MICE Brochure for France by Cox and Kings

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Be i t a  busin ess execu ti v e, a  f ron  tl in e sa l es

ma n , a  n ei ghbourhood  re ta il er 

or a  business a  gen t,  there a re a  f ew  thin gs  tha  t d ri v e o

ne  to  perf orm a  t 

his  pea k . S ome a re d ri v en b y   their sa l a r y  sl i ps, o the

rs b y  a  mon th' s 

commission  or a  f ew ex tra   good ies f rom  the com pa n  y . Bu t n o ma  t ter how 

ha rd   y ou  tr y   to ins pire  y our work f orce,  there is 

onl  y  so much a  

cer ti ca  te ca n d o, onl  y  so

  f a r a n incremen t ca n  go, on

l  y  so ma n y   gi v ea wa  y s  to o f  f er. 

T ha  t's where we come in .

A  t Cox a n d  K in  gs M I CE , we bel ie v e s tron  gl  y  in  

 the com pel l in g  power of  reco gni tion a nd  how  tea ms a 

re buil  t, 

e f  cienc y  is increa sed  a nd 

  peo pl e a re mo ti v a  ted  when 

work  cea ses bein g work  a nd   turns i

n to  pl a  y . 

P recisel  y  wh y  M I CE  is d esi gn ed to rea l ise 

the sin  gle most im porta n t ob  jectiv e of  a com pa n  y  

 towa rd s i ts  peo pl e. T o fre  the  pa ssio

n  to excel . 

A l l ow us  to show  y ou how. 

I n  the  pa  ges  tha  t f ol l ow, l e t us  to  ta k e 

 y ou  throu gh our  phil oso ph y , o

ur work  a nd   the mos t 

ima  gina  ti v e rewa rd   pro gra mmes  y ou ha  v e e v er ex perienced . 

We ho pe  y ou en jo y   the ex perience a s 

much a s 

we en jo y ed   pu t tin g i t  to ge ther.

Who we a re


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H ow  we d o i t 

Wi th Cox a nd K in gs M I CE , our  pa ck a  ges a re desi gned 

a round  you a nd  y

our  peo ple. Lik e  p

a in tba ll com pe ti tio


 f or a  renowned  pa in t 

com pa n y a nd in tera 

c ti v e  f un  lled 

a c ti v i ties  f or a  so f  t

wa re  rm, a  s pec ta cu

la r  ga la  dinner 

a mids t  the  p yra mids, we' v e moulded 

a nd   y our need s. Y ou ca n be 

res t a ssured   tha  t


wha  te v er be  the len

 g th o f  s ta  y,  the 

 pur pose o f  

 tra  v el,  the bud ge t or

  the des tina  tion,  you

r  tri p 

will be  ta ilor-ma d e  to sui t 

 y our  ta s te. S o much 

so,  tha  t we woul d  encoura  ge  y ou  to e v en 

 gi v e us 

 your su g ges tions a nd idea s  to wea  v e in to 

MI CE   to   t  you 

a  cus tomized   tri p f or  y ou a nd   y our  peo

 pl e. 

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Come a lon g

Le t' s  ta k e  y ou on a   journ

e y  o f  a  worl d   tha  t we ha  v e ma s tered  

ex plorin g  f or 250  yea rs - such  tha  t e v en i f   you a nd  your  peo ple 

ha  v e seen a  des tina  tion be f ore,  you'll 

 fnd  e v er y  minu te a s exc

i tin g 

a nd   f resh a s  the  rs

 t  time.I  f  

 y ou wil l  a l l ow us, we'l l  hel  p 

 y ou sa  v our  the mos t 

hidden in gredien

 ts o f  a  coun tr y a n

d i ts  peo ple,  ta k e 

 y ou on his torica l  v o y a  ges in to bea u

 ti f ul coun tries,  pa r ta k e

 o f  

s pec ta cul a r  theme, e v en ts a nd 

  ga l a  d inner a nd   gi v e 

 y ou  the mos t a d rena l ine rushin g a c ti v i ties

 in exo tic 

l oca l es  to ma k e e v er y   tra 

 v el  o p por tuni t y   f or  y our


 peo ple a   trea sured  ex pe


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Con t en t s

W el com e

Wel come  to  the Worl d  of  Cox a n d  K in  gs!

