GODS HEART IS FOR ALL NATIONSM M i i s s s s i i o o n n s s E E m m p p h h a a s s i i s s M M o o n n t t h h Sunday School Lessons For OCTOBER 2012


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Lesson 1: First Sunday

“GOD’S HEART AND HIS BLESSING” Aim: That learners will know and understand God’s heart is beating loud for all

nations to be blessed. Memory Verse: Gen: 22:18 General Truth: God’s heart is still beating loud today for all nations on earth to

receive His blessing of salvation.

Lesson 2: Second Sunday


Aim: That learners will be encouraged to embrace and pray for all nations. Memory Verse: Mark 11:17 General Truth: God commands the church to embrace and pray for all nations.

Lesson 3: Third Sunday


Aim: That learners realize the importance of making disciples of all nations is the

main task of the church. Memory Verse: Matt. 28:19 General Truth: Making disciples of all nations is the main task of the church where

God’s heart is beating loud

Lesson 4: Fourth Sunday


Aim: That learners will make commitment by teaming up with God as a world

Christian. Memory Verse: Matt. 24:14 General Truth: Committing to God’s heart for all nations is by teaming up with Him

as a world Christian.

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Lesson 1


Aim: That the learners will know and understand God’s heart is beating

loud for all nations for the blessing of salvation. Scripture Text: Genesis 12:2-3; Gen. 22:15-18; Gen. 28. 28:14 Memory Verse: Genesis 22:18 “Through your offspring all nations on

earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me.” IN ADVANCE

1. PRAY. As a teacher, seek God’s help when you teach missions for it is God’s heart beat.

2. MEMORIZE: It is important that you can memorize the lesson verse.

3. STUDY. Through your teaching, see to it that the learners will

perceive deeper truths about missions and help them find where they are in missions work.

4. TEACHER’S LESSON BACKGROUND: It is October—Missions Emphasis Month in CAMACOP

churches again. The Division of Missions (DM) in partnership with the Department of Christian Education in the Local Church (DCELC) is providing our churches with lessons for the usual celebration of the Missions month.

The theme this year is entitled “GOD’S HEART IS FOR ALL

NATIONS.” There are 4 lesson series to guide your Sunday school class with the following titles:

October 7 “God’s Heart and His Blessing” October 14 “God’s Heart and All Peoples” October 21 “God’s Heart and His Church” October 28 “God’s Heart and Teaming Up with Him”

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Emphasize in this missions’ lesson series the truth—that God Himself is the main character. If it were in a drama episode, He is the ‘bida.” Being the bida, He is seen at work since the beginning of time until today to fulfill His own plan in human life—a plan to have a people who will represent every nation on earth to His Kingdom (who are re-born in Christ). He wants that this people become matured people whose passion is to glorify God and later in the ages to come will have roles to play in Kingdom work.

We learned in past lessons on Missions month how He called

Abraham to a life of faith and blessing. Thus beginning with Genesis 12, His story revolved around a particular people—His chosen group of people--the Jews-- through whom He will use to accomplish what He wants for all nations. This does not mean that God had lost interest in other peoples of the earth. On the contrary, He wants that His plan of blessing will be heard and known by everyone on Planet Earth.


ENTRANCE Say: The word, “Blessing means speaking of God’s goodwill towards

someone. For example: “May God bless you with good health!” What are special blessings have you receive from God this

week in terms of material, physical, and spiritual? (Have your class find a partner to share the special blessing received this week. Give time for 2 or 3 class members to share to the class what special blessings they have receive).

One hymn that we often sing during Testimony Time states,

“Count your blessings name them one by one. Count your blessings see what God has done.” Sure indeed, God is the ‘Blesser’ and we are the “receiver!”

TRANSITION SENTENCE: God’s blessings are abundant…and so, we

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will study more about His blessing promised for all the peoples of the earth.


Introduce the lesson title: “God’s Heart and His Blessing”

(Assign 3 class members to read aloud each Scripture passage.) (1) Gen. 12:2-3

(2) Gen. 22:15-18

(3) Gen. 28:14.

(Look for 2 class members to do a role play. One man will act as GOD’S VOICE and another man to role-play ABRAHAM)

God’s Voice: (In big & loud voice) “Abraham, Abraham, leave your

country! your relatives! your father’s home…and go to a land that I am going to show you!”

Abraham: (Looking around for the source of the voice with

mouth open) …“Me-e-e-e-e?”

