ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, FEBRUARY 4, 1888: J;A* w . hbtriok , m ; d .l HotriCKppalhlo I>hy8lcian and Surgeon, vor. Cookman &. Banga dva., Asbury Park, N. J. Doura j until 10 a. m ./and after 4 p. m .. H . s rKINMQNT#, M. D., Comer Grand andA&bury Avenues, Office. HptirS—7 to 9 aTjoL, 1 tois p. m ., 6 to 8p. m. T)H . BRUCE S. KBATOR, . vv • IIom(Bopathlo'Physician and Surgeon. Gradaato of both schools. * . , , " Cor. Asbnry avenue and Bergh street. • Hours—Until. 9 a. tn., 7 to 9 p. in.. c • /:■ - > . Telephone connections.. I. QILL, A. p. D., ’ / - ( Pneamatopathist.orMptital Ilealor, 400 Sew aifavonuo, Cor. Ileck street; , Office hours 7 to 10,12 to 3,0 to 9. ; V . ^'».PAWLEY, . •. yj \ I pSKTTIST, - 'VvV'-'- QlB B an g s a v o , ABbury Park.N; J.. J)H . 8. T. SLOCUM, ' " * : ^ P B ^ T t S T , ' Offioo—201 M^ln St., opposite Railroad Station,' " Gas administered;, Asbnry Park, N. Jr ' A. 9. BURTON, » . D. s . , 1. G/fcCETON, n . n.,0. jglJRTOtf BROTHERS, . Bealdent Dentlste, 600 Cookman avenuo, corner-Emory st., Asirary Park, N .J. -office Hotmr: 9 a. m. to 5 p.m. Gas administered. Appointments made by tele. ■* phbnew by mail.r_ L N. SErkotm.D. D. 0. DEW TIST, Offloe 45 Cookman avenue, near Emory Btreet. , Mechanloal work a specialty. Difficult operations solicited. r-' THANK DCHAND. 3. r. hawkins, , JJAWKINS & DURAND, Attorn eys-at-Law, Solicitors & Masters in Chan-, eery, Mikado Building, Cookman Av., , Asbnry Park, N. J* J8AAO C. KENNEDY, Attornoy-at-Law, Solicitor, Maflter In Chancery * and Notary Public, ■ -.-.d? . Special attention given to examination of Titles, ’ • ... J .. ■* Ac. ^ Offlco in Cook’s Building, Asbury.park, New Jersey. ^A LFRED D. BAILEY, P - Attorney-at-Law,'-Solicitor and Master In .- ’Chancery ana Notary Pnbllo. Special attention iriven to collection of claims;. Office In Mikado Building,ABbury Park. oniuoK noBBiwa. aotoh c. habtsbobns. ■DOBBINS «fc JIAItTSnORNB, w Attorneys and Counselora-at-Law, Offices between the Post Office and First Nation- —• al Bank, Main Bt, Freehold, N. J .« Law business transacted tn all Its branches. J)AV1D HARVEY, Jr., A ttomoy-at-Law» Solicitor, Master and Examiner ^farChaaeery, Notary Pnbllo, Asbury Park, N. J. • Q.EORGE W. BYRAH, Attorney-at-Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Address P, O. Box 1004, Aabury Park, N. J. •~W. H. VREDEWBnnon. PRSOKBICK PARKER. TTREDENBUltGH A PARKER, v Counselors and Attorneys-at-Law, freehold, N. J. QLIYEU C. DEWITT,' AUOnOHEEB, 83 Atlantic avenue, . OCEAN GROVE, N, J. Sales at residenpes o^ wherever parties desire. , J1RANK V. BODINB, . ' - A R C H ITE C T, ^ - MIKADO BUILDING, P. O. box 855. , ASBURY PARK, N. J. . : H. B. JOHNSON, Practical Watchmaker, Dealer in Fine Watches, Jewelry, Spectacles Ac ■Watches and Jewelry repaired at City Prices. / Main street, nearOookman avenuo, ‘ ASBURY PARK, N. J. GEO. M. BENNETT, HOUSE PAINTING in all its branohes. Hardwood Onlshlng, Grain- ing, CalclminlnR, &o. -Estim ates famished on application. 1 / I Box *0cesn Groye, N. J. COOK HOWLAND, Architect & Builder. Building plans executed and all work promptly done. Office In. Cook’s Building, Main street and Cookman avenue, Asbury Park. JOHN W. SUTPHEN, Blacksmith and Horseshoer, Carriage work in all its branches. CARRIAGE PAINTING AND TRIMMING In the finesl style of decorative ajrt. Main street and First avenue, - ; : '; asbury pabk. . ' ADON LiPPINCQTT, Carpenter & Bnilder Jobblnjr in all branohes promptly and carefully. - attended to. 'Residence—G02 First avenue, p, Or B o t 282. A8BURY PARK, N. J. • CHARLES PITCHER, \ . Successor to Wm, Miller, ^ HARNESS MAKER, 20 Q Sfain , opp, # .R . Depot, M tury Park A full supply of Robes, Whips, Dusters, Blank- ; ets. Trunks, Bafffl, Bag Straps, ^u n k Strtps, Shawl Straps. ^Repairing promptly attended to. ■ •Acall Jaaoildtod... HumanHair 'fill Cookman aid6f2 Maitison ivs., 'A S B U B Y l ’A K K . <•; k ~^rcrnjM M dtrTim rqtro ior me growth of-, tlie Ualr and for removing dandruff and all complaints of the scalp and hair, haa been hfgbiy reCQmmended. by the best residents-ot Aabury Park and Ocean Grove/ Itasuccesa tea been marvelous. . Testimonials may. be. seen at my office, .i ^ “Stlccess In all cases, . • Ladlca ftnd gentlemen consnltatlon.free. Largo apsortmen t -of Human Hair Works, Nptutal Water.Cnrls guaranteed: . - t jLadlea’ Hair Catting, Shampooing^ Hair Dressing aud Curling by professional French arMy^Veloutlno for tho faco needs oftly atrial to-be preferred to all othera In the market Free trlaj to all. : ^ : ^ , PROF. MME. E«flRIS0M. gusioess ROBERT T. GRAYATT, Stoves, Heaters, Batiges, T IN W A R E, <Stc. ' 41 ■■ i . >. • Cookman av., near Bond st., A8B0KY PABK, N. J.' . Tlli ROOFINB^ltADERS, BUTTER8, A0. COPPER, TIN AHD'SHEET IRON NUUL0F AU ;• .. . .K I N D S .’. « HfFIrflt-olasstWork at!ow rat^s._^| ; ( ^IPPINCOTT, T A IL O R 727 Cookm an Aye. Gents’ TRENTON STEAM OtEING WORKS, ESTABLISHED 1849. "- I-adlea’ dresses dyed in all the newest shades. Feathers dyed to all colors. Gentlemen's doth? Ing oleaned, dyed and pressed^ equal to new. "■ . Agent for Asburv Park:: . HfiNRY DOREN, . * (Successor to G. W. Read.) MERCHANT TAILOR, 718 GOOKMAN AVENUE. Suits made to order guaranteed to fit, Cleaning and Repairing. . >■. ; . SAMUEL W. KIRKBRIDE, > CONTBACTOK, ~~ Carpenter & Builder. Plans and specifications furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. Bestof referenco given. Residence—First ave., becBond and Emory sts. Shop and Office—First ave. end Main at. • P. O. Box 748. ' ASBUBY .PARK. The Old and Reliable Brand. ' Vane, Calvert & Co. AriImmense Stoci ob Hand,. All BesiraWe Shafles of Color.: N.E. Buchanon & Co. Solo Agento for Stalo of Now Jersey. tSy-prices low to painters ahd Consumer iberal arrangements made with dealers. MAIN ST. AND ASBURV AVf. GROCERIES. WILLIAM BEAMES, : Successor to J. Henry Applegate, I F liO U B A N D FEED . Mattison Avenue,^ear Bond Street, A B B U R Y PA R K . M. M. CHOSBIE. ., Successor to D.avld Cartwright, Tar Paper, Sheathing Paper, Two and Threo-ply Roofing Paper. P. O. Box 802. Asbury VarU, 2f. J , SANITARYPLUMBING B. CROWELL & CO. . Now occupy the new brick building of J. Henry .• Applegate, on Mattison Avenue, near Bond Street, where they are prepared to c&lmate on all kinds of Fmiiis, sas mmx niims, They do ribne othor than Qrst^clasS work, and all plumbing; will bQ done after the most approved sanitary methods. ^ ^ ' Itepalring jpromptly attended to* JT 3li. S E A M O N ,, —All Slating done w ith Chapm&n ahd BanRor quarries roofing ^late. Agent for Stewart's Patent Seal Lapped ' Red Reai^y Roofing, v Warranted flro and waterproof/ ; BESIDF.NCB Q14 THIBD AVE. P. O. Box 648. •' . MATTRESSES. O -,. E a m e s , Until lately connected with Eames & Sons, Boat Builders, has opened, a Manu->-— 1 factory and Salesroom for. . Mattresses & Bedding No. 1 Main S ly Asbury Park, N. J. He cordially. Invites the Publio to Inspect hla Stock. _ Renovating Mattremefrigg^laity. H. C. MARRYOTT, jQontractor and Builder, .Estimates furnlslmd for .every. description of /f work. Jobbing attended to promptly. . Residence— , .• Cor. Sewall Ave. and Emory St., Lock'Bb^ 71fl' /• ASBUBY PARK. N. J. Asbury h r k Printing House.; Newest designs, of;type; latest improved or - chlnery; skilled workme^ ; oVery dc«3^ptlQjc of .printing estimatesgiven.,Sp^laJ-premlfa»sfi o«v thedounty Fairfor flue printlhr. m i Lots Nos. 20 and 21 at North Spring Lake, FrontlnK on HJ^tGHTON AVENUE, and^ Within 300ft. of the Surf, • WDjL BE SOLD AT A BABOAIN. T^e lots arei^aoh 64-feet front arid over 200 W8t deep;:Thi^kr^sltuated tn the finest part of the town, almost directly on the ocean 'front, BurtfflJjidod by haodsotiie^residences an(i 0n.the block adjaoent to thb large Hotel Wllburton. ^ This Is a phanco for one of the surest Invest- ments on tho ooaat, the only reason for selling is that the owner requires *th<^ money In his busi- ness. Address ' -i‘-‘ • _ _________ ; /• E. WEIGHT, or O. H. BBOWN, Bprtwr IjUio MomhouUlOo..H. J. F. C. BRAEUT1GAM, Real Estate and' Insurance, . Established In 1882. Hotels, Boarding Housed and Cottages to Let, fo^ Sale and-Exchange. Office bn Cookman ave. 719 COOKMAN AVENUE/ P. O. BoaPi7&^ar.M>lu St., Aabury Park, N. J. H. B. BEECLE, . " (Late H/B. Beeglo & Son) KEAL ESTATE and . ..' INBURASfCE AGENTS, Uain Avenue, Oceaa Sroye, H. J. Loans Negotiated and Legal Papers Drawn H. B, BEEGLE, Notary Public and CommlssIoueB of Doeds for New Jersey, Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia. . Bargains in Real Estate LOTS AKD IMPBOVED PROP- ERTY AT NOKTH8P1UNG LAKE. Improved Property and Lots at Point Pleasant oheap for cash. - Lota at SCanhasset for Sale or Exchange. 200 feet of Bay froht, suitable for a -wharf. The only Bay front In the-market for sale in that vicinity. Will bo sold cheap. Lot 25x125 feet on Sixth avenue, near tho ooean, AsburrPark, If you want to buy or rent any property any- where along tho coast /' Apply to R. M. WORTHINGTON, Cor. Sewall av. and Emory st., Asbury Parkr Or W. T. Stiieet, Point Pleasant, N. J. W . H. P ottbb, Spring Lake, N. J; Beal Estate, Insurance and General Agent. Property Sold, Rented or In- sured in Ocean Groye, Asbury Park, Loch Arbour, Ocean Park, Key East,. Ocean Beach and* Spring Lake. , - Policies written at lowest rates in strongest cotfipames.; Money loangd on Mortgage security. Conveyancing,Contracts made, Etc.-' r •• . . G. W.3LABTIN, 47 Pilgrim Pathway, Opp., Post Office, Ocean Grove, N. J. » W .T. DUDLEY, Real Estate & Fire Insurance. Houses and Cottages of all slsea for Sale or Rent- , . P. O. Box 189. 616Cookman Avenue. Real Estate and Insnrance at ASBURY PARK, OCEAN BEACH, SPRIN0 LAKE AND NORTH SPRINO LAKE. Persons wishing to Rent, Purchase or Sell at‘ the above places, or owners having cottages to rent for season of 1883, and desiring to place them In my hands, will receivespecIaTattentlpn. For furtherparticulara or maps, address 7 E. WRIGHT, Box 168, Asbury Park. J Cor.Cookman’and Sewall Avs., A. Park, unices. ^ q jj jjrown»8 store, North Spring Lake. N. B.—I have some cottages and lota for sale oheap, easy term s; also a number, of cottages for rent. ' * UTIINIE] C O H FECTIO M EU T, Nnts tof dll kinds, FlorldnOranges, Cs* tawba and ISalaga Grapes, . and luxuries of^many descriptions, can be found at the new store of , WASHINGTON WHITE, 23 MAIN STREET, ' ASBURY PARK. J. A. BORDEN’S SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING EMPORIUM, Mattison Avenue, Asbury Park, It J. Would call attention to the faot thathls place Is always olosed-on tne Sabbath, and therefore he has a right to expect patronage from those who believe iu Sunday observance* OFFICE PF JO H N A . B O B D EN . o f' tin and Bubiy^sWio. This is a good time for business men to stock- up with offlceEtationery' and ;a3vertis.e -their in- duceffients for. Winter Trade. s ! ' , At the Asbury Park^ Printing liouso we can putyou on the-right track to do both, to youflasting benefit, f .... HENRY t. WINSOR, President JAS. A. WAINRIGBT, Vico President. . ALBERT C. TWINING, Cashier. First National Bank, ASDOnV PARK, N. J., Post Offloe BnUdJng, Malnst and Mattison ave., Transacts a generalbanking buslnesa, Isfees let- ters of credit available m the principal ofties of the world. Foreign and domestic exchanges bought and sold.. ... - - , . • • ^Collections carefully .mado and promptly ao- oottfitcd foj* , BOARD OF DIRECTORS: ^ G. F. E r o e h l r r —J;-A.; Wli'Hettlok; Jaa.'A. Wainright, , , Henry C.Wlrisor,- ; N. E^rchanon, : Isaao C. K©nnedy, Oliver H.' Brown, ,- N J. Stanley Feiguson, . . Albert C. Twining., ^ pENNSYLYAIIlA UAItROADr >rT , On And after Nov. 14, 1B87, . TBAXKS ZiXAVS ASBUBT PAUK For New York. Newark, Elizabeth, Rahway, Red Hank, Long Branch and intermediate stations, a t 0.10 a. m., 1.15. 5 85 p. m. Express for New York, Newark, Elizabeth and Long Branch, at 7.40 a. m; :<■ .. For South Amboy, Matawan, and Intermediate stations, at 9.1oa, mM1.15,6.85 p. m. - FbrPhlladelphla, (Broad St. ,)Trenton, Princeton, , Monmouth Junction, and Freehold, at 7.G9 a; m .. 12.27,4.S0 p. m . ' . For Cdnrdon, Barllnpton, Bordentown and points — -on the Amboy Division t via. Berkeley and Toms Rlver, on Mondays and Saturdays only; v at 2.00p.m ... For CamdehfBurllngt&n, and Bordentown', (via. Trenton,) 7.69 a. m^ l2^7, 4.20 p. m. Via. Jamesbnrg, 7.69 a1 , m^, 4,20 p. m . For Toms Blver, Island Heights, and Intermedi- ate stations, at al.OG a. m., week days. On r - Mondays and Saturdays only. 2.00 p/rn; ' Por PointPleasant, ahd Intermediate stations, at 11.05 a. m ., a.00,5.80,7.00 p. m. rnAiRa u u v i w*w tobk (via.. Desbrosses and Cortlandt Sts. ferries) ron asbdux pabk At *9.10 a. m., 12.00 noon, *3.40,5.00 p. m. YBAiKS LXAVB PHILADELPniA (B road S t.) M B ASBTTBT PASS . —. A t7.82,11.16 a.m ., 4.00 p. m. Market St., via. - Camden and Trenton—7.20,.10.80 a. m., 2.80 p. m. Via. Jamesburg, 7.3) a. to., 8.80 p. m. Via. Toms River and Berkeley, on Mon- days and Saturdays only, 8.80 a. m. •Express. ' . J. R. WOOD, <Wl PBM. Afft. CHAS. E. PUGH. Gm't itahager. - J^EW tO B K A LOROBBAHCHB.il. Time Table, in effect November 18,1887. Btatloha InNewYork—Central XLH. o f New Jer- soy, foot of Liberty Street; P. R. B., foot of Courtlandt and Desbrosses streets. c j u v a H*W TOBK PO» ABBUBT PA ks, * 0 . Central R. R. of N. J.—4.00. R15;11.15 A. , m:,, *4^0,6.15p.m . ^ ,l Pennsylvania—*9.10 a. m., 12.00 m., *8.40, C.00 p f m . Leave Newark, Broad St. Station, for Asbnry P a r t, Ac.—8.25, 11.20 a. m ., l.OS.^.OO, 4.85, 6.20 p. m. Market St. Station—9.88 a. m., 12-20, 4.11, 6.38 p . m / m m ASaUBT PABK p o a MBW TOBK, AO. Central R. R. of N r J.-6.25, 7J25, *8.00, 10.55 a. to., 4.15, 6.45 p. m. Pennsylvania—*7.40,9.15 a. m.,1.15.' 5.86 p.m i - For Philadelphia and Trenton, via. Bound Brook Route—0.25,8.00a. m ..4.15p.m . • For Ooean Beach, Spring Lake and Sea Girfc- 0.55, 7.59, 10.20, 11.05 a , m ., 12.27, 1.05, 2.00, &00,4.20,5.80, 5.55, 6.15, 7.00, &10 p. m ..„ ... For Manasquan and Point Pleasant—0.65. 10.80, li.oe a. m., 1 05, 2.00, a.oo, s ao, 5.55, 0.15 7.00; 8.10 p. in. . . . For Philadelphia, via. Sea Girt—7.59 a. m., 12 27, 4J2Qp. m. For stations on P. R. B. to Toms River, via.: Bay Head. 11.05;. a. m. For Camden and Philadelphia, via. Sea side Park, 2.00 p. nx, Mondays ana Saturdays only.- •— ‘Express. RUFUS BLODGETT, Supt. H. P. BALDWIN^. P. A. O. R. B, Qf/f. J. J. R. WOOD, Gm'l pat. AaU P. B.B. NO. 5. p B E E H O L D AKB IVEW YORK R . Rt In effect Jan, 2,1888. 'TnAtWs'wiM. tu n pen pmnaoLD as poiaows ; cleave Asbury Park—7.25,10.55 a. m.,1.15, 4.16, 5.85 p. m . Leave Long Branoh—7.40,11.10 a. m., 1.80, 4.80, 5.60 p . m . Leave Branohport—7.48, ll.t4a. m ., 1.83, 4.83,5.53 Leave little Silver—7.48,11,19a.m .,1.88,4.88,5.B8 Leave Red B a n k -7 68, ll.SO a . m ., 1.43, 4.45, 0 Ofl Leave Middletown—8.00, U.87 «, m,t .1.60, .4^63, 6J4 p. m, •' - I-eave afatawan-6.80, ail, 9.81 a , m ., 12.20,2.06, 5.80,6.40 p .m . ' zjbaV k rnxtnoLUPon bbo bake, sto. 9.00,11.15 a . xn.41.30, 4.80. 6^55 n. m. The 1.80 p. m. train from Freehold connects olosg&Xor all shore points. „ ' j . - • ■ J. E. RALPH, 8up’t Sea-Side Home, *Boarding and Day Bohool fox Yoxmg Ladies and Children, ASBUBY PABK. - HEW JEBSJBT. Ninth year opens Wednesday. Sept. 21, ’87. Address JULIA ROBS, Principal. " ' 601 Asbury ave., Asbury Park, N. J PRINTING . |T or any^and every pur- pose that may be. re- ‘; > ' —1 quired—from a visiting card to a newspaper or a 300 -pafcebgok. Premiums have been awarded for our excellent work. V: ; . * Asbury Park printing House, + . •, . 718 Mattison Avenue,opposit« Bank, . When it Is a well-known fact that ( BOURNE’S ^English Tonic Dyspepsia Pills will hot only give ease, but permanently cure Indigestion, Dyspepsia, or t^ny gMtrio trouble. LADIES I Bo Tonr Own Byelng, a^Hooie, with ‘Thfcy will dyo everything. They are sold every- where. Prioo We. a package—40 colors. They have no equal for.Strength, Brightness, Amount In Packages or for Fafitnestfof Color, or non-fad* ilitlea.' ■'"*— J *■" ---------- S trongth, Brigh toess, Amount _______ F^astnestfof Color, or non-fad- ing oaalittes. They do not crock or smuC. For ^ sWo By’H. TnatlngiB.D., Wooll&y &BemltW*B. , -i Christmu, DruggfftS,ABbury-PorkrN. J.' For Sale by ali Druggists. 3 ; A ;a: TAILOR, Mason and Builder, Bricklaying and Plastorlngln ail bmnohea \ of Masonry work* - i Jfobtflng promptly atteuded'td; \ * !; [ . r . o ; Box dfl^ • Offloer783 MatUaon avenue Iloal Estate Conveyances." List of conveyances, Monmonth County Clerk’s office, for the weok ondihg Jan. 28, 1888: . AB»Um PABK. ' - .At]mist us n. Treat to Goorgo W. Treat-lot 601. $8,000. . X . George W. Treat to Emma E. Dlokinaoii—lot 601. 07,000; ■;■>' ■ ooban osovfi. , . ' W. H. Beeglo to H. B. Beegle—lot 1589, 5T00. The Ooean Grove Camp Meeting Association— to Sarah E. BamcB—lot 1841 and 1848. #1,400. T. Ellwood Caator et ul. to Charles M. Castor— lo t 475. $1. ; - - ; .-. Charlea M. Castor tl al. to Wm. O. Castor—lot 633. *1. ■■■ > i ' M^aOELLAJCBOTia. ’ . , John c. Bhavrto Sarah J. Doying—undivided half lot at Long Branch. 81. Sarah J. Ddylng to John C. ShaVr—undivided half lot at Long Branch. $L , ■Same to same-^undlvided half of same prop-" erty. $1. ' Jacob D. Butler to John C, Shaw et ai.—4 lots at Long Branch. $L- ' r*,' Charles Lapler to Jacob D. Butler—4 lots at Long'flranob. 832,400. Same to same—3 lota at LongBranch. $21,(} 00., Georgo W. Brown to Martha Keonan—lot. at I<ongtirancb. $800. - V,-...; , E.AV. ArtoyfBmlth to George W. Brown—lot at Long Branch. 8100, : .. . ' . Inhabitants of Ocean township to Mary Dp mart —lot In Ooean township. $98.43. Sarah H. Romaln to Banyer Ludlow—5 22 100 acres in Freehold township, 82,000. . ' Same to same—0 tracts of land in Freehold township. $3,600. Jacob O. Burtt. Jr., tb Janette C. Patterson- 93 acres In Howell township. — -- — George W. Cross to.George. D. Horno^—lot at Elilsdaie. SCO. Miohael M. Cook et al. to Walter R. Cook—un- divided % of 2 lots at Long Branch. 81,600. Hanhah CorUea-to-Calvln Reed— lot at Long Branch. $850. Mary N. Davis to Lcvl Davis—lot at Long Branch. $1,450. Ezra A. Osborn to Edward C. Taylor—equal uhdlvldod of estate of John L Taylor. WfiO. Samuel B. Downes to Harriet 8 . Lake—lot »45 at Atlantlo Highlands. — — . Thomas W. Duncan to Edward P. Longsfreet— lo t In Wall township. $1,600. -rf Abraham B; Dupuy to Howard E. Tumer—2 lots Matawan township. $1. The Secald Keyport Loan Association to Har- rl«on M,>ifeynard—lot Keyport. 8100. Isaac Compton to John /. Compton—lot Middle- town township. *33. Wm. V. Wilson to John J. Compton—lot Middie- townshlp. 874,00. .John J. ComptontoHarvoy Johnson—3 lota Mid- dletown township. 8800: James E. Brown to Wm. E-‘Lambcrtadn7- 874^100 acres MarlborO township. 8421. , i_ . Emily V. Lane to Isaiah s. LRn4~lot Eatontown township. 81.050. * Nathaniel W. Troutman to Wm. J. Troutman— lot Long Branch. 8800. . . Wm. Woolley, Jr., d al., by Sheriff, to John W. Herbert.Jr.^2 tracts land Marlboro township. |B0. J. F. R. Brown to Mary E. Ferguson—lot AUgft* ‘ tlovUlo. 830.30; Sarah R. Faroat to John R. Faroat—lot Keyport^ 8550. ;; Harirlson W. Maynard to John Coleman—lot Keyport. 8250... . At tlio Wtonu Window.. - A good story Is told at the expense of the Amheret College Glee Club. About ten yeara ago the club made a trip through New York State, and sung In Rochester at the same time .that Kate Pepnoyer, a pretty stage singer,waa vtb e ^ After the cbncert it wad proposed to serenade the lady, and ,tbe cinb proceeded to her home and-Btrack up the familiar college hymn, “ DejiV Evelina*" paraphrasing the chorus tbusiy: Dear Kate Penhoyer, v. Sweet Kate Pennoyer, Our love for theo Shall never, never die. Atter singing the entire song the boys waited a’ moment for a recognition of thelr serenade. Slowly a wlndowlnthe third story was raised, later a man clothed In robes of white and with whiskers a foot long was seen, and then a .bass solo was wafted down to the collegians :' Deir boys below there, ~ Sweet boys below there, _ ' ' Yodr Kate Pennoyer •■■•a, ’ Lives four doors below here. As the last words bf hla song died on the frosty air, the Amherst College Glee Clob gathered Jhemselves.'tip' like Arabs and as silently stole away.— A Waste o f M oncy* One form of advertising that always seemed to me to be a Waste of money lathe scattering of ...dodgers Broadcast I have noticed lately that It is coming into quite extensive practice again. At. one time tons of dodgers Were thrown out - every week in this city. The pavements or the business streets would be snowed under With tbeih. Afier a while.the rage for this form of- advertising died away. It never quite ceased, but lately began. to re- coyer Its past popularity. I have watched, with some curiosity, the manner In which the public receive dodgers thrust upon them In tlie street, and It appears^ to^mo that they hardly glance at them.. Only one person in a hundred puts one In his pocket. As a rulo they are ornmpled up and thrown away, or more frequently dropped even without the trouble bf crumpling up. Ygt advertisers iWHFliave- these affairs printed by the hundreds of thousands, on tbe theory that they are oheaper than a space in the newspapers, They may cost less money, bat as an advertisement must be judged by Us returns, not by Its cost, they are to my thinking the most expensive and least effec- tive method of getting your goods before the public that human lngepolty has devised—to judge Ifrom the-big bundles of this sort ot printed matter one ; sees -at the old paper places; moreover, tho dodgcV distributors are not all faithful lu tho performance of. their tasks; so that even the comiparatlvely little servico the dodger might perform is rendered less by the dishonesty $f tbo agents employed to put them out .— TinitmU in New. Tork Nem. ^W anted an Easy Gliair. A Nashville furnitare dealer tells a little story that shows how some people are consti- tuted.. . A lady ordored an elegant easy chair of peculiar kind. It was made and sent to lief houso. She examined it carefully and critically, finally remarking that It salted her exactly, with one except ion—it waa too soft. She had tho map take the chair back.to be made a trifle harder. The chair was returned to the store andi’ pat aside. Nothing was done to It. After the lapse of about a.week thft'j 3 halr was sent out again. The womah again examined It, and this tlnio t^so chair was too hard. She was sorry, bat- when she paid so much to" got an article for her own comfort: sho. .wantc d .U .about, rights aha sent it back to the store for another change. The chair was again put oalda for a week or ten days and'eent oat for the third time with- out having a particle of change. This time It ~wa^ juflt right. Sho took the chair, paid for it, and was sorry it had hot suited her at first. The poor woman never knew that the obair had hot been.cbanged .a nartlolc:^—CAi- cayoNbPt: - J Men.ai^o not judged by th ^ r t 9®ds now a- days; they -aro judged ’by thelr bonds and mortgage. ~ • Ayoting woman.wlip Jsnanlod. a one-legged, man says It doesnft take -piuoh to mako her husband V hopplqg mad;” . Now comes, the tlmo. when the" man who turned over a new-leaf tbtni It back again to look for something ho forgot. ^Ah« ye^” sald a cabinet maker to a otooU- “eTyvdealer, to Whom ho'waa lnWoduced-;-‘,ah, iyef, yon sell toaBOfsan^Tsell settees.0 Notable Electioh Keforn In Kng- land. The advocates of electoral reform are unan- imous In belloy.lng that the limitation of cam- paign expenditures Is a most desirable thing to accomplish, but thoy think It wpnld be wiser to advance a slug\o step at a ttrao, >When the Stato had been put iu control of the ^H ot machinery, the next step In tbo series will naturally be the passage) o f“a law fixing a maximum limit for the, oxpenditnres of candidates and requiring the publication, after eleotlon, by _th e ’candidates or.- tbclr ^agents, of a sworn:^tateme^t of every item of 'expenditure. All tiese.provisions are In the Snglish Ballot Box Acts and the Corrupt Practices Acts, and their complete success in practice has beon one of the most signal irl- umphs of modern, legislation. They have lit- erally exterminated all the many eviW which flowed In that country, as thoy do In this, from the unrestricted use of money1 in elec- tions. They have also greatly reduced the legitimate expenses of elections, and have thus put^pablio offices within the reach of otbeta than the rlch. : Who? the law limiting expenditures .was first passed the iriaximum allowed was pronounced too low by nearly everybody, bat after tWo elections had11been held under it, the surprising fact was revealed that It was at least^ne-fourth too high. The last total of election expenditures for Great Brltlan>before the law went Info effect waa estimated at $15,000,000. At the first election tinker the law it dropped to about $8,900,000, and in the second, that lh 1885, It dropped to less than $8,000,000, or ono million less than the maximum allowed-by law. At the last clcction^ beforc t|je Iaw rwqnt into operation, there were no less tfian 95 petitions against re- turns on tho ground of corrnptiqn and bribery. After the election In 1886 thero was not a sin- gle one. As Competitive extravagance and bribery under tbe old system had had tho-of- fect 0 (.constantly increasing the extravagance, and dishonesty of elections, so had limited expenditure and inability to bribe produced economy. If one candidate does, not bribe and corrupt, his rival has no- incentive to do bo.—jFVoni u 2TA« Xaw arid the Jkdlot^ by Joseph JB, Bishop, in Scrify‘>ier''a Mar}azinefo r February, L < eg tsi a t i v e Compensation.* The compensation jpaid to'membera of the Legislatures has furnished a subject for dis- cussion for many years. Illinois haa never been among the highest nor the lowest in regard'to the salary of the Assemblymen and Stato Senators. It has paid them $5 per day, with an unlimited session, grafted them ten centa a mile to and ,from* their liomes during the Bes*lon, and haa paid each.of thom $50 every session for. stationery^ stamps, eta New York, the largest State In’the Union, pays Its legislators a fixed salary of $1,500 a year and mileage, and' does not limit the length of tho session, while Rhode island, the smallest State In the Union, pays ita members $1 a day and mileage, New York paying the highest and Rhode Island tbo lowest salary in the United 8tates. Seventeen of the States prescribe no limit to the'length of the ses- sion, the remaining twenty-one prescribing from forty to - ninety days. The sessions,^ compensation of members, etc., of"the Legis- latures meeting this..year-wili be seen froln the following: BlaU. - Zimltof&Stiion. Salary} ‘j Alabama, Fffty days, SI a day and mlleago, Connecticut, None, $300 ana mileage. None/ |500ayear. ..... ........ Sixty days, » a day and mileage. Maryland. Ninety days, 85 a day and mileage. Massa’setts, None, 8750 and mileage. W orking: W om en at Luucli. V A. great many working womefi lu New York take their luncheons with thorn to the offices In which thoy aro employed, arid cht sand- wiches, apples,'bita . of cake and Bllces-of bread and buttordt tlicfrdcsksor typo-wrltlng machlno3, out of a llttlo tin box or scrap of paper. Bat all those who can afford it tryto get something hot and‘substantial at their midday meal, and are* wise in so doing, be- cause bits of cold bread and fruit are not suf- ficient nutriment for a woman who is dolng: ten hours of hard work;,, ^n a good many of the big office .buildings, And in some of the newspaper buildings, there are cheap Inrich- oon1 rooms,-and at theijo places the three favor - ite articles of food among the female custom- ers are coffee, hot bread and'ple. r . Strange to say, no woman seems tononalder her lanoheon satisfactory1withont something aweot, and men rarely tat sweets at their midday moal. A few women busy In offices down about Parfi: Row drop Into the Astor Houso for a littlo. steak, and a cup of tea.- There aro restaurants on Fourteenth street aftid on Broadway, near Ninth and Tenth streetsj that are largely patronized by work- ing women because of their convenience and their, moderate rates for lunoboon. They order very modest repasts, bat they.ploan up every scrap and leave the dishes looking liko Jack S p r a t ’s . They study the menu with, great car& and know just what to order to get tho moat nutriment for' the least money. The ooizipanlonable girls divide - into parties of •four for luncheon, having learned that by ordering one portion of everything the; four can makA a pretty; satisfactory^tBBttljTMffc-'thfr four never leave enough of tha^one 'portion to provide the thinnest aort of lunch for ihe vory churcbiiest sort of a mouse. Thero is one clover llttlo game played by theso parties which provide them all with an- abundance of one portion of tea. Instead of having a cup for each they order a pot of the beverage, which conies with plenty of tea leaves and only, water enough to make two cupfuls. Thia they Immediately pour off and ask the waiter for^a pitcher of bot water, for which there Is no extra charge,'and armed with It they can fill the teapot and replenish their cups twice beforo it begins, to get weak and tasteless. There is no extra charge for sagar or milk, and so this pot of tea, which - costs twenty cents, makes a good part of the. luncheon of four women. Some of the res- taurant keepers caught. on to this and only sent to the table with the teapot a saurer con- taining four or five lumps of sttgar, but tho sympathies of the waiters are usually with theiiard working and underpaid females, and they sweeten alt the tea they can brew In one teapot .—New York World, MtBsiBalpnl,- None, New Jersey, None, New York, ■'None, - Ohio,/. ■ Nono, R’do Island, None, S. Carolina, None, Vermont, Nono, 81,500 and mileage. 81 a day and mileage. > 86 a day and mileage. $3 a day. — Chicago.Inter-Ocean. Scene on the Bowery. There was a^^.queer scene on the. Bowery. a day or two ago, when one of tho clothing houses gave away 1,000 overcoata to poor boya, demanding a quarter from each boy, for somo wlso reason not dearly explalucd. The little 'gamins who sell the pajpors got most of them. Possibly you think this was good, and that they would be snug and warpi this winter. Well, I don’t know. They are, beyond and above all other. the.Btrangeat part of our dop- ulatldn7 Thoy aro Hko little rats or foxes, Their origin la easy to get at ; they are the children of love, of paupers, of vagabonds, and of the squalid tenement districts. Thou- sands either have no homes, or elsa don't go to them,' but" ilve in lodglngs^ewsboys’ homesrandin wagohs, garretspcellars^' aud the poke holes of the city. The bootblacks are thelr brothers and chums, and live in the same way. They all Bmoke—either stamps, picked up, or cigarettes at two for a cent. Their stoves are tho gratings ov.er^boHers un- derthoslreets; their dissipation la attendance in the galleries of tho cheapest variety shows; thoir best fun Is found In fighting. -j^«*Xheyiar6 wlfd"beasts,” said tho clerk.In the publication office ot a newspaper the other day; They are devoid of affection and grat* itudo. They swear at yotrif you speak kindly to them! run away from you If you offer them’ advice, jeer at you If you are well dressed and pass a group of them.- If we tako-jiltr on. them and Invite them into tho press room In cold weather they break the windows, hack the .woodwork and even go do far as to tako stones or weights and break the heavy Iron wot JfJ While they wait in tho office to buy papers they dig trenches in the coantora with the Bteel pens and break tho hpldera * in two. One day one of the clerks gave one . of these' boys a good derby hat that ho had tired of. Another olork asked tho boy why ho did not say ‘Thank you.’ ‘A-a^a-h,’ the boy replied, ‘ go chuck your mother overboard,’ * W hat are you going to do with the hat V the clerk inquired. ‘Sell it in Baxteratroot for fifteen' cents,’ was the reply, 1and play cruso wid do money .*”—Jultan Malph, ' Babyhood, \ C AVhat to d«^.In tho sudden |emergencles of childhood^ is a qusstlon often asked by ions mothers. Babyhood-las February answers this question in A comprehensi ve medio5I7ar- ticle,-which says What to do in case of con - vulsions, b,rulses,.born8, cuts, foreign bodies In the ear, noae. etc. ( An equally Important article is that otL_'.‘ Contagion and Disinfec- tion,” by t>r. Ctapln, which clearly describes the source And oharacter of the poison of jjoarlet fever, diphtheria,1 measles, etq., and gives most valuable directions .concerning tho dlslnfectlop.of tha sick room, of the person,^ and of the Tood and drink. Thbte'iifeaWft^ ^ tlclea on ” Children’s Heads,” by pr, Yale; on tho ‘‘Hardening process,” etc; Contribq- tiona In a lighter vein, such as., M Babies and Papas,” “ A Chinese Method of Btjby^^Fced-. Ing,” an unnsually full department ot “Nurs- Helps and Novelties,” and the customary ursery. Problems a n d . “ Mothera* Purl la ery Helps “ Nursery. — , ----- ... — inenV? juatlTy Bat>t/hood,ar claim of being indispensable com panic u of young motht .. Fifc^on-cents a number ; $1.50 per year. Baby 7Mo3cPubllBblng Company, B Boekman Street, ifew York. ‘ Just the Same as Millionaires. A fashionable crate among men of small ineana is to have a bank account andtQ make all payments by check.' The savings banks ordinarily do not permit deposits to be drawn oat by obecks, and when money is taken from the Inatltutlon the. pass-book 'has to be pre - sented to the cashier, aryl most of the national banks of this City require $500 to be placed in their hands before they will open a current account. A few of the larger, Instltutiona require a deposit of from $1,000 to $5,000. The banks stipulate that the deposit^ shall never be ieasHhan tho ^ m _they require t<f open the account, but this rule la not enforced in all banking institutions. The deposit of $500 Is In some ofjhe small Institutions not enforced, and very often If-tho accounta could, be seen the balance to thebrcdlt of the depos- itor Is1only a few dollars! ‘.Payments by check are the safest way- of settling any account,” said a cashier of a bank to a reporter. “ If you give a Jhan a check he most endorse It before he can get the money, so that Jrou always have his receipt. Then tho money ia paid by the bank to some’ responsible person; so"that the payment can always be proved by tracing how the money waa paid. Should a check "be lost payment can always be stopped.”— York Hfhll ami bxprtst. little Newspaper Humbugs, The claim of omniscience and tbe assurap- tlon of omnlpotence are the.amualng.parts o f, a newspaper. It Is artless and transparent. The omniscience la that of the encyclopedia and the omnipotence is the frown of $ove. It Is a ^tago effect, which is pretty, bbt which deceives nobody. The’ roar Is well done. But tho performer is not mistaken for a lion. Ho la plainly seen to be the excellent Hr. 8nug, who Is professionally engaged in the support o^his family. The elaborate prooia- maUons’of the newepaperTa private bualness as a matter of public Importance Is another expect, of the same comedy. The newspaper doberly announces that after prolonged delib- eration It has decided to widen its columns, and that for many months the most prodig- jpustmachinery has been In coursa of con- struction to enable it to satisfy the demands of ita swiftly increasing host of advertisers,. who will have nothing less tfyan all the con- veniences provided by the most modern soi- enco. Tbe newspaper ls gratified to be able to statAthat it id: now.prepared to amUo at alL rivalry, to outstrip its esteemed cotempora- ries at every point, and to enable mankind to dispenso with all' other journals but itself. This is as simple and Childlike a8 K apreat mercantile house should announce that itbad just bought a new set of guwsive account hooka in Russia’leather,and lald a now fioor of Southern pine, and another story to the ware- house. Tbe buyer, meanwhile, ia Interested In the goods, and -mspectg them, and them only, to decide whether to buy or to look else- where.; These are the little humbugs of the trade of the nowapaper.-T-iranptfry. Somethinc: of an Obstacle. Two English youths came ovdrthe water last summer to take alcok at the land of Bro.thor^ Jonathan, They had visited tho eastern places ;ln their order moving toward the setting sun. vA^t a Colorado village the tram was delayed' for a short time by a hot journal, when the two boya from abroad, stepped off .tq limber their legs; “ Say George,” saId ono, “ Colam» bus didn’t do such great things wjien' /e dis- covered this connticy., ’Ow.conld ’e ’elp it?” Thp other ,ad mitred that It was something bf an obstacle In the way of navigation. >- ’i Commissioners' Mooting. v ^ BXTRAOROXNART PROCEEDINGS—CI.BBK BAI- LPT niSOnAROKD—THE - .** JOURNAL SHORR PRESS” *ro n s paid $50 vbr wkbk .POR PCBLlSnrNO TOB PROCJIEHINOS—A LJ- , , qUOR MOBNOH QRANTKD TO UUfAU WlIITR— J TUB PUDLIO SCHOOLS ORDERED TO BB OLOSBD ON ST. PATRICK’S DAT-—OKB HUNDREDBLEC- ' TRIO LIGHTS POR STRBET CORNERS-rOAS TO ' BB PURNISHED CITIZENS FREE; OF CHARGB--^ '' .' , AN ORDINANCE COHl>ELLINd ALL REStDBKlfrl k TO. SUBSCRIBB FOR TUB *‘JOmBNAlj”^-B B -' ' PORT OF IttK. FIREWATER COrtMITTKB^HB .• ,; . ,iK)BObanTOMpIVIDEDiNlrOBEVENW’AnbS. When the hour of '7^80 was marked :i-by-the various good, bad and'indifferent time pieces ' that adorn tho Walla of Park Hall Jaat Monday night,.and the usual concourse of spectators began to assemble, there was little thought in the minds of any tbat the session of that evening would be marked in Hhe annals of Aabury Park as fraught with the most wolgbty and important acts ever recorded of our ** Board of Commissioners. CommlasiQner A. D. ‘ Bailey: Was the first member to arrive and he waircloseiy'followed by Mr. W. H. Smith,55 Mr. Kroehl came soon after, and the press representatives and spec-' tators gathered in fenots,, conversing In sub- dued tones,’as though by som^_mysterious and oacult power they were possesssd ‘of a vague premonition that sometblng'fay In .the . ' near future soon to be n^ade manifest. President McEwan was in Philadelphia ,1 - Commissioner Beegle In California, and Com- mi88loner Bradley Was at home ill. The prea- .fiH.CQ.Ot.Comi^iasloner Gould was'absolutely npcessai7 "td~fdrm a quorum, and messengers were dispatched to find him. Fifteen, thirty, forty-fivo minutes passed and there was no tidings of tbe mlsaipgand ipnoh^esire^niam^ ^ ber. _ --“ Lct,sgo^ownfe7the~LlbraryBUpperi’rr^ ^ suggested Commisaloner Kroehl. ’’Agreed I” . said Mh Bailey, and Janitor Reed turned the ' lights off as three Commissioners aud three /.'. reporter^ wont out the door. . . •. > ,, ; We bopo there will be a meeting next MftftK- daynlght.1 - ' Skillful f!our-Le^ed Miners.. In appearance, the gopher, or pouched rat, as it Is sometimes called, resembles a short- tailed and short legged rat, with a large head and protruding teeth. * . Their - cheeks attract - — attention, haying the appearance of being pushed out or stuffed with something, but this is owing to tho fact that our miner has two - very strange receptacles, one; on each side, - separate and distinct from the mouth, little carpet bags, we might call them, each lined .X "' with fur* and large enough to enable me to . - • thrust In my thumb to the first joint., Pouphes they are sometimes and often r called, and as .' tp thoir use, there seems to. be a diversity of ■ opinion. ' ' - . --. ' The front claws of this miner are extremely large and powerful, and enable It to consti not. : tunnels with remarkable rapid Ity. When onco* beneath the surface they construct tbelr mines In every direction, With no great regularity, but ovidently with the Idea of forming a laby: rlnth'that will ca^ry off floods., That this is- successful I havd frequently demonstrated by turning a .large stream of water into the mine. It would run In. without overfid wing for a long time, and I have never succeeded In forcing one out by this means. ( It would.naturally be supposed that such miners would place their nest at some distant or deep lead in the mine, but. the rovorse Is the rulo, the warm nest of bits of weed belnffi^.;> formed very near the surface, from Which dlf- X * fererit mines lead away, taking anj^water jf. that might come in. It might bo ossumod that the bags or pouches were used „to carry oflt. the dirt and stones removed, but, curiously enough, they use th?m for exaotly the reverse, and for carrying seeds or food! "v .'; ; As soon aa the gopher makes up his mlnd...^ .... that Ita mining operations have been ob- served, it Invariably crawls out, or partly out, bf the mine oir .burrow, and filling Its pouches with-sticks and sand^ backs quickly in. Its iall seemingly guiding' it to the hole with un- failing regularity, the animal never turning, but alway 8 backing, and moving so rapidly that It seems .. almost like thei curious lizard ' .. that run® .one way as welLas another. ^_Tho: ---~ soil and material carriedthis.way Is deposited ‘ at the^entrance of the mine, and If the animal, thinks that danger is imminent it bites off dirt at fhe entrance of tho burrow. J Having done this for a few fiiomentslt disappears and a sepond Jater the opening cloaes, ahd a close examination shows a quivering, ofI'the earth and a repeated poshlng up as If some one was patting lt Yrom below, In short, the mine, had been filled Up from below and so sklll- fully that few wonld notice it. '* Bht where is the miner? Not off in somo doep lead hundreds of feet A way, but near at hand, in a tunnel quite hear the surface, that haa a porthole about aa large as a pea. Through this “ porthole” the wily miner takes observ- ations, and the tunnel will not be reopened for weeks If lt l£ watolied, . ; T^e gopher comes out generally at night to - feed, and carries seeds In its pouches, but the sand and gravel that ia^removed from the mine ia ncv&taHep taiWej?ay»4jptB^pfl8h©d~: up by the animal’s breast and forefeet. They t are tbe posts of the southwest portions of the continent, and the valleys of southern.Callfor- nla are tunneled by a maze of. their mines.—; Golden Days. t - • • ' . . •'"" He Knew Him. -Vr They stood in front of a grocer’s on lliohl- gftn avenue, and ono of them lookedVery sly and cunning^he said; . . ,.x - ‘ “ Lot’a como ajokodn him. I’ll'take tho - turkey down and.hlde it, and we’H bear him'' rave'.” --V (: He took the bird off thd hook and started . to hide It In at barrel around thd corner, when an officer,' who was Coming, up and bad seen the theft, took hlnfby the collar..; .. •'„> 11Say, it la all in tun,” protested the man. -VOh, lsitf v WoH, you can'explain" it at" - headquarterd.” . ".'rK X “ I don’t seo why'you shpuid eneer at toy engagement ring,” Bald the fair girl, with the' flush iof indignation <m her cheek,- a i she faced the belle of the Opposition town ; “ It’s a great deal. prettier than, the one you wore throe years ago, ‘Apd^ haven’t worn since.”.. “ No, dear,”.replied her friend, .With a cool, far-away look, in her; voice; “ not prettier,; but quite aa pretty. I t is the samQ ring.!?--- Puck- ^ -. ;.-.v t'- • This ^ S world o ifcompeUBaUohs. Tliti slimmer tho dude the beavlef the cane. • But the grocer knows mo." ',**DooS h e t Como in and we’ll see.” The situation was explained to the grocer, and he looked hard at.the_man.Rnd replled't i. “ I can’t say that I know you.’,’ - “ But I have been trading here rijg My name is on your books.” , * ‘ L e t ’s ; s e e \ You owe mo a balance of pbout$7.” ~ :, I. *\,r ...” " I - " ! guess so.” " '■' ' .* “ And havo owed it'fdr cah’ .t say as I know you;?? " But pip.,going to pay. Here—take it out of this $10 blllr; I always pay my debts.” 'iE ^ o tly —$3 back. Officer I thinFI know him. 1 Yes, I’m sure I dor Ho took tbp tur- . key.fpr fun, and you may. let him go.”—-!^- v iivit FeteIhtK. « : * ' —TT™ -;— •W -" ' f•* : . if theReoordlng ^ugel ever falls in., lore, the object of that sublime.belng’a adoration will doubtless: be tho m an..who 1 sprthklcd ' ashes oh the ice before bis residence/^;; % f *