Wi th a   tra  v el  ex perience of  o v er 250 

 y ea rs, our na me is 

s y non y mous wi th  the mos t a 

d  v a nced   v iews on Or ga niza  tion 

of  M ee tin gs, I ncen ti v es, Con gresses/Bu


S emin a rs a n d  E xhib ition s/E v en ts. T he in trod uction  of  

I n cen tiv e tri ps a s a  rewa rd  f or a chiev in  g s pecic  goa l s of  a  

com pa n y  si gna l l ed  a  rea l  inno v a  tion in

  tra  v el . A  t 

Cox a nd  K in gs, we  piece  to ge ther  y our id ea s a nd   turn


 them in to rea l i t y   ta k in g ca re of  e v er y  t

hin g f rom  the conce p tua l  

f ra mework   to  the im pl emen ta  tion of   the 

sma l l es t 

d e ta il s. Our  priori t y  rema ins  to  pu t Y O

U  a nd  Y OU R  requiremen ts 

frs t. T his hel  ps us  to  persona l ize  y o

ur  tri p a nd  

successf ul l  y  mee tin g  the ob jec ti v es

 en v isa  ged  

b y   y ou ou t of   the  tri p. Con ta c t us

  tod a  y  a nd  we wil l  ensure a 

memora b l e I n cen tive T our tha t  y ou,  y our tea m memb ers 

an d   pa rtn ers wil l  ta lk  a b out it f or  y ea rs to come.

Ajay Seth Associate Vice PresidentOutbound MICE 


WOW Activity Events Gala Dinner

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For more than a quarter of a century, Paris has been the trade-show, workshop and 

convention capital of the world. Paris is a city where it is astonishing to meet and 

to stay, and there are even more opportunities for business visitors and corporate 

meeting planners to discover its constantly changing accommodation scene, its 

new venues and renovated congress centers and more generally the impressive 

dynamism and creativity of the Parisian suppliers. A wide range of promotional 

materials and information resource are available on: www.convention.parisinfo.com 

Corine Bernadou 

Convention & Incentive Marketing Manager 

Average ClimateCapital: Paris

France is 4.30 hours behind of India Time

Currency: Euros

  The national language: French is the ofcial language,

although English is widely spoken

France is the most visited country in the world. It has everything that you could ever want

to see on your holidays: a great city like Paris, good beaches, more monuments than any

other country, lovely nature, incredible mountain scenery; need we go on? Paris, the city

of light and its surroundings are some of the most visited areas. Paris is without a doubt

one of the most beautiful cities on the planet.

FranceThe noblest ornament of the world 



Max°C 6 7 12 16 20 23 25 24 21 16 10 7

Min°C 1 1 4 6 10 13 15 14 12 8 5 2

Rain mm 182 121 158 205 323 300 237 193 66 63 83 155

Daily maximum and minimum averages are guides only and may vary 


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of cabarets and dinner shows there are bars, clubs, lounge

bars and live music on stage or in cafes: the majority of

establishments stay open until 2am. Clubbing is always popular

and clubs are relooked according to the latest trends.

Stores, Markets and Shopping

Paris, with its 17,000 shops, is the capital of fashion, design

and shopping. On the Champs-Elysees, the agships of brands

are amazing and

sometimes enormous

concept stores. The

carefully chosen décor

and their personalized

welcome make themthe new palaces of

Parisian shopping.

The big sales periods

get the city buzzing in

January and in July.

The winter sales have become a major happening with the

initiative “Soldes by Paris”.

Getting Around 

Ideally situated at the heart of Europe, P aris is accessible by air,

road or railway. This

city has three airports,

six train stations and

high speed trains

connecting to major

European capitals.

Once in the capital,

the metro, buses

and taxis take over

16 metro lines nearly

300 stations and

dozens of bus routes crisscross the city for swift, comfortable

and convenient travel.

Paris is one of the

world’s leading tourist

destination welcoming

28 million visitors

every year. Magic,

eternal, surprising.…

adjectives are not

lacking to describe

Paris. More than 300

events take place

every day in the city, a

clear sign of its creativity and vitality.Its famous museums and

monuments, gastronomy, fashion designers make it the world’sleading tourist destination and the capital for people in Love!

Attractions and Points of Interest

Paris, known as the City of Light, is the world’s most popular

city destination. Paris

is the second largest

city in the Western

Europe, and possibly

the city with the

most things to see.

While there are many

must-see places in

Paris, make sure

you spend at least a

day strolling off the

beaten path, as this is the only way to discover the real Paris:

a lively cosmopolitan French city. The majority of the world

known attractions are Eiffel Tower, Champs-Elysées, Louvre,

Pantheon and Notre-Dame.

Nightlife, Entertainment and Nightlife

Parisian nights are about fun, culture and meeting new people.

