Inside this issue: Jonah Bible Study Easter Lilies and Mums SD Annual Conference Annual Meeting and Scholarship Minutes Thank Yous Placerville Information and Work Camp Youth Group Schedule Kids Page Church Officers First Congregational United Church of Christ * Day Breitag Moderator * Ken Pickering Vice Moderator * Sandra Kangas Clerk * Brenda Paul Treasurer * Chuck Kruse Financial Secretary Wherever you are on life’s journey you are welcome here Ministry of Being Alive If you’ll allow me to gush for just a moment, I’d like to say how enriching our Lenten Season together has been! The Stories of Christ in Us have flowed throughout these past several weeks…a special thanks to Larry, Cindy, Debby, Kay, and Cherlyn for their willingness to bare a bit of their souls. It gives me hope to see the cross- pollination of spirit and story occurring in this body of believers! As we begin April with the profound spiritual celebration of Jesus’ resurrected life, I am reminded that new life is what the church is all about. I’d like to share a few thoughts on the Ministry of Being Alive, as offered by an in- structor of mine at our January continuing education event in Arizona. His name is Tenneson Woolf, and he offers such a keen sense of what it means to be fully alive : being openly curious naturally wanting to wonder, without fear or blame for wasting time being welcoming wanting to be in relationship with others and to offer our- selves in relationship trusting delighting in the complexity that sometimes defines so much of our lives, the new edges, the next essential evolutions seeing a bigger picture actually several versions of a big picture, and being able to live and respect the inherent tensions of plurality being playful taking off the masks of social professional norms that some- times inhibit play What a beautiful way to describe ministryour collective faith lived out together! Be- ing curious, welcoming, trusting, and playful, all while respecting the tension of our lived experiences. To be alive is to be changing, and we in the church have the oppor- tunity to embrace change…if for no other reason than this: our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ embraced a constantly changing set of life circumstances. And Jesus remained grounded in the midst of change by his true sense of purpose: bringing life in more abundance to all! We too, as Christ’s living and breathing body today, can offer that same invitation to one another and the world: the Ministry of Being Alive!

Ministry of Being Alive - ucc-cong-pierre.org · 05.04.2018 · Board of Trustees Meeting Thursday, March 8, 2018 Wherever you are on life’s journey you are welcome here Present

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Inside this issue:

Jonah Bible Study

Easter Lilies and Mums

SD Annual Conference

Annual Meeting and

Scholarship Minutes

Thank Yous

Placerville Information

and Work Camp

Youth Group Schedule

Kids Page

Church Officers

First Congregational

United Church of Christ

* Day Breitag


* Ken Pickering

Vice Moderator

* Sandra Kangas


* Brenda Paul


* Chuck Kruse

Financial Secretary

Wherever you are on life’s journey

you are welcome here

Ministry of Being Alive

If you’ll allow me to gush for just a moment, I’d like to say how enriching our

Lenten Season together has been! The Stories of Christ in Us have flowed throughout

these past several weeks…a special thanks to Larry, Cindy, Debby, Kay, and Cherlyn

for their willingness to bare a bit of their souls. It gives me hope to see the cross-

pollination of spirit and story occurring in this body of believers! As we begin April

with the profound spiritual celebration of Jesus’ resurrected life, I am reminded that

new life is what the church is all about.

I’d like to share a few thoughts on the Ministry of Being Alive, as offered by an in-

structor of mine at our January continuing education event in Arizona. His name is

Tenneson Woolf, and he offers such a keen sense of what it means to be fully alive:

being openly curious — naturally wanting to wonder, without fear or blame for

wasting time

being welcoming — wanting to be in relationship with others and to offer our-

selves in relationship

trusting — delighting in the complexity that sometimes defines so much of our

lives, the new edges, the next essential evolutions

seeing a bigger picture — actually several versions of a big picture, and being

able to live and respect the inherent tensions of plurality

being playful — taking off the masks of social professional norms that some-

times inhibit play

What a beautiful way to describe ministry—our collective faith lived out together! Be-

ing curious, welcoming, trusting, and playful, all while respecting the tension of our

lived experiences. To be alive is to be changing, and we in the church have the oppor-

tunity to embrace change…if for no other reason than this: our Lord and Savior Jesus

Christ embraced a constantly changing set of life circumstances. And Jesus remained

grounded in the midst of change by his true sense of purpose: bringing life in more

abundance to all! We too, as Christ’s living and breathing body today, can offer that

same invitation to one another and the world: the Ministry of Being Alive!

