HIghMt Quality BEERS — BULBS Tree* — Rom * •lardan Supplita id as a very poor hU brother every- Poultry and Pat Foods and Supplies — Fertilizer Our lM-paae Complete Catmloir on reriueat. Trade with a 100% Heed etera went on Ititi last Florida trip. Parliti Æ . Mineral and Surfaced Shingles and Roll Roofing 1 = = -- ------------------------ : ---------- ----------------- : ----------- r5=3 LAUDS RIGHT POLICY Proving Again that “ Ev’ry Gate That Bars to Hate Will Open Wide to Love" Many gratifying plaudits of every kind were evoked by The Western American'« recent declaration of prin ciples. proving again that the people dtaire harmony with divine will to the extent that human nature can at tain It; that they realise the fact that all good cornea from truth and low. and that it is folly to waste effort In antagonising evil, instead of concen trating upon the development mmd sub stitution of the good. The endless plaudits, which are not regarded as personal. noi\deserved as such, show clearly the Intelligent progvess of public opinion and justify the claim that the world is growing better day by day. This is the splendid sport model Reo Six won by* Sheriff Hsu icy J. Slusher of Clatsop county in the recent subscription contest of The Western American. He generously gave the car to the Astoria Klan, for use in some way to do the greatest good. The car will be given away as a "souvenir” to someone at* tending the grand kluxer ball at Seaside, Friday, July 6. Be there. See CONRAD, 266 Third S. MAin 1683. IDEAL ROOFING CO. just read your editorial, 'Permanent Policy of The Klan Press.' "We want to convey to you our We appreciate truly the letter from heartfelt thanks for this essay In wls- the brilliant editor of THE WATCHER dom. this quintessence of KlancVaft. ON THE TOWER, the new weqkb It is keen, penetrating, scientific, in Klan journal at Seattle. He is a nbted the meaning of that much abused writer, thinker, and soldier, and the new Jonrnal Is featured by hU won derful new serial story. “ If Jeeus of tbe’ human heart Comes.“ This it one of the most re- “We have clipped it and framed it. markable stories of the Christ ever The two large columns hang above written. Its grasp-of world condb- our desk In the editorial sanctum, a tions is almost uncanny. iur human in. *u-u-u- iar •** 1" —* * * wr turaat profound and senaauoaaj, its should go, if we would be worthy of j meaning and message for Christians . the Great Trust involved in our oath irresistible. The Western American as Klansm n. PRIEST INCITES MOB VIOLENCE IN GOTHAM u aaav aaav o u i u g , v*a yl tm .ip « itj «hl uospiliua W Ut IC U*' e j word, as Jesus would uSe it, namely. M a y o r H y lan Take« Part in ^ruu^a from Karting themselves. - scientifically true to the well-springs - i f , . • f n . . one time he was recommended „ „r h«r« the Incubation of Riot- ..__ ........................... ..... ... ous Methods. NEW YORK, Ju|y ú.— Rev __ I'at rich Kuropeah trip with President Wilson where, with one John !.. Sullivan, alao a Catholic, he wtu to do night work at the President'* residence in Paris. He was not tak> n to England, jle used to be a poBrenian. and was used principally at kwapitals «bere be kept At for superintendent ft metropolitan police of the District, of Columbia by the President, who Inter regretted U and named a moro «xp. rlen< ed man. It ts said IM »Vakdeci White House because he was accused of having black-balled Harry C. llarker, a secret service man assigned to Mre. Harding. The secret aervlce men hold Darker In but lltUe esteem ' because of the menial work which he does to curry favor with Mrs. Hard tngi ' •• It appears that Parker made applica tion to Federal lodge in Washington through one Runny Hays, messenger, at tbe White lloasn and was black balled. Hays and Parker—in- litvc.ni- • C. W. KARLS ON & SON Fanerai Director* and Embaimert “ EQUAL ve. Ilei. Itth ai Franklin Ave. SERVICE TO ALL” and 12th Astori« »regen Phone 9Hd ^ is very toad, o f . gating the reason, made Pirttn the Tntgg. Catholic priest