Galapagos My Way

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  • 8/9/2019 Galapagos My Way


    June 20_ 30, 2010 & June 27_ July 7, 2010 | Aboard Isabela II

  • 8/9/2019 Galapagos My Way


    The Galpagos Islands occupy a unique place in natural and human history. This remote

    archipelago has the highest rate of endemism of any island group in the world. Ages ago,

    plants and animals crossed vast stretches of ocean by various means to colonize these

    volcanic islands newly risen from the sea. Over time they evolved into forms found nowhere

    else; indeed, species can vary wildly within the archipelago, some being specific to onlya single island.

    This led Charles Darwin to formulate his theory of natural selection, which when published

    in The Origin of Species, in 1859, wrought fundamental changes in scientific thought and

    shook the established order of the Victorian world.

    The fascinating and diverse wildlife also offers unparalleled opportunities for the adventurous

    traveler. The entire archipelago, classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a place where

    the curious visitor can walk among abundant wildlife that has grown astonishingly fearlessin the absence of humans and large predators. Nowhere else can you sit quietly just feet away

    from a pair of courting blue-footed boobies, observe marine iguanas as they bask on glistening

    black-sand beaches, and snorkel among a throng of curious and playful sea lions.

    The Galpagos hold special meaning for me, as well. I first traveled here in 1975 as an

    undergraduate studying the fishes of the islands. The spectacular natural beauty and stark

    volcanic landscapes opened my eyes to a world I had only previously dreamed of. I knew

    immediately that I would never discover another place like it. After graduation I spent seven

    years in the islands, conducting research and working as a naturalist guide.

    In subsequent years I have returned time and again, leading expeditions and continuing my

    studies. Drawing on my own experiences and with the assistance of my colleagues at Zegrahm

    Expeditions, we have created the ultimate Galpagos experience, called Galpagos My Way.

    We designed this 11-day expedition to present a comprehensive exploration of the Enchanted

    Isles. Too often, travelers to the Galpagos miss out on fully experiencing the marine environ-

    ment, but our voyages will give you a balanced overview of both the terrestrial and marine

    worlds. On land we will hike the lunarlike terrain for encounters with the Galpagos wildlife.

    In the seas surrounding the islands, we will search for whales and dolphins and snorkel amongschools of rainbow fish, sea turtles, sea lions, and even penguins.

    We have chartered the Isabela II, a yacht carrying only 40 passengers. Her small size enables

    her to navigate easily among the islands, and the limited number of passengers ensures you

    will have an intimate adventure travel experience.

    I have invited my colleague and Darwin expert Greg Estes to come along on this adventure.

    I hope youll join us in exploring this wonder of the world.

    Fair Winds,

    Jack Grove


    I would highly recommend this expedition because of the well planned variety of

    activities, the friendliness and outstanding knowledge of the naturalists (and patience to

    answer questions over and over). Lots of laughs and great food as well. Jacks enthusiasm

    and passionate approach to each activity made the whole experience so very meaningful

    to me! Thanks for an experience of a lifetime! M. Cunningham

    Andrew Ahl

  • 8/9/2019 Galapagos My Way


    Chris Attinger Jack S. Grove Jack S. Grove


    Paulina Grove

    Jack S. Grove Chris Attinger Paulina Grove Paulina Grove

  • 8/9/2019 Galapagos My Way


    Day 1 (Sunday)Miami / Quito, EcuadorDepart in the late aternoon on your lightto Quito, capital city o Ecuador. Eveningtranser to our hotel and overnight.

    Day 2 (Monday)QuitoBreakast at our hotel, ollowed by a morningcity tour o Quito. We visit the old colonialsection with its Spanish-style cathedral andpalace, stroll down winding cobblestonestreets, and explore spacious plazas adornedwith lowers beore driving to a panoramicview o the city and picturesque snowcappedmountains. We return to our hotel or lunch;the rest o the aternoon is at leisure. Joinus in the evening or a brieing and dinner.Overnight at our hotel.