A multitude of nightly cinema, theatre and opera shows puts

the capital in a festive mood. As well as the traditional choice

Paris 108108108108 109109109109

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M a k in  g e v er y   journ e y  come a l i v e

We’re a l l  a bou t l ook in  g f or a  d imen sion  un ex pl ored . N ua n ces 

of d iff erent countries a n d things tha t peo ple there d o that

ma k e i t un l ik e a n  y  o ther d es tin a  tion  in   the worl d . I n  shor t, we 

a re ex plorers of ev ery loca le’ s W OW f actor.

G ivin  g y ou the sa me ex pl ora tor plea sures, our ever y M I CE  

E v en t rev ol ves a round T eam Build in  g & T ea m M otiv a tion A ctiv ities 

s pecic to ea ch coun tr y , that we ta k e to a  whol e n ew l ev el. W e 

ca ll these the W OW  A ctivities – A pl ethora of  ab solutel  y  

uni que, f un ll ed a nd n ever done b ef ore ev en ts tha t are

s pecic to ea ch l ocation. F rom the pursuit of Cl ay P igeon  

S hootin  g to  pl a n n in  g a tta ck s on  the en em y  territor y  in  the 

b att leeld  in rea l Arm  y T an ks, o ur W OW  act ivi ties , are d en ed  

by the es sence of l eadership, team buil d ing & motivation.

Ta ke a n extreme cha llenge an d conquer  your tea m’s in hibition s 

at Kiteboarding or Deep Sea Diving with Sharks for their ultimate

thrill. You’ll nd tha t most of our W OW  activities come in 

the most unusual situations and extreme circumstances - s pecical ly  crea ted  to b rin  g out the b est in   y our  peo pl e.

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The Chocolate Making Challenge

Here’s a team building challenge that can be described as nothing less than delicious.

In the Chocolate Making Challenge, guests are divided into groups and debriefed on

their chocolate making assignment and target market segment. After this, they will be

in charge of even developing its brand identity, slogan and eye-catching packaging.

After all, to sell it, you need to own it!


Get onboard the trendiest sport in Asia, Kiteboarding on the green blue seas. This

activity is slowly gaining popularity for its favourable strong north-easterly winds and

clean offshore waters.

Clay Pigeon Shooting

Clay pigeon shooting is ideal for those who love outdoor experiences and pursuits.

With expert tuition by qualied instructors, this popular game is a great way of getting

people acquainted with one another.

Vineyard Wine Tasting Tour

A connoisseur’s delight, take home a wine tasting experience and immerse yourself

in the Vineyard Wine Tasting tour only to join the World of Wine tour up next. A

relaxing affair to savour at your own pace.


Play a round of 18 holes. True golf enthusiasts would dream to put to test their skills

and talents in the game of golf on many beautiful and professionally designed golf

courses here.

Tree Top Obstacl e Course

Let loose, rid all your fears or dare we say, tree top obstacle coursing will do it for

you. Challenge your guts and defy gravity in the summit of the tall Asian trees. Get

ready for two hours of jumping and sliding adrift pristine forest trees on the Tree Top

Obstacle Course.


Take in the rush of karting in the spectacular tracks. Circuits of different lengths and

complexity are available with karts to suit drivers of all levels, including children. Learn

from the best of instructors to cruise mock races in your team!

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Ice Carving

Feel real with its frost, ice and snow. Especially in summer, this is a miracle. You will

get the brightest impressions during the 30 minutes Ice Sculptures Master Class!

With the directions of a professional the huge ice cubes will be transformed into

different gures, even into the logo of your company.

Snow Mobile

Get a charge of adrenaline and vivacity in the Snowmobile Safari. Take part in this

exciting sport and experience a fantastical snowy winter and beautiful landscape on

board an exhilarating snowmobile ride.


Enjoy three hours of kayaking and orientation alongwith a visit to one of its local

shing kelons or farms. Get to see how sh are reared. Later, enjoy a meal of fresh

seafood, right from the shing nets!

4x4 Jeeping Adventure

It is a 4 hour trip with off-road vehicles, which will be impressed in your memory

with beautiful landscapes, small farm tracks and woods, which let you forget about

the approximate nearness of civilization and keeps several mysterious marks of the

past. In the off-road safari you can get acquainted with country outside its metropolis;

meadows, woods, rivers, country estates, life in the countryside, nature and visit

different interesting sightseeing places.

Dream Team Relay Race

An adrenaline rushing event that sets a team on re to win. Participating teams use

different pieces of equipment like sledges, plates, tubes, suit case to slide on snow

within the same race.


