_B_ WANT ADS ON PAGES 8, 9, 10. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Solou H. Eveleth to Wm. F. Boser; s^ lot 2, block 32, Gale's second addi- tion $725 Luke Curry and wife to Thomas Curry; in section 30, township 120, rango 23 120 Frank C. Nickels and wife to Flora E. Brace; lot IS, block 25, First Di- vision Remington Park 200 Joseph Blum and wife to Phillip G. Zimmerschied: part lots 7 and s, block 22, Bassett, Moore & Cases'* addition 1,050 lUllett W. Hill and wife to Josephine Palmer; lot 12. block 25, First Di- vision Remington Park 960 Mary A. Allen to Wm. D. Allen; part lot 6, block 6, Gale's first addition.... 500 Mary A. Allen to Thomas Allen; part lot 6. block 6, Gale's first addition.. 500 Michael Curry and wife to Thomas Curry; in section 30, township IM, range 28 120 John Curry to Thomas Curry; in sec- tion 30. township 120, range 23 120 Adele H. Goundie to Joseph Blum: part lots 7 and 8, block 22, Basßett, Moore & Case's addition 950 Susan Damon Gale and husband to Joseph L. Harper; lots 9S and 99, Cottagewood revised 600 Wm. 1). Palmer and wife to Hallett W. Hill: lot 12, block 25, First Division Remington Park 900 Katharine R. West and husband to Lillian R. and Richard L. Costlgan; lots 8 and 9, block 2, Nicollet addition 2,000 Jessie M. Trent and husband to Roland C, Bowmau; part lots 6 and 7, block 3. Lake of the Isles addition.. 3,200 Ambrose Tighe (executor) to Jonn K. ' Lane; lots 10 and 11, block 9, Town of St. Anthony 2,250 Mary F. Sanborn and husband to John G. Wadensten; part lots 1 and 2, block 9, - Morrison & Lovejoy's addi- tion 973 Manchester Savings bank to Albion Barnard; part block 62, Town of Min- neapolis 18.23S i Four minor deeds 13 Total, twenty-one deed 5....... $33,411 Building Permit*. Tale Realty company, 114-16 W Grant st. 4-story and basement brick .$17,000 Xald' Realty company, 120-22 W Grant et, 4-story and basement brick flats.. 17,000 2WIe Realty company, 124-2« \V Grant «t, 4-story and basement brick flats.. 17,000 JoJau Sullivan, 244 Nineteenth ay N, repairs 20 s«hu Sullivan, 244 Nineteenth ay X, , elteratlona and repairs 65 Thomas Blackwood, 402 Tenth st S, al- terations -repairs 1,000 Louie J. Lace, 735 Monroe st XE, alter- atlons and repairs ...: 100 JVm. >Doaaldson & Co., Thirty-flftn st and Portland ay, two frame and glass \u25a0 greenhouses •... 4,500 Qiarles Homines, agent, 1909 Aldrich ay X, repair* 20 Matt Donaghue, 2509-11 Twenty-fifth a? 8 S, frame shed and alterations 60 T. W. Vorhees, Jr., 812.Bryant ay N. 1%-story frame dwelling 900 Pie Handberg, 2412 Fourth et N, frame saed and repairs 170 9, P. Sandahl, 1926 Fifteenth ay S, frame barn To B. E. & F. Manthey, 2600-2 Bryant ay X, repairs after fire 750 Oulia A. Reed, 3100-2 Irving ay X, frame addition 300 Mrs. Xels Loberg, 1909 Washington ay S, 2-story frame dwelling 2,200 Frank E. Moody, 1408 Park ay, 2-story frame flat .., 6,500 Total .....S66,CGO Marriage Liceime. Manfred Johnson and Selwe Newman, Births. I Mrs. William Dwyer, 2127 Aldricn ay N...boy Mrs. Charles Wilder, 1908 Tyler 5t........girl Mrs. Oscar Backstrom, 2112 22d st S girl Mrs. James Carr, 311 4th st NE girl Mrs. Richard Fitzgerald, 349. Broadway NE boy Deaths. Mary Grippa, 121 2d st SE, 74 years. Katherine Weisen, 1408 6th st X, tiu years. Emmett Johu Killeece,. 2746 18th ay B, 6 mouths. , . AGENTS WAHTBD ~ WE PAY |18 A WEEK AXD EXPENSES TO men -with rigs to intorduce our Poultry Com- pound. Javelle Mfg. Co., Dept. 76, Parsons, Kan. AGENTS ; WANTED—IN EVERY WATER- works town in the United States for the "Modern" filter; latest and most novel de- sign; first ever made to recharge in one min- ute; one gross "fiber cotton" fillings (a year's supply) free with each; light, neat, hand- some; sells soon as sediment taken from the water is seen on cotton; reserved territory; scad for circulars and terms. MODERN FILTER CO., 5 243 Franklin st, D 3, Boston. Masa. _. AGENTS ON SALARY OR COMMISSIOnT .The greatest agents' seller ever produced; •very user of pen and ink buys it on sight; 200 to 600 per cent profit; one agent's sales amounted to $620 in six days; another $32 in two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X 120, La Crosse, Wis. ' .WANTED— ORGANIZERS. HlGH- ,cst salary and commission paid. Attractive plan and literature. Top contract. Lead- ing order. Knights Kadosh, Dcs Moines, lowa. AGENTS- CANVASSERS, STUDENTS wanted; dollars, and plenty of them, easily made selling Old Faithful best high grade 14k. gold, iridium point fountain pen ever manufactured; popular prices; lifetime chance to start permanent, pleasant paying business; liberal terms free. Chas. H. Rees Co., 1650 <North 29th st, Philadelphia, Pa. A. 1 PORTRAIT AGENTS everywhere quit "crayons." Try washable enamelines; no glass; don't rub; cheap. Family Portrait - Co., Chicago. \u25a0 AGENTS, IF YOU WANT GOOD GOOD 3 that sell and are money makers, send for our 55-page illustrated catalogue of patented household and office specialties, novelties, itflcka, puzzles, etc.; 165 articles to select trom. Day Novelty Works, 224 Clark st, Oolcago, 111. -_\u25a0\u25a0-'.--\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0, , ON- .UPPER NIOOLLET ISLAND, FlVE- roota first-floor fiat, bath, hot and cold water, range, shades, beater, gas fixtures. F. C. Qrierwold, Nlcollet Island. AOENTS WANTED— PER DAY GUAR- anteed in salary or commission, for every day you are in our employ; this statement is not exaggerated; -we want a general agent for 7©ur territory; our goods sell at eight to «r«rr man, woman or child; in every office, factory and home; a person that can svll anything can make a fortune; every article patented and never before sold in your terri- tory; exclusive agency granted and free out- fit ot samples to start right to work sent you on receipt of your application; write at once, as "vre only want one good man for your ter- rltqry. Braham Co., B 605, Cincinnati, Ohio. §109 MONTHLY, NEW PATENT METALLIC bread boards; sample free. D. S. Forshee Co., Cincinnati. Ohio. -. . : . $180 PER MONTH AND EXPENSES GUAR- anteed good men visiting country people, tak- iy.g orders and appointing eubagents for our inventions,, used by every dairyman, farmer 4nd vehicle owner; a monopoly; saves hun- - dreds of dollars; costs, but little. For par- ticulars, samples, eto., address Willard Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. ' \u25a0 .:. &EAD BRAHAM'S HONEST, STRAIGHT- ' forward otter in agents' column and write to them. \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0".\u25a0\u25a0;•: \u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0.;. \u25a0 :\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .\u25a0 SALESMEN FOR ALL. LINES OF BUSINESS (splendid aide line) to sell our calendars; ISO different styles, newest, latest patterns; Just the things customers want;, we pay .the largest commissions; many of our men give their en- tire time to our line and make from $75 to $125 every week; guaranteed best aide line •v«r offered;.write promptly with references; commissions paid on acceptance of orders. ' American Novelty Co.. Cincinnati, Ohio. MMBKR 6-Conllnufil. FOR SALE—MY STOCK OF MILLINERY, hair goods and notions. My trade and good will thrown in. 1 will also teach the entire business without cost. Good reasons for cell- ing. Mme. Young, 406 E Park, Anaconda, Mont. FOR SALE-75-BARREL. FULL ROLLER mill; machinery made by Nordyke & Mar- moii; everything in good running order; mill is now running steady. Address E. L., 1217 Bth ay X. BARGAIN IN IRON LANDS—ONE-EIGHTH interest in 6,000 acres, towuahip G-J-U, St. Louis county, known as Paulson lands. Pine worth more than cost. A. Harrington, 5 Chamber Commerce. FOR SALE. CHEAP-GATEWAY CITST Laundry, La Crosse, Wis. Apply to Miller & Wolfe, attorneys, La Crosse. Wis. SALOON, RESTAURANT. GOOD WILL, stock and fixtures of the late Robert Burton. at Breckenridge, Minn. Inquire of Violet Burton, Breckenridge, Mimr T~^YvTSH~*TO~~ IDENTIFY MYSBL F wTt H parties who contemplate building an up-to- date flouring mill; I am an old up-to-date miller; credentials second to none: would operate a first-class mill on per cent of prof- its. For particulars address II 926, Journal. WE EXECUTE OPTION ORDERS FOR grain; $20 will margin 1,000 bushels 2 cents; send for our free book, "Facts and Figures," explaining option trading. The Osboru Grain Co., Sl2 and 8U Phoenix building. Minne- apolis. Members Chamber of Commerce. WANTED—TO lUY ELEVATOR IX GOOD grain country; give full particuluis in first letter. Address V 938, Journal. HOTEL MAX WITH SUFFICIENT MEANS to build a modern hotel, can find a splendid opening at Devils Lake, N. D. Write the mayor, Wni. H. Brown. PAR~TY~WIfH~SOME~CAPITAL WISHES TO learn of some town where there is opening for a bank. Address P 921, Journal. JEWELRY STORE FOR SALE IN MINNK- sota; population about 700; rich surrounding farming country: a good chance for a man with small capital; no competition; rent cheap; good location; reason for selling, poor health. For information address R 928, Jour- nal. NEARLY NEW"STbCK ~OF DRY~GOODS7 clothing, furnishings, shoes, etc., all good, clean, staple stock, up to date goods, bought right, at regular wholesale prices; will in- voice about as follows: $3,300 dry goods, $1,600 clothing, $2,500 shoes; will sell all or either line separate, cheap for all cash, or will consider a part trade for clear property, at fair value, but my party must have some cash. This is no trading stock, but good, regular goods, and a splendid chance to save money on good, clean merchandise. Call or write Charles C. Bowlus, 533 Guaranty building. FOR SALE—FIRST-CLASS DAIRY: FOR IX- formation call on Turuquist the Tailor, 703 Xicollet ay. second floor. PATTERXMAKER. Al, CAN SOLICIT GOOD trade and has some cash, desires partner who can put from $2UO to $300 into business; prefer one familiar with pattern work or mechanical draftsman. Address M 922, Jour- nal. I~WAXT TO INVEST ABOUT $100 AND services in something I can make a living at. Address B 932. Journal. DOX'T~LOAX~YOUR MONEY AT 6 PER cent. You can get more on safe invest- ments. No speculation; investigate. Ad- dress II 928, Journal. WANTED—A GOOD HARDWARE MAN TO buy half interest in well-established hard- ware business in Minnesota. F 931, Journal. FOR^SALE^THE BEST~HARD"WARE~] Jf A good town and farming country in Minnesota, with established business. An excellent open- ing. Address 405 Lumber Exchange, Minne- apolis. AGENTS WANTED FOR BEST INVESTMENT CONTRACTS EXTANT. ABSOLUTELY SELF-SUSTAINING* *' INVESTORS' SYNDICATE, ' / Minneapolis, Minn. - - Dept.. A. Q^ ~AUC^ON S ALES^ AUCTION—MONDAY NEXT^ APRIL 1, AT 10 a. m. sharp, the elegant and costly fur- . nishing t appointments of a Sunnyside resi- dence, consisting of nearly new bedroom, .' parlor, dining-room and library furniture, fine brass and iron beds, handsome large vel- vet and other rugs, draperies, oil paintings and engravings, sewing machine, bric-a-brac, first-class upright piano, English crockery, silverware, range, refrigerator, leather goods. books, bicycle, kitchen utensils and other •'•\u25a0• items, all without reserve. . Hubert Bown & Co.. Auctioneers, 44 and 46 7th 8t S. '.--.'- g^ BUSINESS CHANCES R. V. HURLBUT ITCaT~ Business Chances, Stocks, Investments; . references given; correspondence solicited. .;. 448-444 ANDRUS BUILDINQ. ~. WANTED—I CAN CONTROL THE BEST \u25a0i paying retail grocery store \u25a0in Minneapolis -'and need .SI,OOO .to -increase the business. Best ,of references and \u25a0 security. A safe, go«d paying ia,v«itm«nt. T 925, Journal. , WANTED—PARTY WITH $1,500 TO INVEST with party having equal amount, in a busi- ness that pays large profit; big demand: need no experience. No competition; with or without service. B 933, Journal. FOR SALS—CHE AP—C OMPLETE ~WOO D - working plant, boiler, engine, combined planer and side mortising machine, turning lathe; also feed mill. Everything complete for business. G 931, Journal. YOU MORE THAN DOUBLE YOUR MONEY In Carrying Our Contracts. Easy payments, with guaranteed returns. No speculation. Safe, sure and reliable. Investigate at once. Call or write I^o4-1206-1208 Guaranty Loan Building. .1. W. EARL, Superintendent. FOR" SALE—THIRTY-TWO-ROOM HOTEL, largely patronized by traveling men, in busi- ness part of prosperous city of 8,000 inhabi- tants. Fine paying business, established for sixteen years. Reason for selling, ill health. Address R 903, Journal. FOR SALE OR RENT—A FIRST-CLASS blacksmith and wagon shop in a progressive town of 1,700 inhabitants. Address Mrs. Eiiz- abeth Forde, Hillsboro, N. D. FOR SALE—REPAIrTsHOP, CHEAP. AD- dress R 927. Journal. YOUNG MAN DESIRES TO OPEN FlßST- olass barber shop in small town in North Dakota or Montana; has had 13 years' expe rienee in the business, is strictly temperate and can furnish No. 1 references; would feel greatly obligated to any one who would be kind enough to inform me of such an opening. N 926, Journal. FOR SALE—GENERAL STORE WITH stock and postofßce on railroad station and two elevators. Kurt Diercks, Claybank, Minn. FOR RENT, SALE OR TRADE—A 20-ROOM hotel in growing town ou Great Northern railway; must deal quick; a snap for right party. Wm. Thissen, Clara City. Minn. i A GOOD OPENING FOR A FOUNDRY AND ! machine shop for the right parties: good farming country and a foundry could get plenty of work. W. G. Goilld, Glencoe, Minn. PROMINENT MAILORDER EXPERT WILL privately help a few people to succeed iv the mail order business; advertising placed at low rates, also circulars, ads and booklets written so they bring business; personal let- ter and copy of leading mail order paper sent for 10 cents. A. L. Swett, Omaha building, Chicago. LIST OF NAMES FOR MAIL ORDER trade, farm lands, mines, never used. Ad- dress B 929. Journal. FOR RENT—HAMPSHIRE ARM.S BARBER shop; furnished: large pleasant room, steam heat, hot and cold water;electric light, billiard table, etc. Marston, corner 4th ay and 9th st. GROCERY, WITH FIXTURES, NICE neighborhood; sell any way to suit buyer; hustler could do well. J. H. Brown, 128 Bea- con st SE. