8/7/2019 Midnight Sun Chapter 13 Treaty http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/midnight-sun-chapter-13-treaty 1/24 13. Treaty Driving around the outskirts of folks alone had always been by favourite pastime, not for the speed or the danger, I ran faster and there was never any danger, nor for the car’s they were toys, it had always been for the silence, it was such a rare gift, too distant for the hum of peoples internal ramberling to register. I seen it coming, another decision I needed to make, or did I? I ignored it, lost in my own personal mindless chatter. It had been twenty four minutes and sixteen seconds since I last breathed, I was travelling my default pace over a hundred at least, I had left Bella, thrown her to the wolfs as it were. The monster was quiet; cowering under my controlled rage, the complete injustice of my existence came to attention. I was a vampire, my human life gone. Literarily Sucked from me at seventeen, I was a monster. I no longer had a life that was taken from me; an existence thrust in its stead. Wandering, for all eternity. Eighty years resisting what I craved, yearned, longed for. Taming the monster inside my head. Resisting it, battling it, enduring its mocking, socialising with my food, playing with it. Hunting animals moving from place to place, being inconspicuous, hiding. I always had a sense of what I was doing throughout this existence, People I should neglect, People I could trust, places where I could go, places I should avoid, and weather I must avoid. However everything in my current predicament was strangely like belle’s thinking, backward. I was avoiding the places I could go, and going to places I should avoid, neglecting people I should trust, and trusting the people I should neglect. I knew I was either running toward Bella or running away from her now, never staying still, I knew I would have to find some way to hold my ground, Which I wanted to so deeply, could Saturday be the day I could hold my ground? As now I found that soon, I would be venturing into weather I usually must avoid, with a person I should neglect. Why... was I doing this? Agenised all my better judgement, what for? What was I trying to prove? For love? No not the same thing as love, but tied up in it inextricably. I was compelled It was a problematic thing to contemplate. So many sides to it, so many different meanings and levels.

Midnight Sun Chapter 13 Treaty

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13. Treaty 

Driving around the outskirts of folks alone had always been by favourite pastime, not for the

speed or the danger, I ran faster and there was never any danger, nor for the car’s they

were toys, it had always been for the silence, it was such a rare gift, too distant for the hum

of peoples internal ramberling to register.

I seen it coming, another decision I needed to make, or did I? I ignored it, lost in my own

personal mindless chatter.

It had been twenty four minutes and sixteen seconds since I last breathed, I was travelling

my default pace over a hundred at least, I had left Bella, thrown her to the wolfs as it were.

The monster was quiet; cowering under my controlled rage, the complete injustice of my

existence came to attention.

I was a vampire, my human life gone. Literarily Sucked from me at seventeen, I was a

monster. I no longer had a life that was taken from me; an existence thrust in its stead. 

Wandering, for all eternity.

Eighty years resisting what I craved, yearned, longed for. Taming the monster inside my

head. Resisting it, battling it, enduring its mocking, socialising with my food, playing with it.

Hunting animals moving from place to place, being inconspicuous, hiding.

I always had a sense of what I was doing throughout this existence, People I should neglect,

People I could trust, places where I could go, places I should avoid, and weather I must

avoid. However everything in my current predicament was strangely like belle’s thinking,


I was avoiding the places I could go, and going to places I should avoid, neglecting people I

should trust, and trusting the people I should neglect.

I knew I was either running toward Bella or running away from her now, never staying still, Iknew I would have to find some way to hold my ground, Which I wanted to so deeply, could

Saturday be the day I could hold my ground?

As now I found that soon, I would be venturing into weather I usually must avoid, with a

person I should neglect.

Why... was I doing this? Agenised all my better judgement, what for? What was I trying to

prove? For love? No not the same thing as love, but tied up in it inextricably.

I was compelled It was a problematic thing to contemplate. So many sides to it, so manydifferent meanings and levels.

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The dull ache was still there, the venom there, the tension there, I would need to breathe

her scent if I am ever going to resist, I knew I would visit Bella tonight, later when she would

be sleeping. The monster liked that.

I had not ventured to see her the other night; I wanted to, craved to, yearned to, ever since

meeting her, keeping my distance was one of the countless problems with the situation.

I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath, her the scent hit me the same way as the first day,

the invisible force penetrating me, crippling my resolve, her scent was potent, the heat from

the car melting her scent into the fabric of the seats, I inhaled again, and again forcing my

muscles to relax with each breath.

Inhaling again, this time closing my mouth and widening it without opening my lips, forcingthe venom to be absorbed, beating back the fire crawling up my throat, trying to get used to

the feel of intentionally torching my throat.

The scent was calming me, numbing me, taking away the monsters controlled anger,

replacing it, calm and thirst, mild thirst.

With each breath I felt calmer.

The monster was all but contained now.

I was approaching the intersection, the decision I was avoiding was approaching again. Do I

continue to drive around Forks in a never ending circle, like my existence? Or do I hold my


For the first time in my pastime, my hobby , I wished that someone; “ Alice” was with me, she

alone could tell me the consciences of my decision, but never fully understanding the

reasons behind it.

I made the decision.

heading north away from forks, the thirty minute drive took me less than ten, speeding past

the odd car here and there, catching quick outraged thoughts as I over took them, turning

right at the next intersection, this route like so many others was memorized.

The road was coming to an end, as I knew it would eventually.

Hitting the gas harder as the last few hundred yards crept closer; I jammed the steering

wheel hard right, as the car flung round to a perfect three hundred and sixty motion and

slammed on the breaks, as the car parked itself on the narrow shoulder of the road.

