L if f W I IRRIGATION COUPLINGS for PVC/IPS Plastic and Steel Pipe: The Independent Fitting Company, Portland, Ore. Installers of 4", 6" and 8" PVC/IPS plastic and standard steel pipe in low-head irrigation systems will benefit from the new line of light weight TIF-TEC low-head irrigation tapped couplings recently announced by the Independent Fitting Company« Developed especially for use with PVC/ IPS pipe where pressures are generally limited to 100 psi or less, the new coupling has a lighter wall than is required to meet municipal waterworks specifications. The TIF-TEC low-head coupling is intended primarily for farmland irri- gation systems. For more information, circle (703) on the reply card. For sweeping all kinds of trash, leaves and other debris. Handles heavy, bulky objects such as bottles and cans. Ideal for cleaning up ballparks, stadiums, picnic areas, parking lots and side walks; feather weight and high horse- power. Available in two backpack models. One model has 30 gal. tank and valving for adding just enough water to keep down dust or for washing down walls and pavement with detergent in water. Also available in 2-wheel trail- behind model. For more information, circle (701) on the reply card. INDUSTRIAL VACUUM: Billy Goat Industries, Grandview, Mo. Trash pick-up ability equal to higher powered units is claimed for 316 hp outdoor vacuum. Model Kd 35 is recom- mended for quick clean-up of all lawn debris including leaves, thatch, twigs, grass clippings, paper and other litter. Designed for maximum flow of air from suction snout through impeller chamber to bag. A 26" snout has 5 height settings to adapt pick up to any surface from concrete to thick turf, and to all degrees of bulkiness in the litter. An optional flexible hose, 10' long, quickly snaps in place for cleaning shrubbery and other hard to reach places. For more information, circle (704) on the reply card. AIR SWEEP: Curtis Dyna-Products Corp., Westfield, Inc. Series 125 diaphragm chemical feeder developed to meet requirements for variety of chemical solutions and applica- tions. Designed to operate at pressures up to 150 psi. Mechanically linked teflon diaphragm, white PVC solution head, air-cooled gear motor equipped with long-life bear- ings requiring no lubrication. Available in 2 feed rate mod- els either as simplex or as duplex. Shipped complete with strainer, injection point fitting, 15 feet of suction and dis- charge tubing, complete with instruction and parts manual. For more information, circle (702) on the reply card. SOLUTION FEEDER: Farris Chemical Co., Inc., Knoxville, Tenn. DECEMBER 1971 65

MINI-DUNE BUGGY LAWN MOWER: HEMCO Corporation,archive.lib.msu.edu/tic/wetrt/article/1971dec65.pdf · SELF-PROPELLED HOEING MACHINE: Auto Hoe, Inc., DePere, Wis. "Auto-Hoe" is self-propelled

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Page 1: MINI-DUNE BUGGY LAWN MOWER: HEMCO Corporation,archive.lib.msu.edu/tic/wetrt/article/1971dec65.pdf · SELF-PROPELLED HOEING MACHINE: Auto Hoe, Inc., DePere, Wis. "Auto-Hoe" is self-propelled

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I IRRIGATION COUPLINGS for PVC/IPS Plastic and Steel Pipe: The Independent Fitting Company, Portland, Ore.

Instal lers of 4 " , 6 " a n d 8 " P V C / I P S plastic a n d s t a n d a r d steel p ipe in l o w - h e a d i r r igat ion systems wi l l benefit f rom the new line of l ight w e i g h t TIF-TEC low-head i r r igat ion t a p p e d c o u p l i n g s recently announced by the Independent Fitting Company« D e v e l o p e d espec ia l l y for use with PVC/ IPS p ipe w h e r e pressures are g e n e r a l l y l imited to 100 psi or less, the new coupl ing has a l ighter w a l l than is required to meet m u n i c i p a l w a t e r w o r k s specif icat ions. The TIF-TEC l o w - h e a d coupl ing is intended p r i m a r i l y for f a r m l a n d irri-g a t i o n systems. For more informat ion, circle (703) on the reply card.

