Newsletter Page 1 WWW.MODELFARMS-H.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.AU Model Farms High School NEWSLETTER ISSUE 15 Term 2 – Week 6 Monday 28 May 2012 Gooden Drive, Baulkham Hills Telephone: (02) 9624 3133 Facsimile: (02) 9838 8407 Email: [email protected] PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE… Student Successes Congratulations go to Thomas Diefenbach of Year 10 for successfully being accepted as a World Education Program exchange student to Hungary in Semester 2. WEP informed me that through his application and personal interview Thomas displayed curiosity and maturity, essential attributes of successful exchange students. Thomas will leave for Hungary in August where he will live with a volunteer host family and attend a local school full time. This is a wonderful opportunity to improve his communication skills, learn about a foreign culture, develop further self-awareness and meet interesting new people. We wish Thomas well and look forward to hearing some fascinating stories of his time there. I was delighted to receive notification this week that Year 8 students Cara Boljevac and Emma Charlton have successfully auditioned for the 2012 NSW Public Schools Year 8 Drama Ensemble. The ensemble is a select group of gifted and talented Year 8 actors who meet once a week at The Arts Unit in Lewisham each Wednesday throughout the year. Cara and Emma will be involved in a range of skills development workshops with specialist tutors from the performing arts industry as well as performing in event throughout the year. We look forward to seeing these two young girls grow in their craft. Year 9 students are being quite prolific in their activities this week. Cory Robinson and Josephine Risko of are off to have a fantastic week at the Regional Music Camp in the Blue Mountains. This is such a valuable experience and one both students will benefit greatly from as their music skills continue to develop and strengthen. Charlie Oliver of Year 7 has also made it to the finals of the 'Fast and Fresh' festival at the Riverside Theatre for his acting excellence another one to watch for on the silver screen in future! 2013 Enrolments Letters went out last week to those people who sought enrolment in Year 7 at Model Farms High School in 2013. It is pleasing to see that our popularity as a school of choice for many parents continues to be strong and that our limited places are oversubscribed with applications. I believe this to be testament to the quality teaching that occurs here at the Farms, as well as the respectful students we develop and the tremendous support afforded to us by our parent bodies. Sadly some applications were declined and parents and children were obviously disappointed. I would like to ensure the community that the criteria for enrolment at Model Farms High School did not change this year. We are simply unable to offer as many places as in previous years with the numbers of in area applicants growing. I look forward to seeing the school go from strength to strength.

Model Farms High School NEWSLETTER · 5/28/2012  · Newsletter Page 1 Model Farms High School NEWSLETTER ISSUE 15 Term 2 – Week 6 Monday 28 May 2012 Gooden Drive, Baulkham Hills

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Model Farms High School

NEWSLETTER ISSUE 15 Term 2 – Week 6 Monday 28 May 2012

Gooden Drive, Baulkham Hills Telephone: (02) 9624 3133 Facsimile: (02) 9838 8407 Email: [email protected]


Student Successes Congratulations go to Thomas Diefenbach of Year 10 for successfully being accepted as a World Education Program exchange student to Hungary in Semester 2. WEP informed me that through his application and personal interview Thomas displayed curiosity and maturity, essential attributes of successful exchange students. Thomas will leave for Hungary in August where he will live with a volunteer host family and attend a local school full time. This is a wonderful opportunity to improve his communication skills, learn about a foreign culture, develop further self-awareness and meet interesting new people. We wish Thomas well and look forward to hearing some fascinating stories of his time there. I was delighted to receive notification this week that Year 8 students Cara Boljevac and Emma Charlton have successfully auditioned for the 2012 NSW Public Schools Year 8 Drama Ensemble. The ensemble is a select group of gifted and talented Year 8 actors who meet once a week at The Arts Unit in Lewisham each Wednesday throughout the year. Cara and Emma will be involved in a range of skills development workshops with specialist tutors from the performing arts industry as well as performing in event throughout the year. We look forward to seeing these two young girls grow in their craft. Year 9 students are being quite prolific in their activities this week. Cory Robinson and Josephine Risko of are off to have a fantastic week at the Regional Music Camp in the Blue Mountains. This is such a valuable experience and one both students will benefit greatly from as their music skills continue to develop and strengthen. Charlie Oliver of Year 7 has also made it to the finals of the 'Fast and Fresh' festival at the Riverside Theatre for his acting excellence – another one to watch for on the silver screen in future! 2013 Enrolments Letters went out last week to those people who sought enrolment in Year 7 at Model Farms High School in 2013. It is pleasing to see that our popularity as a school of choice for many parents continues to be strong and that our limited places are oversubscribed with applications. I believe this to be testament to the quality teaching that occurs here at the Farms, as well as the respectful students we develop and the tremendous support afforded to us by our parent bodies. Sadly some applications were declined and parents and children were obviously disappointed. I would like to ensure the community that the criteria for enrolment at Model Farms High School did not change this year. We are simply unable to offer as many places as in previous years with the numbers of in area applicants growing. I look forward to seeing the school go from strength to strength.

