Module 1- Expressiones Comunes Module Overview Part 1 Bilingual Beginnings

Module 1- Expressiones Comunes Module Overview Part 1 Bilingual Beginnings

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Module 1- Expressiones Comunes Module Overview

Module 1-Expressiones ComunesModule OverviewPart 1

Bilingual Beginnings

Objective 1-Introduction Course/Study GuideFor this Module 1, the Instructor will discuss overall course objectives during the live lesson--(you can also review this information on the home page of the course website)

The live lesson is given on the first day of the first week of the module.

Students will reflect on the study guide and how they perceive the course will be for them. They will discuss their areas of strength and areas that will need more support.

The Study GuideThe Study Guide has two main functions.** It serves to provide focus for you to complete the assignment and to keep you organized. It helps you to look at what you understand. If you can explain it, you demonstrate good comprehension.**The other role is for you to reflect on what you are learning. Please reflect after each activity with a brief sentence of the pro and con of the assignment. Open up your word document complete the sentences for that task. At the end of the module, you will upload this document to the teacher in the designated forum. This reflection will be worth 5 points(Rubric is on the learning environment space-)

Objective 2-Vocabulary ListCreate a vocabulary presentation of the themed list. Be creative. Be sure to put the word and its translation right next to each other. The Spanish must be written out with correct spelling and the English translation can be written or a picture may be used. The more colorful and interesting you make the list, the better your comprehension of the words. They will stick in your memory.You will be sharing these with your classmates so be sure it is clear, easy to understand, and motivating. Create something YOU would want to watch.This presentation will be worth 10 points(Rubric is on the learning environment space-)

Objective 3-Participation in Live LessonBe sure to enter the live lesson on time and have the outline of the lesson in front of you. This will help you stay focused and follow along. As you follow the lesson, the teachers questions will be on the outline, you can be thinking as you watch of which question or comment you want to share on the lesson. Type it into the chatbox when the teacher asks. Reply or add more as you like. Pay close attention to the chat box and the teachers lesson. Use the outline to help you.

This participation will be 5 points. (Rubric is on the learning environment space-)

Objective 4-Voice ThreadIn Module One you will create a picture of yourself in your favorite weather and orally describe the weather of the day, how you are feeling and one word to describe your personality-( a template will be provided if necessary.)

Then upload this onto voicethread.com and orally describe the weather, how you feel and your personality

This presentation will be worth 10 points(Rubric is on the learning environment space)