The dream of ying nally comes true. Eagle the scenic view and experience a

new dimension. Float away into a new amazing world and a high feeling waits for

you. Experience the mountains and valleys in a birdlike perspective and enjoy the

landscapes, before you put down softly on the landing eld.


We bring you one of the favourite sports with a funky twist. Run down

the tropical city’s best resorts in half-day sessions of roll-downs and

pull-up alongside other forms of games with Zorb balls.

River Rafting

White water rafting offers an array of experiences catering to all, from

an easy oat to the thrilling rush, crashing through class V rapids.

White water rafting trip is geared to meet your level of experience.

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Beach Olympics

Beach Olympics is a fun, interactive way to test the cohesion and efciency of a

group. The programme utilizes several team building exercises that emphasize

communication, problem solving and the establishment of positive working

relationships. With objectives and goals laid out by the client, we design your

customised Beach Olympics programme to help build a great team

Sunrise Balloon Fight

Sail the skies for a bird’s eye view of the remarkable country. With the sunrise balloon

ight, take back treasured memories of a once-in-a-lifetime experience. There are

few major cities in the world that can be traversed by hot air balloon.

Dive with Sharks

Sharks are fearsome predators and at the same time the most mysterious. Diving

with sharks is a fascinating exercise, which rages in the blood and the adrenaline that

keeps the soul of those who participated in it. So if diving with sharks is your idea of

fun or you just want to test yourself with the ultimate thrill.... Now is your chance.

Helicopter Flight

Take a scenic helicopter ight over the island that highlights some of the Coast's

wonderous attractions. This ight offers the chance to take in the beautiful beach

and view from above.

Dragon Boating

Splash with a vengeance. Take the Dragon boating challenge. This game of team

coordination and synchronization guides participants through an exhilarating race

with a highly effective demonstration of unity and raring fun.

Tank Riding

Just to feel what the real army is! Action, participation, shooting and even tasting

soldier’s food, are you sure you can do it! People are divided into groups and then it

begins…Each Military Day Out program is tailor-made depending on the number of

participants in the group, season and your wishes.

Star In Your Own Movie

With a customized theme and story line the movie is shot by an

expert from a lm studio with the abil ity to premiere the movie at your

gala dinner.

Paintball Shooting

Woods, bushes, trees, trails, hills & man made obstacles are the

layout of the land. One would play games from capturing the enemy

base, counter attack or eliminating your enemy.

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We s pecia l ize in  or ga n izin  g un ique a n d  in n o v a  ti v e  the

me-ba sed  

ev en ts; con f eren ces a nd convention s, product la un ches,

f a shion  shows a n d   ga l a  a wa rd  n i gh ts, throu gh our ex ten si v e 

experience, trustin  g a nd rel iab le  pa rtn ershi p

network ; so essential for success an d a n intima te 

k n owl ed  ge of  the enterta in men t in d ustry .

W e a t Cox a n d  K in  gs d el iv er a ll  the con stituen ts of  a  

successf ul ev en t; f rom bra nd ing to presen ta tion , includ ing 

com plex lightin  g a nd a udio-v isua l equi pment, sta  ge d écor a nd 

state-of-the-art specia l eff ects to mak e it excl usiv e an d trul  y  

un ique! E a ch ev en t is ca ref ul l  y  con ce ptua l ized , meticul ousl  y  

 plan n ed a n d execut ed, w it h ev ery m i nute deta il tak en ca re of  

by our ex perienced creative an customer-service teams.

W e ha ve b uilt up a n im pressive clientel e who re pea ted ly turn 

to us for new events while our technical knowledge, ability to

deliv er a nd re putation go a long way in exten ding our services

to many more !

safe hands with Cox and Kings !

F or E v en ts with a n  E d  ge l ook n o f urther ......  y ou a re in  

E v en ts with a n  E d  ge, F un ction s

wi th a  F l a ir… M und a ne  to

 M emora bl e !

Cox a n d  K in  gs ma k es it ha  p pen !

