SPECIAL SECTION ON GREEN COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING FOR 5G WIRELESS Received June 1, 2016, accepted June 8, 2016, date of publication September 21, 2016, date of current version January 23, 2017. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2602321 Mobilouds: An Energy Efficient MCC Collaborative Framework With Extended Mobile Participation for Next Generation Networks JOHN PANNEERSELVAM 1 , (Member, IEEE), JAMES HARDY 1 , LU LIU 1 , (Member, IEEE), BO YUAN 1,2 , AND NICK ANTONOPOULOS 1 1 Department of Engineering and Technology, University of Derby, Derby, DE22 1GB, U.K. 2 Key Laboratory of Embedded Systems and Service Computing, Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 100044, China Corresponding author: L. Liu ([email protected]) This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61502209 and Grant 61502207, and in part by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province under Grant BK20130528. ABSTRACT Given the emergence of mobile cloud computing (MCC), its associated energy implications are witnessed at larger scale. With offloading computationally intensive tasks to the cloud datacentres being the basic concept behind MCC, most of the mobile terminal resources participating in the MCC collaborative execution are wasted as they remain idle until the mobile terminals receive responses from the datacentres. This is an additional wastage of resources alongside the cloud resources are already being addressed as massive energy consumers. Though the energy consumed of the idle mobile resources is insignificant in comparison with the cloud counterpart, such consumptions have drastic impacts on the mobile devices causing unnecessary battery drains. To this end, this paper proposes Mobilouds which encompass a multi-tier processing architecture with various levels of process cluster capacities and a software application to manage energy efficient utilization of such process clusters. Our proposed Mobilouds framework encourages the mobile device participation in the MCC collaborative execution, thereby reduces the presence of idle mobile resources and utilizes such idle resources in the actual task execution. Our performance evaluation results demonstrate that the Mobilouds framework offers the most energy-time balancing process clusters for task execution by effectively utilizing the available resources, in comparison with an entire cloud offloading strategy using 5G/4G networks. INDEX TERMS Cloudlets, consumption, idleness, offloading. I. INTRODUCTION Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is an integrated frame- work encompassing cloud datacentres, mobile devices and communication infrastructure. MCC deployments are widely being witnessed in various applications [1], [2] such as tele- monitoring, e-learning, tele-surgery, IT, business services, rural and urban development etc. MCC service models [3] involve the establishments of complex relationships between infrastructure providers, application and service providers, developers and end-users. Infrastructure providers gener- ally provide supplements for hardware and software ser- vices; application providers are responsible for executing user requested services; developers are generally the consumers of cloud services who develop applications being hosted on the cloud datacentres; and end-users are the consumers of the MCC services. The end-users of the MCC services generally do not have the privilege of control over the underlying infras- tructures such as hardware, network, servers etc., but they can have a complete privilege over the applications deployed by them. The success of such an MCC framework depends on the seamless integration of the dedicated hardware and software resources of the three core technologies. But the heterogeneities [4] found across these three cross platforms impose several practical challenges in developing an energy efficient integrated MCC infrastructure. The concept of MCC is developed with the vision of transforming the compute capacities [5], [6] of resource poor- mobile devices into resource-rich computing components, with the cloud datacentres facilitating the necessary process supplements. The limitations of mobile devices [7] can be attributed to their limited battery life, intrinsic process lim- itations such as compute cores, storage etc., and extrinsic VOLUME 4, 2016 2169-3536 2016 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information. 9129

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Received June 1, 2016, accepted June 8, 2016, date of publication September 21, 2016, date of current version January 23, 2017.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2602321

Mobilouds: An EnergyEfficient MCC CollaborativeFramework With Extended Mobile Participationfor Next Generation NetworksJOHN PANNEERSELVAM1, (Member, IEEE), JAMES HARDY1, LU LIU1, (Member, IEEE),BO YUAN1,2, AND NICK ANTONOPOULOS11Department of Engineering and Technology, University of Derby, Derby, DE22 1GB, U.K.2Key Laboratory of Embedded Systems and Service Computing, Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 100044, China

Corresponding author: L. Liu ([email protected])

This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61502209 and Grant 61502207,and in part by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province under Grant BK20130528.

ABSTRACT Given the emergence of mobile cloud computing (MCC), its associated energy implications arewitnessed at larger scale. With offloading computationally intensive tasks to the cloud datacentres being thebasic concept behind MCC, most of the mobile terminal resources participating in the MCC collaborativeexecution are wasted as they remain idle until the mobile terminals receive responses from the datacentres.This is an additional wastage of resources alongside the cloud resources are already being addressed asmassive energy consumers. Though the energy consumed of the idle mobile resources is insignificant incomparison with the cloud counterpart, such consumptions have drastic impacts on the mobile devicescausing unnecessary battery drains. To this end, this paper proposesMobilouds which encompass a multi-tierprocessing architecture with various levels of process cluster capacities and a software application to manageenergy efficient utilization of such process clusters. Our proposed Mobilouds framework encourages themobile device participation in the MCC collaborative execution, thereby reduces the presence of idle mobileresources and utilizes such idle resources in the actual task execution. Our performance evaluation resultsdemonstrate that the Mobilouds framework offers the most energy-time balancing process clusters for taskexecution by effectively utilizing the available resources, in comparison with an entire cloud offloadingstrategy using 5G/4G networks.

INDEX TERMS Cloudlets, consumption, idleness, offloading.

I. INTRODUCTIONMobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is an integrated frame-work encompassing cloud datacentres, mobile devices andcommunication infrastructure. MCC deployments are widelybeing witnessed in various applications [1], [2] such as tele-monitoring, e-learning, tele-surgery, IT, business services,rural and urban development etc. MCC service models [3]involve the establishments of complex relationships betweeninfrastructure providers, application and service providers,developers and end-users. Infrastructure providers gener-ally provide supplements for hardware and software ser-vices; application providers are responsible for executing userrequested services; developers are generally the consumersof cloud services who develop applications being hosted onthe cloud datacentres; and end-users are the consumers of theMCC services. The end-users of the MCC services generally

do not have the privilege of control over the underlying infras-tructures such as hardware, network, servers etc., but theycan have a complete privilege over the applications deployedby them. The success of such an MCC framework dependson the seamless integration of the dedicated hardware andsoftware resources of the three core technologies. But theheterogeneities [4] found across these three cross platformsimpose several practical challenges in developing an energyefficient integrated MCC infrastructure.