God’s Voice: “Yes—You!!! I will give you as many descendants as there are stars in the sky…and they will become a great nation!”

Abraham: (Scratching his head) “Why…me? I am very old. I am

more than 70 years old..I am retired!..I don’t even have a son!” (Scratching his head again) “It’s funny…but I think I am dreaming at broad day light! I can’t understand this thing!”

God’s Voice: “I will bless you and make your name famous, so that you

will be a blessing!” Abraham: (Trembling in fear…kneeled down in front of the voice but

very uneasy) “Oh…no, there’s that voice again!” God’s Voice: “I will bless those who bless you, but I will curse those

who curse you…and through you I will bless all the nations.” Abraham: (Standing, he boxed the air…and shout for he overcame

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his fears) “A-a-a-a-ah…I will bless the nations …and curse those who will curse me?”

(He went away still talking to himself) “Ah…Bless the nations? What

is the meaning of that??? I think the best thing to do is—just to trust and obey.” (EXIT) SAY: The remarkable thing about God’s heart is—He wants to bless all

nations. What is this blessing about? To know it, we will look at the big picture of God’s over-all

purpose and plan in missions work. So, on this first lesson, we will focus on our main character—

GOD! (Teaching method to use:—Oral Reading Report) (Before the class starts, assign 3 class volunteers to read the oral report to each one of them) SAY: In order for us to comprehend God’s heart and his blessing, we will

have 3 reporters to read on what God wants for us to know).

A survey of the Old Testament teaching brings to light three important principles that are inter-connected in which the second and the third principles are flowing out of the first principle.

Let’s find this out—

ORAL REPORT NO. 1: (First reader to read aloud before class)

The first principle—“God is the Sovereign Lord of the whole earth.”

God’s Lordship and rule over the world is clearly seen from the Old Testament accounts. He has been at work from the beginning of time until today to fulfill His unfinished plan of the ages.

In His heart, God wants to have a people who are obedient to Him as

King as well as have the passion to glorify Him. Not only on that area, but these people should become an extension of His plan for all nations.

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He wants, not only people from every nation for His Kingdom, but people who are spiritually matured to fulfill their role in the ages to come--who will worship and acknowledge Him as Lord of the Universe.

This is why He called Abraham to be the key person to start that

blessing flowing to the nations and make God’s name known (Gen. 12:2-3; 22:15-18; 28:14). So, He commissioned him and His descendants to be a missionary nation to all nations on earth.

But do we know--Abraham’s mission is still unfinished until today?

He and his descendants were unable to bless the “all nations” command of God. And so it appears that—Abraham’s call is also our call today to help fulfill the remaining task.

The challenge is--we cannot just sit back, relax, and be contented on

the blessing we have received. God expects us to share it by all means. This is the blessing of salvation that we ought to share to others.

If we cannot go to the nations to bring the blessing of salvation as

commanded by God Himself, then we need to listen and obey God’s call so that we might be a blessing even where we are today. God’s heart will rejoice and even the angels in heaven will be glad for every one of us who will share the blessing of salvation to others. ORAL REPORT NO. 2 (Second reader to read aloud before class)

Second principle—God’s concern is for all peoples on earth.

God is seen in Genesis 12 account of being interested not only in the Jewish people but in ALL NATIONS (Deut. 7:7-9). His concern is for “all nations” (or peoples) who shall be blessed (Gen. 12:1-3).

Actually this concern is not in terms of all men being saved in the

end. Rather His heart goes for universal concern for ALL MEN and ALL NATIONS—referring to the universal scope of salvation that is made available to all peoples of all races.

The message to proclaim is this—that Abraham did worshipped the

true God in obedience by faith. That he had walked in a vital relationship with God and the expectation then—that Abraham’s descendants will also

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portray and proclaim the same message as did Abraham who proclaimed it in his time. By so doing, the nations will know who God is and His saving power. Added to that, they have to proclaim God’s victory in the establishment of His Kingdom on earth. This was the concern of God for ALL NATIONS to know, understand and receive the blessing and be a blessing to other peoples on earth as well.