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A   pa l e t te ex pl oi ted , a  ha  p p y  ma n , we sa  y .  Durin  g our M I CE  

trips, a llow us to tak e y ou through a gastronomic tour

a roun d   the  ta b l e f or a   ta s te of  e v er y  rema rk a b l e cuisin e in  

 y our chosen destin ation during the G al a 

 Dinn er, the gra n d  n al e of   y our M I CE trip. E xten d ing our

trad ition of  pa in s tak in  gl  y chosen , in nov a tiv e id ea s a n d un i que 

themes, n d the sa me in  the n a l d in ing we hold  for  y ou to 

make it a n even t gra n deur. B e it ‘theme d inn ers’ in the moonli ght 

und er the sta rs or in the re ga l ambien ce of  your hotel, we ca n  

recrea te experien ces f rom P ira tes of the Ca rib bean a nd tak e y ou

throu gh a n  a ma zin  g v o y a  ge or tem pt  y ou to sin  in  a  S in  Cit y ,

V ega s Them ed ev enin  g. Fly in  g in a celebrit  y  jus t for y ou t o 

shake a l eg with, is never off  the cards . Here is a  

ka leidosco pe of en tertain men t an d interactiv e activities y ou ca n 

cherish forever, marking the end of a remarkable journey with 

us, so y ou will ache f or more, the n ext year round .

T he G a l a   Din n er: G a stron omic 

E x pl ora  tions wi th Cox a nd  K in

 gs M I CE 

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Appreciation 149149

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Cox and Kings Franchisees 




Soham World Tours, 56/A, Amber Plaza, Opp. Bus Stand,Ahmednagar - 414001Tel: 0241-2450275; Mob: 9226932072Email: [email protected]


9, 10, Lower Level, Dwarka Regime, Behind ChunnilalPetrol Pump, Adalat Road, Aurangabad - 431005Tel: 0240 - 6453377 / 88Mob: 9860003377, 9730031538Email: [email protected]


Hotel Pearl, New Shahupuri, Kolhapur - 416001Tel: 0231 - 6684451; Mob: 9822099333Email: [email protected]



9, Ashish apartment, S.B Marg, Andheri East,

Mumbai - 400059Tel: 022 - 65254707, 32402886; Mob: 9820212534Email: [email protected],


Ofce No 2, Nimbus Centre, Opp Laxmi Plaza, SAB TVlane, off Link Road, Andheri West, Mumbai 400058Tel: 42648080, 40168985Mob: 9320391200Email: [email protected],


Shop No.1, Modi Niwas, S.V.Road, Opp.StandardChartered Bank, Santacruz West, Mumbai – 400054Tel: 022 - 67102089 /64520181Mob: 98200 70294Email: [email protected],


Shop no.1 ground oor, Moreshwar – Kamal bldg, DrRamesh Pradhan Marg, Next to Saikripa hotel, ThaneWest - 400602.Tel: 022- 66099119, 66099199Mob: 9619616464Email: [email protected]



Ofce No. 2, C - 1/7, Sec 2, Opp Hotel Navratan, VashiMob: 9320120122Email: [email protected],[email protected]


Shop No G - 1, B Wing, Suyojit City Center, Mumbai Naka,Nashik - 422002Tel: 0253 – 2506000Mob: 9422246988, 9850680032

Email: [email protected]


5, Meher Baba Society, Beside Bhole Petrol Pump,Dharampeth, Nagpur - 440001.Tel: 0712 - 2550441, 3223200, 6464477,Mob: 9923807099, 9373197783Email: [email protected]



Cox and Kings, Shop No 3, E- Building, ChatribanResidency, Hotel Sarja Lane, Opp. Croma, Aundh,Pune - 411007.Tel: 020 - 40058550, 25898303Mob: 9011050795, 9881553119Email: [email protected]


Premiere Plaza, Shop No. 8, Near Cosmos Bank, OldMumbai - Pune Highway, Chinchwad, Pune - 411019Tel: 020 - 32341007, 46701008, 46701009Mob: 9372224442Email: [email protected]


759/93, Abhiruchi Bungalow; Prabhat Road,Pune - 411 004Tel: 020 - 25451823, 25458431Mob: 9822455414 / 9765499334Email: [email protected]


Shop No - G / 22, Sacred World Mall, Survey No. 75 / 2.Wanowrie, Pune - 411040Tel: 020 - 41307196 / 97 / 98Mob: 9604576899, 9096094786, 8007181007Email: [email protected]



F/15, 1st Floor, Osia Mall, Near Kadamba Bus Stand,Margao, Goa - 403601

Tel: 0832 - 6484222Mob: 09209594552, 9326110788, 09921001507Email: [email protected]


G - 1, Karmali Glass Tower, Opposite Trafc Police Cell,S.V. Road, Panaji, Goa - 403 001Tel: 0832-6631958/6Mob: 9922025267Email: [email protected],


Queeny Elite, Shop No. 2&6, Vasco - da Gama,Goa - 403802.Tel: 0832 - 2515899, 2515900, 2515780Mob: 9422059641, 9923202934Email: [email protected]



