iU)mTlSING PAYS M THE JOURNAL BSTABUSHID MAT» 18M ISOO BONA FIDE XXVni. No. 11. MMM MA$iJ^SaAS, VQtGINU. FRIDAY, JULY 28,1922 $1.50 A YEAR IN AOVAI^CS I.H.I l|l mmB. W. HARKS SURRENDERS €»VM Sdtf Up to ConaonwcaUh Attoniey—Takoi to Rich- •Mad tor Safe Keepias. %: t^. After h»vtn2 been puramd •iaec th* ld(J)t of Wednesday, July 19, by iber- tt^ powM and blocdhouoda from the IMstriet work house at Oecoquan, AJvin Harris, the Regro who killed TtitaiaM S. Meredith in the public nkd at the Lane home, near Gaines- irl^ : ^vrendered to CommoinVhalth AKwaay Thoma* H. Lion early 8un- d«|F HMrning and was at once oonr^y- •d io Alexandria and from there to Xk^Ujond to escape any possiMUty of WW i^lence. The negro is now in tfaa ffidunood city jail and will net be ''liiwaiit back t44ti#,^<:««llf»,,^tti tiw^incolar term it 4iar<(tmit eoort . la.,|(9tobes. It is VBdeiiAavi a sus- fafjUosi was made Jodcc^Saauiel G- ,:9kjUtSoT a special term of the eoart i t t ^ n ^ i a trial could be had, and that fhj^JlglttT thooght it advisable to de- l ^ f l t e tnal onttl the T^t^act t»m vt «lmft V erddi; to ei«« tiai*.lw the eoBeitement to abate. Wfa«i he ffwroodered Harris was nearly IMBM^ te water «at taoi- AeMrding to h » statement tee had eatiB but three meals in the ifane in- tari«ninc betwe«i the s^ua^pr and , hi)i%ZT<TaI & AJexa^dci*.^ fiixins On «esi^ haan ef Sunday moCBiag Conunoawealtfa- Attorney U«|^ recMved a call in person from Bttty Norris, « negro living neat uSTinai Narria inftvmed Mr. Lkw 4lMt he knew where Harris was sod that the latter was ready and willing to aiprendei; provided he was assured he'lraald be protected from rii^Kice. BbnlBC reeeired aneh ass^gMil the Commenweahh's Attotqey; xeqaested Mr. L&n to drive to the oc- on tiie Baasdell plaee j«i^^«it» the torpwrate limits. Upon ar- the place indicated by Korris he iSvhted pmn lj» ttatamm* wA tttrtie^ S«as4iB orehud, faft^rinc Mr. UoB. sitting in t ^ ear. la M. few Himtea « man w^ked oat of the Mchard and aiqHtiechhit: Mr. Lioa inarmed Um ttat he imi Hania. Having safirfed hiaMW^ ^^ ^^ »«- gro was the man waaitad, Mr. Us*> pUeed him in the marhiwiji aad after havfair aroaaed D > f ty Skmifl J. P. Kariin aad Or/lailt fflawwerlr, ibe three oOeen aet «tt to AhraadTto Witt U w prisoBer. & is said &at he was carried GO to BidHBond at the suneetipii of Jo^ge. Brent, as It was caasidered hy him that Harris woald be s a t e Aere ^ a a ia the Alexandria jaO. . HarrB. it appears, >t«yad i» tlie proximity of 4iaa*ss«s all day Sat- «i4By and aatB the hoar of bis ^K>- reader. After having left the home of William Lewis, near 1 M « * Sta- tiott, Friday afternoon he kept to the in the vicinity of the Lewis ••ta after dark. 8« then made U i wa^ araiuid Manassas to the Portr aer firm, aad was near ^ AaaaUafg baoBC an of Satordsry afternoon ttat Bight. Early Soaday moaaxas be went to tim |RMM ff Norris, raag^ to taks Um to M». XMB. Harris stated that he was st<wed by two meaef thesearduagpariyen Friday a i g ^ hot was lAwed tb »» OB his way opoa t^Kag them aaaw was Brec^ Eairia e:qire^Md regni tfcat he had not killed his wife aad his father. It is said that he Ueaes (he latt« far the troobie that ceased a sepais- tiea between Us wife aad UmseU. Wmiaii Havis, fathar of the mv darcr, feeriaf timt the sea wooM make hM way to Us hoam aad be caa«iit there, left the eoaaty oa Fri- day. taUag his tamOy wi& HOtTSKEEPBBS Mrs. ^. G. Ceriagtsa McmbM* of Bethlehem C3ah. (Chloe E. Lay Hodge, See'y) The p)ea3ant home of Mrs. W. G. Covington was the meeting place of the Bethlehem Good Hotiseke^iers' Chib OB the night of Saturday, July 22: The chief features of the meet- lag were the report of Miss Gilbert concerning our pert of the fair and Bfrs. Davis' fine address <m "The Im- provement of HoBW Kitchens." Her suggestions were ioapirational, aad BO doubt will lead to a personal ap- plicatioo. The dob also modestly congratulated itself <m the soocess of the entertainment given by them and planned for givii« it at Sndley. The social hour was spent delight- fully while enjoying the deticious re- freehments provided by ow hostess. t^dQw guests were Miaaw Fiaacea 1^^ and Oocothy amaOMn aadj|». R. 8. Hynson, and Miss Freda Back- talgham, of WsshingtOB. The secretary was unavoidably Ab- sent, and Mrs. Charles Lewis kindly substituted for her. , MANASSAS TEACHEBS NAMED Mrs. & H. Ortoura BeUiaed as i>riB^ d|«i of Maaasaaa High Scho«L Teachers for the Manassas schools have been appointed as follows: y«t>«fii*i» High School—Miss E. H. OdtoBin. prmdpal; Miss Uila D. Mdx, Miss WilHette R. Myers, Itiss Emily J. Johnson, Miss Locele Stev- ens, Mrs. Norma B. Qavies, Miss H. Josephine Talley. Director of .Acri- epItnre,'Pn«L H. W. Saad^s. Bmmett S^ot^-^Mlaa GMee Meta» eighth grade; ICss Grace B. Moran, Misf Boelah WhHmer, Miss Edith Miss C^lwrine Ayx«s, Miss Smith, Mia^ A. L. Bmn.§B»* Msctftll. MiBs I ^ l n n i t d K kap. ^^^^ ''-Distriet SdiOoW- '-' ' BradlajH-Miss iRoth Bodter. BneldHil--Miaa EUasheth Hariey. Caaaea BiHiiA —WM F!i»«nee 'Gossam.'.:" BHMehem and (^vetoa to he n ^ - pQed. entered Brawn—Beaab E. WUte. Oaza P. Conway. Maaly—^ieorgta Berry. Tbe ManwTn team adtooh will ofm September 14, ISO. AO t^tar ia the distrie* «|B cyea Oe- • , 1»2«. suppoirr'nE BASEBALL TEAM WUte Rose Wis on Satorday— OB Wwiaeaday—Kcya Hite HoHM Roa. In ah effort to provide a clean, wholesome sport for the pe<H>le of Ma- nassas and Prince William County a few of the bosinesa men. of the town are giving a portion of their time to the management of the White Rose Rase Ball Club. Otiier younger men of tlw town and oeonty are providing the spwt by doteg the actual playing withont a cent of remnneratiea. The agreement between the managemwit and the players is that the latter ahaJI sharo equally in any net proceeds at the end of the playing season. NEWS FROM THE COUOTYAGETfr 9Ute FKnacra* Institvte to Be Held at BlacksiMiit oa AagitBt9,ieaadll. (W. L. Browning, County Agt) The State Farmers' Inatitute to be held at Blacksburg this year Augtut B, 19, 11, is moro important, probably, •OMt any institute held for several years. It will deal especially with the famers' greatest problem of today —that is, marketiBg his prodneta. On the program dealing witit this mar- ketteg question aro some of our lead- ing aoeeessful marketing ezperta. It is the time of the year for the f^rmor to take a little vacation, and tfa«re woald be no better way to spend that la order, however, to provide a vaeatioB than by nuOring a trip either good ha«ad of base iall it is accessary *>y rail or in auto to the Farmers' to obtain teams to play the White Institute. Cant we grt a big crowd Rose, and, to make the games inter- •«»' Prince WiUiam fanners to t*ke this esting, good oppoaing teams have to : trfp *" * delegation representing MOTOR TRUCK RUNS WOD Celared Maa I a | v e d Wfcaa geacy Brake FaBa to Act be gotten. j thia county T If you are at all inter'' Us The visiting tosms have to be paid «»tod to this trip wit* a group of eomething for their expoises, and this farmers, please communicate with payment usually takes Oie form of a 'j'>^ county agent, division of the gate receipts, the * ^ « t^>e reports of those who have Urger percwitage going to. the wfai- thawshed the quality of wheat tirou^- nimi team. out the county is Very poor. The yield Manassas up to this time has not *• P*^ "^ because of the poor qual- been breaking even on the homo **y- Wheat is a crop that mast be games, and but tat the money re- rviti on every well-rogulated and ceived when Oie team was ph^ying weU-pJaaned farm that is temina away from hmne the White R<»ftGhib 'rtth a rotation of crope. It is true would have been ftaaaeiaUy swanked «»» ^ "»?•* ««* a reasoaable yidd },„ig ago. . . a this «n» is g<M»g to pay in pro- I t is very discouraging to these men portioa to the other cr^ie in this lo- who are giving thdr time in the in- »•««>. •*«> ™1«« *• • » *** •««» t m s t of the dub as wdl M to the »>«»* seed obtainable we wOl not be pi^etB ttat the people are not pro- doing oar part to getting this yidd. riding the necessary financial assist- Thrwigh the coonty agent's olBoe mice. The dab cannot survive with-, we aro vwyaaxiods to tear from every oat moral and financial backing of f*"™^ to the «HUity who wanta to tito dibeM of y*"—— Ev«ty troe «** bottar •••* wheat a^d whether lover of tin 8p«*t ia, therefwe, asked «»««1> or bearded. It is ow plan now to b« "k Mteadanee at the coming throo^ the seed eertiflcatmn depart- games. Your iwesaice will lend ment at Blacksburg to locate dther moral si^port and encouiagemmit to » . ««• o'n »*»*• »>• » adghboring tim management and piaywa, and •<»*• * ««*»«« »»*«* ^ ^ i ^ high rw eaitranea fee will h^Ip pat tha 9«iity «rf ''l**^ «»<» *» bringjnto eUb oa its feet Aaaadally. iW^jEounty several ears of seeiirfaeat WUte Reee va. Capital Tractiea. *»»* *» known to be notimw bat the By far tiie meet toterosting game beet A " y«« mteaested m grtttng of ball that has been played <» the loeal^amoad this aeaaon was the a^une betweaa the Capital Ttaetioa and tiie White Roae teama <m Sator- day of last wedc watt Baae came ia on tiie leag end Pretty of an d g i ^ to five eoore. The game'was fast and weB-played ^ ^^^ throngboitt, Aw largely to tim am- Grace Charehy The.Flams. Va., COflNTT SCHOOL BOARD MSRrSj^xiBg at Mr. George E. Long, of the acene of a pretty weddiag oa WaaUact<m, who la ompiring tfm-mittraday, July 20, at7dO p. m., wfaaa Cornelius Johnson, colored, was ia- jnred and the workshop and storaroom of Adolphoa Roy daimaged by a peoi- liar a c c i d ^ on Monday morning of this week. Johnson, who ia to the naploy of Mr. W. E. McCoy, cranked up a truck in a garage of the Manassas Motor Company, and aa the engine started the eaMTgency torake slipped, throw- ing the motor toto "high." The truck rolled oat of the garage building with Johnsoa dinging to the front of the machine betareen the bumper aad tite fairer. The truck headed f<H' the Roy boildtog and smashed head-on into the plate-glass window feeing Center street Th6 window was shattered, and the frame knocked out of podtion. Johnson escaped with minor cuta and brakes. Had it not been for the bumper on the machine he would prdMibly have been crushed to death. The damage done to the Roy build- ing was repiUred on Tuesday after- noon. STA1IMENTFR0M BQW.TmaUON Atluiiey for tho CoBUDoaweaUk Tliaaka AH Who Took Part ia Scareii toe Harria. CWJSTY BOARD IN SESSION Saperrisors Order BUIa Paid TraMact Otitcr Baaiafaa. aad the beet seed wheat obtaiaaUe aeedtog this faH? . WSUMNG AT THE PLAOfS Takw nace for DWifct Beard Pieparty taTrapafer New Beet4. N U T H OF JOHN T. GBBBN 1-. h ri Join Tboaaae Gheea died Friday, Jaly XI, after a brief ittoeae at the hoeae of hte daaghter, Mrs. Urri Flaherty. He waa beoa to F^itax Coaaty, Va., to US7. n i awvad to rflba. 9 0 . 1 , I. w » «- a raaideat ever stoee. He ia ^ s w i v e d by two daiatbtara, Mrs. Levi ^ Flaherty aad Mn. Stella Weadyard. aai the feOew^ graaiiiMibi: MiB. Harry Oaric, of WMMastaa; Mr. Many Flaherty, af Beaaaka; Mra. Ebae Vialett, of AkaaaMa; Mm. OBbert HeOaad aad Mra. C C Fia- great-graadehlldnaL He waa a kind aad loviag father and a devoted friead to tfaoae who knew biak Fneral •wieee were^ beU from BadcbaU Onach Saaday at S p. BL by the R«v. William mmhaiia. aad the At a meetiag ti tim Coaaty Sdiod Board of Prinee W^lma Coamty held at the eoorftoaae oa Monday, Jaly 24, there w e n ^reayiit Ib^ Oiazlea R. MdBoBaM, darfnwwi; aad the fdtow- tog'trustees: Brentsville District—J. R^al Cede, DL B. Barbart aM Wi * TBW* "' ; €Mea Diaiiitl > Thamaa Wa^Wen 4HI aad Jamaa Lade, Jx. Domfriea District-^:>r. D. C Cline. GL E. eUxkejaad C. B. b r b a ^ Gameaville Distiiel-^W.-'L. iaaders and RoSert A. Rnst Oeeoqaaa Sistrict^W. A. Kidwdl aad £. SL %aBkBtt MantiiT" Diatciet—D. 3. Arting- tta. Ike foOewiac l A b were aHowad: C A Sfaidair, aaMBag wftt traoa- 129. ChaHes R. McDonald, aame, $M. Pitoee WQUam News, priatiag, I*. Maaasaaa Jeamal PaWiehtaK Cean peay, prtoti^g, I U 8 . Mte E. R. O^eotB, poetage ac' OMtot II3-M. The Diatriet School beards w e n re- qoestad «a a a t e the to to haifar aB ^oparty to Baud as 1. USX. Tbefdleeriag •d by the beard: The state iBWB ef •ImheeiaMNateh* be H ReeoHad. That tke ao aa- The regtilar montoly meeting of the Board of Supervison of ^ eoaaty «raa held at the eeorthonse (» Tnea- day of this week. • In atUitien to ordering the payment Of the cQstomai^ long Hat <rf a&Mata the fdlowing other orden-wen on- tered:' '•;.•'••• D. N. Davis granted permission to erect a radio areal acnes and 40 feet above Td^raph Road, at Rnfna Davto' store, to Occoqttan District J. P. Leaehmsn appointed.paymai- teir <Hi road imiffovanent project fram Blandsftnd bridge to Manassas, the pay rdl to be met by him when ap- proved by St^ervisor Jas. R. I^oUn. A dui^Scate Warrant was ordered drown to favor qC j . P. Smith far warrant No. 898, which was lost or des^yed. James R. Laridn appoinied to.- siieetor on contraction of road from Chappel Springs to St Joseph's. UpMi cemplatot bdhg made that noxious snbetances flowing toto tiw PotoBuw River from the nftase plant at Cherry HUl a n eansing the de- stractioa of fish, it was ordered that the Commlaaiwiew of the IHstriet af Colnmlna be re«iae8ted to take ike neeaeaary rtepa to rmnedy the evB. The snm of f IM was ordered drawn £nwi the comity faad to meet a Bke 4am raised tqr dtiicns far road and street impnvemeBto at Qnantioo. A warrant of |120 was ordned to be drawn oa the eonaty tutai to &vor of Tnomas H. lion, the money to be nsed by him to paying expenaes ind- dent to Alvto Harris' c^itaxe. J. L. Dawson waa animnted a coaft- mittoe to negotiate the pnrehaae of a track loader and to confo' with the State Bic^way Commiaaimi niative to obCahang sappUea for read een- strnctiim and^ maiwtwaaace. Tbe fdlowing jnstieea ot the peaee appaared befen the board and pro- aaad-lot s«ies to tim capital dty titis Miss Edaa Leoise Meem, daaghter of aeaaea. Mr. Lang was Cnr aa^ im- Mrs. 8. S. Meoce, became tiie bride of partial to hm decisions, aTlawfiit ao H. H. HaUsh. Jr., the earmao^ be- argnmente and kept the ^ay«n. ing performed by Rev. S. A. Rotter, boatling aD throogh tka gaate. rector of Grace Cfaardi. The ehaidi Aa mafortonate accident happened was artistically decanted with hy- to the seveath inning, iritmt Barnes, dnagea, Uadc-eyed daisi^ aad fena. of the viaittog team, brdce bis ri^it To the steaiaa «C Loheagria i laalarnd ankle sliding toto timd base. Dr. T. by Mr*. Joha K. Lewi*> <>f Btaaaaoat G. Brown,. phyaidaa for the White Va., sister of the groom, tiie bride Roae ta<ri>, aet tte broken boMi aad entoad tiie «bareh OB the arm «f her •wde tike ytayaf^aa tearfhrtahte aa nadOk U*. Jamee W. Mo«»«, of Or- aaihle. ange, Va.. vAo gave her to marriage. Tfca ootatanding featurea of the aad WM met at the altar by tiie gnom game were th^ home ran kgr Walter and beat man, hte brother, Mr. Fraidt Keys and tiie the iHtdung of Qaayle N. Hdfidu of WadiiBgtoa. The bride j f " * ? tiieir reeeqrt books. »howny aU for the local team. was beeeoaiacly attired to wUte net --^- - - WUte Reea va. Or sags. over s ^ v^th a coart irato and Tht faithful faaa who jearaeyed to carried; a shower boaqaet tf Uides the locel diamond Wednesday after- roees. SQie was atteaded by bo^ sis- noon witneued one of the pomrest Ur, Miae ^ a Moere. as amid of exhibitiaiH of hall ^ayiag «a the part heaer, who won oreUd wgandie with of the WUteRoee teaatamteooUfce hat to amtefa, mid carrying piidt reeaa. feoad to a day'a Wnrneg- Miss Dorothy Moon, ane«her siater. The aeon arf 14 to • to fknr of Or- as llowar giri, won wUte organdie aage t e b the tale. and earried a bedcct of ^ak roeee. Oa the White Reee side the game Miss Mattie Athay, of Mawaaeaa, to waa leptata witt emrs. Then were ydkw argaadie aad Miss Maade Lee, ef aadaaienaaderren of eeaHjof The Pbdas, to graea organdie. In fSaet than w e n aa many {weartog bate to autdi aad carrying «f M*ea aa tlMn wet* rate ia I yeOew raeea, ware bridaeaaaida. Ike Hamlia, with ttte dlffataaea. how-jnahen were Mr. Herbert Moore, anr, that the rate wen myths wUa ifarother ef the bride, aad Mr. Jaliaa B. nwMib, ef WaaUagtaa, of tbe gnem. After a ncataaa for tbe ate famOiaB, at the beam af the hrida, the y a « « eoqpto left by meter te ashtegtaa. te ga te Boataa hr aaa. The brMe% gelag away gaaa waa af Uab Caataa crave wMh hat te finea collected by them properly cooBted for: T. H. Marshall. M. A. Bdl. L. B. OerOey, R. R. ftaith, J. S. Stnfce, S. M. HaiaBp and Tkomae Shepvo'^ J. R. LarUn. C. A. Stodair aad L. Ledmaa appatnted eoamiittee te tie with eoaaty treasonr, J. P. Dalhal Latheraa Ckardi, Edgar Z. Paaea. paater. Saaday Sehoel at 10 a. aM hejy uuaimmihm «t 11 a^t; « v M B by RcT- M. I* P««»- ***"- riUe Lothacaa it'».a.-at.; maa hy Bar- W. L. Dnr. Wm play a Woodbridge. On priamiy Tke derk of the coort laid befon the board a Itot of aU fiaee eeOaeted from Janoary 1,1922, to Jaly 1, ttXX, which Uat waa ordered eertifted to tke Aoditer vt PabUe Aeeoaate. Tke aext aaeetiag of Ae board wiB be held Taaaday, Aagast XX. Editor Journal:—By reaami of tha deplonUe murder reniRing to tha death of a most reapected dtisen, Mr. Thomas S. Meredith, at the hands Of Alvto W. Harria on Wedneaday after- noon, July 19, and owing to the maay wild aind erroneous ruaton a^oat aa to the efforta being made to appre- hend the accused, also to Jnatiea to many who took an earneat and aetiva part to see that the law was ^operiy uphdd and eaforeed, 1 trust yoa vriB grant sufBcient speee to the undei^ •ignad to permit the foUowing state- ment: On behalf of the oAcen of tim county it must be said that they ai». erted every means witbto their power to approhead the accused, and by rea- aon of the aid volunteered'and freely given <to some instances at oonsld- enhle expense) by citizens of the county it prevented the escape of Harris, owing to the vigilant watdi iriuch was matotained to and around the vicinity to which tiie aeensed waa believed to be located; and to tUa conneetian it mnat be said that the authorities of the woi^ hmme at Oe- coqnan gave valnaUe aad what might be termed the best assistance oi any by fipsdy aad wilhoat dmrge the aaa of their bloodlunmds. Harris waa finally worn doWn with dodging mid rnnntog from one body of woods to another, and he finally realised tt was impossible for him to esca]>a, u d ^^Wh the assistance and upon the advice of some «f his race he «irrend«ired to OB9 of ^ county oflken aboot 1:90 Snaday monung of tlM 23d jnatant Then has been a tmidaiey to criti- dae and aome threato made toward aome of tbe colored race under the misapprdieBaion that they w « e h i ^ boring Harria and pieveiiMng his aq>- tnn; hot, to jaatace to the colored nm, It mast be aali tiiat s» iar aa the county aothoritiea have learned, with one exeeptidi, each eaie who came to ctmtact with Harris npoited that fact to some of the aothoritiea, and WiUiam Jadcaon, W<iHti> B«Ry* William Lewis, Roecoe Lewis, A^r F l ^ Chariaa Roy and Beary Nonja did aQ witbto thdr power to oee that word was reedved by the antiiKitaea that Harris coold be apprehended. Banis' father and mother (which waa nther mmatoral), when ^laeetioned by the aathi»ities, firedy g a n inform- ation CMcetniag Oeir aet^aad shooU net be driticind fisr their acta to thai pertiealar. As far aa known, Onrla waa Been by bat two white persons, which waa at night and they w e n nnaUe to recogntoe Ima, aad Harria admn called npon gave a fietitioaa naaae and was altond to paas.. AnaBgeaaente bad been awdc far eertato of the aothwritieB and dtixena' to^tarriraad a certain dwdbig joat befen daylight on Sanday morning, and the ]^aa waa to leave Mawaaeaa about 2 ^tdodc a. to., and when one aroae timt morning to prepan for thia trip, he waa tofermed by Henry Norria that Harris bad reqaestted torn to say tiwt he wadd give hhaself q» if be wen allowed to have a trid. aad he woald take his parishwuat, which was agreed te, aad to compeay witii Henry Nonb woK te the or- chard of Mr. F. E. RanadcB, Joat eat- aide of the town of then Harria auinada CMMhtioaaUy, bat with UM that be be protected agaiast violraca. WhereupoB be waa takaa to Alcaaa- dria, and, after a eeateaan with Jadge Brent teaveyed te Richmead for aafe-kaepiag aatil the October term of the eeart wUeh la the next tte knr sfB be ThMbd