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY—A VERY PROF- itable ofiice business; will pay over $5,000 year- ly; may be largely increased; must be sold; price moderate. D 930, Journal. WANTED—OPENING FOR FIRST-CLASS dentist in town of 1,600 in Washington. David G. Owen, Spokane, Wash. MAIL ORDER ADVERTISERS SEEKING good returns from over 8,000,000 mail order buyers, send for particulars how to obtain the same through Sawyer Trio. Address S. Sawyer Publishing Co., Waterville. Me. FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS GENERAL store, dance hall in connection; business will clear $1,000 in the next 10 months; best of reasons for celling. Address 888, New Prague Minn. INCREASE YOUR SALARY OR INCOME •safely and securely through a mail business: how and what to do; to do this successfully, read the Mail Order Journal, 64 pages month- ly; send your dime to-day. Louis Guenther, publisher, room 560, 115 Dearborn st, Chicago 1! Money refunded if not satisfactory. HOTEL, LEASE AND FURNITURE OF*THE only $2 day house, city 3,500; four railroads: annual receipts over $24,000; no boarders; 73 rooms; hotel and furniture all modern; price $7,500; one-half cash; no attention paid to answers without references 4 If you are not an up-to-date hotel man, don't apply. Address A 931, Journal. A SUCCESSFUL, BROKER OF LONG. EX- ; perience, and in the market every day, will act as agent for parties desiring to deal in stocks, grain or provisions, on margin, for a percentage of the . profits; strictly con- fidential. For further information address p O. Box 93, Minneapolis, Minn. $60 FOR 12 MONTHS WILL. RENT ALL THE buildings and about three acres of land with fruit trees, berries, etc., of fhe Joseph Gerard estate In Bloomington, 12 miles from city hall; cycle path within half mile. Address C. M. Vollender, 629 Washington ay S. BUTTER,- EGG, TEA AND COFFEE STORE, $700, for trade; rig, fixtures and stock wili invoice above amount. O 931, Journal. . FOR SALE—HOTEL AND SALOON*. DOING business for 19 years; house full; doing good business; must, sell on account of health. Can lease to suit. Address P 931, Journal. 7 BUSINESS SPECIALS"" SUPERFLUOUS H-AIR, MOLES. etc.. PER- manently removed by electricity. Mils Hol- llster, 77-78 Syndicate block. Pioneer stand of the northwest. Exclusive specialist. Bl^Lx^ bicycles~ TIRES. iS A PAIR, GUARANTEED ENTIRE season; sundries and repairing. Bicycles, from |25 to jot). Meyer Cycle Co.. 21 sth at S. X-: FOR SALE—GIRL'S SECOND-HAND Bi- cycle, cheap. 1515 Laurel ay. : WHEEL AT BARGAIN—CRESCENT, -24- --inch, diamond frame, practically unused, per- fect condition. c*il at 1322 Via* place, flat 1. MMUEII 8—« oiillimed. FOR SALE-LADY'S WHEEL IN FAIR condition for $10 cash. Call 2600 3d uv S. FOR SALE—NEARLY XEW 1900 DEERE bicycle, complete with guaranteed tirea, coas- ter brake, etc., cheap for cash. Flske, 200 ]st av-s: . : :-• \u25a0/ \u25a0"-,.'\u25a0-' ;.- FOR SALE-LADY'S HARTFORD IH- cycle; first-Haas condition: $10 cash. X 931, Journal. IQ BOARD AND ROOMS FOR RENT, WITH HOAKU, N'ICBLY FL'R- nished room; house modern and central. 512 10th st_S. PRIV ATE FA KIL V IN - MODERN HO OH E; have room and board for oue or two ladles. 1516 Laurel ay. FOR RENT—FRONT ROOM, WITH AL^ cove; also small back room, with board. 36 13th si S. tcTkent, with uoarETif desired, a nice large front room, all modem conveni- ence: very desirable for two young men or man and wife. Call 208 W Grant si. 13 cows FOR SALE-NEW MILCH TOWS. " CORKER 13th st and Franklin. j KOK SALE—A FULL-BLOODED JERSEY" i-ow and two other choice fresh cows at 1116 Miyant ay X. 1 i [REE GOOD 1,200-POUND DELIVERY horses: one good driver; three fresh cows, grade Jersey, 14-quart milkers. 3018 Garfleld. COWS—SNAP FOR SUNDAY; EIGHT FIXE fresh milkers; have dropped the price; come ! early for B bargain. Morrison, 301 University ay XE. FOR SALE.TWO GOOD COWS. ONE"FRESH Jersey, with calf. 31)31 14th ay S. 14 CLAIRVOYANTS MRS. MANEWELL, medium; readings daily; Thursday eve circles, 25c. 62u 1 i! Xic, room 14. MMEL BATCH, IMPRESSIOXAL CARD reader and palmist, will eive double readings this week for 50 cents. 520 sth ay S. MRS. MAHY JACO~BS, THE WELL-KNOWN medium, for 20 years located in Minneapolis, can now be consulted daily on all affairs of life, at her new residence, 61<j ad ay S. j MMB. CLAYMONT, WONDERFUL CLAlß- voyant and magnetic healer. 1028 Hennepiu. j If. E. CREMONA. GYPSY CARD READER, has removed to S7 7th st S. SPIRITU ALT ST BOCIE TY~ LIGHT OF : Truth, will celebrate^the 53d anniversary of i modern spiritualism Sunday afternoon, March i 31, at JO9 Nicollet ay. Mrs. Manewell, pastor; j trance lecture by Mra. Holmes, grand test j seance, conducted by the paster. 1 15 DRESSMAKING THE MISSES C. BMOND AND K. P.IVARD have opened new dressmaking parlors at 306 Central ay, room 5, Central block. Your patronage Is solicited. HENRY WEIL. HIGH CLASS LADIES TAILORING AND DRESSMAKING ESTABLISHMENT, 826 Second Ay. S. Ready with pew models for the new spring styles; good cloth and findings; established reputation in fitting: specialty in riding habits, bicycle skirts and party dresses. Ladies, be glad to have you call. 16 DYEING AND CLEANING TWIN CITY DYE WORKS—PRACTICAL dyers and French dry cleaners; out-of-town orders solicited; prices moderate. 420 Nic- I ollet. Telephone 1576. j PIANOS—CHICKERING UPRIGHT. $190; Behaing upright, $200; liale upright, $123; Weber upright, $225; all in good condition; i three square pianos, $25, $35, $40, $5 monthly; j new pianos .for rent, $3.50, $4 a month; one year's rent allowed if purchased. Foster & I Waldo, 40 Bth st S, corner Nlcollet. HANSONS PLACE KEEPS THE LARG- est «tock of second-hand goods west of Chi- cago; store fixtures of all kinds; showcases, refrigerators, office furniture, safes, soda fountains, cash' registers, wagons, carriages, stoves and furniture. 10:7 Washington ay S. ONE IRON PLANER, 12~FOOT"bED~fTrST- ela&s condition; we have no use for it. Globe Works Co., Minneapolis. FOR SALE—SOME EXCELLENT HOUSE- hoId furniture; have more than we need be- cause of moving Into smaller quarters. Call for Inspection, 1701 3d ay S. FOR SALE—ENTIRE CONTENTS OF HAN'D- sotneiy furnished house, including brass, bed, leather library furniture, bicycles, dining- room set, bock cases, kitchen utensils, etc. 2541 Harriet ay. \u25a0 FOR SALE—2S COWS. . KOUTE, TWO horses, milk wagon, sleigh and cans. F S2B, Journal. ON ELECTRIC BELLS, gas lamps, consult Bryant, 3447 Chicago ay. 'Phone So. 472 J-2. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER, KEYS 5c TO $1; price $50. Town Market, 27 sth Bt S. FINE SECOND-HAND ICE BOXES AND refrigerators, all sizes; over 100 to select from; $2 upwards; suitable for stores, res- taurants, hotels, butchers and family use. 1027 Washington ay S. FOR SALE—BAND UNIFORMS, 18 SUITS, dark blue, trimmed in black; sack coats, Liberty style, in good condition. Address E. B. Helberg, Montevideo, Minn. <$> . <J> <$> MINNEAPOLIS STATIONERY CO., <$> <$> Wholesale and Retail Stationers, 405 <$> <$> Hennepin ay, Minneapolis. Minn. . <$> <|> Letter Copying Books, Typewriter <$> <S> Ribbons and Papers, Carbon Papers, <£> <*> Pens and Ink, Typewriters (new and <\u2666> <j> second hand). SPECIAL ATTEN- <$> <«> TION TO SMALL ORDERS. <j> <$&&&&&$&$&&&&&$$&&&§>$&&$&$ PARTY DESIRING TO BUY GASOLENE launch, suitable for inland lake, safe, easily managed, first-class make, price low, address M. M., 2425 University ay SE. Minneapolis. ' PAINT, $1 PER GALLON. \u0084: 7 : H. O. Roberta, 103 Western ay. ... ; WE ARE SELLING A 17-FOOT GASOLENE launch for a lake side family ••carry all" that can't be equaled for price and-durabil- ity; get your orders in early. Globe, Iron Works Co., Minneapolis. FOR SALE—HANDSOME GOLDEN FAWN Great Dane male pup, 12 months old; best of pedigree; no better breeding; will be \u25a0 sold reasonable. 1904 E 26th st. '\u25a0_ $i WALL PAPER, WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER, WALL PAPER. J& , Si SPECIAL NEXT WEEK. - Si Si White blank, 2>s> cents roll; gilt, 4 Si Si cents roll and up: every pattern re- Si duced to lowest possible price. It Si Si will pay you to call on us. '. :, ;\u25a0\u25a0 Si J2 THE ART WALL PAPER STORE, Si Si ':..'.> 909.Nieollet Avenue. - ;• Si i BtfBBsBSBBBB£_B£BSSBBB SJ?SSS?SSSS*!S 82SS8iSS88Si FOR SALE—BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKvS, three cockere,ls, u five liullets. . 3720 Lyndalfc ay S. Call'afterS'p. m., or Sunday. . •'*';•' EGGS FROM .ROSE COMB WHITE LEG- horns, 75c setting; these birds lay all winter; no trouble with rozt v combs. 26'!;; l'leasant i ay. , . , ,• 19'_' FINANCIAL LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE—LOW rates; easy payments; no publicity. Ameri- can Credit Co., C. K. Jennings, Mgr., 6<S3-u Uuaianty build tog. J \u25a0 ATLOWESfItATES—MONEY TO LOAN. R. D. Cone & Co., 517 Guaranty Loan building. 4Vi TO 6 PER CENT MONEY. WITH THE "on or before" privilege, to loau on improved property ia Minneapolis and St. Paul. R. M. Newport, 309-311 Phoenix building, 60 4th st i S, Minneapolis. ' | W «* 91*********91*****1*. H*XX $> MONEY TO LOAN SALARIED PEO- <$> <£> pie.— are. prepared to loan rea";on- <$> <$> able amounts to salaried people hold- <§> •i ing steady positions with lesponsible <& <$> concerns, on easy weekly or monthly; <§> <<•> payments. We conduct our business <§> \ <5> strictly confidential. Lowest rates and <§> <\u2666> fair treatment guaranteed. Room 206, <$> i <«» Bank of Commerce building. ! <p i A A AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAA A MONEY TO LOAN; EASY TERMS; LOW rates. David P. Jones fc Co., Oneida building. MORTGAGE LOANS—Rates low; any sums; '< no delay; Bee us aure Gale h Co., N. Y. Life. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE with steady positions in good concerns, on their own names; no security; easy payments. Tolman, 920 N. Y. Life building. -. - WE HAVE A BLOCK OF EASTERN MONEY to loan at 5 per cent on choice residence property. Thorpe Bros.. 258 Hennepin ay. QUICK LOANS - .;\u2666: TO SALARIED PEOPLE, \u0084 - SAME DAY AS APPLICATION. 'MMBKH 2O—Continued. WHENTOU WANT FURNITURE repalredl reupholstered, refinished, or mattresses reno- vated, try Kainville Bros., the East Side dealers, No. 15 Nieollet island. Both 'phones. ASK ANY DllUGGltPr FOR FREE SAMPLE of Satin-Skin Cream, or write Albert F. Wood, perfumer, Detroit, Mien. FOUNTAIN PENS, ALL MAKES; WATER- man, Parker, etc.; jobbing stock to select from; repairs. Whitall & Slddall, Commercial Stationers, 323 Hennepin. DRY. SELECTED MAPLE, ¥6.25 PER CORD; sawed maple, $6.75 per cord: sawed oak slabs, $4.60 per load. St. Paul & Western Coal Co., 5-C Luuiber Exchange. Telephone M 1984. MEHLIN PIANO,~MOVING~PTc?TURirMA7 chine, Deweylin harps, four nico bedroom suits, typewriting desk; rare chance. White, 220 Temple Court. SEEDS—FRESH STOCK D. M. FERRY & Co.'s bulk seeds Just received. J. H. Smith, 214-216 Hennepin ay. FOR SALE—ENGLISH POINTER BITCH, thoroughly broken; excellent ranger; nne looker; 3 years old; price $30; worth $100 of any sportsman's money. Write before April B.__Address_Dave_Kreps, Clara City, Minn. COMPL ETE S ALObN FIXTUR ES FOR sale cheap. Call or address O. G. Brandt, Elbow Lake, Minn. ALL KINDS OF~BIR"DS FOR SALE CHEAP: Sc flsh 10c while they last; cages, bird and ftsh food. Everything cheap. At Lester's bird store, 1713 2d ay S. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE; PARTY leaving city; call Monday before 2 p. m. 341 E 22d st. '- \u25a0 -•-' V I .. THK FRAME BUILDING, NO. U 7TH S'l S, for sale, to be removed about May 1, 1901 See J. C. Hall, 736 Lumbar Exchange. 4,000 ACRES HARDWOOD AND HEMLOCK timber lands In Chippewa county, at $3.7C. per acre; must be sold in lew days or chance goes by; great opportunity. J. H. Field, 100 Lumber Exchange. On your own name without security or tn- dorser; payment payable to suit - yourself. These who contemplate borrowing can be as- i sured of the confidential treatment that all I persons of refinement and.pride feel is esses- I tial in matters of this nature. Our offices i are so arranged that you do not come in con- j tact with other applicants, and you can be j waited on privately and quickly. 4^., . PRIVATE INTERVIEWING ROOMS. MINNEAPOLIS LOAN COMPANY, 601-602 Globe building. -, <$>$><$><H'3><j><«xs><3xs><e^^ <£> DEPOSIT WITH THE ! <§> SAVING FUND COMPANY, <$> j <§> 110 Temple Court. - <$> I 3> 4 per cent on deposits left two montiis. <$> J 3> 4 per cent on one-year certificates. <$> j I <$> 5 per ceut on two-j-ear certificates. <$ ', I <•> Capital, $350,000. Surplus, 20,000.' <$> ; 4> . Organized 18SD. # <$> J. L. Smith, Pres.; G. J. Pauly, Treas. <$> <§> Fred B. Snyder, Counsel. <$ ! <»<s*3><S><Sxs*3><S><S^^ | 6 AND 6 PER CENT MORTGAGE LOANS? ! No delay. C. S. Woodruff, Guaranty bldg. ' LOANS FROM $100 UPWARDSf~CITY PROP- i erty preferd; mo delay. J.B.Tabour. 124 S 4th. i g* o**0** WE LOAN MONEY ***% fji to salaried people on their notes at Qt lowest rate; strictly confidential; pay weekly, eemi-weekly or monthly. £» Room 202, Sykes block, 256 Hennepin ay. £f Q RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 5 SALARY LOANS. ~ ~ If you are. employed by a responsible firm we will loan you sums of $10 to $100 on your note at much CHEAPER AND EASIEII RATES than elsewhere, of this we are POSI- TIVE. Absolutely no charges for papers. ! Nothing deducted from amount you desire. j Easiest partial payments. MINNEAPOLIS FINANCIAL CO., room 206, New York Life building. ...... .«-e-*~»- .»..»..»..«..•••»\u25a0 \u25a0••••••-••\u25a0•••«\u25a0 .•-•\u25a0•\u25a0 ••»••.•-•..(..». SECRECY Our business would be small in- SECRECY deed if we did not protect our cli- SECRECY ents with absolute secrecy. SECRECY' A large share of our clients SECRECY could borrow from their friends, SECRECY but they don't want their friends SECRECY to know about their little ter- n porary difficulties. SECRECY.- You may be sure that no one SECRECY outside of our office will ever SECRECY . learn of any transactions we may SECRECY have. SECRECY We loan on unindorsed notes SECRECY to parties holding good, perma- SECRECY. nent positions. ;:.;'.i Room 202 Sykes Block, 256 Hennepin Ay, over Adams Express Co. RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY. \ .«..«..»-«-•-•.••-*-•\u25a0 •«..»\u25a0•»-«-«.«..•«»..«..«..,.,..«..«..|. t , WANTED—TO BORROW $8,000 FOR TWO years; will pay 8 per cent; first-class secu- rity. T 922, Journal. CHOICE~MORTGAGES FOR SALE, WITH titles guaranteed and - interest collected re« of charge. Title Insurance and Trust Co. bTtTt c s carefully~"manage"d7 trusts accepted; wills kept without charge. Title Insurance and Trust Co., Oneida block. $150,000 TO LOAN. 4Vj TO 6 PER~CENTrON city property. Title Insurance and Trust Co. WE LOAN ON IMPROVED CIfY~REAL' estate at lowest rates. Nickels &J3mitu, 311 Nicollet ay. \u25a0 20 FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FREE "FOR SALE" CARDS TO THOSE advertising under this head. Be sur« and call for them when you leave the ad. COLFAX MINERAL WATER. ~ Will permanently cure constipation. We guarantee results; $1.75 per six-gallon case. The Glenwood-Inglewood Co., 313 Hennepin. WATCHES cleaned; main spring fitted, $1; warranted a year. Flske, jeweler. 