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The road had ended by the edge of ominous forest, there was a small neglected weather

beaten wooden sign, this was pointing to the trail at the end of the road, the engraved

lettering completely illegible I already knew where this led, my destination was on the left

opposite, through the forest.

I walked to the boot of my car and took out my jacket, the jacket I had lent to Bella at Port

Angeles, being away from her scent was not something I planned on doing this evening , If 

anyone was watching they would assume I was cold , I half smiled at the thought as I slid the

 jacket on and headed towards the forest.

I walked in to the unwelcoming canopy of darkness, unfazing my eyes, I wasn’t moving at

my normal pace, I knew where I was going and how long it would take to get there, but I

never imagined bringing anyone else with me. To me this had always been my place;

therefore I needed to make sure someone who didn’t possess my ability’s could reach it.

The journey was almost flat; there were a few obstacles however, there were fallen treetrunks in my way, boulders blocking the path, moss covering everywhere in sight, this

normally wouldn’t provide to be an obstacle, however Bella could slip on a flat surface,

there were one hundred and seventy one possible places she could slip. My mind was

keeping track , but nothing that I couldn’t assist with. 

It took me over an hour to reach my destination, I was travelling quicker now having

discovered that there were no serious complications with the planed route, it would take

several hours to travel the short distance, at human speed.

I stepped out the forest through the ferns into my Meadow; it was a small place completelysymmetrical, the sound of that river in the distance, it was covered with flowers.

I inhaled the scent off my jacket as I cast my mind back, running through the Visions Alice

had given me, Bella with me in my meadow, the sun light on my face sending rainbow

sparkles of light on to hers, dancing across her hair, my head on her chest. Hearing her heart


It was perfect; I would remember this moment, even if this ends badly, I had to pull the

images from my head; this was painful to do.

However this was not the reason I came here. The reason was not pleasant.

I could recall every memory perfectly as if it was happening right in front of me, as long as it

was under ninety years or so, after which they start degrading, piece by piece sliding away

till I could only catch glimpses and whispers, the rest of my family however, could

remember every detail of their existence, there life however was subjective.

I somehow could not retain the memories, this was due to the fact that I was constantly,

unwillingly, hearing other people’s thoughts as well as their memories, at least this was

Carlisle theory.

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When I’m replaying a memory as I refer to it, there’s a personal binder for each person’s

mind I have heard, simply selecting the person within my mental filing system, and locating

the memory within the time frame.

I walked to the middle of the meadow, finding a place between the many flowers littering

the ground, and sat down on the wet grass crossing my legs.

I was fortunate and unfortunate, as the memory I was locating was ultra sharp within my

brain, not due to the fact of the time scale, but as the mind I was trying to recover, wasn’t a

place I wanted to dwell.

In my mind I reluctantly selected it. The memory I longed to repel.

If I was human I would be twenty eight, it was 1929

Emmett being introduced to our family a short time ago, we decided we move, not having

to explain where my brother had came from, and getting involved with his sudden

disappearance, to the locals where we currently lived seemed like the best option.

Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, Emmett and I, we had not been untied with Alice and Jasper then.

We were relocating, we moved around from place to place, for a time, never staying in one

place longer than a few weeks, avoiding largely populated areas, building up Emmet’s

resistance, Emmett was a simple mind, a quiet mind, it did not take him long to resist after

five years, after all time was nothing to us.

We finally relocated to Seattle; in 1934

The move to us was very simple; we have been doing this for so long it seemed like second

nature, introducing our self’s to the people was scripted, I knew the role I was playing, I hadbeen playing this role for as long as I could remember, each word I recited by heart.

We had been there eight days, Esme was too busy impressing the heads of the local medical

facility, with Carlisle experience in medical practice it was hardly necessary, we could not

hunt for the first week we were there, and keeping up appearances was very important for

the first few days, however Emmett’s resolve was a uneasy situation, we had been telling

everyone that he was suffering from a rare illness, having Carlisle as a doctor was very

reassuring, that this new story was taking affect.

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The conversation I remembered was brief, flickering unimportant.

“ A good impression... that what we need. A good impression we need to fit in here, your 

 father really likes this city, someday it will be really big place and we need to lay foundations

here for further visi ts.”  Esme told us this repeatedly for the first week we had been there,

constantly aware of her newborns situation, trying to diffuse tension within our new home.

“Esme, this is unnecessary I already have managed to persuade them to allow me to practice

there, they need all the help they can, and making yourself suffer is not going to help

Emmett’s self control” 

“Carlisle my love, please do not worry about me or Emmett, just focus on your study. We will 

all go hunting together after your meeting tomor row.” Esme’s tone was final; Carlisle could

never argue with her and win.

I remembered the uncertainty of Emmett’s mind, could he last till tomorrow ? His face was

composed, but his mind was screaming at me, Emmett was suffering, he never left Rosalie’s

side, talking for hours about his thirst, internal and external, his mind was not a happy place

to be.

“It will have to be tomorrow, I don’t think he can last another day, he would lose his self 

control and make a mistake! This could jeopardise us staying here.”  Rosalie was worried

they only thing she ever did worry about, apart from her vanity. 

Emmett could control his thirst for periods of time; days were no longer the problem

however we had not tested his resolve in weeks, not in a heavy populated area.

We very rarely hunted as a family, we usually hunted in packs of two or three, trying to

remain inconspicuous we always followed this rule, it was easier to explain the brief 

disappearance for a few of us, rather than making up a excuse for us all, however this was

necessary, if we needed to control him it would be easier with all of us.

