Milngavie - My Way to discover something new Milngavie Town Centre Business Improvement District Business Plan 2011-2016 Ian Lavrie Tel: 07736 150 094 [email protected] Suzanne Bruce Tel: 0141 578 8625 [email protected] Experience Milngavie BID 15 Mugdock Rd, Milngavie, Glasgow G62 8PD Tel: 0141 956 6588 Web: www.milngaviemyway.com Email: [email protected]

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Page 1: Milngavie - My Way

Milngavie - My Wayto discover something new

Milngavie Town Centre

Business Improvement DistrictBusiness Plan 2011-2016

Ian LavrieTel: 07736 150 094

[email protected]

Suzanne BruceTel: 0141 578 8625

[email protected]

Experience Milngavie BID15 Mugdock Rd,

Milngavie,Glasgow G62 8PDTel: 0141 956 6588

Web: www.milngaviemyway.comEmail: [email protected]

Page 2: Milngavie - My Way


03 A message from the Chairman of the Milngavie BID Steering Group.

04 What are the key objectives of the Milngavie BID.

05 What is a BID?

06 Who are the steering group?

07 The BID area - if you lie within this area you are in the BID.

08 Why do we need a BID?

09 Who will pay the levy?

10 How much will the levy cost and who will collect it?

11 What services do we already get from East Dunbartonshire Council?

15 How does the ballot work?

16 What are the key dates?

16 What consultation and research did we do?

17 What did the research tell us?

19 How will the BID projects be funded?

19 How will the BID be managed and governed?

19 How will the BID be evaluated and monitored.

20 What will be the engagement process for the BID?

21 What are the key projects the BID will focus on?

26 The BID budget and cash flow for year 1.

27 ‘Scribbles’ a demonstration project.



Scribbles – a demonstration project.

As part of the pre-ballot it is planned to run a unique event within the Milngavie BID area. This

event is designed to demonstrate what could be expected from the BID if the ballot were to

be successful.

In essence the BID area will be transformed into a giant book with selected literature placed

in as many of the business windows as possible. This literature will be generated by local

schools and both amateur and professional authors.

For a two week period in September short stories, poems and other literary contributions will

be displayed in shop front windows – encouraging visitors to stop and read the contributions

– and at the same time encouraging them to look at what the business has to offer.

The event will be promoted via a dedicated leaflet and banners along with a PR campaign

and via the BID businesses.

Entitled ‘Scribbles’ this is a unique event and, as far as we are aware, a first of it’s type in

the UK. It is planned that this will become an annual event and will dovetail with the existing

Book and Arts Festival to give Milngavie a unique and high profile reason for visitors to come

to the area.


Page 3: Milngavie - My Way

A message from the Chairman of the Milngavie BID Steering Group

Dear All,

As you will surely be aware the Milngavie BID is an exciting and potentially profitable

exercise for all the businesses in the Milngavie BID area.

With an estimated income of £470,000 in the planned 5 years of operation the BID will be able

to deliver real and tangible benefits to our businesses, our customers and our town centre.

The BID levy can be used to attract additional funding and we will make this part of the

business plan for Milngavie Town Centre. The BID will give local businesses a voice on

issues that concern them and we will work with East Dunbartonshire Council to ensure

that they meet their obligations and that services in the town are maintained or improved.

The BID will also be the main consultative body for the town centre and we will work

with the local authorities to ensure that our concerns and priorities are reflected in areas

such as car parking, traffic management proposals, any new development of the town

centre, protecting our businesses, local employment and the vitality of the town. Most

importantly one of the key aims of the BID will be to bring more customers to the area

by raising the profile of Milngavie Town Centre. All of this can be done by and for the

businesses through a BID.

The plans generated from our business and customer survey (to which many of you

contributed) form the starting point for our business plan. This plan is for you to contribute

to, if you wish to influence the development of the BID area and make Milngavie Town

Centre into a successful and vibrant trading area for all the businesses involved.

Read this proposal and make a difference by supporting this project. BID’s work the world

over and Milngavie Town Centre BID is in the right place and at the right time to make a

significant difference to the businesses in this area.

