Mind and Consciousness Questions

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  • 7/29/2019 Mind and Consciousness Questions



    Mind and Consciousness Questions

    Mind and Consciousness Questions

    Roger Chung


    January 28, 2013

    Steven Wyre

  • 7/29/2019 Mind and Consciousness Questions



    Mind and Consciousness Questions

    Mind and Consciousness Questions

    Section One

    After reading Pinkers article, the hard problem that arises is, So neuroscientists are well

    on the way to identifying the neural correlates of consciousness, a part of the Easy Problem. But

    what about explaining how these events actually cause consciousness in the sense of inner

    experience--the Hard Problem? (Pinker, 2007).

    I find it hard to believe that no answer can be produced from these questions. Is there

    even a problem? The answer from Francis Crick, to me, cannot be answered any better. Francis

    Crick called it "the astonishing hypothesis"--the idea that our thoughts, sensations, joys and

    aches consist entirely of physiological activity in the tissues of the brain. Consciousness does not

    reside in an ethereal soul that uses the brain like a PDA; consciousness is the activity of the brain

    (Pinker, 2007).

    Section Two

  • 7/29/2019 Mind and Consciousness Questions



    Mind and Consciousness Questions

    According to Merriam-Webster (2013), syntactic: of, relating to, or according to the rules

    of syntax or syntactics.

    According to Merriam-Webster (2013), semantic: of relating to meaning of language.

    Two examples of syntactic that I said to my daughters were, Smile ear to ear, and stand still

    like a statue.

    Two examples of semantics were just recent. We had an issue at work and I told the day

    manager that I wasnt able to call the customer and to have the night manager call when she got

    in, the customer never got called because the day manager thought I said I called the customer

    so the night manager would not have too. Another example was with a friend of mine. Some

    friends and I were supposed to get together one night and I ended not being able to make it. I

    told one friend why I couldnt go, but come to find out, he made a totally different excuse for

    me. Needless to say, I was not happy with His excuse for me.

    The use of semantic and syntactic is useful in the quest for self-aware computers because

    these computers need to be able to understand and distinguish what is being said exactly.

    Computers may not be able to produce an answer if words are used in the wrong fashion.

    Semantics is more important because you can change the meaning of what you are saying

    by adding some words or even taking words out. That is why things are misinterpreted and can

    make a mess out of a situation. Perfect example of semantics is with my wife. She is not fluent

    in English like myself and has a hard time understanding people and takes things the wrong way.

    If someone tries to explain something to her and does not do it well, she will take it the wrong

    way because she just does not understand the complexity of the English language.

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    Mind and Consciousness Questions

    Section Three

    Scientists don't fully understand what is happening in the brain that creates what

    we call consciousness, but researchers like Damasio are refining our knowledge about how firing

    neurons can lead to our thoughts and experience of the world (Hirschman, 2010).

    It seems like there will never be an absolute answer to whether the mind and

    consciousness are the same. I believe they are the same because when you are conscious, you

    are aware of your surroundings and can have thought. If you are in some vegetative state, you

    are still conscious, and perhaps still have thoughts racing through your mind. In order to have

    thought process, you have to be alive have some brain function.

    Section Four

    I find it difficult to believe a computer being self-aware . These are machines built and

    programmed by humans and can only do as programmed. I am aware that the science and

    technology of robots is growing more advanced each day, but for a computer to know that it

    actually exists and can be aware, is way beyond our technology right now.

    We may not even be alive to witness something like that. So what would it take to make

    a computer self-aware? Some would argue that it is simply a matter of complexity, that when

    computers reach a certain level of complexity they will become self-aware. If it is simply a

    matter of complexity, after all the human brain is nothing more than a very complex processor

    that uses electrochemical reactions rather than just electrical, then the day will surely come


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    Mind and Consciousness Questions

    I agree with Cook that a day will come when computers will be self-aware. It will be

    years from now, but I think that we have to fully understand our brain first to even think about

    making a complex processor to make computer self-aware of itself and its surroundings.

  • 7/29/2019 Mind and Consciousness Questions



    Mind and Consciousness Questions


    Pinker, S. (2007, January). THE MYSTERY OF Consciousness.. TIME, 169( 5), 58-70.

    syntactic. (2013). In Merriam-Webster. Retrieved from http://www.merriam-


    semantic. (2013). In Merriam-Webster. Retrieved from http://www.merriam-


    HIRSCHMAN, D. (2010). What is Consciousness. Retrieved from http://bigthink.com/going-


    Cook, R. (). Will computers become self aware?. Retrieved from