Emmet’s mind was incoherent, ranting about blood, thirst, rage...

My memory shifted as I inhaled Bella’s scent off my jacket, feeling the, urge, through

Emmet’s mind was unnerving, after all this time it still was a strong as the day he thought it.

The memory I was still trying in vain to repel, was now creeping to my focus,

I was running trees blurring past me, it was dark past twilight, I knew what we were running

for, we all did, we had heard them, I smelled there scent listened for their breathing, their

rampant hoofs clapping all over the place, they had sensed something worth running from.

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We had found what we were running for; we could see them, a few hundred yards ahead, a

pack of deer, a family... It would not take long for us to ensnare them, to enjoy them; they

were running together, they were winding in and out the trees, feebly jumping over small

 jagged rocks and low obstructions, as they fanned out still running in formation, they were

about twenty meters apart from each other, I knew which was mine now, it’s pulse

quickened slightly as it knew all would be lost soon.

We were gaining on them, the low buzzing hum; my family’s thoughts were instantly

silenced, as thirst came over them.

The pack were frantic, they darted through the fern trees a few meters ahead of us into the

small clearing.

I heard Rosalie’s pray fall first, as her mind filled with enthusiasm and satisfaction, Esme’s

yielded soon after, roughly a meter ahead of Rosalie.

Esme had always been shy; of drinking around us she always turned her back to us to feed;she only hunted with Carlisle as a rule.

Emmett and Carlisle worked in sync, they both pounced towards each other as they were

running, there was an echoing crash as they repelled back off each other, causing birds to

dissipate from the surrounding trees, they landed on their targets will ease. Ripping the

bones binding their pray together as they drank,

Carlisle always stayed with Emmett while his Instincts were in control.

Mine was easy, seeing the reflection of the monster in its eyes as I jumped, grabbing thecreature around the back of the neck. Around the time Esme grabbed hers.

The warmth from the animal’s fur sparked through my fingers as I caught it, desperately

kicking and struggerling to escape its predator, I snapped its neck crushing it towards my


We had been hunting most of the day; we had been all around the surrounding mountains,

before entering this forest, being careful not to venture near the town.

This forest was a good place to end our trip, small local game, we were about finished, this

was our desert.

I had gluttined myself a small grouping of elk, one black bear and now a deer, feeling

swollen from the amount I consumed. 

Emmett was satisfied; His mind was starting to sound like his own again. The monster had a

voice as he drank.

My eyes were blurry after drinking this much blood, as it raced through my body

I knew it would take a few minutes for them to correct them self’s. 

I remember smiling at the irony, human blood always sharpened my senses and myreflexes, sending a tinngerling sensation through my body, as I felt every nerve react to the

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taste, animals blood had the same effect but on a smaller scale, it always numbed my

eyesight, darkness was never the issue, only distance it was the same for all of us that chose

this existence.

The blood reacting with the unneeded venom in our eyes. Again Carlisle’s theory. 

It was then I heard them.

Hearing something in the distance, muffled voices, whispers.

“What’s wrong Edward?” Carlisle asked His face was alarmed, his eyes were darting from

my face to the direction I was facing, he was listening hard.

They were voices far in the distance.

“I hear their thoughts, they are talking to each other... listen”

“Dene! The birds left from their direction... hurry”  

“Sakami...! Ephraim has picked up something again quickly, there is not much time”  

“Something’s coming Carlisle” I whispered quickly

“Human?” His eyes darted to Emmett’s

With Emmett being new to this live, the vegetarian life, Carlisle knew he would not be able

to resist if we strayed into people in his current hunting state.

They could hear them now as could I, distant footsteps; movement, I could make out ten

different foot prints from the vibrations in the air, eight in sync with each other, and two

repelling each other.

Esme looked to Carlisle “Is there five of them?” she was listing intensely.

Emmett! Rosalie thought as she darted to his side.

Emmett was still drinking his thoughts we incoherent the animal in him in full control, if 

people were approaching they would soon regret coming here. As the monsters voice would

instruct him.

Esme quickly looking in to the forest and back to Carlisle.

I inhaled deeply, as did Carlisle;

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The smell that hit me was repulsive, animal and water mingled into fluid smell, hair and dirt,

breath, mixed with soil, grease and sweat.

“This way Dene there in the clearing.” The voice was triumphant, rushing.

“Why are they not running Ephraim?” T his voice was irritated, bored.

I remembered uncertainly think of the emotion Curiosity?  At the time I could not tell.

Their minds were coming into focus there were three beings approaching a few seconds my

mind telling me

“There is three approaching... a few seconds.” I said turning to the direction they were

heading from.

Scanning the forest I could make out blurring shadows,There was movement, not footsteps however something warm, alive, was moving, it would

still take a few more minutes for my irises to correct.

“Silence” was the last I heard; it was sharp, angry, dangerous.

They disappeared.

I turned to Carlisle “I can’t hear them, they have a leader though they where three” 

Carlisle was now at Esme’s side as she inhaled the look of disgust on her face. Appeared


“Prepare your self’s they are not human” Carlisle said wearily, his mind was blank, but his

face was tense, eyes rolling from Esme to the forest.

Rosalie turned to me, her eyes darting towards Esme and Emmett, “Three... are you sure? It

sounds like... five.” her voice was full of concern; her thoughts were racing through different

ways to protect Emmett and Esme. “Can you handle yourself?” She added as an

afterthought, I nodded a fraction of an inch

“No we will not fight” Carlisle added calmly his eyes were on Rosalie, “We will defend

ourselves if necessary, maybe we ascertain who they are “

I turned to the forest, they were visible now, two sets of eyes came swirling in to focus

staring at me and my family.