The concept of MCC is developed with the vision oftransforming the compute capacities [5], [6] of resource poor-mobile devices into resource-rich computing components,with the cloud datacentres facilitating the necessary processsupplements. The limitations of mobile devices [7] can beattributed to their limited battery life, intrinsic process lim-itations such as compute cores, storage etc., and extrinsic

VOLUME 4, 20162169-3536 2016 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only.

Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.


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limitations including transmitting and receiving capabilitiesetc. MCC service concept can be viewed from two differentperspectives [8] such as the simple viewpoint and the mobiledevice viewpoint. The former involves data processing andstorage only in the cloud datacentre outside of the mobiledevices, and the later involves data processing and storageheld in the mobile devices supported by the cloud datacen-tres. Similarly, MCC implementation [9] can be viewed fromtwo different perspectives. One is the infrastructure basedimplementation, where cloud services are provided to themobile users over a static hardware infrastructure. Second isthe ad-hoc mobile cloud based implementation, in which agroup of mobile devices forms a process cluster resemblinga miniature cloud for the purpose of sharing the processsupplements among the participating mobile devices.

The concept behind most of the mobile cloud collabora-tive execution frameworks is to offload the computationallyintensive tasks from the resource poor mobile terminals to theresource rich cloud datacentres. Offloading all the tasks fromthe mobile terminals to the cloud datacentres is the strategyof a typical Cloud Computing service model, which involvesprocessing the workloads entirely in the cloud datacenters[10]–[12]. Usually such a kind of complete offloading isachieved when the computational requirements exceed theprocess capacities of the mobile terminals. An efficient MCCservice model should incorporate the participation of themobile terminals rather than entirely relying on the datacen-tres. Communication infrastructure which bridges the mobiledevices with the cloud backend servers plays crucial rolesin the overall performance of the MCC infrastructure, thussignificantly impacts the overall energy efficiency.

Existing MCC offloading frameworks promoting energyefficiency include techniques such as avalanche offloading,middleware based task scheduling, opportunistic offloading,trans-receiver switching, and strategies of conserving trans-mission energy etc. Though all such works are promotingenergy efficiency, they are witnessed to be conserving themobile resources rather than utilising such mobile terminalsin the mobile cloud collaborative execution. Further, theaforementioned approaches are leaning towards the cloudefficiency rather than developing an integrated energy effi-cient solution. In general undesirable energy consumptionsin an MCC infrastructure are evident across all the three inte-grated core technologies. In most of these approaches, mobileterminals generally should wait until the tasks are offloaded,processed, and responded back from the cloud datacentres.This strategy leaves the mobile resources idle [13] withoutany process contribution towards task execution, and suchresources are wasted until the task is executed in the clouddatacentres. The waiting time of the users in an accumulationof the offloading time, processing time and the response timeconsumed by the communication and the cloud providers.This waiting time is a dominating factor in determining theQuality of Service (QoS) and in satisfying the Quality ofExpectation (QoE) of the users. Energy consumption andservice delays are directly related in such a way that to reduce

the service delays providers usually tend to consume excessresources, resulting in excess energy consumptions.

Rather than conserving the mobile resources and leavingthem idle, extending the participation of the mobile terminalsin theMCC collaborative execution can provide mobile back-end services for the cloud servers in accordance with thecapacities of the mobile devices. Encouraging the participa-tion of the mobile terminals facilitates MCC to deliver user-centric compute capabilities for task executions depending onreal-time availability. Augmented mobile resources [5] pro-vided with cloud supplements virtually increases the computecapacities of the resource poormobile devices. Thus theMCCcollaborative execution strategy with extended mobile partic-ipation can effectively reduce the presence of idle resourcesat the mobile terminals. To this end, this paper addressesthe issues of energy wastages incurred by the idle mobileresources and proposes a hybrid energy efficient MCC archi-tecture, named Mobilouds, for the purpose of extending theparticipation of the mobile devices in the collaborative MCCexecution ultimately to reduce the undesirable energy con-sumptions of the idle mobile resources with reduced servicedelays. The major contributions of this paper include,

1. A novel multi-tier process architecture namedMobilouds, composed of various capacities of process clus-ters for energy efficient MCC collaborative execution. ThisMobilouds architecture can be both upgraded to a highercapacity cluster during resource scarcity and downgradedwhen there is excess resources in the process cluster for thepurpose of conserving energy.

2. The Mobilouds application which is a software processdeployed to facilitate the functionalities of the Mobiloudsarchitecture. This software process runs in the mobile devicesfor computing the resource availability in the mobile ter-minals. This Mobilouds process helps to select the opti-mum process cluster from the Mobilouds architecture, andan energy efficient MCC collaborative execution is achievedin the chosen process cluster by the way of a deploying adistributed offloading strategy among the available resourcesin the cluster.

The remainder of the paper is organised as follows.Section II presents the related works and Section III givesa background study on factors affecting energy efficiencyin MCC offloading. Section IV describes our proposedMobilouds framework and Section V illustrates the opti-mum cluster selection process of Mobilouds. The imple-mentation of our proposed Mobilouds is presented inSection VI. Section VII includes the performance evalu-ations of our Mobilouds framework based on a real filescenario. Section VIII presents the applicability of our pro-posed Mobilouds. Our future research plans are presented insection IX and section X concludes this paper.

II. RELATED WORKSMCC is growing importance in the recent past and a notablenumber of MCC offloading frameworks have been proposedfor energy efficient MCC processing. Task Offloading using

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Self Organized Criticality (TOSOC) [14] is an offloadingframework based on Avalanche offloading, where tasks areexecuted in the process clusters formed of mobile devices.New mobile terminals are invited when the current clusteroverloads, thus tasks are offloaded to a chain of mobileterminals until either the task is completed or the currentcluster overloads. In spite of the computational variationsfound among the mobile devices, deciding the threshold forinviting new terminals is always challenging. Also the avail-ability of newmobile terminals are uncertain, thus guaranteedexecution of the tasks is not often achieved. TOSOC does notallow a given mobile terminal to offload tasks more than onceto avoid the ping-pong effect. This prevents the frameworkfrom being more scalable and flexible during process fail-ures and data losses. TOSOC increases the energy consump-tions whilst reducing service delays. Avalanche approachmay not scale well in a dynamic MCC environment, sincetasks are bound to different computational complexities andmobile terminals are static with their processing capaci-ties, and so elasticity in the process clusters can hardly beachieved.

A task scheduler model based on a centralised broker [15]has been developed to optimally offload tasks to the data-centres for optimising energy consumption. With the mobiledevices connected to the centralised broker, the broker man-ages the task offloading based on a defined threshold forevery task execution. Being a centralised controlled system,the failure of the centralised broker will lead to the failureof the entire system. Also, this model is aimed at reducingthe energy consumption incurred only across the participatingmobile devices.

