Expanding Your Mind Subpsionics The psionic activity of the subconscious mind lies just below the level of awareness. In this level, a darker, more insidious side of the psyche resides. While most psionic characters never venture into the subconscious mind, some have embraced it. The subconscious mind provides a psionic character with an alternate conduit for manifesting powers. Skilled manifesters that utilize the subconscious mind can manifest powers that are extraordinarily difficult for normal psionic creatures to perceive, counter, or nullify. Those who utilize their subconscious mind suffer some disadvantages. First, the thoughts and secrets of the subconscious mind are disquieting and injurious to the mortal mind. Second, while the conscious mind serves equally well for any kind of power, the subconscious mind is best for the disciplines of Metacreativity, Clairsentience, and Telepathy, and it is unsuited to the Psychometabolism, Psychoportation, and Psychokinesis disciplines. Third, powers with a visible display (Vi) that involve the creation of light no longer create any visible light; creatures with darkvision can, however, see these powers. Finally, the more familiar a mortal becomes with the secrets of the subconscious mind, the more divorced they become from the conscious mind. An accomplished subpsionic character can manifest powers that normal psionic creatures find difficult to detect, counter, or nullify, but the subpsionic character becomes similarly unable to affect powers manifested by the conscious mind. Subpsionic Items Psionic items created by those who use the subconscious mind are rare and dangerous. These items are nearly identical to items created by the conscious mind, but the differences that exist are profound. Powerlike effects manifested from subpsionic items have the same benefits and limitations that a subpsionic manifester has: Effects from the Metacreativity, Clairsentience, and Telepathy disciplines gain a +1 bonus to their save DCs and +1 bonus on manifester level checks to overcome power resistance. Effects from the Psychometabolism, Psychoportation, and Psychokinesis disciplines have their manifester levels reduced by -1 (though their costs are based on the original manifester level). The reduced manifester level affects the power's range, duration, damage, and any other level-dependant variables the effect might have. The effect's save DC is lessened by -1 and manifester level checks to overcome power resistance suffer a -1 penalty. The DC to nullify psychometabolic, psychoportation, or psychokinetic effects from a subpsionic item is 11 + the reduced manifester level. Subpsionic items can pose a serious danger to users that are not familiar with the subconscious mind. Activating a subpsionic item through power trigger, command

Mind's Eye (3.0)

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Expanding Your Mind


The psionic activity of the subconscious mind lies just below the level of awareness. In this level, a darker, more insidious side of the psyche resides. While most psionic characters never venture into the subconscious mind, some have embraced it. The subconscious mind provides a psionic character with an alternate conduit for manifesting powers.

Skilled manifesters that utilize the subconscious mind can manifest powers that are extraordinarily difficult for normal psionic creatures to perceive, counter, or nullify.

Those who utilize their subconscious mind suffer some disadvantages. First, the thoughts and secrets of the subconscious mind are disquieting and injurious to the mortal mind. Second, while the conscious mind serves equally well for any kind of power, the subconscious mind is best for the disciplines of Metacreativity, Clairsentience, and Telepathy, and it is unsuited to the Psychometabolism, Psychoportation, and Psychokinesis disciplines. Third, powers with a visible display (Vi) that involve the creation of light no longer create any visible light; creatures with darkvision can, however, see these powers.

Finally, the more familiar a mortal becomes with the secrets of the subconscious mind, the more divorced they become from the conscious mind. An accomplished subpsionic character can manifest powers that normal psionic creatures find difficult to detect, counter, or nullify, but the subpsionic character becomes similarly unable to affect powers manifested by the conscious mind.

Subpsionic Items

Psionic items created by those who use the subconscious mind are rare and dangerous. These items are nearly identical to items created by the conscious mind, but the differences that exist are profound.

Powerlike effects manifested from subpsionic items have the same benefits and limitations that a subpsionic manifester has: Effects from the Metacreativity, Clairsentience, and Telepathy disciplines gain a +1 bonus to their save DCs and +1 bonus on manifester level checks to overcome power resistance. Effects from the Psychometabolism, Psychoportation, and Psychokinesis disciplines have their manifester levels reduced by -1 (though their costs are based on the original manifester level). The reduced manifester level affects the power's range, duration, damage, and any other level-dependant variables the effect might have. The effect's save DC is lessened by -1 and manifester level checks to overcome power resistance suffer a -1 penalty. The DC to nullify psychometabolic, psychoportation, or psychokinetic effects from a subpsionic item is 11 + the reduced manifester level.

Subpsionic items can pose a serious danger to users that are not familiar with the subconscious mind. Activating a subpsionic item through power trigger, command thought, or use-activation deals 1d4 points of temporary ability damage to the user unless the user has the Conjunctive Mind feat. The temporary ability damage is applied to the primary discipline of the psion user; psychic warriors and non-psionic creatures take the loss from their Intelligence. If the item functions continuously, the temporary ability damage occurs at dusk each day or when the user takes off or puts aside the item, whichever comes first.


Conjunctive Mind [Psionic]

You have discovered the dark and dangerous side of the mind that is buried deep within the subconscious.

Prerequisite: Intelligence 15+ (Psychic Warriors, Wisdom 15+; Wilders 15+).

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Benefit: From now on, your powers and psionic combat modes have become integrated with your subconscious mind. You can also activate subpsionic items without taking damage.

Add a +1 to all saving throws of powers you manifest from Metacreativity, Clairsentience, and Telepathy disciplines. You get a +1 bonus on manifester level checks to overcome power resistance for powers from these disciplines.

The subconscious mind proves less than optimal for powers from the Psychometabolism, Psychoportation, and Psychokinesis disciplines. Your effective manifester level for powers you manifest from these disciplines is lessened by -1. (Subpsionic characters cannot manifest powers from these disciplines if they are 1st-level characters.) The reduced manifester level affects the power's range, duration, damage, and any other level-dependant variables the power might have, including nullify checks against you.

From now on any psionic item you create is a subpsionic item.

Special: Knowledge of the subconscious mind has a price. When you acquire this feat, you must reduce one of your stats by 2 points. Restorative powers (such as true rejuvenation) do not reverse the stat loss.

Insidious Mind [Metapsionic]

You can use your subconscious mind to make your powers harder for normal psionic creatures to detect. Any psionic creature that does not possess the Conjunctive Mind feat is considered to be a normal psionic creature.

