IMCC Newsletter 20 Friday, 29 th June 2018 Mid-year Break We wish all students, staff and family members a well-deserved mid-year break after a very successful first half of the year in all facets of College life. We farewell Ms Soo Buckle who has been with us this semester teaching in place of Mr Peter Boylen, who has been Acting Assistant Deputy Principal while Mr Ryan Coutts has been on long service leave. Also farewell to Mr Kieran Parkes who replaced Mrs Crystal Blaze whilst she was on parental leave. We express our appreciation to Ms Buckle and Mr Parkes for their service to the College and wish them well for their future work. Mr Michael Speechley will be on long service leave for Semester 2 and Mrs Rosalie Richardson will be on long service for Term 2. Mr Andrew Billingsley will be Acting Principal until Friday 17 th August and will look after you all, whilst I take long service leave. Term 3 Commencement Students will return to school to commence Term 3 on Wednesday, 18 th July. Teachers will recommence on Monday, 17 th July with a day of personal and professional development. College Office Opening Times The College Office opening times during the semester break will be: Monday, 2 nd July to Friday, 13 th July 9.00am-3.00pm Monday, 16 th July 11.30am-4.00pm Normal office opening times, 8.00am-4.00pm, will resume on Tuesday, 17 th July. NAIDOC Celebrations Because of Her We Can was the theme for the 2018 NAIDOC Week celebrations. It has been an opportunity for strong Aboriginal women to be recognised throughout Australia. This also includes the grassroots women who work tirelessly each day to make sure Aboriginal children have the best opportunities in life. Parish Weekend Mass Times Clarkson Parish St Andrew’s Catholic Church Parish Priest: Fr. Robert Carrillo Tel: 9407 7512 Email: [email protected] Saturday 8.00am, 6.00pm (Vigil). Sunday 7.30am, 9.00am, 5.30pm. Yanchep & Lancelin Pastoral Area Parish Priest: Fr. Augustine Puthota. Tel: 9561 2172 Saturday 6.00pm (Vigil) at Yanchep Community Centre. Sunday 8.00am Guilderton Community Hall. Sunday 9.45am, 33 Gingin Road, Lancelin. Ocean Reef Parish St Simon Peter Catholic Church Parish Priest: Fr. Franciszek Kot Tel: 9300 4885 Email: [email protected] Saturday 6.00pm (Vigil). Sunday 8.00am, 10.00am, 5.00pm.

Mid-year Break€¦ · Normal office opening times, 8.00am-4.00pm, will resume on Tuesday, 17th July. NAIDOC Celebrations Because of Her We Can was the theme for the 2018 NAIDOC Week

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Page 1: Mid-year Break€¦ · Normal office opening times, 8.00am-4.00pm, will resume on Tuesday, 17th July. NAIDOC Celebrations Because of Her We Can was the theme for the 2018 NAIDOC Week

IMCC Newsletter 20 Friday, 29th June 2018

Mid-year Break We wish all students, staff and family members a well-deserved mid-year break after a very successful first half of the year in all facets of College life. We farewell Ms Soo Buckle who has been with us this semester teaching in place of Mr Peter Boylen, who has been Acting Assistant Deputy Principal while Mr Ryan Coutts has been on long service leave. Also farewell to Mr Kieran Parkes who replaced Mrs Crystal Blaze whilst she was on parental leave. We express our appreciation to Ms Buckle and Mr Parkes for their service to the College and wish them well for their future work. Mr Michael Speechley will be on long service leave for Semester 2 and Mrs Rosalie Richardson will be on long service for Term 2. Mr Andrew Billingsley will be Acting Principal until Friday 17th August and will look after you all, whilst I take long service leave. Term 3 Commencement Students will return to school to commence Term 3 on Wednesday, 18th July. Teachers will recommence on Monday, 17th July with a day of personal and professional development. College Office Opening Times The College Office opening times during the semester break will be: Monday, 2nd July to Friday, 13th July 9.00am-3.00pm Monday, 16th July 11.30am-4.00pm Normal office opening times, 8.00am-4.00pm, will resume on Tuesday, 17th July.

NAIDOC Celebrations Because of Her We Can was the theme for the 2018 NAIDOC Week celebrations. It has been an opportunity for strong Aboriginal women to be recognised throughout Australia. This also includes the grassroots women who work tirelessly each day to make sure Aboriginal children have the best opportunities in life.

Parish Weekend Mass Times Clarkson Parish St Andrew’s Catholic Church Parish Priest: Fr. Robert Carrillo Tel: 9407 7512 Email: [email protected] Saturday 8.00am, 6.00pm (Vigil). Sunday 7.30am, 9.00am, 5.30pm.

