MISSION CARDS FOR KIDS Mission CHILDREN’S 2013 QUARTER 4 • trans-EuropEan Division

Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when

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Page 1: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when

M i s s i o n C a r d s f o r K i d s

MissionC H I L D R E N ’ S

2013 • QUARTER 4 • trans-EuropEan Division

Page 2: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when

How to Use tHese Cards

After presenting the mission report or at the end of Sabbath School, give the children the corresponding mission card. Remind them to pray for the child/children featured on the card during the week.

The following week, hold up the previous week’s card and ask the children what they remember about that child or their story.

Remind children that there are three things they can do to help others learn about God:

1 Tell them about Jesus

2Pray for those who are telling others about Jesus

3Give their mission offerings so that those we can’t tell have a chance to learn about Jesus.

Encourage the children to collect all 12 cards each quarter.

Page 3: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when



Page 4: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when


Joanna took her Bible and Sabbath School lesson to school to study during recess. Her friends saw her reading and asked her to read the lesson to them. She had a chance to share God’s love with her classmates.

Greece is a mountainous peninsula

in southeastern Europe. The country includes more than 2,000 islands.

Many people earn their living by fishing, and seafood is a big part of their diet.

Sp e a k Gr e e k



Page 5: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when



Page 6: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when


Niko stayed with his mother’s friends whenever his mother worked. When he stayed with them on weekends, they invited him to attend church on Sabbath. Niko learned to love God and invited his mother to worship with him. Now his mother is studying the Bible with the pastor.

Athens, the capital city of Greece,

dates back more than 3,000 years to 1,400 years before Christ. It started as a fishing village and became a center of worship for Athena, a Greek goddess.

Sp e a k Gr e e k


kah-LoHn EEr-thehs

Page 7: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when



Page 8: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when


Victoria attends religion classes in public school in Greece. The other students don’t know much about God and ask Victoria how she has learned so many Bible stories. She takes her Bible to class so the other students can see how important it is know God’s Word.

Only one person out of every 20,000 in Greece is an Adventist. Please pray that the believers in Greece will be able to share their faith in Jesus with others.

Sp e a k Gr e e k

Yes No neh oH-hee

Page 9: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when



Page 10: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when


Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when they finish their homework. Two of his friends now attend Sabbath School.

Many of the 500 Adventists who

live in Greece are immigrants from other countries.

Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will help buy a building in which some of these immigrants can worship.

Sp e a k Gr e e k



Page 11: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when


Messy Church girls

Page 12: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when


Children love attending Messy Church, a worship program for their whole family. Some beg their parents to take them, and others invite classmates to go with them too. They want children all over Europe to have a chance to attend Messy Church

Messy Church is a way to invite

neighbors and others who don’t go to church to learn about God.

Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will help teach leaders throughout the Trans-European Division how to hold Messy Church in their churches.

Page 13: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when



Page 14: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when


Luke didn’t like school because bullies were giving him a hard time. His mother sent him to an Adventist school where he felt safe and could learn to help other children be accepted as well.

Almost 33,900 Adventists

live in the United Kingdom, of which England is a part. That’s one Adventist for every 2,000 people.

Children from many countries attend Newbold Adventist School. Many have parents who are studying at Newbold College nearby.

Page 15: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when


Newbold Kids

Page 16: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when


Children from many countries attend Sabbath School at Newbold College. They find lots of ways to tell other people about Jesus. Some share their toys, and others share their time and love.

People from every country in

the world live in Europe. Many have come to find better jobs or freedom to work and play as they wish.

Part of our Thirteenth Sabbath Offering this quarter will help people in several countries of Europe tell others how much Jesus wants to be their Friend.

Page 17: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when



Page 18: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when


Veronika loves Jesus and tries to share her faith with her family and her friends at school. When she doesn’t know what to do to tell others about Jesus, she prays and asks God for help.

Macedonia is a small country on

the northern border of Greece. The dominant language is Macedonian, and about 65 percent of the people living there belong to the Orthodox Church.

Sp e a k Ma c e d o n i a n

Good morning

doH-broh ooH-trah

Page 19: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when



Page 20: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when


David wasn’t sure how he could share his love for Jesus with Dedo, his grandfather. Then he received a gift that gave him an idea. Now Dedo helps David study his Sabbath School lesson every week.

Only about 500 Adventists live

among the 2.6 million people in Macedonia. That’s about one Adventist for every 4,000 people.

The believers work hard to tell others how much Jesus loves them.

Sp e a k Ma c e d o n i a n



Page 21: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when


Kids for Jesus

Page 22: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when


Children tell their friends and classmates about Jesus and invite them to visit the Adventist Church on Sabbath. Even children can lead others to God.

Adventists in Macedonia want to have a training center where they can come to learn how to share their faith with people in their own neighborhoods. Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will help them have the training center they need.

Sp e a k Ma c e d o n i a n


teh MoY-ahm

Page 23: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when



Page 24: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when


Mihael [MEE-hel] loves to talk to people about Jesus. One day in a restaurant he told a worker that Jesus loves her. The worker invited Mihael’s father to bring her some books to help her understand about God.

Many Adventist churches around the world have more than 500 members. Some have more than 1,000 members! Imagine having fewer than 500 members in a whole country!

Sp e a k Ma c e d o n i a n



Page 25: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when


Icelandic children

Page 26: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when


Jóhann lives in Iceland. He doesn’t know a lot about God, but recently he toured an exhibit that told how much God loves him. Now he wants to know more about Jesus

The Bible 3-D exhibit that Jóhann and his classmates visited helped tell about God’s love through stories. Adults and children across Europe need to hear about God’s love. Our Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will help them hear.

Sp e a k ic e l a n d i c


bless bless

Page 27: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when

Show the children in your Sabbath School class that the boys and girls they hear about in mission stories are real children. These boys and girls are missionaries in their own way because they share God’s love with their friends and family.

These cards will remind the children in your Sabbath School class to pray for the boys and girls they hear about in the mission report. Your children’s prayers will help these children to be brave, kind, helpful, and loving examples so that others might see Jesus in them. Teach children to pray for themselves and others that they can be true missionaries for God.

PrayINg For KIds

Page 28: Mission CHILDREN’S...neh oH-hee GREECE Fano ids.AdventistMission.org Fano stays after school until his mother gets off work. Often he tells the other children Bible stories when

Send a missionary home with the children in your Sabbath School class each week. Adventist Mission Cards for Kids contain profiles of 12 children featured in the children’s mission quarterly. Each card contains a photo, country information and fun facts about a place the mission offerings go each quarter.

This product from the General Conference Office of Adventist Mission and Children’s Ministries can make the weekly mission stories tangible for your kids and encourage them to pray for the children that they meet each week in Children’s Mission.