MMM I.H.I l|l mmB. W. HARKS NEWS FROM THE …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...«i4By and aatB the hoar o ^K>f bis-reader. After having left the home of William Lewis,

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Page 1: MMM I.H.I l|l mmB. W. HARKS NEWS FROM THE …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...«i4By and aatB the hoar o ^K>f bis-reader. After having left the home of William Lewis,




XXVni. No. 11. M M M

MA$iJ^SaAS, VQtGINU. FRIDAY, JULY 28,1922 $1.50 A YEAR IN AOVAI^CS I.H.I l|l mmB.


€»VM Sdtf Up to ConaonwcaUh Attoniey—Takoi to Rich-

•Mad tor Safe Keepias.


t .

After h»vtn2 been puramd •iaec th* ld(J)t of Wednesday, July 19, by iber-tt^ powM and blocdhouoda from the IMstriet work house at Oecoquan, AJvin Harris, the Regro who killed TtitaiaM S. Meredith in the public nkd at the Lane home, near Gaines-i r l ^ : ^vrendered to CommoinVhalth AKwaay Thoma* H. Lion early 8un-d«|F HMrning and was at once oonr^y-•d io Alexandria and from there to Xk^Ujond to escape any possiMUty of WW i^lence. The negro is now in tfaa ffidunood city jail and will net be

''liiwaiit back t44ti#,^<:««llf»,,^tti tiw^incolar term it 4iar<(tmit eoort

. la.,|(9tobes. It is VBdeiiAavi a sus-fafjUosi was made i» Jodcc^Saauiel G-

,:9kjUtSoT a special term of the eoart i t t ^ n ^ i a trial could be had, and that fhj^JlglttT thooght it advisable to de-l ^ f l t e tnal onttl the T^t^act t»m vt «lmft V erddi; to ei«« tiai*.lw the eoBeitement to abate.

Wfa«i he ffwroodered Harris was nearly I M B M ^ te water «at taoi-AeMrding to h» statement tee had eatiB but three meals in the ifane in-tari«ninc betwe«i the s ua pr and

, hi)i%ZT<TaI & AJexa^dci*.^ fiixins On «esi^ haan ef Sunday

moCBiag Conunoawealtfa- Attorney U«|^ recMved a call in person from B t t t y Norris, « negro living neat uSTinai Narria inftvmed Mr. Lkw 4lMt he knew where Harris was sod that the latter was ready and willing to aiprendei; provided he was assured he'lraald be protected from rii^Kice. BbnlBC reeeired aneh ass^gMil the Commenweahh's Attotqey; xeqaested Mr. L&n to drive to the oc-

on tiie Baasdell plaee j«i^^«it» the torpwrate limits. Upon ar-

the place indicated by Korris he iSvhted pmn lj» ttatamm* wA

tttrtie^ S«as4iB orehud, faft^rinc Mr. UoB. sitting in t ^ ear. la M. few Himtea « man w^ked oat of the Mchard and aiqHtiechhit: Mr. Lioa inarmed Um ttat he imi Hania. Having safirfed hiaMW^ ^^ ^^ »«-gro was the man waaitad, Mr. Us*> pUeed him in the marhiwiji aad after havfair aroaaed D > f ty Skmifl J. P. Kariin aad Or/lailt fflawwerlr, ibe three oOeen aet « t t to AhraadTto Witt U w prisoBer.

& is said &at he was carried GO to BidHBond at the suneetipii of Jo^ge. Brent, as It was caasidered hy him that Harris woald be s a t e Aere ^ a a ia the Alexandria jaO. .

HarrB. it appears, >t«yad i» tlie proximity of 4iaa*ss«s all day Sat-«i4By and aatB the hoar of bis ^K>-reader. After having left the home of William Lewis, near 1 M « * Sta-tiott, Friday afternoon he kept to the

in the vicinity of the Lewis • • t a after dark. 8« then made

U i wa^ araiuid Manassas to the Portr aer firm, aad was near ^ AaaaUafg baoBC an of Satordsry afternoon ttat Bight. Early Soaday moaaxas be went to tim |RMM ff Norris, raag^ to taks Um to M». XMB.

Harris stated that he was st<wed by two meaef thesearduagpariyen Friday a i g ^ hot was lAwed tb »» OB his way opoa t^Kag them aaaw was B r e c ^

Eairia e:qire^Md regni tfcat he had not killed his wife aad his father. It is said that he Ueaes (he la t t« far the troobie that ceased a sepais-tiea between Us wife aad UmseU.

Wmiaii Havis, fathar of the m v darcr, feeriaf timt the sea wooM make hM way to Us hoam aad be caa«iit there, left the eoaaty oa Fri­day. taUag his tamOy wi&


Mrs. ^. G. Ceriagtsa McmbM* of Bethlehem C3ah.

(Chloe E. Lay Hodge, See'y) The p)ea3ant home of Mrs. W. G.

Covington was the meeting place of the Bethlehem Good Hotiseke^iers' Chib OB the night of Saturday, July 22: The chief features of the meet-lag were the report of Miss Gilbert concerning our pert of the fair and Bfrs. Davis' fine address <m "The Im­provement of HoBW Kitchens." Her suggestions were ioapirational, aad BO doubt will lead to a personal ap-plicatioo. The dob also modestly congratulated itself <m the soocess of the entertainment given by them and planned for givii« it at Sndley.

The social hour was spent delight­fully while enjoying the deticious re-freehments provided by ow hostess. t dQw guests were Miaaw Fiaacea 1 ^ ^ and Oocothy amaOMn a a d j | » . R. 8. Hynson, and Miss Freda Back-talgham, of WsshingtOB.

The secretary was unavoidably Ab­sent, and Mrs. Charles Lewis kindly substituted for her. ,


Mrs. & H. Ortoura BeUiaed as i>riB^ d|«i of Maaasaaa High Scho«L

Teachers for the Manassas schools have been appointed as follows:

y«t>«fii*i» High School—Miss E. H. OdtoBin. prmdpal; Miss Uila D. Mdx, Miss WilHette R. Myers, Itiss Emily J. Johnson, Miss Locele Stev­ens, Mrs. Norma B. Qavies, Miss H. Josephine Talley. Director of .Acri-epItnre,'Pn«L H. W. Saad^s.

Bmmett S^ot^-^Mlaa GMee Meta» eighth grade; ICss Grace B. Moran, Misf Boelah WhHmer, Miss Edith

Miss C^lwrine Ayx«s, Miss Smith, Mia^ A. L. Bmn.§B»*

Msctftll. MiBs I ^ l n nitdK kap. ^^^^ • ''-Distriet SdiOoW- '-' '

BradlajH-Miss iRoth Bodter. BneldHil--Miaa EUasheth Hariey. Caaaea BiHiiA —WM F!i»«nee

'Gossam.'.:" BHMehem and (^vetoa to he n ^ -

pQed. entered

Brawn—Beaab E. WUte. Oaza P. Conway.

Maaly—^ieorgta Berry. Tbe ManwTn team adtooh will

ofm September 14, ISO. AO t^tar ia the distrie* «|B cyea Oe-

• , 1»2«.

suppoirr 'nE BASEBALL TEAM

WUte Rose Wis on Satorday— OB Wwiaeaday—Kcya Hite HoHM Roa.

In ah effort to provide a clean, wholesome sport for the pe<H>le of Ma­nassas and Prince William County a few of the bosinesa men. of the town are giving a portion of their time to the management of the White Rose Rase Ball Club. Otiier younger men of tlw town and oeonty are providing the spwt by doteg the actual playing withont a cent of remnneratiea. The agreement between the managemwit and the players is that the latter ahaJI sharo equally in any net proceeds at the end of the playing season.


9Ute FKnacra* Institvte to Be Held at BlacksiMiit oa


(W. L. Browning, County Agt) The State Farmers' Inatitute to be

held at Blacksburg this year Augtut B, 19, 11, is moro important, probably, •OMt any institute held for several years. It will deal especially with the famers' greatest problem of today —that is, marketiBg his prodneta. On the program dealing witit this mar-ketteg question aro some of our lead-ing aoeeessful marketing ezperta. It is the time of the year for the f^rmor to take a little vacation, and tfa«re woald be no better way to spend that

la order, however, to provide a vaeatioB than by nuOring a trip either good ha«ad of base iall it is accessary *>y rail or in auto to the Farmers' to obtain teams to play the White Institute. Cant we grt a big crowd Rose, and, to make the games inter- •«»' Prince WiUiam fanners to t*ke this esting, good oppoaing teams have to : trfp *" * delegation representing


Celared Maa Ia|ved Wfcaa geacy Brake FaBa to Act

be gotten. j thia county T If you are at all inter''


The visiting tosms have to be paid «»tod to this trip wit* a group of eomething for their expoises, and this farmers, please communicate with payment usually takes Oie form of a 'j'>^ county agent, division of the gate receipts, the * ^ « t >e reports of those who have Urger percwitage going to. the wfai- thawshed the quality of wheat t irou^-nimi team. out the county is Very poor. The yield

Manassas up to this time has not *• P*^ "^ because of the poor qual-been breaking even on the homo **y- Wheat is a crop that mast be games, and but tat the money re- rviti on every well-rogulated and ceived when Oie team was ph^ying weU-pJaaned farm that is temina away from hmne the White R<»ftGhib 'rtth a rotation of crope. It is true would have been ftaaaeiaUy swanked «»» ^ "»?•* ««* a reasoaable yidd },„ig ago. . . a this «n» is g<M»g to pay in pro-

I t is very discouraging to these men portioa to the other cr^ie in this lo-who are giving thdr time in the in- »•««>. •*«> ™1«« * • • » *** •««» t m s t of the dub as wdl M to the »>«»* seed obtainable we wOl not be pi^etB ttat the people are not pro- doing oar part to getting this yidd. riding the necessary financial assist- Thrwigh the coonty agent's olBoe mice. The dab cannot survive with-, we aro vwyaaxiods to tear from every oat moral and financial backing of f*"™^ to the «HUity who wanta to tito dibeM of y*"—— Ev«ty troe «** bottar •••* wheat a^d whether lover of tin 8p«*t ia, therefwe, asked «»««1> or bearded. It is o w plan now to b« "k Mteadanee at the coming throo^ the seed eertiflcatmn depart-games. Your iwesaice will lend ment at Blacksburg to locate dther moral si^port and encouiagemmit to » . ««• o 'n »*»*• »>• » adghboring tim management and piaywa, and •<»*• * ««*»«« »»*«* ^ ^ i ^ high r w eaitranea fee will h Ip pat tha 9«iity «rf ' ' l**^ «»<» *» bringjnto eUb oa its feet Aaaadally. iW^jEounty several ears of seeiirfaeat

WUte Reee va. Capital Tractiea. *»»* *» known to be notimw bat the By far tiie meet toterosting game beet A " y«« mteaested m grtttng

of ball that has been played <» the loeal^amoad this aeaaon was the a^une betweaa the Capital Ttaetioa and tiie White Roae teama <m Sator-day of last wedc

watt Baae came ia on tiie leag end Pretty of an dg i^ to five eoore.

