Model European Parliament Baltic Sea Region Copenhagen 2012

MEP BSR Contact book Copenhagen 2012

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Page 1: MEP BSR Contact book Copenhagen 2012

Model European Parliament

Baltic Sea Region

Copenhagen 2012

Dear MEP BSR Copenhagen delegates, teachers/directors/organizers and guests,

We come together here in Copenhagen, Denmark this week to discuss current political issues reaching across frontiers and cultural differences. Issues which influence us all to a greater extent than most are aware of. As we speak, Denmark holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the seventh time in

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Copenhagen 2012 March 27rd- April 1st, 2012

history. In what is probably the most challenging time in the history of the European Union, it is now more than ever, an important responsibility. Due to the extensive crisis we are currently facing, many difficult decisions have to be made. More than ever, there is a need for all European countries to support each other in order to ensure future collaboration and mutual respect. With this in mind, time for reflecting, discussing, and understanding each other is vital. It is indispensable to spend time and energy in listening to one another in order to encourage further co-operation between countries in the European Union, and not least between the countries of the Baltic Sea region.

Currently we are facing many challenges which should be dealt with by regional co-operation. One of many issues that come to mind is youth unemployment. In the light of past years ´ economic hardship, there is an urgent need to address the severe problems caused by the continuous drop in youth employment in many European countries. The subject will be covered in this parliamentary session by The Committee on Employment and Social Affairs.

The Committee on Industry, Research and Energy will address another interesting and highly relevant issue concerning the question of how to maintain a European social model in the future. How can we ensure a continuous growth in innovation, research and new technology, to help us face the challenges of globalization?

In continuation The Committee on Culture and Education will attend to the question of how young people are educated to become global citizens. In a globalized world cross-border cooperation is indispensable. In order to facilitate international communication and collaboration, it is necessary to incorporate such an understanding into the educational systems of Europe.

The Committee on Poverty and Exclusion will discuss how the European countries can improve development policies, in order for the much needed humanitarian aid to be effective in helping developing countries out of poverty. Since The European Union is a big trade organization and plays a dominant role on the international markets, it is important to be aware of the effects our policies have on trade and possibility of growth especially in developing countries.

Last, but not least, it is of uttermost importance to address the incessant environmental challenges we are all facing. The Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety will deal with the question of how to create a sustainable environment in the cities and regions of Europe. Although it is an issue that has been discussed continuously for many years, it is without doubt still very “hot”, so to speak.

In conclusion, it is obvious that you are here to discuss important issues of today’s modern world. You are here to learn from each other, to exchange ideas that are vital for the future of Europe. I strongly urge you all to take this unique opportunity to express and develop your ideas in co-operation with other young students from Europe. Last but not least, I urge you to enjoy this week to the full; it will pass more quickly than you think. - Welcome to The Model European Parliament Baltic Sea Region 2012 in Copenhagen!

Sincerely,Petra Buer Gram, President of the General Assembly

MEP Session in Copenhagen March 27-April 1, 2012 Tuesday 27.3

Arrival of delegates and teachers before 17.00 at Rysensteen Gymnasium,


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Copenhagen 2012 March 27rd- April 1st, 2012

Tietgensgade 74, 1704 København V

Transfer to Copenhagen City Hostel/Host families pick up guests

Teachers and directors in host families or at Hotel Ansgar, Colbjørnsensgade 29, 1652, Copenhagen, www.ansgarhotel.dk

Danhostel Copenhagen City, H. C. Andersens Boulevard 501553 København V

Wednesday 28.3 08.30 Arrival of all delegates at Christiansborg, 1240 København K

09.00 Opening Ceremony at Christiansborg, The Danish Parliament

Welcoming remarks by Ms Nina Nørgaard, MEP BSR


Mr. Dan Gustafsson, Chairman of MEP BSR

Ms. Sofie Carsten-Nielsen, Member of the Danish Parliament

Mr. Henrik Gerner Hansen (European Parliament Information Office/DK)

Mr. Hálldor Ásgrímsson, Secretary General of Nordic Council of Ministers

Heads of Delegations from participating countries 11.00 Teambuilding/transfer to committee locations