Ian LavrieTownhead CarpetsChair of the Milngavie BID steering group


Area 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16

1. Events £20,000 £20,000 £20,000 £20,000 £20,000

2. Awareness & Understanding

Marketing Campaign £20,000 £25,000 £25,000 £25,000 £25,000

Website £3,000 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000

Shopping Mall Signs £2,000 £500 £500 £500 £500

Newsletter £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000

3. Cleanliness, Appearance and Management

BID Assistant £20,000 £20,000 £20,000 £20,000 £20,000

Adopt toilets and clean £500 £500 £500 £500 £500

Upgrade toilet/create office £15,000 £0 £0 £0 £0

Revamp green space - Milngavie in Bloom £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000

Banner points £3,000 £1,500 £1,500 £1,500 £1,500

Shop Front Improvement Scheme £5,000 £5,000 £5,000 £5,000 £5,000

4. Retail Environment

Business Forum £500 £500 £500 £500 £500

Business Incentive Package £2,000 £2,000 £2,000 £2,000 £2,000

5. Accessibility £1,000

6. Safety and Security £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

Other £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

Monitor & Evaluation - Research £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000

Accountancy £500 £500 £500 £500 £500

Contingency £13,450 £14,450 £14,450 £14,450 £14,450

Total £108,950 £93,950 £93,950 £93,950 £93,950

Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Totals

Cash In

East Dunbartonshire Contribution £20,000 – – – – – – – – – – – £20,000

Levy Income – £8,000 £8,000 £8,000 £8,000 £8,000 £8,000 £8,000 £8,000 £8,000 £8,000 £8,950 £88,950

Total £20,000 £8,000 £8,000 £8,000 £8,000 £8,000 £8,000 £8,000 £8,000 £8,000 £8,000 £8,950 £108,950

Cash Out

1. Events – £4,000 – – – £4,000 – – £4,000 – £4,000 £4,000 £20,000

2. Awareness and Understanding £2,000 £2,000 £3,000 £3,000 £2,000 £2,000 £2,000 £2,000 £2,000 £2,000 £2,000 £2,000 £26,000

3. Cleanliness, Appearance £17,208 £2,208 £2,208 £2,208 £2,208 £2,208 £2,208 £5,208 £2,208 £2,208 £2,208 £2,212 £44,500 and Management

4. Retail Environment £167 £167 £292 £167 £167 £292 £167 £167 £290 £167 £167 £290 £2,500

5. Accessibility – – – – – – – – – – – £1,000 £1,000

6. Safety and Security – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Monitoring – – – – – – – – £1,000 – – – £1,000

Accountancy – – – – – – – – – – – £500 £500

Total £19,375 £8,375 £5,500 £5,375 £4,375 £8,500 £5,375 £7,375 £9,498 £4,375 £8,375 £8,002 £95,500

Monthly Balance £625 £250 £2,750 £5,375 £9,000 £8,500 £11,125 £11,750 £10,252 £13,877 £13,502 £12,450

The BID budget and cash flow for year 1

The costs for the BID are outlined below. It should be noted that:

• Total revenue for year 1 will be circa £93,950

• East Dunbartonshire Council will meet contribute £5,000 in cash and £15,000 in

kind over the life of the plan.

Page 4: Milngavie - My Way

What are the key objectives of the Milngavie BID?

• To improve the perception of Milngavie Town Centre, raise awareness and drive more

‘footfall’ amongst and by the key customer groupings.

• To make the Milngavie Town Centre shopping experience more ‘friendly’ by improving

accessibility, providing information on local businesses and promoting a good

transport infrastructure.

• To enhance the overall look and feel of the area.

• To provide a strong local voice for the businesses in the BID area and create a forum

to allow interaction and decision-making on key issues.

• To give Milngavie Town Centre a strong sense of identity and create a brand that

appeals to customers - both within and outside the immediate locale.


6. Accessibility

Key Objective - To enhance and improve the accessibility for customers to the Milngavie

Town Centre area.


Review parking arrangements throughout the BID area

Review traffic management within the BID area

To investigate adopting the Mugdock Rd car park


EDC to formally review and feedback on recomend-ations

EDC to formally review and feedback on recommend-ations

Undertake year 1 assessment of adopting the Mugdock Rd car park


Summer 2012

Summer 2012

Assessment to be compete by August 2012


Businesses to feedback on recommend-ations

Businesses to feedback on recommend-ations

Agreement to proceed or not to proceed by August 2012

Benefits tolevy payers

Improved parking for customers

Improved access and traffic management for customers

Improved access and traffic manage-ment for customers


No cost to the BID

No cost to the BID

Year 1: £1,000Year 2- 5: TBA


Accountancy charges



To pay for auditing of accounts

To fulfil the monitoring and evaluation criteria


Every year

Year 2 and 4


Submission of accounts on time

To commission first round of research by Sep 2012

Benefits tolevy payers

To ensure transparency of cash spend

To track success of the BID


Years 1 – 5:£500

Year 2:£1,000Year 4:£1,000

Additional Activity

Contingency Budget



Page 5: Milngavie - My Way

What is a BID?

