46752 H/Jun11/46752 (JUN114675201) General Certificate of Secondary Education June 2011 Modern Hebrew 46752 Unit 2 Reading Tuesday 24 May 2011 1.30 pm to 2.30 pm You will need no other materials. Time allowed 1 hour Instructions Use black ink or black ball-point pen. Fill in the boxes at the top of this page. Answer all questions. You must answer the questions in the spaces provided. Do not write your answer outside the box around each page or on blank pages. Answer the questions in English. Do all rough work in this answer book. Cross through any work you do not want to be marked. Information The marks are shown by each question. The maximum mark for this paper is 65. You must not use a dictionary. Centre Number Candidate Number Surname Other Names Candidate Signature For Examiner’s Use Examiner’s Initials Page Mark 2/3 4/5 6/7 8/9 10/11 12/13 14/15 16/17 18/19 20/21 22/23 24/25 26/27 28/29 TOTAL

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General Certificate of Secondary EducationJune 2011

Modern Hebrew 46752Unit 2 Reading

Tuesday 24 May 2011 1.30 pm to 2.30 pm

You will need no other materials.

Time allowed 1 hour

Instructions Use black ink or black ball-point pen. Fill in the boxes at the top of this page. Answer all questions. You must answer the questions in the spaces provided. Do not write your

answer outside the box around each page or on blank pages. Answer the questions in English. Do all rough work in this answer book. Cross through any work you do

not want to be marked.

Information The marks are shown by each question. The maximum mark for this paper is 65. You must not use a dictionary.

Centre Number Candidate Number


Other Names

Candidate Signature

For Examiner’s Use

Examiner’s Initials

Page Mark
















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Answer all questions in English in the spaces provided.

1 You find this advert for a concert.

ztwd yrmbue hbuh asujc hghcr ouh kf rhgv ertpc

1 (a) In which month does the concert take place?

......................................................................................................................................(1 mark)

1 (b) On what day of the week does the concert take place?

......................................................................................................................................(1 mark)

1 (c) Where in the town will the concert take place?

......................................................................................................................................(1 mark)

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2 Breakfast

vecr hna/vchru ojk ,kfut hbt

/ohzup, .hn v,ua od hbtA


oruh hna 'v, xuf v,ua hbt

/vbhcd og ojk kfutu


i,buvh hna'reuc ,jurt kfut tk hbt

/cgr tk hbt hf


vbaua hna',hkufat kuftk ,cvut hbt

/ibgrnu thrc vz hf/vpe od v,ua hbt lf rjt

E,bg hna

/ckj og ohbds ,kfut hbt


iugna hna ,bduyn vmhc ouh kf kfut hbt

/,uerh ykx og

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Who eats what?

Write the correct letter in the boxes.

2 (a)

Who eats bread and jam? (1 mark)

2 (b)

Who eats fruit? (1 mark)

2 (c)

Who does not eat breakfast? (1 mark)

2 (d)

Who drinks coffee? (1 mark)

Turn over for the next question


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3 My profession

/,ur hna /vrun hbt

/ohskh snkk ,cvut hbt


/iugna hna/ryua hbt

/ohabt kg rnua hbt


/kjr hna/vshep hbt

/ebcc ,scug hbt


/sus hna/xhhy hbt

/xuync xuyk cvut hbt


/van hna/tpur hbt

/ohkuj ohabtc kpyn hbt


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Write the correct letter in the boxes.


I am making sure the city is safe. B

3 (a)

I am teaching in a school. (1 mark)

3 (b)

I am working in a hospital. (1 mark)

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4 The weather






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Use the map to write the correct letter in the boxes.

ouad A

rhre B

ibugn C

sutn re D

dka sruh E

sutn oj F

,uezj ,ujur G

Example: D vhbnrd

4 (a) vhkyht (1 mark)

4 (b) vhkdbt (1 mark)

4 (c) ,prm (1 mark)

4 (d) srpx (1 mark)


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5 Making a cake


jne ,uxuf 4 ohmhc 5 vtnj ord 150 ohxdt ordukhe 1ú rfux xuf 1

:vbfvv iput

/emc ohkcena sg ohrnujv kf ,t ohccrgn /rfux ,me og ohxdtv ,t ohna uhkgu ,hbc,c emcv ,t ohna .170°C ka oujc rub,c vga hmjf vdugv ,t ohput












What do we need to put in the cake?