Tuesday Noon

Jonah Bible Study Navigating a Life-Interrupted con-

tinues to meet through the

month of April. Join leaders Arlene

and Gary for dynamic discussion

on a topic that affects us all, and

learn how Jonah’s path to

Ninevah can inspire our own un-

derstanding of life’s interruptions.

April Lectionary


Acts 10:34-43 or Isaiah 25:6-9

Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24

1 Corinthians 15:1-11 or Acts 10:34-43

John 20: 1-18 or Mark 16:1-8

Second Sunday of Easter

Acts 4:32-35

Psalm 133

1 John 1:1-2:2

John 20:19-31

Third Sunday of Easter

Acts 3:12-19

Psalm 4

1 John 3:1-7

Luke 24:36b-48

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Acts 4:5-12

Psalm 23

1 John 3:16-24

John 10:11-18

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Acts 8:26-40

Psalm 22:25-31

1 John 4:7-21

John 15:1-8

Emily’s Personal Leave Update

The Munger family is taking a 2-

week (post-Easter) vacation to the

East Coast! We will be gone from

April 2nd-April 15th, and I will re-

turn to the office Monday, April 16th pending any travel

delays. I will not be checking emails or returning phone

calls during my time away. In my absence, please con-

tact Cherlyn Christiansen in the office. For any pastoral

emergencies, Cherlyn can connect you with someone

from the prayer and visitation team or a local minister.

Pastor Alexander Haines will be filling the pulpit on

April 8th and our choir will be offering a concert on

April 15th! I will look forward to rejoining you in wor-

ship April 22nd.

Youth Group Schedule:

April 1- Easter, no youth meeting

April 8- Games and Bonfire at

Mohr’s place

April 15- Emily is away, no Youth

April 22- Earth Day Celebration,

time and activity TBD

April 29- Community-Wide Youth

ONE NIGHT- a NEW ecumenical youth

gathering sponsored by area minis-

ters. *look for an email with more

info when Emily returns

NEW YOUTH ROOM: The Trustees and Christian Ed

have decided to create an area for youth in the Paul Room.

The youth group has brainstormed a few possible needs. If

you have any items in good, clean working order, please

let Pastor Emily know!

computer/speakers/possibly TV

bean bag chairs, other smaller furniture pieces/tables/desk

card-making and art supplies

board games, card games

dorm fridge, money to purchase assorted items.

The youth of this church are such a gift, please help us

show a warm welcome as we gather these items.

Board of Trustees Meeting

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Wherever you are on life’s journey

you are welcome here

Present - Trustees: Rick Rowen, Teddie Adamski, Keith

Jennings, and James Hansen; Moderator Day Breitag, Treas-

urer Brenda Paul & Clerk Sandra Kangas

Rick called meeting to order and had opening prayer at 5:30


Agenda was approved

February’s minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report was presented by Brenda. She noted that

the Souper Bowl funds were passed on in March to PARS to

participate in the Ardis Townsend challenge.

Security and Administration – Teddie is handling March

and no decision was made for April. Thanks to Brad Gall for

assisting with snow removal. It was noted that there is a gas

blower for light snow removal in outside shed.

There were no reports from Scholarship, Memorial, or Per-

sonnel & Pastoral Relations Committees.

Several projects remain on the “to do” list, including tuck

pointing/ fixing outside brick areas, contract with Premier for

roofing (we are back on Premier scheduled for early 2018),

Juanita Kangas Memorial Tree, and sprinkler adjustments.

New Business

Cable line for TV feed – no further action

Pest control at church – a few mice have been caught down-

stairs. Continuing to check traps.

The Youth group is using old Dakota Association Room and

are gathering furnishings for use in there.

Fellowship/Coffee – Sunday, March 18 – Jim and Brenda will

take care of it.

