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  • 8/16/2019 Midong-ResearchandPlan.pdf


    April 2nd 2003,

    Today was the day I was born. My parents were joyful and

    happy as O was a healthy baby and a man. My mom took

    very good care of me and made sure that i would have a

    nice childhood. They name me Dong and my surname is Mi,

    so I am Mi Dong. I was birthed at home and not at a

    hospital, our house is way too far away from a proper

    hospital. There are some clinics that provide first aid but

    that is it. Also money is scarce, as my father is only a

    soldier. So there is no need to use it if not needed.

    I was born in the city Jilin, inside our house, a 4 roomed

    cottage. It was cozy and nice but we had no direct access to

    clean water or electricity. To get water, my mother had to

    walk all the way to the well near our neighbours farm,

    which is 2 km away.

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    My Dad is 21 years old and my mom is 20. They are very

    young and very principled and enthusiastic about their

    future. My dad joined the army because he did not want to

    be a farmer. He enjoys it a lot and I can see him being very

    successful in his future.

    My family is very superstitious so they made me go

    through many rituals after birth. For good luck in my life,

    they held a feast in celebration of my birth. They dressed

    me in red as it is signifies good luck. I am their first child

    so they did not want to take any risks. My family was

    really happy that I was born healthy and without any

    complications, they plan for me to have a successful future.

    April 2nd 2009,

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    Today I turned 6 I am very excited as that means I will go

    to school soon. I am eager to go because our house is really

    boring. have friends come over once every two weeks but I,

    myself, can't go visit them as my Mom says I’m too young

    to walk outside on my own. For my birthday mother baked

    a small cake for my friends and I. Then we called grandma

    and grandpa from my cellphone. Everyone in my family

    has a cellphone. My dad let me have a cheap cellphone in

    case of emergencies. He told me not to use it unless its

    really urgent.

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    September 9th 2009,

    My first day at school I am very happy to finally attend

    1st grade. The government pays for my first 9 years of

    education, which is really good because that means my

    parents can save up for my high school and university. My

    dad doesn’t earn much but it will be enough to get me

    through high school at the very least. We may not be the

    richest, but we have enough money for healthcare and to

    support some of my future. Im very grateful for that.

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    July 13th 2010, 

    Dear Diary,

    I am doing really well in school. I finished 1st grade as the

    best student in my class. I always behave and get my work

    done. My parents are really happy with me. I especially like

    gym class, because I am good at it. I can run very quickly

    but I also get tired pretty quickly.

    Every semester my school holds a small race around the

    fields. I really like them because I like competing against

    my friends. I came 3rd place the first time, and 2nd in the

    next. I want to improve my running skills because i enjoy it

    a lot.

    I really like being at school, but when I am at home I am

    bored and lonely. I talked to my parents about if they could

    give me another brother or sisters, but they said that the

    government doesn’t allow them to get more than 1 child.

    February 14th 2015


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    Dear Diary,

    Studies are starting to get harder and harder by the

    month. I can handle it but I don’t like the stress. My

    parents insist that i keep studying hard so that I have a

    good future, but I don’t think that it is what I want. I want

    to be a soldier like my dad. I want to study military and

    strategy. I’ve already read the “Art of War” and I train

    myself physically everyday.

    My parents hate the idea of me joining the army 

    Otherwise, life has been pretty good. I have good friends

    and I’m healthy, my family is happy and my dad got

    promoted in his job This is good news because that means

    I will be able to afford university. I also joined Muay Thai

    Kickboxing class that they provide in our school. I train

    every week for 2 hours.

    January 15th 2019


    Dear Diary,

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    I am in my final year of high school until i move on to

    become a Junior. I now get to choose what subjects I do

    and what I want to become in the future.

    I have decided with my parents that I will study strategy,

    war, and then become a

    commander of sorts. If I get

    the right grades and the

    right recommendation from

    my teachers my dream can

    be a possibility.

