjour and Nawaf Alhazmi leave Las Vegas.


August 15, 2001:

Pompano Beach: "Atta was back on Aug. 15. This time he left with a blue 1996 Chevrolet Corsica, keeping it

until Aug. 29 - putting 1,915 miles on the 14-day rental, which is the longest period for which Warrick wouldlease a car. Because a dashboard service light had come on, Atta asked for the Escort back."

(Palm Beach Post, 9/14/01)

Image of car rental:


August 16-19, 2001:

"Last August, Atta moved on to Palm Beach Flight Training at another airport in Lantana. He rented a

four-seat Piper Archer from Aug. 16 to 19, said Marian Smith, owner of the school.

A different companion accompanied Atta each time he flew, Smith said, adding that none of these men

was identified with Tuesday's attack."

(Orlando Sentinel, 9/14/01)

(Boston Globe, 9/23/01)


August 19, 2001:

"An instructor at Palm Beach County Airport in Lantana heard Atta speaking in Arabic over the airplane's

radio. The instructor, who speaks Arabic himself and asks to remain anonymous, believes Atta intended to

turn on the craft's intercom to talk to his passenger. Instead, Atta keyed the plane's radio. He exclaimed, ‘Godis Great!’"

(Desert News, 10/21/01)

August 23, 2001:

"Atta again flew to Newark, probably to meet with Hazmi and select flights."

CR, 249

Between August 23 and September 11, 2001:

"Charmain Mungo, 21, lives at the Valencia Motel (Laurel, Md) in a room next to where five men stayed

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from late August through Monday, Sept. 10.

FBI agents showed Mungo seven or eight photos, from which she said she was able to identify three men,

including Mohamed Atta".


August 25, 2001:

"Then, on Aug. 25, Atta filled out an Internet form on the American Airlines Web site to open a

frequent-flier account, a requirement for making reservations over the Internet at the airline's Web


(Boston Globe, 9/23/01)

[i]Comment: Where did Atta purchase the tickets: on the net, at Kinko's or at La Guardia? [/I]

Late August 2001:

"There were other reported sightings (in Portland, too, including a worker at Micucci's Grocery on India

Street who is convinced he saw Atta in late August "

(Portland Press Herald, 10/5/01)

August 28, 2001 A:

"Suspected hijacker Mohamed Atta bought tickets for a connecting flight from Portland, Maine, to Bostonand for American Airlines Flight 11 out of Boston on Aug. 28, two weeks before Flight 11 hit the World

Trade Center."

(Dayton Daily News, 9/14/01)

Atta booked his ticket for AA 11 on American Airlines homepage according to an official letter

send to German authorities on September 12, 2001.


"What I can't tell you regarding that is on the day Atta booked his flight for Flight 11, he also

booked that flight from Portland."


August 28, 2001 B:

Atta flies "from Baltimore to Fort Lauderdale".

(Sun-Sentinel, 10/7/01)

August 29, 2001:

Pompano Beach: "Atta returned the Chevrolet Corsica at Warrick and asked the white Escort back. He left

again, saying he would return the Escort on Sept. 5. Later, he called and asked to keep the car until Sept. 9."(Palm Beach Post, 9/14/01)

9 of 37

Image of car rental:


"Perhaps it should be Aug. 29, 2001, a year ago last week, when Atta and two other hijackers purchased their

Sept. 11 airline tickets on a computer at a Kinko's copy store in Hollywood. "


Around August 30, 2001:

"The manager of the low-priced Longshore Motel in Hollywood said he's almost positive that Jarrah and

Atta paid $175 cash to rent a room for a week. Identifying themselves as Iranians from Canada in town to

look for computer jobs, they brought laptop computers and asked for Internet access. The Longshore'sSpartan rooms don't have phone lines, so manager Paul Dragomir said he ran one from the office to the room.

But Dragomir began to have second thoughts, worrying that the men in Room 3 might run up a huge phone

bill. He asked them to work out of the office instead. The men objected. "They were angry. They were

insulting me," Dragomir said. The man Dragomir believes was Atta did most of the talking. But the man who

looked like Jarrah chimed in as well, saying "You don't understand. We're on a mission," Dragomir recalled.

"I kind of laughed," the manager said. "I said, 'What kind of mission is that? A mission of Islam?' They said,'No, we want to stay out of that.' " The men left in a huff after getting a refund."

(Palm Beach Post, 10/15/01)

September 1, 2001 A:

Atta was identified in Bangor by cab driver.

(Bangor Daily News, 10/13/01)

For further details on Bangor: www.team8plus.org/forum_viewtopic.php?7.32

September 1, 2001 B:

"And 10 days before the tragedy, Atta bought a ticket on American Airlines Flight 11 - the plane he crashed

into the World Trade Center's north tower - from an American Airlines ticket agent at La Guardia

Airport. The investigators would not identify the man with whom Atta rented the Brooklyn and Bronxrooms."

(New York Post, 12/9/01)

[i]Comment: Where did Atta purchase the tickets: on the net, at Kinko's or at La Guardia? [/I]

September 5, 2001:

"Atta booked airline flights at travel agency in Boca Raton (together with Al Shehhi). Atta booked U.S.

Airways flight from Fort Lauderdale to Baltimore."


September 7, 2001 A:

"Atta flew from Fort Lauderdale to Baltimore."

10 of 37

CR, 253.

September 7, 2001 B:

Many accounts report that he was drinking with Alshehhi in Shuckums (Hollywood).

"Last Friday night Atta, Al-Shehhi and a third man spent hours drinking".


The duration of the drinking:

"almost four hours"

(Spiegel, 12/3/01)

„Last Friday night, Atta, Shehhi and an unidentified man spent 3 1/2 hours at a sports bar"



„The Friday night before the attacks, Atta and two other men -- one of them another suspected

hijacker, Marwan Al-Shehhi - spent 3 1/2 hours at a sports bar in Hollywood, Fla., called



„Tony Amos, the manager of Shuckums Oyster Bar and Restaurant in Hollywood, just north of

Miami, was interviewed by the FBI and he and his barman and a waitress all identified Atta and

his cousin as some hard drinkers who propped up the bar last Friday.

Atta's bill for three hours of vodka drinking came to $48 (£33)."


"Atta kept to himself, drinking cranberry juice and playing a video game. For three hours, his

two companions knocked back Russian Vodka and orange juice, got loud and griped about the

chicken wings."