and pastor Ferguson, but no reason can bo learned "goat." It leaked - out later that “ More power U> your pen and may God guide you In your splendid efforts for the Right. Sincerely yours. “THE EDITOR. “ "rte Watcher on the Tower,’ "912 Securities Bldg. Seattle." may acquire the right to publish this story, as a special treat, t a its 60 ,#W readers. Persons who have <3 to spare (af ter paying their subscription to The Western American) should subscribe to THE WATCHMAN ON THE ----------------------------------- TOWER, the great weekly Klan jour- CARVING A NOBLE nal of Washington and Idaho. puj>- MEMORIAL IN DIXIE llshed at Seattle. <12 Securities build- ----------- ing. Major L. I. Powell is managing ATLANTA, GA.. July 5.—Actual editor, and bis literary associate- iaj carving of the great Confederate me- the remarkable genius above referred morial on the side of stately Stone j to,_ The 33 will be well invested and Mountain, a shrine Of the Knights of sure to return many times the money's the Ku Klux Klan. was begun Tues- j worth. * day of last week. Governor E. Lee “SEATTLE. July 3» 1923.—Lem A. Trinkle of Virginia delivered the prin- i r of the Church of Our Lady of Good for his altitude. He Is regarded as a Barker was blackballed because tit hte Counsel in Brooklyn, which Mayor Hy- "dangerous" Qbtbollr. not overly Catholic wife, who dominates him He lan attends, is Inciting member* of his bright, but tricky anr Is niaklng the Is said to have told Mrs. Harding It congregation to mob violence against meat o f bis opporiunUtes. He fre- the Klan. Mayor Hylan tacitly has uuently received, openly,-letter.^ ad- approved the suggestions and adtnoni- i dressed to him as a Kmglft of Co- was on her. account, thus bringing her ; into it. Dever, The Western American, Bort- land. Ore.—Dear Brother: We have WOOD He. 1 First Growth FIR mad OAK WOOD Delivered from My Own Camp Hauling of All Kinds, .Anywhere Robertson Fuel Co. P. O. Address: Route 6 Phone Main 5336 cipal address and Cutzon Borglum. tbe famous sculptor, who will supervise the carving, went over the side of the cliff to Begin the actual work himself. The following day. Governor Trinkle came to Atlanta, where a complimen tary breakfast was tendered him. Governor Hardwickv who was twice defeated for political preferment last sumqier by the Klatp was present at the breakfaaL tions of tl)e priest, as he has attended meetings at the church where exhor tations to violence have be3n made. “Go down to Ba/ Shore," the priest told the men. “and break up their damnable meetings 1 Do It without violence if you can, but it you cannot do otherwise, fight, and fight as only Catholics can fight! The qgeans are of but small moment. The big thing Is to stamp the Klan out of exist ence, no matter what methods sre employed. The ends justify the means.”_ . . „ His remarks were greeted with en thusiasm and. after the sermon. Mayor lumbus. Landvolgt Is Some Athlete. W. A Landvoixt. Catholic, is» a Washington product, and was aif pointed throngh John Wilson, cousin of former President Wilson, and «as a : clerk In the aHtee of form-r Sqperln-, end-mt of Police Pullman. In tho DIs- •rict’ of CdfomMui Ills greatest claim to fame IsXthat hr Is an athelto and will tell onn so himself-on the slight- j {Cat provocation.. He I t continually get ting hurt orpajAng off on account of MV ^ Eleventh Street Garage C. W. P h io o g . Freprieter ___ --------- Guaranteed Auto Repairing-------- ---------- SOal «4............... IMH ........ H*4 s. s. ñ ^T Hm «es........ Phon« EAst FABRIC ».t ............... I r.m mb*h ....... -— an ttaHÎ. ................. .. ILM U l Fasi KIrtralh Street fi AK Phon« Mula HM F. E. BOGARD F1SU MARKET Kinds ef Fresh «nd gait Fish and Poultry. Your Patronage Solicited 170 Sodsnd, Near Yamhill, Partland, Ore. Oregon Battery Company Pkear Il Grand Ave, Naw Cars Ussd Car« CHEVROLET ituy yv»ir »>**w O h »' m ic i from either of (ht «e attleem*'!. Yltry *ly«* 4Mtir *n» f ef ourUtoua nud iwrwntâi atiwiton lU lIN f ADORKtS and 4M Hawthorn« Avo. „ J " L •»•«»•••*« I A.t 0710 Tab ISvJ I’hnno TAbor Umldrnre ritolte UArflold iTSI sickness; Is!'