The issue of sub-optimal offloading [16] resulting fromnetwork inconsistency is resolved with a three-tier architec-ture by predicting the real time resource availability. Thisapproach is enabled with a Wi-Fi access point selectionscheme to find the most energy efficient solution. Thoughthis approach considers user mobility and server workloadbalance management, the applicability of such methods isnot scalable in remote or isolated regions under cellularnetworks.

The approach of improving the energy efficiency of theoverlay transmission time during offloading [7] has beenproposed by exploiting parallelism and VM synthesis usinga higher bandwidth short range wireless network to reducehandoff delays. Though this approach offers high speed pro-cessing and energy reduction, parallelism introduces issuesin data synchronisation and data sharing. Furthermore, theinter-dependencies among the tasks do not always allow fullparallelism. Also, in mobile devices the endpoint terminalsare not often optimised for higher performance, thus notscalable for higher transmission capabilities.

An opportunistic offloading [17], [18] strategy has beendeveloped with the motivation of enabling workload migra-tion from mobile terminals located in remote regions to thecloud datacentres. This strategy triggers workload migra-tion whenever the nearby mobile terminals come in contact.

Though such strategies help offloading in isolated regions,both time and energy efficiency are not often achieved. Fur-thermore, the encounters among the mobile devices are notalways guaranteed during resource requests.

Few other existing energy efficient approaches in mobile-cloud communication [7] include turning on and off thetrans-receiver, and exploiting low power [19] states. Butsuch approaches affects the bandwidth utility, and thewake-up latencies incurred during the state transition areoften non-negligible. Since the reception of the cloudresponse is not previously known, this approach requiresthe trans-receiver to be turned on until the job response isreceived, thereby incurring undesirable trans-receiver energyconsumption.

Phone-to-cloud [20] is an offloading strategy proposedto conserve the mobile energy enabled with an offload-ing decision model. This decision model decides upon theoffloading based on predicting the execution duration, CPUefficiency and the bandwidth availability. Cloud datacentreresources not necessarily be static and obtaining contextualclues might help effective decisionmaking rather than predic-tion. A code/task offloading strategy [21] has been proposedto reduce the energy costs of the workflows between mobiledevices and the cloud by coordinating the mobile devices tothe resources in the cloudlets.

A scheduling policy [22] has been devised for collabo-rative execution between mobile devices and the cloud, bythe way of formulating the minimum-energy task schedulingproblem as a constrained short path problem on a directedacyclic graph to conserve the mobile energy. Etime [23] is adata transmission strategy between mobile devices and cloudbased on Lyapunov optimisation, proposed to combat inter-mittent networks for energy efficiency. A semi-Markov deci-sion process (SMDP)-based optimisation framework [24] hasbeen proposed based on Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling(DVFS) to conserve energy drawn frommobile battery drainsincurred during service requests. All such works are wit-nessed to be conserving the mobile resources by offloadingthe computation to the datacentres. Such approaches are vul-nerable to leave the mobile resource idle, effective utilisationof such resources helps promoting energy efficiency acrossthe three integrated core technologies.

Form the state-of-the art offloading techniques, MCC stilldemands a complete energy efficient collaborative executionframework. Most of the existing approaches are leaving theenergy consumptions incurred by the idle resources of thenative mobile devices unnoticed. Though such energy levelsare insignificant when compared to the cloud counter-part,utilising such idle resources is important for the mobile stan-dards which would not only increase the battery efficiency ofthe mobile devices but also reduces the overall execution timeand energy consumptions of the MCC infrastructure. Thisnecessitates the demand for extending the participation of themobile terminals by the way of developing a collaborativeexecution framework between the mobile terminals and thedatacentres.

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III. BACKGROUNDThis sections elaborates on the underpinning conceptionsin MCC offloading along with the concerns and challengesimposed by the underlying components on energy efficiency.Communicating or Offloading tasks to the distant cloud

datacentres from the mobile devices is governed by sev-eral internal and external factors [25], [26] in the MCCinfrastructure. The efficiency of the MCC infrastructuredirectly depends on the characteristics of thewireless network[27], [28].Most often, propagation and transmission delays inthe network are relatively longer [13] and fluctuant incurringadverse energy consumptions. Despite the deployments of 4Gbeing witnessed in several countries, the increasing demandfor energy conservationwhilst achieving high data andmobil-ity rates have shifted the interest of MCC providers towards5G [29] in the recent past. Communication delays usuallyincur additional and undesirable wait times for the users,thereby considerably affecting the QoS. Standards such asLTE/LTE-advanced [3] are now being deployed with MCC-based adaptive regulation mechanisms to achieve effectiveQoS and QoE.Distance of the mobile terminals from the communication

nodes or the base stations plays crucial roles in offloadingtasks to the datacentres, which is also affected by the currentbandwidth availability, signal interception, intermittency [8]etc. Intermittency in the communication network createsdead-spots and coverage holes [14] in the MCC communica-tion infrastructure, which in turn isolates the mobile terminalsfalling into such dead-spots and coverage holes. This scenariocauses frequent suspensions of the mobile terminals fromthe cloud datacentres, which may cause resource scarcity inthe mobile terminals and in turn affects the MCC privilegeof anytime and anywhere computing. Location-aware [30]services facilitate the privilege of exploiting both the usermobility [31] and cloud resources whilst achieving energyefficiency.Network latency is another dominating factor which has

adverse effects on the energy consumptions of the communi-cation infrastructures and also on the participatingmobile andcloud datacentres. Latency has adverse effects on the energyconsumptions when tasks are offloaded to distant datacentresand the presence of latencies [7], [32] in the communicationchannel degrades the crispness of the system response. In theMCC service infrastructure, even trivial applications involv-ing user interactions incur communication delays imposedby latencies. Since users are acutely sensitive [33] to delaysand jitter, the presence of latencies directly degrades boththe QoS and QoE. The level of user tolerances decides thelevel of QoE depending on the nature of the applications.Such real-time tolerance levels of the task communicationare usually measured [4] by Frames Per Second (FPS), withthe acceptable lower bound FBS of 16 with no higher boundlimits.The energy costs [35] of communication usually depends

on the bandwidth availability and the presence of latency,both play crucial roles in service delays. User perceived

