Miniproject Communicationlinksimulation Digitalmodulationtechniqueslecture 100215034826 Phpapp01

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  • 7/21/2019 Miniproject Communicationlinksimulation Digitalmodulationtechniqueslecture 100215034826 Phpapp01


    Mini Project- USB Tempera

    Mini Project Communication Link Simulation

    Digital Modulation TechniquesDigital Modulation TechniquesAuthor: University o !ertordshire

    Date created"

    Date revised" #$$%


    The ollo&ing resources come rom the #$$%'($ B)ng *!ons+ in Digital ,ommunications )lectronics*course #)L)$$/0+ rom the

    University o !ertordshire1 2ll the mini projects are designed as level t&o modules o the undergraduate programmes1The o.jective o this module is to have .uilt communication lin3s using e4isting 2M modulation5 PS6 modulation and demodulation .loc3s5

    constructed 2M modulators and constructed PS6 modulators using operational unction .loc3s .ased on their mathematical e4pressions5 and

    conducted simulations o the lin3s and modulators5 all in Simulin371

    Use Matla.7' Simulin37 to design a communication lin3 or 2M audio .roadcasting1 The message signal is a mono audio signal although you may

    not .e a.le to transmit the ull audio requency range that is normally required or high quality sound1

    8n addition to the resources ound .elo& there are supporting documents &hich should .e used in com.ination &ith this resource1 Please see"

    Mini Projects - 8ntroductory presentation1Mini Projects - )-Log1

    Mini Projects - Sta Student 9uide1

    Mini Projects - Standard 9rading ,riteria1

    Mini Projects - :election1

    ;ou &ill also need the

  • 7/21/2019 Miniproject Communicationlinksimulation Digitalmodulationtechniqueslecture 100215034826 Phpapp01



    ContentsContents Digital Bandpass ModulationDigital Bandpass Modulation ModulationModulation

    Types o modulationTypes o modulation

    Digital ModulationDigital Modulation

    Digital Modulation ,arrierDigital Modulation ,arrier

    @our main modulation techniques@our main modulation techniques

    2mplitude Shit 6eying *2S6+2mplitude Shit 6eying *2S6+

    @requency Shit 6eying *@S6+@requency Shit 6eying *@S6+ Phase Shit 6eying *PS6+Phase Shit 6eying *PS6+

    PS6" Phasor or vector diagrams *constellation diagram+PS6" Phasor or vector diagrams *constellation diagram+

    BPS6" Phasor or vector diagram *constellation diagram+BPS6" Phasor or vector diagram *constellation diagram+

    Auadrature Phase Shit 6eying *APS6+ - Phasor or vector d111Auadrature Phase Shit 6eying *APS6+ - Phasor or vector d111

    M-ary Phase Shit 6eying *MPS6+ - Phasor or vector diagramM-ary Phase Shit 6eying *MPS6+ - Phasor or vector diagram

    PS6 9eneral )4pressionPS6 9eneral )4pression

    APS6 8mplementationAPS6 8mplementation :elia.ility )iciency:elia.ility )iciency

    Spectral eiciency and transmitted po&er trade-oSpectral eiciency and transmitted po&er trade-o

    Auadrature 2mplitude Modulation *A2M+Auadrature 2mplitude Modulation *A2M+

    :eading list:eading list


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    Digital Bandpass ModulationDigital Bandpass Modulation

    Digital modulation techniquesDigital modulation techniques

    C 2mplitude Shit 6eying *2S6+2mplitude Shit 6eying *2S6+

    C @requency Shit 6eying *@S6+@requency Shit 6eying *@S6+

    C Phase Shit 6eying *BPS65 APS6+Phase Shit 6eying *BPS65 APS6+

    C Auadrature 2mplitude Modulation *A2M+Auadrature 2mplitude Modulation *A2M+

    ,omparison &ith regards to",omparison &ith regards to"

    C :elia.ility *po&er+5 )iciency *.and&idth+:elia.ility *po&er+5 )iciency *.and&idth+

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    What is modulation?What is modulation?