32 S. Wrvsh! MILLWOOD, DRY, 1.7 a Tb~$3T~2~LibADSr partly dry, $2.75; coal, $5 and $3.25. - Plymouth Lbr. Co.. 4 Lumber Ex. Phone, Main 717 J-2. GREAT BARGAINS IN NEW AND SLIGHT- Iy used household goods of every description. 'We can save you 25 per . cent at the Town Market Furniture Co., <25 and 27 6th '.. st S. Repalra for all kinds of stoves at half price. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 237 Henn. »r— Sell, rent, repair all makes. Ask tor prices.* TANDEM IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION for sale, or will exchange for s;ood type- writer. Address N 929, Journal. FINE YOUNG SCOTCH COLLIE, 22 months old: beautifully marked, fuli white collar; $15: also one fine pup. .! montns old; full and extended pedigrees. 3937 Oth ay S. kolTls'aiJe^go6d~so da fountain. 20 syrups, cheap; restaurant department. S. E. Olson Co. BARGAINS IN UPHOLSTERED Fl'RNI- j tore, repairing, refinishing and cabinet work; mattresses renovated, hail and moss, J1.50; I cushions, window s^ats aud dress boxes made ; to order. All work guaranteed. Gustafson, : 9o;; Nicollet ay. DOGS FOR SALE—TWO FINELY BRED fox terriers, accustomed to children; fully grown; house broken and very blight; oldest first-class ratter and great trick dog: young- est partly trained and very handsome: prices $75 and $25; no less. Address Belmont, 301 Drake_bl_opk I _St :_J >aul, M!nn. FOR SALE—FURNISHINGS FOR SITTING room and bedroom; also refrigerator, kitchen cabinet, and new hose, cheap. Inquire 115 W ;;>th st. FOR SALE—AT A BARGAIN, A FIRST- i class folding bed. Call Monday morning at | flat A, second floor, the Hennepin, corner 13th st and Hennepin ay. j COMPLETE POULTRY" BOOK, 20S PAGES, ! illustrated, with our p?.per 6 months 25c. ' Belgian hare book, 25c. Inland Poultry Joui- ! nal, Indianapolis, Ind. UPRIGHT PIANO, BAUGaTn" PARTIES moved to Seattle, left piano to be sod; call and examine: 31?, Masonic Temple; Monday or Tuesday after 4 p. m.: best offer takes it. FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND LARGE COAL I heating stove in good condition; price $5 I ill- ay. j ONE THREE-HORSE UPRIGHT REVERS- i ing engine and porcupine boiler, with pump injector and all fittings complete to equip a boat; also one Little Giant power bolt cut- ter complete with counter shaft, tap chuck, j taps, collets and dies; capacity one-fourth to I one inch. Greenfield, 400 Ist st N. FOR SALE—FULL BLOOeTwHITE LEG- i horn hens and cockerel; also Hamburgs, at j a bargain. 2536 Polk st NE. NO. 5 REMINGTON TYPEWRITER IN j first-class condition for sale cheap. Address j A <W2, Journal. bargXins~ln~l?ewing machines, new ' and second-hand, $2.50 up, warranted: all ! kinds repaired: everything in supplies. Lynch 919 Nicollet ay. SODA FOUNTAIN AND MARBLE COUN- ters, cost new $70o; $200 spot cash takes it, jf_sold at once. 1027 Washington ay S. FOR~~SALE^IS~iAYING BLACK " LANG~ shans, cheap; must have room. Also, few sitting hens and one Mann bone cutter. Call to-morrow if you want bargain. 1017 Logan ay X. GOOD OAK DINING TABLE AND CHAIRS and combination bookcase and folding bed. cheap. 303 E 15th st, flat 11. FOR SALE—CHEAPT~TWO STAHL INCU- bators, 30 and_loo size. 4308 Drew ay S. for sale^cheap; blickensderfer typewriter, No. 7; cost, $50; almost new. Address B 931, Journal. PIANOS—STERLING UPRIGHT, $190; SEC~ ond-hand walnut ease Singer upright, dam- aged by fire but in good condition. $185: An- derson piano, $225; Fischer upright, $165; $7 monthly; new pianos for rent $3.5'j, $4 a month; one year's rent allowed if purchased. Foster & Waldo. 40 sth 8t S, corner Nicollet. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 100 EGO MINNE- soca incubator in good shape, or will trade for some fine bred Black Cochin pallets and cock. No. 4221 Perm ay N. Tel. .'1270 J L "EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM MY FINE bred winter layers; White Plymouth Rocks and White Leghorns. No. 4221 Perm ay N. $65 LATEST DROPHEAD SINGER SEWING machine, $22.50; White, $15; White, $!>; Do- mestic, $3.50; snaps. Elmer, 720 Ist ay S. FOR SALE—SI7S BUYS~S3OtTuPRIGHT PIaT no; used less than four months. This is no fake, but an actual bargain. V 931, Journal. FrXE~OLD JACOB~STEINER VIOLIN, SU- perlor tone, extra good condition. Can be seen at 517 Andrus building. POULTRY FOR~S AL E—OXE PEN BLACK Langshans and two Langshau cockerels. Also, eggs tor hatching. 8114 Girard ay 3. , THE MINNEAPOLIS JOUKNAL. 21 FOR RENT I NKIRMSHULr HOMES FREE "FOR RENT" CARDS FOR THOSE advertiaiug' under this head. Be suro and. call for thorn when you leave the ad. McCURDY ( Kents houses, ) Taking care & CO., 220 - flats, stores, >of property Temple Court. I sells real estate. \ a specialty. List your property for sale or rent. ' . 1722 NICOLLHT, 10 ROOMS, MODERN, $35. 603 Sth ay N, 8 rooms, modern, $22.50. 31 Highland ay, 15 rooms, modern, barn, $50. 2620 sth ay S, 10 rooms, modern, barn, $27.50. 2309 sth ay S, 9 rooms, bain, $20. : j2300 Clinton ay, 7 rooms, city water, $15. 1 2731 Stevens ay, 7 rooms, gas, city water, $20. 611 E 22d st, corner Portland ay, 6 rooms, bath, gas, city water, sewer, $17.50. 2504 Nieollet ' ay, 9 rooms, modern, barn, $25. 345 E Franklin ay, 7 rooms, city water, $IS. 509 Forest ay, 9 rooms, modern, $35. 628 University' ay SE, 15 rooms, bath, gas, furnace, etc., $30.; 2531 2d ay S, 7 rooms, well, cistern, $12. George_Odlum,_3o9-311 Phoenix building. FOR" RENT—FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE. CA'CI 2523 Portland ay. H6U SE, 7 ROOMS, 3008 3D AY S, $15. House, 9 rooms, barn, 3129 lltb ay S, $13. House, 9 rooms, 3513 10th ay S, $15. House, 9 rooms, 2108 Fremont ay N, $20. House, 6 rooms, barn, 2100 17th ay 8, $I*. Rooms, 4 upstairs, 2117 22' ay S, $o. Rooms, 5, 3307 Cedar ay, lirst: floor, $8. R. D. Cone & Co., 517 Guaranty building. " $40 PER MONTH—II 2 13TH ST S, 9 ROOMS, modern; parquet floors in all rooms; hot water and hot air heat. April 1. Call for rent- al list. Nickels & Smith, 311 Nieollet ay, room 2. k \u25a0; ALL MODERN, NINE ROOMS, BEAUTIFUL location; 82 Willow st, overlooking Central ; park; key the next door; rent $40. H. E. Ladd, 302 Andrus building, Nieollet and Sth. SMALL HOUSE-IN REAR OF 816>i 3D ay S. $8. SIX-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT, ST. LOUIS Park: bargains, rent or sale. Call for list. Wm. H. Gibson, -:20 Guaranty Loan building. 88S888S888S888888888S888888888SS88888S888S8iBS8888 88 . 82 i? - i; . . notice. si We solicit the care and management Si 53 of real property and defaulted mort- S2 gages. I We can sell property placed "i \ S3 under our care. Si "\u2666 . ' ; .... Si 82 NICKELS & SMITH, S* Sg No. 311 Ni&illet Ay, Suite 2. 88 IgSggBSSgSBJBSBSgSSSgS SS 8S 82 SSSSSBSSBSggBSg£BBgSSa WE SELL PROPERTY PLACED UNDER our care and collect rents promptly. Nickels & Smith, 311 Nieollet ay. ' FIRE INSUARNCE WRITTEN IN GOOD companies. Title Ins. & Trust Co. Onei blk. FOUR ROOMS, UPSTAIRS, ,AT 650 Lincoln st NE, for small family; rent $5. Pratt & Field Co.. 100 Lumber Exchange. THE O. G. PETERSON TRANSFER AND Storage company.; furniture moved, packed, stored and shipped by experienced men only; best facilities, largest and finest vans in the city; prompt service. Office, 501 Ist ay S. Both 'phones. " 2615 FREMONT AY S—NEW, ALL MODERN, detached flat, separate entrances; seven rooms, bath, laundry and large storeroom; fine hardwood finish and floors; combination heat; shades; large lawn; $23. _ __ FOR RENT—HOUSE. 8 ROOMS. CITY WA- ter, barn, newly papered; all in good condi- tion. 3129 Pleasant. MMBER 23— Continued. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, EN- tirely modern; private family; strictly first- class; references exchanged. Address F 924, Journal. 24 IM'IRKISHED ROOMS FO£R, UPSTAIRS, 237 10TH AY S, $6. FOUR. "IN BRICK BLOCK. 1224 WASHING? ton ay S, $8. 25 I \FLRMSHED FLATS MODERN FIVE-ROOM FLAT. 332 E 18TH st,_aecond floor. Apply Frank Miller. ASTORIA FLATS, SIX~~~RO(SMS, THdIT oughly modern; refrigerator, gas range, $28. Inquirejttat F, 325 E 16th st. HAN DSOME~FLATr7~ROOMSTE VERY~CO.VI venience; fine location; $40; 4th st, corner Bth ay SE. H. D. Cone & Co., 517 Guaranty. NEW FLATS," 5 ROOMS, $13; 6 ROOMS, $lt, $18; all modern but heat; 1126 11th ay N, cov- ner Fremont: also 4-room flat, 1114 11th ay N, $10. R. P. Cone & Co., 517 Guaranty. EIGHT-ROOM MODERN, FeNTßALiTylO- cated, stean. heated flat for rent, $C 0 per inomh._Chadbourn, 21 4th st S. FLAT OF SEVEN ROOMS. FIRST FLOORI Woonsocket Apartments, flat 2, 1514 ;ld ay i=. EIGHT- ROOM FIRST-FLOOR~FLAT AT the Norwood; $30. W. W. Clark. 313 Nicollet. FLAT, FIVE ROOMS, WINFILL BLOCK, sth st opposite West Hotel. $17. S. A. Reed, 208 Century building, cit;-. MODERN SIX-ROOM f"L~AT. WELL LOCAT- | <--d, light and convenient; call afternoons. 7:!i X J'.Th st. fl.-.t 9. MODERN, UPSTAIRS, SIX-ROOM AND bath, one blo.k from car line, $16: no more than family of three wanted. 2119 9th ay S. SECOND FL7SOR~iN~STEAM HEATED? modem house: three rooms and bath, unfur- nished; walking distance; new paper. 143 Lync!?.le ay N. ABO 0 inviAY^I~VERY"DESI"RABLE FlVE- roorn modern flat, hardwood Moors, gas range, etc.; adults only; $25. 1615 Clinton ay. FIVE- ROOM~STEAM~ HEATED MODERN Hat; party leaving city; very desirable cor- ner. See janitor, 527 sth ay SE. | FLAT, if~ROOMSr~GR6UND~FLOOR, 18W i 9th ay S; $23 per month. A UEAUTIFUL SIX-ROOM FLAT, WITH bath; strictly modern; Netley Corner, 2d ay and 10th st. See janitor. Marston, Hamp- shire Artne. $K> MONTH, FOUR ROOMS, FIRST FLOOR, modern: only stove heat: very desirable; No. S 11th st S. Inquire^lo2s_llennepin. __ NO. 843 SUMMER ST NE~VERY NEAT four-room flat: city water; only one left: I $11.50 month. Lane & Conrad Co.. 51J Phoe- j nix building. FOR~RENT—ONE OF THE \u25a0 BEST FLATS," from May 1; apply-2010 Park ay. first floor. FOR RENT—MODERN SIX-ROOM FLAT. I corner, first floor, cheap for rammer. 7-tS R 18th st, flat 1. FRESHLY FURNISHED, LARGE FRONT, \ neat and clean: bath, gas and heat; very de- j sizable for two gentlemen. 29 loth st N. 6-ROOM FLAT AND LARGE ATTIC IN A ! partly modern detached house; fine condition: I beautiful lawn, trees, veranda, etc.; east front; $12: best car service in city. "202 Pleasant ay, second floor. 2g FinXISHEP FLATS A MODERN FIRNISHED FLAT, CENTRAL, $:".0; references required. Address O 929 .journal. FO R RENT, FOR SUMMER, FU RN ISHED flat, seven rooms; modern; centrally located- I light,_airy. G 930, Journal. FOR RE NT—F URNISHE D ~APARTIfENT ?, i in the Wisconsin, corner \~>Va st and Portland R 931, Journal. 27 OKFICKft ! OFFICES; STEAM HEATED; PRICES SS j to $20. Eastman block, 412 Nicollet. Inquire ] room 12. FOR RBNT— WITHIN~ONE~BLOCK OFT lIX I hamber of Commerce you can rent room T, McMillan building, 3d ay S and 3d st. Room is 55x19 feet, steam heated, well lighted, sec- ond floor front. Just the room for grain commission firm; blackboard, 35x9, ruled for stocks and grain. Western Union cable in. Price of $25 per month, and location cannot be duplicated. O. M. Laraway & Sons, 100 Bank of Commerce. 12 TO 14-ROOM MODERN HOUSE: LAKGE barn and fine, large grounds; near' Haw- thorn ay and several blocks from the park; $30 per month. No. 3019 Aldrich ay S, seveu rooms; city water, gas and fixtures; heating plant: newl* papered; $18 month. Lane & Conrad Co.. 513 Phoenix building. NINE ROOMS, MODERN, FI RST-CLASS ; fine_barn. _ 1806 3d zv S, $40. FOR~R EXT—SIX-ROO M HOUSE, IfTTfil ay N. $10; five rooms, upstairs of 2441 sth ay S, $8: eight-room modern house, 301 E 25th st, $Sit. W. C. Allan, 21'J Kasota biork. FOR RENT—22IO STH AY S^ MODERN nine-room house, with or without barn. In- quire at 2300 Portland ay. 10-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, IN GOOD RE- palr: barn. 1418 Spruce place. Eight-room partly modern house, 1834 4th ay S. Thayer & Gale. 417 and 418 New York Life. Tele- phone 3113 J2. W. A. BARNES & CO., 300-302 Nicollet. MODERN HOUSES. ,1101 Logan ay N, 10 rooms $20.09 11031 Knov ay N. 10 rooms :;o.on j 1012 Logan ay N, 10 rooms 25.00 88 Lyndale ay N. 9 rooms 27.M 1715 Bth ay N, 10 rooms W.WJ 1715 Bth ay N, 10 rooms, fr.rnished 40. W) ">«2 Oth ay N, 9 rooms 25.00 1305 2d ay S, 10 rooms 40.00 2721 Portland ay, 9 rooms !s.*'(i 221:.' Bryant ay S, 12 rooms 60.00 COTTAGES. 2519 25th ay S, 7 rooms, cistern, we 11... .flO.ftf 2422 15th ay, 8 rooms, cistern, well 12.00 3228 sth ay S, 5 rooms, city water 12.50 3530 9th ay S, 7 rooms, cistern, well 15.00 2520 Stevens ay, city water 16.6*5 1220 7th st, 6 rooms, cistern, sewer 15.0»" 2710 27';; st, cistern, well 6.i'o | 2917 Bth st S, S rooms, cistern, well 10.00 1903 Franklin pv, 6 rcorns, city water.... I?.W 8011 ith st, 4 rooms, city water 10.00 1032 12th ay SE. 7 rooms, city water 14.00 310 James ay N, 5 rooms, city water ... 12.0n 413 James ay N, S rooms, city water 14.CX1 j 162" sth ay N, 8 rooms, city water 15.00 I 1621 sth ay X, 7 rooms, city water 10.0i; We also have some very nice parts of houses, also fiats, etc. SSK ?SS2 K88888888888888S8oS8888888S8«888o^ SKi S2 KASOTA BLOCK, HENNEPIN AY ?J j and 4th st; one to three rooms; steam *i 28 heated; first-class service. Walter L. »2 »S Badger, 110 Kasota block, or 217 New SS York Life building. .:..":.•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.., \u25a082 SigS SSS2 888S888ai88S8888»g888S8SSS888888SS8gSgS ss;* DESK KOOM TO LET. LUMBER EX- -1 change, $5 per month. C 929, Journal. OQ STORES ALL KINDS OF BUSINESS PROPERTY I FOR RENT. THORPE BROS, HENN. AY. j FOR RENT— 3rSTH~ST S, 20x90," AND BASE- ment; new floor( paper and paint; steam heat. Byron & Willard, 29 sth st S. IM3 NICOLLET AY, 22x60.~H.~E~LADd7 302 Andrus building, Nicollet and sth. : , SHOP. I; OR "SHOEMAKER, j 233 or 235 10th ay S. | FOR RENT—GOOD BRICK BUILDING ON : 3d st, near 7th ay S; size 40x80, three stories j and basement; elevator; will alter to suit | tenant. Edwin L. Buck, 100 Kasota building, i Minneapolis, Minn. \u25a0\u25a0 . \u25a0 j 827 PLYMOUTH AY, MEAT MARKET; I rent free to May 1: low rent to good tenant. j Baily, 507 New York Life building. ; FULL FI-OORS, 24x90 FEET, WITH ELE- : \u25a0 vator. steam heat; thoroughly modern; will suit any business; very attractive entrance. I Beal block. S. H. Findley, 517 Andrus building. :. . J 29 ~~ ACRES | ABOUT 20 ACRES FINE GARDEN LAND, i with very good buildings; one mile from j ! street car. C. H. Smith. 604 Phoenix build- | ing -\u25a0• - -\u25a0 ' . DAVID P. JONES & CO., 200 ONEIDA BUILDING. HOUSES FOR RENT. 2424 Stevens ay. 12 rooms, modern $4").00 i 2221 Portland ay, 9 rooms, modern 35.M ; 2532 Portland ay, S rooms, modern J.VUu i 3llt> Hennepin ay. 10 rooms, modern .... 