delays are actually an accumulation of process time andtransfer time, where the transfer time is decided by the band-width availability and the presence of communication relatedlatencies. Most often, cloud datacentres are built in lesspopulated isolated places having low risk of disasters whichwould increase the distance of the mobile terminals fromthe datacentres. Interestingly, offloading and transfers usingcellular networks consumes increased amounts of energyin comparison with the WLAN transfers. WLAN usuallyfacilitates higher transmission bit-rate and thus enhances thetransmission efficiency. In most of the existing MCC frame-works, the storage cost is often ignored since it is much lowerthan the processing costs. Since the storage capacities of themobile devices are usually lower, tasks are also offloadedto the datacentres for storage space. This incurs additionalstorage costs [14] along with the communication and processcosts.Heterogeneity in the MCC infrastructure [4] is witnessed

across the underlying hardware, platform, features, APIs etc.,among the three integrated technologies. Heterogeneities inthe mobile devices play vital roles in the mobile terminalservices [36] such as data synchronisation, real-time push,and the mobile RPC (remote procedure call), channel man-agement, resource discovery, securing authentication etc.,among the mobile process clusters. The usual challengesimposed by the heterogeneities in the communication infras-tructure arise due to the variations among the communicationstandards and protocols, nature and type of the wireless net-work, bandwidth and channel capacities etc. Custom built-in features, service policies, internal infrastructures, APIs,platforms, variations in the interoperable and portable frame-works are the usual exacerbating heterogeneities of the cloudcounterpart. Such cross platform heterogeneities often causesissues [4] such as vendor lock-in, which is a state wherethe data, code, and comments cannot be easily transmittedfrom mobile to mobile, cloud to cloud, or mobile to cloud.The device and platform heterogeneity [37] also createsvariations in measuring the performance of the execution,when the tasks are collaboratively executed among differentdevices, OS and platforms etc. Despite these inter- and intra-component heterogeneities, an effective MCC infrastructureshould encompass the capacities of data distribution andprocess management between the mobile devices and thecloud datacentres. The inherent heterogeneity [38] amongthe integrated technologies can also be effectively utilised toachieve diverse user requirements, by the way of virtuallyhomogenizing the core resources.Context-aware data [39], [40] generally refers to the infor-

mation about the environment and the situation, which canbe utilised to characterise and model the situation of anentity (refers to users, scenario, and status of device, dat-acentres, and communication channel in the MCC infras-tructure). The interactions between such entities are usuallycaptured and processed for enabling a pervasive ubiquitousconnectivity with a higher degree of synchronisation and dataparallelism. User-centric context [41], [42] information helps

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FIGURE 1. Mobilouds architecture.

supplementing user-centric computational capabilities to theprocess clusters, thereby resource scarcity can be avoided inthe native terminals offering compute capabilities. But theexponential growth [43] and dynamic nature of such context-aware data and the drastic mobility of users in the recent dayshas imposed several challenges in processing such contextualdata. Effective context-aware service strategies can help todynamically adjust the service pattern in accordance with theuser requirements in order to shorten the response times, iden-tify resources at the mobile terminals, and to establish high-quality service networks etc. Alongside energy efficiency,congestion control and rate adaptations for interoperation areother aspects to consider whilst achieving convergence of thethree core integrated technologies of MCC. Thus an effectiveMCC communication infrastructure requires high data rate,low latency, highmobility and high capacity networkmediumto enable energy efficient application offloading.

IV. MOBILOUDS FRAMEWORKThis section details our novel Mobilouds framework which isdevised with the motivation of encouraging and extending theparticipation of the mobile devices in the collaborative exe-cution between mobile terminals and the cloud datacentres.

A. MOBILOUDS ARCHITECTUREThe Mobilouds architecture is designed to reduce the excessenergy consumption of the idle mobile terminal resources,by the way of utilising the mobile terminal resources in theactual task execution. Our proposed Mobilouds architectureencompasses four different process clusters comprising dif-ferent compute capabilities, namely the native mobile ter-minal, mobilets, mobi-cloudlets and cloudlets, as shown inFig. 1. TheMobilouds architecture encompasses both the realclouds and the virtual clouds. Real clouds are the typicalprocess clusters in the traditional cloud datacentres. Virtualclouds are the miniature clouds formed of the nearby mobileresources in order to provide supplements for the source

mobile terminal [5] for the purpose of executing light-weightcomputational workloads. Based on the application require-ments and the resource availability, our Mobilouds architec-ture scales the appropriate process clusters for task execution,with the motivation of achieving increased utilisation of theavailable resources by minimising the idle resources whilstensuring that the required amounts of resources are availed atan optimum level.

1) MOBILETSMobilets encompass a multi-tier ad-hoc clusters of mobiledevices formed based on user population in the coveragearea of the source mobile terminal requesting resources.The process capacities of the mobilet clusters depend onthe available neighbour resources and user motivations tocontribute resources to the mobilet clusters. Thus the mobiletprocess clusters are formed and runs on multiple mobileterminals and efficient enough to provide thread-safe servicesfor enabling concurrent and parallel processing of the appli-cations. ‘Always-on’ connectivity and ‘on-demand’ availabil-ity of themobile resources are not always guaranteed from thenearby mobile devices to form the mobilet process clusters.Based on the user-provided resources, mobile terminals areinvited by the source terminal to form the process clusters.Such mobilet clusters are suitable to process light-weightapplications whose process logic can be complimented by themobile terminals.

2) CLOUDLETSIn the case of heavy-weight applications, mobilets might notbe suffice to process the application requirements. Major-ity or all of the process logic of such applications shouldtake place in the cloud clusters. Such application tasks areoffloaded to the cloud datacentres like a typical cloud servicemodel. The process clusters are formed in the cloud resourcescalled cloudlets and such clusters are referred to as [7] data-centre in a box.

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3) HYBRID MOBI-CLOUDLETSIn some application executions, mobilets may not providesufficient resources for entire processing but can still pro-cess the application requirements with the support servicesbeing provided by the cloud datacentres. Similarly, the heavy-weight application process hosted on the cloudlets can bebenefitted by the support services provided by the mobileterminals or mobilets. A hybridisation of the infrastructure-based and mobile ad-hoc based clusters with the combi-nation of mobilets and cloudlets, named ‘mobi-cloudlets’is devised in the Mobilouds architecture to form an effec-tive MCC solution with the capacities of facilitating boththe in-datacentre computing and mobile-cloud collabora-tive computing. This hybridised mobi-cloudlets are able toutilise both the cloud resources and the mobile terminalresources collaboratively for energy efficient computing.Such amobi-cloudlet architecture can be effectively managedby a distributed management system, rather than a centralisedcontroller. Telecom grade clouds [32] can be created in suchdistributed Mobilouds architecture to host the server modulesin the mobile terminals, by the way of effectively utilisingthe network components. A hybridised infrastructure encom-passing mobilets, cloudlets and mobi-cloudlets can be estab-lished through access networks. All the mobilets, cloudletsand mobi-cloudlets process clusters are subjected to pre-usecustomisation and post-use cleanup which ensures effectiveproximities of the MCC elements.