(NBC, 9/24/01)

"On Friday evening, Amos said Atta and the other man came into the Shuckums. The pair had

been in the restaurant several times before, Amos said. This time, they were there from about

4:30 p.m. until about 7 p.m.

"My bartender said, 'These guys are giving me a hard time,' " Amos recalled yesterday. "I thought, 'Okay,

here we go.' I was talking to the big guy, going back and forth. I said, 'Is there a money issue? Do you have

enough money to pay the bill?' The guy arrogantly replied, 'I'm an airline pilot. Of course, I have the money.'"

11 of 37


[i]Comment: Strange that he describes Atta with his official 5-feet-8 as "the big guy"[/i]

"On September 7, at about 3pm, Atta and Al Shehhi went with another man to Shuckums bar in

Hollywood, Florida. The man went off to play a video machine, while Atta and Al Shehhi

ordered the first of five rounds of Stolichnaya vodka with orange juice (for Atta) and Captain

Morgan with Coke (for Al Shehhi).

After 90 minutes, they were ready to leave, but argued over the $ 48 bill."

(Daily Mail, 9/16/01)

"We all were able to recognize both gentlemen," Amos said. The men visited the restaurant

from about 4 to 5:30 p.m. Friday, and seemed drunk and unruly, he said.

(Sun-Sentinel, 9/13/01)

Beginning of the drinking:

About 3 p.m.

(Daily Mail, 9/16/01)

4 p.m.

(Sun-Sentinel, 9/13/01)

4.30 p.m.




One account specify that the alleged hijackers and their unknown friend left at

7 p.m.


[i]Comment: If we do add the duration of the drinking to the supposed beginning then it is hard to see how the

alleged hijackers managed to leave before 7 p.m.

Only exceptions are Daily Mail, 9/16/01 that states the drinking only lasted 90 minutes and the Sun-Sentinel,9/13/01 that gives 4 p.m. - 5.30 p.m.

As the last possible flight Atta could have taken to Baltimore (see "September 7, 2001 A") left Fort

Lauderdale Airport (around 10 miles from Shuckums) at 7.30 p.m. it seems hardly possible that he could haveactually made this flight. Please also note that Atta was witnessed in Sarasota the night of this day. See

12 of 37

"September 7, 2001 C"

For further details see:

www.team8plus.org/forum_viewtopic.php?6.1704.0 [/I]

According to Daniel Hopsicker Shuckum’s manager Tony Amos and bartender Patricia Idrissi don’t work inthe bar anymore and have disappeared. Hopsicker was unable to find them.


September 7, 2001 C:

Atta stayed at the Holiday Inn (Sarasota) . Perhaps meeting Al Shehhi.

"Atta left the bar after another Middle Eastern man arrived, Sievers said. When the FBI released Atta’spicture Sept. 27, Sievers called the FBI and told authorities what she saw, she told Longboat Key police.

Local police left the investigation at that, but a waiter at the Holiday Inn said Atta did not go far from the bar.

The waiter, Frank Boyal, said Atta and his companion had the hotel’s $18.95 "Surf and Turf" buffet on Sept.7. "They were just here. I remember the face."

Boyal said he was struck by the two men’s lack of appetite. The pair only picked at the buffet, Boyal


Boyal didn’t overhear the two men’s conversation, because it was a busy night and he was "running around

like a chicken with its head cut off," he said. Although he knew Sievers had spoken with the authorities about

the sighting, Boyal chose not to mention it to anyone, he said."


[i]Comment: Keep in mind that this hotel is right around the corner of the hotel Bush will spend the night of

September 10. The hotel where possibly an assassination on him was planned.

Please note that in fact two witnesses recall having seen Atta and another Middle Eastern man [/I]

September 7, 2001 D:

"(Wynn) Errico(, owner of Wynn Motor Co. in North Lauderdale) said Atta drove into his used car lot around

2 p.m. on the Friday before the attacks, saying he wanted to sell the Grand Am because he did not need it

anymore. Three men in a white minivan accompanied him and waited for about 45 minutes while Errico andAtta went back and forth about a price, Errico said Atta rejected his offer of $800 cash. "He said, 'I'd rather

run it into a building than sell it for $800,'" Errico said. The law enforcement source said the cars were

retrieved recently but wouldn't specify when."

(Sun-Sentinel, 10/27/01)

online: www.madcowprod.com/10/atta%20demented.htm

The same article mentions that also Al-Shehhi’s care was found by the FBI but doesn’t specify if it was soldon September 7 as well:

"Al-Shehhi's car had been cleaned, limiting its use to investigators, but Atta's car had not been cleaned. Atta's

13 of 37

car was sitting in a warehouse, awaiting sale out of state, when the cars were confiscated. No furtherinformation was available about the second car"

(Sun-Sentinel, 10/27/01)

online: www.madcowprod.com/10/atta%20demented.htm

"Atta had apparently visited several car dealerships on State Road 7 in North Lauderdale trying to sell the


(Sun-Sentinel, 10/27/01)

online: www.madcowprod.com/10/atta%20demented.htm

[i]CommentI: Please note that the article doesn’t specify that Atta did this on September 7.

Comment II: Atta’s behaviour is strange to say the least. Doesn’t he have anything more important to do onhis last day in Florida than sell his car (with a typical please-remember-me-attitude) and getting drunk?[/i]

Days before September 11, 2001:

"Witnesses have said they saw Atta at the Willowbrook Mall in Wayne days before the attacks."

(Bergen Record, 7/29/01)

[i]Comment: This might be a false reporting mistaking the accounts of witnesses who saw Almihdhar (?) in


September 8, 2001 A:

"Atta and another man walk into this Giant supermarket in Laurel, Maryland. They peel off $10,000 in cash

and wire it out of the country to two accounts in the Middle East. (…) The two men are described as being

angry, agitated. Their demeanor very sour, scowling. Some of the store employees were trying to joke withthem as they were conducting these transactions, and the two men wanted nothing to do with that."

(NBC, 9/24/01)

For further details see: www.team8plus.org/forum_viewtopic.php?6.1704.0

[u]September 8, 2001 B:

"(Willie) Lee (chief pilot and general manager of South Florida Crop Care in Belle Glade) identified Attato the FBI, telling agents the suspected hijacker came to the airfield as recently as the Saturday before the

Sept. 11 attacks, asking questions about the capabilities of crop-dusters, including how big a load of chemicals

they could carry. "


(Sun-Sentinel, 9/24/01)

(Palm Beach Post, 9/24/01)


14 of 37

[i]Comment: Please note that many accounts explicitly state that Lee identified Atta. This might not be truegiven the next quote. [/i]

"Lee said he didn't pay much attention to the visitors, and didn't recognize any of them when the FBI

showed him pictures early last week."