A Business Improvement District (BID) is a precisely-defined geographical area of a town,

city, or commercial district, where businesses work together and invest collectively in local

improvements – in addition to those delivered by statutory authorities, to improve their

business environment. They are often, although not exclusively, a partnership arrangement

through which the local business community and the statutory authorities can take forward

projects, which will benefit the local business community and the local economy.

A BID is not a substitute for central or local government investment, but an additional

investment to strengthen the local economy and give local businesses a unified voice,

helping to provide an arena for businesses and local authorities to increase their

understanding of each others priorities.

Before agreeing to fund the additional investment the businesses within the proposed

BID area will determine the issues and decide how their money will be spent and how

much they are prepared to pay. The Business Plan produced will include performance

guarantees, a management structure and a delivery mechanism.

BIDs are developed, managed and paid for by the business sector by means of a

compulsory BID levy which the businesses within the proposed BID area must vote in

favour of before the BID can be established. Each business liable to contribute to the BID

will be able to vote on whether or not the BID goes ahead.

The interests of both large and small businesses are protected through a voting system

that requires a majority in the numerical votes cast and the rateable value of votes cast.

Born out of Town Centre Management Partnerships (TCMPs), the concept was

originally set up in Canada but took off in the US in the late 1970s. The BID concept

has proved successful in growing the local economy and helping to maintain and

improve the asset value.

A BID can last for no more than five years, and will either be dissolved at the end of its

term or will seek a new mandate and term.

The first pathfinder BIDs in Scotland were, Bathgate (town centre), Clackmannanshire

Business Parks, Edinburgh (city centre), Falkirk (town centre), Glasgow (city centre) and

Inverness (city centre). There are now ten BIDs up and running in Scotland and more info

can be found at www.bids-scotland.com



To trial a fast response scheme

To introduce an anti shoplifting initiative


Work with Strathclyde Police to create the new scheme

Work with Strathclyde Police to create the new scheme


To launch in


To launch immediately after the ballot.


To be agreed.

Reduction of

shoplifting by


Benefits tolevy payers

Reduce incidents of crime in the area

Reduce incidents of crime in the area.


No cost to the BID

No cost to the BID.

4. Safety and Security:

Key Objective - To aid in the prevention of crime within the Milngavie Town Centre BID area.

5. Retail Mix/Environment:

Key Objective – to provide the most effective environment to attract and maintain the best

mix of businesses within the BID area.


Create a retail forum to discuss all aspects of the Milngavie Town Centre BID area – a minimum of three per year

Regular meeting with EDC by the Management Board

Create a long-term sustainable programme to enhance the retail mix with appropriate businesses


Set up forum and elect a chair, venue, dates and remit

Set up a regular set of meetings with EDC through the BID Assistant to identify key retail issues

To create a sub committee of the Mgt Board to focus on this area. Launch a ‘Business Incentive Package’


Spring 2012 to Autumn 2016

Spring 2012 to Autumn 2016

To be convened in 2012 for the ‘Business Incentive Package’ to be implemented in 2013


Forum to have met prior to April 2012

Meetings to be in place by April 2012


number of new

businesses from

targeted sectors

Benefits tolevy payers

This gives the BID an opportunity to air grievances and work on joint activity

This will create a new channel of communication should there be changes in planning, new retail approaches etc

To encourage a more diverse and appropriate customer to the area



No cost to the BID

Year 1 - 5:£2,000 per year. EDC to meet additional costs


Page 6: Milngavie - My Way

Who are the Steering Group?

The Steering Group that have overseen the process to date are made up of a wide range

of the businesses and key stakeholders within the BID area. They were selected via a

process of nomination.


Ian Lavrie - ChairTownhead Carpets

Charles KinseySpecsavers

Neil CunninghamKersland Solicitors

Wendy RossRuby Red

Stuart McKenzieCrosskeys Inn

Alan ArnottAlan Arnott Eye Care

Rona MillerArt Forum

Suzanne BruceProject Manager

Gordon BrownProject Co-ordinator

CouncillorBilly HendryEast DumbartonshireCouncil

Susan Frize ....................Milngavie Book Shop

Matt Evans ....................Marks and Spencer

Sgt. Donald Leitch .........Strathclyde Police

3. Cleanliness, Appearance and Management.

Key Objective - To enhance the areas appearance and ensure a clean and attractive

environment and to provide ‘on the ground’ management of the BID on a day to day basis.