Yanchep & Lancelin Pastoral Area Parish Priest: Fr. Augustine Puthota. Tel: 9561 2172 Saturday 6.00pm (Vigil) at Yanchep Community Centre. Sunday 8.00am Guilderton Community Hall. Sunday 9.45am, 33 Gingin Road, Lancelin.

Ocean Reef Parish St Simon Peter Catholic Church Parish Priest: Fr. Franciszek Kot Tel: 9300 4885 Email: [email protected] Saturday 6.00pm (Vigil). Sunday 8.00am, 10.00am, 5.00pm.

Page 2: Mid-year Break€¦ · Normal office opening times, 8.00am-4.00pm, will resume on Tuesday, 17th July. NAIDOC Celebrations Because of Her We Can was the theme for the 2018 NAIDOC Week

To celebrate the occasion, we invited mums and nannas to a special lunch on Thursday, 21st June. Tarzara Kelly gave a speech on behalf of everyone, thanking these special women for attending, but most importantly for all the sacrifices they have made to provide opportunities for their children. Students had the opportunity to write a personal message which was presented to their mum and nanna with a small gift.

This was a special day for the Aboriginal students to honour their mothers, grandmothers, aunties and older sisters who have been a significant influence in their life. We would like to thank all the people involved in arranging the day, especially Mrs Tara Johnson for her help with the catering and presentation of the room. Mrs Donella Brown Aboriginal Liaison Officer

Kimberley Immersion Kururrungku Catholic Education Centre played host to our College students and staff during Week 8 of Term 2. For the fourth successive year, in a spirit of reconciliation, the College journeyed from Perth’s northern suburbs, to the Kimberley, in order to experience aspects of life and beauty of the Kimberley region. This annual experience further consolidated the growing bond between the people of the two school communities. This year’s Immersion built on the 2017 Kururrungku visit to Perth, where we hosted students and staff, and visited many of the cultural and iconic sights of Perth and Fremantle.

Page 3: Mid-year Break€¦ · Normal office opening times, 8.00am-4.00pm, will resume on Tuesday, 17th July. NAIDOC Celebrations Because of Her We Can was the theme for the 2018 NAIDOC Week

Sr Irene McCormack’s spirit of faith, joy and service is a driving charism behind the College’s commitment to Billiluna’s Kururrungku Education Centre. This year’s group, led by Mrs Bell, Mr Summers and Mr Swindells, included eight Year 11 and 12 students, Jasmine Back, Eve Basson (Head Girl), Katrina Boult, Carl Dales, Kallum Erikson (Head Boy), Daniel Hazzard, Ben Lewis and Julia Vrlic.

Page 4: Mid-year Break€¦ · Normal office opening times, 8.00am-4.00pm, will resume on Tuesday, 17th July. NAIDOC Celebrations Because of Her We Can was the theme for the 2018 NAIDOC Week

The photographs tell a story of shared experiences, great conversations, play, learning, laughing and celebration. Among other things, our students and staff were involved in helping serve breakfast; participating in classroom activities; establishing the new Op Shop and hosting the Community Meal and Disco. Both schools’ students got on famously. Kururrungku’s students and staff made us feel so welcome. Highlights included our visit to Lake Stretch, where we received a Welcome to Country and blessing from Mr Justin, as well as a farewell experience around a traditional yarning circle complete with fire, damper and an exchange of gifts and thanks. On behalf of the 2018 Kimberley Immersion, we would like to extend a big thank you to Naomi Martin, Jenny Lee-Hogan and all of the staff at Kururrungku Catholic Education Centre, for their support, hospitality and friendship. Thanks to Mrs Bell, Immersion Coordinator, and Mr Summers for their generous and fantastic work. Thank you to staff who covered our classes and supported us in this venture. Thank you also to the awesome student participants and their parents for their trust and support of this outstanding experience. We look forward to our continued relationship and future Immersions between our two schools.