Prerequisite: Conjunctive Mind.

Benefit: When a normal psionic creature employs a powerlike ability, or psionic item, or power (such as detect psionics) that can detect the psionic aura of one of your powers, the normal psionic creature must make a level check (DC 11 + your manifester level) to successful detect your powers. Similarly, a normal psionic creature attempting to use a power to reveal the effects of one of your powers, such as sense psychoportation, must make a level check to reveal your power's effects. The normal psionic creature can check only once for each power used, no matter how many of your powers effects are operating in an area.

This benefit does not extend to powers you manifest from the Psychometabolism, Psychoportation, or Psychokinesis disciplines.

From now on, your ability to detect normal psionic powers is impaired. Any power you use to detect a normal psionic power is successful only if you make a level check against a DC of 9 + the manifester level. This penalty does not extend to powers from the Metacreativity, Clairsentience, and Telepathy disciplines. (You detect them normally.)

Tenacious Mind [Metapsionic]

You can use your subconscious mind to make your powers harder for normal psionic creatures to nullify. Any psionic creature that does not possess the Conjunctive Mind feat is considered to be a normal psionic creature.

Prerequisite: Conjunctive Mind.

Benefit: Your powers resist negation attempts by normal psionic creatures. When a normal psionic creature makes a negate check to negate one of your powers, the DC is 15 + your manifester level. This benefit does not extend to powers from the Psychometabolism, Psychoportation, or Psychokinesis disciplines.

From now on your ability to negate powers manifested by normal psionic creatures is impaired. When you make a negation check to negate a power manifested by a normal psionic creature, the DC is 13 + the opponent's manifester level. This penalty does not extend to powers from the Metacreativity, Clairsentience, and Telepathy disciplines, which you can negate normally.

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Tainted Construction [Psionic]

As a subpsionic character, you can tap into the subconscious mind when shaping astral constructs.

Prerequisite: Conjunctive Mind.

Benefit: You can select astral construct abilities from an extended menu. Each special ability can come from your normal menu or Table 1-1: Subpsionic Extended Construct Abilities. Astral constructs you create are formed from a darker tainted ectoplasm and now have the [Evil] descriptor. Their surface is a shimmering black bathed in a deep purple glow.

Table 1-1: Subpsionic Extended Construct Abilities

Menu A

Lesser Aura of Fear: Creatures within 10 feet of the construct must make a Will save (DC 5 + 1/2 the construct's HD) or become shaken and suffer a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks. (See Chapter 3 in the Dungeon Master's Guide for fear effects.) Anyone whose HD exceed those of the construct are not affected. This ability cannot be chosen more than once.

Lesser Withering: Each time a target is struck by the construct, it must make a Fortitude save (DC 5 + 1/2 the construct's HD) or take 1 point of temporary ability damage to the ability score chosen by the manifester at the time the construct is created. This ability cannot be chosen more than once. This ability does not stack with withering or greater withering.

Menu B

Aura of Fear: Creatures within 10 feet of the construct must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the construct's HD) or become shaken and suffer a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks and flee from the construct as quickly as they can. (See page 76 of the Dungeon Master's Guide for fear effects.) Anyone whose HD exceed those of the construct are not affected. This ability cannot be chosen more than once.

Withering: Each time a target is struck by the construct, it must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the construct's HD) or take 1d3 points of temporary ability damage to the ability score chosen by the manifester at the time the construct is created. This ability cannot be chosen more than once. This ability does not stack with lesser withering or greater withering.

Menu C

Greater Aura of Fear: Creatures within 30 feet of the construct must make a Will save (DC 15 + 1/2 the construct's HD) or become shaken and suffer a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks and have a 50% chance to drop what they're holding and flee from the construct as quickly as they can. (See Chapter 3 in the Dungeon Master's Guide for fear effects.) Anyone whose HD exceed those of the construct are not affected. This ability cannot be chosen more than once.

Greater Withering: Each time a target is struck by the construct, it must make a Fortitude save (DC 15 + 1/2 the construct's HD) or take 1d3 points of temporary ability damage and 1 point of permanent ability drain to the ability score chosen by the manifester at the time the construct is created. This ability cannot be chosen more than once. This ability does not stack with withering or lesser withering.

Putrescence (Su): Any creature struck by the construct must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 construct's HD) or contract astral rot (supernatural disease; incubation period 1d6 days; damage 1d3 temporary Constitution). Unlike

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normal diseases, astral rot continues until the victim reaches Constitution 0 (and dies) or receives a remove disease spell or similar magic (see Disease in the Dungeon Master's Guide).

Psionics-Magic Transparency

For the purposes of power-to-spell interaction with these feats, Enchantment, Illusion and Necromancy are treated the same as the Metacreativity, Clairsentience, and Telepathy disciplines. Evocation and Transmutation are treated the same as the Psychometabolism, Psychoportation, or Psychokinesis disciplines.

Creatures with the Conjunctive Mind feat interact with creatures that have the Shadow Magic feat as though they were the same, gaining no benefits or penalties. Items created by a creature with the Conjunctive Mind feat are considered the same as items created by creatures with the Shadow Magic feat, and they can use shadow magic items as though they had the Shadow Magic feat.

Forgotten Realms: When using these psionic feats in the Forgotten Realms setting, the subconscious mind is directly linked to the shadow weave. Psions that use these feats understand that they are using the shadow weave and are subject to all limitations and penalties that may be imposed as a result.

The Mind's Eye

Shadow Mind (Prestige Class)

"Don't be afraid of the dark."

Some psionic characters who delve into the subconscious mind are cautious and unlock its secrets slowly. Others choose to embrace it and recklessly hurl themselves into the abyss of the subconscious mind. Psionic characters that choose this path are known as shadow minds. Unlike their arcane counterpart the shadow adept (Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting) they have found it relatively easy to understand and control the very substance of shadow with relatively little sacrifice to their psionic studies.

Hit Die: d4.


To qualify to become a shadow mind, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Alignment: Any nongood.Manifesting: Ability to manifest a 3rd-level power.Skills: Knowledge (psionics) 8 ranks, Psicraft 8 ranks.Feats:Conjunctive Mind and any metapsionic feat.

Class Skills

The shadow mind's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (psionics) (Int), Profession (any) (Wis), Remote View (Int), Psicraft (Int).

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features

All the following are class features of the shadow mind prestige class.

