Module Eleven Ppt

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  • 8/6/2019 Module Eleven Ppt.


    Pricing Strategies andTactics

    Copyright 2001 by McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited

  • 8/6/2019 Module Eleven Ppt.


    Copyright 2001 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited14 - 2

    Chapter Goals

    To gain an understanding of:

    Price competition and value pricing

    Pricing strategies for market entry:

    skimming and penetration pricing Price discounts and allowances

    Geographic pricing strategies

    Special strategies including one-price,

    flexible-price, price lining, resale pricemaintenance, leader pricing, everyday lowprice, odd pricing

    Legal issues associated with pricing

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    Copyright 2001 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited14 - 3

    Pricing Strategy

    how does a company decide what price tocharge for its products and services?

    what is the price anyway? doesnt price

    vary across situations and over time? some firms have to decide what to charge

    different customers and in differentsituations

    they must decide whether discounts are tobe offered, to whom, when, and for whatreason

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    Copyright 2001 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited14 - 4

    Price vs. NonpriceCompetition In price competition,price competition, a seller regularly offers

    products priced as low as possible andaccompanied by a minimum of services.

    In nonprice competitionnonprice competition, a seller has stableprices and stresses other aspects ofmarketing.

    With value pricingvalue pricing, firms strive for morebenefits at lower costs to consumer.

    With relationship pricing,relationship pricing, customers haveincentives to be loyal-- get price incentive ifyou do more business with one firm.

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    Copyright 2001 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited14 - 5

    Nonprice Competition

    some firms feel price is the main competitivetool, that customers always want low prices

    other firms are looking for ways to add value,

    thereby being able to avoid low prices sometimes prices have to be changed in

    response to competitive actions

    many firms would prefer to engage innonprice competitionnonprice competition by building brandequity and relationships with customers

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    Relationship Pricing

    Uses price as a method to buildlong-term relationships with thebest customers

    Focuses on giving better deals tobetter customers

    Goal is to price relative to the value

    of the customer to the firm, whilebuilding loyalty and stimulatingrepeat buying

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    The Price DeterminationProcess In pricing, an organization first must decide on its

    pricing goal.

    The next step is to set the base price for a product.

    The final step involves designing pricingstrategies that are compatible with the rest of themarketing mix.

    Many strategic questions must be answered:

    Will our company compete on the basis ofprice or other factors?

    What kind of discount schedule (if any) shouldbe adopted?

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    Copyright 2001 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited14 - 8





    Price based on

    both demand

    and costs

    Price set in

    relation to

    market alone


    Price vs. nonpricecompetition

    Skimming vs.


    Discounts and allowances

    Freight paymentsOne price vs.

    flexible price

    Psychological pricing

    Leader pricingEveryday low vs.

    high-low pricing

    Resale price


    The Process: An Illustration

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    Copyright 2001 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited14 - 9

    Market EntryPricing Strategies MarketMarket--Skimming PricingSkimming Pricing: Setting a high initial

    price for a new product.

    Works if product is new, distinctive and desired

    Early in Product Life Cycle, when demandinelastic

    Protected by entry barriers, e.g. patents

    MarketMarket--Penetration PricingPenetration Pricing: Setting a low initialprice for a new product.

    Works if large market, elastic demand

    Economies of scale are possible

    Fierce competition

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    Discounts and Allowances

    Quantity discount:Quantity discount: The more you buy,the cheaper it becomes-- cumulative andnon-cumulative.

    Trade discountsTrade discounts:: Reductions from listfor functions performed-- storage,promotion.

    Cash discountCash discount:: A deduction granted to

    buyers for paying their bills within aspecified period of time, (after firstdeducting trade and quantity discountsfrom the base price)

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    Copyright 2001 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited14 - 11

    3/10, NET 303/10, NET 30

    1/7, NET 301/7, NET 30

    Percentage to be

    deducted if bill ispaid within specified


    Percentage to be

    deducted if bill ispaid within specified


    Number of days from

    date of invoice in

    which bill must be

    paid to receive cash


    Number of days from

    date of invoice in

    which bill must be

    paid to receive cash


    Number of days from

    date of invoice after

    which bill is overdue

    Number of days from

    date of invoice after

    which bill is overdue

    Calculating a Cash Discount

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    Other Discounts and Allowances

    Seasonal Discounts

    Forward DatingPromotional Allowances

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    Copyright 2001 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited14 - 13

    The Competition Act

    Predatory pricing:Predatory pricing: Selling at unreasonablylow prices to lessen competition.

    Price discrimination:Price discrimination: The use of different

    prices for different customers. It is illegal if a price advantage is granted to

    one, but not another, where both compete andthe articles are similar.

    Granting promotional allowances must bedone on a proportionate basis to allcustomers.

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    Copyright 2001 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited14 - 14

    Geographic PricingStrategies F.O.B. PointF.O.B. Point--ofof--Production pricing:Production pricing: Price

    quoted at factory-- buyer paystransportation.

    Uniform delivered pricing:Uniform delivered pricing: Same deliveredprice quoted to all; works if transportationcosts small.

    ZoneZone--delivered pricing:delivered pricing: Set same price

    within several zones, e.g. Maritimes,Quebec.

    FreightFreight--absorption pricing:absorption pricing: Seller absorbstransport cost to penetrate market.

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    Special Pricing Strategies

    firms may adopt a oneone--price strategyprice strategy orcharge different prices to differentcustomers

    flexible pricing strategies:flexible pricing strategies: shoppers maypay different prices if they buy the samequantity

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    14 - 16

    Psychology of Pricing the psychologypsychology of pricing suggests that price

    will convey a message about the product orservice being sold

    leader pricing bait pricing

    prestige pricing

    price liningprice lining involves setting prices at a small

    number of fixed levels within a retail store odd pricingodd pricing is often used to suggest a

    bargain, while even pricing is used more inprestige, fashion stores

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    14 - 17

    Questionable Pricing Practices

    resale price maintenanceresale price maintenance involves asupplier requiring that intermediaries sella product at a certain price: illegal inCanada, firms are allowed to specify asuggested retail price

    some firms reduce prices, possibly evenbelow cost, to attract customers; this formof lossloss--leaderleader pricing is not illegal unlessit persists for a long time with the goal ofeliminating competition (predatorypricing)

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    Copyright 2001 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited

    14 - 18

    In EDLP pricingEDLP pricing, a retailer charges aconstant, low price with no temporary

    discounts. For example: Wal-Mart, PriceClub, and Saturn.

    In highhigh--low pricinglow pricing, a retailer charges higher

    prices but then runs frequent promotions inwhich prices are temporarily lowered.

    Everyday Low Price (EDLP)vs. High/Low Pricing