    Day 3 (Tuesday)Quito / Baltra and North Seymour Islands,

    GalpagosAter breakast we transer to the airport or

    the light to Baltra Island, where we boardour yacht, the Isabela II. We have an onboardorientation as the yacht makes her way to nearbyNorth Seymour Island, the irst stop on our

    expedition. We walk along the coast and theinterior o the island, observing colonies oblue-ooted boobies, magniicent rigatebirds,and swallow-tailed gulls, as well as sea lionsand marine iguanas. Return to the yacht or

    our irst onboard brieing and dinner.

    Day 4 (Wednesday)Espaola (Hood) Islandhis rocky point o land sustains one othe most impressive and varied colonies oseabirds in the Galpagos. In the morningwe stroll along the beautiul white-coral beacho Gardner Bay, enjoying views o blue-ootedboobies diving or ish. Other likely sightingsinclude Hood Island mockingbirds, Galpagoshawks, three species o Darwins inches, andmarine iguanas. A highlight o our day isthe chance to swim and snorkel with theriendly and rolicking sea lions that populatethese waters.

    We cruise to Punta Surez or an exciting walkon lava terrain to see one o the largest birds

    in the Galpagos Islands, the waved albatross.Virtually the entire population o 12,000 pairso albatross nests here rom May to December.Other eatures o the island include red-billed


    Andrew Ahl Jack S. Grove



    GArdNErS BAy

  • 8/9/2019 Galapagos My Way


    tropicbirds, blue-ooted and Nazca boobies,swallow-tailed gulls, and dramatic views othe amous Punta Surez blowhole surroundedby colorul red-and-green marine iguanas.

    Day 5 (Thursday)Floreana IslandFrom sea turtles to penguins, the chances orwildlie encounters are outstanding, makingour visit to Floreana an exhilarating experi-ence. At Punta Cormorant we may see greaterlamingos, black-necked stilts, and pintailducks in a brackish lagoon. Our hike takesus to a ine coral-sand beach where green sea

    turtles nest rom December to June, and ourultimate snorkeling spot is an eroded volcaniccone. ake the opportunity to snorkel among,or view through the glass-bottom boat,sea lions, tropical and subtropical ish, andpossibly hammerhead or whitetip ree sharks.

    In the aternoon, visit the whalers post-oicebarrel, one o the oldest working sea-maildrops, at Post Oice Bay. Zodiacs take usto nearby islets to observe rays, sea lions,and sea turtles, great blue herons and boobies,and maybe even Galpagos penguins.

    Day 6 (Friday)Santa Cruz IslandAt Puerto Ayora, the principal commercialport o the Galpagos, we disembark anddrive through lush green highlands to hike

    and visit the scalesia orest and the twin-pit craters o Los Gemelos. Depending onweather conditions, we search or two oDarwins inchestree and woodpecker;vermilion lycatchers; and giant tortoises. Inthe aternoon we visit the Charles DarwinResearch Station to learn about conservationeorts and research being conducted at thestation, as well as see giant tortoises and

    land iguanas being raised or reintroductionto their island habitats. Aterwards, strollthrough the small town o Puerto Ayorato buy souvenirs and mail postcards beorereembarking our ship.

    Day 7 (Saturday)Genovesa (Tower) IslandWe cross the equator overnight, arrivingat Genovesa Island. Entering DarwinBay, ormed by the caldera o a partiallyeroded volcano, we disembark and set outon a trail rom the coral beach. Passing by

    Greg Gulik

    Jack S. Grove

    Jack S. Grove

    Chris Attinger

    Chris Attinger

    rEd-FOOTEd BOOBy



  • 8/9/2019 Galapagos My Way


    swallow-tailed and lava gulls, we enter aorest o salt bush where colonies o greatrigatebirds and red-ooted boobies nest.Aterward, we swim and snorkel alongthe clis o this colossal harbor, where we

    encounter an array o ish species and, withluck, get a look at the elusive, scalloped ham-merhead shark. Because o the inluence onorthern currents, we ind the warmest oall Galpagos waters o this island. A shortZodiac tour along the coastline takes usto Prince Philips Steps, where we may indred-ooted boobies nesting in palo santotrees. Nazca boobies nest on the ground,

    along with storm petrels and short-earedowls, one o the archipelagos ew predators.Keep a lookout or ur seals along the shore.