MERCHANT TAILOR, · ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, FEBRUARY 4, 1888: J;A *w.hbtriok,m;d.l HotriCKppalhlo I>hy8lcian and Surgeon, vor. Cookman &. Banga dva., Asbury Park, N. J. Doura j until

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Page 1: MERCHANT TAILOR, · ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, FEBRUARY 4, 1888: J;A *w.hbtriok,m;d.l HotriCKppalhlo I>hy8lcian and Surgeon, vor. Cookman &. Banga dva., Asbury Park, N. J. Doura j until

A SBU RY P A R K , N E W JE R S E Y , FEB R U A R Y 4, 1888:

J ; A * w . h b t r io k , m ; d . l

HotriCKppalhlo I>hy8lcian and Surgeon, v o r . Cookman &. Banga dva., Asbury Park, N . J.

Doura j u n til 10 a. m ./an d a fte r 4 p. m ..

H . s rKINMQNT#, M. D.,Com er Grand andA&bury Avenues,

Office. HptirS—7 to 9 aTjoL, 1 tois p . m ., 6 to 8p . m.

T )H . BRUCE S. KBATOR, . vv „ • IIom(Bopathlo'Physician a n d Surgeon.G radaato o f both schools. * ., , " Cor. Asbnry avenue and Bergh street.• Hours—Until. 9 a. tn., 7 to 9 p. in.. c • /:■ -

> . Telephone connections..

I. QILL, A. p . D., ’ /- ( P neam atopathist.orM ptital Ilealor,

400 Se w a if avonuo, Cor. Ileck street; , Office hours 7 to 10,12 to 3 ,0 to 9. ; V .

^ '» . P A W L E Y , . ‘

•. y j \ I p S K T T I S T , - 'VvV'-'- QlB Bangs a v o , ABbury P a rk .N ; J..

J ) H . 8. T. SLOCUM, ' " * : ‘^ P B ^ T t S T , '

Offioo—201 M^ln St., opposite Railroad Station,'" Gas adm inistered;, Asbnry Park , N . J r

' A. 9. BURTON, » . D. s . , 1. G/fcCETON, n . n.,0.jg lJR T O tf BROTHERS,

. B e a l d e n t D e n t l s t e ,600 Cookman avenuo, corner-Em ory s t., Asirary

P ark , N .J . - office Hotm r: 9 a . m . to 5 p .m .G as adm inistered. Appointments m ade b y tele.

■* p h b n e w by mail.r_

L N . S E r k o tm .D . D. 0.D E W T I S T ,

Offloe 45 Cookman a v e n u e , near Em ory B tre e t., M echanloal w ork a specialty.

Difficult operations s o l ic i te d . r - '

THANK DCHAND.3. r . h a w k in s , ,JJA W K IN S & DURAND,

Attorn eys-at-Law, Solicitors & M asters in Chan-, eery, Mikado Building, Cookman Av.,

, Asbnry P a rk , N. J*


Attornoy-at-Law, Solicitor, Maflter In Chancery * and N otary Public, ■ -.-.d?

. Special a tten tio n given to examination of Titles, ’ • ... J .. ■* Ac.^ Offlco in Cook’s Building,

Asbury.park, New Jersey.

^A LFRED D. BAILEY,P - A ttorney-at-Law,'-Solicitor and M aster In

.- ’ Chancery a n a N otary Pnbllo.Special a tten tion iriven to collection of claims;.

Office In M ikado Building,ABbury Park.

oniuoK noBBiwa. aotoh c. habtsbobns. ■DOBBINS «fc JIAItTSnORNB,

w Attorneys and Counselora-at-Law, Offices betw een th e P o st Office and F irs t Nation-

—• al Bank, Main B t, Freehold, N. J . «Law business transacted tn all Its branches.

J)A V 1D HARVEY, J r., ’

A ttomoy-at-Law» Solicitor, M aster an d Examiner ♦ ^ farC haaeery , N otary Pnbllo,

Asbury P ark , N. J . •


Attorney-at-Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Address P, O. Box 1004, Aabury Park , N . J .

• ~W. H. VREDEWBnnon. PRSOKBICK PARKER.TTREDENBUltGH A PARKER, v Counselors and Attorneys-at-Law,

f re e h o ld , N. J .

Q L IY E U C. D E W IT T ,' •

A U O n O H E E B ,83 A tlantic avenue, . OCEAN GROVE, N, J . Sales a t residenpes o^ wherever parties desire.

, J1RA NK V. BODINB, . ' -


P. O. bo x 855. , ASBURY PARK, N. J .

. : H. B. JOHNSON, Practical Watchmaker,

Dealer in F ine W atches, Jewelry, Spectacles Ac ■Watches and Jew elry repaired a t City Prices.

/ Main street, nearOookman avenuo,‘ ASBURY PARK, N. J.

GEO. M. BENNETT,HOUSE PAINTINGin a ll its branohes. Hardwood Onlshlng, Grain-

ing , CalclminlnR, &o.-E stim a tes fam ished on application. 1 /

I Box *0cesn Groye, N. J .

COOK HOWLAND, Architect & Builder.

Building plans executed and all work promptly done.

Office In. Cook’s Building, Main s tree t and Cookman avenue, A sbury Park . •


Blacksm ith and Horseshoer,Carriage w ork in all i ts branches.

CARRIAGE PAINTING AND TRIMMINGIn the finesl style o f decorative ajrt.

Main street and First avenue, - ; : • ' ; a s b u r y p a b k . . '

A D O N L iP P IN C Q T T ,

Carpenter & BnilderJobblnjr in a ll branohes prom ptly and carefully.

- at t ended to.'R esidence—G02 F irs t avenue,

p , Or B o t 282. A8BURY PARK, N. J.

• C H A R L E S P IT C H E R , \. Successor to Wm, Miller, ^

H A R N E S S M A K ER ,20Q S fa in ■, opp, # . R . D epot, M t u r y P a r k ■

A full supply o f Robes, W hips, Dusters, Blank- ; e ts. T runks, Bafffl, Bag S traps, ^ u n k Strtps,

Shaw l S traps. ^Repairing prom ptly a ttended to. ■ •Acall Ja ao ild to d ... •

HumanHair' f i l l Cookm an a i d 6 f 2 M a itiso n i v s . ,

' A S B U B Y l ’ A K K . <•;

k~ ^ r c r n j M M d t r T im r q t r o io r m e grow th of-,

tlie Ualr a n d fo r rem oving dandruff an d all com pla in ts o f th e scalp a n d hair, haa been hfgbiy reCQmmended. b y th e b e s t residen ts-o t Aabury P a rk a n d Ocean G ro v e / I ta su ccesa t e a been m arvelous. . T estim on ials m ay. be. seen a t m y office,

. i ^ “Stlccess In all cases,. • Ladlca ftnd gen tlem en consnlta tlon .free .

L argo apsortm en t -of H u m an H a ir W orks, N p tu ta l W ater.C nrls g u a ran teed : . - t

jLadlea’ H a ir C a ttin g , S ham pooing^ H a ir D ressing au d C urling by professional F rench

a rM y^Veloutlno fo r tho faco needs oftly a tr ia l to -b e preferred to a ll o th era In the m a rk e t F ree tr la j to a ll. : ‘ ^

: ^ , PROF. MME. E« flRIS0M.

g u s i o e s s


Stoves, Heaters, Batiges,T I N W A R E , <Stc. ' ■

• 41 ■■ • i ■ • . >. •Cookman av., near Bond st.,


. T l l i R O O F IN B ^ l tA D E R S , B U T T E R 8 , A 0 . C O P P E R , T IN A H D 'S H E E T IR O N N U U L 0 F A U; • . . . .K IN D S .’. «

HfFIrflt-olasstW ork a t ! o w r a t^ s ._ ^ | ;


7 2 7 C o o k m a n A y e .

G e n t s ’


" - I-adlea’ dresses dyed in a ll th e new est shades. F eathers dyed to a ll colors. Gentlemen's doth? Ing oleaned, dyed and pressed^ equal to new .

• "■ . Agent fo r Asburv Park:: .

HfiNRY DOREN,. * (Successor to G. W. Read.)


Suits m ade to o rder guaranteed to fit, Cleaning and Repairing. . >■. ; .


Carpenter & Builder.Plans and specifications furnished. Jobbing

prom ptly attended to . B esto f referenco given. Residence—F irs t ave., becBond and Emory sts.

Shop and Office—F irst ave. end Main at.• P. O. Box 748. ' ASBUBY .PARK.

The Old and Reliable Brand. '

Vane, Calvert & Co.Ari Immense Stoci ob Hand,.

All BesiraWe Shafles of Color.:

N.E. Buchanon & Co.Solo Agento for Stalo of Now Jersey.

tSy-prices low to painters ahd Consumer iberal arrangem ents m ade w ith dealers.

M A IN S T . A N D AS B U RV A V f .


: Successor to J . H enry Applegate,

IF l i O U B A N D F E E D .

Mattison Avenue,^ear Bond Street,A B B U R Y P A R K .

M . M . C H O SB IE .. , Successor to D.avld Cartwright,

T ar Paper, Sheathing P aper, Tw o and Threo-ply Roofing Paper.

P. O. Box 802. A s b u r y V a r U , 2f. J ,


Now occupy the new brick building o f J. Henry .• Applegate, on

Mattison Avenue, near Bond Street,where they are prepared to c&lmate on a ll kinds

of Fmiiis, sas m m x niims,They do ribne othor than Qrst^clasS work, and

a ll plumbing; will bQ done after th e m ost approved sanitary methods. ^ ^ '

Itepalring jpromptly attended to*

J T 3l i . S E A M O N , ,

—All S lating done w ith Chapm&n ahd BanRor quarries roofing ^late.

A g e n t f o r S te w a r t 's P a t e n t S e a l L a p p e d ' R e d R ea i^y R o o f in g , v

W arranted flro and w a te rp ro o f/; B E S ID F .N C B Q14 T H I B D A V E .

P. O. Box 648. •' • .

MATTRESSES.O - , . E a m e s ,

Until late ly connected w ith Eam es & Sons, B oat Builders, h a s opened, a Manu->-— 1

factory and Salesroom f o r . .

Mattresses & Bedding

No. 1 Main S ly Asbury Park, N. J.He cordially. Invites the Publio to Inspect hla

Stock. _ Renovating M attrem efrigg^ laity .

H. C . M A R R YO TT,jQontractor and Builder,.Estim ates furnlslmd fo r .every. description of / f w ork. Jobbing attended to promptly.

. Residence— ,

.• Cor. Sewall Ave. and Emory St.,Lock'Bb^ 71fl' / • A S B U B Y P A R K . N . J .

Asbury h r k Printing House.;

Newest designs, o f ; ty p e ; latest improved o r - chlnery; skilled workme^ ; oVery dc«3^ptlQjc of .printing estimates given., Sp^laJ-prem lfa»sfi o«v thedoun ty F a irfo r flue prin tlh r.

m i

Lots Nos. 20 and 21 at North Spring Lake,

FrontlnK on HJ^tGHTON AVENUE, an d ^

Within 300ft. of the Surf, •


T^e lots arei^aoh 64-feet front arid over 200 W8t deep;: Thi^kr^sltuated tn the finest part of the town, almost directly on the ocean 'front,BurtfflJjidod by haodsotiie^residences an(i 0n.theblock adjaoent to thb large Hotel W llburton. ^

This Is a phanco fo r o n e o f the surest Invest­m ents on tho ooaat, the only reason fo r selling is th a t the ow ner requires *th< m oney In his busi­ness. Address ■' -i‘-‘ • _ _________ ; /•

• E. W EIGHT, or O. H. BBOWN,

Bprtwr IjUio MomhouUlOo..H. J.

F . C. BRAEUT1GAM,Real Estate a n d' Insurance,

. Established In 1882.

Hotels, Boarding Housed and Cottages to Let, fo^ Sale and-Exchange. Office bn Cookman ave.


P . O. B o aP i7 & ^ar.M > lu St., Aabury Park, N . J .

