Micro-manipulation de l'ADNMicro-manipulation de l'ADN Vers une visualisation directe par microscopie de uorescence Adrien Meglio Laboratoire de Physique Statistique, ENS 1 er avril

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  • Micro-manipulation de l'ADN

    Vers une visualisation directe par microscopie de �uorescence

    Adrien Meglio

    Laboratoire de Physique Statistique, ENS

    1er avril 2010

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions


    1 Introduction to single-molecule experiments

    2 Experimental Setup

    3 RNA Pol

    4 FtsK, a molecular motor

    5 Results

    6 Conclusions

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions


    1 Introduction to single-molecule experiments

    2 Experimental Setup

    3 RNA Pol

    4 FtsK, a molecular motor

    5 Results

    6 Conclusions

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    The single-molecule rationale

    Objective : biochemicalstudies of a protein

    Single moleculeexperiments

    direct observation ofv instead of 〈v〉activity distributionreconstruction

    E. coli RNAP [Mejia 08]

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    Seeing and manipulating biomolecules


    Technique AFM OT MT

    Measure nanometric changes ++ ++ +

    Generate force ++ ++ +

    Generate torque - + ++

    Parallelize observations - + ++

    Force and �uo colocalization + + ++

    Previous experience in the lab - - +


    Fluorescent labelling ⇒ direct visualizationEvanescent wave ⇒ spatial positioningObjective illumination ⇒ compatible with MT setup

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions


    1 Introduction to single-molecule experiments

    2 Experimental Setup

    3 RNA Pol

    4 FtsK, a molecular motor

    5 Results

    6 Conclusions

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    The idea


    speci�c surface-DNA &DNA-bead attachment

    relevant force scale :1 kBT/nm = 4 pN

    mm-wide �uo �eld of view

    ∼100 nm EW z scale


    force and torsion generation

    direct �uorescenceobservation


    E�ect A B

    Fluo activity Yes Yes

    MT activity No Yes

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    What the setup looks like : the general setup

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    What the setup looks like : the chamber

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    The MT setup

    Key facts

    µm-sized DNA & super-paramagnetic bead

    100 µm F ∼ ∂‖B⊥ variationin z : 0.05 - 40 pN

    ∂‖B⊥ uniform over �eld ofview


    Constant force and rotation

    Parallel experiments over the�eld

    5 nm z tracking accuracy

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    An application of �uorescence microscopy : �uorophore

    nm-accuracy positioning

    A single �uorophore

    Quantum dot

    T = 30ms


    ξ = 400 nm (gaussian)

    x = 10±1 nm


    Single �uorophore (x , y) positioning : σ = 5-10 nm at T = 30ms

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    A proof of principle


    The motor MT and �uo activities are synchronous

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions



    fully functional MT andTIRF setup

    5-10 nm (x , y) �uorophorepositioning accuracy

    5 nm z MT accuracy

    force and torsion generation

    simultaneous observation ofactivity in MT and �uo


    apply this setup on keyexperiments on 2 DNAtranslocases : T7 RNAP andFtsK

    begin with mechanisticstudies

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions


    1 Introduction to single-molecule experiments

    2 Experimental Setup

    3 RNA Pol

    4 FtsK, a molecular motor

    5 Results

    6 Conclusions

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    The RNA Polymerase

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    RNAP studies

    Strong structural basis on T7RNAP [Cheetham 99, Tahirov 02, Yin04, Datta 06], bacterial RNAP [Vassylyev 02, Murakami 02] andyeast RNA Pol II [Cramer 01, Lehmann 07]

    Single-molecule observations : mainly in coli

    T7 RNAP RPitc →RPe transition by FRET [Tang 09]T7 RNAP RPe kinetics by OT [Thomen 02, 05, 08]

    E. coli RNAP RPc RPo equilibrium by MT [Revyakin 04]E. coli RNAP RPitc scrunching by MT [Revyakin 06] andFRET [Kapanidis 06, Tang 08]