To contract a

BID Assistant to cover events, toilets, town centre cleanli -ness, marketing and BID liaison/contact

To adopt the toilets on Mugdock Rd

To revamp and improve green space

To introduce banner points

To introduce a shop front improvement scheme

To upgrade toiets in Mugdock Rd and to create a new BID office


Recruit and brief new post

To take over the running from EDC

To identify key areas within the BID for upgrade

Survey the area to identify key sites

Establish the criteria of 50% matched funding up to a maximum claim of £500

Draw up plan and send out to tender


Individual to be in place by January 2012

January 2012

Plan to be ready for February 2012

To be in place before the ballot on 29th Sept

To be in place from January 2012

To be in place from the start of the BID


A Job Description will be set for the individual - this will be a contracted role.

To include the maintenance of the toilets with the BID Assistant’s job description

Initial upgrade to be in place by May 2012

Banner points to be in place by March 2012

Full uptake of the fund annually

Complete by Nov 2011

Benefits tolevy payers

Provides ongoing management of all activity within the BID and maintains the toilets and environments

Keeps a vital resource to the area in operation – currently threatened with closure

Improve the look and feel of the Town Centre

Improve the look and feel of the Town Centre and to allow communication of key events

Improve the look and feel of the Town Centre

To improve the environment of the BID and to provide an office for all BID activity


Year 1 – 5: £20,000

Year 1 – 5:£500

Year 1- 5:£1,000

Year 1:£3,000Year 2 – 5: £1,500

Year 1- 5:£5,000

Year 1:£15,000 – to be funded by EDC


Page 7: Milngavie - My Way

The BID area – if you lie within this area you are in the BID

The area illustrated below by the red line represents Milngavie Town Centre’s proposed BID

area. The boundary incorporates the area that centres on Milngavie Town Centre. This takes

in Mugdock Rd (from the car park to the junction of Station Rd), Station Rd, Douglas St,

Main St, Stewart St, Claremont Dr (part), Ashfield Rd (part), Park Rd (certain premises only).

The BID team estimate that this represents some 135 ‘occupiable’ properties that will be

entitled to vote. If the BID vote is successful all the businesses in this area will be liable to

pay the BID levy.

Everybody benefits everybody pays.


2. Awareness and Understanding:

Key Objective – To improve the awareness of the Milngavie Town Centre business

offering and to improve the understanding of the offerings available to customers.


Create a marketing campaign to run throughout the year

To create and operate a new interactive website

Introduce ‘Shopping Mall’ signs to the BID area

Introduce a regular Newsletter


To brief an agency based on the key objectives of the Milngavie Town Centre BID

To brief an agency based on the key objectives of the Milngavie Town Centre BID

To commission designs and signs for three key points to the BID area and allow for annual updates

To commission design and layout and publish three times a year


Spring 2012 - Spring 2016

Spring 2012 - Spring 2016

Spring 2012

Spring 2012


Increased footfall as judged by the Milngavie Town Centre BID businesses.

To achieve a year 1 target to be agreed by the BID Board.

Signage in place by May of 2012

First issue to be out for Spring 2012

Benefits tolevy payers

Increased number of customers for the Milngavie Town Centre BID businesses

Increased number of customers for the Milngavie Town Centre BID businesses

Improve the visibility of all businesses to all visitors.Improve the flow of information to the BID businesses

Improve the flow of information to the BID businesses


Year 1: £20,000Year 2 – 5: £25,000

Year 1:

£3,000Year 2 – 5:£1,000

Year 1:

£2,000Year 2-5:£500

Year 1 – 5: £1000


Page 8: Milngavie - My Way

Why do we need a BID?

The Milngavie Town Centre BID team has conducted extensive research with the Milngavie

businesses and shoppers. Along with input from a range of consultation exercises we have

identified a number of reasons why the BID is required:

• Milngavie Town Centre has seen massive investment in potential competition that is

drawing shoppers away from Milngavie i.e. Braehead, Glasgow City Centre and in areas

such as Bearsden and other surrounding shopping areas. This also includes the nearby

Tesco proposal, which is of major concern to the Milngavie Town Centre businesses.