12.00 Lunch 13.00-16.30 Committee work (please see attached sheet) Separate program for teachers/directors

Optional visit to the National Museum of Denmark http://natmus.dk/en/

16.00 Board Meeting at Hotel Ansgar

Dinner in host families/hostel

Thursday 29.309.00-16.00 Committee work cont./Lunch

Resolutions to be handed in at 16.00/Correction Panel/Printing19.00-21.30 Dinner for delegates, teachers /directors in staff room

Cultural Evening at Gefion Gymnasium, Øster Voldgade 10, 1350 København K


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Copenhagen 2012 March 27rd- April 1st, 2012

Friday 30.3

08.50 Pick up by busses from Herfølge Turistfart at Hovedbanegården/Central Station (back entrance), Reventlowsgade

09.00-17.00 Visit to Kokkedal Golf Club and

Louisiana Museum/Northern Zealand http://www.louisiana.dk/dk/Service+Menu+Right/English

Lunch/ National Delegation meetings included

18.00 Dinner in host families/hostel

Saturday 31.308.45 Arrival of all delegates

09.00-16.00 General Assembly at Københavns Rådhus (City Hall), Rådhuspladsen, København K


Mr. Hans Lindemann, MEP BSR

Ms Petra Gram, President of the GA

Three resolutions in the morning.

12.30-13.30 Lunch

Two resolutions in the afternoon

Closing remarks by Ms Nina Nørgaard, MEP BSR

19.00 Buffet dinner at Sankt Annæ Gymnasium/Social evening, Sjælør Boulevard 135, 2500 Valby

Sunday 1.4 Departure all delegations www.mepbsr.org

Issues MEP BSR Copenhagen 27.3 – 1.4.2012

I Committee on Employment and Social Affairs/CP Gideon Arnold DE

The question of youth unemployment


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European Parliament Information Office in Denmark, Gothersgade 115, 1123 København K.

II Committee on Industry Research and Energy/CP Anna Katharina

Wiesinger AU

The question of how to maintain a European social model through innovation, research,

and new technologies

Energistyrelsen, Amaliegade 44, 1256 København K

III Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety/CP

Hanna Ojanen FI

The question of creating sustainable environments (architecture/transport e.g.) in cities/regions

Lundbeck A/S, Ottiliavej 9, 2500 Valby

IV Committee on Culture and Education/CP Lawand Namo DK

The question of educating young people to become global citizens

Wednesday 28/3 Gefion gymnasium, Øster Voldgade 10, 1350 København K

Thursday 29/3 Nordic Council of Ministers, Ved Stranden 18, 1061 København K,

V Committee on Poverty and Exclusion/CP Konrad KsiążekPL

The question of development policies and humanitarian aid

Sankt Annæ Gymnasium, Sjælør Boulevard 135, 2500 Valby, building A room 011


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Copenhagen 2012 March 27rd- April 1st, 2012

For preparation please study the EU2020 plan: http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/index_en.htm and

Welcome words/ documents relating to the 5 committees modelled on the European Parliament committees:



Austria (accompanying teacher: Linda Horvath-Sarrodi)


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Copenhagen 2012 March 27rd- April 1st, 2012

Christina [email protected]

Klemens [email protected]

Ronja [email protected]

Renée [email protected]

Bernhard [email protected]

Belgium (accompanying teacher: Nick Verwimp)

Liesbeth [email protected]

Charlotte [email protected]

Denmark Sabrina StæhrE-mail: [email protected]

Rasmus ReehE-mail: [email protected]

Amalie Tom-PetersenE-mail: [email protected]

Malene Hornstrup JespersenE-mail: [email protected]

Andreas Victor Ellegaard EttrupE-mail: [email protected]

Claudia Pérez [email protected]


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Copenhagen 2012 March 27rd- April 1st, 2012

Lasse Maarup [email protected]

Sigrid Valbjørn [email protected]

Louise [email protected]

Kirstine [email protected]


Karl [email protected]

Mihkel [email protected]

Karl Andreas [email protected]

Maria Kristiina [email protected]