    Modulation is the process by whichModulation is the process by which

    message signals are transformed intomessage signals are transformed intohigher frequency waveforms that arehigher frequency waveforms that are

    compatible with the characteristics ofcompatible with the characteristics of

    the channelthe channel

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    Ehy modulateFEhy modulateF

    Message signals need to be matched to theMessage signals need to be matched to thecharacteristics of channelscharacteristics of channels

    Subsequent advantages of modulation:Subsequent advantages of modulation: Enables efficient economic communicationEnables efficient economic communication

    methods to be used as the sharing ofmethods to be used as the sharing ofcommunication resources is made possiblecommunication resources is made possiblesignals can be combined using frequencysignals can be combined using frequency

    division multiple!ing " #$M%division multiple!ing " #$M% Efficient antennas of reasonable physical si&e toEfficient antennas of reasonable physical si&e to

    be constructed for radio communication systemsbe constructed for radio communication systems

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    Types o modulationTypes o modulation

    2 n a l o g u e M o d u l a t i o n D i g i t a l M o d u l a t i o n

    M o d u l a t i o n


    techniques fortechniques for

    analogue signalsanalogue signals


    techniques fortechniques for

    digital signalsdigital signals

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    Digital ModulationDigital Modulation

    $igital modulation is the process by$igital modulation is the process bywhich digital symbols are transformedwhich digital symbols are transformedinto waveforms that are compatibleinto waveforms that are compatiblewith the characteristics of the channelwith the characteristics of the channel

    'o carry out digital modulation( we'o carry out digital modulation( weneed:need:

    ) digital) digital messagemessageoror informationinformationorormodulatingmodulatingsignal( andsignal( and

    ) sinusoid) sinusoid carrier wavecarrier waveor simply aor simply acarriercarrier

    *+,+: 'he carrier is always of much higher*+,+: 'he carrier is always of much higherfrequency than the modulating signalfrequency than the modulating signal

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    Digital Modulation - ,arrierDigital Modulation - ,arrier

    -eneral form of the carrier wave is-eneral form of the carrier wave is


    ))cc. amplitude in volts /%. amplitude in volts /%

    cc. angular or radian frequency in rads. angular or radian frequency in rads"0"0

    cc. phase in radian rad%. phase in radian rad%

    )lternatively( since)lternatively( since

    wherewhere ffcc. frequency in hert& 1&%. frequency in hert& 1&%

    )cos()( ccc tAtc +=

    )2cos()( ccc tfAtc +=

    f 2=

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    Digital Modulation - ,arrierDigital Modulation - ,arrier

    )2cos()cos()( cccccc tfAtAtc +=+=




    T =






    3n digital modulation( one of the properties of the3n digital modulation( one of the properties of the

    carrier amplitude( frequency or phase% is changedcarrier amplitude( frequency or phase% is changed

    according to the modulating or information oraccording to the modulating or information or

    message% signalmessage% signal

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    @our main modulation techniques@our main modulation techniques

    2 m p l i t u d eS h i t 6 e y i n g

    2 S 6

    @ r e q u e n c yS h i t 6 e y i n g

    @ S 6

    P h a s eS h i t 6 e y i n g

    P S 6

    A u a d r a t u r e2 m p l i t u d e

    M o d u l a t i o n * A 2 M +

    D i g i t a l M o d u l a t i o n



    ))cc% of carrier% of carrier

    according toaccording tomodulatingmodulating



    phase phase cc% of% of


    according toaccording tomodulatingmodulating




    ffcc% of carrier% of carrier

    according toaccording tomodulatingmodulating



    of )S4 andof )S4 and


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    2mplitude Shit 6eying *2S6+2mplitude Shit 6eying *2S6+

    mt%: modulating signal baseband signal%mt%: modulating signal baseband signal%ct%: carrier wave high frequency cosine%ct%: carrier wave high frequency cosine%

    yt%: modulated signal 6 )S4 signalyt%: modulated signal 6 )S4 signal

    bandpass signal%bandpass signal%

    mt%mt% yt%yt%


    )()()( tctmty =

    )S4 modulator can be)S4 modulator can be

    represented by therepresented by the

    schematic diagram onschematic diagram onthe rightthe right

    )S4)S4 amplitude of carrier is changedamplitude of carrier is changed

    according to the modulating signalaccording to the modulating signal

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    2mplitude Shit 6eying *2S6+ ctdI2mplitude Shit 6eying *2S6+ ctdI

