Missing Voices: Voter Outreach Tools for Community Organizations Alberto Olivas, M.Ed. Director, Center for Civic Participation Maricopa Community Colleges

Missing Voices : Voter Outreach Tools for Community Organizations Alberto Olivas, M.Ed. Director, Center for Civic Participation Maricopa Community Colleges

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Missing Voices: Voter Outreach Tools for

Community Organizations

Alberto Olivas, M.Ed.Director, Center for Civic ParticipationMaricopa Community Colleges

Critical VoicesWhat’s the problem?

Why does it matter?

Why don’t people vote?

What can CBO’s do about it?

What’s the problem?Voter turnout for young people

declining for decades

Even worse for the poor & minorities EXCEPT for recent upturn among

African-American youth!

SOURCE: Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement


Why does it matter?Where does the money go?What rights do we have?What opportunities will you and your

children enjoy? Is your community at the table?What problems get fixed?Who has hope in the future?

Who is without hope?

Why don’t people vote?

What are some of the most common reasons you hear?

Why don’t people vote?

What can be done about it?

Does this guy care about politics and voting?

What did it take for me?AngerFrustration


Addressing Root CausesEligibility

Registration, Voting Rights, Citizenship

Information Process, Dates, Races*, Issues*

Apathy / Distrust / Cynicism


What CAN nonprofits do?Objective information about processes,

dates, unbiased candidate events and ballot measure presentations

Take a position and advocate on issues related to the org, clientele

Survey candidates on issues germane to the org, clientele; post responses

Contact before VR deadlinesContact before the electionContact on election dayFollow up after the election!

And Now some Trivia:Question 1 of 3


“Voting will make you get called for jury duty”

Answer: True AND False(Trick Question!)

Voter registration is only one of MANY ways they find

jurors. Not registering doesn’t get

you off the hook!

Question 2 of 3


“Voting by mail is for suckers!”

Answer: You decide.

Voters concerned about mailing the ballot may drop it

off at any polling place* on election day without having

to wait in line.

LAST Question

TRUE OR FALSE: “You can take your kid brother or sister to the

polls with you”


Voters can take anyone of their choice into the poll

with them, but it’s an especially important experience for kids!

…and a final pitch


(602) 506-1511

Voter Outreach Tools: www.maricopa.edu/civic

Alberto Olivas, M.Ed.Director, Center for Civic ParticipationMaricopa Community Colleges