Finland (accompanying teacher: Liselott Sundbäck)

Eleanora [email protected]

Nette Leikas

Tatu [email protected]

Joel [email protected]


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Copenhagen 2012 March 27rd- April 1st, 2012

Emmi [email protected]

Ina Kråkströ[email protected]

Pilvi [email protected]

Cecilia [email protected]

Maria Rossinskaya [email protected]

Germany (accompanying teacher: Steffi Kruschel)

Teo [email protected]

Sophie Pö[email protected]

Alexander Gö[email protected]

Leu [email protected]

Franziska Bö[email protected]

Sophia [email protected]

Dominik [email protected]

Nikita [email protected]


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Copenhagen 2012 March 27rd- April 1st, 2012

Felix [email protected]

Iceland (accompanying teacher: Ægir Karl Ægisson)

Arnór Sindri Sö[email protected]

Guðni Friðrik [email protected]

Magdalena Margrét Jóhannsdó[email protected]

Sara Dögg Margeirsdóttir

Sölvi [email protected]

India (accompanying teacher: Jyoti Arora)

Disha [email protected]

Shweta Srinivas [email protected]

Monisha [email protected]

Devika [email protected]

Radhika [email protected]


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Copenhagen 2012 March 27rd- April 1st, 2012

Poland (accompanying teacher: Kinga Marulewska)

Wiktoria [email protected]

Ewa Szoł[email protected]

Anna [email protected]

Dorota [email protected]

Zuzanna [email protected]

Jakub [email protected]

Wojciech [email protected]

Serbia (accompanying teachers: Siniša Vukadinovic )

Nemanja Č[email protected]

Luka Šećerović[email protected]

Natalija Katić[email protected]

Miloš Damnjanović[email protected]

Stefan Jević[email protected]


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Sweden (accompanying teacher: Malin Käck)

Louise [email protected]

Nike Mü[email protected]

Louise [email protected]

Elsa Frö[email protected]

Filip Holmströ[email protected]

Max [email protected]

Fredrik [email protected]

Anton [email protected]

Rose-Marie [email protected]


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Copenhagen 2012 March 27rd- April 1st, 2012

President of the General AssemblyGA President Petra Buer Gram and Vice President Sofie Jürs

Committee Presidents

Committee on Employment and Social Affairs

CP – Gideon Arnold

Committee on Industry Research and Energy

CP – Anna Katharina Wiesinger

Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

CP – Hanna Ojanen

Committee on Culture and Education

CP – Lawand Namo

Committee on Poverty and Exclusion

CP – Konrad Książek


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Copenhagen 2012 March 27rd- April 1st, 2012

Participating schools


WRG WelsVogelweiderstraße 2-4Wels 460007242 47428-0

Europagymnasium BaumgartenbergBaumgartenberg 1Baumgartenberg 4342

Akademisches Gymnasium InnsbruckAngerzellgasse 14Innsbruck 6020

Bundesgymnasium BludenzUnterfeldstraße 11Bludenz 6700


Sint-GummaruscollegeKanunnik Davidlaan 10Lier 250003 489 24 56

Sint-LodewijkscollegeMagdalenastraat 30Brugge 8000050406840


Sankt Annæ GymnasiumSjælør Boulevard 135Valby 2500+45 36 46 62 22

Gefion GymnasiumØster Voldgade 101350 Copenhagen K+45 33964141

Svendborg GymnasiumA.P. Møllersvej 35Svendborg 5700+45 63 21 31 41

Rysensteen GymnasiumTietgensgade 74København 1704+45 33 24 43 11


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Copenhagen 2012 March 27rd- April 1st, 2012


