IJMGE Int. J. Min. & Geo-Eng. Vol.49, No.2, December 2015, pp.221-233 221 Mineral resources and geo-engineering Fathi Habashi Department of Mining, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering Laval University, Quebec City, Canada Received: 22 Jul. 2015; Accepted: 25 Jul. 2015 E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Metals used in everyday life are produced from ores occurring in the Earth’s crust. Geological processes are known to concentrate minerals to form ores of economic value. Mineral processing engineers concentrate these ores by mechanical and physico-chemical methods while the extractive metallurgist extracts the metals by chemical means. Keywords: Beneficiation, Earth’s Crust, Extractive Metallurgy, Industrial Minerals, Lithosphere, Ore Deposits, Relative Abundance. 1. Introduction The upper 20 km thick layer of the Earth is called the crust and it is the source of all metals and industrial minerals used by man. It makes up less than 1% of the mass of the Earth and is composed of three parts: Lithosphere. This is the solid part accounting for about 95% of the crust. Hydrosphere. This is the liquid part which includes the oceans, seas, and lakes, and contributes about 5% of the Earth’s mass. Atmosphere. This is the gaseous part and it accounts for about 0.02% of the Earth’s mass. The lithosphere is composed of three types of rocks namely: Igneous rocks: They result from the cooling and solidification of magma which originates from deep within the Earth. Sedimentary rocks: They are formed as a result of the accumulation of debris resulting from the erosion and weathering of other rocks. Metamorphic rocks: They are formed when the minerals comprising a rock are subjected to shearing forces and high pressure. 2. Relative abundance of metals The solid part of the Earth’s crust is composed mainly of igneous rocks (Table 1) and its average composition is given in Table 2. The data in this Table are based mainly on the analysis of more than 50,000 samples of rocks (from all over the world), at the US Geological Surveys by Frank W. Clarke and co-workers

Mineral Resources and Extractive Metallurgy · PDF fileMineral resources and geo-engineering Fathi Habashi Department of Mining, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering Laval University,

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Page 1: Mineral Resources and Extractive Metallurgy · PDF fileMineral resources and geo-engineering Fathi Habashi Department of Mining, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering Laval University,

IJMGE Int. J. Min. & Geo-Eng.

Vol.49, No.2, December 2015, pp.221-233


Mineral resources and geo-engineering

Fathi Habashi

Department of Mining, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering Laval University, Quebec City, Canada

Received: 22 Jul. 2015; Accepted: 25 Jul. 2015

E-mail: [email protected]


Metals used in everyday life are produced from ores occurring in the Earth’s crust. Geological

processes are known to concentrate minerals to form ores of economic value. Mineral processing

engineers concentrate these ores by mechanical and physico-chemical methods while the extractive

metallurgist extracts the metals by chemical means.

Keywords: Beneficiation, Earth’s Crust, Extractive Metallurgy, Industrial Minerals, Lithosphere,

Ore Deposits, Relative Abundance.

1. Introduction

The upper 20 km thick layer of the Earth is

called the crust and it is the source of all

metals and industrial minerals used by man. It

makes up less than 1% of the mass of the

Earth and is composed of three parts:

Lithosphere. This is the solid part

accounting for about 95% of the crust.

Hydrosphere. This is the liquid part

which includes the oceans, seas, and

lakes, and contributes about 5% of the

Earth’s mass.

Atmosphere. This is the gaseous part and

it accounts for about 0.02% of the

Earth’s mass.

The lithosphere is composed of three types

of rocks namely:

Igneous rocks: They result from the

cooling and solidification of magma

which originates from deep within the


Sedimentary rocks: They are formed as a

result of the accumulation of debris

resulting from the erosion and

weathering of other rocks.

Metamorphic rocks: They are formed

when the minerals comprising a rock

are subjected to shearing forces and

high pressure.

2. Relative abundance of metals

The solid part of the Earth’s crust is composed

mainly of igneous rocks (Table 1) and its

average composition is given in Table 2. The

data in this Table are based mainly on the

analysis of more than 50,000 samples of rocks

(from all over the world), at the US Geological

Surveys by Frank W. Clarke and co-workers

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Habashi / Int. J. Min. & Geo-Eng., Vol.49, No.2, December 2015


in 1904. From this information, it can be

concluded that the concentration of other

metals in this rock is very small. Their relative

abundance in the Earth’s crust was thus

established (Table 3).

