Michael E. Wiggins, Ed.D Professor and Chair Aeronautical Science. Millennials in Aviation: Who are they and why should we care? 1

Millennials in Aviation: Who are they and why should we care? · than Gen X or Boomers. •Millennials don’t believe in education and aren’t educated- No: simply not true. •Millennials

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Page 1: Millennials in Aviation: Who are they and why should we care? · than Gen X or Boomers. •Millennials don’t believe in education and aren’t educated- No: simply not true. •Millennials

Michael E. Wiggins, Ed.D

Professor and Chair

Aeronautical Science.

Millennials in Aviation: Who are they and why should we care?


Page 2: Millennials in Aviation: Who are they and why should we care? · than Gen X or Boomers. •Millennials don’t believe in education and aren’t educated- No: simply not true. •Millennials

“The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there is only one other choice.” Doug Larson

Page 3: Millennials in Aviation: Who are they and why should we care? · than Gen X or Boomers. •Millennials don’t believe in education and aren’t educated- No: simply not true. •Millennials
Page 4: Millennials in Aviation: Who are they and why should we care? · than Gen X or Boomers. •Millennials don’t believe in education and aren’t educated- No: simply not true. •Millennials

“Our Earth is degenerate in these later days; there are signs that the world is speedily coming to an end; bribery and corruption are common; children no longer obey their parents; every man wants to write a book and the end of the world is evidently approaching.” Assyrian Clay Tablet, 2800 BC

Page 5: Millennials in Aviation: Who are they and why should we care? · than Gen X or Boomers. •Millennials don’t believe in education and aren’t educated- No: simply not true. •Millennials

“We defy anyone who goes about with his eyes open to deny that there is, as never before, an attitude on the part of young folk which is best described as grossly thoughtless, rude, and utterly selfish.” The Conduct of Young People, Hull Daily Mail, 1925

Page 6: Millennials in Aviation: Who are they and why should we care? · than Gen X or Boomers. •Millennials don’t believe in education and aren’t educated- No: simply not true. •Millennials

“Our youth have an insatiable desire for wealth; they have bad manners and atrocious customs regarding dressing and their hair and what garments or shoes they wear.” Plato, 5th century BC

Page 7: Millennials in Aviation: Who are they and why should we care? · than Gen X or Boomers. •Millennials don’t believe in education and aren’t educated- No: simply not true. •Millennials

“They’re out-of-touch hipsters who spend too much on coffee and too little on facial hair care. Many are spoiled, entitled, or both.” A Boss’s Guide to Managing Bratty Millennials, Momzette, 2016 “Whither are the manly vigour and athletic appearance of our forefathers flown? Can these be their legitimate heirs? Surely, no; a race of effeminate, self-admiring, emaciated fribbles can never have descended in a direct line from the heroes of Potiers and Agincourt...” Letter in Town and Country magazine republished in Paris Fashion: A Cultural History, 1771

“Millennials are lazy and think basic tasks are beneath them.” A generation with a huge sense of entitlement, Daily Mail, 2017

Many [young people] were so pampered nowadays that they had forgotten that there was such a thing as walking, and they made automatically for the buses… unless they did something, the future for walking was very poor indeed.” Scottish Rights of Way: More Young People Should Use Them, Falkirk Herald, 1951

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“The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love to chatter in place of exercise.” Socrates, 5th century BC

Page 9: Millennials in Aviation: Who are they and why should we care? · than Gen X or Boomers. •Millennials don’t believe in education and aren’t educated- No: simply not true. •Millennials

“Our young men have grown slothful. There is not a single honorable occupation for which they will toil night and day. They sing and dance and grow effeminate and curl their hair and learn womanish tricks of speech; they are as languid as women and deck themselves out with unbecoming ornaments. Without strength, without energy, they add nothing during life to the gifts with which they were born — then they complain of their lot.” Seneca, 1st Century AD

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Everyone looks at their phone- No one talks anymore!

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Page 12: Millennials in Aviation: Who are they and why should we care? · than Gen X or Boomers. •Millennials don’t believe in education and aren’t educated- No: simply not true. •Millennials

What does all of this mean?