Mirror by office -purchased but not installed

Glenn Kietzmann visited with the board about a new mar-

quee/sign funded by a memorial. No decisions were made at

this time.

List for snow removal and operation –a few folks volunteered

and should get us through the rest of the year. Carla Sahr

responded that she does take care of snow removal in the

alley and back lot for parking because her office tenants also

use it.

Chris is moving forward with questions in regard to the


Trustees should contact Brenda if either a complete binder or

updates are needed.

Brenda noted that when she changed the furnace filter, she

found that it is wet in the area by the wall. She will call

AirTech to look at that and all three furnaces.

The general fund balance was $43,679.34 as of March 4, 2018.

Motion by Jim, seconded by Keith to pay bills totaling

$10,132.25. Motion carried.

Next Meeting – Thursday, April 12, 2018.

Meeting was adjourned after a motion by Teddie, seconded

by Jim.

Respectfully submitted

Sandra Kangas



Attendees: Shirley Halligan, Kay Swenson, Keith Jennings, Arlene Krueger, Stephanie Bietz, and Brenda Paul. Absent: Jim Hansen, Pastor Emily Munger & Moderator Day Breitag The Chairman called the meeting to order. The minutes were approved as written. The Chairman noted the follow-ing fund balances as of December 31, 2017: SCHOLARSHIP INCOME EXPENSES BALANCE Gladys Kemp $2,684.27 $1,022.51 $21,891.24 General $3,871.00 $2,100.00 $12,854.12 Hyde $ 2,600.00 The amounts to be awarded were discussed. It was the feeling of the committee to leave them the same as last year ($700 for the General Scholarships and $300 for the Kemp Scholarships) since we can expect four applications for both the General and Kemp scholarship next year. There were no applicants for the Hyde Music Scholarship this year. Chairman Halligan reported that two applications were re-ceived this year for both the General and Kemp Scholar-ships. After reviewing the applications Stephanie Bietz made a motion to approve the applications for the scholar-ships and authorize the Chairman to submit a request to the Church Treasurer and Bank West to award the

Con’t page 4

Special Funds Report Brenda Paul, Treasurer

Outreach Opportunity

My name is Jackson Bruce and I

am the General Manager of the Pi-

erre Trappers, the new baseball

team here in town. I am emailing

you regarding our need for host

families for the summer.

We are in need of host families for

our 30 players, 2 coaches and 6

full-time interns. I was hoping you

could get our message out to your congregation to see

if any of them may be interested in taking one, or

more of them in for the summer.

A little information about us: We are a collegiate sum-

mer baseball team in the Expedition League. We bring

in top level college baseball talent to play in a minor

league setting to help them develop as ballplayers,

along with getting them out in the community and


Balance 1/1/18 Receipts Disbursements

Balance 2/28/18

Building Maintenance fund 61,555.92 61,555.92

Foundation 3,032.46 197.31 178.18 3,051.59

Library 17.00 17.00

Love 1,532.17 275.60 201.31 1,606.46

Memorial 20,692.26 20,692.26

Memorial - Organ 6,772.05 6,772.05

Project funds 10,886.68 10,886.68

Sabbatical 2,929.00 186.00 3,115.00

Special Music 119.12 119.12

Scholarship - General 12,854.12 1,400.00 11,454.12

Scholarship - Hyde 2,600.00 2,600.00

Scholarship - Kemp 21,891.34 21,891.34

Vacation Bible School 154.95 154.95

Youth 1,799.62 128.00 135.22 1,792.40

Pass Thru Funds:

PARS - Souper Bowl - 1,421.00 1,421.00

146,836.69 2,207.91 1,914.71 #########

helping them develop as people. This is a great op-

portunity for them and they need places to stay. They

play a 64-game schedule and 32 of those games are

on the road in other parts of South Dakota, along

with North Dakota, Nebraska and Wyoming.

They would need a home from mid to late May until

early to mid August. They will be playing half of their

schedule on the road and report to the ballpark at

3:00 PM for every home game, so they will not be in

the house much.

Requirements to be a host family are:

- They provide a room for each person that stays


- They provide food for the person for the summer.

- They have a shower the person can use.

- Pretty much anything to make the person feel at

home for the summer.