Write the correct letter in the boxes.

(5 marks)


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6 Recycling

/,jt vba lanc sjt vpat tkn jp er verz vhkdbtc vjpan /kfv ygnf rzjnk ujhkmv vjpanv hbc /rzjnk rapt o,uta ',hfufz hkfc kfut ube ov /,uerhu ,urhp 'rac :unf kfut hrcs ,ubek hsf ehyxkp hkfhnc uan,av ov /kfut uerz ova vre tk lf /kuftk umr ova vn ,t euhsc ube ov /ehyxkp ,uhea vnf v,hv ovka vpatv jpc vshjhv vpatv jp tk ukhpt 'vpat kkfc eurz, tka 'vjhycv ,tzv ,sjuhnv vjpanv vtcv vbac /vbac sjt

6 (a) What is special about this family?

......................................................................................................................................(1 mark)

6 (b) What did the family throw in the rubbish bin?

......................................................................................................................................(1 mark)



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7 Technology helps

ukmhba 'ohsuvh /ovh,ujpan hbc ,t uscht ohcr ohabt 'vhhbav okugv ,njkn inzc ohrjt 'ohruv uaphj ekj /vjpan hbc hrjt ohauphjc shn ukhj,v .rtk ukgu vnjknc /,uhjtu ohjt uaphja vktf uhv odu ovhskh ,t uaphj hrjt 'uadpb ov uhafg eru 'vnjknv inzc usrpb rat ,ujtu jt ,utrk rapt vbun,c /ohba anju ohaha lrgc ,t '”ohcure auphjk” r,tc cajnc tmn 'u,ujt ,t apjk ehxpv tk ogp ;ta 'jtv /u,ujt oa /vnjknv ztn vtr tk v,uta vrehv u,ujt ,ntc thva tmnu vhkt rae,vk yhkjv tuv

rcgc ouhv

Write the correct letter in the boxes.

7 (a) The picture in the past was taken …

A 65 years ago.

B 30 years ago.

C 50 years ago. (1 mark)

7 (b) The people in the pictures are …

A husband and wife.

B cousins.

C brother and sister. (1 mark)


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7 (c) They were separated …

A before the war.

B during the war.

C after the war. (1 mark)

7 (d) They found each other with the help of …

A friends.

B the internet.

C the police. (1 mark)

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8 Television

tk ohskhvn uaehc ohrunv '”ubjbtu vhzhuukyv” treba yehhurp uag chct k,c rpx ,hcc /guca lanc vhzhuukyc vcrv ,upmk /r,uh cjr gsh ovk uphxuha ,uhfubhj ,uhbfu, rujck lht o,ut usnhk ov /.ujc ,ejanu ,urcjv og vmr v,hv thv vbye vskh v,hv thvaf :vrnt rpxv ,hc ,kvbn ,ucr ,uga ohcauh ouhv ohskhv /,hchyrupx ,ukhgp oua ohaug tku ygnf ohskhv ouhv /cajnvu vhzhuukyv kun ouenc vhzhuukyv kun sck ohcauh ohskhv inzv cur hf vehzn vhzhuukyv ',kvbnv ,gsk /,hchyrupx ,ukhgpc euxgk urntu yehhurpvn ubvb ohshnk,v cura ,ukdk ujna ohruvvu ohrunv yehhurpv ;uxc /ohruvv og od ,ukcku ohrcj og ejak hubp inz r,uh ovk ah uhafga

Write the correct letter in the boxes.

Example: The project was …

A to shop less.


B to watch less television.

C to smoke less.

8 (a) The teachers taught pupils how to …

A choose a TV programme to increase their knowledge.

B choose books to increase their knowledge.

C write letters to their friends. (1 mark)

8 (b) According to the headmistress, in the past she used to …

A play outside.