    ,inary )S4 also called on"off 7eying 884%,inary )S4 also called on"off 7eying 884%

    00 99 99 00 99 00 00 99


    or messageor message

    or basebandor baseband


    Carrier waveCarrier wave

    or carrieror carrier

    $ata stream:$ata stream:

    884 waveform884 waveform



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    @requency Shit 6eying *@S6+@requency Shit 6eying *@S6+

    #S4#S4 frequency of carrier is changedfrequency of carrier is changedaccording to modulating signalaccording to modulating signal

    ,inary #S4 ,#S4% represents ones,inary #S4 ,#S4% represents onesand &eros by carrier pulses of twoand &eros by carrier pulses of two

    distinct frequencies( fdistinct frequencies( f00and fand f::

    ,inary &ero,inary &ero frequency ffrequency f00,inary one,inary one frequency ffrequency f::

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    @requency Shit 6eying *@S6+ ctdI@requency Shit 6eying *@S6+ ctdI

    00 99 99 00 99 00 00 993nformation3nformation

    or messageor message

    or basebandor baseband


    Carrier waveCarrier wave

    or carrieror carrier

    $ata stream:$ata stream:

    ,#S4 waveform,#S4 waveform



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    @requency Shit 6eying *@S6+ ctdI@requency Shit 6eying *@S6+ ctdI

    ,#S4 signal can be,#S4 signal can beconsidered as theconsidered as thecombination of two 884combination of two 884signals:signals:


    8ne representing the8ne representing thebaseband data streambaseband data stream;mt%

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    Phase Shit 6eying *PS6+Phase Shit 6eying *PS6+

    5S45S4 phase of carrier is changedphase of carrier is changed

    according to modulating signalaccording to modulating signal

    )2cos()( ccc tfAtc +=






    8ne period('c

    Equivalent to a completeturn phase angle

    0 complete turn phaseangle . rad .>9%

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    Phase Shit 6eying *PS6+ ctdIPhase Shit 6eying *PS6+ ctdIc. 9 rad .9%

    c. rad .0@9%




    ct2 %



    c. >A rad .B9%

    c. A rad .9%

    ct2 >A%

    ct2 A%

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    Phase Shit 6eying *PS6+ ctdIPhase Shit 6eying *PS6+ ctdI

    )2cos()( ccc tfAtc +=

    ,inary 5S4 ,5S4% represents ones,inary 5S4 ,5S4% represents ones

    and &eros by shifting the phase byand &eros by shifting the phase by 00


    ,inary &ero,inary &ero phasephase 00 9 rad or 99 rad or 9%%

    ,inary one,inary one phasephase rad or 0@9rad or 0@9%%

    5S45S4 phase of carrier is changedphase of carrier is changedaccording to modulating signalaccording to modulating signal

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    Phase Shit 6eying *PS6+ ctdIPhase Shit 6eying *PS6+ ctdI

    00 99 99 00 99 00 00 993nformation3nformation

    or messageor message

    or basebandor baseband


    Carrier waveCarrier wave

    or carrieror carrier

    $ata stream:$ata stream:

    ,5S4 waveform,5S4 waveform



    PS6 Ph di

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    PS6" Phasor or vector diagramsPS6" Phasor or vector diagrams

    *constellation diagram+*constellation diagram+

    .9 rad .9

    . rad .>9

    .A rad.9



    .>A rad


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    BPS6" Phasor or vector diagramBPS6" Phasor or vector diagram

    *constellation diagram+*constellation diagram+






    ,inary: two possible states m,inary: two possible states m00and mand m

    $ecision region 0$ecision region 0$ecision region $ecision region

    $ecision boundary$ecision boundary


    distance: distancedistance: distance

    between twobetween two

    message pointsmessage points

    A d Ph Shi 6 i

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    Auadrature Phase Shit 6eyingAuadrature Phase Shit 6eying