    Day 8 (Sunday)Isabela & Fernandina Islandshe cool waters o the Cromwell Currentupwell around these islands and bathe thejagged shorelines o Isabela and Fernandina.hese nutrient-rich waters provide great eed-ing sources or whales and dolphins, so be upon deck at sunrise today as we round Isabelato the north. As we navigate along Bolvar

    Channel we also enjoy the impressive viewso the northern volcanoes that helped createIsabela, the largest o the Galpagos Islands.

    On the northwest shore o Isabela, we stop at

    secluded agus Cove, which was in past cen-turies a avorite anchor or pirates and whalers.he vegetation in the area includes more othe unusual palo santo trees, and an uphillhike through the orest takes us to DarwinCrater, i lled with salt water. Aterwards,depending on time and conditions, we spendthe morning in Zodiacs or snorkeling alongthe coast o Isabela, observing recent and

    unique geological eatures, lightless cormo-rants and Galpagos penguins, as well as othernatural wonders o these enchanted isles.

    In the aternoon we arrive at Punta Espinosaon Fernandina, the youngest island o theGalpagos, where we depart on a hike alongthe shore and the interior. Here we observethe largest colony o marine iguanas inthe Galpagos, lightless cormorants, andmoonscape-like lava ields. his is one othe largest, most pristine islands in the worldwith no introduced species to date.

    Andrew Ahl Andrew Ahl Andrew Ahl

    Steve Clymer

    Andrew Ahl

    Chris Attinger




  • 8/9/2019 Galapagos My Way


    Day 9 (Monday)Santiago (James) & Bartolom IslandsSantiago is the island where Charles Darwinspent most o his time while in the Galpagos,staying nine days to explore and gather data.

    Although we wont be able to match theduration or scope o the great naturalistsstudies, we acquaint ourselves well during ourtime ashore, seeking the marine mammals,particularly ur seals, that call Santiago home.We cruise into Puerto Egas in the morningand disembark to walk along a coastal trail toa nearby ur seal grotto. Most o the landscapeis tu-stone layers and lava lows, and the

    many crevices, cracks, and cuts are perecthiding spots or camoulaged pinnipeds.Along the shore we can look or more sealions, octopuses, star ish, and other sea liein tide pools where great blue herons, lavaherons, oystercatchers, and yellow-crownednight herons eed. At low tide we may have thechance to watch marine iguanas grazing onmarine algae or sea lettuce. I time and condi-

    tions permit, we may take an inland trail to asalt lake to view more inches, mockingbirds,hawks, and perhaps more lamingoes.

    Ater a short lunch cruise and time spent ondeck looking or the dark-rumped petrel, wearrive at Bartolom. he requently photo-graphed pinnacle rock o this island is amassive stone tower erupting rom the sea.

    ake the steep trail and wooden staircase ora 30-minute walk past pioneer plants, lavatubes, and spatter cones to the summit o aonce-active volcano. Zodiac cruises, swim-ming, and snorkeling are also excellent here,oten revealing Galpagos penguins as wellas sea turtles.

    Day 10 (Tuesday)

    Baltra Island / GuayaqulAter a late brunch we disembark or ourlight to Guayaqul. On arrival we transerrom the airport to our hotel, the HiltonColn. Ater check in, we have a tea buetat our hotel with time aterwards to relaxbeore our arewell dinner and overnight.

    Day 11 (Wednesday)

    Guayaqul / MiamiAter breakast, transer to the airport or thereturn light to Miami.