Up to this point in time, the Jewish people (the descendants of

Abraham) failed to accomplish the concern of God’s heart for all nations. What now is the glaring truth for us to know about God’s heart and all

nations? The truth is—we of the high-tech age have to intentionally continue doing missionary work and obeying the Great Commission. God wants all peoples on earth—to hear, to know, and to understand that there is a True and Living God of the universe to be worshipped and to be glorified. That anyone who acknowledges Him as Savior and Lord will walk in vital relationship with Him. Thank God for CAMACOP! As a sending organization, we have sent Filipino missionaries in many countries today. But that is only a portion of what the God of the Universe wants to be fulfilled. ORAL REPORT NO. 3 (The 3rd and last reporter will read this report)

The third and last principle is—

Israel was God’s appointed missionary to the nations (peoples) God had chosen one man, Abraham, through whom He intended to

bless all the nations. But he and his descendants failed to fulfill their obligation to deliver to the nations the blessing. It could have been a great opportunity. But their life testimony was weak and poor and negative in the face of the peoples around them. They were too self-centered. They have gone far away from the mission they were supposed to accomplish. So God had judged and disciplined them. They were scattered throughout the earth.

God placed the scattered Jewish people in the strategic locations of

the world. Because of this condition, it gave opportunity for peoples of the

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earth to hear, know and understand who the Living God is—Who is worthy to be praised and worshipped.

Scattered Israel served then as “light” shining to the nations while in

exile. Through them, it paved the way for the coming in of the promised Messiah. Jesus came to earth to preach the good news of salvation. The Gentile nations were also reached with the blessing of salvation.

It is now over two thousand years, the goal of God’s heart is not yet

achieved. Sometimes we ask—why did God not do this mission Himself? He could have sent the hosts of angels to accomplish what He wants? Why has He committed to us the unfinished task of mission? The answers to these questions will only be this—IT IS GOD’S WILL!...and so we have to only trust and obey.

We are the modern ‘Israel’! God has entrusted to us this mission; and

unless we do it, It will remain undone! So, we have to take the challenge—to obey the desire of His heart! SAY: To sum up our lesson today…what would be our appropriate one

statement of generalized truth?

GENERAL TRUTH: God’s heart is still beating loud today for all nations on earth to receive His blessing of salvation.

(Encourage the class to memorize the verse in Gen. 22:18 and

inspire them that it pays to obey the Lord). SIGNIFICANCE

SAY: What implications could we deduce from our lesson?

(As a group do a case study. Call a class member to read the case while all the rests are listening. Do a brainstorming solution to the case presented)

A Christian girl of 21 responded to the call of

mission during the Alliance Youth Congress. She was so

touched and convicted after watching a film depicting

cross-cultural missions in Nigeria. She learned at

Congress that the heartbeat of God is missions. The

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speaker that evening challenged the youth to share

Christ to unreached people of another culture.

When the song, “People Need the Lord” was sang

and presented through an interpretative dance it

brought tears to her eyes due to deep conviction-that

she has to share the blessing of salvation to those

darkened people of Nigeria.

She went home that night. But her mind kept on

reflecting back to the film she saw especially the poor

Nigerian village that was practicing voodoo worship.

She prayed hard about it. Until one day, she told her

parents about the inner struggle she has for foreign


She decided to quit from a good paying job as an

accountant and go as a missionary. She was disturbed

further because economically she is the bread winner of

the family. She is sending the younger brother to college

and her parents want her to marry the accountant boy

friend to help finance the family needs.

As a result, there was less and less warmth and

caring attitude she was receiving from her parents and

brother since the day she decided to go as a missionary.

What will she do about the unexpected response

from her very own family? If you were in her case—how

will you solve this problem? What are possible ways and

means to help her in this dilemma? How could she obey

God’s call?

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PERFORMANCE SAY: Sharing the blessing of salvation via cross-cultural missions is not

an easy ministry especially ministering to tribal unreached people groups who believe in spirit that lives in trees, fields and rocks.

Probably there are missionary potential candidates from our

churches for foreign missions among our youth today. Let’s take time to pray in groups of threes. (Group the class in 3s or more and assign each group a prayer request)

1) Pray for our youth that God will call some of them to go as a missionary to other people groups abroad. Include Rev.Meno Belen/Mr. & Mrs. Victor Tolentino—Paraguay

2) Pray for the unreached people group especially the tribal peoples of the world—in Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Zaire in the continent of Africa.

3) Pray for the following Filipino missionaries: 2.1 Victor & Ana Opungu—Papua New Guinea 2.2 Miss Loreta Cardenas—South Africa 2.3 Miss Luz Gatdula, Ms. Lorejean Invidiado—Palau

ALL PRAY Together: That God would raise more modern “Abraham” youth and couples to trust and obey God then go and fulfill the remaining task of missions in this part of the world.