H. B. B EEC LE,. " (Late H /B . Beeglo & Son)


Uain Avenue, Oceaa Sroye, H. J.

Loans Negotiated and Legal Papers Drawn

H. B, BEEGLE, N otary Public and CommlssIoueB of Doeds fo r New Jersey, Pennsylvania and the District o f Columbia. .

Bargains in Real EstateL O T S A K D I M P B O V E D P R O P ­

E R T Y A T N O K T H 8 P 1 U N G L A K E .Improved P roperty and Lots a t P o in t P leasant

oheap for cash. - Lota a t SCanhasset for Sale o r Exchange. 200

feet of Bay froh t, suitable for a -wharf. The only Bay front In the-m arket for sale in th a t vicinity. Will bo sold cheap.

Lot 25x125 feet on Sixth avenue, n e a r tho ooean, A sburrPark ,

If you w an t to buy o r ren t any property any­where along tho coast / '

Apply to R. M. WORTHINGTON,Cor. Sewall av. and Emory st., Asbury P ark r

Or W. T. Stiieet, Point Pleasant, N. J .W . H. P ottbb, Spring Lake, N. J ;

B e a l E sta te , In su ran ce and G eneral A gen t.

Property Sold, Rented or In­sured in Ocean Groye, Asbury Park, Loch Arbour, Ocean Park, Key E a st,. Ocean Beach and* Spring Lake. , -

Policies written at lowest rates in strongest cotfipames.;

Money loangd on Mortgage security.

Conveyancing,Contracts made, Etc.-' r •• . .

G. W .3LABTIN,47 Pilgrim Pathway, Opp., Post Office,

Ocean Grove, N. J. »

W .T . D U D L E Y , Real Estate & Fire Insurance.

Houses and Cottages o f all slsea forSale o r R ent- „ , .

P. O. Box 189. 616 Cookman Avenue.

Real Estate and Insnrance atASBURY PARK, OCEAN BEACH, SPRIN0

LA K E AN D N ORTH SPRINO LA K E.Persons wishing to Rent, Purchase o r Sell a t ‘

the above places, o r owners having cottages to ren t fo r season o f 1883, and desiring to place them In m y hands, w ill receivespecIaTattentlpn. F o r fu rth erp articu la ra o r m aps, address 7

E . WRIGHT, Box 168, Asbury Park .J Cor.Cookman’and Sewall Avs., A. Park , u n ices . q jj j j row n»8 store, North Spring Lake.

N. B.—I have some cottages an d lota fo r sale oheap, easy te rm s ; also a number, of cottages for ren t. ' *

U T I I N I E ]C O H F E C T I O M E U T ,

Nnts tof dll k inds, FlorldnOranges, Cs* tawba and ISalaga Grapes, .

an d luxuries of^many descriptions, can be found a t the new store of ,



EMPORIUM, M attison Avenue, Asbury Park, It J .Would call a tten tion to the fao t th a th ls place Is alw ays olosed-on tne Sabbath, and therefore he has a right to expect patronage from those who believe iu Sunday observance*


o f ' tin and Bubiy^sWio.

’ This is a good time for business men to stock- up with offlceEtationery' and ;a3vertis.e -their in- duceffients for. Winter Trade. s ! ' ,

A t th e Asbury Park^ Printing liouso we can putyou on the-right track to do

■ both, to youflasting benefit, f ....

HENRY t . WINSOR, P residen tJAS. A. WAINRIGBT, Vico President. .ALBERT C. TWINING, Cashier.

First National Bank,A S D O n V P A R K , N . J . ,

Post Offloe BnUdJng, Malnst and Mattison ave., Transacts a general banking buslnesa, Isfees let­ters of credit available m the principal ofties of the world. Foreign and domestic exchanges bought and sold.. . . . - - , . • •^Collections carefully .mado and promptly ao- oottfitcd foj* ,

BOARD OF DIRECTORS: ^G. F. E r o e h l r r —J;-A.; Wli'Hettlok;Jaa.'A. Wainright, , , Henry C.Wlrisor,- ;N. E^rchanon, : Isaao C. K©nnedy,Oliver H.' Brown, ,- N J. Stanley Feiguson,

. . Albert C. Twining., ^

p E N N S Y L Y A I I l A U A I t R O A D r

>rT , On And a f te r N ov. 14, 1B87, .TBAXKS ZiXAVS ASBUBT PAUK

F o r New York. N ew ark, E lizabeth, Rahway, Red H ank , Long Branch an d interm ediate s ta tions, a t 0.10 a. m., 1.15. 5 85 p. m.

Express fo r New York, N ew ark, Elizabeth and Long Branch, a t 7.40 a. m; :<■ . .

F o r South Amboy, M ataw an, and Interm ediate sta tions, a t 9.1oa, m M 1.15,6.85 p. m. -

FbrPhlladelphla, (Broad St. ,)Trenton, Princeton,, M onmouth Junction , an d Freehold, a t 7.G9

a; m .. 12.27,4.S0 p . m . ' .For Cdnrdon, Barllnpton, Bordentown and points — -on th e Amboy Division t v ia. Berkeley and

Tom s Rlver, on Mondays an d S aturdays only; v a t 2.00p .m ...

F or CamdehfBurllngt&n, and Bordentown', (via. Trenton,) 7.69 a. m ^ l2^7, 4.20 p. m. Via. Jam esbnrg, 7.69 a1, m^, 4,20 p. m .

F o r Tom s Blver, Island Heights, and Intermedi­a te stations, a t al.OG a. m ., w eek days. On

r - Mondays and Saturdays only. 2.00 p/rn; 'P or P o in tP leasan t, ahd Interm ediate stations, a t

11.05 a . m ., a.00,5.80,7.00 p. m. rnAiRa u u v i w*w tob k (v ia .. Desbrosses and

Cortlandt Sts. ferries) ro n asbdux pabk At *9.10 a . m ., 12.00 noon, *3.40,5.00 p. m.


A t7.82,11.16 a .m ., 4.00 p. m. M arket S t., via. - Camden and Trenton—7.20,.10.80 a . m ., 2.80

p. m. Via. Jam esburg, 7.3) a . to., 8.80 p. m. Via. Toms River and Berkeley, on Mon­days and Saturdays only, 8.80 a . m.

•Express. ' . « .J . R. WOOD, < W l PBM. Afft.

CHAS. E. PUGH. G m 't itahager. -

J ^ E W t O B K A L O R O B B A H C H B . i l .

Time Table, in effect November 18,1887.

B tatloha InN ew Y ork—Central XL H. o f New Je r­soy, foot o f Liberty S tre e t; P . R. B., foo t of C ourtlandt and Desbrosses stree ts .

c ju v a H*W TOBK PO» ABBUBT PAks, *0 .C entral R. R. o f N . J .—4.00. R15;11.15 A. , m:,, *4^0,6.15p .m . ,lPennsylvania—*9.10 a. m., 12.00 m ., *8.40, C.00

pf m.Leave New ark, Broad St. S tation, for Asbnry

P a r t , Ac.—8.25, 11.20 a. m ., l.OS.^.OO, 4.85, 6.20 p. m. M arket St. S tation—9.88 a . m., 12-20, 4.11, 6.38 p . m /m m ASaUBT PABK poa MBW TOBK, AO.

Central R. R. o f N r J.-6 .25, 7J25, *8.00, 10.55 a. to ., 4.15, 6.45 p. m .

Pennsylvania—*7.40,9.15 a . m.,1.15.' 5.86 p .m i -F o r Philadelphia and Trenton, via. Bound Brook

Route—0.25,8.00a. m ..4.15p .m . •For Ooean Beach, Spring Lake and Sea Girfc-

0.55, 7.59, 10.20, 11.05 a , m ., 12.27, 1.05, 2.00, &00,4.20,5.80, 5.55, 6.15, 7.00, &10 p. m ..„ ...

For M anasquan and Poin t P leasant—0.65. 10.80, li.oe a . m ., 1 05, 2.00, a.oo, s ao, 5.55, 0.15 7.00;

8.10 p. in. . . .F o r Philadelphia, via. Sea Girt—7.59 a . m ., 12 27,

4J2Q p. m.F o r sta tions on P . R. B . to Tom s River, via.:

Bay Head. 11.05;. a . m. F o r Camden and Philadelphia, via. Sea side Park, 2.00 p. nx, Mondays a n a Saturdays only.-

• —‘Express. RUFUS BLODGETT, Supt.H. P. B A L D W IN ^ . P. A . O. R . B , Q f/f. J .

J . R. WOOD, Gm 'l p a t . AaU P . B .B .

NO. 5.

p B E E H O L D A K B IVEW Y O R K R . R t

In effect Jan, 2,1888.

'TnAtWs'wiM. t u n pen pmnaoLD a s poiaow s ; c leave Asbury P a rk —7.25,10.55 a . m.,1.15, 4.16,

5.85 p. m .Leave Long Branoh—7.40,11.10 a . m ., 1.80, 4.80,

5.60 p .m .Leave Branohport—7.48, ll . t4 a . m ., 1.83, 4.83,5.53L eave l i t t l e Silver—7.48,11,1 9 a .m .,1.88,4.88,5.B8

Leave Red B a n k -7 68, ll.SO a . m ., 1.43, 4.45, 0 Ofl

Leave M iddletown—8.00, U.87 «, m ,t .1.60, .4 63, 6J4 p. m , •' -

I-eave afataw an-6.80, ail, 9.81 a , m ., 12.20,2.06, 5.80,6.40 p .m .

' zjbaVk rnxtnoLU Pon bbo b ake , sto.9.00,11.15 a . xn.41.30, 4.80. 6^55 n . m.

The 1.80 p . m. tra in from Freehold connects olosg&Xor all shore points. „ ' j . - • ■

J . E. RALPH, 8up’t

Sea-Side Home,* Boarding and Day Bohool fox Yoxmg

Ladies and Children,ASBUBY PABK. - HEW JEBSJBT.

N inth y ea r opens W ednesday. Sept. 21, ’87. Address JULIA ROBS, Principal. " ■'

601 Asbury ave., A sbury P a rk , N . J

P R I N T I N G .

|T o r a n y ^ a n d e v e ry p u r ­

p o s e t h a t m a y b e . r e -‘ ; > ' — 1 quired—from a visiting

card to a newspaper or a

300-pafce bgok.

Premiums have been awarded for our excellent work. V: ; .

* A s b u ry P a r k p r in tin g H o u s e , +

. •, . 718 Mattison Avenue,opposit« Bank,

. Wh e n i t Is a well-known fac t th a t (

BOURNE’S^English Tonic

Dyspepsia Pillswill h o t only give ease, b u t perm anently cure Indigestion, Dyspepsia, o r t^ny gM trio trouble.

LADIES IBo Tonr Own Byelng, a^H ooie, w ith

‘Thfcy will dyo everything. They a re sold every­where. Prioo We. a package—40 colors. They have n o equal for.S trength, Brightness, Amount In Packages o r fo r Fafitnestfof Color, o r non-fad*

ilitlea.' ■'"*— J *■"---------- “

S trongth, Brigh toess, Amount „ _______ F^astnestfof Color, o r non-fad­ing o aa littes. They do n o t crock o r smuC. F or

^ sWo By’H. T natlng iB .D ., Wooll&y & BemltW*B. , - i Christmu, DruggfftS,ABbury-PorkrN. J .'

For Sale by ali Druggists.

3 ; A ;a : TAILOR, Mason and Builder,

Bricklaying and P lasto rlng ln a i l bmnohea ■ \ of M asonry work* -

i Jfobtflng promptly atteuded'td; \ *!;[ . r . o ; Box dfl^ • Offloer 783 MatUaon avenue

I l o a l E s t a t e C o n v e y a n c e s . "

L ist o f conveyances, M onm onth C oun ty C lerk’s office, fo r th e weok o n d ih g J a n . 28, 1888: .

AB»Um PABK. ' -.At] mist us n. Treat to Goorgo W. T re a t- lo t

601. $8,000. . X. George W. T rea t to Emma E. Dlokinaoii—lo t 601. 07,000; •■ ;■>' ■ ooban o so v fi. , . '

W. H. Beeglo to H. B. Beegle—lo t 1589, 5T00.The Ooean Grove Camp Meeting Association—

to Sarah E. BamcB—lo t 1841 and 1848. #1,400.T. Ellwood Caator et ul. to Charles M. C astor—

lo t 475. $1. ; - - ;.-. Charlea M. Castor t l al. to Wm. O. Castor—lo t 633. *1. ■■■•> i ' M^aOELLAJCBOTia. ’ . ■ ,

John c. B havrto Sarah J . Doying—undivided half lo t a t Long Branch. 81.

Sarah J . Ddylng to Jo h n C. ShaVr—undivided half lo t a t Long Branch. $L ,

■Same to same-^undlvided half of same prop-" erty . $1.' Jacob D. B utler to John C, Shaw et ai.—4 lo ts a t Long Branch. $L- ' r*,'

Charles Lapler to Jacob D. B utler—4 lots a t Long'flranob. 832,400.

Same to same—3 lota a t LongBranch. $21,(}00. , Georgo W. Brown to M artha Keonan—lot. a t

I<ongtirancb. $800. - V,-...; ,E.AV. ArtoyfBmlth to George W. Brown—lot a t

Long Branch. 8100, : ■ .. . ' .Inhabitants o f Ocean township to Mary Dp mart

—lo t In Ooean township. $98.43.Sarah H. Romaln to Banyer Ludlow—5 22 100

acres in Freehold township, 82,000. . 'Same to same—0 trac ts o f land in Freehold

township. $3,600.Jacob O. Burtt. J r . , tb Jan ette C. P a tte r so n -

93 acres In Howell township. —-- —George W. Cross to.George. D. Horno^—lot a t

Elilsdaie. SCO.Miohael M. Cook et al. to W alter R. Cook—u n ­

divided % of 2 lots a t Long Branch. 81,600.H anhah CorUea-to-Calvln Reed— lo t a t Long

Branch. $850.Mary N. Davis to Lcvl Davis—lo t a t Long

Branch. $1,450.Ezra A. Osborn to Edw ard C. Taylor—equal

uhdlvldod of esta te o f John L Taylor. WfiO.Samuel B. Downes to H arriet 8 . Lake—lo t »45

a t A tlantlo Highlands. — — .Thomas W. Duncan to E dw ard P. Longsfreet—

lo t In Wall township. $1,600. -r fAbraham B; Dupuy to Howard E. Tum er—2

lots Matawan township. $1.The S ecald Keyport Loan Association to Har-

rl«on M,>ifeynard—lo t Keyport. 8100.Isaac Compton to John / . Compton—lot Middle­

town township. *33.Wm. V. Wilson to John J. Compton—lot Middie-

townshlp. 874,00..Jo h n J. ComptontoHarvoy Johnson—3 lota Mid­

dletown township. 8800:James E. Brown to Wm. E-‘Lambcrtadn7-874^100

acres MarlborO township. 8421. , • i_ .Emily V. Lane to Isaiah s . LRn4~lot Eatontown

township. 81.050. *Nathaniel W. Troutman to Wm. J . Troutman—

lot Long Branch. 8800. . .Wm. Woolley, Jr., d al., by Sheriff, to John W.

H erb ert.J r.^2 tracts land Marlboro township. |B0.J . F. R. Brown to Mary E. Ferguson—lo t AUgft* ‘

tlovUlo. 830.30; ■ •Sarah R. Faroat to John R. Faroat—lot Keyport^

8550. ;;Harirlson W. Maynard to John Coleman—lot

Keyport. 8250... .

A t t lio W to n u W in d o w .. -

A good sto ry Is told a t th e expense o f the Am heret College Glee C lu b . A bou t ten yeara ag o the club m ade a tr ip th ro u g h New Y ork S ta te , a n d su n g In R ochester a t th e sam e tim e .tha t K ate Pepnoyer, a p re tty s tag e singer,w aa vt b e ^ A fte r th e cb n cert i t wad proposed to serenade th e lady , and ,tbe c in b proceeded to he r hom e and-B track u p the fam ilia r college hym n, “ DejiV E velina*" p a rap h rasin g the cho ru s tb u s iy :

D ear K ate Penhoyer, v . Sw eet K ate Pennoyer,

Our love fo r theo •Shall never, never die.

A tte r s ing ing th e e n tire so n g th e boys w aited a ’ m om ent fo r a recogn ition o f thelr serenade. Slowly a w ln d o w ln th e th ird sto ry w as raised, la te r a m an clo thed In robes of w hite a n d w ith w hiskers a foo t long w as seen, a n d th en a .bass solo w as w afted dow n to the collegians :'

D e ir boys below there, ~Sweet boys below there,

_• ' ' Yodr Kate Pennoyer•■■•a, ’ Lives four doors below here.

A s th e la s t w ords b f h la so n g d ied on th e frosty a ir , th e A m herst College Glee C lob ga thered Jhem selves.'tip ' lik e A rab s an d as silen tly s tole aw ay.—

A W aste o f M o n c y *

O ne form o f adv ertis in g th a t a lw ays seem ed to m e to be a W aste o f m oney la th e scatterin g o f ...dodgers B ro ad cast I have no ticed late ly th a t It is com ing in to q u ite ex tensive p rac tic e aga in . A t. o n e tim e to n s o f dodgers Were th row n o u t - every w eek in th is c ity . T he pavem ents o r th e business s tree ts w ould be snow ed u n d er With tbeih. A fier a w hile.the rag e fo r th is fo rm of- ad v e rtis in g d ied away. I t never q u ite ceased, b u t late ly b e g a n . to re- coyer Its p a s t p opu larity . I h ave w atched , w ith som e cu riosity , th e m an n er In which the public receive dodgers th ru s t u p o n th em In tlie s tree t, a n d I t appears^ to^m o th a t they h ard ly glance a t them .. O nly one person in a h u n d red p u ts one In h is pocket. A s a rulo they a re ornm pled u p an d th row n aw ay, o r m o re frequently d ropped even w ith o u t the troub le b f crum pling up .

Y gt advertisers iW H F liave- th ese affairs p rin ted by th e h u n d red s o f thousands, o n tbe theory th a t th ey a re oheaper th an a sp ace in the new spapers, T hey m ay cost less money, b a t a s a n advertisem en t m u st b e ju d g ed by Us re tu rn s, n o t by Its cost, th ey a re to my th in k in g the m o st expensive an d le a s t effec­t iv e m ethod o f g e ttin g y o u r goods before the p u b lic th a t h u m an lngepo lty has devised—to ju d g e Ifrom th e - b ig b u n d les o f th is so rt o t p rin te d m a tte r o n e ; sees -a t th e old p ap er p la c e s ; m oreover, tho dodgcV d istr ib u to rs are n o t a ll fa ith fu l lu tho p erfo rm ance o f. th e ir ta s k s ; so th a t even th e com iparatlvely little servico the dodger m igh t perfo rm is rendered less b y th e d ishonesty $ f tbo a g en ts em ployed to p u t them o u t .— TinitmU in New. Tork Nem .

^ W a n te d a n E a s y G lia ir .A Nashville fu rn ita re d ea le r te lls a little

s to ry th a t show s how som e people a re consti­tu ted .. . A lady ordored a n e leg an t easy cha ir o f pecu lia r k in d . I t w as m ade a n d s e n t to l ie f houso. She exam ined i t carefu lly and critically , finally rem ark in g th a t I t s a lte d her exactly , w ith o ne except ion—it waa too soft. She h ad tho m ap tak e th e ch a ir b a c k .to be m ade a trifle harder. The ch a ir was retu rn ed to the sto re andi’ p a t aside. N o th ing was done to It. A fte r th e lap se o f a b o u t a .w eek th ft 'j3h a lr was se n t o u t a g a in . T h e w om ah ag a in exam ined It, a n d th is tln io t^so ch a ir w as to o hard . She w as so rry , b a t- w hen she p a id so m uch to" got a n a rtic le fo r h e r own c o m fo rt: sho. .wantc d .U .ab o u t, rights aha sen t i t back to the s to re fo r a n o th e r change. T he c h a ir w as again p u t oalda for a w eek or ten d ays a n d 'e e n t o a t fo r th e th ird tim e w ith­o u t h av in g a p a rtic le o f change. T h is tim e It ~wa^ juflt r igh t. Sho took th e chair, p a id for it, a n d w as so rry i t h a d h o t su ited h e r a t first. T h e p o o r w om an never knew th a t th e obair h a d h o t been .cbanged .a nartlolc:^—CAi- cayoNbPt: - J

Men.ai^o n o t ju d g ed by t h ^ r t 9®ds now a ­d a y s ; they -aro ju d g ed ’b y th elr b o nds a n d m o rtg a g e . ~ • ‘

A y o tin g w o m an .wlip Jsnanlod. a one-legged, m an says I t doesnft tak e -piuoh to m ak o h e r h u sb an d V hopplqg m ad ;” .

N ow comes, the tlmo. w hen th e " m an who tu rn e d over a new -leaf t b tn i It b ack a g a in to look fo r som ething ho forgot.

^ A h « y e ^ ” s a ld a cab ine t m aker to a otooU- “eTyvd ealer, to Whom ho'w aa lnW oduced-;-‘,ah, iyef, y o n sell toaB O fsan ^T se ll se ttees .0

N o t a b l e E l e c t i o h K e f o r n I n K n g - l a n d .

T he advocates o f e lectoral reform a re u n a n ­im ous In belloy.lng th a t the lim ita tion o f cam ­paign exp en d itu res Is a m ost desirab le th ing to accom plish, b u t thoy th in k I t wpnld be w iser to ad v an ce a slug\o s tep a t a ttrao, >When th e S tato h a d been p u t iu co n tro l of the ^ H o t m achinery , th e n e x t s tep In tbo series w ill n a tu ra lly b e th e passage) o f “a law fixing a m axim um l im it fo r th e , oxpenditnres o f c and ida tes an d req u irin g th e publication , a fte r eleotlon, by _ t h e ’cand ida tes or.- tb c lr

^agents, o f a sw orn:^ tatem e^t o f every item of 'expend itu re . A ll tie se .p ro v is io n s a re In the S ng lish B allo t Box A cts a n d the C orrup t P ractices A cts, an d their com plete success in p rac tice has beon one of the m o st signal irl- u m phs o f m odern, legislation. They h ave l i t ­erally ex te rm in a ted a ll the m any eviW which flowed In th a t coun try , as thoy d o In this, from the u n restric ted use o f m oney1 in elec­tions. They h ave also g rea tly reduced the leg itim ate expenses o f elections, a n d have th u s put^pablio offices w ith in the reach o f o tbeta th an th e rlch. : W ho? th e law lim iting expenditures .was f irs t passed th e iriaxim um allowed w as pronounced to o low by nearly everybody, b a t a fte r tWo elections had11 been held u n d e r it, the su rp risin g fa c t was revealed th a t I t w as a t lea s t^ n e -fo u r th to o high. T he la s t to ta l o f election expend itu res fo r G reat B rltlan>before the law went Info effect waa estim ated a t $15,000,000. A t th e first e lection tin k e r the law i t d ropped to a b o u t $8,900,000, a n d in th e second, t h a t lh 1885, I t d ropped to less th an $8,000,000, o r ono m illion less than the m axim um a llow ed-by law . A t th e las t clcction^ beforc t |je Iaw rwqnt in to operation , there w ere n o less tfian 95 p e titions ag a in st re ­tu rn s o n tho g ro u n d o f co rrn p tiq n and bribery. A fter th e election In 1886 thero w as n o t a sin­gle one. A s Com petitive ex trav ag an ce and b ribery u n d e r tb e o ld system h ad had tho-of- fec t 0 (.constantly increasing th e ex travagance, an d d ishonesty o f elections, so h ad lim ited expend itu re an d inab ility to b rib e produced econom y. I f one can d id a te does, n o t bribe a n d co rru p t, h is r iv a l h a s no- incentive t o do bo.—jFVoni u 2TA« Xaw arid the J k d lo t^ by Joseph JB, Bishop, in Scrify‘>ier''a Mar}azine f o r February,

L < e g ts i a t i v e C o m p e n s a t i o n . *

T he com pensation jpaid to 'm em b era o f the L egislatures h as fu rn ished a su b je c t fo r dis­cussion fo r m any years. Illin o is haa never been am o n g th e h ig h est n o r th e low est in reg a rd 'to the sa la ry o f the A ssem blym en and S tato Senators. I t h as paid th em $5 p e r day, w ith a n un lim ited session, g ra f te d them ten centa a m ile to an d ,from* th e ir liom es d u rin g th e Bes*lon, an d haa p a id e a ch .o f th o m $50 every session for. stationery^ stam ps, e ta New Y ork, th e larg est S ta te In’ the U nion , pays Its leg islators a fixed sa la ry o f $1,500 a y ea r an d mileage, a n d ' does n o t lim it th e length o f tho session, while R hode islan d , the sm allest S ta te In th e U nion, pays ita m em bers $1 a day a n d m ileage, New Y o rk p ay in g the h ighest an d R hode Islan d tbo low est sa la ry in th e U nited 8 ta tes . Seventeen o f th e S ta te s prescribe no lim it to th e 'le n g th o f th e ses­sion, the rem ain ing tw enty-one prescrib ing fro m fo rty to - n in e ty days. T h e sessions,^ com pensation o f m em bers, e tc ., o f "the Legis­la tu res m eeting th is ..y ear-w ili b e seen froln th e fo llo w in g :

BlaU. - Zimltof&Stiion. Salary} ‘j Alabama, F ffty days, SI a day and mlleago, Connecticut, None, $300 a n a mileage.

“ N one/ |5 0 0 ay ear. ..... ........ Sixty days, » a day and mileage.Maryland. Ninety days, 85 a d ay and mileage. Massa’setts, None, 8750 an d mileage.

W o r k i n g : W o m e n a t L u u c l i . VA. g rea t m any w orking womefi lu New York

tak e th e ir luncheons w ith thorn to th e offices In which thoy aro em ployed, arid c h t sand­wiches, ap p le s , 'b ita . o f cake an d Bllces-of b read an d b u tto rd t tlic frd csk so r typo-w rltlng machlno3, o u t of a llttlo t in box o r sc rap of paper. B a t a l l those w ho can affo rd it t r y to g e t som ething h o t a n d ‘su b s ta n tia l a t their m idday m eal, an d are* w ise in so doing , be­cause b its o f co ld bread a n d f ru it a re n o t su f­ficient n u trim en t for a w om an w ho is d o ln g : ten hours o f h a rd work;,, ^n a good m any of th e big office .buildings, A n d in som e o f the new spaper buildings, th ere a re ch eap Inrich- oon1 room s,-and a t theijo p laces the th ree favor­ite a rticles o f food am ong th e fem ale custom ­e rs a re coffee, h o t bread a n d 'p le . r .

S tran g e to say , n o w om an seem s tononalder h e r lanoheon sa tisfac to ry1 w ithon t som ething aweot, a n d m en rare ly t a t sw eets a t th eir m idday moal. A few w om en busy In offices dow n ab o u t Parfi: Row d ro p Into th e A stor H ouso for a littlo . s teak , a n d a c u p o f tea .- T here aro res tau ran ts o n F o u rteen th street aftid on B roadw ay, n ea r N in th a n d Tenth streetsj th a t a re largely p a tro n ized b y work­ing w om en because o f th e ir conven ience an d their, m oderate r a te s for lunoboon. T h ey o rder very m odest repasts, b a t they.ploan u p every sc rap a n d leave th e d ishes looking liko J a ck S p ra t’s. They s tu d y th e m enu w ith , g rea t car& an d k now ju s t w h a t t o o rd er to g e t tho m oat n u trim e n t fo r' th e lea s t m oney. The ooizipanlonable g irls d iv ide - in to p a rties of •four fo r luncheon, hav in g learned th a t by o rd erin g one p ortion o f ev ery th ing th e; four can makA a p re tty ; satisfactory^tBBttljTMffc-'thfr fo u r n ev e r leave enough o f th a ^ o n e 'portion to provide the th in n est a o rt o f lunch for ihe vory churcbiiest so rt o f a m ouse.

Thero is one clover llttlo gam e p lay ed by theso parties which p r o v id e th e m a ll w ith an- abundance o f o n e p o rtio n o f tea. In s te a d of hav ing a c u p fo r each th ey o rder a p o t o f the beverage, w hich conies w ith p len ty o f tea leaves and only, w ater en ough to m ak e two cupfu ls. T hia they Im m ediately p o u r off and a sk th e w aite r for^a p itc h e r of b o t water, fo r which there Is no e x tra c h a rg e ,'a n d arm ed w ith I t they c a n fill the tea p o t an d replenish th e ir cups tw ice beforo i t begins, to g e t w eak and tasteless. T here is n o ex tra c h a rg e for s a g a r o r m ilk, an d so th is p o t of tea , which - costs tw en ty cen ts , m akes a good p a r t o f the. luncheon o f fo u r women. Som e o f th e res ­ta u ra n t k eepers c a u g h t. o n to th is a n d only sen t to th e tab le w ith the te a p o t a s a u re r con­ta in in g fo u r o r five lum ps o f sttgar, b u t tho sym path ies o f th e w aite rs a re u su a lly with th e i ia rd w orking an d u n d erp a id fem ales, and they sw eeten a l t th e t e a th ey c a n b rew In one teap o t .—New York World,

MtBsiBalpnl,- None, New Jersey, None, New York, ■'None, - O hio ,/. ■ Nono, R’do Island, None, S. Carolina, None, Vermont, Nono,

81,500 and mileage.

81 a day and mileage. > 86 a day and mileage.

$3 a day.— Chicago.Inter-Ocean.

Scene on the Bowery.T here w as a^^.queer scene o n the. Bowery. a

d ay o r tw o ago, w h en one o f tho clo th in g houses gave aw ay 1,000 overcoata to poor boya, dem anding a q u a rte r from each boy, for somo wlso reason n o t d e a r ly explalucd . The little 'gam ins w ho sell the pajpors g o t m ost o f them . Possibly y o u th in k th is w a s good, an d th a t th ey w ould b e snug a n d w arpi th is w in ter. W ell, I d o n ’t know. T hey are , beyond and above a ll o ther. the.B trangeat p a r t o f o u r dop- u la tld n 7 Thoy aro Hko little r a t s o r foxes, T heir o rig in la easy to g e t a t ; th ey a re the ch ildren o f love, o f paupers, o f vagabonds, an d o f the squalid ten em en t d is tr ic ts . T hou­san d s e ither h ave n o hom es, o r e ls a d o n 't g o to them ,' but" ilve in lo d g ln g s ^ e w s b o y s ’ h o m e s ra n d in w agohs, g a rre tsp ce lla rs^ ' aud th e poke holes o f th e c ity . T h e bootb lacks a re th e lr b ro th ers an d chum s, a n d live in the sam e w ay. T hey a ll Bmoke—eith e r stam ps, p icked u p , o r c igare ttes a t tw o fo r a cen t. T heir s toves a re tho g ratin g s ov.er^boHers un- d e r th o s lr e e ts ; th e ir d iss ip a tio n la a tten d an ce in th e galleries of tho cheapest varie ty sh o w s; thoir b est fu n Is fo u n d In fighting.