B go shopping.

C clean the house. (1 mark)


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8 (c) The headmistress said that pupils are not …

A studying enough.

B exercising enough.

C reading enough. (1 mark)

8 (d) The headmistress thinks that pupils today are usually …

A seeing friends.

B spending time in their room alone.

C discussing matters with their parents. (1 mark)

8 (e) The headmistress is saying that the influence of television and the computer on pupils is …

A bad.

B excellent.

C good. (1 mark)

8 (f) Following the project, the parents said that pupils …

A have more free time.

B are bored.

C did not enjoy the project. (1 mark)



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9 Hello, Rina

aa ic icv 'ohskh hba ubk ah /ohba gcrt hbpk .rtk ubhkg /vhkdbtn ohasj ohkug ubjbt ,cvu yrupxc ihhymn icv /ohcuy ohshnk, ovhba /vrag oh,a ,c ubka ,cvu vrag /r,bxpc vkugn ,bdbn / vgub,k ;rymvk vmur od thvu 'rgub ,gub,k ,ufkuv vka ,urcjv kfa 'ubk vrnt ,cv guca hbpk og inz r,uh vkc, thva cuaja ohbhcn ubjbt sjt smn /,uagk vn ohgsuh tk ubjbt vk vhvh tk 'rgubv ,gub,c veuxg vhv, thv ota ohsjup ubjbt 'hba smn /vka ,urcjv /vbhdbku ohsunhkk inz ehpxn ?,uagk ubhkg vn /l,cua,k ohfjn susu vbaua

9 (a) What does the daughter want to do and why?


......................................................................................................................................(2 marks)

9 (b) Why are the parents worried?

......................................................................................................................................(1 mark)


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10 Tel Aviv

/”,hbunkt vynx”u “,hbukp v¨y§n¦x” :ohrzun ,una hkgc ,ucujr hba ah chct k,c “hbunkt” /una ,t ohgsuh tk ubjbta ostk hubhf tuv “hbukp” /rmu iye cujr thv vynx /gush tk ostk ubhf tuv 'sutn rhag ost hsh kg v,bcb vbufav /chct k, zfrnc vbye vbufac ,utmnb ,utynxv /vba ohbuna hbpk hja /u,at oa kgu una kg ,utynxv h,ak tre tuv /,utynxv ka ,unav ,t shruvk yhkjv rhagv ahtvu 'ard,v duzv ohba vnf hrjt /oa hkc ,utynxv urtab lf “,hbukp vynx” :ohhbnz ,una ,utynxk ,,k chct k, ,hhrhg vyhkjv vba rjtk /ohnht,n ,una ivk utmnha sg “,hbunkt vynx” u vktv ,ucujrv urtab lf /ohnht,n ,una ,utynxk vtmn tk chct k, ,hhrhg 'ouhv sg /ovka ohrzunv ,unav og


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Write: T True F False ? Not in the text.

Example: Not all the streets of the city have ordinary names. T

10 (a) The streets are in the north of Tel Aviv. (1 mark)

10 (b) The neighbourhood was built by one person. (1 mark)

10 (c) The names of the streets were taken away. (1 mark)

10 (d) Tel Aviv is by the seaside. (1 mark)

10 (e) The streets have not kept their unusual names. (1 mark)

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11 In the army

/.hhev ka vnjv vbugc ,urudx ohhkgb kugbk ohchhj ova ubbuk,v ohcr ohkhhj /,ubcu ohbc ihc iuhuua ,uhvk lhrma ubgy ov /ohksbxc ,fkk ,ukufh ,ukhhj ,tz ,nugk /,urudx ohhkgb kugbk ,uchhj uhvh ,ukhhjv od curev .hhec /,ujubu ,uh,bput ohhkgb ivk uhvha ,ukhhjk ohjhycn tcmc

11 (a) What was the complaint?

......................................................................................................................................(1 mark)

11 (b) What was the outcome of the complaint?