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Through the ferns they came, moving slowly in sync with each other, two bear sized wolfs

creeping forward at the same pace, moving a few meters apart as they came in to view.

I stopped breathing as the smell was intensified, locking my face into an involuntary disgust

like pose, my jaw tensed as my eyes narrowed.

With my eyes slowly returning to their usual precision, Surveying the creatures that stood

before me, their eyes never moving from our presence, their minds were silent, as I looked

at them, the shape shifters, I started to understand, their minds belonged to a pack, they

did not have a leader, they had a alpha male which unlike a leader they must obey.

The one closest to me was black in colour, with small patches of grey fur branching off 

down its back, its eyes narrowed keeping a constant watch over my family, it was lightly

growling, its top lip wavering up and down almost too quickly to see, it would be invisible to

human eyes, its paws were the size of small boulders with short, sharp white claws, each of its legs were the size of the average human man, it was crouching down, all the knees were

bent forward as if we’re getting ready to pounce. 

It would be the last thing it would ever do. I remembered telling myself.

The second was sleek white, with a black zigzag strip down its left eye off setting its face

slightly; the fur coat was longer, hair strands were fluttering as the breeze brushed past, it

was a few meters shorter, but the legs were more profound, its paws were smaller with

longer black claws.It moved more quickly than the other, coming to a stop a little further forward, it was not

growling, nor did it show any signs of resentment towards us, it straightened its back resting

on its hind legs, pushing its front legs towards us sitting like a jackal before us.

There was a distance of several meters between them; they were guards, the foot soldiers,

the protectors, I had already seen him coming, stepping out in to the meadow between


His faced was chiselled giving the impression his face was carved out of wood, his eyes weredeep Brown, somewhat sunken back it to his face. He had long jet black shoulder length hair

completely slick and straight, the kind of look that took Rosalie hours to achieve, A chunk of 

his nose was missing, his waxy deep tanned skin, stretched out over his body, like cling film

over his muscles, every inch of his skin seemed to be scared, from years of battle. His

presents would have been domineering to the average person.

He stepped forward between the two wolfs; eyeing each one of us with disgust and

suspicion on his face. There was a long silence, he looked like he was thinking but his mind

was silent.

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They know about our kind, let me handle this Edward. Carlisle thought glancing at me.

Carlisle stepped forward walking a few steps toward him, the White wolf growled as he

approached, Carlisle keeping his eyes on the man, he ignored the wolfs gesture.

“Hello, my name Is Carlisle, and this is my family” he motioned his hand towards us, never

taking his eyes from the man, “we mean you no harm, and I hope you would extend that

gesture towards us.” His eyes looked towards the white wolf, and back at the man.

The man raised his right arm, balling his hand into a fist, and lowering it, the white wolf 

straightened his front legs forward, and slowly laid flat to the ground becoming silent, its

eyes still locked on to Carlisle.

“Why have you come here?” He spoke; his tone was sharp, condescending.

“Me and my family have travelled from Seattle where we hold a permanent residence

within the city, we travelled here today to hunt... you and your kind, are aware of us and our

kind but we mean you no harm.” 

“You... could not harm us demon, we hunted your kind from our land before and we will

again, harming the palefaces is inexcusable and you will pay with your life, and will be

 judged in the next life for you atrocities” the man spoke simply, almost casual.

Palefaces? Carlisle thoughts were curious.

The man raised his right hand again,

“Stop!” Carlisle said calmly as he held out his hand towards the man. 

“What do you refer to by the name, palefaces?”

The man raised his eyebrow, still holding his arm in the air; his hand still balled in to a fist.

The moon light was scattering around us, his eyes were surveying the dead animals by our

feet, the blood on our clothes, his right eye twitched, as his eyes met mine, his mindbetrayed him a split second, it started and stopped almost instantly. As I caught the words

colour... animals? 

I was still unable to understand the silence of his mind, being able to survey our presence

and not think anything within the confides of his mind.

I knew what he was referring to, I answered his unspoken words.

“No we are not like others of our kind, we only hunt animals, that is why our eyes are


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The man’s eyes widened with shock? Did he? No impossible, he noticed me, they are

intelligent and unknowing.

The man’s thoughts were speculating if I could read his mind, and from the glimpses in to

his thoughts he truly believed that this gift was one think only the spirit warriors possessed,

his mind was shifting, swirling, unnerving.

They call them self’s spirit warriors... interesting. My eyes tightened as I scanned his

thoughts, he was reminiscing and resisting some old legends of his tribe, how it was magic in

their blood that granted them this power.

I didn’t correct him 

The black wolf moved. Shuttle and quick while I was speaking. His pose shifted, crouching to

sitting forward, ready to pounce growling at me, drool was propelling from its mouth, its

white teeth were snapping together lightly, as its eyes were wide, locked on me but taking

in every detail of its surroundings.

“ We do not wish to attack, we will defend our self’s if you force us” I finished with a final

tone to my voice, final but calm. My eyes shifted to the man, and back to the black wolf; I

inhaled taking in its repulsive scent, the anger hit me, my calm composure gone, the

monster inside my head woke, my lips pulled back exposing my teeth, venom rising, my

muscles tensed, my eyes opened wide, watching, waiting.

Calm yourself son. Carlisle’s eyes moved to me, lingering momentarily, my eyes shifted to

Emmett, as his thoughts pierced my concentration.