23, 24, 25, Rama Plaza, Opp. Home Science College, V.V. Nagar, Next to VVCC Bank, C/o P G Group,Anand - 388120Tel: 02692 - 654353, 230580Mob: 9375344353, 9909928353, 9537118992Email: [email protected]


G- 8, Balaji Arcade, Near Amit Nagar Bus Stand,VIP Road, Vadodara 390018.Tel: 0265 - 2491642Mob: 9925764839Email: [email protected]

NADIAD 15/16 Prime Centre, 1St Floor, Desai Vago,Nadiad – 387001.Tel: 0268 - 2562945, 2568945, 6452945Mob: 9909962945

Email: [email protected]


L-5/6, Digvijay complex-2, Near Axis Bank,Ramchowk, Ghod - Doud Road,Surat- 395001Tel: 0261- 6535251, 6545352Mob: 09227535251, 9825127621Email: [email protected]



Behind Amrit Complex, Corporation Road,Jabalpur - 482002Tel: 0761 - 4081005 / 6 / 7Mobile: 9300105898Email: [email protected]




14, Corporation Complex, Dr.Nair Road,Pondybazzar, Chennai - 600 017Tel: 044 - 42123505Mob: 9787070000, 9047067801, 9942355555,9047067802Email: [email protected]


16, R. R. Layout, Rex Hospital Road, R. S. Puram,Coimbatore - 641002Tel: 0422 - 4388000Mob: 9843980000, 9047077766.Email: [email protected]


21, South Velli Street, Madurai - 625001Tel: 0452 - 2330984, 2337123Mob: 9486226089, 9884706140Email: [email protected] KARNATAKA


581 / D, 5th cross, 5th Block, Koramangla,Bangalore – 560095Tel: 080 - 4228 8585, 4228 8586Mob: 9845610638, 9743858555, 9008102066Email: [email protected]


Shop no 02, Khaja Banda Nawas ComplexStation Main Road, Gulbarga - 585102Tel: 0847- 230068; Mob: 9886255947Email: [email protected]


G-3 Aroor Arcade, Opp. Hotel Udupi Residency,Near Service Bus Stand, Udupi - 576101Tel: 0820 - 4299428, 2525673Mob: 9900407128, 9686212498Email: [email protected]




QZ Plaza, Kothaguda Main Road, Opp Toyota Motors,Kothaguda Vil, Serilingampally Mandal, R. R. Dist.,HI - Tech City, HyderabadMob: 9849788244Email: [email protected]


Abhinanadan Bajaj, 5-9-14 Ali Khan Estate, Saifabad,Hyderabad- 04Tel: 040 - 66366004, 23230333, 23210333Mob: 9390031003, 9642223111Email: [email protected]


47, Jawahar Colony, 1-8-64, P. G. Road,Secunderabad - 500 003Mob: 9959998080Email: [email protected]


D.no: 28-10-17/2, Maa Padmavati Towers, Alluri sita Ramaraju road, Suryabag, Visakhapatnam - 530020.Tel: 0891 - 2719111, 2719222Mob: 9440319316, 9849000894Email: [email protected]



33/ 4344, M G Road, Eranakulam - 682016Mob: 9447185758Email: [email protected]


Chakra Towers, Vanross Junction, Survey No. 2897/04,Vanchiyoor Village, Thiruvananthapuram Taluk,Trivandrum District - 695001Tel: 0471 - 4011234Mob: 9846107645, 9745020000Email: [email protected]




UG - 6, West End Mall, District Centre,Janakpuri – 110058Tel: 011 - 45621220, 45621230Mob: 9910110220


A 90, Lajpat Nagar II, 1st Floor,New Delhi – 110024Tel: 011 - 45203333 (100 Lines)Mob: 9811075333, 9311075333, 9311131517, 9313605860.Email: [email protected]


156, 1st oor, Kapil Vihar, Main Road,Pitampura – 110088Mob: 9873778111, 9868485999Email: [email protected]


D-4/112, Rectangle 1 Mall, Saket, New Delhi – 110017Tel: 011 - 46017141Mob: 9810812925, 9811208230

Email: [email protected]



SCO - 46, Sector 15, main Market, Faridabad – 121002Mob: 9810095136Email: [email protected]


C/O Global Travels, 113 / 17, Navyug Market,Opp GDA Ofce, Ghaziabad - 201001Tel: 0120 - 4124925Mob : 9717838442, 9899881720, 9990727707Email: [email protected]@coxandkings.com