    *APS6+ - Phasor or vector diagram*APS6+ - Phasor or vector diagram







    Duadrature: four possible states mDuadrature: four possible states m00( m( m(m(m>>and mand m



    $ecision region 0$ecision region 0

    $ecision region $ecision region

    $ecision region >$ecision region >

    $ecision region $ecision region

    $ecision boundary$ecision boundary

    $ecision boundary$ecision boundary

    M Ph Shit 6 i *MPS6+

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    M-ary Phase Shit 6eying *MPS6+ -M-ary Phase Shit 6eying *MPS6+ -

    Phasor or vector diagramPhasor or vector diagram







    M"ary: M possible states mM"ary: M possible states m00( m( m( m( m>>( F m( F mMM




    m m

    Hegion 0Hegion 0

    Hegion @Hegion @

    Hegion Hegion Hegion Hegion

    Hegion BHegion B

    Hegion >Hegion >

    Hegion GHegion G

    Hegion Hegion



    for @"5S4for @"5S4

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    PSK General ExpressionPSK General Expression

    'he general analytic e!pression of 5S4 is more'he general analytic e!pression of 5S4 is more

    popularly written aspopularly written as

    E is the symbol energy and ' is the information signal=s symbolE is the symbol energy and ' is the information signal=s symbol

    time duration+ i.0( ( ++M+time duration+ i.0( ( ++M+

    5hase term5hase term iit%t%has M discrete values given byhas M discrete values given by

    ,5S4( M.I D5S4( M.I @"5S4( M.@I etc,5S4( M.I D5S4( M.I @"5S4( M.@I etc

    ( )













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    PSK CodinPSK Codin

    ,5S4: each state m0( m% is,5S4: each state m0( m% isrepresented by one digit 9( 0%represented by one digit 9( 0%

    D5S4: each state m0( m( m>( m%D5S4: each state m0( m( m>( m%

    is represented by two digits 99( 90(is represented by two digits 99( 90(09( 00%09( 00%

    @5S4: each state is presented by@5S4: each state is presented by

    three digits 999( 990( 909( 900(three digits 999( 990( 909( 900(099( 090( 009( 000%099( 090( 009( 000% EtcFEtcF

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    !PSK "mplementation!PSK "mplementation

    ,y e!panding the general e!pression( D5S4 can be,y e!panding the general e!pression( D5S4 can beimplemented in the following way+implemented in the following way+

    3n D5S4 the information bit stream is divided to form3n D5S4 the information bit stream is divided to formtwo streams( in"phase 3% and in quadrature D%(two streams( in"phase 3% and in quadrature D%(comprising of the even and odd bits of the originalcomprising of the even and odd bits of the original

    information signal respectivelyinformation signal respectively Since each transmitted symbol is represented by twoSince each transmitted symbol is represented by two

    successive binary pulses( the symbol rate of the 3 andsuccessive binary pulses( the symbol rate of the 3 andD waveforms is half the bit rate of the informationD waveforms is half the bit rate of the informationsignal signal Rs=RbRs=RbAlogAlog::M%+M%+

    Subsequently the bipolar 3 and D streams are used toSubsequently the bipolar 3 and D streams are used tomodulate the components of a carrier frequency inmodulate the components of a carrier frequency inquadraturequadrature Modulation of each orthogonal carrier follows a $S,"SC")MModulation of each orthogonal carrier follows a $S,"SC")M

    mode resulting in two ,5S4 signalsmode resulting in two ,5S4 signals

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    !PSK Circuit Diaram!PSK Circuit Diaram 'wo carriers are inphase quadrature+'wo carriers are inphase quadrature+

    3n the case of the inphase data stream( the phase of the cosine carrier is3n the case of the inphase data stream( the phase of the cosine carrier isshifted( at symbol transitions( between 9shifted( at symbol transitions( between 9ooand 0@9and 0@9oo

    Equivalently the quadrature data stream shifts the phase of the sineEquivalently the quadrature data stream shifts the phase of the sinefunction between 9function between 9ooand B9and B9oo

    'he modulated signals are combined linearly to produce the D5S4'he modulated signals are combined linearly to produce the D5S4waveformwaveform JJt%.t%.99oo( 9( 9oo( 0@9( 0@9ooand B9and B9oo

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    :elia.ility )iciency:elia.ility )iciency

    Heliability of scheme: how li7ely areHeliability of scheme: how li7ely areerrorsI this is related to theerrorsI this is related to theEuclidean distanceEuclidean distance

    E!pressed by the ,EH versus S*HE!pressed by the ,EH versus S*HEbA*o%: What is the probability ofEbA*o%: What is the probability oferror?error?