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Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A shadow mind gains no proficiency in any armor or weapons, though they retain any knowledge gained from former classes.

Power Points*: When they gain a level, shadow minds gain power points per day as though they gained a level of psion. These power points are added to the characters' previous totals. Shadow minds gain bonus power points based on the key ability score for their primary ability. If a character previously could not gain bonus power points for high ability scores (as is the case for psychic warriors), he now chooses a primary discipline and can gain bonus power points based on the related ability score.

Powers Discovered: Shadow minds discover powers each level as though they gained a level of psion. Powers are chosen from the psion power list. The effective manifester level of a shadow mind is increased by one for each level of the prestige class.

Psicrystals: Shadow mind levels count toward the level of psion for purposes determining psicrystal intelligence and special abilities.

0-Level Powers: Shadow mind levels count toward the level of psion for purposes determining the number of free manifestations per day of 0-level powers.

Subpsionic Feats: A shadow mind gains the Insidious Mind, and Tenacious Mind feats at 1st-level and the Tainted Construction feat at 3rd-level.

Control Shadow (Sp): A shadow mind can manifest the control shadow power for free a number of times per day equal to his level of shadow mind. The shadow mind can manifest control shadow as though he has the power on his list of known powers. He can manifest the power even if he does not meet the minimum ability score requirement.

Subpsionic Defense (Ex): At 2nd-level and for every three levels after that, the shadow mind gains another point of subpsionic defense. Add this value to a shadow mind's saving throws against powers from the Psychometabolism, Psychoportation, or Psychokinesis disciplines.

Low-light Vision (Su): A shadow mind gains low-light vision if he doesn't already have it.

Subpsionic Power (Ex): At 3rd-level and for every three levels after that, the shadow mind gains another point of subpsionic power. Add the subpsionic power value to the DC for saving throws and manifester level checks to overcome power resistance for powers the shadow mind manifests from the Metacreativity, Clairsentience, and Telepathy disciplines. This stacks with other spell/power effects that affect the specified powers.

Subpsionic Shield (Sp): A shadow mind can create a mobile disk of purple-black force as a standard action. The subpsionic shield is made up of shadowstuff and psychokinetic force and intercepts attacks, providing a +7 cover bonus to Armor Class and three-quarters concealment (30% miss chance) against attacks from the other side of the shield. The disk protects you only against attacks from one direction. You designate half the battlefield (with yourself on the dividing line) as being blocked by the shield. The other half is not. You can change the defensive direction of the shield (that is, rotate the dividing line) once as a free action on each of your turns. You can see and reach through the shield and it moves out of the way when you attack, so it does not provide cover or concealment to opponents.

The subpsionic shield lasts 1 round per manifester level per day and need not be used all at once. Creating or dismissing a subpsionic shield is a standard action.

Dream Travel (Sp): A shadow mind can manifest the dream travel power for free once per day. The shadow mind can manifest dream travel as though he has the power on his list of known powers. The shadow mind can manifest the power even if he does not meet the minimum ability score requirement.

Darkvision (Su): A shadow mind can see in the dark as though he were permanently affected by the darkvision power.

Greater Subpsionic Shield (Sp): The greater subpsionic shield acts much like the subpsionic shield with the following exception: At 8th level, the greater subpsionic shield grants power resistance of 12 + the character's

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shadow mind level on attacks against the shadow mind that originate from the other side of the shield, as if the shadow mind were under the effects of the power resistance power.

Shadow Body (Sp): A shadow mind can manifest the shadow body power for free once per day. The shadow mind can manifest shadow body as though he has the power on his list of known powers. He can manifest the power even if he does not meet the minimum ability score requirement.

Subpsionic Double (Sp): Once per day a shadow mind can use a standard action to create a double of himself woven from shadowstuff and psychokinetic force. The double looks, sounds, and smells like its creator and has the ability scores, base AC, hit points, saves, and attack bonuses as its creator, but no equipment. (Any apparent clothing or equipment is nonfunctional.) The double mimics the shadow mind's actions (including speech) unless he concentrates on making it act differently. It can attack the creator's enemies if given a weapon or items (since it can use anything its creator can).

The shadow mind can see through its eyes and hear through its ears as if he were standing where it is, and during his turn in a round he can switch from seeing through its eyes to seeing normally, or back again. If he desires, any power he manifests whose range is touch or greater can originate from the double instead of from him. (The double is quasi-real -- just real enough to manifest powers that the creator originates.) The double can manifest powers on itself only if those powers affect shadows.

Mentally commanding the double is a free action. Using it as the originator of a power counts as an action for the creator and the double. The shadow mind must maintain a line of effect to the shadow at all times. If his line of effect is obstructed, or he manifests teleport, plane shift or similar power that breaks his line of effect, even momentarily, the double is dismissed. Causing the creator or the double to leave the plane they share dismisses the double.

The double lasts 1 round per manifester level. The death of the double does not affect the shadow mind or vice versa. The double still lasts to the end of its duration if the creator dies.

The Shadow Mind


Base AttackBonus Fort Reflex Will


Per Day SpecialPowers


1 +0 +0 +0 +2*seetext

Subpsionic feats,control shadow

+1 level psion

2 +1 +0 +0 +3Subpsionic defense +1,low-light vision

+1 level psion

3 +1 +1 +1 +3Subpsionic power +1,tainted construction

+1 level psion

4 +2 +1 +1 +4 Subpsionic shield +1 level psion

5 +2 +1 +1 +4 Subpsionic defense +2 +1 level psion

6 +3 +2 +2 +5 Subpsionic power +2 +1 level psion

7 +3 +2 +2 +5Dream travel, darkvision

+1 level psion

8 +4 +3 +3 +6Subpsionic defense +3,greater subpsionic shield

+1 level psion

9 +5 +3 +3 +6Subpsionic power +3,shadow body

+1 level psion

10 +5 +3 +3 +7 Subpsionic double +1 level psion

Expanding Your Mind

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Four New Psionic Feats

This month in "Expanding Your Mind" we have four new feats. The first one, which is called Chain Link, allows you to apply the Upgrade Power feat to all power chains in your primary discipline. The second, which is known as Empower Construction, helps make your astral constructs even more powerful. The third and fourth feats, Master Discipline and Trade-Off, allow you to gain additional powers or trade out newly gained powers for lesser ones.