- Invitation to team events

In return, the family will receive:

- A season ticket for each player/coach/intern they


- Recognition throughout the season

- A night on the Party Deck dedicated to Host Fami-


Thank you in advance for helping us get the word out

about getting homes for the players, coaches and in-

terns. We greatly appreciate it!

Have a great day,

Jackson Bruce

General Manager Pierre Trappers Baseball Cell: (605) 280-7270 Email: [email protected]

scholarships as approved. Keith Jennings seconded and the motion carried. General Scholarships were awarded in the amount of $700 and Kemp Scholarships in the amount of $300 to Cash Anderson and Kylee Hanson who both attend the University of South Dakota. The Chairman reported that fundraisers held in May and during the month of October continue to be successful and it was agreed to continue the two fundraisers. There being no further business, the meeting was ad-journed. Shirley Halligan, Chair

Board of Deacon’s Meeting

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Wherever you are on life’s journey

you are welcome here

South Dakota Annual Meeting 2018

"Resurrection Realities: Signs of New Life"

The 148th Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Conference of the United Church of Christ will take

place May 4-6. The 2018 Annual Meeting will include an inspiring message from keynote speaker Rever-

end Dr John Dorhauer, General Minister and President of the UCC, the Installation of the Reverend

Brigit Steven as Conference Minister of the South Dakota Conference, and celebrating the anniversary of

150 years of ministry with our host church, the Yankton United Church of Christ.

Date: May 4-6, 2018 (Friday-Sunday)

Location: United Church of Christ Congregational

210 W Fifth St., Yankton, SD 57078

Schedule: Friday, May 4 Check-in 4:00-5:30pm

Friday, May 4 Dinner 5:30pm

Saturday, May 5 Lunch 12:00pm

Saturday, May 5 Dinner 6:30pm

Sunday, May 6 Closing 11:30am

Workshops: You may attend workshops of your choice.

Registration Cost: $90/person includes materials/workshops

Meal Costs: Based on those meals you choose are part of this registration.

THIS YEAR- online registration only-Deadline for registration: April 27, 2018!

NOTE At the time of printing the newsletter, the Deacon minutes were unavailable

Next meeting Tuesday April 3, 2018

First Congregational United Church of Christ – Pierre

Annual Business Meeting Minutes

January 28, 2018

Church Sanctuary

Call to Order and Prayer: Moderator Roseanne Summer-

side called the meeting to order at 11:05 a.m. and led us in

prayer as published in the annual report.

Approval of 2017 Minutes. Cherlyn Starks made motion

and Gail Lyngstad seconded to approve minutes from 2017 as

printed in the annual report. Motion carried.

Outgoing Moderator’s Remarks:

Rosanne commented on the satisfying growth in the last year

as we went from an interim pastor to a settled pastor.

FCUCC recently celebrated the 135th anniversary where we

learned where we were under leadership of Rev Riggs to now

learning who we will become under leadership of Pastor


Rosanne thanked the board and all the work they do;

the congregation and recognized that there are individuals

who quietly carry out work even though they are not on a

board; and Cherlyn Christiansen for her work and advice

above and beyond the call of duty.

Rosanne passed the Black Hills gold moderator’s cross over

to Day Breitag as the new moderator.

Referring to the window at the front of the church, she read

Mark 28:17-20 referring to go forth and teach all nations.

Incoming Moderator’s Remarks:

Day expressed thanks of the congregation and herself to

Rosanne and presented her with a bouquet. She commented

that Rosanne accomplished many things and ably led us

through the transition. She said she is grateful to be trusted

with the new position as moderator. She echoed Rosanne’s

thank to the boards and congregation in general. A personal

priority of Day’s is to see if we can upgrade the elevette. She

thanked those who provide live flowers for front of the

church each Sunday. Please contact Day if you would like to

help with providing flowers or working on the elevette pro-


Reports of Financial Secretary and Treasurer were

reviewed. A question was raised as to why the Oahe Associa-

tion dues had not been paid. Brenda noted that the dues no-

tice had not been received yet at that time. The reports were

approved in a motion by Annette July seconded by Rosanne

Summerside. Motion carried.