B. MOBILOUDS APPLICATION STACKFurther to the Mobilouds architecture, we devise a novelMobiloud application to support the decision making andauto-scaling of the process clusters in theMobilouds architec-ture. Themobiloud application is a software process deployedon each participating mobile device. The application con-sists of two major inseparable components which ensure thatdevices are actively participating as both service consumerand service provider and not simply service leeching.

The Mobilouds application stack is a master-slave config-uration, each device has a single master process and multipleslave processes. The Master process is responsible for locat-ing processing capability and requesting use. Each mobiledevice has a single master process which prevents a singledevice from consuming all other mobilet resources for mul-tiple jobs. The Mobiloud application stack is illustrated in anapplication scenario of diverse resource availability in Fig. 2.

The resource availability in a given mobile terminal canbe defined as a set of slave slots with profiles S in relationto the corresponding available time profile T . Every individ-ual slave slot profile si contained in S will be governed bythe functions ca, sd , ma, pd , tai where ca is the number ofprocessing slots offered by a given mobile terminal, sd is thestatic processor speed of that device, ma is the RAM spaceavailable in that device, pd is the remaining battery power inthat device and ti is the time slot available in that device forthe source terminal to consume. Thus slave slot profiles in a

FIGURE 2. Mobilouds application stack.

given mobile terminal can be defined as in (1) to (3).

S = {s1, s2, s3, .......sn} (1)

T = {t1, t2, t3, .......tn} (2)

si = {f (ca,ma) , f (sd ) , f (pd ) , f (ti)} (3)

Since the slave slots evolves in time in spite of terminalsboth contributing and consuming resources, we define ann-step transition probability for the slave slots. So the avail-ability status of the slave slots at a given time is given by (4).

s(t+1)j =


i=1stisij (4)

where sti is the status of the ith slave slot at time ti, sij is the

transition probability of the slave slot from time ti to t(i+1).In general, the task execution should be transferred to

a higher process cluster from the current process clusterduring resource scarcity by a rapid, invisible and seamlesshand-off in an effective MCC framework. But such handoffsusually incur additional delays resulting from service initi-ations whilst inviting resources. The physical proximity ofthe Mobilouds is crucial for effective collaborative process-ing, and the end-to-end response time of application execu-tion [7] must be fast and predictable. Usually, users cannotexpect constant turn-around times in MCC service deliveriesdue to several dynamic external factors. Effective decisionmaking for allocating the appropriate process clusters in theMobilouds architecture is achieved by evaluating the cur-rent situation and the nature of the application requirements.

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The Mobliouds application stack at the source terminal runsthis initial estimation before initiating the cluster formation.The concept behind this effective decision making for select-ing the optimum level of process cluster is detailed in thefollowing section.

V. CLUSTER SCALINGUtilising the various process clusters of the Mobilouds archi-tecture by reducing the idle resources is challenging sinceboth the task load and the capacity of the process clustersevolve over time. Mobilouds architecture supports hierar-chical evolution of the process cluster from a stand-alonemobile device to a multi-tier process cluster. But this scal-ing should be lined in accordance with both the currentlyavailable resources and the nature and requirements of theapplications to be processed. The Mobilouds architecture canboth be upgraded to a higher-end process cluster and alsobe downgraded to reduce the presence of idle resources.To achieve an optimum scaling of the cluster resources, wedefine two major classes for the applications waiting to beprocessed. The first class is where the application or data isstored totally or substantially on the local mobile device. Theimmediate implication is that storage space is not an issue.The second class is where the application or data is totallyor significantly remote from the local mobile device. Themost significant implication is that the data may need to betransferred to the mobile device before use.

Based on the two classes of application, the resourcerequirements for the successful execution of any tasks at agiven time can be defined as the user requirement profile uicontaining the composite {cr ,mr , tr} where cr is the requiredamount of CPU in terms of the number of processing slotsrequired, and mr is the required amount of memory, and tri isthe time scale allowed to process the tasks based on the userexpectation, shown in (5).

ui = {f (cr ), f (mr ) , f (tr )} (5)

The user expectation for executing an application can thusbe defined as the probability of user expectations P (ui) incondition with the probability of the slave slot status P(sj), asin (6).

E (ui) = ui(P (ui) |P(sj)


The number of processing slots required to execute anytasks is computed by balancing the trade-off between energyand core utilisation whilst completing the tasks in the pre-ferred amount of time. For instance, a given application caneither be completed with substantial usage of resources in areal quick time or with a reasonable usage of resources withincreased processing time. So, the QoE of the users in termsof user tolerances is used as a deciding factor for choosingthe required number of processing slots and the time withinwhich the process should be completed.

Computing the required amounts of CPU and memoryalongside the allowed timeslot allows more flexibility informing the optimum process cluster. Upon resource request,

the source terminal receives the composite S, shown in (3).Upon receiving this response from the devices in the coveragearea of the source terminal, the source terminal selects thedevices depending on the resource availed by them and invitesthem to form the process cluster. The number of devicesavailing resources depends on the number of active devicesin the coverage area of the source terminal and the state oftheir resource availability. The required amounts of CPU andmemory are contrasted against the resources availed and thedecision is made up on whether to use the availed processcluster or to request a more capable process cluster.

This initial estimation of contrasting the required resourcesagainst the available resources is used to decide up on upgrad-ing and downgrading the current process cluster for reducingboth the excess energy consumption and idle resource in theprocess cluster. Now, we further introduce three different usecases of the required and the available amounts of resourcesin order to select the optimum level of process cluster in theMobilouds architecture, assuming that the execution starts inthe native mobile device.

A. CASE (i) RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS LESSTHAN RESOURCE AVAILABLEWith both the required amounts of CPU and memory beingless than the available resources in the mobile device, themobile terminal resources should be sufficiently capable toexecute the application requirements. No more actions arerequired in this case, since there is no possibility of reducingany excess utilisation of resources and the application isexecuted in the native mobile device.