30.00r' 3229 Nicollet ay. 8 rooms, city water 16.67 i 809 W 28th st, 8 rooms lo.uk \ 332 University ay NE, 7 rooms, city water ". ls.otj 721 Bradford ay N, 7 rooms, city water 13.50 412 16th ay NE, 8 rooms 12 00 : 2527 4th ay S, 8 rooms 11.00: 2110 22H ay S, 8 rooms 10.00 j 922 22d ay S, S rooms, well water iu.Ou ! 3046 Grand .;; NE, 8 rooms lO.tu \u25a0 2919 Pillsbury ay, G rooms w.i -m ! 302S Snelling ay, 0 rooms, well, cisiern. M 0 819 Jewett place. 7 rooms 8.01 j 11019 Dupont ay N, ~> rooms s.OO i 4(>5 James ay N, 5 rooms, city water.. 7.00 2637 University ay NE, 8 rooms 8.00 | 2121 University ay NE, 8 rooms 8.00 3017 Motor ay, 6 rooms, well water s.'.'ii ROOMS FOR RENT. 72" E 10th st. 2d floor, 4 rooms 10.00 306 18th ay N, first floor, 4 rooms 9.00 2000 E Franklin ay, first floor, 4 rooms.. 8.00 ! 520 Humboldt ay N, first floor, 4 looms S.OO I 813 20th ay S, 2d floor, 4 rooms ; 6..">0 i 2511 7th s; S, 2d flcor, 5 rooms 6.00 I 2119 19th ay S, second floor, 4 rooms 5.C0 I 2628 3d ay S, basement, 4 rooms 5.00 2814 lHh ay S, basement, 4 rooms 5.00 1221 iith st S, 3 rooms, second floor 5.n0 K2B 3d ay S, 4 rooms, basement 5.00 i 2M4 11th ay S, basemeut, 4 rooms r>.ti(t ! 2401 9fn st S, 2d floor, 3 rooms 3.00 | 244;: 25th ay S, Ist floor, 3 rooms ;;.oj j 1003 3-i ay NE, 3 rooms 3.00 FLATS FOR RENT. I I Flats in the Netley Corner, 13th st and I j 2d ay 135.60 2832 Chicago ay, Ist floor, modern 22.50 STORES FOR REXT. 1 and 3 W 26th St. 40x40 $25.00 726 11th ay S 18.00 2605 Stevens ay 12.UU 34 Holden st 5.00 nO Fl RMSHKD HOUSES FOR RENT FOR THE SUMMER, SMALL all modern furnished house; 213 E Franklin ay. Call at any time. FURNISHED^ TEN-ROOM, DETACHED, modern house; Park ay, near Franklin; May to September; shady lawn; east front; barn; $30 monthly. Cook, 206 Bank Commerce building. J FOR RENT—I2-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE, with barn, from May 1. A. H. Young, 413 New York Life building. 2Q FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT—A FURNISHED SUITE OF 3 rooms and bath, at Hampshire Arms. Apply to Dr. Lester W. Day, 842 Andrus building. FOR RENT-TWO NEWLY FURNISHED rooms in private home, very desirable, every- thiug modern. 45 Spruce place. FOR RENT—LARGE FURNISHED FRONT room with alcove, modern house; convenient board: don't call Sunday. 337 E 18th st. FOR RENT-LARGE, PLEXSANT\ FUIT nished room, first floor, modern flat. 124 Laurel ay, flat 2. ___^^ NICE, LARGE, AIRY ROOM, IN PRIVATE family; easy walking distance. 1219 Hennepin ay. C. J. Lee. DESIRABLE ROOMS IN MODERN HOUSE. near good board and walking distance. 819 4th ay S. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, GROUND floor; call morning, noon or evenings. 719 Ist ay N. LARGE PLEASANT ROOM FOR GFNTLE- man; private family; very desirable; refer- ences. 1107 2d ay S. ; 1 HAVE A GOOD FARM OF 2tfo ACHES, 10 j ; miles south of city; To or more acres plowed, ! I balance pasture, meadow and plow land; good i 1 buildings. Just the place for stock or dairy i farm. Walter L. Badger, New York Life. 3Q MISCELIiANEOI S ~~ I MANUFACTURING, with or without power i aud_trackage J _Wm. H._Gibson. 420 Guaranty. ! SHOP, FOR CARPENTER. PAINTER" OR , manu!aeturing,Jslo per month. 237 10th ay S. i ELITE HALL," 500 E~24TH ST; FINE AP- ! | pointments and ventilation: just the place for | social gatherings and club parties. Apply ' Nickels & Smith, 311 Nicollet ay, room 2. \ 'Phong, Main 104. TOR RBNT—BARN OR PART Of IT. I>"N I quire 2000 Portland ay. i CARRIAGE PAIVFSHOP FOR RENT. 113 : and 115 Bth ay NE. 131 HELP WANTED—MALE I WATCHES CLEANED, $1; MAIN SPRINGS, j I 1: J^||£fa«»t«dj>ne_year. Paegel's, 22 3d at S. 1 SILK VELVET COLLAR, 60c"T~OVERCOAT j sleeves relined, eOc; pants recut into style. Tsc; suits steam cleaned, $1. At Anthony Uilor. 119 Washington ay N. YOUNG MAN, GO TO ARCHIBALD'S COL- j iege. Lekc »t, co.aer Stevens, for bookk«ep- i ing, shorthrnd, typewriting and English | branchea._Day _.tud eveniDg. FREE EYE DI3PENSARY-^ALIT"WORTHy" poor treated daily from S to 10 a. m., 225 Hc^unepin ay. >~AYINGTaND PLEASANT EVIPLO YXJBNT secured by graduates of Minnesota School of Business, 54 id st S, diagonally opposite P. O. WANTED—TWO ~ MEN~AS solicitors and collectors. Good pay and steady position guaranteed. Apply before Ha- ni. -'IS Kasota building, Minneapolis. WANTED-BANI) SAWYER? LEFT-HAND mill, push feed, quick carriage; must be fast man; good wages. Apply Red Cliff Lumber Co., Red Cliff, Wis. an exTerienced man uookkeeper and stenographer; one schooled in the lumber business preferred. H 927, Journal. CABINET-MAKERS WANTED—MINXE sp- oils Furniture Co., 9th at and sth ay SE. WANTED—A GOOD PRESSMAN ON GENTS 7 clothes. Apply Minneapolis Dye Works 101° |Hh_st_S. two first-class~bXrbers wanted," at once. Good wages and a steady Job. Address A. P. Swenson, Hotel Dacotah bar- bershop, Forks, N. D. WANTED—FIR"STMCLASS~LiCENSBI) BAR^ her at once; steady job for food man- good wages. Address Charles L. KeUy, Owatoe- na, Minn. $20 PER TON FOR SELLING WHITE LEAD? fully guaranteed; experience unnecessary; saves dealers $20 ton. Merchants' White Lead Co., suite 1005 Fullertort bldg, St. Louis, Mo. WANTED—OIL SALESMAN TO SETTiTLU^ bricatlng oils and greases on salary or com- mission; excellent side line. The A. G. Har- baugh Co., Cleveland, Ohio. WANTED-INDUSTRIOUS MEN AND WOM- en in every town to work for us at their homes. NO CANVASSING. We will send work any distance. We have several lines or work to give out, some of which requires no experience. If you can't devote the whole day to our work, you can earn $5 or $6 a week by working an hour or two evenings Address Standard Mfg. Co., 142 West 23d st' I New York. # MECHANICS, ENGINEERS, ELECTRICIANST firemen,- etc.v A free scholarship in engineer- ing will be awarded to a few < well-recom- mended applicants. American School of Cor* respoßdencs, Boston, Mass. SATURDAY EVENING, MAfiun 3U, liiui. M.MBER Contiune-d. HARNESS-MAKERS WANTED, WITH FAC- tory experience. Apply Schulze Bros., * Du- luth.Mlnn. -\u25a0\u25a0:.\u25a0\u25a0 . ' \u25a0•'-. i.r.',: ENERGETIC SALESMAN. SCHOOL - SUP- plies; country work; $100 salary ; and com- tuisslong. R_O. Evans & Co.,_Chi£ago,. Ill.j#j TRUSTWORTHY PERSONS TO TRAVEL for old established 1 house of -solid-financial standing. Salary $780 and expense*. No , canvassing. Inclose self-addressed'envelop*. Manager, Caxton building. Chicago. ' POSITFONS UN^EK~/rHSrGOVERNMENX; thousand* of appointments will be made from civil service examinations to be held 'In all large cities; catalogue ;of informatiaa Columbian Correspondence College AVaoiiia*;- ton, D.-C.:.,-. , \u25a0 \u25a0;-,., ,-/.,/-%:; i x , - mechanics; engineers ELECTRIC- ians, flrenaeu, | etc., "• new - 40-page p«mphlet containing questions , aaked :- bjr examining board of engineers; sent free (ieorge A. 7.t\- -1 c r,_ publisher, St.- - Louis, Mo. .-^.-r:-rT-,j LESMEN FOR OFFICE SPECIALTIES, by samp'e: fine side line«; easy sellers; lib- eral terms; v,e help;ycu start; exrlusive ter- ritory; catalogue free. Model Mfg" Co" Box L. South Bend;; Ind.-••'-'•\u25a0> ;\u25a0 --' \u25a0> ..-,.\u25a0' WANTED—Traveling salesman to wholesale and retail. trade only; salary $1,200 and ex- penses. The National, Caxton, bid, Chicago. BARBER TO TAKECHARGE part furniture of two-chair shop. Inquire of J. Heller, 3000 Lyndale ay. ;...-., WANTED—A BOY OR YOUNG MAN. COM- petent to do draughting. The Roberts Heat- ing_and Ventilating Co. GOVERNMENT POSITfoI^srwIIERE~THEY are, how obtained, salaries paid; particulars free. Write for circular 143, National Corre- spondence Institute, Washington, D. C. SALESMEN WANTED BY APRIL 15, TRAVI eler for Minnesota and Wisconsin; natural ability and aptness count for more than ex- perience, high commission contract; staple line; references, bond and entire time re- quired; first-class men only need apply. E. L. Rice, 33 Congress st, Detroit, Mich. WANT E D—M EN TO ADVERTISE~AN D~"lN - troduce our soaps and specialties, tack signs, distribute circulars, samples: steady work; $12 weekly and expenses. Marvel Mfg. Co., Chicago. WAN TED-TRAVELING MEN TO CARRY side line; little work, easy seller and liberal commission; no samples. D 920, Journal. wantei>7~reliable"~peopl~e~"every^ where to distribute small books and circu- lars: $2 per thousand paid for distribution: no canvasing. Narder Advertising Co., 611 Broadway, New York. MAN WANTED—AS DRY CLEANER IN dye house, with or without experience. State age and salary. R 929, Journal. MAN IN EVERY COUNTBTf TOWN TO sell staple article to grocers and butchers, llaynes Supply Co., 2809 Hennepin ay, Minne- apolis, Minn. WANTED, YOUNG MAN AND WIFE wFffiP out children, on farm 100 miles from city; modern house: man nius: understand farm- ing, woman good cook; wages $2u and $12 per month by the year. Call between 9 and 10 a. m., Hotel Vendome, 21 4th X S. room :;C4. SINGLE MAN. WITH KNOWLEDGE OF" bookkeeping, for general store in Devils Lake. N. D. Salary $45. Address W 929. Journal. WANTED—ONE GOOD HARDWOOD FlN- isher. Otto Witte, lti Centra! ay. WANTED - EXPERIENCED SILK AND dress goods salesman. Address I. Freimuth, DuSuth, Minn. WANTED—EVERYWHERE, HUSTLERS TO i tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advei lsing Bureau, Chicago. j \VANTED-FOUR FIRST-CLASS MACHIN- j ists for floor and lathe work in large shop. ! Address F 920. Journal. WANTED - SEVERAL EXPERIENCE!- brakemen and switchieu for freight servid.'. Address F 930, Journal. WANTED FOUR FIRST-CLASS NON- jniQU carpenters. 110 7th st S. C. L. Simons WANTED—A MAN WHO UNDERSTANDS taking i-are of horses, carriages, lawn and gardens, to work in country, seven mi!e-» trom city; must have good reference. B 92". Journal. WANTED—YOUNG MAX, IS TO 23, FOlt permanent position as order clerk; chance to advance; good pay. X 930. Journal. WANTED—VESTMAKERS AT ONCE; GOOD pay and steady work; call at once. Ben Mar- ienboff, 318 Hennepin ay. . WAN TED— ER RAND BOY " FOX OFFICE work. Address V 929, Journal. WANTED—HARNESS MAKERS FOR MK- dium and good work; steady lob for com- petent mechanics. Morley Bros, Saddlery Co., Chicago, 111. RELIABLE MAN TO TRAVEL IN MINNE- sota and collect. "Salary $13 weekly and ex- penses. Steady position. References. Trav- elers' Dept., 356 Dearborn, Chicago. WANTED—TWO HAHNESSMAKE W Kioepping, Farmington, Minn. we HAVETHE BEST" SELLER in the book line in the northwest. Good men earn $40 to $50 per week. C 931, Journal. NTED—EJTgETIC YOUNG MAN OF good address for lucrative position. First-class Ireferences required. Call MoDday, 1 to i I o'clock? 520 Guaranty Loan building. WANTED WELLTaPPEARING REPRE- sentative men In the leading cities of Min- nesota, North and South Dakota, outside of Minneapolis and St. Paul, as solicitors for a responsible corporation. Clean, legitimate business, with no competition. Compensation ample and permanent. References required Address Manager, 6J3 Andrus building, Min- neapolis. WANTED-MALE STENOGRAPHER, \u25a0 WILG ing to work cheap. 616 Andrus building. WANTED—VAN WHO HAS SOME STOCK cf his own to go on my land and raise stock on_shares. N 931, Journal. WANTED^A~WAGON~WOOD WORKER 7 Call Sunday at 1648 Marshall st NE or Mon- day at 2507_MarshalI st NE. WANTED—A THOROUGHLY FIRST-CLASS paper hanger; one who is also a brush hand Harry B. Cramer Co., 213 6th st S. WANTED—GOOD STRONG TB~OY. ABOUT it years old. Apply at 10 a. m. Monday, CO*J Washington ay N. SIGN WRITERTGOOD COMMERCIAL MAN; steady employment; give references; state wages. _Ricbards &_Bttz, Dcs Molnes, lowa. WANTED-A GOOD GERMAN *OR~AMERI- can hardware man for country store. A 923, Journal. WANTED—AN OFFICE BOY 14 OR 15 years old, $4 week. Address by Tuesday, X 932,_ Journal. WAXTED-TWO PATTERNMAKERS. JOHN H. Hall Pattern Works, 420 2d st S, second floor. \u25a0 - " --\u25a0 \u25a0 32 HELP WANTED-FEMALE YOUNG LADY FOR THOROUGH PREP- aration fo. office worK, attend Archibald col- lege, Lake st, corner Stevens ay. Day acd evening sessions. : t ;, \u0084 10 GIRLS~WANTED AT ONCE AT N. wT Dress-Cutting School. -728 Hennepin ay. PAYING AND PLEASANT EMPLOYMENT secured by graduates of Minnesota School of Business, 54 3d st S. diagonally opposite P. O. COMPETENT GIRL FOR MINNETONKA; modern fonveniences; big wages. Call at 620 E 16th st. ASK ANY DRUGGIST FOR FREE SAMPLE of Satin-Skin Cream, or write Albert F. Wood, perfumer, Detroit. Mich. WE HAVE GOOD. PAYING POSITION FOR" an intelligent and energetic lady . solicitor. Call 4 p. m. 21S Kasota buildiog. Minne- apolis. :•\u25a0 - WANTED—GIRL FOR GENERAL HoU3E- work. i 1.9 Bth 8t SE. - - :: - WANTED—A GOOD STARCHER, WHO IS willing to run slow pollsting machine and bosom lroner. J. D. Antes Laundry Co., 109 Washington ay N. , ; <^> - :; WANTED-AT ONCE. WOKKING HOI keeper, in widowers family, where there are children; will pay $15. per month to neat, good worker; references exchanged. Address Lock Box -904. Crookston, Minn. WANTED—HOUSEKEEPER, ON FARM" near city; or would hire man and wife. Ad- dreas N 927. Journal. « WANTED—REFITTER, LADIES' . SUITS and jackets; none but experienced need ap-; ply. Fred D. Young Co., 513 Nlcollet ay. A COMPETENT KITCHEN GIRL; GOOD; wages. Apply 1520 Haw thorn. ' ;r' TWO GIRLS—AT ONCE: ONE FOR GEN- eral housework, willing: later to go to Min- netonka: other as nurse for children. . _u22 Park ay. -^ :,,. \u25a0 .:::-,. wanted=gTrl~for general house" work at 2608 Blaisdell ay S. Please - call mornings. : . GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK -IN. small family: easy place; good borne for girl. 736. E 16th st. \u25a0 " "' COOK AND DINING-ROOM GIRL WANTED"' at 204 Hennepin. - . - v COOK TO ASSIST SOME IN GENERAL housework. 528 14th ay SE. « GIRL~FOR~GENERAL ; HOUSEWORKr ' Sl3 st-NE. ,:*\u25a0 \u25a0<.*\u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0<.\u25a0"•\u25a0\u25a0 —\u25a0\u25a0' •\u25a0-\u25a0>.\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0;\u25a0 -\m- ,- t . " - , .::\u25a0 TEN GIRLS WANTED AT ONCE, |1.50 PER day paid to apprentices and from $2.50 to So per day to dressmakers by the Northwestern! Drese-Cutting School while learning the new and only reliable French Tailor Square, i- W«s % teach the cutting,; baiting,; boning. and trim- - ming and designing, draping, - and - guarantee you situations when completed. \u25a0 We have one = of the finest dressmaking . establishments I at-' tacaed to our school. Mme. Buchane is y«tt reliable. 728j Hennepin ay, on ! corner lof Bth st and Hennepin ay.'»;-. . :; ,v ;>- WANTED BXPERIENCEP SHIRTWAIST maker. Apply 375 Syndicate Arcade.