For s w e e p i n g a l l k inds of trash, leaves a n d other debr is . Hand les h e a v y , b u l k y objects such as bottles a n d cans. Ideal for c l e a n i n g up b a l l p a r k s , s tad iums, picnic a r e a s , p a r k i n g lots a n d side w a l k s ; feather w e i g h t a n d h igh horse-power . A v a i l a b l e in two b a c k p a c k models. O n e model has 30 g a l . tank a n d v a l v i n g for a d d i n g just e n o u g h w a t e r to keep d o w n dust or for w a s h i n g d o w n w a l l s a n d p a v e m e n t with detergent in water . A l s o a v a i l a b l e in 2 -wheel trai l-beh ind model . For more informat ion, circle (701) on the reply card.

INDUSTRIAL VACUUM: Billy Goat Industries, Grandview, Mo.

Trash pick-up ab i l i ty e q u a l to h igher p o w e r e d units is c l a i m e d for 316 hp outdoor v a c u u m . Model Kd 35 is recom-mended for quick c lean-up of a l l l a w n debr is inc lud ing leaves, thatch, twigs , g r a s s c l i p p i n g s , p a p e r a n d other litter. Des igned for m a x i m u m f l o w of a i r f rom suction snout through impel ler c h a m b e r to b a g . A 2 6 " snout has 5 height settings to a d a p t pick up to a n y surface f rom concrete to thick turf, a n d to a l l d e g r e e s of bu lk iness in the litter. A n opt ional f l e x i b l e hose, 10' long, q u i c k l y s n a p s in p lace for c lean ing shrubbery a n d other h a r d to reach places. For more informat ion, circle (704) on the reply card.

AIR SWEEP: Curtis Dyna-Products Corp., Westfield, Inc.

Series 125 d i a p h r a g m chemical feeder d e v e l o p e d to meet requirements for var ie ty of chemica l solutions a n d a p p l i c a -tions. Des igned to operate at pressures up to 150 psi. M e c h a n i c a l l y l inked teflon d i a p h r a g m , white PVC solution head, a ir -cooled g e a r motor e q u i p p e d with long- l i fe bear-ings requir ing no lubr icat ion. A v a i l a b l e in 2 feed rate mod-els either as s implex or as d u p l e x . S h i p p e d complete with strainer, injection point f i t t ing, 15 feet of suction a n d dis-c h a r g e tub ing , complete with instruction a n d parts m a n u a l . For more informat ion, circle (702) on the reply card.

SOLUTION FEEDER: Farris Chemical Co., Inc., Knoxville, Tenn.

D E C E M B E R 1 9 7 1 65

Page 2: MINI-DUNE BUGGY LAWN MOWER: HEMCO Corporation,archive.lib.msu.edu/tic/wetrt/article/1971dec65.pdf · SELF-PROPELLED HOEING MACHINE: Auto Hoe, Inc., DePere, Wis. "Auto-Hoe" is self-propelled

TANKS AND CONTAINERS: Raven Industries, Inc., Sioux Falls, S. Dakota

N e w l ine of a l l purpose Rhino tanks and containers are made of e i ther h igh or l ow densi ty po lyethy lene. Un i fo rm, rugged and economical . Sui table fo r countless purposes and bu i l t to w i ths tand constant hard use. A v a i l a b l e in stock sizes or custom produced to exact specif icat ions. Also ava i l -ab le is a stock nest ing model wh ich reduces storage space and f re igh t costs. For more i n fo rma t ion , circle (705) on the rep ly card.

ALL-TERRAIN MIST BLOWER: Solo, Burlington, Ontario

Barely 38 in. w i d e is a new smal l t ractor- type mist b l o w e r made by Europe's Solo engine company . Riding-type high-concentrate a i rb las t unit operates in rough or m u d d y ter-ra in and on steep slopes. Powered by 220-cc. two-cycle engine, w i t h t w o f o r w a r d and t w o reverse speed gears. Plastic concentrate tank holds 32 U.S. ga l lons — the equ iva-lent of up to 350 ga l lons of regu la r sprayer f o r m u l a . A i r veloci ty regu la ted by gear shif t and throt t le to more than 200 mph. Effective spread beyond 50 feet . For more infor-mat ion , circle (706) on the rep ly card.