• Many people are unaware of what Milngavie Town Centre has to offer and what

businesses trade in the area.

• Milngavie Town Centre has not, to date, actively promoted itself as a ‘destination’ for

retail and business.

• The accessibility of the area, especially parking and traffic management is a major

cause of concern to both the businesses and shoppers.

• Businesses in the area are looking for a forum to act as a ‘strong voice’ to raise their

issues and concerns for them to the appropriate authorities.

• A close, but separate relationship with East

Dunbartonshire Council is required to allow

businesses to discuss the issues that impact

directly on their business

• To engage (consultation) all the businesses in the

area in the decisions and actions that can help

them develop a strong trading platform.


What are the key projects the BID will focus on and what will they cost?

1. Events:

Key Objective – To create new Milngavie Town Centre events to encourage an increase

in both visitors and awareness of what the Town Centre has to offer.


To launch new events within the Milngavie Town Centre BID area.


Christmas Fair and Lights

Busking Festival

West Highland Week

Book & Arts Festival


To launch five events in Year 1

Year 0 - 5

Year 1 - 5

Year 1 - 5

Year 1 - 5

Year 1 - 5


First event to be in place by Christmas 2011

August 2011

Nov/Dec 2011

Mar/April 2012

June 2012

Sept 2012


Five events in place by the end of Year 1.

Benefits tolevy payers

Increase in footfall and awareness of the area.


Year 1 – 5: £20,000


Page 9: Milngavie - My Way

Who will pay the levy?

A BID levy is an equal and fair way of funding projects (additional to the council’s planned

programme of activity). Through the process of research and consultation businesses have

indicated that they wish to improve trading and this can be assisted by an efficient and

effective BID.

All eligible non-domestic properties with a rateable valuation within the BID area will be liable

for the levy for the duration of the BID.

The Business Plan projects have been costed and the overall cost per year of delivering

the BID Business Plan is £88,950 with East Dunbartonshire council contributing in £5,000

per year in cash and another £15,000 per year in the supply of management expertise,

services and additional help. We have apportioned the levy on the basis of the rateable

valuation of each property within the BID area, this being a fair and equitable method to

determine everyone’s contribution. The levy will be indexed linked each year, but subject

to the approval of the BID Board of Directors who may vary the increase as a result of

changing economic circumstances.

If the property is empty on the date of issue of the levy, the property owner will be liable for

the full levy amount until the property is occupied.

If an occupier vacates a property, rebates for the outstanding unoccupied period will be given.

If there is a change or multiple changes in occupier then rebates will be given. Until a new

occupier is found for the property, the owner will be liable for the payment of the levy.

Any additional rateable property formed/created

during the lifetime of the BID will be liable to

pay the levy. E.g. new build developments,

alterations to use, (church property becoming

commercial) etc.

As charity shops will benefit from the BID

in the same way as other businesses within

the BID area there will be no exemption from

paying the levy. Churches within the area will

be exempt, as will be Medical Practices along

with the Fraser Centre and Friendship House.

Advertising signage and ATM’s will be exempt

from the levy.


What will be the engagement process for the BID?

It is the BID board’s intention to provide a range of opportunities for engagement with the

levy payers and key stakeholders. This will include, but is not limited to, the following:

• A Milngavie Town Centre website that will be updated with all relevant BID information

and news.

• Three business forums per year will be held to update all relevant parties on key issues

and activity – as well as providing a conduit for feedback.

• Three ‘Newsletters’ per year to provide information for both the Milngvaie Town

Centre BID and to update on other BID news from across Scotland and the UK.

• The BID Assistant will be located at an office which will be created on Mugdock Road

providing a direct point of contact for any issues and queries.

• An annual report will be issued by the BID Board outlining the progress against targets.


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How much will the levy cost and who will collect it?

The level of levy has been agreed by the Steering Group to allow for the delivery of the

costed projects in the BID Business Plan.

In order to ensure complete transparency for all businesses within the BID a list will be

issued to all businesses detailing the exact costs per business, or can be found at


The BID steering group has agreed to appoint East Dunbartonshire Council to issue

businesses in the BID area with a separate levy invoice under the heading Business

Improvement District Levy. All monies collected under the category ‘BID levy’ will be passed

to the BID for the delivery of the BID projects and services. The levy will be collected by

issuing invoices commencing in October 2011.

The levy cannot be accessed or used as a source of revenue or funding by East

Dunbartonshire Council.