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PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE (Cont.)… School Facebook Page

Don’t forget that you can help us by telling us what you think about the school having a Facebook page so that we can post reminders, announcements, information etc. in real time. Contact the front office or email the school with your thoughts and opinions. [email protected]

Political Education Landscape The Gonski report on school funding was released with much fanfare earlier in the year and since then it may appear that little is happening. With the federal government only due to sit for 27 more days until the end of the year, it looks unlikely that anything will happen until 2013 at least. However at a state level we as educators and you as parents still have a lot to be interested in. The Local Schools Local Decisions second pilot is underway with more schools opting onto the program to test out the changes and challenges eventually planned for all schools down the track. Every Student Every School has brought changes to the way we distribute integration funding and staffing in our school. It is certainly interesting times in education and I encourage every parent to stay informed. Earn and Learn

I discovered this week that even though I forgot to collect my stickers from Woolies last week, I can take the receipt back to the store and they will still give me my stickers. Sometimes if you go through the self-serve check out you can forget to ask for them. This is what happened to me but in a casual conversation with an employee I am happy now knowing that it wasn’t a missed opportunity to earn some points for the school. So, keep those stickers coming in and thanks to all who have done so already.

Christina Bennet Principal


Whooping cough (sometimes called pertussis) is a serious respiratory infection that causes a long coughing illness. Older children and adults can get whooping cough and can spread it to others. There has been one reported case of whooping cough in Year 12. An advice letter and fact sheet on this illness has been distributed in class last week. Please read the advice provided. If your student is diagnosed with whooping cough please keep them at home until they are well. As much as we value excellent attendance, infectious illnesses like this are easily spread in a close contact environment like schools. More information can be found at the following site.


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Track Suit Pants: On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday students are not permitted to wear track suit pants in the place of standard uniform items. While I can appreciate how warm they may be there are ways of wearing our uniform that can keep you warm as well. On Wednesday students can wear the school track suit pants or plane navy track suit pants (no stripes, logos or splashes of other colour). Again, our aim is to keep everyone looking uniform (the same). Black track suit pants are not to be worn. The only exception is the Sydney West Region track pants which students have earned through outstanding performance in sport.

Have an outgrown MFHS jumper? If you have one of these and your student has outgrown it please send it in to me.

Photos of our students at representative events: As much as some kids say they don’t like seeing themselves in the newsletter secretly most get a kick out of it. If you are at an event where your student is representing our school, zone, region or State please email a photo or two into the school. I am more than happy to include these in the weekly newsletter.

Mark Anderson Deputy Principal


Blacktown Police are issuing a media release today about two incidents which occurred earlier this month involving high school students and stranger danger. Both of the incidents allegedly occurred

when students were travelling home from school ( 3:00pm and 3:30pm).

I do not want to do a broadcast to all schools and unduly raise alarm, but you may wish to speak with

your secondary principals and ask that they do quiet reminders with students about reporting and managing stranger danger while travelling to and from school.