-j^«*Xheyiar6 w lfd"beasts,” sa id tho c le rk .In the p u b lica tion office o t a new spaper the o th e r day; “ T hey a re d evo id o f affection a n d grat* itudo. T hey sw ear a t y o tr if y o u sp eak k in d ly to them! ru n aw ay from yo u If y o u offer th em ’ advice, je e r a t y ou If you a re w ell dressed and pass a g ro u p o f them .- I f w e tako-j i l t r on. them an d Invite th em in to tho p ress room In co ld w eather they b rea k the w indow s, h ack the .woodwork an d even go do f a r a s to tako stones o r w eights a n d break th e heavy Iron w o tJfJ W hile they w a it in tho office to buy p ap ers they d ig trenches in the coantora w ith th e Bteel p en s a n d b rea k tho hpldera * in tw o. O n e day one o f the c le rks gave one . o f these' boys a good derby h a t th a t ho h ad tired of. A nother olork asked tho boy w hy ho d id n o t say ‘T h a n k you.’ ‘A-a^a-h,’ th e boy replied, ‘ go c huck y o u r m other overboard ,’ * W hat a re y ou go ing to d o w ith th e h a t V the c lerk inquired. ‘ Sell i t in B a x te ra tro o t fo r fifteen' cen ts ,’ w as th e reply, 1 a n d p lay c ru so w id do m oney .*”—Jultan Malph, •

' Babyhood, \C AVhat to d«^.In tho su d d e n |em ergencles o f childhood^ is a quss tlo n o ften a sk e d byions m others. Babyhood-las F eb ru ary answ ers th is question in A com prehensi ve m edio5I7ar­ticle,-w hich says W hat to do in case o f co n ­vulsions, b,rulses,.born8, cu ts, foreign bodies In th e ear, noae. etc. ( A n equally Im portan t a rtic le is th a t otL_'.‘ C ontagion a n d D isinfec­t io n ,” by t>r. C ta p ln , w hich c learly describes th e source A n d o h a rac te r o f th e poison of

jjo a rle t fever, d ip h th eria ,1 m easles, etq., a n d gives m ost valuable d irec tions .concern ing tho d lslnfectlop .of th a s ick room , o f th e person,^ an d of the Tood and d r in k . Thbte'iifeaWft^ tlclea on ” Children’s H eads,” b y p r , Y a le ; o n th o ‘‘H ard en in g p rocess,” e tc ; Contribq- tiona In a ligh ter vein, su ch as., M Babies an d P ap as ,” “ A Chinese M ethod o f Btjby^^Fced-. Ing,” a n unnsually fu ll d ep a rtm en t o t “ N urs-

H elps a n d N ovelties,” and th e custom ary ursery. P roblem s a n d . “ Mothera* Purl la

e ry Helps“ Nursery. — , ----- ... —inenV ? juatlTy Bat>t/hood,ar claim o f being indispensable com p an ic u o f y oung m o th t .. Fifc^on-cents a n u m b er ; $1.50 p e r year. B a b y 7Mo3cPubllBblng C om pany, B Boekm an S tree t, ifew Y o rk . ‘

J u st the Sam e as M illionaires.A fash ionab le c ra te am o n g m en o f sm all

ineana is to h ave a bank a cco u n t an d tQ m ake all p ay m en ts by c h e c k . ' T h e savings banks o rd inarily do n o t p erm it d eposits to be d raw n o a t b y obecks, a n d when m oney is ta k e n from th e Inatltu tlon the. pass-book 'has to b e pre­s e n te d to th e cashier, aryl m ost o f th e national b an k s o f th is City requ ire $ 5 0 0 to b e p laced in th e ir h ands before they w ill open a c u rren t accoun t. A few o f the larger, Instltutiona requ ire a deposit o f from $ 1 ,0 0 0 to $5,000 . The b an k s s tip u la te th a t th e deposit^ shall never be ieasH han tho ^ m _th e y req u ire t<f open the accoun t, b u t th is ru le la n o t enforced in a ll b an k in g institu tions. T he d eposit of $500 Is In som e o f jh e sm a ll Institu tio n s not enforced, a n d very o ften If-tho acco u n ta could, b e seen th e ba lan ce to th e b rc d lt of th e depos­i to r Is1 only a few dollars!

‘.P ay m en ts b y check a re th e safest way- of se ttlin g any a cco u n t,” said a cash ier o f a bank to a reporter. “ I f you g ive a Jhan a check h e m o st endorse I t befo re h e c a n g e t the m oney, so th a t Jrou alw ays h av e h is receipt. T hen tho m oney ia p a id b y th e b a n k to som e’ responsib le person ; so"that th e p a y m e n t can alw ays be p roved by tra c in g how th e m oney waa p a id . Should a check "be lost paym ent can a lw ay s be sto p p ed .”— York Hfhll amib x p rts t.

l i t t l e Newspaper Humbugs,T he claim o f om niscience a n d tbe assurap-

t lo n o f om nlpotence a re th e .a m u aln g .p arts o f , a n ew spaper. I t Is a rtless a n d transparen t. T he om niscience la th a t o f th e encyclopedia a n d th e om nipotence is th e frow n o f $ove. I t Is a tago effect, which is p re tty , b b t which deceives nobody. T h e ’ ro a r Is well done. B ut tho perfo rm er is n o t m is tak en fo r a lion. Ho la p lain ly seen to b e th e excellen t H r. 8 nug , w ho Is professionally eng ag ed in the su p p o rt o ^ h is fam ily. T h e e lab o ra te prooia- m aU ons’of th e new epaperTa p riv a te bualness a s a m a tte r o f p ub lic Im portance Is an o th er expect, o f th e sam e com edy. T he new spaper doberly announces th a t a f te r pro longed delib­e ra tio n I t h as decided to w iden its colum ns, an d t h a t fo r m an y m o n th s th e m ost prodig- jp u stm ach in e ry h as been In coursa o f con­s tru c tio n to en ab le i t to sa tis fy the dem ands o f ita sw iftly increasing h o s t o f ad v e rtise rs ,. who w ill have n o th in g less tfyan a ll th e con­veniences provided b y the m o st m odern soi- enco. Tbe n ew spaper l s gratified to b e able to s ta tA th a t i t id: n o w .p rep a red to amUo a t alL r ivalry , to o u ts tr ip its esteem ed cotem pora­r ie s a t every po in t, an d to en ab le m ank ind to dispenso w ith a ll ' o th e r jo u rn a ls b u t itself. This is a s sim ple a n d Childlike a 8 K a p re a t m ercan tile ho u se should a n n o u n ce t h a t i tb a d ju s t b o u g h t a new s e t o f guwsive acco u n t hooka in R ussia’ lea th e r,an d la ld a now fioor of S ou thern pine, a n d an o th e r s to ry to th e w a re ­house. T be buyer, m eanw hile, ia Interested In th e goods, a n d -mspectg them , a n d them only, to decide w hether to b u y o r to lo o k else­where.; These a re th e lit tle hum bugs o f the tra d e o f th e nowapaper.-T-iranptfry.

Somethinc: o f an Obstacle.T w o English y o u ths cam e o v d rth e w ater last

sum m er to tak e a lc o k a t th e lan d o f Bro.thor^ J o n a th a n , T hey h ad v isited tho easte rn

p lac e s ;lnth e ir o rd er m o v in g tow ard th e s e ttin g sun . v A^t a Colorado v illag e th e t ra m w as delayed' fo r a sh o rt t im e b y a h o t jo u rn a l, w hen the tw o boya from a b ro ad , step p ed off . tq lim ber th e ir legs; “ S ay G eorge,” sa Id ono, “ Colam» b u s d id n ’t do such g rea t th in g s wjien' / e dis­covered th i s connticy., ’O w .conld ’e ’e lp i t ? ” Thp o th er , ad m itred th a t It w as som eth ing b f a n obstacle In th e way of n av iga tion . >-’i •


L P T niSO nA R O K D — T H E - .** JOURNAL “ SHORR PR E S S ” *ro n s p a i d $ 5 0 v b r w k b k



. , iK )B O b a n T O M p I V I D E D iN lrOBEVENW ’A n b S .

W hen th e hour o f '7^80 was m arked :i-by-the v arious good, bad a n d 'in d iffe ren t tim e p ieces ' th a t ad o rn tho Walla o f P a rk H all Jaat M onday n ig h t,.a n d th e usua l concourse of specta to rs began to assem ble, there was little though t in the m in d s o f an y tb a t the session of th a t even ing w ould be m arked in H he an n als o f Aabury P a rk as fraugh t with the m ost wolgbty a n d im p o rtan t ac ts ever recorded of o u r ** B oard o f Com missioners.

CommlasiQner A . D. ‘ Bailey: Was the first m em ber to a rrive a n d h e waircloseiy'followedb y M r. W . H . Sm ith , 55 Mr. K roehl cam e soon a fte r, a n d the press representatives and s p e c - ' •ta to rs g a thered in fenots,, conversing In s u b ­d u ed to n es ,’a s though by som ^_m ysterious a n d o acu lt pow er they were possesssd ‘o f a v ague prem onition th a t som etblng 'fay In .the . ' n ea r fu tu re soon to be n^ade m anifest.

P resid en t M cEwan was in Philadelphia , 1 -Com m issioner Beegle In California, an d Com- m i88loner B rad ley Was a t hom e ill. T he p rea-

.fiH.CQ.Ot.Comi^iasloner G ould w as 'a b so lu te ly npcessai7 "td~fdrm a quorum , a n d m essengers w ere d ispa tched to find him. F ifteen , th ir ty , forty-fivo m inutes passed an d th ere w as no tid ings o f tbe m lsaipgand ip n o h ^es ire^n iam ^ ^ ber. • _- - “ L ct,s g o ^ o w n fe 7 th e ~ L lb ra ry B U p p e ri ’r r ^ ^suggested Com misaloner K roehl. ’’A greed I” . sa id M h Bailey, an d J a n ito r R eed tu rn e d th e ' ligh ts off a s three Com m issioners a u d th ree / . ' . reporter^ w ont o u t the door. . . •. > , , ;

W e bopo there will be a m eeting n e x t MftftK- d a y n lg h t .1-'

Skillful f ! o u r - L e ^ e d M iners..I n appearance, the gopher, o r pouched ra t,

a s i t Is som etim es called, resem bles a short- • ta iled a n d sh o rt legged r a t , w ith a large h ead a n d p ro tru d in g teeth . *. Their - cheeks a t t r a c t - — a tten tio n , haying the appearance o f being pushed o u t o r stuffed w ith som ething, b u t th is i s ow ing to tho fac t th a t o u r m iner h as tw o - very s tran g e receptacles, one; on each side , - sep ara te a n d d istin c t from th e m outh , l i t t le ca rp e t b ags, w e m ig h t call them , each lined . X " ' w ith fur* a n d larg e enough to enab le m e to . - •th ru s t In m y th u m b to the first joint., Pouphes they a re som etim es an d often r called, and a s . ' tp thoir use, there seem s to. be a d iversity o f ■ opinion. ' ' - . --. '

The f ro n t claw s o f th is m iner a re extrem ely large an d pow erful, a n d enable I t to consti n o t . : tu n n els w ith rem arkable rap id Ity. W hen onco* b eneath th e surface they co n stru c t tbelr m ines In every d irec tion , W ith n o g rea t regularity , b u t ovidently w ith the Idea o f form ing a lab y : r ln th 'th a t w ill ca^ry off f lo o d s., T h a t th is is- successful I havd frequently dem onstra ted by tu rn in g a .large stream of w a te r in to the mine.I t w ould r u n In. w ithout overfid w ing for a long tim e, an d I have n ever succeeded In forcing one o u t by th is m eans. (

I t w ou ld .n atu rally be supposed th a t such m iners w ould place th e ir n est a t som e d istan t o r deep lead in th e m ine, b u t . the rovorse Is th e rulo, the warm n es t o f b its o f weed belnffi^.;> form ed very near the surface, f rom Which d lf- X * fererit m ines lead aw ay, tak in g a n j^ w a te r jf. th a t m ight com e in . I t m ight bo ossum od th a t th e bags o r pouches were used „to c a rry oflt. th e d irt a n d stones rem oved, b u t, curiously enough, they use th?m for exaotly th e reverse, a n d fo r carry in g seeds o r food! "v .';; A s soon aa th e gopher m akes u p h is m ln d ...^ .... t h a t Ita m ining operations h ave been o b ­served, i t Invariably c raw ls o u t, o r partly o ut, b f the m ine oir .burrow, and filling Its pouches w ith -s tic k s an d sand^ backs quickly in. Its ia ll seem ingly guiding' i t to the hole w ith u n ­failing regularity , the anim al never tu rn ing , b u t alw ay8 backing , a n d m oving so rap id ly th a t It seem s .. a lm ost like thei cu rious lizard ' .. t h a t run® .one way as w elL as an o th er. _Tho: ---~ soil an d m ateria l c a rr ied th is .w ay Is deposited ‘ a t the^entrance o f th e m ine, an d If th e anim al, th in k s t h a t danger is im m inen t i t b ite s off d i r t a t fhe en trance o f tho burrow . J H aving done th is fo r a few fiiom entslt d isappears and a sepond Ja te r the opening cloaes, a h d a close ex am in atio n shows a quivering, ofI'the e a rth a n d a repea ted poshlng u p as If som e one w as p a ttin g lt Yrom below, In short, th e m in e , h a d been filled Up from below a n d so sklll- fu lly th a t few wonld notice it.'* B h t where is the m in e r? N ot off in somo doep lead hundreds o f feet A way, b u t n e a r a t h an d , in a tunnel q u ite hear the surface, th a t h aa a portho le a b o u t aa large as a p ea . Through th is “ porthole” the wily m iner tak es observ­a tions, a n d th e tunnel will n o t b e reopened for w eeks If l t l£ watolied, .; T ^e gopher com es o u t generally a t n ig h t to - feed, and carries seeds In i ts pouches, b u t th e sa n d an d gravel th a t ia^rem oved from the m in e ia ncv& taH ep taiW ej?ay»4jptB ^pfl8h© d~: u p by the an im al’s b reast and forefeet. T hey t a re tb e p osts o f the southw est p o rtio n s o f the c on tinen t, a n d the valleys o f southern .C allfor- n la a re tunneled by a m aze of. th e i r m ines.—; Golden Days. t ■ - • • ' ■ . . •'""

H e K new H im . -VrT hey s to o d in fro n t o f a grocer’s o n llio h l-

gftn avenue, an d ono o f them lookedV ery sly an d c u n n in g ^ h e s a id ; . . ,.x -‘ “ Lot’a com o a jo k o d n him. I ’l l 't a k e tho -

tu rk ey dow n and.h lde it, a n d we’H bear h im '' rave'.” --V ( :

H e took th e b ird off thd hook an d s ta r te d . to h ide I t In at b arre l a ro u n d th d co rner, w hen a n officer,' w ho w as Coming, u p a n d bad seen th e theft, took h ln fb y th e co lla r..; . . •'„>

11 Say, i t la a ll in tu n ,” p ro tes ted th e m an .-VOh, l s i t f v WoH, yo u c a n 'e x p la in " i t a t " -


. ".'rK

X “ I don’t seo why'you shpuid eneer at toy engagement ring,” Bald the fair girl, with the' flush iof indignation <m her cheek,- a i she faced the belle of the Opposition town ; “ It’s a great deal. prettier than, the one you wore throe years ago, ‘Apd haven’t worn since.”.. “ No, dear,”.replied her friend, .With a cool, far-away look, in her; voice; “ not prettier,; but quite aa pretty. It is the samQ ring.!?--- Puck- -. ;.-.vt'- • This S world oifcompeUBaUohs. Tliti slimmer tho dude the beavlef the cane. • •

B ut th e g rocer know s m o."',** DooS h e t Como in a n d we’ll see.”T h e s itu a tio n was explained to th e g rocer,

a n d h e looked h a rd at.the_m an.Rnd replled 't i.“ I can’t say t h a t I know you.’,’

- “ B u t I have been trad in g here rijg M y n am e is o n y our books.”

, * ‘ L e t’s ; see \ You owe mo a balance o f • p b o u t$ 7 .” ~ : , ‘ I . * \,r ...”

" I - " ! guess so.” " '■' '.* “ A nd havo owed i t 'f d rca h ’. t say a s I know you;?? "

B ut p ip .,go ing to pay. H ere—tak e i t o u t o f th is $10 b l l l r ; I a lw ays p a y m y d eb ts .”

' iE ^ o t ly —$3 back. Officer I th in F I know him . 1 Yes, I ’m sure I dor Ho took tbp tu r- . key .fp r fu n , a n d yo u m ay. le t h im go.” —-!^ - v i iv i t F e te Ih tK . « :■ * ' —TT™-;— • W -" ■' f• * : .

i f th eR eo o rd ln g ^ u g e l ever falls in ., lo re , th e o b jec t o f th a t sublim e.belng’a a d o ra tio n w ill doubtless: b e tho m a n . .who 1 sprthklcd ' ash es oh th e ice before b is residence/^;; % f *

Page 2: MERCHANT TAILOR, · ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, FEBRUARY 4, 1888: J;A *w.hbtriok,m;d.l HotriCKppalhlo I>hy8lcian and Surgeon, vor. Cookman &. Banga dva., Asbury Park, N. J. Doura j until



m titH K O WIIXLV AT ;

T H E ASBURY PARK PRINTING HOUSE,. * k. wavuu*,"* ’■ " ' 4. u o o rrm .' -•V 778,MATTISON AVENUE,


• Entered al the I'oit Qfflc* al'Atbury Part, JVJw Jertey., asfecond-dcug nialtor, . ., >

1 y e a r.in a d v a n c e , B &8 m onths, In advance, 758 m on th s ,ln advanoe, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 40singleoei)lesi;.,...j...v> ' 8

/ T O G 0 R R E 8 P O R D E I|T $ . "We shall be glad to.recelve Items df news and Communications on subjects of Interest tothla community., :Inwriting articles -Intended forpubljCation, onr friends will please bear In,mind that a sheel written on both, aides has to be copied before go Iuk to tho printer—a labor we oapnot undertake, Ail oommunloatlona should bo accompanied by the full, name and address of the writer, not nodosswrlly for publication but as a guarantee of good faith. Anonymous letters will not* be noticed. ‘ ,Wo cannot return rejected communications, bit will hold Ahem for a limited time if requestedAll letters intended'for the editorial or news department should be addressed to tho'Editor of Tna JotraH4ii Ahd Rbpttblioan, ' ABbury Park, New Jersey.SiTUBDAT. FfiBRUABX 4, 1888.

■( > I> E C U I i H O T I€ B .'v‘ ' On tbe iBbel of rMh puper will b« found tbe date of expiration of tbe anbswlptlon. If tbls date la wrong please notify tta at once j If you are In arrears please remit-at once.

W h y N o t A d v e r t i s e ?

R . is- held by' the membeafl o f . some medical societies that it is not reputable for a physieiim to advertiBe for practice in the papers. Jusfc why i t is that doC-

... ters should not Advertise, dr iwhy they ■should stigmatize one who does as a quack, is unexplainable on business principles, and savors much of the ipqui- eitorial dognias of the Dark Ages, when individual advancement o r preference

- was made subservient to the wishes or —interests of a combination^ — i;—:

' O ther' profession, and business inter­ests find in it the secret oPsucceasand

■ consider it an honorable method, yea, a necessary adjunct to a successful career.

' B a t EsculapiuBj iu his region of exelu siveness, holds himself a little ^ h e r than tho ordinary mortal, yet if he per­forms some great cursor an opferationjhe hasnoscrnples agam stalong an&lauda- tory notice of his professional skill.

A caBe has just been decided ,in the Supreme Court of Illinois where, a medi­cal society attempted to coerce one of its members. Dr. McCoy advertised in the

.local press contrary to the edict of .the fraternity. In the county court it was

. no trouble to secure a verdict against the • doctor, because of the society *s influence.

waa- 1c^ ie3 ' te^^W :tSuprem&^8oTirtr -The opinion,of. the court was that ** the defendant had a constitution al light to advertise in the newspapers, and that suoh acts of a society carihofc be tolerated in a free country.” The'excuse that it is “ unprofessional,” is a reason too trivial lo t consideration, and yet itj is- given.' In the onwarijjnove of tbe world, theso ancient' notions should be put out of

_sight and medioal-sodeties adopt pro­gressive ideas and methods.

J o o M u c h A d v ic e .Qreat pressure is being -brought to

bear upon the Republican members of " I . onr present Legislature to have them pass

temperance measures at this session. Unfortunately:thifl pressure conies from at least tiire6 different directions and places the legislators in a-position where it is impossible for-'them to please all. The ultra tliird party people desire noth­ing but totol prohibition throughout the State. They would rather have freerum than fcike anything short of a radical en-~ ao tm en t; There are very few, however, who go to this extremeL Next come those who ask for county local option, knowing-that by-suoh a taw, they can banish liquor from some o f the counties

- - without the danger of defeat tljey would encbuntfer'if the vote was to be taken over

• the entire State; . There are also many influential people who regard high license as the proper form of commencing the

' active war against rum, believiDg that to be ultimately and permanently success­ful the outposts, of the enemy niust flrst bo captured, and w carciful arid thorough-

r |y “planned seige bo laid1 at the citadel,p the grand toup to be deferred until suc­

cess isabsolutely assured.Each one of these wings has its dele-

' gataon a t the Stato Capitol urging its par­ticular method, and the result is not what good friends of temperance might desire. I t is certain thatthe Republican majority in t i e Senate and Assembly is determined to pass a positive i^njperance measure; it has given abundant evidence* of its. purposed 0 temperance people arid or­ganizations were united on the measure it .would be promptly passed ; but in the

. * present state of affairs the Republicans must decide the question upon which

-delegations disagree, and we believe they will do it in the true intCTest of tQmper-

to be sold and consumed on the premises under a penalty of OOO^ije, or impris­onment for two y^rs, 0 ; both, &t iho dis cretion. offfiS Court; $be,blil has passed the Senate and wo hope tho Assembly will lose no timo in forwarding the good work.

M onm outh Counts.jS jjw ilons*

Tbo c a se o f S ta te vs. G eorge S tew art, for forn ication , in w hich a ju r y 'h a s onco d is­agreed, re tr ied a n d th b jn ry a g p lh wore unablo toaRree.y ~ F o t S ta te , S w a m *, fo r defendant, RelllyV ~ * V ; =vv y‘ "

Jo sep h Weir,, trlbd fo r keeping a d isorderly house a t "West A abury P ark - T he S ta te offered several witnesses to p rove th a t th e defendant, who k ep t a g rocery store, ebld h a rd , oldor to boys, which caused them to b e c o m o lntoxU Ic a te d ; th a t h e allow ed m inors u n d e r 18 years to p lay pool In b is pool ro o m ' ad jo in in g his s 'o re , as a p ractice , a n ^ th a t \d rn n k en and disorderly persona congregated there a u d dis­turbed th e neighborhood ; a lso th a t ho vio­lated th e Sunday* law b y selling o lder and groceries on S unday . T he defonse w as th a t the s to re was k e p t in a n orderly , q u ie t m an­ner, an d th a t n o law w as violated th ere as a h a b it ; f l^ a t th o b o y s .^ a d th e c o n s e n to f their paronts, to p lay pool there.; T he ju ry ren ­dered a V crdlct o f galU y. F o r State , > 8 Warts and H a rv e y ; fo r defendan t, Jo h n s to u . W elr was fined $150 an d coals. • <, •..

W illiam Chandler a n d Georgo S tew art, tried for m alicious m ischief a t tbo house o f C harles J o h n so n ,.F a ir H a v e n ; Jo h n so n ’s dau g h ter swore th a t the defendan ts cam e th ere ono n ig h t a n d threw clttbsjan d stones a g a in s t th e door. The defen d an ts .p ro v ed a n a lib i and produced w itnesses to p rove th a t tho girl’s ch arac te r for t ru th an d v eracity Is b ad .,, Tho ju ry acq u itted th e defen d an ts. F o r th e State, H aigh t ; for tho defendan ts, Reilly.

J# h n l i s t e n , trie d for a ssau lt a n d battery , and convicted o f aeaaalt. F o r State , H a ig h t; for d efen d an t,’ jRellly. D efendant sentenced to th irty days ln th e coun ty ja il.

Jam es- Richardson,- tried fo r a ssa u lt and ba tte ry , w ith In ten t to. kilU -_Tho, defendan t was a pauper a t th e P o o r F a rm o ^ th fscoy n ty . He and an o th er p au p e r b y th e n am e o f George Decomey had a d fsp u ten n e d ay a b o u t closing a door. Decom ey ca lled R ichardson a , “ big b lack nigger.*,'.. R ich a rd so n . w ent u p to bis bedroom ^nd ^ o t h is knife, cam e o u t and stabbed Decom ey In the aide. T h e ju ry con­victed th e defendan t. F o r th e S ta te , S w artz ; f o r th e d efen d an t, F a ir . _ T ho dofondant s e n ' tenced to tw o years In S ta te P rison. "

M ichael T aney, tried for a ssau lt a n d battery apotrirHmcB M . B utler, a t Koyport. M r. B nt- jer, w ho keeps a hotel, a ttem p ted to p u t T am y o u t of doors, T an zy resisted an d w as indicted. T he ju ry conv icted the defendan t. F o r the S ta te , Sw artz-; fo r t h e , d e fe n d a n t/ Arrbw- sm lth ,_ J )e fon d a n t sei^enced . to p a y _ a Q ppof|5 'a iid '■ costs, V . J : : "ZZl

W m. Kell^’, tried fo r k eep ing a disorderly house a t MorrlBvIUe. T h e ju ry conviotcd the defendant,: F o r S ta te , H a ig h t ; for defendant, C. A - B ennett a n d A rrow sm itb. . .

O jre s a n d T e r m i n e r . -T he following defendan ts were arraigned

befo r hie H onor, Ju d g e Bcudder S tandfo rd P otter,. Indicted w ith P e te r Dow­

ling fo r .th e m u rd e r o f H am ilton a t Long B ra n c h ; plead c o t guilty .

Sam e defeudan tj ro b b ery o f : the.watQhi fromH a m ilto n ; plefed n o t gu ilty , rem anded to jail.

^ ^ H T i T E X o o p e r , a1ISrT>ttnk,-Tmtctei ^ n accessory befo re the f a c t o f th e m urder o f ‘H am ilton, plea,d n o t g u i l ty ; a lso fo r grand larceny of the w atch of H a m ilto n ; n o t guilty. T he d efen d an t rem anded to jail,. W m . A. Thom pson a n d W . B. W elder m an,

Indicted a s accessories a fte r the fa c t of th e 1 m u rd er of H a m ilto n ; p lead n o t g u ilty ; re ­m anded to ja il . W elderm au s ta te d to the C o u rt th a t b e w ould co n d u ct hlB ow n defense.-; D ays will be fixed fo r th e tria ls o f all the above cases. , ■ -~ Circuit*

The case o f H a n n a h . M . L eek vs. Ezekiel Rofeers tried. T h e follow ing a re tKe f a c ts : In'b 88^ M rs. L eek borrow ed |5 0 o f Rogers an d gave h e r no te therefor, p ay ab le in th ir ty days. A sh o rt tim e a fte r Rogers ren ted a house of h e rfo r 150 fo r th e season , b u t d id n o t p ay the ren t. A bou t a y ea r a fte r th e no te wa^ given Itogers p resen tcd Jt-to -M rs. Leek. S he to o i the n o te and c la im ed i t w as p a id b y the ren t fo r the houBe; Rogere c laim ed th a t | I 0 was s till d u e u po n i t a n d dem anded th e 'u o te ; she refused to g ive i t t ip a n d he had b e r a rrested an d tak en before :*Sqatre Holm es, where she gave ball to a p p e a r befo re th e G ra n d J u ry . Thia G rand J u r y failed to find a n Indictm ent an d she b ro u g h t th is s u it to recover $10,000 fo r dam ages fo r4 fa lse Im prisonm ent. T he ju ry gave Mrs. Leek a v erd ic t fo r $475. F o r the plaintiff, ex -Ju d g e H offm an a n d S. A . P a tte r so n ; fo r th e - defen d an t, Allen and V redenburgb. —^Jlfonmoiifh Inqu irer.

S e n a t o r N e v i u s ’s N e w B i l l .

Tn the County Court this, week, Judge fa l l in g on the bench, three men were convicted of keepifag disorderly houses. Joseph Weir, Sr., of Neptune township j

. Thomas Walsh, of Seabright, and Wm. r Eelloy, of Middlfitowst ^ero thc parties.

The . fines imposed were $150 each, with the addition of abont- $100 for costs in

Ju st outside of theone-milellmit, from the head of Wesloy Xtfike, there are at present fifteen /of these abominable, gin mills, where young people and old con­gregate, nightly, drink and, carouse, and

- ©yen Sundays are not free from the nui- sancp. A rocebfc decision by Justice

; Beasley made i t possible' to- sell liquor by the irieasnre by paying the . Goveln- S en t tax; and then dividing it up be­tween customeirs ;it- drunk on. the preipjses, Another method' was to pay

• for a keg of fceer, takeiis value in ticl^.t^ 'and thon when a glass waa desired a ticketwould bo preeonted. c ' ' \

S e n a to r Novius’s now bill just meets this emergency. Liquor hr beer is not

The Dairym aids’ Festival.T he D airym aids’ Festival, w hich tdok place

In E d u ca tio n a l H all o n th e evenings J a n . 25 a n d 2 6 , iin d e r th e ausp ices o f the L ad les’Soci­e ty o f the M . E . C hurch. p ro v ed 'a ,co m p lete success. .