-very excitable and nor vous and It ts doubtful It he has ever — —— fired a revolver. \ Haley Hot Tempered. DR. WILLIAM R. Hylan was one of the first to pass the j James A., Haley. Roman 'Catholic.1 collection plate, thus signifying his ap was appointed In 191S an 1 has been on 1 proval of the mob violence order. the White Hour« detail for about a ioj Dekum Builtfjng Portland. Orsgsn DKST18T ¡year. He gets all the soft jobs. He Is 1 hot-tempered, said, to be exceedingly pro fane and of- tbe “ know-it-all" CHEVROLET E. A. DOCKSTEADER Salesman with Hugh Smith Cb'evrdlet to. Forty-second and Handy Boulevard * Orfico BHdtry. SIM Ros. URdwy. Mt« “CARNIVAL” OUTRAGE IS HIT BY THE KLAN bad ones, to my earliest recollecUQq. I see a woman with an eye that flashes swift as-an Archangel's wing; WASHINGTON, D. C.. July 5.—A aad a mouth 11135 breaks with laughter | gratuitous effort to involve the Klan ' and hardens at sight of wropg. slng- MY MOTHER. I think back through the years, the lean and the fact, the good and the 1 variety. The Joke of the Detail. John J. FHzaerald. Catholic, was formerly a chauffoaur in the Mere! service. He was appointed in 19 IS Phone Broadway 1K I . AcmePharmacy H. L Christenson, Prop. 3 North Third Street Near Ankeny Portland, Oregon .in 8 reported uprising at 11 ladensburg. i Md„ near here was made by one of | the newspapers June 23* The whole thing «rose over the resentment of : the people to “carnival shows.” which : resentment the Klan has Indorsed. ing lnllsbies; a woman who, with hand grasping the Unseen Hand, walks the and bad trifling experience in New York. He Is very pronounced in his ▼lews on religion and Is the most slur- Here We Are BEAVER ELECTRIC CO. “ ELECTRICIANS” Phono EAst 0181 ltd druid Av*.. Clllsana Bank Bid«. Portland, (n g o n IDEAL BREAD Are You Going to Build or Remodel? ‘ Plans and Estimates Furnished Free Garage and Cabinet Work F. P. CARSON CONTRACTOR S3 E. 71th St. N. Portland, Ore. Phone Tabor 5527 briar-bordered paths of life un- \ ring of all the members of the detail ashamed, unafraid, unharmed. She Is . |n remarks after having been In a clad in garments of beauty for me; Protestant church with the President age does not soil them, nor years m ake'He Is very egotistical. Tie is consid-' them cheap and tawdry. Her tongue ered by his associates to be the joke is without guile, baring never been ^of thedetall. the messenger of a lie. It is 17 years - George Druscher It Good Boy. since her soul -went $ome to God and Ceorge Drescher. Catholic, is a her fingers became for. me the fingers Washington product, of no political MAIO 3359 1 Ros. TAbor 17M DR. H. A. HUFFMAN DENTIST Office Hours: t:30 to 11; 1 to 4 GENERAL PRACTICE «OS Morgan Building Portland, Oregon of an Angel; but I. have not forgotten all she said. She told me there was a Santa Claus, and I behoved her. He pull. He was a clerk In police head quarters for two years and wa3 sent to the White House temporarily dur- Leather Belts MADS TO SPECIAL ORDER High Class Repairing For your belt troubles consult us Jobbers in all classes of fabric belts PEERLESS BELT REPAIR FACTORY CEO. WELSIIHOX8. Prop. 63 First Street Portland, Oregon Portland, Ore.) ”4 » ' B0ZLEE & CARVER TIRE MERCHANTS VULCANIZING 112 First SL BRoadway 8764 brings me no longer drums and flfesi ¡ng Mrs. Harding's Illness. He still he ^brings to me the vision of my 'is on the Job and 1* a good boy. lie mother; and the music of that angelic Ldoes not carry his • religion to the chorus which sang at Creation s dawn extremes. Heir strong and alert, but and at the hour of man s redemption doe« not brag oi his prowess. -B roth er Thomas It Marshall. 