Table 1. Components of the lithosphere

Rock type Weight, %

Igneous rocks 95.00

Shale 4.00

Sandstone 0.75

Limestone 0.25


Table 2. Average composition of the lithosphere

Oxide %

SiO2 59.07

Al2O3 15.22

FeO 3.71

Fe2O3 3.10

CaO 5.10

Na2O 3.71

MgO 3.45

K2O 3.11

H2O 1.30

TiO2 1.03

CO2 0.35

P2O5 0.30

MnO 0.11


Table 3. Relative abundance of metals in the lithosphere in percentage

> 1 Si














≥ 0.1 Ti




10–2 Ba




















































































10–5 Lu














10–6 Se










10–7 Pt












10–10 Ra


10–11 Pa


10–14 Ac




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It is thus clear that before any metal can be

profitably extracted from the Earth, it must

have been highly concentrated by geological

processes to form ores of economic


3. Formation of ore deposits

Many physical and chemical processes have

been going on for millions of years, and result in

the enrichment of the earth's crust with certain

minerals. Hence, their exploitation have become

of economic importance (Table 4).

Table 4. Geological processes in transforming the Earth’s crust

Process Examples

Crystallization from

molten magma

The massive magnetite deposits in Sweden and almost all the massive deposits

of chromite and ilmenite.

Precipitation from hot

aqueous solution of

magmatic origin

Most sulfide and the cassiterite deposits in Cornwall, England.

Weathering in place

Most types of clay are the results of rock weathering, and when they remain in

the place they were formed they are referred to as residual clays, e.g., bauxite.

In this case, under favourable atmospheric conditions, the silica content of the

clay is diminished and there is a concentration of the alumina content.


transportation, and settling

When rocks containing heavy and stable minerals such as gold, platinum,

cassiterite, magnetite, or monazite are weathered and eroded, the minerals are

washed away by running water and then settle when the velocity of the water

decreases, thus forming alluvial or placer deposits.

Precipitation from surface


Most surface waters carry some iron in solution. Under certain conditions of

pH, etc., the iron is precipitated as hydrated iron III oxide (limonite), as

carbonate (siderite), or oxide (hematite).

Evaporation of surface


During the weathering of rocks, the easily soluble substances are carried by

water into lakes, seas, and oceans. Under certain conditions the dissolved

substances may become concentrated to form mineral deposits of great

commercial importance, e.g., the Dead Sea, the Great Salt Lake in Utah,

Stassfurt deposits in Germany, etc.

Concentration by

circulating waters

Small amounts of carbonates of calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, and

iron are dissolved in water during their passage downward through the rocks.

The dissolved salts may be deposited in open cavities and along fissures in the

rocks. For example, magnesite deposits (MgCO3) may be formed by

dissolution of certain magnesium silicate rocks followed by precipitation with


4. Prospecting for ores

Chance has played a dominant role in the

discovery of mineral deposits. Prior to the

twentieth century, mineral deposits were found

by wandering prospectors who were looking for

visible evidence of mineralization. Valuable

minerals were recognized by their various

distinctive physical properties. Gold is a heavy

yellow metal; galena is a dark grey, heavy and

lustrous substance while magnetite is a black

heavy magnetic mineral; etc. This tedious

method gave way as science progressed. Once

an ore deposit has been located, its size and

quality are determined by sample drilling and

studying the carrots obtained.

The latest radar Earth-observation satellite,

Canada’s RADARSAT-1 relays much

information about the earth and is used by

exploration geologists. The Earth’s linear

structures, faults, and topographic features

become clearly defined. The satellite emits

electromagnetic energy towards the Earth and

records the energy returned to the radar. When

the radar beam interacts with the surface, it is

scattered in all directions. An image is

produced when the energy is reflected back to

the radar. This process helps to identify

hydrothermal alternation zones associated

with mineral deposits, areas of sedimentation,

flooded areas, old river systems, alluvial fans,

rounded intrusions and other information

useful for mineral exploration.

5. Mining of ores

The methods by which minerals are mined

from the ground depend chiefly on the nature

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and form of the deposits, and the position they

occupy relative to the surface. Underground

mining is mainly used for mining gold,

copper, lead, and zinc ores. Open pit mining

methods are mainly used for mining ores of

iron, aluminium, manganese, and copper.