MINNEAPOLIS MAfiun WANT ADS ON PAGES 9, · 1%-story frame dwelling 900 Pie Handberg, 2412 Fourth et N, frame 9,saed and repairs 170 P. Sandahl, 1926 Fifteenth ay S, frame barn To

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Page 1: MINNEAPOLIS MAfiun WANT ADS ON PAGES 9, · 1%-story frame dwelling 900 Pie Handberg, 2412 Fourth et N, frame 9,saed and repairs 170 P. Sandahl, 1926 Fifteenth ay S, frame barn To

_B_WANT ADS ON PAGES 8, 9, 10.

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERSSolou H. Eveleth to Wm. F. Boser; s^

lot 2, block 32, Gale's second addi-tion $725

Luke Curry and wife to ThomasCurry; in section 30, township 120,rango 23 120

Frank C. Nickels and wife to FloraE. Brace; lot IS, block 25, First Di-vision Remington Park 200

Joseph Blum and wife to Phillip G.Zimmerschied: part lots 7 and s,block 22, Bassett, Moore & Cases'*addition 1,050

lUllett W. Hill and wife to JosephinePalmer; lot 12. block 25, First Di-vision Remington Park 960

Mary A. Allen to Wm. D. Allen; partlot 6, block 6, Gale's first addition.... 500

Mary A. Allen to Thomas Allen; partlot 6. block 6, Gale's first addition.. 500

Michael Curry and wife to ThomasCurry; in section 30, township IM,range 28 120

John Curry to Thomas Curry; in sec-tion 30. township 120, range 23 120

Adele H. Goundie to Joseph Blum:part lots 7 and 8, block 22, Basßett,Moore & Case's addition 950

Susan Damon Gale and husband toJoseph L. Harper; lots 9S and 99,Cottagewood revised 600

Wm. 1). Palmer and wife to Hallett W.Hill: lot 12, block 25, First DivisionRemington Park 900

Katharine R. West and husband toLillian R. and Richard L. Costlgan;lots 8 and 9, block 2, Nicollet addition 2,000

Jessie M. Trent and husband to RolandC, Bowmau; part lots 6 and 7, block3. Lake of the Isles addition.. 3,200

Ambrose Tighe (executor) to Jonn K. 'Lane; lots 10 and 11, block 9, Town ofSt. Anthony 2,250

Mary F. Sanborn and husband to JohnG. Wadensten; part lots 1 and 2,block 9, -Morrison & Lovejoy's addi-tion 973

Manchester Savings bank to AlbionBarnard; part block 62, Town of Min-neapolis 18.23S i

Four minor deeds 13

Total, twenty-one deed5....... $33,411

Building Permit*.Tale Realty company, 114-16 W Grant

st. 4-story and basement brick .$17,000Xald' Realty company, 120-22 W Grant

et, 4-story and basement brick flats.. 17,0002WIe Realty company, 124-2« \V Grant

«t, 4-story and basement brick flats.. 17,000JoJau Sullivan, 244 Nineteenth ay N,

repairs 20s«hu Sullivan, 244 Nineteenth ay X,

, elteratlona and repairs 65Thomas Blackwood, 402 Tenth st S, al-

terations -repairs 1,000Louie J. Lace, 735 Monroe st XE, alter-

atlons and repairs ...: 100JVm. >Doaaldson & Co., Thirty-flftn st

and Portland ay, two frame and glass\u25a0 greenhouses •... 4,500Qiarles Homines, agent, 1909 Aldrich ay

X, repair* 20Matt Donaghue, 2509-11 Twenty-fifth a?

8 S, frame shed and alterations 60T. W. Vorhees, Jr., 812.Bryant ay N.

1%-story frame dwelling 900Pie Handberg, 2412 Fourth et N, frame

saed and repairs 1709, P. Sandahl, 1926 Fifteenth ay S,

frame barn ToB. E. & F. Manthey, 2600-2 Bryant ay

X, repairs after fire 750Oulia A. Reed, 3100-2 Irving ay X,

frame addition 300Mrs. Xels Loberg, 1909 Washington ay

S, 2-story frame dwelling 2,200Frank E. Moody, 1408 Park ay, 2-story

frame flat .., 6,500

Total .....S66,CGO

Marriage Liceime.Manfred Johnson and Selwe Newman,

Births. I

Mrs. William Dwyer, 2127 Aldricn ay N...boyMrs. Charles Wilder, 1908 Tyler 5t........girlMrs. Oscar Backstrom, 2112 22d st S girlMrs. James Carr, 311 4th st NE girlMrs. Richard Fitzgerald, 349. Broadway

NE boy

Deaths.Mary Grippa, 121 2d st SE, 74 years.Katherine Weisen, 1408 6th st X, tiu years.Emmett Johu Killeece,. 2746 18th ay B, 6

mouths. , • .


WE PAY |18 A WEEK AXD EXPENSES TOmen -with rigs to intorduce our Poultry Com-pound. Javelle Mfg. Co., Dept. 76, Parsons,Kan.AGENTS ;WANTED—IN EVERY WATER-works town in the United States for the"Modern" filter; latest and most novel de-sign; first ever made to recharge in one min-ute; one gross "fiber cotton" fillings(a year'ssupply) free with each; light, neat, hand-some; sells soon as sediment taken from thewater is seen on cotton; reserved territory;scad for circulars and terms.

MODERN FILTER CO., 5243 Franklin st, D3, Boston. Masa. _.

AGENTS ON SALARY OR COMMISSIOnT.The greatest agents' seller ever produced;•very user of pen and ink buys it on sight;200 to 600 per cent profit; one agent's salesamounted to $620 in six days; another $32 intwo hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X 120, LaCrosse, Wis. '.WANTED— ORGANIZERS. HlGH-

,cst salary and commission paid. Attractiveplan and literature. Top contract. Lead-ing order. Knights Kadosh, Dcs Moines, lowa.AGENTS- CANVASSERS, STUDENTSwanted; dollars, and plenty of them, easilymade selling Old Faithful best high grade14k. gold, iridium point fountain pen evermanufactured; popular prices; lifetimechance to start permanent, pleasant payingbusiness; liberal terms free. Chas. H. ReesCo., 1650 <North 29th st, Philadelphia, Pa. A.


PORTRAIT AGENTS everywhere quit"crayons." Try washable enamelines; noglass; don't rub; cheap. Family Portrait- Co., Chicago. \u25a0

AGENTS, IF YOU WANT GOOD GOOD 3that sell and are money makers, send forour 55-page illustrated catalogue of patentedhousehold and office specialties, novelties,itflcka, puzzles, etc.; 165 articles to selecttrom. Day Novelty Works, 224 Clark st,Oolcago, 111. -_\u25a0\u25a0-'.--\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0, ,ON- .UPPER NIOOLLET ISLAND, FlVE-roota first-floor fiat, bath, hot and cold water,range, shades, beater, gas fixtures. F. C.Qrierwold, Nlcollet Island.AOENTS WANTED— PER DAY GUAR-anteed in salary or commission, for every dayyou are in our employ; this statement is notexaggerated; -we want a general agent for7©ur territory; our goods sell at eight to

«r«rr man, woman or child; in every office,factory and home; a person that can svllanything can make a fortune; every articlepatented and never before sold in your terri-tory; exclusive agency granted and free out-fitot samples to start right to work sent youon receipt of your application; write at once,as "vre only want one good man for your ter-rltqry. Braham Co., B 605, Cincinnati, Ohio.§109 MONTHLY, NEW PATENT METALLICbread boards; sample free. D. S. ForsheeCo., Cincinnati. Ohio. -. . : .$180 PER MONTH AND EXPENSES GUAR-anteed good men visiting country people, tak-iy.g orders and appointing eubagents for ourinventions,, used by every dairyman, farmer4nd vehicle owner; a monopoly; saves hun-- dreds of dollars; costs, but little. For par-ticulars, samples, eto., address Willard Co.,Cincinnati, Ohio. ' \u25a0 .:.&EAD BRAHAM'S HONEST, STRAIGHT-' forward otter in agents' column and write tothem. \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0".\u25a0\u25a0;•: \u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0.;. \u25a0 :\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .\u25a0

SALESMEN FOR ALL. LINES OF BUSINESS(splendid aide line) to sell our calendars; ISOdifferent styles, newest, latest patterns; Justthe things customers want;, we pay .the largestcommissions; many of our men give their en-tire time to our line and make from $75 to$125 every week; guaranteed best aide line•v«r offered;.write promptly with references;commissions paid on acceptance of orders.'American Novelty Co.. Cincinnati, Ohio.

MMBKR 6-Conllnufil.FOR SALE—MY STOCK OF MILLINERY,hair goods and notions. My trade and goodwill thrown in. 1 will also teach the entirebusiness without cost. Good reasons for cell-ing. Mme. Young, 406 E Park, Anaconda,Mont.FOR SALE-75-BARREL. FULL ROLLERmill; machinery made by Nordyke & Mar-moii; everything in good running order; millis now running steady. Address E. L., 1217Bth ay X.BARGAIN IN IRON LANDS—ONE-EIGHTHinterest in 6,000 acres, towuahip G-J-U, St.Louis county, known as Paulson lands. Pineworth more than cost. A. Harrington, 5Chamber Commerce.FOR SALE. CHEAP-GATEWAY CITSTLaundry, La Crosse, Wis. Apply to Miller& Wolfe, attorneys, La Crosse. Wis.SALOON, RESTAURANT. GOOD WILL,stock and fixtures of the late Robert Burton.at Breckenridge, Minn. Inquire of VioletBurton, Breckenridge, MimrT~^YvTSH~*TO~~ IDENTIFY MYSBLF wTt Hparties who contemplate building an up-to-date flouring mill; I am an old up-to-datemiller; credentials second to none: wouldoperate a first-class mill on per cent of prof-its. For particulars address II 926, Journal.WE EXECUTE OPTION ORDERS FORgrain; $20 will margin 1,000 bushels 2 cents;send for our free book, "Facts and Figures,"explaining option trading. The Osboru GrainCo., Sl2 and 8U Phoenix building. Minne-apolis. Members Chamber of Commerce.WANTED—TO lUY ELEVATOR IX GOODgrain country; give full particuluis in firstletter. Address V 938, Journal.

HOTEL MAX WITH SUFFICIENT MEANSto build a modern hotel, can find a splendidopening at Devils Lake, N. D. Write themayor, Wni. H. Brown.PAR~TY~WIfH~SOME~CAPITAL WISHES TOlearn of some town where there is opening fora bank. Address P 921, Journal.JEWELRY STORE FOR SALE IN MINNK-sota; population about 700; rich surroundingfarming country: a good chance for a manwith small capital; no competition; rentcheap; good location; reason for selling, poorhealth. For information address R 928, Jour-nal.NEARLY NEW"STbCK ~OF DRY~GOODS7clothing, furnishings, shoes, etc., all good,clean, staple stock, up to date goods, boughtright, at regular wholesale prices; will in-voice about as follows: $3,300 dry goods,$1,600 clothing, $2,500 shoes; will sell all oreither line separate, cheap for all cash, orwill consider a part trade for clear property,at fair value, but my party must have somecash. This is no trading stock, but good,regular goods, and a splendid chance tosave money on good, clean merchandise. Callor write Charles C. Bowlus, 533 Guarantybuilding.

FOR SALE—FIRST-CLASS DAIRY: FOR IX-formation call on Turuquist the Tailor, 703Xicollet ay. second floor.PATTERXMAKER. Al, CAN SOLICIT GOODtrade and has some cash, desires partnerwho can put from $2UO to $300 into business;prefer one familiar with pattern work ormechanical draftsman. Address M 922, Jour-nal.I~WAXT TO INVEST ABOUT $100 ANDservices in something I can make a living at.Address B 932. Journal.DOX'T~LOAX~YOUR MONEY AT 6 PERcent. You can get more on safe invest-ments. No speculation; investigate. Ad-dress II 928, Journal.WANTED—A GOOD HARDWARE MAN TObuy half interest in well-established hard-ware business in Minnesota. F 931, Journal.FOR^SALE^THE BEST~HARD"WARE~] Jf Agood town and farming country in Minnesota,with established business. An excellent open-ing. Address 405 Lumber Exchange, Minne-apolis.




Minneapolis, Minn. - - Dept.. A.

Q^ ~AUC^ON S ALES^AUCTION—MONDAY NEXT^ APRIL 1, AT10 a. m. sharp, the elegant and costly fur-

. nishing t appointments of a Sunnyside resi-dence, consisting of nearly new bedroom,

.' parlor, dining-room and library furniture,fine brass and iron beds, handsome large vel-vet and other rugs, draperies, oil paintingsand engravings, sewing machine, bric-a-brac,first-class upright piano, • English crockery,silverware, range, refrigerator, leather goods.books, bicycle, kitchen utensils and other

•'•\u25a0• items, all without reserve. . Hubert Bown &Co.. Auctioneers, 44 and 46 7th 8t S. '.--.'-


Business Chances, Stocks, Investments;.references given; correspondence solicited..;. 448-444 ANDRUS BUILDINQ. ~.

WANTED—I CAN CONTROL THE BEST\u25a0i paying •retail grocery store \u25a0in Minneapolis-'and need .SI,OOO .to -increase the business.

Best ,of references and \u25a0 security. A safe,go«d paying ia,v«itm«nt. T 925, Journal. ,

WANTED—PARTY WITH $1,500 TO INVESTwith party having equal amount, in a busi-ness that pays large profit; big demand:need no experience. No competition; withor without service. B 933, Journal.FOR SALS—CHE AP—COMPLETE~WOO D -working plant, boiler, engine, combinedplaner and side mortising machine, turninglathe; also feed mill. Everything completefor business. G 931, Journal.


Easy payments, with guaranteed returns.No speculation. Safe, sure and reliable.Investigate at once.Call or writeI^o4-1206-1208 Guaranty Loan Building.

.1. W. EARL,Superintendent.

FOR" SALE—THIRTY-TWO-ROOM HOTEL,largely patronized by traveling men, in busi-ness part of prosperous city of 8,000 inhabi-tants. Fine paying business, established forsixteen years. Reason for selling, ill health.Address R 903, Journal.FOR SALE OR RENT—A FIRST-CLASSblacksmith and wagon shop in a progressivetown of 1,700 inhabitants. Address Mrs. Eiiz-abeth Forde, Hillsboro, N. D.FOR SALE—REPAIrTsHOP, CHEAP. AD-dress R 927. Journal.YOUNG MAN DESIRES TO OPEN FlßST-olass barber shop in small town in NorthDakota or Montana; has had 13 years' experienee in the business, is strictly temperateand can furnish No. 1 references; would feelgreatly obligated to any one who would bekind enough to inform me of such an opening.N 926, Journal.FOR SALE—GENERAL STORE WITHstock and postofßce on railroad station andtwo elevators. Kurt Diercks, Claybank, Minn.FOR RENT, SALE OR TRADE—A 20-ROOMhotel in growing town ou Great Northernrailway; must deal quick; a snap for rightparty. Wm. Thissen, Clara City. Minn. iA GOOD OPENING FOR A FOUNDRY AND!machine shop for the right parties: goodfarming country and a foundry could getplenty of work. W. G. Goilld, Glencoe, Minn.PROMINENT MAILORDER EXPERT WILLprivately help a few people to succeed iv themail order business; advertising placed atlow rates, also circulars, ads and bookletswritten so they bring business; personal let-ter and copy of leading mail order paper sentfor 10 cents. A. L. Swett, Omaha building,Chicago.LIST OF NAMES FOR MAIL ORDERtrade, farm lands, mines, never used. Ad-dress B 929. Journal.FOR RENT—HAMPSHIRE ARM.S BARBERshop; furnished: large pleasant room, steamheat, hot and cold water;electric light, billiardtable, etc. Marston, corner 4th ay and 9th st.GROCERY, WITH FIXTURES, NICEneighborhood; sell any way to suit buyer;hustler could do well. J. H. Brown, 128 Bea-con st SE.UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY—A VERY PROF-itable ofiicebusiness; will pay over $5,000 year-ly; may be largely increased; must be sold;price moderate. D 930, Journal.WANTED—OPENING FOR FIRST-CLASSdentist in town of 1,600 in Washington. DavidG. Owen, Spokane, Wash.MAIL ORDER ADVERTISERS SEEKINGgood returns from over 8,000,000 mail orderbuyers, send for particulars how to obtainthe same through Sawyer Trio. Address S.Sawyer Publishing Co., Waterville. Me.FOR SALE — FIRST-CLASS GENERALstore, dance hall in connection; business willclear $1,000 in the next 10 months; best ofreasons for celling. Address 888, New PragueMinn.INCREASE YOUR SALARY OR INCOME•safely and securely through a mail business:how and what to do; to do this successfully,read the Mail Order Journal, 64 pages month-ly; send your dime to-day. Louis Guenther,publisher, room 560, 115 Dearborn st, Chicago 1!Money refunded if not satisfactory.HOTEL, LEASE AND FURNITURE OF*THEonly $2 day house, city 3,500; four railroads:annual receipts over $24,000; no boarders; 73rooms; hotel and furniture all modern; price$7,500; one-half cash; no attention paid toanswers without references 4 If you are notan up-to-date hotel man, don't apply. AddressA 931, Journal.A SUCCESSFUL, BROKER OF LONG. EX- ;perience, and in the market every day, willact as agent for parties desiring to deal instocks, grain or provisions, on margin, fora percentage of the . profits; strictly con-fidential. For further information address pO. Box 93, Minneapolis, Minn.$60 FOR 12 MONTHS WILL. RENT ALL THEbuildings and about three acres of land withfruit trees, berries, etc., of fhe Joseph Gerardestate In Bloomington, 12 miles from cityhall; cycle path within half mile. AddressC. M. Vollender, 629 Washington ay S.BUTTER,- EGG, TEA AND COFFEE STORE,$700, for trade; rig, fixtures and stock wiliinvoice above amount. O 931, Journal. .FOR SALE—HOTEL AND SALOON*. DOINGbusiness for 19 years; house full; doing goodbusiness; must, sell on account of health.Can lease to suit. Address P 931, Journal.