    Andrew Ahl

    Jack S. Grove

    Jack S. Grove

    Andrew Ahl




    Chris Attinger

    Jack S. Grove


  • 8/9/2019 Galapagos My Way


    Te 40-guest Isabela II, with 20 outside cabins, is one o the most luxurious yachts cruising theGalpagos. Oering an elegant yet relaxed atmosphere, her helpul and warm sta attend toyour every need. All passenger cabins are spacious and include private bathrooms. Te Isabela IIis ully air-conditioned and has the amenities o a larger vessel, including a bar, dining room,and sun deck. Te sun deck comprises a bar with ample outdoor seating, an observation area or

    whale and dolphin watching, a gym and Jacuzzi, and solarium. Te Isabela IIcarries sea kayaksand three Zodiacs, and, as an alternative to snorkeling, her glass-bottom boat oers a greatopportunity to observe the marine lie rom above the waves. From dining room to stateroom,one senses the superior quality at all levels o service. Te yachts trained ches prepare a superba la carte selection or all evening meals. Te library contains the largest variety o bookson Galpagos and Ecuador o any ship in Galpagos waters, as well as excellent nature andconservation videos. Registry: Ecuador

    o ully enjoy the wildlie-viewing opportunities this exciting program oers, participantsshould be it and in good health. Our yachts schedule includes morning and aternoon shoreexcursions each day. o visit the islands you will board Zodiacs; there will be landings directly

    onto the beach (wet landings) or onto a dock or rocks (dry landings). You must be able toclimb easily into and out o Zodiacs and walk up to three miles at a comortable pace overuneven terrain, with requent stops or nature study.

    A highlight o our visit to the Galpagos is the opportunity to swim and snorkel with sealions and other wildlie. During June and July temperatures in the islands and in Guayaqulgenerally range rom the low 70s to the mid 80sF, and water temperatures range rom themid 60s to the low 70sF. emperatures in Quito, which is at an elevation o 9,300 eet, rangerom 50 to 70F.

    We will mail a complete list o recommended clothing and a suggested reading list to youapproximately ive months prior to departure. ravel to remote destinations is inherentlyunpredictable; participants on this expedition will most enjoy it i they travel with a spirit olexibility and appreciation or its unique conditions.


    Sonia Surguy



  • 8/9/2019 Galapagos My Way


    TERMS & CONDITIONS1. Reservations: 25% o the expedition are, along

    with a completed and signed Reservation Form, will

    reserve a place or you on this Zegrahm HoldingsLLC, d/b/a Zegrahm Expeditions (ZE), program. Tebalance o the expedition are is due 120 days prior todeparture. Air are is also due at this time. All pricesare quoted in U.S. dollars and must be paid in U.S.dollars. Credit cards accepted or deposit only.

    2. Cancellation and Refund Policy: Notication ocancellation must be received in writing by ZE. At thetime we receive your written cancellation, the ollow-ing penalties will apply:

    120 days or more prior to departure:$500 per person 60 through 119 days prior to departure:

    50% o expedition are 1 through 59 days prior to departure:

    100% o expedition are

    Some air are may be nonreundable. Once an expedi-tion has departed, there will be no reunds rom ZEor any unused portions o the trip. Te above policyalso applies to all extensions and independent travelarrangements made in conjunction with this program.

    3. Trip Cancellation and Interruption Insurance:We strongly advise that all travelers purchase tr ipcancellation and interruption insurance as protectionagainst an emergency that may orce you to cancel orleave an expedition while it is in progress. A brochuredescribing coverage will be sent to you upon receipt oyour reservation.

    4. Share Policy: Accommodations on all ZE programsare based on double occupancy. I you are travelingalone and wish to share accommodations, a roommate

    will be assigned to you whenever possible. When pair-ing roommates, we will always pair participants o thesame sex. All shared accommodations are nonsmoking.I it is not possible to pair you with a roommate, youmay be asked to pay a single supplement or the landportion o the program.

    5. Medical Information: Participation in a ZEprogram requires that you be in generally goodhealth. It is essential that persons with any medicalproblems and related dietary restrictions make them

    known to us well beore departure. We can counselyou on whether the expedition you have selected isappropriate or you.

    Te tour leader has the right to disqualiy anyparticipant at any time during the tour i he or sheeels the participant is physically incapable and/or ia participants continued participation will jeopardizeeither the individual involved or the group. Tere

    will be no reund given under these circumstances.

    6. Luggage Restrictions: Luggage size and weight

    limitations or both checked and carry-on luggage,imposed by the airlines or as an operational require-ment due to type o aircrat, will apply or fightsto/rom/within this program. Specications will beprovided with pre-departure materials.