Hell yea! I’m game Edward... that black one is mine, Emmett was standing beside me now,

growling, I moved my eyes back to the black wolf, his thoughts were growling inside his


In Emmett’s Mind I could see the monster was gone from his thoughts, as the thirst

quenched, from his mind, the ache was dimmed and he was forming plans, he was in

control now, the smell had a different effect on him, unlike me he was repulsed, but also

drawn to it anticipating a fight, but not enraging his anger to the extent of mine.

The tension increased, the meadow seemed smaller, the moon light was shifting betweenclouds, casting shapes over the area.

It would be a quick fight, no casualty’s Rosalie thought. She was playing with her hair,

eyeing the figure of the white wolf; she would follow Emmett with his decision, she would

attack, I could see in Rosalie’s mind Emmett had whispered to her his plan of attack, before

he moved over to me, her eyes moved from the wolf, me and came to rest on the black


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The man was worried he could tell this would end badly, there was more of us, and we

were strong having just fed, half looking towards the black wolf, never talking his gaze from

me. Stand down! Sakami Uley!

The man was thinking quick sharp thoughts, he needed to process what was happening

now, movement on either side required him to think, it was clear now, speaking the words

silence did not just silence the pack from speaking externally within their human form, but

their thoughts to, they also possessed a likeness to my gift, this was why my family could

not hear them talking to each other, they could read each other thoughts. But could not

read ours, a connection to the pack, I thought to myself. The irony, a connection to the


Ephraim enough of this. This voice was different inside my head it was milder, sounding

irritated. The white wolf sat upright into a jackal pose, tilting its head towards the man,

opening its mouth the moon light sparkled off its long teeth.

Let’s just finish them off, regardless what they claim to be, they are what they are, our 

enemy. The wolf turned to face Esme, picking its target.

I remembered thinking, willing, screaming at it, to move toward the selected target, the

scenario played out with in my head.

The black wolf would lunge towards me, while the white would pounce at Esme, Emmett 

would dodge, I would jump over Emmett as he disembowelled the wolf; as Rosalie would 

dive under me, to assist Emmett breaking the wolfs jaw, then its neck.

The black wolf would die second.

Carlisle would go straight for the man knocking him back to the floor, his neck would be

snapped my Carlisle’s teeth as the man grabbed his shoulders with his arms in mid air; he

would not have the time to transform.

He would be the first to die, before he hit the ground. As Rosalie snapped the black wolfs

neck, as I would reach Esme.

Esme would sprint towards the white wolf, as it pounced, she would slide underneath it,

breaking two of its legs in one motion, the wolf would howl as it battered in to the ground,

at the same time I hit the ground, bouncing off and landing on the wolf, breaking its spine

with my foot.

The monster liked that.

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Silence Dene... we only fight the threat to the palefaces that is our purpose, there is five of 

them and three of us, they would win, and they have yet to attack.

The monster inside was silenced slightly by his thought; there was purpose to these


The man left my eyes as he lowered his arm he stepped towards Carlisle. He looked at me

and looked to the man.

In the split second he looked at me we both knew, both understood, we would not attackthese wolfs; Carlisle’s eyes met the man before he spoke. 

“I am Chief Ephraim Black the tribal elder of the Quileute Tribe, protectors of the palefaces

of the reservation close by, you there, what do you call your coven?”

Carlisle pointed to us individually naming us as he pointed his hand towards us, “This is my

family we go by the name Cullen, we do not refer to our self’s as coven, however you may

call us that if you wish.”

They are Civilized, they call them self’s a family... Ephraim’s thoughts were disjointed,

running through his previous experiences, encounters with our kind in his head. I

remembered the emotion in his eyes, pain, anger, loss, and victory.

And yet he had never encountered a coven calming to be a family, not posing a threat, he

was intrigued.

“You claimed to not understand... the palefaces, is that correct?” he raised an eyebrow

trying to examine Carlisle’s reaction.

“Palefaces is unfamiliar, would you be kind enough to enlighten us?” Carlisle was calm; his

face was composed, and moved a step towards him. They were but a meter apart, Carlisle’s

face showing compassion, he never moved his eyes away from Ephraim.

I think it’s there term for the human’s living within their settlement. We must be close to

their land strange; we did not pick up on this before. Carlisle’s mind was sound, I agreed, his

logic it was unquestionable.

I’m with Dene... these d emons must be purged, Ephraim they could return in numbers

greater than this! And attack the reservation, you can’t ignore this!

Sakami Uley! You too will be silent. The man thoughts were final, ordering, demanding.

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“The palefaces, sun walkers our people... the people your kind hunt.” Even though his

thoughts were enraged and demanding, his voice was calm as Ephraim spoke.

“We know of them as humans, but we are different from our kind, we do not hunt the blood

of humans, we live along them, trying to retain a normal life, moving from place to place

remaining hidden.”

Ephraim raised his head slightly, taking in Carlisle’s words; his thoughts complex, he was

straining to think of many things at once, making disgruntled sounds.

As he was resisting the Quileute Tribe laws, I heard the word. Think. As the laws repeated. 

To know thy enemy to protect the settlement, protect the tribe; protect the palefaces on the

territory around the boundary, to uphold the law. Spitting them quickly through his brain,like flicking through pages of a book, as if he was trying to find one, repeating them over

again, again.

The wolfs either side of him growled.

They were thinking the same, the laws swirling around in their heads. Getting dimmer and

dimmer, as they could not find what they were looking for, stalling for time, delaying the

inevitable, by not stopping they were achieving it.

Inpatients rushed through me, not only would I have to wait through it, I would have to hearit. Waiting and listening, until their pride ran dry.