All non-payment of the BID levy will be pursued using existing legislative enforcement

procedures to ensure fairness to those businesses that have paid their BID levy.

The levy will be fixed (subject to index linking) for the term of the BID and will be apportioned

on the basis of the rateable valuation in force at the time of the ballot.


How will the BID projects be funded?

After the ballot date and if successful the BID projects and services will be funded from the

BID levy. East Dunbartonshire Council has agreed to separately fund £5,000 in cash and

£15,000 in management, services and support.

How will the BID be managed and governed?

Places on the BID Management Board will be defined by business category and will be

divided by national and privately owned businesses in the area. The number and the

breakdown of the Board will be done on a fair and equitable basis.

The BID budget may be transferred between projects (due to projects being amended or

postponed) as the needs of the business dictate on the authority and instruction of the BID

Management Board without resorting to an alteration ballot.

Such changes to the budget must be notified to the BID Management Board (by e-mail or

in writing) within five working days of the decision being taken.

How will the BID be evaluated and monitored?

The Milngavie Town Centre BID will undertake a process of monitoring and evaluation to

ensure that the activity and goals set out in the Business Plan are tracked and reported as

required. To do so it is proposed to review the activity at the monthly BID Board meetings

and to publish the minutes of these meetings on the website as soon as is feasible.

In addition it is proposed to repeat the Business and Customer Research surveys carried

out in the summer of 2010. In this way the BID will be able to measure progress against

the key issues raised by the initial research.

In addition it is proposed to use the various routes identified in the Engagement Plan (see

page 20) to update the levy payers on evaluation.

It is also proposed to work with East Dumbartonshire Council to measure the footfall

within Milngavie Town Centre using their footfall monitors to ascertain changes in the

number of visitors.

Finally the BID Assistant will be charged with preparing a report on key activity to evaluate

the activity in hand and to recommend changes/improvements/suggestions for activity

going forward. This will be presented at the monthly BID Board Meetings.


Page 11: Milngavie - My Way

What services do we already get from East Dunbartonshire Council?

East Dunbartonshire Council are responsible for providing a range of both statutory and

non-statutory services in Milngavie Town Centre.

The following list gives an overview of the Council’s current responsibilities:

Street Cleaning Litter Bins Recycling Bins Street Sweeping

Public Realm Environmental Improvements Economic Analysis & Development Greenspace Street Furniture

Safety CCTV Cameras

Events and Tourism Legal & Administrative Services Trading Standards Christmas - Festive Lighting Roads & Neighbourhood Services Roads & Footpath Maintenance Street Lighting

Service Area

Street Litter & Recycling Bins

Street Sweeping

Existing Activity

East Dunbartonshire Council currently.

• Provides street litter bins

• Provides street recycling bins

• Regularly empties bins

Maintains the existing stock of bins in the town centre.

East Dunbartonshire Council currently employ a team of cleansing staff who visit Milngavie Town Centre, whose activity includes Manual street sweeping Mechanical street sweeping and Litter picking.


During financial year 2009/10, East Dunbartonshire Council installed ×29 new litter bins and ×4 recycling bins in the town centre.

Performance is monitored locally via Supervisor.

Performance is monitored locally via Supervisor.

Street Cleaning – Milngavie Town Centre


Following this ibp undertook research with the shopping population within Milngavie Town

Centre and in Balfron, Drymen, Killearn and Strathblane with the following results.

• Of those interviewed in the town centre:

– The majority were either from Milngavie or Bearsden (62%).

– 75% visited weekly with 26% visiting daily.

– 77% indicated their frequency of visit had not changed in the last year

– 12% used the area more and only 8% used it less than a year ago

• Primary reasons for visiting Milngavie Town Centre were:

– Shopping - 54%

• Of those who came to shop

– 63% indicated it was for food shopping

• Method of transport

– 50% of visitors came by car, either as a driver or passenger

– 25% of visitors came on foot, by public transport or taxi

• Services used when visiting Milngavie Town Centre

– Restaurants or cafes - 83%

– Banks - 50%

• Key reasons for using Milngavie Town Centre

– Convenience - 63%

– Varied retail mix - 28%

– Visiting a specific shop - 17%

• Average spend on a normal visit

– Up to £5 - 15%

– £5 - £20 - 52%

– Over £20 - 33%

– Average spend per person, per visit is £20.

• What are the best things in Milngavie Town Centre:

– The variety of shops.