    I’ve been practising and

    reading ahead of my class. I

    want to achieve outstanding

    grades on my test so that I

    get into the best university

    possible. There are many

    universities in Jilin and in

    China as well but the

    competition is tough. In the

    past years I performed really well and my teachers are

    confident in my studies. They believe that I can do good on

    my exams that are gonna come in a few years. They are

    more confident than i am.

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    March 24th 2020

    Dear Diary,

    Something terrible happened. My mom is getting sick.

    She keeps coughing and she has a really bad fever. At

    first we thought that it was just a cold but it wouldn’t

    go away. My dad and I are really worried. We took her

    to the hospital and they diagnosed it as something

    minor and we bought the medication, but it still hasn’t


    We are planning on taking her back because it is

    getting out of hand. Mother started to cough up blood. I

    am worried sick about her health.

    What makes me the most worried is that we don’t

    know what it really is, which means it can be

    something serious.

    I will update you when I can.

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    March 31st 2020

    Mother passed away this morning, she died of lung

    cancer. The doctors misdiagnosed it as pneumonia and

    gave her the wrong medication, which damaged her

    lungs even more.

    My dad and I could understand what was happening. I

    felt so powerless and so useless. I could not help her

    with anything. Mother always was a healthy woman,

    we didn’t know that she had this major disease. We

    asked the doctor how it happened. He said that lung

    cancer is a very big problem in China because of the

    pollution from the factories. No matter how healthy

    you are if you spent a long time near them you were

    under risk of getting the cancer.

    My mother was raised in Taipei where everything was

    covered in factories after the industrial revolution in

    the east. The countries took advantage of the cheap

    labour and hired millions to work in their factories, My

    mother herself worked in one for a while before

    moving to JIlin and meeting my dad.

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    April 31st 2020

    My studies have been getting worse. After the passing

    of my mother I haven’t been able to focus or perform

    as well as I should be. My grades went down and I don’t

    go out any more. I’ve also slowed down my training

    process. I barely feel any motivation to do any work


    It has been month since our mother left us, but it still

    feels like yesterday. My father is also showing signs of

    depression. He lays in bed a lot and sleeps in. I am

    scared that he will lose his job because of this. I try to

    motivate him to go to work but it doesn’t work most

    of the time.

    On the other hand, being a Junior has been refreshing. I

    get lots of freedom to study and to rest whenever I

    want. I like having the ability to control my life because

    my parents always used to manage everything I did as

    a kid. Having any freedom can make my day.

    July 20th 2021

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    I finished school. I finally did it. I passed my exams with

    really good marks and I got accepted into a military

    university with a scholarship. This is really good and a

    breath of fresh and nice air as life has been really

    stressful for the last 2 years. Finally relaxing took a

    large weight off my back.

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    What I don't like about military school is that there are

    no girls in it. Recently I started to take interest in

    starting a relationship with someone.

    Knowing that I have my future in my hands that looks

    fairly stable gave me confidence to look for someone to

    share my life with. I am hopeful that I will find

    someone that loves me and that is willing to wait for

    me to finish my school.

    Education in China usually takes about 4 years to

    complete after school. Including school it takes 16 years.

    After i finish i am pretty much guaranteed a stable job

    because of the scholarship that I received. The salary

    starts at an above average 30,000$ income per month.

    Which is 180,000 Chinese Yuan. This is an amazing

    income for a starting salary. All the studying that I did

    really payed off. I wish mother was here to see this.

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    June 10th 2024 

    Dear Diary,

    Studies are going really well and so is my physical

    training. I've been really training my physical and

    mental endurance. I’ve been eating healthy and a lot.

    My father has enough money to buy lots of food. We

    are pretty happy living together. We both have pretty

    stable lives and I can’t ask for anything more than this.