(Palm Beach Post, 9/24/01)

(Sun-Sentinel, 9/28/01)

[i]Please note that worker James Lester did identify Atta at Belle Glade inquiring about crop dusters. See:

"Late-March 2001" and "Mid-February 2001".

Does this mean we don’t have here an example of the double at work? Given the extremely similarbackground and behaviour to Atta the person who inquired Lee I consider this a strong example of the double

being around. See the following quote Lee described his previous encounters. [/i]

"Willie Lee, general manager of South Florida Crop Care, a single-plane crop-dusting business at the airport,said groups of two or three Middle Eastern men came by nearly every weekend for six or eight weeks prior to

the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks -- including the weekend just prior to the assaults. He said he did not pay much

attention to them and could not identify any of the men from photos of the hijackers shown to him by theFBI.

He said they described themselves as flight students, with several mentioning a South Florida flight

school where investigators initially believed some of the hijackers might have trained.

"They pull in the gate there and get out and ask you all about the airplane," Lee said. "How much does it

haul? How hard is it to fly? . . . They would want to get up on the wing and look at it." (...) He also said hethinks the visits involved as many as 12 to 15 people, who came in groups of two or three at a time."


[i]Comment: Please compare this to Atta’s behaviour witnessed by Lester in Late March and Mid-February2001. In any case: Who are these 12 to 15 people?[/i]

For further details see: BELLE GLADE!

September 8, 2001 C:

Few accounts put Shuckums drinking on this day.



(Boston Globe, 9/23/01)

(Cox News Service, 9/13/01)

September 8-9, 2001:

"On Sept. 8 and 9, Atta transferred thousands of dollars to a contact in the United Arab Emirates."(Palm Beach Post, 10/17/01)

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(Toronto Star, 9/22/01)

September 9, 2001 A:

"Boston's Logan Airport. Mohamed Atta was watching American Airlines flight 11 prepare for

departure. A passenger on that flight considered his behavior suspicious.

JANICE SHINEMAN, Passenger: He walked very aggressively, with his head held very high, looking around.

When I was actually boarding the airplane, he was standing at the gate counter, writing in a card. Really, the

only thing he could see of the airplane was the pilots and the front of the airplane. I thought to myself, "This isvery strange," and I was actually afraid."


[i]Comment : AA 11 departed as we know very early in the morning but Atta only arrived at the

late afternoon in Boston. So how can he have watched AA 11 departing? Who is this person?[/i]

September 9, 2001 B:

"Atta flew from Baltimore to Boston."

CR, 253

September 9, 2001 C:

"Atta also checked into the Milner Hotel (Boston) , staying that night where he met with Marwan AlShehhi"


CR, 253

"Messrs. Atta and al-Shehhi rented the room next to Mr. Banihammad's (in the Milner Hotel,

Boston). They made a call from their rooms to Western Union, which authorities believe was

one final attempt to refund unneeded cash to their contact in the United Arab Emirates."

(Wall Street Journal, 10/16/01)

online: s3.amazonaws.com/911timeline/2001/wallstreetjournal101601.html

September 9, 2001 D:

"Although Atta had forbidden the hijackers to contact their families, he apparently placed one last call to his

own father".

CR, 249

September 9, 2001 E:

Three hijackers, Atta, Waleed Alshehri, and Marwan Alshehhi, transfer about $15,000 back to "Mustafa's"


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(Los Angeles Times, 10/20/01)

September 9, 2001 F:

Dr. Mohamed Atta lving in Baltimore is in New York’s Helmsley Hotel on this day. Although it is later

explained that he is not the alleged hijacker it is amazing to notice that he was seen with nobody else but

Marwan Alshehhi in the Helmsely Hotel.

(New York Post, 10/14/01)

For further details see: www.team8plus.org/forum_viewtopic.php?6.1765

September 10, 2001 A:

"Mohamed Atta calls Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in Afghanistan. Mohammed gives final approval to Atta to

launch the attacks. This call is monitored and translated by the US, although it is not known how quickly the

call is translated, and the specifics of the conversation haven't been released."

(Independent, 9/15/02)

September 10, 2001 B:

"A tip led agents to a Deerfield Beach motel, where Atta and Alshehhi may have stayed Monday.

Federal agents and crime-scene specialists from the Broward Sheriff's Office converged on the Panther Motel,

715 South A1A, Thursday afternoon.FBI agents walked the transient beach neighborhood, showing photos of four Arab men who, they said, could

have been in the area on Monday.

Joe Carroll, 33, a neighbor, said two of the photos were of Atta and Alshehhi. Agents were asking hoteliers ifany of the men - or anyone with an Arabic name - had stayed at their properties between August 23 and

September 10."

(Miami Herald, 9/14/01)

[i]Comment: And I thought it was beyound question that neither Atta nor Al Shehhi were in Florida on

September 10. [/I]

September 10, 2001 C:

"The FBI has found credit card receipts that appear to place September 11 hijacker Mohamed Atta in

Manhattan the day before the attacks, a source close to the investigation told CNN Wednesday."


[i]Comment: The presence of a Mohamed Atta on September 9 has been explained with Dr. Mohamed Atta

from Baltimore. But this person had left New York on September 9 (New York Post , 10/14/01) and

therefore can’t be the reason why a credit card was used in New York on September 10. [/i]

September 10, 2001 D:

"The day before the attack they may also have been in the lapdancing bar, The Pink Pony, in Daytona

Beach. One man matching the description of Atta and two other Arabs were overheard voicinganti-American sentiments, and speaking of 'coming bloodshed'. "

17 of 37


[i]Comment: Please note that most account don’t identify the person. Till today no definite names have

been given. Needs a detailed analysis. [/I]

September 10, 2001

shortly after noon:

"Shortly after noon (…) Atta left the Milner Hotel, (Boston) picked up Al Omari at the Park Inn, and drove toPortland, Maine. "



[i]Comment: For a few days all accounts after 911 were in doubt whether Al Omari was

actually in the car with Atta. See also the Portland timeline: http://www.team8plus.org

/content.php?article.16 [/I]

September 10, 2001

after noon:

Atta "was stopped at a toll booth at Exit 13 of the Massachusetts Turnpike. He boiled over in anger whenthe operator demanded that he pay the toll. When Atta refused and sped away, the operator wrote down the

license plate number of his rented white Mitsubishi."