The game'was fast and weB-played ^ ^ ^ ^ throngboitt, Aw largely to tim am- Grace Charehy The.Flams. Va.,

COflNTT SCHOOL BOARD MSRrSj^xiBg at Mr. George E. Long, of the acene of a pretty weddiag oa WaaUact<m, who la ompiring tfm-mittraday, July 20, at7dO p. m., wfaaa

Cornelius Johnson, colored, was ia-jnred and the workshop and storaroom of Adolphoa Roy daimaged by a peoi-liar a c c i d ^ on Monday morning of this week.

Johnson, who ia to the naploy of Mr. W. E. McCoy, cranked up a truck in a garage of the Manassas Motor Company, and aa the engine started the eaMTgency torake slipped, throw­ing the motor toto "high." The truck rolled oat of the garage building with Johnsoa dinging to the front of the machine betareen the bumper aad tite fairer. The truck headed f<H' the Roy boildtog and smashed head-on into the plate-glass window feeing Center street Th6 window was shattered, and the frame knocked out of podtion. Johnson escaped with minor cuta and brakes. Had it not been for the bumper on the machine he would prdMibly have been crushed to death.

The damage done to the Roy build­ing was repiUred on Tuesday after­noon.


Atluiiey for tho CoBUDoaweaUk Tliaaka AH Who Took Part

ia Scareii toe Harria.


Saperrisors Order BUIa Paid TraMact Otitcr Baaiafaa.


the beet seed wheat obtaiaaUe aeedtog this faH?


Takw nace


DWifct Beard Pieparty

taTrapafer New Beet4.





Join Tboaaae Gheea died Friday, Jaly XI, after a brief ittoeae at the hoeae of hte daaghter, Mrs. Urri Flaherty. He waa beoa to F^itax Coaaty, Va., to US7. n i awvad to

rflba. 9 0 . 1 , I . w » « -a raaideat ever stoee. He ia

^ s w i v e d by two daiatbtara, Mrs. Levi ^ Flaherty aad Mn. Stella Weadyard.

aai the f e O e w ^ graai i iMibi: MiB. Harry Oaric, of WMMastaa; Mr. Many Flaherty, af Beaaaka; Mra. Ebae Vialett, of AkaaaMa; Mm. OBbert HeOaad aad Mra. C C Fia-

great-graadehlldnaL He waa a kind aad loviag father and a devoted friead to tfaoae who knew biak Fneral • w i e e e were^ beU from BadcbaU Onach Saaday at S p. BL by the R«v. William mmhaiia. aad the

At a meetiag ti tim Coaaty Sdiod Board of Prinee W^lma Coamty held at the eoorftoaae oa Monday, Jaly 24, there w e n ^reayiit Ib^ Oiazlea R. MdBoBaM, darfnwwi; aad the fdtow-tog'trustees:

Brentsville District—J. R^al Cede, DL B . Barbart aM Wi * TBW* "' ; €Mea Diaiiitl > Thamaa Wa Wen 4 H I aad Jamaa Lade, Jx.

Domfriea District-^:>r. D. C Cline. GL E. eUxkejaad C. B. b r b a ^

Gameaville Distiiel-^W.-'L. iaaders and RoSert A. Rnst

Oeeoqaaa Sistrict^W. A. Kidwdl aad £ . SL %aBkBtt

MantiiT" Diatciet—D. 3. Arting-tta.

Ike foOewiac lAb were aHowad: C A Sfaidair, aaMBag wftt traoa-

129. ChaHes R. McDonald, aame, $M. Pitoee WQUam News, priatiag, I*. Maaasaaa Jeamal PaWiehtaK Cean

peay, prtoti^g, I U 8 . Mte E. R. O^eotB, poetage ac'

OMtot II3-M. The Diatriet School beards wen re-

qoestad «a a a t e the to to h a i f a r aB

^oparty to Baud as 1. USX.

Tbefdleeriag •d by the beard:

The state iBWB ef • I m h e e i a M N a t e h *

be H ReeoHad. That tke

ao aa-

The regtilar montoly meeting of the Board of Supervison of ^ eoaaty «raa held at the eeorthonse (» Tnea-day of this week. •

In atUitien to ordering the payment Of the cQstomai^ long Hat <rf a&Mata the fdlowing other orden-wen on-tered:' ' • ; . • ' • • •

D. N. Davis granted permission to erect a radio areal acnes and 40 feet above Td^raph Road, at Rnfna Davto' store, to Occoqttan District

J. P. Leaehmsn appointed.paymai-teir <Hi road imiffovanent project fram Blandsftnd bridge to Manassas, the pay rdl to be met by him when ap­proved by St^ervisor Jas. R. I^oUn.

A dui^Scate Warrant was ordered drown to favor qC j . P. Smith far warrant No. 898, which was lost or des^yed.

James R. Laridn appoinied to.-siieetor on contraction of road from Chappel Springs to St Joseph's.

UpMi cemplatot bdhg made that noxious snbetances flowing toto tiw PotoBuw River from the nftase plant at Cherry HUl a n eansing the de-stractioa of fish, it was ordered that the Commlaaiwiew of the IHstriet af Colnmlna be re«iae8ted to take ike neeaeaary rtepa to rmnedy the evB.

The snm of f IM was ordered drawn £nwi the comity faad to meet a Bke 4am raised tqr dtiicns far road and street impnvemeBto at Qnantioo.

A warrant of |120 was ordned to be drawn oa the eonaty tutai to &vor of Tnomas H. lion, the money to be nsed by him to paying expenaes ind-dent to Alvto Harris' c^itaxe.

J. L. Dawson waa animnted a coaft-mittoe to negotiate the pnrehaae of a track loader and to confo' with the State Bic^way Commiaaimi niative to obCahang sappUea for read een-strnctiim and maiwtwaaace.

Tbe fdlowing jnstieea ot the peaee appaared befen the board and pro-

aaad-lot s«ies to tim capital dty titis Miss Edaa Leoise Meem, daaghter of aeaaea. Mr. Lang was Cnr aa^ im- Mrs. 8. S. Meoce, became tiie bride of partial to hm decisions, aTlawfiit ao H. H. HaUsh. Jr., the earmao^ be-argnmente and kept the ^ay«n. ing performed by Rev. S. A. Rotter, boatling aD throogh tka gaate. rector of Grace Cfaardi. The ehaidi

Aa mafortonate accident happened was artistically decanted with hy-to the seveath inning, iritmt Barnes, dnagea, Uadc-eyed daisi^ aad fena. of the viaittog team, brdce bis ri^it To the steaiaa «C Loheagria i laalarnd ankle sliding toto timd base. Dr. T. by Mr*. Joha K. Lewi*> <>f Btaaaaoat G. Brown,. phyaidaa for the White Va., sister of the groom, tiie bride Roae ta<ri>, aet tte broken boMi aad entoad tiie «bareh OB the arm «f her •wde tike ytayaf^aa tearfhrtahte aa nadOk U*. Jamee W. Mo«»«, of Or-

aaihle. ange, Va.. vAo gave her to marriage. Tfca ootatanding featurea of the aad WM met at the altar by tiie gnom

game were th^ home ran kgr Walter and beat man, hte brother, Mr. Fraidt Keys and tiie the iHtdung of Qaayle N. Hdfidu of WadiiBgtoa. The bride j f"*? tiieir reeeqrt books. »howny aU for the local team. was beeeoaiacly attired to wUte net --^- - -

WUte Reea va. Or sags. over s ^ v^th a coart irato and Tht faithful faaa who jearaeyed to carried; a shower boaqaet tf Uides

the locel diamond Wednesday after- roees. SQie was atteaded by bo^ sis-noon witneued one of the pomrest Ur, Miae ^ a Moere. as amid of exhibitiaiH of hall ^ayiag «a the part heaer, who won oreUd wgandie with of the WUteRoee teaatamteooUfce hat to amtefa, mid carrying piidt reeaa. feoad to a day'a Wnrneg- Miss Dorothy Moon, ane«her siater.

The aeon arf 14 to • to fknr of Or- as llowar giri, won wUte organdie aage t e b the tale. and earried a bedcct of ^ak roeee.

Oa the White Reee side the game Miss Mattie Athay, of Mawaaeaa, to waa leptata witt emrs . Then were ydkw argaadie aad Miss Maade Lee,

ef aadaaienaaderren of eeaHjof The Pbdas, to graea organdie. In fSaet than w e n aa many {weartog bate to autdi aad carrying

«f M*ea aa tlMn wet* rate ia I yeOew raeea, ware bridaeaaaida. Ike Hamlia, with ttte dlffataaea. how-jnahen were Mr. Herbert Moore, anr , that the rate wen myths wUa ifarother ef the bride, aad Mr. Jaliaa

B. nwMib, ef WaaUagtaa, of tbe gnem.

After a ncataaa for tbe ate famOiaB, at the beam af the hrida, the y a « « eoqpto left by meter te

ashtegtaa. te ga te Boataa hr aaa. The brMe% gelag away gaaa waa af Uab Caataa crave wMh hat te

finea collected by them properly cooBted for: T. H. Marshall. M. A. Bdl. L. B. OerOey, R. R. ftaith, J. S. Stnfce, S. M. HaiaBp and Tkomae Shepvo'^

J. R. LarUn. C. A. Stodair aad L. Ledmaa appatnted eoamiittee te tie with eoaaty treasonr, J. P.

Dalhal Latheraa Ckardi, Edgar Z. Paaea. paater. Saaday Sehoel at 10 a. aM hejy uuaimmihm «t 11 a^t; «vMB by RcT- M. I* P««»- ***"-riUe Lothacaa it'».a.-at.; maa hy Bar- W. L. Dnr.

Wm play a Woodbridge. On


Tke derk of the coort laid befon the board a Itot of aU fiaee eeOaeted from Janoary 1,1922, to Jaly 1, ttXX, which Uat waa ordered eertifted to tke Aoditer vt PabUe Aeeoaate.

Tke aext aaeetiag of Ae board wiB be held Taaaday, Aagast XX.

Editor Journal:—By reaami of tha deplonUe murder reniRing to tha death of a most reapected dtisen, Mr. Thomas S. Meredith, at the hands Of Alvto W. Harria on Wedneaday after-noon, July 19, and owing to the maay wild aind erroneous ruaton a^oat aa to the efforta being made to appre­hend the accused, also to Jnatiea to many who took an earneat and aetiva part to see that the law was ^operiy uphdd and eaforeed, 1 trust yoa vriB grant sufBcient speee to the undei^ •ignad to permit the foUowing state­ment:

On behalf of the oAcen of tim county it must be said that they ai». erted every means witbto their power to approhead the accused, and by rea-aon of the aid volunteered'and freely given <to some instances at oonsld-enhle expense) by citizens of the county it prevented the escape of Harris, owing to the vigilant watdi iriuch was matotained to and around the vicinity to which tiie aeensed waa believed to be located; and to tUa conneetian it mnat be said that the authorities of the woi^ hmme at Oe-coqnan gave valnaUe aad what might be termed the best assistance oi any by fipsdy aad wilhoat dmrge the aaa of their bloodlunmds. Harris waa finally worn doWn with dodging mid rnnntog from one body of woods to another, and he finally realised tt was impossible for him to esca]>a, u d ^ Wh the assistance and upon the advice of some «f his race he «irrend«ired to OB9 of ^ county oflken aboot 1:90 Snaday monung of tlM 23d jnatant

Then has been a tmidaiey to criti-dae and aome threato made toward aome of tbe colored race under the misapprdieBaion that they w«e h i ^ boring Harria and pieveiiMng his aq>-tnn; hot, to jaatace to the colored n m , It mast be aali tiiat s» iar aa the county aothoritiea have learned, with one exeeptidi, each eaie who came to ctmtact with Harris npoited that fact to some of the aothoritiea, and WiUiam Jadcaon, W<iHti> B«Ry* William Lewis, Roecoe Lewis, A^r F l ^ Chariaa Roy and Beary Nonja did aQ witbto thdr power to oee that word was reedved by the antiiKitaea that Harris coold be apprehended. Banis' father and mother (which waa nther mmatoral), when laeetioned by the aathi»ities, firedy g a n inform­ation CMcetniag Oeir aet^aad shooU net be driticind fisr their acta to thai pertiealar. As far aa known, Onrla waa Been by bat two white persons, which waa at night and they w e n nnaUe to recogntoe Ima, aad Harria admn called npon gave a fietitioaa naaae and was altond to paas..

AnaBgeaaente bad been awdc far eertato of the aothwritieB and dtixena' to^tarriraad a certain dwdbig joat befen daylight on Sanday morning, and the ]^aa waa to leave Mawaaeaa about 2 ^tdodc a. to., and when one aroae timt morning to prepan for thia trip, he waa tofermed by Henry Norria that Harris bad reqaestted torn to say tiwt he wadd give hhaself q» if be wen allowed to have a trid. aad he woald take his parishwuat, which was agreed te, aad to compeay witii Henry Nonb woK te the or­chard of Mr. F. E. RanadcB, Joat eat-aide of the town of then Harria auinada CMMhtioaaUy, bat with UM that be be protected agaiast violraca. WhereupoB be waa takaa to Alcaaa-dria, and, after a eeateaan with Jadge Brent teaveyed te Richmead for aafe-kaepiag aatil the October term of the eeart wUeh la the next

tte knr sfB be


Page 2: MMM I.H.I l|l mmB. W. HARKS NEWS FROM THE …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...«i4By and aatB the hoar o ^K>f bis-reader. After having left the home of William Lewis,


TOP REGOMING T o v l i « ( I M D ) $24426

<hi«e) 9SS-9a»


B«t D M M I TUtara BUterial Tiro Y««i%

f iilii«tM Alto Ttp €•. 1227 N. Y. Ave, N. W,

WasUactoii, D. C.


BRESLAU-ARNOU) lSt9 6 Straet, N. W.



Pnvafl <ai Oar EHtirv siMM of


A ^ I0U41«IERT

A-^ • • i f a ^


\ O r | « i b7 Mafl R«Miri PiMipt

i r AttcntiMi



Have STMtly •treoftiMoeA tli* nu \tft aad inereMBd tae denmd foe

diei crace Seoribtt We aiudl be giad to e s q ^ %fa» we belin* t h e t « « m U ^ « k in the ptiee of crate «&.


The Union Sondaj School will have their aano^ pieaie en the •cheel hanee iawB m Friday o* thie week.

Mr. A. I* Holaiacer. vho has been Mdcr tTCatment at the S a e VUfe SanitarioiB, has retunted to hia home moeh improved in health,

Kias (Hive Hdainger, who haa heea •peadinc fa«r vaeatiea at Attaatie City, apent Smday with her paranti here.

Several from here enjoyed the Chil­dren'* Day exerciaea at NoiMaWUe' Luthem Church la»t Sunday mcht.

BcT. E. Z. Penee and family viuted Mr. and Mr«. Paul Ceokaey last wedu

Mia* Minnie Smith entertained her covain from Baltimore last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Boy Mnddiman, of Msnaaaas, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lam Sunday.

The moat popular place aroondliere this hot weather is "the old swimmia' hole."

The members of tiie Toonc People's Union enjoyed a social on the adwel hoose lawn last Saturday nifht.

Mr. E. W. ComweU made a bnsineBS tiip to Warrenton dnrfaic tibe weel£

We axe clad to report Mrs. John Seymour, irito has bees qnite sick, k much im proved.

Udies ef «be Brentsville Kanainc-toB, rewtember the aanoal pieaie sim­per at the home of Mr. aad Mrs. A. L. F-r"***** OB August S. CaoM aad briar your bndccts aad aadnjoy the eveniac*



a leader in the Petnieum ladnatiy

OmmJiJtni ixm

i r f a a

•i|r.B7J te taxi. *13<«S1.77«

TST We i«eaeamend the seeoritiiesof this

great eorporatioB.

FordetMlsaddrees a


Mr. and Mrs. Oayten C daughter, Dorothy, retnraed to thete home in S t Elmo. afl«r pending the wvdc-end with Mr. DOOB'S matim, Kff. Bdia Dona.

Mrs. Birie Wilfnk aad ehSd are Tisitisg her patents. Mt. apd Mr*. W. E, tloyd, fw II few weeksr

Mr. kad l b s . Jiitt«s AadexsoB aad dan^ter, Majorie, spent the week­end with Mr. aad Mrs. MarioB AbeB. Mr. and Mrs. Aaderson rftnraed honw to WaaUagton w Simday ef««niag,

Mrs. NaUiian Linskie, of Brodclyn, N. f~, is vMtinf her parents, Mr. aad lbs . S. B. AMI. u d dOwr x«l•|^ei and friends while here.

Mr. W. C W i m a u , ttf WkshzogUA. spent tii« week-«ad wftb tt si«ter, Mr*. Era AadMm.