Open pit mining is less costly compared to

underground mining. The mining industry is

the major consumer of explosives (used for

exploration purposes). Dynamite, ammonium

nitrate–fuel oil (AN–FO), and trinitrotoluene

(TNT) are commonly used. Automation,

robotics, tele-operation, auto-loading and

guidance systems are now being applied in

mining. For example, in tele-operation of

trucks, cameras are mounted on the vehicles

which are operated by remote control for

video monitoring.

5.1. Surface mining

Water washing. The simplest and oldest form

of mining is the washing of sands and gravel

containing valuable minerals. In almost all

such occurrences, the valuable minerals have a

higher specific gravity than the bulk of the

deposit. In Malaya, for example, the large

deposits of cassiterite are mined by directing

powerful jets of water against the face of the

gravel; the released gravel is then directed

through channels where the cassiterite is

trapped at the bottom. In placer mining, the

gold-bearing sand or gravel is washed in

running water which carries away the lighter

sands and stones leaving the heavy gold in the


Dredging. The dredger is usually erected

on the ground in a natural or an artificial pond

and the gravel is excavated by a number of

large steel buckets.

5.2. Open-pit mining

Ore-bodies at or near the surface are usually

mined by open pit methods. Any overburden

or waste rock capping the ore must be

removed before mining operation commences.

The material is usually removed by

mechanical shovels into trucks. If parts of the

deposits are too large, they are first drilled and

blasted. The ore is then transported from the

open pit to the beneficiation plant.

5.3. Underground Mining

One of the first essentials in underground

mining is to enter the ore body. If the

topography is suitable, as on a hilly ground, a

tunnel may be driven into it through the

hillside. Most ore bodies, however, are reached

through a vertical shaft, and in fewer cases

through an inclined shaft. In underground

mining, tunnels, ventilation shafts, narrow

gauge tracks, elevators, etc., must be installed.

Holes are drilled in the ore body, powder is

inserted, fuses are made ready, and at the end of

a shift the fuses are lighted and the miners

depart. When the charge is fired the whole wall

crumbles and falls to the floor below. Then, the

next shift of miners proceed to drill further into

the ore to make ready for another blast. The ore

body is cut and removed as fast as it is broken.

5.4. Mining in place

This method is used to mine water soluble

underground ore deposits such as potash,

trona, etc. Water is injected into the bed and

brine is pumped out through special holes

drilled for that purpose. Mining of sulfur

requires a unique case of underground mining

to be in-place. In this process, hot water is run

through pipes to melt the sulfur bed and the

molten sulfur rises to the surface as a liquid.

5.5. Quarrying

Quarrying is a special type of mining applied

to materials that are used for construction

purposes, e.g., granite, marble, quartzite, slate,

limestone, etc. In this case the intention is to

get large pieces of certain dimensions with the

generation of minimum waste without

shattering the rock. For this purpose, a series

of holes are drilled on the same line that are

then charged lightly with a slow-burning black

powder and fired simultaneously to break

away a block of material. For softer rocks, no

explosives are used; instead, flat pieces of

steel are introduced into the holes and a

wedge-shaped plug is driven down between

them to split the blocks.

6. Minerals and ores

Ores are a mixture of minerals. They may be

processed to yield an industrial mineral or

treated chemically to yield a single or several

metals. A deposit is a place where a

concentration of minerals is found. If during a

certain period it is economical to extract a

mineral or a metal from a deposit, then such a

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deposit is called an ore deposit, and the

calculated quantity of metal supposed to be

found in this deposit is known as a reserve. A

resource today may be a reserve tomorrow;

this transformation depends on two factors

(Fig. 1):

Technology. Improved technology in

mining methods, mineral processing,

transportation and availability of skilled

labour could lead to reduction of

production costs, i.e., increased

feasibility of economic recovery.

Certainty of existence. A higher degree

of certainty of existence can be

achieved through extensive drilling and

analysis of the core samples obtained,

after an expensive operation.

6.1. Classification of minerals

Minerals may be classified into two groups:

Metallic and non-metallic. Metallic minerals

are the chief raw materials for the manufacture

of metals. Non metallic minerals which

constitute about 75% of all the minerals are

so-called because they do not contain metals

and lack the characteristic nature of metals

such as lustre, malleability, ductility etc. Of

these, about 300 are used industrially in the

chemical industry, in building materials, in

fertilizers, as fuels, etc. They are known as

industrial minerals (Tables 5 and 6).