LIVE-WINDING REEL: Nordic International, Port Credit, Ontario, Canada

Reel handles up to one-inch a i r , w a t e r , oi l or chemical hose under pressure wh i l e tu rn ing , yet is economic enough fo r a w i d e range of indust r ia l and maintenance appl ica-t ions. H-70 model has l ive sw ing joints and 20-inch d iame-ter, pe rmanen t -mou lded , h igh strength a l u m i n u m heads that w i l l accommodate up to 100 feet of one-inch hose; doub le that length of hal f - inch hose. Mode l H-71 w i t h 23-inch head w i l l take f i f t y percent more hose length. Both models have hand r e w i n d by tu rn ing the head; f inger - t ip brake and lock device and crank handles are op t iona l . For more in fo rma-t ion, circle (707) on the rep ly card.

MINI-DUNE BUGGY LAWN MOWER: HEMCO Corporation, Independence, Mo.

Mini -Dune Buggy has 3 2 " synchronized t w i n blades fo r super smooth cutt ing act ion (detachable be l ly m o w e r unit) ad jus tab le cut t ing heights. Electric key start w i t h headl ights , tai l l ights, c igaret te l ighter , 12 vol t ba t te ry , ammete r , vo l tage regu la tor and a l te rna to r to charge bat tery . Special 8 HP 4 cycle Briggs & Stratton chrome engine. Engine con-trols on dash. Heavy du ty geared t ransmission, 3 speed f o r w a r d , reverse and neutra l w i t h a chain d r ive . Complete l ine of accessories. For more i n fo rma t ion , circle (708) on the rep ly card.


Page 3: MINI-DUNE BUGGY LAWN MOWER: HEMCO Corporation,archive.lib.msu.edu/tic/wetrt/article/1971dec65.pdf · SELF-PROPELLED HOEING MACHINE: Auto Hoe, Inc., DePere, Wis. "Auto-Hoe" is self-propelled


"Au to -Hoe" is self-propel led hoeing machine, custom bui l t as a hoe w i th power and sturdy enough to d ig any type soil a pick w i l l , yet simple in its use. Depth adjustable, ti l ls up to 6 inch depth and hoes a min imum of VA" depth, and can be used to hoe weeds, cul t ivate, mulch, spade and ti l l the soil. Rugged, perfect ly balanced, low to the ground, l ight in we igh t , and comes in four models, fu l l y factory war ran teed. I l lustrated is Model 36-C for commercial users. For more in format ion, circle (709) on the reply card.

NEW STEEL BENCH: Standard Mfg. Co., Cedar Falls, Iowa

All-steel tee bench w i th fo rmed 16-gauge steel backs and seats w i th a new plastic f in ish that envelopes the metal parts and is completely bonded to the steel. Plastic coat ing reduces chipping or peel ing. Reflective qua l i ty and insulat-ing ab i l i t y of the coating keeps metal cool in the sun. Steel benches are ava i lab le in ye l low, red or avocado to match the colored bal l washers and consoles ava i lab le f rom Stan-dard. Unique assemble of the back and seat el iminates any unsight ly bolt heads or nuts. Seat and back, 10 inches w ide and 72 inches long. Wt. 70 lbs. For more in format ion , circle (710) on the reply card.

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LP GAS HEATER: Stone Construction Equipment, Inc., Honeoye, N. Y.

LP Gas Heater model LP-100 w i th 100,000 BTU/hr. capacity. Rugged unit has al l UL listed safety controls and features patented t ip-over safety switch. Safety switch auto-mat ical ly shuts of f the gas to the heater if accidental ly t ipped over. Unit shipped completely assembled and ready to use w i th hose and regulator included. Sells for $89.50, F.O.B. Honeoye. For more in format ion , circle (711) on the reply card.

PROTECTIVE TREE BANDAGE: Hermell Products, Hartford, Conn.

Revolut ionary new protective tree bandage is 3 6 " x 6 " rol l of adhesive backed foam. Helps to prevent w in te r damage to the trunk of tree caused by f reezing and thaw ing , as wel l as prevent ing sun-scald in the summer and insects such as bores which w i l l attack weakened trees. Maker says a good insurance item for protection of young trees and also aids in protecting wounds on older trees. Adhesive backing a l lows it to be cut in var ious shapes to be app l ied to tree wi thout tie. For more in format ion, circle (712) on the reply card.

67 D E C E M B E R 1 9 7 1