Modelo SHP

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  • 8/9/2019 Modelo SHP


  • 8/9/2019 Modelo SHP



    *"----------------------------------------------------------------------* STEP PRESEL (Enter selection conditions)*"----------------------------------------------------------------------* This step allows you, to influence the selection conditions either* before they are displayed or in order to skip the dialog completely.* If you want to skip the dialog, you should change CALLCONTROL-STEP* to 'SELECT'.* Normaly only SHLP-SELOPT should be changed in this step.

    IF callcontrol-step = 'PRESEL'.* PERFORM PRESEL .......... EXIT. ENDIF.

    *"----------------------------------------------------------------------* STEP SELECT (Select values)*"----------------------------------------------------------------------* This step may be used to overtake the data selection completely.* To skip the standard seletion, you should return 'DISP' as following* step in CALLCONTROL-STEP.* Normally RECORD_TAB should be filled after this step.

    * Standard function module F4UT_RESULTS_MAP may be very helpfull in this* step.

    IF callcontrol-step = 'SELECT'.

    FREE: r_cod_tp_pagto.

    LOOP AT shlp-selopt INTO wa_selopt.

    CASE wa_selopt-shlpfield.

    WHEN 'COD_TP_PAGT'. r_cod_tp_pagto-sign = wa_selopt-sign.

    r_cod_tp_pagto-option = wa_selopt-option. r_cod_tp_pagto-low = wa_selopt-low. r_cod_tp_pagto-high = wa_selopt-high. APPEND r_cod_tp_pagto. CLEAR r_cod_tp_pagto. ENDCASE.


    * Seleciona os dados na tabela SELECT * UP TO callcontrol-maxrecords ROWS FROM zfi_t_pagtospb

    INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE t_tppagamento WHERE cod_tp_pagto IN r_cod_tp_pagto.


    *"----------------------------------------------------------------------* STEP DISP (Display values)*"----------------------------------------------------------------------* This step is called, before the selected data is displayed.* You can e.g. modify or reduce the data in RECORD_TAB

  • 8/9/2019 Modelo SHP


    * according to the users authority.* If you want to get the standard display dialog afterwards, you* should not change CALLCONTROL-STEP.* If you want to overtake the dialog on you own, you must return* the following values in CALLCONTROL-STEP:* - "RETURN" if one line was selected. The selected line must be* the only record left in RECORD_TAB. The corresponding fields of* this line are entered into the screen.* - "EXIT" if the values request should be aborted* - "PRESEL" if you want to return to the selection dialog* Standard function modules F4UT_PARAMETER_VALUE_GET and* F4UT_PARAMETER_RESULTS_PUT may be very helpfull in this step.

    IF callcontrol-step = 'DISP'.

    * Preenche a tabela de exibio LOOP AT t_tppagamento.* CONCATENATE t_tppagamento-cod_tp_pagto* INTO record_tab-string RESPECTING BLANKS. APPEND record_tab. CLEAR record_tab. ENDLOOP.* EXIT. ENDIF.