[i]Comment I: Why does remind me this of the "please-remember-me!"-attitude several alleged

hijackers were eager to show just before 911?

Comment II: Very intriguing is that (if the witness is correct) Atta uses the white Mitsubishi that

was found in Boston the next day and not the Nissan that he is supposed to have used to get to

Portland and that was found at Portland Jetport the next day. How can this be explained?

Please also note that the witness does not mention Al Omari. [/I]

September 10, 2001:

For all details after Atta arrived in Portland:


September 10, 2001

5:43 p.m.:

"Atta and AL-OMARI checked into the Comfort Inn, 90 Maine Mall Road, South Portland, Maine."


18 of 37

The hotel is a mile from the airport.

(Portland Press Herald, 9/13/01)

"They" took a no-smoking room"

(Evening Standard, 10/5/01)

"At reception Atta asked if he could have 15 copies of USA Today, intending perhaps to bulk up his luggage,

but had to make do with four copies instead."

(Independent, 9/8/02)

[i] Comment: The Independent account is very bizarre and has some mistakes. Nonetheless I inserted this.

What are all the USA Todays for? [/i]

September 10, 2001

7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.:

"There were reports the two were sighted at two nearby restaurants - a Pizza Hut and Weathervane Seafood

Restaurant - between 7 and 8:30 p.m."

(New York Post, 10/12/01)

[i] Comment: The second Restaurant is not mentioned by the FBI! [/i]

"A waitress at Weathervane said two Middle Eastern-looking men - one who resembled Atta - dined at therestaurant that night and asked for the details of how the fish and chicken were cooked.

Sue Paquette, a spokeswoman for Weathervane, said the two men may have been part of a group of five

Muslim men - wearing traditional Middle Eastern dress, including turbans - who dined at the restaurant twonights before, on Saturday."

(New York Post, 10/12/01)

[i] Comment: A group of five. We will meet them again!Remark that only Atta is recognized. Who is the

second person? [/i]

September 10, 2001

After 8:00 p.m.:

"Sometime between 8:00 pm and 9:00 pm, two Middle Eastern males were seen at Pizza Hut, 415 Maine

19 of 37

Mall Road, South Portland, Maine, for approximately fifteen (15) minutes."


[i] Comment: This is the only time the FBI doesn’t say Atta and Al Omari but "two Middle Eastern males".


"Employees at a Pizza Hut in South Portland, Maine, recall seeing two Arab men that could have been Atta

and Alomari stop in between 8 and 9 p.m. They stayed only 15 minutes."

(Cox News, 10/4/01)

The following statement hints at but does not prove that they paid with credit card:

"Larry Ponemon of Privacy Council, a Dallas consulting firm, said in an interview in June that one study

reportedly done on the 19 airline hijackers involved in the Sept. 11 attacks found a pattern in their orders

for pizza.

"Most college kids order pizza all the time," Ponemon said. "But most people pay cash for pizza. These guys

paid with a credit card. That was an odd thing. That became one of the correlates for doing a profile."

(San Diego Union-Tribune, 9/3/02)

"Employees at the Wal-Mart and Pizza Hut have been instructed by the F.B.I. not to comment on what

the men bought or ordered. (…)Today in South Portland and Scarborough, employees at the Comfort Inn,

Pizza Hut and other places in the chronology said they had been told not to talk. Most said they had no

recollection of the men anyway."

(New York Times, 10/5/01)

[i] Comment I: It’s rather difficult to see what kind of national security is at stake if we know if Atta eat

"Pizza Hawai" or preferred more the Mexican style?

Comment II: Atta and Al Omari seem to have been very hungry. But they most likely went to another

restaurant, too. [/i]

"They (agents) checked Dimillo's floating restaurant, where a waitress reportedly served the men the night

before the attack."

(Portland Press Herald, 10/14/01)

"Steven DiMillo, the owner of DiMillo's Floating Restaurant in Portland, said an FBI agent last Saturdayinterviewed about 40 of his employees. DiMillo said he was busy at the time and did not learn why the agency

20 of 37

was interested in talking to his workers."(Portland Press Herald, 9/21/01)

[i] Comment: This makes three restaurants in one and a half hour! [/i]

September 10, 2001

8:31 p.m.:

"ATTA and AL-OMARI were photographed by a Key Bank drive-up ATM located at 445 Gorham Road,

South Portland, Maine. They were driving a 2001 blue Nissan Altima rental car bearing Massachusetts license3335VI."


[i] Comment: But this photo is not released by the FBI on their homepage. [/i]

September 10, 2001

8:41 p.m.:

Picture: www.fbi.gov/pressrel/pressrel01/fastg12.jpg

"ATTA and AL-OMARI were photographed by a Fast Green ATM located in the parking lot of UNO's

restaurant, 280 Maine Mall Road, South Portland, Maine."


[i] Comment : This seems to imply that they demanded twice money at a bank machine within ten minutes.

What did they need all this cash for? And why not once simply take the whole amount of money one wishes

to have?[/i]

September 10, 2001

Time unknown:

« An official at the Kittery Trading Post told The Associated Press that he turned over surveillance tapes

made the night before the attacks showing two men inquiring about items, including knives and rubber

bullets. "

(Portland Press Herald, 9/20/01)

"They (Agents) checked out the Kittery Trading Post, where some men from the Middle East had reportedlysought to buy knives and rubber bullets."

(Portland Press Herald, 9/14/01)

[i] Comment: Why did the FBI not release the photos of this surveillance tape?

And if theses are not Atta and Al Omari then who else (who has strong resemblance to the hijackers) is

21 of 37

interested in knifes on 910? [/i]

September 10, 2001

9:15 p.m.:

Pitcure: www.fbi.gov/pressrel/pressrel01/portl16.jpg

Please note that the complete image looks like this:


[i]Comment: Why does it show "October 10"? It can’t be a simple mistake of the date cause it also shows

"Monday". (Thanks to Brad)[/i]

"ATTA and AL-OMARI were at Jetport Gas Station, 446 Western, Avenue, South Portland, Maine. ATTA

was wearing a half dark, half light colored shirt with light colored slacks."


"(T)hey asked directions to the local Wal-Mart."