2018 Catholic Youth Summit The 2018 Catholic Youth Summit was hosted by our Head Boy, Kallum Erikson. Catholic secondary school students from all over Western Australia gathered to learn more about what it means to stand up for what is right and true about our faith and world today. The Summit was hosted by Catholic Education Western Australia and Notre Dame University, Highlights of the day were the thought-provoking keynote speakers, various presentations and being able to network with other young leaders. Year 11 student leaders Charlie Leonard, Ellie Miller and Teal Scherini, joined Kallum on the day, and were excellent ambassadors for the College. Mr John Swindells Dean of Campus Ministry

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Back From the Brink On Monday, 18th June, the Year 10 Biological Sciences class attended the Back to the Brink excursion at the Perth Hills Discovery Centre. The purpose of the excursion was to learn about the Western Shield Project, which uses 1080 poison bait in order to control fox and feral cat populations, to introduced predator species, which have decimated a number of local small mammal populations. Students learnt about techniques used to monitor health and population size of species within the Perth Hills habitat. They set Sheffield traps, and all successfully captured local mammals. These were not real live animals but specially made life-size, plush replicas. Nonetheless, it gave our students the opportunity to take measurements and record data on each ‘animal’ like a field biologist would.

Page 6: Mid-year Break€¦ · Normal office opening times, 8.00am-4.00pm, will resume on Tuesday, 17th July. NAIDOC Celebrations Because of Her We Can was the theme for the 2018 NAIDOC Week

Later in the day, the class’s problem-solving ability was put to the test, as they had to use indirect evidence to determine the presence of different species of animals from the local environment. This once again, allowed them to mimic the kinds of tasks and skills that would be used by staff at the centre when carrying out actual field work. The highlight of the day was the last session, where we met an animal rehabilitator, who brought along some of her feathered and furry friends to meet us. Students were able to meet and greet an echidna, some black cockatoos, a bilby, a quenda and a couple of joeys. Despite having to withstand a number of heavy downpours of rain throughout the day, the students had an invaluable learning experience that was fun and engaging for all. Mr Paul Woodhouse Head of Science

Evans Day Evans Day took place on Tuesday, 26th June, beginning with a liturgy, followed by a group photo, bringing the whole Evans House together. During the liturgy, we celebrated the work of Sr Joan Evans and recognised the Order of Australia award which she received by the Commonwealth on Western Australia Day. It is a privilege to be part of a House named after a woman who has dedicated her entire life to serving those around her and creating a family wherever she goes. As part of this year’s Evans Day, we wanted to demonstrate how proud we all are of Sr. Joan Evans and how honoured we are to be part of the House. We did this through creating a wall of all our names, as our way of congratulating her on her service to the community.

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Following tradition, Evans House came together at lunch for a sausage sizzle, basketball game and music. Evans Day was one of joy, celebration and recognition.

A special thank you to Mr Boylen, Mrs Peace, Mr Ratajczak, Mr Swindells and all the students involved in the running of the day. Nathan Clayton and Kayla Wolmarans Year 12 Evans House Students

First Holy Communion On Sunday, 17th June, four students took the next step in their faith journey, receiving the Sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time at St Andrew’s Parish. From the start of Term 2, the small group met each week to prepare for their First Holy Communion and its meaning. The students were wonderfully enthusiastic and reverent over the seven weeks learning how special an event it would be, to receive Jesus’ body and blood, as it is considered the source and summit of Christian life. We extend our congratulations to Ada Meakins (Year 7), Kelly Kallane (Year 8), and Billy Hamilton and Seth Raw (Year 9).

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Next term there is the opportunity for students to be prepared to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. If your child would like to be included in this, or if you would like more information, please contact Mr John Swindells, Assistant Deputy Principal Campus Ministry [email protected] or Miss Cherie Milne, [email protected] Miss Cherie Milne Campus Ministry

Recital Night

Page 9: Mid-year Break€¦ · Normal office opening times, 8.00am-4.00pm, will resume on Tuesday, 17th July. NAIDOC Celebrations Because of Her We Can was the theme for the 2018 NAIDOC Week

On Thursday, 28th June the Music Department hosted its annual performance evening, Recital Night. The evening was a great success with many friends and family members support of the very talented students we have at the College. Our Year 11 and 12 ATAR Music students each performed a solo, performing to a high standard and demonstrating how years of hard work and dedication can result in excellent achievements. Congratulations to Year 12 students, Naomi Capon (Voice), Kallum Erikson (Trombone), Taio Holloway (Piano), Diron Lau (Piano), Mikiel McNamara (Saxophone) and Lydia Temple (Flute), and Year 11 students Jac Donnelly (Drums), Alex Hardy (Guitar) and Julia Vrlic (Clarinet). Thank you to all staff who assisted on the night and to all friends and family who attended. Ms Kylie Malam Head of Performing Arts

Year 11 General Outdoor Education

Page 10: Mid-year Break€¦ · Normal office opening times, 8.00am-4.00pm, will resume on Tuesday, 17th July. NAIDOC Celebrations Because of Her We Can was the theme for the 2018 NAIDOC Week