Budget: A motion to adopt the proposed budget was made

by Larry Lyngstad, seconded by Teddie Adamski. Motion car-


Reports of Moderator, Pastor, Boards, Committees,

and Teams: Reports were approved in a motion by Val Kel-

ley seconded in unison by Jack Horner and Jim Hansen after

Ruby Humphrey noted that the date at the end of her report

on page 31 should have been 2017. Motion carried.

There was no unfinished business.

Pastor’s comments:

Pastor Emily expressed a thank-you to the congregation for

all the work. She commented that the Annual Meeting was a

time of celebration and cultivating our strengths as we move


New Business:

Cherlyn Christiansen, as President of Women’s Fellowship,

gave a report on the potluck survey. There was no strong

favorite for moving forward, so the decision at this time is to

have more occasional potlucks with dates to be designated.

Notices will be provided in advance. There was potluck to-

day, will be next week for SouperBowl Sunday. If a group or

family wants to host coffee on the first Sunday of the month,

the opportunities will begin with March. The other Sundays

are already designate by various boards of the church. There

is not potluck on April 1, Easter Sunday.

Day recognized the importance of gathering around food to

draw us into fellowship. She expressed thanks, again, for the

help the congregation provided to her and her family when

she had her car accident over 20 years ago. That generosity

and welcoming is something that she will remember forever.

The fall pheasant feed has been a function of the deacon’s

board, but may be opened to all church members to help

with it. More information will come later.

Additional times of fellowship:

Lenten Soup Suppers will be from 5:15 – 6:15 each Wednes-

day throughout Lent. She is inviting folks to share their faith

journey during these times.

Pastor Emily commented that we can re-envision ways to

gather over food and fellowship. As an example, she and AJ

are inviting parents to come to their home. Maybe others

would be interested to invite others to their home.

Larry reminded folks that there is an open invitation to join

the choir.

Pastor Emily asked a blessing on the potluck which will follow

immediately after the meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 11:35 in a motion by Larry Lyngstad,

seconded by Rosanne Summerside.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandra Kangas, Clerk

Camping Season will be here soon, we hope!!

Information regarding various camps at Placer-

ville has arrived. There are booklets with all the

necessary details located just outside the office.

Pick one up to see what is available.

The Women’s Fellowship Board will be

offering Camperships again this year. Watch the

May newsletter for details.

Building The Bridge for Future Generations


April 1 Cherlyn Christiansen

April 8 Vicki Vanden Bos

April 15 Tina Van Camp

April 22 Velma Becker

April 29 Claire Mohr

The family of Virginia Breitag, Day’s mother-in-law

Betty Lawrence, severe stroke, Bev huckins sister-in-law

Leslie Dolby, Pastor Emily’s sister, detached retina

Grandma Violet, Grandpa Ruben, Uncle Darrell, Shana Kruger

family, health issues

Diane Ramey, Kim Flute’s mother

Chuck Frieberg Joseph Merriam Cindy Bechard

Jerry Tibbs Connie Deyer Nancy Van Camp

Glenn Kietzmann Debbie Wagner Ben Handcock

Dana Smith Blair Krueger

Wendy’s Mom, friend of Connie Deyer

Our homebound members

Friends with cancer


The Homeless

Men and Women of the Military: Brian Webb, Randy Munch,

Scott Pogany

Our state and nation

Christians around the world being persecuted for their faith

If you would like your prayer request in the bulletin/newsletter. Please

notify the church office.

5-Lily Niles, Dax Quinn

7-Joyce Tidball, Parker Niles

8-Greg Lemieux

9-Kerry Kelly

11-Vicki Vanden Bos

13-Avery Vanden Bos

15-John Opp

18-Nancy Lemieux, Chuck Frieberg

23-Gary Cutler

21-Lovie Crooked Foot

25-Gregory Gall, Payton Gall

27-Melinda Christiansen

28-Susan Schanzenbach

29-Cassidy Jennings

8-Keith and Meda Rae Harner

16-Ricky and Amber Rosenoff

18-David and Kim Kietzmann

20-Todd and Maia Surdez

Thank you so much for the Scholar-

ship money. I appreciate the help

on pay for school. I continue to be a

kinesiology major and hope to one

day become a great physical therapist.