Chain Link [Psionic]

You can upgrade all recognized power chains in your primary discipline.

Prerequisite: Manifester level 3rd+.

Benefit: All power chains in your primary discipline have the Upgrade Power feat. Whenever you learn a power from your primary discipline, you can "forget" a power from any of the chains in that discipline.

Empower Construction [Psionic]

You can manifest astral constructs with additional special abilities.

Prerequisite:Augment Construction

Benefit: Astral constructs you create with the astral construct powers gain one additional special ability. The ability must be from a menu that the construct can legally choose from. This ability cannot be traded in for choices from lesser menus, as is normally the case.

Master Discipline [Psionic]

You can learn one additional power from your primary discipline.

Prerequisite:Extra Power, Manifester level 3rd+.

Benefit: You learn one additional power at any level up to the highest-level power you can manifest. For example, a 12th-level psion character can learn a new power from 0 level to 6th level.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you gain the feat, you learn a new power at any level up to the highest-level power you can manifest.

Trade-Off [Psionic]

You can trade in powers from your primary discipline for additional powers.

Prerequisite: Manifester level 3rd+.

Benefit: When you gain a power from your primary discipline, you can trade it in for up to three powers of a lower level. New powers must be from your primary discipline. The total levels of the powers you choose cannot exceed the level of the power you traded in. Any 0-level powers count as 1st level for purposes of this feat. For example, at 18th-level a psion could trade in the 9th-level power he or she receives from his or her primary discipline for a 5th-level power, a 3rd-level power and a 1st-level power.

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Expanding Your Mind

Thirteen New Slightly Evil Powers and More…

While not all thirteen of these powers are evil, all of them have a decidedly darker edge to them than the standard psionic powers. Some even include vile damage, a concept first introduced in the Book of Vile Darkness. Also included in this article are suggestions for vile displays that continue this month's theme. And we top it all off with the Dark Heart of Vollus, a psionic item that is sure to make psionic undead even deadlier.

Vile Damage

(From the Book of Vile Darkness, page 34.)

Vile damage, like regular damage, results in the loss of hit points or ability score points. Unlike regular damage, vile damage can be healed only by magic cast within the area of a consecrate or hallow spell. Vile damage represents such an evil violation to a character's body or soul that only in a holy place can healing magic repair the damage.

Vile Displays

Normal psionic powers create various "displays" when they are manifested. However, some of the slightly darker powers create horrifying displays that show off the dreadful nature of the manifester. Some examples of vile displays may include the following:

Auditory (Au): A dreadfully shrill death scream, rattling chains, or eerie howling winds that echo dissonantly.

Material (Ma): Instead of an area being briefly slicked in goo, the area is slicked in bubbling pools of thick black tar or even sickening pools of blood.

Mental (Me): Minds that notice the mental displays view a glimpse of absolute and personal fear taken form that sends shivers up their spine.

Olfactory (Ol): The scent of rotted, decaying, or burning flesh fills the area.

Visual (Vi): Instead of a rainbow or harmless light, a creeping mist or an eerie crimson light appear and the manifester's eyes may burn with crimson or an unwholesome green fire.


Psion Powers

1st-Level Psion Powers

Synaptic Shock: Your touch causes 2 points of temporary Constitution damage.

6th-Level Psion Powers

Claw of the Shadow Demon: The power grants you a natural attack (claw) with a base damage of 1d6 points of vile damage. Psychometabolism (Str) [Evil]

9th-Level Psion Powers

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2nd-Level Psion Powers

Ectoplasmic Mist: You call forth a deep purple mist of ectoplasm that billows out from the point you designate. Multiply Pain: This power causes subjects to take an additional 1d6 points of subdual damage for each attack that causes damage.

3rd-Level Psion Powers

Vile Mist: As ectoplasmic mist, however anyone in the area takes 1d4 points of vile damage.

4th-Level Psion Powers

Bloodletting: Your mere touch causes 7d6 points of damage. Claw of the Fiend: The power grants you a natural attack (claw) with a base damage of 2d6. Hellish Mist: As ectoplasmic mist but the mist becomes unstable and ignites. Spontaneous Combustion: The target's internal temperature rises rapidly; inflicting 3d6 points of fire damage.

5th-Level Psion Powers

Burning Blood: You excite the blood of a living creature, heating it to the point of combustion. Caducity of Flesh: Your touch 4d6 points of vile damage.Claw of Abomination: The power grants you a natural attack (claw) with a base damage of 2d8.

Scream of Death: You release a terrible scream of negatively charged sonic energy that kills living creatures (except for yourself).

Psychic Warrior Powers

1st-Level Psychic Warrior Powers

Synaptic Shock: Your touch causes 2 points of temporary Constitution damage.

4th-Level Psychic Warrior Powers

Claw of the Fiend: The power grants you a natural attack (claw) with a base damage of 2d6.

5th-Level Psychic Warrior Powers

Claw of Abomination: The power grants you a natural attack (claw) with a base damage of 2d8.

6th-Level Psychic Warrior Powers

Claw of the Shadow Demon: The power grants you a natural attack (claw) with a base damage of 1d6 points of vile damage.

BloodlettingPsychometabolism [Evil]Level: Psion 4Display: Vi (see text)Manifestation Time: 1 actionRange: TouchTarget: Living creature touchedDuration: Until discharged (instantaneous)Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (see text)Power Resistance: YesPower Points: 7

Your mere touch causes blood to erupt from every opening on your target's body, including any open wounds it may have. This attack causes extreme pain and may cause the victim to become dazed. Your successful melee touch attack causes 7d6 points of damage; it also causes the victim to become dazed for 1d3 rounds unless it makes a successful Fortitude save.

Burning BloodPsychokinesis [Evil]Level: Psion 5Display: Vi (see text)Manifestation Time: 1 actionRange: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

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Target: 1 living creature at a timeDuration: Concentration, up to 1 round/levelSaving Throw: Fortitude negates (see text)Power Resistance: YesPower Points: 9

Similar to matter agitation, you excite the blood of a living creature, heating it to the point of combustion over time. The subject of this power receives a Fortitude save to avoid the effect. If the save succeeds, it cannot be affected by this manifestation of the power, otherwise the subject's blood begins to heat up. If you shift your focus to another subject, the first subject's blood cools and the second subject begins to heat up. You automatically lose concentration if the subject leaves the power's range.