(New York Times, 10/5/01)

September 10, 2001

9:22 p.m.:

Picture: www.fbi.gov/pressrel/pressrel01/walmart.jpg

"ATTA was at Wal-Mart, 451 Payne Road, Scarborough, Maine, for approximately twenty minutes."


"Atta spent 17 minutes in the store. One security picture appears to show him in the store's electronics

department. He is seen leaving at 9:39 p.m., carrying a plastic bag with his purchases. The FBI refused to

say what Atta bought during one of his final encounters with American capitalism.

A store manager and a Wal-Mart spokesman at the company's Arkansas headquarters refused to give detailsof Atta's visit, and said only that they are cooperating with the FBI."

(New York Post, 10/5/01)

(Cox News, 10/4/01)

22 of 37

[i] Comment: Why is it a secret what Atta bought? Why does Atta spend much time in the electronic

department? Why is this photo not released? Would it imply what (else) he bought? [/i]

"In South Portland, Atta and Alomari had found a Wal-Mart and were on a spending spree. They blew about

$ 200 on T-shirts alone, and Atta was so impressed with one of the sports shirts he had bought that he

put it on before he left the store. "

(Independent, 9/8/02)

[i] Comment: Most likely this account is simply BS as the security photos show Atta leaving (alone) Wal

Mart with his black and white shirt on. Did the "Independent" make up the story about the buying of a

T-Shirt as well? [/i]

One week later the workers at Wal-Mart finally reveal a piece of info:

"Staff members at the Wal-Mart in South Portland told The Post yesterday that Atta bought the $1.84

boxcutters he used to hijack American Airlines Flight 11 less than 12 hours before he commandeered the

plane. (…) He got there just in time. The store closed for the day at 10. The staffers, who asked not to be

identified, said they had been warned not to give details. "We all know what he bought," one of them said.

"We're just not allowed to talk about it."

The staffer was surprised the hijackers had not made their deadly purchase earlier.

"It's unbelievable they would leave it to the last minute," the staffer said.

Wal-Mart spokesman Tom Williams refused to talk about what Atta purchased."

(New York Post, 10/12/01)

[i] Comment: So, to make this clear: The hijackers wait till the very last second before buying the central

weapon of their suicide mission and are even so little prepared that they have to ask the way to the

Wal-Mart? Why are the workers not allowed to talk at all? Then a bit but their chief remains completely

silent? Or is there another possibility? The staffer inventing the boxcutter story because it seemed plausible

knowing Atta bought something else? How else to explain that they say what he bought and at the same time

telling the journalist Atta bought cutters? [/i]

"It was shocking to the employees that they were in the parking lot and in our store, but nobody has come

out and said they saw anyone ," said Cheryl Giordano, a photo lab technician at Wal-Mart."

(New York Times , 10/5/01)

[i] Comment I: Nobody saw anyone. Too bad although Atta had this eye-catching shirt.

Comment II: But the secrecy surrounding Atta and Al Omari and their activity on September 10 goes evenfurther: [/i]

"The FBI has ordered a blackout on how much money the men withdrew from the bank and what they bought

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at the Wal-Mart."

(Evening Standard, 10/5/01)

September 10, 2001

Time unknown:

Apparently Atta threw his black and white shirt that can be seen on the FBI photos from Portland into the

dumpster of the Comfort Inn:

"’The Dumpster needed to be moved," she said. "The picture of (Atta's) shirt on the FBI Web site? Theypulled that out of our Dumpster at the Comfort Inn.’"


[i]Comment: I take it Laura Wale means the shirt and not the photo of the shirt which would be a bitimpossible.[/i]

September 11, 2001

5:33 a.m.:

"ATTA and AL-OMARI checked out of the Comfort Inn."


September 11, 2001

5:40 a.m.:

"The 2001 blue Nissan Altima rental car, bearing Massachusetts license 3335VI, entered Portland

International Jetport Airport parking lot. It was parked on the first floor directly across from the airport



"Inside the car were parking receipts showing that the men had arrived at the garage at 5:40 a.m., just minutesbefore their flight was scheduled to leave."

(Portland Press Herald, 10/14/01)

[i] Comment: Actually it is only assumed that the Nissan went from the Confort Inn to the jetport. It couldhave come from somewhere else as well. The fact that Atta and supposedly Al Omari checked out and then

their Nissan entered the parking lot seven minutes indicates but doesn’t prove that they are in the car as

well. [/i]

September 11, 2001

5:43 a.m.

24 of 37

"ATTA and AL-OMARI checked in at US AIRWAYS counter."


The US Airways ticket agent who does check in the two alleged hijackers is called Michael Tuohey.

"At first I was looking down at the computer. I said, 'You're cutting it close,' " he said, noting it was 5:40 andthe flight left at 6 a.m. (...)

Tuohey asked the standard security questions, which he'd asked thousands of travelers:

"Has anyone unknown to you asked you to carry an item on board the aircraft?"


"Has any item you're carrying been out of your control since the time you packed them?"



[i]Comment: Please note that this conversatio which is far from being finished is certainly longer than twominutes. But according to the FBI Atta and Al-Omari manage the check in with two bags and reaching the

security check within two minutes. This is strictly impossible. Why is the FBI lying about this detail?[/i]

"Tuohey then checked their driver's licenses, both issued in Florida.


"And as I'm looking at them, you know, they're holding their I.D.s up. And I'm looking at them. (...) I'm

looking at their licenses and I'm looking at their -- and -- and that thought ran through my mind."


[i]Comment: In two interviews Tuohey makes clear that he sees the ID of both. But how come that in the

luggage that they alleged hijackers are just about to check in and that later will be found surprisingly at LoganAirport not only Alomari’s passport but also his international driver’s licence is found?


"Tuohey asked about the security camera behind his counter position, noting it would have caught the men'spicture as they dealt with him. But he was told that camera was broken and had been out of service for some



[i]Comment: That’s pretty unfortunate.[/i]

"As he watched the security video taken at the passenger screening area upstairs, he picked out the two men

without a doubt. They were no longer wearing the coats and ties they had on when they approached thecounter. Tuohey figures they must have taken them off on the way to screening and tucked them into their



25 of 37

"TUOHEY: They had on ties and jackets. And I says, and if you look at these guys, they both have like

open collar. They have like dress shirts with the open collar. I said, but that's them."