T he “ Damea” In frilled ap ro n s and caps headed the m arch , followed .by th e gray *‘ S q u |re s ;” las tly cam o tho “ M aids,” a rrayed In gay colored gowns, a n d each carry in g th e appro p ria te pail a n d stoo l. - *•

The gay a n d varied costum es, th e an im ated ' faces, the n um erous figures o ^ t h e m arch, p roduced a p ic tu re th e eq u al o f w hich h as n o t been seen for a long tim e In th e P a rk . '

M r. Schneider an d M r. H u b b ard deserve a g rea t deal o t c red it fo r drilling th e m aids in tb e m arch a n d songR T he lad les o f the ch u rch wish a lso to e x te n d 'a vo te o f thanks to M iss P a tle reo n fo r tho k in d assistance she rendered to th e Board, an d ‘ to M iss - Jen n ie R ichards', fo r h e r rec ita tio n , w hich with th e jsolos, p leasantly lilied u p the tim e betw eenth e .tw o ___

T h e second p a r t o f th e ,p ro g ra m , t f e 'f u r ­n ish ing o t crackers, coffee a n d cr<?am, ‘V a s cqnally as p leasan t a s th e first, a u d the D airy­m aids Bh o w e d t hel r a b H lt^ In a§ o th o r line by w aiting on th e tab les a n d a tten d in g to ^ th enum erous w an ts of a ll preiBent. .

By e a rn est req u est th e F estiv a l wlU be rep ea ted In th e early spring . .■

. ■ D ea th o f an A gedC lergym an.Rev. W . W . C hristine, fa th er o f D r. W nu B.

Christine, o f th is place, d ied a t .h ls hom e-In F lorence, N. J . , on, W ednesday , In tb e 65th y e a r o f t ils age. H e b s u 'a severe a tta c k o t ptrenm onla a fcW' w eeks slqce,-w hich . tu rn ed to typhoid fever, a n d w i th 'o th e r Cbmpljca-7' tions baffled m edical skill. H r. C hristine w as ad m itted to the iJew Je rse y . Conference in XOtO, ah d has" oocupfed m any o f tho proml* n e ri t pu lp its in the so u thern p a rt o f tbe S ta te . Tho fuDeral takea p lace to day (F riday)'from th e M. E .'C W rch -^ t Florence.- In te rm en t a t R lycrview Cem etery, T ren to n .' • ;

;* v t : : ^ -

pnc.Q a y ea r the L ib rary A ssociation devotes a n eVenlhg to a g ran d reun ion o f the m em ­b e rs a n d friends o f th e society, an d besides th e social lotcreonree, l ite ra ry exercises, e tc ., th e re is sp read a very, fin^ supper. Thig year i t was held earlier th an Usual a u d took p lace M onday e v e n in g ,th e largq, hall be ing crowded.

Tho long tab les w ere decora ted W ith'plants, silverw are, e tc ,, a s well ns a n abu n d an ce o f cholcc v iands. Eaoh waa p resided over b y several lad les In costnrao, rep resen ting char­ac te rs from , Dickens, -^horo w as a general ran sack in g o f o ld tn iu k s a n d g a rre t c losets fo r o ld dresses an d an c ien t su its . - Ono lady , (Mrs. VanN ortwIck),. w ore a d ress th a t hcia been in th e fam ily years, A num ber of o thors rep resen ted a generation only a lit tle less rem ote. / ; . . • ' \ r *. ;■.

Prof, Ire lan d , a s , m aste r o f cerem onies, m ade a few sem i-hnm orous rem ark s concern-

J n g D ickens aud h is W orks, a ttr ib u tin g to him as an .author,a n ea re r relation; td th e hom o life of th e a te rag o Citizen th an any ' o th er m odern w rite r y a n au th o r, indeed^ w ith w hom few hero w ould like to confess them selves u n ­a c q u a i n t e d . l i e th e n announced the ta b ­lea u x / ' ' ' ' V / ' ' ‘ • ' I

] Tableau I . ‘‘Bleak H ouse,” from a n illns- tra tio n b y Cruikshank. M r. Turvey'dropi S r., a m odel o f d eportm ent, h is bon P rince, a n d a d an c in g m aste r giving lessons-.to,, the young lad ies o f th e class. : ■ >'' ' '• T ab leau I I . “ Bleak H ouse,” G randfather n n d G randm other Smallweedj- tb e form er, al* ways.sensitivo on the su b jec t of m oney, throw s a plllo(w a t th e head of grandm a. T h e exer­tion uses u p a li b is s tre n g th ,'... T ableau I I I . “ D av id CoppcrQeid,” iliuBtra- ted by E ytinge, M r. a n d M rs, M lcawbcr, the tw ins a u d tw o elde t.ch lld ren . Mrs. M . .haa j u s t been repea ting h e r oft-repeated a s su r ­an ce th a t sh e . w ill never leave M lcawbcr, *J Never j N ever 11” She isdlssolvcd.in tea rs ;r M r. M., d itto . •. T a b lea u IV . ‘‘DavidCoppCrfleld.” ; Gives

th e scene w here“ B arkis is w illin’ ” an d Peg- p t ty “ bein’ likewise m inded,” th ey s e t o u t tp g e t m arried ; , In th is tab leau th e fine dapple- g ray m odel horse o f P itch e r & Gowdy, a n d a dog cart, w ere p rom inent.

Tho la s t tab leau , o r scene, w as a inarch in Which a il th e ch arac te rs of “ BJeak • H ouse,” ‘‘ Nicholas N lckleby ” and “ David Coppexv field,” num bering a b o u t 7^ persons, p assed In review o n th e stage. M any o f these charac- tera were so transfo rm ed th a t th e ir own friends hard ly k n ew them .

My. D. H . W yckoff, who1 has a tten d ed every su p p er g iven by the association m ade a fow rem arks, com plim enting the lad les on the elo- gance o f th e tab les an d th e generous supply o f good th ings, concluding by fo rm ally In tro ­ducing M rs. Bradley, M iss J o h n s to n a n d Mrs. Ripley, a* t h e . p resident, vice-president and chairm an fo r the evening, respectively.

A tten tion was th en given to th e tab les, which w ere capab le o f seating-200_peoplo,ftt, ope time.1 T he tab les were 'adm irably sorved. by volunteer'asslstantB , and a ll did jas tlce . to th e a tiiple bill o f fare . Q u ite a n u m ­be r o f cak es an d o th e r ea tab les rem ained a f ­te r everybody h ad enough a n d they w ere sold a t auction.- . '

The success o f th e w h o ieen terta lnm en t was largely d u e to the e fforts o f M rs. Miles, who h a s worked assiduously to seoure ch arac te rs fo r th e tab leau x a n d lad les to tak e c h a rg e of the tab le s .. . v ‘ '• . / ' ' " /'V ^

W t^ eu n to Ie n llW * "? 5 S a B riM T n ^ in th e m ovem ents o f t h e heavenly bodios so th a t one casts a shadow on th e o ther, tends to p roduce a feeling o f w onder a s to th e exact­ness o f astronom localcn latfons, a s well aa tbe fac t Itself, th a t v in the beglnning’^ .tbese g rea t bodies were s e n t « h lrllng in sp ace w ith such u lcpty of ba lan ce th a t fo r thou san d s of ^ea rs tb e lr recurrence m ay b e doterm lned to the m inu te . To th e u n le tte red o f every age a n eclipse has been an awesom e event, accom ­p a n ie d ' b y m ore o r less o f su p e rs tit io n as they w ere rem oved from the p lan e o f c iviliza­tion.

The eclipse o f th e - m oon S a tu rd ay evening was an in teresting pbenbfi& non, O ccu rrin g a t an early h o u r an d th e 'sk y c lear. H h a d m any Wltnesaes. T he e a rth ’B satefllfe a s ltxroae- above th e ocean w a s , In p a rtia l obscura tion and p a sse d into a to ta l eolipse a t 5.81, lasting un til 8.001 A t.tb a t h o a r a fa in t r lm f t t ligh t appeared , and soon a b righ t crescent, which g radua lly expanded u n til 9.15fc When, th e foil- Orbed Q ueen o f N ight em erged a s gloriously as if no s h a d o g jh a d ever been cast o v er her face. . . ,

Iu j u s t .two weeks th e th ree bodies w ill again be in line, b a t e n tire ly transposed—tho m oon Will th en b e In the m iddle—so th a t th ere will be an eclipse o f th e sun ,,v isib le a t C ape H orn and the South Sea Islands,

T hq descrip tlon of tho boundaries a l o r ig in -. a lly .d rafted leav es ,o u t W all township. - Win.;F . LeRoy m oved th a t l t - b e Included in the new county .| M r; Thos. E .W a r m an thojight i t w ould be

A g rea t in justice ,to leave W all toW nshlp out. P ro p e rty 'th e re showed a fa ir rep resen tative valne, ah d th e ir in terests were Iden tical'w ith ' th e o th e r stiore townships.- •; rV - ^I M r. S tales a lso spoke in favor o f the. ad mis­

s ion o f W all a n d coulcjl n o t u n d ers tan d Why It. h a d n o t been Included In the origina't d ra ft; M essrs..W ilson, .LeRoy a n d E dw ards, iu e i- , p lan a tlo n re ta te d th a t i t w a s unders to o d a t th e first m oetings th a t a m 'ajorlty o f W all was opposed to tho m ovem ent. > r ,r~

T he bill was thon am ended so aa to, include W all,township, ' ' ^ ;

M r. W arm an proposed th a t th e nam e of <rE !b e ro n ” be 'changed to “ Garfield.” M r. Broadm eadowi suggested N aveslnk ,” an d i t waa so m oved by, Mr. Penfleld. A fter, som e dl8CQ8ston N ayeg lnk ,K. was ad o p ted by- a. •majoritj* o f eighteen. . ---—

M r. C. V. N . W ilson’s original m otion-w as then tak en u p , rela tive to lnsgrtiog a clause allow ing th e residen ts o f the new co u n ty ,to ad o p t a n am e a t a n eleotlom -This w as th o u g h t necessary , a s tb e re ’m lgb t be ^o'nnd objections, m aking a change p ro p e r a n d it w ould b e b e tte r to give the ;poople a voice lit s o Im p o rta n ta m atte r . , The bill was then adop ted w ith the am endm ents. ■ . r-J^Ir. W ilson inbved th a t a com m ittee of one

f ro m 'e a c h tow nship b e appo in ted to tak e ch arg e o f tho b ill, an d tb a t tho sam e com m it­tee select k t lea s t 10 o th ers from e a ch jo c a llty to a tte n d the m eeting o f the Legislative com- m lttec a t T renton . - - i;;- T h e com m ittee -selected w e re j, ,C. Vv N.

W ilson, of O c e a n ; D aniel H . A pplegate, of S h rew sb u ry ; Sam uel H . F rost, o f M iddle­to w n ; W m. I . Cham berlin , o f E a to n to w n ; F ra n c is J o h n s o n .S r - .o fA t la n t lo v E .G .H a r - : rlaon , o f N ep tap e ; Thos, E . W arm an, o f W alL Tbo com m ittee w as em pow ered to fill vacancies.

Bedem ptloners.D uring th e early p a r t a n d m ld d ia p f the.

18th cen tu ry , i t w as a com m on p rac tice o f ship o w n e rs to b rin g oyer im m igran ts and then sell them fo r th ree years to p a y fo r o r redeem th e ir passage. M r. M iles In a p ap er recently read before th e L ib rary Asso­c iation gave th e m ethods o t theso tra d e rs In sending o u t agen ts to th e Eng lish o r G erm an villages, who extolled th e w onders o f the g rea t country.

T housands were iqd need to c o W an d the ow ners o f vessels reaped la rg e gains, gene­rally in su ring , them selves ‘ag a in s t loss, b u t

?occ^ lonally dea th s w;ould o ccu r a n d unless they cou ld secure a , h o stage of other, m em ­bers o f th e fam ily o r a friend, they m ust pocket th e loss j b u t th is ra re ly occurred.

A n Jn s tan ce w as rela ted of- a quick-w lttod Irishm an , who, w hile on h is w ay to tb e town where t l s fu tu re m aste r resided, a rose early in the m orning an d before th e ag en t in charge bad le ft h is bed, th e Irishm an had m ade o u t

.th e necessary papers,' p ocketed the cash , an d left th e agent to aorve o u t th e te rm o r com ­prom ise a a befifche-poalfL.- .

A t th e p resent t im e ,J t _would Be|em a little revolilngv W bev h t^n d * to s e r r i t u ^ ^ r ^ ^ i f r was the befit th a t could b e done u n d e r the ’circum stances. M any w ere obliged to leav e . thdlr tia tive lan d o r serve aa conscrip ts in: the arm ies. D aring th e ir te rm of serv ice thoy becam e scq aa ln ted w ith tbe language, the people an d the c o u n try an d w e re .better ablo to tak e a r igh t s te p fo r them selves.

T h is was th o case w lth one o f tfte’ w riter’s ancestora, who p referred I t ra th e r th a n pay o u t hlB gold, d f -which he h a d a fa ir am ount h i a g ird le beneath h is clo th ing . A t th e end o f hlsvservice o f tbretTycars, d u r in g wbloh his m aster,had gtypn him five centa fo r sp en d ' Jog m oney (he sperit th ree and re tu rn ed the

^.balance) he g o t o n a passin g H udson Rlyer sloop, an d n e a r th e p rese n t village Of Rhlne- beck, a t the lit tle D u tch bam letT of W irtem - berg, h e settled a considerable > t ra c t o f land , on w hich som e o f h la deacendanto y e t reside, contented.'W eU-to do fa rm era ..

A T h r i v i n g I n s t i t u t i o n . :

. T W flrat F riday- In Feb ru ary fo r th e p a s t fou rteen y eara h as beon"*the occasion of the an n u a l m eeting b f the A sbtlry P a rk Building and .L oan Association,* a t which a new series o f stock has beon opened. D u rin g i ts ex is t­ence, the Association h as p a id to shareholders nearly $ f l 0 , ^ ’on:«rft^ared stock , an d assisted 150 persons to secure hom es w h o , otherw ise w ould p robab ly n ever have ow ned p roperty . F o u r series Vavo a lready m atu red . T h e llftlj w i l l m at a re a b o u t M ay L A nyone can be- ‘oome a shareholder by pay ing one d o lla r a m onth on cach ehafe to w hloh they subscribe. Those desiring m ore exp lic it Inform ation can eccure It by app ly ing to tb e secretary , M r. H.C. W lnsor, a t F irs t N ational Bank.

Tbe C onnecting P ip es Froze*M onday m orning a fte r fire was Btarted nn-

d e r th e boUers in the A^bnry^ P a rk public, sehc^ l building,; i t iV^as fb u u d th a t th e p ipe lead ing from th e m ajn w as frozen som ew hereln its passage th ro u g h the aohool grounds.-__

D uring jhe d ay th^ boilers woro ru n w ith a ligh t pressure, m ak ing i t necessary to d ism iss tha c lasses froiii* tw5 >i«0m s.r ’ T hp .d lflan lty was soon , rem edied a n d o n T uesday the c lasses were a ll i n s e s s lo n .«, •;

S o m eo f the L bug Brauoh uuhoola werp in a worse pred lcam enti' bel ng obliged to d ism iss bohool c U t ir e ty f o r tw o days. A n um ber o f th e teaehors V.IsUed th e schoo ls H ere , • in the In terim .-. . ; .'V-U

Defective plum bing has caused the freezing u p o f num orous w ater-p ip es Iu hoQtioadandjg th e 'recen t-co ld sn ap . S undry em ail-floods and incsQVenleneeq have resuH ed.-—

- F o r N f t v o s I n k C o u n t y . - — _ _■ s. ■ ' ■ • i ■<>.

A good’ rep resen ta tio n from th e several tow nships o f th e proposed new co u n ty o f Nave­slnk assem bled In the B oard of T rad e room s, Red B ank, S a tu rd ay a fte rnoon , to d iscuss the provisions o f th e n ew bill,- and to m ak e such am endnionta a s a re th o u g h t advisable. - J

M r. D,; H . A pplegate called, th e m eeting to o rd er andsyftsTnffde chairm an . M r, B ,’S . V . S tu itz, o f tho M anaoquan Sea&UIei w as chosen eecretaryi • . .. :- : .

M r. Ij. G. H arrison from the com m ittee hav­in g in hand thh rovialon o f tho bill lu5',charge rep o rted th a t a m eeting had boon h e ld a t Sen­a to r A pplegate’s oQide an d th a t I t h ad beon left With tho^M essrs. J . S. and D . I I . Appier ga te t o p u t in legal form . ' ■'* - .

T h e cha irm an Said th is h a d beon done an d h e believed It to bo In c o rrec t form In accor­d ance w ith o th er aota m ade and p ro v id ed in su ch cases. ‘ : :

S ecretary S tu ltz then read such p ortlone o f th e b ill th a t w o u ld iib o pen for dlacUBSlon an d i t desired , fb r .c o rre o tto n ^

Itenew ed Ylffor.W ith a good w orking force o f tho old m em ­

b ers o f the Board o f T rade, together, w ith soqiG 70 o r 75 ney^ ones whoso nam es have .been proposediv"that, o rgan ization will begin the year w ith renew ed vigor. T h e n e x t m eet­in g wIlLbejon W ednesday; evening n ex t, F eb - ruary.S th, a n d it is dealred th a t aU m em bera o ld a n d n ew will tak e th e ir p laces,. ;“ >fS ra e n rH f iR rB b ^ rm a k tn irn p “ hl9'ep»n*- m ltteee, h av in g w aited one m onth In o rd er to g e t som e o f th e new elem ent, a t w ork, j T he secretary desires to m ak e the d ep a rtm en t o t com plain ts an d c red its m ore 'efficient th an In th e p ast a n d will need tho help o f every bu si­ness m an to m ake It com pleted T hough m uch h as b een saved to dealers, there is ye t far too m uch lost b y t a d debtB, which.1 C o u ld 'b e avoided it o n r people would Jo in in .th ls-sy s- tem an d th en observe I t c a re fu lly .; T he very fac t th a t the stan d in g of p e rro n s -a sk in g c red it is b e in g Investigated, w ill g o a g rea t w ay in co rrec tin g tb e evil. V • T here a re o th er m a tte rs o f v ita l im portance which need th a a tte n tlo n 'o f o u r organiza^. tio n . T he P residen t h a s ou tlined som e, b u t t h '6 r e a rc o ih e r s w hldh a re likely a t any m o­m ent to requ ire the guidance o f a firm hand an d a s tro n g influence. .

w A B ig F ire in Broadway.•> • . " •’ •

B e tw ^ n Spring an d Pi^nce s tree ts , on ■Broadway, New York,, a re S itu a te d a n u m b er o f ex tensive bdslness hoosea, ru n n in g through to M eroer s tree t. T h e stores a n d th e several floors a re occupied b y im porters a n d dealers o f clo th ing , fanoy goods, laces, A c.

M onday m orn ing Bmoke w as seen Issuing from N o. 551, an d In a few m in u tes th e whole In te rio r w as .on fire. One, tw o a n d three" a la rm s w ere sen t 1>ut In quick sucoeasion as ’th e C hief saw th a t I t was to b e a desperate , fight, T n a few m inu tes be o rd ered ‘M hree sixes ” emergenoy call, and sig n a lled th eg a te keeper a t th e reservo ir to give th em all the w ater the o p en ga te s w ould a llow .

In th e m ean tim e the* fire h a d worked its way to the o th er build ings a n d th e w eakened w alls began to tum ble, adding m uoh to thb danger. Several firem en were b ad ly In ju red —ohe‘, i t Is feared, fatally. T h e ^buildings b urned w ere Nos. 547, 549, 55l an d 558. Those ad jo in ing o n tho n orth a n d so u th a re .greatly dam aged. T he Joss to build ings is estim ated a t $500,000 and th^goodaatli.O O O i- 000, m ainly covered by Insurance. 1

^ T h elce H o u s e s F u l l .

W ith in th e m em ory o f the ** o ldest in h ab i­ta n t;” th e re h as n o t been such a fine tim e for harv estin g lee a s d u r in g the p as t.tw o weeks. E arly in th e w in ter th e ow ners o f ipe bouses lo o k ed glttm and th e p rospect .fo r a c rop w as a n y th in g b a t prom ising.

T he early fre^zm g la u sually considered the beBt, an d there Is alw aya an a n x ie ty to g e t a t th e w ork aa soon a s the ice Is o f suffleient i h tc k n e iv ^JaM O l^y ^^Jb efo i^^h o ^o lld ^y s. This year ^ i ^ been a n excep tional one, as* a fte r th e first" ooldrt.sn.ap Ift vDecem^er, the w eather w as n o t co ld enongb to form th ick Ibe, ' .. T he la s t tw o w e e k s in J a n u a ry , however, m a^e am ends, for. th e p a s t, a n d th e Ice k ing la id a n em bargo o n r iver an d lake. In th is v ic in ity those h av ip g houses to fill w ent a t It w ith a ; vim ., D rum m ond ,& W ilcox have secured a large* su p p ly from L och A rbour. W ardell & Snioolr h ave a very fine field o n the Jam eab u rg pond- and* have housed betw een 8,500 an d 4,00Q to n s. The Ice lsv p ry so tld , c lear a n d 12 iuohes th ick . T hey * a re a lso fill­ing th e O cean G rove Icp h o u se ,-an d w ill fur­n ish a b o n t 2,000 to n s to th e Pennsylvania. R , R. T h e Ocean Beach houses o f Mr- Y a rd h o ld nearly S.OOQ.tons, and w ill b e .“ topped o u t” th is Week., I

A D a k o t a F d i t o r ’s C o m p l a i n t ,

*4<W e g reatly dislike to find fa u lt w ith feny o f th e custom s o f o u r b eau tifu l ■ little c ity ,” says a D ako ta ed ito r, “ b u t w e muBt, n ev er­theless, Insist t^ a t th e people k eep th e ir sw ine

.o u t from u n ^ er th e offloe o f th is paper. W hl le engaged a t o u r desk w riting our* leader , on ‘T he S tability o f O u rT errlto ria llnB tU utlons,1 fo r o u r p a p e r th is week, one o f S en a to r Mc­B rid e^ razo r baokod hogs h u m p ed ; u p f i ts ppino a n d began Boratohlng .Its b ack ' o n tho beam s u n d e r th e floors ja r rh ig r the whole build ing a n d making* It n eccesary . t o t us to s to p b u r w ork on thp editoria l, oraw l undbr o u r office a n d w elt the* c ritte r a long tho aide w ith a colum n ru le . v This in te rru p te d our tra in o f (honght, a n d the ed ito ria l is n o t What wo w ould wish.” . •

- B d rllbg ton h as a S m ooths old youngster, th a t w e ig h sh n t one*pound a n d a h alf. A sil v e r d o lla r ju at covers bis face.

Juore of.u-,’E very few days eome fra u d o r a ttem p ted f rau d o f 'T ra n k Pattoreonfs com es to -light, and b usiness people are th an k fu l th a t h e Is, tem porarily a t least, in a p laco whore they a re safe from -hla schomcs. A wclt knbw n citizen o f N ew ark said tho o ther d ay , ‘* I l d a ro n o t answ er h la le tte rs o r aend h im a n y pom m uui- ca tlo n w hatever, fo r I could n o t tell w here a le tte r m igh t con fro n t rao changed in to some Bort.of a d Order fo r goods o r m oney, o r th a t m y s ig n a tu re 'm ig h t not bo transferred to a note o r ohcok.” 1

A . ver jr. sh o rt tim e ago, a rm c d w l th any ‘q u an tity o f necessary docum ents, h o endeav­ored to^pcoure a loan of $15,000 on th o Opera’ House property , rep resen ting th a t a t th e maa- .teris Bale i t bad so ld for 184.000. T he p arties Jn Now Y ork to w hom he,had;applied thonght th a t every th ing Waa a ll r ig h t an d w ere In­clined to loan tho sum . A u a lm ost accidental iUqulry ollcltpd th e thp .trnp facta .In tho^cacq an d th e t ran sac tio n was b ro u g h t to a ' speedy e n d . ' ■ v . J ; 'j'A dother sw l udlo th a t becam oknoW nrecontly

.tfa s worked In th is w ise : N o t lo n g s in ce P at­terson m et Mr. % A . F ord , T raveling Passen­g e r A gen t of tho Pennsy lvan ia R ailroad Com­pany, w hose ofilco Is in N ew ark . * H e desired to m ake B^eclal arrangem ents w ith th e P . R. R., for tra n sp o rtin g various th ea trlca i com pa­nies lo an d from New Y ork.- A fter som e con-, versatlon P a tte rso n agreed to c a ll ag a in and requested Mr. F o rd ’s card . M r. F ord -hap- pened to have b u t one of h isa d d re sa c a rd a in his pocketbobk, an d th a t waa aolted an d had •penoll mftrks, upon It. H e g av e .lt to h im and P a tte rson left. A few days la te r a gentlem an csdled aC the N ew ark ofilco a n d inqu ired fo r Mr. F o rd . U pon belUg show n Id h e looked a t the tall an d m ilita ry flguro o r th e ag e n t ln sur­prise a n d asked ag a in fo r M r. F ord . W hen he was asaured th a t th is w a s tho person who’ bore t h a t nam e he said th ero -m u s t b e some m istake, as th e M r. F brd h e was looking fo r was a short, email mail, an d bore n o resem ­blance to th is one. T hen h e explained his business.^ I t s e e m s th a t ' th is .sh o rt m an .had h ad Bome dealings with b is firm, b u t th e y had n o occasion to a sk 'h is nam e. H e h ad come In to th e lr pT&fiQ'li’fdW" d ay e ' befoF6 ‘a tid Kikdd them to c^sh a check fo r $25, a s h e “ h ad left h is pooketbook a t bom e.” : H e w ro to .ou t the check a n d sa id his nam e w as Ford a n d be was In th e serv ice of the P . R. R . In p roof o f h is Identity h e pulled his card o u t o f .b is pocket an d gave lt'to>tt\pm. They to o lrh is check and gave h im tbe cash, b u t th e check B o o n .came back to them m a rk e d “ n o funds.” T he gen­tlem an a t th is p o in t banded M r. F ord the card tb a th a d o b e f l le f t w ith them . A g lance r e ­vealed th e fa c t th a t It w as th e identical card ho hfld glveri F ra n k P a tte rso n a sh o rt tim e before I I t b ad been oleaned u p a lit tle , b u t I t w as th e sam e o n e . ' - -

^'oisB m a s w n o wouLnH’ r, rT . P a tte rso n called a t th e N ew w k office o f the

P . .Hi R . oatenalbly to cooau lt Mr. F o rd ab o u t the th ea trica l t ro u p e which he In tended (?) to take o u t frortf NOW Yortc. Thia w as before he had W orked off th e check o n the New ’York' •jeweler. M r. F o rd waa a b sen t an d P atterson g tarted to re la te h is y a rn to Mr. S. p . K en­n e d y ,D is tr ic t Passenger A gent. A s th is gen­tlem an had h ea rd the sam e th ing, from Mr. F ord , and : kjaew th a t P a tte reo n h ad been re­ferred to th e New" York office, be p a id little a ttention^ P a tte rson g o t u p hastily , eald he was o n his w ay to Trento n to se ttle a n im port­a n t bnsltieaa m a tte r, a n d f e s t c d j h e h a d n ’t , suffleient cash to see him th ro u g h t w ould Mr. K ennedy k ind ly cash t r check fo r - ten dollars

" flfn d rc llev o -h lm o fth e -n eceas lty O flb o rro w ^ in g f M r. K ennedy w ould n o t ; h ls pocket- book w asn’t.b n llt th a t w ay ; an d white there w as lo ts o f cash ab o u t the office t h a t belonged to tb e Com pany, ho reg re tted th a t thp Com­p a n y d id n o t encourage h im in loaning i t to* S trangers w ithou t an- equ iva len t th re e tim es a s valuable a s th e consideration. So P a tte r­son w as checked for o n c ^ ^A VlOTJll WHO DIDN’T BEUBVS VRA.NK WOUI.D

THICK HIM, ju fit a b o u t th is Period P a tte reon appeared

to h av e one of ))\b m ost v io len t cheeky spells on. I t Is reasonable to suppoaejthatipp.eyery su ch c ase th a t cam e to l ig h t th e re w ere half a d p zen o thers th a t w e re 'k eg t_5uTet‘b y :those w ho w ere swindled.

p a tte rsO n m et an acq u ain tan ce In .a W est s tre e t hotel Bhortly a fte r h is bucccsb w ith the* F o rd check. T h e yo u n g m an Is em ployed on . the r a ilro ad an d lives a t L ong B ranch. H is nam e is Cooper, and h e w ears th e uniform of Dodd’s Express. Iu h is da ily tr ip s to ' and from th e olty it was b u t n a tu ra l t h a t h e should rein ac ro ss P attereon , w ho is a p ersisten t t rav ­e le r—probably o n a pass. Cooper found P a t tersbn a t the hotel, a n d o f course h e was “ s h o r t ; ” be trie d to g e t C ooper to cash a check for six teen d o lla rs ; C ooper ,couldn’t , b u t h e d id w orse than th a t. -H e endorsed th e check—a'** reg u lar g llt-edge-rone o f th e m ost wealthy>men in N ew ark” —and th en got th e ho tel-k eep er to cash It, . The la tte r knew C ooper b u t e ith e r did n o t o r d id n ’t w ant to know F ra n k , a n d ag reed to caah i t w ith Cooper’s endorsem ent. P a tte rso n secured th e m oney jm d ahorUy kfte rw arda .returned w ith a check for th irty -n ine do llars a n d w anted to takb o p the fo rm er check a n d h ave th e differ­ence p a id him In cash. H e failed to ge t ac ­com m odated a n d left., T hree d ay s a fterw ards th e six teen-dollar check was. re tu rn ed p ro ­tes ted , an d C ooper will h ave to h an d over th a t am o u n t o f hard-earned 'm oney—m oney th a t a scam p jo b b ed -h lm o f . <Copper’s s n ^ r le e w a s deep , in tense. ' Hh‘ s^flr*^*T di'dn1trT^lleve. P a tte rso n w ould serve m e th a t w a y ; but,* by

~ - ^ f o n

th e holy sm oke . I f he w ill only allow me to g e t W ithin.sight o f him , i t h e g e ts o u t o f jail, J ’Jl agroe to g lv e h im s ix teen dollars’ w orth of m auling . H e won’t know him self w hen I g e t th ro u g h w ith him#”

Y ou Sliall H ave Another.T h e eclipse th e o th er n igh t, w hile successful

In itse lf, w aa not e n ti r e ly , sa tis tac to ry to m any observers, Thp n ig h t w as cold, and jto .stand o u tdoors to w atch th e d a rk e n e d m oon w aa rio t very comfortable"; looking a t i t th ro u g h the w avy glass o f ord inary w indow s d is to r te d L u n a ’s c o p p e ry ^ c e .a n d filled th e ‘o b se rv e rw lth a vague apprehenBion th a t his V ision w avered and hla m ind w andered. r~ —

Recognition of these ' difficulties led T ub J duBNAi* to evol ve th e th o u g h t - th a t iwnm«r eollpses w^re w hat tho people w anted, a n d ' th en o u r g uests could, en joy th em with-U s. D u rin g A u g u st th ere a re so* m any m eetings going on th a t i t w ould b e h a rd ly the th ing, to In terfere w i th them b y Buoh a' fascinating ex ­hib ition . Tho la tte r p a r t o f J u ly w ould be m o re Bultable**-eomowhere betwefen^ tho‘ 20th a n d 25tb. B u t w hat n ig h t sfiould w e select.? C learly the y oung peop le w o u ^ L b e in th e m ajo rity am o n g tho observers, a n d I t would, b e only fa ir to consu lt th e ir fiohyenience. B undajH itgh t i s ~ th « ^ r a e m ost favored fo r pt^ -m atfIm unial ci/uferuuueai^aud so I t h as been se t for'Bunday; J u ly 23.- I t shopld n o t be to o early ln tho evening , so,unles8 Weighty reasons a re subm itted to us, .thp eclipBe~wlll •begin a t s ix m inutes before, eloypn o’clock. A t 11.^3 the faco bf th e m oon w lll .be en tirely covered, rind will rem ain so 'u n til; 1.80 M on­d a y m orning, b u t th e shadow will n o t en tiftl?- d isap p ear u n til half-past two. T hus, b y the tim e o u r young friends hiivp finished th eir p a rtin g salu tations i t w ill b e tim e tO jstart the fltp for b reakfast, ; ' >

A ll the recom pense we ask fo r th is generous en te rta in m e n t la th a t thoso“w ho in tend to be p resen t Will j)leaso su b scrib e : fo r th is p ap er a n d pay, ono’year In advance. £

• Only W aiting,T be decision in tbo F ran k P a tte rso n appeal

c ase w as n o t given in tho Conrf of_Er)orfl an d A ppeals la s t F riday , a s wfih expocted, a n d M r. P a tte rson still languishes In F reehold jail.