7 BUSINESS SPECIALS""SUPERFLUOUS H-AIR, MOLES. etc.. PER-manently removed by electricity. Mils Hol-llster, 77-78 Syndicate block. Pioneer stand ofthe northwest. Exclusive specialist.

Bl^Lx^ bicycles~TIRES. iS A PAIR, GUARANTEED ENTIREseason; sundries and repairing. Bicycles, from|25 to jot). Meyer Cycle Co.. 21 sth at S. X-:FOR SALE—GIRL'S SECOND-HAND Bi-cycle, cheap. 1515 Laurel ay. :WHEEL AT BARGAIN—CRESCENT, -24---inch, diamond frame, practically unused, per-fect condition. c*il at 1322 Via*place, flat 1.

MMUEII 8—« oiillimed.

FOR SALE-LADY'S WHEEL IN FAIRcondition for $10 cash. Call 2600 3d uv S.FOR SALE—NEARLY XEW 1900 DEEREbicycle, complete with guaranteed tirea, coas-ter brake, etc., cheap for cash. Flske, 200]st av-s: . : :-• \u25a0/ \u25a0"-,.'\u25a0-' ;.-FOR SALE-LADY'S HARTFORD IH-cycle; first-Haas condition: $10 cash. X 931,Journal.

IQ BOARD AND ROOMSFOR RENT, WITH HOAKU, N'ICBLY FL'R-nished room; house modern and central. 51210th st_S.PRIV ATE FAKILV IN- MODERN HO OHE;have room and board for oue or two ladles.1516 Laurel ay.

FOR RENT—FRONT ROOM, WITH AL^cove; also small back room, with board. 3613th si S.tcTkent, with uoarETif desired, anice large front room, all modem conveni-ence: very desirable for two young men orman and wife. Call 208 W Grant si.



13th st and Franklin.j KOK SALE—A FULL-BLOODED JERSEY"i-ow and two other choice fresh cows at 1116Miyant ay X.1 i [REE GOOD 1,200-POUND DELIVERYhorses: one good driver; three fresh cows,grade Jersey, 14-quart milkers. 3018 Garfleld.COWS—SNAP FOR SUNDAY; EIGHT FIXEfresh milkers; have dropped the price; come

! early for B bargain. Morrison, 301 Universityay XE.FOR SALE.TWO GOOD COWS. ONE"FRESHJersey, with calf. 31)31 14th ay S.

14 CLAIRVOYANTSMRS. MANEWELL, medium; readings daily;Thursday eve circles, 25c. 62u 1i! Xic, room 14.MMEL BATCH, IMPRESSIOXAL CARDreader and palmist, will eive double readingsthis week for 50 cents. 520 sth ay S.MRS. MAHY JACO~BS, THE WELL-KNOWNmedium, for 20 years located in Minneapolis,can now be consulted daily on all affairs oflife, at her new residence, 61<j ad ay S.

j MMB. CLAYMONT, WONDERFUL CLAlß-voyant and magnetic healer. 1028 Hennepiu.


: Truth, will celebrate^the 53d anniversary ofi modern spiritualism Sunday afternoon, Marchi 31, at JO9 Nicollet ay. Mrs. Manewell, pastor;j trance lecture by Mra. Holmes, grand testj seance, conducted by the paster.

1 15 DRESSMAKINGTHE MISSES C. BMOND AND K. P.IVARDhave opened new dressmaking parlors at 306Central ay, room 5, Central block. Yourpatronage Is solicited.



Ready with pew models for the newspring styles; good cloth and findings;established reputation in fitting: specialtyin riding habits, bicycle skirts and partydresses. Ladies, be glad to have you call.

16 DYEING AND CLEANINGTWIN CITY DYE WORKS—PRACTICALdyers and French dry cleaners; out-of-townorders solicited; prices moderate. 420 Nic-

I ollet. Telephone 1576. j

PIANOS—CHICKERING UPRIGHT. $190;Behaing upright, $200; liale upright, $123;Weber upright, $225; all in good condition; ithree square pianos, $25, $35, $40, $5 monthly; jnew pianos .for rent, $3.50, $4 a month; oneyear's rent allowed if purchased. Foster &

I Waldo, 40 Bth st S, corner Nlcollet.HANSONS PLACE KEEPS THE LARG-

• est «tock of second-hand goods west of Chi-cago; store fixtures of all kinds; showcases,refrigerators, office furniture, safes, sodafountains, cash' registers, wagons, carriages,stoves and furniture. 10:7 Washington ay S.ONE IRON PLANER, 12~FOOT"bED~fTrST-ela&s condition; we have no use for it. Globe

Works Co., Minneapolis.FOR SALE—SOME EXCELLENT HOUSE-hoId furniture; have more than we need be-cause of moving Into smaller quarters. Callfor Inspection, 1701 3d ay S.FOR SALE—ENTIRE CONTENTS OF HAN'D-sotneiy furnished house, including brass, bed,leather • library furniture, bicycles, dining-room set, bock cases, kitchen utensils, etc.2541 Harriet ay. \u25a0

FOR SALE—2S COWS. . KOUTE, TWOhorses, milk wagon, sleigh and cans. F S2B,Journal.ON ELECTRIC BELLS, gas lamps, consultBryant, 3447 Chicago ay. 'Phone So. 472 J-2.NATIONAL CASH REGISTER, KEYS 5c TO$1; price $50. Town Market, 27 sth Bt S.FINE SECOND-HAND ICE BOXES ANDrefrigerators, all sizes; over 100 to selectfrom; $2 upwards; suitable for stores, res-taurants, hotels, butchers and family use.1027 Washington ay S.FOR SALE—BAND UNIFORMS, 18 SUITS,dark blue, trimmed in black; sack coats,Liberty style, in good condition. AddressE. B. Helberg, Montevideo, Minn.

<$> . <J><$> MINNEAPOLIS STATIONERY CO., <$><$> Wholesale and Retail Stationers, 405 <$><$> Hennepin ay, Minneapolis. Minn. . <$><|> Letter Copying Books, Typewriter <$><S> Ribbons and Papers, Carbon Papers, <£><*> Pens and Ink, Typewriters (new and <\u2666><j> second hand). SPECIAL ATTEN- <$><«> TION TO SMALL ORDERS. <j>


PARTY DESIRING TO BUY GASOLENElaunch, suitable for inland lake, safe, easilymanaged, first-class make, price low, addressM. M., 2425 University ay SE. Minneapolis.' PAINT, $1 PER GALLON. \u0084: 7 :

H. O. Roberta, 103 Western ay. ... ;

WE ARE SELLING A 17-FOOT GASOLENElaunch for a lake side family ••carry all"that can't be equaled for price and-durabil-ity; get your orders in early. Globe, IronWorks Co., Minneapolis.FOR SALE—HANDSOME GOLDEN FAWNGreat Dane male pup, 12 months old; best ofpedigree; no better breeding; will be \u25a0 soldreasonable. 1904 E 26th st. '\u25a0_


Si White blank, 2>s> cents roll; gilt, 4 SiSi cents roll and up: every pattern re- 8»Si duced to lowest possible price. It SiSi will pay you to call on us. '. :, ;\u25a0\u25a0 SiJ2 THE ART WALL PAPER STORE, SiSi ':..'.> 909.Nieollet Avenue. - ;• Si

i BtfBBsBSBBBB£_B£BSSBBB SJ?SSS?SSSS*!S 82SS8iSS88SiFOR SALE—BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKvS,three cockere,ls, u five liullets. . 3720 Lyndalfcay S. Call'afterS'p. m., or Sunday. . •'*';•'

EGGS FROM .ROSE COMB WHITE LEG-horns, 75c setting; these birds lay all winter;no trouble with rozt v combs. 26'!;; l'leasant

i ay. , . , ,•

19'_' FINANCIALLOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE—LOWrates; easy payments; no publicity. Ameri-can Credit Co., C. K. Jennings, Mgr., 6<S3-uUuaianty build tog. J \u25a0

ATLOWESfItATES—MONEY TO LOAN. R.D. Cone & Co., 517 Guaranty Loan building.

4Vi TO 6 PER CENT MONEY. WITH THE"on or before" privilege, to loau on improvedproperty ia Minneapolis and St. Paul. R. M.Newport, 309-311 Phoenix building, 60 4th st iS, Minneapolis. ' |

W «*91*********91*****1*.H*XX$> MONEY TO LOAN SALARIED PEO- <$><£> pie.— are. prepared to loan rea";on- <$><$> able amounts to salaried people hold- <§>•i ing steady positions with lesponsible <&<$> concerns, on easy weekly or monthly; <§><<•> payments. We conduct our business <§> \<5> strictly confidential. Lowest rates and <§><\u2666> fair treatment guaranteed. Room 206, <$> i<«» Bank of Commerce building. ! <p iAA AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA

MONEY TO LOAN; EASY TERMS; LOWrates. David P. Jones fc Co., Oneida building.

MORTGAGE LOANS—Rates low; any sums;

'<no delay; Bee us aure Gale h Co., N. Y. Life.MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLEwith steady positions in good concerns, ontheir own names; no security; easy payments.Tolman, 920 N. Y. Life building. -. -WE HAVE A BLOCK OF EASTERN MONEYto loan at 5 per cent on choice residenceproperty. Thorpe Bros.. 258 Hennepin ay.

QUICK LOANS - — .;\u2666:



'MMBKH 2O—Continued.WHENTOU WANT FURNITURE repalredlreupholstered, refinished, or mattresses reno-vated, try Kainville Bros., the East Sidedealers, No. 15 Nieollet island. Both 'phones.ASK ANY DllUGGltPr FOR FREE SAMPLEof Satin-Skin Cream, or write Albert F.Wood, perfumer, Detroit, Mien.FOUNTAIN PENS, ALL MAKES; WATER-man, Parker, etc.; jobbing stock to selectfrom; repairs. Whitall & Slddall, CommercialStationers, 323 Hennepin.DRY. SELECTED MAPLE, ¥6.25 PER CORD;sawed maple, $6.75 per cord: sawed oak slabs,$4.60 per load. St. Paul & Western Coal Co.,5-C Luuiber Exchange. Telephone M 1984.MEHLIN PIANO,~MOVING~PTc?TURirMA7chine, Deweylin harps, four nico bedroomsuits, typewriting desk; rare chance. White,220 Temple Court.SEEDS—FRESH STOCK D. M. FERRY &Co.'s bulk seeds Just received. J. H. Smith,214-216 Hennepin ay.FOR SALE—ENGLISH POINTER BITCH,thoroughly broken; excellent ranger; nnelooker; 3 years old; price $30; worth $100 ofany sportsman's money. Write before AprilB.__Address_Dave_Kreps, Clara City, Minn.COMPLETE SALObN FIXTUR ES FORsale cheap. Call or address O. G. Brandt,Elbow Lake, Minn.ALLKINDS OF~BIR"DS FOR SALE CHEAP:Sc flsh 10c while they last; cages, bird andftsh food. Everything cheap. At Lester'sbird store, 1713 2d ay S.

HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE; PARTYleaving city; call Monday before 2 p. m. 341E 22d st. '-

\u25a0 -•-' V I ..THK FRAME BUILDING, NO. U 7TH S'lS, for sale, to be removed about May 1, 1901See J. C. Hall, 736 Lumbar Exchange.

4,000 ACRES HARDWOOD AND HEMLOCKtimber lands In Chippewa county, at $3.7C.per acre; must be sold in lew days or chancegoes by; great opportunity. J. H. Field, 100Lumber Exchange.On your own name without security or tn-

dorser; payment payable to suit - yourself.These who contemplate borrowing can be as- isured of the confidential treatment that all Ipersons of refinement and.pride feel is esses- Itial in matters of this nature. Our offices i

are so arranged that you do not come in con- jtact with other applicants, and you can be jwaited on privately and quickly. 4^.,. PRIVATE INTERVIEWING ROOMS.

MINNEAPOLIS LOAN COMPANY,601-602 Globe building. -,

<$>$><$><H'3><j><«xs><3xs><e^^<£> DEPOSIT WITH THE <£ !<§> SAVING FUND COMPANY, <$> j<§> 110 Temple Court. • - <$> I3> 4 per cent on deposits left two montiis. <$> J3> 4 per cent on one-year certificates. <$> j

I <$> 5 per ceut on two-j-ear certificates. <$ ',I <•> Capital, $350,000. Surplus, 20,000.' <$> ;

4> . Organized 18SD. #<$> J. L. Smith, Pres.; G. J. Pauly, Treas. <$><§> Fred B. Snyder, Counsel. <$ !<»<s*3><S><Sxs*3><S><S^^ |6 AND 6 PER CENT MORTGAGE LOANS? !No delay. C. S. Woodruff, Guaranty bldg. 'LOANS FROM $100 UPWARDSf~CITY PROP- ierty preferd; mo delay. J.B.Tabour. 124 S 4th. i

g*o**0**WE LOAN MONEY ***%

fji to salaried people on their notes at Qtlowest rate; strictly confidential; payweekly, eemi-weekly or monthly.

£» Room 202, Sykes block, 256 Hennepin ay. £fQ RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 5

SALARY LOANS. ~ ~If you are. employed by a responsible firm

we will loan you sums of $10 to $100 on yournote at much CHEAPER AND EASIEIIRATES than elsewhere, of this we are POSI-TIVE. Absolutely no charges for papers. !Nothing deducted from amount you desire. jEasiest partial payments. MINNEAPOLISFINANCIAL CO., room 206, New York Lifebuilding. .......«-e-*~»- .»..»..»..«..•••»\u25a0 \u25a0••••••-••\u25a0•••«\u25a0 .•-•\u25a0•\u25a0 ••»••.•-•..(..».

SECRECY Our business would be small in-SECRECY deed ifwe did not protect our cli-SECRECY ents with absolute secrecy.SECRECY' A large share of our clientsSECRECY could borrow from their friends,SECRECY but they don't want their friendsSECRECY to know about their little ter-n porary difficulties.SECRECY.- You may be sure that no oneSECRECY outside of our office will everSECRECY . learn of any transactions we maySECRECY have.SECRECY We loan on unindorsed notesSECRECY to parties holding good, perma-SECRECY. nent positions. ;:.;'.i

Room 202 Sykes Block, 256 Hennepin Ay, overAdams Express Co.

RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY. \.«..«..»-«-•-•.••-*-•\u25a0 •«..»\u25a0•»-«-«.«..•«»..«..«..,.,..«..«..|. t,WANTED—TO BORROW $8,000 FOR TWOyears; will pay 8 per cent; first-class secu-rity. T 922, Journal.CHOICE~MORTGAGES FOR SALE, WITHtitles guaranteed and - interest collected re«of charge. Title Insurance and Trust Co.bTtTt c s carefully~"manage"d7trusts accepted; wills kept without charge.Title Insurance and Trust Co., Oneida block.$150,000 TO LOAN. 4Vj TO 6 PER~CENTrONcity property. Title Insurance and Trust Co.WE LOAN ON IMPROVED CIfY~REAL'estate at lowest rates. Nickels &J3mitu, 311Nicollet ay. \u25a0

20 FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUSFREE "FOR SALE" CARDS TO THOSEadvertising under this head. Be sur« andcall for them when you leave the ad. •

COLFAX MINERAL WATER. ~Will permanently cure constipation. Weguarantee results; $1.75 per six-gallon case.The Glenwood-Inglewood Co., 313 Hennepin.

WATCHES cleaned; main spring fitted, $1;warranted a year. Flske, jeweler. 32 S. Wrvsh!MILLWOOD, DRY, 1.7 aTb~$3T~2~LibADSrpartly dry, $2.75; coal, $5 and $3.25. - PlymouthLbr. Co.. 4 Lumber Ex. Phone, Main 717 J-2.GREAT BARGAINS IN NEW AND SLIGHT-Iy used household goods of every description.

'We can save you 25 per . cent at the TownMarket Furniture Co., <25 and 27 6th '.. st S.Repalra for all kinds of stoves at half price.

TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 237 Henn. »r—Sell, rent, repair all makes. Ask tor prices.*

TANDEM IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITIONfor sale, or will exchange for s;ood type-writer. Address N 929, Journal.FINE YOUNG SCOTCH COLLIE, 22months old: beautifully marked, fuli whitecollar; $15: also one fine pup. .! montns old;full and extended pedigrees. 3937 Oth ay S.kolTls'aiJe^go6d~so da fountain. 20syrups, cheap; restaurant department. S. E.Olson Co.BARGAINS IN UPHOLSTERED Fl'RNI-

j tore, repairing, refinishing and cabinet work;• mattresses renovated, hail and moss, J1.50;I cushions, window s^ats aud dress boxes made; to order. All work guaranteed. Gustafson,: 9o;; Nicollet ay.