1st Round: The creature's blood heats up, causing 2d4 points of damage. The creature must also make an additional Fortitude save to avoid taking 1 point of temporary Strength damage.

2nd Round: The creature's blood boils, causing 3d4 points of damage. The creature must also make an additional Fortitude save to avoid taking 2 points of temporary Strength damage.

3rd Round: The creature's blood ignites, causing 4d4 points of damage and 1d4+1 points of temporary Strength damage. The creature must also make an additional Fortitude save or fall unconscious for as long as the power affects the creature.

4th+ Round: For every round of concentration beyond the 3rd, the subject takes 1d4 points of fire damage, since its blood continues to burn, and 1 point of temporary Strength damage. The creature must also make an additional Fortitude save each round to avoid falling unconscious for as long as the power affects the creature.

Caducity of FleshPsychometabolism [Evil]Level: Psion 5Display: Vi, MeManifestation Time: 1 actionRange: TouchTarget: Living creature touchedDuration: Until discharged (instantaneous)Saving Throw: NonePower Resistance: YesPower Points: 9

Once you manifest this power, sickly green liquid with a foul stench drips from your fingertips until you discharge the effect; your touch causes a victim's flesh to wither and rot away, dealing 4d6 points of vile damage, +1 per manifester level (maximum +20), +2 points of temporary (vile) Constitution damage. This damage is vile damage (see Book of Vile Darkness).

Claw of AbominationPsychometabolism [Evil]Level: Psion 5/Psychic Warrior 5Display: Vi, Ma, OlManifestation Time: 1 actionRange: PersonalTarget: YouDuration: 1 hour/levelPower Points: 9

Your fingers grow into long, sooty talons that smoke with an oily fetor. The power grants you a natural attack (claw) with a base damage of 2d8. You can use this power in conjunction with feats, powers, or spells allowing additional attacks in 1 round. It also can be used with multiple attacks gained through level advancement. Wounds inflicted by claw of abomination fester and reopen, causing them to be twice as

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hard to heal as normal wounds. Reduce all healing applied to these wounds by half. For example, if a creature takes 6 points of damage from the claw, a cure light wounds spell that normally would heal 10 points of damage heals only 5 points instead. When a victim has any damage from this power, any healing he or she receives must be applied to that damage first. Damage done by this power to creatures that are under the effects of a bless spell may be healed normally.

Claw of the FiendPsychometabolism [Evil]Level: Psion 4/Psychic Warrior 4Display: Vi, MaManifestation Time: 1 actionRange: PersonalTarget: YouDuration: 1 hour/levelPower Points: 7

Your fingers grow into long, dark talons that drip with ichor. The power grants you a natural attack (claw) with a base damage of 2d6. You can use this power in conjunction with feats, powers, or spells allowing additional attacks in 1 round. It also can be used with multiple attacks gained through level advancement. Damage from claw of the fiend causes bleeding wounds. The injured creature loses 2 additional hit points each round until the wound is treated (Heal check DC 15) or receives psionic or magical healing.

Claw of the Shadow DemonPsychometabolism [Evil]Level: Psion 6/Psychic Warrior 6Display: Vi, Ma, OlManifestation Time: 1 actionRange: PersonalTarget: YouDuration: 1 hour/2 levels (D)Power Points: 7

The skin on your hand turns black, visible wounds appear in the skin from which blood slowly drips, and your fingers grow into long, dark talons. You can make a natural attack (claw) with these talons, which deal 1d6 points of vile damage, plus your Strength modifier. The talons are only semimaterial, and they bypass most forms of armor to sink into flesh. Your claw attack ignores armor bonuses, shield bonuses, and natural armor bonuses. Force effects provide effective armor or shield bonuses against your claw attack. You can grapple foes normally when using this power.

Ectoplasmic MistMetacreativity Level: Psion 2Display: Ma, OlManifestation Time: 1 action roundRange: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)Effect: Cloud that spreads in 30-ft. radius, 20 ft. highDuration: 10 minutes/levelSaving Throw: NonePower Resistance: NoPower Points: 3

You call forth a deep purple mist of ectoplasm that billows out from the point you designate. The mist obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has one-half concealment (attacks suffer a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker can't use sight to locate the target). A moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the mist in 4 rounds; a strong wind (21+ mph) disperses the mist in 1 round. The power does not function underwater.

Hellish Mist

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Metacreativity [Fire]Level: Psion 4Display: Ma, OlManifestation Time: 1 action roundRange: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)Effect: Cloud that spreads in 30-ft. radius, 20 ft. highDuration: 3 roundsSaving Throw: Reflex halfPower Resistance: NoPower Points: 7

As ectoplasmic mist with one exception: On the manifester's initiative of the 3rd round, the mist becomes unstable and ignites, enveloping anyone in the area of the mist in a hellish white hot flame similar to the whitefire power. The flame deals 4d4 points of fire damage +1 point per manifester level (maximum +20). The mist totally dissipates at the end of the 3rd round.

Scream of DeathPsychokinesis [Evil, Sonic]Level: Psion 9Display: AuManifestation Time: 1 actionRange: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)Target: One living creature/level and all undead creatureswithin a 30-ft-radius spread, centered on youDuration: InstantaneousSaving Throw: Fortitude partial (see text)Power Resistance: YesPower Points: 17

You release a terrible scream of negatively charged sonic energy that kills living creatures (except for yourself). Creatures closest to the point of origin are affected first. Creatures who successfully make their initial Fortitude save to avoid death, as well as unattended inanimate objects, still suffer 3d6 points of vile damage, as unseen razor sharp claws rip and tear at them relentlessly, rending large swatches of flesh from living victims.

If the damage caused to an interposing barrier shatters or breaks through it, the sound may continue beyond the barrier if the power's range permits; otherwise, it stops there just as any other power effect does.

The negative energy of this power also rebukes undead creatures, causing them to cower in fear. Undead in the area may be rebuked. The manifester makes a turning check to rebuke them as a cleric of 2 levels lower than the level of manifester.

Spontaneous CombustionPsychokinesis Level: Psion 4Display: Au, ViManifestation Time: 1 actionRange: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)Target: One creature per 2 manifester levels, no two of which can be more than 15 ft. apartDuration: InstantaneousSaving Throw: Fortitude halfPower Resistance: YesPower Points: 7

The target's internal temperature rises rapidly; inflicting 3d6 points of fire damage plus 2 points of temporary Constitution damage. You must have line of sight to a creature for this power to affect them. A successful Fortitude save reduces damage by half.