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Lesson 2

GOD’S HEART AND ALL NATIONS Aim: That the learners be encouraged through the church to embrace and

pray for all nations. Scripture Text: Mark 11:15-17; Isaiah 56:6,7 Memory Verse: Mark 11:17 “My house will be called a house of prayer for

all nations.” IN ADVANCE

1. Pray. Ask God to open wide the hearts and minds of your learners on the concept of “all nations ministry.”

2. Memorize. It is worth memorizing the lesson verse on Mark 11:17.

3. Study. Prepare and study the lesson one week before teaching

for the purpose of mastery and impact.

4. Teacher’s Help. 4.1 In actual teaching, always emphasize (a) learner activity, not

learner passivity, and (b) the teacher as guide, not teller or lecturer.

4.2 Always give a word of appreciation to everyone participating in class.

4.3 Prepare. Assign each class member a prayer commitment

each day to pray for the blessing of salvation to come upon these1 or 2 unreached people groups from Monday to Sunday. Make a list of people groups on the chalk board for them to copy, as follows:

Monday—Saudi Arabians and Iraqis

Tuesday—Mongolians and Taiwanese

Wednesday—Indonesians and Malaysians

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Thursday—Japanese and Thais

Friday—Russians and Bulgarians

Saturday—Spanish and Latin Americans

Sunday—Austrians and Hungarians


Request: (Assign one class member to read the story of a cross-

cultural missionary in a tribal village)

Tell the Story:

I was invited by a group of men from a tribal village to speak about God’s love. It took us 8 long hours of trip by foot into the interior of the forest. The villagers were so happy to welcome us into their midst. I was able to tell them about God’s love.

At dinner time I was called to meet an old man who was introduced

to me as the village chieftain. In front of him were 2 clean earthen pots with lids. He looked up to me, for he was sitting down, and motioned me to sit beside him. His wife brought in another earthen pot of water to wash our hands. Then, the chieftain lifted the lids of the pots and before my eyes were pots filled with almost burned caterpillars ready to be eaten with the mashed potatoes.

I swallowed hard my saliva! My mind rushed to those words I uttered

that afternoon at the gathering of men. I remembered I told them…”Because I love God as a missionary in your country, I can eat anything you will serve me!”

I waited as my host scooped his fingers into the pot of half-burned

caterpillars and mashed potatoes—mixed it together and formed it gently into a ball in his palm. As he lifted it into his open mouth, I saw some of those half-burned caterpillars dangling loose between his mouth and teeth.

Everyone looked at me when it was my turn to dig my fingers into

the pot to get my share. My eyes were fixed on the caterpillars. I wondered

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what the sensation in the mouth was going to be. I quickly scooped the food into my mouth with closed eyes. I thought I would throw out the stuff! As I bite, the soft insides of those worms burst open! To my surprise, it tasted like a salty meat-flavor mixed with mashed potatoes.

The chieftain’s 3 wives with their daughters came and stood

watching while I was eating those worms. I heard them whispered..”Did you see? The white man is eating caterpillars! He has a black heart like us!”

My journal and diary that night contained this statement, “Eating and relating to the level of people of another culture is more convincing than all the cold and excellent preaching of God’s love.”

SAY: Anthropologists have discovered that many differences exist between

cultures. At every level of behaviors in dress, food, language, deeds, and actions are noted differences.

This is the reason why our Filipino missionaries in cross-cultural

missions work experienced culture shock. They need our constant intercessory prayers.

TRANSITION SENTENCE: A cross-cultural missionary ministry is far

from easy life, therefore, we will study why God is commanding prayer covering for all nations.


The title of the Lesson: “GOD’S HEART AND ALL NATIONS”

Scripture Text: (Assign a volunteer to read aloud Mark 11:15-17; Isaiah 56:6,7)

Begin the Class: Define the term “NATION” This word refers to “an ethnic unit or people group with its

own language, customs and culture rather than referring it to a country or a political region.” (Kairos definition) Examples:

Locally—Tausogs, Illongos, Ilocanos, etc. Global—Chinese, Australians, etc.