    E. coli RNAP RPe step size, kinetics, pausing by OT [Wang98, Neuman 03, Abbondanzieri 05, Herbert 06, Mejia 08]

    yeast RNA Pol II RPe pausing and backtracking in OT[Galburt 07, Mejia 08]

    yeast RNA Pol II RPe kinetics by in vivo RNA labeling[Darzacq 07]

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    Planned experiments

    Planned experiments

    �uo-labelled T7 RNAP :monomeric, strong promoter[Chen 00], biotin tag[Thomen 02]

    RNAP-promoter interaction(not available in MT)

    RPe rotation (not availablein MT)

    ⇒ need good �uo (x , y)resolution to reach bp resolutionand compare to Block


    �uo-labelled RNAPfunctional in bulk

    �uo-labelled RNAP active inMT

    simultaneous MT and �uoactivity (e.g. promoterunwinding) never observed

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions


    1 Introduction to single-molecule experiments

    2 Experimental Setup

    3 RNA Pol

    4 FtsK, a molecular motor

    5 Results

    6 Conclusions

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    FtsK and the ASCE ATPases


    E. coli cell cyclecoordination

    chromosome dimerrecombinaseactivation

    chromosomepositioning at divisionseptum

    Hints on mechanism :strong structural andfunctional homologieswith ASCE ATPases

    Reproduced from [Erzberger 06]

    FtsK/HerA superfamily : SpoIIIE,TrwB, φ29 gp16

    RecA ATPases : RecA/Rad51,Rho, dnaB, UvrD, T4 gp41, T7gp4

    AAA+ supergroup : SV40, ClpX

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    FtsK structural and functional features

    Related proteins structures

    FtsK50C forms blobs on DNA [Pease 05]

    FtsKCαβ-DNA complexes are hexameric[Massey 06]

    FtsK/HerA superfamily proteins aremultimeric : φ29 gp16 portal motor [Morais08], E. coli conjugation protein TrwB[Gomis-Rüth 01, Hormaeche 02], P. abyssiidsDNA helicase MlaA [Manzan 04]

    many other ASCE proteins are multimeric :dnaB helicase [Bailey 07], E1 replicativehelicase [Enemark 06], T7 gp4 replicativehelicase [Egelman 95], ClpX proteasomehelicase [Grimaud 98]

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    ATP hydrolysis models


    Direct observationof �uorescent ATPanalogue

    Related proteins

    probabilistic in bacterial ClpX [Martin 05]

    sequential in T7 helicase gp4 [Hingorani 97]

    strictly sequential in E. coli helicase Rho [Stitt 97]

    coordinated in φ29 gp16 [Mo�tt 09]

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    Issues in MT observation of FtsK

    Key experiment

    use the MT + �uo setup

    �uo-labelled FtsK

    DNA force/torsion control by magnetic tweezers

    Issue Experiment

    multimeric state of FtsKC quantization by �uorescence

    translocation direction �uorescence tracking

    ATP hydrolysis mechanism �uorescent ATP hydrolysispoint mutations

    clean SM FtsK complex covalent multimers

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    ATP hydrolysis mechanism


    covalent n-mers : MCM (natural)[Moreau 07], ClpX (arti�cial)[Martin 05]

    point mutations on monomers

    WA prevents ATP interaction

    WB prevents ATP hydrolysis

    RF (Arginine Finger) inhibit transATP hydrolysis coupling

    Key experiment

    local wt/mutantmonomer state

    global activity e�ectat complex level

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    Covalent FtsK multimers

    Covalent multimers

    FtsKC prepared inn-mers

    auto-organize indiscrete complexeson DNA

    3-mers used forconvenience (highmultimerization)

    possible C-term biot

    Gel shift assay

    35 bp dsDNA oligomer (Ian Grainge,[Lowe 08])