    Efficiency: measure of the data rateEfficiency: measure of the data rateE!pressed by the number of bits perE!pressed by the number of bits persymbolsymbol

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    :elia.ility )iciency ctdI:elia.ility )iciency ctdI

    )s M increases( the Euclidean)s M increases( the Euclideandistance decreasesdistance decreases

    1ence( the probability of error1ence( the probability of error

    increasesI therefore the reliabilityincreasesI therefore the reliabilitydecreasesdecreases

    )s M increases( data rate increases)s M increases( data rate increases

    1ence the efficiency increases1ence the efficiency increases 'rade"off between reliability and'rade"off between reliability and

    efficiency to be consideredefficiency to be considered

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    Spectral e##icienc$ andSpectral e##icienc$ and

    transmitted po%er trade&o##transmitted po%er trade&o## #or the same system bandwidth a#or the same system bandwidth a

    quadrature modulation scheme canquadrature modulation scheme can

    transmit twice the data rate achievabletransmit twice the data rate achievable

    with its binary counterpartwith its binary counterpart 'he superior performance of'he superior performance of MM"level"level

    signaling by means of higher achievablesignaling by means of higher achievable

    transmission rates for a given channeltransmission rates for a given channel

    bandwidth is achieved in the e!pense ofbandwidth is achieved in the e!pense ofincreased transmitted power better S*H%increased transmitted power better S*H%

    for a required reliability ,EH%+for a required reliability ,EH%+

    A d t 2 lit d M d l tiA adrat re 2mplit de Mod lation

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    Auadrature 2mplitude ModulationAuadrature 2mplitude Modulation


    )lso 7nown as )mplitude 5hase)lso 7nown as )mplitude 5hase

    4eying )54%4eying )54%

    Combination of )S4 and 5S4Combination of )S4 and 5S4



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    :eading list:eading list

    S7lar( ,+( 990%( K$igitalS7lar( ,+( 990%( K$igital

    Communications: #undamentals andCommunications: #undamentals and

    )pplicationsL( 5rentice 1all( )pplicationsL( 5rentice 1all( ndnd

    Edition: sections +0 6 +Edition: sections +0 6 + -lover( 3+) -rant 5+M+( 99%(-lover( 3+) -rant 5+M+( 99%(

    $igital CommunicationsL( 5earson$igital CommunicationsL( 5earson

    5rentice 1all( 5rentice 1all( ndndEdition: sectionsEdition: sections00+0 6 00+>00+0 6 00+>

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    This resource &as created .y the University o !ertordshire and released as an open educational resource through the Jpen )ngineering:esources project o the !) 2cademy )ngineering Su.ject ,entre1 The Jpen )ngineering :esources project &as unded .y !)@,) and part

    o the K8S,'!) 2cademy U6J): programme1

    ? University o !ertordshire #$$%

    This &or3 is licensed under a ,reative ,ommons 2ttri.ution #1$ License1

    The name o the University o !ertordshire5 U! and the U! logo are the name and registered mar3s o the University o !ertordshire1 To the ullest e4tent permitted .y la& theUniversity o !ertordshire reserves all its rights in its name and mar3s &hich may not .e used e4cept &ith its &ritten permission1

    The K8S, logo is licensed under the terms o the ,reative ,ommons 2ttri.ution->on-,ommercial->o Derivative Eor3s #1$ U6" )ngland Eales Licence1 2ll reproductions must

    comply &ith the terms o that licence1

    The !)2 logo is o&ned .y the !igher )ducation 2cademy Limited may .e reely distri.uted and copied or educational purposes only5 provided that appropriate ac3no&ledgement

    is given to the !igher )ducation 2cademy as the copyright holder and original pu.lisher1