Fig. 1. Relationship between resources and reserves. Tendency increases in the direction of the arrow

Table 5. Metallic minerals for uses other than metal production

Mineral Metal

produced Non-metallic use

Bauxite Al Refractories

Chromite Cr refractories, chemicals

Magnetite Fe Pigment

Zircon Zr Refractories

Beryl Be Gemstone

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Table 6. Classification of industrial minerals according to their use

Industry Minerals used Remarks

Abrasive Corundum


Diamonds (industrial)

Building Sand, gravel



Ceramics & glass Clay


Chemical Clay Cement

Sulfur Sulfuric acid

Salt Alkali, chlorine

Trona Sodium carbonate

Gypsum Cement


Fluorite Hydrogen fluoride and fluorine

Zeolite Water treatment

Diatomite Adsorbent

Fertilizer Phosphate rock


Nitrates Chile is the main supplier

Fuels Coal Used to make coke



Natural gas

Petroleum Distilled into many fractions

Tar sands Petroleum

Insulation Asbestos


Jewellery Diamonds (gem)


Aqua marine

Metallurgy (flux) Quartz


Pigment Iron oxides Yellow, red, black

Pigment filler Clay


Refractories Clay



A metallic mineral may be used for the

production of a metal, or after a minor

treatment for the production of

refractories or pigments. For example:

- Bauxite, the main source of

aluminium: 90% is used in the

manufacture of the metal and 10%

in the manufacture of refractories,

abrasives, and other chemicals.

- Chromite, the main ore for

chromium, is used for manufacturing

certain refractories as well as

chemicals for the tanning industry.

- Magnetite is used for iron

production and as a black pigment.

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- Zircon, the main zirconium ore is

used for the production of

specialized refractories.

- Beryl, the main beryllium ore,

when occurring in large transparent

crystals, is a gemstone.

When a mineral is used for more than

one purpose, then its grade and the

impurities present are the decisive

factors of its utilization, for metal

production or otherwise. For example:

6.2. Non-metallic and industrial minerals

According to their abundance, industrial

minerals can be classified into three main


Rare. These occur in small quantities, in

limited areas, used in small quantities,

and command a high market price. For

example, diamonds, sheet mica,

graphite, corundum, precious stones,

and the semi-precious stones.

Widely available. These occur in large

quantities in few geological environments;

they are used in appreciable amounts, and

command a moderate price. For example

asbestos, coal, phosphate, gypsum, kaolin,

potash, salt, sulfur, talc, trona, barite,

borates, feldspar, fluorite, magnesite, and


Abundant. These are abundant in all

geological environments, used in large

amounts, and are relatively cheap. For

example, clay, limestone, sand, gravel,

and stones.

It should be noted that some members of

these groups are not minerals but ores having a

geological name. For example, phosphate

rock is neither a rock nor a mineral; it is a

geological name for a certain type of formation

containing phosphates and gangue materials

such as calcite, iron oxides, clays, etc. The major

phosphate mineral of economic value in this

type of deposit is apatite, which is principally

calcium phosphate. Similarly, clay is a

geological name for a large variety of hydrated

aluminium silicate minerals, including kaolinite

6.3. Oceans and natural waters as a source

of minerals

The hydrosphere covers 70% of the Earth’s

surface. Oceans and natural waters contain on

the average 3.5% of dissolved salts. At

present, sodium and magnesium are recovered

from this source on industrial scale. While

sodium is recovered as sodium chloride by

evaporation, magnesium is usually recovered

through precipitation as magnesium hydroxide

by lime water. Sodium is present in 1.06%

while magnesium is 0.13%.

Bromine is found in a concentration of 65

ppm; it is also recovered on an industrial scale

by displacement with chlorine. Sea water also

contains 0.05 ppm of iodine, an insufficient

quantity to warrant promise for its recovery.

However, some sea weeds absorb iodine from

seawater and accumulate it in their cell

structure. When they are dried and burned

properly, the resulting ash contains 1.4 to

1.8% iodine. The major source of iodine,

however, is from the nitrate deposits in

Atacama Desert in Chile — it contains 0.2%.