Mr haiil Mn. 3. C Dnm and t M MM» Ahte aad Aalmry. eiAed 9k UA

« » «t MI. aad Mn. W. & WtHg-:9d»tey.

lit. S. W. Ahdl has bMlit^ another fine Buidk touring ear.

Mnc Fred Viebr waa the week-end guest of M . and Mrs. Nelson AbeO.

MSss Odessa Proctor'is visitmg at the home of Mr. and Mrs, "W. C Ueyd^ of a»e Triangle.

Miss Lelia Ashly and fneid. Miss Hairs, called at the Poet X^ia49 . Qnaatiee, last week.


whidi IB the


AtttonipUlh^ Glass


Amr Slape •! Gbm for Amy Mate W Cw Iwtelei WHte


the threshing ear aeigiibertoot^ fmrmen m* wdl, i busy.

Dr. Hammin, the prendiag elder, ot AloaBdria, p c e a i ^ at Bethd Cfaaidi Smday.

Mr. Thad FOQES ia <piite sil^ at his home: ' • s Mr. Archie Saapp, freai Itew Torfc, is visttaw Ua pasenta, Mr. aad Ifx*. SaiVP.

Mr. Jamea A. ReyadUs is rimtiag y i aid honw aad frieada rt •HBt." Bedford G o n ^ , Va.

Mrs. Edward aad Ttwaua were m HiAmcwd last wetk in* to see their sister, Mrs. WilUama, wha m

ia Dr. Tadar Saaktoxiom crii-

Mneb excitement was caused in this ooauannity upon l|earing of the mur­der of the late Thonas S. Meredith. The last i«port is that the awrdersr haa surrendered to loeal wrtfaorities.

We are glad to hear of tlM BMTO-ment for the orgaaiaatioa of a hos­pital ia Manassas, aad we ho>pe that aneh an inatitotiaa eaa be aataUished ia oar cooaty. Sareral dtiaMM fr«m hei« are interastad aad wiU b« gted of the opportaaity to beeo^aa mem-

Mr. S. C F tOM. of Utiea. M. T., arrived at the home of Mr. aad Mrs. X S. Stoke Boaday aMtjaag for an a]rtaadad viaiL Mrs. »oki» ia the sis­ter of Mrs. 3. C BOOM, ^^oaa dsaith

Dana aadH*"*"** ' " ^ ''• Mr. aad Mrs. G. W. Storke and ehil-

d m , H^ea pad Melvin, of Waahiag-ton, spent the weak wtd with Mrs. L. D. Doaohne aad «aIM at tha borne of Mr. and Mn. J. & StodM aad stopped at Independent ffiU and Ca-Bon to l in t D^er relattves before reianuttg to the District «f Cohnabia.

H M Miases Pitidn, of Waakingto^ who ivcnl their Ticatian am gnesto at Mis* KiUhiyii Oe Witt, lurve rettimad b«BM.

Mr. j . i . Mnr^rft o< Manasaaa. Tiilled at las fertoef WiMM %m last week. . Mrs. Bnat w»i dfiiren, of WaA-

ton» ^i/ho i9eM Several iie\i> i t ifae hum af l b . and Mta. Jokto Folaad. I ia^ i i t a»ed to the city.

IBfa Mary Murplty win leave this %ieek to visit rdatfves ia the District

Mcaars. L. L. Carter, J. S. 8ti»ke and D. B. Norman aad Mis. Gewgis Normaa aad daaghter, lEas Mande, awiempanied by ICsa Tirgiaia Stasfci, w o e MsiisaHaii visiton Sataidafy-

Mecna. A. C. Gtmkm and W. M. Wocifenden made a boaiaess tri^ to NokesTiile mad Mtnassati Saturday.

Mrs. Jas. lack spent several .day* last week with her rister, ICas Bertha Woitfenden.

Mr. :Be«j. I^na^aad Csn^ter, Kas fbeahmitBa, # *I)bcoa(- < i«ve," w o e KxvP visitors Monday. Miss Lynn, vriio has ii poaitiea in Waabingtan, will spend several weeks here, reoiv-ering tntm a recent openrtacm.

Mrs. M. M. Davis. oCBsBCair Milk, waa caBed to the bedsidyef her son, Baymoad, to Catowb* Saaitartaa

wliaae een£ticsi a erjlipal.

• • • • • • ^ • • • • • • • ^ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ^

Temptation to Spend Money

la greatiy leaoened by not carrying any more than abacdutely neceaaary in the pocket. If you put your numey in the bank, it ia just sufficient trouble to draw it out again to make you bMitate about apeodins it. It foroea you to think twice; and if you think twice befora q>eiidinff each dollar you will find yourself much b^Aae off at the end of t ^ year. You will diaeovo' that you are pleading a great many dollars unneoeaaarily which mi^t be ttaming good iatenst for you in a SAVINGS ACXX)UNT.

Try it. A Saringa Account m s good atrong bank ia the greatest aid to saving fanagioaUe. We shall be ^ad to ( tan an aeeoiwt with yoo, aid you needn't wait lartil yott eaa maka a Wgflrat deposit, for wvopui aeeoitnts for One Dollar or mora.

Natkinal Bank of Manassas ' n ^ BiJIK OV PBtSONAL SBKV1C# ^ . _


S Phone or CQUI^ to U s When in Need of

viaituig the



ieaOy SL The Dactor Bttlehovead

Mr. Beatwri^t, ef to Oe eeauaoaity Uat


Dfatrikirtars f«• Siie Wb

TvMit&W 1«17N.T.A N.Wi


e< is viaitiag her bwtbsr, S. B . paid, at preaeat

Mrs. Sides was week tnd

Miaa M<41ic (^aseeek, fram Ceonty, was visittog her hwther, X. A. Glaseock, last WS^L.

Mr. aad Mrs. David daacock wen gaesto of Mrs. Gfaneodc's pa is ta , Mr. n d Mrs. OoBiaa, at DuaaaaB, Va.. Iai« weak.


KSBWiUtTB* Bids wjB be

IS. 19ZX. <ar the pietien e< two l^wem a^oela la

District, leeatiaa Cherry Gabto BrHKh. Vvr plaaa

apply to C. B. Donald, aa|niii*Hidsa<, GaaasviB*, Va.. or D. C CBna^Vandriaa, Va.

tobebaBtewr Fetast HiB.

tlBhltlMi llJL Htf Bh

BoiIiiigBeell2>g to 15c RoastBeef. l 8 t o 2 2 c

Best Steak Veal . .

25 to 30c 15 to 35c

AM be tf SMe &Kcries vA Greei TecefaUes. We ni c»k kt

Our Motto; Sapu^tkm, Quality, Price

D. C DW : : ^ ^ Fmt NatkMial Bank


BUS d«y.


Beth^ 4

« S »



a » 6 Street, M.W.

Fra^f iaUW



The bay to this

idi T*iT

Mr. Jaeah Fiery had Ae tt emtOm kto laee right h

e< ear foika mstorid to La-ray Cave last Saaday a weak age.

repeat a jeQy trip aad that the is beaatifBL These vriw

wan.Miaa Evdya Daffy, of tea, Idith Garv«r, Marie Mamto Bweidi. Menie Hedrii^ Means. MDWr Beadi^, Giaat


he TOseived aatfl n . U B . far

tettetofar the fol-to Oeeovma District

for eight aieaHia, toabar 18, U22: Weadbridge, s 1 room; Oeeoqaaa, 2 roeaaa ( only, tmleto aet iadaded). Wood to be sawed to kagtha aot a m e thaa 1« la I has long aad apfit to aaitahle sises to entor the lAev* deeta. All weed

thtw-famtha oak, ptoa, with aidtahk Tdets tobe<

right to ^eiaet any e r d I «a h i * to W. A. Ud-

, Va.




n the naerowded pnfi I Master of yovr own

Aakfer-pBor. vrnsGncan ACAOBMT

(••talMMd IMS)

un a at JLW, W II !••• »• c


Base Ball Goods^ Tennis and Fishing Tackle, Rifles and Pistol, Cartridges of aD kinds

Jewelry, Qocks, Victor Rec(»rds and tlie Real'^ictrola''ai at die


a D. Wenrich Co. riMWatck


I k Journal $1.50aYear

Page 3: MMM I.H.I l|l mmB. W. HARKS NEWS FROM THE …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...«i4By and aatB the hoar o ^K>f bis-reader. After having left the home of William Lewis,

FSIDAT, JULY 28, 1922



EstaUiihed 1896

The Manassas Journal t ^ MANASSAS JOUKNAL PUBU8HZN6 GO.


b t e r t d a t t h * ! Va^aa

SabKnptiQ»P-4L60 & jrear in Adranoe

nUDAT AFTraiNOON. JULY 9> 1»22

LAW AND OKDEB RULE The Journal consntalates the poofie, of Prkwe

Willuun County upon the fact that a Irnehinx waa averted in connection with the Eburia caae. Now that the murderer ia bdUndpriaoB bare anid will he given a trial at the October torn of the dreuit court all feira lav a mknarriifeiiF Jaatice can be laid aaide, ind th^ edtattt t in Aat toatent in t%« thought and assurance that he will be; gftren a fair and impartial trial by a jury of hia peen—in a calm, deliberate and just way—and that the law will mete out to him such measure of punidunent as the nature of the crime warrants.

During the progress of the hunt for the erim-inii many threats of recourse to lynch law could be heaM. birt such threats were, no doubt, due to the prevailing excitement rather than to the cool, ddiberate judgment of the p(q>ulace. The Journal believes that the vast majority of the people of the county only desire to see justice dene and tiie law vindicated, and it farther bdievw that any who might have ent^itained a notk» of taking the law into their own hands are now s ad that the eotmty' has bem saved the stigma of mob violence.

Had Harris been shot down in- his dfort to es­cape arrest, we fed that tlie lAooting wmdd have been fully justified. But, ittaw that he has sor-rendered to pedperty eonstitated aothnity, erary «4Bi|y and law-abiding dtbea owes it to the Cemmmwealtfa to see that the law is allowed to take its course.

It was the swoan duty of the dBeers of the county to use their every effort to ^ e e t the cap-tore 0^ the guilty man. It was likewise their sworn d o ^ to see that he was int»teeted onee he was imder arrest CnnnMmwealth Attorney Thos. H. Uon and Depu^ Shariir J. P. Kariin.. «4io tod the sieardi for the criminal, am td be eoudMndad

M^ masBer in which they disehHssi JMit

PASSING OPPOBTDNimS The dtlaeas of Manassas are ei^Mr not alive

to thdr <9pairtanities or, raalisiBg them, are wBI-ing to let them paas witlioQt msking an^^brt to eimvert them to their own advantage.

No project that has been ondertakoi in reeent years woold 'so l a r g ^ tend to tSd Manassas i the coBvoritHi of t ^ Heuy faun into a Confed­erate BatUeAdd Park.

The Jotinal bdieves the soopess^ this project would mean material soeeess for Maausas and for Prince WOliaBi Cmmty.

Iliat pwtion of the <dd Warrenton-Akacandria pike tiiat lies between Bull Bon bridge and Boek-laad is now a part of the Lee Hia^way, and the establishing «( the park would abnoett ^urefy mean the builjling of liiis porticm of Lee Hij^way ahead of any other portion of that thoroaj0K&u«.

A' battlefield psrk woidd necessarily ptesage the boilding of a permanent road frmn Manasaaa to the Stme House. Manassas would tiien be in daily touch witii not on^ the dtizens <tf the epunly in t h ^ sedaon, but also with a large pop-nlstiaB in Fairfax County.

Not only that. A Confederate park at the Henry farm would annusBy Imhg thooaancb d visitora to the town of Manassas. ?niaetke^di^ vidnal visilM: would probaUy not leave a great deal ot nwoey in the town, yet it is leasonafaie to bdieve that hi the aggregate the Moumd "woidd be w(Hih while.

And yet the people of Mansssaw anparently are not hrfaeated in the matto* at aU. With tiieani-it is a case of'a>t George do it" Rit if George is left to shookkr the entire burden and faDs under i t what excuse wiD the dtiaens of Manswiaa haive to offer ff» thdr neglect and indifference?

owes here and now. It is well understood that this is hopoasible. But it is expected that the debtor powers will enter updn negotiations for the funding of the temporary notes into l<Mi|f-tenn securities.

To date not one govonmait has taken any de-dsin. step in the direction of refunding. The Frandt have sent an envoy to Washington, but it was aanounced before he left and has been an-nonneed again since his arrival, that he has no aatlnrity to do mwe than lay before this Govere-m«Bl a statement of Franoals financial situation, a tMmamt wUeh is designad to show how im-poMfliii it is tar that natiqp to pay dtfaer the tntiwest or any part of the prindple c the French ddbt

Tilers waa no occasion to send this Frenchman to Washington for so formal a proceeding.. France might have made such a statement from Paria, and it. is necessarily disappointing to the Ameri­can Government and the American people to find France evitding an iasue in this childish way.

Nor has the course of the British government been modi more reassuring. It was stated in London monfhs ago, and witii much ado, that pro-iaiooi had been made in the curnott British

bodg^ for the payment of interest on the debt to Anwrica flie soldior bonus advocates took this I»ogram seriously that they were prepared to ap­propriate the amount of the ^ t i s h interest fund for sddier gratuity, without wdting untQ it had aetoally been raedved.

Tlie British also let it be known that they would send commissioners to Washington just as SOMI as the American commission could be organized. But Mardi, April, May and June passed without action. Not until the middle of July did the Lon­don government dp anything about the matter, ^ o i it was that Ambassador Harvey was in­formed that the British negotiators would arrive in Wadiington "scmie time in September."

Neither Italy, Belgium nor any of the smaller nations indebted to the United States has paid any ^>parent attention to the debt question. Per­haps they are muting to see what terms liM Brit-hih sad Fraicft miUEe with this Gcrvenmient— Ridimimd Tlmes-Diqiatch.

EXPLJum s w a ' s VOTE CMIa's Ifvptr Ooam to Bsaww of

•otaa to Izplain.

^•te FKiKBlar P—o>r«t, •Mr eoMralU4 kr C^rUm. eearaaud I M M tta ar atcM a « a w u la "tmpMmt^t" M M * ««CM e( BMAtor Swauoa tgitatl t h * tarM«r aad ta tevcr ot tte vraStaMV. noataads apoa Uooaaate af nnilii U. tk* papM- hav* bMa aailatf ta tkm


Til* "aaphuMtkna" aaarial a( • pmnr «tto«pt t« thaw that Ooraraor »••<• vaa Staloral ta tha Wllaaa >tf»Ui«tra«toa bMaaaa ha •fpomA, •4 tha raaaaat of thoaaaa^ at haai-aaaa saa aad tanaafs. a half-l^kaS ravaaaa httl. aaUtac far aaartr alsht hUllaaa o( tana aftar tha

Swaaaoa rataMd ta taa tha aro-ataais tnm Tl% 4owa ta i « « attar thar kad k»um aUovad %% praAt ea tkair capital, watar aaS all. NaaS-lasi taaar that aavarsl WUtau vara aat a t thia MH at tha acotaat tt tha

While such persistent ^orts are being made by so-called social weDfare w<»icas to legislate morals uid mwality into the puUic, it mi|^t be wdl for sodoiogists to endeavor to ascextain the fundsncntid undesiying causes of t l» crime wave that is sweeinng tbc ooontry. If Oie causes for the wide^tread sodial unrest coul ^be ascertained, legidatioa directed along the pri^d? channds would no doubt i«ove Iwifflrial Until the cause <»> causes ire foimd hKphaard* hit-or-mlsB laws win aeoomididi little.

SleBip says he wen't Hia fideada in Oe Nia& Distdet say his ahalL He pMba^ wOL

JOCKEYING H^IH THE I«BT Nothing could be moee apparent than that the

nations of Europe which are indebted to the United States are consistently and s^tematically avokhng the isttoe invdved in the invposed settle­ment Perhaps they are mody playing f<»' time, but it is certain they are maneuvering as adroitly as they kwm how agaioat fladag Oe dtnatkin as it exists.

More than six months ago the Congress of the 'United States paased legislation creating a debt

' efanding eommiasion. The coannission waa ao-thoriaed to negotiate with debtor natioaa for tiw wfuading of aO outstanding donand notea hdd by this Govovraent. llie oommiaaion in the course of time waa appointed, conftmed by the Senate and <HTsaised for business. Trnmediatdy invitationa were transmitted through dipiomatie clMnels to the iroTenunents of Europe to whkh the United States had extended creifits.

These govemmenta were invited to send com-missionerB to Washington with power to refvmd the unpaid obKgations, agree upon an interest rate which these obligations wera to bear, and t x aaatoritr<lstefortlwi«iaBdadbanda. America dose net expect any debtor aatipn to pay what it

iTaor aoaa aaay ba battatad, ytmr jawbeaa dekad, Taur TiaacaBuy ba a a i a ^

& a alwaya ttxt^Kmbtx yavVe uavu Ik'JLaJ m a a ftlB yoa eaa ataad aad i i ^

JIa BMttar haw hrnOr they aMaa yaor BM^. I t woat ba bayaad rajwir.