– The pedestrianised area.

– The local and friendly feel.

• What is not so good:

– Parking

– A lack of variety of shops

– The shortage of things for young people

• When asked what would encourage people to visit more often

– More events

– Better accessibility

– A wider mix of shops and services


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Service Area

Environmental Improvements

Economic Analysis and Development


Existing Activity

The Economic Development team lead delivery of public realm development in East Dunbartonshire’s Town Centres, with activity including

Project financingProject planningCo-ordination of tender process Project Management & Administration

The Economic Development team lead on the analysis and monitoring of the town centre’s economic performance, which includes:

• Monitoring footfall• Monitoring vacancy rates• Monitoring retail mix• Short, Medium and Long Term action plans for the town centre

Grass (general open spaces):• Cutting and litter picking

Shrub beds:• Collection of litter• Herbicide treatment• Pruning of shrubs• Weeding/forking of shrub beds (where applicable)

Rose beds:• Collection of litter• Herbicide treatment• Pruning• Weeding/forking• Hoeing

Flower beds:• Collection of litter• Planting

Paths:• Herbicide to block paving

Play Area:• Area & equipment inspected• Collection of litter• Painting of play equipment

Frequency / KPI

Activity is dependent on available financing and delivered in-line with strategic priorities for each town centre.

During financial year 2008/09 and 2009/10, projects have been delivered at the start of the West Highland Way and the Station Road underpass in Milngavie Town Centre.

A Town Centre performance review and action plan is published on a bi-annual basis, next due in the second half of 2011.

Health check measurements are measured quarterly and compared to previous trends in the town centre and against East Dunbartonshire’s three other town centres.

× 14 per year, April to October

× 5 in Summer / × 2 in Winter× 6 per annum× 1 per annum× 1 per annum

× 7 per annum× 1 per annum× 1 per annum× 2 per annumPeriodically throughout the year

× 39 per annum× 2 per annum, i.e. spring/summer planting throughout this period

× 2 per annum

× 52 per annumAs required.

Greenspace performance is monitored locally by works supervisors.

Public Realm – Milngavie Town Centre


What did the research tell us?

In April 2010 ibp Strategy and Research undertook a survey of the potential organisations

within the BID area with the following results.

See the town as an average or good

location to do business in.

78.9%Disagreed or strongly disagreed that

road/pavements were well maintained.


Saw the area as a secure and

safe place.

72%Disagreed that there is

enough parking.


Disagreed or strongly disagreed that

there were enough police patrols.

43%of business felt the retail mix in the

area could be improved.


Agreed that there were enough

police patrols.

15.7%of businesses were aware of the

BID process



Page 13: Milngavie - My Way

Service Area

Street Furniture

Service Area

CCTV Cameras

Existing Activity

East Dunbartonshire Council are responsible for the provision and maintenance of street furniture in the town centre, including:

• Seats• Benches• Retail Directory Boards• Tourist Information Signage

Existing Activity

East Dunbartonshire Council are responsible for the provision, monitoring and servicing of CCTV security cameras in Milngavie Town Centre.

Cameras are positioned at Station Road, Milngavie and Douglas Street, Milngavie, and monitored by a 24 hour CCTV control and emergency response centre based at Broomhill, Kirkintilloch.

Frequency / KPI

In financial year 2009/10, East Dunbartonshire Council renewed all street furniture in Milngavie Town Centre.

Maintenance and servicing is completed in response to feedback from the public.

Frequency / KPI

Servicing and maintenance are carried out in response to feedback from the public and CCTV operators.

Cameras are periodically checked to ensure they are working correctly.

The CCTV control centre is staffed 24 hours – with continuous recording. The Control Centre has a direct link to Strathclyde Police.

Safety – Milngavie Town Centre

Service Area

Legal & Administrative Services

Existing Activity

East Dunbartonshire Council’s Litigation & Licensing section based at Tom Johnston House, Civic Way, Kirkintilloch is responsible for the processing of all licence applications with regards to the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982.

This includes:• Taxis and private hire cars• Street traders - ice cream • Vans, grocery vans etc • Public processions • Charitable collections - flag days etc • Public entertainment licences - funfairs etc

Frequency / KPI

Activity related to licensing is carried out in response to demand from the public.

All activity is subject to adhering to statutory time periods as outlined in the appropriate legislation and application processes.

Events (Support Services) – Milngavie Town Centre


What are the key dates?