......................................................................................................................................(1 mark)


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12 Survey in Israel

iye rpfc rd ktrahc r,uhc vucdv ahtva 'utmnu 'ktrahc rex lrgb vrcga vbac /vphj sh kg /ohrynhybx ohragu ohryn hbak ghdn ktrahc r,uhc vucdv ahtv ka uvcud /uhkdr kg ubdha ',usjuhn vsucg hkgb kugbk chhj vhv tuv vburjtv u,sucgc /uka vshnc ,unht,n ohhkgb duz tumnk rapt hta 'rnt vsucgv kvbn /kea ;kt ohahnj vkug vz /ukhcac sjuhnc ohhkgb duz ihnzvk ohfhrm 'ifk /u,sucgn u,ut ryhp tuv ifku vz vucd oufx thmuvk 'icunf 'ohfxv tk 'vsucgv kvbn /vsucg rxj uhafg tuva 'thv ktrahc vucd hfv ahtv ka vasjv vhhgcv

12 (a) What was found as a result of the survey?

......................................................................................................................................(1 mark)

12 (b) What was the manager’s problem?

......................................................................................................................................(1 mark)

12 (c) What was the manager’s solution?

......................................................................................................................................(1 mark)



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13 An outing

kukxn vzhtc 'kuhyv ,t idrtn hn eusck ohchhj idrutn kuhyk ,tmk ohbbf,na hbpk /ohhe,h kuhyv vbug uzhtcu ohrjuc /reck ohmura ohr,tv kf ka vnharu 'ohbnz juk ibf,k ohchhj /gcufu ,ujub vfhkv hkgb 'ohn 'vbuatr vrzg eh, ,jek cuaj /ourhj ,gak ohbupky ,nhar ,jek od jufak tk /vktv ,unuenv ka vrhdxvu vjh,pv hbnz ,t ,gsk htsf /urzj, o,t h,n uk ghsuvku 'kuhyv ,hbfu, ,t vjpan ic kmt rhtavk htsf /,utrk ohmur o,ta ,unuenv ka vpn ,jek htsf kuhyvn ,ubvk hsf /vzk ohsjuhn ohbuhbjc ,uvak ohchhj 'ohkvutc iuahk ohbbf,n ot :ck unha

13 (a) Before going on an outing what three things must you check?

1 ...................................................................................................................................

2 ...................................................................................................................................

3 ...................................................................................................................................(3 marks)

13 (b) What three things are suggested to the participants?

1 ...................................................................................................................................

2 ...................................................................................................................................

3 ...................................................................................................................................(3 marks)

13 (c) What advice is given about sleeping arrangements?

......................................................................................................................................(1 mark)

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14 Rice

'ohgca sg ohauka hbc ohabt ohgcrtu vtn up,,av ucu rejn lrgb .rtc ohkuj ,hcc /vucd os .jkn ukcxa /reuc kf ukng,vu ,uthrcc ohruaev ohbua ohtaub kg ,utmrv ugna ohp,,anv ughdv '“ouj zrut ,yths” uaga 'ohescbv ,mucen ohzujt ohaha ygnfa 'ukhd rejnc /os .jk ka vcuy vnrk /o,ut ,jek hrndk ehxpvk ukhpt ut ,upur,c aunhav ,t ,hjpvk ukfh ov tmnb 'inuacu jknc ohks ohkftn ka vkhdr vyths uaga ohescbv ,mucec ',tz ,nugk /ohzujt ohaukac er rupha /ohasuj vgcrt lanbu 'tkn htupr juehpc lrgb rejnv

14 (a) What was discovered about the brown rice diet?

......................................................................................................................................(1 mark)

14 (b) What happened to the group that followed the other diet?

......................................................................................................................................(1 mark)

14 (c) In what activities were the people in the research involved?