Aad thana sOa ia,a ahaaea OmX jw^Q wia tiia aentp Aakagaatiia

Yoafl Bate niktalr»a aad yoQ'B do t b ^ p wrasK I V baat «tf tiMBu ahaaya da;

Bat aa aaoB aa you gat ta rooia atraoci Toar srU win aae y<oa ttoaogb.-

HMT aaaahad Fanl Jaaca to a toa-yeo weB . But ha fite^ ofaaCTve "SoodHndrt." He mardr paaaad ia bta tradn ta yaO

That he'd just b a g n to fti^

Xbatell be pleaty of folks to peddle T h m l l be pleBEty of fafta to aaiy •

Ibat tfaey aae tfaa tnrUa day «t daom Tliii lyiaa aa ita way.

BtA tfaa fdhm wba kaowa that tbe I d i t ia hud. And atiQ baa the aore to sria.

And aavargeta xt^thA.mai dropa Ua caaid. Is tha fliDaw tbat k gafaa t» wis!


HEKB TOO nam has

fcir U Wa a fittiac

lar ftkthar, with Va­

cate -aC tta raaba.

DAD WAS O O I X ^ UP Ike Mde aaterad tbe laoai «a tha ana

a laiWB af danaaaa IpaM iaaa aai with a vaQ af

• • • DfSANK

Owner of Car—Why did yoa leava yvar iaat pfawc? ChaaCcnr—Tte (oy I wotted far west eraay. Stuted

abj^nliat Ua tevaa Wtea tte e • • •

NOOPTOUST Ctawted—Be daamt aeaai ta te

tte aaeaad-haad car he beachc C»atehaw «•. If yaaVe laokiaa *» t te aftfaaiat ia

tkt aaa% yavV batlar bant i v tte feOaw wte aaU tte aw. • • •

Oararaar Oaiia waa aa artctaal Wliaaa naa aad eoatribatad larfaly la hia eamyatfa. Swsaaea'a aleeaa th«a waa "aayUtaa U beat 'Wttew."

Tte maaaaraa wUeh Banatar Swaa-aaa snpportad aad «4tleh ametSad tte farmar ware: | ] whaat; rataaal ta raralsta tte price ot rerUlUaia; rrtnaal to piuilah teiDd hoardara; (all-are to ragauta tte price ot tana latplaBesta: oppoaad to taatag pro-•taers and TOtiac to taka tha tax mK iBxnrlaa (fata, dlavoadi, eta.)

Tte "aditoriar* elooM with a aharce Itet Ooreraor ISarla tailed to wrosaeate tha tmats. Hia tallara ta do ao waa bacaaaa aa, Aatl-Darla LasialatBra aad a lobby, headed by hia praaaat Rlehaiaad Oaatpalsa Xaaaaar, amaaealatad tte law Oar-araar Daria aated tor by kOUac tte JaD eeataaea aad tailed ta appteiw* : ate aioaar with wkkli ta Mavtelataca.

Kaeard) tte PaaeaiM-


(•aa wklch par-

Oormpt Pnotiew Ta pravaat eorrapt praatlaaa

tfaatloaa ot Saaatara aad atlTaa ia Coacraaa. Saaatar aoa Totad "Nay" oa aa Aaai ta aataad tte awlleatlaa a( t te MU te tte Prtnary ClactV>aa. (VaL M. Pa«alT<*.>

Cknrsnunant Oonfenoli Not rattag oa a aabatitata ta

Ajaaadaaat probtbltiag andar pea-•Ity say paraoa from attanptlag ta proeara eoatraeta la wbieh they woald tera a flaaacial lataraat aad traai partlelpatlag ia aay raeoaaMa-daitoa to aay eoaadl, board ot M^ Dkiaaloa eoaearaing each eaetraat witkOBt (all dlaeloanra ta wrtttac' af their lateraat tharaia. <VaL M. paaa un.)

Food Spaealatkm Oa Thoaaaa AoteadaMat ta a»-

tterlse tha Praaideat to eloae tar tha dvratloB ot toe war Boarda ot Trade aad ttehaagaa where apaaa-iaUoa ia tood arodaeU te paraiittad aad prorldiag a paaalty tar eoatia-aaaaa ot saeh aP*ealatloa theraattar-•aaater Swaaaoa vatad "Kay**. (VaL H, pace xatl.)

OeBmiittee on Oondnet «f War

Oa ABeadmeat ottered by

ftaibttad Siandant C H. ADAMS





tor Owea^ to create a iJolat Coa-graMloaal Comailttae to aafagaard war aapwddltaraa. Saaator 8wa»> aoa Totad "Nay". (Vol. SC. pace SS(4.)

(The Attorney Oaaeral recently aaked Ooagrese tor five haadrad theaaaad dollara to- proeeeate aaa-traetars who robbed the Oovaraaaat dariag t t e war.)

XnaaD Pivparij Oa aa Aat^idaieat proridiag that

aalaa of eaemy property (ateept to the Uaitad Statea) tbonld te by pabUc aaettoa ta ejtlaaaa ot Oa Oaitad Statea aaly aad t« eat bidder SaBater » '7(ay". (Vol. M. paaa SSSt.

t I !i!

pievaOs in our Utchan. Hare yon irill find no haah-hooae meOoda ongpioyed. Nothing te taken lor granted. When ysa give your order yon can rest asaoied it will taste ri^it. 1 ^ knew this, ftorwitii n eoddng is a sdenee, mrt goeaa-wodk. That is why wha atrikss year fioKy today wSl t»te idantkaHyaa good the next time yon order it. We have had. oor spring iMose deaniag and we woold nipredate a ridt

•Wa far


SOUMBBTAKB A H M T Bobby. flTc yaaia eU, pMaad by a

fMw adiaoL Oaa day (hat tary xtaaeral la profreaa there. Babby taaaatan «aU and watcted tte aoteaa ta tte driaa of tte aalata «*«r tte srat*.

te reached faaae te bfaatUaaaly te mai l If Ml aad bitaraaH^ aickt te ta^o te aadad. •te wamt

aaUataay tateaadi-

ta bia Id jatt

aH taek a ahat at

USED CARS STUDEBAKER sets a mark for yoa to shoot at—

Used Gars when bocu^t firom in u e sold to satisfy ^ 1 gnaiimteed to i ^ s e .


SPECIALS 1918 Stadebnker, $250. Chdnaan 1917, $250 1919 StodeUker, $450. B^dek " $350

Stmdtbaktrt care ofi RebtiSt emd Guanutised Similar to New

SnmEBAKER Franklin 8(m ai7-8» 14th Stzvet, N. W.






Toa teva nJaad a good aop iM Wheat. Nbw luauua It witt oa. ia aa> of Ite beat aad aadaa ia t te Waald. Oar tate ia Mw aa t te toawat.

ban Baal Ca.


ONDHtT, ft' I \





BEwrrrnRES A



l tt7MfcStnal. N.W.


Um West i Ca U32 New Tatk Avenns


Wa cany a Idog* Stadi sC

« b a





NEGLECTED ETBS never iavrava. I t e cuaditiua traoblca wiU (row caaataatty oaleai tte eaaaa is laeatad aad GLASSES flttad by a eeMpeteat Op-

IML • . C STBNBRUCKBB W t t B Teaia Actaal

yoa of a:qpeit aad at aa iiifi|iti<Bally

ate ff«iea. F n B i a a t i w ftaa. AB

vlaiaa. Goad waa $S.OO. Oypoate Kings Palace. Opaa

mtta ScSOp. 81. OPTICAL OO.




Page 4: MMM I.H.I l|l mmB. W. HARKS NEWS FROM THE …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...«i4By and aatB the hoar o ^K>f bis-reader. After having left the home of William Lewis,


—.Th# Angaat mectinsr of lUnuM* flnlEr l A l C A L N K W S CteiMtr. U. D. C, wiU b« beU at th« I

home of Mn. R. H. HoUkby Wednw. '-UTS. 1. L. Btuhonc bag returned

from a visit to i^ends at Haymarket. —Mr. and Mra. ClaveUnd Wright,

of Kopp, were ia town on Thursday. —The tvma (WBBcil. will meet in ray-

alaf aession at UM Town Hall on Mm-day eveninc>

—Ut. WaltMT Wolverton, of Kopp, waa timnsaeting buainess in Manaa-aaa jwitevday.

day, the 2nd, at 3 o'eloek. —Mr. and Hn. C E. Filler and two

children and Mr. and Mr*. Boy Bav-I soman and two childrao motoTed to Del Ray Sunday and spent th« day with Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Wright.



Wr J«coh J Amidon of Ouantico ' ^<*'* "* heart, Btrong of soul and un-—Mr. Jacob J. Anudon, or v»»«ntico,, j . ^ ^ ^ , y ^ ^^^ ^, deatii^, Jean Jacques—the wise fool—u one of the waa in town on bosiness Monday.

—Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Athey and, moat lovable and memorable of* all daughter, Miss Lacy, returned to Bfa-nassas on Wedneaday, after a week's

—MI*. Wallace Sanders has as her ! visit to Edinbnrg and Front, Royal. Cueata Misses Florence Smith and [They were accompanied home by Mrs. Mildred Campbell, of Washington.

—Mr. J. R. Hall, wife and baby, of Lakota, Cutpeper County, spent the week-end with his brother, S. T. HalL

^MJaa Elizabeth Mabrey and Mr. Howard Akers, of Washington, were Sw)dl>7 guesU , of Mrs. Mildred £ . Akers. . —Mr. D. E. Ham and Mr. and Mrs. Veach and children, of Dayton, Va., visited fiieods in Msmissn nA vi. cinity l u t WMk. ' '^Mrt. £. L. Hombakar visited her daughter. Miss OUva Hombaker, at aa>ley Hospiti^, Washington, on Mon. day of this weelc ' —Mr. Forest Athey and Mr. Everett Harris, of P i s ton , Vs., spaat Souiay witii Mr. Athey's parents, Mr. u d Mrs. T. H. Athey.

- T h e LadiM' Aid Society of the Baptist Chnreh wiB meet Tuesday, Augnst 1, at the home of Mrs. Wood Jasper at 8 o'doek.

—Mrs. D. B. Smith ahd Mrs. AUea L. Oliver and eliildren, of Cape Girar­deau, Ma, are lieie to visit relatives during the month of August.

—Mr. Samuel S. Tyson and Miss Lettie L. Gill, both of Haymarket, were united in Mariage by the Rev. W.eatwood Hutchison on Jniy 19. —Mr; Bt. A. RoUins, .who has the

ctMitract' to construct .a road from Clwppei Springs to St. Joseph's Insti­tute, itas begun work on the project

—Mrs. Cashins Carter, Jr., and i^ildr«i, of Washington, are visiting at the hoine of Mr. Carter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carter, on Main street.

—Mrs. £ . L. Hpini>alEer and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hornbaker nu^ored to Hemdon on Saturday to speod the w«ek-«nd with Utr-wafi Mrs. G«orge Bueaheiigcr. ' ^

—-Tlie Sunday SehooV Institute «id Bible C3«ss which was to liave been held at Woodbridge Baptist Chpich July Sti* Ws been ^pMtponed until Monday, August 7. '

Athey's cousin, Mrs. Jacob Masemar, and daughter Adeline, of Browntown.

—The Greenwood Baptist Church at Minneville ezpecta to hoid an lUl-day meeting the flrst Sunday in Aug­ust, and Saturday preceding at 2:30 p. m. Elder James Alderton, of Washington, is expected. All are cordialy invited to attend this meet­ing.

—Rev. John D. Keith, of Rielunond, will conduct evangelistic services in the Presbyterian CSmrch on Wednea­day, Thursday and Friday evenings of next week. Dr. Keith is a man who speaks strai^t from tike shoulder and vbo does not mince terms. Cwae and hear him.

—An all-day meeting will he hel4 in tite United Brethren Chureh in Midland, Va., on Sunday, August 20. Visiting ministers who will preach will be announced later. Please ar­range to be preeent, and > y yeur presence help and enjoy the. day; S. D. Skelton, paator.

—An entertahiment will he Si«6a at the Aden sdioolhouse by the 6old Ridge Dramatic Club Saturday, July 29, at 8 p. m., entitied "Sewing for the Heathen." BIr. Wortii St<wlc wil) take part in the program. Proceed? are for the b^ncAt of Gold Ridg« and Aden Clube. Admission—'adidts,. 10 cents; clrildren, 6 cents.

—The White Rose Kitchen Cabinet Orchestra, under the leadershq) of Mrs. B. Lomn Robertson, gave a de­lightful rendition of its play at Sud-ley on Monday evening of this week. The play was 'well attended had 'Mur highly enjoyed from start to finish. Refreshments were sold for the bene­fit of the Sodley C%ureh. '

—Congreeanum C. Bascomb Sieap has declined Ihe noi^nation offered 1^ the recent Bcv>^>^na canveBtian iMld at Norton, Va., and it. ia probr

the characters Sir Gilbert Parker has ever created.

Admission, 10c and 2Sc


" A GAME CHICKXN" A romance that hatches golden

eggs of laughter. Concerns mostly the happy-go-lucky

adventures of a young Spanish-Amer­ican beauty and of the tight between the two bloods in her veins when real love enters her life. It tells, too, of how although her father was a fear­less- rum-runner and she loved her father dearly, she elected to fall in love with a revenue ofBeer; of how, in a fit of anger she betrayed him to hw father's confederates and then saved his life almost at the ei pense of her own. Harold Lloyd Coowdy. Admin^on, lOe and 22e.


•^OLD TOUR HORSES" Tom Moore, the Irish star, support­

ed hy a eorldng east, inelnding that luminous beauty, Naomi Culders, bring out t6 ^ fullest the remarka­ble tituatien» conjuired up by the au-thftih ¥da «IU be delighted with this ytetUK. Dovt miss i t All commeats Way this MM is great Aesop's FiMes. Affiaiiaaion, 10c and 17e.


Mrs. D. B. &nitJi, daughter ot Mr. J. P. Leaehman, of Bristow, had pte misfortune to lose a handbag conr taining abont 166. a Mil folder, keys and baggage ^ecks on Saturday, of last week.. Mrs. Smitii was a passen­ger oa train No. .15, aqd the loss oc-cnrred, she tiiinks, v^nle the train was between Manassas, and Bristow sta­tions.. Upon discovering her lon^iilffs. Smith reported the matter to t ^ train ofiicials, but n6 tracse of the haSafeuld be found. Mrs. Smith will be g M to tewaid the pinasi iriM wdll l^tom the bag to her. WhOe 8|MB woidi like to have the oitlre eoatents, she rtatea.: that'if the bag, hern,\midi^ m^ bacsage dieeka are reUaae». tba-

aUe that the RepidtUeans of the Ninth taiyi^ May He-^pft. IKstrict will have to seek another

_ standard-bearer. A second converf-' —The regular n»onthly meeting of j tton **• been caUed, and many of IJc.

the Fire -D^tartmrat will be. held to- ! Scmp'* ttiends and supporters aat night tnporteiit business to be ••eking to have him again nominated, transacted. AU members are re- I** noaaination was made over his guested to be presoit

—Messrs. W. L. Browning and H. W. Sanders, with, a party of about eighteen yontii of Manassas, are camping this week at the J. L. Daw­son farm, near Woodbridge.'

—The Woman's Christian Temperr ance Union will hold a mothers' meet^ ing at 3 o'clock on the afternoon of Friday, August 4, at the home of Mrs. Emily C Reond, on Grant Avenue.

—Rev. J. A. Golihew, jMstor of the

vigorous protest and in the face of a letter f roin him stating that he would have in decline the h<»Mir if offered to him. His supporters feel that he can-


Mrs. C. F. Brower, Jr., a^-^^hil-^ dren, of Round Hill, spent the week­end with relatives here and at SBdBey* IThey were aeeompuiwd faesne 1^ ]Crs.. R. H. Willis and her two children, Frances and Keith. ;.

Mrs. Belle Lynn, Qf Alexandria, is visiting her son arid dsugh^r-in-l3w,(

not well decline a sec«.d nomiBUtion.^Sran^d'S'rs'L.TL^? Messrs. Paul Bowers, Edward


Mr. and Mrs. John White and daugh­ter, EmOy Carter, ot Arkansas, are here for a visit at Mr. White's former home.

The revival services which have Woedbine and associated Baptistlbeen held at the Baptist Church . A ^ • ,„«» .k...rf.,„j.„ *.. .w__i *u^ '• closed on Tuesday evenmg. The serv-

ehurehes, left yesterday to attend tiie • 5^ , ^ „ ^eU attended. The pastw &mday School and BiUe Clase Coa- | of the church. Rev. Mr. Council, was veation at Stafford Store Church. I assisted by tlie Rev. Mr. JohnstMi, of

—T%e town finance cmwnitbee baa I Grace Baptist Church, Washi^ton. received a bid from the H««A«tt ' News, was received here on "Tuesday Bead Co., of Oneaco, for the $22,000 beads iratiM ised by tJie last kgisla' tura. The offer baa net beHi made puMie.

— There will be a lawn party at Nokesvflle Saturday ni^it, Aagok i^ for the benefit of the Nidcesville Tisl-epbone Company. Everybo^ OHM aad have a good time. Maaie by a good bead.

—Presbyterian Chutth, Bev. A. B. Jamison, pastor. Soaday Sciieol 10 a. m.; pi<caelHBg 11 a. m.; siAJeet: "Enjoying the Uaenj^afale.*' UniOTi service at 8 p. m.; sermon by Be!T. T. D. D. Clark.