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Multiply PainTelepathy [Mind-Affecting]Level: Psion 2Display: MeManifestation Time: 1 actionRange: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)Target: One living creatureDuration: 1 minute/levelSaving Throw: Will negatesPower Resistance: YesPower Points: 3

This power causes the subject to believe that any wounds it suffers while this power is in effect are worse than they actually are. This belief so strong that the sheer mental stress causes the subject to suffer physically, taking an additional 1d6 points of subdual damage for each attack that causes damage. The maximum dice of subdual damage a subject may take in a round cannot exceed 1/2 your manifester level.

Synaptic ShockPsychometabolism Level: Psion 1, Psychic Warrior 1Display: Vi, MeManifestation Time: 1 actionRange: TouchTarget: One living creatureDuration: 1 round/level or until discharged (D)Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (see text) Power Resistance: YesPower Points: 1

This power shrouds your hand in a shimmering violet radiance that can cause synaptic damage to an opponent. A successful melee touch attack overloads synapses in the target's body, causing 2 points of temporary Constitution damage. If the target succeeds at a Fortitude save, it takes no Constitution damage and instead takes 1d6 points of subdual damage.

Vile MistMetacreativity [Evil]Level: Psion 3Display: Ma, OlManifestation Time: 1 action roundRange: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)Effect: Cloud that spreads in 30-ft. radius, 20 ft. highDuration: 10 minutes/levelSaving Throw: Will negatesPower Resistance: NoPower Points: 5

As ectoplasmic mist, however the mist glows slightly with a sickly green aura. Anyone in the area takes 1d4 points of vile damage per round (see Book of Vile Darkness). The mist does not damage a creature that makes its save, but the creature's vision is still obscured.


Dark Heart of Vollus: Originally created by Vollus, a grim psion obsessed with keeping his Psychometabolism powers as he embraced his death, the dark heart grants an undead creature a Constitution score of 18 for the purposes of manifesting powers and saving throws only. It does not grant

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bonus hit points.

A dark heart is a shiny black crystal about the size of a human heart weighing roughly 4 pounds. When inserted into the body cavity where the subject's heart used to be, it begins to pulse with an ominous red glow, and a faint sound similar to that of a heartbeat can be heard with each pulse. Over the course of a round, hundreds of shimmering black strands resembling a circulatory system stretch out from the heart, burrowing through skin and bone, and attaching themselves to all parts of the undead creature.

While the heart does not grant the undead a true metabolism, it does allow them to manifest any Psychometabolism powers that do not rely on the manifester having a metabolism. For example, an undead psion with this could manifest talons but could not manifest vigor. The heart also grants a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves. The heart functions only when placed in a corporeal psionic undead.

Manifester Level: 18th; Prerequisites: Craft Universal Item, psionic reality alteration; Market Price: 225,000 gp; Weight: 4 lb.

The Mind's Eye

Heroes of Horror, Part 1Subverted Psion Prestige Class

Heroes of Horror goes over the techniques of terror within D&D and presents new mechanics for different types of horror, including rules for antiheroes and tainted characters. This month in the Mind's Eye we bring you a new antihero prestige class that embraces the power of taint.

Subverted Psion

"We make up horrors to help us cope with the real ones." -- Stephen King

Subverted psions have been seduced by the power of taint. By embracing it, they find a way to the darker sides of their minds, and it leads them to discover abilities that make up nightmares. The power of taint has a price, and they pay for it with the sanity of their minds and the wholeness of their bodies.

Becoming a Subverted Psion

Only those with considerable psionic ability who embrace taint can become subverted psions. Psions and wilders most often follow this path since they can meet the minimal requirements to enter with ease. Higher level psychic warriors can become subverted psions, though they are rare. Those few who do walk this path are formidable foes. Single class soulknives do not possess the psionic ability to enter this prestige class.

Entry Requirements

Alignment: Any non-goodFeat: Lunatic Insight (tainted feat)Manifesting: Ability to manifest any 4th-level powerTaint: Mild depravity

The Subverted Psion Hit Die: d4

Level Base Fort Ref Will Special Manifesting

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AttackBonus Save Save Save

1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Lust for power, taint immunity, tainted power

+1 level of existing manifesting class

2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Mild depravity +1 level of existing manifesting class

3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Create minions +1 level of existing manifesting class

4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Mild corruption +1 level of existing manifesting class

5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Fearsome shroud +1 level of existing manifesting class

6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Moderate depravity +1 level of existing manifesting class

7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Create pthisic +1 level of existing manifesting class

8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Moderate corruption +1 level of existing manifesting class

9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Phantasmal shroud +1 level of existing manifesting class

10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Severe depravity +1 level of existing manifesting class

11th +5 +3 +3 +7 Create caller in darkness +1 level of existing manifesting class

12th +6 +4 +4 +8 Severe corruption +1 level of existing manifesting class

13th +6 +4 +4 +8 Phantasmal form +1 level of existing manifesting class

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level): Bluff, Concentration, Intimidation, Knowledge (all skills, taken individually), Profession, Psicraft, and Sense Motive.

Lust for Power: The power of taint is rich, heady, and difficult to ignore. Once you start on your dark path, it's hard to escape. If you wish to advance a level in another class after taking your first level as a subverted psion, you must succeed on a Will save (DC = 10 + your depravity score). If you fail, you must stay in this prestige class and advance another level in subverted psion instead. If you succeed, you can advance the level in another class, although you must still attempt the saving throw the next time you gain a level or default back to this prestige class.

Taint Immunity: You are immune to the further effects of taint except for those gained by this prestige class. Any previous symptoms gained before this prestige class are retained, though they can be removed through normal means. Your taint score is capped by the severe taint limit of your Constitution or Wisdom score as determined by Table 4-1: Taint Thresholds (see Heroes of Horror, page 63).

Tainted Power (Su): You gain additional power points per day equal to your taint score.

Mild Depravity: At 2nd level, you gain a random mild depravity effect from Table 4-3: Depravity Effects (see Heroes of Horror, page 65). This effect cannot be removed by normal means.