Give brief lesson background:

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In Mark chapter 11, we see Jesus had a collision course with His adversaries—the ecclesiastical (Pharisees, Sadducces and scribes) of their day. This group of Jewish religious leaders had followed Jesus, not to worship, but to find and gather evidence against Him. The background scene of this chapter was focused on Jesus and the Jews at the Triumphal Entry in Jerusalem. The expected Jesus as their promised King but events proved otherwise. Without the conscious awareness of the Jews, Jesus’ heart was displeased. He saw the Jewish nation as a fruitless nation like a fid tree with no fruits [a fig tree in the Scriptures is often a type or symbol of Israel [cf. Hosea 9:10,16]. He observed that the Jewish nation is rich only in religious profession but was barren in fruit of righteous living. Therefore God’s heart could no longer bless all nations through the Jewish nation. The flow of God’s blessing was blocked because they failed in the responsibility to be God’s agent of blessing. If only the Jews had lived a holy life, this nation could have demonstrated to all nations of the world who God is, His character, saving power and ultimate victory over sin, Satan, and death. Unfortunately, at every step of the way the Jewish nation had been unfaithful to God. Questions to Answer: Q. 1: From our text, what is one example of Israel’s unfaithfulness to her

missions to God? Mark 11:15-16; Isa. 56:6,7? Answer:

The priestly leaders at the temple had converted the sacred temple area into a public market of sacrificial animals for very expensive or excessive charges to those who come as worshippers.

Q. 2: How do you understand this phrase—“a house of prayer for all

nations?” What does this mean in relation to God’s heart for missions? Answer:

At the temple, Jesus encountered the presence of non-Jews (Gentiles) thus seeing this situation, He now open the temple as a

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house of prayer for all—regardless of tribe, race, and language. He now says that His house is for all. We see him broke down the wall of prejudice and cultural self-centeredness of the Jewish nation.

Say: Jesus saw the narrow view of His disciples that they were only

concerned of the evangelization of their own Jewish people but avoided the Gentiles.

Jesus’ concern was on bringing in of peoples to Himself from

then on until today. This task of missions is still unfinished. But what is the bottom line of this unfinished missions task?

What is its general implication to our current situation? General Truth: God still commands the Church to embrace and pray

for all nations.

(Recite the Memory Verse in Mark 11:17 and make some reflections on it)

SIGNIFICANCE: (Allow learners to reflect and answer)

1. What are some “false fronts” in which spiritual dullness or emptiness in missions can manifest in our churches today? Expected Answers:

a. Too focused in other church concerns. b. Mechanical praying for missions. c. Less emphasis on missions program. d. No strategic planning for praying & giving. e. Etc.

2. In our local church, what can you commit to do as an individual

person for the “all nations ministry?”

(Show the list by writing on the chalkboard the unreached people groups. Let the learners choose 1 or 2 people groups for prayer commitment for one whole week from Monday till Saturday. Give this as a take-home assignment.)

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Prayer Time: Pair by 2’s class members. Assign the country and the Filipino missionary overseas—for them to be giver of ‘blessings’ to other people groups.

- Nepal: Yolanda Alido - Himalaya: Rev. & Mrs James Sarenas - Laos: Jane Porle - East Asia: Tadeo & Vickie Natividad

William & Hazel Sabillo

Lead in closing prayer.

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Lesson 3

GOD’S HEART AND HIS CHURCH Aim: That the learners understand that making of disciples is the main

task of the church where God’s heart is. Scripture Text: Matt. 28:16-20 Memory Verse: “Go and make disciples of all nations….” IN ADVANCE

1. Pray. Prayer is power. Pray that your learners will grasp the truth that the church has a task to do locally and globally.

2. Memorize. It is always best to memorize the verse of the lesson.

3. Study. Read, study, and meditate on the scriptural text in other Bible version for clarity of thought & understanding.

4. Teacher’s Information; In this missions emphasis month, the focus is on disciple-making, a ministry not only of the local, but include likewise the “all nations ministry” of the church. Jesus Himself emphasized at the end of His earthly ministry, the His church main task is to disciple people regardless of race, tribe, tongue for God’s kingdom. It is to this goal that our own denomination has designed its comprehensive, Bible-based, strategic and easy to apply curriculum in making disciples—“CAMACOP’s WIDER CURRICULUM.” This is a process or a step-by-step guide for our disciple-making ministry in the local church. The challenge is just do and follow it faithfully.



Use Question & Answer Method.

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(Allow each learner to answer the question asked without asking why. There is no right and wrong answers to these questions.)

1. Who introduced you to this church? 2. Did you go through a course in nurturing & disciple-making lessons? 3. What do you think are advantages or disadvantages if our church

will have a training in disciple-making?