33 do- gfy. „ a Lonel M„ on. gree. -Ex - Vice - President of United Jobn w fflye, Mason, was appointed- States. (From the Mwonic Analyst. In i m as a hlenographcr lo chief Wilkie. He did some outside work and was named on the Whip- House detail in IS!4 by President Wilson. He ranked next to Jervis' until Moran was named chi-M and the Catholic M M AM PATUm IPO cll,|ue camc int0 control. He la about lilnli unlnULIuu r * ' |,ped ,rom ,he w,llle House detail. (Continued from Page 1) « Charles FredericlM, Romaq Catholic, era railroad. He is a great hand- 1» dominated by a Catholic wife and shaker and present giver and literally regularly «rttend« that church. He la has filled the Moran home with hams, chauffeur for the secret service. New Strand Hotel A. E. PETERS. Prop. Mo Stark Street Between Park and West Park “Come to the Future New York of the Pacific With JttcktonMillions now bolnc Invested In now dovoloptaoiiL The tost nr sat world port isiildly attaining pro-enilnsnca. Tour Chance Is Today Astoria Commercial Addition The lawli-al Location Big Wide Streets (120 feet)—Wonderful Waterfront Ideal Industrial Situation The New York of the Pacific—Fortunes to be made through lavcitmcpta In our properties -Ask us for particulars ASTORIA, OREGON Down Grade from Everywhere One of the “ Five Great World Ports on the American I'urlflc Slppe Columbia Harbor Development Company, Inc. % .............................. ...... W. Bank Building W. M. JACKSON, Präsident Portland, Oregon HARDING A Ï MERCY Schedule Royal Blue Line Busses Portland, Astoria and Seaside pll.es, Gowers, tobacco, fruit, and Is a frequent visitor there. He Is a great “back patter," and Is said to be -after the -post as chief of the de tail. Jervis, however, does not seem to be awake to thin. Starling was a Presbyterian during the Wilson administration and Is^ a Baptist under Harding. During the last administration he was a staunch Democrat and is now a rock-ribbed Re- pnblir-an. On trips, he acts as advance agent, going qkead to make hotel ar rangements and the like, and hag let ters addressed to him as "Business Seerelsry to the President.” Mr. Ferguson's Pedigree. W G. Ferguson, Roman Catholic, wpe appointed in 1917 from Boston .and "» » wUHcmU eny. prcvl»us-r.3r,eet servlca experience He weht on the White Meat Market L. S. Hobson 1748 Sandy Boulevard GArfleld «811 MEATS, FISH AND POULTRY Two Deliveries a l5ay 10:3« A. M. and 2:30 P. M. KNOW YOUR CLEANERS •VTOU don’t send >our rssor to a street grinder or your watch to a * blacksmith. Then phy send your garments to be cleaned or pressed to any one but a Master Cleaner! We operate our own plaflt and know your dark garments gel the same care as your light ones. Men’s Suits and OVerconta Pressed........ .......................... «0 rO Mon’s Suits and Overcoats Cleaned and .Pressed............. $1.60 * SPRUCE U P " ----------------------------------------------- PHONE EAST 0305 BELL PARIS CLEANERS AND DYERS C. W. MEBKITT * 638 SANDY BOULEVARD Myles McCahilb Roman Catholic, Is sometimes t<-mp rarlly assigned to the White House and used to take all the Presidential trip*. His brother Is a Roman Catholic priest, and he Is prob ably the wont n an of the entire Cath olic lot. He Is rated as a agent, and- thing that goes on about the White ! House. Maton Is Sent Away. hr rP Pre-Id. ut Harding ramo to the While Hou r,'there was another! Mason on life .letafl—Albert C. Pur lin. About the rtlmo the President Gasoline Oils and Greaves j ROSEWAY BATTERY STATION Salterias—Official Station Blsctrlcal Repairing - Tabor 3VIS Lente Kincaid's 13th and Kx^mnge Astoria. Ore. Leave Terminal lllth and Burnside Portland, Ore. 12:00 Midnight 9:30 A.M. 4:00 P.M. fi:SO A. .11. 0:30 A. Al. 3:00 P.M. suddenly was ii :ached from the White House detail and sent from tho c ity ' by Morqp, who Hid not oven give him a : -r * ftc;>-Ttw hRnw-i^. «¡¿- Tit lh*- ’ Hoed he was diWitaed from .the Sraj>*«*<>*&. $L Jftlciu apd Halnler Local« Dally Office« Main «(OM . Re.idencei Main 4547 143 Myssfat. P ostlamo O m ' We HanrIlp a Full Line nf RADIO ELECTRIC BAKERY Bpeelal Orders for Lodges and Entertainment! st of Matt-rials Are L'rnii 356 Hawthorne Avonuo Phone Tabor (794 Nrar Forly-elahtli hirrrt DR. DAVID E. LONG CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN . .. . ^ . WJ Murgao Building