It is possible that the media release will prompt a higher than usual level of students reporting such incidents and we would appreciate it if schools were also reminded to let the SSRU know of

any instances.


Sara Thorley Smith Director, Safety and Security

NSW Public Schools - Leading the way

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Term 2 Calendar

Week 6 Mon 28/5 Yr 11 Semi Final Debate vs Penrith

HS Yr 12 Business Studies Task P1 & 3 Yr 12 Society & Culture task due Yr 8 & 9 Japanese Excursion

Tues 29/5 Athletics Carnival Thur 31/5 Yr 11 Senior Science Practical Exam

Yr 9 Science Prac Test Yr 9 Visual Arts Architecture Assessment due Yr 10 Half Yearly Maths Exam

Fri 1/6 HSC Drama GP Stage 1 Performance Assessment Task Prelim Adv English Listening Task P3 World Vision Convention – Luna Park Yr 9 PASS Half Yearly Exam

Week 7 Mon 4/6 Yr 12 Mathematic Assignment 3 due Tues 5/6 Yr 11 Drama Theatre Excursion

Yr 10 PASS Exam Yr 8 Maths G&T Northmead HS Yr 12 Std English Theatre Excursion

Wed 6/6 Sydney West Dance Festival Thur 7/6 Yr 11 Advanced English Listening

Task Yr 12 Legal Studies Research Essay Yr 12 Chemistry Prac Test Pds 4&5

Fri 8/6 Yr 8&9 Launch Pad Incursion Yr 10 Geography Excursion Northern Beaches Coastal Management Excursion Yr 12 Legal Studies Research Essay – Family & Consumers

Week 8 Mon 11/6 Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday Tues 12/6 112FT Assessment Task 3 due

Yr11 SAC Interview Task due Yr 11 Mathematic Assignment 2 due

Wed 13/6 Zone Athletics Thu 14/6 Yr 11 & 12 Breakfast 7.30am

Yr 12 Modern History Assessment Task P1&2 Yr 10 Maths Assignment 2 due Yr 11 Chemistry Prac Test {ds 4&5 Pulse Choir Rehearsal

Fri 15/6 Sydney West Cross Country Yr 12 Ancient History Study Day Yr 12 Modern History Study Day

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FROM THE ENGLISH AND DRAMA FACULTY . . . Congratulations to the following star students whose hard work earned a Faculty Merit this week:

Year 7: Georgia Wynn Year 9: Loredana Caltanide, Lucy Rayner Year 11: Grace Scott Year 12: Samantha Adams, Anna Chong, Hela Gomulwal, Inderbir Singh

The Picture Book – Year 8 have been

studiously analysing the complex world of the picture book! 8EK have been discussing controversial issues relating to children’s books. Should death, violence, troubled home life and

politics be part of children’s literature? These are the big questions being debated in the English classroom!

Debating . . . Congratulations to the Year 9 team who defeated Northmead High last week. Loredana Caltanide, Christina Golgini, Nicola Schuster and Gianna Edirimanne had to argue That ethics class should be taught in government schools. Well done team . . . doing our school proud! Premier’s Reading Challenge Any student interested in undertaking the Premier’s Reading Challenge should see Miss Broadbent in the library as soon as possible to register. Go for it! Year 7 and 8 – The Complete English Basics text is still available for purchase. Order forms are available from the English Faculty and you can pick up your text from Mrs Coffey. Remember – use the text to help you address literacy areas in which you need to particularly develop skills. The comprehension tasks are quick worthwhile exercises which will build your reading skills.

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Dancing auditions are on this week!

Booking sheets for audition slots will be posted outside the English Faculty the week before each

audition week. It is your responsibility to book a time slot. B

Bands need to book slots for Week 7 auditions!

No show, no go! Good luck!

Looking Forward to Fame at the Farms

The end of Term 2 will mark another chapter for the talented students at Model Farms High School. Fame at the Farms is back with another top line up of acts: drama, singing, dancing and band performances. It is sure to be a fun and entertaining night for everyone. Fame will take place on June 26th & 27th from 7pm. Tickets will be sold at the front office from June 13th with adults for $15 and children for $12.