• Millennials aren’t that special.

• They didn’t invent being different.

• And, they haven’t perfected being different, either.

Page 13: Millennials in Aviation: Who are they and why should we care? · than Gen X or Boomers. •Millennials don’t believe in education and aren’t educated- No: simply not true. •Millennials


WW II Veterans 1922-1945

Baby Boomers 1946-1964

Generation X 1965-1980

Millennials (Gen Y) 1981-2000

Core Values Respect for Authority Conformers Discipline

Optimism Involvement

Skepticism Fun Informality

Realism Confidence Extreme Fun Social

Family Traditional Nuclear Disintegrating Latch-key Kids Merged Families

Education A dream A birthright A way to get there An incredible expense

Communication Media

Rotary phone One-to-one Memos

Touch-tone phones Call me anytime

Cell Phones Call me only at work.

Internet Picture phones E-mail

Dealing with Money Put away, pay cash Buy now, pay later Cautious Conservative Save, save, save

Earn to spend.

Personal Lifestyle and Characteristics by Generation


Page 14: Millennials in Aviation: Who are they and why should we care? · than Gen X or Boomers. •Millennials don’t believe in education and aren’t educated- No: simply not true. •Millennials

3 Truths about Managing Millennials

1. Asking “Why”

2. Laid-Back “Start-up” Culture

3. Desiring Feedback (Early and Often).


Page 15: Millennials in Aviation: Who are they and why should we care? · than Gen X or Boomers. •Millennials don’t believe in education and aren’t educated- No: simply not true. •Millennials

Myths About Millennials

• Millennials are the “Me” generation- No: Baby Boomers were.

• Millennials are different from their parents and grandparents- No: they are similar to them at the same age, just new circumstances.

• Millennials are unsatisfied with work- No: they report higher job satisfaction with security and career development and same with pay and benefits, turnover, and work itself.

• Millennials lack loyalty- No: they tend to stay longer than Gen X at the same age.


Page 16: Millennials in Aviation: Who are they and why should we care? · than Gen X or Boomers. •Millennials don’t believe in education and aren’t educated- No: simply not true. •Millennials

Myths About Millennials

• Millennials don’t know how to work- No: Just not focused on the typical “Protestant Work Ethic”.

• Millennials were subjected to “bad parenting”- No: Have close relationships with parents and say it’s more important to live close to family and friends that Gen X and Boomers do.

• Millennials aren’t equipped to handle the world’s challenges and need a corporate parent- No: They are actually better equipped and skilled than any previous generation.

• Millennials are lazy- No: Millennials are the most competitive than Gen X and Boomers.


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Myths About Millennials

• Millennials won’t do what they are told at work- No: More agree that they should do what the manager says, even if they can’t see a reason than Gen X or Boomers.

• Millennials don’t believe in education and aren’t educated- No: simply not true.

• Millennials don’t value security or prestige at work- No: They do value it, but not in just 401(k)s and titles, but in time off, freedom and flexibility, and location autonomy.

• Millennials are financially illiterate- No: Quite the opposite. Better saving for retirement than Boomers.


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Millennials aren’t lazy or entitled: They have simply been handed tools and technology given to them by Baby Boomers and Generation X,

and they know how to use them to their advantage.


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To sum it all off, Baby-boomers and other generations need to understand that while we have our own issues that come across as faulty, millennials are still trying hard to make it in the ever-changing world. Millennials understand that the world is tough, that there are new major issues that we need to solve, and the future of the United States depends on us. Instead of looking as a failure, millennials would much better appreciate it if you would work with us with these new issues given our faults. All generations have their own faults, and millennials especially have ours. If the older generation would understand that our situation is different than theirs, it would be much easier to work them to solve the issues. Cooperation amongst generation is key, as it is what is going to drive the U.S. forward. Like it or not, mellenials are going to be a big part of the future, and it is your choice(Baby-boomers, Generation Xr’s) of whether you could help this develop into a good thing or a bad thing.

Andre Gaubert


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Guess what?

Generation Z is coming!