To P rotect th e Food F ish. .A bout 80 rep resen ta tives o f th e sh o re coun­

ties, w ith several o f th e S ta te Legislators,-m et a t . tho S ta te .House; T ren to n , o h T uesday afternoon , fo r n conference w ith reference to securing CongresslonaVactlon Proh ib iting tho m enhaden fishermen fro m h au ling thelrap lnes s o n ea r tho shore. M r. E . ,G , rH arrlson , M r. Jaer. H . Rom aln, Bev. A . i B allard , E dw ard M. Fielder, Samuol. W . K lrk b rld e , and Goo.B. Bandt, wero am ong thoso representing* iho M onm outh coast.

Mr. H arriso n presided an d read a num ber of letters, am ong them ono from S enato r Blod­g e tt, s ta tin g th a t , tho b ill befo re Congrepa w buld bo rep o rted from the Com mittee a t a n early date. Ono from Congressm an MoAdop,. expressed h is sy m p a th y w ith th o m ovomont. • a n d advised send ing a s tro n g d e leg a tio n 'to w a it on tho Com m ittee w ith auoh foots an d figures th a t could bo p ro d u ced . S up t, J . G, W . lIavono waa n o t euro th a t th b food;fish w ere lessened by tho s team dredges, b u t ho th o u g h t It a wlea m easure to p ro h ib it them frb m 'co m lh g "w lth lu ' 2 K 'm 'lle s o r “thPahO rer M r. G. B, Sandt; o f Seabright, was su re t b a t the sm all ca tch of b lu e fish‘o f la te years waa duo to theso “ p ira te s ,” M r. Geo. J . F erry , o f Orango, w ho is a sum m er residen t a t Key E ast, w as Of th e sam e opin ion , a n d as a fish2 erm an ho favored p ro tec tio n to hom o Indus-; trios. ‘ ^

Gen.. Sewell, who was^ p respn t,' g a te " a lpngthy^account, in d eta il,; of, h is efforts to SePure a .b ill, fitartlng o u t w l(h -a hlst'ory pf tho ag ita tion . Tho m enhaden flshernieti were very strong , backed by la rg e m oneyed co rp o ­ra tio n s w ho m ain tained a pow erful lobby a t .W ashington. They w ere fo rtified w ith s ta to ’ m ents an d affidavits, a n d they m u st bo m ot w ith fac ts an d figures from th e o ther aide. Bills of tbJs k ind a ro n o t -passed In a woek o r a m onth in Congress. I t. som etim es tak es yeara. H te jm t like .your Legialatlvp bodies. Gen. Sowell spoko o f the m agn it^do o f tho business^and its im portance to the people*of th e ahoro ' resorts. T ie advised th a t tho facta bo laid before Congress an d th a t n o Btoue be le f t u n tu rn ed to~secure the passage o f the

- ....' ' I t 'w a s - 'd e o lilo d 'io send a deiegatlon to .^ ^ h ln g to n , to m eet w ith th e F isheries Com ­m ittee on Friday , a t w hich , tim e- th e m easure- will bo u p fo r consideration . ; . • • 1. , '

L e g is la tiv e M antia l. %No s ingle volume published In th ia S ta te ia

so closely cram m ed w ith In te res tin g and val­u ab le” data; as 1a F ltzgcraid ’a “ Legislative M anual ” fo e 1888. I t g ives b rie f b iographies of the S ta te officers, Senators a n d Assem bly­m en, to g e th e r w ith th e official re tu rn s o f the las t and p ro ceed in g 'e lec tio n s; i t con ta ins a chronological - ta b le o f . a ll th e G overnors {from the. t* me o f L ord C arte re t a n d o f the 8onatora and 'A B aem blym en-of-each^coun ty since 1845 \ the leng th o f each session an d tho num ber o f law ap asse d ran c H jla to r ic a l inform m atlpn covering a lm o st a n y q u e s tlo n th a tc a n a rlB O . I t a lso gives th e co n stitu tio n o f the U nited S ta tes and o f Now je rs e y , the ru les o f tho L egislature, m ap an d h isto ry o f New Je r- rey a n d a com plete descrip tion o f a ll Its publlo in stitu tions. Tbls is b u t a frac tio n a l Hat o f Ita c o n te n ts ; if you w a n t to see i t Bend a dol­la r to Thos. F . F itzgerald , T renton .

Another D ivision B ill.S enato r C ran m err o f Ocean co u n ty ,- in tro ­

duced a blll on W ednesday to r th e d ivision o fm m o t i t h - a o n n t y , H P t t l n g n f f th w t n w n H h l p a

^ f Raritan^ Shrew aburyf-Eatbnlow nr^M Iddle- tow n, Ocean and N eptune, th o new p a r t to be know n as E a s t M onm outh. Red B ank Is rinnt&d a s tbo coun ty seat, b u t i t Ib le f t to the m ajo rity vote o f tho residen ts to determ ine.

The o th er provisions o f the a c t au thorizes the a ppo in tm en t o f an o th e r law ju d g e whoso sa la ry aball n o t exceed $1,000.. A com m ission o f th re e from each eectlon.ls to determ ine the value o f th e old co u n ty build ings ^ n d , h a t , proportion eaoh p a r t is en titled to . 'T ho p res­e n t officers will b o ld 'th e lr p laces fo r tbo fu ll1 term In th e old c o u n ty . P rov ision Is also m ado fo r tho ap p o rtlo n m en t o t tho publlo monoy fo r schools. -

D ay o f Prayer for Collesres and — ScUool s;:-----• . ---------

- .*•A t tb e p u b li^ m e e tfn g Whloh Was hcld ln

the R eform ed <murch las t week, m an y th ings w ere s a id w hich a re w o rth y o f b e in g m ore w idely know n, b u t the M o st p rac tica l address was th a t m ade by Prof, J . M. R alston , princl* pal o f s the O cean G rove school. M any persons requested a,.,copy fo r pub lica tio n ,, to w hich-P rof. R a lston a f te r Borao hesitancy 1 su b m itted . W e a^e g lad , therefo re , to lay tho- fOJIowIng before o u r re a d e r s ;

CO OPEItATION OF PARENT WITH TEACUElt.I f I In te rp re t the m ean ing o f th is d ay arig h t

“ A Day o f P ray er for Colleges atJd^Sohools,”I u n d e rs tan d th a t wo m ust n o t p ray alono for th e sp ir itu a l ad v an cem en t Of y o u th In ou^ colleges an d schools, b u t a lso fo r th e ir moral- an d in te llectual dovolopm oot, fo r th e c q it iy a - . tion o f tholr m any Bided n a tu res , f o r all the agencies th a t w ill help to m ako of o ur y ou th fu ily dOVelOpod speclmbna o f t ru e m anhood ahd w om anhood. L e t us, In tho beginning, u nderstand for w h a t p u rpose we, a s teacher?, a s k y o u r co-operation.--‘-We^^muBtj-firat qf -all,- g a ln a c lea r concept Ion. o f ' tho h?eaninglof an oducatlPu a n d o f tho d ig n ity and theseriona- ness o f thp teach er’s p rofession. "..... 'r

In n o ca lling have suoh rad ical ohaogea' tak en placo a s in t h a to f teaching, w ith in the p a s t few yoars. M ethods have beon directly reversed ; slav ish subserv ien cy : .to tho tex t­book Is fast d isappearing , en d in 'm any-cases, thb te x t Itse lf has been banished from the c lass room ; th e o rd er o f tho dev elo p m en t'o f the ch ild ’s m ind has been carefu lly observed, - and the s tud ies a d ap ted to .eaoh s tag e Of iUt developm ent ; th o schoolmaster-ot tho p ast, in m any re sp e c t^ on ly th e Aceper o f tho school, has given way to tho skilled, In te lligen t,’p ro ­fessional teach er of- to -day , who, sees In hla pup il a being capab le o f infinlto possibilities a n d w onderful developm ent.

E d u ca tio n has come to m ean m o ro than the accum ulatfon o f so m any fac ts respecting a rithm etic , geography, g ram m ar an d the v a r l ' ous B tud les inciden t t » o u r schools aod Col­leges. ’ Theso Serve.only a s m eans tow ards tho

'accom plishm ent o f tho ono grand end. charac­ter. E du ca tio n now m eans the tra in in g an d developm ent o f a ll sides o f o u r n a tu res , m en­ta l, m oral, sp iritu a l, social, and physical, to tho oxpluslon o f no alngle one.

-Wtll i t bb consldered Ouf o f placo, o r lm - 'm odost, for me,, a teachor, to apoak briefly on tbS 'dfgnlty a n d Im pprtance of o u r profession —to u s tho noblest a u d g ran d est o f all profes­sions, If we d o b u t ex cep t th e C hrlatlan m in ­istry , and S tan d in g o n ly second to th a t -. In aooredness o f ptjrpoao f

W e have all reverence fo r tho profession o f m edicine, w ith its 'v ast-a rm y o f noble, intelll-„ g en t, Bolf-sacrlflcfng m e n : but tbo m astery o f t h a t profession I s 'a com paratively easy ono to th a t o f tb e te a c h e r; fo r tho form er deals With tho body, w i th ,m a t te r ; the latter, w ith tho m ind, th e cu lm ination o f th at,son \e th lng w hjch Ib n o t m atter, an d ns the. m in d apd the aouI a re high above th§ body, so Is tho m as­te ry of th e one profession m ore difficult th a a t h a t o f tho o ther. W ith th is apprec iation of o u r c a lling we claim th a t recognition , which i s n o t now fully ours, to be clasped am ong .the higher profession, an d to receive th a t p o r­tio n o f resp ec t which is too o ften withhold from us, , ^. I t la tiu o thorb a re thosaT ln-ouf ran k s who do n o t apprec iate tho aacrednesa o f tho call- ln ^ th ey h av e -en fe red r and-who-drag-us-down- from t h a t h ig h er lo'vel to which wo aspire. A nd It la hore, abovo a ll th ings else, where we a sk and claim your fu llest cd opera tion . H elp us to d rive o u t from o u r m idst the “ q u a c k s” o f o u r profession—th e unprofes­s iona l, .who c a re only for tbo few dollars they receive a s a recom pense. W o ask It In behalf o f th e helpless ch ildren whom Q od has given you, in beha lf o f hum anity , In .behalf o f th a t b od y o f poorly-paid unselll8b m en and wo-_ m en, who a re s trugg ling to l if t your children, a n d th rough them o u r n a tio n a n d all h u m an ­ity to a higher, fuller, freer p lan e of oxIb- tenco. ... . . .

Y our p rayers a re n o t enough * y o u r sy m p a­thy alone w lll n o t a n s w e r ; y o u r G od speeds a re well enough in their, p lace, b u t y'bu .m nst

-acfwltlLiifl.. ..Our reapon ilb illttes a re m u tu a l - o u r alm s a re th o samo. f i Is y o h r chlld , h u t ou r pupil. W e m m t w ork together we d a re n o t pull a p a rt. T w o opposite law s In physics

■, h • Stale and Mixed.A n A sbury P a rk co rresponden t of thoC am -

fo n Courier s a y s ;The West Ena hotel, locatad a t thoYoot o f C o o t

m an kvenuo, which eyerybody knows w ho.has rhsited here, Is fast,losing its Identity. The old frame hotel Is being 'tom down and will be re­placed b y a more commodious brick structure. I t w ill be managed by‘Mr, J . E. Ralph, o f Freehold, who purchased the same a t sheriff’s sale last De­cember. ■- T he W est E n d Is b e ing added to b o t n o p a r t Is being to rh dow n. ; I t baa nev e r boen sold a t sheriff’s sale; n o r i s likely evor |o be , fo r M r. R ipley la too so lid a business m an fo r the sheriff to look a f t e r . . . Th’e C olem an Is evi­dently tho h o te l a lludod to , a lth o u g h tb a t has been tn M r. R alph’s bands fo r a year o r more.

D edication a t K ey East.T he n e a t llhfo edffice bu lIt fb r the K ey E ast

B ap tist C hurch , to ta k e "the p lace o f th e one th a t w as burned l a a t s p r in g fy a s d ed ica ted on T h u rsd ay . Rev. D r. M oA rtbur, o f C alvary B ap tla t Church, N ew Y ork, preaohed th o ser­m on. ‘ Those a ssisting w ere P a s to r L awrence, Revs. Thom pson, o f Lakew ood ; C ross,, of M ant^aquan; Russell, o f L ong Branoh, andF . C. Colby, of Aabury P a rk ; ■ '* i . P rev ious,to the d o d ic a tlo n th o c o rn e r s tone

Waa laid by S u p e n ln te n d e n t^ jK . H ppe. Thp congregation now has a n e a t and.-w ell-built church? m uch su p e rio r to th e o ld o n e - A lib ­e ra l co llection w as tak en to w ard .ra ising the email d e b t yet rem ain ing o n th e budding.

P opular Tobogganing.T he now to b o g g an slide near. F lra t avenuo

has h ad a m ost fo rtu n a te ru n o f toy w eather, an d It is d oub tfu l If a m ore p o p u lar am use­m en t h a s ever b een o ffered in A sb u iy P ark .: Thia week th e> lid e haa. b een liberally pa-’ tronlzod, and W odneeday n ig h t, eapeolally, there w ere alm ost a th o u san d people to Wit­ness the sport. A p rize h ad bepu offered to t h e o w n e r o f th e fiootoat toboggan , a n d the Buccesshil con tes tan ts for th P ail ver toboggan bells w ere tho boys o f th e . E lectrio L ight W orks an d S tree tR ailw ay j P resid en t Apple­g a te ta lk s 3o fo ffk ^ ln g a d in m o n d p in aS prom - lum to tho m ost su ccessfu l-s lid er • fo r one’ m o n th . '\ : - ■■

From. Asbury P ark toj Florida.O n W edn08day, Feb._8, th e second o f the

personally-conducted p leasu re to u rs to F lorida will leavo Now Y ork in a sp eo la l tra in o f Pull- ipau sleeping cars, s to p p in g a t N ew ark for passengers f ro m tow ns a lo n g th e line o f the New Y ork and L ong b ra n c h R ailroad . A h a lt wllVbe m ade fo r d in n er a t Philadelphia, and s h o r t atopa a t Cheatfir, :\aiiQ lngtnD , J3flIU- inoro, W ashington, R ichm ond an d a t o ther s ta tio n s fo r m eals. T ickets co s t $47. an d ln= oludo s leeping c a r berth , in both d irec tio n s/ m eals tn route a n d a d ay’s bo ard a t th e Hotel Everett, Jacksonville. T o u ris ts a re allow ed tw o w eeks in F lo rid a ; T he tra li^ w(ll leave. Jacksonville^ oii"‘ttie re tu rn trip o n Friday, Fob. 24. The tloketa for th is second tr ip were a ll engaged early in .th e week, an d n o hiore accom m odations, can bp furrilshed. - T p m eet th e ' unusual .demand a^third tr ip h as b een ar- rafiged for Feb. 25}, w hen th e ’ eamef ra te s w ill prevail.,; < v

; Townsliip'Committee. ■. 'T he ^ s t m eeting o f tho T ow nship Com m it­

tee fo r th e fiscal y ea r w ill be held ln tho offlco o f C ollector H nbba^d , d re r th e B ank,.on S a t­u rday , Febi^iary 4, a t Q v . m. All bills agalnat' the tov?n?ihlp m g at b6 presen ted a t o r before th a t tim o. A lf i ie o H a u t ,' . Tow nship Clerk.

ap tly I llu stra te o u r p o s it io n : -*v W hen tw o g iv en :T<5FCeS*"acr i n t h e sam o •direction the resu ltan t la th e sum o t tho g iven forceSt^bht w hen the tw o forces a c t In opposite dlrectioua th e re su lta n t is then th e difference of the g iven forces, a n d m otion will b e p roduced in tho d irection o f th e g rea te s t fo rced’

T ho p a ren t an d ’ tho teacher rep resen t the tw o given forces, tho ch ild itho resu ltan t. I Will t ru s t to your Intelllgonco to d raw tho r ig h t Inferences. • ,

W e c an n o t g e t along w ithout your ac tive co operation : - S tudy o u r m ethods, criticise, if y ou please, b u t only a f te r a carefu l, in te lli­g e n t exam ination . L earn to respect ou r schools and teach y o u r children th a t aamo ro^ spect. D o n o t condem n, un tried , o u r m eth ­ods sim ply because th ey a re n o t precisely the sam p m ethods by w hich you wero educated , o r becanse y o u d o n o t u n d e rs tan d them . Tho a rch itec t w ould resen t ju stly th e In terference of the teacherj who, w ithou t a knowledge of e v e n the f irs tp rin c ip le so f a rchitecture ,should presum e to d ic ta te to him tho m ethods o r ru les w hereby his p lan s an d design a should b e d raw n , oven though tb e house to ho b u ilt bo the teacher’s own. A m echanic would n o t to le rate c ritic ism o r d irection from tbe teach ­er, u pon h is p a rticu la r lino of. w ork, n o r w ould the-laWyer, tho physician o r tho m ere c h an t. ' A nd yot thoso earne d o n o t beslta t- fo r a m om ent, if i t bo th eir pleasure, to con­d e m n w ithou t a fa ir hearing a n y m ethod o r any innovation In troduced in to our achools, fllmply because I t m ay n o t seem to thorn to be tho b ea t m ean s to reach th e desired end. A nd ye t often , b y so doing , thoy aot th eir ju d g ­m en t u p in d irec t opposition to the com bined lodgm ents p f all the n o ted educato rs o f o u r land ; who h ave given years o f deop th ough t a n d e a rn est consideration before ado p tin g 1 those very m ethods, to which you m ay ao readily o b jec t,—w ith o u t_ a _ ju st and carefu l consideration o f th e ir respective merits.

Now, d o n o t m isunderstand mo. \D o n o t th in k th a t i t Is o u r w ish to resen t Interference o r to .sh u t o u t c riticism . -We In v ite It—fair, honest, ju a t critlpiam , an d wo w ill recolvoit ln th e Bame sp ir it In w hich It Is given. Come am ong u s ; v isit o u r sch o o ls ; s tu d y o ur m eth­ods, an d observe o u r w ork. I t ia your du ty td d o th is—your d u ty to yourself, to your ch ild , and to u s a s teachcra.

Ono serious d raw back to progress In th e sohool is the sp ir it o f^m lachief, resentment,"' au d d isrespect, which often, unconsciously or- thoughtlessly , th e p a re n t instils in to the m ind p f the.child . My lim ited tim e will no t. per* m lt the m en tio n o f moro th an one exam ple, w hloh will serve as an Illustra tion to explain m y m eaning, an d th a t la, ja to o willing d ispo­s ition to accept, w ith o u t investigation, a re ­p o r t o f aom e unw ise o r u n ju s t action b n tho p a r t o f a teacher, w hich tho vivid im agination o t the ch ild m ay havo d isto rted o u t o f all recognizable shape.-Or even w ilfully m isrepre­sented . 1 • ~

Y ou m ay aay th a t I am speak ing en tirely -from a teach er’s standpo in t, a n d *hat I . can­n o t fully ap p rec ia te th e p a re n t’s ’s id e o f the question—if i t be possib le to conceive of two sides to a question . W e know thero aro sacred r ig h ts and privileges d f 'th 'e p a re n t w ith which a n in te lligen t teach er would n o t daro to.jneddlo. B ut, if you aro satisfied with th6 m anagep ien t o f y o u r ch lld^w e'bog of you n o t to u n d o a t hom e th a t w hich wo strugg le so h a rd to accom pllah In the fow sho rt hours d u r in g w hich y o u r, children a re u nder o u r ca re and d irection .’ I f we endeavor to teach h ab its o f p ro m p t obedience, a lo v o of order. andlnpatnoB s, o r a cheerfu l com pliance to such regu la tions as a re necessary to o n r sue ', ceafiful operation , d o n o t co u n teract ou r efforts b y p e rm ittin g ra t homo wilful d isobe­d ie n c e , , u n tid y hab its , o r. a d laregard for pa ren ta l authority .* ,

A n d now , - before I close, porm lt m e to m ake a n earn est nppeal for y o u r hearty , syook

' " ac tive co-operatibn In all m eans th a twill ten d to m ake Of.your boys and g irls Buoh m eivand wom en a s tho world dom anda^m en an d wom en o f ch a rac te r a n d principle, who n o t only know tho r ig h t, b u t wuo love it, who p o t o n ly know tho w rong b u t who h a te i t ; m en an d w om en w ho will rlso BUperlor to eel*

tfisb in te rests and w an ts, w ho are . tru e to thom soivss'end tru e to_.ihelr Miiknr.;_Khq.aro, sim ple ln ^ th e lc m anner*, b u t m anly, “an d w om anly In their fee lin g s; w ho a re ju s t w lth-

t>ut being harsh , hum blo w ithou t being m ean, m agnanim ous w ith o u t being p ro u d .^

J o in w ith us in .fitting th em forttiS 'fulIeat, freea^I n o b lest life hero .on ea rth , and fo r an a b u n d a n t en tra n c e In to tb a t world hpyond,

where tbo g rea t problem .of life, a t whose m eaning w e can only guhsa w tltiju -so lv ed In th e quiok consciousness of soula rodoebaed a n d p urified .” J . ‘

I f you really w an t to have lo ta o f fu n and enjoy- w orking o u t puzzles—atjd h a rd o nes— buy a copy o f JThe Ihuzler trom your new s­dealer a n d carry I t bom e. Som«T6f pur friends h av e w orked f p r h o u rs a t ‘a tim e over the F eb­ru ary num ber, perfectly fasc inated w ith thia excellen tly ed ited m agazine. 1 T h e m agazine- I s en tirely new, th e F eb ru ary n u m b er-b e in g th e flrat,-sO u rge y o n r new sboy to ge t i t fo r you, an d to keep a good supp ly . I t w ill bo ju a t tbo th in g to b r in g o u t to amuao your frlonds. W e Qnd i t so. 10 cen ta a copy : $1.20 a y e a r . N . D. C. H odges, publisher, 47 Ld- fayetto Paco, New Y ork. • -■

- , ,

MoMontb Trnst Co.asbxjhy pa r k , new Jersey-

C a p i t a l , $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 .Authorized by law to act as Exeoutor, Adinln* iBtrator. Guardian, Trustee, Aflslgnoe, Reoelver. Agent, etc.. and for tho faithful performance ol alt Buoh dutlee Ita Capital Btook and atirplua are liable; also to Rocoiyo and Eioouto Truata of evCTiMdesMiptlon.' f/omjhe.Oopirta, .CorporationsAll Trust Panda and Investments aro inscribed In the names of tho ownorfl of tho property held - In txtpt, and are kept separate and apart from tbo assets of the Company. «■ *

Interest Allowed ou Deposit*.Safe DepOHlt Tanlto in (Ire nad bar. clar proor building now In.course of erec­tion,cornor Mattlson avonuo and Bond street will* receipted for and kept without charge. Will commence business on or. about March 1.

1B88. IRfl A O tVKEN NKU V, l»resldent. —'OEO. P. KHORfIL, Vfoo P/eeldont.IlilNItY C. WINBOIt, Booretary. .A. C. TWINrNQ, Treasurer.DIKECTORS:O i>. W. VltOOM, Tronton, N. J.T~ “"WT JTlIATmiSON. Lakowood;‘NrJ^~ OLIVER II. BROWN, Spring Lake, N. J.. HENRY H. YAIU), Ocean Boach, N. J. JNOi 8. FEROOSON, Asbury Park, N. J.~— HENRY C.WIN80R,OEO. P. ItROEHL, , * !* *-* “t BRUCE 8. KEATQR, M.D., :A..C. TWINING, “ *N. Bj BDCIfANON, '* '*I8AAC C..KENNEJ6Y# ** ‘V. ‘ , P

-C SajaiE OF itLTAH TUTJAX, DE-- I I : . . .■ .liECEASED. *' Notice Is hereby given, th a t the accouftta of the subscriber, executors of said deceased, will be audited and stated by the Surrogate and r e ­ported . to tho Orphans Court-of the county of Monmouth, on T hursday th e lC th d a y of Febru­ary, 1888. . * • . • ANTHONY TRUAX, '


Q S E R n ,I ”9 S A L E .— B y v i r tu e o f a O w rit of ft. fa. to me d irected, Issued o u t o f ' the C ourt of Chancery of tho S tate of Now J e r -

,aey, w ill b e exposed to Bale aM>nbflc vendue.bn. ^ T u esd ay , t h o 2 1 e t d a y o f F e b r u a r y , 1808,. betw een d ie hours of 12 and 5 o’olook, (at 2 ' a ?olook>, in- the afternoon of said day, a t the Coart House, a t Freehold, In the township of Freehold, county of M onmouth, Now. Jersey.

AU that certain lot, tract or parcel of -■ land and premises, situate, lying and being In the borough o f Asbury Park, In the county of Mon­m outh an d S tato o f New Jersey, k^ow n and des­ignated a s lo t num ber six hundred and tw o (008) on a m ap o f Asbuiy Park, m ade by P. H. Ken ncdy & Son; A. D. 1874. beginning a t a point in -tbeTjortherlr lino o f Asbury avenue. diBtant fifty feet w esterly from tho northw est corner of-- Asbury avenue and Bond s tr e e t : then rC westerly along tho northerly line .of Asbury avenue, fifty feet i thence northerly , a t righ t angles with As- bu-y avenue, one hundred^and fifty f e e t : thenceu u - j u . v u u v , w u o u u u u k b u ^ k u u Ulbjr tv v l , ,e a s t e r ly , p a r a l l e l w i t h A s b u ry a v e n u e , f i f ty f e e t ;

— -------- *1' “ ’--------- 1— r i g h t a n g le s w i th / *d a n d f l f t j r f e

_________ IP nroporty c _____________________ .t a k e n In e x e c u t lo h a t t h o s u i t o f .N e lso n E ,

thenqo southerly again a t iriglif. angles w ith Aft* id, .onb hundred and flftjr feet to the

/ o f Jam es L. Smith el ai..

bury avenuo, .ono n Placo o f beginning.

Seized a s the proptaken In execution __ . .. . ________________Bpchanon, G arret 'V. Smock and George A. Smoek, and to be sold by

. J ^ E O D O R ? FIELDS, SheriCT.- H aw kiks & DunANn, Sol'ra.

Dated January 17, 1888.. * ^ JjPr’a fee, 86.40. {— — — a ■ == = 3

jljeal E s ta te . ,

Mortgages Cashed.$60,000 to loan in sums of from $1,000 to $5,003

on.Asbury Park and Ocean Grovo property. Apply to ' W. W. McCIIESNEY,

Real E state Agent, Hotel ASbury

Fruit Farm for Sale,containing 60 acres, situate about 2W miles .we* of ABbury Park. JAMBS E . LIPPINCOTT. Agenl

Long Branoh, N. J .

Money to Loan:QN_b o n d a n d m o r t g a g e : “


BARGAIN. - ~Fully furnished boarding house near the beach,

also co ttage and choice lo t very oheap.Address BOX 181, Asoury P ark P. O. •

To Loaff on Good Mo: , .. V 8. 0.00

$10,000Freehold, N. J .

P O E S ^ l . L j S . HO USE A N D LOT

In West Asbury Park.Rouse has seven rooms and Is nearly new.

Will be sold on easy term s. Apply Boob to .MRS. MARY A. CLAYTON,

Greenwloh, Cumberland Co., New Jersey, Or, Box 00; Asbury Park.

For Sale or Exchange.First-class T ruck Farm containing 40 acres, 4

miles from Long Branch, N. J ., and i^sa than f t mile from Monmouth P ark Race Course. ■

F ru it Farm , SO acres, 4 miles w est of Freehold, N .J . -

Farm 12 acres, 8W miles from Asbury Park, N .J . Apply to WM.B. BYRAM,

PoBtofftoe Building. Room 1, __f’ . Asbury Park, N J . -

P o i j3a,le.Two F in eL otsfiO x lS O F eet,with p lenty of shade. "Prlca $1,000 each. Located on the north side o f Sixth avenuo. between Bondand Epiory streets , Asbury Park, N. J. Also . , nice lots for salo. price $500 each, located on the; Gould. & ..Osborno trac t: adJolUing-BradleyBeach. Apply to any Real Estate Ascent tfn tJH*. Park, o r to the owner, _ P. R. LEW IS,,

OOl a tx th avenuo, Aabury P ark, N. J . \ f


—' , u n r D a E P O B T . c o n n .

G K a O S T E D E K E R ,a SolaAgent fo Ea t m New Jersey,72$ Mattlson Avenue, Aabury Park,•* ‘ Opposite the Postofflce. 'Call and see samples and books of designs.