Ephraim lowered his arm and unclenched his fist by his side. As their thoughts went quiet.

He lowered his head slightly, meeting Carlisle’s gaze, his face was relaxed, I remembered

looking through Carlisle’s eye watching the man talk, smelling his breath, I winced under the

foul smell as he talked.

“We do not wish to fight, however, we are not sure how to proceed, we have notencountered others of your kind, with no hostile intent, who possess the power to destroy.

Either, have you broken any of our laws?”

“If you do not wish a fight, you will not have one, we both want something from each other,

you want peace, and we don’t want exposure, may I suggest a truce?” 

 A truce? Hmm... Not an undesired outcome...

Ephraim thoughts were clear, he would agree to the truce, as long as the Quileute Tribal

laws were not violated.

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He turned to the black wolf.

“Can we do this? Can we trust them?” the black wolf Sakami Uley, I identified was angry, he

too knew we would win this fight, but doubted out intentions. He was breathing loudly,

making a slight growling noise, with each breath.

Think about this Ephraim, we have never met anything like this what if they attack the


Ephraim was thinking hard about this decision, it would mean there would be peace, but at

what cost, his pack’s loyalty?  

His mind was silent; there was a brief pause where the only sound was their heavy

breathing. The moon light was shifting now, casting more light on to the white wolfs face, it

tilted its head towards Sakami and looked to Ephraim.

Dene? The angry voice whispered inside my mind. As his eyes met Sakami, once the wolf 

looked at Ephraim, his thoughts came in to view his voice was bored irritated, he knew what

was going to happen as did I.

Ephraim turned to Dene, when Sakami said his name.

You already know what you’re going to do Ephraim, however it cannot be a truce, to make it 

law bound it must constitute a treaty, we will have to abide by it either way, whether we

want this or not. Dene’s voice was flat as he ended.

I looked at Carlisle his eyes met mine and I nodded a fraction of a inch, Informing him that

the truce was being debated and accepted.

Ephraim nodded, and turned to Carlisle, his face was sollum, his eyes grave.

“We cannot accept a truce, as this is not bound by our law, however we could condone a

Treaty. You have not broken any of our laws if this continues we need not fight with you.

And in return you have our silence, and peace.”

Ephraim looked at the sky, the moon light illuminated his wood like face, it was more,

distressed this discussion had clearly taken effort. A wave of ... Guilt? Came over me, I was

unsure but I suddenly wished I could tell him I could Read his thoughts, feel his pain,

comfort him somehow... but that would not benefit my family.

They must not cross our land; they must not kill a paleface Sakami Uley’s mind spat the

words hatefully, shifting my gaze to him, narrowing my eyes. 

We cannot impose a law on them that we have not broken ourselves Dene voice was bored 

looking as he spoke, Sakami Growled half looking at him, his jaw set and his eyes narrowed.

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Sakami’s mind filled with a vision of himself, with a human male’s broken body in his mouth,

the vision flickered and failed. Enough! Now you’re fighting amongst your self’s ,

They must do what we cannot. And Must stay off our lands they must uphold our laws if not 

we tell every woman, child and man. Ephraim’s mind was set, his face showed his


Ephraim seemed to snap out of his trail of thoughts, he looked at Carlisle, as calmly as he

spoke earlier “If you stay off our lands and not bite any of the palefaces, in Treaty bound

uphold law... we can have peace.”

Carlisle looked to Esme and back to Ephraim, and nodded “Where is the boundary to your

lands? Name them now and we will never cross without your permission.” 

The thoughts that hit me were loud, screaming, Sakami Uley’s was screaming, I can’t believe

you are going through with this!

Silence! You will remain silent until I tell you! Ephraim Black tone was condescending again,

dominant, powerful, fire raged through his words, as Sakami Silenced.

“There is a river close by here, we call it the river Quillayute, It’s that river that runs to the

heart of our settlement, you must not cross there” his face was driftnet than before he

looked completely calm, his face was smoothed out, his eyes wide his lips relaxed.

That river, the sound had been humming in the part of my mind listening, growing louder

and louder, every second I had been standing here, both then and now, came in to focus, it

twisted and snaked the landscape, it let led off into the distance where it ended at a

crashing waterfall. It was loud hammering through my mind. Like static getting louder and


“Agreed.” Carlisle said flatly.

“Agreed.” Ephraim said.

Sakami Uley, Dene Clearwater, we are leaving now!

“We will leave now.” Ephraim’s eyes met mine as he turned his head to look at the wolfs, on

either side, they both were expressionless, a hollow calm in their eyes, silent in mind, as

they stood up slowly and turned on their heel and disappeared in to the forest towards the


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“Ephraim.” Carlisle spoke, as he began to turn towards the forest, he stopped and hesitated

turning slowly back to Carlisle.

The moon light was bright on his profile, his hair was blowing around his face, the wind was

starting to get more profound in the area, the river was getting louder, irritating me further.

He was worried, his mind was telling me, as I was scanned through his thoughts, his face

was completely calm, he was a natural leader, never showing his distress, he turned towards

Carlisle, his eyes were wide and his lips parted slowly, but not speaking, as his hair whipped

his face.

Carlisle raised his hand and offered it to him; his eyes looked from Carlisle’s face to the hand

and back again, moonlight was dancing over Carlisle face, showing understanding and

complete control, compassion towards what we had accomplished here tonight. Carlisle was

happy his thoughts were content, with the situation, a peaceful resolve was met here, aTreaty was formed, after years of judgement and dislike between our races, Carlisle was

pleased with their small progress and wanted to seal it with a handshake.