Wednesday 17th August 2011

Ballot papers issued to all businesses

Thursday 29th September 2011

Last day voting papers can be received (before 5:00pm)

Thursday 6th October 2011

Declaration of ballot results

What consultation and research did we do?

September 2009

Project Launch / Steering Group Introduction

January 2010

Steering Group Meeting 1

January 2010

Business (within BID area) Research.

March 2010

Steering Group Meeting 2

April 2010

Shopper and Outlying Area Surveys

November 2010

Appointed Gordon Brown of Circuit Break to aid with the BID process.

December and January 2010/2011

Steering Group meeting to discuss next steps

February 2011

Steering Group meeting and second newsletter handed to all BID businesses and

posted to all businesses.

March 2011

Business Forum held. All BID businesses invited to attend.

April 2011

Steering Group Meeting

June 2011

Business Forum held. All BID businesses invited to attend.

Steering Group meeting and third newsletter handed to all BID businesses and

posted to all businesses.


Page 14: Milngavie - My Way

Service Area

Car Park & Footpath Maintenance

Street Lighting

Existing Activity

East Dunbartonshire Council are responsible for the maintenance of footpaths and car parks in the town centre.

Car Parks include:• Mugdock Road• Woodburn Way• Douglas Street

East Dunbartonshire Council are responsible for: • Providing street lighting within Milngavie Town Centre• Servicing and maintenance of street lighting columns• Installation of decorative Christ- mas lighting in Town Centre• Servicing and maintenance of decorative lighting stock

Frequency / KPI

Milngavie Town Centre is inspected on a monthly basis on foot by a Roads Inspector from the Council, following which repairs are instructed as necessary. Maintenance checks and repairs are also completed in response to feedback from the public.

Car Parks are inspected and repaired in response to feedback from the public. Renewal of lining is carried out on a rolling basis across East Dunbartonshire.

Quality of service is monitored at supervisor level locally.

Renewal of lighting columns is completed on a prioritised basis by need and completed subject to available budgets.

Servicing and maintenance is carried out on a rolling basis across East Dunbartonshire and in response to faults reported by the public.

Quality of service is monitored at supervisor level locally.

Roads Services – Milngavie Town Centre

Service Area

Trading Standards

Existing Activity

East Dunbartonshire Council’s Trading Standards team provides free, independent consumer advice and works to monitor trading to prevent illegal or unfair practices.

Frequency / KPI

Activity related to Trading Standards is primarily carried out in response to demand from the public, though complemented by a number of proactive campaigns throughout the year to raise awareness of specific issues.

How does the ballot work?

The vote will be a confidential vote, conducted by East Dunbartonshire Council on behalf

of the Milngavie Town Centre BID. The person who holds a BID ballot, renewal ballot,

alteration ballot or re-ballot (“the ballot holder”) shall be the person the local authority

has appointed under section 41 of the Representation of the People Act 1983(a) as the

returning officer for elections to that authority. In the case of Milngavie Town Centre the

Returning Officer will be the East Dunbartonshire Council Chief Executive Gerry Cornes.

Prior to the ballot papers being issued a ‘Notice of Ballot’ will be sent to all businesses in

the BID area.

Ballot papers will be issued to every business located in the BID area and addressed to

the person responsible for casting a vote within their business on the date of the issue of

Ballot papers. There will be a single vote for each non-domestic property for which there

is a rateable valuation in the BID area, whether or not rates are actually paid. This means

that where an individual is liable for non-domestic rates for more than one business, that

individual shall be eligible to cast more than one vote.

It is important to remember that every vote counts

Ballot papers will be easy to complete simply placing a cross in the yes or no box to the

question ‘Are you in favour of the Business Improvement District proposals’. The voter

then signs and returns the ballot paper in the pre-paid envelope supplied.

Businesses that wish to vote must return their completed ballot paper by 5:00pm on the

date that the vote closes – 29th September 2011. Any ballot papers received after this date

and time will be deemed null and void.

For a ballot to be successful it requires a combination of over 50% of businesses by

number and over 50% by combined rateable value of those that vote to be in favour

of the BID. There also needs to be a minimum turnout of 25% of eligible voters before the

BID can go ahead.

The results will be declared within one week of the count being completed.

If successful the Milngavie Town Centre BID will run for a period of 5 years from the

commencement date (10th October 2011) and will cease five years after this date – 9th

October 2016. A re-ballot will take place at that time to see whether the businesses located

within the BID area wish the BID to continue.

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