These nitrate deposits were the main source of

nitrogen before the discovery of the ammonia

synthesis process. Analysis of salts obtained

by the evaporation of sea water is given in

Tables 7 and 8.

Table 7. Typical analysis of salt residue obtained by

evaporation of sea water


Cl– 55.06

Na+ 30.6

SO42– 8.06

Mg2+ 3.7

Ca2+ 1.175

K+ 1.1

Br– 0.186

All others 1


Table 8. Composition of salts obtained by evaporation

of sea water


NaCl 77.83

MgCl2 9.44

MgSO4 6.57

CaSO4 3.44

KCl 2.11

MgBr2 0.22

All others ~ 1


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6.4. Surface and subsurface waters

Some lakes, wells, and oilfield brine contain

appreciable amounts of metals (and iodine) in

solution and are important sources of these

metals. Examples include the following:

Searle Lake in California contains

sodium carbonate, Na2CO3, and sodium

borate, Na2B4O7, in solution. The first is

recovered by carbonation with CO2

followed by crystallization of sodium

bicarbonate, NaHCO3, while the latter is

recovered by extraction with organic


The Great Salt Lake in Utah contains

0.45% Mg from which magnesium

chloride is recovered by evaporation,

purified and used to prepare metallic


Salar de Atacama in Antofagasta, Chile,

contains 1.4 g/L lithium as well as

appreciable amounts of magnesium and

potassium, which are recovered on

industrial scale. The brine is pumped from

underground and left to evaporate in

ponds, then transported by railway

cisterns to the plant for lithium carbonate


The Dead Sea in Jordan contains various

salts in large quantities. Sodium

chloride, potassium chloride, and

carnallite are recovered by solar


Underground waters including those

separated from petroleum in oil fields are

usually a source of lithium, magnesium,

and other metals. For example, lithium is

recovered from underground water in

Silver Peak, Nevada by evaporation and


6.5. Manganese nodules

Oceans also contain manganese, copper,

nickel, and cobalt in the form of black nodules

(about 10 cm in diameter), deposited on the

ocean floor. These nodules are mainly

manganese dioxide containing about 1%

copper, 1% nickel, and 10 to 15% iron. The

nodules are present at a concentration of about

12 kg/m2. Studies are under way to exploit this


6.6. Tar sands

Tar is a mixture of many organic substances,

which are separated by distillation at different

temperatures. The distillation residue is pitch.

The tar sands of Alberta constitute one of the

largest deposits of liquid hydrocarbons in the

world. The tar sands are estimated to contain

126×109 tons. A part of the deposit located at

Athabasca is amenable to surface mining,

while the major part is obtained by in-situ

techniques. The major components of tar

sands are quartz grains of about 0.2–1 mm,

wetted by a layer of water which entrains silt

and clay. The Bitumen surrounding the wet

sand, forms a continuous phase which bonds

the particle together. The average content of

bitumen in the sand is about 12%; and about 2

tons of tar sand produces 1 barrel of crude oil

(1 barrel = 140 kg).

Bitumen is separated from the sand by

slurring tar sands with hot water at 80°C. The

sand particles remain in the aqueous phase,

while at this temperature the viscosity of

bitumen is lowered, to dislodge bitumen from

sand so that it can float on the surface. To

facilitate the separation process, caustic soda is

added to raise the pH to 8.5. The raw bitumen

obtained is then heated and mixed with naphtha

to reduce its viscosity and density, then

centrifuged to separate it from the remaining

solids. The diluted bitumen obtained contains

about 5% H2O and 1% solids. The solids

separated at this stage contain rutile and zircon

and it may be possible to recover these minerals

economically. It is estimated that 94 million tons

of titanium minerals containing 8% Ti and 41

million tons of zirconium minerals containing

4% Zr can be recovered each year from this


The bitumen is treated to produce crude oil

and coke. The bulk of this coke is burned in

boilers to produce steam for power generation.

The combustion gases are laden with dust

which is collected in boiler hoppers and

electrostatic precipitators. This dust is rich in

vanadium and nickel. It is estimated that one

hundred tons of bitumen containing 0.02% V

produces about 0.9 tons of fly ash containing

2.2% V.

6.7. Asphalt lakes

Asphalt occurs naturally in Trinidad as a lake

in which pitch is mixed with sand and clay.