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions


    1 Introduction to single-molecule experiments

    2 Experimental Setup

    3 RNA Pol

    4 FtsK, a molecular motor

    5 Results

    6 Conclusions

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    FtsK DNA translocase activity

    automatic measurement tests athigh (2-5 mM) ATP

    benchmarking on known data :FtsK50C [Saleh 04, Pease 05]

    2 mM ATP

    1509 events


    〈v〉 = 0.9± 0.3µm/sconsistent withliterature

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    Translocation speed of variants

    wt-X-wt FtsK trimer variants (left to right : X = wt, WA, WB)

    similar translocation pattern for all variants and FtsK50Cat 2 mM ATP & F = 20 pN

    similar DNA translocation speed for wt, WA, WB, no loopformation activity for RF

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    The behavior of wt-RF-wt

    Key observation

    biot-wt-RF-wt exhibits DNAlooping activity⇒ consequence of DNAtranslocase activity

    biot-wt-WA-wt (black) vs.biot-wt-RF-wt (grey)

    5 mM ATP

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    The ATPase cooperativity

    DNA translocase activity (MT, bulk)

    2/6 WA,WB,RF are active⇒ rule out concerted mechanism2/6 WA,WB speed = 0/6 speed⇒ rule out pure stochasticmechanism

    2/6 RF are inactive⇒ some degree of cooperativity

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    Force dependence studies

    Bulk observations suggests

    roadblock displacement impaired by mutations

    di�erent mechanisms for roadblock displacement and DNAtranslocase


    no force dependenceon wt and WA up to25 pN

    to be tested onWB,RF and 3+/6mutants

    constant position OTmay be better suited[Pease 05]

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    Cofactor dependence : ATP


    Study of the ATPasereaction :ATP→ADP + Pi


    v∞ = 1.4± 0.2µm/sKM = 0.8± 0.2mMv∞ for FtsK50C :2.3µm/s [Saleh 04]1.7µm/s [Pease 05]

    KM for FtsK50C :0.3mM [Saleh 04]

    Set of data on biot-wt-wt-wt (for futureuse)

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    Cofactor dependence : ATP


    no e�ect of 2/6 WA on loopformation limiting step

    strikingly, no e�ect on ATPbinding constant

    Set of data on biot-wt-WA-wt

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    Cofactor dependence : ADP


    ADP acts as acompetitive inhibitor

    but processivityincreases with [ADP]

    v([ADP] = 0)consistent with MM

    ADPKd = 2.4± 0.6mMacquired on a singleFtsK/DNA complex

    Data on a single biot-wt-wt-wt/DNAcomplex

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    Conclusions and perspectives


    di�erent activities havedi�erent cooperativies

    concerted and stochasticmechanisms ruled out forDNA translocase

    concerted mechanism ruledout, but some cooperativityfor DNA looping

    2/6 RF does not form loopson its own


    activity as a function of n/6⇒ quantitize cooperativity(under investigation)

    wt-wt-wt-wt-WA-WAbehaviour (underinvestigation)

    �uorescent ATP studies

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions


    1 Introduction to single-molecule experiments

    2 Experimental Setup

    3 RNA Pol

    4 FtsK, a molecular motor

    5 Results

    6 Conclusions

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    General conclusions



    fully functionnal MT and �uorescence setup

    proof of principle of simultaneous protein activity observation


    wt-X-wt trimer MT DNA translocase activity validation

    identi�cation of di�erent types of cooperativity for di�erentactivities

  • Introduction The setup RNA Pol FtsK Results Conclusions

    Future work


    direct protein labelling protocols for RNAP and FtsK

    direct observation of RNAP-promoter interaction and rotation

    direct visualization of FtsK translocation

    FtsK quantization

    discrimination between ATPase cooperativity mechanisms

    higher-order FtsK multimers study

    application of �xed complexes to protein ageing

  • Photoelectron yield FtsK activity RNAP DNA phases

    Micro-manipulation de l'ADN

    Vers une visualisation directe par microscopie de �uorescence

    Adrien Meglio

    Laboratoire de Physique Statistique, ENS

    1er avril 2010

  • Photoelectron yield FtsK activity RNAP DNA phases


    7 Photoelectron yield

    8 FtsK activity

    9 RNAP

    10 DNA phases

  • Photoelectron yield FtsK activity RNAP DNA phases

    The photoelectron yield

    The problem

    For every photon hitting thesensor, ρ electrons arecreated and detected

    Must know ρ to measure thenumber N of photons fromthe electron signal S

    The usual solution For anuncorrelated source of photonsand S = ρ · N :