Mineral and Surfaced Shingles and Roll Roofing LAUDS RIGHT ...€¦ · He. 1 First Growth FIR mad OAK WOOD Delivered from My Own Camp Hauling of All Kinds, .Anywhere Robertson Fuel

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Page 1: Mineral and Surfaced Shingles and Roll Roofing LAUDS RIGHT ...€¦ · He. 1 First Growth FIR mad OAK WOOD Delivered from My Own Camp Hauling of All Kinds, .Anywhere Robertson Fuel

H IghM t Q ualityBEERS — BULBS

Tree* — Ro m *•lardan Supplita

id as a very poor hU brother every-

Poultry and Pat Foods and Supplies — Fertilizer Our lM-paae Complete Catmloir on reriueat. Trade with a 100% Heed etera

went on Ititi last Florida trip. Parliti

Æ .

Mineral and Surfaced Shingles and Roll Roofing1 = = - - ------------------------ : ---------- -----------------:-----------r 5 = 3

LAUDS RIGHT POLICYProving Again that “ Ev’ry Gate That Bars to Hate Will Open Wide to Love"

Many gratifying plaudits of every kind were evoked by The Western American'« recent declaration of prin­ciples. proving again that the people dtaire harmony with divine will to the extent that human nature can at­tain It; that they realise the fact that all good cornea from truth and low. and that it is folly to waste effort In antagonising evil, instead of concen­trating upon the development mmd sub­stitution of the good. The endless plaudits, which are not regarded as personal. noi\deserved as such, show clearly the Intelligent progvess of public opinion and justify the claim that the world is growing better day by day.

This is the splendid sport model Reo Six won by* Sheriff Hsu icy J. Slusher of Clatsop county in the recent subscription contest of The Western American. He generously gave the car to the Astoria Klan, for use in some way to do the greatest good. The car will be given away as a "souvenir” to someone at* tending the grand kluxer ball at Seaside, Friday, July 6. Be there.

See CONRAD, 266 Third S. MAin 1683.IDEAL ROOFING CO.

just read your editorial, 'PermanentPolicy of The Klan Press.'

"We want to convey to you our We appreciate truly the letter from heartfelt thanks for this essay In wls-

the brilliant editor of THE WATCHER dom. this quintessence of KlancVaft. ON THE TOWER, the new weqkb It is keen, penetrating, scientific, in Klan journal at Seattle. He is a nbted the meaning of that much abused writer, thinker, and soldier, and the new Jonrnal Is featured by hU wonderful new serial story. “ If Jeeus of tbe’ human heart Comes.“ This it one of the most re- “We have clipped it and framed it. markable stories of the Christ ever The two large columns hang above written. Its grasp-of world condb- our desk In the editorial sanctum, a tions is almost uncanny. iur human in. *u-u-u- iar •** 1" — * * * wrturaat profound and senaauoaaj, its should go, if we would be worthy of j meaning and message for Christians . the Great Trust involved in our oath irresistible. The Western American as Klansm n.


u a a a v aaav o u i u g , v*a y l t m . i p « i t j « h l u o s p i l i u a W U t I C U * '

e j word, as Jesus would uSe it, namely. M a y o r H y lan T a k e « Part in ^ruu^a from Karting themselves. - scientifically true to the well-springs - i f , . • f n . . one time he was recommended„ „r h«r« the Incubation o f Riot- ..__ ........................... ..... ...

ous Methods.

N E W Y O R K , Ju|y ú.— R ev__ I'at r ich

Kuropeah trip with President Wilson where, with one John !.. Sullivan, alao a Catholic, he wtu to do night work at the President'* residence in Paris. He was not tak> n to England, jle used to be a poBrenian. and was used principally at kwapitals «bere be kept

At for

superintendent ft metropolitan police of the District, of Columbia by the President, who Inter regretted U and named a moro «xp. rlen< ed man. It ts said IM »Vakdeci

White House because he was accused of having black-balled Harry C. llarker, a secret service man assigned to Mre. Harding. The secret aervlce men hold Darker In but lltUe esteem ' because of the menial work which he does to curry favor with Mrs. Hard tngi ' ••

It appears that Parker made applica­tion to Federal lodge in Washington through one Runny Hays, messenger, at tbe White lloasn and was black­balled. Hays and Parker—in- litvc.ni- •

C. W. KARLS ON & SONFanerai Director* and Embaimert“ EQUAL

ve. Ilei. Itth aiFranklin Ave.SERVICE TO A LL”

and 12th Astori« »regenPhone 9Hd ^

is very toad, o f . gating the reason, made Pirttn the Tntgg. Catholic priest and pastor Ferguson, but no reason can bo learned "goat." It leaked - out later that

“ More power U> your pen and may God guide you In your splendid efforts for the Right. Sincerely yours.