Transition Sentence: As a teacher, I learned that the main task of the church is to disciple someone as such we will know and study more about it today.


Announce the lesson title: “GOD’S HEART AND HIS CHURCH”

Give the scripture text in Matthew 28:16-20 (Find a learner who can memorize verses 19-20 in any Bible

version. Give a simple gift as incentive. Option: Assign one person to read the text.)

Assign the questions to anyone in the class.

Question 1: What comes to your mind when you hear these words— “Great Commission?” Answer:

(a) It is “Matt. 28:19-20” (b) The command of Christ to his disciples

Question 2: Show us valid physical evidences where Christ commanded

the church to do it? Answer:

(a) The Bible says so. (b) The disciples preached it. (c) The church obeyed it. (d) The missionaries went. (e) The Holy Spirit empowered those who went.

Explain Briefly: To make disciples is the emphasis of the Great Commission. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit’s empowerment to all those who obey the command. This means saturating the “ends of the earth” with the Gospel message that can be done for all nations.

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The Church is given this task to make disciples who are to be truly

committed and productive using the authority and Lordship of Christ. Question 3: Whose authority does the church follow when doing the Great

Commission task? v. 18. Answer:

Christ’s authority and power which is extending everywhere in Planet Earth in places where the Gospel of the Kingdom is proclaimed.

(Added Notes: Dr. Jun Vencer, one of our known leaders in CAMACOP emphasized during the Alliance World Fellowship Conference in Seoul, Korea in 1995 that we have “Foundation Stones” based on the Great Commission.

He stated the concept of oneness in the Lord— (1) Oneness of God—There is only one God we obey and serve. (2) Oneness of believers in Christ—All believers become one in Christ. (3) Oneness of the body-the church—the unity of believers in Christ (Eph. 4:4) (4) Oneness of the commission—the Great Commission (5) Oneness of the message—there is only one Gospel and one way to be saved

(Jn 14:6) (6) Oneness of the lost world—“All have sinned” (Rom. 3:23) This is the urgent

task. (7) Oneness of hope—Christ is coming again (Jn 9:5)

(To the Teacher—You may present this portion in your class if

you think this can help encourage your learners about the idea why we do the Great Commission ministry)

Question 4: To understand Christ’s Great Commission, give 4 verbs used

by which disciples are made. Answer: (a) go, (b) make, (c) baptize, and (4) teach. These verbs suggest

activities or methods to use by the church in reaching the goal of making disciples. But “making disciples” is the principal or primary goal we are to seek.

Say: Let us get a model of the New Testament church how they make

disciples during their time. Our reference is in—Acts 2:37-47. The new believers received the message, got baptized, and given instruction from the Word.

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(Show the diagram to the class for them to see the conceptual framework. Explain briefly the process. That it has a starting point and a time to end the process or cycle and to re-start the program for another new beginning for new believers to be discipled).

Say: According to Kairos Missions Course, there are 6,900 unreached

people groups with still no church. This means thousands will not be reached unless the church is willing to involve in effective disciple-

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making ministry and extend the church’s witness beyond their borders. If a church is to be found in an unreached people, “a cluster of growing congregations” has to be aimed for—then, concentrate on one people or tribe by encouraging converts to remain with their people and to have an obedient relationship to Christ.

Question 5: In Matt. 28:20, what is the assuring or empowering words of

Christ to His church who will be faithful in doing the Great Commission?

Answer: The statement—“I am with you always, to the very end of the age” is truly very assuring. This means a blessed promise of Christ’s presence including his authority shall be given to His church who are performing the Great Commission ministry anywhere around the world.

Say: What could be our general truth for this lesson?

General Truth: Making of disciples is the main task of His church—where

God’s heart is.

(Write the Memory verse on the chalkboard by omitting key words which learners fill in the blanks with correct word.)


1. Enumerate reasons you know that are possibly blocking His church in the fast fulfillment of the Great Commission despite advanced technology of our times. (Allow your learners to share what they think are possible reasons) Answer:

a) The church lacks deep commitment and apostolic passion for missions.

b) Less involvement of God’s people in the vision of the lost. c) Many smaller churches do not know how to get started. d) Leaders of the church have other priorities. e) Funds are appropriated elsewhere. f) Etc.

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2. If a local church is to be a “Great Commission” Church, what and

where are the good places to begin? Answer:

(1) The church could begin best—in intercession and giving (to the extent of even embracing other nations as mandated).