    Example : iXon EMCCD @ -80°C

    On this cameraρ = 68± 21 e−/hν

  • Photoelectron yield FtsK activity RNAP DNA phases

    Imaging a point source

    Ideal case (hypotheses)

    lots of photons

    perfect spatial resolution onthe detector

    cylindrical symmetry ofoptics

    What would be observed

    spatial distribution ofphotons : Bessel function

    center (x,y)

    width ξ

    A simulated ideal observation

  • Photoelectron yield FtsK activity RNAP DNA phases

    Imaging a point source

    Real world

    time series of frames (i ,∆t)

    �nite number of photons Ni

    detector size a

    shot noise b


    what are (xi ,yi ) ?

    how much is ξi ?

    how much is Ni ?

    An actual observation

    single QDot, ∆t = 30 ms

    a = 16 µm

  • Photoelectron yield FtsK activity RNAP DNA phases

    Point source measurements


    what are (xi ,yi ) ?

    how much is ξi ?

    still, how much is Ni ?


    Gaussian approximation

    xi = -140 nm

    ξi = 420 nm

    An example of measurement

    Single QDot, ∆t = 30 ms

  • Photoelectron yield FtsK activity RNAP DNA phases

    Point source measurements


    still, how much is Ni ?

    The position error σx

    Derived in [Thompson,2002]

    a is known

    b, σ and ξ are measured

    N = 〈Ni 〉 can bemeasured

    The xi distribution

    Single QDot, 1024 framesSource position error σx = 9 nm




    √1 +










  • Photoelectron yield FtsK activity RNAP DNA phases

    Back to the photoelectron yield


    Vary ∆t (or Laser intensity)

    Measure σ(∆t)

    Calculate N(∆t)

    Plot S(∆t) vs. N(∆t)


    σ as a function of ∆t,maximum around 20 ms

    Fluorophore photon �uxΦ = N/∆t = 100 kHz

    Photoelectron yield ρ = 100e−/hν

    Example : iXon EMCCD @ -80°C

    Single QDot, 1024 frames/point

  • Photoelectron yield FtsK activity RNAP DNA phases


    Equally long than standard method (varying ∆t)

    Requires more complex operations (�ts), but have to beimplemented anyway for tracking

    Direct access to setup parameters, most notably σ(∆t)

    Direct access to �uorophore parameter Φ, hence ability tocount multiple QDs

    Independant measurement of ρ

  • Photoelectron yield FtsK activity RNAP DNA phases


    7 Photoelectron yield

    8 FtsK activity

    9 RNAP

    10 DNA phases

  • Photoelectron yield FtsK activity RNAP DNA phases

    Translocation-rotation coupling

  • Photoelectron yield FtsK activity RNAP DNA phases


    7 Photoelectron yield

    8 FtsK activity

    9 RNAP

    10 DNA phases

  • Photoelectron yield FtsK activity RNAP DNA phases


    10.5> σxy ⇒ R > 9 nm (3)

  • Photoelectron yield FtsK activity RNAP DNA phases


    7 Photoelectron yield

    8 FtsK activity

    9 RNAP

    10 DNA phases

  • Photoelectron yield FtsK activity RNAP DNA phases

    Plectoneme - cruciform transition

    ∆ETX = −kBT ln(〈τT 〉〈τX 〉


    E =1

    2Cσ2 + . . . (5)

    ∆ΓTX ∝∂∆ETX∂σ

    = ∆CTX σ (6)

    PhD presentationAppendices