The Year 11 General Outdoor Education class had their first multi-day expedition during Week 8 of this term. The students spent four days putting the skills they have learnt in mountain biking and rock climbing over the last two terms to use. Beginning the expedition at City Summit climbing gym and working their way up to lead climbing on various walls. They then travelled down to Dwellingup for three days of riding along the Munda Biddi trail. Students were assessed on camp, working towards achieving their unit of competencies in mountain biking, climbing and camping skills for the Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation. Students were given their first opportunity to implement the skills they have been learning in the course, including leadership, route planning, navigation, menu planning, ‘Leave no Trace’ and interpersonal skills. A few highlights included students riding the Marrinup and Turner Hill trails, which are two of the premier mountain biking single tracks in Western Australia, and the exhilarating trails at Langford Park. They encountered log rides, gap jumps, berms and multiple rollers.

The next challenge for students is completing a six-day expedition on the Cape to Cape Track in the Cape Leeuwin National Park, where they will hike, rock climb, abseil and cave, in some of the most pristine forest and coastline the south-west has to offer. Miss Jayde Harvey Outdoor Education Teacher

Year 10 Health and Physical Education: Keys for Life Year 10 General Health and Physical Education students have been completing the Keys for Life Program which is endorsed by the State Government. The program is a driver education program, and teaches students to be responsible road users. At the conclusion of the program students will sit their learners permit test, and if they obtain a pass mark, are able to take their Keys for Life Certificate to the Licensing Center and obtain their L Plates.

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This week students had guest speakers from the Paraplegic Benefit Fund to talk about spinal cord injury. They spoke from their own personal experiences, as both became paraplegics in traffic accidents. Their own personal stories encouraged students to become responsible road users.

Mr Neil Bright Head of Physical Education and Health


French On 27th June, our French class enjoyed a delicious petit-dejeuner français (French breakfast). This meal consisted of croissants, profiteroles and orange juice. The Year 7 students ordered their meals speaking only in French. We have also been learning about how to describe ourselves and our families to others. On behalf of our class, we would like to thank Mademoiselle Harrison for teaching us French for this first semester. It has been a wonderful learning experience for us all. Merci beaucoup Mademoiselle Harrison. Rylee Kirby (7MB) and Abigail Watson (7GA)


At the end of the semester, Year 7 and Year 8 students of Japanese enjoyed an incursion where they experienced some aspects of Japanese culture.

They watched a Japanese animation movie, anime, My Neighbour Totoro, created by the genius of Hayao Miyazaki and his animation studio called Studio Ghibli. As one of the Year 7 students remarked, it was both “weird and funny”. Released in 1988 this is a great animation movie for the

young and young-at-heart. It features a “Cat Bus”. Watch the movie to find out more. Rumour has it that Miyazaki got this idea from the Cat buses that operate in and around the Perth CBD.

Students also experienced origami, the Japanese art of folding paper. It is truly amazing what can

be created from a single piece of paper. A big thank you to Mrs Johnson who showed the students

how to make Ninja-like stars, as well as neat little pouches.

Page 12: Mid-year Break€¦ · Normal office opening times, 8.00am-4.00pm, will resume on Tuesday, 17th July. NAIDOC Celebrations Because of Her We Can was the theme for the 2018 NAIDOC Week

The students enjoyed trying to pick up round sweets with Japanese chopsticks. The excellent chopstick skills of some students enabled them to fill their pouches to the brim. The white rice that accompanies many meals in Japan tends to be a bit sticky, so chopsticks are very useful and probably the easiest way to eat it. Japanese are so adept at using chopsticks that they can pick up

every last grain of rice in the bowl, as they are taught to do from a very young age. Not leaving any grains of rice behind is a sign of good manners.

Mr Maurice Bonarrigo Japanese Teacher

Parent Student Teacher Interviews & Parent Teacher Online The Parent-Student-Teacher interviews will be held on Tuesday, 24th July in the Paul Rafter Centre, commencing at 1.30pm and concluding at 7.00pm. On this day, classes for students will conclude at 12.55pm. If your child needs to remain at the College, the Library will be available for students to do school work. Access to the Parent Teacher Online (PTO) for booking interviews will be available from Saturday, 30th June. To access the bookings, go to: https://bookings.parentteacheronline.com.au/Logon2.aspx?school=bz9at press the Icon "Get Pin" by entering your email address. A logon and pin will then be sent to the email address. Please contact the IT Network Office at the College on 9562 2421 if you have any difficulties with the process. An instruction guide for logging on to PTO has been sent to parents and guardians via SEQTA. Your child’s current results for individual assessments are available on SEQTA Engage. If your child had an interview requested on the report, please select a time for the interview. You are encouraged to make appointments with teachers even if an interview has not been requested. It is an expectation that your child attends the interview if a booking is made. Students attending the interviews are expected to be in College uniform. Mr Andrew Donaldson Assistant Deputy Principal Year 10

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Yearbooks Digital copies of all our College yearbooks are now available to view on the College website at http://www.imcc.wa.edu.au/news-events.html#yearbooks

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Annual Report Each Year the College gives an Annual Report. The summary is now available to view on the College website http://www.imcc.wa.edu.au/ under ‘School Report’.