    7. Fuel Cost Increases and Currency Fluctuation:In order to keep rates as low as possible, we do notbuild into the trip are an allowance to cover possibleincreases rom uel costs or currency fuctuations.Tereore, as uel-cost increases may occur and

    currencies do fuctuate around the world, it may benecessary or us to initiate a rate surcharge at any

    time beore departure i there are exceptional costincreases beyond our control.

    8. Itinerary Changes & Trip Delay: Itinerariesare based on inormation available at the time o

    printing and are subject to change. ZE reserves theright to change a programs dates, sta, itineraries,or accommodations as conditions warrant. I a tripmust be delayed or the itinerary changed due to bad

    weather, road conditions, transportation delays,government intervention, airline schedules, sickness,or other contingency or which ZE or its agentscannot make provision, the cost o delays or changesis not included.

    9. Itinerary Cancellation: ZE reserves the right to

    cancel an itinerary beore departure or any reasonwhatsoever, including too ew participants or logisticalproblems such as strikes, wars, acts o God, or anyother circumstances that may make operation o thetrip inadvisable. All trip payments received will bepromptly reunded, and this reund will be the limito ZEs liability. ZE is not responsible or any expensesincurred by trip members in preparing or the trip,including nonreundable or penalty-carrying airlinetickets, special clothing, visa or passport ees, or othertrip-related expenses.

    10. Participation: ZE reserves the right to decline toaccept any individual as a trip member or any reason


    11. Limitations of Liability: Tis section denes ZEsresponsibility with respect to all o our trips, includingextensions and independent arrangements. Please readit careully.

    ZE, its Owners, Agents, and Employees give noticethat they act only as the agent or the owners, contrac-

    tors, and suppliers providing means o transportationand/or all other related travel services and assumeno responsibility howsoever caused or injury, loss, ordamage to person or property in connection with anyservice resulting directly rom: acts o God, detention,annoyance, delays, expenses arising rom quarantine,strikes, thets, pilerage, orce majeure, ailure o anymeans o conveyance to arrive or depart as scheduled,civil disturbances, terrorism, government restrictionsor regulations, and discrepancies or changes in transitor hotel services over which it has no control. Reason-

    able changes in the itinerary may be made wheredeemed advisable or the comort and well-beingo the passengers.

    As described in item 7 above, all prices are subjectto change.

    As described in item 9 above, in the event that anexpedition must be cancelled, ZE is not responsibleor any personal expenses incurred by trip membersin preparing or the program.

    Certain ship owners require use o preprinted ticketorms that limit the ship owners and operatorsliability. When such tickets are used, you are general lybound by the terms o these tickets with respect toyour legal relationship to the owner and operatorso the ship, their agent (ZE), and the ships crew.

    On advancement o deposit to ZE, the depositoracknowledges that he/she has read and understandsthe above recited terms and conditions, and agrees tobe bound by them.

    Caliornia Seller o ravel Program Registrat ion# 2031043-40

  • 8/9/2019 Galapagos My Way


    Jack Grove A marine biologist and proessional naturalist, Jack has spent much o the past

    two decades traveling on, and lecturing about, the worlds oceans. Coounder o ZegrahmExpeditions and research associate in the Section o Fishes at the Los Angeles County Museum

    o Natural History, Jack is a leading authority on the ishes and marine environments o the

    eastern tropical Paciic. For seven years he lived in the Galpagos, where he carried out exten-

    sive marine biological studies. In 1997 Stanord University Press published his comprehensive

    volume The Fishes o the Galpagos Islands, and he received his Ph.D. rom Paciic Western

    University. A true adventurer and Fellow o he Explorers Club, Jack has accompanied numerous

    expeditions to remote corners o the world, participating as marine naturalist, photographer, and

    expedition leader, as well as working with noted scientists and explorers such as Jean-MichaelCousteau. An avid scuba diver, certi ied dive master, and dedicated conservationist, Jack was

    one o 57 scientists invited by the World Conservation Union (IUCN) in 2002 to participate

    in a conerence in Hanoi to discuss a strategy or the preservation o marine biodiversity. When

    not traveling, he manages his own photography business in the Florida Keys, where he lives with

    his wie, Paulina.