B. CASE (ii) RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS GREATERTHAN RESOURCE AVAILABLEIn this process scenario, the mobile device resources cannotsatisfy the requirements of the task execution, but the sourceterminal may still host some parts of the application executiondepending on the class of the application. Now, the mobiledevice triggers the initiation of the mobilets. If the desiredresource of CPU/memory is available in the mobilets cov-erage area, nearby devices are invited to form the mobiletprocess clusters. Upon accepting this invitation, mobilets areformed through the available communication medium andthe application is executed. Here the process clusters areupgraded from a stand-alone mobile device to the mobiletprocess cluster. If the requested resources are not availablein the coverage area of the native mobile device, then the cor-responding tasks (CPU/memory) are offloaded to the distantcloud datacentre. If the resources are partially available butstill cannot completely satisfy the application requirements,mobilets are still formed to host a part of the applicationexecution and additional resources are requested from thecloud datacentre by which the process cluster evolves intomobi-cloudlets. The involvement of the mobile terminals inthe mobi-cloudlets will be decided based on the compu-tation intensity of the application. For high computationalapplications, the tasks are offloaded to the cloud datacenters

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and the mobile terminals involved in the mobi-cloudlets arereleased.

C. CASE (iii) RESOURCE AVAILABLE EXCEEDINGRESOURCE REQUIREMENTSThe mobile terminals involved in the process clusters willupdate their status of resource availability in a timely fashionsince the available amounts of resources evolve over time.If the available amounts of resources drops below the actualrequirements, additional resources are requested to join theclusters thereby upgrading the current cluster. But, if there areexcess amounts of resources being idle in the process clus-ters then such terminals with excess resources are releasedfrom the process cluster and the cluster resources are down-graded accordingly in order to reduce the resources beingidle in the execution process. Such released terminals arerefreshed and can contribute resources to other peer sourceterminals requesting resources. In this way, the cloudletsare downgraded to mobi-cloudlets, and mobi-cloudlets tomobilets, and mobilets to stand-alone mobile device accord-ingly based on the actual scenario and the status of the avail-able resources.

Assuming that the tasks are initially executed in thestand-alone mobile devices, we introduce a decision makingproblem under uncertainty based on the above three cases.

With the Mobilouds architecture evolving in a hierarchicalfashion, selecting the optimum level of process cluster isdefined as a sequential decision making problem. Now theoptimum cluster can be formed by either upgrading, down-grading or staying at the current level of process cluster withthe most energy-time balancing solution is availed first in thesequential order based on Hurwicz criterion, as shown in (7).

f (l) = α (cluster1)+ (1− α) (cluster2)

+ (2− α) (cluster3) (7)

where f (l) gives the energy-time balanced process clusterand α is the energy efficient weight parameter obtained fromthe initial resource estimation performed by the source ter-minal. This weight parameter is chosen in such a way tobalance the trade-off between energy consumption and jobexecution duration. The process of optimum selection ofthe communication medium and achieving the most energyefficient process cluster for collaborative MCC execution isexplained in the following section.

VI. MOBILOUDS IMPLEMENTATIONUpon the source terminal triggering the resource request, theMaster will search for process capability within the localdevice and use this whenever possible. If the local resource isexpended or determined to be unsuitable, the Master process

FIGURE 3. Mobilouds master process.

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searches for nearby resource and triggers a service request.The Master uses Bluetooth Low Energy locality first, fol-lowed by classic Bluetooth, local Wi-Fi (multicast group),Wi-Fi and finally cellular networks in the order of 5/4/3G.This sequential order of communication medium is employedto achieve the most appropriate solution available, given thepreference of the least energy consuming communicationmedium is selected first.

TheMaster process is periodic in nature, resources require-ments that extend beyond the ‘‘contract time’’ have to berequested again after the contract expires. Resources are con-sidered suitable if they include processing power, memoryspace, and electrical power, and are available for a minimumperiod capable of fulfilling the proposed task within a smallmultiple of the contract time. The Slave process is responsiblefor identifying and providing processing capability. The Slaveprocess periodically tests the local device for resources andcreates a standard slave processing slot based on the slave slotprofile S. The slave process creates multiple slots when pos-sible and makes them available to a Master process enquiry,and slots are not actively advertised.

The Slave process will respond to Bluetooth serviceenquiries and to multicast group requests on either ipv4 oripv6Wi-Fi only. It will reply only if it has resource slots capa-ble of fulfilling the task. Fixed devices running the Mobiloudmobile process stack may also respond to local requests andwould be preferred over local mobile devices. The periodicnature of the application ensures that no task can consume allof the resources of a device over a long period and providesan automatic contract release in the event of a communicationfailure.

When there are no suitable local processing slots available,theMaster process will request service from a named externalservice. The lack of suitable processes may be due to therebeing no other devices in the local vicinity which are run-ning Mobiloud application, it may also be due to resourcedepletion on all other local Mobiloud enabled devices orthat the resource required is beyond the capability of themobile devices. The use of named services means that theservicesmust be advertising or have aDNS entry. Advertisingis not part of the Mobiloud process for mobile devices andtherefore the service must be provided by a fixed device.The choice of servicing device is hierarchical from the userconfigurable resolvable name and from device handoff tocloud services. The logical functioning of the Master processin the Mobilouds application is illustrated in Fig. 3.

In general master slave architectures do not scale well withMCC process clusters, if the slaves do not have sufficientprivileges in the collaborative task execution. The slaves inthe process clusters should be able to transform into a masterwith preferred privileges, in order to have an uninterruptedtask execution. Our proposed Mobilouds application facil-itates controlled privileges to the slaves in the applicationstack, by which the slaves can decide their level of resourcecontribution based on the current state of their resourceutilisation. Fig. 4 illustrates the functionalities of the slaves

FIGURE 4. Mobilouds slave process.

in the MCC collaborative execution of Mobilouds. Fig. 5describes the evolution process algorithm of the Mobiloudsarchitecture.

The Mobilouds architecture evolves from the stand alonemobile terminals in a hierarchical fashion based on theresource requirements and availability. The Mobilouds appli-cation employs a bottom-up approach whilst facing resourceconstraints and a top-down approach when there are sur-plus resources staying idle in the process cluster. Upon theavailability of several process clusters, the process logic ofselecting the optimum process cluster is shown in Fig. 6.

VII. PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONThis section demonstrates the operational efficiency ofMobilouds application in terms of reducing the energy con-sumption whilst executing tasks in the Mobilouds archi-tecture in a collaborative fashion, based on a pre-defineduse case scenario. Fig. 7 illustrates the currently available

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TABLE 1. Summary of resource availability.

FIGURE 5. Cluster evolution algorithm.

FIGURE 6. Cluster selection logic.

resources and their corresponding available communicationmedium in the Mobilouds architecture. Table 1 depicts thecurrently available process slots availed by the resources.Our performance evaluations are based on real-life standardsand metrics [44]–[48] used in MCC infrastructure. Table 2summarizes our considerations during this performance eval-uation. Further, we consider that there is no process failure orcommunication failure in this evaluation.