......................................................................................................................................(1 mark)



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15 My city

/ohcau, ohpkt ,rag vc ohrdu vphu vkusd hka rhgv kg sunkk rapt ‘vktv ohr,tvn ekjc /ovc reck htsfa ohcr ohr,t ah hka rhgc /hka rhgv ka vhruyxhvv /,uhbufnk vhhbj ouen tumnk sutn vae hf ,uhbunc guxbk ;hsg hrhjna 'ohcauj ohrhh,v /hka rhgc vapujn ,ubvhk hsf ohrhh, ;kt vtnf ohtc vba kf ohkukxnv ,t kukxk unhxha rjtk hkut /sutn ohvucd rhgv lu,c ,cfrc ,ughxbv ohrhh,v ohh,bhc /rhgc ohbua ,unuenk ghdvk r,uh ke vhvh 'ohhbput hcfurk ohsjuhnv /sckc kdr hfkuvk sguhnv 'rhgv zfrnc cujrshnvn ohbvb /vpe h,ccu ohertpc obnz ,t ,ukck ohcvut hka rhgv hcau, /ovhkt uprymv hka rhgc ohcr ohcau, vburjtk /rauf hbusgun od ah hka rhgc /ohmupha kkdc ,hpnhkutv vhhjav ,fhrc ,t urdx vrcga vbac ,uhbufn vcrv uhvh tka hsf ',hruchm vrucj,c r,uh an,avk ohks,an rhgv hcau, /rhgc ohhjv ,ufht ,t rpak kfub lfu 'ohahcfc

Write the correct letter in the boxes.

15 (a) In the city we have …

A historical sites that are worth visiting.

B enough parking for all the cars in the city.

C 20,000 inhabitants. (1 mark)

15 (b) The tourists think …

A you can easily get around the city.

B the prices of the train tickets are expensive.

C there is no need for cycle lanes. (1 mark)


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15 (c) Tourists who visit the city enjoy …

A walking in the pedestrian zones.

B swimming in the swimming pool.

C driving cars. (1 mark)

15 (d) The city’s inhabitants try to improve their quality of life by …

A going by car.

B riding a bicycle.

C using public transport. (1 mark)

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16 The child

rpxv ,hck ovhskh ,t jukak ohkufh obht ohcr ohruv /vae sutn usuvc hkfkfv cmnv /sunkk hsf kfc ohscug 'ut ,ucsb ohmcen ohhbg ohskh vcrv ohtur usuvc ohrg vcrvc 'ubrgmk /usuvc .upb sutn vtrn vz /ohhe,vk hsf ,hrapt vsucg /rpxv ,hck ,fkk ouenc ohgumgm ,rfun “htcnun”* c vrd vbun,ca vskhv /iucx ,ugucc ejan hsh kg ohbuev ck ,nua, ,t luank vxbn thv

Mumbai = htcnun*

16 (a) What does the article tell us about the life of many children in India?

......................................................................................................................................(1 mark)

16 (b) According to the article, why is the girl in the picture blowing bubbles?

......................................................................................................................................(1 mark)


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17 You see these headlines in a paper in Israel.

A /rhuutv dzn ,ufzc ,tzu '.rtc vvucd hfv ,ufhtc tuv khkdv ka ,hzv ina

B /.rtv oursc ohhbufh, rpx h,cc ohhubha uhvh 'sh,gc

C /sutn ouad vhvh ;rujva ohzuj vbav 'ohnad tkk ;ruj ka ohba anj hrjt

D /vrcga vbav ,nugk vbav vkg ohasjv ohkugv rpxn

E /ukg eksv hrhjn hf sutn ohreh ,uxhyv hxhyrf hrhjn

F /ohkushdv kg vaen cdbv ka hrcsnv rhuutv dzn

G /ehyxkpu ,hfufz heucec 'rhhb ohrzjnn ohcr ,unuenc

H /ovka ,urufanc vtkgv ohmur ohscugv hf ',ucfr ,,hca ,bbfu,n

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Match the headlines to the questions by putting the correct letter in the boxes.

17 (a) What is the weather forecast? (1 mark)

17 (b) Why might you think twice about travelling by plane? (1 mark)

17 (c) Why should you buy your olive oil in the Galil? (1 mark)

17 (d) Why is life difficult in the Negev? (1 mark)

17 (e) Why might there be a rail strike? (1 mark)

17 (f) How is this process helping the environment? (1 mark)



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