Create Minions: At 3rd level, you gain the ability to create and control tainted minions (see Heroes of Horror, page 153). The base creature's original Hit Dice or levels cannot exceed one half your total character level. The ritual to create a minion takes 10 minutes to perform and the transformation takes 24 hours to complete. Created minions advance normally, but if their Hit Dice ever exceeds half your total character level, they become free willed and attack you. Once you gain this ability, you can no longer have the Leadership feat. You lose the feat and any followers and cohorts. You can still have hirelings, though they will be of a seedy lot.

You gain an additional tainted minion at 6th level, another at 9th level, and a fourth at 12th level.

Mild Corruption: At 4th level, you gain a random mild corruption effect from Table 4-2: Corruption Effects (see Heroes of Horror, page 63). This effect cannot be removed by normal means.

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Fearsome Shroud (Ps): At 5th level, you may pay 7 power points, as a standard action, to expend your psionic focus and envelop yourself in a cloak of glowing ectoplasm. The cloak is a shifting visage of the fears of yourself and those around you. The cloak provides a deflection bonus to Armor Class equal to one half of your subverted psion level (round down). In addition, those viewing it must make a Will save (DC 10 + subverted psion level + Cha modifier) or take a -4 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. This effect lasts for as long as the cloak is in existence. The cloak lasts for 1 round per subverted psion level.

Moderate Depravity: At 6th level, you gain a random moderate depravity effect from Table 4-3: Depravity Effects (see page 65 of Heroes of Horror). This effect cannot be removed by normal means.

Create Pthisic (Ps): At 7th level, you gain the ability to bring forth a pthisic (see Expanded Psionics Handbook, page 206) from your own twisted mind. The created pthisic is under your control and will last 1 round per subverted psion level before dissipating. Creating the pthisic takes 1 full round and can be performed 1 time per day for every 3 levels of subverted psion. You can control one pthisic at a time.

Moderate Corruption: At 8th level, you gain a random moderate corruption effect from Table 4-2: Corruption Effects (see page 63 of Heroes of Horror). This effect cannot be removed by normal means.

Phantasmal Shroud (Ps): This cloak has all the effects of the fearsome shroud and is created by paying 11 power points, as a standard action. In addition, the visages within the cloak can make a touch attack each round with a reach of 10 feet and using the subverted psion's attack bonus. Anyone struck by this attack must make a Will save (DC 10 + subverted psion level + Cha modifier) or take 3d6 points of damage.

Severe Depravity: You gain a random severe depravity effect from Table 4-3: Depravity Effects (see Heroes of Horror, page 65). This effect cannot be removed by normal means.

Create Caller in Darkness: You gain the ability to create and control a Caller in Darkness (see Expanded Psionics Handbook, page 191). You need a minimum of twelve humanoids to die in a state of fear and horror, preferably by your hand. You can control but a single caller, and if it ever advances in Hit Dice beyond yours, it will become free-willed and attack you. Creating a caller in darkness takes a full 8 hours of uninterrupted focus to complete.

Severe Corruption: You gain a random severe corruption effect from Table 4-2: Corruption Effects (see Heroes of Horror, page 63). This effect cannot be removed by normal means.

Phantasmal Form (Su): By paying 17 power points, as a standard action, you shapechange into a horrific visage from your own mind. Those viewing this change must make a DC 30 Will save or be stunned for 1 round. In addition, they take a -4 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks while in your presence. This form lasts for 1 round per subverted psion level and grants a +6 deflection bonus to Armor Class and 30 temporary hit points.

Playing a Subverted Psion

You are afraid, but this fear is your strength. Your fear does not debilitate you -- it simply remains in the back of your mind as a constant sense of apprehension. Those things you do not know cause you to be tense, whether it's a dungeon you are about to enter or the barman of the new inn into which you just forced yourself. Once you know and understand something, it's okay, but until then, you act slightly irrationally. This behavior can manifest itself in a wide range, be it cowardice, mild paranoia, or bravado. Most people won't even realize this behavior is abnormal. The desire to overcome these fears is what drives you, though this too can be with gusto or sullen acceptance. Either way, you will act.


Combat generally involves manifesting your best shroud, directing your minions if you have any, and manifesting powers against your enemies. Minions can harass enemy casters, provide flanking bonuses for fighter and rogues, or serve as protection for yourself or other casters in your group. Your best offense is still your psychic powers. If you are the rare psychic warrior that enters this prestige class, you will still likely use your minions the same way and manifest your best shroud. You simply prefer your weapon use instead of your powers.

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In most cases, becoming a subverted psion is an accident. You don't really intend to embrace taint; you are just trying to combat your personal fears. Taint has a way of sneaking into your mind. And while the average psion's mind will do its best to reject it, yours finds it soothing. It grabs the dark parts of your psyche and you begin to feed upon it as it feeds upon you.

Once you become a subverted psion, you seek out areas of taint to increase your taint score. This not only helps you fight your fears but also increases the bonus power points gained per day. Skill points are best spent on the prestige class skills, but normally you concentrate on either Bluff or Intimidate while eschewing the other depending on how you overreact to new NPC's. Feat choices will be fewer now, and they are generally best used to overcome the taint effects or to increase your manifesting abilities.


As a subverted psion, you don't expect too much help from the outside world. Few people are willing to help one with as much taint as you gather. They also tend to frown on undead servants. The best you can hope for is to encounter another subverted psion. You understand each other and may convince her to help if needed.

Subverted Psions in the World

"Sad creatures, subverted psions. While they seek out and battle the evil as we do, more often than not they become the monster we must destroy."

-- Letha Evaronnas, Warmind of the Heliotrope Order

Subverted psions are fairly rare and can make for an excellent encounter in a horror campaign. They can quickly become a villain as they have a bad reputation and undead servants. Alternatively, a subverted psion can be a source of information because their pursuit of taint will have taken them to the places where the characters need to go.


Subverted psions have no organization to speak of; they usually travel alone. The only time they ever meet with one another is the odd encounter here or there. About the only connection they do have with each other is that they can instantly recognize one another as a subverted psion upon sight. It is extremely rare for one subverted psion to attack another. If two have a disagreement, they have a minion duel to determine the outcome.

NPC Reactions

Due to the horror campaign's darker nature, most people who encounter a subverted psion will be indifferent. Unless the subverted psion is being openly threatening, people find that they have much more dangerous things to worry about. Most elves, good-aligned clerics, and paladins are unfriendly due to the subverted psion's dealings with undead. Only those followers of undead-hating deities are initially hostile.