(2) Deep zeal for prayer and fasting and a concern to bring other nations to Christ.

(3) Begin with an intentional ‘missions’ program in the church.

(4) By supporting specialized ministries, e.g., Bible translation, literature, Jesus films and videos, TV, ALL-TEE, medical mission work, and other para-church organizations.

(5) Begin by reaching the poor and needy around the community.

3. Personally, as a local church member, where could you begin in missions work? (Seek your class members commitment)

Answer: (1) By committing to pray for missions faithfully and daily. (2) By giving cheerfully beyond one’s tithes and offerings. (3) By going cross-culturally if God is calling. (4) By signing up a missions pledge card and faithfully and

completely pay it on a regular basis. (5) By welcoming warmly missionaries on furlough into your home. (6) Etc.

PERFORMANCE Divide. Form 2 groups. One group to pray for the Unreligious: These are

the secularists and nominal Christians (the lukewarm). The other group to pray for—are the Muslims: These are people group who

believes in one God. To them, Jesus was a prophet but He is not God.

Assign. Give each class member a prayer assignment of Filipino

missionaries and their ministries from Monday through Saturday:

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Monday: Lebanon—Lorna Tandiong Tuesday: Cambodia—Cecilia Lorenzo & Maricel Panaga Wednesday: Kyrgystan—Diosdado & Kim Mercado Thursday: Mongolia—Rev. & Mrs. Ritchel Maraat Friday: Poland—Rev. & Mrs. Edmund Napila Saturday: Dubai—Cherry Caritan, Jofrey & Majorie Ornado (Encode these names in your computer and provide photocopy to each class member for prayer as home assignment). Challenge.

God’s word says, “Ask of me and I will give you the nations for your inheritance and the ends of the earth for your possession” (Psa. 2:8). Every one of us must spend time in prayer and intercession for our dear missionaries. Let us work together and unite our forces to fulfill the Great Commission which is the task of the church.

Closing prayer. Lead your class in prayer by requesting everyone to


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Lesson 4

GOD’S HEART AND TEAMING UP WITH HIM Aim: That the learners will make commitment by teaming up with God as

a world Christian. Scripture Text: Matt. 24:14 Memory Verse: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the

whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” Matt. 24:14

In Advance 1. Pray. Pray for missionary impact on this last lesson that this will

yield good results in the commitment of learners.

2. Memorize. The memory verse is similar to the lesson text, however

encourage learners to put this verse into their hearts.

3. Study. Begin studying the lesson one week before teaching it for mastery and emphasis.

Class Session

ENTRANCE Say: Let us listen to the secret of the late President Abraham Lincoln

about his encouragement statement delivered to a team who won in a basketball game.

(Have a learner read the paragraph. It is better if this portion is translated into the dialect being used in the locality.)

“Any dominating idea, plan or purpose held in the mind through

repetition of thought and emotionalized with a burning desire for its

realization, is taken by the subconscious mind and acted upon through

whatever natural and logical means may be available.”

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Lincoln explained further some 6 ingredients to win as a team. He said—have self-reliance, personal initiative, imagination, enthusiasm, self-discipline, and concentration of effort. The team understood what he said. Each individual player acted their role in the game because each one was important in the concentration of effort. The strength of their unified team work was found in their one single purpose of winning the game. Transition Sentence: The same principle could be applied in our lesson

today on teaming up with God in doing world missions.

SUBSTANCE Say: Our last lesson on missions is entitled— “God’s Heart and

Teaming Up with Him” (The text reference is one verse only. Write this on the

chalkboard but have some key words given as filling the blanks). “And this __________ of the _____________ will be ______________ in the __________ world as a ________________ to _____ nations, and then the ________will come” Matt. ________. Say: To understand this verse, we will do key word study and find the

meaning of it in relation to missions work. Question 1: What do you think is “this gospel” about? (Get varied

responses from learners) Answer:

It is the Good News that Christ is coming again to destroy forever His enemies—sin, death, and Satan. This is the Gospel which we—the church must take into all the world.

Question 2: What is the word “kingdom” referred to in the verse?

Answer: The ‘kingdom’ is God’s kingship, His rule and His authority. It is

not referring to any human kingdom. Question 3: What is the phrase—“will be preached” mean in relation to

gospel and kingdom?