God bless,

Kylee Hanson

Montessori School of Pierre

Spring Open House

Saturday, April 21

10:00 am—1:00 pm

First Congregational UCC



MAY 11-13






RSVP 605.390.7350 OR [email protected]

Women’s Fellowship Meeting

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Wherever you are on life’s journey

you are welcome here

The Women’s Fellowship Executive Board met on Thursday,

March 8, 2018, at 1:15 p.m. Present were: Cherlyn

Christiansen, Lorraine Kintz, Phyllis Petersen, Lavonne

Pickering, and Gloria Merriam.

The minutes were read. Gloria made a motion to approve,

seconded by Lorraine. Motion carried.

Correspondence: Relay for Life, PARS challenge and a thank

you note.

Lorraine presented the treasurer’s report. Expenses and do-

nations totaled $1218.50. The checking account balance is

$3573.97. Phyllis moved to accept the report, seconded by

Gloria. Motion carried.

Reports: A refrigerator was donated and installed in the

kitchen. The gift is much appreciated. Cherlyn attended the

Executive Council meeting on February 13, 2018. The min-

utes of that meeting are found in the newsletter.

Unfinished business: The Oahe Association Meeting will be

held here on March 11 beginning at 3 p.m.

The Lenten Soup Supper was discussed. Women’s Fellowship

Board will prepare the food for March 21. Lorraine and Cher-

lyn will provide the soup, Lavonne and Gloria will make des-

sert and Phyllis will bring bread.

New Business: The Women’s Fellowship annual summer

meeting was discussed. We explored some ideas and will dis-

cuss this further next month.

A bike group will be traveling through Pierre July 7th. Last

year we hosted them but no decision was made at this time.

Our church will provide the Community Banquet on July 12th.

Volunteers will be needed.

Coffee Schedule Reminders:

March 25 – The Bremser family

April 22 – Women’s Fellowship

April 29 – Women’s Fellowship

May 27 – Mayflower Guild

The next meeting will be April 12, 2018 at 1:15 p.m.

Cherlyn adjourned the meeting at 2:30 pm.

Phyllis Petersen, Secretary

The Altar Guild wishes to thank eve-

ryone who gave plants to create a

beautiful Easter setting in our sanc-


Jeannette Beemer in memory of her hus-

band, Mel

Bernie and Sally Christenson and Peggy Hanafin and

families in memory of Glen and Mary Green

Larry and Cherlyn Christiansen in memory of their parents

Jim and Linda Cruse in memory of their parents

Patty Gall and family in memory of Larry Gall and Olinda


Shirley Hinzman in memory of Paul Hinzman and Anna


Norm and Ruby Humphrey in memory of deceased relatives

Bob and Beverly Huckins in memory of their families

Keith and Patti Jennings in memory of Patti’s brother, Milt

and Keith’s sister, Marilyn

Annette July in memory of her husband, Dale and her parents

Helen and Donald Bohnet

Sandra Kangas in memory of Laverne and Juanita Kangas

Lorraine Kintz and family in memory of Raymond

Arlene Krueger

Larry and Gail Lyngstad in memory of their deceased family


Helene Miller in memory of her husband, Bob and her parents

Steve, Leah, Claire, Natalie, and Sarah Mohr in memory of

their daughter and sister, Anna Mohr, and grandparents Paul

Hinzman and Bill and Elaine Mohr

Sherman Monroe in honor of the choir

Brenda Paul in memory of her father, William Bair

Dana and Phyllis Petersen in memory of their parents

Mike and Susan Smith in memory of their parents, Glen and

Jessie Whitney and Herron and Elaine Smith

Nancy Thomas in memory of her parents L,V. and Bessie


Thank you to Larry and Gail Lyngstad

for the donation of the refrigerator for the

kitchen. It is greatly appreciated. Again

thanks a bunch.

The Women’s Fellowship Board

Board of Christian Education Meeting

Monday, March 12, 2018

Wherever you are on life’s journey

you are welcome here

Members in attendance: Vicki Vanden Bos, Valerie

Rowen, Stephanie Bietz, Leah Mohr, Teddie Adamski

Others: Pastor Emily Munger

Members Absent: Patti Jennings

Board Chairman Vicki called the meeting to order at 5:32

p.m. Pastor Emily offered an opening prayer.