Rakvere GümnaasiumVabaduse 1Rakvere 44316+ 3723223684

University of TartuÜlikooli 18Tartu 50090+372 737 5100


Kauniaisten lukioKasavuorentie 1Kauniainen 02700

Viikin normaalikoulun lukioKevätkatu 2Helsinki 00014 Helsingin yliopisto

Gymnasiet Grankulla SamskolaVästra skolstigen 3Grankulla 02700

Helsingin Suomalainen YhteiskouluIsonnevantie 8Helsinki 00320


ChristianeumOtto-Ernst-Straße 34Hamburg 22605+49 40/4 28 88 28 31

LeibnizschuleZietenring 9Wiesbaden 65195

Max-von-Laue GymnasiumSüdallee 1-9Koblenz 56068+49/261/914830

Hermann-von-Helmholtz GymnasiumKurfürstenstraße 53Potsdam 14467+49-331-2897580

Latina August Hermann FranckeFranckeplatz 1, Hs. 42Halle (Saale) 06110+49-345-4781200

Edith Stein Schule ErfurtTromsdorffstraße 26Erfurt 99084+49 0361 576890

Hochwaldgymnasium WadernAm Kaisergarten 1Wadern 66687

Anton-Philipp-Reclam GymansiumAnhalterstr. 1Leipzig 04129+49 0341 9 18 82 77 0


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Copenhagen 2012 March 27rd- April 1st, 2012

Friedrich-Engels GymnasiumEmmentalerstraße 67Berlin 13407+49 0304955056


Fjölbrautaskóli SuðurnesjaSunnubraut 36Reykjanesbær 2304213100


Amity International SchoolE-27,Defence ColonyNew Delhi 11002441888315


III Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Marynarki Wojennej RPLegionów 27Gdynia 81-405

Zespół Szkół Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika Gimnazjum i Liceum Akademickieul. Szosa Chełmińska 83Toruń 87-100(0-56) 655-55-60


Deseta gimnazija "Mihajlo Pupin"Antifašističke borbe 1aBeograd 11070+381113114142

Prva beogradska gimnazijaCara Dušana 61Beograd 11000+381113282456


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Viktor Rydbergs GymnasiumViktor Rydbergs väg 29Djursholm 18262086222110

Thorildsplans GymnasiumDrottningholmsvägen 82Stockholm 112 00

Gustavsbergs gymnasiumIdrottsvägen 4Gustavsberg 134 8108-570 485 30


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Copenhagen 2012 March 27rd- April 1st, 2012

Committee on Employment and Social AffairsThe question of youth unemploymentCommittee President: Gideon Arnold


Monisha Agarwal INMiloš Damnjanović RSLiesbeth Brants BESara Dögg Margeirsdóttir ISAndreas Ettrup DKSabrina Stæhr DKMihkel Veski EEFilip Holmström SEAnton Niemi SENikita Steinmann DEFelix Caspari DEAnna Szczepanska PLWiktoria Vowles PLEleanora Alen FINette Leikas FIKlemens Schauer AU

Committee on Industry Research and EnergyThe question of how to maintain a European social model through innovation, research, and new technologiesCommittee President: Anna Katharina WiesingerDelegates:

Disha Kameldeep IN Luka Šećerović RSSölvi Logason ISKirstine Bukhave DKLouise Warberg DKKarl Reinkubjas EELouise Lundqvist SEAlexander Göbel DESophie Charlotte Pötsch DEWojciech Zielinski PLEmmi Halmesvirta FIBernhard Kessler AU


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Copenhagen 2012 March 27rd- April 1st, 2012

Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food SafetyThe question of creating sustainable environments (architecture/transport e.g.) in cities/regions

Committee President: Hanna OjanenDelegates:

Shweta Pokkunuru INStefan Jević RSCharlotte Dupon BEArnór Sindri Sölvason ISLasse Maarup Thomsen DKSigrid Valbjørn Stavnsbjerg DKKarl-Andreas Sprenk EENike Müller-Brunotte SERose-Marie Kaggiri SE Teo Kamstra DEDorota Chruscinska PLTatu Strengell FIMaria Rossinskaya FIRenee Zajic AU

The Committee on Education and Culture The question of educating young people to become global citizensCommittee President: Lawand Namo


Radhika Sharma INNatalija Katić RSMagdalena Margrét Jóhannsdóttir ISClaudia Pérez Tidmand DKRasmus Reeh DKLouise Wibom SEFredrik Dahlborn SEFranziska Böttcher DELeu Huang DEZuzanna Kwiatkowska PLEwa Szołkiewicz PLPilvi Villa FICecilia Alameri FIRonja Reinhardt AU