GF 103G & 130G Ansals Sushant Shopping Arcade,Sushant lok, Phase 1,Gurgaon - 122002, HaryanaTel: 0124 - 4308100, 4308101, 4308102Mob: 9971411447, 9891489332Email: [email protected]


Omax Complex, 1st oor, Sector 15, Naya Baug,Opp Nirlas Hotel, Next to Union Bank of India,Noida-201301Tel: 0120 - 4219996 / 97Mob: 9711992084, 9891275838Email: [email protected]



O.P Impex International, 1st Floor, 5, Awagarh House,Above O. P. Jewellers, M.G. Road,Agra UP - 282002Tel: 0562 - 4045100 / 101 / 102

Mob: 9837564441, 9837504441Email: [email protected]


NN / A / 2, Civil Lines, Near Trafc Park,Dhobighat Crossing, Above Blue Dart Ofce,AllahabadTel: (0532) 2261222,Mob: 9415252511, 9532711143, 9839707052Email: [email protected]


C/O Internet Café Digital, Near Ram Janak Mandir, PilibhitRoad, Janakpuri,Bareilly – 243003.Tel: (0581) 320405Mob: 9837085329, 9837065328, 9837065329Email: [email protected]

KANPUR Ventura Tours and Travels, 7/89A Nandan Cottage,1st Floor, Opp Allenganj, Tilak Nagar,Kanpur - 208002Tel: 0512 - 3219031, 2540375Mob: 09415039445, 09336211222, 9335969845,9919001911.Email: [email protected]


C/o Raghukul Tour & Travels, A – 7, Abu Lane,Abu Plaza, Meerut Cant - 250001Tel: 0121 - 4032980,Mob: 9760035980, 9873318787Email: [email protected]


C/o Buddha Resort, Dubey Chambers, 1st Floor,Sapru Marg, Lucknow - 226001Tel: 0522 - 3210012, 2231551, 2231550Mob: 9415335344, 9415335344, 9839469506Email: [email protected]


C/o Buddha Resort Pvt. ltd., B 36/4-7, 1st Floor,Sankat Mochan Crossing, Lanka Road,Varanasi - 221005Tel: 0542 - 2315454, 2311453Mob: 9305931906, 9161077111Email: [email protected]



SCO - 91/92 Sector 8C, 1st Floor, Chandigarh – 160008

Tel: 0172 - 4370000,Mob: 9815077934, 9872991120Email: [email protected]


1 – A, Siyu Complex, Near Model Town Gurudwara Sahib,Jalandhar – 144003.Tel: (0181) 4606555, 4606556, 4606557, 4606558.Mob: 9814322322, 9988800983Email: [email protected]


C/O Tirupati Travels, Firozpur Road, Opp. GurudevHospital, Near Vishal Tower,Ludhiana-141001Tel: (0161) 4656699, 4635999, 4625799Mob: 9915700999, 9815032560, 9915651786Email: [email protected]


S.C.O – 44, 1st oor, Surya Complex, Leela Bhawan,Patiala – 147001Tel: 0175 - 5010088, 5310085, 5003185Mob: 9815736371, 9815736379, 9814366066Email: [email protected]



C/o Elisha World Travels, SCF No – 19, Ground Floor,Vikas Vihar Shopping Complex,Ambala City - 134003.Tel: 0171 - 2550727Mob: 9996915727, 9729040727Email: [email protected]


Kataria Estate (Behind Hotel Gold), G. T. Road,Panipat – 132103,Tel: 0180 - 4000652, 4001523, 2661816

Mob: 9896431873Email: [email protected]



Lakhpati Sweets, Shop No 8/9, Bees Dukan, AdarshNagar, Jaipur - 302004.Tel: 0141 – 4040401, 2602570Mob: 9829012834, 9828137649Email: [email protected]

JODHPUR 12 C Residency Road, Jaljog Choraha,Jodhpur – 342003Tel: 0291 - 2433319, 2771515, 2771233Mob: 9461144000, 9672222440Email: [email protected]



Hotel Jewel, Railway Road, Haridwar – 249401Tel: 01334 - 265217, 228081Mob: 9412070023, 9336516823Email: [email protected]




Abhoy Arcade, 1st Floor, M.R.D Road, Chandmari,Guwahati 781003Tel: 0361 - 2665874; Mob: 9706046994Email: [email protected]


Axis Bank, 1st Floor, Mg Marg, Gangtok Sikkim 737101Tel: 03592 - 203354/205492Mob: 9836880002Email: [email protected]