Valerie moved to approve the agenda; Stephanie seconded.

Motion carried.

Valerie moved to approve the February meeting minutes;

Stephanie seconded. Motion carried.

The financial report was discussed. There were no changes

from the last report. Balances as of 1/31/18:

General Fund Youth Total Expenses $1,000.00

Vacation Bible School Fund $154.95

Youth Special Fund $1,792.40

Souper Bowl of Caring

Valerie reported that the Souper Bowl of Caring project

wrapped up with the delivery of the donated funds and food

to the Pierre/Fort Pierre Food Pantry on March 4. Four

adults and 12 students loaded food into the food pantry and

presented the check. Brenda Manning, Pierre Area Referral

Service director, offered an explanation of how the food pan-

try serves our communities. Because the donation of 448.89

pounds of food and $2,121 was made during the Ardis Town-

send Challenge, our donation generated an additional $179.90

in challenge funds from Pierre area banks.

Lenten Soup Supper

Board members made final plans to serve the Lenten Soup

supper on March 14. Pastor Emily, Vicki and Leah will provide

soup and Steph and Valerie will bring bars. Board members

and youth who are available will meet beginning at 4:15 p.m.

to set up.

Palm Sunday

Patti will order palms for the parade of plams on March 25.

Vicki will set up the vases.

Vacation Bible School

Hero Central will be the theme for Vacation Bible School on

June 12-14. Prep/work/decorating nights will be scheduled for

June 4, 7 and 11.

Youth Group

The former Dakota Association office has been designated as

the Youth Room. They held their first youth group gathering

there on March 11. Pastor Emily will share a wish list of do-

nated items to furnish the space in the newsletter. The Youth

Group will meet March 18 and 25. No meeting on Easter.

Pastor Emily will be gone April 8 and 15. Pastor Emily re-

ported about an effort to have all church youth in community

come together once a month for “One Night.” The activity,

to be scheduled on a Sunday evening, will focus on acceptance

and inclusion. The effort is being initiated by Pastor Nick

Grey of New Life Assembly.


High school graduates Paige Gloe and Claire Mohr will be

recognized during worship service and fellowship hour on

May 13. Vicki will order a cake, Steph will get school color

napkins/plates, Valerie will coordinate the bulletin board to

feature the graduates.

Adult Ed

The Sunday morning gathering of adults typically attracts eight

participants who share their favorite Bible verse and discuss.

A new weekday Bible Study will be held during the lunch hour

on Wednesdays, meeting for the first time on March 13 at the

church. Pastor Emily ordered the book, “Jonah - Navigating a

Life Interrupted” for the study participants. Discussion was

held about the Christian Ed board paying for the study mate-

rials at a cost of $70. The seven-week session will be led by

Arlene Kruger and Gary Cutler.

Sunday School

There will be no Sunday School on March 18 (long weekend

for Pierre schools) and on Easter Sunday. Classes will be held

on Plam Sunday. Pastor Emily suggested the board look into

Godly Play curriculum for future use for the preschool class.

It uses Montessori based principles. Discussion was held

about ordering new curriculum for the preschool class for

this spring. Board members voted to authorize the expendi-

ture of $145 for oder the Hands On Learning Lab Preschool



Vicki has developed a schedule and will share with the board

and volunteers.

Activity Packs

March: Steph

April: Patti

May: Vicki

Teddie moved to adjourn; Leah seconded. Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

The next meeting will be Monday, April 9, 5:30 p.m.

Submitted by Leah Mohr

Telephone: 605-224-5514


[email protected]

[email protected]

Web site:


Address Service Requested

Church Staff

Pastor-Emily Munger

Administrative Assistant-

Cherlyn Christiansen

Custodian-Deb Winder

Choir Director-Larry Lyngstad

Organist-Gloria Merriam

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid

Pierre, SD 57501

Permit No. 231

First Congregational

United Church of Christ

123 N Highland Ave

Pierre, SD 57501