CAS Soccer Congratulations to our CAS Soccer teams for qualifying for five CAS finals. The students weren’t successful in the finals, however they played with a great work ethic, spirit and drive throughout.

The Year 7 Boys lost 6-0. The boy’s commitment, enthusiasm and hard work has been outstanding since the start of the school year. Special mention to their coach, Year 12 student, Dor Jok. Dor has given up his time to coach the boys, receiving great feedback from all. The Year 8/9 Girls team were defeated 5-0, holding a 0-0 draw at half time, but unfortunately weren’t able to hold the opposition out towards the end of the game. The largest number of girls have played in this team, many of whom have not be involved with the Soccer Academy or soccer before. It is great to see girls joining and giving it a go.

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The Year 8/9 Boys team played Peter Moyes, a well contested game with the final score 2-0. The boys have been working hard in and out of class with their coach, Mr Rob Lund. Rob has thoroughly enjoyed his time with the boys and is sad to be leaving them. The Senior Girls team, also played Peter Moyes resulting in a 4-2 defeat. The Senior Girls had quite the intermitted season only playing three games. Next year we hope to have a more consistent league. The girls were fortunate to have former graduate, Alex Robinson return to the College working with them this season. The Senior Boys team played an impressive final, losing 5-4. The boys held the lead at 4-2 with ten minutes to go. A few lapses in concentration at the end unfortunately lost them the game. With the winter CAS season coming to an end it is important to reflect on the achievements over the term. Many students have improved their game, confidence and have thoroughly enjoy their time on the field. Many new students joined the CAS teams. It is also important to acknowledge that as a Soccer Academy College, we can build on our skills and aim for all six teams to go through to the finals. Thank you to our teachers and coaches who have given help and guidance, and supported the Soccer teams, without whom the CAS games wouldn’t be possible: Year 7 Mr Bonarrigo, Miss Sidaway, Mr Summers, and students Poppy Ramsay and Dor Jok. Year 8/9 Miss Harrison, Mr Laffite, Mr Rob Lund, and students Joshua Comerford and Frazer Imrie. Senior Teams Mr Carbone, Mr McLatchie, Miss Thompson and Miss Alex Robinson. Thank you also to our senior students who may have played their final games for the College this year. Over the years these students have given up their time to represent our College, and we thank them for their commitment and pride in which they played. Our senior students include Francesco Calma, Joshua Comerford, Frazer Imrie, Dor Jok, Kyrillios Kousa, Row Row, Ryan Scully, Sophie Thompson and Joel Wallace. We wish these students all the best for the future and hope they continue to play and love sport. Miss Shawn Billam Soccer Academy Coordinator

Uniform Shop The Uniform Shop will not be open during the holidays and will re-open on Thursday, 19th July at 8.00am. Please collect orders for AFL and Soccer items (except Year 7 girls’ team orders) Winter uniform consists of: Boys - trousers, plain black school belt, tie, dark grey socks and summer white short-sleeved shirt. Girls - skirt, white short-sleeved shirt, tie and summer socks or tights. Girls trousers are now available for $70. Tights $9, scarves $15 and jumpers $72 are available for purchase. A sports jacket (not jumper or shower jacket) and sport pants may be worn with the sports uniform if cold. Jumpers (not sport jackets) may be worn with the winter uniform with the winter uniform. A limited stock of the shower jackets is available in small sizes only. Term usual trading hours are: Tuesday noon-4.00pm Thursday 8.00am-11.00am Mrs Lyn Waite Uniform Shop Coordinator

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Community News Leeuwin Ocean Adventure Foundation The STS Leeuwin II is Western Australia’s very own tall ship, a unique three-masted 1850’s style barquentine. A Youth Explorer Voyage onboard will lift a student to the next level and ensure they are given the edge to enter the workplace with the best opportunities available to them. In addition to Youth Development program, there is a range of specialised voyages and 3-hour sails. For further information visit https://sailleeuwin.com/

Mr Robert Marshall Principal