—Min Locile Clarke and Mr. C E. Oarke. of Mmneville. aad Mr. B. & Kidwell. of Agnewvilte, aad MHS Frances Tatejwngh, of Laur^ Md., I were guests of Mr. and Mia. W. S. Athey on Monday.

—The regular monthly meeting of the Aid Society of the United Brethms Chnreh will meet at the home of Mrs. W. L. Coverstone Thursday, August 8. at 2:30 p. m. AH manbers are re­quested to be present

—Mr. and Mr*. William H. Foote and two childrea, aad Mr. and Mr*. George Nwwland, all at Alexandria, tnotofed to Manassas Sunday and were the gnesta of Mr. Foete's mother and sister, Mrs. Btaafaeth Feote and Mrs. D. R. Lewis.

—The revival servieee, hi which the pastor win be assisted by tiie Rev. Mr. Rowe, an evangeUst of note, wffl begin Sunday raoming. Augwt 6, at 11 o'clock. The two servtees wfl be held stanuHaaedariy, aad the pubHe la BBOst ceriially invited to attaad both.

—Mrs. E. R. Conner, president of the Bethlehem Good Houaekeepers' Chib. gives notice of a called meeting at the Rest Rooas on the afteraeoa of Monday. July 81, at 8 : « o'doek. bs-portent bueinses te be aO lambwe an «sad te te

I of the death of Gen. Ross Bobertaon. i <rf Raleigh, N. C. He was the husband I of Mrs. J. C. Robertson, formeriy of Hayaiarket, wiio has tiie empathy of her mmar friends bere a her bereave­ment

Nancy, tlw lovely littie six-year-dd daughter o4 Mr. and Mrs. Joeeph Norman, of Pereellville, and «aaii-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. lightnn', of Rayatarket. died at be boBM ef htr paraata on Siaiday evea-i i« .

Hie movies for Saturday iDcIade several iatereating plays, aad thwe win also be a very novel attraettoa— aoiaething eatirely new—"The Coaa-try Wore."

and Mrs. Geoi^ Albcrtson, of FaUs Church, spent the week-end with Mrs. Albertson's sister, Mrs. G. H. Brown, iHto, witii Us family, is spend­ing the summer at the hone of Miss A. D. Marstclla.

The building tor the bank of Hay­market is being rapidly completed and preseato a very attractive awear-

Mrs. Josephine Peters, of Washing­ton, was at her hoaw bere for the week-^id.

Mrs F. B. Price, formerly of Hay­market is reported to be eerieoriy ill at the home of her soa, Mr. F. B. Priee, Jr., ia Briat^, Teaa.


O n next League nwetiag wiD be Aagnst 5 at 8 o'elodi p. m. We wQi have a eoaiical sennoa by Uade Ba-fns Rntea McGruder. Hi* text wffl be -AiAaa, tite Firat Man." BadlB-tioBS aad aong masic We hope te have Boa. C I. Masts te giea « a general waking up. We alee hope to have Mr. George W. Gay f^aai Biehaoad. We wiQ have rsfredi-a»sats, cake aad eteam. Everyoae is invited. Geod roads, moeashiny a i ^ t . Dont miss Undo Rafns Raten Me-Orader's senaea. tiie eeleeed mbilatBi vrith a first aaaM the eely eae ef tiM kind ia captivity/


.Smith and Lee Pattie are working in the dieese factory at this place.

Mr. Alvey, of Charlotte Hall, Md., is visiting his son and daug^iter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. W; Alvey.

Mrs. Clara Cushing, of Westmials-' tar, Md.,. who. ikaa beeavfciting in Tennessee, is now the gaett of her niece. Mrs. M. E. Willdna.''

Mr. All>ert Latiiam, of Washington, is visiting at the home qjt Mr. aad Mrs. W. L. Ward.

A large audience enjoyed the White Rose Band at Sudley M^Mlay evening.

Maatv "Billie" Ward, wiw has been visiting at Chcary Dale and Waahiag;-t4m. has letmmed borne.

Min Maude Elliaen and Miss Doris ElUaea, ef WaalulBctott, are vWting tiMir brettwr aa^ Isther. l b . C E. n&ea.



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StatiMiry, Printim Every Requisite for the Escritoire


AT 818 14th STREET-

KODAKS and everything for kodaking

FILMS DEVELOPED and prints sent out on day of receipt For GOLF, TENNIS. BASEBALL

and every spcnrt. we haadlb the best makes . " \




Repairing Washing Storing

Largest Stock of H ^ tirade Orkril] Riigs

i i Wasttqibiit

NEJFB HEKilllAli 1612 H Sti«et N. W.



Miss ^rade McDonongh, of Wash­ington, is spendiag ttia week with Mrs. G. A. Goeaom. - Mr. and Ma. A. K. Goilfoid, of Washingtoik were week-end guests at "Oaksbade.^

Mrs. EUsabeth Gwlford and Miss Dorothy Dodge, of McLean, Fairfax County, were guests of Mn. Henry Thomas for the week-end.

Miss Marie White, of Washington, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John C McDonald.

Mr. and Mn. William Dodge and children and Mr. Carlton Guilford, of Fairfax Coua^, were goeets of Mr. and Mr*. J. P. Smith for the week­end.

Mrs. Henry Owens and Miss Hilda Owens, of New Yeric, are visiting Mrs. J. B. Ashby.

Messra. O. E. Kilber, O. E. Kilber, Jr., Stanley and Ashton Bell, Preston Smith and R. B. Goosom. Jr.. are camping with Mr. Browning'* party -OB Oeeoqaan river this week.

Messrs. Randolph Smith, Jr., and JaaMe Rookward attended the Aldie Fair on Wednesday.

Mr. Cathbert Foley celebrated Me 68th birthday by very pleasantly en-tertaiaing a naml>er of relatives aad. -friends at the home of his sister, Mn. J. P. Smith, on Monday evening.

Mrs. TromMe and Mr. Milton Trumble, of Washington, wer? week­end guests of Mrs. 5. A. Gossom.

When spendins the day in Wash­ington, park your car in our yard, have our workman put in a new windshield, ta a E2asy Slide dosed car.glass. We also fur­nish plain and disuner head-lighia, parking ftnd taU lamp glaas.

Our anto robber stock is com-idete with the different s^ies for wii^riiidd aai eomA fnmts.

A trial wfll convince you of oar lowprices.

Watson Paint & . Glass Co.

719-721 Serwtk St , N. W. WASHINGTON, D.C.

Keep xxpycf^

Health a n d ' V ^

REMEDIES Ke injK yoarsetf ta trim will be easy if yoe keep in toaeh with

our Thvg Store. We have th« medicines and r«nedies for afl ail­ments and remember "aa ounce of preventioD is worth a pound of cure." WliM yon don't fed "just right" ewne In «id get MM*-thhig iFor it. Come in for your cigars, too. We have tm^ hraada.


"SJ^Y IT WrfH FLOWERS." Agmiey for Code Co.

Cocke's Pharmacy JEORC^ B. COCKE. Proprietor

"^e Fill Prescriptions Manasaaa.'VhrgMa


A Preparatory Sd^ool Affiliated With Bzi^gewater GoDege



•S Homelike Environmeo^ - • : - -High Moral Toise and^SefigiMm Atmdspketic/' SmaQ dspses; Ck>ae J'eiwifial XIoBtactiwtiJb Sos tn i^

4. Able Instructors^ Adequate ^^i^iraat. -5. Supenrfaed Study. 6. Low Cost.

Course of study prepares for college and for lif^ Regular high schoQi subjects are taught, together with ^ Music, As^coi^. ture, Home Economics, and BiUe. \

Several definite and important improvements in the school administration are being made:for the coming session.

Let us help you solve your educational problem. Oar plan provides for thorou^^ training under the best environment at a cost within the reach of all.

For eatah>gae and further partioilars, addresA HEBRON SEMINARY, NekesviBe^ Virgiiiia.

Fourteenth Sessira CH>ens S^tember 11, 1922



THM NEW YORK Cmr. jMifHiMmiviwlpunT

M. PASTERNAK 1209 Conneeticat Avcmw, N. W.






Ready for Orden AU6USTUTH


New Garage in Town The aumy friends aad patroaa of Jeaae G r e ^ and W%aer Metritaat wiirbe^ad to learn tiut they wQl^en anew Gaxage on Aqgust 1st intiiestandncentlyaeeiqiiedby WeirABiifcett. Mr. Cknsby b n for tiie past seven years had charge of tbe repair departatuit of the Manassas Motor Co., Inc, and previoaa to that held stetilar poaitions in Waahingtan, D. C. Mr. Moehaat has heen employed by the Ma­nassas Motor Co., Inc., since his discharge from thearaiy, where ba had speeialiaed hi motor work. The firm wiO be known as the Peo­ples Garage and the only new tlun|; altout it wiD be the name. Their friends are cordially invited to ia^MCt their new quarters, vriiaie they wiU receive the same courtemia treatment and conaeientioas worfc-maasliip tliat they have always givea. Bring year ear tronUaa to us.

The PeoplesGarage OKMBT * MStCHAIfT, PNpeiateea MAXASSAS, TUtGINL4


U. C Y. SBCNIQir iMit,]IS

Hea. Claade A. Swaanoa, Senior Senator from Virgfaiia, wiB be piMsiit

A braas baa4 wffi fonisk araric Ibr tte oceasioB.

For tidMtB, iafermatioB, ete^ apfrfy to TidHt Ac«rti, Seatbant BaSwi^


KODAK FINISHING Vte clear, snappy priatt from

fibaa audi year evdMs «• Ba JKete Liboratseiea 72S Teath Stieat. N. W.

Waafaiagtoa, D. C.

We are unexeeUed in Kodak naisb-iag, Enlarging and Copying.

Orders mailed C O. D. Paitssl Peat following day after receipt.



Page 5: MMM I.H.I l|l mmB. W. HARKS NEWS FROM THE …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...«i4By and aatB the hoar o ^K>f bis-reader. After having left the home of William Lewis,




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Saturday N^ht, July 3 0 M Kind* of Prize* Given

Waternelog, Cbkken, Cake, Caady


'T I



Wholesale Retail 1SS4 NEW YORK AVENUE, N. W.



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; BZ THB MOST EFFICIENT HOME SET We especially invite you to call and in-' ipect the Model BZ aa well aa oar com­plete stodc of Radio parts and equipment.


812 13tb SU, N. W. Maia 7987

RICHARD NONTGOKERT JONES In the early teomioe of July 21st,

1922, R. SL Jones, Confederate vet­eran, answered the last roll calL Mr. Jones was bom in Stafford County, Virginia, July 30, 1844. His early life was spest on his father's farm "^ud-low," in Stafford County, Va. He was a person of a quiet, generous nato^i but whao the war between the Slates began, he answered the.call of his native State, and at the early agto of sixteen ye^rs. he enlisted as a prlvata soldier and served with honor through* out the war. His war record, of whkh he was jiutly proud, follows:

R. M. Jones, enlisted from Stafford County, Va., in February, 1862, and was mustered into the Confederate States service at Stafford Courthouse, Virginia, February, 1862, as a priyata soldier of. Company A, Nintii Regi-ment Virginia Volunteers, cavalry, under Capt. Thomas Waller and Col. W. H. F. Lee, Second R. J . T. BMU Third, to serve during the war. The regiment was assigned to Fits. Lee brigade, Stuart's division, afterwards Stuart's Cor»s, Army of Northeim Virginia, and participated in the fol­lowing engagements, viz: "Seven Days Battle around Richmond," "Ma­nassas," "Brandy Station," "Bamaa-ville," "Boonesborough," "Sharps-burg," "Wilson's Race," "Hatcher's Run," "BeUefleld," "Dinwiddle Court-bouse," "Five Porks," "Saflors Creek," "Seven Pines," "North Anna," "Rap-idan," "Middleburg," "Spottsylvstnia CourtlMHise," "Wilderness." "Hanovw Courtbonse" and "Morton's Ford." Received ftnal discharge May 4th at Fredericksburg, Va., on account close of the war.

Mr.' Jones was the son of Amos and Eliza Botts Jones. In 1871 he married Miss Mary Ellen French, who died in> February, 1917. In December, 1917, he came to live in Manassas at the home of his daui^ter, Mrs. H. Y. Meetce. •

Mr. Jones waa laid to rest in Ma­nassas Cemetery, wearing the Con­federate uniform he loved so well. The pall-bearers were Eugene Davis, W. H. Bennet, P. F. Weedon,' A- B. Carr, C. J. Meetse, R. M. Meetse, aO sons or grandsons of C«ifederate vet­erans.

Mr. Jones is survived by four aOna, Garland F. Jones,' of Califoriiia; L. Hugh Jones, of California; J. Amos Jones, of Texas; Charles R. Joaes, of Ariaona, and on* dai^liier, Ifa*. XL .T. Maietsej of M i>»#M»- ' ' "

a very interesting tsflc about the :"Gftates Short Course." She also talked on "Bread Making." Two of the girls havf decided to joip the "Bread Club." We hope they have good success.

We also talked of the picnic we are planning to have at our next meet­ing. We hope to have every member present and some visitors also. Com­mittee to get up program for next meeting are: Nellie Copen, Bertha LtKk and Louise Weber. The motion was made and seconded to adjourn and meet again next month.

MISSIONARY MEBTLV6 (Mrs. J. H. Dodge, Sec'y)

The Missionary Society .of the Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mrs. Emmons, a well-represented meeting. The hymns sung were "Make Me a Channel of Blessing" and "What a Friend We Have in Jesus." The prayer service was spent in read­ing the 19th Psalm, followed by some thoughts on friendship. Hie topic for the afternoon was "Review of Mis­sions." The work on mlssiim field was encouraging, and in regard to home missions, on account of Obstacles put in the way of Christian religion, made ^ e home mission work all the more necessary. A very pleasant social hour was spent, the hostess serving delightful refreshments.


S.U.P.E.B.I .O.R Writ* far catalog«e

610 ' F. St. WaaWagton. D. C


MoMy PlacesT t«. Oms^Hlr'a Creitt pt PeojpiJiBa NatiMia) fisBk.

It's a

wnx-wiu. ModelN-iyjTwi

Brih of Staadar< Spedalbad Uirita. Msfch f/i To«—2 T«»—S T « . Mr. Truck Buyer, investigate the WTTT-WILL by a v i ^ to the factory

ta WaabinctoB before buying. It will pay yoo. -Pbone nrmkliB 4M6.

Wnr-WILL COMPANY, INC. 52 N Street, N. E , WaaMs^lo^ » . C

<tAho Bargaia !• rm—al rafted Trucka. yACTOET SERVICE ALL THE TIMB ON WTIT-WILLS



WE snLL HAVE PLENTY OF COW PKAS''^^S-^^ ' I t ^ f t e . TO? TBEM ON YOUR CO«N. T ^ T




"ET«Tt«i« *h Ef th t» Eat*

.. Mr. Edit(»r: Wilt yoo be so Idnd as to allow me a space in your columns to contradict a false statement, that has been inade in regard to the pre­mium -money thiU was . awarded the .GoTd-Riidge Cheese Company last year at' Boanoke,r Marion, Bluefield, W- 'Va., Richmond and Lynchburg Fairs? *

The total amount was $37.50. All second premiuB^^^with the ezceptios of Richmond, where we won third.

As secretary and treasurer . of cheese company at that time I re­ceived the money and jriaced it to the coa^cny's credit at the People's Na­tional Bank, and have voodiers trom bank to show for these depoaits.

The report has been dxea^Aed that Mr. 30wtn and I had gam tO-60 on this.

This is a falsehood, and can be proved. If the par^ or ptxHea ^rb» cireulated thk will work aa hard aa some of tfaa rest of us A> to make an honest living, stay home and attend to thajr own hoshiess and be honest and square thaaudrss, tiMy wBl net Sad time to n B elhw pao^li duur-aeter down.

If w» ootid only see in ourselves what the othar fellow sees in us, w« would net be so qaiik to down oar feUow-asan.

The question hM beea asked, "Do yoo expect to make exhibits at the ataUs tain Om year?" Moat as­suredly "yes," aad wa hope to win some riUoos.

Let this be a reminder: Do not ac­cuse the aeeratary-treasurer or any­one else of miMsing the aoaey. We areboaeat, if w* « « • bqm aad rearad hi "the stidB."

If the v*ttj who started ihis will CMM to as*, I will be only too ad to pnva t« him that Mr. Bowurs aad I Ad not vM the noocy.

XaapaeCfWly, W. Y. ELUCOTT.

HATFIELD CLUB (BWe Capan, reparter)

The aseeting was called to order by the >ke piasidaBt Thunday p o n t e s (July U ) by singing tita ao«g. "Sailea." The Lord's pnyer was re-paatad ty aO. aftsr wMefe the reB was e»a«d and minatea of the last lasiihag SMI* nad hy tiia aoeretary and ap-prarsd. Radtatioa hy tMOe Copen. The foOowing aonga wan'sang by an: "Onr Ctab WiO Sktec," "4 H Woricara" and "Basat Yonr Ctah." Sovwal elnb nfi yaOa


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Account At H«Nae 'Wec^ Angaat 1-i

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For fufl detads eonsuit - Tickirt Agents, Southern Railway SystMn, or write S. E^Burgess, Division PasssB-ger Agen^ 1426 P Street H. W„ Washington, D. C.