Artificial asphalt is a solution of pitch in

heavy tar oils and is used in making hard

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pavements. The asphalt lake in Trinidad has

an area of about 40 hectares and is about 60

meters deep. It has been analyzed to contain

about 39% bitumen, 30% minerals, 31%

seawater, and 6% sulfur. A similar lake occurs

in Bermudez, Venezuela, but with about 60%

bitumen. Asphalt rock contains less than 10%

bitumen and occurs in Texas, California,

Oklahoma, and other localities.

6.8. Economic aspects

The distribution of mineral resources

throughout the world is irregular. Some

countries have abundant minerals of one kind

but are deficient in others. As a result, there is

an active world trade in minerals. There are

certain ores that are always treated at the mine,

e.g., gold, uranium, nickel oxide, copper

oxide, and sometimes aluminium. All other

ores may be shipped as concentrates. Shipping

an ore from a country represents a loss to that

country because if this ore were processed

locally to metal, more jobs would be created

and the know-how could be acquired locally.

Wars have been waged through out history to

acquire and control mineral resources.

7. Treatment of ores

An ore may be treated both physically and

chemically (Fig. 2). The components of an ore

are the valuable minerals and the waste or

gangue minerals. The need to beneficiate ores

by mechanical and physical means arises from

the following facts:

Transportation and handling costs can be

greatly reduced, if the unwanted gangue

minerals were first removed.

Fig. 2. Treatment of ores

The size of reactors for treating such

concentrates is also greatly decreased,

which results in decreased capital cost,

if the gangue minerals were removed.

The ore may contain more than one

valuable mineral, or certain undesirable

impurity, and it is usually cheaper to

separate them by physical rather than by

chemical methods.

7.1. Beneficiation

A beneficiation plant is divided into two

sections which perform the following:

Liberation of minerals from rocks, and

Separation of the liberated minerals.

At present, a beneficiation plant is capable

of treating 100,000 tons/day. Handling of such

large amounts of material necessitates great

efforts from engineers, designers, and

automatic control specialists. Figure 3 shows a

general flowsheet for a mineral beneficiation


- Liberation of Minerals. Liberation of

minerals by comminution is an expensive

operation. The cost increases proportionally as

the particle size of the product decreases. On

the other hand, the cost of any subsequent

metallurgical operation, e.g., heating, leaching,

etc., decreased as the particle size of the treated

solid became smaller, as a result of the

increased surface area. Therefore, there must be

a compromise between the cost of grinding and

the ideal particle size required for a particular

process. This is represented by the minimum in

Figure 4. A relation between particle size and

surface area is given in Figure 5. Excessive

grinding may also be undesirable, since it may

cause problems in a subsequent step, e.g.,

during filtration if the ore or concentrate is

treated by hydrometallurgical methods. The

comminution of ores is usually done in three


• Coarse or primary crushing,

• Fine or secondary crushing, and

• Grinding to fine powder

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Primary crusher













To wasteor mine filling


Over size

Over size

Make-up waterWater





Fig. 3. General scheme of beneficiating an ore

Fig. 4. Relation between cost and particle size. Point

A represents the most economic particle size

Fig. 5. A relation between particle size and surface area

Separation of Minerals. Separation of

minerals is based on differences in their

physical or physico-chemical properties.

Among the physical properties that are

extensively exploited are the specific gravity,

magnetic and electrostatic properties, and

radioactivity. Physico-chemical methods are

based on the surface properties of the

minerals. These methods are not very

effective, but they are cheap and rapid.

For each property on which a separation

process is based, the feed has an optimum

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particle size at which the process functions

most effectively. For example, flotation can be

most effectively conducted when the mineral

particles are 1 to 0.01 mm; particles larger

than 1 mm will be too heavy to be lifted by the

air bubble and all particles smaller than 0.01

mm will be floated because at this small size

looseagglomeration takes place. Usually, more

than one process is used to effect a separation.

Two parameters have to be determined in

any separation process:

Recovery. This is the percentage of the

metal recovered in the concentrate.

Grade. This is the metal content of the

concentrate expressed in percent.

The relationships between these parameters

are as follows (Fig. 6):

There is an inverse relationship between

recovery and grade. To obtain a high

grade concentrate, a larger quantity of the

metal will be lost in the tailings, hence the

recovery will be low. A 100% recovery is

only possible when the ore is not


There is a direct relationship between the value

of a concentrate and its grade. This is

because the cost of extracting metal values

from a concentrate is largely determined by

the cost of rejecting the valueless material

still present. For example, the lower the

grade of a copper sulfide concentrate the

more energy the concentrate will require

when treated by pyrometallurgical methods.