    August 26th 2025 

    I finished university and got my first job at a private

    military organization in the Capital. I had to leave my

    dad’s home so saying farewell was rough. I didn’t want

    to leave him completely alone as I didn’t want to hurt


    Me, I met a girl, Mei, during my time at University and

    we started dating. She studies medicine in the

    University of Jilin. Being a doctor as a woman in China

    is very uncommon. There’s about 1 female doctors for

    every 3000 people. She is really smart and comes from

    a wealthy family. Her parents like me because I am

    also, very passionate about studying. I believe that I will

    marry her soon. I’ve already asked her father for her

    hand in marriage and he approved. I am very excited to

    break the question

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    August 20th 2026 

    Mei and I got married and we are having a kid We

    already have all of the necessary documentation so we

    are just waiting on the baby. I can’t believe that I am

    going to be a dad. Although we are only allowed to have

    1 child I will try to raise him with as most company as

    possible. From my own experience growing up alone

    was a torture and painful.

    At work I am doing great, the pay is really helping us

    with everything. My dad comes and visits us every once

    in awhile.

    May 30th 2027

    Our kid was just born It was a girl and we named her

    Nuo, which means Gracious in Mandarin. We named

    her that because we are thankful for all of the things

    that we have.

    She was born healthy and strong She will be a fighter

    just like her dad.

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    April 2nd 2032

    It’s my 30th Birthday Nuo, Mei, and our parents went

    out for dinner at a fancy restaurant. We celebrated

    and partied. Nuo is about to start her own journey She

    begins first grade soon. Just like my parents did, I will

    push Nuo to her full potential and let her decide what

    she wants to do with her life. I can see her future being

    bright. If she is anything like her mother she will be

    extremely smart and beautiful. I am not worried one

    bit about how she will turn out.

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    May 30th 2047 

    Today my Father, Hsin Ta, passed away. It was a

    peaceful death as he died from old age. He was happy

    and with his family. Hsin was a great man, and

    without him I would not be here. He supported me and

    pushed me to prove myself. He made me show the

    world what I was capable of and I am thankful for that.

    He passed away at the age of 66, which is average for

    a Chinese man. Especially for a soldier that worked for

    his whole life

    April 22nd 2062

    I’m starting to feel weaker as I age. I have decided to

    retire and build a nice cottage in Jilin. I built it near my

    childhood house that i grew up in. It was really nice

    revisiting and remembering all of my childhood

    memories. It also reminded me of how far we’ve come.

    Nuo is working and married, she has kids of her own I

    am a grandfather. Everytime I see her kids I get a

    warm feeling inside. It makes me happy seeing her all

    grown up and looking after herself as well as the kids. I

    am proud of her.

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    May 8th 2077

    One night, I lay in my bed with my wife. I start to feel

    really weak but I don’t struggle. I am happy, I have lived

    my life. I have children that are happy, grandchildren

    that are happy, and my wife, also happy. We lived a

    wonderful life and as I pass I think of all of the things I

    left behind for this world. I lived 75, past my age

    expectancy, but before my wife


    We all gather today to commemorate my father’s

    passing. He was a vibrant soul, he lit up any room he

    walked into. Always filled with enthusiasm. He saw the

    world as an opportunity to prove yourself, a challenge

    to go through. And by being the father of me, you could

    tell he was really up for the challenge. He would juggle

    my demands, my mother’s’, and well as his job all at

    the same time. But he never complained. He felt blessed

    with what he had. And he would always remind us and

    make us appreciate what we had. He provided us with

    things that most people in this country couldn't have.

    Shelter, water, food, education, all of the opportunities

    in the world. My father was an amazing man that

    deserved everything he had.

    Thank you.

  • 8/16/2019 Midong-ResearchandPlan.pdf


    Works Cited

    "Fertility Rates around the World." Fertility Rates. Data, n.d. Web. 1

    Mar. 2016.


    Kelly. "8 Most Popular Chinese Dishes You Should Eat."

    ChinaHighlights. DMCA, 27 Dec. 2015. Web. 29 Feb. 2016.


    "Mobile Cellular Subscription." Mobile Subscriptions per 100

     People. Data.worldbank.org, n.d. Web. 1 Mar. 2016.


    "NationMaster." Unemployment Rates. Www.nationmaster.com, n.d.

    Web. 1 Mar. 2016.

    "Physicians per (1000) People." Physicians per 1000 People.

    Data.worldbank.org, n.d. Web. 1 Mar. 2016.