    Greg Estes Greg has served as a licensed naturalist guide in the Galpagos Islands since 1982.Ater graduating with a degree in biology rom the University o London, he led the Cambridge

    Darwin Centenary Galpagos Expedition o 1982, which studied the eeding ecology omarine iguanas. He has extensively researched Charles Darwin and with his wie, halia Grant,

    published the results rom their expedition to retrace Darwins ootsteps through the Galpagos

    in Notes and Records o the Royal Society o London (2000). He is currently writing a book on

    Darwin and the Galpagos. Greg has participated in several other research projects, including

    studies o sperm whales and the dark-rumped petrel, a seabird endangered due to the presence

    o introduced animals. Maker o the Galpagos video Galapagos Suited or Survival, Greg has

    been active in saving the Galpagos marine environment, which is threatened by the impact

    o illegal ishing. Other projects include ilming the evacuation o giant tortoises that werethreatened by the lava low rom the eruption o Isabelas Cerro Azul volcano and working as a

    consultant to the BBC and National Geographic on their recent award winning series. Greg has

    traveled extensively throughout Europe, North America, Central and South America, northern

    Arica, the Falkland Islands, South Georgia, and Antarctica.

    Additional experienced Galpagos naturalist guides will join the above team.


    Craig Murray



    Jack S. Grove

  • 8/9/2019 Galapagos My Way


    o GALPAGOS MY WAY June 20 30, 2010

    o GALPAGOS MY WAY June 27 July 7, 2010

    Name #1 (as it appears on passport)

    (preerred name)

    Name #2(as it appears on passport)

    (preerred name)


    City State ZIP Country

    Phone (Home) (Ofce)

    E-mail Fax

    Accommodations: o win o Share (roommate to be assigned) o Single

    I am/We are: o Nonsmokers o Smokers

    Deposit Information:

    o Enclosed is a deposit check or $ (25% per person o the program are)

    o Charge 25% deposit per person to:

    o VISA oMasterCard o American Express

    Card Number Expires

    Authorized Cardholder Signature DateNote: Credit cards accepted or deposit only.

    I/We have read and understand the enclosed erms & Conditions or this program, and agreeto abide by them.

    Signature Date

    Signature Date

    Please complete and return this Reservation Form with your deposit o 25% per person o the program are to:



    ZEGRAHM EXPEDITIONS192 Nickerson Street #200 Seattle, WA 98109 USA tel: (206) 285-4000 or(800) 628-8747

    ax: (206) 285-5037 e-mail: [email protected] web site:

    Reservation requests can also be made online at


  • 8/9/2019 Galapagos My Way


    Limited singles available at the quoted single rate above. Additional singles may be available at

    1.7 times the share rate.

    Included: Accommodations in our hotels and on board the Isabela IIas outlined in the itinerary;

    all onboard meals; all group meals on land; group transfers; services of the expedition staff,

    including lectures, briefings, slide/film shows; all group activities and excursions; snorkeling

    equipment; landing and port fees; $100 Galpagos National Park fee; all gratuities.

    Not Included: All air transportation; excess baggage charges; airport arrival and departure

    taxes; transfers for independent arrivals and departures; passport and/or visa fees; travel insur-

    ance; items of a personal nature such as laundry, bar charges, alcoholic beverages, e-mail/fax/

    telephone charges.

    Air Fare: A tentative flight schedule is available upon request. Zegrahm Expeditions will contact

    you approximately 180 days prior to the departure of this program to finalize your flight plans.

    As of February 2009, the approximate economy air fare as listed in the itinerary is $1,075 for

    Miami/Quito/Galpagos/Guayaqul/Miami. Additional fares from other cities will be quoted

    as needed.

    All rates are per person, quoted in U.S. dollars, and must be paid in U.S. dollars. Rates and

    itineraries are subject to change.

    Double Occupancy $7,680 Single Occupancy $11,980







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    fax:(206)285-5037e-mail:[email protected]