“THE EDITOR.“ "rte Watcher on the Tower,’"912 Securities Bldg. Seattle."

may acquire the right to publish this story, as a special treat, ta its 60,#W readers.

Persons who have <3 to spare (af­ter paying their subscription to The Western American) should subscribeto THE WATCHMAN ON THE -----------------------------------TOWER, the great weekly Klan jour- CARVING A NOBLE nal of Washington and Idaho. puj>- MEMORIAL IN DIXIEllshed at Seattle. <12 Securities build- -----------ing. Major L. I. Powell is managing ATLANTA, GA.. July 5.—Actual editor, and bis literary associate- iaj carving of the great Confederate me- the remarkable genius above referred morial on the side of stately Stone j to,_ The 33 will be well invested and Mountain, a shrine Of the Knights of sure to return many times the money's the Ku Klux Klan. was begun Tues- j worth. * day of last week. Governor E. Lee

“SEATTLE. July 3» 1923.—Lem A. Trinkle of Virginia delivered the prin-i r

of the Church of Our Lady of Good for his altitude. He Is regarded as a Barker was blackballed because tit hteCounsel in Brooklyn, which Mayor Hy- "dangerous" Qbtbollr. not overly Catholic wife, who dominates him He lan attends, is Inciting member* of his bright, but tricky anr Is niaklng the Is said to have told Mrs. Harding It congregation to mob violence against meat of bis opporiunUtes. He fre- the Klan. Mayor Hylan tacitly has uuently received, openly,-letter.^ ad- approved the suggestions and adtnoni- i dressed to him as a Kmglft of Co-

was on her. account, thus bringing her ; into it.

Dever, The Western American, Bort- land. Ore.—Dear Brother: We have

WOODHe. 1 First Growth FIR mad OAK

WOOD Delivered from My Own Camp

Hauling of All Kinds, .Anywhere

Robertson Fuel Co.P. O. Address: Route 6

Phone Main 5336

cipal address and Cutzon Borglum. tbe famous sculptor, who will supervise the carving, went over the side of the cliff to Begin the actual work himself.

The following day. Governor Trinkle came to Atlanta, where a complimen­tary breakfast was tendered him.

Governor Hardwickv who was twice defeated for political preferment last sumqier by the Klatp was present at the breakfaaL

tions of tl)e priest, as he has attended meetings at the church where exhor­tations to violence have be3n made.

“Go down to Ba/ Shore," the priest told the men. “and break up their damnable meetings 1 Do It without violence if you can, but it you cannot do otherwise, fight, and fight as only Catholics can fight! The qgeans are of but small moment. The big thing Is to stamp the Klan out of exist­ence, no matter what methods sre employed. The ends justify the means.”_ . . „His remarks were greeted with en­

thusiasm and. after the sermon. Mayor

lumbus.Landvolgt Is Some Athlete.

W. A Landvoixt. Catholic, is» a Washington product, and was aif pointed throngh John Wilson, cousin of former President Wilson, and «as a : clerk In the aHtee of form-r Sqperln-, end-mt of Police Pullman. In tho DIs-

•rict’ of CdfomMui Ills greatest claim to fame IsXthat hr Is an athelto and will tell onn so himself-on the slight- j

{Cat provocation.. He It continually get­ting hurt orpajAng off on account of


Eleventh Street GarageC. W. Phioog. Freprieter

___— --------- Guaranteed Auto Repairing------------------SOal «4...............I M H .. . . . . . .H*4 s. s.ñ THm «es........

Phon« EAst

FA BRIC» . t ............... I r.mmb*h .......- — • a nt t a H Î . ................... IL M

U l Fasi KIrtralh Street

f i


P hon« Mula H M


Kinds e f Fresh «nd gait F ish andP oultry. Your Patronage Solicited

170 Sodsnd, N ear Yam hill, Partland, Ore.

Oregon Battery CompanyPkear

Il Grand Ave,

Naw Cars Ussd Car«

CHEVROLETituy yv»ir »>**w O h »' m ici from either o f ( h t « e a t t le e m * '! . Y lt r y * ly «* 4 M tir *n » f e fourUtoua nud iwrwntâi atiwiton

l U l I N f A D O R K t Sand 4M H aw thorn« Avo. „ J" L •»•«»•••*«

I A .t 0710 T a b ISvJ

I’hnno TAbor Umldrnre ritolte U Arflold iTSI

sickness; Is!'-very excitable and norvous and It ts doubtful It he has ever — — —— — — —fired a revolver. \