Pragati tours and travels, Gar- Ali, Opposite Central Bank,Jorhat-785001, AssamTel: 0376 - 2932268;Mob: 9864402673, 9706046995, 9864072470Email: [email protected]


Shop No - 3, Amar Complex, Hijuguri, Opp Hijuguri PoliceOutpost, Tinsukia -786125, AssamTel: 0374 - 2330959

Mob: 9678580383, 9706046996.Email: [email protected]



AD- 49, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700064Tel: 033 -30242324 / 25 / 26Mob: 9874077740Email: [email protected]


112/7, Sevoke Road, Ganeshayan Building,Siliguri - 734001Tel: 0353 - 6502589, 2522297Mob: 9051033366Email: [email protected]


7/3 Mandeville Gardens Kolkata-700019Mob: 9339784329Email: ravi.taparia @coxandkings.com



Sri Sai Complex, Gandhi Nagar, Main Road,Berhampur-760001Mob: 9937037025Email: [email protected]


Shubham Market Complex, Shop No.21, Ram MandirSquare, Janpath, Bhubaneshwar - 751001Tel: 0674 - 2380821/22Mob: 9437212999, 9583045689Email: [email protected],


Purnabasi Nivas, At Ainthapali, P.O. - Budha Raja,

District - Sambhalpur, Orissa - 786004Mob: 9437030055Email: [email protected]



HS Tours & Travels, A Dhebar Complex, Main Road,Shankar Nagar, RaipurMob: 9926220000Email: [email protected],



302, Girdhar Plaza, Harmu Bypass Road, Ranchi - 834001Tel: 0651-6452695; Mob: 9234012011, 09534097072Email: [email protected]

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Cox and Kings Ofces 

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Cox and Kings (India) Ltd.

Turner Morrison Building, 16 Bank Street,

Fort, Mumbai - 400 001

Tel: (022) 2263 7542

Fax: (022) 2270 9167

Cox and Kings (India) Ltd.

Yusuf Building, Unit No. 3, Ground Floor,

Fort, Mumbai - 400 001

Tel: (022) 2287 9005


Cox and Kings (India) Ltd.

21, Sanskar Complex,

Next to Ketav Petrol Pump,

Polytechnic Road, Ambawadi,

Ahmedabad - 380 015Tel: (079) 40001440

Fax: (079) 4000 1400


Cox and Kings (India) Ltd.

22, B. M. H. Complex, K. H. Road


Tel: (080) 2222 4191, 2223 9192,

2224 2350

Fax: (080) 2223 8911, 2224 2353


Cox and Kings (India) Ltd.

#10, Karunaa Corner, Spur Tank Road,

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Tel: (044) 2820 9500

Fax: (044) 2836 5902


Cox and Kings (India) Ltd.

Room No 17 & 18, IInd Floor,

H Block, Indira palace,

Connaught Circus,

Connaught Place,

New Delhi - 110001

Tel: (011) 2373 8811, 4129 7900

Fax: (011) 2331 7374, 4151 3919


Cox and Kings (India) Ltd.

502, Kamat Towers,

EDC Complex, Patto Plaza Panaji,

Goa - 403 001

Tel: (0832) 243 8778 / 79 / 80

Fax: (0832) 664 2509


Cox and Kings (India) Ltd.

Anam Plaza, MCH 8-2-618

Road No. 11, Banjara Hills

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Tel: (040) 4477 4000

Fax: (040) 6682 4947


Cox and Kings (India) Ltd.

Tirthraj Apartments,

Ground Floor, Jacob Road,

Civil Lines

Jaipur - 302006

Tel: (0141) 222 0060 / 61, 321 1533

Fax: (0141) 222 1236


Cox and Kings (India) Ltd.

39/6822, Darragh Smail Chambers,

First Floor, M. G. Road,


Kochi - 682016

Tel: (0484) 2350974

Fax: (0484) 2360151


Cox and Kings (India) Ltd.

8, A. J. C. Bose Road,

8th Floor,

Circular Court Building

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Tel: (033) 2302 2520 / 2521

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Fax: (033) 22903680 / 3610


Cox and Kings (India) Ltd.

UG/18, Pushpkunj Commercial Complex,

Central Bazar Road,


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Tel: (0712) 663 8440

Fax: (0712) 561 8060, 661 3800


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Cox and Kings (India) Ltd.Turner Morrison Building, 16 Bank Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001 • Tel : +91 22 2270 9100 • Fax : +91 22 2270 9161

Email : askmice@coxandkings com • Website : www coxandkings com