Fig. 6. Relationship between recovery of a certain

mineral grade of the concentrate obtained, and its


Thus, the production of a high-grade

concentrate will result in the loss of some

values, but the value of the concentrate would

be higher. Therefore, a compromise is

generally sought between the metal values lost

in the tailings and the ease of subsequent

metallurgical treatment of the concentrate. The

physical and physico-chemical properties on

which separation of minerals is based are the


7.2. Chemical treatment of ores

An ore or concentrate is treated by pyro-,

hydro-, or electro-metallurgical operation.

Pyrometallurgy is most successful when

high grade massive ores are treated in a

blast furnace, because such a furnace has

maximum heat economy being itself a

heat exchanger: the cold charge

descending from the top is preheated by

the hot gases ascending in the furnace.

Dust problems were also minimized

because the ore was in the form of large

lumps. With the exhaustion of such raw

material, metallurgists turned their

attention towards the treatment of low-

grade ores. This has necessitated

extensive grinding and flotation, which

has resulted in the production of finely

divided concentrates as raw material.

Naturally, these could not be charged to a

blast furnace because they are capable of

blocking the movement of the ascending

gases. This gave birth to the fossil-fired

horizontal reverberatory furnace, for

melting sulfide concentrates. This results

in pollution of the environment, as well as

high energy consumption, and excessive

dust formation. This was later overcome

by the flash smelting technology.

Pyrometallurgical treatment of sulfide

ore is plagued by the problem of

sulphur IV oxide (SO2) generation. If

the concentration is high, it must be

used for making sulfuric acid for which

a nearby market must be found. If the

SO2 concentration is too low for making

acid, disposal methods must be

employed. Such methods are available

but are rather expensive. As a result, in

many cases, SO2 is simply emitted to

the atmosphere. On the other hand,

sulfides can be treated by

hydrometallurgical methods without

generating SO2, thus eliminating the

need to manufacture sulfuric acid.

Page 12: Mineral Resources and Extractive Metallurgy · PDF fileMineral resources and geo-engineering Fathi Habashi Department of Mining, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering Laval University,

Habashi / Int. J. Min. & Geo-Eng., Vol.49, No.2, December 2015


Sulfur can be recovered in the elemental

form which can be easily stock-piled, or

transported at low cost.

In pyrometallurgical processes, the

metallurgist is forced to transfer molten

slags and matte from one furnace to the

other in large, heavy, refractory-lined

ladles. Besides the inconvenience and

cost of handling these materials, there is

also the inevitable emission of gases,

because they are usually saturated with

SO2 and during the transfer they cool

down a little, resulting in decreased gas

solubility and emission, hence the

inconvenient working condition. In

hydrometallurgical plants, solutions and

slurries are transferred by pipelines

without any problem.

As a result of the high temperature

involved in pyrometallurgical processes,

usually around 1500°C, the reaction

rates are high but much fuel is needed.

To make a process economical, heat

recovery systems are essential. Heat can

be readily recovered from hot gases, but

rarely from molten material like slag or

metal. Thus, a great deal of energy is

lost. Furthermore, the equipment needed

for heat economy is bulky and

expensive. In a reverberatory furnace,

heat is mainly transferred from the

ceiling of the furnace by radiation and

has to penetrate a thick layer of slag

which has a low thermal conductivity;

for this reason it is regarded as an

inefficient method. In

hydrometallurgical processes, on the

other hand, less fuel is needed because

of the low temperature involved

(usually below 100°C). Heat economy

is usually no problem.

Combustion of fossil fuels in a

reverberatory furnace results in the

formation of a large volume of gases

which carry large amounts of dust. This

must be recovered to abate pollution

because the dust itself is also a valuable

material. The technology of dust

recovery is well established but the

equipment is bulky and expensive. In

hydrometallurgical processes this is no

problem because wet materials are

usually handled.

Treatment of complex ores by

pyrometallurgical method is unsuitable

because separation is difficult; complex

ores can be treated more conveniently

by hydrometallurgy.