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Copenhagen 2012 March 27rd- April 1st, 2012

Committee on Poverty and ExclusionThe question of development policies and humanitarian aid

Committee President: Konrad KsiążekDelegates:

Devika Jain INNemanja Čigoja RSGuðni Friðrik Oddsson ISAmalie Tom-Petersen DKMalene Jespersen DKMaria Prass EEMax Richnau SEElsa Fröslin SESophia Mlejnek DEDominik Caspar DEJakub Czapiewski PLJoel Oranen FIIna Kråkström FIChristina Ortmair AU


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Copenhagen 2012 March 27rd- April 1st, 2012

The Model European Parliament (MEP) concept and methodologyThe Model European Parliament program is a leadership program for youth in the 27 EU countries, set up in 1994 with a secretariat in The Hague, NL. The aim of the program is to educate young people at high school level about European integration and cooperation, and to develop their understanding of common issues as well as provide them with knowledge about EU’s institutions. The program develops political awareness and an understanding for Europe’s cultural diversity.

The MEP program has successfully expanded into regional organizations in several parts of Europe. In 2004 a regional organization was set up in the Baltic Sea Region by schools/institutions in Finland, Sweden, Lithuania and DK, and at present we have been joined by schools/institutions in Estonia, Latvia, St. Petersburg, Russia, Poland and Germany as well. From 2009 Iceland, Norway and Kaliningrad will be invited to join the organization too. The program is a training ground for future leaders and politicians as well as for talented students who share an interest in European issues.

The vision of the MEP Baltic Sea Organization is:

- Build relationships between youth in the Baltic Sea Region

- Penetrate common Baltic Sea and Nordic issues- Give insight into each individual’s potential to affect society’s development- Focus on trade, industry, politics and culture and social affairs- Give insight into modern democracy and the parliamentary system, using the European

Parliament as an example- Develop debating skills in large international forums

The working language during the MEP is English. 10 students are chosen to represent each member country, and together they comprise a delegation. Each delegate represents his/her native country in a committee, which discusses international issues, and each committee has a specified subject to discuss. The common goal is to write a resolution that they can support and defend in the General Assembly (the youth parliament).

The MEP program is also a cultural and social event, which gives the participants the opportunity to experience the diversity of the countries around the Baltic Sea and be part of numerous social events, such as teambuilding, sightseeing along with living with a family in the host country.

The sessions take place twice a year in the Baltic Sea Region and since the start of the organization they have taken place in Stockholm, Copenhagen, Bremen, Tallinn, Copenhagen/Malmoe, Helsinki, Riga, St. Petersburg, Ilawa/Torun, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Kaliningrad, Vilnius and Gdansk/Gdynia.


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Copenhagen 2012 March 27rd- April 1st, 2012

Pedagogically the MEP program focuses on:

a) Individual ICT introduction to EU institutions and to specific topics (links)

b) Study program before the sessions in class/groupsc) Workshops/committee work run by experienced students and delegatesd) Project work/written resolutions in Englishe) Debating and rhetoric skillsf) Intercultural skills and competenciesg) The experience of an advanced and realistic role play (as a learning method)

The MEP BSR office is located in Copenhagen, DK, and run by an administrative coordinator. More information about MEP BSR and sessions at www.mepbsr.org Enclosed here please find material and guidelines in preparation of MEP conferences at the national, regional and international levels.

For further information please contact Administrative Coordinator Nina Nørgaard [email protected]


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Copenhagen 2012 March 27rd- April 1st, 2012

Acknowledgments  We wish to thank sponsors, supporters, hosting organisations and host families:

Nordic Council of Ministers

Europa Nævnet

Ministeriet for Børn og Undervisning

Ms Sofie Carsten Nielsen, Member of the Danish Parliament

Gefion Gymnasium

Rysensteen Gymnasium

Sankt Annæ Gymnasium

European Parliament Information Office in Denmark


Lundbeck A/S

 Patrons MEP BSR:

Uffe Ellemann- Jensen, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs

Anne Vang, Mayor of Children and Youth, Copenhagen Municipality.