DANCE acts Week 6 Drama room or

dance studio

Lunch time

Monday, Tuesday and


BANDS Week 7 Music room Tuesday & Thursday

3.10 – 5.00pm

DRAMA Week 8 Drama room During class

(Tuesday after school)

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From the faculty that counts!

Year 8

Lukas Gröne, Jesse Robinson, Laura Shanahan.

Year 11

Lauren Gartlacher

Year 10

Kate Charlton

Year 12

Nahal Saberian.

This week’s news

Half Yearly Exams:

The Year 10 Half Yearly Examinations will be held in the hall on Thursday 31st May during periods 3 and 4.

The examination will consist of a Calculator and Non-Calculator paper. Please make sure that your Year 10

student is aware that they need to be preparing for their examinations during their home study time. Please make sure that your students bring their calculators and geometry sets to the Half Yearly



Please make sure that all students have their own calculator. The Casio fx-82AU is sold at the uniform shop

for $35. Students need this calculator from Year 7. It is vital for their progress that students are familiar

with their calculator and know how to use the different functions.

Trigonometry in Surveying

On 25th

May ten Year 10 students went to a workshop at Homebush Bay that required them to be involved

with hands on activities that involve trigonometry in surveying. This is another great way for students to see

the practical application of the mathematics that they are learning in the classroom.

Model Mathematician

The Model Mathematician started Week 2 Thursday 3rd May with Winston Heights, Winston Hills,

Matthew Pearce and Jasper Road Primary Schools attending. All groups got off to a good start with the

'Jaffa' competition. All the students had a great time and are looking forward to the next set of puzzles to

solve. The remaining 3 events are on the 24th May, 31st May and 14th June.

Good luck to all schools and may the best school win!

Fun with Maths

Instead of a question this week we have included a maths rap song from YouTube that you might find useful

with high school students at any stage, but especially if you have a Year 7 student. Year 7 are currently

studying ‘Integers’ which introduces negative numbers. The Rappin’ Mathematician has quite a few

YouTube maths songs that help to reinforce mathematical concepts. This is the link to the ‘Number Line

Dance’ by The Rappin’ Mathematician http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EWq9EZmIKg . It helps to

explain the number line and negative numbers.

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From the faculty that counts! (CONT)

Last week’s question: Three grey wallabies on their way to a waterhole meet three brown wallabies on their

way back from the waterhole on a narrow bush track. Each can only jump over one wallaby at a time and

wallabies cannot jump backwards. How can the three grey wallabies get to the waterhole? What is the

smallest number of jumps necessary?

Last week’s answer: representing the brown wallabies as B and the grey wallabies as G the solution is

GGG_BBB. 15 jumps are necessary for the wallabies to swap positions exactly (14 to pass).

Have a Mathematical week, From Jackie Dalton and the Maths Faculty Staff

Year Adviser’s Reports Year 8 - will be attending an incursion ‘State Circus: Launch Pad’ presented by the Young Australia Workshop on Friday 8th June 2012. This incursion has been planned to encourage Year 8 and 9 to address issues associated with: Youth Culture, identity, team building, intergenerational respect, support networks and healthy mind, healthy body. These themes will be explored through circus skills, highly engaging characters and entertaining physical theatre and acrobatics. It should be a fun event, so make sure your notes and payment are submitted by the 4th June. Year 8 reports are currently being compiled and will be issued to students by Friday 8th June. Parent interviews will be held for year on Tuesday 12th June, 2012. Ms Letherbarrow Year Adviser

Year 10 - Year 10 have been introduced to the Premier’s Volunteering Awards programme to recognise the volunteer work they do and to formally acknowledge their generous contribution. Activities such as, but not limited to, coaching teams, refereeing, being a read/writer, peer reading, raising money for charities, donating time to help organisations, helping an elderly neighbour . The students have until the end of Year 10 to complete the hours and the awards will be presented at the end of the year. If the students volunteer for 20 hours they will achieve a bronze award, 40 hours to achieve a silver, 60 hours for a gold and 80 hours to achieve a diamond award. Volunteering is a valuable experience and important for the community, and it looks great on their CV! 20 hours is certainly attainable and we urge all of year 10 to participate in the programme. Year 10 should be studying in preparation for their exam week this week. Study hard and best of luck! Mrs Munroe & Mrs Haroutonian

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Year Adviser’s Reports (Cont.)