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The phrase expresses futurity of an arrangement in advance that is to take place. The word “preached” said in past tense—is “to declare publicly” the Good News of the kingdom in an increasing rate or in a continuous and connected succession.

Question 4: Where is the specified location for the continuing

proclamation of the gospel to happen? Answer: The location is the whole world where humankind is found. The mission of God’s heart is for the redeemed to preach the gospel to every inhabitants of earth regardless of class, status, tribe, and language.

(Added Notes: God has entrusted to redeemed people like us the

responsibility or carrying out His divine purpose in history. He gave this mission to us—the church; and unless we do it, it will not get done!

The gospel must be preached by the Church—into all the world for a witness to all nations. We have to intentionally join or team-up with Him in his kingdom program! We have to remember that this is not of man but His).

Question 5: Why is the Good News to be preached to all nations?

Answer: “as a testimony to all nations” (NIV) “for a witness to all mankind” (TEV)

This means to bear witness to one’s religious conviction or an opportunity to give evidence or to testify to what will take place—especially referring it to the imminent second coming of Christ.

Question 6: What is the great motive of missions as express in the last

phrase of the verse? Answer:

“Then the end will come!” These words will signal the end or close of all things in earth. There is no specific date and time set for Christ’s coming. But one thing—that a genuine believer in Christ knows this:

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(Notes: According to missiologists there are still 6, 900 people groups in the world that has not yet heard the gospel message. See Kairos Manual)

Question 7: Why do you think Jesus did not come to earth in AD 2000 as

predicted by soothsayers? Answer: It is because the Church had not yet finished her task of worldwide evangelization. Is He coming soon? He is—if we, His people, are obedient in teaming up with Him of doing the command of the Lord to take the gospel into all the world.

Ask: What generalized truth is implied for us to take home from this one verse of study of Matt. 24:14?

General Truth: Commit to God’s heart by teaming up with Him for all

nations as a world Christian. (Emphasize the memorization of the verse and recite it together as a class)

(Definition of “World Christian”—is one who captures God’s

vision and the vision in turn captures him. He is an ordinary believer whose life has been transformed by a Great Commission vision [Kairos Notes, p.8]).

SIGNIFICANCE Questions to ask:

1. What are some reasons why many Christians find it hard to commit and team up with God as a world Christian? (Write their answers on the board)

Answer: a) The Word of God no longer guides their lives but the cell

phones and other modern amenities of life. b) They no longer witness for Christ. c) They are so engrossed with materials things.

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d) They have lost their apostolic passion for other people groups of the world.

e) Etc.

2. How can a believer in Christ be actively involved in teaming up with God as a world Christian before the end comes? Answer:

(a) Be among those who are world Christians. See the world as God sees it. Have a fervent desire to be a part of his missionary endeavor. The great place to begin is in intercession and giving.

(b) In the local church, find a pro-active role in missions. How? There are two ways—

(1) Serve as a “goer.” Probably to go and be a cross-

cultural missionary or stay home but be a part of the company of committed missionary team.

(2) Serving as“welcomer” or “mobilizer”. Have a vital

support group on missions in your local church to welcome or mobilize a team..

PERFORMANCE Say: Since CAMACOP has taken bold steps toward becoming world-wide

in missionary work, let us take time to intentionally pray for our Filipino missionaries in 4 countries. Let us pray likewise for the Buddhist people group and their salvation.

(Write in paper the places and names of missionaries and have these distributed to learners who are to be grouped by 3s or by 4s.)

1. Thailand: Rev. Beth Limare, Rev. Joel & Milcah Gerada, Rev. Roland & Nancy Lumawag

2. HongKong: Rev. Ruth Tablada, Rev. Mark & Gladdie

Venezuela, Misss Carol Ilidan, Ms Villie Gregorio, and Mrs. Myrna Rufino

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3. Japan: Rev. Simon & Melanie Deguinion, Rev. Nemesio & Luz Barro, Rev. & Mrs. Harry Alinio, Rev. Angelito & Merlyn Alid, Ptr. Frank & Beth Janitez, Ptr. Rolando & Mary Jean del Rosario, Ptr. Cris & Grace Barro

4. Australia: Rev. Cesar & Alpha Mangohig

5. The salvation of Buddhist people groups found in the 4 countries

mentioned above. Lead: Sing together the chorus—“God Answers Prayer”

God answers prayer in the morning God answers prayer at noon God answers prayer in the evening So keep your hearts in tune. Close in Prayer.