Granite and M arble Monuments Tombstones, * and a l l Cemetery W ork.' Call a t ou r show-room and see.samples, outs, & 0.. Wo can sutt'ln^ual- ity and prloe. GENUNG <5c CO., -

> : 788 M attlson'ave., Asbury FarS,‘N. J .

Ponies Wanted.Any perso n having Bmall Ponies o r Donkeys

- • suitable * ....FOR CHILDREN'S USE,

fo r afflg very oheapj w ill find a customer tn P .G . SNEDEKER.

- M attison avenue, opposite Post Office.

Butcher’s Store to Let,W ith largo loeRoom- Inquire of T. P. RERGKN,Cor. M ala fltreet and ------- --------- *-v—P ark , N .J . s

M unroe avonue. Asbury•y . •. - - - ■

j -„ ‘v .

Page 3: MERCHANT TAILOR, · ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, FEBRUARY 4, 1888: J;A *w.hbtriok,m;d.l HotriCKppalhlo I>hy8lcian and Surgeon, vor. Cookman &. Banga dva., Asbury Park, N. J. Doura j until


i s t a t f E f c f o w a a land MONMOUTH REPUBLICAN.


. Baiea of Advertising-. '

’(*¥> « ’!


1 a • *3rxi 75 II 0076 11’.'. •i m

1 00 1 (50 , 2001 -y<xi i! Rfl170 HWi!S« »«! 4 SCa ixi 4W ftfiC■&W HfA 11 w10 00 17 00 w o o

81 vs17P$1 7BI52 GOIfiOO3 25 4 00 0 004 23 ft BO 8 00 0 00 7 00 10 00 700 0 00 1500 800 1300 20 00

in 00 IB 00 80 00 IB 00 2ft 00 JW 00 B6 00 80 00 45 ootfio OOiOOOO

U ;O o o 1000

.14 00 , 18 00 23 00 85 00 60 00 85 00

16000Local Notm:e9.—a. lim ited num ber of looal

inotloes w ill bo adm itted a t tho ra te o f fifteen cen ts por lino. Thoy will bo placed o t tho b6fc« tom or tho local colum ns only, and m ust havo

aav a tth o o n d . When continued four weeks or longer* ad lso o u n t o f 25 por c o n t Ts allowed.

Term s .1 Yearly advorttBemtinta a ro payable quarterly , in a d v a n ce : advertisem ents lo r loss porlod ,than throo m onths arp cash. ” j

O u r A e o n t s .Hdwell & Co., 10 Spruce a t . Now Yojk.

JY- W. Sharp A C o . 21 Pork Row, New York. Edw in Alden & Bro., 140 Nassau Bt, Now York,

and Cincinnati.'li H. Bates, 41 Park Row, New York.

, N. W. Ayer & Son. Times Building, Phlla’d. P m tt & Co., N inth and Arch sta., Phlla’d.WU1 reoelvo advortlsomonta fo r T ub J oubhal;

ati regular oubllahod rates.In a ll cases wo rcservo tho righ t to re jec t any

advertisem ent t h a t m ay bo obfootionable to us.

N o t lc e a . ,Onr frlonds will pleaso b ea r In tnlnd th a t Tint

JotrnHAT.ls a legal nownpapor. and a s suoh la th e proper m edium for all legal notices. Somo ad- vortlsomonts bolong to us by law , whllO with m any o thers It Is optional w ith th e p arty Inter*- ea ted as to w hat papor should publish them .

*• F ro© N o tic e s .* ’ wBy m utual agreem ent, and by rocomraenda-

tlon of tho Now Jersoy Editorial Association, tho newspapers of Asbury Park have doeldod to abolish tho unfair and unw arranted custom of glvinjr frco tycal notices to ontcrtalnm ents of any kind which havo as tholr object th e raising of m oney for tho benefit of Roclotlos o r Indi­viduals. H ereafter wo shall mako a ohargo^of flvo cents por Une to resldenta and ten centa per. lino to traveling o r outside oompanles orpersons

C h u r c l i a n d l i o d j j o D i r e c t o r y .Fma-r M. tf. Cnimen, co m o r o f F im and

G rand avea., Rov. D. 11. Shock, pastor, I»roaoh- Ing ovory 8abbath a t 10 80 a. m. and 7.80 p .m . Class mooting Sabbath morning a t 0.80. Sab­bath-sohool a t 2.80 p. m.. ¥oung ^People's Meet­ing evon ' Sabbath evening o t <5.86/ Class moot injr on Thursday ovonlng and Public services on Friday evening a t 7.C0. Communion “bn the flrst Sabbath m orning of each m onth.

T n im r r P . E Ciniuon, G rand and Asbury avo nuca. Rov. J. D. Skono, reotor. Tho holy com ­munion overy Lord’s Day a t 7.00 a. m. (exoept first Sunday In every m onth a t 10..'«) a. m .) Sun­days. 10.8) a. m. and. 8.00 p. m. Sain ts’ days a t 0а. m .. and Fridays u t 7.80 p. m. Children’s c h o r : 1 scrvlco second Sunday in ovory m onth a t 2.80 p. m. Sunday-sohool a t H.00 p. m. Tho ohuroh Is frco and all aro cordially Invited.

PnESBYTEiuAN Cnoncir, cornor o f Second and Grand, avenues, Rev. Frank Chandler, m odera­tor. Sorvlcoa a t 10.80 and 7.00; Sabbath-school a t 2.80. P rayer mooting Friday ovonlng,

R evoumbd Cnrnicu, cornor o f Grand and Sow all uvcnuos, Rev. D. Chan. Prayor, pastor. Ser- vloos a t 10,80 and 7.80; Sahbath-scnoo|‘ a t 2.80.“ Prayor-moetlng Friday evonlng.-

F irst B i r r a T Cuuacu, cornor o f Main etreot and ^Bangs avenno. Rov. F. C. Colby, pastor. Preaching Borvloes a t 10.30 and 7.801 Haobath- sohool a t 2.80. P rayor mcotlng Friday eve­ning a t 7.80. Scats froo. Cordial woloomo to all.

WESTMINSTER PnE9nTTERIAN ClIGRClt, Old Opera rioUQO. Sowall avenuo, near Grand. Ser­vices a t 10.80 nnd 7.80; Sabbath-school a t 2.80. Prayer m eeting Friday ovonlng.

Council of tub H oi/r Spikit, (Cathollo,) cornor of Second avonuo and Bond street, Rov. M. L. Glonnon, pastor. Mass—Sundays during July, 0.30, 0.00 and 10.80 a .m .; Sundays during August,б.30, 7.80. 9 00 and 10.80 a .m .; Weok-days during Ju ly and August, (except Thursdays), a t .7 a . m. Benediction on Sundays a t 8 p. m. Confessions on Saturdays, afternoon and evening.'

—A. --M.-R Z ion- CHoncn, SprinKWOod avonue, W est Park,~Rev. J. F . Robinson, pastor. Ser­vices Sunday a t 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday- school a t 2.80, P ray er m eeting every W ednes­day ovening.,1

African H , H.’ Criunon, oorncr of Main afreet and Second avenue, Rov. Ira S. Yemmens, pastor. Services a t i0.80. and 7.80; Sabbath- sohool a t 3.30. Prayor m eeting W ednesday eve­ning, . ;■ ~ t - ■ -^C olored B a p tis t Mission, a t P ark Hall, every

Sunday a t 10.80 a. m. and 8 p. m. Rev. S. Q. Kelley, pastor. - » : . . ■ i

Second B aptist Cntm cn, (colored,) > services : held in building on Springwood avenue near the : railroad, every Sunday a t 10.80 a. * . and 7.30 p7 h . Sunday-school a t 2.80 p. m. Rev. R. A. Bolen, pastor. .; •- AsBtror Lodoe, No. 142, F . and a . M., meets

first and th ird Tuesday evenings • In each month? Cook’s Building, Main s tree t and Cookman ave­nuo. _Amoa Lipplncott, W. M., John D. Beegle,Seo’y . ... ............. :...... .............. ..................

Corson Commandery, No. IB, K. T.. m eets seo- ond T hursday ovonlng in each m onth ln Cook’s Building. John D. Beegle, B. 0 ., Jos. L. Cllver, Recorder. ■ - '' Coast City Cotmcix* No* 813, Rotai. Aroakok, m eets In W hlto’a Hall ^ t and th ird Thursday -evenings in tho m onth . " Isldor Lash, R egen t; Wm. B. Cramer, Secretary. ; - -

F iresidb CotTNcrt, No. 171, OnnEn of Unithd F riends, m eets Bocond and fourth Thursday eve­nings In each m onth , ln W hite’s Hall. W.-.H. Miles, Chief Councilor ; G. M. Lane, Recorder. "■

C. K. HaxlIPost 41,-Q. A. R ., m eets In Manning Hall, Main s tree t, n ex t to the postofflce, on the flrat and th ird W ednesday ev’nga ln each m onth.

Monmouth Loutnsr No. 1(77,' K. o r P . ,T moots Friday evenings, a t W hite’s Hall, on Main street. R. H ulsart, C. O.; J . H. Ellison. K. of R. ahd S,

N eptune L odge, No. 8 4 ,1 .0 .0 . F.’, moots Wed­nesday ovenluga a t W hite's Hall, on Main street.. G. M. Lane, N. G,; H arry Erwin, R. 8.

Atlantic E ncaSTpheh t , N o. 22, I. O. O. F., meeta in W hlto’a Hall on second and fourth Tuesday In eaoh m onth a t 7.30 p. m. Wm. H. Miles, Chief P atriarch . ,. R .H ulsart, Soribe.

Teouhseh Tribe* Na*,60, I mproved OhDkb op Red Men, m eets Tuesday evenings a t 7.30 In M anning Hall. Chas. W ebster, Sachem ; Harry Carson. Chief of Records.

D r, F ra n c is L . P a tto n Ib likely to become P rln ce to n ’a new prealdent.

: T he Ja n u a ry thaw has w aited for F ebruary th is year. . . . .

The e v en t of th e eeason will bo tho variety en te rta in m en t fo r tb e benefit o f J a n ito r Voor- bees. • v - - - • V "

M r. C y rn s W. F ield and j f , Tow nley Crane a re am o n g th e n o ted ' people a t • the Laurel IIoubo, Lakew ood, \

Fresh 8had weto offered from, wagons on Ihe street tbls wcpk. .... ~ ' V •Railroad travol on our local roads this win­ter haa been very, light

. Tho coal m erchan t Is satisfied w ith the w eath er,If nobody eleo Is.

Tho receip ts for tho D ickens snppor, a fte r all expenses was paid , w as $157.89. .

Thos. f l. Reed, ex-F rohlb ltlon c an d jd a to fo r A fiserabljvw as In-tow n on W ednesdaV.

The O ptlm ns Social C lub had n m erry timo a t tho Com m erolal laa t F riday evening.

Mr. W. 1*. DodoklOQ haa retu rn ed from his. Now H am pshire trip , $nd Is g lad he la where ho can see the e a rth . t '

Dr. Gill is pu ttin g u p a largo add ition to bis dw elling a t Bewail avenue and Heck street^ A. J . Brown Is tho con tracto r.

M r. Jo h n DavlssOn, p ro p rle to r’o f th e T ren ton House, Ocean Gfove, died a t his hom e In- Germ an tow n,"Pa., the e p lj^ p a r t o f the week.

L eonard W alling, fo r m any years o n the New Y ork police force, has been rotlred, an d has m oved back to Koyport, hla native place,

Tho b rick bm ldlng of the E lec tr ic L ight and Pow er Co., dam aged som e tim e ag o by Dro, h aa befen nearly roatored to Its form er condition, ' **'

A reg u lar m eeting of Ih e L ib rary w ill be h e ld noxt M onday n ight. tAs-nsual a n excel­le n t program , mualfeal as well a s lite ra ry , as boon p repared . • * . - v

Tho L adles ' Aid Society o f T rin ity C hurch will hold thoir soolabjo a t the R ectory on F irs t avenue, Tuesday evening, F ob . 7. A ll aro. cordially Invited /- ^

The^communlon pf tho-L ord 'a 8 u pper w ill be adm inistered In .tb e P reabytorian Church S unday m orning. P rep ara to ry 8 orvlco th is (Friday) overilng. -

Mr. Rens. W. D ayton, of M ataW an, w a ^ ln . town on Monday, an d was n o t a l l l t lo -s u r ­prised a t tho ch arac tc r of th o im provem ents now lu progress.

Mr. Chaa. J . Boegle, an employ^ p f tho E lectrio hallw ay, haa m ado several valuable Im provem ents ln the w orking o f th e electrio m otors an d a ttachm ents.

Tho largo glass a n d galvanized Iron dom e and o th er portions of^ttio p ro jections for the H otel B runsw ick have arrived , a n d when m ounted will m ake a ttrac tiv e ornam ents.

The lad les of tbo B ap tist-C hurch gave a soclablo Tuesday evening a t the house o f Mr. W m. H enderson.. Ovor a hundred poople wero there and they all enjoyed them selves.

Rov. 8 . E . Young, of Prlncelon Theological Sem inary, w ho Is to fill th o p u lp it o f_ th e W estm inster P resby terian Chnrch. aa a sup­ply, will ont€r npon his duties noxt S abbath,Feb. 5. • **

Mr. W illiam E. Brown, of A sbury .avenue and E m o ry s treet, who has been suffering from paralysis fo r tw o o r th ree years, la fall­ing rapidly an^ bis death m ay bo expected a t any tim e, . ?

Noxt w eek look fo r fu ll p a rticu la rs a n d ^ l l l o f faro of oyster su p p e r to bo g iven by the ladies o f the W estm in s te r ;. P resbyterian Church ln C entral H all, tho 14th an d 15th of th is m onth . ^ “ _ 1 ,

Tho new fire* engine a t F reehold w as fireS u p on Tuesday evening , a n d -In 6# m lnutee

- th o steam gauge recorded- 25' ponnda. Chief Hulse th in k s there ip no sJLeamer In th e co u n ty th a t can bea t i t . .

c - M r/A . J . S toelm an,. o f M illville, h as p u r­chased the E stell p ro p erty , 721 C ookm an avo­n ue, an d la refitting U fo r a gentlem en’s fu r­nishing store. M r. P ierson will take charge b f the b u slnesa. r~; 7 ;

Tho m em bers a n d frien d s o f the W, C. T .jJ . o f Ocean Grovo tendered a aurprlao p a rty last F rid ay evening to M r i J . T . EillsV Secretary o f the S ta te U nion, in honor o f her accession aa a res id en t nf-thn place. , ■_ ".’LI.

D aring the cold sn ap w ork was suspended o n - tb e walla of tho Colem an House. On W ednesday tho m o rta r m en were B e t a t work, an d the brick layers w ere to follow If tbe w eather con tinued fa ir .— —. - - '

Mr. Benj. H ^ T a rd , form erly o f A von In n , Key E ast,' nks lea sed the In d ia n -H a rb o r Hotel, &t Greenw ich, Conn., for t t e season of 4888. Wo a re sorry to lose so public-spirited a m an a s M r. Y ard fro m our c o a s t

N ew ark Is ela ted o v er the prospec t o f a new p o s t offloe. I t Is now th o u g h t the a p p ro p ria ­tion 'w ill bo 1850,000. ‘7

The lighthouse a t B a rn eg atls in danger, and th e U . S. au th o rities have a force o f workm on bu ild ing a bu lkhead a ro u n d I t; . . ■ ^

The U n ited L abor p arty Is ^divided on the-^ su b je c t o f no m in a tin g a can d id a te fo r PresP dent. H enry G eorge oppoaea i t r .

T he recen t storm dam aged the bulkhead on th o p ropertlea olf O liver D oud Byron and G ar­re t A . H o b art, a t M obm outh Beach. . a,

M r . ^ ^ H a w k i n s an d fam ily will spend tho b a lance or. th e w in ter a t V aldosta, Ga. T hey le ft fo r the South on W ednesday,

In -th e g ro u n d a rch celling o tth e . New York fixate Assem bly cham ber, the m em bers th ink they s§e a D am pclesiau ffWord banging over th o lr b eada, V

* I t J s s ta ted th a t N ew ark has m oresaloona an d ru m holea th an any o th er place pn~tti6.L | co n tin e n t o f tl}o sam e p o p o latlo n ; abou trftil^ ^ to every ten v o te r s . .

Tbo rep o rte rs ah d oompoflltora o f the P a te r ­son M orning C ifK w e n to u tiq n s tr lk eS a tu rd ay m orning . T he S unday edition waa g o t~ b u t by usin g p late m atter . ' . ^ .,r*' r

j ----- -'r, . 1A lte r F eb . 12 the conductore and englnfeera

•of th e E rie R ailroad m u st supp ly th e ir ow n w atches, of such o rd e r aa will p ass inspection by o n o whom tho com pany (jtapioya.

A fte r th o L ib ra ry ‘Ahpper, M onday n ight, a b o u t fifty Of th e young people ad journed th o B fC lo u d j w hore a cpuple o f hours weCe Spent In a n e x e rc ise -th a t aided In d igesting th e ir h ea rty su p p e r. ; j '• v_’ •

A monster lenB for 9 tower at Sandy HoOk has been received at Washington and attracta ..much attention. It ia of the ■ byper-radlan* type, measuring 15 feet In height with ftjdlam- eter of 8 feet 8 inches It wpa made in Pari? at & cost or ei5,000, and when mounted, will -be,a beacon to npmlpg vesftels for many .mlliS'ttfisea,;.':,....

P arties from Red B ank atteiftled the. m eet­ing of the a . G , C. M . A. “Executive Com toltr tee oh W ednesday, for tho purpose o1f In tro ­ducing a new e lectric lig h t system.- The m em bers o f the com m ittee favor i ts adoption.

There h a sn ’t been enough snow a b o u t As­bury P a rk fo r a b o b s le d , a n d th t j e Individu­a ls who own c u tte rs an d tro tte rs a re d eb a tin g w hether to rem ove to a colder clim ate before an o th er y ea r rdlIs round , or sell off th e ir stock as a poor investm ent. j . i •

The d isadvan tage of filling u p a local news­p aper w ith 'etereotype p lete m atte r . b d u g h t in the cities fo r abou t 25 centa a yard , w aa illus­tra ted in aom e of o u r S ta te papery las t week. A s late aa Satu rday aome papers published a “ p late” a rtic le tha*t s ta ted th a t the m other o f P residen t Garfield was still living^ “ hale an d healthy , a lthough 87 years o ld .” As a m atte r o f fad t th o o l d lady had been dead a week and buried fo u r days.

D o u b l e H e a t e r f o r ±S a l e .

A good heater w ill be sold cheap fo r w a n t o f use. In q u ire 116 B roadw ay, Ocean G ro v efi f . J .— A d v . ' " ' ---. ■ ■; V • ’ ■

■ - r r . .. A^competent coachm an an d wife, w h ite or colored. * A pply to D r. B ruce S. K eator, '221 A sbury avenue, A sbury P ark .—Adv. -~ t..

I S la te againstJS jjJnglflB .-— —M. M. Crosble Is p p ttin g on No. 1 Bangor

R ibbon, p la in ro o fs / a t 5 ^ 0 . p e r f o o t No b e tte r R ibbon Slftte quarried .—Xdv.

J o t U e P r i b l i c . ;

We wish to give publlo no tice th a t th e tw o form er agenclea of M yron 8. Go uld and F rank Pa w ley a re now, consolidated , u nder th e firm nam e of GOULD '& PA W LEY . In o d r com bined 'agency we possess facilities for w riting a ll k lpds o f F ire, L ife and A coldent jn su ran ce, rep rasen tin g ^ l com panies, all w ith ^the b es t of rep u ta tio n s ' for. the p rom pt and "Satisfactory settlem en t o f losses. W e will a lso conduct a g e n e ra r f ie a l lls ta te bualnea^, exe- 6IIto g&JjoFS, ahd 1 oan mon ey oh m ortgagC 17,

F o r ll ie present ou r offices are a t 708 C o o ^ -man^avenUe a n d 7 2 8 > ra ttlso n avenue.

-S o lic itin g your support,--youra truly,. *■/V : v M. S. G oui.n , •

FhA^K PAW'tKV.—Adtf.

' ■ i ToJLetv-^.; *"v. f '1S to re build ing and barn , o c c q ^ o d by Mnd-

dell, bu tch er, M ain s tree t, and sto re room ^occupied by B. L. Ja ck so n , Cookm an avenue. In q o lrp o f E . I. B rdw n, M atawan.-^-^ld^ -

M a in S t r e e t P i l6per„ty,. ^ r 'W llljsell a t a b a rg a ip v a finely located b u si­

ness s ta n d , on favorable term s. V ery i j t t le c a sh req u ired , For'partloularis ad d ress 7

•« h e a l th ,” ; \• care J ournal office, Aabury Park.V-virfk

" ,; B la n k D j r a l t s V - :: ^p rin ted on safe ty p ^ p er and b ound 25 In a

X b o o k . lB centa a t lh e JbuBNAi/blifco.-—

T rade Is generally slack.

T uesday 's snow spoiled tho sk a tin g .

D eposits a t the F irs t N ational Bank" s till keep up to p le th o ilo figures.

I t Is rum ored tb a t U riah W hite haa ga in ed several pounds in weight thia w inter.

A good w hite girl- for general housew ork m ay find a perm anen t B ltuatlodby con su ltin g the*advertising colum ns.

l la rp tr 't and Century fo r February , both; fo il of valuable reading and Illustra tions, are 0 6 salo a t J e n k in s ’s. \

Counselor David Harvoy, J r.,jd ld somo good w ork in^RssIsting A s s t P rosccn to r Sw artz In the successful prosecution of Jo s . W olr, S r.

Measra. J , D. and W m. H, Beogle, J o h n F . H aw kins and tholr trave ling com panions, have reached th e ir C alifornia destination safely.

Tbo laat trip to Old Poin t, o v er the P . R . R. from Philadelphia, left on T hnraday,' E ic e l- len t w eather mado tho journey p a rticu la rly a ttrac tlv o :^ _______ * ' '

Tho Guy fam ily en te rta in m en t .in C entral H all o n T uesday evening drew a -sm all a u d i­ence ; the p rogram waa tam e, w ith b u t 'fe w rcdeem lng-featurea.

* Tho visUing Salvation Arm y officera p resen­ted the A sbury P a rk bom pany wltK a se t of, colors a t the ex tra m eeting o i M onday eVen^ Ing a tS ^ sa m a n ’s halj.

Mr. H arry H a r t and MIsa Clow deal re to ttiank tho tw o unknow n ladloa, as w e lla a M r, Schneider and Mr. Stauffer, foe th e tim ely a s ­sistance rendorod them w hen in th eir perilous situation at-W esley Lake M onday evening.

- Every soat on the,F lo rida Special Vestibule tra in s, leav ing Now Y ork three tim es a w eek, is engaged for tw o weeka ahead . T his la Ihe. tra in the com pany waa a fra id w ould n o t pay expepsea, b u t it la now one of th e m ost profi­tab le on tho aohedule.

Rev. J . B. W estcott, o f Ocean Grove, ex ­pected to be a passenger on the F lo rid a to u r ­ists ’ tra in n ex t W ednesday, b u t h is ap p lica ­tion for a b e r t h ’was received a f te r overy tiokot had been sold. Ho still baa a chance fo r the n ex t t r ip on Fob. 23.

M onday m orning a b a rn an d o u tbu ild ings on the farm of Ferria Sobanck, n ea r M ata- wari, wore burned , supposed ,to h ave been canned by a tram p, wbo slept In th e b a rn o v er n ig h t 8 omo live stock, hay, g rain an d farm ­ing Im plem ents were a lso borned .

Senator N evius a tten d ed the su p p e r given to W. W alter Phelpa, a t P a terson , laat F rid ay n ig h t by the Phelps G uard. T he one-arm ed veteran never appeared to b e tte r advantago , arfho fairly cap tu red tho boya in b is e loquen t reply to " T he G rand A rm y li- to a s t .

Tho Rod B ank Register saya, th a t th irteen horses belonging to D r: Parm loy, o t Oceanlo, were poisoned a fow d a ^ a g g by e a tin g c a r ­rots. Tho’ ro o ts had been burlod, an d had heated before they were tak en o u t O ne b o rse^ led , b n t It la thought tho othora m ay recover.

M r. E . G. n a rr lso n loft the P a rk T hursday noon to a tten d the m eeting of tho Congres­sional com m ittee a t W ashington, which has in charge the bill res tric tin g tho opera tions of the M enhaden fishermen. H e goes in the in te res t of th e Board o f-T ra d e , -rep resen tin g the fishermen in th is v icin ity .

I f there’s an y dependence^to bo placed in the trad itio n s o f ground-hog day , th ere will bo p lenty o f w intry w eather y e t to com e. Thursday Was aa b righ t and snnsh lny as a d a y in Ju n e , an d th e g ro u n d -b o g w h e n h e em erged from hla den cou ldn’t help b u t eee b is shadow , which being th e case he re tu rn ed hom e in sorrow and the opening of sp rin g wlllnecea- sarliy be delayed.. ' v .

Rev. D r, M urray, D ean of P rince ton Col­lege, favored tho congreiga.tlori o f W estm in­s te r Presbyterlon Church w ith tw o very ab le and eloquent serm ona on laat S abbath . T he m orn lng^erm on was from the te x t ,--** I f th e Lord be God, follow fllm ; b n t if Baal th en follow him ;** an d th e evening Bermon from P h il. 8 :1 8 , “ F o rg e ttin g thoso th in g s which a re behind .” The^strodg logic, tb e b eau tifu l thonghta, the ohasto language, th e w^ll m od­u lated voice, the clear ■enuhclatlon, the e a rn ­est-practical appeal, and the very a p p ro p ria te an d Im pressive geatnrcs, all com bined to 'c a p - tivate.h ls hearers and convince thenr=that Dr. M urray’s high po sitio n aa a m in iste r o f g r^a t forco and eloquence ia well deaerved:

T o o O o ld fo r B n tb ih f '.1 1 .

A little befo re 10 o’clock on M onday even­ing, two sk a te rs on W ealey Lakej M r. H arry H a rt and Mias A lice Clow, approached too near tho low er brldge, w h ere th o ice had been ^ r o k e n ^ d to o k an in v o lu n ta ry ba th . .R eady and w lliing ji& nda were near b y and they were rescued from their u n p leasan t dilem m a. T he accident oncurred near tjio m iddle of the b ridge where the w ater Is 8 o r 10 fee t deep.

R e fo rm e d C h iirc h .The p asto r w ill p reach )a t the. m orning se r­

vice the th ird aenntm In the c ^ r s ^ on thB; Com m andm ents. S n b je c t: “ P ro fa n ity o u t- slde and Inside th e church ” In th e evening he will discuss the to p ic : ** T he local p ro h ib i­tion of the sale o f in tox ican ts in A sbury P a rk , Its m oral aapecta and ita cla im s.” . M em bers' o f the Reform C lub and Law a n d O rder Leagqe and all in terested In tem perance a re p a rticu ­larly invited.—J “ 7 ’ '

A P o p u la r S ch o o l,Parents seeking for th eir daugh ters a p riv a te '

sohool w here thorough tra in in g in m athem at­ics, languages, Ebglisb-studies a n d musUjcian b a g uaran teed te studen ts, will d o well to in ­q u ire Into th e claim s of Seaside H om e B o ard ­ing and D^y School, 604 Asbury.: A venue, A s­bury, P ark , T he second half of p resen t y ea r o p en s Feb. 7,1888> ^Particulars m ay be obr tained o fM lsa J u lia Rosa, principal;

: M ills B u r n e d . , .The extensive flouring mills pf Snyder & Son, about four mllea from Freehold, Were destroyed by- fire early Thursday morning, together with a largo lot of wheat Just received. The lose la stated to be 140,000, with insnrr apco only f16,000. How the fire originated is not known.. , . 7 " -! ?—-7— ■■

St, P au l’s Ui^l^License.Of the 7(50 saloons form erly licensed 4 t St.,

P anl, -M inn., lea s th a n one-half b ad a p plied fo r a renowal* a t the end of the tim e fo r ap p li­cation, Feb . 1 s t , C ropping o u t tw o-th irds o f the licensed placoa an d a sha^p proseOption o f th o S e ^ h o a tte m p t to e v a d e 'th e law^ la a fa ir beg inn ing and should sa tisfy every P ro ­h ib ition ist as am eritering wedge. r -' • ‘ •..

‘ Jan itor’s B enefit. •: ■' w ^A rare tre a t is ln store for *the l ib r a ry P ubr

Iio on M onday, Feb. 13.7 A bane’fit will then be tendered Jo Mr^ ; Ja m e s Voorheefl.-the e x ­cellent ja n i to r , A num ber pf o u r young m en a re p rac tic ing 4a give a m instrel perforn?abce u pon thaj-occasion, a n d as r ." F ^ e d . J . L ong Ib s tage .m an ag er a n d lead er,' th e affair no d oub t will be ilra t-e iass.

Sipnxa-ZetaSociety*7 The s ix th annual roqnlon o f the S lg m ^ Z e ti S ociety o f th e A tb u ry P a rk H igh; h o o l wlli

. ta k e place a t th e ’Wee t E n d Jlo to l o^; F rid ayJ'ebTlD..', r 4 :77.: : '-" p

. - Au Appeal for Help.Jb the Editor ofthe Journal- —

-Tho soverity o f the season and tb o difficulty pf o b tain ing em ploym ent havo beon tho o cca­sion of m uch suffering am ong th o m em bers of m y parish , p i lo t whom a ro 'so poor. Bo- eldes this an o th e r pa in fu l f a c t la th a t a very largo num bor aro out o f town, an d tho resu lt is th a t tholr p asto r la w lth o u tau p p o rt. There­fore wo wish to mako th is a nnouncem ent and a p p ea l to th o pjpblto. A n um ber o f ladlea a n d ^o n tlo m o n of co lo r havo decided to give a benefit e n te rta in m en t fo r m ysolt a n d fam ily a t C entral H all, on T hursday evening , F eb . 0. Tho program , whllo conclao, w ill oo n sla to f Instrum ental an d vocal mualo, se lco tread ings, bqtilorons apooches, tab leaux , eto. T ho o th er a ttrae tlo n s will bo curlona and novel. W o bopo th a t tho C hristian public o f X ib u ry P a rk Will favor us w ith th eir pa tronage and th u s help In thla cbarJtablo doslgn. Adm ission, 10 cents. Personally I am desirous th a t- th is effort shall be a auccoss aa I am considerably em barrassed by debt, and w ould llko to bo freo ag a in st tim e for mo to go to C onference, Whloh moeta early the com ing spring . I w an t t^ p ra c t ic e as well as p reach ,’ •.* Ow e .no m an an y th in g .” Youra to sorvo In C hrist’Jesu s ,

. ; • J . FaANcia Rodinbon,P obto r A. M. E . Z ion C hurch.