[i]Comment: Not only does this prove even more the impossibility of doing the whole check in and reaching

the security gate within two minutes but it also leaves the question where did the ties and the jackets go? In

any case the video footage shows that the alleged hijackers don’t carry them in their hands.[/i]

September 11, 2001

5:53 a.m. or 5:45 a.m.:

"5:45 a.m.: ATTA and AL-OMARI passed through airport security."


See the video footage :


Or the close up here :





[i]Comment: Does this Atta resemble the Atta we know?[/i]

[i] Comment : Please note the strange occurrence of two different time stamps on the video footage.

It seems hard to see how they can manage to park the car, check in and pass the security in 5 minutes Keep in

mind that they had two bags and according to the witness who did the check-in it is obvious that it took a bitof time). Therefore the official 5:45 is hard to believe. But why would the FBI feel the need to lie about this


The photo is actually of no help trying to establish who passed the security check. [/i]

September 11, 2001

around 6:00 a.m.:

"ATTA and AL-OMARI departed on Colgan Air en route to Boston, Massachusetts."


26 of 37

"US Airways Flight 5930, a commuter plane with 19 seats that left at 6 a.m. for Boston, PortlandTransportation Director Jeff Monroe said."

(AP, 9/13/01 e)

"Airline ticketing information obtained by the Dayton Daily News shows Atta's name is on the tickets

along with a second man, Abdulaziz Alomari. "

(Dayton Daily News, 9/14/01)

At the gate and inside the plane they’re seen by Roger Quirion, his colleague Brian Guerette and Jane

Isenberg. Inside the plane also Vincent Meisner witnesses them.

So we do know 6 passengers of 8.

Quirion and Guerrette are later on Delta 1989 and made an emergency landing in Cleveland.

Vincent Meisner was diverted to Chicago.

Nothing is known about Jane Isenberg’s connecting flight (if she took one)

[i] Comment: While there is a contradiction in the accounts of Quirion, Isenberg’s description also differs

slightly from the Guerette’s and Quirion’s: Here the hijackers are in a hurry. Moreover Isenberg seems to

imply to me that the hijackers would have missed the flight if it would have been in time? This corresponds

to the "Financial Times" observation.

More Info. See: "Guerrette, Quirion and Meisner". [/i]

September 11, 2001

Approx. 6:52:

"Before checking into Flight 11, hijacker Mohammed Atta takes a call from Marwan al Shehhi, who is at

Terminal C of Logan airport on his way to check into Flight 175. It is the last conversation these two will ever



[i]Comment: Either the FBI was surveilling Atta’s phone (why?) or it is simply an assumption that

somebody from Terminal C called Atta’s phone and that Atta (who certainly not before 6:45 arrived with

the plane from Portland according to the official story) actually took the call.[/i]

September 11, 2001

check in at Logan Airport:

"The suspected ringleader of last week's terrorist assault came close to missing his American Airlines flight

out of Boston and showed up at the gate perspiring, says an American Airlines employee at LoganInternational Airport.

27 of 37

The gate agent who checked in Mohamed Atta and gave him his boarding pass told the FBI that sheremembers him showing up for Flight 11 late, his face covered with sweat, the source says.

‘The girl that checked Atta said he was sweating bullets, that he was running late," the employee said.

"His forehead was drenched.’ "


[i]Comment : Well, officially his flight from Portland arrived at 6:45 (CR, 2). He had to change terminal

and undergo a new security check but still: Why was he late? And especially why wasn’t he together with Al

Omari? [/I]

September 11, 2001

Between 6:45 and 7:40 :

"When he checked in for his flight to Boston, Atta was selected by a computerized prescreening system

known as CAPPS (Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System), created to identify passengers whoshould be subject to special security measures. Under security rules in place at the time, the only consequence

of Atta's selection by CAPPS was that his checked bags were held off the plane until it was confirmed that he

had boarded the aircraft. (…) Between 6:45 and 7:40, Atta and Omari, along with Satam al Suqami, Wail alShehri, and Waleed al Shehri, checked in and boarded American Airlines Flight 11, bound for Los Angeles.

(…) The aircraft pushed back from the gate at 7:40."

CR, 2

[i]Comment: In Portland and in Boston Atta was extremely late. So, how can his bags have been "held off

the plane until it was confirmed that he had boarded the aircraft"?[/I]

Background info:


"Atta registered on the German aliens register with three different identities and nobody discovered it,

(German Minister for Inner Affairs Otto Schily) said."

(Atlanta Journal-Constitution 10/24/01)

"If in Egypt, and later in the US, he was Mohamed Atta, then at the Technical University of

Harburg, he was Mohamed el-Amir. For the university authorities, he was an Egyptian, yet

for his landlord, as for the US authorities, he was from the United Arab Emirates."


"What The Observer's investigation into his past has revealed is that Mohamed el-Amir Awad el-Sayed

Atta, to give him the full name under which he registered in Germany"


28 of 37

"Atta, who was born in United Arab Emirates but carried a Saudi Arabian passport, was implicated in a 1986bus bombing in Israel"

Atta had been on a CIA-FBI-Immigration and Naturalization Service watch list since he was named as a

suspect in a 1986 bus bombing in Israel."


[i]Comment: The similarity of his name to a known terrorists should have cause problems every time he

entered the US and should make it impossible that he can "persuade" a INS inspector.[/i]


His Florida driver’s licence gives 5-feet-8:


(Terrorist Travel, 188)

Gregg Chatterton (Delray Beach in August 2001) "Atta, who stood 5 feet 8"


"Atta, who stood 5 feet 8"


"The couple told the agent the man was about 25, 5 feet 10 inches, 160 pounds, had "dark,

perfect" skin, and was clean cut and "very polite."

"He was a very handsome guy," Vonnie LaConca said in an interview. "He had beautiful, unblemished skin."


"In Coral Springs, 100 miles inland from Vero Beach, Mohamed Amanullah Atta, a tall, slim, 33-year-old

electrical engineer with an aloof manner and a taste for chinos, sports shirts and vodka and orange, was

perfecting his flying."


[I]Comment: Even if name and job is wrong…[/I]

Professor Dittmar Machule, Atta's thesis supervisor at the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg:

"He was let me say one metre sixty-two (almost 5’ 4’’) "


[i]Comment: This are clearly different measurements. [/I]

"The first photo they showed us was the pilot who crashed into the first building," Vonnie LaConca (North

29 of 37

Port) said. "It was not Mohamed or his friend. But the last picture they showed us was very close, but I

could not say 100 percent that it was him."