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Mansasss, Vfargiala.


SptfkUst in cbtonic dista$e$, I Biake Btndy aad treatment

of aay Mad of dtoeaae the fam­ily Doctor is aot coriag. Tdl me year troable and FU tell yoti what is your disease aad what can be done for i t III •end Waxtk and speeintiai ouei Oiye me yoorname.


U n e X p e c t e d ^ Bener«Heavier,IxmgerlAfeariiig 30x3%-$iOSO NoT»^a4ded

cnSaleMnu •et die Iiigb vitat nusk

tor 30x3^ tires when it originated die $10l90 price

liMtFUD. USCX> todby lietten diat

mark with a ncwand grotfer USCO—an USCO improved in many infMctant wayfc

For instance, a diickcr tread—with a •ner hold on die coed-lfaidEcr side weOib adding eacngdi and life to &e tfae.

And the; taxi

Men have always looked to USCO for die htggesr ttre awney's monk on tiie auolBe

They always get a Ncfcr tire aumey's werm UUM <hQr<

The ^ Beiur , USCO

Ind dkeoriceb $10.90-M>idi A» : aheoriwa by the manufactmnr.

« S i ^

<5Vo United States Tires


WlberrTM GmBMy l7.S.Tirci>

MANA8SA8 MOTOR CO.. E. H. P A T m ^ Catharpin, Va. CATLRT GAHACa Catlstt, Vs. C & EOLAND. nayMthsj. Va._


Page 6: MMM I.H.I l|l mmB. W. HARKS NEWS FROM THE …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...«i4By and aatB the hoar o ^K>f bis-reader. After having left the home of William Lewis,

- ) ^


Ikre Are Discriiimatiag Peo^


m Their Good Judgment piravto ill* luuu of "BOMONlXr to BMd of SpMladM u ^ By>cl«w



FtftMaUi StvMt WAunireTON, a c




Bui?^ -T^kes Care of ^ Biiick Owners

• • * - • ' --»* -•- * » * - ' - ' , mfanMops.. . . .;_

pradieaa^MMy ci^» towo and villag» iol i i» UiailHlSteMb -.'

Bnidc ownara do not need service often. Bat tiMy have the coaafoirtabie feeling of knowiac that tfaejr can ^wsye be supplied with geB> idbe Boick p a m and hshre flidr work done bjr

wherever tiiey (""lOr baMien to oe.



BE WISE See What Cash WiU Do For You

Fact(»7 • Samirfes • BedrooBi, andLirmf Room FurniUwe

Standard Furniture Company GeorgeSaehs

518TMa8lrMt.K.W. WASmNGTOM, D. C




SWEET MILK AND PURE CREAM CYERT DAT Onr prkw arc a* hm as possiWe for GOOD GOODS. We i^tpredata joor.patronsia aad aalidi a rwifiaaaats of jaaM


Mra. W. L CMW*. Mr. Wtlby CrMra, Mra. CUrenee Cr««l and dangfater, Bfary, aU of Washiagtoo, wart goMto on Utorad^y Uwt at ^-Foator HalL"

/^x. and Mn. Saai Sehaiti motorad np frooi Waahh>>toi> raemttr aad w«r« tha gnaata of Mr. and Mn. Q. H. Laaeba.

Mr. C. H. Kejrsar waa a raeant Waahiagton viaitor.

Miss Catharine Bagot, of Alexan­dria, waa the gocat of her siatar, Miaa Mary Bagot, for tha waak-end.

Mr. J. L Payne and family ware Nokeaville viaiton .on Sunday last.

Mra. Madia Sbeiton and aona, Meatra. Fred and Morria, motored np from Washington, and are spending a vacation at "La Grange."

Mr. Harvey Winkle, of Washing­ton, spent Sonday with Mrs. Winkle, who is spending the sonuner hare.

Maaars. Morris and Carroll Hynaon have retomad to Washington, aftmr spending a few day* with ntathres here.

Mr. and Mrs. Andiaw Smith and childrm, of GainaaviUe, were goaats on Snnday of Mra. Smith's parenia, Mr. and Mrs> A. B. Flateher. .

Bir. C. H. Leacha waa a Manassas visit4w on Tuesday.

Miss Emma Pattie, of Alexandria, spent the w«ek.«nd with Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Donglas.

Tlie Comntanity Leagne mat here at the school hoosa on Wadneaday. - BCr. T. i. Chew spent the waek-«id

at tiie Bine Bidge Summit.





Nart Toariag—'^ariayisei",

IttI Oadge Taariag

tMl Owadlar Otspatch

ItlS Bikk Ce«ia-.''Harleylaoi"

m t Baick Taoriag

I t U Facd Taarfag - ^

Aai aevaral atkar can freai M M «p




Osaa EvMOaga aial Saadaya

UM Mtk St. N.W.. WaaWagtaa. D. C

Pkeae North %Wt


Bev. T. H. MacLeod preached San-day morning at the oaital hoar on "The Devotional Side of the Christian life." At the dope of tihe serviee the (iden and tiiiataaa had a bosiaesa meeting.

Tha ordinance of baptism will be atelttistered to candidates next Son-day morning at the nsnal serviee.

Bev. C. J. Fry praachad at nisM at tha nsaid b9vr in tlia Baptist Choreh. I tere wiB also bo baptism next Son-day nuffning in the Baptist Chnreh.

The reemtly organised branch, of tiM EastOTn Star had a me^iag Sat-' nrday night last that lasted abont aO all^t.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter A, Bidmrds and t«« ddUrea a w visiting at W . BL Ueharda'hoiaa in tha v ^ « a .

ilfa. Meaar aad IMofl^tat;, of Saa-ataga. Pa., are viriting ralativ«B aad friends in the neigldbiwfaood.

Last Friday aftnaooM at M i w Hammond and Breno Vito iridle dtir-ing to Oiftea had tha mirfortone to hare their hone beeoMa ftii^tened and ran away.. One of the traees be­came- anfasiened, and in toraing where yon torn to go to CatftoB tha earriag* overtoilied and was well de-moMahed.. The oceopanta were thrown ooft, aad Miss Hanuaond'a eoQailMoa bnrfcaa and aha waa otiicrwise braisad and cot, and lOas "Bmea Vito had her laft arm broken in two ^aeaa. They were taken back \p Ivakota fa Lewis Qoigg's Ford and received medical ^ froarDr. J. H. Fergoaon and are doing as weQ as eoold be ocpeeted at the last repeat.

Miss Ethel, little daaghter of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Bocldey, hM di^ilhe-ria and is onder <|aarantine with the entire famQy.

Miss Moncore is at Ivakota si^cr-intending tha •mtiA. of the girls* giv­ing them donwiatratioaa. They w e doing some extremely fine rustic work aiid basketry, besides eailw«idcnr aad Csney work of aU kinda.

Miss Bath Biordoi was home for the week-end and attended the East­ern Star meeting.

Mt«. Webb spent the waek-md with Mias S. H. Detwfler and attended the Eastern Star maetin^; alao Misaea K^harine, Stella M-y DetwBar le-tamed with bar for a visit.

Miss Gartndc Ec^non retorned to her Itome in Washington last Ttnoa-day. She waa accempaidad hoaM by Miaa Fiaaeea Baektay far tha weak-.cod.

The young people were well enter­tained last week. There were parties both at the Brown's and Cartiss' on Wadneaday ao^^t aad at Miss Naaey Merehaat's on Friday ai^it.

Miss Both Bidmrds took h « Soa-day Seho(ri daaa aa a Ukhig pkBic to Baxsanra Bodi ca loka, Vootcti Boi kwt Satarday.

Mrs. S t e ^ h « a yoaag sea aboat one week <dd.

Miaa Dorathy Hayeack ia hoaM with her BMther, Mra. J. B. Banatt

Bertha Pmaatatioi. a IstaMr hi UM achaal bar% ayaat Ito

Witt Mra.


Ring amLpiOion gears, axles; springs installed while you wait. Send for any part yoa may need.

CAREYTDAVB 4M LooisiaBa Ave. N. W.

WaaUagtoo, D. C. FlUH^ FraakUit 25ai

ttdbiU Stpperim

Wo have bee« sttpgdlyiag tiM aba«a

attidea for tha past twaaity y«an.

^ a render red prafaaaiaaal aahriea.

Ask yoor physidaa aa ha khow* osr

apiaadid jf^atation hi tUa woik.

Pricaa moat laaaeaahla. .Xxpcrtflt.

tars for men and wouMB.


OFFERINGS ON Freak atadc ef Cart tiroa te-

far Cataza a t ia -

Vrat A LOOTBD T O a OMLT Mx« l i . lS 8Sxf VU» Mas -• % «je S4x4 fU4S SOxSH-— 7.00 nxVk U J M 82x»K 1» 8«a4H 16.00 Slsd 1L20 **a.4?k 18M


S aad S% fanAaa, fl-W; other aiaaa. f LGO. Goaraatoad F n A »adc Fkao

S & M TIRE CO. Udi—Idtfc St , (Car. U a i a M a

AvaO N. W.


Edaa C a l s r ^ big aes^ hit, "I Lava Har-4fta La««a Me,- from the aav masieal show. "Make It Saappy," is a faatora af the Kagadne Seetioa of next Sunday's Waahtagton Star. Both words aad music are printed—a treat for the music lorera. Order "The WMhingtaa Btar of OaaJar, MlF M, ,

yoar newadealar today.


for the Brifle —a gift of lasting eharat and practical

ska wfil ba proad to naa in h«r n a naiM bahlHd a gift fro«

tUa aataUynMBt iMiakb Ka baaatjr aiMI iaaarM tta «aaitty.



AB Mail Ordan or Inqoiriaa wiQ roeatra PMMpt aad carafBl attaaUoo.




l^slHiif & West Virlpa Railway CoiD^ win tliis road soon pay divideiukdii its tomaum stodk?

Hie strcmg^ooitlofi 4rf Uie eemfmr, ita fotia* ontlooic and dividend peaaftilitica are reviewed in a ^ e e U baBrtln j«rt off tkaiwaaa.

Cf^y win be aeat free opoB reqticat.1


S21-15tk SL-WaaUngtoB, D. C. Diroet i»lvBte wire to New York.

•r "••W^a^

WHEN IN WASHINGTON, doii't fail to visU tlie onlty and original ZANQG PALM-ISt AND CRYSTAL GAZER.

For appoiBtamt, H M M liifiB 4112. Sttidki, I4«0 L Stnat, H. W.

FULL READING, |2J» No More—No Lcaa

D«Meaw»ratfcm and Laetare Nightly at 8:M

ZANCHTS lEMPIf 1927 FoorteMtli St., N. If. WaaldBgtoa, D. C



A O T O I O B I L E S wf rvwuc xucnm

At Wescyer'a A v M w V .

WAsnNffroir. n. c



Stromberg Carburetor Wira HOT SPOT MANirOLDS


$15.75 Gaaiaatcad to ian

at lHi | ia i%«e



I It lS idlk SitMC N. W. D.C 7841

We caay a comi^ete line of Stromberg Carlwretora and re­pair parta in atock, and are in a pogition to give pcmnpt and|

jefflcieBt service. DEALERS WANTED.

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- Dorrell Company Disbibirton of

Lam Dairy Feed, Kmse Feeds, Bran, iiddliBgs flMBiyleed Meal MdoChdei Feed

Cotton Seed I d


Horse Feeds Oats» Cracked Corn, Syied Com, Feed Meal Mobs-

ses Feed, Rolled Oats and Con

POULTRY FEEDS little Ckick Scratck Feei Fonhry Cradud Con

Baiy Ckkk Sbffter, Grownf lask, Laf i i | Madi Q j n ^ S M b Beef Scnqn, Grit

TiMNfiihi fum M^m, EnersM Bsoies

Manassas, Vbfiiila

To Maintain a Stambrd-


is not ways an easy task. In these times when the public is ckmoring fin* something cheaper, it's a great temptation for* mer-diants.to cheapen thehr {KodoctB. We have tiways refosed to di this for the quality here must be keep up. We buy^nly the best and sell only the best—and at {Mrices that aregansistenit With astandard quidity. Sdi-ing on^ m^ts We Have no 'iHuts" to throw out Our only inducemwit for you to buy % ki: Quality plus Service and Sanitation. Our steadily increasing patronage warrants us in ou] belief to fight along this line and not be tempted to res<Mrt|to the line of the l euBt nisisjance. Your <»ikiren will receive every kind attention hare. Ma^ we serve

-•yoa?*' •• , : ' - - ' " -

Saunders' Meat Market




ALM^Fioii tstmwmiMtB matam cBABuynssnuA VA, AHD sAanoHBinKk VA, TO Bona VA, mammt.


Aiexaiidria» Va., Washingtoii, D . C AND RETURN

Low Round-tri]




K S I R U I f H W.





OB Friday numMnff. July 14, at 1:20 o'clock, Mr. Charles B«aver« passad quietly iato hi* t>«*cefal aleop, aftar a pwiod of six montha of inteiiM pain and mSiiag, which he bora witii extraordinary patience, to await that grtMid awakening to which all true and noUe-h«arted (^iristians look fw-w•cd~^,r•cardleu of their creed or faith^^t the age of 60 yean 3 nuHitha and 6 days. So (jnietly did be fall •aleep that even thoea who were ke^-inc constant vigil and adminiatering •nch phyiieal aid and comfort as waa within their power could hardly real-ise that he waa gone.

Mr. Beawra waa a native of Prince William Cooaty, having been bom near Token, AinrU 9^ 1872. He was a

of Samuel and Sophia Cooper Beavers. He spent his entire life in his native county in the useful and diligent pursuit of agriculture. He was considered a most practical far­mer by everyone who had an opportu­nity to watch the success which crowned his efforts with ^most ev«y crop he planted, and )d» methodical system and mater* Judgmoit baaed on actual experience rradcred his ad­vice invahiaUa, which was often •ought by fknnera of his neighbw-hood and wUeh was always so cheer-folly given.

The phrase, '^ is word waa Us brad," is so frequMitly used as « ^ aa so ofteiily abased that it has be-eome common, but if ever those words «w« applieable to a living human be-tag they iriionld have been applied with azeeptiooal fitness to any pr<»i-ise ever made by "CharUe" Beavers, as be was, so familiarly known by all of hia most intimate friends and as­sociates. His record for promptness and punctuality in matters of leas im­portance aa well aa important busi­ness transaetionB was as closely asso­ciated with his name in the minds of those who best knew him as if it had been his middle name or an ofllcial title attained on merit

Aside from this partaenlar and im­portant characteristic just referred to, there was still another more pleasing and more popidar side of the taan, Bune notiertle, perhaps, by reason of 'Uie fact that it iras always apparent to everyone with whom he came in contact regardless of wbetiier or not t h ^ had ever had any business rela­tions with him: That is, ha was of a very JoQy and jovial nature, posseaaed a CfHigenial diapqsitioa, which enabled him to always spread sunshine where others could not help but create § cloudy^ heavy atinoephere^ so to speak,' by their v c ^ presence, even though titey remain silent.

Mr. Beavers was endowed with a peculiarly gifted talent for music, and that he could wield the bow of a violin witii extraordinary and ezo^rtional skill will always be attested by every­one who was so fortunate as to have heard titis genius of mune. To those lovers jot old-fashioaed music, such as hornpipes, etc., bis notM' made a teiide^ and toudiing appeal to certain chortla tiiat have never beoi awak-med fay the strains of any other musteian.

"A class student of human peyebd-ogy, whUe once delivering an aMe ad­dress at a ban<inet s<nne years since, <iaatod the following lines, which have never before been seen in print:

Who can Judge a Bian by muaersT Who can know bim by Ua dressT

V*apen may be fit for Prinoea, Princes fit for something lesi,

CnmplMi skiit and dirty jaciHi May bedetlie the geMtn ore

Of the deepest theag^te and Ceding*.

iOtiatate frlands of the deeeased, were Meesrs. J. J | Randall, W. B. Bulloc^ Edgar Parrlsh, Levi M. Natla, Geo. C. Brehton and Martin D. Lynch.

While we somw with the family in the loss of this kind friend and n e i ^ bor, we rejoice with them that be was fully pr^wred to enter the better home "beyond the river."

His life was truly an example to all those who would achieve greatness and tt>bility with unassuming elfort. For— True is in being, not seeming; In doing each day that goes by Some little good—not in the dreaming Qf great thinga to do by and by.


Low Fare Excorsioiis TO

Niagara Falls AND RETURN

Atlantic City AND RETURN

OmSfrndlU Pates Dari^ JUNE. JULY. AUGIMT wmi aEPTEM-•CR. CeMah Uskel Ageata, ea ad^MS a. E. BURGESS^ DMaka Psiiaa»ir A«M<|

Soillwni Raiiway Systca 1418 F StMst. N. W. WashiMtea, D.C

USED PUNOS Rw $ 1 0 0 »

osd PUYERS fifOB

: • . . : / • : . - . U f •.


fiKdbe Warerooms h t X H. WOIams, PML,

1330 "G** St, Washington, D. C.

CARPETS CLEANED By omr method aaaurea you abeehite

satiafaetioB at an extxemeiy low east. Free motUeas and ^Kproot atnage in

Brine or Mod your « p ^ to


,B .C.

ff* • • • * • '

Satfca eoald4o BOIMWC."