DOGS FOR SALE—TWO FINELY BREDfox terriers, accustomed to children; fullygrown; house broken and very blight; oldestfirst-class ratter and great trick dog: young-est partly trained and very handsome: prices$75 and $25; no less. Address Belmont, 301Drake_bl_opk

I_St :_J>aul, M!nn.FOR SALE—FURNISHINGS FOR SITTINGroom and bedroom; also refrigerator, kitchencabinet, and new hose, cheap. Inquire 115 W;;>th st.FOR SALE—AT A BARGAIN, A FIRST- iclass folding bed. Call Monday morning at |flat A, second floor, the Hennepin, corner •13th st and Hennepin ay. jCOMPLETE POULTRY" BOOK, 20S PAGES, !illustrated, with our p?.per 6 months 25c. 'Belgian hare book, 25c. Inland Poultry Joui- !nal, Indianapolis, Ind.UPRIGHT PIANO, BAUGaTn" PARTIESmoved to Seattle, left piano to be sod; calland examine: 31?, Masonic Temple; Monday orTuesday after 4 p. m.: best offer takes it.FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND LARGE COAL Iheating stove in good condition; price $5 Iill- ay. jONE THREE-HORSE UPRIGHT REVERS- iing engine and porcupine boiler, with pumpinjector and all fittings complete to equip aboat; also one Little Giant power bolt cut-ter complete with counter shaft, tap chuck, jtaps, collets and dies; capacity one-fourth to Ione inch. Greenfield, 400 Ist st N.FOR SALE—FULL BLOOeTwHITE LEG- ihorn hens and cockerel; also Hamburgs, at ja bargain. 2536 Polk st NE.NO. 5 REMINGTON TYPEWRITER IN jfirst-class condition for sale cheap. Address jA <W2, Journal.bargXins~ln~l?ewing machines, new 'and second-hand, $2.50 up, warranted: all !kinds repaired: everything in supplies. Lynch919 Nicollet ay.

SODA FOUNTAIN AND MARBLE COUN-ters, cost new $70o; $200 spot cash takes it,jf_sold at once. 1027 Washington ay S.FOR~~SALE^IS~iAYING BLACK " LANG~shans, cheap; must have room. Also, fewsitting hens and one Mann bone cutter. Callto-morrow if you want bargain. 1017 Loganay X.GOOD OAK DINING TABLE AND CHAIRSand combination bookcase and folding bed.cheap. 303 E 15th st, flat 11.FOR SALE—CHEAPT~TWO STAHL INCU-bators, 30 and_loo size. 4308 Drew ay S.for sale^cheap; blickensderfertypewriter, No. 7; cost, $50; almost new.Address B 931, Journal.PIANOS—STERLING UPRIGHT, $190; SEC~ond-hand walnut ease Singer upright, dam-aged by fire but in good condition. $185: An-derson piano, $225; Fischer upright, $165; $7monthly; new pianos for rent $3.5'j, $4 amonth; one year's rent allowed if purchased.Foster & Waldo. 40 sth 8t S, corner Nicollet.FOR SALE OR TRADE. 100 EGO MINNE-soca incubator in good shape, or will tradefor some fine bred Black Cochin pallets andcock. No. 4221 Perm ay N. Tel. .'1270 J L"EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM MY FINEbred winter layers; White Plymouth Rocksand White Leghorns. No. 4221 Perm ay N.$65 LATEST DROPHEAD SINGER SEWINGmachine, $22.50; White, $15; White, $!>; Do-mestic, $3.50; snaps. Elmer, 720 Ist ay S.FOR SALE—SI7S BUYS~S3OtTuPRIGHT PIaTno; used less than four months. This is nofake, but an actual bargain. V 931, Journal.FrXE~OLD JACOB~STEINER VIOLIN, SU-perlor tone, extra good condition. Can beseen at 517 Andrus building.POULTRY FOR~S ALE—OXE PEN BLACKLangshans and two Langshau cockerels.Also, eggs tor hatching. 8114 Girard ay 3. ,



FREE "FOR RENT" CARDS FOR THOSEadvertiaiug' under this head. Be suro and.call for thorn when you leave the ad.

McCURDY • ( Kents houses, ) Taking care& CO., 220 - flats, stores, >of property

Temple Court. Isells real estate. \ a specialty.List your property forsale or rent. ' .

1722 NICOLLHT, 10 ROOMS, MODERN, $35.603 Sth ay N, 8 rooms, modern, $22.50.31 Highland ay, 15 rooms, modern, barn, $50.2620 sth ay S, 10 rooms, modern, barn, $27.50.2309 sth ay S, 9 rooms, bain, $20. :j2300 Clinton ay, 7 rooms, city water, $15.

1 2731 Stevens ay, 7 rooms, gas, city water, $20.611 E 22d st, corner Portland ay, 6 rooms,

bath, gas, city water, sewer, $17.50.2504 Nieollet 'ay, 9 rooms, modern, barn, $25.345 E Franklin ay, 7 rooms, city water, $IS.509 Forest ay, 9 rooms, modern, $35.628 University' ay SE, 15 rooms, bath, gas,

furnace, etc., $30.;2531 2d ay S, 7 rooms, well, cistern, $12.George_Odlum,_3o9-311 Phoenix building.FOR" RENT—FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE. CA'CI2523 Portland ay.

H6U SE, 7 ROOMS, 3008 3D AY S, $15.House, 9 rooms, barn, 3129 lltb ay S, $13.House, 9 rooms, 3513 10th ay S, $15.House, 9 rooms, 2108 Fremont ay N, $20.House, 6 rooms, barn, 2100 17th ay 8, $I*.Rooms, 4 upstairs, 2117 22' ay S, $o.Rooms, 5, 3307 Cedar ay, lirst: floor, $8.R. D. Cone & Co., 517 Guaranty building. "

$40 PER MONTH—II213TH ST S, 9 ROOMS,modern; parquet floors in all rooms; hotwater and hot air heat. April 1. Call for rent-al list. Nickels & Smith, 311 Nieollet ay,room 2. k \u25a0;

ALL MODERN, NINE ROOMS, BEAUTIFULlocation; 82 Willow st, overlooking Central

;park; key the next door; rent $40. H. E.Ladd, 302 Andrus building, Nieollet and Sth.SMALL HOUSE-IN REAR OF 816>i 3Day S. $8.SIX-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT, ST. LOUISPark: bargains, rent or sale. Call for list.Wm. H. Gibson, -:20 Guaranty Loan building.

88S888S888S888888888S888888888SS88888S888S8iBS888888 . 82i?- i; . . notice. si8» We solicit the care and management Si53 of real property and defaulted mort- S2t» gages. I We can sell property placed "i \S3 under our care. Si"\u2666 . ' ; .... Si82 • NICKELS & SMITH, S*Sg No. 311 Ni&illet Ay, Suite 2. 88• •IgSggBSSgSBJBSBSgSSSgS SS 8S 82 SSSSSBSSBSggBSg£BBgSSaWE SELL PROPERTY PLACED UNDERour care and collect rents promptly. Nickels& Smith, 311 Nieollet ay. '

FIRE INSUARNCE WRITTEN IN GOODcompanies. Title Ins. & Trust Co. Onei blk.FOUR ROOMS, UPSTAIRS, ,AT 650 Lincolnst NE, for small family; rent $5. Pratt &Field Co.. 100 Lumber Exchange.THE O. G. PETERSON TRANSFER ANDStorage company.; furniture moved, packed,stored and shipped by experienced men only;best facilities, largest and finest vans in thecity; prompt service. Office, 501 Ist ay S.Both 'phones. "

2615 FREMONT AY S—NEW, ALLMODERN,detached flat, separate entrances; sevenrooms, bath, laundry and large storeroom;fine hardwood finish and floors; combinationheat; shades; large lawn; $23. _ __FOR RENT—HOUSE. 8 ROOMS. CITY WA-ter, barn, newly papered; all in good condi-tion. 3129 Pleasant.

MMBER 23—Continued.TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, EN-tirely modern; private family; strictly first-class; references exchanged. Address F 924,Journal.


FO£R, UPSTAIRS, 237 10TH AY S, $6.FOUR. "IN BRICK BLOCK. 1224 WASHING?ton ay S, $8.

25 I \FLRMSHED FLATSMODERN FIVE-ROOM FLAT. 332 E 18THst,_aecond floor. Apply Frank Miller.ASTORIA FLATS, SIX~~~RO(SMS, THdIToughly modern; refrigerator, gas range, $28.Inquirejttat F, 325 E 16th st.

HANDSOME~FLATr7~ROOMSTE VERY~CO.VIvenience; fine location; $40; 4th st, cornerBth ay SE. H. D. Cone & Co., 517 Guaranty.NEW FLATS," 5 ROOMS, $13; 6 ROOMS, $lt,$18; all modern but heat; 1126 11th ay N, cov-ner Fremont: also 4-room flat, 1114 11th ayN, $10. R. P. Cone & Co., 517 Guaranty.

EIGHT-ROOM MODERN, FeNTßALiTylO-cated, stean. heated flat for rent, $C 0 perinomh._Chadbourn, 21 4th st S.FLAT OF SEVEN ROOMS. FIRST FLOORIWoonsocket Apartments, flat 2, 1514 ;ld ay i=.EIGHT- ROOM FIRST-FLOOR~FLAT ATthe Norwood; $30. W. W. Clark. 313 Nicollet.FLAT, FIVE ROOMS, WINFILL BLOCK,sth st opposite West Hotel. $17. S. A. Reed,208 Century building, cit;-.

MODERN SIX-ROOM f"L~AT. WELL LOCAT-| <--d, light and convenient; call afternoons. 7:!i

X J'.Th st. fl.-.t 9.MODERN, UPSTAIRS, SIX-ROOM ANDbath, one blo.k from car line, $16: no morethan family of three wanted. 2119 9th ay S.SECOND FL7SOR~iN~STEAM HEATED?modem house: three rooms and bath, unfur-nished; walking distance; new paper. 143Lync!?.le ay N.ABO0 inviAY^I~VERY"DESI"RABLE FlVE-roorn modern flat, hardwood Moors, gas range,etc.; adults only; $25. 1615 Clinton ay.

FIVE-ROOM~STEAM~ HEATED MODERNHat; party leaving city; very desirable cor-ner. See janitor, 527 sth ay SE. |FLAT, if~ROOMSr~GR6UND~FLOOR, 18W i9th ay S; $23 per month.A UEAUTIFUL SIX-ROOM FLAT, WITHbath; strictly modern; Netley Corner, 2d ayand 10th st. See janitor. Marston, Hamp-shire Artne.$K> MONTH, FOUR ROOMS, FIRST FLOOR,modern: only stove heat: very desirable; No.S 11th st S. Inquire^lo2s_llennepin. __NO. 843 SUMMER ST NE~VERY NEATfour-room flat: city water; only one left: I$11.50 month. Lane & Conrad Co.. 51J Phoe- jnix building.

FOR~RENT—ONE OF THE \u25a0 BEST FLATS,"from May 1; apply-2010 Park ay. first floor.FOR RENT—MODERN SIX-ROOM FLAT. Icorner, first floor, cheap for rammer. 7-tS R18th st, flat 1.FRESHLY FURNISHED, LARGE FRONT, \neat and clean: bath, gas and heat; very de- jsizable for two gentlemen. 29 loth st N.6-ROOM FLAT AND LARGE ATTIC IN A !partly modern detached house; fine condition: Ibeautiful lawn, trees, veranda, etc.; eastfront; $12: best car service in city. "202Pleasant ay, second floor.

2g FinXISHEP FLATSA MODERN FIRNISHED FLAT, CENTRAL,$:".0; references required. Address O 929.journal.FO R RENT, FOR SUMMER, FU RNISHEDflat, seven rooms; modern; centrally located- Ilight,_airy. G 930, Journal.FOR RE NT—FURNISHE D ~APARTIfENT?, iin the Wisconsin, corner \~>Va st and PortlandR 931, Journal.

27 OKFICKft !OFFICES; STEAM HEATED; PRICES SS jto $20. Eastman block, 412 Nicollet. Inquire ]room 12.FOR RBNT—WITHIN~ONE~BLOCK OFT lIXIhamber of Commerce you can rent room T,McMillan building, 3d ay S and 3d st. Roomis 55x19 feet, steam heated, well lighted, sec-ond floor front. Just the room for graincommission firm; blackboard, 35x9, ruled forstocks and grain. Western Union cable in.Price of $25 per month, and location cannotbe duplicated. O. M. Laraway & Sons, 100Bank of Commerce.

12 TO 14-ROOM MODERN HOUSE: LAKGEbarn and fine, large grounds; near' Haw-thorn ay and several blocks from the park;$30 per month. No. 3019 Aldrich ay S, seveurooms; city water, gas and fixtures; heatingplant: newl* papered; $18 month. Lane &Conrad Co.. 513 Phoenix building.NINE ROOMS, MODERN, FIRST-CLASS ;fine_barn. _ 1806 3d zv S, $40.FOR~R EXT—SIX-ROO M HOUSE, IfTTfilay N. $10; five rooms, upstairs of 2441 sth ayS, $8: eight-room modern house, 301 E 25thst, $Sit. W. C. Allan, 21'J Kasota biork.FOR RENT—22IO STH AY S^ MODERNnine-room house, with or without barn. In-quire at 2300 Portland ay.

10-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, IN GOOD RE-palr: barn. 1418 Spruce place. Eight-roompartly modern house, 1834 4th ay S. Thayer& Gale. 417 and 418 New York Life. Tele-phone 3113 J2.

W. A. BARNES & CO.,300-302 Nicollet.


,1101 Logan ay N, 10 rooms $20.0911031 Knov ay N. 10 rooms :;o.on

j 1012 Logan ay N, 10 rooms 25.0088 Lyndale ay N. 9 rooms 27.M

1715 Bth ay N, 10 rooms W.WJ1715 Bth ay N, 10 rooms, fr.rnished 40. W)">«2 Oth ay N, 9 rooms 25.00

1305 2d ay S, 10 rooms 40.002721 Portland ay, 9 rooms !s.*'(i221:.' Bryant ay S, 12 rooms 60.00

COTTAGES.2519 25th ay S, 7 rooms, cistern, we 11... .flO.ftf2422 15th ay, 8 rooms, cistern, well 12.003228 sth ay S, 5 rooms, city water 12.503530 9th ay S, 7 rooms, cistern, well 15.002520 Stevens ay, city water 16.6*51220 7th st, 6 rooms, cistern, sewer 15.0»"2710 27';; st, cistern, well 6.i'o

| 2917 Bth st S, S rooms, cistern, well 10.001903 Franklin pv, 6 rcorns, city water.... I?.W8011 ith st, 4 rooms, city water 10.001032 12th ay SE. 7 rooms, city water 14.00

310 James ay N, 5 rooms, city water ... 12.0n413 James ay N, S rooms, city water 14.CX1j 162" sth ay N, 8 rooms, city water 15.00

I 1621 sth ay X, 7 rooms, city water 10.0i;We also have some very nice parts of

houses, also fiats, etc.

SSK ?SS2 K88888888888888S8oS8888888S8«888o^ SKiS2 KASOTA BLOCK, HENNEPIN AY ?J jS« and 4th st; one to three rooms; steam *i28 heated; first-class service. Walter L. »2»S Badger, 110 Kasota block, or 217 New S»SS York Life building. .:..":.•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.., \u25a082SigS SSS2 888S888ai88S8888»g888S8SSS888888SS8gSgS ss;*DESK KOOM TO LET. LUMBER EX-

-1 change, $5 per month. C 929, Journal.


ALL KINDS OF BUSINESS PROPERTYI FOR RENT. THORPE BROS, HENN. AY.j FOR RENT—3rSTH~ST S, 20x90," AND BASE-ment; new floor( paper and paint; steamheat. Byron & Willard, 29 sth st S.IM3 NICOLLET AY, 22x60.~H.~E~LADd7

• 302 Andrus building, Nicollet and sth. :, SHOP. I; OR "SHOEMAKER,j 233 or 235 10th ay S.| FOR RENT—GOOD BRICK BUILDING ON: 3d st, near 7th ay S; size 40x80, three storiesjand basement; elevator; will alter to suit| tenant. Edwin L. Buck, 100 Kasota building,i Minneapolis, Minn. \u25a0\u25a0 . \u25a0 •

j 827 PLYMOUTH AY, MEAT MARKET;I rent free to May 1: low rent to good tenant.j Baily, 507 New York Life building.; FULL FI-OORS, 24x90 FEET, WITH ELE- :\u25a0 vator. steam heat; thoroughly modern; will

suit any business; very attractive entrance. IBeal block. S. H. Findley, 517 Andrusbuilding. :. . J29


ABOUT 20 ACRES FINE GARDEN LAND, iwith very good buildings; one mile from j

! street car. C. H. Smith. 604 Phoenix build-| ing -\u25a0• • - -\u25a0 ' .DAVID P. JONES & CO.,


2424 Stevens ay. 12 rooms, modern $4").00 i2221 Portland ay, 9 rooms, modern 35.M ;

2532 Portland ay, S rooms, modern J.VUu i3llt> Hennepin ay. 10 rooms, modern .... 30.00r'3229 Nicollet ay. 8 rooms, city water 16.67 i

809 W 28th st, 8 rooms lo.uk \332 University ay NE, 7 rooms, city

water ". ls.otj721 Bradford ay N, 7 rooms, city water 13.50412 16th ay NE, 8 rooms 12 00 :

2527 4th ay S, 8 rooms 11.00:2110 22H ay S, 8 rooms 10.00 j922 22d ay S, S rooms, well water iu.Ou !