Ephraim reluctantly but willingly shook Carlisle hand, one quick and civil shake, Ephraim

winced at the ice cold feeling as it went through his arm, he quickly released, and turned

slowly and walked way into the forest.

I remember looking round at my family, they were all looking too.

I blinked and my family disappeared.

I was alone in the meadow, sitting cross-legged on the grass, my clothes were wet, if I were

alive, I would be cold, must make sure Bella, must not get cold , I thought.

The wind was picking up in the darkness, more than it had been then, the moonlight

however was just the same, it had stopped raining before I came here, clouds were blocking

the light then, but they left in the direction it was pushing them, the moonlight was strong,

illuminating the symmetrical meadow, bouncing shadows on the grass from the flowers,

littering the grass, I shifted my gaze to the north towards the forest where Ephraim left

through many years ago, towards the river , the sound was just the same as it was then,

quick rushing water, snaking down the land, hammering on the rocks, branching off into the

distant waterfall, like static, humming, and thumping and grinding.

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I stood up, in one straight motion.

Remembering how much has changed from then to now, but with time I had not changed at

all, same face, same goals, same mind, never moving forward.

I glanced at the time hours had escaped me.

I was certain the Blacks would not be visiting the Swan home for long.

Besides Bella would not be asleep yet. I would wait till she was asleep, the monster smiled.

I had a suspicion of their motives. Whether they mentioned their concerns to Chief Swan or

not, the visit would surely go by expeditiously.

Eighty years of looking for her, Bella and they would stand in my way too, like the monster,

the natural law, and myself.

The mordacity of the situation, we did not need to create the treaty, we could have ended

them there and then. We gave them the illusion of control, honoured their purpose,

humans would be protected from the horrors of our kind because of them. I half smiled I

truly am turning in to my father, turning from monster to protector.

His treaty to them and me constructing the same feelings for Bella, from killer to protector.

This treaty was mocking me, for having positive feeling toward human kind.

This Saturday would happen as Alice saw it would, “you’ll never catch me betting against 

 Alice” I smiled as I remembered my own words through my thoughts. Her, Me, The

meadow, rainbow sparkles on her face, light dancing up her hair, silk like blowing in the

wind, her scent intoxicating me, my head on her chest, counting her heart beats, feeling the

heat under my cold skin, sliding her up me gently, kissing her throat.

Yes this is the place I would bring her,

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I found this quite apt, yes the perfect place

I was going to places I should be avoiding, and I half smiled to myself, yes I should be

avoiding this place but it was also a place I could go.

The sweetest scent balancing out the repulsive one that first hit me here. The place I shouldbe avoiding- the place I could go, in weather I must avoid with a person I should neglect...

I inhaled deeply her scent was not as potent now.

But I still liked it the monster still liked it.

I turned around and fleeted out of the meadow into the forest towards my car.

I was heading back to my house. The car was clear of her scent now, as the evenings sweet

smell of, fresh rain mixed with grass flowed through the air vents, traveling the same

memorized route, it was quicker now as the few vehicles that were there before had

dissipated, or was it because I was trying in vain to hear her thoughts again, as part of my

mind as always was listening, and I just happened to check with it for ten minutes, it did not

feel like ten minutes, but Folks approaching was proof, when I breathed in, vainly trying to

catch her scent, it had gone I knew that, but to me I swear I could still smell it.

I kept a vision of my family in my mind, Bella close in another part but I would never class

her as family, she was not a monster, she deserved not to be.

My mind split off to perform various tasks again. Reflex 

As the hum of the town’s people mental static came back to mind like magnets attracting. 

Part of my mind was compiling questions for Bella.

And some for Alice I would need to speak to her.

Another part was categorising answers from today, along with the day’s events. 

I was heading up the winding path to my home, there was a loud crack and snapping

sounds, coming from the wood adjacent to the house, the low hum of my family thoughts

came slowly in to focus, I already knew what had happened I seen it last night.

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“That’s not fair! I wanna rematch!” Emmett was screaming at jasper from the back garden. 

Curiosity made me do it. Looking through Emmett’s mind I seen Jasper had finally beat him

at chess. I smiled I liked being correct.

In exactly the same way Alice’s vision had predicted it would happen. You’ll never catch me

betting against Alice; I laughed as I remembered my words again.

I could read my family; it was refreshing to be able to read people I was close with.

As Bella was always silent to me, I would never be sure if I was reading her reactions or her

feelings correctly, and I never would be able to anticipate her next move. Unless I

anticipated the opposite scenario to what I originally anticipated.

Frustrating, fascinating.

Another loud crack snapped my focus back to the immediate situation.

Emmett had uprooted a huge tree, and was snapping of the think trunk like branches and

hurling them at Jasper.

Jasper seemed to be enjoying himself, as Jasper was deflecting them away with quick hand

movements, Emmett threw another as Jasper, he causally flicked his wrist and the leg size

log flew back at him knocking him sideways, Jasper barked out laughing as Emmett swayed,

Seeing through Jaspers eyes Emmett’s dumb struck expression. 

Emmett’s eyes narrowed, as a half smile crept to his left side of his face, jasper smiled back.

“See you in about four hours” Alice sang from the living room “and thanks for saying

goodbye!”  Her voice was sarcastic; her mind had already seen them chasing each other

through the forest. The vision was blurry as trees fly past Jasper with Emmett’s laughter in

the background.

As Emmett took off after Jasper’s blurring figure as he sprinted into the forest. With a quick

“Bye Alice.” Jasper was out of my thought range. Closely followed by Emmett.