The FBI in Tampa would neither confirm nor deny any agents interviewing people in the North Port area.

"We recommend that you check in with CNN for current information," an FBI spokesperson only identified

as "Pam" said Thursday afternoon. "Any press statements can be found on televised stations like CNN."


[i]Comment: A surprising difficulty in identifying Atta! [/I]

Language Skills:

"As a boy, Mohamed Atta had a flair for English and chess. The frail, quiet son of a domineering Cairo

lawyer traded letters with a pen pal in the United States, a classmate recalls. Friends called him ‘Mr.


(Desert News, 10/21/01)

Very good:

Brad Warrick, Pompano Beach who rented Atta cars:

"He had very little accent and acted like he was a businessman."


"Nor would the man in casual clothes who spoke clear English with only a trace of an


(Palm Beach Post, 10/11/01)

"He spoke very good English, and he carried a briefcase. He seemed pretty friendly."

(New York Times, 9/14/01)

Good :

According to Marian Smith, owner of Palm Beach Flight Training:

" Atta spoke English well"

(Orlando Sentinel, 9/14/01)

Whitener at Gwinnett County Airport:

"He spoke good English, but with an accent,"

(Chattanooga Times, 10/12/01)

Charlie Voss, a former Huffman employee:

30 of 37

their English was "not totally good but not bad."

(Philadelphia Inquirer, 9/13/01)

In North Port: "Atta spoke good English"


Rudi Dekkers:

"They spoke quite good English,"

(New York Times, 9/13/01)

Bad :

In North Port: "Mohamed spoke limited English."


[i]Comment: Especially the change of his language capacity described in this article is

amazing! [/I]

Amanda Keller had to translated what Atta said


On September 7 in Shuckums:

"The guy Mohamed was drunk, his voice was slurred and he had a thick accent," Amos said.



"In this organization, um. With, with the type of background that I, that I had, working with Washington and

all this stuff, and he, and when he would mention it, he, his accent came out and I didn't have a clue what

he was talking about prior to Sept. 11. I'd never heard of Osama bin Laden. I'd never heard of al Qaeda. I'm

sure I'd read about it at one point or time in the paper, but it, it wasn't something that I discussed."


Very good German:

"Neighbours told the Hamburger Abendblatt that the two men, both students, spoke German with hardly atrace of an accent."

(London Times, 9/13/01)

(Edmonton Journal, 9/14/01)

"Armin Schulz, 52, and Christian Schulz, 21, a father and son who live two floors above the suspects, said the

men spoke German almost without accent and made no noise even when there were as many as 20 pair of

shoes outside their door."

31 of 37

(Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 9/14/01)

[i]Comment: Not bad for an average student. [/I]

No German?:

"I found out from my people that he lived in Hamburg and he spoke German so one of the days that I sawhim, I speak German myself, I'm a Dutch citizen, and I started in the morning telling him in German, "good

morning, how are you, how do you like the coffee, are you happy here", and he looked at me with cold eyes,

didn't react at all and walked away. "


Very good French:

Atta spoke perfect French according to Amanda Keller (Hopsicker: Welcome to Terrorland)


"He made such a friendly impression," said Abdullah Bozkurt, 59, a dealer who knew Atta from

the open-air car market on Hamburg's Feld Street, where both traded. "He easily got in

contact with everybody, was always smiling and never in a bad mood."


"In school (Hamburg University), Atta came across as very intelligent and reasonably pleasant,

with an excellent command of the German language. When Atta arrived in Germany, he

appeared religious, but not fanatically so."

CR, 160

"At the Palm Beach bar Sunrise 251, Atta and Al Shehhi spent $ 1,000 in 45 minutes on Krug

and Perrier-Jouet champagne. Again, Atta complained about the bill. 'It's outrageous,' he said.

'Why are you arguing?' hissed Al Shehhi. 'We have plenty of money and we are not going to

need it.' Atta was with a 6ft busty brunette in her late twenties: the other man was with a shortish

blonde. Both women were known locally as regular companions of high-rollers."


[i]Comment: Daily Mail is the only article mentioning this story. Unfortunately no date of the event is


Change of behaviour described by the Commission:

"When Atta arrived in Germany, he appeared religious, but not fanatically so. This would change, especially

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as his tendency to assert leadership became increasingly pronounced. According to Binalshibh, as early as1995 Atta sought to organize a Muslim student association in Hamburg. In the fall of 1997, he joined a

working group at the Quds mosque in Hamburg, a group designed to bridge the gap between Muslims and

Christians. Atta proved a poor bridge, however, because of his abrasive and increasingly dogmaticpersonality. But among those who shared his beliefs, Atta stood out as a decisionmaker. Atta's friends during

this period remember him as charismatic, intelligent, and persuasive, albeit intolerant of dissent.

In his interactions with other students, Atta voiced virulently anti-Semitic and anti-American opinions,ranging from condemnations of what he described as a global Jewish movement centered in New York City

that supposedly controlled the financial world and the media, to polemics against governments of the Arab

world. To him, Saddam Hussein was an American stooge set up to give Washington an excuse to intervene inthe Middle East. Within his circle, Atta advocated violent jihad. He reportedly asked one individual close to

the group if he was "ready to fight for [his] belief " and dismissed him as too weak for jihad when the person

declined. On a visit home to Egypt in 1998, Atta met one of his college friends. According to this friend, Attahad changed a great deal, had grown a beard, and had "obviously adopted fundamentalism" by that time."

CR, 160f

Further information:

"If in Egypt, and later in the US, he was Mohamed Atta, then at the Technical University of Harburg, he wasMohamed el-Amir. For the university authorities, he was an Egyptian, yet for his landlord, as for the US

authorities, he was from the United Arab Emirates."


In Hamburg "he grew a beard, swapped his black jeans and conventional western attire for long robes and

refused to shake hands or mix with female students."

(Mirror, 9/17/01)

"Then there was Mohamed Atta, 33, described as intellectual and clear thinking by a professor at a German

university where he wrote an A-plus graduation thesis. "

(Knight Ridder, 9/28/01)

"Described as an extremely serious student at the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, he produced a

152-page thesis on the renewal of the old quarter of Aleppa, Syria, that showed him to be a "well-reasoning

person," said his academic adviser, Dittmar Machule."