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Vaccinations – Year 7 and Year 10

As you are all aware, our school is participating in the Adolescent School Based Vaccination Program for 2012. The first of these vaccinations will take place here at school on Friday 1st June. Year 7 will be receiving:

1st dose of HPV (girls only)

1st dose of Hep B All Year 7 families have received their information packages, including consent forms and have notified the school of their intentions. Year 10 will receive their vaccination for dTpa on 31st July. All Year 10 families should have received their information package (including consent form) and notified the school of their intentions. Any family who has not yet done so needs to contact the school as soon as possible. An information sheet, provided by the NSW Health Department, for Parents/Guardians of Year 7 and 10 students follows. This will provide you with additional information regarding the vaccinations. If you have any questions concerning the vaccinations please contact the school or the Public health Unit. N Wawrzyniak Vaccination Co-ordinator

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SCHOOL ATHLETICS CARNIVAL is here! Tuesday 29th May at Homebush – compulsory attendance. Don’t forget:

bring your “special” athletics carnival bus pass that was issued when you paid at

the office

wear house colours!

compete and have fun!

Congratulations to our Open Netballers who THRASHED James Ruse (on their own turf!) 42-9 in the Sydney West Knock Out competition last Tuesday May 22nd. Well done and “Good Luck!” to Ms Dunger and all the girls who move into the next round against the winner of Glenwood HS & Wyndham College.

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Do you believe you have the capacity to perform at a level significantly beyond most others in the year in a

particular area? If so, you are able to apply to undertake a gifted and talented project during Term 3.


A project can be anything that deepens your understanding/knowledge of an area of study. The project

may be research based, and/or creative, but we will be flexible in allowing a broad range of projects to

be undertaken

Your application will be considered by a panel of teachers

If successful you will develop a project proposal of interest to you. You will be able to nominate a

teacher mentor to assist you in this process.

The project will be mostly undertaken during Term 3. While some time will be provided during normal

lessons, you will need to also work in your own time.

The project will include a presentation component



Name________________________________ Year__________

I would like to undertake a project in _________________________(subject)

I should be considered for the project because _________________________________________






What ideas do you have for your project? ____________________________________________






Signature_____________________________ Parent Signature___________________________


week 6 Term 2)

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Sports Bus 052-001

Please indicate preferred pass:

A 5 trip pass for $37.50 No. of passes ______ Total $________

A 10 trip pass for $75.00 No. of passes ______ Total $________

Name of Student/s _______________________________________Year/s____________

Payment by: CASH CHEQUE

PAYMENT BY MASTERCARD OR VISA SLIP Please circle the appropriate card

Please debit my Mastercard / Visa Account No: / / / 4 digits 4 digits 4 digits 4 digits

Amount in figures _____________________________ Expiry Date: _______________ CCV: ___________ Name of Credit Card Holder (as shown on card) _______________________________

Signature of Credit Card Holder: ____________________________________________


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The office may need to contact you urgently please complete the form below and

detach from newsletter and return to the front office.


Name of Student: ____________________________________ Year ___________

New Address: ________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________ Postcode: ______

Correspondence: ______________________________________________________

___________________________________________________ Postcode: ______

Email Address: _______________________________________________________

New Home Phone No. __________________________________________________

Mother Mobile: ________________________________________________________

Mother Work: _________________________________________________________

Father Mobile: ________________________________________________________

Father Work __________________________________________________________

Emergency Contact if changed: _________________________________________

Phone No. ____________________________________________

Any change in Medical Condition e.g. Allergy, Asthma etc.

Details _______________________________________________________________

Bus Pass: YES / NO

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