That tlda man was a thoe Christiaa at heart was an evident fact to tfaeae wbeae pleasure it was to be with hhn in his last iiwiiai iilii. aa indicated br' hia reA^neaa u d wilHngBese to wel-eo«ne <lM will of Us H e a v e d Fetiter, and notwithstandii« Us terrible ag-oaiy due ta a maUgnant malady of the stomadte, mtikit waa slowly sapi^g his life away and whieii was pre-noonced bey«od all human aid by his ipkyaieiaBa, be retateed that sweet, agreeable and obtiging dispaaitioa ev­idenced by bia° deafa« to cause the least trouble to his ever-ready and anxious attoidants, and retained his faeuMea in «dl latioaaU^ to the end. ~Mr.'Ban««ra waa married December 7, 18M, to ICss Levdla Hottenatete and proved all that Us matrimonial oMigatieBS ••plied a nMat Und, «•-tiful and protecth« bueband and a kind, loving, conaideratc f^her. Be-sidan Us widow, he is snrrivcd by sae da^Mer, Miss Christine Beavers, two sisters, Mrs. HUlnMn Keys, ef Breata-vOte. and Mra. Bttey, e< Waiiitan, and foor bretben, Jaasea, Geecie, fohn and Uvi , aO e« tUa eeon^.

tlie funeral was held tnm the family laaidsnce en CentarviOe read Satnday evening, the ISth, at 4 a'ete^ the aervices being eandneted by Rev. T. D. D. Claric by former T*-qnest of the deceased in the event the Rev. Mr. Ctek aarvivad Urn. and in-

•a4s in tka IWaaam

silant measaga mt




MxiVi CeH. Flnt, | ia.M

Eye Glasses! • j


We now have eye glasses. We do not test your eyes, you test them yourself, after which we supply the correct glass for aiiy defect.

For diseased eyes consult your occu-tist and from Us prescription we can supply you with the proper glasses at about one-half the ordinary cost.

Doweirs Pharmacy VTHE REXAIX ^TORE"

Everydiing in the Drug Line


NodiBig like Tlos Low Price Has ETOT Been Known Before Mo fiuin tractor evw offcrad toon inowwy vshit^ or mofv work vidue tbaik tiio Pordsoo Xtpdor irt this Mtoanding Dew low price. No &nn povwnntt yen out poesihly tivty wfll do more tat so Sttie—flitf no fimn, ragardteM of ifate or IpcMtion cap aflarf lo be wttboeta Fonl> noTraietar.

your cvdar nam—titmn in no timn for Jelny or Prion aloon niaknn jraor cboioathnFbnlnaik

• thnt, padbniMPO* wM pravn to roo, as it ban to IJO BOO onmaca. tiHt iUm Hgbt. aoatftet Flordn» in thn

' to a i

Lallan ktoyoB. Wtftn,ciBar

ffiae SOxS

Slxd <ex4


Fabric Card Tabea 98J0 $LS5

l.n $12.0a LM 1«J6 U 6

OM tUft tX 17J0 224* X.4B i 7 j e nA 23S

laiassas Ibtor CompaByy he Manasnan, Vbginia

^y .:- V • f



M^Ti* ni Smir Ca. as H Street. N. W.

WAsaDreroN. B. C.



Steam, Hot Water and Vapor Heat ing Plants

Da y«i kM<r Ikat NOW k Om tbae t« iaatafl that HKATIN6 PLAMT? h aMy ba y«i hava aa caOar. Let aa gt»» y— aa eaUwala ea Iha ASCOLA WCft W A T B HKATING PLANT. Taa aaa vM It MtmmmytmWbt. Saa w ^ aaca, aai gat ear pricea.

***" C. H. WINE "ns **

Page 8: MMM I.H.I l|l mmB. W. HARKS NEWS FROM THE …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...«i4By and aatB the hoar o ^K>f bis-reader. After having left the home of William Lewis,

'MPV-lipi '.WSFi" '"'?r' ^ff^^ MII^UIl I . Wl ' f i i lP




A real vacation, that buildf yoo up in etiengrth and energy, ttot pot* • new gUdnefi in your »t«p? It i« • vacation titat yoa can prolong for week after glorioua week, always gaining in healUi and efficiency. Yon want such a vacation T Then try the

/'^lllever VlShoe Give your feet a Cantilever vSaca-

tion. Your whole body will feel bet­ter. Ordinary stiff-soled shoes re­strain tite foot mnseles, check .the cir­culation, weal en the arch, upset the nerves, and subtract from ypar strength and your vitality. But the Cantilever Shoe gives the foot perfect freedom, jit has a flexible shank that bends'WITH the foot It encourages the foot te exocise. Cantilevers cor­rect and prevmt flat fo«^ by streiistb-^^ ening OM muscles snrrouitding tlw^ bones of the arch.

The natural shape of the shoe and the well-set heel encourage correct posture. With the weight propeziy distributed, you can walk or stand for a long time in GantileveiB without the fatigue expwiei^ed in other footmfr. The style of Cantilever Shoes i i rect for daytime wear.

Trim Oxfords in sey«al: le^thm or w l ^ linen; also faigfi shoes.

Solid inVM^tingtoft oUyhgra*-

. > > * • • •


^^ of Jadges and Ocrlci f«r G«o«ralan4 PrifMry


Cantiber Sboe Shap 1S1» F Street, N. W.

WASHINCfTON, D. C. SeeuBd Floor, Over Yowg lie«'a ^wp








Omohundro 51412thSt.,N.W.

Fencrty LM»t«4 SU F St.


Tk Omnily tf fniii EDWIN A. ALOBEMAN, Prwidaiit


Departments fepswcatsd; The C«l-lege, Gradaatc Stodiea, Edocatioa, BagbMsarlBK Law, M edieiBe, The S a -OMT Qoutar. AIM Degne Coarsea in FfaM Arts, AreWtsetora, BMteesa aad CoBMNVBe, Chemistry, ste. ToitiM i« Atsiswiif I)<»MtMienU free to Vir-gfa^aaa. A l mtptmrn ledaead t» a aWoram. Law f n d s mniStMt far mm and wemsiL Addrsss THB SX6-IVTBAS, UiMnity , T*. 11-8

At a meeting of the Electoral Board of Prince William County, held this 15U< day of July, 1922, at the office of H. Thoniton Davie*, in the Town of Msi>^***> there were pres­ent HezekUh Reid, Acting Chairman, and H. Thornton Davies, Secretary, the Chairman, R. B. (xossom, bnng absent. ,

On motion, duly carried, the follow­ing judges and clerks were appointed for the election for 1922, as follows:

Genwpl Ejection Aden—Judges, J. E. Marshall, J.

W. Amold„J. K. Meyer. Clerks, C. L. Reading, W. B. Kerlin.

Brentsvillf—Judges, J. M. Keys, R. Peyton Manuel, W. S. Vamer. Clerks, H. W. Hensley, S. B. Spitzer.

Nokesvitle—Judges, J. B. Harpine, C. H. Bodine, A J. McMichaeL Clerks, W. R. Vree, Jr., Edwia Hooker.

Greenwich—Judges, H. A. Boley, E. W. Reid, Wallace Wood. Clerks, P. B. Mayhugh, M. M. Washington.

Manassas—Judges, Peyton Larkin, J. H. Burke, S. W. Burdge. Clerks, C. C. Leachman, R. M. Waters-

Wellington—Judges, W. P. Lurkin, J. D. Wheeler, J. R. Wood. Geriu, N. A. Wheeler, O. Wells.

Hickory Grove—Judges, Bailey Ty­ler, C. S. Utterback, Henry Latham. Clerks, Wilbur Brawner, Rolfe Rob­ertson.

CathArpin—Judges, L. B. Pattie, Howard Haislip, P. S. Buckley. Clerks, W. L. Sanders, C. H. Akei|.

Waterfall^Judges, S. R. aarke, R. O. Mayhue, O. E. Kibler. Clerks, W. M. Foley, R. B. Gossom.

Haymarket-^udges, W. W. BUtler, iT. S. Meredith, Winter Owens. Clerits, ti . G. Brady, Geo. Bloight

Horton.—Judges, D. "t. fiemdon, W. F. George, J. O. Dnffey. Clearfcs, M. C. Suthard, John Stewart.

Independent Hill—Judges, W. J. Ashby, J. B. Cole, N. L. Tubbe. Clerks, J. S. Storke, A. T. Woodyard.

Token—Judges, R. B. Payne, W. B. Beli; Delly ComweU. Clerks, B. W.Comwell, W. S. Smiflu , Ditmfiritt—Judges, M. J. Keys, Eastman Keys, D. C. Cline.. Clerks, Clude Brawner^ Warfi^ %»wner.

Potomac—Judges, N. E. Perry, €k(«rge Mefaitter, S. R. Tick, deriw, W. E. Lloyd, W. E. Melntier.

Joplin-^ndges, W. B. Abel, T. C. Miller, R. Robinson. CSearko, Wm. Crow, Fred Cooper.

Occoquan—Jadges^ John Beary, J. M. Barbee, R. L.' Sladc Clerks, A B. Rqglers, Harry Carter.

Hoadly-rJudges, Geo. F. Pettit, S. E ; Smpson, H. B. Davis. CaaidBS. Ftvaaa Davis, R. T. Owoeh.

iMauwy BUette* Ad«i-sJ. £ . Marshall, J. W. Arnold,

C. L. Reading. Brentsville—J. W, Keys, R. Peyton

Manuel, H. W. Heflskr* NtAesviBe, J. B, Harpine, C. K.

Bodine, H. C. Allen. Greenwfeh—H. A Boley, E. W.

Reid, M. M. Washington, • _^ Btanassas—Peyton Larldn, J. H.

'Burke, R. M. Waters. Wellington—W. P. Laikin, J. D.

WheeleJT, O. Wells. Hiekory Grove—Bailey Tyler, C. 3.

Utterback, WiOor Brawner. Cathaii&»—L. E. Pattie, P. S.

RacUcy, W. L. Sandos. WaterfitU—S. R. Clarke R. B.

Gossom, W. M. F<riey. HaymMket—T. S. Mere(Bt&, W. W.

Bntier, G. G. Brady. Horton—D. T. Hemdon, W. F.

George, M. C Suthard. ^dependent H9I—J. & Storin, T.

J, Ashby, A F. Woodyard. T«A:en—N. B. Vrnfo*, R. W. Com>

wea, W. S. Smitk. Domfriea—^R. A Wators, Eastman

Keys, Randolph Brawner. PotoBoae—A. E. Hdntier, W. E.

Lleyd, Geo. Mdntier. Joidin—WmJ Cttm, W. B. Abd, E.

a MiUer. Oeeo«inan—J. M. Barbae, Hairy

Carter, A B. Rogers. Headly—R. E. Sa^ooB, F I « B ^

Davis, Geo. F. Pettit Goouniasionan ef Eloctioa f of the

general deetioB the fdlewing, to wit: R. B. a ipaon, J. H. Bnka, J. B. Harpine, J. M.Beys aad E. K. lUteli-tXl; and f«r DM primary alaetion the feltewiac: J. & HaiyiM, J. H. Btorta, R. E. ftlmpaaii, B. B. Q ii «id i.

The Gala Glee Chib met at Smith-flfl^ aotiool Monday, July 24. Miss GIBiMrt gave the club girls their first lesson in bread-making, after which ibay had their regular business meet-1; ing. The next meeting will be held the third Xoeaday afternoon in Au­gust.

Crops in this vicinity are reported to be looking fine.

Mrs. R. R. Hayes, who has been in the West for the last two years, has returned to her home here. Her many friends are glad to have her back.

Miss Lucy Kincbeloe, who has been -very sick, is better. Mrs. J. S. Lnns-ford and Mrs. L. Barnes are also better.

Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Florence and children, Henry and John, and Mr. and Mrs. Ntison Pearson, all of Alex­andria, have been visiting r^tl^se* here.

Miss Ethel Florence has acMpted a position in Washington.

Mrs. Florence Hudson aiid two daughters. Misses Alice and Ethel, of Baltimore, are on a two-wwriu' visit with their relatives, Mrs. Eli Kinche-loe and. family.

Quite a few of the people of Smith-field and vicinity have been attending the sffies of meetings at the HilL

It is understood that Mrs. G. V. Fairbanks is still on the sick list.

Mr. Willie Kincheloe and Miss Mae Payne, of Quantiw, were teeent guests at the home of Mr. A. J. Kincheloe.

Mr. Robert Vaughan, of Catlett, ac­companied by his sister, Miss Myrtle Vaoghan, called at the honie of Mr. J. ip. Lnnsford Sunday.

Mrs. J. H. Holmes and children,' Andrew Lee and Lois, who have bc^n spending some time heca, roomed to their home in Fredoriekaborg Sunday.

Mr. J. S. Lunsferd sold • ireiy fliu calf this week.



Has been on a long vacation, for] which we all should feel grateful.

The cheese factory seems to be pfbgreasing finely, with Mr. LntfaO'. Pearson as operator and manager.

Mr. James Carter, of Oakton, Fair-fox County, is visiting frioids in Mjnneville and is the guest of Mr. and, Mrs. C E. ClariK and (amfly. Mr. Garter made his home hfero nntil a few years ago.

Miss Frances Tatspaui^ of Laurel, Md., i« visiting her nnde, M'- Cr E. Clarke.

Services were bdd last-Simday af­ternoon at the Presbyterian Church here by Rev.; Jamison, of Mawaiwas,

Mrs. G. W. Levi retontad h<Hne af­ter spending some tinie wjth her cousin, Mias Clarke, and other-rela­tives here.

Mr. T. J. Davia was hen on busi­ness last week.

Mr. N. Curl Pattie passed throogh l^pnieivffle on Wednesday.

Mrs. Faimie Shackelf<>nl haa r«rc turned to her bmne tMer spending some time at Indep«tdent Hill visit­ing her sister, Mrs. W.'J. Adiby.


Copydigtit 1922 Hait Sdaffne-

BUSINeSS LOCAI^ O M Cent a Ward. Miniwan. 3Bc

For Sale—WabnA RMg* daily f a n CMstaiung 80 acres, two mike saeth of Manaasas, Va. Will acA with or withoot pssonal property, hieladta« 12 teatad cows. Wm sail on easy terms; gvn possession at <»)ce.

E. P. Toong, Manassas, Va. 11-3

For Sala—Pnrribred Berkshire piga 10 waeka old, between 35 and 4« poaoda each. Robert Henry, Manaa-saa. Va.. R. F. D. No. 3. . 11

We have just the suits thut yqiineed f<Mr^^^ hot weather we are having—at a price tib^ anyone can afford to buy. We make them fit you and guarantee you your money's worth or money back. PALM BEACH SUrrS, with the gemi ie Palm Beadi label in the cdOiur/ in aU tK|$ ^ ^ i j e

ALL-WOOL TWO-PIECE GABARDINE SPORT SUITS, for men who wjant to forget Uie heat, but ciite t afford to for^t appearances/ A wc^orfid als^^ 1S^ 7 (%n of light tans and browns . . . ^ M, i •^\M


For Sale—Wood, i. I44aik itafOa or longer. Broad Urn Imabtt Com­pany. See B. E. Cox, Ba«ta No. 1,

Va. 11-4*


We wish to thank onr many frieads for their kindness to ns dmring the illness and death of onr 4sar IMkar, Mr. John Thowaa Ghoaa.

Hit daughters, Mrs. Flakari^ and Mrs. Woo4yarl.


If a daas of Mftasa Is oaenred by Septaasbar 1, 1922, ee«nsa In Short­hand, BookkMping, TypMrritiag, SpaUiM' aad Paninanship iriU be given attfaeHigh Sekool on Monday, Wed-•aaday aad Friday nighta fraaa 7:90 to 9:80. Tuitie^ $S a nMafth.' AppH-eants wfll rMriatw wMh the Prindiial or with the CUrk of the SelM<d Board or with Mlaa W. Myars, iHtnKtor of the elaaa. 11-18

For Sal»-il6^neh or will tia4*Xar a drsdEwaO.

endlaga CBtter,


_For Rent— A small dairy farm near Manaasas; good baildinga; poasesiton November 1, 1922. Apply ta Tboeua J. Braaddos, Maaaaaaa, Va. 11-tf

For Rent—Snau luaaa Weat atreat, Angoat L Lewia. 1748 M atrtak N. tngtost, D. C

ho«ae on Jabi W.

W.. Waah-11-2


Far Sala-Naw Ford tnKfc. I aat going aifay, aad it aaat ba aaU. I have wtitkod on it M daya. Caat U8TA. irai aaO ftar m*, a <•««-

we »%. U ia gMd BSBdMsa. Va. »4«

Far 8at»—ll».aera farm, atoatad near Siaclair'a MiO; aQ ia caMvatioa axeapt aboot IS aeraa; 7-t9cm dwaD-ing honaa, bam, com haaaa, haa bovaa aad otltar oatixnldings. Well watemd and wril fenced. Priea, 17,000. Ap­ply to C. U Deva. Mawaaaas. Va. 10-4*


The world's smartest collar. A one-piece soft cellar that won't wrinUe shnnk or crmkk. Perfe<^y taSored; cooietl of Slimmer '* "

VAN The new sUrt with the Van CoBar and PhOyp's ^