Haley Hot Tempered. DR. WILLIAM R.Hylan was one of the first to pass the j James A., Haley. Roman 'Catholic.1 collection plate, thus signifying his ap was appointed In 191S an 1 has been on 1 proval of the mob violence order. the White Hour« detail for about a ioj Dekum Builtfjng Portland. Orsgsn


¡year. He gets all the soft jobs. He Is 1 hot-tempered, said, to be exceedingly pro fane and o f- tbe “ know-it-all"


Salesman with Hugh Smith Cb'evrdlet to. — Forty-second and Handy Boulevard *

Orfico BHdtry. SIM Ros. URdwy. Mt«


bad ones, to my earliest recollecUQq. I see a woman with an eye that flashes swift as-an Archangel's wing;

WASHINGTON, D. C.. July 5.—A aad a mouth 11135 breaks with laughter| gratuitous effort to involve the Klan ' and hardens at sight of wropg. slng-

MY MOTHER.I think back through the years, the

lean and the fact, the good and the 1 variety.The Joke of the Detail.

John J. FHzaerald. Catholic, was formerly a chauffoaur in the Mere! service. He was appointed in 19 IS

Phone Broadway 1KI

. Acme PharmacyH. L Christenson, Prop.

3 North Third StreetNear Ankeny

Portland, Oregon

.in 8 reported uprising at 11 ladensburg.i Md„ near here was made by one of | the newspapers June 23* The whole thing «rose over the resentment of

: the people to “ carnival shows.” which : resentment the Klan has Indorsed.

ing lnllsbies; a woman who, with handgrasping the Unseen Hand, walks the

and bad trifling experience in New York. He Is very pronounced in his ▼lews on religion and Is the most slur-


“ ELECTRICIANS”Phono E Ast 0181ltd d r u id A v*.. Clllsana Bank B id«.

— Portland, (ngon


Are You Going to Build or Remodel?

‘ Plans and Estimates FurnishedFree

Garage and Cabinet Work


S3 E. 71th St. N. Portland, Ore. Phone Tabor 5527

briar-bordered paths of life un- \ ring of all the members of the detail ashamed, unafraid, unharmed. She Is . |n remarks after having been In a clad in garments of beauty for me; Protestant church with the President age does not soil them, nor years m ake'H e Is very egotistical. Tie is consid-'them cheap and tawdry. Her tongue ered by his associates to be the joke is without guile, baring never been ^of thedetall. the messenger of a lie. It is 17 years - George Druscher It Good Boy.since her soul -went $ome to God and Ceorge Drescher. Catholic, is aher fingers became for. me the fingers Washington product, of no political

MAIO 3359 1 Ros. T A bor 17MDR. H. A. HUFFMAN

DENTISTO ffic e H ours: t:30 to 11; 1 to 4

G E N E R A L PRAC TIC E «OS M organ Building P ortland, Oregon

of an Angel; but I. have not forgotten all she said. She told me there was a Santa Claus, and I behoved her. He

pull. He was a clerk In police head­quarters for two years and wa3 sent to the White House temporarily dur-

Leather BeltsM A D S T O S P E C I A L O R D E R

H i g h Class R e p a i r i n gFor your belt troubles consult us Jobbers in all classes of fabric belts


63 First Street Portland, Oregon

Portland, Ore.)”4 »'



112 First SL BRoadway 8764

brings me no longer drums and flfesi ¡ng Mrs. Harding's Illness. He still he ^brings to me the vision of my 'is on the Job and 1* a good boy. lie mother; and the music of that angelic Ldoes not carry his • religion to the chorus which sang at Creation s dawn extremes. H eir strong and alert, but and at the hour of man s redemption doe« not brag oi his prowess. -B roth er Thomas It Marshall. 33 do- gfy. „ a Lonel M„ on.gree. -Ex - Vice - President of United Jobn w fflye, Mason, was appointed- States. (From the Mwonic Analyst. In i m as a hlenographcr lo chief

Wilkie. He did some outside work and was named on the Whip- House detail in IS!4 by President Wilson. He ranked next to Jervis' until Moran was named chi-M and the Catholic

M M AM P A T U m IP O cll,|ue camc int0 control. He la aboutl i l n l i u n l n U L I u u r * ' |,ped ,rom ,he w,llleHouse detail.