3046 Grand .;; NE, 8 rooms lO.tu \u25a0

2919 Pillsbury ay, G rooms w.i -m! 302S Snelling ay, 0 rooms, well, cisiern. M0

819 Jewett place. 7 rooms 8.01 j11019 Dupont ay N, ~> rooms s.OO i

4(>5 James ay N, 5 rooms, city water.. 7.002637 University ay NE, 8 rooms 8.00 |2121 University ay NE, 8 rooms 8.003017 Motor ay, 6 rooms, well water s.'.'ii


72" E 10th st. 2d floor, 4 rooms 10.00306 18th ay N, first floor, 4 rooms 9.00

2000 E Franklin ay, first floor, 4 rooms.. 8.00! 520 Humboldt ay N, first floor, 4 looms S.OOI 813 20th ay S, 2d floor, 4 rooms ; 6..">0i 2511 7th s; S, 2d flcor, 5 rooms 6.00I 2119 19th ay S, second floor, 4 rooms 5.C0I 2628 3d ay S, basement, 4 rooms 5.00

2814 lHh ay S, basement, 4 rooms 5.001221 iith st S, 3 rooms, second floor 5.n0K2B 3d ay S, 4 rooms, basement 5.00

i 2M4 11th ay S, basemeut, 4 rooms r>.ti(t! 2401 9fn st S, 2d floor, 3 rooms 3.00| 244;: 25th ay S, Ist floor, 3 rooms ;;.oj

j 1003 3-i ay NE, 3 rooms 3.00

FLATS FOR RENT.II Flats in the Netley Corner, 13th st and Ij 2d ay 135.602832 Chicago ay, Ist floor, modern 22.50

STORES FOR REXT.1 and 3 W 26th St. 40x40 $25.00

726 11th ay S 18.002605 Stevens ay 12.UU

34 Holden st 5.00


FOR RENT FOR THE SUMMER, SMALLall modern furnished house; 213 E Franklinay. Call at any time.FURNISHED^ TEN-ROOM, DETACHED,modern house; Park ay, near Franklin; Mayto September; shady lawn; east front; barn;$30 monthly. Cook, 206 Bank Commercebuilding. JFOR RENT—I2-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE,with barn, from May 1. A. H. Young, 413New York Life building.

2Q FURNISHED ROOMSFOR RENT—A FURNISHED SUITE OF 3rooms and bath, at Hampshire Arms. Applyto Dr. Lester W. Day, 842 Andrus building.FOR RENT-TWO NEWLY FURNISHEDrooms in private home, very desirable, every-thiug modern. 45 Spruce place.

FOR RENT—LARGE FURNISHED FRONTroom with alcove, modern house; convenientboard: don't call Sunday. 337 E 18th st.FOR RENT-LARGE, PLEXSANT\ FUITnished room, first floor, modern flat. 124Laurel ay, flat 2.


NICE, LARGE, AIRY ROOM, IN PRIVATEfamily; easy walking distance. 1219 Hennepinay. C. J. Lee.DESIRABLE ROOMS IN MODERN HOUSE.near good board and walking distance. 8194th ay S.PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, GROUNDfloor; call morning, noon or evenings. 719Ist ay N.LARGE PLEASANT ROOM FOR GFNTLE-man; private family; very desirable; refer-ences. 1107 2d ay S.

; 1 HAVE A GOOD FARM OF 2tfo ACHES, 10 j; miles south of city; To or more acres plowed, !I balance pasture, meadow and plow land; good i1 buildings. Just the place for stock or dairyi farm. Walter L. Badger, New York Life.


I MANUFACTURING, with or without power iaud_trackage J_Wm. H._Gibson. 420 Guaranty. !

SHOP, FOR CARPENTER. PAINTER" OR ,manu!aeturing,Jslo per month. 237 10th ay S.

i ELITE HALL,"500 E~24TH ST; FINE AP- !| pointments and ventilation: just the place for |

social gatherings and club parties. Apply' Nickels & Smith, 311 Nicollet ay, room 2.\ 'Phong, Main 104.

TOR RBNT—BARN OR PART Of IT. I>"NI quire 2000 Portland ay.

i CARRIAGE PAIVFSHOP FOR RENT. 113: and 115 Bth ay NE.

131 HELP WANTED—MALEI WATCHES CLEANED, $1; MAIN SPRINGS,jI 1: J^||£fa«»t«dj>ne_year. Paegel's, 22 3d at S.1 SILK VELVET COLLAR, 60c"T~OVERCOATj sleeves relined, eOc; pants recut into style.

Tsc; suits steam cleaned, $1. At AnthonyUilor. 119 Washington ay N.YOUNG MAN, GO TO ARCHIBALD'S COL-

j iege. Lekc »t, co.aer Stevens, for bookk«ep-i ing, shorthrnd, typewriting and English| branchea._Day _.tud eveniDg.FREE EYE DI3PENSARY-^ALIT"WORTHy"poor treated daily from S to 10 a. m., 225Hc^unepin ay.

>~AYINGTaND PLEASANT EVIPLOYXJBNTsecured by graduates of Minnesota School ofBusiness, 54 id st S, diagonally opposite P. O.WANTED—TWO ~ MEN~ASsolicitors and collectors. Good pay andsteady position guaranteed. Apply beforeHa- ni. -'IS Kasota building, Minneapolis.WANTED-BANI) SAWYER? LEFT-HANDmill, push feed, quick carriage; must be fastman; good wages. Apply Red Cliff LumberCo., Red Cliff, Wis.an exTerienced man uookkeeperand stenographer; one schooled in the lumberbusiness preferred. H 927, Journal.CABINET-MAKERS WANTED—MINXEsp-oils Furniture Co., 9th at and sth ay SE.WANTED—A GOOD PRESSMAN ON GENTS 7clothes. Apply Minneapolis Dye Works 101°|Hh_st_S.two first-class~bXrbers wanted,"at once. Good wages and a steady Job.Address A. P. Swenson, Hotel Dacotah bar-bershop, Forks, N. D.WANTED—FIR"STMCLASS~LiCENSBI) BAR^her at once; steady job for food man- goodwages. Address Charles L. KeUy, Owatoe-na, Minn.$20 PER TON FOR SELLING WHITE LEAD?fully guaranteed; experience unnecessary;saves dealers $20 ton. Merchants' White LeadCo., suite 1005 Fullertort bldg, St. Louis, Mo.WANTED—OIL SALESMAN TO SETTiTLU^bricatlng oils and greases on salary or com-mission; excellent side line. The A. G. Har-baugh Co., Cleveland, Ohio.WANTED-INDUSTRIOUS MEN AND WOM-en in every town to work for us at theirhomes. NO CANVASSING. We will sendwork any distance. We have several lines orwork to give out, some of which requires noexperience. If you can't devote the wholeday to our work, you can earn $5 or $6 aweek by working an hour or two eveningsAddress Standard Mfg. Co., 142 West 23d st'

I New York. #

MECHANICS, ENGINEERS, ELECTRICIANSTfiremen,- etc.v A free scholarship in engineer-ing will be awarded to a few < well-recom-mended applicants. American School of Cor*respoßdencs, Boston, Mass.

SATURDAY EVENING, MAfiun 3U, liiui.M.MBER —Contiune-d.

HARNESS-MAKERS WANTED,WITH FAC-tory experience. Apply Schulze Bros., * Du-luth.Mlnn. -\u25a0\u25a0:.\u25a0\u25a0 . ' \u25a0•'-. i.r.',:ENERGETIC SALESMAN. SCHOOL - SUP-plies; country work; $100 salary ; and com-tuisslong. R_O. Evans & Co.,_Chi£ago,. Ill.j#jTRUSTWORTHY PERSONS TO TRAVELfor old established 1 house of -solid-financialstanding. Salary $780 and expense*. No ,canvassing. Inclose self-addressed'envelop*.Manager, Caxton building. Chicago. 'POSITFONS UN^EK~/rHSrGOVERNMENX;thousand* of appointments will be made fromcivil service examinations to be held 'In alllarge cities; catalogue ;of informatiaaColumbian Correspondence College AVaoiiia*;-ton, D.-C.:.,-. , \u25a0

\u25a0;-,., ,-/.,/-%:; ix, -mechanics; engineers ELECTRIC-ians, • flrenaeu, | etc., "• new -40-page • p«mphletcontaining questions , aaked :- bjr examiningboard of engineers; sent free (ieorge A. 7.t\-

-1 cr,_ publisher, St.- -Louis, Mo. .-^.-r:-rT-,jLESMEN FOR OFFICE • SPECIALTIES,

by samp'e: fine side line«; easy sellers; lib-eral terms; v,e help;ycu start; exrlusive ter-ritory; catalogue free. Model Mfg" Co" BoxL. South Bend;; Ind.-••'-'•\u25a0> ;\u25a0 --'

\u25a0> ..-,.\u25a0'WANTED—Traveling salesman to wholesaleand retail. trade only; salary $1,200 and ex-penses. The National, Caxton, bid, Chicago.BARBER TO TAKECHARGEpart furniture of two-chair shop. Inquire ofJ. Heller, 3000 Lyndale ay. ;...-.,WANTED—A BOY OR YOUNG MAN. COM-petent to do draughting. The Roberts Heat-ing_and Ventilating Co.GOVERNMENT POSITfoI^srwIIERE~THEYare, how obtained, salaries paid; particularsfree. Write for circular 143, National Corre-spondence Institute, Washington, D. C.SALESMEN WANTED BY APRIL 15, TRAVIeler for Minnesota and Wisconsin; naturalability and aptness count for more than ex-perience, high commission contract; stapleline; references, bond and entire time re-quired; first-class men only need apply. E.L. Rice, 33 Congress st, Detroit, Mich.WANTE D—MEN TO ADVERTISE~AN D~"lN-troduce our soaps and specialties, tack signs,distribute circulars, samples: steady work;$12 weekly and expenses. Marvel Mfg. Co.,Chicago.WAN TED-TRAVELING MEN TO CARRYside line; little work, easy seller and liberalcommission; no samples. D 920, Journal.wantei>7~reliable"~peopl~e~"every^where to distribute small books and circu-lars: $2 per thousand paid for distribution:no canvasing. Narder Advertising Co., 611Broadway, New York.MAN WANTED—AS DRY CLEANER INdye house, with or without experience. Stateage and salary. R 929, Journal.MAN IN EVERY COUNTBTf TOWN TOsell staple article to grocers and butchers,llaynes Supply Co., 2809 Hennepin ay, Minne-apolis, Minn.WANTED, YOUNG MAN AND WIFE wFffiPout children, on farm 100 miles from city;modern house: man nius: understand farm-ing, woman good cook; wages $2u and $12per month by the year. Call between 9 and10 a. m., Hotel Vendome, 21 4th X S. room:;C4.

SINGLE MAN. WITH KNOWLEDGE OF"bookkeeping, for general store in DevilsLake. N. D. Salary $45. Address W 929.Journal.WANTED—ONE GOOD HARDWOOD FlN-isher. Otto Witte, lti Centra! ay.

WANTED - EXPERIENCED SILK ANDdress goods salesman. Address I. Freimuth,DuSuth, Minn.WANTED—EVERYWHERE, HUSTLERS TO

i tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.;no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advei lsingBureau, Chicago.

j \VANTED-FOUR FIRST-CLASS MACHIN-jists for floor and lathe work in large shop.! Address F 920. Journal.WANTED - SEVERAL EXPERIENCE!-brakemen and switchieu for freight servid.'.Address F 930, Journal.WANTED — FOUR FIRST-CLASS NON-jniQU carpenters. 110 7th st S. C. L. SimonsWANTED—A MAN WHO UNDERSTANDStaking i-are of horses, carriages, lawn andgardens, to work in country, seven mi!e-»trom city; must have good reference. B 92".Journal.WANTED—YOUNG MAX, IS TO 23, FOltpermanent position as order clerk; chance toadvance; good pay. X 930. Journal.WANTED—VESTMAKERS AT ONCE; GOODpay and steady work; call at once. Ben Mar-ienboff, 318 Hennepin ay.. WAN TED—ER RAND BOY " FOX OFFICEwork. Address V 929, Journal.WANTED—HARNESS MAKERS FOR MK-dium and good work; steady lob for com-petent mechanics. Morley Bros, SaddleryCo., Chicago, 111.RELIABLE MAN TO TRAVEL IN MINNE-sota and collect. "Salary $13 weekly and ex-penses. Steady position. References. Trav-elers' Dept., 356 Dearborn, Chicago.WANTED—TWO HAHNESSMAKE WKioepping, Farmington, Minn.we HAVETHE BEST" SELLER in thebook line in the northwest. Good men earn$40 to $50 per week. C 931, Journal.

NTED—EJTgETIC YOUNG MAN OFgood address for lucrative position. First-classIreferences required. Call MoDday, 1 to iIo'clock? 520 Guaranty Loan building.WANTED — WELLTaPPEARING REPRE-sentative men In the leading cities of Min-nesota, North and South Dakota, outside ofMinneapolis and St. Paul, as solicitors for aresponsible corporation. Clean, legitimatebusiness, with no competition. Compensationample and permanent. References requiredAddress Manager, 6J3 Andrus building, Min-neapolis.WANTED-MALE STENOGRAPHER, \u25a0 WILGing to work cheap. 616 Andrus building.WANTED—VAN WHO HAS SOME STOCKcf his own to go on my land and raise stockon_shares. N 931, Journal.WANTED^A~WAGON~WOOD WORKER 7Call Sunday at 1648 Marshall st NE or Mon-day at 2507_MarshalI st NE.WANTED—A THOROUGHLY FIRST-CLASSpaper hanger; one who is also a brush handHarry B. Cramer Co., 213 6th st S.WANTED—GOOD STRONGTB~OY. ABOUT ityears old. Apply at 10 a. m. Monday, CO*JWashington ay N.SIGN WRITERTGOOD COMMERCIAL MAN;steady employment; give references; statewages. _Ricbards &_Bttz, Dcs Molnes, lowa.WANTED-A GOOD GERMAN *OR~AMERI-can hardware man for country store. A 923,Journal.WANTED—AN OFFICE BOY 14 OR 15years old, $4 week. Address by Tuesday, X932,_ Journal.WAXTED-TWO PATTERNMAKERS. JOHNH. Hall Pattern Works, 420 2d st S, secondfloor. \u25a0 - • " --\u25a0


32 HELP WANTED-FEMALEYOUNG LADY — FOR THOROUGH PREP-aration fo. office worK, attend Archibald col-lege, Lake st, corner Stevens ay. Day acdevening sessions. : t ;, \u0084

10 GIRLS~WANTED AT ONCE AT N. wTDress-Cutting School. -728 Hennepin ay.

PAYING AND PLEASANT EMPLOYMENTsecured by graduates of Minnesota School ofBusiness, 54 3d st S. diagonally opposite P. O.COMPETENT GIRL FOR MINNETONKA;modern fonveniences; big wages. Call at 620E 16th st.

ASK ANY DRUGGIST FOR FREE SAMPLEof Satin-Skin Cream, or write Albert F.Wood, perfumer, Detroit. Mich.WE HAVE GOOD. PAYING POSITION FOR"an intelligent and energetic lady . solicitor.Call 4 p. m. 21S Kasota buildiog. Minne-apolis. :•\u25a0 -WANTED—GIRL FOR GENERAL HoU3E-work. i1.9 Bth 8t SE. - - ::

-WANTED—A GOOD STARCHER, WHO ISwilling to run slow pollsting machine andbosom lroner. J. D. Antes Laundry Co., 109Washington ay N. , ; <^> - :;

WANTED-AT ONCE. WOKKING HOIkeeper, in widowers family, where there arechildren; will pay $15. per month to neat,good worker; references exchanged. AddressLock Box -904. Crookston, Minn.WANTED—HOUSEKEEPER, ON FARM"near city; or would hire man and wife. Ad-dreas N 927. Journal. «WANTED—REFITTER, LADIES' . SUITSand jackets; none but experienced need ap-;ply. Fred D. Young Co., 513 Nlcollet ay.A COMPETENT KITCHEN GIRL; GOOD;wages. Apply 1520 Haw thorn. ' ;r'TWO GIRLS—AT ONCE: ONE FOR GEN-eral housework, willing:later to go to Min-netonka: other as nurse for children. . _u22Park ay. -^ :,,. \u25a0 .:::-,.

wanted=gTrl~for general house"work at 2608 Blaisdell ay S. Please -callmornings. : .GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK -IN.small family: easy place; good borne forgirl. 736. E 16th st. \u25a0

" "'COOK AND DINING-ROOM GIRL WANTED"'at 204 Hennepin. - . - vCOOK TO ASSIST SOME IN GENERALhousework. 528 14th ay SE. «

GIRL~FOR~GENERAL ; HOUSEWORKr ' Sl3st-NE. ,:*\u25a0 \u25a0<.*\u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0<.\u25a0"•\u25a0\u25a0 —\u25a0\u25a0' •\u25a0-\u25a0>.\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0;\u25a0 -\m- ,-t . "- , .::\u25a0

TEN GIRLS WANTED AT ONCE, |1.50 PERday paid to apprentices and from $2.50 to Soper day to dressmakers by the Northwestern!Drese-Cutting School while learning the newand only reliable French Tailor Square, i-W«s %teach the cutting,; baiting,; boning. and trim- -ming and designing, draping, - and -guaranteeyou situations when completed. \u25a0 We have one =of the finest dressmaking . establishments Iat-'tacaed to our school. Mme. Buchane is y«ttreliable. 728j Hennepin ay, on ! corner lof Bthst and Hennepin ay.'»;-. . :; ,v ;>-WANTED — BXPERIENCEP SHIRTWAISTmaker. Apply 375 Syndicate Arcade.