Treatment of low-grade ores by

pyrometallurgy is unsuitable because of

the large amount of energy required to

melt the gangue minerals. On the other

hand, it is especially suitable to use

hydrometallurgy since a selective

leaching agent can be used to solubilize

the valuable minerals, leaving behind

the gangue.

The economics of a pyrometallurgical

process is usually suitable for large scale

operations and requires a large capital

investment. On the other hand,

hydrometallurgical processes are suitable

for small scale operations and low capital

investments. The hydrometallurgical units

can be increased in number when the

need arises without any economic


Many residues of pyrometallurgical

processes are coarse and harmless. For

example, slags which are a silicate

phase can be stored in piles that are

exposed to air and rain without the

danger of dissolution and stream

contamination. They are just

unacceptable from the aesthetic point of

view. On the other hand, most residues

of hydrometallurgical processes are

finely divided solids. If dry, they create

dust problems when the wind blows and

when wet, they gradually release metal

ions in solution thereby contaminating

the environment. Hence, well prepared

storage sites must be created.

7.3. Pyro- versus electrometallurgy

The competition between pyro- and

electrometallurgy is mainly between

metallothermic reduction processes for

producing metals, i.e., displacing a metal from

its compounds by heating with a more reactive

metal, and the electrolysis of molten (fused)

salts. While both processes require the use of

pure materials and handling under strict

anhydrous conditions, the metallothermic

reduction usually involves more handling

Page 13: Mineral Resources and Extractive Metallurgy · PDF fileMineral resources and geo-engineering Fathi Habashi Department of Mining, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering Laval University,

Habashi / Int. J. Min. & Geo-Eng., Vol.49, No.2, December 2015


steps than the electrolytic method. On the

other hand, electrolytic processes require

cheap electric power.

The first metallic aluminium produced

commercially was prepared through the

pyrometallurgical route, specifically, by the

reduction of aluminium chloride with metallic

sodium. The process, however, gave way

when the electrolytic reduction of alumina

(Al2O3) was invented. While the choice

between pyro- and electrometallurgy has been

settled a long time ago in the aluminium

industry, this is not the case for other metals

like beryllium and magnesium. For these two

metals, both routes are used. On the other

hand, the production of titanium by

metallothermic reduction is still unchallenged

by the electrometallurgical route.

8. Conclusions

Geological processes are known to concentrate

minerals to form ores of economic value.

Mineral processing engineers further concentrate

these ores by mechanical and physico-chemical

methods. The job of the extractive metallurgist

then, is to extract metals from these concentrates

by chemical means. The thermal processes are

known as pyrometallurgy, the aqueous processes

are known as hydrometallurgy, while those

using electric current are known as

electrometallurgy. This classification is only a

matter of convenience since all processes are

usually involved in extracting a metal.

Suggested readings

[1] Habashi, F. (2003). Metals from Ores. An

Introduction to Extractive Metallurgy,

Métallurgie Extractive Québec, Québec City,

Canada, 472 pages. Distributed by Laval

University Bookstore www.zone.ul.ca.

[2] Habashi, F. (2006). “A Short History of

Mineral Processing”, Proceedings of XXIII

International Mineral Processing Congress,

Vol. 1, edited by G. Önal et al. Published by

Promed Advertising Agency, Merkez

Mahallesi, Hanımefendi Sokak 79, Şişli 34381

İstanbul, Turkey, pp. 3–8.

[3] Habashi, F. (1997). Handbook of Extractive

Metallurgy, 4 volumes, 2500 pages, WILEY-

VCH, Weinheim, Germany.

[4] Habashi, F. (1998). Principles of Extractive

Metallurgy, Volume 4. Amalgam &

Electrometallurgy, Métallurgie Extractive

Québec, Québec City, Canada, 400 pages.

[5] Habashi, F. (1987). Metallurgical Chemistry,

American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 279

pp. + 5 cassettes (1 hr. each). Re-issued by

Métallurgie Extractive Québec in 2007 (book &


[6] Habashi, F. (1999). A Textbook of

Hydrometallurgy, Métallurgie Extractive Québec,

Québec City, Canada, second edition, 750 pages.

[7] Habashi, F. (2002). Textbook of

Pyrometallurgy, Métallurgie Extractive

Québec, Québec City, Canada, 660 pages.

[8] Habashi, F. (2000). Extractive Metallurgy Today.

Progress and Problems, Métallurgie Extractive

Québec, Québec City, Canada, 325 pages.