■ ■ 'Ajf/ .

Open all th© Year.Translnnt Rates, $2.00 per day. . *A pleasant, qulot houso, whloh has a perfect aystom of dranage, puro water. Btcam neat and aiin parlor.

( J H A B . J . H U N T ,Proprietor.


Willisford Dey & Co.,706 Cookman Avenue, '

AHBUItY PABK, N. J.65 Main Avenue,


* • A la r m fro m O cean G ro v e .A n oil lomp’and a frozen w ater pl(k> In th e

ce lla r of the cottago of J . W. Rpse, ju st aouth o^EH m qottage. caused an ala^ra.of firo las t S a tu rday a f te rn o o n ..

W ord w a9 telephoned to tho A sbury P a rk engine houses, and in a (ew m omonta tho Qre- m en woro on tho .gronnd, b n t th e ir servlcea were n o t needed. A lam p had been so t u nder a frozon w ater plpo to thaw it ou t, a n d In som e way it com m unicated w ith Bomo rub b ish . I t ' waa quickly p u t out an d b u t Uttlo dam age was dotfft.

in P erfect Order.A fter tho^prolongod a n d upusually sovere

cold w eather th a t ended on M onday somo o t o n r residents, wbo d id n o t u nderstand tho construction of o u r firo hydrants, oxpressoda fear th a t the “ p in g s ” m ight bo frozen n p an d naelosa. T o allay all apprehension C hief B ro w o ran d S u p t Coffin on T uesday aftei> noon exam ined nearly all the bydran ta in the npp er'p o rtlo n of the tow n and fo u n d them , w ithout excep tion ' to bo 'In p6rfe c t w orking order, i t will tak e colder w eather and ft g rea t deal moro of I t to freeze them up.

A d v e r t i s e d l e t t e r s .

L ist of lettera rem ain ing in tbo p o st offlco a t Aabury P ark , N. J . , for tho w eek ending J a n . 28. 1888: r t — ■- • ,Ailing, S A Lipplncott, Mra MinnieAbraham. Tboa 8 Loomis, Mrs LBrown, Mrs Ellen- • Macllwaio, JennieBarry, Misa Mary Martin, Mrs Mary SCoogan, John McAuler> RobertCurl, John H Meiers, w .Cooper, Miss Ida L O’Brien. WmCourier, Mr Shackelford, Mr and MrsBowes, Jacob H AFisher, Wm Vannote, Samuel LGantly, Miss Annio Wilson. ClarenceHulit, Mrs Allie Welsh, Miss Jennie

Wallace, Mrs Lizzie , PACK AO E8.

Baker, Mrs Mary, Bullet, Mrs Ju liaPersona calling for the abovo please ask for

advertised le tter. A charge of one cent will be m ade on each letter advertised , as required 6 y law. A . R . T o la n d , P . M.

P resid ing Elder Moffett.A t the F o u rth Q uarterly C onference of the

W est G rove M. E . C hurch, held M onday even­ing, J a n . 80, the follow ing pape^. w as presen-^ ted an d unanim ously accepted aa a m ark o f respect and apprec iation fo r Rev. W , W. M offett, P resid ing E ld er of the N«6w B runs­wick D is tr ic t:

The occurence o f the F o u r th Q u arte rly Con­ference fo r th e C onference year o f 1887-8 o f the Ooean G rove Mission, held a t the W est Grove M ethodist Episcopal C bnrch this day, rem inds ua o f ' the fac t th a t it is th e laat offl- clal m eeting of Its m em bers w ith th e ir P resid­ing E lder, Rev. W« W^ M offe tt w ho toY the laat four yeara has so faithfully discharged the d u ties p e rta in in g to hla office upon th ischarge. ' .... _____ .......... .- Before this m oetiqg closes, wo them om bers of thia Q uarterly Confe^fenco wish, here a n a now, unapim ously, and m ost heartily , to ex^ press o u r h igh apprec iation of him as a m an a-Chrlstiaft g entlem an, a m inister, and a m o # ' efficient officer o f tho church. W e a re devout­ly thankfu l for all tho in te res t h e has taken in o ur affaire, an d while we regret th a t t lo tim e haa com e w hen p leasan t harm o n io u s rela tions m ost term ina te, we shall a t tbe sam e tim e p ray m oat fervently th a t tho. b lessing of God m ay go with him and his family to w hatever flqld o f labor tho providence of G od and theChurch m ay assign them . E. H. Stokes. D. C. Cobb.

Neptune’s Now Departure*W ith th o . beglpntng o f the n^w year Nep-.

tu n e 'F ire Com pany; No. 2, m ade a new depar­tu re a t ,its m eetings, J ta v in g for i ts ob ject a oloser social re la tio n am ong the mem lwrs.^

W ednesday n ig h t w as their second m onthly m eeting Of th e year and a fte r tran sac tin g th e reg u lar business the m em bers p a rto o k of a chow der and o th er etceteras, p repared V to. the quoen’s tas te .” T he h o u r spen t in th is way ad&s in tereat to thq.m eetings and i t ia safe to say there a re few delinquents.

I^akewood’s season has taken ; a new lease o f life o n a c co u n t o f th e la te cold snap.

Snedeker B ros.’ s ta tio n e ry S to re ia open on Sundaya froni 8 to 10.80 a. m. w ith a full supp ly of N. Y. Sunday papers;—Adv.

t Y ou can g e t spectacles, eyoglAsaes an d pooket knives cheaper a t Colem an’s, co rn er B ond street an d Bangs avenue, A sbnryJ^ark t th an a t any 1 o th er place. AJso .other goods selling o ff cheap .—A dv.. ^

W ill B e Sold Cheap. ;A 10 room co ttage , pleasantly located , sewer

cim neotlori^ahcl excelleh t w a te f ,^ AddWbS Box: 078, o r app ly^W . H , P o tte r, 603 F irst, avenuo, A sbnry Park, N ."J.—Adv.

A Ifcare Chance.. The p ro p rie to r pf the Krlnley T rac t, B rad­ley B§aoh, fo r the purposo of accelerating th e grow th of th e place, will d ona te a lo t 50x160, w ith ln (dne th o u san d fee t of tho ocean, to kny party Who will e rect thereon a co ttag e to ,coat no t less th an f3,000. F o r p a rticu la rs appjy to

A l f r e d D. B ailey^A tto rney-a t-L aw , •Asbnry P a rk , N ; J —Adv.

AwnlngS, *^eltlflg for boilers, new code w eather signals, price from $8 to |1 0 p e r Set/

-Hemm enway’s, 61B C ookm an av.—Ady. 77"

B lank I^eases,A late and im proved edltlon, a tT M jouBNAL office, 718 MaP.tsoh aVe.— Ad?; 1 -

I fY o u W a u t '. —Fire , Life, A cc id en t P la ten Glass, Steam Boiler o r L ive S tock Jnsnrariee, call a t M. S. G ould 's, 708 C ookm an a v . The g rea te st v a ri­ety p f in su rance in tow n.— Adv.

F o r S a le .—T h a t v e ry valuable sto re p fop- e rty arid residence, s itu a te on c o rn e r of-JIg£iv, s tree t and Aabliry avenno, one. o f t^e best bnslnesS p ropertlea and residences In > th e Park . frontage o f 117 fee t on Main 1S tre e t and 100 feet on A sbury avenue, • F o r price, term s, &o<t a p p ly to M yron 8 , G ould, -708 C ookm an avenue.—4 dw. '■ * . 5- j

- -1 Manilla TaWets, .heavy paper, ru le d bo th sides, 10 cents each, a t th e J o u r n a l ofltae.—Afov -; • ’ ‘ t

Creodm obr s ta h d w d p ap e r targota, 50 yarda p rac tice r a n ^ , p rin ted an d fo r sa le a t the

CPSrk P r ln tb g ”I t d | l ® r ^ dv. 7" * 7 '

M IL AMMeal Estate, and Insurance Agent,

725 Cookman Avonuo, Asbury Park, N. J . ■frusssets a general Ecal Eatato business, handling proporKos on /oliov

■ ing terms : FOB SELLING, 2J PER. QT.; RENTING,-0 PER- OT,,deduotod as the rent is ooliootcd. Negotiates Mortgage Loans on Ro&iEstate.— -Repnioent'i LEADING INSURANCE OOMPANTKB.

J f OXIOE OF DISSOLUTION.The partnership heretofore existing betweon

H. B. Beegle and Wra. 11. Beegle, under tho flrin nam e of II. B BEEGLE & BON, has been dis­solved by m utual consen t Tho accounts will bo settled by II..B . Beeglo.. who wlll contlnuo tho Idsuranco and Roal Eatato business a t tho Bamo location *Jtfain'avc nuo, Ocoan Grovo, N .J . *^ #-.' II. «. BBEGLE.WM.H.BEEQLS.P^ONMOU f H TKDS'J? CdMPANY,

'XsnonT Park, N. J .,'Jan . 10,1888.By resolution of tho Board*oT'Dlrectors, an

assessment o f . twenty-flvo p e r e e fifo n th e Capi­tal Stook of tbo oompany la now Called for, pay- ablo to A. C. Twining, Treasurer, a t th e F irst National Bank of Asbury Park, N. J ., on o r be­fore February IGtb, 1888. - "v -

.y ISAAC C. KENNEDY, P residen t

Grand Ave. Hotels* tho largest hotel opon all the year.

Complete in a ll modern appllancos fo r tho boalth and comfort of W inter guests.

.ArtcSlan wator. Pcrfect sewerage..8leaiu boat aU through. • •


New Hotel Lafayettef American and European plan.Broad snd Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia,W ithin three m inutes’w alk of P. R. I t station.

TERMS:American Plan, *3, $3.50 and %i. Baths extra. European Plan, SI, S1.50 and 82. Baths extra.L. U. MALTBY.

TH E IR VIN G ,Third avonuo, noar ocean,


For furthor particulars, addressM. LAUDENSLAGER.


MARKET,(Established In New York 1861.)

..AslmrfPa^NJ,’ o iw f .T r t h e •

S e a t- A R E B O U 3.

Fine^i Poultry,Smoked Meats.

S u p e d d r C o rn ed B e e fFrom Selected Stock, Artesian W ater a n d Pure

Pickling Materials.

Vegetables and Fruit*Fresh Dally from M onmouth County



A satisfactory plaoe to deal, w here everything sold is guaranteed to be the beet in the m a rk e t

Telephone oonneotions w ith Park and Grove.


G iR L W A N T E D .A Capable Girl,

For General Housework,can obtain a perm anent situation by applying, with references, a t <

605 ASBURY AVENUE,' Asbury Park.

FAINT YOU! HOUSES■ With First-Class Material.

DON’T USE A SHODDY ARTICLE.Good White Lead, Linseed Oil, and Pure

I | - n r [- — “ AR3 s o l d

AT I j t f i700 Mai d Street* Asbury Piaric,

a t lower prices th an inferior qualities aro paid for in many o ther places. "Why r Simply for tho reastm th at the Paint Buslhesa is m ade a spe­cialty and ia conducted ln the Interest of our cus­tomers as, well aa to build .up a large trade In this im portant branch of industry. ■ . _ \

N O V E L T I E - SFin© S ta tio n ery, D olls, T o ys,

C u tle ry , W ritin g JM aterials, etc. C lrcn latln fiT l i b r a r y .

. 'A T J E N K I N S ' 7 . N E W B R I C K S T O R E

Maia street, oppoeito Depot. J

DANIEL C. COVERT,No. 87 Pilgrim Pathway, Ooean .Grove, N^ J ./7 .

O E N K R A L A G E N T-— von the—— •

Parcfaass, Sale and Renting of Real Estate.Also Property Insured 4n-(lrst-olasf| companies. Improvements m ade for nbu-realdetita. P roper ty oarod fori Luaus iitgutlated auil ColluotfoftB. made. Correapondenco solicited. P. O. Box2180.

FOB SALE CHEAP.Small pony, a dog ca rt and pony.phieton.

Address S. C. COWART*,* Freehold, N. J .

LOST—$3 REWARDjvlllibeL-nald fo r the return, o f a lost Pookotbbok oontalmfeg $10. Howard w ill be paid a t tho office of the Asbury Park J ournal 4

jy jR S . BOSALINE V, R Il’IiE i',

A T E A C H E R O F PI A N O , O R B A H A N D T H 5 0 R Y .Kert-ii::- and Anierican fingoring. Terras—Sis tor SO lessoiiB, parablo atlotb lesqi: -lyT R S . A. O. OLEETON, •

D R E S B M A H E k ,"80 D elawareavonife, OOEAN GROVE





Asbury Park, ■- flew Jersey ,We would rcspootfully inform thapubllo th a t

we are now in reoelpt of several car-loads o f Furniture d irect from the W estern M anufac­turers, whloh was made especially fo r th o Sea­side Trade.

Fooling confident th a t from !J1 years’ experi­ence ln the buslnoss th at wo can furnish to our patrons this season Goods th a t for style; d u ra­bility and p rice cannot fall to .pleaAc, aa they havo been bought w ith the greatont of care and for cash. Tho following quotation w ill show how they will be so ld :

White Wood Suits “ low *s Ash Suits, 6 pieces, *l7to*78- .. Antique Oak Suits, rMni*f10 Springs and Mattresses,

asYow aa the low est m arket price.

T H E LA R G ES T L IN E O F . . .


NEW JERSEY COAST,and prlote the lo w est

Special attention given to tho

Making and Putting Up of ' Window Shades by ’ an 7

Experienceti Man.

• We guarantee entire satisfaction In

Stoves and Tinware, English and Ainerican Crockery,’

Fancy and Domestic Glassware. Table . .

Cutlery, SU- . farware

t And_ftverythlng In a House-furnishing line.;

ContraotB solicited fo r furnishing Hotels and Cottages complete. Pleaso call and g e t esti­m ates before placing Your orders. " *

Steinbach Bros.LEADING

-O F -

N E W JE R S E Y ,O A B R Y T H E. . - V

Largest and Finest Stock

OF Ji KRC I1ASIIISI!..In Asbury Park,

3TEINBA0H BROS.,V s i ; 7 - '

Hear tha Lake.

Agate EnamelDRIVE WELL POINTSwill last unchanged In the earth for ono o r mora- genprations w ithout renewed exnoiifio, a re avall- uble for nevv o r old well Bflrvice ftttho modorate' cost of $2 moro th an tho perishablo kinds. - Are to bo had ih high sta to of perfection on SEVE­RAL ACCOUNTS o f ‘ •

J A M E S R . JtOYOE,. 68 Main street, Manning Building, ■;.

. ' ASBURY PARK, W. J . „ , / .

An Engine, i n f BoilerFOR SALE CHEAP 1

-Upright; stationary flue . boiler, and engine attached, ten-horse power, main belt-wheel8J$ Inch face, Hancock inspirator} a ll complete ana In working o rd e r ; has only been In 'u ae .one

iopth F or sale cheap. :T o k , fusihfifiinformatlon or partloiilara, apply

fq o rM d re s a V ; ; P .q .D ig p R O ^^ i r atawan

Strongest Insurance Agency in America:

; . E B A L B S T A T B . : ; ,v

We are now completlKg our ren t list fo r the conilng seaaori. Parties who have ndt alreadv placed their properties In our bands for ren t or sale Will And i t to their advantage to do so l S dlajoly, as best prlcen are obtained early in the year. ^ QQ 80 lmm(V

No Commission Charged on Uncollected Rents.


Construetion ■ T

of BuildingsFURNISHED BY


Interior Work. M ural Decoration.

Antique, Artistic Brass and Bronze Hardware.. \f ■ ■ • - .

— BY— “ r 1

TH E BONHEUR D EC O R A TIVE CO.Under special supervision of

EGBERT TOWNER,Opposite and West of Freight Station,.'


A Chance for a Good Investment. t

- Notice la hereby given th a t $10,000 o f the Treas nry Stook of the Anbury P ark Electrio L ight and Power Co. ia now offered a t par, for the purpoise of Increasing tbe business. Parties desiring to sub­scribe fo r the same will please give notice by mall, o r in person a t tho offloe of the Company.

■ ^ ^ O n ly a small amount Of the above stock re- m alnsnnsold.. Residents of Asbury Park o rv ld n - Ity can purchase It a t par for t b l r t y d a y s only. At the expiration of that time all Treasury Stock will be W ithdrawn from the m ark e t

J anuary 7,1888, . , ..............................

In s tig a tio n SolidteS ' " !7". v • • - ■ ,

... .... JOHN ROCKAFELLER, Treaa.

■~”V ' ■ ^ p

of 18B7.To surpass form er seasons, and surprise patrons with a larger and be tte r selected Stock, Is th e aim

of every M erchant, and this is Just w h a t . . . -

OF THE-----

O G E A g ' P A L A C E

has Bucceedcd In doing this Season. PatronB of this E stablishm ent can rely on being b e tte r served in point o f-ttup rtm en t and prloes, than any House in the County. The many different Depart­ments, as found below, are s tocked with the -faatest Styles a t m ost reasonable- prloes, and every one will bo pleased a fte r revisiting thp .i f . -■

■ ■ 7 . ■ 7 - . - * i

Dry Goods Department,

Notion Department,

Trimming Department,

V" Hosier^T3eparEiment,

Kid Glove Department,,-..'

Undet wear Department,

Men’s Furnishing Department

, , Millinery'Department.

, The Very Important Shoe De-partment,-

Most Modern Clothing Depai t-.... , .... ment,’

Very, Low Priced Housefur*i nishing Department,

Most' Stylish Merchant bailor- i n g .......

Every D epartm ent would m ake a Store lii itself. Thu Public, c&n rely alw ays on the one fac t, th a t rto trouble is spared to buy close and sell dose. The large am ount of business transacted ,. and the large increase yoarly, w'cvtdenoe th a t fairdeallpg, and a lw ays keeping np w ith thp times, la w hat the Publlo appreciates, - :

H E N R Y S T E I N B A C H ,—— ~r~: 7 r H a il s l f f i i t ’iaS Cookmai mwz


Page 4: MERCHANT TAILOR, · ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, FEBRUARY 4, 1888: J;A *w.hbtriok,m;d.l HotriCKppalhlo I>hy8lcian and Surgeon, vor. Cookman &. Banga dva., Asbury Park, N. J. Doura j until


A woll-w ls^er la one w h o in v e s ts In oil ter* ^Htory.* . . . j .

W hiii>a lawanlt,1b. p u t .off It Is by n o m eans nlw ays w orn ont. ' ■'

I t Isn 't mdro tlmo t b a t Mr. Keely want*. W hat be w ants (a etern ity .

Tboy call tho counublat_M o. a bow*kw>t1n Chicago, because it pu lls ,o u t so easily.

N ex t sum m er the Concord 8 chool o f P h ilos-; opby will dlgcusfl W hether a m an bIiuII b a re his beard o r htfe face sh a red .

Tbtro,1« a m an In Now York who haa boon an g ry for th ir ty years on a stre tch . I t is the w orst caso of s tan d in g ohoter 'th a t .w e e rc rKn6w.. :.;. • : • -_j J____ .•

M ichigan m akes mOre sh ingles th an o th er S ta tes of the U nion , b n t curiously enough, It has no m ore th an Its usua l p ercen tage of goodboys... ---------

I t Is easy e^Qftgh. lo! pay fifteen c en ts a d h n k for whiskey-, b u t whdn lt comes t<!> buy-, Ing shoes for tho baby aud th a t s o r t o f thing’, It b ea ts all how the m oney slips away.

Dr. Bfgbill—“ Yon m ay th an k your stars, sir, th a t ph y sic ian s in .these d ay s don’t 'b le e d p a tie n ts afflicted w ith your m alady as thoy used to .” P a tien t (dubiously)—“ I ’m n o tsu ro th a t they do n ’t, d o c to r,”*.-A conoted' rea so n : “ In q u irin g fartfierrr, “ W hat I ’so like tfirk n o w , yo1 onery child . Is how yo’a ab le te r smoa'k c igars when yo’ ole fadder,k in only sm oak his p ip e?” F orw ard son1—“ I ’se a in ’t go t no chll’n to su p p o rt.”' F rien d —“ D on’t go pn s o . ’ AU tbo c ry ’ng you do w on’t b ring y o u r h u sband back to llfo ftgaln.” W idow (for tho fifth tim e)—“ I know it, b u t i can ’t help c ry ing . T h a t’s the w ay I am . Tho least little th in g u p se ts m e. Boo- h o o I”

If You are Wanting

A V E N U e

S E V E N T H A V S W C /£


r u N S£T

\ A

I T I B A S m t S C U B B .Mb . HieaKTT, Dear Rlr—I was afflicted vory

much with dyspepsia, b u t since I havo usod your OuBtrodyne I experience no ill offeot from a moat hearty meal, ana I believe I am cured.

P. II. WYCKOFF, Now Brunswio^, N. J .

H A R R Y Ii. O G DEN , A g en t,' 214 MAIN ST., ASBURY PARK, N. J .

A R B A G E N T S F O R T H E N E W J E R S E Y C O A S T .

I p j l l W f PA y £ r / /

i f WWZSXSnocessor to GRAY ATT & TAYLOR, wholesale and reta il dealer in

1846. Forty:third Year. J888._ , * T H E ■

HOME JOURNAL.“ T U e B e s t L i t e r a r y a n d N o e le t y P n p e r

1 - t I n A m e r i c a . "

The leading departm ents of tho Home Journal cnmpriBo Editorials on Topics of fresh In te res t; Brilliant Romances and Portraitures of American Life; Editorial Reviews of new events \fi the world of Belles Lettres. Painting, Sculpture, Scl- cnce. Music and tho D ram a: Original Essays; Ample Excerpta from the beat European W riters; Spicy Letters from Correspondents In all ‘tho irreut CaipltalB of the World,: Graphic Reports of tho Social Life of Now Y ork ; News and Gossip from the Rummer and W inter R esorts; Tho F irs t: Look a t New Books, and racy accounts o f say­ings, happenings, and doings in the Beau M onde; embracing the very freshest m atters of Interest in this country and In Europe—tho wholo com­pletely mirroring the w ltand wisdom, tho humor and pathos, the ntiws and Bparkling gossip of the times. ■ .7 \

TERMS. FREE OP POSTAGE.The Home Journal, one copy, ono year. $3 8 conies, one y e a r . 7:: — . . . i $5

Cement, Plaster,A nd ail k inds of

Masons’ Materials,CHARCOALa t tho otd estab lished ,’yard

IN BEAR OF LAKE VIEW HOUSE.A full Stock of tho above articles will bo kopt constantly on hand and satisfaction guaranteed.

Branch offloea a t Beames^Grocery, Asbury Park, and M atthews &, Ballard’s Grocery, Ocean Gtovo. — . TELEPHONE.

'A rr/soAf Avr/votr

Are you Looking -for a Reliable Grocer _ -- - □ E E S ' S r — • ----------------------

M . L . B A M M A NAddress ”

M O R R IS P H IL L IP S & CO.No. 8 Park Place, New York.


1888 ....The year 1888 promls'es to be a year of splendid

political developments, one and ,/fll redounding to the glory and trium ph of a

■ B R U S H M A N U F A C T U R E R S ,251 Pearl Street, near Fulton Street; New York

— Have occupied the same building m ore than a q u a rte r o f a penury. Their goods a ro shipped to all p arts o f the United S tates.


In the F ront Lino will be

M anufacturers of. and wholesale and re ta il dealers in



Up Stairs,

Renovating Mattreeaee a Specialty.The Binest Stock of

N O TIC E S. T O T H E P U B L IC .J E h a v e S o l d m y S t a b l e s i n . N e w B r u n s ­

w i c k t o J a n e w a y & G o . , P a p e r ' , M a n u f a c ­

t u r e r s : a n d Jtemoved m y en tire business to N ew ark, N. J ., w h e r e I h a v e T w o l a r g e a n d

c o m m o d i o u s S t a b l e s - a t 5 2 0 B road St. a n d 1& & 2 1 A tla n tic St., u n d e r t h e m a n a g e ­

m e n t o f J. B. M orehous

UpholsteriBg ■ lu «U ita brssebea stafed on, <&m *. full lia^ o l Kotux« ®te,on8 *;.<2 M<ral<ling« kept onliand. Window OamiaeS'"at sil descriptiona.

to bo fo u n d on tb e N ew J 9rse>7 C* list. ^

Newest Designs in Furnitare,ANTIQUE OAK

la Ssdraara S a lts, SM s B a ird s , Cbairs. . - lltiM, E t c .

The.Tribunefor 1888.G R E A T J ,X E N ! .A R C E b ,

Much the Biggest of all |he New York Weeklies. ,

Greater Variety of Contaats, New Pressea, Hew Typo and New

■ Appliances, •

A T H I ICEAB OF THE" R E PC B -* . T .T H & 1 T P n T R S .

Having had several years-’ experience In the undertaking business In. Aabury Park a n d rlclolty X feel oompetent to give satisfaction to a ll who m ay favor m e w ith their patronage.,-—

TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS w ith prlriolpal hotels and stores to Park and G ro m .

Offloe open day and night. . i . 7 A U S S IEC. © E 3 B ^ ro iK r.

C a rp e ts , M a ttin g s ,R eed and R attan Goods, „ . And they wlil last a long time.

One of the best places to find an assortm ent of FIRST-CLASS BUILDING MATERIAL, la -a tth e . old established busineas p lace o f .

— I s h a l l c o n s t a n t l y k e e p f r o m

1 5 Q , $ p : | 0 0 h e a d o f : H 0 B S E S " . a n d M U L E S ;

o f a l l k in d s, sixes, a n d q u a lities , s o t h a t , p e r ­

s o n s , c o m i n g f r o m a d i s t a n c e n e e d h a v e * n o

d o u b t t h a t t h e y w i l l f i n d a n y i S i i n g 0 a n d

e v e r y t h i n g i n s h a p e o f H o r s e s o r M u l e s .

A l s o . P e r s o n ’s I m n g a t a d i s t a n c e , t o o f a r

t o ' d r i v e r w b o have 'Morses or~$fules to E x­change , I h a v e M e n f o r t h e p u r p o s s f o f g o i i i g

t o e x a m i n e s u c h , a n d , ' t h . e ^ a x c h a n g e c a r * b e

a a a d e b y R a i l r o a d t r a v e l . r

A l s o , S t o o k d e livered to a n y parjb ,of- tlie State F r e e o f E x p e n s e , a n d s a t i s f i t e t i o n

G u a r a n t e e d , ‘ . : . . . . . ■ . ; • > ■ \

i # ' F r o m tw o to th re e C ar lo a d s .a w iv e % oeeM y,from C anada , ,Penm ylt< ania ,~I6w ap M ic h ig a n , I n d ia n a , K e tu c k y , e t k , etc. . , .■ - P l e n t y o f - S e c o n d - h a n d S t o c k a l w a y s o n

h a n d ; g o o d f o r s e r v i c e i n t h e c o u n t r y . "■ • " Y "

I n b u y i n g s t o o k P e r s o n a l l y , a n d p a y i n g

C a s h f o r t h e s a m e , w i t h m y g r e a t e x p e r i e n c e

a n d a c q u a i n t a n c e o f t h e b u s i n e s s e n a b l e s

t h e t o h a v e t h e m t Q s e l l c h e a p e r t h a n , m p s t

a n y o n e e l s e . '■ .

B e l l i n g ' -fvom S&OO to 2 5 0 0 a y e a r I c a n "

w e l l a f f o r d t o s e l l a t ' s m a l l ' p r o f i t s ; ; : s o . t h a t :

i t w i l l p a y ? a n y o h e t o i o o f c a t m y ' s t o c k

b e f o r e p u r c h a s i n g e l s e w h e r e . : ~ :

M b 2 5 0 . H o r s e s & R u l e s ' f c r S a l e o r E x c h a n g e

- - '■ A H ; 8 2 0 TiltO A I ) S T R E E T , .L } - J O H N W. M O R R IS, Ne’tvark.-N'. Ji

■ ^ ' ■ ..A . ' . . . i , - - I V • •

THE PIONEERS ilverw are, Lam ps, Stoves.All the Novpltiea In

Frencft, Botuwiat in and D o­m estic Glass., . .. /

F o re ig n and D om estic China' aiid Tal»le W are.

L . Goods delivered In Asbury P ark and OceanGroye. •

N. E. BUCHANON/ , Southwest cpm er of Main street and Asbury avonue, —

■ > - ,ABl)ury P ork , N ew Jersey, ...Thousands of coitom ers who havo patronlzbd this bouse, can testify th a t there la no better

.place to purchase everything which en tera ln to the construction of a co ttage o r a palace. Como along w ith your orders forv


And everything to complete yonr house. Satisfaction guaranteed to all Vnstomera.



CHAS. E. BORDEN,150 Main S t., Asbury Park.


Highest degr^o o f quality Insures lowest coat an d best work. ' < ‘

Tho prico per gallon higher, b u t quantity need­ed is lesa than ir any o ther paints wero used.

Any building that is not satlfifiiiiUjrlly painted w ith it, or upon which its use haa c o t eosvlesa than i f other palnta had beon used, w i l l b e r e p a l n t - o U n t o u r e x p e n n e ,

.• ‘ - ' FOR SALE BY .

■W. L . A .T K I3ST SO IST; Dealer in ‘ '• •

Painty, Oils; Varnishes, Glass, &c.,•7 .Artists'Tubo Colore. Bruahee. Wall Paper.

NO. 200 BOND STREET, ---- "(Established 18M1 : 'Asburv Park,.N iJ.,

7 7 C . J . S C H A N C K &. S O N 7 Successors to, . l . s o vM E g B . s ,

A s t e u r y A v ® . a n d M a i m S t : - ; A s b n ^ P a r f e , M . J .' ' ■ r ■ - * % pi l gr i mBRANCH OFI'TCES—Milan Roea’s, 120 Cookman avenue, Asbury Park, and G. W

Pathway, Ocean Grovo. where a ll orders received will be promptly

M anufacturers and Dealers in a ll branches o f

N O HOME BLESSED WITH A BABY 7 i s Complete w ith ou t the m o n th ly visit*

of. B a b y h o o d , th a t de ligh t, comfort and aid o f the mother. O n ly pub lica tioh in the w orld devoted to the care o t young children. W eareg^ad-toreoom m endit. (5 Beacman S t., K ' Y J . $ 1 .50 a year; j^ jc e n ta a copy,