MENTAL DISORDERS 1. Anxiety and depression are two of the most common types of mental illnesses and disorders 2. Phobias are a mental disorder 3. Untreated depression can have serious consequences 4. People with Autism have trouble interacting with other people 5. Most people with a mental disorder could get over it if they just tried hard enough 6. Someone who talks about suicide or writes about it on social media is probably just joking 7. Suicide is a leading cause of death among teenagers in the united states 8. Medications can be useful in treating mental disorders 9. Being physically active can be an effective strategy for coping with negative feelings and stress 10.If you’re good enough friend, you can cure your friends mental disorder

MENTAL DISORDERS 1.Anxiety and depression are two of the most common types of mental illnesses and disorders 2.Phobias are a mental disorder 3.Untreated

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Page 1: MENTAL DISORDERS 1.Anxiety and depression are two of the most common types of mental illnesses and disorders 2.Phobias are a mental disorder 3.Untreated

MENTAL DISORDERS1. Anxiety and depression are two of the most common types of mental illnesses

and disorders

2. Phobias are a mental disorder

3. Untreated depression can have serious consequences

4. People with Autism have trouble interacting with other people

5. Most people with a mental disorder could get over it if they just tried hard enough

6. Someone who talks about suicide or writes about it on social media is probably just joking

7. Suicide is a leading cause of death among teenagers in the united states

8. Medications can be useful in treating mental disorders

9. Being physically active can be an effective strategy for coping with negative feelings and stress

10. If you’re good enough friend, you can cure your friends mental disorder

Page 2: MENTAL DISORDERS 1.Anxiety and depression are two of the most common types of mental illnesses and disorders 2.Phobias are a mental disorder 3.Untreated

WHAT DO ……..

Abraham Lincoln Beethoven

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Charles Dickens

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Page 3: MENTAL DISORDERS 1.Anxiety and depression are two of the most common types of mental illnesses and disorders 2.Phobias are a mental disorder 3.Untreated


• Illness that affects the mind and reduces a person’s ability to function, to adjust to change, or get along with others.

• Recognizing mental disorders• Abnormal thoughts, feelings, or behaviors are signs or symptoms

• ADHD/ADD• Difficulty focusing or sitting still• Difficulty organizing and completing task• Difficulty listening to and following directions• Talking nonstop or being in constant motion• Difficulty waiting• Blurting out inappropriate comments

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• Physical Factors Damage to the brain may cause a mental disorder.


• Heredity A person may inherit a tendency toward a mental disorder.

• Early Experiences Extremely negative experiences that occur early in life can lead to mental illness.

• Recent Experiences Some mental health experts think that recent experiences are more likely than early experiences to trigger a mental disorder.

Page 5: MENTAL DISORDERS 1.Anxiety and depression are two of the most common types of mental illnesses and disorders 2.Phobias are a mental disorder 3.Untreated


• Damage to brain

• Growth or tumor

• Infection

• Exposure to poison• Lead

• Alcohol/Drugs

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• Inherits tendency toward mental disorder• Greater risk if events in life act as a trigger for disorder

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• Early• Extreme negative experiences

• Neglected• Abused

• Recent • More likely than early experiences• Death of a loved one

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• Fear caused by a source you cannot identify or source that doesn’t pose as much threat as you think.

• Anxious before test• School dance• Tryouts

• Short-lived

Page 9: MENTAL DISORDERS 1.Anxiety and depression are two of the most common types of mental illnesses and disorders 2.Phobias are a mental disorder 3.Untreated


1. I Become afraid for no reason at all. Yes or No

2. I easily become upset or feel panicky Yes or No

3. I feel like I am falling apart and unable to control my feelings Yes or No

4. I feel more nervous and anxious than usual Yes or No

5. I am bothered by stomach aches or indigestion Yes or No

6. I am bothered by headaches and neck and back pains Yes or No

7. I have fainting spells, or periods of time when I feel faint Yes or No

8. I can feel my heart beating fast, although I am not exercising Yes or No

Page 10: MENTAL DISORDERS 1.Anxiety and depression are two of the most common types of mental illnesses and disorders 2.Phobias are a mental disorder 3.Untreated


• Anxiety disorder• When anxiety persists for a long period of time and interferes with daily living

• Generalized anxiety• Phobias• Panic attacks • OCD• PTSD

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• Shows intense worry, fear, or anxiety everyday for at least 6 months

• Warning signs• Restlessness• Trouble sleeping• Trouble concentrating

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• Extreme anxiety caused by a specific situation or object

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Bryce is a 15-year-old sophomore in high school. He has always enjoyed doing outdoor activities with his family. Last summer, Bryce was camping with his uncle when they came across a copperhead snake. The snake struck at Bryce’s uncle, but fortunately only bit into his jeans and not his skin.

Although Bryce’s uncle was fine, Bryce is now very afraid of having another encounter with a snake. His fear has led him to stop doing outdoor activities. He even avoids his backyard because he is worried about seeing a snake. Bryce also feels anxious if he sees a photo of a snake.

• What do you think are the primary factors that led Bryce to develop these symptoms?

• What are some strategies Bryce could use to manage his anxiety about snakes?

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• Experience • Fast heart rate• Rapid breathing• Fear of suffocation• Believes he or she is dying• Sweating• Trembling or shaking• Choking• Chest discomfort or pain• Nausea• Dizziness• Fear of losing control

Episodes of intense fear that something bad is going to happen

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• Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)• Obsession-unwanted thought or image controls mind• Compulsion-unreasonable need to behave in a certain way to prevent feared


• Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)• People who survive a threatening event

• Flashbacks• Nightmares• Unable to sleep• May feel guilty because they survived but others did not• War veterans

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• Mood disorders• Bipolar

• Schizophrenia

• Impulse-Control disorder

• Personality disorder

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• Extreme emotions that make it difficult to function• Bipolar

• Shift from one extreme to the other for no reason• Manic episode

• Excited and restless• Difficulty concentrating• Poor judgment• Depression-person feels extremely sad or hopeless • Will sometimes seem normal

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• Severe disturbances in thinking, moods, awareness, and behavior

• Split mind refers to a split from reality not personality

• One of the most serious disorders• Rarely harmful to others• Talk to themselves• Dress and act strangely• Develop fears that are not supported by reality• Believe that something or someone controls them

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• Cannot resist the impulse or drive, to act in a way that is harmful to themselves or others

• Gambling• Debt or steal• Most common among males

• Kleptomania• Shopping

• Must know they don’t need the things that they buy• 85 % females

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• Rigid patterns of behavior that make it difficult to get along with others• Group A

• Cold and Distant• Withdraw from reality• Paranoid-overly suspicious of other people

• Group B• Overly emotional or unstable• Selfish and demanding• Antisocial personality disorder-commits violent acts without any sense of guilt

• Group C• Hard time making decisions• Need approval from others• Dependent personality disorder-help from others in order to properly care for


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• Find an example of works of literature or movies that focus on characters with mental disorders.

• Analyze the type of disorder depicted• Stereotypes about the individual that are present in the book or movie

• ie; how are they dressed, where do they live, gender, what do they look like, etc..

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VOCABULARYcompulsion An unreasonable need to behave in a certain way to prevent a

feared outcome.

mood disorder A disorder characterized by extreme emotions.

depression An emotional state in which a person feels extremely sad and hopeless.

schizophrenia A disorder characterized by severe disturbances in thinking,mood, awareness, and behavior.

personality disorder A mental disorder characterized by rigid patterns of behavior, which make it difficult for a person to get along with others.