Based on the scenario presented in Fig. 7, we evaluate theefficiency of the Mobilouds application in processing a jobconsisting of 5 tasks of different sizes as 100kByte, 1MByte,5MByte, 100Mbyte and 2MByte, named task 1 through to

FIGURE 7. Evaluation scenario.

TABLE 2. Access technology considerations.

task 5 accordingly. With the local android mobile devicebeing less capable than the actual process requirements interms of process speed and available slave slots, it triggersthe resource request. Now the objective of the Mobiloudsapplication is to choose the most energy and time efficientprocess cluster from the available resources. Since, energyand time parameters are dependent on each other, it is alwaysoptimum to compute the energy-time trade-off for choosingthe optimum process cluster based on the application require-ments. In order to evaluate the most energy and time efficientcluster, Mobilouds runs an initial estimation of the availableresources (according to the evaluation scenario) based on thejob requirements. This initial estimation is to compute theprocess time and process power anticipated on the resourcesavailable in the cluster based on the process slots availed bythe participating resources. Table 3 through to Table 7 depictsthis initial estimation summary of processing the individual

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TABLE 3. Task 1 process estimation summary.

TABLE 4. Task 2 process estimation summary.

TABLE 5. Task 3 process estimation summary.

TABLE 6. Task 4 process estimation summary.

tasks in all the available resources. Fig. 8 illustrates the antic-ipated process time and process power consumption whilstexecuting the tasks in the available resources individuallyTables 4–7. From Fig. 8, 5G Cloud offers the lowest processtime for all the five tasks when processing the tasks indi-vidually. The native local mobile resource offers the lowest

process power for tasks 1 and 2, and the local server offers thelowest process power for tasks 3, 4, and 5 respectively. Giventhat the job is already divided into task threads in the nativemobile, further allocation of the individual tasks in differentthreads is not feasible. Each task must therefore be processedby a single resource.

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TABLE 7. Task 5 process estimation summary.

TABLE 8. Availed mobilouds process clusters.

The primary objective of Mobilouds can be viewed fromtwo perspectives. First is to achieve the lowest time andpower consuming process cluster for the entire job. Sec-ondly, the idle resources of the native and local resourcesshould be effectively utilised in processing the job to reducethe resource idleness and corresponding power drains. Now,Mobilouds application offers the optimum process cluster byoptimising both the process time and process power. From thegiven process scenario, Mobilouds application offers threedifferent process clusters as shown in Table 8 in accordancewith the process logic shown in Fig. 6. The process clustersare formed in such a way that the idle resources of the localdevices are effectively utilised to process smaller tasks, whilstoffloading heavy tasks to the cloud servers.

From Table 8, Mobilouds 1 offers the best trade-offbetween time and energy and Mobilouds 2 offers the lowestpossible process time. When there is resources scarcity in thelocal devices, Mobilouds application chooses Mobilouds 2cluster upon the availability of 5G cellular network. Oth-erwise, Mobilouds 3 is formed using 4G cellular networkto offload tasks to the distant datacentre. We further evalu-ate the efficiency of Mobilouds by comparing the time andpower efficiencies of the Mobilouds process clusters againstoffloading and processing the entire job in the distant data-centre using both 4G and 5G cellular networks.

Fig. 9 illustrates the process time and process power of thethree Mobilouds clusters alongside a complete cloud solu-tion using 4G and 5G cellular networks respectively. FromFig. 9, it is clear that a complete 5G cloud solution for theentire job offers the lowest time, followed by Mobilouds 2,Mobilouds 1, Mobilouds 3, and the 4G cloud solution respec-tively. Again, Mobilouds 2 uses the 5G cloud solution for

heavy tasks, thus it is time efficient. It is worthy of note that acomplete cloud solution always incurs the non-negligible idleresources of the native devices staying active and thereforeexperiencing undesirable power consumption whilst waitingfor the cloud solution. Clearly Mobilouds 1 is the mostenergy efficient process cluster, which involves processingthe job locally using the mobile, laptop and the local server.Though three different cluster combinations are provided bythe Mobilouds application, the optimum cluster should bechosen based on the requirements and outcomes of individualscenarios. Despite the time and energy costs incurred in theMobilouds 2 and 3, the computational costs of the cloud solu-tions cannot be avoided in the two cloud assisted solutions.This additional computational cost is avoided in Mobilouds 1due to the user-owned resources. Thus Mobilouds 1 is notonly efficient in optimising the time-energy trade-off, but isalso cost effective.

VIII. APPLICATION OF THE WORKThis section explains the practical applicability of Mobiloudsin [49] Satellite Navigation application. Consider a scenariowhere a user needs to travel from Derby to London in theUnited Kingdom on road. The road distance between Derbyto London is 130 miles and a car journey at average speedshould take approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes. GPS canbe used to determine the most time efficient route based ondistance travelled and route congestion and therefore avoid-ing unnecessary delays. Given the fact that traffic densityvaries with time, predetermination of the entire end-to-endroute is unlikely to be ideal; dynamic estimation of the effectof temporal factors along the route may suggest alternativechoices as the journey progresses. The entire route can be

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FIGURE 8. Energy and time consumption of task execution (a) Task 1 (b) Task 2 (c) Task 3 (d) Task 4 (e) Task 5.

FIGURE 9. Process efficiency (a) task duration (b) power consumption.

considered in at least three sections: exiting Derby, trunkroutes from Derby to London and traversing London to theend destination. The most challenging parts of the routedetermination will be the urban road networks of Derby andLondon as to offer the highest diversity of routes with themost dynamic traffic flows. Route determination can be splitinto a number of tasks, determining theDerby city traffic first,followed by themotorway and the London city traffic at muchlater stage of the journey. The entire journey requires the roadmap with all current and up to date traffic information on it.But having the entiremap at the time of setting off fromDerbydoes not help all the way through London.

A Mobiloud application would split the job into tasksof determining the traffic map and downloading at variousstages of the journey. The mobile device would initiallydownload only the Derby street map from a cloud application,

while the cloud determines and calculates a general routebased on existing information. This saves storage space andprocessing capability on the local device while ensuring thatthe map data is totally current. It also allows the journey tobegin before the full route has been determined. Mobiletsformed of the available nearby devices can provide ‘‘localknowledge’’ of the current Derby City traffic, the locationand local data is then processed by the mobile device. As themobile device approaches the Derby Arterial network, arequest is made for the next stage of the journey from thecloud service. The cloud service has been able to processcurrent road and traffic conditions without any processingor communication cost to the mobile device. The device isthen provided with map data related to the trunk section ofthe journey. The cloud service continues to process road andtraffic data, the local device can collect route information.