(Knight Ridder, 9/28/01)

"His thesis was what mattered, and it was brilliant. Atta got a 1.0 - the highest possible



"Dekkers stated that he believed Atta and Alshehhi had previously attended another aviation

school, so both had some piloting experience. He said they presented their logbooks when

applying at Huffman to show proof of previous flight hours. "

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[i]Comment: But where could Atta have taken flight lessons and made flight hours prior to

his stay in Venice? [/I]

"One of the men who flew an airplane into the World Trade Center (presumably either Marwan Alshehhi or

Mohamed Atta) had 30 credit cards, a quarter of a million of dollars in debt, and a consolidated payoutschedule of $9,800 a month. ... Mohamed Atta, the ring leader, had 12 addresses, two places he lived and

10 safe houses, under the names Mohamed Atta, Mohammed J. Atta, J. Atta, and his middle initial spelled

out. "


(Fortune, 2/9/04)

[i]Comment: Why do the names "Mohammed J. Atta, J. Atta, and his middle initial spelled out" not appear

in the FBI list of the alias he used? [/I]

"Sept. 13, as police analyzed data on a computer provided to an Islamic student group that Atta had founded,university President Christian Nedess seethed at how the would-be hijackers had cleverly hidden their


(Knight Ridder, 9/28/01)

"In Coral Springs, 100 miles inland from Vero Beach, Mohamed Amanullah Atta, a tall, slim, 33-year-old

electrical engineer with an aloof manner and a taste for chinos, sports shirts and vodka and orange, was

perfecting his flying."


[i]Comment: Strange neither his name nor his occupation is correct. [/I]

"Documents released by federal agents also show Atta was booked to fly Oct. 13 on a Delta airlines flight

from Baltimore to San Francisco. "(Toronto Star, 9/22/01)


Las Vegas:

"Mohamed Atta, a suspected leader in the terrorist attacks, stayed in a Las Vegas motel twice in recent

weeks, a motel owner said. The local FBI office is just around the corner."(Plain Dealer, 10/4/01)

"Two Las Vegas addresses also are linked to Atta, both of which are less than two miles from McCarren

International Airport - one only four blocks away.

Atta's name also is linked to addresses in Baltimore, Tempe, Ariz., New York City and Philadelphia -

all within two miles of airports."

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Washington and Baltimore:

"Contact addresses for Atta in the United States were listed on Massachusetts Avenue in Washington, and

on Bonnie Ridge Road Drive in Baltimore, Md. One of Atta's supposed U.S telephone numbers has been

disconnected. Another number was registered to the Cabrini Medical Center in New York City, which

had no record of a patient of that name. Another was a Verizon cell phone, whose subscriber was"temporarily not accepting calls," according to a recorded message."

(UPI, 10/11/01)

Atlantic City:

"Hijacker Mohamed Atta is linked to an apartment near Atlantic City, N.J. , that is less than a mile from

the Atlantic City International Airport."


New York:

"Contact addresses for Atta in the United States were listed on Massachusetts Avenue in Washington, and

on Bonnie Ridge Road Drive in Baltimore, Md. One of Atta's supposed U.S telephone numbers has been

disconnected. Another number was registered to the Cabrini Medical Center in New York City, which

had no record of a patient of that name. Another was a Verizon cell phone, whose subscriber was"temporarily not accepting calls," according to a recorded message."

(UPI, 10/11/01)

"At least two Brooklyn addresses linked to Atta's name would have been within sight of the World TradeCenter, and another is in public housing along the Rockway Parkway, near Kennedy International Airport.

But the 17th-floor apartment number linked to Atta's name on the credit trace does not exist, said

Howard Marder, spokesman for the New York City Housing Authority. The Bayview Apartments are

only seven stories tall, he said."



"Lynn DeLano, the new owner of the apartment building in Hollywood, knew little about her


''I don't know how this person could have been here and no one remembers a thing about him,'' she says."


Punta Gorda:

"Charlotte County Sheriff William Clement said local business owners in Punta Gorda, about 100 miles south

of Tampa, recognized Atta from his photograph in the newspaper and contacted police. Agents seized lastweek records from Professional Aviation Flight Training University, a financially troubled flight school in

Charlotte County that had recruited students from Tunisia and went out of business in the spring of 2001."

(AP, 9/21/01)

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"Punta Gorda - Anonymous tips lead federal agents to this Gulf Coast community where Mohamed Atta mayhave spent time within the last year."

(Plain Dealer, 10/4/01)

Atta has an address there according to the finnlist.

A Punta Gorda restaurant owner swore that Atta had washed dishes in her kitchen. It was a "brief brush with

evil," she told CNN. Later, the real dishwasher's wife and friends came forth. He was Tunisian, they said, and

still very much alive.



"Atta, who had told staff his name was Otto, is believed to have gone on to Embry Riddle Aeronautical

University near Fort Lauderdale where he learned more about flying big jets."

(Daily Mail, 9/13/01)

"Chief suspect Atta learned flying at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach in Florida.

One of his classmates, Ali Muhammed al-Darmaki, is believed among the dead terrorists."

(Mirror, 9/14/01)

Coral Springs:

"On Tuesday night, FBI agents descended on the Tara Gardens condominium in Coral Springs, showing a

photo of Atta, 33, and asking whether residents had seen him. According to residents, Atta rented apartment

122 and left a car parked behind the well-kept, three-story, 36-unit building at 10001 W. Atlantic Blvd. FBI

agents on Tuesday night cordoned off the car and refused to let anyone near it.

No one answered the door at apartment 122 on Wednesday, and an FBI agent who was interviewing

neighbors refused to comment. The vertical blinds on the apartment were left partially open, revealing a

spotless and apparently unoccupied apartment with no personal belongings visible.

It's not clear when Atta moved to Coral Springs. He also recently rented an apartment in Hollywood."

(Sun-Sentinel, 9/13/01)

[i]Comment: When did Atta move in Tara Garden? And what car can it be that he left behind? Please keep

in mind that his red Pontiac was still looked for after September 13.[/i]

Jacksonville, FL:

"In Jacksonville, Fla., the FBI is continuing to check several people who may have met Atta and another

suspected hijacker, Ziad Samir Jarrah, at area hotels and strip clubs that Atta frequented, according to aninternal FBI memorandum. »

(Los Angeles Times, 10/3/02)

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Military School:

"Mr. Atta had gone to the International Officers School at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama"



(Washington Post, 9/16/01)

(Los Angeles Times, 9/15/01)

Atta page 1

Atta page 2

Atta page 3


Brads 9/11 batcave

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