Rosalie was showing me her bedroom, she was rummaging around on her book shelf’s,

pulling big chunky binders down from the top shelf, she was standing on her toes, on the

seat of the chair, balancing on two of its legs in midair, learning forward on the front two

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she shifted to the right, on one leg of the chair, pulling at least six binders down, she shifted

back and squatted down to a seating position, as the chair landed back on all four legs.

She flicked through the binders compromising of textiles, colours, patterns, designs, fabric,


Seeing through her eyes and she looked down and tapped open a draw, pulling out her 


Hmm green I think, maybe blue, with suede fabric... Alice could get that.

She would like that one. Biting her finger, lightly as she decided.

She was designing her room virtually, before physically. She always did this, before she

would move out, she would completely redesign her room for Esme.

I could sense Carlisle in his office; he was updating his journal, while reciting the periodic


I could not see Esme, Strange...

Alice was as ever on the porch, she moved from the sofa, when Jasper left, she was waiting

for me, she would have seen me coming.

I pulled up around from the garage, stepping out of the car; the light breeze hit me as I

walked round to the front porch, I wanted to speak with Alice, but I needed to see Carlisle


“Hello Alice.” I spoke my causal default voice. 

“Hey... Good drive?” “I need to see Carlisle first, if that’s ok?”

I already know, he’s in his office, I haven’t said anything, I will wait here for you, everything

is going to fine you know Her thoughts were calming and her vision went black as something

came swirling into view, the same vision Me, Bella, rock solid, unmoveable.

“I already seen me meeting her for the first time, when you were leaving the meadow.” She

said her face smug; she was reciting Korean sign language in her head, giggling, “Go see

Carlisle he is leaving for the hospital soon.” Her tone was final; I turned to the door and

stopped when my hand touched the handle, just remembering I turned to Alice, “Where is


“She is at the Burtons Garden party. They invited her and Carlisle a few weeks back, but

Carlisle has to work so she thought she better make an appearance, she has not done a

social occasion in two weeks.” You know what she is like... 

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I smiled shaking my head as I turned and opened the door, heading across the lobby and

round the corner and up the stairs.

Carlisle heard me coming “come in” he said quietly as I approached his office door, and

went inside, he was sitting behind his desk, writing, he only looked up when the door closed

with a click. Even with all his special hearing, when he was writing he was oblivious to his


“Ah Edward, how are you” You look troubled, everything ok? 

“I wanted to talk to you about the Blacks and the treaty if you don’t mind?”

His face changed from concern, to curiosity Of course what’s the problem? He thought

closing his journal.

“Ephraim's own progeny has violated the treaty, it was his grandson or great-grandson

perhaps, his name is Jacob black, he was the one who informed Bella to our existence.

“He is however a juvenile”

I said causally, walking up to his desk, sinking in to the oversized, flat tilted up chair.

Carlisle’s office Ah! My favourite place in this house. His desk was large, light oak spanning

almost the whole floor, the glass wall behind his desk as a book case, bursting with books;

papers, notes, they would look messy, to a human eye, however in our eyes they were

referenced, to such precision, date, day, time, holding more accurate information than the


Carlisle’s eye brows narrowed, and his mouth half smiled,

“Of course, the younger generation-those who would have been warned, but would have

thought the ancient superstitions laughable-of course that was where the danger of 

exposure would lie.”

I should have realized that it was not the old men who believed in the legends that would be

the danger.

I supposed this meant we are now free to slaughter the small, defenceless tribe on the

coastline, were we so inclined. Ephraim and his pack of protectors are long dead...

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I started chuckling, “yes that is true. But I have a question. With each generation the

genetics with in their blood, would it dilute? Possibly down to another generation? I have to

ask this as the blacks are a friend with chief swan.” 

“Bella’s father?” he asked causally. 

“Yes, I dropped her at her house after school, they came when her father turned home from

work.” I said scanning the perfect flat white ceiling. 

“This complicates things slightly, but you have still not broken any of these laws, they have.

In my eyes they are the ones to break this agreement, not you.”

“If their blood did diluted down, could there be another pack reappearing? The last Thing

we need is a fight, especially around Bella; she is a magnet drawing in trouble.” I said

shaking my head.

“It’s possible of course, there blood would be much weaker now, I doubt they would

possess the same gifts as they did, if they did, it would be much weaker now, they could

probably not hear each other’s thoughts if they were in there human form, now I would

guess they still could if they were in wolf form for example.” 

I’m sorry son, I only have facts and science to work with, I cannot predict what will happen,

maybe Alice would be better at that than I.

I smiled at his thoughts, he was right of course. He looked at me with worry; he could see

my suffering, and my planning.

“I hope you will be ok Edward I do Worry, You don’t talk to me anymore, you talk to Alice, or

you used too, about everything. And recently you’re not around, she is alone and yet she is

always on your side.

 And yet she is the best person to talk to, she can see the way things will be, and it’s not her 

 fault that you d on’t like the things she sees.

I looked at him, my eye brows narrowed. His eye’s penetrated my mind.

“She sees her being good friends will Bella.” You push that away .I looked away from him 

“She sees her being one of us.” You push that away. I closed my eyes.

She is your sister, and you should talk to her, and not push her away because of the things

she has shown you.

“Thanks.” I said smiling, I opened my eyes and he was looking at me with his matter of fact

eyes, his head tilted to the left, a smile on his face.

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I stood up without a backwards glance left the office. See you Sunday. In his mind I seen him

open his journal, as he resumed working.