Microsoft .NET Portfolio John T. Munyeneh, Student Setfocus March 7, 2010

Microsoft.NET Portfolio

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Microsoft .NET Portfolio

John T. Munyeneh, Student Setfocus

March 7, 2010

Page 2: Microsoft.NET  Portfolio

Table of Contents

Library phase 1 Library phase 2 Library phase 3 Library phase 4

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Library Phase 1

Introduction: create an UI for an n-tier library application.

Audience: Library employees managing library items and members.

Achievements: creating a UI (friendly) and connecting it to a data access and business layer to achieve a workable system.

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Library 1-Sample User Interface MDI form is used

with menu bar. Textbox to enter

users’ id. Labels show info about the particular users.

Grid shows book(s) the user have.

Status bar show what information one see.

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Continuation of Library phase 1 UI

MDI form show a form of an adult entry form. It has lots of textboxes to enter information

A combo box is place to select a state.

The menu, windows has items that enable the forms that are opened to be rearranged according to your selection.

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Con’t Library phase 1- code sample

This is the code behind the MDI form. It tells you how the very forms i.e. the checkout form, checkin form, adult form, juvenile form, etc. are called.

The business layer and data access were provided.

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Library Phase 2

Introduction: creating an UI with emphasis on writing your own business and data access layers

Audience: Employees through the friendly interface are able to manage library functions i.e. adding members, checking book(s) that is on loan, etc.

Project Goal: like the business and data access layer provided by Setfocus in the Phase 1,Phase 2 achieved the same functionalities. Store procedure is integrated, for data access layer.

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Phase 2 snap shot sample

This UI is designed with a tap control. It contains textbox and labels.

User info is displayed by mean of member number.

The grid shows book(s) that are currently on loan to that particular member.

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Con’t Phase 2- Business layer code

This is my business code view for adding adult, juvenile, checkIn, checkOut, items, etc.

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con’t Phase 2- Data access layer

This is the data access layer.

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Con’t Phase 2- store procedure.

Store procedure for adding member.

Parameters are defined. Insert statement are made into the adult table.

Values are the parameters declared.

@@errors are also declared with a roll back transaction.

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Library Phase 3

Introduction: This is a continuation of phase 2 project. Instead of building an ADO.NET like phase 2, this is built using website application. Business and data access layers are unchanged.

Audience: Library employees manage this application for maintaining members’ information.

Target Goal: depicting a website perspective of Phase 2 project. Functionalities are the same. The only difference is it is a website. ASP.NET as it is called is used to achieve a workable system unit.

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Phase 3 – User Interface

This is my login page. Employees are required to login before they can access any information about a member.

It is cleared and sample.

A database is setup using ASP.NET configuration for the employees to have permission.

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continuation of Phase 3

As you can see from, I incorporated a master page. Showing is member info page. I do have a grid to show book(s) a member has.

A textbox to enter member id.

This form is able to show address info of a particular member.

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Con’t of phase 4 – code view.

This is a partial code behind the member info form. It is no different from the code in phase

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Continuation of Phase 3

This is the Checkout view interface.

Three textboxes namely, member number, ISBN, Copy number.

A button is placed on the form to execute the desired function.

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Con’t Phase 3 code view

Code behind the check out form. Currently being view is the button click event.

The form is validated. The number in the various

textboxes are parse into integer.

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Library Phase 4

Introduction: It is an ASP.NET application in which the business layer is expose globally through a web service.

Audience: Library employees manages the application.

Project Goal: To expose the business globally through web service.

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Continuation Phase 4 – code view

A partial code of the check out form.

A declaration of the web reference and a set policy is called.