Subverted Psion Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (psionics) or Knowledge (taint) can research subverted psions to learn more about them. Due to the rarity of subverted psions, information about them is hard to gather. Those characters with ranks in both skills gain a +2 synergy bonus on the check. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including the information from lower DCs.

DC 15: Subverted psions have given into the evil they pursue.

DC 20: Subverted psions almost always have undead bodyguards and can protect themselves with fearsome images.

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DC 25: The strongest of them have incorporeal undead in their command, and they themselves can transform into the most frightening things imaginable.

Subverted Psions in the Game

Due to their rarity, subverted psions can be added to your horror campaign easily. Most people in the world simply do not know about them or, alternatively, parents tell their children stories about them to help keep them on their best behavior. If the PCs do encounter them and confront a superior or ally that should have known about them, the superior passes it off as trivial information the character really didn't need as it was believed they would never meet one.

If a PC decides to follow this class, DMs should emphasize that the prestige class explores a dark path. Given the nature of a horror campaign, this choice should fit in smoothly.


This prestige class assumes you are using both a horror campaign and psionics campaign.

If you are not going to use a horror campaign, you will have to make adjustments for the lack of the taint mechanic. The feat requirement for entry will have to be changed. Either select a different feat or possibly add a skill requirement, such as a particular Knowledge skill. You will also have to develop a new mechanic for the bonus power points. The simplest solution would be a set bonus amount per subverted psion level. Use this total for the DC check for Lust for Power.

If you don't want to use psionics, this can switch to a magic-based prestige class with a little work. Probably the hardest part will be converting taint points to bonus spells. A possible solution would be to allow the player to trade taint points for spell slots using the standard psionic power point conversion (in other words, 1st-level costs 1 point, 2nd-level costs 3 points, up to a 9th-level cost of 17 points). Limit the player to no more than three bonus spells per level and they can select up to their maximum castable level. Once the taint points have been converted to bonus spells, they cannot go back and switch them around. The shrouds will use an appropriate spell slot to cast. The two psionic monsters will have to be replaced as well. An 8-HD shadow and a dread wraith are possible candidates.

Expanded Class: Psion (Telepath)

You can hear what other people are thinking. You hear when they lie and then think the truth. You hear when they fantasize about doing bad things while they are doing good things. You hear when they daydream, but you probably didn't hear what they just said because of all the other noise in your head. You are a student of the mind, knowledgeable in ego and id, aware of the conscious and subconscious minds, and a librarian of memory. As a telepath, you can't help but be a bit of a voyeur, listening to people gossip, watching when others turn away. You tend to be very diplomatic with people since you already know what they want and you have learned to read faces and body language better than most since you can see what they are thinking as they move in that manner or make that face. Sometimes you just have to be alone, away from all the thoughts of others before they overwhelm you.

Suggested Backgrounds (choose one):Artisan, Ascetic, Drifter, Noble Scion.

Suggested Personality Archetypes (choose one):Agent, Companion, Explorer, Leader, Orphan, Sage, Seeker, Simple Soul, Theorist, Wanderer.

Character Themes

One or more of the following character themes could apply to you.

Charmer: Even without your powers, you are a charming individual. You can talk yourself into and out of the most dangerous situations. But when you need a little bit more, that's when you resort to using your powers to charm, confuse, and eventually dominate your opponents. Personally, you do not like to fight, so that's what your friends are for -- well that and helping you achieve your goals and pleasures.

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"Why, yes, I do need some help. It is so nice of you to offer."

Mind Spy: You are a listener, always paying attention to what those around you have to say. You have learned the value of information and know that one person's secret is worth gold to another. With your powers, you can now listen to their very thoughts or, if necessary, pry the information from their brain if you have to. Often you are hired to spy on someone, but you also keep your ears open for any useful bit of gossip that could provide you with more money and maybe a new client.

"Does this involve that illegal trade route of yours or the three mistresses you keep?"

Diplomat: You are a peacemaker, always stepping between those fighting to stop them. You are sensitive to the emotions of all and are not above manipulating them to stop violence. Your telepathic powers allow you to better understand both parties in a dispute so that you can make sure that any treaties are fair to all involved.

"There are always alternatives to war!"

Chameleon: You are an actor and a master of disguise to start with. When you add in your powers, you become a true chameleon, actually becoming the people you pretend to be. Your specialty is replacing someone, perhaps to fool an assassin or to hide a kidnapping, but your telepathic abilities allow you to understand your target better than even their own relatives could.

"Sorry, the prince is elsewhere, but I will try to provide you with the attention you deserve."

Mental Warrior: You are a warrior; you have trained yourself to be unstoppable in battle -- an overwhelming force to those that oppose you and an indestructible enemy to those that attack you. But none of this is perceived by those around you because your battlefield is the mind. The weapons you wield are thought and ego, your armor is will and imagination, and your battles can take place without others even realizing combat is happening.

"Have I fought many battles, eh? I have fought two in front of you tonight."

Telepathic Communication

You gain the supernatural ability to communicate with any creature with your telepathy.Level: 5th.Replaces: The bonus feat at 5th level.Benefit: You gain the supernatural ability telepathy from page 316 of the Monster Manual. You can communicate telepathically with any other creature that has a language within 5 feet per manifester level. You can address multiple creatures at once telepathically, although maintaining telepathic conversation with more than one creature at a time is just as difficult as simultaneously speaking and listening to multiple people at the same time.


Your mental attacks have a specific symbolism to them that aids you in your mental combat.Level: 5th.Replaces: The bonus feat at 5th level.Prerequisite: You must also take the power false sensory input at 5th level.Benefit: You have learned to incorporate symbolism into your psionic attacks and defenses. When you manifest powers that specifically target another's mind or defend your mind, you gain an augmentation option.

Augment:If you spend an additional 5 power points, you can add a mental illusionary aspect to your attack. This takes the form of a harbinger, a mental symbol that conveys a confusing or threatening message to the target's mind and momentarily distracts or disables them. The target gets a Will save to negate the effects of the harbinger. If the target fails the Will save, the power you manifest is considered 1d3 levels higher than its actual level for purposes of DC.

The form of the harbinger can vary wildly. An offensive power could have a harbinger of a sword, a flame, or a spider. A defensive power could have a harbinger of a shield, a wall, or brambles with thorns.