(Continued from Page 1) « Charles FredericlM, Romaq Catholic,era railroad. He is a great hand- 1» dominated by a Catholic wife and shaker and present giver and literally regularly «rttend« that church. He la has filled the Moran home with hams, chauffeur for the secret service.

New Strand HotelA. E. P E T E R S . Prop.

Mo Stark Street

Between Park and West Park

“Come to the Future New York o f the Pacific With Jttckton”M illions now bolnc Invested In now dovoloptaoiiL T he tost nr sat world portisiild ly attaining pro-enilnsnca. „

Tour Chance Is Today

Astoria Commercial AdditionT he lawli-al L ocation

Big Wide Streets (120 feet)—Wonderful Waterfront Ideal Industrial Situation

The New York of the Pacific—Fortunes to be made through lavcitmcpta In our properties -Ask us for particulars

ASTORIA, OREGONDown Grade from Everywhere

One of the “ Five Great World Ports on the American I'urlflc Slppe

Columbia Harbor Development Company, Inc.% ....................................W . Bank Building

W . M. JACKSON , PräsidentPortland, O regon


ScheduleRoyal Blue Line Busses

Portland, Astoria and Seaside

pll.es, Gowers, tobacco, fruit, and Is a frequent visitor there. He Is a great “ back patter," and Is said to be -after the -post as chief of the de­tail. Jervis, however, does not seem to be awake to thin.

Starling was a Presbyterian during the Wilson administration and Is a Baptist under Harding. During the last administration he was a staunch Democrat and is now a rock-ribbed Re- pnblir-an. On trips, he acts as advance agent, going qkead to make hotel ar­rangements and the like, and hag let­ters addressed to him as "Business Seerelsry to the President.”

Mr. Ferguson's Pedigree.W G. Ferguson, Roman Catholic,

wpe appointed in 1917 from Boston .and " » » wUHcmU eny. prcvl»us-r.3r,eet

servlca experience He weht on the

White Meat MarketL. S. H obson

1748 Sandy Boulevard GArfleld «811


Two Deliveries a l5ay 10:3« A. M. and 2:30 P. M.

KNOW YOUR CLEANERS•VTOU don’t send >our rssor to a street grinder or your watch to a

* blacksmith. Then phy send your garments to be cleaned or pressed to any one but a Master Cleaner! We operate our own plaflt and know your dark garments gel the same care as your light ones.

Men’s Suits and OVerconta Pressed........ .......................... «0 rOMon’s Suits and Overcoats Cleaned and .Pressed............. $1.60 *

SPRUCE U P "----------------------------------------------- PHONE EAST 0305


Myles McCahilb Roman Catholic, Is sometimes t<-mp rarlly assigned to the White House and used to take all the Presidential trip*. His brother Is a Roman Catholic priest, and he Is prob­ably the wont n an of the entire Cath­olic lot. He Is rated as a agent, and- thing that goes on about the White ! House.

Maton Is Sent Away.hr rP Pre-Id. ut Harding ramo to

the While Hou r,'there was another! Mason on life .letafl—Albert C. Pur­lin. About the rtlmo the President

Gasoline Oils and G reaves j

ROSEWAY BATTERY STATIONS alterias— O fficia l Station ‘

B lsc tr lca l R ep a ir in g- T abor 3VIS

Lente Kincaid's 13th and Kx^mnge

Astoria. Ore.

Leave Terminal lllth and Burnside

Portland, Ore.12:00 Midnight 9:30 A.M.4:00 P.M.

fi:SO A. .11. 0:30 A. Al. 3:00 P.M.

suddenly was ii :ached from the WhiteHouse detail and sent from tho c ity ' by Morqp, who Hid not oven give hima : - r * ftc;>-Ttw hRnw -i^. « ¡¿- Tit lh*- ’

H oed he was diW itaed from .theSraj>*«*<>*&. $L Jftlciu apd Halnler Local« Dally Office« Main «(OM .

Re.idencei Main 4547143 Myssfat. P o s t l a m o O m

' We HanrIlp a Full Line nf

RADIO ELECTRIC BAKERYBpeelal Orders for Lodges and Entertainment!

st o f Matt-rials Are L'rnii 356 Hawthorne Avonuo Phone Tabor (794

Nrar Forly-elahtli hirrrt


. .. . ^ . WJ Murgao Building