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In the event of a major change of circumstance or after aperiod of time, and the local device can send and receiveupdates. Finally, as the device approaches the London arterialroad network, a request is made to the cloud service for themap and traffic data for the terminal leg of the journey.

The communication method during the entire journey mayhave changed several times, for example, if the journey beganat a home location local Wi-Fi may have been available;mobilets would have formed over Bluetooth; the trunk jour-ney would have used cellular data (5/4/3G) and the Londonsection may have been able to access local hotspot Wi-Fiand Bluetooth. Processing geographically local informationusing the resources of the mobile device and geographicallyremote data in cloud service encourages collaborative partici-pation. Sharing information regarding local traffic conditionsis mutually beneficial to all mobile service users activelypromoting the MCC collaborative framework.

IX. FUTURE WORKOur future work will span across the following research gapsin the MCC processing infrastructure.

A. TASK DISTRIBUTION AND SCHEDULINGAn autonomous task distribution and scheduling algorithmwill be devised between the mobile devices and the cloudfor the purposes of achieving effective collaboration andsynchronization in the process cluster. The feasibilities ofemploying GPGPUs in mobile devices for developing anautonomous task distributor for scheduling tasks among thevarious levels of process clusters will be explored.

B. LOAD BALANCINGA load balancing mechanism for optimum scaling of theprocess loads across the mobile devices participating in theprocess cluster will be investigated with the motivation ofauto-initialisation of new process clusters when the currentclusters are overloaded based on overload thresholds in indi-vidual mobile devices.

C. REUSABILITYThe reusability and extensibility of the mobile resources inminimum time interval between successive task executionswill be investigated.

D. MIDDLEWAREThe development of a management layer with higher degreeof coupling between the functional code of the diversemobile devices beyond their heterogeneities in platform,OS etc., and the cloud datacentre heterogeneity will beinvestigated.

E. FAULT TOLERANCEThe potential of utilising the mobile resources and extendingtheir participation in the collaborative MCC execution evenwhen the mobile devices face disconnections from the pro-cess clusters will be explored.

X. CONCLUSIONEnergy efficiency is increasing in demand in any form ofhigh performance computing. This paper addresses the issuesof idle resource energy implications in the MCC infrastruc-ture and further investigates the possibilities of reducing thepresence of such idle resources, thereby reducing the overallenergy consumption levels whilst executing jobs in a collab-orative fashion between the mobile terminals and the clouddatacentres. Energy implications in the MCC collaborativeinfrastructures are witnessed across all the underlying inte-grated technologies. Though the energy consumption levelsof the idle mobile terminals are comparatively insignificantto those of the communication and cloud counterparts, suchenergy implications are non-negligible in terms of the mobilestandards and capacities causing undesirable battery drains.

The efficiencies of communication infrastructures areevolving quickly, with 4G cellular standards are deployed inmost of the developing countries and 5G deployments are notfar off. Though the energy and performance efficiencies of thecellular networks are evolving at a rapid pace, their deploy-ment efficiencies depends on the way of their utilisationand implementation strategies. Achieving energy efficiencyin cloud datacentres is always monumental, since datacen-tres incur energy consumptions across a multi-dimensionalcomponents including operating servers, lighting and coolingsystems, switches etc., alongside the actual process energy.

Mobilouds architecture and its application process pro-vides a complete energy solution by the way of achieving theleast possible energy efficient solution across the integratedtechnologies. Our performance evaluations demonstrate thatthe offloading and process solution of Mobilouds achieves anoptimum trade-off between energy and time. Clearly, offload-ing and processing the job requirements in the distance data-centre using 5G cellular networks incur the least processingtime and less energy consumption to those of using a 4Gcellular network. This leads us to infer that 5G deploymentswould certainly be time and energy efficient. However, thisis subjected to the availability of the 5G cellular network andthe capacities of the mobile devices participating in the jobexecution.

Rather than a single solution agenda, Mobilouds offer themaximum number of possible solutions to the users basedon the actual availability of the resources with a differentchoice of energy-time trade-off. This provides users with anincreased flexibility to choose the optimum solution based onthe real-time requirement and the nature of the job applica-tions. Our performance evaluations prove that Mobilouds iseffective in achieving the optimum trade-off between processtime and energy and in reducing the undesirable energy con-sumptions across all the three underlying process componentsof the MCC process infrastructure.


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JOHN PANNEERSELVAM (M’14) is currentlypursuing the Ph.D. degree with the University ofDerby, U.K. He is currently a Graduate TeachingAssistant with the University of Derby. He hasauthored notable peer-reviewed international con-ferences, journals, and as book chapters. His cur-rent research is focused on energy efficient cloudsystems. His research interests include cloud com-puting, big data, AI techniques, opportunistic net-working, and P2P computing.

JAMES HARDY is currently pursuing the Ph.D.degree with the School of Computing and Math-ematics, The University of Derby. Besides man-ufacturer specific data networking qualifications.He has authored or co-authored papers on trafficcontrol, IoP, virtualisation, IPv6 addressing, soft-ware aging, and web services location. He hasindustrial experience including aerospace controlsystems and global scale wide area data network-ing. His research interests include smart city trans-

portation, autonomous vehicles, communication systems, green computing,HaaS, IaaS, control systems, simulation, and virtualization.

LU LIU (M’07) received the Ph.D. degree fromthe University of Surrey. He is currently a Pro-fessor of Distributed Computing with the Schoolof Computing and Mathematics, University ofDerby, and an Adjunct Professor with the Schoolof Computer Science and Communication Engi-neering, Jiangsu University. His research interestsare in areas of cloud computing, social computing,service-oriented computing, and P2P computing.He is a fellow of British Computer Society.

BO YUAN received the B.Sc. degree in computerscience and technology from Tongji University,Shanghai, China, in 2011. He is currently pursu-ing the joint Ph.D. degree with Tongji Universityand the University of Derby. His research interestsinclude service discovery, online social networks,mobile computing, and peer-to-peer systems.

NICK ANTONOPOULOS received the Ph.D.degree in computer science from the University ofSurrey in 2000. He is currently the Dean of theCollege of Engineering and Technology with theUniversity of Derby, and the University of DerbyTechnical Coordinator of the framework collab-oration with CERN and the ALICE experiment.He has over 18 years of academic experience.He has authored over 150 articles in fully ref-ereed journals and international conferences. His

research interests include cloud computing, P2P computing, software agentarchitectures, and security.

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